Pield Heath House School Prospectus


Pield Heath House School Prospectus
Pield Heath House
“ An outstanding special school, delivering outstanding outcomes”
Day and weekly residential | Co-educational | 7-19 years
Moderate to severe learning difficulties, autistic spectrum disorders and associated speech, language and communication difficulties
Pield Heath House
Who we are
What we do
Our approach
Demonstrating outcomes
What they say
Pield Heath House
Who we are
Pield Heath School is a non-maintained,
co-educational special school, within
the Trusteeship of the Sisters of the
Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
What we offer
• Day school provision
• Week day residential provision
• Respite provision
We Support (Students 7-19) with
• Complex learning needs
• Moderate to severe learning difficulties and/or disabilities
• Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
• Associated speech, language and communication difficulties
“ I wish to seize this
opportunity to thank
you, the staff and carers
for the wonderful
work you have been
undertaking in one of the
loveliest schools in the
Parent of a leaver
Please contact us for further information:
TEL: 01895 258507
EMAIL: admin@pieldheathschool.org.uk
over 100 years of special education
Pield Heath House
What we do
Our Mission
Pield Heath School is a well organised educational
community in which all young people are of equal
importance and are valued for the individuals they are,
regardless of race, culture or background.
Pield Heath School offers young people with
moderate to severe learning difficulties, autistic
spectrum disorders and associated speech,
language and communication difficulties
a caring, spiritual and secure educational
community in which they are appreciated as
individuals and given the opportunity to reach
their maximum potential.
The School is founded upon Christian beliefs which
form an integral part of all teaching and learning, and
we provide an educational community that is holistic as
well as formal by involving parents, governors, the local
community and the wider community.
We give all young people the opportunity for educational
development to the highest possible level, together with
the development of each individual’s talents, abilities,
skills and understanding.
Referral and Admission
Referrals and admissions can occur throughout the
year and at any age. Formal applications for admission
should be made by the appropriate Local Authority (LA),
although families and carers can request an informal visit.
“ The visible sense
of everybody
speaking together
with their hands,
even if not always
with their voice,
during assembly is
Diocese of Westminster
Inspection report 2009
over 100 years of special education
Pield Heath House
We strive to ensure that our young
people achieve their maximum potential
We give all young people the opportunity for educational
development to the highest possible level, together with the
development of each individual’s talents, abilities, skills and
understanding. We aim to give young people with learning
difficulties the very best opportunity to achieve their maximum
potential and lead fulfilled happy lives.
Our approach
Our whole approach to education at Pield Heath
School is based upon our core values and beliefs:
Our approach
We encourage our young people to achieve
and celebrate their achievements
We strive to ensure that
our young people achieve
their maximum potential
We value every young person
for who they are
We adopt a collaborative,
multi-disciplinary, individualised
and holistic approach
We believe that emotional wellbeing
is essential in developing positive
behaviour and academic success
We offer our young people a caring,
positive, Christian environment
Working with Families/Carers
Young Person’s
Mission Statement
To all people, at all times, with a smile,
To each other in and around our School;
To all adults in School;
To visitors in our School with a welcoming smile;
And greeting ‘May I help you?’
We encourage parents/carers to be as involved as possible in the
young person’s learning programme. We operate an ‘Open House’
policy and parents/guardians are welcome at any time.
Parent/guardian partnerships
That our School is a fair and happy place to be for
We recognise the importance of parent partnerships and feel very
strongly that parental support helps our young people achieve
their maximum potential while at Pield Heath School. In addition
to Annual review meetings there are parents evenings and regular
celebration assemblies.
For all who need our help, are hurt, are sad and
School organisation and structure
For others, as we would like to be cared for
Our staff ensure that our young people feel secure and are
comfortable in their school environment. They are committed and
highly skilled and are our most important asset.
That each classroom is a welcoming place to be;
For those less fortunate than ourselves.
For our School buildings, grounds and equipment
For all things, God given and man-made;
For ourselves and how we look;
For our work and how we present it.
over 100 years of special education
Pield Heath House
We adopt a collaborative, multi-disciplinary,
individualised and holistic approach.
A tailored approach
Learning at Pield Heath School is organised to meet a wide range of
learning needs and each personalised curriculum can be accessed on
different levels according to the young person’s needs, tailored to
optimise individual rates of progress and attainment and encourages
the development of confident, well adjusted, sensitive and
independent young people.
Curriculum overview
Formal applications for admission Our curriculum is designed to
be both broad and accessible, reflecting our holistic approach to
learning. It offers our young people the opportunity to enjoy the
process of learning, and in so doing, reach their maximum potential.
• W
e set appropriate learning challenges to enable each young
person the opportunity to experience success
• W
e respond to each individuals needs by creating a bespoke
educational programme that takes into account their interests
and strengths.
