-- YESTERDAYTODAYTDTNDRRDIIJ r'i:r0orrJrJ ite ali .o Baiiina and i:o Yesterday, ioday: .:o a been or Yrf as it is l{n'.,\'in" ii'r)ll thc;se of you who haven't about YTT" Ccnvenci,n l:efri:e let m(e tell you a iittte y,i,, is f i:c)driced af ter eacl-t r,;und of f ishing or casting" i-nclucling conLain cletails this issue, rhere ui11 be a total c'f l-1 pt"O"."o" r'hey cf all of events, gettet"f noilces t - resul Ls of changes i3 'ti-re ltroEram(',r a make anecoc.tcLes a,barrt the pec;'r1e viho even,cs ano smi.. ll stories Conven'tic.n a success - you'peor;'ie i'ihr:' 'larbici;-.ate' from iil evJ Zealand anci r!e €s1)€CialIy r,tish tc v,lelc(lme riisitcrs out t'hat this is cheir hcpe that they cai-ch heaps of fisir^ It turired rea Gai-ctens in L951 " as I\-.Z,., al so ctrnpeLecl al 5ECC,}{lj histc,:ic visit lve had over 550 ,is at ci'-;se of ltegis'trations orn tl-ie f irst day icent magnif or a gocd f registered crmpei:itors] tt'" locki-ng ar'n \i en ti;t-t rel-came i . iicvJ iOC some nc.eS about hovl the contpeti Licn r'lill run about the ,:, ir{ake sure ycu reacl ycur rouvenir r'roetrofft ano especia}}y If you, uail_y,regi-scraLion, Hcn,,ur Jta::i and ijeigh-in. -uhe 't' ::, ,:, ,', have ony r,,,..r1.= or cloubts in t.his area talk with one of Uffici;ris at Headquarter:s' Jackets a'ncl Biue Aificials can be i-den'tif ied by their Gold Spray f r 'nt 1,^A Hats" irlo one else has the authority to sivi 5€: you al)ar:t 'i:hese Cf f :-cial s " in 'the casting you must put rf ycu. r r'i-end Lc corn',,ete individually Boarcl at Heaclquarters' Ihis you.r name on tlie sheet ;n t.l-re I'lctice ar:;r1ies;eveilifyouarealreaclyinthe'i'eamsEvenc" be 1:lacecl in ,,,rhen f isl-riirg ioc an event has ended, all f ish. must ies each identif lvith a tag whicir t.he f rsi-r bags i:rovideci*...r Lied official an than no one oi:her ComBeLiLor. {rgm .tha.t iime onljerros strictly depart 'rhe fish trucks r,vi11 is alior,red to tcuch rrie ii"r'" ontime"".r-bugswill"beunloac]eclatl-ieadquartersbytfficials order by 5taLe" rr's each comi:etito5os ancl soi'teci intc nurneracal uir to observe the (or she) n" ',ri1-l be called cauch i"-;;";;;".r, iJ'"r v;eighing" l,6igfr-ins vJill start sb.r:ictly on time" 1'hey v'ii11 be held ear1Y" want Lc-' do musc be A11 sor;ing and, checking that competitors placed on the f ish and baqged completed iefcre tlreir i-itf, are irucl<"]-fycuhaveadoubtfulsi'''ec.ies?iellyourStateCaptain tff icer forLhai: f ish tc be vrho vtirr a,:range v;ith Lhe t"ield If it is not LK it v;ill checlcecl u'!ot-r airival at Headquarters" 'the penal i-y f or undersize be removed r^rithout penalty" iiemember, fish j-s 25 Peints Per fish" iiotes a]:r,ltt hcr"v i-he competibicn v;i11 be run, ccni..i*ru-reci" '' Ca; ancl l:oai parking in the Headquarters cornpouncl is rest-ric.:e,, ir) a fei'; es:ential Officials" Howeve.i:, boats--"'Lhat have been l:c::^:,..,ecl li^Z"t..Compe[itors parkecl here overnight for^ ?I-;;;;';.,tnd ':' The uut-:i-ccmpeition evenL r,vill sLart at 7"00 am on r'uesday I2ti July and run until the final iveigh-in at 8"00 am on Tuesday 26th July" i-he species for i:his cornpef .i Ei on wi1l be" Brearn, )rummer, Flat,heacl, Luderick, I,tullor,vay, re&Ll .-erch, Snapper, Iailor, 'r,hiting and heavj-est of ither :1recie.s" -l-1.'11\Ur,, I I;:r15r 'times for ,ioufld 3 of b<;th Estuary and ,irlck & Beach to be" 3 " 3C pm Daily ,iegist::aticn and Check-cu't ,i"0C pm Lines Dor,^.,n It v/as ccnsidered 'thac this change '"vould cvercome a number cf problems asscciated riiLh a lai-e evening start" have been iitriuri'-L S Despite Lhe heavy seas Iern rel-iably informed 'chat some reasonabl-e ca'bches have been made c>ff the rocks and beaches and thai: the ,iichmoirc i-s producinE pleirty of bream" 'r'he months of rain might have been a blessing f:.i: -he iistuary i,ng1ers. r,lrrcrerily offsh,rre is fishing very rvel-l if you can qel out" If you vrant the l-atesi cn fishing conditions lisien to raclio station Zli''i an 90C" at 3"2i; each morning Lhere ivill be a lir,re roi-nrf from our L"ield vf-ficer, .icss'uarven reporting irurrr a -Lrgh-c aircraft over t-he Bal-l-iir.,r clrea. LeL iiossrs dulcet tones socth the last ferv mcu L,hf ul l- s of your breaicf ast r Those oi you who believe in I uck should t.ouch Jcan Corriga.n, ou.rPr-esident Gene::al ' s wif e" She r,ron a iramoer of fresh meat at rroCrLgoclga ii"5"L. cn Lhe trip uil f rom Sydney, :;cl-1 done .rcan j !!cI4,i,ay 5, 14th Jr-r1y LADIES /C,,.t.;'t' lemons tration s wo::ks on shcr'r at iteadquarcers frcin LZ ncon Lo 3"C0 Dm lunch" ^11 ladies uelcome" ;rnd r'i 11 .-a)mrll nrr r,n oFarl l-rrrrr vuJ iieep y.Lrr" eyes anci ears ciJen fc-rr nevis -t the John I'iichol 8s crib school " r hear it ci oes cill all frnurs cf the n-i n}-r'i* GoI i.rouble ,.','it1-l yoLlr or-ltboarci motor- (or tr;c si,iolce car J "'' " ) Coniact Le*oer Craft at 97 l'larLin bL", ;.h t5"3B75. rhillip i,aulloffering a 21: hour service on any boa't" /,ccommoclation at Ballina seems to be ac a irremium so if you don't *; ^^ uerlr9 r^^.i ^r' c: - raLrrlple of miles up the coast, yc.Li cculd try ''Sunar.,iay'. at r'arli Beach near i3yron lray" Isttt i:o1d they have sevei'a1 self .-,uffolk conLai-necl f'amil-V uni'ts avaj-labl-e" lll-Ltt\.1 tr t L,' NLUN u,N , Lu;\E.-:Jr,Y 13 iH JULY YESTERDAYTODAYJu1y, UiJ TDTNDRRD\U ENINC CEJIEMOi\Y The Opening Ceremony uras hel-d on Monda! nfternoon in coo] but sunny conditions" Several hundred competitors and friends were rrracanf nrrl-ci-l 5 lraadnrrrrfor5 rt!suYuq! Lsrr vqu-ruv vuJs! cbserve tc Lv vs the Lllg 1!rlllcllf,L!gp fcrma],ities anri oninrz gtlJvy qllv the occasicn" iionoured guests included the lit. Hon" J"D" Anthony, the local State IViP " Mr" R" B" Duncan and the Shire Council President Mr" G"J" Ellis" Harry Horgan did a first rate job as M"C" and Murray Ccrrigan upheld the high standards expected of our PresidenL General" He also showed a natural talent fu-r problem solving by coping r,Jith a microphc'ne f ailure" The Ceremony wenL like clockv{ork with all ItJational and State flags being unfurred to perfecLion. speeches were short and relevant and the accompaniment of the band was mcst enjovable" Thanks to Berllina Primary Schocl " OF FSHO'IE RCUND 1 The first event of these championships and werenrt there some outsLanding catches" Conditions rlere good and 158 out of the I74 anglers vrho checked out caught. fish" The provisional results totalled 3351 fish for 2476 Kg" snapper and trevally were the dominant species with many good snapper being presented" ; The best. was a magnificent red of 8"660 Kg" taken by local angrer Trevor Gardiner" Best individual catch ivas by ivlichael Hirst of N"S"!'J" who r:n{-trrarr ra? fish for 92"75 Kg" liobert Lund who also fished in the same boat 14/as not far behind with L54 fish for 71"10 Kg" Other notable individual catches included a 22"0O Kg" Cobia (or black kinEfish) by Ken Brorvn (NSt.i) and a 14"40 Kg" Bar Tail Cod from Tony Forster also of NSV'/ . It certainly shows up the benefits of loca1 knolvledge" Best catch by a competitor from ancther State was 47 f ish f or 52"2 Kg" by Dave Bateman of Queensl-and" The detailed results attached are very provisional and may contain errors" No points loss for undersi-zed fish has been indicated " NOTICES A11 states are reminded that final nominat,ions for Offshore Teams must be given to Ross Garven or Bruce Schumacher by 5"30 pm Today" Any competitor who did not receive his trlatypus name tag at registraLion time should contacL the people,rn the Social Table. Extra stocks have nor,v arrived" It has been decided that the only speci-es that vri1l be accepted for the large-st Cod caught will be Black Cod and Bar Tail Cod" Any other Cod will only be eiigible for heaviest other species" 2(A11 Results Provisional) DAy RESULTS lsT - O.TFSHORE RUUND BES? INDIVIDUAL Otreral l r "l\" lJy 2.N" 256 \r A^^ J "l\" / a !t J 4"N"84 n Jf "V" i1A IILi QLD 114 NS ZJY iA, VI: M" HIRST R" LUND ovt R" 5\ JENNINGS D " BATEMAN T,1" I-I" MOO]{E 15 i,l"r\" a-7 LI B" t2 1 / \ E GARVEN 467 lav oJ ?,q B " OTENE l- 1" 2" ^-n ll\) VIC 37 liJ"A" AA 1t N"Z" ') QLD NSI,J VIC S "A" lil"A" N"Z" CLUB l st TEAMS Q"1]7 D " HUNT L'J I R" B" L46 "5 BARSING BONNELL 4a zo B " BONNELL E " GAIRVEN R " MOORE T.I ar VETERANS Overal " "37 qA I Pts" R " MOORE NSId i,ilILLISS LL 1 2 QLD LVJ=6J R. i{EADING JULY 1"N.270 "V 3"N.138 4"N"4 )"ti"zb l nol ( tl a HIRST 5".