The Hearing Aid Fitting Process for Frequency Lowering
The Hearing Aid Fitting Process for Frequency Lowering
Hearing Aid Fitting Process The Hearing Aid Fitting Process for Frequency Lowering Amplification • Rehabilitation Plan – 6 stages 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Joshua M. Alexander Ph.D., CCC-A Assessment Planning Selection Verification Orientation Validation Pre-Fitting Benefit Fitting Post-Fitting • Evidence-Based Practice – “Guidelines for Hearing Aid Fitting for Adults” • 1998 ASHA Ad Hoc Committee, Am. J. Audiol. 7, 5-13 – American Academy of Audiology Guidelines (2006) 2 -10 Typical High Frequency Hearing Loss 0 10 x x 20 Hearing Level, dB HL 30 Assessment & Planning • Type and magnitude of hearing loss • Candidacy for frequency lowering • Areas of need and potential benefit 40 50 f x z v j md b n ng e l u i a o r p h g ch sh th s k x 60 x 70 x 80 x 90 100 110 3 4 120 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 Frequency, Hertz 1 -10 Limits of Conventional Amplification Typical HA Receiver Response 0 x 0 x 20 Hearing Level, dB HL 40 50 f x z v 30 j md b n ng e l u i a o r p h g ch sh -5 th s Relative Level, dB SPL 10 k x 60 x 70 x 80 x 90 -10 -15 Triple Whammy Gain is least where speech energy is least & hearing loss is greatest -20 -25 -30 -35 100 250 500 1000 2500 5000 10,000 Frequency, Hz 110 120 5 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 6 Frequency, Hertz -10 Nonlinear Frequency Compression 0 0 x 10 x 20 Hearing Level, dB HL 30 40 50 x z v j md b n ng e l u i a o r 30 p x 60 h g ch sh 70 x 80 f k x 7 th s 40 50 110 1000 2000 4000 8000 p x h g ch sh x f kk x 8 120 250 500 1000 2000 th s x 90 110 Frequency, Hertz i a o r 70 100 500 x j md b n ng e l u 60 100 250 x z v 80 x 90 120 x 20 Hearing Level, dB HL 10 Frequency Transposition -10 4000 8000 Frequency, Hertz 2 Candidacy Importance of High Frequencies High occurrence of fricatives/affricates that carry significant morphological importance in English Expected outcomes vary depending on severity of loss Developmental delays Moderately severe or greater loss Precipitous high-frequency loss Mild to moderate loss Fricative/affricate production in toddlers, despite early amplification (Moeller et al., 2007) Morpho-syntax in 5-7 year-olds identified late, especially for the morpheme /s/ (Moeller et al., 2010) Influenced by the information we hope to ‘recover’ from the speech spectrum Even NH adults listening in quiet can benefit (Stelmachowicz et al., 2001) Different needs/goals for different hearing losses 9 Relative importance increases in challenging listening conditions and with decreased linguistic context 10 Benefits of Extending Bandwidth Frequency Lowering Evidence Increasing bandwidth >5 kHz in the laboratory (no lowering) 1. Improved speech recognition (Stelmachowicz & colleagues; Hornsby & Alexander (2013) Ricketts, 2006; Hornsby, 2007) Seminars in Hearing, 34(2), 86-109. Review of modern techniques 2. Improved novel word learning by children (Pittman 2008) 3. Improved speech clarity and music quality (Moore & Tan, McCreery et al. (2012) 2003; Ricketts et al., 2008; Sjolander & Holmberg, 2009; Füllgrabe et al., 2010; Moore et al., 2011) American Journal of Audiology, 21, 313-328. Evidence-based review focusing explicitly on children 4. Less effortful listening (Karlsen et al., 2006) 5. Improved localization (Best et al., 2005; Brungart & Simpson, 2009) Simpson (2009) Trends in Amplification, 13(2), 87-106. Review of early techniques 6. Improved spatial unmasking (Hamacher et al., 2005; Moore et al., 2010) 11 12 3 Frequency Lowering Evidence Effectiveness - Points to Consider There is not a lot of good evidence Results might be highly individualized Double-blinded, randomized control experiments Many uncontrolled variables within and between studies, especially how settings are chosen for FL Perhaps the focus should be on