Senior Sentinel
Senior Sentinel
Senior Sentinel September 2014 The Newsletter of the Templeton Golden Social Center Templeton Council On Aging & Food Pantry 1-978-632-4592 135 Patriots Road, PO Box 244, East Templeton MA, 01438 Message From Bethany Upcoming Events This newsletter issue is dedicated to Richard Lefebvre, Call 978-632-4592 to Register who passed in August. Dick had recently retired from the Templeton COA where he had been delivering Meals on Vintage Engine & Classic Auto Show Wheels to our seniors for over a decade. Our thoughts and Saturday September 27th from 9 AM to 5 PM prayers are with his wife and family. Templeton Common He will truly be missed. Join the Narragansett Historical Society for a On another note, I need to clarify something that was said wonderful fall day on the common. View classic and antique cars, shop the swap meet area, and tour the at the August 4th Selectboard meeting when I asked on behalf of the Senior Center Building Oversight Committee museum. WGAW will be present and live music playing on the gazebo as The Thousand Acre Jazz to see if a debt exclusion would be placed on the ballot. Band performs jazz, swing and This debt exclusion would have been for one year to raise blues (courtesy of the Templeton the $101,000 needed to finish the main floor of the Senior Cultural Council). Visit the food Community Center. Because there were override votes tent and don’t forget to stop by going to be listed on the ballot, the Selectboard choose not the COA booth. to include the dept exclusion. During this discussion, Selectboard member Kenn Robinson stated that $100,000 Mya & a Movie for the new building would be a perfect use for free cash. Mya Visit 11:30 PM Since then, seniors have asked me about the new building Lunch 12:30 PM - optional $3 and why we are fundraising when free cash will be used to Movie 1:00 PM finance what is needed. The answer is that we are still Mya, the therapy dog visits the Senior Center twice a fundraising because the use of free cash for the new COA month to socialize with new people. After Mya is not likely. First, the tentative FY14 numbers do not leaves, we will have a pizza lunch and show a movie. show free cash to be anywhere near the amount of Tuesday, September 16th - Winter’s Tale, PG13 $100,000. Secondly, the town has a Capital Planning Starring Colin Farrell and Russell Committee that has met with all departments in need of Crow, this is a story of a thief who falls capital funds and created a list of recommended equipment for an heiress as she dies in his arms. in order of need. Necessary vehicles and equipment for the When he learns that he has the gift of highway, cemetery and police departments are just some of reincarnation, he sets out to save her. the items ahead of the new COA on that list. So, we continue to plug away at our capital campaign. Tuesday, September 30th - Draft Day, PG13 $101,000 is not an insurmountable amount of money. A At the NFL Draft, general manager tax deductable donation of about $25 per household would Sonny Weaver (Kevin Costner) has the make it possible for us to reach this goal. In the interim, opportunity to rebuild his team when he we will continue to hold fundraisers and seek donations trades for the number one pick. He must from individuals and businesses. Donations can be made decide what he's willing to sacrifice on a payable to the Friends of the Templeton Elders, PO Box life-changing day for a few hundred 85, East Templeton MA, 01438. For more information on young men with NFL dreams. building construction please see page 5. September 2014 Ways the COA staff can help: SNAP & Food Pantry Phone Wellness Checks Transportation File of Life Fuel Assistance Home Delivered Meals Friendly Visits Declaration of Homestead Housing Counseling RMV Disabled Placards Referrals for legal, home health aids, veterans’ services, financial planning, home repairs & more SNAP Facts SNAP Benefits to Increase Good news for SNAP recipients! October 1st marks the beginning of the federal government’s fiscal year and hence changes in many government programs including SNAP. They have announced