April 2016 - The Friends of the Templeton Elders
April 2016 - The Friends of the Templeton Elders
News for the 50+ April 2016 The Newsletter of the Recycled Youth of Templeton & Phillipston Council on Aging, Senior Community Center & Food Pantry 978.894.2780 16 Senior Drive (off Bridge Street), Baldwinville, MA 01436 Upcoming Events Call for reservations on the first of the month, unless otherwise noted. 978-894-2780 A Musical Journey through the Years Friday, April 1, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the Senior Center. Entertainer/singer Tommy Rull performs Elvis, Sinatra and others. Must register by March 28! Appetizers & mocktails. Out to Lunch? Wednesday, April 6, Mountain Room at Monty Tech. Limited seating! MUST register even if don’t need COA Van. Saving the Village Clock Monday, April 11, at 1 p.m. at SCC. Slide presentation on the rescue of the 1872 clock in the old Baptist Church in Baldwinville by the Narragansett Historical Society. New Craft — Spring Pin Tuesday, April 12, at 1 p.m. at SCC. Lorna Stone from Heywood Commons returns to lead us in making a spring pin from clay. She’ll provide all the materials! Tower Hill Botanical Garden Friday, April 15, with lunch at Twigs Café. It all depends on the weather, but we might see daffodils! On the Appalachian Trail Friday, April 22, 1 p.m. at SCC. Dianne LeBlanc, wife of our dispatcher Don, walked the trail last summer. She’ll show a film on the AT and tell her story. May Day Celebration Saturday, April 30, 1-4 p.m., Otter River Sportsman’s Club, Templeton. Great intergenerational activity! Make a May basket and more. Narragansett Historical Society. FOOD PANTRY NOW OPEN AT NEW LOCATION The Templeton / Phillipston Food Pantry is now open at its new quarters at the rear of the Templeton Senior Community Center, 16 Senior Dr., off Bridge Street, Baldwinville. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Message from Dianna showers bring May flowers … April Listen! Can you hear them? I can hear it. The birds are chirping. Oh, what a glorious sound. Have you started working the ground yet for your garden? I can hardly wait for the last frost so I can start planting. I love spring … shhh! Don’t tell anybody – I love summer, winter and autumn, too! I especially love yellow begonias. My deck will have lots of them this year … and watch out! The bears are out of hibernation. On a more serious note, we have to ask you to call and let us know if you are attending an activity here at the Templeton Senior Community Center. I almost did not rent the movie for February because only one person signed up. Low and behold, there were at least eight people here to see the movie. Hmmm. Please let us know if you want to come so that we know what to expect. We don’t want to double book a room. You see, if we don’t know you are coming, we don’t prepare, and we aren’t the ones who will be disappointed – that would be you. We try to have all kinds of goodies for you, including popcorn and other concession treats. HAPPY SPRING! Dianna Morrison, Director, Templeton Council on Aging SWEETHEART TREATS We need volunteers to bake sweet breads, cookies, brownies, etc., some sugar-free, as gifts for widowers who miss those special treats once cooked by their sweethearts. Call us at 978.894.2783 if you can help. Thanks! April 2016 Page 2 Templeton / Phillipston Food Pantry 16 Rear Senior Dr., Baldwinville, MA 01436 elderly-familyservices@templeton1.org Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9 a.m.– 1 p.m. Serving Templeton & Phillipston A friendly reminder to everyone … The Templeton / Phillipston Food Pantry has moved to 16 Senior Dr. Rear, off Bridge Street, in Baldwinville. Don’t forget to bring in your new application or call Sue at the Templeton Senior Community Center to receive one. 978.894.2780. We appreciate your donations. First Church of Templeton Holy Cross Church The Lord’s Church Memorial Congregational Church New Hope Bible Chapel St. Martin’s Church St. Martin’s CCD Students St. Vincent de Paul Church Templeton, E. Templeton & Baldwinville Post Offices Phillip & Lucille Harris Von & Patricia Duey Pat Gale Price Chopper The Kitchen Garden Stop & Shop Sharon Manty Ed & Kathy King Rita Stowell Deb Cameron Cheryl Helen Gardner Elks #1426 Susan Turcotte Wish Lists Food Bank: Cereal, fruit, juice and muffin mix. Senior Center: Stamps, coffee cups with lids, and hot chocolate. 