\" 2 Overal 544 544 D " BATEMAI{ 12!h LADlE5 roga"s P " STENI{ER L,UEsDAy OFF5HOKE ROUND 765 -a J() I\f . -L^ rL50 YEN 1 ANGLERS 1- r LJ 146"5 467 zo\t 1. q 26 "5 " DYER "7 K"AitNOLD o H"HARVEY 247 N"363 A"PICKUP 117 l\tL" 13 L"SCO'IT 115 LL7 H.HARVEY 363 A"PICKUP 247 117 1 G " BROI/,/N 27 25 L" SCOTT 116 " iTESULTS OFFSHORE LISMOiTE DEEP SEA L447"5 - N"S"i^J" E /W A o ROBERTSON, ti. suFFOLK , I( " BxOfVN, K. i'tOSS 2nd IrALo AUST " D/S L44I - N"S"!{" 3Td 4Th :ARiiINGBAH ANGLERS - N"S"\,/" 1375 .)CEANIC 1149,5 - QLD" HtrAVIEST FISH BLACii IM$tNr """ KINGFISH DAY KEN BROVJI{ '-- 1 22"A0 Kq" "' Once again \,r'€ tTlust remind ALL competitors t.hat they must Fresent themselves personally during the 3C minute check-out time" Itrs not acceptahte to get one of your mates Lo regist,er for ycu. Bal tags once issued may be used again in later rounds but you will probably need a nevr bag tie" Bags may be re-used" A (:omnetitor with more than one bag of fish must ensure that a bag tie witkr his ConvenLj-on number is placed on the extra bag" These can be obtained from the check-in officials" 3* HEAVIEST OF SPECI[S Black CA.LJGi-IT CUi\4PETI'4'ION rii athead or Kg. I{g BOIS CIBSUN 3.11 7"60 3"980 8"56 0'9*l O"79 ?"3 NE'!lM.AN GAR'IH MARTIN ETER McGr<aTH BYRON LITTLEIIJCOD JCHN CRANE Tarwhine 'r'eraq 1 i n l.'reva11y funa r;ther species P GRAHAM DREW \uIacK i\rngr]-sn/ GREATEST VAI1IETY CT CATCH I(9" 5" BII,I.EMAN riAriREN SOMMERVILLE TxEVCR GARDINETR ...n1i1nar K9 " 1.070 CLIVE Fe.;r1 i:'erch 0"810 I]ER]{Y LAI\GLEY GLOiiIA i;'l at.head Kingf i sh l{orwong iliu1]oway KEN IN A 3" BItCi,vN SINGJ-E ilrALLY 6 STJECJES IIEAVlEST OF SPECIES CAUGHT OUT OF Bl O 33 " Kg" Kg" Kg" Kg" Kg" I{9" Kg" Kg. 22"00 Va .'Y " L4"74 Kg" ROUND MOORE COI'TPET,ITICi{ Bream GEORGE COLE I"47) Irl aLhead T{trNI RTqP.V 0"680 Kg. GEORGE COLE 1" Ol-har ( IMPO'iTAN'I 14"40 TONY FORSTEiI ROI\jALD iiEDMAN Cod Bream ' I IN '.nae spctted :::;:: Kg" i aq Hind ) 130 Kg " I:t ortunately sorne competi tors v,iere a minute or two late for departure of tfre f ish truck and their catch was not eligible for points. Dontt be caught" A11 ow for that extra few minutes in case you are clelayed" Unf PRL]GRAI'{ CHI{NGES 'I'he S"A" and VIC" State nights have nov'.r been amalgamated and the combined funcLion will now be held on Sunday 17th Jul-y at a venue still to be lrominaLed " nll State nights ether than l,i "A" e are by personal invii_ation on1y. Further details in next YTT" OUT-OF-CCMP ETITiOi\] Thris competition is int.ended to cater for the perscn who is not fishing i-n a schecluled event buL has gone fishing and caught. some These fish can be weighed during our regular weigh-ins" fish. This fishing may take place from Tuesday 12th July until t"Ctl am cn iuesday 26th Juty" Fish can only be v,,eighed at designaLed weighin times. Awards will be given to the heaviest of 10 designated species " No c-ruL of ccmpelition fishing is permitted in the area c;f an outing in progress between the start of riegistration and Lines up. Fishing is permitted outside the boundaries of these outings while they are in progress" ,11 - PAMBA ITSHIC.IiJ-!,I\Rap g idilt be het-i at 10"00 arn on v,Jednesday 20th July at l-he Catholic Church hall-, l"lain .'-jL::eet, Alstonvil-1e" The admission chargeof $1"00 includes morning tea, lucky door pi:i:e, etc" Tickets r,vill be avaitable at Lhe Craft Day .n Thursday l4th, in the marquee or at the dcor. Chilciren wel-come.. For further details rir"rg Barbara Guthrie on 28 0006" Ci?AF'T IVNRNIIlG i'lease note i:he changed times" This will notv start at 10"C0 am with the C"L."A" ladies arriving at. the Headquarters mai'quee tc shcvr their crafis. A lady frcm Lhe nursery rvill also be present to show and sei 1 iocal pl an 1-s " It{orning tea will be provided and bring t-he children along f anal-hor "i {-h your ov;n knitLing, ci-ocheting or other handicraf ts" You can bring or buy your lunch if you wish as the ladies expecL to be around until- the weiqh-in at 3"00 pm" The breathalls€r ttros busy in Ballina last lvlcnday night after Cld Friend's lrlight al- Lhe r,."S"L" If you gcl- caughL Lhen get your hearing checlced as lhey announced the l-ocation cver the P"A" a number cf times " ::i r:: ::: :.: ::: ::j :;: ::: ::: ::: ::i ::: BALLINA R"S"L" DT'iESS iTEGULAT]ONIJ Dov.rnstairs in Lhe Lounge and I"Jharf area, sports shirt, Dress Shorts and Irootr.l'ear" Sc-'i1ed '"vorking clo thes ltermitted until 7 "30 but noL on Stindays " L,aCies in dress shorts admil_ted. In the Upstairs Lounge, males may wear casual dress before 7" 00 pm and ladies, dress; shorts" Af ter 7 "0a pmr males must wear at least clress shorts v.rith long hose and coliared shirt" In i-he Dinnin Room, correct dress is necessary at all times and ladies in shorLs are not admi tted " A"A"A" '1 KNOCi(OUT DiioPS f .i*lnlc /r.r.ifr. \ uvtLll \-'.rrltiJtJlltErruJ f rrm v,-t)r SOCial JUU! IIvtlt i'eam) lace 1 l{9" of naLural dried apricots with or vrithcut stones (stones add a burnL flavour)" n a sr-ritable bottle" 2" Add one bottle of brandy, gin or vodka" 3" Add ]1; cups naLural sugar" 4" Shake r.rell and botLle securely. Start to drink it after 6 weeks" The clder" Lhe beLLer" 'v.ihen aged f or 6 years, L,abe1 I'A"A"A" i(NOCKUUT' DRurSr'" il N]EXT EDITICN OF'YTT IS DUE OUT AT NOON ON HURSDAY ]4th JULY pm. h? l'1 {o€don Hanoo hleil Car,.ten,: George Kann 'a.27 I"l Bi Q43 i4 F.\/l ,1.1 q fuT l)5nr. O6B M Darr /\vJ n Qlr Q25 ' 1 ,.,1u I Poul a'.rn (-11\/ 5 l":rr-lltf q^cL'1n rr lrvrr\f 23 11 ?7 1,5 -t) c5 L?- I'i .:I aa 3E 30 _LO A"M" Ir:in Le'rr Christensen 3C 7" 4 5 l" O 0 16 LL:. 7q Robert Schoenknecht 4 4M Da:vid Bateinan r.7 .1 1l L7 Harvey Harry 35 ?,') .,LO Qlr ?tul (\4 v -rr\4 vll "t -1, N4L iil 6 i,i35 N46 i{ 73 NB7 N9 C N'i 2 N94 N9 6 i'{ M }',] l4 M jvi l'1 i4 i\4 i'J212 M N129 iq i{139 1"1 N.1BT. V r!200 i\2C2 |4 N21"1 i\i tJ22 iq ) N235 i't239 itz4) M i'4 l"i i"l N256 iil269 M vi27?* 7,4 i4 N?_76 M N2 ht2B 3 N2B5 i'J292 i\i305 i'J31.4 N316 N353 l'1 M \/ M M M M M M i{354 L I\Jf,- IJ N353 V N3 t;,l N36l 55 t] N379 i"l N l'{ 3Bl V3 vl1 vi9 v29 V35 v44 v50 v59 V65 V69 VB3 v90 I"1 i''{ i,i !1 M M 1,1 i4 M L M i{ I5 Ruth Brr:,in r John Pel l aq-r-een 8 itober L D,:na ld scn ?!. 7, John Allcn Peter SLr,r'lner 117 55 Jchn Glover lJorm l"lu1hoiland 5b 3 R" r3uckley 6 D " rR "'Ihom.i -: 5 Peter:'iatr:on 7 Langlcy Tcrrv IO F Ken arrke-:r :;4 Keitn Ledgett 3 Alan Hart + Len Farker 16 Kerl Bror.,:n '2 iles Fripp 7 Tony F crster Alan Roberst:n 25 i\tichael Hirst L92 'I'revor Garrli ner 2.i Robert Lunci 154 l Jchn G:rrven 2 Brian Parr 4 Brett Davis Roger Ander:;on 2 6 5 l{ec Green i/arren Suffoll< 29 Colin Shannon 5 Rbbert Bencier 7 il-r-rro .ihrnn1.1tl r rr rvr r 3 r,,cvin'1"'llliamson 3 Gustav Garbers 16 7 Etfie Garber s ?tt I(aren Sutton i i;eginald Delf 13 Pickup Arthur I! K('n:jray 'Irevor Pool e 7 18 ,'iar1ley Kratz .jim Gilbee Bob Pywel1 Peter lvlcGrath John Morgan Harry Mcore ',,,JiI1iam Hammer Lindsay Cireers Col in l3arnes Jeffrey Ennis Janet Crane Bruce Thol n flrneffty ijose 37 22 E^'t ,l )l ia. 2 1. .4\ C J.1.o:: )3 T: ?rJ AA qa )'i 1 ic" 7 6"5 a )()^ 42 "2 ,.1 r:. F cr1 7( ?a ? '1 a1a r ), 0 ? l qil a, i ":l ,l? ,)-. 2 C.\ q ?q ---1 n r^^? l-Lh 26 "3C ul Qfl qII.') -t <rl "c .i n( )q ?q .t, ,,1 L Beverley Barine I -l ii ,\lcx l(rro 'les Q39 ivi George Ratclif f B I"1 Gecrqe Beatty i2 Q76 i.ii John Johnston a 7:l i'l John Inrgham 35 i;l Johrr Crone 22 VIU* fr'1 I l V t?oy Sr,.;ain + Qr l5 L Gl.oria Baternan.r 14 \.24 ?_ .15 16 Q77 a?1 nat qJa qrv 31 1,1 Rrrrnd 1 ,-,,--:2-7 -21_ lL iY Ron Underr.,ocrl 2) l"l J"i"Lu'i:;ffcl;- a () )'7 1l aa Lnq ) 2q / (( r aq 15"65 r; ori I 1 '7i- "7 4. l\17 1"1 Da.rici Chapmari 17 i']33 lvl ;\i'nerico ivlelchior ?t 1,.4 "') cl N45 V Arthur Dreckneyer 2 i\i54 l'{ ,r'ally l"loore i6 tt") lJ84 11 Russel Jennings 96. /tC '1 t fl i{88 1,1 Len Katen 4') 23"& N91 i'{ J " i{cD,-rmic'l 4, q qi 1, lrJ?3 ili C"j'i" Buckley r\i95 i,l John Fr.onan q ,.tq NI15 L Ker:itin Moring '5 tr i\J12 7 i'i Ken Pull en 3C ii1.33 L Dell Hunt 46 ?n c( Nf 85 l"i Jchn Bourke 1i199 I'4 Bob Gibson 35 i{2C1 }4 Greg Suffclk 15 ",1 17 r a )\ N203 i\1 ]/len i'{oss LZ A a-\ \!227 l'{ Rcnalqj Redman 6 i\234 I"j Ken Pc',.reiL7 8"8sC i'J237 14 John P::osser 32 i'{ Conte N24t\ John 25 3?_?-5 ta.4 li25O Ivl Ken Staf f 21"6 )2. tN261 I'1 Col Dorey j_6"0 7 N270 L Elaine Garven tc iJ273 M Ncel Davis 3 I'J275 1.1 Kev irreckelton 24 26175 I'i280 i\i Clem Terlich 4"6 6 a 4r i'j2tl4 V Eric ]ruatson 2 Xj291 l{ .Tim \,.;i:,ey 41 ta.o "9 ,1 /1tl'i304 L Judith BenJer 5 |i306 1"1 Paul Higgins 14 e aq i,I315 l'{ Byron Little',,,rood t) 'r ? 4q .4C N352 l'4 Grant riiatson tq N355 M Gerharcl lvlarz I4 tL "7 |J355 1"1 lohn ivlcGarriille g6 6 N360 M Jack Reston 27 zo .l I'i362 I"1 Peter Pickup "t Q 1q 16 iJ354 i'ri Robert Martin ',/arren a^ 4 5 3om, -:villr N37B iuj i'J380 M Gnrth l4artin 25 r,+.2 14 ?qn i\382 14 l'icel- l"lartin 23 '1 -l ?