Serving in Huanta (August 2015)


Serving in Huanta (August 2015)
Serving in Huanta
We want to start this newsletter saying to you all: Thank You very much for all your support to our ministry by your prayer
and financially as well.
We really have a lot to share with you all, and we hope you will enjoy read this special newsletter. Our Lord has been showing
us in so many ways that He had called us to be here and even thou there are many difficult situations while here, we still
know that He is watching over us and will protect us as He has been all this time.
As we have shared with many of you, we are helping a local Church in Huanta, its name is “El Carpintero de Nazaret”, this is
church that went through a very difficult time so we decided to get involved with this church and help them in any possible
way we could. Things have been getting better and better as the time goes by and we can see that this church growing not
just by the number but most of all growing spiritually. The members are more committed and we are learning to be a real
family where we can share, help and serve each other. It great to see them not just accepting things to do in the church but
now they ask what they can do to help each other.
In November we had have a very special time, it
was the Church Anniversary and we were blessed
with the presence of the Missionary founder of
the church, my uncle Gerardo (Gerry) and his son
Nathaniel. It was a great time and we had a
chance to Elect Our Elders and Deacons. And let
me just tell you how grateful we are for these
men in the church and how blessed I feel having
my husband Jimmy as an Elder of this church.
Let me pause right here and invite you to look up our website for all the pictures that I will not be able to post in here, so
check it out: .
We had the opportunity to visit a sister church of ours, this church is
located in a town called Uchuraccay, which it is about 3 hours in a car
ride up in the mountains ( a place where it is a little hard to breath for
its high altitude). We have had a wonderful time with all the members
of the church, some of them really in need of encouragement because it
is not so easy to go up there and visit them so often and spend some
good time like we did that time. We prayed, sing and eat together, and
agreed we will go visit them at least 3 times a year, and also will invite
them to come to our church at least two times a year so we can
encourage each other. Please we want to ask you to pray for this church and pray for God’s provision for the church as well
as for us to be able to visit them as often as possible.
We were able to celebrate Christmas with our church family, even thou this is something that is celebrate every year they
normally got about 20 or so people coming over for dinner, this past year we have had about 70 people coming over and
celebrating with us The Real meaning of Christmas, Jesus. We had a worship time and later we eat a dinner prepared for the
ladies of the church, it was so great to see a lot of them asking in what they could help. We sure had a wonderful time and
we are planning on making this every year and have the opportunity to invite other people also and share the Gospel with
Christmas sure is a special time were a lot of kids in Huanta are looking for places
where they are giving away some toys or even some kind of food and drinks, so
we thought that this was a great opportunity to share with them and we decided
to make a Special show for Children in Huanta. We prepared some songs, drinks
and bread to share with them but most importantly we shared about Jesus with
them. We thank to everyone who is part of our ministry and is helping into make
all this things possible. Even thou we ca not have you guys here your presence
is felt through your prayers and financial support and we thank greatly for that.
We prepare and accomplish all we have planned for our VBS, it was a great week and we ask you to pray for us to be able to
have at least one VBS a year and for The Lord to provide for all the materials needed for our children.
As I was sharing with you all, we had a great time in our church
anniversary with my uncle Gerry and his son Nathaniel, in a little after
they left Huanta we found out that my uncle was giving a piece of land
for our Church, as many of you know we are still congregating in the
garage of his house ( don’t get me wrong we are not complaining for it
but we are grateful we have a place where we can worship our God) But
now we may in a not to long future we will be able to have our own
building where we can have a place for our children to learn and play,
different classrooms and even a kitchen, How awesome can that be?? It
seems so far us sometimes but we worship an Almighty God and we
believe we will make all this possible if it is His Will and we are and we want to wait on Him. Dear friends please pray for this
and for The Lord to provide with the right people to make all this possible.
Nadia is still helping at the Christian Radio Station twice a week and we are so happy to see many people saying that they
heard the program and it was an encouragement for them. If you would like you could even listen online now at
If you remember Ruthie (My uncle’s daughter) she is back in Huanta, back in school, and she is just a miracle for all of us who
know all that things she has been through. After 8 months in the hospital, all the doctors would say it was to be ready because
she was going to die at any moment…Praise our Lord!!! He is our miraculous Father and He is the one we want to follow
always, right?. Ruthie celebrated her 14th birthday last month, pray for her heart as she goes through this hard time in her
life and sometimes it is a little hard for a girl at that age to understand why she isn’t all the way fine.
It is always a great to have congregational lunch at our church, everyone is asking and when is it going to be the next one?
We have decided that we will have this especial meal every other month. We have had already 4 potlucks and it was
absolutely beautiful to see everyone sharing and having fellowships with each other.
We are grateful to share with you guys all the different meetings we are having through the week. Prayer’s meetings, ladies’
meetings, men’s meetings, youth meetings, Sunday school, Birthday celebrations.
Nadia was invited to share to the youth meeting of another church twice, they are very sweet people so we were very happy
for those invitations.
There are very last news we want to share with you all, at the end of September we will be receiving Doug McNutt and a
couple friends from Utah in Huanta and also Nathaniel Gutierrez will be coming in the same date. We know this is going to
be a great encouragement for our Church so we ask you to pray for this time to be full of joy and for the many opportunities
we are planning to share about The Gospel.
Also we are praying very hard for the land we will start working on to be able to stablish our church, in the next couple of
weeks we will ask the major for equipment to start the process to level the Land, so please pray for all this help will be
accepted by the city hall and for us to start working and dreaming about our new church building.
Note: if you would like to send us an email our new email address is:
Proverbs 22:9
He who is generous will be blessed, for he gives some of his food to the poor.