20th ANNUAL SENIOR ART EXHIBIT Does your muse call? The theme for this year’s exhibit, sponsored by the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, is “Paint Your Favorite Memory.” Open to all citizens 62 and older, works should represent personal interpretations of the theme. All media accepted. Sizes 5x7 inches minimum; 18x24 inches maximum. Entries will be displayed at the Commonwealth Museum, Boston. Deadline for entries is July 1. Call 978.894.2780 for more information. TENNIS ANYONE? WANTED: A member of the Senior Center is looking for a Senior Tennis Partner. $5 for two-hour court time at Franklin Pierce College, Rindge, N.H. Email Connie at racquette10@hotmail.com. Elderly & Family Services Sue LaJoie, Elderly & Family Services 978.894.2781 elderly-familyservices@templeton1.org SPRING IS HERE Spring is here and with it comes spring cleaning. How many people have stacks of paperwork and don’t know which and how long documents should be kept. I was wondering this myself, so I researched and came up with the following guidelines: Bank Deposit Slips – Dispose after you reconcile your statements. Banking Statements – Dispose after a calendar year; keep with tax returns if they will be used to support deductions. Brokerage, 401(K), Keogh and Other Investment Statements – Dispose monthly and quarterly statements as you receive new ones and hold onto the statements until you sell the investments. Credit Card Bills – Dispose after you check and pay the bills unless you need them to support tax documents. Household Warranties and Receipts – Dispose when you no longer own the item. Insurance Policies – Dispose the old once you renew them. Investment purchase confirmations and 1099s – Keep until you sell and then keep with tax records for seven years. Pay Stubs – Dispose after you check them with your W-2. Receipts – Dispose after double checking with statement unless needed for a warranty. Utility Bills – Dispose after one year unless needed for tax purposes. Saving Bonds – Cash them in when they mature. Social Security Statements – Dispose the old when you get a new one. Tax Returns and supporting documents – Keep seven years. Life Insurance Policies – Never or dispose when a term policy has ended. Loan Documents – Dispose after you sell what the loan was for. Birth and Death Certificates – NEVER! Wills – NEVER! Marriage License and Divorce Decrees – Never. Military Discharge Papers – Never Well, I hope this helps out. Remember to shred your personal documents and dispose of them safely. April 2016 News From SHINE Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone For assistance regarding health insurance questions & information, contact our Templeton COA SHINE Counselor or call SHINE directly at 1.800.243.4636, press option 3. www.shinema.org. NOTE: SHINE appointments normally are scheduled at the Templeton Senior Community Center on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month between 9 a.m. and noon. What is SHINE? The SHINE program (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone) is a state health insurance assistance program that provides free health insurance information, counseling and assistance to Massachusetts residents with Medicare and their caregivers. The SHINE program is administered by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs in partnership with elder service agencies, social services, community-based agencies and Councils on Aging. COA VAN Regularly Scheduled Trips Community Supper Memorial Congregational Church, Baldwinville Offered on the 1st Monday of the month is a free dinner and a fun evening out with friends. April 4. Pick up begins at 4 p.m., serving continuously from 5-6 p.m. Call to reserve transportation on COA Van. Donations welcome. Winchendon Lunches — Lunch costs $3 a person. Pick up begins at 10:30 a.m. to travel to our neighbor at the Winchendon Senior Center for lunch. Offered every Tuesday and Thursday unless otherwise noted. Page 3 Friends of the Templeton Elders H ello, Friends! Spring is in the air — but murder is, too! You are on the set of the popular soap opera, The Numb and the Breathless. They are starting the production of the "Killer Script". Come see what happens Saturday, May 7, at the American Legion, Baldwinville. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. sharp. Tickets are $40 each, but you can save $20 by buying a table for eight. You can buy tickets at the Senior Center pay for them online at www.templetonelders.org/donations via Paypal, email templetonelders@gmail.com, or call Chris at 978.410.5204 or Kath-e 978.618.4984. You deserve a night out! We are deep into planning our Mac N Cheese Festival on the Templeton Common Saturday, July 9. This year, we're going to have a SUPERHERO theme. Come dressed (or bring) your favorite superhero and join in the superhero parade! Gather your family and save the date now. Call me today if you can help or have ideas for superhero games, contacts, a band that will be in the parade or crafts to sell. We need a great turnout and lots of volunteers as the proceeds will go toward a $50,000 wheelchair lift so the downstairs at the Senior Center will be accessible to all. Our Friends Board of Directors meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. to discuss operations, fundraising ideas and building status. We are in need of four new members. Won't you join us at our next meeting, Wednesday, April 20, at 6:30 p.m. to see what we do. Our goal is to assist with the design and operations of the SCC for the benefit of all. Isn't that what we all want? Email me at templetonelders@gmail.com. Happy Spring! Gail Noel, President Meetings: Friends Social Hour: April 1, 15 and 29 at 10 a.m. at Senior Center. Friends BOD: Wednesday, April 20, at 6:30 p.m., SCC. 4 1:00 1:00 5:00 Golden Agers Pitch Playing Free Community Supper* Memorial Cong Church HDM Mulligatwny Soup MONDAY WEDNESDAY 9-1 10:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 5 HDM Food Pantry at SCC 9:30 Winchendon Lunch* 10:45 Coloration Crew COA Board Mtg Jewelry Making* 12:30 HDM Grld Chk Breast 6 7 Food Pantry at SCC Creative Stitchers Winchendon Lunch* Cribbage Diners Club* Fireside Bar & Grill HDM Chicken Divan THURSDAY 9-1 10:00 Monty Tech 10:30 Lunch 11:30 a.m. 1:00 Bingo 5:30 Wood Carvers OUT TO LUNCH* Ham/Cheese Bake EMAIL? Want our newsletter via email? It’s faster and saves us money. Call 978.894.2783. TUESDAY Call Dianna at 978.894.2780 for the advertising size that suits your business. You are sure to grab attention for your business. More than 1,700 newsletters mailed monthly and more than 200 newsletters sent electronically. 1 8 Noon POTLUCK LUNCH / APRIL BIRTHDAYS* HDM Meatloaf JOURNEY THRU YEARS* 10:00 Friends Social Hr 1:00 Line Dancing* 6:30 A MUSICAL HDM Mac & Cheese FRIDAY Registration is necessary for all activities marked with an asterisk. (*) Please remember to CALL in advance to participate. This will help us to continue to plan great social events and activities. Look for the asterisk (*). Advertising in the Senior Community Center’s Newsletter can work for you. April 2016 HELP US HELP YOU! SCC CLOSED Patriot’s Day Pitch 1:00 9-1 9-4 10:30 1:00 26 Coloration Crew (Best Marigold Hotel) Food Pantry at SCC Nail & Reflexology Winchendn Lunch* MOVIE MADNESS* HDM Beef Patty 50 Pine Street ▪ Gardner, MA ▪ 978-632-8292 www.hwcommons.com 9:30 12:30 HDM Wood Carvers Bingo Bkd Ckn Breast 27 Wood Carvers Bingo NEW CRAFT* Memo Board (Mary Alm) Friends BOD 9:30 12:30 6:00 Food Pantry at SCC Computer Skills Winchendn Lunch* RECIPE SWAP* Coloration Crew Jewelry Making* 9-1 10:00 10:30 11:30 1:00 2:00 6:30 Roast Beef au Jus 20 HDM 19 Bingo Grld Chk Breast Coloration Crew (Heywood Commons) 12:30 Wood Carvers Grld Ckn Breast 13 HDM 1:00 Winchendn Lunch* SPRING PIN CRAFT* Food Pantry at SCC 9:30 Nails / Reflexology 9-1 9-4 10:30 1:00 HDM Penne w/Meat 12 HDM To schedule a tour or for more information, please call Lorna Stone at 978-632-8292. 1:00 25 18 SAVING THE VILLAGE CLOCK* (Historical Society) Pitch Book Club* HDM Salmon Fillet 1:00 6:00 1:00 HDM Chicken Kielbasa 11 28 Food Pantry at SCC SHINE Appts. Creative Stitchers Winchendn Lunch* Veterans Lunch* Cribbage 6:00 Vets’ Meeting, AL 9-1 9-12 10:00 10:30 11:30 1:00 HDM Shepherd’s Pie Food Pantry at SCC 10:00 MARKET BASKET Creative Stitchers 1:00 APPALACHIAN Winchendn Lunch* TRAIL* Cribbage (Dianne LeBlanc) 1:00 30 MAY DAY CELEBRATION* Otter River Sportsman’s Club SATURDAY 10:00 Friends Social Hr 11:30 RODEO Club* Mountain Room Restaurant at Monty Tech HDM Tomato Flor Soup 29 HDM Swedish Meatballs 9-1 10:00 10:30 1:00 22 Broccoli Bake 21 Food Pantry at SCC 10:00 Friends Social Hr SHINE Appts. 10:00 TOWER HILL BOT GARDEN* Creative Stitchers Winchendn Lunch* Cribbage 1:00 Line Dancing* HDM Breaded Pollock 15 HDM 9-1 9-12 10:00 10:30 1:00 HDM Roasted Turkey 14 April 2016 Page 6 Templeton SCC Vans SCC Van Dispatcher: Don LeBlanc coadispatch@templeton1.org Call 978.894.2787 Local Shopping Trips Call by 12:30 p.m. at least a day prior to your trip to make your reservation. Transportation provided. Shared rides. Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Medical Trips Local — Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Out of Town — Monday-Friday: by Appointment Out of town medical appointments are taken on a first come, first served basis. Please book as early as possible. REMINDER! Parking in HANDICAPPED SPACES is ILLEGAL unless you have a Handicapped Placard or License Plate! Featured Events / Excursions Reservations required. First call basis. Please call on the first of the month, unless otherwise noted. 978.894.2780 A MUSICAL JOURNEY THROUGH THE YEARS Elvis will be in the building Friday, April 1, when singer/ entertainer Tommy Rull performs the songs of Presley, as well as Sinatra, Neil Diamond, Lou Rawls, Perry Como and other popular singers at a special evening program, "A Musical Journey through the Years," at 6:30 p.m. at SCC. Our dining room will resemble a night club lounge; we'll serve appetizers and sparkling beverages. Call by March 28 to reserve your spot! OUT TO LUNCH? One of our favorite eateries! The Mountain Room at Monty Tech, 1050 Westminster St., Fitchburg, Wednesday, April 6. Lunch at 11:30 a.m. Pick-up at 10:45 a.m. Limited seating, so you MUST call us to register, even if you’ll be driving yourself. Registration closes April 4. FIRM. SAVING THE VILLAGE CLOCK "Saving the Clock," a 45-minute slide presentation showcasing the removal of the 1872 E. Howard Tower Clock from the old Baptist Church in downtown Baldwinville before the church was demolished in 2013. The village clock had kept time in downtown Baldwinville for more than 100 years, even when damaged during the 1938 Hurricane. Brian Tanguay, local watchmaker and president of the Narragansett Historical Society of Templeton, will show the removal and restoration, and discuss future plans for this important town artifact. Monday, April 11, at 1 p.m. at SCC. NEW CRAFT — SPRING PIN Lorna Stone from Heywood Commons returns Tuesday, April 12, at 1 p.m. to lead us in making a spring pin with a clay backing. She’ll provide all the materials! TOWER HILL BOTANICAL GARDEN Join us Friday, April 15, for a stroll through the amazing Tower Hill Botanical Garden, Boylston; admission $7. Lunch at Twigs Café (about $10). Pickup 10 a.m. The daffodils MIGHT be in bloom – a spectacular site for spring. It all depends on the weather. ON THE APPALACHIAN TRAIL They called her “Neon” when she walked the Appalachian Trail last year during March through September, but we know her as Dianne LeBlanc, wife of our dispatcher Don. On Friday, April 22, at 1 p.m., Dianne will show a 45-minute film and talk about her 2,100-mile trek from Georgia to Maine. MAY DAY CELEBRATION A special intergenerational activity! Learn the history of May Day, make a May basket, and dance (or watch others dance) around the May Pole Saturday, April 30, from 1-4 p.m. at the Otter River Sportsman’s Club. Hosted by the Narragansett Historical Society. $5 per family. Refreshments available for purchase. April 2016 Arts & Crafts at Senior Center Coloration Crew – Tuesdays at 1 p.m. Come and relax with the newest craze, 3-D coloring! Jewelry Making – Call to register. Come try a new skill Tuesday, April 5 and 19, from 2-4 p.m. Wood Carvers Club – Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. Varying levels of experience welcome. New Craft Day – NEW DAY & TIME! Join us Wednesday, April 20, at 6 p.m. when Mary Alm will lead us in making a memo board. See sample in our lobby. Required supplies: cookie sheet (Mary’s preference), stove burner cover or cake pan. Fabric, paint or scrapbook paper of your choice. Ribbon for hanging or Command hanging strips that would hold about three pounds (these don't damage walls). Paper or small pieces of fabric for magnets. Call with questions. Other supplies provided. Creative Stitchers – Thursdays, 10 a.m. Counted cross-stitch, crocheting, knitting, needlepoint, sewing, etc. All levels welcome. Come with your questions for our veteran stitchers, and we’ll try to help. Lots of fun; good fellowship. Cards & Games at Senior Center Pitch – Mondays at 1 p.m. Beginner’s welcome. Golden Agers Bingo – Wednesdays from 12:303:30 p.m. $5 a year to join the Golden Agers. Bingo cards start at 50 cents. Cribbage – Thursdays at 1 p.m. All welcome. BILLIARDS – Any time! PITCH WINNERS Feb. 24 — 1st, Shirley Lavigne; 2nd, Paul Bisbee; 3rd, Louis Laliberty. Feb. 29 — 1st, John Whipple; 2nd, Jerry Racette; 3rd, Mary Copman. March 7 — 