Giggles Party Shop - Flackwell Heath Community Centre
Giggles Party Shop - Flackwell Heath Community Centre
COMMUNITY NEWS IDEAS DATES SUGGESTIONS EVENTS POINTS OF VIEW NEWS Grapevine THE March ‘15 THE NEWSLETTER OF FLACKWELL HEATH 50p COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Giggles Party Shop The person who caused Giggles to be opened on 19 August 2001 was daughter Georgie. For her first birthday, Sharron searched for balloons and a table cover, she found just one place selling the items she required and she ended up buying a whole lot more. Not just a table cover but plates, cups, banners, napkins and of course balloons. She thought “What a great place. I could do that” Sharron visited a trade show with her mother, Patricia, a florist by trade and stumbled across suppliers she needed to start her own company. The right premises became available, location, size and plenty of parking and a good community spirit in Flackwell Heath. After two years she decided to expand into fancy dress hire and to buy costumes. The timing was just not right as the recession hit and when people wanted fancy dress it was the more budget range they went for, therefore not making it viable to keep another premises running. The fancy dress closed around 4 years ago and Giggles is now back to one shop selling balloons, table and partyware, and fancy dress accessories. Something to cater for everyone’s needs. The range of balloons, both foil and latex, that Giggles have is immense. Over 170 designs and colours of just latex alone, it’s like going into a sweetie shop and picking the ones you would like from the jars behind the counter. Giggles prides itself on its reputation, Photo: Jim Fanning which has grown from strength to strengths over the past 14 years, with returning customers every week. Venue decoration is a speciality and sculptures, columns and displays are day to day for the Giggles team. “We have a balloon for every occasion, from births to weddings, christenings, hen nights, bridal showers, birthdays, milestones and, just in case you want that something different, we can provide that with our personalisation of balloons, while you wait.” So if you need inspiration, pop along to Giggles and speak to Sharron or Lisa who would be more than happy to assist you and guarantee to make your party go with a bang! Sharron Taylor and Tim Kendell Changes at Carrington Junior School Big changes are ahead at Carrington as the School prepares to say 'Good-bye' to both the Head and the Deputy Head. Both are moving on to further their careers. Miss Amanda Fell is leaving at Easter to be Head of a larger school in Slough, which covers the whole Primary age range from 3 to 11 years. Mrs Jane Gardener is going to be Head at a small village school in Norfolk, leaving at the end of the summer term. We wish them both well; more in later issues of The Grapevine. Sue Arnautov The Chairman and Members of Chepping Wycombe Parish Council invite you to the Annual Parish Meeting to be held at Christ Church Chapel Road, Flackwell Heath Wednesday 1 April 2015 at 7pm An RSVP would be appreciated to the Council Offices, Cock Lane, Tylers Green, Bucks HP10 8DS Telephone 01494 814600 Email: Two New Grapevine Road Reps wanted! Sue Rushton has moved away from Flackwell. Please can anyone deliver Grapevines to about 30 houses in The Fairway? Also, a smaller 'patch' of about 15 houses on Common Road (near The 3 Horseshoes) will need a new Rep soon. Please contact me on 01628 523907, or Pauline Cooper on 01628 522562 or if you can help by delivering Grapevines ten times a year and collecting subscriptions once a year. (A volunteer kindly came forward last month to take over from Mavis Luxford: Thank You!) Sue Arnautov, Editor 1 FLACKWELL HEATH RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Janet Smith, Tel. 01628 520451 Chloë Andrews-Jones, Tel. 01628 526547 Our AGM - Monday 30 March, 7:30 pm for 8:00 pm at Royal British Legion, Flackwell Heath. All are welcome (although only members may vote). 