a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) of 2.6% to be effective October 1st. This means the single senior who currently receives $189 can expect to receive $194 and the minimum benefit of $15 will increase to $16. Not a huge amount of extra money to spend at the supermarket, but every little bit helps our seniors. Letters are expected to be sent out later this month telling recipients about this increase. To read more about this go to http:// SNAP_% 20FY_2015_Cost_of_Living_Adjustments .pdf To apply for SNAP benefits stop by or call the Senior Center to receive an application. Page 2 Outreach & Social Services Cindy Shea, Outreach & Volunteer Coordinator 978-632-4592 email: Changing Health Needs Already the leaves are beginning to change to the bright oranges, reds, and yellows that mark the beginning of autumn. ‘Change’ seems to be the mantra for autumn and especially for Medicare. As Open Enrollment begins October 15th, it is a good time, now, to start thinking about your health insurance which most likely will change at some point as you navigate the senior years. To determine if you need to change to a new plan, you can ask yourself these questions: Is my current plan still meeting my needs Are my co-pays and deductibles still manageable Am I seeing the doctor more (or less) often and have my medical needs changed Are my prescription drugs too expensive November 5th at 1:00 we will have a representative from SHINE will be here in Templeton talking about Medicare. If you have questions or answered yes to any of the questions above, you will want to attend this meeting to get the info you need to choose the health plan that most suits your changing needs. Although Gail and I are here to help you through the open enrollment process, attending this meeting is a great way to get a solid foundation before we have our appointment. In some cases, you may find that this meeting will give you all the information you need. Templeton & Phillipston Hearts for Heat SM By Dianna Morrison The Farm Tour is On! Saturday, September 13th starting at 10 PM to 2 AM This is our opportunity to get a first hand look at the activities of local farms as we raise funding for Hearts for Heat. Tour Tickets and Maps are available at the Senior Center for $8 a person. The farms will offer everything from demonstrations to mini horse drawn carriage rides for the kids. Many farms will also have their products available for purchase. Pictured: My family and I manning the Hearts for Heat booth at the Templeton Craft Fair. My mom Martha, and my brother & sister in law Rich & Kelly. For a while Doug and my Great Dane, Daisy, was with us also. We were there offering information about Hearts for Heat and asking for donations of $4, the equivalent of one gallon of oil for a household in need. We raised $300 over the two days. Put together with the matching grant from the founding chapter of Hearts for Heat, we now have a total of $600. But there is still $4,400 available in matching funds, so keep those donations coming! Checks made out to Hearts for Heat can be mailed to PO Box 85 East Templeton MA, 01438. Thank you! September 2014 Page 3 Veterans Service Officer John C. Caplis, Sergeant First Class, Retired 978-894-6971 Tuesday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM I have great news this month! First, the Veterans’ Oversight Board was appointed by the Selectman on August 11th 2014. This year’s Board consists of the following individuals: Chair Michael Currie; Co-Chair Hal Bourgeois; Secretary Christine Caplis; and Treasurer Ted Furr. We are very excited to have all these volunteer board members. Great job, and thank you all for stepping up to help support the veterans in our community. Something else that is excellent news for our community is that the Board of Selectman signed a proclamation naming September 28th 2014 a day to remember and honor all Purple Heart recipients. In turn, this makes Templeton a Purple Heart Community recognized by the Military Order of the Purple Heart Association and Washington D.C. I have copied the Proclamation as it reads: Whereas, the residents of the Town of Templeton