s Arcoverde Project Update


s Arcoverde Project Update
Roger and Marcy, Recife Brazil
February 2016
+Dear Prayer People:
Missionaries are Lifeguards
I hope you believe this! We
are in the life or death venture
all the time. Telling people
about the Lord and His grace
is a privilege we can’t
explain. Building people up in
their faith is so precious and
Time flies when you are having
fun! Well, it’s not a Bible verse,
but seems to be true these days.
So, let us start by saying we
appreciate all the prayers and
faithful support of our ministry
here! You are important to us and
we thank our God for each of you!
We talked about our spiritual
warfare in our last letter. This
will always be part of things
and the battles vary many
times in intensity. But the fruit
of our labor makes it all
A special joy is working with
young people! We just had
the summer (yes, it’s summer
here) kick off at Koinonia. The
team we are leading and
training did a great job on our
opening Saturday. We praise
God for each and every one
of them.
#TamoJunto Youth Group!
+The Outback
Pray for these and for those in
Arcoverde that are currently
being reached through the
church plant.
Arcoverde Project Update
Sidewalks are going in around the
best we can. We appreciate Pastor Carlos
property and we hope to start on the
who is overseeing the construction and
foundation of the building soon. So far US
using his administrative gifts in serving
$ 25,000 of our goal of $ 80,000 has come
God and the church in this way.
in for our first phase of the building. This
is besides what Koinonia Baptist is raising
here on the field. We do appreciate so
much those who have been able to give
toward this project. Pray the money will
go a long way as we try to economize the
We are thankful the Carrels are back
from their short furlough and getting back
into the various ministries there. Please
pray for our team, God bless each of you!