2015 EVENTS in collaboration with the Community Association: Village Fête & Picnic - Sunday 12 July at Straight Bit Recreation Ground. Last year’s event was really successful; we hope that all the groups that participated will be joining us again; we’ll be in touch in due course. If any other local group would like to be part of this year’s picnic, then please get in touch! Quiz Night - Saturday 17 October at the Community Centre. Christmas Lights Saturday 28 November at the Community Centre & Jubilee Gardens. We are also hoping to bring the village another event on Saturday 13 June. Look out for news in due course! COMMITTEE VACANCIES Chloë is standing down as Secretary at the forthcoming AGM. No-one has come forward to take on the full role, so we have decided to seek a couple of volunteers to simply come along to a meeting or two, take notes and produce the Minutes. We have had some success, but ideally need two or three other volunteers. The meetings BANJOVI REVIVAL CONCERT Thursday 16 April • 7pm Royal British Legion, Flackwell Heath to raise funds for Iain Rennie and ScanAppeal Tickets £6 from Pauline Gibson at 01628 523946 2 are held on a Tuesday evening, every six weeks. Excluding the AGM, there will be only 7 meetings during 2015, so if we secured more volunteers, they would only need to do a couple of meetings each. Perhaps Social Media is more your thing. We’d like to find other ways to communicate news and views in addition to the existing methods. FHRA aims to makes a difference to the lives of everyone in the village. It is run by volunteers - and we are fairly thin on the ground. Could you help? If so, please give Chloë a call on 01628 526547 or email her at fhra-secretary@ FLACKWELL HEATH – YOUR VILLAGE, YOUR OPINION You may remember that in 2014, we said one of FHRA’s aims for 2014 was to conduct a village survey. We really are in the final stages of producing this and it will be available on-line soon (possibly before you read this); we won’t be disenfranchising those who don’t have computers – you will have your chance to have your say too. Keep a look out for further details. PLANNING & ENVIRONMENT fhra-planning-environment@ f l a c k w e l l h e a t h . n e t Carolyn Leonard, Tel. 01628 526512 RESERVE SITES The first meetings of both the Abbey Barn South & North and the Gomm Valley/Ashwells Liaison groups have taken place where the Terms of Reference for the Liaison Groups were discussed. Initially the Abbey Barn group will concentrate on Abbey Barn South. The Gomm Valley/Ashwells workshop was really interesting with each of the groups coming to very similar conclusions as to how to develop the site so there would still be an attractive green look to it from all directions, including from this side of the valley. Discussions were very inclusive of all participants. By the time you read this the Abbey Barn South & North workshop will have taken place; however the Wycombe Infrastructure workshop is not until 7 March, so there should still be time to register for it. I understand the morning is likely to focus on roads and the afternoon on other infrastructure. You do need to register to attend: e-mail: team@wycombe-reserve-sites. org or phone: Riccardo Bobisse on 02032 908979. Joe Griffin TV AERIAL SERVICES Poor Reception Solved - Aerials repaired & supplied TVs - Hung on your wall for you. Also supplied & tuned Extra TV Points - For aerial and Sky (In HD!) Sky TV - Also Foreign Language TV Call Marlow 01628 439115 A part of OSTEOPATHIC CLINIC Michael Thornton ND, DO Treatment for pain in the back, neck, shoulders, knees and hips Sports injuries and headaches 25 Heath End Road 01494 433072 or 07799713117 Methodists Sunday Live - Sunday 8 March Lively worship for young families and the young at heart, led by Rev David Miller. Food from 10.15am, Service begins at 11.00am. Time Out for Busy Mums - Tues.10 March 9.30-11.30am. (Crèche available - wallisrands@ to book a place) Red Nose/Comic Relief Dance Night Fun for all the Family! Saturday 14 March at 6.30pm. Come to supper and join in the dancing to raise funds for Comic Relief. Wear something RED and SILLY to add to the fun - and make a donation for this worthy charity! Girls’ Brigade Enrolment Service Tues.17 March at 6.00pm and gathering darkness following Jesus’ journey to the Cross. Our girls and their leaders re-dedicate themselves to the work of the Company. Everyone is warmly welcome to join in this special occasion. Meditation for Good Friday - 3 April at 9.30am led by Rev David Miller. Sunday Club - Sunday 22 March at 10.30am-12 noon For children aged 3-11. Followed by Church Family Lunch at 12.45pm to which all are warmly invited. United Celebrate Service - Sunday 29 March - PALM SUNDAY at 6.30pm. A service of Prayer and Praise with live music, where people of Christ Church and the Roman Catholic community in Flackwell and also Methodist people in the High Wycombe Circuit join together for worship. Led by Rev David Miller. Tenebrae Service for Holy Week Wednesday 1 April at 8.00pm led by Rev David Miller. A service by candlelight This Easter... Give yourself a moment to reconnect with the Easter Story: Christ Church now has three services EVERY Sunday: a 9.00am more traditional Holy Communion service with hymns; a 10.30am more contemporary service with a mixture of styles and a full range of children’s and youth groups, and a 6.30pm quieter evening service to end the day. There is something for everyone. Palm Sunday (29 March): Palm Crosses will be distributed during our 9.00am and 10.30am Holy Communion services. Do visit our Church website for details of Sunday talks on ‘The Jesus who…’ was born, lived, died, rose again and will come again’ (Speaker: Eddie Arthur), and our first Sunday all-age services ‘Hair-raising Beastly Bible Stories!’ Maundy Thursday (2 April): 8.00pm Holy Communion and Foot-washing. Boys v Girls Pancake Bake-Off Challenge (7 March): A Christ Church Masterchef (fairtrade) fun event for children and their adults. Booking is required. Lent Quiet Morning (11 March): Two guided talks and plenty of space for personal reflection, from 9.30am to 1.00pm. Mothering Sunday (15 March) Paulin and Luli Vilajti, our Mission Partners from Albania, will be with us at both morning services, where we shall also be presenting mums with flowers to say ‘thank you’. Monday 30 March to Easter Eve ~ Saturday 4 April: 9.00am: a half-hour Morning Prayer service for each day of Holy Week, with a ‘Thought for the Day’. Good Friday (3 April): 11.00am to 1.00pm: TGI Friday – a creative Easter Story event for children; and 12noon to 1.00pm: Devotional Service for adults. Good Friday Messy Church and Tea - 3 April at 3.30pm for young families. Our usual worship services continue as usual on Sundays at 11.00am and 6.30pm. Our weekly Fellowship groups meet together on Wednesday evenings and Thursday mornings, Play and Praise on Friday mornings for young families and Coffee mornings on Saturdays for everyone between 10.00-12noon. Please join us for a Time and Place for Prayer on Saturday mornings between 10.30-11.30am. Please go to our church website : www. for times and contact information. Grapevine Subs Time! The annual subscription to The Grapevine is now due. Cost, same as last year, is £5 standard, £4 concession (over 60 years) and £2 email add-on for far-flung family and friends. Please pay your Road Rep, who will put a reminder slip through your door; cheques made payable to the Flackwell Heath Community Association please, or cash. Prompt payment would be most helpful. Any profits go to the Community Association. Contact details for The Grapevine are on the back page. Easter Day (5 April): 9.00am: Holy Communion with coffee and homemade cakes afterwards; 10.30am: Easter Family Holy Communion with Easter Egg Hunt; and 6.30pm: Easter Songs of Praise – Christians in Flackwell Heath gather at Christ Church to celebrate, renew & refresh their Easter faith. Call Stephen for all your electrical work: More details of events and services are available from the website (www. and the Church Office in Chapel Road: 01628 533004 (9.00am – 1.00pm Monday to Friday). 01628 850968 07790 546975 • Interior & Exterior wiring • • Upgrades & repairs • • Outside security lights • • Emergency service • email: member of Elecsa • CRB checked 3 Neighbourhood Watch News March 2015 TVAlerts - Website: www. TVAlerts are messages sent out to our area by Thames Valley Police from the Wycombe Police Station advising of crimes in the district, providing safety and security information, details of ‘missing persons’, etc. All members of Neighbourhood Watch schemes have access to these messages, either via their scheme coordinator or by personal registration with the TVAlerts system. However, as the system principally uses e-mail to communicate these messages, it is vital that you let us know of any change in your e-mail address. You can do this by logging on to your personal account with TVAlerts, or by telling your scheme coordinator – or myself. If you do NOT have an e-mail account, you can also receive TVAlerts by voicemail, but again it is essential that you advise us of any change to your phone number(s). [There are currently restrictions on the number of messages being sent out as a result of staff changes at Wycombe.] Cybercrime This is one of the fastest growing types of crime and includes ‘Phishing’ (e-mail crime) and ‘Vishing’ (telephone crime). Cybercrime is either ‘Internetdependent’ (only possible via the Internet) or ‘Internet-enabled’ (extending the scope of ‘traditional’ crime via the Internet). There have been reports of local residents being ‘conned’ out of substantial sums of money by these devious criminals. In many cases, they operate from outside the UK which makes it very difficult to track them down and prosecute them successfully. Cybercrime is now extending its unpleasant tentacles into the ‘social networking’ arena, attempting to exploit any weaknesses in Facebook, Twitter, etc. or trying to ‘persuade’ the victim to reveal personal data for identity theft or worse. Crime Statistics Although the latest published ‘Crime Survey for England & Wales (CSEW)’ is now a couple of years old, it shows quite clearly that mobile phones are the most common item involved in ‘Theft from a person’, and bicycles and computers the most common item taken in burglary. However, the 4 survey shows substantial falls in property crime, with levels having fallen by half since they peaked in the mid-1990s. This significant fall has been driven by large reductions in very common crimes such as vandalism, vehiclerelated theft and burglary. While these high volume crime types continue to show falls, in contrast, recent trends show increases in the lower volume (less common) personal theft offences such as ‘theft from the person’ recorded by the police. (Source: CSEW published by the ONS, May 2013) Home Security Booklet I have a stock of this useful little booklet on Crime Prevention produced by Thames Valley Police. Contact me if you would like a copy. For further information on these topics or about Neighbourhood Watch, contact: David Gresswell Area Co-ordinator, Flackwell Heath Tel: 525019 e-mail: Police General & Non-emergency number: 101 Public Safety Team (Anti-social behaviour): 01494 421087 Crimestoppers (Anonymous): 0800 555 111 Trading Standards (Consumer Direct): 0845 4 04 05 06 ACTION FRAUD: 0300 123 2040 NEW NHS: 111 (replacing NHS Direct) Friends of Juniper Hill Nearly New Sale of Child - Related Items Sunday 22 March 11am – 3pm at the School Flackwell Amblers If you would like to join us on Sunday 22 March, The Flackwell Amblers will be going for a walk at Burnham Beeches. We will be meeting at the ex-Budgen’s car park at 10.00am. This walk will last approximately 2 hours and is undertaken at your own risk. Please wear walking boots or strong shoes. N.B. This walk may be subject to change at short notice due to prevailing weather conditions. (Parking charge will apply). The next date for your diary is Sunday 26 April. C. Barker Ken Ross gets MBE Ken Ross is well known in Flackwell, Wycombe District and Buckinghamshire through his activities in local politics and charities. In the New Year Honours List he was granted the MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire) for this service. Ken has, of course, been recognised for his service in other ways – he's an Alderman and a Deputy Lieutenant for the County, but this is special. He now matches his wife Nancie, who received her MBE in 2006 for her work with Age Concern and the Day Centre. The Palace says this is an unusual double; couples are quite often recognised together for some joint service, but not for activity in separate fields. The investiture is in July, and we hope to have more on this story then. DON THE HANDYMAN QUALIFIED PLUMBER AND TRADESMAN LOCAL AND RELIABLE SERVICE • General property maintenance, including the little things that need fixing • Bathroom refurbishments a speciality • Your DIY problems solved! Please call to see how I can help 07957 490142 Flackwell Heath Community Library More than just a Library – it’s a Community When you come into the Flackwell Heath Community Library you will immediately realise that there is a difference compared with a ‘traditional’ library. This is because it is completely run by our very friendly volunteers who all enjoy meeting and chatting to people and will go out of their way to be helpful. The volunteers are doing this because they want to help the community, so it is more of a vocation rather than a job. As a voluntary activity it’s got a lot going for it. It is interesting work and is a great opportunity to meet people – plus, you get to choose your own hours. In addition to issuing and returning books, it’s helping find: which library branches have a copy of a book; what books have been written by a specific author; what eBooks are available or any number of other enquiries…..the answer is we’ve got time for you. After almost 3 years of operating as a community library, our volunteers have commented that we also have very friendly users, who understand, and appreciate, that we are all volunteers striving to provide a library service to the local community. Flackwell Heath & Loudwater Local History Group Monday 16 March 7.30pm Flackwell Heath Library Early Schooling in Flackwell & Loudwater Do you remember your first few years at school? The school children of today have technology at their fingertips. How different this is to the school years of our youth. If we were to go back to the 1800’s, where our talk begins, schooling would have been very different indeed. Mike Dewey will present the history of the early schools in the two villages The Infants School building, Straight Bit, Flackwell from the early 1800’s up to Heath. C 1930 Courtesy of the Bucks Free Press the 1940’s. The research •The