- 11 .1 6"4 cl r'l q 16"40 10"5C ,.,) ? q ? .rrJ 72 34"74 +7 ?:.- "85 B 3.50 20.50 37 -r q 7 ?n i8 13"15 L5 9 "8C 55 2E"10 \,/4 Vi5 V2O V3i v3,l Vt:) v52 v65 V5B v73 VB5 L Esme G:.1bee R..l-r 'Rri.nh {- M M M Kcith Flenring Vic iJa I ter L Rhoda l"loore i{ Eddie Fisher f"i l'1 M i\4 }T Guenter Sehnetle Peter Moreau Jin Crane M-r\/\/n inl r-{cmiLh Mason John 37 16"30 a 4t1 /.IU 52 26"80 ) ? q.t 41 ?_1 " 30 23 1.0 " 80 20 9 "40 3? 2C "6J ro r. "90 6 3"0\ a O 53 s9 s i5 M J "'d " i!1n'r'rCOrl 7i, 17"35C 57 t4 :rn'it:,on 5 E. 15C S11 ii R:.:y:'iri-.iiii if obc:-'' I-i John r'u.l,ler' l.{ Brett,;illiss 'A l,'i I\4 J:e C:tter,,,:el1 S?-7 M DavicJ F oster s55 ll llcnry L: sk,r-.., ski ;ri ',,i."lrl,l0 515 11 6" i5i s2_? 53 .l,.":150 S5;1 -, rJl V U'::O'ff: rJI-,1 'n t'l5 M Davii :.Drei^l 'i117 i "t'7 iil ^..J t4ik L Hel t4 1;l?,6 ".1?2 V \|J29 L e IJ a::pr.:i' en Dyer: Shar':n O borne li:r3 li Reg Gue:;i ir 3i ivi Cl ive iJ sr,,rnan it): r?t L 1i -1 r -ra , \ i .j A'- t"1 l I 8 ! (l - rii /-i li J ? ,-.r -,cl', :rir.'ci s iiob::.rt Thcinpson iie;': Richarci:;oir i -, \a J"OU-1 'll-, 2"551 iirl2 IO " g.Ji) 1ey Lor,'e;irove Cir.rh,tin Dre,,; Duci 7 Ltt,"1i|O I'iZ8 L Kathlean Ar:nol.d i{ 'jecf f 1- :) " Ii:ii U6 -r j ] I I'',i 2 " 5:iil !!, .) il-n:,?5 V i-eit Scctt od l'{ l.ri llc <'= iia::pe:: Rbb fieaclri'rg :jid :iiiiLingr Di.::r 'lnonta :; i,1 Maurier$onqan J-i-m Palrner' i1 :-li I i.,1 1 Ci.-nc 7 litL -A B.2rC0 ,-a i )JU r'q,l 41 rao*:J\/ 4i:+ :1 " 9() O ;,2 :i3 " 2CC .l 1A 1 .1,j, -lrl /] " !)0C) 6 L7 1A 7 .r Eiiil 1 q r:r\ i 'lti/l ) I i ir{r'r ')_,a 7trr1 tJ,) YESTERI)AYTODAYTDMDRRDIU Date: i]oqK & BEACH ROUXJp 1 It was a glorious day for the first round but unfortunately tc attend" The most popular r eason is that the fresh conditions have made the close inshore seas rather muddv and the fish are out vride? About 355 anglers checked out in the mcrning and IB2 caught fish" Top catch rva-q by Graham Bell of N"S"W" who took 18 fish for 38"B Kg" IVost of his catch was rock blackfish" Other good individual catches included Dennis Baker" also of N"S"!d" with 25 fish for 12"05 Kg" Amongst the top hauls was a fine catch of 10 fish for 4"20 Kq" by a lady competiL,c:", Nella Clifton of Li"A" The total catch was 508 fish for 444"65 Kg" Bream, tanvhine and rock blackfish predominated with the biggest disappointment. being the armost complete absence of tailor, v;hich are 'usually plentiful aL this t,ime of year" Best fish of the day was a rc',ck blackfish cf 3"62 Kg" caught Graham Bell while other catches included a very nice bream of by I"92 Kg" taken by John l{organ of Victoria" no one told the tailcr TOTAL CATCHES The early figures for the Offshore Round 1 were produced under difficult conditions ( unof f icial ly by yc,ur Publ ications Editor ) and r,vhen properly processed produced a few more fish" A breakdown of the catch is given below together wiLh a similar set of figures for riound 1 of the }lock & Beach" OFITSHU.tE riC,UiiJD i\i n Anrr I orq 1 - 12 "7 "83 iri ai No Fish nhJ. Kg" QLD 23 386 368 " B0 N"S"!V" VIC " B2 1456"45 S 11 1793 672 413 16 IL7 105 " sc 160 10 ? ?q'l "A" t'i"A" N"Z" rTl^ ]IULdI --l . . 25 344 " 00 224 " 35 14"1C 4- i a ZJLJ.IV 2BEACH&ROCK-ROUNDi. ZND DAY RESULTS I/./EDNESDAY 13TH JULY BES'I INDIVTDUAL ANGLERS BEACH & RCCK . ROUND 1 lllan r L> * Nr69 z, N99 3" N]Bl 4" Nl26 5 " N232 ^n^ u2L QLD A" Cannon D" Baker B" Layton S.A. i'{.A, N"Z" AAn G. Bell J" Morgan " bJinwood A. Pri-ce v29 l/\J35 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" N"S"iiJ" VIC " 1Y -V en Uono 28"C 24 "5 D" Cul1en l QLD 406"0 V,i NZ26 Crveral 146"0 144"5 123"5 109"5 Go Co1es A" Edwards Nl 69 N"S"W. VIC " +cllo G" Bel1 C;ver&1i I Li"A" 12"0 B" Schofiled D" Evans T" Goldsmith B" Schofield J" Garven JO Qs5 N 301 N"SObJ" ZI"J 21" 0 N310 2" N357 3. Q17 Q17 N310 1 vvg!g!I 0 14"0 22"5 7"4 14"0 r "::::."' \t.78 VIC " S "A" W"A" . Veterans 1" Qs6 2" QIO v75 QLD" V'/18 N"Clifton l'v20 R" Harper 21" 0 V10 S" Cav111 r6"0 N257 M" Otl'leil 1n n N277 L"Johnson 9"0 4^q Q45 S" Guy I I\i257 M"O Neil 10" 0 V10 S" Cavill 16"0 V,rlB N" Clifton 52"0 N" Z" Juniors Overa].l Pts" 52.0 Ladies o QLD N"S"W" VIC " S "A" IrJ"A" vt lo G" K" R" R. Vcisey Kay Ford Ford G" 73"0 39"0 24"5 24 "5 73"4 -:::"'o A. Guest 5"5 N"Z" N"Z" & ROCK (Ful1 detaiis l.ater in Lhis issue) CLUB TEAI'4S I-iESIJLTS BEACH st Znd 3rd 4th l YAljiBA F/C K" ANGLERS ART{S F Grivens , P Kerkeneaov Lightfoot, A"Cannon 335" 5 ZY5"J /C BiiUtlSliICK HEADS ANGLING & D/S CLUB tsALLINA ANGLING CLUB HEAVIEST. N169 M" , & BEACH ROUND I\o " ANGLERS .\Tr) \{!s 34 N"S"!J" DAY 2 3"62 ROCK BLACKFISH GRAIIAM BELL ROCK F]SH 2E 1tI 1- No" FISH B} 450 t*tt* Kg" 44"70 365 " 20 lB" 25 1B 32 "4" 11 29 3 3 L4 "20 1" 60 Total": LB2 608 444 "65 VIC S i,',J " "A" N"Z" ( 4 "74 Kg" ,"". EB 3CLUB f EAI4S L,nce again i,here was not. mtrr.:h separating the -iirst f ew teams in the Club Team:; Corn'oetition" ';,'inners vJere again a focal side, Lhe redoubtabl-e fanrba Fishinq Clr-rh" 'I'he catch vras f airly evenly shared -*^-^^+ r!j - L ctluur 1-hz, Ll rr A Club" Lismore Deep Sea and italo Australian Deep Sea are probably sLill leading the cverall Clubs Competition" YESTERDAY ai l- ed t-o ack n-rwi edg e the great fishing by local club Lismore f)pen .Se;r rnrho Lcok out the Club l'eam Comnet i tion fcr the Offshore" F €')< nr-'i.ntS J'horu onl v'2 u! Ii 1' L l-rr riruu\: a l lc) vr lr rr YeJ J maclo rr.mnofili-n io find the'-veral pleni-y of so there is still I Champion Club" ouI-uF-ct)lviP ETI TICN Not many fish have been presented so far so there's still plenLy of prires to be won. A nice tailor was caught by Alan 'v,;hitehead ;lnd reascnable bream and spotted hind have been weighed" But apart frc.m those and a flatheadr flo olher species have been presented " HEAVIEST OF SPECIES CAUGHT 1N COI",1;.EIITIC;I'J ack Bl ive Newmern !'larren Sommervi I 1e Irevor Gardiner Snapper I-i i Graham Bel1 n rl Tail or N{:w i"*Y" inhi-fonf ltobbie Anderscn Tarwhine Terag 1 i n '1'reval1y Byron L,ittlewood John Crane Graham Drew Tuna 8j.11 Beacom l,rhiting Ken Brown Species Other HEAVTEST UF sPEClES CAUGHT L)UT t George Cole Ken Bisby athead 'Iai L or Cther Species F1 ( Spotted Hind Al an tihitehead Georqe Cole 3"110 Kg" 7"500 Kg" 3"980 Kg" 8"66tr Kg" 1" 320 Kg " 1"060 Kg" 1" 060 ltg " 2"300 Kg" 1" 750 Kg " 3"330 Kg" "264 Kg" Kg 22"C40 (Btack Kingfish) Bream Kg" .BB0 Kg" Cil Fearl Perch |Luuarl 5"810 Bob Gibson Mul loway le 1,,070 Kg" Gloria Bateman 'L'erry Langl ey llober Quinlivan Morr,vong .ln,-, !, 3"620 [(9" Graham Bell Luderick Jlr t4 " 400 I(9. L "92C Kg " Tony forster John itlorg an Coci Bream Drummer F I a. thead King fi sh " LF CUMI,ETiTIC}i L "474 Kg. "68C Kg" 2"150 Kg" 1 " 130 l(g " ) ':' 'litEIGHf CHANGED SINCE LAST YTT" )r: -4 SPECIAL NOTES (By courtesy of Jim and Greg) Golcl Ccras{- Bus ?our - lalell- -^urhat a tripl Irm worn out" The to see our next trip rtrs $ood $7"00" trip Tickets are points west" Lisrnors for arn B"30 ancl all leave at rt t s on per person. 00 $6" a.t weigh-i-n trmes during now selling next Tuesday (19th)" Have you tried the ConvenLion pcrt? Shiraz grapes at their best" It has been said that Lhe older it gets the betterr howevert a small <1rop nov; vlould not be hard to take" T Shirts Have you bought that souvenir yel to take home to -llffi-"t4 rryrr neck line makes these icleal ladies" Class mum? has entered the A"A"A" PCIRT'HCCMI}iG EVENTS : Saturday - Ballina Jockey Club welcomes the A"A.A" will operate on all races from I to TAB Facilities Firsi- race at 1.00 Pm" L) l-', - ^ ^ dLe r1 - Ma-iden HandicaP Norman riodgers tmprovers HandicaP tlace 2 Ilace 3 - Estuary A:;sociation S taic es 1 000M 1 000M 6 I 200M l,r,istralian Angling Association Open HcP" 1600M 1900M tiace 5 - Beach i{ural Stakes 1000M HandicaP offshore Flying Race 6 Rcast pig rrn a spit wil.l be available between 3"0c pm and 4"C0 pm and there will be drinks at the MembersrBar for competitors with tickets" See Jlm for an early tip" P,ace 4 Ajj'."A. SPECI4I, No IL,'s not knockcut drops agaln" This time its ANOTHER rThe Sundcwner' vvet a sLemmed glass with bitters" Add 1 part sweet vermouth A truisrt of 1emon, a cherry than drink through anri 3 narts oin" crushed ice" "F-t-*.4. SEAGULLq CLIJB NIGHT,OUT The cosi for a bus plus the show is $15"00 per person and if enough pecple are interested a coach will be booked" See Jim or Creg at the Social Table - the v;orkers! The show runs from 8"30 to 10"30 and the bus would depart from hoarlorrarters at 5"00 pm" Propcsed date is'JJhursday 21st" r reuvv sEA !'JORLD ',r'9uR Another tour lhat. can be arranged if enough peopl-e are in a mini interested" Ideal for t,he children and fiuiTlo iieturn tripOnce again only available" bus would be $5"00 Per seat ?