have great admiration and utmost gratitude for all the men and women who have selflessly served their country and this community in the Armed Forces, and Whereas, veterans have paid a high price for freedom by leaving their families and community, and placing themselves in harm’s way for the good of all, and Whereas, the contributions and sacrifices of the men and women from Templeton who served in the Armed Forces have been vital in maintaining the Freedoms and way of life enjoyed by our residents, and Whereas, our community has a proud tradition of military service and many of our citizens have earned the Purple Heart Medal as a result of being wounded while engaged in combat with an enemy force, construed as a singularly meritorious act of essential service, NOW, THEREFORE, we, the Town of Templeton’s Board of Selectman, do officially proclaim September 28, 2014, as a day to remember and Honor all Purple Heart recipients, and designate Templeton, Massachusetts as a Purple Heart Community, honoring the service and sacrifices of our nations men and women in uniform, that we wounded or killed by enemy while serving to protect the freedoms enjoyed by all Americans. We will honor and remember all our veterans and Purple Heart recipients on Sunday, September 28th at 1:00 PM on Templeton Common. I hope to see all veterans, their families, veterans supporters and non-veterans come out to celebrate this great occasion. The COA will offer a van to the event. RSVP for transportation 978-632-4592. News From SHINE Senior Center & Food Pantry Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone For assistance with anything regarding health insurance questions & information, contact our Templeton COA SHINE Counselors or call SHINE directly at 1-800-243-4636, press option 3. Don’t Ignore Your Medicare Mail! It’s that time of year again! If you have a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan or a Medicare Advantage Plan (HMO, PPO), you should be receiving information from your plan by the end of September. It is important to understand and save this information because it explains the changes in your plan for 2014. Wish List Coffee Cups Postage Stamps Copy Paper Thank You Vickie & Kevin Cartee for paper plates. Medicare Open Enrollment October 15th - December 7th To all those who made During the annual Medicare Open Enrollment you will have a chance to CHANGE donations to the COA your plan for next year. SHINE Counselors can help you understand your plan changes, as well as other options you may have. Make your SHINE appointment early! in memory of: Richard Lefebvre Medicare Open Enrollment Update Meetings COA Staff Beginning in October we will be conducting our Medicare Open Enrollment Update Mary Sawicki Meetings to explain any changes to Medicare or Medicare Health Plans or Drug Plans Stanley & Nellie Koczan for the 2015 plan year. These meetings are important and you should plan to attend Shirley Koczan one near you. Save the Date because Templeton’s Enrollment Update Meeting will be Joyce Koczan held on Wednesday, November 5th at 1:00 PM. Christine Hause September 2014 HDM - Home Delivered Meal MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 2 1 9-1 Food Pantry 3 9:30 Call 978-632-4592 for a full menu 9-1 FRIDAY 4 Food Pantry HDM Chicken Cacciatore 10:00 Stitch & Gab Wood Carving 5 10:30 Winchendon 10:30 Winchendon HDM Turkey Chow Mein Senior Ctr. Lunch Senior Ctr. Lunch HDM Roast Pork HDM Pesto Chicken 12:30 Golden Agers 1:00 Cribbage Bingo Van 12:45 COA Board Mtg 5:30 Diner’s Club Sunday 7 1 to 4 Carving Class Monday 8 HDM Chicken Kielbasa Van Church Supper Sunday 15 9 Wood Carving Van Bugaboo & Shopping Food Pantry 10 Food Pantry 9:30 10:00 Stitch & Gab 22 HDM Sweet & Sour Meatballs Sunday Van 9:30 Wood Carving 10:30 Winchendon Senior Ctr. Lunch 12:30 Golden Agers HDM Ziti w/ meatsauce Bingo 28 30 1 to 4 Carving Class HDM Shepard’s Pie 29 Food Pantry Van Cribbage Volunteer Day October 1 9:30 Wood Carving 10:30 Winchendon HDM Lunch Senior Ctr. Lunch HDM Teriyaki Chicken 12:30 Golden Agers Bingo 11:30 Mya & a Movie 13 Septemberfest 19 HDM Burger 10:00 Stitch & Gab 10:30 