schools in the Great War and is from a number of sources including WW2 newspapers and original school Jane Dunsterville will role play documents. reminiscences of some of the villagers During this illustrated talk, using recalling their time at the two schools. photographs and images from the original Logbooks and Registers, Mike If you were a pupil at either school and can come along to share your memories will consider you would be most welcome. •How schooling moved from a local Tickets at £5 ( £3 for Friends of the to a national issue FHCL ) from Flackwell Heath library. •The problems involved in establishing the two national (Please note this is a ticket only event and will not be available at the door) schools • Staffing at the schools So, come and talk to our volunteers and see what is available at the friendly Flackwell Heath Community library. You can just come in and read the daily paper if you want! Or if you would like to meet more people and help the community then talk to us about being a volunteer. The library is a community resource which can also be booked for meetings and events. Just call in at the library to find out more. Wednesday 11 Flackwell Forum, Library, 8pm, see page 6. Flackwell Heath Community Library, Chapel Road, Flackwell Heath, HP10 9AA April Tel: 0845 230232 e m a i l : f h c l @ f l a ck w e l l h e a t h . n e t web: Dates For Your Diary March Monday 16 Local History Group Talk on Flackwell Heath and Loudwater Infant and Junior Schools, see page 5. Sunday 22 Juniper School Nearly New Sale of children's items. 11am – 3pm at the School, see page 4. Monday 30 FH Residents' Association AGM at British Legion, 7.30pm. Wednesday 1 Annual Parish Meeting at Christ Church, 7pm, see page 1 Thursday 16 FH Community Association AGM in Sarney Room, Community Centre. Thursday 16 Banjovi Concert in Royal British Legion 5 Flackwell Forum We have now held 3 meetings of this Forum, where all groups and individuals in our village community are invited to be part of an information gathering and sharing group. Representatives from the Parish Council, Police, Community and Residents Associations, Library, Scouts, Churches, W.I., Community Groups, Bucks Free Press and others have come together to seek ways for letting our residents know all about what goes on for all age-groups. The next meeting of Flackwell Forum will be held on Wednesday 11 March in The Community Library at 8.00pm. Everyone is welcome to join that meeting either to hear what's available or to share information about an activity in which others may be interested. We look forward to seeing you. Contact 07979 541874 Vicky Everitt Flackwell Heath Women’s Institute 2015 is the Centenary Year for the Women’s Institute nationally. The Annual General Meeting in June will be a special celebration. The Royal Albert Hall, the traditional venue, can only accommodate one delegate per two Institutes, so the proceedings will be streamed over the Internet. There was a possibility, if there was sufficient interest nationally, that it might be shown live on large screens at local cinemas. When Flackwell Evening WI heard this, and that the Bucks County Federation felt unable to be involved, they saw an opportunity. If they hired the smallest ‘screen’ at Cineworld, could they find about 200 WI members to fill it? With a slight gulp, they went ahead – bookings rolled in, and they upped their desired ‘screen’ twice. Currently they have about 300 bookings and very few spare seats. At last on 18 February the go-ahead came from National. A great initiative from Flackwell Heath Evening WI and especially their President, Barbara Dickinson! Morning WI Ashton Opticians O P T O M E T R I S T S 1 Acorn House, 12-16 Straight Bit, Flackwell Heath We had an almost full house of members in February to hear our speaker, Jane Dunsterville (a local resident), who was very suitably attired in Victorian costume. She described the many changes in lifestyle brought about by the Industrial Revolution. It gave many women opportunities for employment for the first time, even if life could still be hard. In March we will have a demonstration of Japanese flower arranging, and now that spring is almost here, perhaps our gardens will produce suitable material with which to practise. Evening WI Chilly, dark and wet here – what better than an evening in Africa! Our speakers, Mark and Jacky Bloomfield, are wild life photographers; last year we heard about the local natural world, this time it was the hot, dry plains of the Masai Mara reserve in Kenya. They showed us some beguiling pictures – even a young hyena can be appealing – and explained how the migration of the huge herds of wildebeest keeps the grass down and the forest at bay, allowing other savannah species to flourish. We congratulated the overall winners of the competitions in 2014: Wendy Mander for the general competition and Jackey Hill for Bloom of the Month. Next month, a complete contrast with ‘Grandma Flew Spitfires’ by Richard Poad. PRIVATE AND NHS EYE EXAMINATIONS SPECTACLES & CONTACT LENSES Your independent practice in Flackwell Heath for value, style and personal service LADY PAINTER & DECORATOR Painting & Wallpapering 01628 530420 NO JOB TOO SMALL Partners: Mr. M. W. Ashton BSc.