4-29-15 - Calvary Baptist Church


4-29-15 - Calvary Baptist Church
Calvary Baptist Church
6100 Perrine Road ● Midland, Michigan 48640 ● 989-832-2991
Fax: 989-832-7443 ● cbc@cbcmidland.org ● www.cbcmidland.org
Weekly Prayer List
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Missionary Update: Don & Lisa Thatcher & Family (Ireland)
Dear Friends,
Our Resurrection Sunday went well as did our children’s Easter activity. The
following week Kaleb and I were able to enjoy going to a men’s retreat for a
couple days. This past Saturday we had a men and boys prayer breakfast before
going out on the doors in the village of Mooncoin. Do continue to pray for open
doors in the small communities around Waterford that we are reaching into at the
Also, I would ask that you be in great prayer concerning an upcoming referendum
concerning marriage in the Irish constitution. On the 22nd of May a referendum
will be held to change the wording of the constitution to read: “Marriage may be contracted in accordance with law by two
persons without distinction as to their sex.” There has been a huge outpouring and campaign for a yes vote on this
issue. The buzz word seems to be “equality”. The opposition is seems extremely low. The catholic church is not speaking
out against this. There is huge pressure from the EU to “get on the boat” with issues such as this, as well as other current
issues. It seems like this issue in particular has opened society up to publically and blatantly flaunt itself in defiance against
God. One of the other BIMI missionaries here in Ireland wrote a tract/booklet on “What the Bible says about
Homosexuality” which I am having personalized with our church details on the back and will hand them out in
town. Incidentally the printer here in Ireland doing the printing for this job was taken to task for refusing to print invitations
for a “gay wedding”. It is a Christian printing shop called Beulah Printers. Pray for them. And be praying for us in these
days in the work of the ministry here in Ireland in the face of growing opposition.
On another note, Lisa has had some test done on her mouth and jaw with a dental surgeon in Galway as well as a doctor’s
visit with full blood test just to be sure she is not dealing with any more infection. She seems to be doing better with the
situation the past two weeks. There is definitely another tooth that will require some major work.
We are also praying and looking for a small car for running about when just one or two of us goes out so as not to drive the
van. Karissa is 18 and able to get a license so she would be much better suited to learn to drive a little car then a big van on
the narrow Irish roads.
1. Barb Green is having issues with shoulder and back pain that
the doctor is not sure what is causing it. There is concern over
the tumors that were removed and further DNA testing is
required on them. Another trip to New York for a follow up and
discuss options will be in early May. Thank you for lifting up
the family in your prayers and please do not stop as they
continue to travel down this long, sometimes lonely road. (4/15)
2. Gloria Everson is asking prayer for Rick and Linda
Townsend who are good friends from Maranatha Baptist Bible
College in Watertown, WI. Linda was just diagnosed with a
brain tumor and will be having surgery tomorrow morning. I
told them we would be praying for them as they go through this
trial. They had a daughter in law who died a few years ago
unexpectedly, so they have been through the challenges of life
before. (4/29)
3. Deb Cottle is home now from the field and will be having
colon surgery on May 6. (4/29)
4. Carleen Stewart is home recovering from pancreatitis. She is
doing well now. (4/29)
5. Nikole Reece is asking prayer for Bryan Gallagher (her boss's
cousin who lives in Tampa, FL), 27, was in a very serious car
accident this past Sunday night. It was raining, he was trying to
avoid an accident, got hit, and his car spun into a pole. He had
to be cut out of the car (his girlfriend who was in the passenger
seat was fine). He is in Tampa ICU in very serious condition,
and it is touch and go at the moment. He has 10 broken ribs, a
broken shoulder, a brain bleed, is on a ventilator, has a
collapsed lung, has now developed pneumonia, his kidneys
aren't functioning correctly, and it looks like he will need pelvis
surgery. He has been non-responsive. Please pray for his
complete healing and for his family during this time (for
comfort, but also that God will be so evident in this). (4/25)
6. Dick and Sherry Howell’s son, Randy is in critical care in the
hospital. He has 2 pulmonary embolisms is his lungs and a deep
vain thrombosis in his leg. Update: Randy is home now and will
be on blood thinners for 6 months. (4/24)
7. Wayne Heminghous had surgery today to remove some more
cancer growth. (4/22)
8. Ed Childs' PET scan showed no new cancer. His hip and
pelvis fractures have healed. He is undergoing three more
rounds of chemotherapy at this ti
me. Please continue to pray for the family. (4/17)
9. Warren Vasold’s cochlear implant will be turned on
May 11th, a little at a time. (4/15)
10. Please pray for Robert Balch’s father, Al, who is continuing
to recover from heart problems. (4/13)
11. Please pray for strength for Cathy Morrison and her family
as they help each other and their parents. (4/9)
12. Sandra Windt’s father, Larry Banaszak, is not doing well
and is growing weaker all the time. Pray for strength and
comfort during this time. (4/15)
13. Please keep praying for Tom Wheeler and tumors
to stay gone and no new ones to come. Your prayers are
working. (1/2)
14. Terri Killey is slowly recovering from blood clots. (3/1)
With Sympathy:
Pastor Mike VerWay’s father passed away last week.
Dave Deleeuw’s father passed away last week.
Special Request:
Don and Terri Killey’s house burned down last week. Everyone
got okay but they lost almost everything. They are living in
town while their house is being rebuilt. Pray for wisdom.
Those with special needs and shut-ins:
Betty Brown (home), Bill Jacobs (Brittany Manor),
Alice Olsen (King’s Daughters), Donna Suitor (Brittany Manor),
Mary Louise Sinclair (Alma Mason Assisted Living Home [visits
Josh Campbell, Wes Scholtz, David Fifelski, Alek Seams,
Berndt Spittka, Brandon Norrick; Ben Dittenbir; Mike
Engelsgjerd; Kyle McCurley, Kevin McCurley, Luke & Evon
Pretulak, Grant Burch, Joe Bates, Jr.
Other Prayer Requests: