EACH ONE WIN ONE - El Bethel Baptist Church
EACH ONE WIN ONE - El Bethel Baptist Church
El Bethel Baptist Church A Bible-Believing, Christ-Centered, Mission-Minded, Friendly Fellowship Church Address: Mailing Address: 313 Jones Avenue PO Box 2809 Greer, SC 29650 Greer, SC 29652 Joe Seay, Pastor 419-1264 Vicky Groce, Pianist Tom Good, Minister of Music Josh Ballentine, Minister of Children and Youth Janice Sudduth, Administrator Church Phone: (864) 877-4021 e-mail: elbethelbaptistc@bellsouth.net website: elbethelbaptistchurch.org fax: 877-9026 March 22nd, 2015 We welcome you today as we begin our Revival. We are delighted to have Brother Bill Cashion with us this week. Pray for him and also pray that the Lord will do a work in our lives and the life of our Church. Please try to attend each service and bring someone with you. Morning Worship Service-10:30 AM Prelude………………………………………………………………………………….. Call To Worship……………………Power In The Blood……..……..……...…Choir Welcome and Announcements………………………………..………Josh Ballentine Prayer…………………………………………………………………..Josh Ballentine Greet One Another………..………………….……………………………………..….. Morning Prayer…..…………………………………...………………Pastor Joe Seay WorshipMedley……………………...Blessed Assurance…………....#572 V, 1,3….. ………………………….……….….......We Will Glorify…………......#105 V1,2,3,4.. Offertory ………………………………….……………..……………..……………….. Special Music…………………….…I’d Rather Have Jesus………………….. Choir Message…………………………………………...……….………......Dr. Bill Cashion Invitation …..……...…………………. Just As I Am…...……………#488…......... Closing Prayer………………………………………………………….…………… REVIVAL SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM EACH ONE BRING ONE - EACH ONE WIN ONE GIVING TREE –Our Giving Tree project for March is the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. Our goal this year is $1,700.00. Please give to support our North American Missionaries. So far we have received $631.00 toward our goal. If you are visiting with us, please fill out the blue side of a Care Card and drop it in the offering plate or place it in the box at the door. If you are from El Bethel and know someone who needs a contact, please fill out the black side of a Care Card. st The Care Team will not meet this week. But the E Team will meet Tuesday, March 31 , at 7:00 PM. Also, there will be no Wednesday morning Prayer Service this Wednesday, th March 24 . d Let’s continue our Love in Action by concentrating on the un-churched around us. Please make an effort to invite people to El Bethel and make all visitors feel welcome. Pray diligently for lost people and take the opportunity to witness whenever you can. Remember all loose money given on Sunday night goes to the Mission Trip Fund. th Pray for Josh and our Youth as they prepare for Youth Day next week, March 29 . If your child wants to go to Camp Marietta, please let Dawn know. VBS Expo will be March 28, 2015, at FBC Boiling Springs, for people wanting to help with VBS this year. The time is 9 AM – 12 Noon. See Tena if you are interested in going. The Relay for Life “Walk to the Cross” has been moved to April, but please continue to purchase footprints “in honor or memory of”. The footprints are $1.00 and you can see st Jan to purchase them. Relay for Life will have a Pet Show Wednesday night, April 1 . The entry fee is $5.00 per pet and $1.00 to attend. We will have a lunch today after the Morning Service to help with our Mission Trips. The menu will be BBQ Pulled Pork, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Bread, Dessert, and Tea. The cost is $6.50 for adults and $3.50 for children. Please stay if you can. th There will be an Easter Celebration Saturday morning, April 4 , here at El Bethel from th 11 – 1 for all preschoolers and children through 6 grade. We need candy. You may place it in the hallway. If you have questions, see Josh or Kate. Easter Sunday – This year on Easter we will not have a Sunrise Service or Sunday School. We will meet at 10:00 AM for a Worship Service. We will have no Sunday night service. A Thank You Note was received from Lin and LeeAnna Bradley. Please continue to pray for Lin, LeeAnna, and their 3 boys as they head to their Mission Field in Asia. A Thank You Note was received from Piedmont Women’s Center for El Bethel’s generous donation of money, clothes, and baby items. Your gifts help to make it possible for PWC to minister to those in need. This week – March 22nd , 2015 Nursery: AM: Kathy and Jake Garrett Nursery: PM: Marianne Jackson Childrens Church: Brad and Savannah Shoaf rd Monday, Revival, 3/23 Mandi Garrett th Tuesday, Revival, 3/24 Marie Brannon th Wednesday, Revival, 3/25 Dawn Seay Intercessory Prayer: Jordan Long Parking Lot: Chuck Forrester rd Teller Committee: Mon. March 23 , James Allen and Deborah Long Next week – March 29th ,2015 Nursery: AM: Wanda Sutherland and Jarred Ensley Nursery: PM: Dawn Seay Children’s Church: Josh Ballentine and Michelle Russell st Wednesday, April 1 Joyce Allen Intercessory Prayer: Linda Adams Parking Lot Patrol: Doug Johnson th Teller Committee: Mon. March 30 , Terry and Ruby Watson March – USHERS: March – GREETERS: Scott McCallister, Larry Long, Joel Seay, Jeremy Jackson Wayne Satterfield, Elaine Satterfield, Carolyn Ensley, Terry Watson