(Hons), MCOptom, Mrs R.V. Ashton BSc.(Hons),MCOptom M artin V e h i c l e s e r V i c i n g 0771 4420772 / 01494 716441 Your LocaL MoT speciaLisT A friendly family run business with 30 years experience Adams Servicing all cars, new and old also light commercial vehicles. 01628 850000 email: 6 Your Local Tree Surgeon Office: 01628 533355 Mobile: 07748 314950 Email: CHATTELWORTH LIMITED CW All general building work plus Full Decorating Service Purpose-Made Joinery Maintenance Free Products First class service at competitive prices Call now for a no obligation estimate Local Authority Approved • General car repairs and maintenance • Free courtesy car available • Tyres, exhausts and batteries supplied and fitted • Latest diagnostic equipment for all makes of vehicle • Air conditioning service available Alexander House, Wessex Industrial Estate, Bourne End, Bucks, SL8 5DT M artin V e h i c l e s e r V i c i n g Ada ms 95a Queens Road, High Wycombe, Bucks HP13 6AH Tel/fax 01494 461544 Pigeon House Farm The 2014 Harvest at Pigeon House Farm was not out of the ordinary. The quality of the grain met the standards, the weather was only a bit difficult and there were the normal delays with the haulage. It had been pleasing to see that the farm wildlife was surviving well and that the environmental margins had set enough seed and grasses to support the smaller wildlife including birds, mice and shrews etc. The bases of the hedges too, looked sufficient to hold the yellowhammers which would nest there readily when left undisturbed. We could also see that the stubbles contained enough spent seed and grass and weed stems to provide habitat and feed for the hares and skylarks. But there was one difference – it was the last harvest that the Smith family would carry out at Pigeon House Farm as Ivan had decided to retire from farming. Our family had farmed at Pigeon House since the early 1900’s and Ivan was the fourth generation of the family to farm there as a tenant farmer on the Carington Estate. Our Great Grandparents, John and Eliza Smit had farmed in Flackwell Heath on their own land (now The Meadows and Recreation Ground) and they and two generations before them had also been tenants on Estate land in Flackwell. John Smith also worked at Kings Mill in Loudwater. He was a Sunday School Teacher at the Wesleyan Methodist Church for 37 years and the Parish Constable of the High Wycombe portion of Flackwell Heath for 10 years. Pigeon House Farm dates back to the 16th century. The lands had for nearly 350 years belonged to St Mary’s Priory at Well End (where Abbotsbrook now is). In 1535 Commissioners acting for Thomas Cromwell, on behalf of Henry VIII, visited the priory and before leaving had, with the agreement of the prioress, dismissed the Nuns and put in place the dissolution of the Priory. In December 1537, Henry granted the priory and lands to Elizabeth Restwold of Hedsor including a field called Grete Flackwell. The first part of the farmhouse that we see now was constructed about then. The farm had seen other long serving tenants before our family, such as between 1818 and 1853 when a tenant farmer named William Wethered used Pigeon House Farm as a base to farm much of the land from between Minchins Farm, (Loudwater Station) over Photo: Jim Fanning the hill to Well End and from between Northern Woods Farm to Daws Hill. Mr Wethered died at the farm aged only 62. The 2014 Harvest was the 57th that Ivan and I had worked on - we began helping on the farm in 1957 when our Father, Noel, gained the tenancy and we moved there from Flackwell aged 8 and 9. We fed the calves, pigs and hens in the early morning before walking up across Copen Acre to Flackwell each school day – we knew if we were early or late for the bus because we could expect to see Joe Weedon at the corner of Chapel Road and Sedgmoor, by the old allotments, as he returned from Wilkes Stores after delivering his fresh cut produce. The bus to Wycombe left from the stop near what was the Green Man side gate. Treadaway Hill was very narrow then and if occasionally the bus was overloaded, some schoolchildren were asked to get off and rejoin near the railway crossing at the bottom of the hill. It was