-4 seaLs (or Jim?) Greg and is that see your social team of Jim and Grec; Enquire novJ NOCI.J (N"e" If offshore Round 2 Ls cancelled YTT may be rather thin!!) tr DETAILED RESULTS iiOCK % Nc. Fi sh T" Ludiow L2) Do Evans M" Potter: ivl" C 1 ark i? " Ford Ql.0 n 1 l vaJ Q1s Q]7 A" Strathearn Q31 M" rruqustus Q37 Q/i ) f. Ar. YJ.' Q56 Cr r.Q Q59 ) al(.r VJL I no? Q97 Ql 04 R" C. l{. T" N" K. J" E" E" Nt l Nl8 ii 28 NI34 i{ 39 tr /t.7 3 r{5 7 N65 N73 I\BB N99 _-13 i'J117 9 N124 Nl30 Nl37 Nlri1 N14.4 ri155 N1.57 N}I52 I'i 159 NIBT. IiJl8.i Nl92. i{i9B \12 C8 i\l?14 Scholfield Scholfiel_d N2?_7 _?1 N233 N235 N238 4 I i(g ? r. rl i"700 " 454 ?/trl 6 JVV 5 2 1"950 " 650 " 450 1 2qiav o .,., .3C0 1"850 Turville 6 700 350 ? qqn Hosl<en 5 4"i50 Edv.rarci s Tilga1 s 1 z1C0 Crone 5 300 :1. 3a0 Standley B 4, vjategc. Jones l,locdl ey F'rioi: Davi sorr liJilliamson Barr Pratt Ii/esL GarretL IiJ" Tye Porl.-er L" Ol1ey f'" Ross G" Edgar J" vJi-tchard c" Be11 D" Baker L" Duncan G" Rooks iL. Fc-rster G" Payne 'I L{l " R" C" K" K" K" Grahari", iledma.n f I I i 1 I 4 3 1 3 3 3 t. 9 3 11 2 2 7 1 " " " " " 2AA {\l I 2"850 1"850 0"9s0 5.90 1.500 5"750 5C0 q " fi(n 1" 650 I ? {inrl 1. 350 1" 05C 4"150 1"200 L a " 800 1" 0c)0 5 4"650 4 3 1 r qal 10 1" 350 4" 35C 2 1"i00 2 l 1B 25 ta L' 2 2 I 3 I qr-o 3B " 800 r2"050 5"200 " 750 5"300 d ?\/-\ t JV 1" 250 " 550 Tocvey 3 2"650 6"450 1"900 Aston 1 ? 2 " Bt)0 Aq,l o L/JV Arthur rlcberts 2 3 I i3 "7 "83 Nc " Fish " 1 I l t{L,i.JND ^-i ^]-+.r(:rylrL 4 L" Katen A" Cannon K" riobinson S " Kendrick R " Drarre .J. Farrel l J" I"lelvaine M" Disson T N2 Guy Po SLenner Nl1 OB Nl] S" A" B" il " R" R" G" P. P" J. t. & B[/\CH L" Evans Q9 N" Carstens Qfl QL4 C" Polter a ^1 qro L" LIa.r'K Q2,+ Q34 Q"1iri Q46 Q55 Q57 Q62 Qtj4 Q90 a92 Q94 Q99 Ql-14 F" D " S" c" S. A" ii" J. C" A" K" Ir " D" l\rf N19 N29 N3B (J. ncorey J" Vidler J" Perkirrs R" Anderson O'Neilt I 1 1 anrl " 300 " 300 ?q,n 2 1 Aqn 5 L"900 xatcliffe Scholfield Veselis Iuategc Burton frent Edlvards Tarlinton i I " 1 11232 G" Coles 300 400 " I 4.r00 1\ 1"850 3"6s0 1 N234 K" Fower N237 J" Prosser N23t I\'i" HirsL 600 o LJV I tsateman N210 'I'" l,vright N215 D" \iidler I\224 F" l"{offett 1n229 T" Forster " 6 JJV 6 r\ I-l" l/lartl-n " BOO 1 Al lr:m rt/'- ' 1"400 2 1 " Guy N4,B rt" CourLenay N56 P " Hore I{51 il" Quinli.ran i\,o/ .1{" nales NB1,l R " Jennings l',i89 K " Appel Nl03 i-]" Bush l\ l' ,9 M" Berre] l I{116 D " Disson NllU u," ',roL>ldridge i\i120 E " Layton i{126 B " LayLon Nt Ji A" MacDonald \ll-40 E" Hughes N142 l'{" }.{ancock i{147 J" Pignat i{i56 "rj" McBurney Nl51 K" Griuins iilbG Fr" T" Chapman Ii176 l(" Keevers Nl33 N" Lennard Nl85 Jo Bourke i{196 B" Battese 1r^n ry t\4ul Kg r<eberger (J" tJIlI]-am3 l\-rJ 3 l,Jeigh, 7 5 r- nn o J V\-/ 3" 300 2"850 /1 )r-.r 5"000 ,/l q i') 1 3 ) 5 I {.-\ I 2 6 ?_ I I 1"400 1.300 3"550 " 750 3.800 " 300 qqn 1 0qn I " 050 " 300 " 400 16 10"750 ) oa, n V \) o J 3 1"600 4 1"600 2"15C 5 a o Jtrrn L JV 4 10"450 I 5 2 5 A':^. oqJv 2"000 1"300 2. BC0 3 6"s00 4 tI 2 5 5 L I /1 6 1'l 7 " 700 " 400 "ZaA 2"100 3"9s0 10"550 12,,7 A0 q ?ao 5"400 6qETAI;ED iiESULTS No" Fish N240 A" Aston N245 G" Buchanan 1 t\)lL)/ z J" I'OOVey N252 H" Patch N255 B" Beacom N257 M" CtNeill i\268 B"A" Carr N277 L" Jc.rhnson N28B D" Beil NtYZ L" >nannon rri^ r i\zy) lvl" )Ioney N30t J" Garven N -? 1C G " Voi-sey N 3 441 i^'l " A1 exancler N346 L" Eyles N359 M" LightfocL N367 J" Snow r\J/J i\383 v4 \/'l r.] V15 V23 v27 v31 V52 v75 E" Gi q B" lbee Cavi 11 Bright J" Gi lmour M" Ridout v" l,Val G" Schnel 1e ter tl G l,i35 t\222 a L L 1 11 4 10 'l 5 1 " Foster J"W" \,,Jinwood B" f/i11iss B" I(chler ur22 l,!31 3 " M" L" H" D" A" Brorr"'n Harper Clifton Dyer Thomas Price M" Johnstone i\242 B R':binson N246 S "" Coles N251 J" O'lBrien N253 R" Howard N256 R " Lund " 900 s"200 ?nn " E00 " 300 I N25B Tyndal 1 N269 J" Garven N2B2 B" Tidmarsh N291 J" Voisey N294 A" \,Vhi tehead "800 " 50[) " 700 r ?qn " 600 6"2C0 2"650 9.300 1"050 2"300 1"700 ,/l Ii. " l.i3 5B N374 n VI] VT7 v 24 " 800 ;1 1 q nr\ 5 2"300 /1 I " 400 I " 300 1" 75C ?no I t 3 1 9L -^ ?(fl a 1 VB3 V9O 1"300 '1 3 V44 \/qo V JJ " 6CC a L \/v z-J ?o tr1, "z:5O 1 700 " buti J l,'/6 rllB B" Pywel 1 " 350 1 5 2 a L 10 I 7 I 2 t+ 1 3 2"600 3"900 1"100 6 "7AO 'l ntrn 5"600 " 800 1" 2s0 6.550 qqo z"vtv 4 3"300 8"150 5"r]50 2"150 5 2 5 15 -) I "654 " 500 " 60r) " 750 1"7s0 o l'lorg an 3 2"604 'vJ" Hammer lvi" -T v a V6 Gilmour I z Barnes B" Thorne 1 T" HcSe 1 " 1 " 3C0 I\O V6 ack et t tr,iierds !J G" Drew N" Clifton 226 D" Cullen 2"150 1"700 2"450 4 ii 34 lb I 1 f orlvard G" K" Harper A" Guest D" Schmidt V,r20 N Goodwin \-cl 1,/IIJ )\ JJa lru " R" \iap 300 1"300 I H" N299 A" Darvson N3i)3 P" Kerkenezov N31B ivl" \,1atSon N345 J" O I Bri- en N357 K" l( ay N362 P " Pickup 1 1 1 13"7"83 No" Vieighr Irish Kq" r"300 1 J L iir)UND BEACH Kcr" 1 I & inlai nhi- 2 R S3 Sl5 553 7 rJ1 9 I 4 T" Goldsmith J" Mason u; l- 3 tvl" >mtcn VB5 V't1 z RCCK 2 " 00C) I 2 10 4 l L O(rl 400 ?{1., " 800 4"24O 1"700 A r-(\ 1"100 I"000 YESTERDAYTODAYTDTNDRRDIU Jul y, PROGRAM CHANGES OFF'SHCItE & CASTING The offshore event programmed for yesterday was cancelled for safety reasons" conditions were judged to be sufficiently poor to be a hazarcl fo comDetitors" This event has now been re-scheduled to next Sunday, 17th July" which was to have been run on that day will now be held over until the following day, Monday, lBth July" I-{owever, shoul-d the re-scheduled Crffshore r<ound 2 event on the Sunday be again cancelled, the accuracy casting will be held.that day commencing aL 1"00 pm" A11 other casting events would still be held on the Monday" Your program for the next few days should now read: Tha r:cfinn 'l Af h Qr]- rrrdrrr July; ilG;:::itlll;il, 5"30 5"00 am 7 "00 am 1"00 pm Gala Day at Ball j-na r{acecourse - L2 noon. orrshore Round 2 ( re-schedul ed ) Check-out at Ballina Apex ramp or Evans Head" Registration & Check-out Lines Down Lines Up Fish on Truck 2" 00 pm 3" 00 pm tVeigh-in this event 1s cancelled, Accuracy Casting will be held N:E" If -r ^^--^^^;^^ uvflulrE;rluJllv pm" cl L Yer9ey---19!l."Jyly' 1" 00 f-rq1.inn Bentinck =f Kinn.:fnrrl SL" , & Chanqed to be: Accuracy (.rwen Smifh I narklJq!^, r-nrnar Vv!rlg! gf 5t", Program of events Event 1 Teams & Individual 569 Distance Teams Event 2 Artifical Balt Distance - Teams Event 3 I ndirridual Event 4 L72g distance Artificial Bait Distance- I nd ivi-duaI Event 5 N"B" The casting commences at 8"00 am sharp" Ful1 details of the casLing order for compet.itors wilI be in the Rules of the Day for the casting" It is scheduled to be available at Headquarters by 5"00 pm SaLurday. COTiRECTIONS Any significant corrections will be noted in YTT" Two changes you may care to note are; t,ffshore Round i Michael Hirst Lgz fish for 93 35 Kg" A score of 1100"5pts" after 25 pt. " loss fc-,r one undersize flsh" tiock & Beach Richard Cavill of Victoria scored 31"5pts" for linrrnrl a 3rd overall in Veterans and leader in that r:nfeoorv for Victoria" I 2- OFFSHORE CLUB TEAI"{S RESULTS ROCK 1" Lismore D/S 2" Italo Aust" D/5 (N) 3" Carlngbah Anglers (N) 4" oceanic (a) 5" Ballina xSL (N) (N) 1098 6. Elizabeth (S) Frankston (V) 7" B" Brunswick Heads D/S (N) 9 " Bal l ina BIue Viater ( N ) 10" Victory (a) t1 Burleigh Heads (a) 1- 1A lvo Gerringong (N) Lower Clarence D/S Tubemakers ( I\j ) Ba1l i-na Angl ing v{uvlYVvf AOo Jtr ==J 445 "0 443 "O 349 "O A (t'l) ??a /. n 325 "5 {.1\ ) V( i 848"5 835"0 680"5 674"5 601"0 (N) I | " Penrrtn K/ !, ( ]\,) Lo" urrsnore (tJ/ 19" Frankston (V) 2A " Bal l ina Bl ue Viater "5 280"0 262"5 '\ 24r"4 (N) 237 "A 2L" Maroochydore (Q 22" Bunbury No"l (ti 23" Bunbury No"2 (t,.; 24" Surf Casting (t,"t 25" Kaipara (NZ) 2e," Wyong Blue !,iater (N) 27 " Penrith t</L (N) 28" tsaIlina Blue lraLer (N) 29 " Bal l ina ,RSL 30" lLalq Aust " D/'s (irti 31" Cockburn Povrer Boat (W) 32" Brisbane Metrop" (a) 33" Freemantle (vJ) 203"0 168.0 157"5 'r qn n 4" 5" 6" 7 B"" 9" L7 r-n ( 50"5 J\/O.J Port Macquarie (N) Ballina Angling (N) tl^,ro at Don ValenLin's restaurant was ticket number 31" Congratulations whoever you are" Consolation Prizes of a 10% discount go tc 84, II4, 2I3, 382 and 485" :::r:r:1,::::::r:::::::::::t::::;::::,:,.:;:,:1i::;:::::::r:::::;::i:::l:::r:::::::::i:>;:::::;:::':r::: r42"0 139"5 129"5 103"0 84"0 77 "0 68"0 64 "5 63"0 58"0 s6"0 A1 N) 26" Alstonville (N) O ?ON Maroochydore (a) ?RE a'7 n " Italo Aust" (N) 28" Mullumbimby (a) 29" Ballina Angling 30" 31" 32" 33" 34" 35"5 32"C ?1 Byron Bay Services (N) '1'1 Bunbury (t'i) Maclean (N) i, f; tai"- Victory (a) Blue f-in ( a) / t: 43"0 Alstonville r ldinner of the dinner for 150 149 "tr (tv) 1F 24 "5 24-\ J5" YamDa (t\J 36. l;lurwil lumbah Services 31" Mt" Gravatt (a) DINNER IVINNER 156"c Byron Bay Services (N) Mullumbimby (a) " Bunbury AA 27 69"0 (N) 2L" Irrank s to n ?2" b-rank ston Frank s to n 131"0 L24"5 0 (N) Murvril lumbah Services 18" Anglers Arms (N) 19 " Surf Casting ( ti) 20" Carringbah Anglers LJ 71" Ballina Angling 335"5 293 "5 287 "5 168"5 10" Alstonville (N) 11" Brunswick Hds D/S (N) 12" Bangalow (N) 13" Italo Aust. (N) 14" Byron Bay Services (N) 15" Lismore (N) 16" Ballina Angling (N) Lt+1") 1r4"0 BEACH CLUB TEAMS RESULqS 1" Yamba (Nl 2" Anglers Arms (N) 3" Brunswick Heads D/S L447 "5 L44L "A 1375"0 1149"0 & \ 23 "0 10 n (w) 1t *'_ /14"0 12"0 L2"A 11"0 38. 