individuals, in addition to group means — do they form a subpopulation along one or more predictive factors? Interactions with audiometric configuration, peripheral integrity, cognitive status, FL settings, etc. are expected The evidence so far indicates that, when properly set, frequency lowering does not do harm Benefit may not always manifest as improvement in speech intelligibility, but perhaps, ease of listening and effort (like noise reduction), production accuracy, etc. Estimate that about ½ of research subjects fail to show a difference in outcomes with FL Depends on how outcomes are measured Plural detection in quiet vs. sentence recognition in noise 13 14 Modeling Individual Outcomes Extrinsic Factors A. Which sounds? Usually, most improvement for fricative consonants, especially /s/ (e.g., Alexander et al., 2012; 2014) B. Which technique and settings? Likely depends on the sounds one is trying to restore (A) and the individual loss (C) C. Which losses? As severity increases, so do potential benefits (Glista et al., 2009; Souza et al., 2013), but unfortunately, so do the challenges (e.g., Hopkins et al., 2014) Alexander (2013) 15 16 4 Intrinsic Factors Potential Side Effects A. Adults vs. children While the speech code is relatively ‘scale invariant,’ it is heavily dependent on frequency No differences observed when both groups have the same treatment (McCreery et al., 2014; Brennan et al., 2014) No currently implemented strategy has as much potential to change the identity of individual speech sounds Potential to make speech understanding worse because lowfrequency information has to be altered to accommodate displaced high-frequency information B. Age of hearing loss onset Pre/post linguistic differences and etiology may relate to the amount of deficit, hence amount of benefit – no data C. Acclimatization Maybe some improvement in children over 6 weeks to 6 months (Wolfe et al., 2011; Glista et al., 2012); maybe no improvement in adults (Hopkins et al., 2014) Re-coded information must go somewhere Regions that otherwise would be amplified normally Concern is not so much fidelity of re-coded information as it is newly introduced distortion and sound quality D. Role of cognition Amount of relearning needed may mediate this factor (YES: Arehart et al. 2013; NO: Ellis & Munro, 2013) 17 18 Information-Theoretic Model Potential Pros vs. Cons (a) Wideband A successful fitting requires giving the patient more than is taken away less can equal more Frequency (kHz) DO NO HARM Depends on interaction b/w hearing loss & re-coding technique ee S ee S (c) NFC ee S 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 Time (ms) Alexander (2013) 19 (b) Low Pass Filtered 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 (Alexander, 20XX) 20 5 Settings vary Potential Pros vs. Cons Candidacy Summary Loss ≥ Moderately-severe Go ahead, but be careful of distorting low frequencies WARNING! If the hearing aid has FL, it might default to “ON” for certain audiometric configurations Loss ≤ Moderate Do not base hearing aid selection on whether it has FL There are other important considerations: cost, wireless connectivity, etc. If the hearing aid you select has FL, it might be worth trying (i.e., experimenting) 21 22 (Rallapalli & Alexander, 20XX) To Fit or Not to Fit Ultimately, a decision has to be made whether the potential pros outweigh the cons Does the patient experience speech perception deficits with conventional amplification, despite your best efforts to achieve high-frequency audibility? Selection • Choosing the frequency lowering technology whose electroacoustic characteristics are most likely to address the areas of need and result in benefit If the decision is to fit, there are a few things to ask: 1. How does the technology of choice work? Fundamental differences between manufacturers: techniques, terminology, adjustments, etc. 2. How much of the lowered information is audible? 