March 13, 2016 - Westend Community Church


March 13, 2016 - Westend Community Church
Thank you to the Pete Doerksen family for serving at the Care Home
this morning.
Pastor Myron Friesen – 204-871-4796
Office Hours: Monday & Tuesday 9:30 – 12:30
Contact: 204-685-2092 /
B U L L ET I N E - M A I L –
T E XT – 204-870-2803
“We purpose to be a spirit led community that draws
people to Christ, a n d helps them grow t o be effective
servants of the L ord.”
March 13, 2016
Welcome and Announcements
Opening Prayer
Praise and Worship
Offering – Local Fund
Sharing & Prayer
Scripture Reading – 1 John 4:1-6
Message – “False or Faithful & Fearless”
Closing Song
Thank You - We are so thankful for the overwhelming show of
support during our recent loss of Tim. Thank you for the cards, food,
visits, phone calls, texts, flowers, prayers, help with the funeral and
most of all your love. It means a lot to us.
The Toews Family
Baptism Classes will be starting soon. Please talk to Pastor Myron if
Ministerial Meeting – Tuesday, March 15 @ 7:30 pm.
Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at the church at 7:30 p.m. every
week. Come and spend time praying together as a church body.
Everyone is welcome!
Adult Community Choir - weekly practices Thursday @7:30 p.m. at
the Westend Community Church, Macgregor. For more information
contact George & Betty Martens @ 204-685-2602
Youth – March 18, 2016. Guys/Girls overnighter. Contact Andrew
Doerksen for details. NOTE: There will be no youth on March 25.
Coffee House March 16, 7-9pm at the Hub-We are planning a
community coffee house and are looking for volunteers to make some
baked goods. We would love a couple people from each church to
donate some baked goods or specialty drinks. Contact Kassy for more
info @ 204 392 3264. Thanks.
Millar Dessert Night, March 19, 2016. See poster on bulletin board
for more details.
Quilting days – March 21 & 22 at the Sommerfeld Church
“I know not what the future holds, but I know who holds the future.”
Ira F. Stanphill
Furniture Needed - Kassy Schroeder is moving into her own place
on April 1, 2016 and is in need of some furniture. If you have any for
sale, please let her know @ 204 392 3264.
Deacon Elections – On April 3, we will be voting in two deacon
couples. Don & Colleen Wiebe, Steven & Janet Doerksen and Marv &
Brenda Buhler have all agreed to let their names stand. Please
prayerfully consider who you think could fill this vital role in our
AGC Ladies Rally at Gladstone Christian Fellowship, April 9, 2016.
See poster on bulletin board for more information
Rock Solid Refuge – The Rock Solid Refuge 7th Annual Banquet &
Auction will be held Saturday, April 9th at the Palliser Pavilion in
Swift Current, coffee & punch @ 5:30 p.m.; dinner @ 6:00 p.m. Our
guest speaker is the former CEO and National director of Teen
Challenge Canada, George T. Glover. Tickets are $50 and can be
purchased through the Banquet tab on our website, ,at Pharmasave in Swift Current or by
calling our office. To donate items for the auction, complete the
Auction Item Donation form online or call our office at 1-306-2973663.
Pray for YFC & U-Turn (Wayne Friesen, Kassy Schroeder, Paul
Emmer, Joel Goertzen)
Pray for the upcoming Deacon elections
Pray for those who are grieving
Pray for the Sunday school teachers
Good Friday service on March 25 @ 10 a.m.
We will be celebrating communion.
Easter Sunday – Sunrise service @ 8 a.m.
followed by a potluck breakfast @ 8:30.
Easter service will begin @ 10:00.
There will be no Sunday School that day.
Order of service – March 20,2016
Worship Leader – Henry Driedger
Praise and Worship –Youth Team
Offertory –Brittany Sawatzky
Offering –Local Fund
Mother Daughter Night at Valley View Bible Camp, April 12 &13,
2016. Guest speakers will be Tina Rempel & Sara Enns. Please see
poster on bulletin board for more details.
April 16-17, Our AGC Western Region Superintendent, Russ
Wilson, will be with us. On Saturday, April 16th, he will be leading a
discipleship seminar here at the church. Please sign up on the sheet in
the foyer if you would like to take that in there is no cost.
Encore Retreat at NBC, June 6-10, 2016. See poster for more details.
Music Ministry – Erin Hildebrand
Scripture Reading – Steven Doerksen
Greeting and Hosting – Brianna & Brittany Sawatzky
Sound –Dan Heibert
Easy Worship – Claudette Friesen

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