39 " ) 4A" Burleigh Heads (a) 41" 'vvaterside ( a) 41" Lr smore \ N 43" Itato Australian (N) 44" Redcliffe City (a) 45 " Cockburn Power ( liJ ) 46 " Freman tle ( ) Lismore (N) otamatea ( ttz an ,l Rq qq q,q 4"0 V'l ::: r:: ;:: r:: ri PRESENITATION DINNEiT Tickets for the Presentation Dinner are still available from the Socia1 t'able aL Fleadq{uarters " It ' s on Wednesday 27 th July at 6 " 30 pm Cost is $15"00 for adults and $7"50 for juniors" at the Ballina i?"S"L NEXT EDITION OF YTT IS DUE CUT AT 7"OO PM ON SATUT?DAY 16th JULY YESTERDAYTODAYDate: 15th Ju1y, TDMDRRDIIJ 1983 RECORD FLATHEAD An Australian record Dusky Flathead was caught, at Ballina two days ago by Al1an Strathearn of Queensland" It was a huge fish of 9"44 Kg" (2Oh 1b)" ilhen they get that large they call them aligators not lizards ! Alan fished from a boat near the trawler wharf and took'the monster on 91b line using an imported worm bait (for Qld of course)" He ttrought he had a big ray at first and was quite convinced when it decided Lo rest on the bottom for several minutes at one stage" Patience must have prevailed however as he netted the flsh af,Ler:. about 20 minutes" He broke his landing net while boating the fish and it looks like costing him another $50 to get a good fiberglass cast made" An Australian Record claim has already been submitted and his fish receipt was signed by our wei-ghmaster John Prosser and witnessed by President General Murray Corrigan" ESTUARY-ROUND 1 An average evening's fishing saw plenty of niggers caught by the locals while all others went hunting the bream" Plenty of niggers were taken and not so many bream" The niggers were crcnerA'l lv of good si-ze while most of the bream were in the smaller range" A few flathead and a small mulloway were also caught" Top haul was by Frank Moffatt with 44 fish for 25"65 Kg" followed by Ellis Garrett with 34 for 2Q"4O Kg" and Richard Courtenay with 27 for 15"7 Kg" Alt were from Ballina Anglers" Total catch was 859 fish for 418 Kg" by 193 anglers" Best fish for the day was a flathead of 2"26 Kg" taken by peter McGrath of Victoria wh1le V'/al1y Moore presented the best luderick of 1"24 Kg" In ou1:-of-competition, AlIan Strathearn presented his record flathead and Terry Langley weighed a snapper of 5"74 Kg" BILL KEi?ii Itrs sad to hear that our Queensland Presi-dent, Bill Kerr has fallen foul of a virus that has been going around and has been admitted to hospital " He is expected out in a day or two and 1s l1kely to be told to return to Brisbane for a rest" Ifm sure everyone wj-shes you a speedy recovery and hopes that you don't miss the rest of the Convention" IS DUE OUT AT NOON ON TUESDAY 19TH include offshore Round 2 and Casting NEXT EDITION OF YTT (ltill JULY 23RD DAY RESULTS ESTUARY ROUND 1" BEST rNpIy_TDUAL ANGLERS ysu Overal I I " rtzt4 2" 3 4"" 5" QLD N65 A" vl5 B" J" A" B" hJ34 N"ZO NZL2 Cannon G" Tigals N224 Po N"S"W" VIC " S"A" td"A" Overal 238"0 184"0 137.0 133.0 46"0 300"5 R" Courtenay Nl92 G" rlooks Moffett Bright QLD N"S"W" VIC " z/-.J Fu1ler Price Otlne 23"0 35. 5 14"0 I 1" V40 F" Bisby 2" N195 M" Riddel 3" N187 M" McMil 1an 4" Q45 S. Guy 5" v6g J" Crane Q45 S" Guy S"A" W"A" N"Z" N195 QLD" N"S"!.ll" s"A iiJ "A N"Z 1 Riddel M" V4O FO l^j20 ii JUNIORS Overal Pts LADIES uoo"t I{48 JULY qSTUARY R_O]JND 1 r L56 F" Moffett E" Garrett N99 Q98 - - FRIDAY 15TH " L-la 2L ": 14"r- 13"5 1I"0 8"0 11"0 14 "o .r1 tr ZL _:::" rnar " o J Aq VETARANS " N301 J" Garven 3" N52 M" R.a rq i nn Q87 T" Merchant N301 J" Garven v75 T" Goldsmith Overal I T" Q17 Ro Ford 2" Q5 T" Ludlow 32" 0 1 ]Q n 15"0 11"0 32"0 20 N225 D" Leaney QLD " N"S"i/V" VIC " S"A W"A " " Q3 Q17 N37 V]3 C" Barrett ltll G" rL" Ford F" Gregory T" Charles 80"0 J Z-. '', za. 80"c 2r "5 rz"v Brown CLUB TEAMS R.ESULTS - ESTUARY lsT 2nd 2nd 3Td 4th BALLINA ANGLING CLUB 6tv YAMBA FISHING CLUB 24L LISMORE ANGLING CLUB 119"s MACLEAN ANGLING CLUB YZ") ( Dick Courtenay, Fr" Tom Chapman) uarret t . Frank Moffett ) / -- - . \ f,] I l_ s *{.* CHAMPION CLUB OVERALL ::i.:I:;I CLUB N ],556 l-n&aUbo> 2. CARINGBAH ANGLERS-N:.1504"5 p,us" N 1447 " J P Lb o 4" BALLINA ANGLING CLUB L326"5pts" ^l-6" BALLINA R"S"L" Q 1149 N 1098 pts" PL>" " ITALO AUSTRALTAN 3" LISMORE DEEP SEA 4" OCEANIC 7 " BRUNSWICH HEADS DEEP 1 SEA N T015" I J P LD HEAVIEST FISH vL9 PETER MCGRATH o B" FRANKSTON N DAY 4 FLATHEAD 2"26 Kg" CLUB TEAMS Ballina Anglers certainly walked away with the Estuary Comp" for Club Teams" I,Vith a margin of around 600 points over their nearest rlval (Yamba) they certainly showed up the big name competitors from outside this district" Calculation of the Overall Champion Club has been completed and the Champion Club is : ITALO AUSTRALIAN ANGLING CLUB .^^^rrfrralatj-ons qLql on a well earned wint They were one of the uvrlY! few teams who gained a respectable score in all three events. Full details of the Estuary Club Teams and the first 25 teams overall are included Later in this i-ssue" 3ESTUAR.Y IiOUND No" Ang 1 ers 1- 15"?"8-? L,/oi nhl- No" ri 4I QLD hi"s",J" Ia7 VIC" 25 Kg" ^la 63"95 ]rv <| I 4 ) /f 33 " 20 3"s0 10"70 3"20 418"00 9 ir"A" i{.2" a'',. 10 ?otal: LI 5 7 193 859 HEAVIEST (JF SPECIES CAUGHT Rlack l"nnrr tJ"t Cod Bream Drummer F1 14" Peter McGrath T,.rnnl arr 'l-arrrr 1y lloore Bob Gibson \,,Ja1 i"lorwong Mul lo!,^iay Clive Pearl Perch l lrr Newman Warren Sommervi-11e Trevor Gardiner Snapper Graham Be]1 rg Tai I or Tarv;hine l'rcl^ !!Yr r u! vv u iiobbie Anderson Bvron T,i ll l ernrood Teragl in Treval 1y "J--" John Crane Tuna ing Of her .Snec'i eq ( Bt ack Kingf ish Graham Dreul Bil i ir,/hit 400 Kg " L"92O Kg" l'4organ Graham Be11 sh L LE:U COMPETITION Fnrq.l-or Luderick JlJV IN John athead Kingfi /1 \ Beacom Ken Brown 3.620 Kg" 2"260 Ks" 5"810 1"9" L"240 Kg. 3"110 Kg" 7"600 Kq" 3"980 Kg" 8"660 Kg" 1"320 Kg" 1"060 Kg" 1"060 Kg" 2" 300 Kg" 1" 750 Kg " 3"330 Kg" "260 Kg" 22"000 Kg" ) HEAVIEST OF SPECIES CAUGHT OUT OF COMPETITION '1"470 Kg" George Cole Bream Allan Strathearn 9 "44O Kg" r I cl L-lreo.u itobbie Anderson Luderick Robb "700 Kg" (n an rran Lannl arr 'i'arrrr 5 .7 tt) i{g " l\1an lfhitehead Tail,:r 2.150 Kg" Helen tsainbridge " 280 Kg. (lonrno (-'nl a ()l-har (nari aq 1" 130 1(g " ( Snni-f od Hi ncl ) r, rh a i v!rr!LrrrY t h^ . UEIgUI_g!4r989_!INgE_!Nr_yII " CORFiECTICN FiockI& Beach riound 1, Highest Sccre by N"S"\J" lady should have been credited to Nl13 S" Kendrick ttith L2"5 points" 4Nql.iBER _of' MEi'{S LADIES JUNIORS I2 6 QLD N"S"W" VIC S !'i _RElrs.lR4Nrs Ar BALLINA CONVENTION 1983 zto tl " 35 "4. 33 "A" 2L 4 I1l. q hJ"Z" VETERANS SOCIAL TC)TAL f^ t/ I7 123 19 1B JI 371 15 I 27 96 5 30 69 1 I 5 l5 46 3 3 9 34 44 51 131 740 I T'AS Total: Ar-, 57 ESTUARL CLUB TEAryS RgIUIJTS 1" Ballina Angling (N) 2" Yamba (N) 3" Lismore (II) 4" l"laclean (N) 5" ilit Gravait (a) 5" Carringbah (N) 7 Redcliffe City (a) B"" l,Vyong (N) 9" Tweed Heads Aquatic 10. Frankston (V) (N) 26, Brunswick lleacis ( N ) 27 " ItaIo Australia (li) 28" Alstonville (|.J) 29" lrlaterside (a) 30" Maroochydore (0) ti\-l alv.v 24L"C 1 2" 119"5 11" Anglers Arms (N) 12" Brunswick Heads (N) 13" Btue Fin (a) L4" victory (a) 15" Burleigh Heads (Q) 16" Li.smore (II) 17 " Frankston (V) 18" Tubemakers (N) 19" Bunbury (vl) 20" ItlL Gravatt (a) 2I" Lismore (N) 22" Offshore (i'i) 23" ILalo australia (N) ?4" tsunbury (i/V) 25" Anglers Arms (N) J1" barl]-na OVERALL CLUB TEAM RESULTS 32" Rorarua (NZ) 33" South Suburban (W) 34" Otamatea (NZ) 35" Italo Australia (N) 36" Fremantle (lv) 37 " Great Lakes (w) 38. Alstonville (N) 39" Bal-lina (N) 40" S"A" Surf & Estuary (S) YI"J Rqn A 77 "O h r A'7 46. 0 44 "5 44 "0 42"4 A1 ( 41" 0 A^ q ?on 34. 