March - FPMT Losang Dragpa Centre
March - FPMT Losang Dragpa Centre
Shabda ~ March 2007 ~ Shabda 1 Monthly Newsletter of Losang Dragpa Center Surprise Visit March 2007 members turned up at the Center. Everybody waited with abated breath for that moment to come, holding in their hands kata and offering. Until we saw our precious Guru Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche step out of the car, we couldn’t believe it is really Rinpoche who is right in front of us, smiling and blessing everyone. It was such an amazingly beautiful surprise! “Suddenly Roger and I decided to drop by” – Lama Zopa Rinpoche said of his surprise visit. O n the evening of 12th February when most of us were just about to return home from work or enjoying dinner with our family, a surprising phone call drew everybody from ten directions to gather at LDC prayer hall to do the Guru Puja. It was not April Fool’s day, but many thought it was a joke, when receiving the phone call from their dharma friend or from the centre; Not believing, some called the sangha to confirm. Nevertheless, quite magically, within half an hour, nearly a hundred © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Rinpoche went up to the altar, lit up a giant candle which was to burn throughout the 15 days of New Year. Rinpoche sat on His throne and the Guru Puja began at 9pm. We did the long version of Guru Puja which Rinpoche instructed to do before He arrived at the Center. It was near midnight when we finished the puja. Rinpoche then started with, “Good evening to everyone! As we were flying by airplane, suddenly Roger and I decided to drop by! Suddenly we dropped without a parachute.. hehe… joking.. hehehe hehe…we came for a holiday.. hehe hehe…a vacation.. so maybe we have a little chat..” Rinpoche then recalled after His last visit to Malaysia, He went to Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Bendigo, Sydney and New Zealand. Design by WOFS.COM 2 Shabda ~ March 2007 ~ Sera. Rinpoche also gave teaching and advice to the Kopan monks who are studying in Gyurme Tantric College. Just a few days before Rinpoche left Sera, He went to a pilgrimage at a nearby Heruka holy place. Rinpoche’s chatting ended with “so that’s it! Now finished.. just some chit chat… so thank you very much… see u again… ok.. thank you…please continue to develop your practice, your realization, and progression of the center, that will help your individual development as well as other students. It is very good to help each other, so thank you very much. See you! Rinpoche also mentioned about His guru Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche who manifested cancer illness in Israel, thus having to return to India. So Rinpoche was requested to replace Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche’s program in Canada and USA, and to give initiation and commentary on Guyasamaja at Vajrapani Center. Rinpoche then flew to Kopan Monastery for the second part of the November meditation course, followed by the Geshe Conference and hosting His Holiness’s teaching and long life puja at Sarnath. After that Rinpoche went to Bodhgaya for Maitreya Retreat and then to Sera Je to attend Hayagriva Initiation given by His Holiness, followed by doing the Hayagriva Puja with the largest number of monks and longest number of days ever conducted at Sera Je Monastery and complete with fire pujas. Rinpoche then received oral transmission from Rato Rinpoche at © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Everyone in the gompa rushed to line up with kata and offering in hand. At one point, Rinpoche noticed some Christmas lights hanging inside and outside of the gompa and wondered if those lights are hung as New Year decorations. When the explanation was given that those lights are for offering, Rinpoche showed a broad smile and said, “This is my culture.” It was near 1am when everyone sent off Rinpoche with great joy in their hearts. Design by WOFS.COM ~ March 2007 ~ Shabda 3 Message from LDC Director to all members of Losang Dragpa Buddhist Meditation Center Dear everyone, First of all a very happy Chinese New Year to everyone. May the new year of the Fire Boar bring you happiness, prosperity, success and most of all ... many realizations and blessings from our most precious holy guru, Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche. It was indeed a very delightful, wonderful and unexpected surprise that Rinpoche visited us recently (He was here on a private visit), and we were all so fortunate to have had Rinpoche join us at LDC’s Guru Puja on TSOG day ... Lama Zopa Rinpoche returned to India yesterday morning, and from there He will be going to Taiwan to spend six weeks in retreat with the members at the Taichung Center. After that Rinpoche will be going to Australia for HH the Dalai Lama’s teaching tour there. Rinpoche is scheduled to be in Kuala Lumpur again from May 21st through to June 4th 2007. We will be sending you Rinpoche’s May program at LDC shortly. However just to let you know that there will be a three day TARA Retreat with Rinpoche on 