Winchendon Senior Ctr. Lunch HDM Chicken Alfredo 1:00 Cribbage Saturday 10:30 Winchendon Senior Ctr. Lunch HDM Roast Turkey Cribbage October 2 20 Van Athol Farmers’ Market Van Portsmouth 25 10:00 Stitch & Gab 1:00 Purple Heart Day 9 - 1 Monday 1:00 24 9 - 1 Food Pantry HDM Breaded Chicken Monday Saturday 10:30 Winchendon 9 - 1 Food Pantry Senior Ctr. Lunch 10 - 2 Farm Tour HDM Cold Plate 9-2 HDM Roast Pork 10:30 Winchendon Senior Ctr. Lunch 12:30 Golden Agers Bingo HDM Tarragon Chicken 6:30 Friends Meeting 11:30 Mya & a Movie 9 - 1 Food Pantry 12:30 Brown Bag 11 HDM Broccoli Bake 12 Pantry Closed Wood Carving 23 6 Athol Farmers’ Market 17 9 - 1 Food Pantry 18 16 21 1 to 4 Carving Class 9:30 HDM Honey Mustard 10:30 Winchendon Chicken Senior Ctr. Lunch HDM Breaded Fish 12:30 Golden Agers Bingo 12:00 Veteran’s Group 9-1 HDM American Chop Suey Sunday 9-1 14 1 to 4 Carving Class Monday 7AM - 8PM State Primary at Narragansett HS Saturday 26 HDM Fish Sticks Saturday Van 27 Classic & Antique Car Show October 3 9 - 1 Food Pantry HDM Lunch 10:00 Stitch & Gab Van Tower Hill Trip 10:30 Winchendon Senior Ctr. Lunch Saturday 4 HDM Lunch 1:00 Cribbage Van Athol Farmers’ Market 5:30 Diner’s Club September 2014 Page 5 On Going Events & Activities Social & Support Diners Club - 1st Thursday of each month at 5:30 PM Join this group out to dinner at different area restaurants once a month. Order what you wish off the menu as separate checks will be issued. This month they will be meeting at Barbers Crossing in Sterling on the 4th. Veterans’ Group - Tuesday, September 9th at 12:00 PM. All are welcome to this Veterans Support Group. Discussion topics, occasional speakers, and lunch. Golden Age Club - Meetings are the 1st & 3rd Mondays of the month at 1:30 at the American Legion. New members always welcome. Only $5 a year to join. This club also offers a monthly Blood Pressure Clinic open to all on the 1st Monday. Arts & Crafts Wood Carvers Club - Wednesdays 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM. This group is made up of wood carvers with varying levels of experience. Master & advanced carvers volunteer their time to expand skills of other carvers. Tools are available for use during club times. Pot luck lunch every Wednesday. Donations toward lunch and coffee greatly appreciated. Cards & Games Cribbage - Thursdays at 1:00 PM Everyone is welcome to this friendly game Golden Age Club Bingo - Wednesdays from 12:30 3:30 PM at the American Legion. It only costs $5 a year to be a member of the Golden Age Club and join in on this Bingo game. Bingo cards cost $0.50 each. Prize money depends on the number of players but averages $5 to $10 a game. Coffee is served and there is a social break about halfway through the afternoon. For more information contact Janet Whipple at 978-939-5689. Parker House of Pizza 17 Pleasant Street, Gardner 978-632-9383 Reno’s Pizzeria 132A Patriots Road, E. Templeton 978-632-3200 Seniors 65+, bring this newsletter to Reno’s to receive a 10% Senior Discount! New Senior Community Center Construction Update August was a busy month at the new Senior Community Center. It was so exciting to have to run over to the construction site to check in with several contractors at a time! Here is a rundown of where we stand on different aspects of construction: Bids for the HVAC system will be opened soon. Upper level rough in plumbing complete/inspected Upper level rough in electrical is complete and will be inspected by the time you are reading this. Volunteers have our phone and IT wiring 90% done. Special thank you to Deric Shea (Cindy’s husband), John Caplis (Veteran’s Service officer), and our own Don LeBlanc for working on this. Volunteers also finished taking down the old air ducts and suspended ceilings. We have a company lined up to drywall and plaster, but we need to finish removing the old drywall and scrape the studs clean of the old glue first. We have an other volunteer day coming up on Thursday, September 18th from 9 AM to 2 PM where we will be working on prepping for drywall. The biggest news from August is we now have a lower level floor! This is a huge step in obtaining occupancy