6th Form facilities (ages 16-19)
The Victor Braun Centre
The Victor Braun Centre is purpose built and includes a social
area, a dining area, an Enterprise activities area and an area for
general creative and performing arts. Young people have access
to many types of leisure pursuits including golf, swimming,
volleyball, basketball, football, athletics, cricket, tennis,
bowling, touch rugby, trampoline and a fresh air fitness gym.
• W
e provide appropriate resources to enable curriculum access
and to overcome any obstacles to learning.
Curriculum organisation
and structure
Pield Heath School aims to provide each student with an
individualised and personalised education programme which
addresses their specific needs to live a fulfilled life in a challenging
and changing world.
A comprehensive programme based on the national curriculum is
offered at Key Stage 2 & Key Stage 3. Small class groups, with a
high level of staff support, enable our students to access a suitably
differentiated curriculum.
In addition to the core curriculum of English, Math’s, ICT, RE,
Citizenship and Science (Key Stage 4 only) the curriculum for
students aged 14-19 years is structured to enable them to acquire
the necessary skills to develop independence in their adult lives.
Programmes are designed to promote the personal, social and
vocational skills needed to prepare them for life after they leave
formal education.
Students are offered the opportunity to access programmes accredited
in functional, life and vocational skills as well as in GCSE Art.
Speech and Language Therapy
A Team of experienced therapists work alongside educational
& residential staff in supporting the development of student’s
communication skills. Students are assessed by the Speech
and language therapists when they join Pield Heath School
and a detailed programme is drawn up to meet their individual
communication needs. Augmentative communication
strategies, including chat PC`s, PECs and signalong, is used
to communicate by whatever means are effective for the
individual student.
over 100 years of special education
Pield Heath House
“ The quality of the boarding provision
at Pield Heath is outstanding.
Dedicated staff ensure boarders feel
safe and have fun while learning.”
Ofsted 2009
A caring environment
Pield Heath School offers a warm and caring environment, where daily
life is underpinned by Christian principles. Every young person is valued
as an individual - and is given every encouragement to succeed.
Pield Heath School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the
welfare of young people is our number one priority. Robust systems
are in place to ensure that young people are protected from harm.
We believe that every individual has intrinsic value and that our
ethos gives our young people the confidence to be who they want to
be and to achieve their full potential for learning and development.
The school maintains a high level of care for its young people.
Part of this responsibility involves remaining vigilant for any signs
of physical, sexual or emotional abuse or neglect. The school
maintains its own policy and procedures for supporting and
protecting young people and this compliments the London Borough
of Hillingdon’s Child Protection Policy that is available for inspection
by parents/guardians.
Residential and respite facilities
We have a purpose built house within our grounds where a
dedicated care staff team support our young people and foster
their social and life skills programmes. All our young people are
encouraged and supported to personalise their own rooms.
Care staff form a very close bond with the young people, building
a level of trust to help solve any social, emotional or personal
problems that may arise. We also offer respite care to support the
families of young people where required.
We offer our young people a caring,
positive, Christian environment.
Behaviour management
We have high expectations of our students and believe that they
will learn, feel safe, secure and positive about themselves if they
have clear and consistent boundaries. All students have an individual
behavior support plan, which is regularly reviewed in response to
their changing needs.
Code of Conduct
Positive behaviour management is a feature of
each young person’s learning programme and this
is supported by a simple Code of Conduct.
• Be respectful to others and obey instructions
• Move about the buildings quietly and in an
orderly way
• Be in the right place at the right time
• Behave sensibly on transport to and from
school and on outings
• Display good manners at all times
• No swearing
• No bullying or teasing
• No chewing in school time – gum, sweets etc
over 100 years of special education
Pield Heath House
Demonstrating outcomes
Our committed, bespoke, holistic approach
to education, within a caring, spiritual
environment, affords young people the very
best opportunity to achieve their maximum
potential and lead fulfilled happy lives.
Pield Heath School has a highly skilled and deeply
committed team, who value every individual young
person for who they are, encourages their progress,
celebrates their achievements and inspires confidence
in their futures. This is exemplified by two successive
‘Outstanding’ ratings by Ofsted.
Clear, outcome referenced, assessment-based
measurements enable us to demonstrate that we
make a positive difference to the personal, social and
learning lives of each young person in our care.
Transition planning
When a young person with Special Educational Needs
(SEN) reaches their 14th birthday (Year 9), their
Transition Review becomes the first stage of their
journey into adulthood. Transition Reviews look at
education, care, health, communication and behaviour
in order to develop a plan that will evolve in line with
the young person’s changing needs and aspirations.