25th/26th/27th May 2007. This Retreat is opened to all LDC members and I am giving you these dates so you have plenty of notice. More details will come later. © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Meanwhile Rejoice! While Rinpoche was here recently, Rinpoche informed me that He had sent a letter to our Resident Geshe Deyang that it was more important and beneficial for him to look after Geshe Kelsang in Sera monastery than to continue teaching at LDC. As some of you may already be aware, Geshe Kelsang (who was LDC’s resident Geshe for five years previously) has only recently come out from an operation for cancer and is currently very weak. In fact as at today, he is still in hospital for radiotherapy. Geshe Deyang has to be at Sera to look after Geshe la. Rinpoche has thus advised that LDC should look for a new Geshe, which brings me to the second part of this letter. I am delighted and incredibly happy to let all of you know that Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche has very very kindly given His approval for LDC to appoint GESHE TENZIN ZOPA as our new resident Geshe with immediate effect. The EXCO is thus currently working on the necessary documentation to bring Geshe Tenzin Zopa to Kuala Lumpur and also to make entry visa Design by WOFS.COM 4 Shabda ~ March 2007 ~ applications. It is hoped that we can bring Geshe la out here by the end of March 2007. All of you already know Geshe Tenzin Zopa, who has been to Malaysia as a visiting teacher several times. We all know him as a very humble and extremely able and knowledgeable teacher. His presence at LDC will be extremely beneficial for LDC and for its members. He is extremely popular with many of the FPMT centers who know him but we like to think that he has a very special and close connection with LDC and its members especially those who have been on Pilgrimage with him in Katmandu year 2005 and in Varanasi year 2006. Geshe Tenzin Zopa was formerly the heart attendant to the incomparable Mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog. He recently graduated as Geshe from SERA JE MONASTIC UNIVERSITY in Southern India. He is a very senior member of Kopan Monastery in Katmandu and of the FPMT fraternity. He works tirelessly in the service of our precious holy guru and is currently organizing the enthronement ceremony for young Phuntsok Rinpoche. Geshe Tenzin Zopa is and will continue to be in charge of overseeing the building of the nunnery for the TSUM Valley Project in accordance with Rinpoche’s wishes. I am sure that all of you join me in rejoicing at our wonderful karma to be able to welcome Geshe Tenzin Zopa as our new Geshe. He has kindly agreed to come out so we will try and work hard to bring him out here as soon as possible. with best wishes and much love, Lillian Too President Wor ds of Wisd om for Mar ch “Having wealth is not the problem. So, what is the problem? The problem is the mind desiring and clinging to wealth – that is the problem. Having a friend is not the problem; the mind clinging to the friend makes having a friend a problem” ~By Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche~ © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Design by WOFS.COM ~ March 2007 ~ Shabda 5 LDC NEWS Passing away of High Lamas One year just passed when Ribur Rinpoche manifested passing away. A very highly qualified lama to thousands of students worldwide and guru to our precious Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Ribur Rinpoche preaches dharma with a great sense of humour. He visited LDC in year 2003. Many of us may not have met Him but numberless beings have benefitted through his kindness and practice. 16th December 2006, a falling star mark another day of the passing away of the most Venerable Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche. A rare master in the world who holds the lineage of Kalachakra, and has indepth realization on Kalachakra. He was next in line to His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, to bestow Kalachakra Initiation. His Eminence Chobgye Trichen Rinpoche, renowned master in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and highly respected by many lamas, He was said to be the manifestation of Maitreya Buddha. Chobgye Rinpoche has a monastery in Boudha Stupa in Kathmandu and Sarnath/ Bodhgaya in North India. Lama Zopa Rinpoche often consult Chobgye Rinpoche for various observations and advice. On January 2007 Chobgye Rinpoche manifested passing into parinirvana. © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Design by WOFS.COM 6 Shabda ~ March 2007 ~ March Program Highlights Dharma Program conducted by Ven. Ang Losang on every Sunday, 4-5:30pm March: Dare To Be Your Own Boss! That’s right! To be your own boss. This is what Buddhism is all about: we talk about finding out the root-cause for all our happiness and unhappiness, and then we create the cause which brings only desirable results and we stop the cause which brings unwanted suffering. It’s all about KARMA. What is karma? Karma is a Sanskrit word which in simple language means “action”. And there are generally three types of action: those of the body, speech and mind. Karma is also called the “law of cause and effect”: every cause has an effect and likewise, every effect has a cause. Why study karma? It is by knowing the workings of karma that we will understand the underlying principles that govern all that exists, including ourselves. And that means, by knowing the causes of misery we can get rid of them, and by knowing the causes of happiness, we can continue to develop them. In this way we will take charge of our life; and become our own boss. And we can become happy, successful, healthy, beautiful, and be able to gain the entire temporal and ultimate goal for ourselves and for others. © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Topics to be covered in March: March 4 How to Shape Your Life March 11 How to be Successful March 18 How to Achieve Happiness March 25 Understanding the Reality April: What’s Wrong With My Life? Many people think they have a wonderful spouse, perfect kids, well-paid job, perfect good health and physique; they are smart and competitive, they own bungalows and expensive cars, they are the object of envy. And they cannot come to terms with the idea of “seeking liberation”. What is this liberation all about? What is it that we are trying to break away from? Why are these seemingly pleasurable and absolutely desirable experiences deem worthless and without essence? What is it that undermines all these socalled “perfect and happy life”? On the other hand, when misfortunate has befallen us and shattered our life, we look around trying to pin-point others as the culprit of all our troubles. We might then be satisfied with finding a scapegoat, but we’ll not even come close to resolving our problems from Design by WOFS.COM ~ March 2007 ~ their root. “What’s wrong with my life?” you might think. Come to this series of teaching and you’ll find out. Topics to be covered in April: April 1 Developing the Thoughts of Yearning for Liberation April 8 Working with the Cause of All Tribulations (work against delusions with skills) April 15 Peaceful Death & Happy Rebirth (about death & rebirth) April 22 Discovering the Truth of Our Life (about the 12 links) April 29 The Meaning of Life (path to liberation) Maitreya Puja Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche has emphasized that the key success for projects depends on the amount of merit accumulated. Rinpoche has also constantly reminded His students to do virtuous deeds to accumulate merit and dedicate it for success to ultimately reach the goal of enlightenment. Rinpoche has numberless projects to look after. Those we see listed in the website are only a handful. There are many which we don’t even realize are under the care of Rinpoche. Whilst Rinpoche continues to take on various huge responsibilities, He is also continuously making offerings to big and small monasteries all over Nepal and India. For example, every year Rinpoche offers exclusively beautiful silk © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Shabda 7 fabric & jewelry to Boudanath Stupa. In His house in the States, extensive water bowls and light offerings are made to all holy objects. Rinpoche offers gold to the Wisdom Sutra, and offers the best offerings He receives to all His gurus. Rinpoche is our perfect example in performing virtuous deeds to accumulate merits. It has long since Rinpoche expressed His wish to build a Maitreya Statue in Bodhgaya. In the past, from time to time we receive advice to collectively perform various prayers in Rinpoche’s centers dedicated for this project. The project is now being headed by our deputy director- MK Sen. LDC has decided to conduct Maitreya Puja every month dedicating to the smooth progress of the project. Maitreya Buddha Puja will be conducted with the arrangement of the thousand Offerings. It is indeed a great chance to accumulate extensive merit. On the last Saturday of every month, 4-6pm @ LDC, let us all come to pray together. We will not only accumulate merit for the project and ourselves, we are also making connections with Maitreya Buddha. In case we don’t get ourselves liberated from samsara during this era, we will definitely be looked after by Maitreya Buddha, when He descends to this world. Gilding Maitreya Statue In the recent visit to LDC, our most precious guru Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche had mentioned it would be very beneficial to gild (gold leaf) our Design by WOFS.COM 8 Shabda ~ March 2007 ~ beautiful Maitreya Buddha. Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche said, “It is very good to gild the statue of the future Buddha Maitreya. Anyone of you who has the skill, should help to gild the statue with gold leaf. This creates very extensive merit. But you need to have very good skill with the gold leaf. I did it before. If you can’t handle the gold leaf well, the gilding surface becomes very rough. If you have good gilding skill the gold leaf on the statue becomes very smooth. This is very important.” Rinpoche also mentioned that if one person gild the statue, only that person create merit; however if many people can participate in gilding the statue, many people create the merit together. Hence we are raising funds to gild (gold leaf) this beautiful Maitreya Buddha sitting on our altar in LDC gompa. If you would like to help fund the gilding of the statue, you may come to LDC to leave your donation in the box in front of Maitreya Statue or you may consult our office to get further assistance. Thank You. Our Glorious Report… Chinese New Yer with Geshe Tenzin Zopa Year, Geshe la without hesitation decided to come to Malaysia to spend the first 3 days at LDC. We are fortunate to have Geshe Tenzin Zopa celebrate with us the first day of Chinese New Year & Tibetan Losar during which we welcomed the lion dance to the Center, followed by an hour of Guru Puja. In fact Geshe Zopa was in Singapore assisting in translation for Dagri Rinpoche. However when we mentioned to Geshe la about the significance of having him with us on the first day of New © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER On the second day of New Year, we organised an Incense Puja in the Center followed by lunch with Geshe la, Sangha and Center Committee. Our Center Director Lillian took that opportunity to brief Geshe la on the program in the Center, and discussed future plans when Geshe la returns. Coincidently, we all share the same vision for the future of LDC. Geshe Zopa mentioned that when he departed Singapore Airport to come to Malaysia, the whole journey somehow seemed to be shorter than before and in the plane he did nothing except reflect on the kindness of Rinpoche and the holy deeds of Rinpoche. When the plane landed at KLIA, Geshe la generated himself as Rinpoche who is coming to LDC. Geshe la said when he returns to LDC this time, he will not come as Tenzin Design by WOFS.COM ~ March 2007 ~ Shabda 9 Zopa, he will come as Rinpoche. because you take him as your guru…..” It was a very short but fruitful visit of Geshe Zopa. Night doesn’t seem to be bed time when we can discuss and share about dharma while watching fire works in the dark sky with cups of hot drink. Everyone awaits the return of Geshe Zopa very soon! “……When you become sangha, you have to be pure. That’s very important. not necessarily the outside appearance but your heart, your thought, your motivation have to be pure toward things, people. When you become a disciple of your guru, when you become sangha, your thoughts and perception have to be pure, that means everything turns into kindness. Some people say “pure” meaning “kindness”. When everything turns into kindness, it turns into avoid harming, not just people, it can be an insect or a mosquito…..” Heart to Heart with Charok Lama This year Charok Lama visited LDC on 7th February and once again we had a wonderful session with Lama. Charok Lama started with a short explanation on the importance of one’s guru followed by a discussion session. Here is an excerpt of what was discussed during that session. “First of all when you talk about guru it is based on someone whom you really trust. Basically it means He is someone really high, special to you, someone who leads you through your life until enlightenment or shows you the way to enlightenment. It doesn’t mean that you just meet someone and you want him to be your guru, that’s not right. Before you take refuge in your guru, you have to ask yourself - why am I taking refuge in him?....” “…..when he gives you suggestion, he gives you vows to take, he gives you thought and advice. When you listen to those advice, it becomes dharma. It is not that dharma is some spiritual text translated from Sanskrit. It doesn’t have to be like that. Every speech of your guru can turn into dharma for you, not necessary to everyone, but to you, © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Charok Lama gave the talk of about 15 minutes and before Charok Lama could continue, the audience had a lot of questions: Question: You said that everything the guru said automatically becomes dharma, do you really believe that? Charok Lama: Well… it has to be… …first of all, do you believe that the guru turns into Buddha? When you take refuge in your guru, did you believe that the guru turns into Buddha? Audience: I do… I do… Charok Lama: You believe that, right? So when you believe that your guru turns into Buddha, do you believe that the Buddha’s speech, or the saying of Buddha is Dharma? Audience: Sometimes. For example, when I look at the guru, I see him as Buddha especially when he talks to me about Design by WOFS.COM 10 Shabda ~ March 2007 ~ Dharma. But when he starts to joke with me, then I think he is manifesting as a human being… Charok Lama: Even if he manifests as human or animal… it doesn’t matter.. is he still the Buddha or not? If a Buddha manifest into a mosquito, he is still a Buddha. If an Arhat manifests into parrot and helps in the jungle, do you still believe the parrot is an arhat or not? Question: If a lama knows he is a manifestation of Buddha, can he tell us? Charok Lama: If he wants to tell, I am