The Week`s Bulletin - Kleefeld Evangelical Mennonite Church


The Week`s Bulletin - Kleefeld Evangelical Mennonite Church
I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell
of all your wonderful deeds. 2 I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing
the praises of your name, O Most High.
Psalm 9:1-2
~ Pray for the missionaries that KEMC supports.
Looking Ahead
Senior Soup Sunday – February 15th following the service in the
Youth Fundraiser Lunch – February 22nd following the service, funds
raised are going towards Abundant Springs.
~ Pray for the youth: Colter Friesen, Aaron Penner, Ethan Klassen,
Sam Koop, Kierra Unger and Jaime Loewen.
Clubs & Youth Events
~ Pray for Helen Fast and Elizabeth Peters. Remember them and their
Battalion & Stockades – February 11th meet at the church 7:00pm 8:45pm
families this week.
~ Remember and Pray for those that are grieving loss, suffering with
illness or struggling with depression. May God’s peace be with them
and the reminder of Hope through His son Jesus Christ.
*Personal friends of Grace Bartel are warmly invited to attend
her wedding ceremony and tea on February 15, 2015, 3:00 pm at
the Kleefeld Evangelical Mennonite Church.
Girls Clubs – February 11th meet at the church 7:00pm – 8:30pm
JR. Youth: Menno Night, February 12th 6:30pm. Both guys and girls meet
at the church. Girls will be dropped off at home after the event. Boys will
call for rides at the end of the event.
SR. Youth: February 12th 7:45pm, meet at the church for Bible Study.
Keesha Martens and Stephen Simard
on their wedding announcement.
God’s Blessings
as you joyfully
prepare for your
Wedding Day!
It is time to work on our annual directory. To make sure that as much of the
information in the directory is as accurate as possible, we ask that if you have
not been listed in the previous book, are new to the church, have new family
members, or information has been incorrect or needs to be updated that you
hand in the address forms into the office by February 22, 2015.
Have you misplaced some of your belongings? Please take note of the Lost
& Found Box located by the elevator, if anything belongs to you or your
family; please take it home otherwise it will be going to MCC on
February 27th. Thank-You
Dennis and Sara Thiessen would like to extend a big Thank-You to the senior
youth group for their wonderful help in singing for the seniors at the
Resthaven service on Thursday night. It was much appreciated by us and the
many seniors. May God continue to bless each of you as you seek to serve
KEMC Organizational Paper Update
The Church Executive has reviewed and revised the Organizational Paper for
our church in the last couple of months. This paper describes how we organize
ourselves; what we do and why we do it in brief. Paper copies of the new
document will be available at the reception desk. If you would like to compare
the new with the old, please contact Ang by email ( for an Ecopy. If you prefer, you may request a 20 page paper copy. This document
will be discussed at the next membership meeting in March.
Liane Morran is organizing a collection of dry goods and assorted groceries to
be delivered to a Native reserve in northern Manitoba at the end of
February. As a church family, we have the opportunity to bless some of our
fellow Manitobans who often struggle to afford even the most basic of needs.
Some of the groceries needed are frozen meats, potatoes, flour, sugar, pork
and beans, canned soups, etc. Clothing, linens and towels are also welcome.
Another way to help is to pray. Some requests are:
1. Pray for Liane’s health to be good enough for her to make the trip, if that is
God’s will for her to go. (If she can't make the trip, she has someone else who
will go in her stead.) 2. Pray that they would be an encouragement to those
they serve. 3. Pray that God would prepare the hearts of people and bring them
to the Christian conference that they are planning to have on the reserve some
time this month. (The goal is to start up an Evangelical Christian church on the
reserve) 4. Pray that the ice roads to other communities remain open so that
they will be able to reach more people in other reserves.
Donations can be dropped off in Liane's entrance with frozen goods put in her
outside freezer.
Other Announcements
Dessert Night Fundraiser: Featuring Glory Bound. February 27th at 7:00pm at
the Steinbach EMC-422 Main St. Complimentary Tickets are available through
Haven Group office, (204)-346-0126 or talk to Don Fast for more information.
Also see posters in the foyer.
Douglas Reimer M.A. and Jenny Gerbrandt M.A.(Cand.) both counsellors at
Russell Counselling, are providing a Gospel-Centered Therapy Group for
individuals dealing with Anxiety. This ten week program will run Wednesdays
from 1:30-3:30 starting February 11th – April 15th at the Cornerstone Bible
Church– 290 First Steinbach. There is no cost but pre-registration is
required. For more information or to register call Cornerstone Bible Church
Welcome to Kleefeld EMC
Church Office: 204-377-4773
Senior Pastor: Darryl Klassen
Phone: 204-377-4648
Cell phone: 204-346-2358
Pastor’s Office: 204-377-4658
25121 RD 35N
Associate Pastor: Peter Ascough
Phone: 204-377-5013
Cell Phone: 204-392-8897
<<< Standing >>>>
Sunday School 9:30am
Worship Service 10:45am
February 8th 2015
Welcome & Worship in Song
Announcements & Prayer
Sending Prayer
Worship through Giving
(Dismissal for kid’s zone)
Worship in Word
1Peter 4:7-11
“The Measure of Success”
Closing Song
Pastor Darryl
Next Week
Read: 1 Peter 4:12-19
This Week’s Greeters: Sheldon & Kerri and Bert & Bev
Next Sunday February 15th: Brian & Elvira and Rob & Karen
Pastor Pete
Scripture Reading
1 Peter 4:7-11
end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind
so that you may pray. 8 Above all, love each other deeply, because
love covers over a multitude of sins. 9 Offer hospitality to one
another without grumbling. 10 Each of you should use whatever
gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s
grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as
one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they
should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things
God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and
the power for ever and ever. Amen.
“The Measure of Success”
1 Peter 4:7-11
1. Pray with clarity and purpose.(vs.7)
7 The
2. Love deeply(vs.8)
3. Joyful hospitality(vs.9)
4. Gifted to Serve(vs.10-11)