31" 29 26 0 0 "5 "s LJ " \) a't n lLow lv"J 20"5 'lQ n 14"0 12"5 11"0 11"0 on 6"C f,"u qn 4"4 tral ian ( i'J Ballina ) (N) 1q,nA 1447 "5 (N) 1326"5 1149"0 1098"0 Oceanic (a) Ballina R"s"L" (N) IvIJdJ Frankston (V) \ t< \ q Aus Brunswick Heads (N) 68"5 62"4 57"0 q? n Italo Carringbah Anglers Lismore D/S (N) Elizabeth (s) ina Bl ue lrtater Victory (a) Yamba (N) Burleigh Heads (a) Bal l 'l 'l 1) 1A th " 18" f9" ?-O " 17 848"5 674"5 otz"^ (N) Anglers Arms (N) Gerringong (N) Lower Clarence (N) 489"0 AAC: r\ 443 "A ?cn Tubemakers (N) lrJoolgoolga (N) L,ffshore (v,t Fenri th R/L n 325"5 z>o ( irt ) 2L" Bunbury (V,/) 22" l4aroochydore (a) 23" Surf Casting (W) 24" Murwillumbah Services 25" Port Macquarie (N) 26" Kaipara (NZ) 280"0 27L "5 lAldV ?nA, n (N) 1/1 q r42"5 RESULTS E:]TUAiiY - DETAILED No" lriai nh Fi sh Kq" Barrett UJ LO Qr2 uto L" Evans ti" Underwood L" Cl ark 3 1 B I a20 N" Williams a22 r" Everingham Q26 Q3T Q37 ^an qJv 5 I B" Bannel 1 A" Strathearn M" n,,^,,^J-,,nLr9u>Lui) h. Knowi es Q44 S" Guy L2)U b" Rorfl-rr q r\(q Scholfield r1A? r 6 Watego vvJ 2 1"400 . A . OUU l EA Q6s .D 5 J" Vesel i s /+ ag8 nq? tsaux 3 L" Merchant r\oo VJJ F vr r D I Tilgals Allom 7 Ql04, J " Crone Q118 R" Farmer R" Barsing N1E C" Woodley J" Perkins 'q N38 R" Anderson yn4 A" Dreckmeyer ti" Barsing 2 rlrz E " trVest N62 J" Collins N64 !J " Mocre N57 A" Hales N73 P. Stenner NB2 " E11i s l) D" Jennings risS L" KaLen N90 N" Mulholland Nl OO R" Marshall Nl03 R" Bush N1 05 !1" Lickiss Nl0 7 B" Bevan Nl 27 K" Pullen i{137 C" Be11 N1 44 L" Ol1ey N] 50 A" F ar]crw N1 61 K" Griulns 7 3 N4 I Nl 70 K"G" Mackney NlE2 A" Rooks N1 B5 N1 BB NI9 2 Nl9 6 ,:1 214 N 218 N224 N227 N 230 N 234 N237 N Jo llourke K" McMillan c " Ilook s B " 13attese D" Johnston 'r" Bijl 4." Garven F" t4offett R" Redman C" Garrett K" Power J" Prosser 4, a Z. I 2 a ar/\ o ZJw 1"900 1"800 1"500 nr\ 1"300 N53 N61 N63 N65 N59 N75 NB4 NB7 NB9 N99 -/qr) " 800 " 650 " 400 " 400 " 300 3 1"400 2 1" 40rJ " 400 I 5 t f I l\l JOVJV r I2 1"000 7"800 5"350 3 2" 350 15 q 4 22 7 "750 4" 300 1.,550 11"500 3 2 1.450 1"000 1 800 " 800 ) L 44 5 5 J 11 " 25-650 2"100 2"050 1"550 ri"550 Irloi nh1. Ralraraar 3 Qnnl-| 4 4 Guy s" Guy " T'" G" It I lfi ill' ili 13 3 Barr q, Merchant 2 T'winame A 10 .) L tr J a v It Cnttrfanr.r vv u! vur ;? Pratt T IJ Y,J tr z- V/otherspoon Gregory !i il l iamson NI " ruf 3 3 6 a L Quinl ivan Lodington Garrett 2 Rheinberger corn Jenn i ng s Glover n Q .T K Appel A Cannon T R NI Nl4 D 2 B q l/l iddl 5 N2OB N222 hr225 D N229 l\lJl_ I\ Z J:) 238 " " Leaney T" C" K" K" Forsber Arthur Roberts Aston " 300 ,500 1"800 L O JV ' 1"700 " 900 1"300 5"000 1"200 2"600 " 900 2. 100 3"600 1"000 2"000 1"000 1"100 }"850 2.950 1 tr o ?nn I.i / JW 4 4 Ann ^ Z"VUI/ 20 " 400 1.650 atrr\ Qcn o LJV I L I r 0 ? 1 l- Steinman Hanccck Bobinson R" Dansey D" VidIer T" Graham N2l- 2 N 215 arn 2"200 J"J5u I Hayes Thompson Shipl ey M" F.iddel Go Payne 1"200 R qnn q a e Atr.A o=JU 4 /_ 45 tl Nl 60 A Haywood Nl 65 Fr" T" Chapman N] 75 K" Keevers NI B3 N" Lennard NlB7 li" IttcMil l an N 191 R" Barnard N1 7 A A1 Nl 06 r{} 25 Nl 28 N 4 'il-.:rndl arz ve.,v4v_I t? rl Nl0 2 hrl04 Nl9 a Schofiled rtrvcrl-> 2"600 1 I r ',r" Kq" I !o T N4B 3" 300 D" B" IVacdonal d N27 N37 N39 LJ B" PouL sen Vesel i s Nl4 1"000 2"100 3 u o JU\/ I I Ford uoz{ Q9B " 400 1" 700 " 650 1 R" Q102 R" Byrant Q114 D" Bateman -r.\ 3"800 C1 A nc A .)oq Y'J 2"25A 2"454 1"000 7 a I ark M" \Jo Q73 QB 7 ?qn tr 6 uJa r\L:1 t{J / ^a arn -a J Q45 400 " 70c 4 a\la VaJ 1"3s0 1 T\I VJ " Q27 Q34 Q38 / J! "q,n 1 LudLow D" E,,^^^ !vgllJ Q21 ts" ivalker Q24 F" OrNeill r qn 1 YJJ .)q vr' .F QlO Ql5 Ql7 2"800 1 .000 o 3 No" ?qn 1 tq 7 a? Fish 3"200 6_JJV 1- {- 2" 300 350 t IiCUND 3 3 ) L I3 I " 600 " 300 1"000 11"400 6"c00 1"500 " 4AA 1"450 1"000 " 900 onn 6 J VV 8"450 ?(n o JJ V 1 r0"100 1 A qqn 1"150 1"300 " 300 4"450 1 A 1" 400 3 1"050 1"500 4"200 2 B ') I J 1"250 5 DETAILED iIESULTS No" ROUND No" F 5 2" 350 5 Robi nson 5 !cl 2 2"100 3"600 "850 239 241 N 246 N255 2" B5O NI261l n 2" 2C0 N cJ- ayrrucll- Carr Bel 1 Shannon Bender N30 5 F) N309 M" James N31 7 Idatson N3 5E 5ut ton E ^-+-L N 371 A" UgJ \1380 tMartin 4 4 7 4"800 3"850 3"400 3 1" 350 7 B 5"000 q(rl 1 6 2 4 1"850 I At-n "9AC M Hirst G N .T Dey z Turner vl1 v15 Pywel I R fl ri nl-r I 5 D v27 McGrath 5 i\,1 r] v40 v49 tr v52 Ridout Sco tt Bisby Fi sher Schnel I e Barnes Crane C v59 V68 .T v75 T'" qt J" Robinson J" Wierda J" Carman Q?z'i r'Jl v,l6 G" G " W1B N" i;./?'l utJL n Uo I'r35 A" NZLz NZ32 IVZ35 Coles Beacom Goldsmith 3 2 4 ) 3 ? L I 1"750 3"800 1"00 900 r "754 r " 500 " 1"00c 1"000 " 700 f-err N3OB Muldoon Shannon I'laLson .1 314 q N3IB M. AAI N3s9 M l,l dnif i{374 Goodwin N383 Foster N Senior I I AtrI', " 300 " 700 Brown Drew L 3 1"550 C1 1 " 300 iftcn Thomas Price 'l r " 350 B 2"850 L 1"2C0 qon " 600 B" Otene D" Cul 1 en I D" L Baillie V9 1 t? v 17 C v20 v29 K V omi nn -Fl*-"'*"Y l4org an T Moore JI) v44 v50 v54 v55 v69 v83 Lt" I-{ammer T Cheers T" f.i p T v/) tn u. Drew r,V / Ft. King 'v120 Ro Harper r'/39 NZ31 NZ33 D" c " Schmidt. Newman B" Porter ,t" V,i in ter 6 2"7AA 2" s0c 3"5CC 3 1"300 A 2" 2AA '1 'l r--,n 4 3 s -E_ 1.600 600 " 900 z " 3 I 5 4 ?q,n 1 rrn J. O.)JU 1"170 'l qqn 'I r {n or.o " 400 5 1.1 4 I 5 1"800 t 3 1 \J34 1"050 2"7C0 6 ) Thorne Ful I er Andersen s41 7"C00 3 I Moreau Crane I"YUU I r qa 13 5 3 3 i I l-rao K "900 1"500 J Charl es Forward VJeight 4 tr uc1 v l- l_ I r| qq 1 a L 269 J" Garven T N 291 Voi sey .I N301 Garven B \/'t o v34 q p, n p ish N .-I \rf7 - 15"7"83 Kq" Aston Aston !u 1 r,riai nirf Iri sh N238 N240 A N242 R N 248 < N 258 LJ N267 ;) N 288 n rJ292 . ESTUAI1Y I tr 1 r..r') " 'l 600 ,.) 1" 050 ?q0 2"000 300 1 " I " 4CO 1 " 500 YESTERI)AYTODAYTD[NDRRDIU OFFSHORE ROUND 2 The postponed Znd round of the Offshore was held yesterday in less than ideal conditions" The south westerly viinds were still up around force 4 making for a rrery lumpy sea r,;ith v.lind rdaves to 2 metres on occasions. Most ar:-;lers staved near the i-nshore reef s t -, ^.- l; ^ r^^1south east of Evans Head and ervdrrr LU\JF, rrotlls of trevally" Most 0"7 kg" fish were between,g,4. and and a number of catches of over 100 f ish were recorcled" The anglers who went out from Ballina and some from Evans Head brought back nice bags of snapper" Heavies fish for the ciay was a snapper of 5"510 Kg" taken by Sharon Osborne of Western Australia" The sandgropers have been fishing very well for such a small contingent and its pleasing to see this catch by one of their 1 adies " Best catch of the day was by F'eter Stenner with 2I9 fish for 99"L Kg" He was followed closeLy by Russel Jennings with L94 fish for 91"05 Kg" and then came first round leader, Michael Hirst with 148 for 64"55 Kg" Harry Moore of Victoria came fourth with 140 fish for 60.50 Kg" which shows thatsome of the interstate anElers are fast learners" Some other notable catches included 118 for 56"90 by Ruth Barsing of N"S"W" and 83 for 36"35 by De1l Hunt also of N"S"hi" The first round of the interst.ate teams event is now complete and to many people's surprise, N"S"VJ" is NOT leading in any category" Vickcria is in the lead in the Mens by 227 plrnts with S.A" only about. 500 poinLs f urther back " It's stil1 anir3pls ' g championship " Victoria also leads in the ladies by about 130 points over while in Lhe veterans, W"A" have a comfortal:le iC0 poinL over N"S"VJ" A1I events still are close but the,::ets nothing lead 'l ilza nni n{. < -n l-ho l-rrrarri- Fqnrrci al I v i n Cf f ShOfe Ulhere CanCellatiOn of a round is always possible" The overall points score for the individual champions after two rounds is also close after Lwo rcunds" In the Mens" Michael Hirst leads further back" The Ladies compeLition is also ciose N"S"W" I Jr\ 9 toith Ruth Barsing of N"S"V,I" only 59 points ahead of Rhoda Moore of 'Ihere's plenty of potential winners lef t in the Veterans Victoria" ^^^L:^^ -''hough Harry Harvey of Queensland stil1 has a comfortable DeLLIUlr, ClI Ll lead despite scoring in yesLerdayrs round" A special thanks is also due to Ted Hayman of W"A" v;ho donated one of his snapper to your hardworking Editor - Thanks T'ed" (Rny offers of Pearl Perch? ) " NqxT EprTroN oF yTT rs _pu.E ouT AT NooN oN TUESpAY IBTH JULY 2( 4TH Arr Re:yl!g_t Egyttlgllr-) DAY RESULTS 8ESULTS OF lST oF 6FFSHoRE IUTERSTATE TEAi"'lS RoUN_p -rl---------------1 MENS ll ---fl------ -- --tl r -r- LADI ES VETERANS 843-0prs. 9!P____ _U - l-L -fi----------. N"S"f.J" prs" 3133"0 124 ll -ll---;l;; --l " o-' ;; " ll 2grs"s Fts" --ll----;il:,-,; " -l.---- qA -------- -- i -H-----lii -U-----?9:9-l! BEST INDIVIDUAL ANGLERS 4" tr QLD N.S"l/f. VIC. S "4" !t"A" NoZo NB4 N239 V36 >zt Q5O -. i- N73 V36 527 Vv35 NZz - '' - i) | I -.'