sure he can tell. For example, the Buddha himself, when he became enlightened, he was in the jungle, 2 nagas came to him, he told the nagas, “I am enlightened.” Then the nagas asked, “If you are enlightened, why don’t you teach?” The Buddha replied, “I cannot teach, because the knowledge I have, no one can realize, that’s why I cannot teach.” So there can be a Buddha who says, “I am an enlightened being.” Question: There are people who are always searching for a guru. Is it the guru who chooses the disciple or is it we who choose the guru? Charok Lama: One is related to karma. The other, mainly the disciple decides. For example, the guru knows you are his disciple, so then he comes and try to teach you, so you will gain trust in him. Some.. the students have to go to search. Some… have option… for example, I am a friend of someone and I was told this guru is good, so I go to see and try to know him, © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER then I choose. Anyway, mainly depends on you to choose. Some depend on karma, some go to take refuge and later come back to room and wonder “why did I take refuge?” You don’t realize you take refuge because it is linked to karma. And after that when you see the result, then you realize it was good to have taken refuge in the Guru. Question: Many people don’t realize the importance of guru-disciple relationship, but they have good motivation, they come and take initiation, and according to the guideline of Tibetan Buddhism, when you have take initiation under a guru, you have automatically established guru-disciple relationship even though you may not think whether he is good enough or why am I taking refuge. As soon as you take initiation, the person become your guru, supposing you go home and think “Oh my god! I made a mistake.” What do you advise such a person to do? Charok Lama: Think well before you go to take initiation. Audience: Supposing its already done. Charok Lama: Already done, then done! There is nothing to do… really! It’s like killing someone, you go to kill someone, after killing then you regret, but already kill, you can’t bring him back to life, right or not? So you should think before you kill. “Should I kill or not?” After killing then you say “Oh I killed him”. What to do? After you finish killing, you can’t bring him back to life. Audience: Let’s say you suddenly discover he is not the guru, can’t you back out? Design by WOFS.COM ~ March 2007 ~ Charok Lama: I tell you what to do… If you take initiation from someone and he becomes your guru, if you think something like that, my advice is don’t criticize, you don’t have to appreciate him, but also don’t criticize. That is my advice. Question: Once your root guru passes away, and you see him coming back and his reincarnation is recognized, does he become your root guru again as a little boy? Or do you take on another root guru? Charok Lama: You can still take him as a root guru because is the same person, only in a different form. I ask you a question, “when you take refuge in your root guru, for example, Lama Zopa, did you take refuge in his form/ shape, or do you take refuge in his mind or consciousness? Audience: Well… we never thought of it that way…. Question: I just found out that I have a enemy in my class. I was quite close to my classmates but once I found out that they don’t really like me, my perception of them changed, so I am not quite sure what to do now? Charok Lama: It is not that they have changed, it is that when you hear things, it changes by itself in your perception. Your mind has 2 parts, one part is where you see the good part of him, another part is where you see the bad part of him. For example, first you see the good part of him because you don’t hear anything bad that he/she did , so you think oh he/she is © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Shabda 11 my friend, he/she is a good guy, but then sometimes later someone says he/she did this and that, and your perception turns negative because someone put the negative thought in your mind. Then you start to think he/ she doesn’t like me. So it depends on your mind, whether you still want to hate him/ her or not. So you can change, it is easy. You can make an option, it depends on your mind. Because each and everything you see, a person, a food, or anything, a drawing, for example, you see a drawing of Protector and you think, “Errr.. it is scary.. with fangs and fire behind, it is really scary, with blue color…!” but if someone tell you, “oh! He is very auspicious because he guards the teaching, he guards the Buddhas..” Someone says something good about him into you, then you only see the good part in him and then you know “oh, he is good, he is a protector, he protects this, he protect that, he might protect me too…. like that.” So even with a painting you have the perception of good and bad it depends on you which one you want to choose. All depends on your mind, depends on how you want to feel about it. “Suddenly Roger and I decided to drop by” – Lama Zopa Rinpoche said of his surprise visit. Khenrinpoche