here - Locking Castle Church Weston-super-Mare


here - Locking Castle Church Weston-super-Mare
Welcome to Locking Castle Church
Following the way of Jesus, serving the community
May 2015
elcome to the May Newsletter! If you are visiting us this month we
hope you feel really at home and find all you are looking for.
As the country goes to the Polls on May 7th we are praying that our
next Government will have the wisdom, courage and moral integrity necessary
to lead the whole UK forward during the next term. Our leaders need our
prayers, not only because we live with increasingly complex world with diverse
threats to global stability, but also because as Christians we are urged to pray
for ‘kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in
all godliness and holiness.’ (1 Tim 2:1-3)
The LCC main church room will be used as a Polling Station on Thursday 7th, so
let’s make that a day to pray particularly for our local community and all those
who come through our doors, that they would feel welcome and sense God’s
loving presence here. We’ll also be inviting everyone to come and join us for our
special Pentecost Sunday celebrations on May 24th as we remember the coming
of the Holy Spirit and the original birthday of the church. Bring on the cake,
candles and balloons!
With my love and prayers, Tom
Locking Castle Church
01934 519888
Locking Castle Church, Jasmine Way, Weston-super-Mare, BS24 7JW
CONTACT: Tom Yacomeni
Tel: 07786 806640 - Email: (Day off: Friday)
Office Hours: Monday 1-3 pm, Tuesday – Friday 10am-12.00noon
Administrator: Emily Cumberbatch
Tel: 01934 519888 - Email:
Church services:
9.15 am - Communion Service
10.30 am - Informal Worship with Children’s activities and refreshments.
Prayer and Praise: Sunday 10th May - 6pm Spontaneous & Spirit-led!
Fusion Youth Worship: Sunday 17th May - 5pm Guest speaker Joey Mitchel
Coming up this month:
9th May – 9.30 am- Vision, Values and Membership breakfast – contact Tom
17th May – Church picnic after the 10.30 service. Bring some food and drink to share! 
31st May – 6pm Deeper Theology: Come and discuss ‘Is the Gospel just about saving souls?’
 After school kids’ club – Could you commit to pray for this amazing ministry?
Reaching young children for Jesus. Please contact Jill and Luke Lyons
 Please donate unwanted blue and red T-shirts to LCC – attn. Sandie Skyrme, who will
use them for the New Wine Children’s Ministry activities in July/August
 URGENT – we need more volunteers for the tea and coffee team! We are looking for
help with the 10:30am welcome and hospitality team. Contact Jutta for further info.
 Alpha - Please pray for this course which is attended by over 40 people. The Youth
Alpha course will start on 7th June – contact Caroline Deakin if you’d like to help!
 Prayer Ministry Team – could you serve on this team? Please speak to Tom or Jacqui.
 ££ Giving ££– if you are a member of LCC and would like to contribute financially on
a regular basis, please complete a regular giving and gift aid form which can be found
in the foyer or on the website noticeboard. For more information please see Sue
Baldwin or Susan Brooks.
Job Opportunity: Methodist Circuit Administrator (part time)
The Weston-super-Mare and Burnham on Sea Methodist Circuit is looking to appoint a part
time Administrator working from home under the direction of the Circuit Superintendent
Minister. Initially for 5 hours per week, expected hours will double. Applicants will be
familiar with Microsoft Office software (e.g. Word, Excel, Access, Publisher and
Powerpoint). Desirable that applicants have an understanding of the structure and ethos of
the Methodist Church. Interviews expected last week of May. Further details from Norman
Lester, Senior Circuit Steward on 01934 525476 or email
 Kids Club at Locking Castle Church: Crafts, Activities, Games, Fun, Snacks for children
school years 3, 4, 5 and 6, Thursdays from 4.30pm to 5.45 pm – term time only
For more information please phone Caroline on 07951 132629 Please note: no
meeting on 7th May!
 TLC (Toddlers Locking Castle) Term time only from 10-11.30 am Tuesday morning.
Toddlers & carers welcome! There’s currently a waiting list– please see Mims or Jutta
 M@LC – (Men at Locking Castle) – Next men’s breakfast will be 8am May 30th at the
Landing Light Pub. Cost £7. Please text Adam on 07876172647 to book your place.