.:,-:-:._l , OF-FSJ,it +-- - "'--"l ':-:-"1 i i,rD 2 f )! ^ YEI Zo I Jo --l- i N"Z" Overall I " N73 t "0 Pts " 280.5 Pts" I VIC EVENT P" R" Sl-annar .Tonn'i nn c M" Ii-i H" D" ! GO L ^-l-.{.., lco u uy P" Stenner H" Moore tIo"o I079 "5 893"0 745"0 7L9 "0 306"5 1210"0 745"0 719 "0 231"5 199"5 ;:st ll')(.:"e .t-^FJr\.- J LgI D" Fos Ler A" Pri-ce ri " MctraJ- ri rlna l!: LADIES Overal 1 N4 'l ? A QLD " NIS v ;".: CN " \rv ll" v37 R" Nl38 DO v4 [. " n---.i -^lv uqr ^-Ir 687"0 li1ir_'Ct:e 544 "5 446 "5 327 "O 294 "A i-l'.,1r (, '- t i l:,ee V69 JO a- f | | )6 vav k Bonnel N4 V37 " lr'rA 1 RAr-tnn R" Mo,":re R" B i\i" ili-:fton NZE ii" Arr:old i,{"A" hJl iJ"Z" VETERANS Overall 1. 2" 3" QLD" N"S"!d" VIC S N67 A" QBl L" N67 A" 165"0 r29 "5 117"5 68"5 117"5 Ha'.e,s Ch; istensen HaLes " "A" W"A W" Go Bror,vn \),t26 A" Gr-:::sl G" Brown NZ25 L" Scott l,''ll " I!" Z" 'r a( a\ 10"0 HEAVIIST FISH - DAY 3 SHARON OSBORNE (!f) 6"510 SNAPPER Kg" CORRECTIONS Estuary Round I Estuary Club Teams QId" Mens Leader is S"A" Mens Leader is 2nd Maclean Q57 A" 566 (N) I.J " Veselis 63" 00 Teasdale 23 "'00 431 " 00 58"0 68- 0 153"0 29 "O 3UFFSHORE ROUND 17"7"83_ No. Annl l,,jeight No" Fi sh ar< Kg" QLD " 19 a'7 4 N"S"V'i" 4L TB29 VIC 2L 10 L379 719 L7 135 347 "95 I qq qn 6 46 22"05 o.) 2:t] a: .lO " S"A" ri"A" t'I"2" Total 1f.i : 213"80 1033" 25 642"55 JL L26 P.nglers Checked-Cut HEAVIEST OT SPECiES CAUGHT Black 14"400 L "920 3 " 620 2"260 Kg" rrclllyrcy 5"8I0 Kg" Kg" Kq" i,Vally Itioore L"240 Kg" 7"600 Kg" Graham Bell Peter McGrath Fi athead Kingf i sh rErI Luderick y Bob Gibson Morwong Mu] 1 oway Cl Pearl Perch Newman T'revor Garoiirer Spotted Hind Tail or t Vt :lY o " 1" f i"i-, (o " 1 " {,.': J i^.9 " 2"5i10 Kg" 1"7:0 lig" 4"290 Kg. 0"260 Kg" i'ia',: t -',n E*e,,:.l,:m Ken Brov;n oq hr ' 8 " L11; ltg Robbie Ande:'son Noel Martrn John Cr-.rne 22"4O0 I(g " IN A SINGLE ROUND Garth Martin 19"000 Kg" \fJIacK F.]'ngr:rsni / ? flll;-t Graham Bel1 Noel Bill Tuna t ing l,Vhi " j " 3:r.t .i3 , Arthur Hales Tarv;hine Teragl in Treval I y qnar-i irre Kg 3"11.0 Kg" ll',larren Sonrllervil I e Snapper Ol-lrar CUMPETITION Fnrql-or Mnnn:n 'l',rnrr .Tnl-rn Cod Bream Drummer IN \ GI?EATEST VAP,IEIY C,F' CATCII 7 (nari o: HEAVIEST OF SPECIES CAUGHT OUT OF COMPETTTIOI{ Gecrge Cole Bream 1\llan Strathearn Fl athead Luderick Robb llh it ing ()f har (noci Al an luVhitehead flanrna 1 Robbie Anderson Tarrrr rnnl ar! --"-' Helen Bainbridge Snapper Tai 1 or aq T f'nl o (.Snot l-eci Hi nrl ) 'r !vEIGHT L",17O Kg" 9"44O 700 " 5"744 2"150 CHANGED SINCE LAST YTT " "280 "130 I(9" Kg" Kg" Kg" Kg" Kg" 4 PROGRESSIVE CVERALL INDIVIDUAL OFFSHORE POINTS it!^ MEN QLD N"S"!V" VIC " S.A. i;J"A" N"Z. Ql14 N239 V 36 S15 l'135 NZZ " Bateman 609 " 5 I"i" Hirst 1993"5 H " It{oore 11 64 " B" liilliss 1223"5 A" Price 231"5 i,J" Mctretridqe 199"5 ri !^L> QLD. N"S"!,/" VIC 7 lJ N283 t-l I/V1 C Ql1 " Harvey ":::: Rounds)" LADIES I'J VETEi?ANS (After 2 QLD NeS.W. VIC" Q26 N4 V37 5"A i,i i\i "A " " z" V,129 R p i? i)! rLbd ^ Bonnell Barsing Moore Osborne S NZB K." Arnold 204"5 863 "5 5 804" L77 "0 5s"5 o 258"5 r ?q n S "A" lr''J.A" N"Z" NZ25 Flrn,.,n p!vvvll L" Scott I O, IJLo-, q 126"0 RACE DAY The great hospitali.ty of Ballina was well to the front at the GaIa Day at Ballina Racecourse" It is a pleasant track in a rural -setting with good facilities for both serious and socia] punters" A11 sorts of rumours preceded each race includinq one to 'folIow Alf Aston, as he's picked the firs'u three winiers.t I assure you he didn't get the fourth and the rumour was a scurri-lous falsehood. Samantha Corrigan has the best system - a big chestnut horse" Se came ':ut ahead on Lhe day" A keg in the Committee iioom savJ many AAA guests well catered for and the barbecued pork v'/as as tasty a morsel ai-; you could find anvwhere^ I admifed the Ch_.,_ r.rl-rn q:\ac.i.IiSed in ea.Lino lha l-lono sandwiches. Think his name i.,'as l:o1,./ei-, Norman Rodgers and Jacl< "l",'Gy both attended as Lfrere were races in their name and Mr"lrray C:rrigan presented the trophy to the winner of the main race, The A"A"A" Handicap" A sneci al thank s tc; ll,allina Jockey Club for a very enjoyable rr ]--arnnnn F'ASHION PARADE again a reminder of the Pamba Fashion Parade to be held at the Catholic Church, Main St", Al stonvil le" It's just a short trip from Ballina and the $1"00 admi s s ion fee includes morning tea and a chance of the door prize" Once ciL l-UoV\J am tomorrow (tVednesday) SECTtE'IARY I S NIGHT The innaugural Secretaryrs ni.ght l,ras held on the same night as President's Night" It v;as held at Harry Horgants unit and was a festive occasion v;ith delectable tit bits specially prepared by Harry and enjoyed by those invir.-ed" High spoL of the niqht was a birthday cake for Terry Langley which llarry bravely faced" I'm told the party ended much later than Presidentrs night and LhaL a precedent has been set for the future vrhich will be hard to rival" t: DETAILED RESULTS No" Fish Q11 I'J. Carstens Q25 G" I(ann Q27 B" Poulsen Qri3 L" Guy Q4b lJ" Ratcliffe Q77 A"M" Irwin QBl Lo Christensen N4 R" Barsing N64 lii" Moore t{73 P o Stenner N84 R" Jennings N115 K" Moring N127 K" Pullen N138 D" Hunt N229 T" Forster i{236 A" RoberLson ^t1 a, I'J239 M" l"li-rsL N305 R" Bender NI35B I{372 ](., Sutton V" Daneluz I\JUI W" ATALZ V3 J" Gilbee Vll B" Pywel 1 v20 Ko Fl omi nn V31 V" !'/al ter v37 R" Moore \IAA tr Fisher v52 Go Schnel I e V65 P" Moreau V6B J" Crane V7O K" Snowden v -J uo 33 7 T7 l) AA 2I 36 219 l QzL 7 62 TL2 29 101 51 67 9B s2 B8 bJ1 t,l5 G D " Brown o Drew V\1L7 M" Harper UizO R" Harper W25 R" Reading \,'!29 S " Osborne I'i,33 f?" Guest !V3B M" Morgan 1,J40 J" Palrner NZl N" Turner NZB K" Arnold NZ23 K" McKay 91 " 050 3B " 1t! JoWo VriinWcod S21 Jo CatLerwell 527 Do Foster 16"750 99"100 B2 5 S3 rJ" Vil]-lt]-sS ra L2 148 350 27 "554 52 " 6CC 13"000 44 " 350 26 "85i', 29 "51:i,) 24 "7 QCi 44 " 3AA 26 " 200 36"500 43 " 000 1 ?tr'n I Jv L6 116 97 T2T 56.850 43"9s0 ).2 i5"300 I L0 3 9 3 B 3 I I E 3 i{ouND 2- L7 "7 "E3 i{o " Iri sh Ql2 Q26 Q39 Q46 Q50 UtY Ro Underwood B" Bannell Ao Knowles c" ilatcliffe c" Beatty 34 ,) a *Jo InEnam 46 52 tl D" B7 ',;e :i i'if 'C i'r.c 16.950 5"0c0 o c) J i-l VVn 23 " 3CC 25.450 'l "7 6.qn 4 a o vJL' VOIJ'J 39"950 12"95r) 64"550 8"300 12"000 13"700 9"500 78 )1f, 22"950 q (nn 36 " 3s0 T" HoSe J" Fuller 11" 700 B3 V9O 59 14"850 8.400 13"500 12"450 2"050 t4 - Kct" ZV 3 24 OITFSHORE V/e:ght 7 118 - s9 " 800 " 500 11"700 5"450 10"900 10"500 15"850 1"900 7"850 " 40u^ 2"440 1"500 N7 ar a l\rJ F, / Chapman A, HaIeS N76 ri Guthrie N87 J"" Glover Nl2] T " Langle,v N]29 K" Parker I'J139 I(" Ledgett N234 Ko Power N237 J" Prosser N304 J" Bender N352 c" Watson IQ IU LJ B4 N3B2 N" Mar"tin E" GiIbee vl9 P-I " iulcGrath n4.\ F^ ^ ^ v29 v o r-rvtYalt \"/ i; H" Mcore -l iu' t/" Hammer L" Cheers ";5 C v)9 C" Barnes v65 J" Ennis v69 J" Crane VB3 B" Thorne lt,4 ,11, 37 511 516 523 S55 c"E" Hewitson R F,cberts c"" Edwards \jlL !'16 VI1B V'122 I 4.1 JO O ZUU B"s50 a 'r tr]/l 4 LoIJU 58.150 z 70 16 rL 1B 55 101 L2 " 200 33"100 26 23 050 450 " " 3"350 .7 a tr 6 LJ t\r\ I tJ\) 18" 250 aa ann atoLvv /a 140 47 !2" 204 ,?5 16"850 at 1' 47 13 tz hl, \tttl A' ZJ " OUU ' <l | \'\l I 14"150 24 "tOA 2L "7 0A ( ?qn aA J=oUJL/ Qi.a) rno H" Laskowski 49.150 51"850 56 30 " 800 D" G" Lovegrove Drew lw 1n AU 8"400 5"250 LO Ho C1 T2 14" 100 Ro Thompson if ton Gues t Dyer td31 D o Thomas 5 A " Price Vv39 C" Newman li"J3 NZT2 NZ25 <L\l I n? tdVZO A " N:J2 I 9"950 14"050 la l\Jbt_ i<" lJeIl ll3B0 G" Martin < W" McF etridge Otene I- Scott 'l ! 11 l4 t7 3"100 11"850 8"350 2l .454 2" 050 35 1 '1 16"450 " 400 onn o / vv YESTERI)AYTODAYTDMDRRDIIJ ESTUARY R.Otri{D 2 The weigh-in for the second round of the Estuary Competition was amongst the mcst exciting helci so far, ciespite a cold blustery wind at the midnight vreigh-in" Amongst the fish weighed (in-cornp and outof -r-nmn ) rnrpr-r- a 31K9" Itiulloway, a 22"3K9" Black Kingf ish, a 10" 15K9" Mulloway and a Pearl Perch of 4"0BKg" A iotal of 853 fish were A^2"55K9" -.-,,^r-l- E^^ UquVrrL Iv! JJI\Yo 'r!-o Undoubtedly the fish of the day was the 31K9" Mulloway taken in Silver Laibl of Brunswick Angling Deep Sea Club" I'he uvlillJELru!