a normal Thames Valley bus service – no such thing as a school bus then. We wonder if the other Flackwell boys that used to block the pavement at the bus stop with us are retiring now. When Ivan left school he undertook his agricultural training at Spade Oak Farm, gaining experience before returning to Pigeon House and then later farming on his own account when our Father retired. In deciding to retire, Ivan considered that, because the European Common Agricultural Policy was undergoing major reform and improvement for 2015, it would be necessary to undertake a new agreement which would be best done when able to commit for the medium to long term. Much of the environmental stewardship that Ivan and other farmers on the Estate carried out voluntarily has now been written into the reformed Common Agricultural Policy and also now, encouragement is to be given by Defra to support younger entrants into farming. The average age of farmers was quoted by Eurostat in 2005 as being 58 years with 25% being older than 65 years. Another factor was that, after a very brief rally, commodity prices had fallen yet again to below the cost of production, with no signs of any improvement being given on the futures markets. We all continue to live in the main farm cottages, with our Father still in his cottage across the farmyard, but the land has now been returned to the Carington family who are farming it directly themselves. Our transition from ‘working on the farm’ to ‘retired on the farm’ was made easy for us by the Estate and we are looking forward to many years quiet enjoyment. Ray Smith Editor's note: the spelling of the Carrington name varies according to the precise context, whether family or (which) peerage. 7 Spring is here... Summer is right behind... Time to go for a walk Express Videos & Off License Hundreds of DVDs now only £1 per night So why not treat yourself to a bottle of wine, a good DVD and a quiet night in? • Quality beers wines and spirits with 10% off most wines and the cheapest cigarettes in Flackwell Heath Tobacco, newspapers, sweets, snacks, Paypoint – pay bills and mobile top ups We are fortunate to live right on the edge of the countryside and are surrounded by footpaths that are well maintained by the Chilterns Path Maintenance Volunteers and the Bucks CC Rights of Way Team. Walking on our paths appeals to all ages and as part of improving access the Parish Council - ever mindful of the health benefits of walking - has created another green footpath taking walkers and runners off a dangerous, fast, busy road. It runs alongside Heath End Road towards, although not (yet) as far as, the motorway bridge. See sketch map. Sponsored by both Chepping Wycombe and Little Marlow Parish Councils, 3 Straight Bit 9am - 11pm every day 01628 298224 Age Concern Day Centre Flackwell Heath require a General Member of Staff (paid) with funding from the Bucks CC Chepping Wye Valley Local Community Partnership, the new footpath mimics another completed three years ago: the popular green footpath down Sheepridge. Monday to Thursday 10am – 2pm No experience needed The result is now a joined-up network of circular routes down the hillside and to the River Thames. For info. ring 01628 526113 Jeff Herschel Flackwell Heath Community Association Divorce | Conveyancing | Commercial | Employment | Wills | Probate | Litigation | Elderly Client Buchanans Solicitors can assist with all the above and more. We are a friendly, modern law firm which offers a broad range of services and aims to deliver clear advice promptly and cost effectively. Call Sam Buchanan or Nick Rees (Family Law specialist) for a no obligations chat on 01628 810 707 Now providing specialist Fam ily and Divorce leg al advice – please contac t our Nick Ree s in confidence Swains House, Swains Lane, Flackwell Heath, Buckinghamshire HP10 9BN Chairman: Chris Cramer 01628 526129 Secretary Chris Thomas 01628 520361 Treasurer Val Weston 01628 523213 Centre bookings Denise Anstey, 07903 070503 Keyholder Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (No. 00469169) A1 TAXI SERVICE 01628 851466 851466 01628 01494 441000 441000 01494 Flackwell Heath & surrounding area HighWycombe & surrounding area 4 - 6 - 8 Seater Vehicles Available Minimum Fare From £3.50 Airports - Seaports - London Theatres Express Video Shop Reg Charity No. 1044870 Grapevine Editor: Sue Arnautov 58, Chapman Lane, Flackwell Heath, HP10 9BD • 01628 523907 Tim Kendell • 01628 521149 Delivery: Pauline Cooper 01628 522562 Design: Subscriptions: M Patel 01628 528101 The Grapevine is printed by Spot On Print using vegetable inks on Revive silk recycled paper, FSC certified and totally chlorine free. 8
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