3. Can the patient use the lowered information? 23 24 6 Techniques in Today’s Hearing Aids Techniques in Today’s Hearing Aids Dynamic Linear Frequency Compression (DLFC) AVR Sonovation: “Digital Frequency Compression” (DFC) – Introduced in 1991 (body), 1998/2000 (BTE/ITE), 2004 (DSP) Inaudible Frequency Transposition (FT) Widex: “Audibility Extender” (AE) – Introduced in 2006 Nonlinear Frequency Compression (NFC) Phonak: “SoundRecover” (SR) – Introduced in 2008 Unitron: same as Phonak – Adopted 2012 Siemens: “Frequency Compression” (FCo) – Introduced in 2012 ReSound: “Sound Shaper”– Introduced in 2014 Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Nonlinear Frequency Compression Spectral Feature Translation Linear Frequency Transposition Frequency Composition Spectral Envelope Warping Starkey/Microtech: “Spectral iQ” – Introduced in 2011 Time Bernafon Time Widex Time Starkey / Microtech Frequency Composition Time Phonak/Unitron, Siemens, ReSound 25 Bernafon: Introduced in 2012 26 Linear Frequency Transposition Dynamic Linear Freq. Compression Filter 10k 9k 8k 7k 6k Input 5k 4k 1768 Hz 3536 Hz target source 3k 2k Start Freq. 1k Start frequency is start of inaudibility Basic AE: dominant peak shifted down by 1/2 (octave), source region begins ½ octave below start frequency Expanded AE: dominant peak shifted down by 1/3, source region begins ½ octave above frequency start; peak shift from basic AE remains Adapted from: Widex (95020880001 #01) ch il d r en l i ke s trawberrie /z/ 6k 5k Output 4k 3k 2k 1k 27 28 7 Nonlinear Frequency Compression Linear Frequency Transposition 10k Input 9k 7k * 6k * * 5k * 4k Input Actual start 3k 2k 1k ch il d r en li ke strawberrie/z/ ee SH 6k 5k Target 30 25 25 20 Output 3k 10 0 Source content mixes with content in target region 2k 1k Source Region ≈ 4500 Hz wide 15 5 ? 4k Output 30 (fend) (fmin) Input BW Start Relative Level, dB * 8k Relative Level, dB 6 kHz ‘start’ Source 20 15 4000 Frequency, Hz 6000 8000 Target Region ≈ 1800 Hz wide 10 5 2000 CR=2:1 0 fmax fmin 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency, Hz 30 29 Side Effects - Revisited NFC for Moderately Severe Loss Formant alteration, vowel reduction with low start freq. 6k 5k Source 4k 3k * 2k * * * * * Target 1k ch 31 i l d r en l i ke s t r aw b err ie Flattened formant transitions /z/ 32 8 NFC Differs between Manufacturers NFC for Mild-Moderate Loss What does “nonlinear” mean anyway??? 9k Source 8k From the start frequency, the input-output frequency relationship is defined by the compression ratio (CR) 7k 6k Target 5k Higher CRs = greater reduction of source bandwidth The relationship on a Hz scale is 4k 3k 1. Nonlinear (but linear on a log scale) – Phonak/Unitron 2. Linear – ReSound CR is not compatible 3. Indeterminate (by me!) – Siemens across manufacturers! 2k 1k ch i l d r en l i ke s t r aw b err ie 33 /z/ 34 Spectral Feature Translation Spectral Feature Translation Spectral Envelope Warping Spectral Envelope Warping After BEFORE 35 36 9 Spectral Feature Translation Frequency Composition 10k 9k 8k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 1k ch il d r en l i ke s trawberrie /z/ 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 1k (Angelo, Alexander, et al., 2015) 37 38 Frequency Composition Th e d o g s l ee ps in a b a Summary of Strategies s k e t Activation Technique Input Dependent Compression AVR (linear @ 0 Hz) Transposition Starkey (feature lowering) Compression + Transposition 39 (Angelo, Alexander, et al., 2015) Always Active Phonak/Unitron Siemens ReSound (nonlinear @ start) Widex (peak lowering) Bernafon (frequency composition) 40 10 Frequency Lowering Taxonomy Frequency Lowering Taxonomy Technique Potential side effects Compression (AVR, Phonak, Siemens, ReSound, Bernafon) Transposition (Widex, Starkey, Bernafon) Masking (Widex, Starkey, Bernafon) Formant alteration (AVR, Widex, Phonak, Siemens, ReSound) Activation Input dependent (AVR, Starkey) Always active (Phonak, Siemens, ReSound, Widex, Bernafon) Bandwidth (not an issue if use probe mics) Source region preserved (Starkey, Bernafon) Source region rolled off (AVR, Phonak, Siemens, ReSound, Widex) Additional gain for lowered signal No (Phonak, Siemens, ReSound) Yes (AVR, Widex, Starkey, Bernafon) 41 Methods for preserving low frequencies 1. How: maintain harmonics (Widex, Starkey, Bernafon) 2. Where: > 1.5 kHz only (Phonak, Siemens, Bernafon) > 2.5 kHz only (ReSound) 3. When: ‘feature detector’ (AVR, Starkey) 42 To Fit or Not to Fit Ultimately, a decision has to be made whether the potential pros outweigh the cons Does the patient experience speech perception deficits with conventional amplification, despite your best efforts to achieve high-frequency audibility? Verification • Probe microphone measurements to guide programming of different frequency lowering techniques for individuals If the decision is to fit, there are a few things to ask: 1. How does the technology of choice work? Fundamental differences between manufacturers: techniques, terminology, adjustments, etc. 2. How much of the lowered information is audible? 3. Can the patient use the lowered information? 43 44 11 Importance of Probe Mic Measures Audiology Practices (2014), Vol. 6(4) With the possibility of side effects causing ‘harm,’ if you plan to fit a hearing aid with FL, you must know what you are delivering to the patient Publications_files/FL_ProbeMic.pdf 46 45 Primary Goals for Probe Mic Measures 1. The audible bandwidth after FL is activated should not be less than it was before it was activated FL should not unnecessarily restrict the audible bandwidth Protocol for Fitting FL Hearing Aids 1. Deactivate frequency lowering and fit the hearing aid to targets using probe mic as for a conventional aid 2. Find the maximum audible frequency, MAF The highest frequency at which output exceeds threshold on the SPL-o-gram (Speechmap) 2. The lowered information should be audible 3. The ‘weakest’ FL setting should be used to accomplish your objective 3. Activate FL and position the lowered speech in the audible bandwidth (MAF) while not reducing it further o Most of the target region should be audible o Avoid too much lowering, which will unnecessarily restrict the bandwidth you had to start with and reduce intelligibility o Frequency Lowering Fitting Assistants: 47 48 12 3. Activate NFC, adjust settings 1. Deactivate NFC and Fit to Targets 2. Find the maximum audible frequency NFC off Optimal Setting Too Strong Setting Under-utilized Audible BW 49 50 3. Verify Bandwidth of Chosen Setting Special Caveat with Transposition With frequency compression, the levels of the input speech spectrum can be inferred by from the amplified output and the Fitting Assistants However, because transposition mixes the signals, you cannot tell what the contribution of each is to the overall amplified levels FL off FL on 51 While the Fitting Assistants can indicate whether the transposed speech has been moved to a region where aided audibility is possible, they cannot specifically verify that the transposed signal is audible 52 13 Special Verifit Test Signals Special Verifit Test Signals ( 53 54 More on 20Q: The Highs and Lows of Frequency Lowering Amplification (Article # 11772) by J. Alexander Orientation 20Q: The Ins and Outs of Frequency Lowering Amplification (Article # 11863) by S. Scollie • Counsel on use of the technology and foster realistic expectations 20Q: Frequency Lowering - The Whole Shebang (Article # 11913) by G. Mueller, J. Alexander, & S. Scollie Validation Frequency Compression - Understanding the Clinical Application (Webinar # 23078) by S. Scollie • Evaluation impact of the technology on areas of need and overall benefit 55 56 14
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