The Transition Plan will take account of the young
person’s current and future life such as further
education, health, housing, work, hobbies and
appropriate levels of care so that their needs can be
met at age 16 and beyond. Information is gathered
from the young person, their family, school teachers
and Local Authority representatives.
The School has established relationships with a
number of organisations to support the young person,
and their parents/guardians, in their move to adult life.
Our approach to Transition Planning includes personcentred Transition Reviews with an emphasis on high
quality information to evaluate different provisions;
encouraging young people to develop confidence and
to plan for their future; and the full participation of
the young person and their parent/guardian.
“ I want to express
my gratitude to and
admiration of you and
all the members of staff
who work so unselfishly
and lovingly amongst
the young people – they
deserve the best and they
get it!”
Auxiliary Bishop of westminster
over 100 years of special education
Pield Heath House
What they say
Excerpts from Ofsted Report January 2009.
“ Pield Heath House provides an outstanding education for its
students. It has continued to improve on its performance since the
previous inspection when it was judged a very good school. The
students’ attainment, because of their learning difficulties, remains
far below that expected in mainstream schools, but all the students
do very well in their studies and most make outstanding progress,
especially in the basic skills of literacy and numeracy.”
“ Students from Year 9 onwards are challenged
successfully to gain a wide range of nationally
accredited qualifications. The students thrive
within the caring ethos of the school. All of
them make excellent progress in their personal
development. This helps those with behavioural
and emotional problems over many of the
barriers to their learning. It underpins their
excellent attitudes to learning and helps them
to achieve their full potential. Other students
with autism or speech and language difficulties
make huge gains in their confidence and
willingness to attempt challenging learning
“The quality of teaching is excellent. The
students enjoy their lessons and respond by
trying their best. Lessons are very well planned
and this prepares the way for teachers and
teaching assistants to give high-quality support
to the students. One of the major strengths
of the school is the exemplary way in which
every aspect of the students’ progress and
development is painstakingly assessed and
recorded. Teachers regularly and consistently
review these assessments and this results in
exceptionally sharply focused and challenging
targets for each student. The curriculum is
outstandingly effective because teachers tailor
activities very successfully to students’ needs
and abilities. As a result, the students tackle
challenging tasks to which they respond with
enthusiasm. The provision to teach the older
students about the world of work and further
training is exemplary and resulted last year, for
example, in all the leavers going on to further
“The school manages the students’ behaviour
exceptionally well. The behaviour of many students
becomes outstanding as they move through the school
and gain the understanding to control their own
conduct. For most students this represents a significant
improvement from when they first join the school. They
feel well supported and become confident learners.
Teachers place a strong emphasis on helping students
to develop their spiritual and moral understanding and
this encourages them to respect and value themselves
and others. Through the very effective provision for
their personal, health and social education (PHSE),
they learn to remain healthy and to keep themselves
safe. The students value the school and this is evident
in the excellent relationships they have with staff and
their very good attendance. Parents report that their
children are very happy at school. They feel confident
that the students enjoy their lessons and that the
school has high expectations of their achievements.
One parent commented, ‘My son is really stretched to
reach his full potential. He loves school.”
over 100 years of special education
“ As I leave I feel confident that the knowledge
and the skills I will take with me will prepare me
for the challenges I face ahead.”
Ex Student
“The headteacher’s outstanding and inspirational
leadership have driven the continuing
improvement. She has been well supported by a
very competent leadership team. Together they
have been consistently effective in leading staff
to improve students’ attitudes to learning and,
consequently, their achievements. The school
evaluates its work extremely well. There are very
effective procedures, for instance, to monitor and
measure students’ progress, although the senior
team are aware that there is scope to further refine
its procedures to enable them to demonstrate the
students’ progress more easily. School leaders seek
out and act on the views of all connected with the
school, not least the students themselves. The
governing body is supportive and monitors aspects
of the school’s work extremely robustly. Because
of the school’s rigorous self-evaluation and the
drive and determination of the governors and staff
consistently to provide an even better service to
its students, there is an outstanding capacity to
improve further. The school therefore provides
excellent value for money.”
over 100 years of special education
Pield Heath House
Pield Heath House
Court Park
Ro c
s t on
C olh
P i e ld H e a t h
Hi g h R d A
n Rd
Royal Ln
F a ll
ing L n A4
Country Park
Rd A 4 0 8
West Drayton
S to c kl e y
M4 and
a t h Rd
Pield Heath
t on
Pield He
hey L
am Rd
r ch
P eac
Sta tion R d
Royal Ln
Cowley Rd A408
L n A
Vine S
l in
C l e v el a n d R d
Ct Dr
How to find us
Pield Heath House School
Pield Heath Road
TEL: 01895 258507
EMAIL: admin@pieldheathschool.org.uk
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