and is also necessary for installing the furnaces. Left: arm of the concrete pump truck. Although construction continues, we know that what is left to do on the first floor will take more money than what is left in the budget. We are trying to prevent a point where work stops because the money has run out. This is why The Friends of the Templeton Elders are fundraising. Pictured below: Priscilla LeClerc, Carolyn Touchette, and Elaine Barton standing in front of the Angel Tree at the Craft Fair. These angel ornaments are a gift for those who donate $10 toward the new building. Angels are still available. Stop by Scout Hall to grab yours. September 2014 Featured Excursions Athol Farmer’s Market - Saturday, September 6th, 20th and October 4th. Pick ups begin at 9:30 AM. While trips to the two Gardner farmer’s markets are always available, we will be headed to the Athol Farmers markets two times a month. The Athol market does accept SNAP benefits where Gardner’s does not. Minimum van ridership required. Bugaboo Creek Steak House & Shopping - Wednesday, September 10th. Pick ups begin at 10:30 AM and the trip will depart the plaza at 2:30 PM. We are traveling to Nashua, NH on the 10th for lunch at Bugaboo and shopping the Nashua Mall. While it is called a mall, it is more like a plaza but has great stores like Christmas Tree Shop, Kohls, Burlington Coat Factory, and LL Bean outlet. Septemberfest - September, 13th at the Otter River Sportsmen’s Club. Pick ups begin at 11:15 AM. Join the Memorial Congregational Church on the 13th for their annual Septemberfest complete with chicken BBQ, harvest table, and basket raffle. Cost is $10 for a 1/2 chicken with baked potato, cole slaw, watermelon, and cookie ($9 for seniors). RSVP can be done via the Senior Center if you are taking the van, or call 978-939-2631 to make a reservation if you are driving yourself. Portsmouth Trip - Friday, September 26th. Pick ups begin at 9:30 AM and the trip will depart Portsmouth at 12:30 PM. Between the seaside views and the cute downtown shops, get out there and enjoy the weather while we still can. Lunch will be up to trip goers, but Colby’s is a great “greasy spoon” spot. Vintage Engine & Classic Car Show - Saturday, September 27th. Pick ups begin at 10:30 AM. See cover for details. Women’s Club Tower Hill Botanical Gardens Trip Saturday, October 3rd. More info in October’s newsletter. Reservations for Excursions are taken on the first day of the month and are accepted until trip is full. Regularly Scheduled Trips Memorial Congregational Church Supper, Baldwinville September 8th Pick ups begin at 4:00 PM A free dinner and a fun evening out with friends. Donations welcome. Offered on the 1st Monday of the Month Winchendon Lunches - Pick ups begin at 10:30 AM Take the van to our neighbors at the Winchendon Senior Center for lunch. Lunch costs $2.25 a person. Offered every Tuesday & Thursday unless otherwise noted. Page 6 Templeton COA Vans COA Van Dispatcher, Don LeBlanc Call 978-632-4592 to make a reservation. You are encouraged to make reservations at least 1 week in advance, especially for medical appointments. Reservations are taken no later than 12:30 PM the day prior to your trip. Local Shopping/Social Trips Mondays - Fridays: 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM Shopping and errands around Templeton & Gardner Medical Trips Local, Mon. - Fri: 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM Out of Town, Mon. - Fri: by Appointment Transportation provided to any destination and time needed for medical appointments if schedule permits. Scheduling is done on a first come, first serve basis. September 2014 Page 7 Friends of the Templeton Elders Comedy Appraisal Night a Huge Success! Eighty Four people were in attendance that evening and 148 appraisal tickets were sold. Appraiser Gary Sohmers was true to his word as attendees received the full TV experience. Item owners were brought on stage as Gary had a conversation with them about the things they had brought. Anytime he told someone their item was a “winner,” the crown would clap. Of course Tommy Royer, owner of Kamaloht, put out an excellent