with YYP children Design by WOFS.COM 12 Shabda ~ March 2007 ~ LDC Dharma Program for March 2007 P - Precepts BP - Special Days of Lord Buddha Monday 5 Tuesday 6 Tibetan Full Moon Wednesday 7 Tibetan New Moon Thursday Friday 1P 2P Medicine Buddha Retreat Medicine Buddha Retreat 8 9 Dharma class in Mandarin: Buddha & Me 7.30-9pm 12 13 14 14 15 Dharma class in Mandarin: History of Tibetan Buddhism 7.30-9pm Guru Puja 7:30pm TSOG OFFERINGS 19 P 20 21 16 22 23 Dharma class in Mandarin: Tibetan Buddhism in a Nutshell 7.30-9pm 26 P 27 28 Guru Puja 7:30pm Tara Puja 7:30pm © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER TSOG OFFERINGS 29 30 Dharma class in Mandarin: Establishing one’s daily practice 7.30-9pm Design by WOFS.COM ~ March 2007 ~ Shabda 13 Dharma Class in MANDARIN on every Friday evening, 7:30-9pm Saturday Sunday 3P Day of Miracle Medicine Buddha Retreat (last day) Medicine Buddha Puja 7:30pm 4 YPP- Importance of Mantra recitation 10am How to shape your life 4-5.30pm 10 11 YPP- Drawing good deeds 10am How to be successful 4-5.30pm 17 YPPTeam building/ leadership tranining 10am 18 Tsa-Tsa Workshop 10am How to achieve Happiness 4-5.30pm Protector Puja 6pm 24 25 YPP- Advanced Flower Arrangement 10am Animal Liberation 11am Understanding the reality 4-5.30pm 31 Maitreya Buddha Puja 4-6pm © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER This is a 2-month course (March & April) on Entry-level Buddhism mainly for our Mandarinspeaking members and friends. Please help to spread this good news around! Buddhism ABC 佛法初探 March 9 Buddha & Me 佛陀與我 This is not just about learning the historical events which were related to Buddha Shakyamuni. It’s more about how His life mirrors ours, and what are His view and philosophy of life which continues to inspire and safeguard numberless beings for more than two thousand five hundred years. March 16 History of Tibetan Buddhism 話說西藏佛教史 From the reigns of Songtsen Gompo to Trison Detsen, from the influential Padmasambhava to the erudite Lama Atisha, from the rise to the fall of Buddhism in Tibet and vice versa, and the various important historical accounts which renders Tibetan Buddhism its uniqueness in many ways, such as the system of finding a re-incarnate lama - this is both a very interesting and informative session which you’d be sorry to miss! March 23 Tibetan Buddhism in a Nutshell 西藏佛教解剖圖 If Lam Rim is the map or compass of Buddhism, this is the INDEX. Why wait? Mark your diary now! March 30 Establishing One’s Daily Practice 與佛菩薩打交道 How do I set up a Buddhist altar? What prayers do I do if I have only 20 minutes in the morning? What’s the difference between prayer and dedication? Can I recite mantra when I’m cooking? How about in the toilet?!.... If you do not have a definite answer to these questions, well this session may just be the right one for you! Design by WOFS.COM 14 Shabda ~ March 2007 ~ LDC Dharma Program for April 2007 P - Precepts BP - Special Days of Lord Buddha Monday Tuesday Tibetan Full Moon Wednesday Tibetan New Moon Thursday Friday 30 2P 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 12 13 Medicine Buddha Puja 7.30 pm 9 Guru Puja 7:30pm TSOG OFFERINGS 16 17 P 18 19 20 24 P 25 26 27 Protector Puja 7.30pm 23 Guru Puja 7:30pm Tara Puja 7:30pm © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER TSOG OFFERINGS Design by WOFS.COM ~ March 2007 ~ Shabda 15 Saturday Sunday 1 Developing the thoughts of yearning for liberation 4-5.30pm 7 8 The schedule of Tsa-Tsa Circle activities for year 2007: March 18 Tsa-Tsa Workshop (Max. 20pax) April 15 Gilding Workshop (Max. 10pax) June 17 Working with the cause of all Tribulation 4-5.30pm 14 15 Gilding Workshop 10am Peaceful Death and Happy Rebirth 4-5.30pm 21 22 Discovering the Truth of our life 4-5.30pm 28 29 DIY (Do it yourslef) & Chat Group July 8 Tsa-Tsa Workshop (Max. 20pax) Aug 12 Gilding Workshop (Max. 10pax) Oct 2 DIY (Do it yourslef) & Chat Group Nov 11 Tsa-Tsa Workshop (Max. 20pax) Dec 9 DIY (Do it yourslef) & Chat Group Animal Liberation 11am Maitreya Buddha Puja 4-6pm The meaning of life 4-5.30pm © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER For the Tsa-tsa Workshop it is RM 20 for members and RM 30 For non-members. For gilding and DIY session, We do not have the costing yet. Please look up at the Bulletin Board in LDC from time to time. Design by WOFS.COM 16 Shabda ~ March 2007 ~ CENTER OPERATING HOURS : Monday-Friday : 10:00am - 6:00pm For donations, please make all crossed cheques payable to Losang Dragpa Buddhist Society. Your donation is greatly appreciated. Thank you. LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER’S : Address: No.1, Jalan 17/21F, 46400, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Eshan, Malaysia. Telephone Number: 603 - 7968 3278 Fax Number: 603 - 7956 7280 Email: Website: LDC’S SPIRITUAL GURU : Kyabje Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche Website dedicated to Rinpoche: (look for Spiritual Director) & © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Design by WOFS.COM
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