2012 - 06 PL


2012 - 06 PL
Missionaries to the Lost in Mexico
Jonathan & Laura Bryan
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz #12
Col. División del Norte
Guadalupe, Zacatecas, Mexico 98601
Brother & Sisters in Christ,
Our Praises
We finally broke ground on the
church building here in Zacatecas! By the
grace of God and everyone’s support and
prayers, we can finally say that the church is
on her way to being built. The people of the
church have been giving toward the new
building for more than a year now and we
finally had enough to finish the excavation.
This is a huge amount of money as
most of them only make 15-20 dollars a day
to support their families! In a country
dominated by Catholics, we find we are
continuing to receive many new visitors
each week! It shows God is continuing to
touch hearts and change lives through the
power of the Gospel.
We went soul winning in a new ranchito of 9,000 people. To my knowledge, this town has never had a gospel
witness of any kind before. I have a burden to start a church in this ranchito. Please pray for this place and pray for
God’s wisdom about us starting this new work. One Saturday we took a big group to knock on doors and shared the
message of the Savior. Wonderfully, 19 people, by faith, received Christ!
Our plans
We are struggling to complete the foundation of the church. We’re praying and looking for ways to raise
$8,500 to lay the foundation that will support a two story church building. We’re asking for your help in making this
building a possibility. It’s such a pressing need as we have been renting a large house for the past 6 years and
literally - we only have standing room on many Sundays!
In the next couple of weeks we plan on calling all of our supporting churches and individuals to see if any
would be willing to help us with labor and/or finances towards building the church.
Our Prayers:
- Please help us pray for the Church construction and as well as finances.
- We pray for many souls to be saved in this ranchito named “Tacoaleche”
- Please pray for our protection and safety with the drug cartels as we continue
to work for the Lord here in Mexico.
His Servant by His Grace,