 W@LC – (Women at Locking Castle) – Brunch meeting on May 30th at 10.30 am at
Frankie and Benny’s Weston-super-Mare. Cost £5. To book contact Naomi Dunn on
 Friday night live worship at St. Georges’ Community Centre: Friday 29th May, 7.30
pm. Special guest: Prophetic speaker Carl Wills. For further information speak to
April and Phil Brown Tel 01934 520822
 Parenting Course: Time out for Parents (Primary Years, 5 - 10yrs)
Starting: Wednesday, 6th May (6 weeks)
Time: 12:30 ~ 2:30pm or to book a place call Julie on 07929796633
 Life groups – these are small groups meeting during the week which give the opportunity to share
and pray together on different days/times during the week. Please ask any of the welcoming team
for further information!
Life groups are meeting on Mondays day time, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and
 Banner group – We now have 22 Banners and the 23rd is currently being made on Thursday
afternoons. There is a book of photographs showing all of them, and is available if anyone would
like to choose one for a special Day. All but three of the banners were made by Christine Green and
Sheila Roberts going back before we even had a Church Building so have been an integral part of
the decoration and worship in the church. We do hand sewing and use the sewing machine and
Bondaweb to construct them. There is some maintenance work to do on one or two of the
Banners and if anyone would like to help we'd be pleased to see them. 2-4 on 1st and 3rd
Thursdays of every month.
 Crafty Ladies meet Wednesday 10 am at 10 Fullens Close. Contact Adele Lloyd for further details.
 Youth group - Thursday 7-9 pm term time only. If you are aged 11-18 come along and see what you
think – contact Caroline Deakin on 07951132629. Please note: No meeting on 7th May!
Christian Aid
May is a big month for Christian Aid! It is now that months of planning and preparation come to fruition in
Christian Aid Week (12-18 May). This is our major fundraising initiative, as it has been for over 55 years,
and it is a time when churches and communities all over Britain come together to work for an end to
This month also sees one of the major festivals of the Church’s year, the Day of Pentecost, when we
remember and celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the followers of Jesus, and pray for the
presence of the Spirit in our own lives and communities. It is a measure of the Holy Spirit that it opens
up communication across barriers of race, language and culture and brings people into a common
understanding. The Holy Spirit is powerfully at work in the global movement for justice and peace and,
for all the difficulties and setbacks, this is a movement that brings with it incomparable joy. It is a
measure of the Spirit still that it encourages people - often in the most despairing situations, often the
most ordinary and unlikely people - to speak out for justice and peace, and to take steps into an
unknown future. We live in a time of grave global crises - ecological, economic, political and cultural. If
we rely on simply our own strength, our own will, we shall burn out and perhaps become despairing
and bitter. But the good news is that we are not alone. All over the world, there are people bearing
witness to the power of the Holy Spirit to change lives and bring new hope. We, too, are part of this
bearing witness. In a world blighted by racism, sectarianism and religious fundamentalism, we must be
inclusive. In a world blighted by poverty, violence and threat, we must stand for justice and peace, for
an end to hunger. In a world where people feel powerless to change anything, we must reclaim the
power of action, and this month is a great opportunity for us to take action!
 GIVE: Fill an envelope, Gift Aid it if possible.
 VISIT the Christian Aid Art Exhibition 22nd -24th May at Boulevard URC Weston-s-Mare, 10:30am
to 4:30am Friday & Saturday, 12:30 to 4pm Sunday. Cakes, Coffee, Lunches, Afternoon Teas,
Fairtrade, Jewellery, and a book/DVD sale in Aid of Amnesty International.
 SUPPORT by helping at the Art Exhibition or Supermarket collection during Christian Aid week.
 PRAY for those in need and those who help.
Intercessory Prayer - Prayer for Everyone
‘I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf
of the land so that I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one. (Ezekiel 22:30)
In her book, Power of Persistent Prayer, Cindy Jacobs reminds us that God is excited to see us grow, fulfil
our gifts and learn to be an intercessor who prays to change lives and situations around us. He is trusting
us to pray the prayers needed to accomplish His will on earth; to bring hope to the hopeless, justice
instead of injustice and blessings instead of poverty.
This month you are invited to join others praying particularly for:
 International Mission Partner: Christian Aid – particularly those responding in Nepal.
 LCC: Alpha courses
Sharing answered prayers brings glory to God and encourages others in their faith. Please
tell the Prayer Ministry Team how you have been blessed through prayer.