spread of hors d’oeuvres and our 50/50 heads or tails game generated lots of laughs (thank you Paul Bisbee for painting the pins for that game). We also want to thank all those that contributed through a donation of their time, auction item, or financial contribution. Additional thanks to Gary Sohmers for putting on a wonderful show. We appreciate those who attended and hope you had a good time. The best news is that we raised $2,600 that evening! Please help us in thanking these local businesses who contributed to the event through your future patronage. Bruce’s Burner Service Cloutier’s Pete & Henry’s Country Folk Gift Shop Country Mischief Donna Debasitis Expressions of Love Gardner Ale House One Hand Salad Server Happy Trails Natural Foods Hand Crafted by Gary Bellemare Head to Toe Salon & Spa Heather Croft Quilt Shack Heywood Wakefield Commons JK Crossroads Restaurant Karen’s Kountry Krafts King Phillip Restaurant Kreation by Kimmie Laurie Truehart Carving Martha’s Hair Design Martin Farm Winery Northwood Naturals Nouveaux Riches Pat’s Poodle Parlor Picture This by Chris Pink Zebra Priscilla Candy Shop Red Apple Farm Reno’s Pizzeria Rose Candles & Gifts Serendipity Salon Studio 4 Potters Suzette’s Breakfast & Lunch Tanguay Jewelers Temptations Boutique & Bridal The Kitchen Garden Valley Florist Velvet Goose Village Pizza & Subs Westminster Country Club Pictured left: Gary talking with Beverly Bartolomeo about her box for casting “black ball” ballots. Templeton Food Pantry Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM 2nd Saturday of the month 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM 2nd Thursday of the month - closed 3 Elm Street, Baldwinville, MA 01436 Dot McKellick, Pantry Coordinator 978-939-5965 We wanted to send a special thank you this month to the New Hope Bible Church. Through a coordinated effort of their entire membership, they raised a little over $500 for the Food Pantry at the Templeton Craft Fair. Church members made double sided fleece blankets and painted tiki torches starting back in January. They then took turns manning a booth at the fair selling these items as well as Red Sox ticket raffle. Church members donated all the materials so all the money raised went to the Pantry. If you would like to learn more about the New Hope Bible Church and their community efforts, they meet on Sundays at 10 AM at the Narragansett MS. Thank you to those who contributed to the Food Pantry last month: Aiken’s Pat Gale St. Martins Joan Ares Tim Rotti The Trifilo’s Sue Caisse Don Morin Tim & Judy Joan Ares Mike Dembek Jean Eckert Alice Cote Marion Gay Anna Henri Lourie Waite Fern Dorval First Church of Templeton St. Vincent de Paul Ellen & Harold Chapman Janice & Philip Lefebvre Barbara & Stephen White Jean Suszynski Mary Lou Austin Quimby Whitney Jr. Kitchen Gardens Joanne Thonen Linda Amidon The Wilber’s Vilma Hendricken Holy Cross Church Michael Gaudet Paul Fredette Baldwinville Congregational Friends of the Templeton Elders PO Box 85 East Templeton, MA 01438 Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 10 Templeton, MA 01468 Return Service Requested “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” - Albert Camus, Writer & 1957 Nobel Prize Winner Happy “Second Spring” from Representative Denise Andrews 617-722-2460; COA Staff 978-632-4592 Director Bethany Loveless Outreach & Volunteer Coordinator Cindy Shea Van Dispatch Don LeBlanc Bookkeeper Pamela Landry COA Board of Directors Food Pantry Coordinator Dot McKellick 978-939-5965 Meals on Wheels Drivers Russell Clark Bob Goguen Patricia Arsenault Van Drivers Joe Arsenault Bill Buckler Jim Cornwell Ron Lewis Bob Goguen Russell Clark This newsletter is supported in part by the Executive Office of Elder Affairs. Chairman, Charlene Arsenault Vice Chairman, Phyllis Denis Secretary, Karin Bourgeois Members Betty Boutell Herb Ferran Leona DeGrace Leona DeGrace Vacant Associate Members Sandy Lafond Dot Daly Dot McKellick Dan McKellick Hal Bourgeois Gene Denis Elisa Chouinard Crescencia Operario AnnMarie Page Linda Thompson Priscilla LeClerc Vacancies
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