How is the Word of God to be read and heard?


How is the Word of God to be read and heard?
LYDIA’S APRIL NEWSLETTER is now available. Please pick up your copy today
from the Vestibule or Fellowship Lounge.
CHRISTIAN AID WEEK - Sunday 10th - Saturday 16th May. If you can help with the door
to door collection, please speak to Joyce Henry TODAY.
Honouring God By Seeking His Presence
And Sharing His Grace
Man-Up Archery Night
‘The Range Archery Centre, Ballymoney
Monday 11th May £8-£10 per person depending on the numbers
going. Meeting at 1st Coleraine @ 7 pm starting at 7.30 pm
Please let Alistair know if you are interested in going or sign up on
the sheet in the Fellowship Lounge.
Welcome to the Fellowship of First Presbyterian Church, Coleraine.
We are glad you are here and pray you will experience God’s help and be
filled with the joy of salvation as we worship together.
Abbey St Coleraine BT52 1EX
Provides a safe neutral place where children from separated families can
meet up with a parent or family member they no longer live with. Could you
give one Saturday morning and or a Tuesday afternoon once a month to
bring joy to a child in Coleraine? Volunteers, male, female, young people
18+ from any background are urgently required to meet the steady demand
for our service. Training is provided. For application forms and more information please contact
Shirley McPhillimy , Co-ordinator CACCC by 1st May 2015. Tel 07899792948
The Presbyterian Church in Ireland has launched a
church-wide special appeal for Nepal and is immediately releasing £60,000 to support the international
relief effort in the wake of last Sunday’s devastating
Special Envelopes will be provided next Sunday in the
pews and we ask that you make your donation in the
envelope and place it in the Offering Plate.
Continue to pray for this county and the families from
our Church who work with United Mission to Nepal.
TODAY - William Dallas, John Hamill & Sam Dorrans
10th May - William Dallas, John Hamill & Sam Dorrans
Crèche Rota for the next couple of weeks:TODAY - Jean Magowan, Lynne Caskey & Zara
19th May - Pauline Bradley & Karlene Hamill & Alex.
for the month of
MAY:- Basil & Maureen McCorriston, Bill
Wilsdon, David Black
& Alistair Doherty.
Minister: Rev. Peter Fleming -70342703
Pastoral Assistant – Rev. Sam Millar -29557097
Outreach & Support Worker—Liz Dowey - 07803402504
Youth & Community Worker - Alistair Dickey - 07955906552
Church Office Number -70355202
e-mail –
Website -
How is the Word of God
to be read and heard?
With diligence, preparation, and prayer;
so that we may accept it with faith,
store it in our hearts,
and practice it in our lives.
New City Catechism 42
Sunday 3rd May 2015
Sunday 4th May 2015
11.00 am 'Does Jesus still cry today?' - John 11:17-37 and Luke 19:41-42.
Mr Norman McCracken.
6.30 pm Christians and the general election. 1 Peter 2 v 11-25
Rev. Peter Fleming
6.30 pm–8 pm ALF(YF) Prayer - Iluminate
Take it to the Lord in Prayer’ - Do you want to respond to Gods word, or know of
a burden that can be shared in prayer? The Prayer Ministry Team is available today and they will be at the front of the church. ‘Prayer Request Box’ is in Vestibule.‘
Prayerline’ number is 70344319.
Sunday 10th May 2015
10.15 am Elders Prayer Time
11.00 am Priorities for the Church - Psalm 51 v 10-13.
6.30 pm United Evening Service in New Row Presbyterian Church with
Rev. David Thompson - Mission Development Officer..
This is the first in a series of 3 studies.
Saturday (9th)
WEDNESDAY CLUB OUTING will leave the Riverside Retail Park at the re-cycling
area past Sainsbury’s at 1 pm.
YOUTH CLUB tonight from 7.30 pm—10 pm. Remember all those in P7 upwards
are welcome!
1. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever’ - Psalm 100.
2. Please pray for the people of Nepal who have been so deeply impacted by the
recent disaster, remember also the Christian Church there as they seek to
reach out in Christ’s compassion.
3. Pray for the work being done by the Coleraine Area Child Contact Centre & ask
that their need for volunteers would be met.
4. Continue to pray for our community & nation throughout this time of elections.
Wednesday (6th)
D2A is back today @ the usual time in the usual place. See you there!
‘Walk through the Old Testament’
6th May 2015.
7.30 pm—9.30 pm
Thursday (7th)
Toddlers Inn meets today from 10.30 am to 12 noon. All parents, grandparents
and childminders with pre-school children are very welcome.
FIT FOR LIFE will be running for 4 Thursday nights in May—
7th,14,21st & 28th @ 7.15 pm. As you will note, 7th May is
Election Day, and St. Patricks Hall will be used as a Poling
Station so the ladies of St. Malachy’s will host us that evening in their hall in Nursery Avenue - all other evenings will
be in St. Patrick’s Church Hall. Each evening you can
choose to walk or do an aerobic session followed by supper
and a talk. Cost is £3 with proceeds after expenses to NI
Hospice. All ladies welcome.
Leaflets with full details are available in Fellowship Lounge.
Let’s give thank for the faithful service of William & Maureen Warnock in developing our awareness of mission work at home and abroad and pray for volunteers to continue this work.
6. Pray for all those involved in leading and enhancing our worship each Sunday.
7. Remember in prayer those who are sick or suffering in any way.
If you have prayer requests please contact the Church Office or Carol Wilson.
Thank you all for your prayers for us for all the travels we have had over the past
couple of months. Anna was especially conscious of God's help with the teaching
she was giving at the Foundation Course in Albania in March. We're constantly surprised at the ways He continues to lead us