Sunday 28th August


Sunday 28th August
WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 28th August 2016
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The Bulletin is now available on Line at
our web site
from Friday afternoon, look under
“About Us”, click on Weekly Bulletin
and then click on the date
28th August 2016
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Office:11 Frederick Street
(P.O.Box 1221)
Phone:- 03 63314900
Web site:-
Weekly Bulletin
Carol Bell and Allan Sewell are sharing
this task . Send Bulletin announcements to
Roster for Sunday 4th September 2016
9.00am Practice 10.00am Service
DVD Bad Things– Good People
Sermon: Jeff McKinnon “Living In Exile”
Leader: Steve
Drop In Centre
Please pray for the drop in centre this week that God will bless those that serve
and have a special touch for those who aend.
Welcome as we meet together to worship and fellowship. If you
are visiting with us we look forward to getting to know you over a
cup of tea or coffee in the Foyer of the Church after the service.
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WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 28th August 2016
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WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 28th August 2016
the opportunity of these discussions
and pray for spiritual growth among the
staff. (IS and IB PEOPLE, p.22)
Thank God for the way Dave and Edwina
have been included in the important
family events of their IB friends in South
East Asia. Pray that these friendships
will con$nue to grow and there will be
more opportuni$es to share faith stories. Due to internet troubles, Dave is
having regular contact with the local IT
specialist. The rela$onship is building
through their regular conversa$ons.
Pray that God would con$nue to guide
Dave and Edwina to grow these incidental connec$ons into deeper rela$onships. (IB PEOPLE, p.22)
Remember Dema and Carolyn as they
transi$on into their new community in
Thailand. Give thanks for the opportuni$es they have had to connect with local
people including sharing meals with the
owners of their house. At the moment
Bible passages in today’s message:
Jeremiah 29:1-14
30th August
1st September
2nd September
Alana Fazackerley
Gay Fist
April Stra$ng
Chris Doumouras
they are seling in, taking $me to explore the place and get to know the
people around them. Pray that God
would lead them to build deep friendships with those He has been preparing the hearts of. (ETHNIC THAI, p.18)
Thank God for the visit Ian had to Malawi to work on the Ciyawo-English
Dic$onary project. While in Malawi
many people wanted to meet with
him, especially believers from the fellowship groups and some of the leaders in the emerging faith community.
Pray for these believers and leaders to
be good witnesses in their communi$es. Give thanks that the work on the
dic$onary project con$nues to be
thorough and at a high quality. Pray
that at the comple$on of dic$onary, it
will empower Yawo people, increase
employment opportuni$es and assist
cross-cultural workers as they learn to
communicate with the Yawo. (YAWO,
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WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 28th August 2016
recently included discussions on
character and holiness. Thank God
for the natural way speaking about
the Community Environmental Improvement project offers Andy to
share the story of crea$on and
God’s love. Pray that these conversa$ons will lead to more ques$ons
and openness to hearing about the
message of Jesus. Pray also that the
project will receive the necessary
registra$on in a $mely way. (IS
PEOPLE, p.22)
Praise God with Dave and Caz for the
new work visa Dave received. Pray
that God would give them wisdom as
they evaluate opportuni$es and make
decisions about the team’s ministries
in South East Asia. Pray also for good
rela$onships and understanding between the team and the local board
they partner with as they discuss new
community ini$a$ves. Dave has begun a series of devo$ons with local
staff on guarding the heart and developing a Godly heart. Thank God for
AGM Sunday August 28 the following people have been
nominated as Team Leaders and members of Church Council
Chairman of Council
Kay Hunter
Merelyn Briton
Kay Hunter
Gwen Tomkinson
Team Leaders
Advance Correspondent
Assistant Treasurer
Church Bookings
Do ‘n’ Chew
Drop in Centre
Hospitality and Catering
Missionary Commiee
Music Liaison Officer
Pastoral Care
Property Manager
Safe Ministry Concerns
Safety Officer & Ch. Warden
Alana Fazackerley
Lexie Bakker
Gwen Tomkinson
Gwen Tomkinson
Kay Hunter
Gwen Tomkinson
Marylou Townsend
Garry Billing
Barbara James
Merelyn Briton
Gwen Tomkinson
Kay Hunter
Ivan James
Ron Murfet
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WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 28th August 2016
WANTED Musicians
are looking for pianists, guitarists,
bass players and drummers to add to
our music team on Sunday mornings.