1st, T.D. Girouard; 2nd, Shirley Lavigne; 3rd, Pat Arsenault. March 14 — 1st, Shirley Lavigne; 2nd and 3rd tie, Paul Bisbee and Maury Lizotte. Veterans Service Officer John C. Caplis, Sgt. First Class, Retired veteransservices@templeton1.org Phone: 978.894.6971 Templeton Town Hall Monday/Thursday/Friday 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Page 7 On Going Activities MUST call 978.894.2780 to inquire or attend any Activities or Trips Social & Support Line Dancing Class – Friday, April 1 and 15, from 1-2:30 p.m. led by Don. Easy steps; fun; beginners welcome! Diners Club – 1st Thursday of every month at 5:30 p.m. Join this group for dinner Thursday, April 7, at Fireside Bar & Grill, 435 E Main St., Orange. Potluck Lunch / April Birthdays – 2nd Friday of the month, April 8, at noon. Bring a dish to share and join us! Bring your own special place setting, if you like, for a touch of Tangelwood. Don’t forget your pennies! We’ll celebrate April birthdays. Thank you to Baldwinville Skilled Nursing and Rehab for donating the cake! Book Club – Monday, April 11, at 6 p.m. Snacks. Newcomers welcome. April book: Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter. Computer Skills – Come to our library, use the computers and learn! Sign up for Larry’s computer class on Tuesday, April 19, at 10 a.m. Topic: BYOQ (Bring Your Own Questions). Recipe Swap – Bring your favorite dish and the recipe to share, and join us Tuesday, April 19, at 11:30 a.m. at SCC. We’ll print copies of your recipes for swapping. Call to join in the fun. Movie Madness with concession stand treats! Join us the last Tuesday of the month, April 26, at 1 p.m. for The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2012), a British comedy-drama featuring Judi Dench, Maggie Smith and other distinguished actors as a group of British pensioners moving to a retirement hotel in India, run by a young and eager manager. RODEO Club PLUS – Please call to join our Retired Old Dames for lunch Friday, April 29, at 11:30 a.m. at the Mountain Room at Monty Tech, 1050 Westminster St., Fitchburg. NEW TIME! Templeton Golden Agers – 1st & 3rd Mondays, except April 18 (Patriot’s Day), 1 p.m. New members welcomed; $5 annual dues. Veterans Lunch / Evening Group – Please join the Veteran’s Group for support and monthly meals and meetings on the last Thursday of the month, April 28. Vets’ Lunch at 11:30 a.m. at the Senior Community Center. Veterans Support Group at 6 p.m. at the American Legion, Baldwinville. All Vets welcomed! Please call John Caplis to attend at 978.894.6971. Call the COA Van at 978.894.2780 for transportation to the Vets’ Lunch. Parker House of Pizza 17 Pleasant Street, Gardner 978-632-9383 Reno’s Pizzeria 132A Patriots Road, E. Templeton 978-632-3200 Seniors 65+, bring this newsletter to Reno’s to receive a 10% Senior Discount! Friends of the Templeton Elders PO Box 85 East Templeton, MA 01438 Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 10 Templeton, MA 01468 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Susannah Whipps Lee Representative — 2nd Franklin District District Office: 978.895.9606 Email: Susannah.WhippsLee@mahouse.gov Templeton Council on Aging Staff Director Dianna Morrison coadirector@templeton1.org 978.894.2784 Food Pantry 978.894.2782 elderly-familyservices @templeton1.org Elderly & Family Services Sue Lajoie Custodian Thomas Bosworth elderly-familyservices@templeton1.org 978.939.2781 Van Dispatch Don LeBlanc 978.894.2787 coadispatch@templeton1.org Activities Coordinator Virginia Strahan coaactivities@templeton1.org Administrative Assistant Pamela Landry coabookkeeper@templeton1.org Meals on Wheels Drivers Russell Clark Bob Goguen Francis Couture Van Drivers Joe Arsenault Bill Buckler Francis Couture Ron Lewis Bob Goguen Russell Clark This newsletter is supported in part by the Executive Office of Elder Affairs. “The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year.” — Mark Twain COA Board of Directors Chairman, Priscilla LeClerc Vice Chairman, Carolyn Touchette Secretary, Leona DeGrace Members Charlene Arsenault Phyllis Dennis Associate Members Sandy Lafond Gene Denis Kathy King Dot McKellick Dan McKellick Elisa Chouinard Ann Marie Page Linda Thompson Pat Arsenault Alan Vincent Claudette Vincent WEATHER CANCELLATIONS When School has been closed or dismissed due to inclement weather, the Senior Center will cancel all activities, excursions, and COA Van transportation.
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