Sunday 22nd March 2015 What should we pray?


Sunday 22nd March 2015 What should we pray?
Wednesday 1st April — All Age Outreach @ Windyhall. We need your help practically
and prayerfully. Please plan to meet us immediately after the morning service next Sunday
(29th March) in the Legate Hall.
Please plan to join us to focus on the cross and the resurrection this Easter.
Good Friday - 3rd April: Discover HOPE with Billy Graham. An evening with worship, testimony and a DVD message centred upon the hope we have in Christ.
Please invite others.
Honouring God By Seeking His Presence
And Sharing His Grace
Easter Sunday: Let us celebrate the resurrection of our saviour at both services.
11 am Mr Norman McCracken & 6.30 pm Mr Basil McCorriston.
Welcome to the Fellowship of First Presbyterian Church, Coleraine.
We are glad you are here and pray you will experience God’s help and be
filled with the joy of salvation as we worship together.
1st Coleraine Youth presents ......
An Epic 2015 Production All Nighter on Fri. 10th - Sat. 11th April from 10 pm - 8 am.
£3 entry — Sign up Necessary (forms available in the Fellowship Lounge or see Alistair)
LADIES are invited to an ‘Evening of Energy Saving Tips’ with the chance to make a draft
excluder on Monday 30th March @ Windyhall Community Centre. Limited places so speak
to either Rosemary McCaw, Jean Smylie or Liz Dowey today. Evening is free!
Minister: Rev. Peter Fleming -70342703
Pastoral Assistant – Rev. Sam Millar -29557097
Outreach & Support Worker—Liz Dowey - 07803402504
Youth & Community Worker - Alistair Dickey - 07955906552
Church Office Number -70355202
e-mail –
Website -
FRIDAY 24th APRIL 2015 @ 8 pm.
Performed by Portrush Musical Society this musical tells the remarkable
real life story of Eva Peron. It follows Eva’s journey from humble beginnings
to extraordinary wealth & power. All tickets £14 - please sign up on sheets
provided before Sun. 22nd March.
£2 per Child
It is essential that places are booked as numbers are limited!
Use the sign up sheets in Vestibule
and Fellowship Lounge or contact Liz Dowey.
CHURCH COMMITTEE Please note there will not be the usual committee meeting in March
as Rev. Fleming is away in Nigeria, so the next meeting will be on Tuesday 28th April 2015.
TODAY - Louise Doherty, Mandy McCollum & Basil McCorriston
29th March - Carol McCaw, David McCollum, Maureen McCorriston
Creche Rota for the next couple of weeks:TODAY - Pauline Brady, Karlene Hamill & Jessica.
29th March - Rosie Dickie, Elaine Jackson & Lauren .
for the month of
MARCH :Isobel Kennedy, Philip
Bell, Alistair Dowey,
David McCollum &
Jonny Hamill.
What should we pray?
The whole Word of God directs
and inspires us in what we should pray,
including the prayer Jesus himself
taught us.
New City Catechism 40
Sunday 22nd March 2015
Sunday 22nd March 2015
11.00 am The Love of God: Controlled by Love - 2 Corinthians 5 v 11-21.
Rev. Peter Fleming
3.30 pm Coleraine & District Battalion of the Boys’ Brigade
Annual Church Parade and Service for Junior and Company Sections
in New Row Presbyterian
6.30 pm Leviticus: finding fellowship with a holy God - in all of life. Rev. Fleming.
6.30 pm–8 pm ALF(YF) - Return of the Panel, where you get to ask the questions.
7.50 pm Gods WWW
Take it to the Lord in Prayer’ - Do you want to respond to Gods word, or know of
a burden that can be shared in prayer? The Prayer Ministry Team is available today and they will be at the front of the church. ‘Prayer Request Box’ is in Vestibule.‘
Prayerline’ number is 70344319.
Sunday 29th March 2015
10.15 am Elders Prayer Time
11.00 am Three Acted Parables of Holy Week (Mark 11 – 14). Mr Joe Cassells
6.30 pm United Evening Service in New Row
Monday (23rd)
First Coleraine Indoor Bowling Club tonight and Wednesday night - 7.15 pm. The
Club is open to male and female and age is no barrier. See you there!
Tuesday (24th)
Ladies Tuesday Morning Bible Study meets in ‘The House’ at 10.15 am.
Wednesday (25th)
Men’s Bible Study at 10.30 am. Rev. Drew Abernethy will lead the Bible Study
today and there will be a cup of tea/coffee to follow.
Dare2Ask in ‘The House’ from 3.30 pm -5.30pm. Year 8 and up are welcome. This
is the last one until after Easter.
Homegroups continue to meet in various homes throughout the congregation. If
you would like to join one then speak to Basil McCorriston or Rev. P Fleming.
Thursday (26th)
Toddlers Inn will meet from 10.30—12 noon. All parents, grandparents and childminders with pre-school children are all welcome.
Friday (27th)
7-11 PRAYER DAY ................................
Sign up sheets available in the Vestibule
and Fellowship Lounge TODAY.
BB DISPLAY for all parents and friends of the company at 7 pm in First Coleraine
Church Hall.
Youth Club will not meet tonight or 4th April but will meet again after Easter.
1. Remember Peter & Jayne in your prayers as they set off on Tuesday to travel
to Nigeria to visit Lydia. We ask that all travel arrangements go smoothly and
that they will have a blessed time together.
2. As we approach the Easter period pray that the churches in Coleraine will be
effective in drawing attention to the Cross. Pray that many will look to the cross
and be saved.
3. Pray for our own special Easter events for all ages.
4. Give thanks for every opportunity in this church to become familiar with the
Word of God. Pray for all our groups and especially for the plans for ‘Walk
Through the Old Testament’.
5. Pray for Darran, John & Gordy who will be preaching the gospel over the
Easter period.
6. Pray for our missionaries and young people in training who are away from
home at the present time. Pray that they will experience encouragement and
help from the Lord.
7. Pray for our members who are going through bereavement. Also for those
who are facing the uncertainties and fears of ill health. Ask the Lord to be their
refuge and fortress.
If you have prayer requests please contact the Church Office or Carol Wilson .
Rev. Peter Fleming will be away in Nigeria from 24th March until 8th April. During
that time if you need help from a minister please contact Rev. Robert McMullan on
028 70342032.