We would love teenagers to join in.
See Jeff for more informa$on.
Please Pray
Church Floor
Repair of the church floor is now
complete. Sanding and polishing is
planned for 5th of September.
There may be some disrup$on to
the use of the church in the week
or more aDer this final stage is
The next mee$ng of Friday
Frolics September 16, 10am
at S$cky Beaks Café, 1 Marlborough Street, Longford.
Everyone Welcome
This Sunday
This coming Sunday (28) Jeff will
be speaking on Living in Exile
based on Jeremiah 29:1-14.
Our Annual General Meeting will
be held after morning tea this
Sunday, 28 August. All regular
attenders are encouraged to attend
our church meetings. (See Jeff if
you would like to know more
about becoming a member.)
Coming Sundays
On Sunday 4 September Jeff will
be on annual leave. Our guest
speakers will be no less than Phillip Yancey, Less Strobels and
Rob Bell (via a DVD, Bad
Things – Good People). Then on
11 September our ser vice may
be quite different due to the sanding and polishing of the church
floor. The service will be in the
church lounge. Our guest speaker
that day will be Liv McLean from
Baptcare. Liv is an Anglican minister from Melbourne and a friend
of Jeff’s.
Jeff will be in Sydney Monday to
Friday next week. In case of a
pastoral emergency please contact
a member of church council.
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WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 28th August 2016
Li1le Tackers is a two night camp
for kids in grade 3 that is a great
introduc$on to camps
Adventure Camp is for grades 9-12
and involves lots of off-site camping, hiking and even abseiling! You
can find out more about us and our
holiday camps at hp:// or ring
6425 1893.
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WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 28th August 2016
has in their labour rights management systems. Transparency
is a powerful driver to bring an
end worker exploita$on in the
global supply chain. Let’s work
together to end modern slavery!
Our heritage
Co1on On publishes
supplier list
Labyrinth Reflection Day,
Date: Saturday 3 September;
Times: 10am (morning tea) to 6pm
evening meal; Themes: Releasing,
Receiving, and Replenishing; Facilitators: Kerryall Willis & Bruce
Duon; Cost: $50 each; RSVP essen$al by 27 August – 6397 8290 or; Details: church no$ceboard.
Youth & children’s camps
Camp Clayton near Ulverstone
offers high calibre Chris$an youth
and children’s camps. They have
two camps coming up in the next
school holidays.
Bap$st World Aid has just announced that Coon On Group
(owner of Coon On, Coon On
Body, Coon On Kids, Factorie, Supre and Rubi) has commenced
their disclosure journey by publishing a par$al list of their suppliers.
It’s another big step in transparency and exci$ngly, it was coupled
with a commitment from the group
to have 100% of their suppliers,
from farms to factories, traced and
disclosed by 2018. These steps
demonstrate a willingness to be
accountable to consumers, workers and the public – while at the
same $me making a strong statement about the belief the company
City Bap$st Church,
Launceston : organ
[photograph by John Maidment
(29 April 2011)]
This is the second organ to be
installed on our property. The first
was located in Milton Hall, then
the St Johns Square Chapel. It was
a single manual organ of five
stops: Open Diapason, Stopt Diapason, Dulciana, Principal,
FiDeenth, with an octave and a
half of pedals. This instrument
was adver$sed in April 1874 by S.
Joscelyne and the price was quoted as £60. It remained unsold by
February 1875 and its present loca$on is unknown. It is likely to
have been broken up.
Pray for Andy and Wanda as they
seek to build rela$onships and empower the IS community through the
Community Environmental Improvement and Café ministries. Give thanks
for the joy Wanda finds in the running of Café and for the opportuni$es
she has to input spiritually into the
lives of the staff and their families.
Pray for openness from staff as they
hear from Andy and Wanda at their
weekly staff mee$ngs. These have