24.05.15 - St Germain`s Church


24.05.15 - St Germain`s Church
24th May 2015
“I will pour out my Spirit on every kind of people.”
Acts 2 v 17
10.30am Family Communion
Introduction and Welcome
Opening Words
Song: Come, Now Is The Time
Activity: Tongues of Flame
Special Prayer
Acts 2 v 1-21 (p1032)
John 15 v 26-27, 16 4b-15 (p1023)
Talk: On Every Kind of People
We Say Sorry
We Affirm Our Faith
We Pray For God’s World
Song: Only By Grace
Song: Come Down O Love Divine
6.30pm Service of the Word
Introduction and Welcome
Thought For the Day
The Lord’s Prayer
NB: Page numbers are for the church Bibles
NB: Page numbers are for the church Bibles
A hearing aid loop is fitted – please set hearing aids to T
The Offertory plate can be found before the service at the back of the pews
If you have a word, picture or testimony you want to share with the congregation, please
speak to a member of the clergy, or the warden before the service. We can then make time
to include it, even if it is not on the order of service.
Community fun Day Saturday
20th June 11 - 4pm.
The Social Team will soon
be asking for volunteers
to help on the day.
Prayer bookmarks are
available at the back of
Helpers needed to bundle up
the publicity flyers for the
Community Fun Day, ready
for delivery. We will be doing
this on Friday 29th
May from 5pm in the church
All welcome!
delivery of publicity flyers
around the parish for the
Community Fun Day Saturday 30th May.
10.30am and 2pm from
Are you new to St. Germain’s?
Please introduce yourself to one of the clergy or the wardens who would love to chat after the service.
Vicar: Rev. Hugh Scriven 0121 429 3431
Curate: Rev Ian Smith
0121 247 2839
Church Admin: Emma Saunders 0121 429 3431 / office@stgermains.org.uk
Rev. Sarah Hayes
0121 441 1264 / sarahhayes2@me.com
Day off on Thursday
Day off on Friday
Sunday 7th June
Church Together will
be Café style, planned
with those who don't
normally attend church
in mind. Some NEO
performers will be
taking part.
Please pray about
whom you could invite.
New English Orchestra visit to St
Saturday 6th June, 7.30
There are still tickets available for this concert
from Ruth or Margaret.
Help needed for the concert:
Moving chairs on Friday after Place of Welcome
Helping serve tea & coffee during Saturday
Cook a meal to a given recipe
Make a dessert
Help serve the performers
Remove chairs after the concert ready for Sunday
Bric-a-brac needed for the Community Fun
If you are able to donate items of bric-a-brac in good
condition, to be sold to raise money for the Jubilee Fund
at the Community Fun Day, please put them in the large
box at the back of church. (No clothing or shoes). Thank
you very much.
Children’s and young people’s groups run on Sunday
mornings with clubs during the week.
Stay and Play runs on Thursday mornings during term time.
For information speak to Karen Overton on 0121 429 3266
Prayer Focus
 Teji Family – Pray for the professionals to make the right decision in
their final report. Pray also that the right care and support will be
offered to Kavita and baby Lydia. Pray the whole family feels supported.
 Burundi – Attempted coup.
 Bal’s sister-in-law – Going through hospital treatment with son.
 Esther (Francisca’s Sister) – Decision about brain surgery at the QE.
 Johnathan Briggs – Taking exams.
 Austin – Graduating.
 Chris Jones – In hospital, depressed and low kidney function.
 Jean Kemp – Please pray for her and family following husband Barry’s
 Michael – Please pray following his daughter’s funeral.
 Michele – Getting a new flat.
 Len – Frail and feeling low.
 Sally – Healing and restoration for whole family.
 Josh – Pray for direction and God’s provision.
 For Year 6 who’s SATS are over and all those who are currently
taking/have finished exams.
Mission Partners
Bridget Hathaway:
 I am thankful that I nearly managed to complete my time in Burundi despite
the uncertain political situation. The Bethesda Team worked hard so, amongst
other things, we managed to complete a 3 year programme plan and a
budget for the first year. Praise God!
 The planned 2 day epilepsy seminar had to be delayed due to the unrest. It
was rescheduled for last week and we had almost completed all the teaching
when the coup took place. Please pray that the community dispensary staff
will remember and practice what they learned despite the tensions at the
 The Burundian people are living with a strong underlying fear that the
political troubles will turn into tribal violence. Please pray that people will
seek peace and not revenge and that the President’s armed Youth Militia
would be withdrawn from service. (That needs a miracle!)
 I am tired but am thankful I kept clear of sickness whilst away. Pray I can
enjoy a week’s holiday and can ‘recharge my batteries’!
Service of the Word
Holy Communion
Speaker: Rev’d Ian Smith
Speaker: David Child
Morning Prayer
Please join us in church for Morning Prayer
Monday to Friday, from 9.30-10am