\/lt v. ^+-i+-i -^ *y fish was hookecl in the Clarence River near Collis V'Jall on a live bait" The hook-up occured fairly cl-ose to lines up time so Silver pulled up his anchor and drifted downstream past other competitors, with his fish and the tide." A short battle lasting about 10 minutes The fish was only 6%Kg" under ensued with Silver being the victor" Lhe Sta'ce record Bream dominated the catch weighed in with far less L,uderick bej nq presented than in the first round" The majorily of anglers opted for Lhe Richmond ttiver but cat-ches from the Clarence improved to the noi nf r^rhore l-hev nrobahl v. erloer-"l 611 l- f hc r?iChmOnd. BeSl haoq 6f f hr. rrarr ( rn:rr- r-Dm Silver Laibl ) were by A1lan Cannon with 37 f ish for 22"7K9" and Ian Biddle with 35 for 18"20K9" Further back were lrlan f-arlow with 22 for E"7Kg" and Bill nobinson with 2l for 8"20K9" rop q-^ra rmnnncr the ladies was by MargareL McMillan of N"S"W" who took 9 fish for 4,"25K9" Best catch by an interstate competitor was by rilan Veselis of Queensland who took 17 fish for 7"BOKg" The anglers who cleaned up in the first rc;und found it much slower this time" Individual Leader after two rounG is Allan Cannon of N"S"v,i" with several other anglers stil1 having a good chance of Margaret Mclvlillan of N"S"v'1" leads the ladies while the title. Johnathon Garven has a clear lead in the Juniors" l'erhaps the most comforLable lead is in the veterans where Kay Ford with 85 points is 50 points clear of his nearest riva1" ugJ -..--/ L vUY J V! Lr rL "tJJ\9|Ju! ESTUARY TEAMS N"S"W" got off to a good sLart in the teams event and lead Queensland by 300 points" However, the sccres are still quite low N"S"w" also lead in and a 30K9" fish could wipe out this deficit" fLlr'^ T -,{i cJ !duI ^- or-^iI\ Juniors sections while Queensland are in f ront in ttie lc Veterans" None of these leads are very great and a good haul of fish by one team could give them the championship" I'{EXT EDITION OF YTT IS DUE OUT AT NOON CN FRIDAY 22ND JULY .)l 2(A11 Results Frovi-sional) 7TH DAY ITESULTS Ii.ESULTS oF lst ESTUARY ROUND 2- UvEDNESDAY 20TH JULY ROUND ot"- ESTUAiIY TNTERSTATE TEAMS EVENT ___6;______L -r LADIES VETERANS 0 Pts" 16" 0 Pts" 37" 5 r,ts" 60" -399:l-l!!:---L -299:9-lf:'---[ -t-?27:9-l!e:--,-L -311-:l-lI!.--:[ -l-?91:!-ife=.---[ 24"o Pts" 19. 5 34"0 Pts" I BEST ]NDIVIDUAL ANGLERS y9N Ov ara] 'l 'l 2" a /l q N"S"!'./" VIC" V5 S"A" r,i "A PLs" N24B S" Laibl N99 A" Cannon Nl02 I" Biddle Nl50 A" Irarlow N192 c" Rooks Q57 A" Veselis QLD " " N"Z" N24B S" Laibl V52 Go Schnelle S57 D" Foster t'v34 D" SchmidL NZ2B T" Savonije JUNIORS Overal QLD " N"S"'Ji. VIC " 1 ?'l q n 264 "0 o'7 ( '1 n " 2" 3" 4" r 1 n 51"5 36" 5 28" 5 21"C ^- VJJ QLD f\A vaJ NIB 7 C: v4 tr v'r20 R" Harper NZ23 A" a Lo N301 1'7 n J" Garven L" Gilbee 5" Schumacher 1A q an D" Evans A" Garven 22"5 | /t \ L" Gilbee K" McKay VETERAI'JS o 22"5 L,vef al l 't t6 QLD " N"S"tv" S VIC S"A N"Z" i!"2" "4" tl"A" lrJ " "A" HEAVIEST FI5H MULLOV'JAY o Q45 N35B V4 N"S"'vV" S"A !v"A. N" Z" McMillan S" Guy K" Sutton E" Gilbee A" Scholfield t\. Hosk in S" Guy M" McMillan E" Gilbee l- Lb NIB7 M" Q66 315"0 82"0 44 "0 60"0 N218 SILVEK LAIBL 1 109"0 r'-!^ L> Garven Overal aL I "V ori 2 LADIES 'l VB3 N66 QlO I{218 V53 ESTUAi{Y tiOUND 15 ' 5 36" 5 51 " 5 21"0 13"0 4"5 I){-c Q5 T" Ludlow 2A (l v zr L" Jones N310 G" Voisey 27 "0 N44 A" Deckmeyer 26"0 34" 0 Q5 T" Ludlow N310 c" Voisey 27 "A V21 C" Jones 34"0 \,t4 D" Lovegrove 13"0 DAY 31"0 I(9" I_q4yl_E,:t{ UF' ST' EC 81 ack Cod Br'eam CAUGHl IN nTITIOi{ CUi'{r r'ony Forster John }1organ 14 " 4O0 L(g " I "92O Kg " Drumrner F'l athead Graham Be11 Gary tsayne 'l'erry Lang 1 ey 3"620 Kg" 3"010 Kg" 5"810 Kg. Luderick i;al Iy ivloore Bob Gibscn I"240 l(ingfish Mc.rwong Mul lov,ray 5i1ver Laibl vearl ijearch rvarren Sommervil,I 'frevor Gardiner Snapoer Spotted Hind r cr Graham Be11 Hal es ti Noel Bi l1 ng L,ther Species (Bt_ack I'.1nqfish) / hr ? tnaei a. HEA"VTTsT R oF' re;rn OF CAUCHI OUT CA'I'CH C,F George Cole athead Kingfish Luderick Irlu 1 1o!vay Fearl Perch Snapper 'r'ailor t,rhi t ing rJthe-r Species (Blacl< iiinqfish) hr Ken Brown 5r ECIE; 5B0 II{ iTOUiVD 2"390 I(9" COMI ETITICN I"470 3 "64A Tony r-orster "44a 6"830 Harry ,q'u1l er Terry Langley ,io! Dorey Terry Langley 10"150 aul Johns tone FIelen Baini:ridor. l- rtobert lrg " I'ig" 4"290 Kg" 0"260 Kg" 22"000 I'.9" Eleacorn Al f l''stcn Al l an l, trathearn Drummer F1 2" I"750 Jvjarti n GREAT[5T VARI ETY John Cro.6g Kg" 3"110 i(9" 31" 000 Kg " 3"980 Kg" 8"600 Kg" 1"320 i(9" 1"080 Kg" l. 060 Kg " Robbie anderson N'oel lvlartin John Crane Tuna L,rhi e irrthur rv! Tarwhine TeragI in Treval 1 y / I T]S Lund 9 1 Kg" Kg" Kg" Kg" .020 Kg " Kg" 4" CBO Kg" 5"7tr0 Kg" 2"2-00 Kg" "280 Kq" 22"3A0 Kg" ,:. IJEIGHT CHANGED SINCE LAST YTT" I\lEil ZEALAiTJD - NALIONAL l{iqHT' l'he i\i"2" NaLional lJiqht will be held at Ballina Bowling Club on next'fuesday 26th July" 'rhere wilL be a dinner r,",rith refreshments f rom B" 00 pm" Admissic'n '"vil1 be by invitat ion with all guests beipg issued vrith a ticket " The ]iirvis would al-so like to have a session wii-h one or more of the top casters to learn about our t.echniques, inspect gear and maybe have a fev; casts. rf someone wants to show some good olci Aussie hospitality, ccntact Noer l-urner and arrange a time" 4 PRCGRESSIVE OVERALL IIJDIVIi;IJIIT, ISTUAI1Y POINT:) ( t!!ei-?-l:s::9: I LADI MEN QLD" Irl"S"vr. VIC" li"A" L,r"A" N"Z" Q57 I\99 V52 527 '",t34 NZI? li" Veslis A" Cannr:n G" Schne]1e D" iroster D" Schmidt B" otene 158"0 397"0 JUNICRS Pts QLD. Q10 D" Evans N"Ii"!J" N301 J, Garven VIC" V53 L" Gilbee S QLD" Q45 95 " 0 44"4 85"0 14"0 N" Z" NlZ23 K" i{cKay VETET{ANS " 14" 5 s "A" "A" W"A" vil N" Z" IJ"Z" 6i 25": 17"5 /l\ Pts G" Brown 3 -- ']'his is ncvr scheduled for Friday 22nd ifthaffi;_m-fcheckatHeac1quartersonThursdaynightat 6"30 pm" t,therwise check at 4"30 am at Headquarters" This is a] so on this Friday at -Headquarters. i)IChlIC DAY ItwffiF5TryscheduledforTintenbarbutthev;eatherhasforced their the change cf venue" I'iosi- cc.mpetir:Jrs have already bought tickets ior $1"00 for whicf; r-iley get a take away meal (Steak sands etc" ) and ti,vo f ree cans of beer" The day get-s away at 2"00 Pm": is inlerupLed by the uf f shore weigh-in at 3"C0 pm then continues into the night" A band will be there from 6"00 pm and the afternoon activities are expected t,o include the infamous tug-0-war" Just a reminder that the starting t.ime for iioct( & BEACH il.ound-ffifrE_u5regisLrationfrom3"0Opmto3.30pmand1ines down at ,1"00 pm has also been changed to the above tj-mes" ESTU/\p.y riouND 3 -oFFSHU11E i(LLJi{D o QLD " i\i"S"ii" VIC " <A ii"A" N"Z" nT Iti1 "1 J-f1.L o o o 2 I,io" Fish 113 513 34 1.3 15i 6 r22 47 51 7 ;itp,? do 20"7"83 Nr:" Anglers 41 71: .'|.AgJ " 2L "5 i,uGr',/\11 C!-lAlJG ES : EST'UARY R.OUND o 85"0 QLD" Q17 R" Pord N.S"'Li" N44 A" Deckmeyer 32"O VIC" V9 iL" Cavill 34.5 5 49"0 14" l !* r Lb Guy i'l"S"ti" NlBT l'1" McMillan VIC" v40 F" Bisby 5 "a" Vt"A, i,20 r{" Harper ti"A" F S. ES Ac? Ueight Kg. 43"95 260" 30 5-?"90 21.15 20"44 2"85 1A2"55 tr DETAILED IiTL;AkY 1{EST.JLTS rie UND 2Q "7 "83 Nc,, lrelght rl_sn Kg" n? nq C" Barre'ct 4 uo !v(ftl5 Ql1 v.tJ Ql6 i{" A Carsi:ens 4 YJ M" Potter vo 6 \-IC!1! A. StraLhea::n D. i?eberger (anlP, lL. Guy "*J C. Beatty Q31 Q34 Q3B Q43 Q45 \ r\qn vJw 11 4 l 9 t -111/ z i) Q61 Day Z Watego 7 2 m QB6 D no7 noo YJJ Ql 03 A1 't vf.Lt nl I] n 1B i-? t\/f, I!EI.L Vesel i s Ho sk Barr in Faux Tilga1 A1 .T A N4 N38 N40 N45 N4B N53 \r5 7 65 t\o / 10 E- n vo/ .)'7 ategr: ']1 T Q5s V'r I4 Bateman r I 4 Dreckmeyer 1 Cnt t rl- an:\/ R Pratt o o 3 Hal es I(" Al corn iJ N102 Nl 05 !.t N113 q p N I il.2 N152 R N1 84 N 188 K" T T^^^"i ^^vcttllrltvD Biddl e Lickiss Kendrick " 300 " 5CO 3., BOC nq^ 6UJV ? qnn 5"500 <\ll r oa)n LdJV\J 400 " 3"450 2"100 Ha'l'1 tr 3"f50 r.." tr I\ A ZUU Z Ra rc i nrr s 1: (l:rra{-{. 4" 4"250 1"850 Anderson Vde Atr/.\ \-/ 5 a.J 5 10 ll T 1"100 1"400 1"600 3"200 1"300 l) F' 'l qnn ' 3 J Byrant JV 7 I lom O oc.n OJJV 4 s Farmer I 5 as6 Q5B 1" 700 2" 500 I l-l1^ t/ 35 k\ I 700 " 300 2"650 4 "400 3"200 1" 1i00 " 55t) 4"700 4"450 18" 200 ^ L6 rr JJV 10 300 ? " ?qn Dere Duncan 2 L 9 N19 2 ItlcMi 1 1 an i?ook s N 2OB P T N212 p N215 n N222 ayne Dansey Vidler Graham Leaney Co1 es "'2-25 :32 N237 N239 N 241 N 246 Hancocl< T M T q Prosser Hirst t6 I O 3 a I 15 7 6 Dey ) Co1 es 5 " 'rteigirL Fish Kg" No Ludlow Q5 TO Qr_ a\] 1 \<r a D" |JVANS ) o Undervuood 1\ 0 r\1 Vr= A /Vo votter Q1 11" F-n nrl P" P 7 Q33 Q37 Q39 Q44 ur:o Q57 nqq Yv- I Qkt4 Qr,t a66 Q68 iel aste.;:f M" Augus tus b " 1\O LUI ]I Scholfield is p r'( " D" N" rt " f,J -l 7 N" i.j'14 NIr,i t/ 7 6 4 I 4 I I a 6 I 3 a: Schumacher z- i\I7 3 i) Fo l\17 7 M St enner Lowe Cannon Bush T N99 Nl 03 TIl O6 Nl 28 A p qrtn NI 'l'homn M Stei-nmann a a 7 I JI J 10 o JJV --^ arn . aJv o(n 2"000 O JJV 2" 300 1"30C ? rqn 1" 2s0 1" 2s0 /_" zzv " 250 JOLJV 22 "7 00 1"100 ? I rin 3 1"300 5 8"150 NJ}93 NI 3 " rJ00 N210 ard Moffett ircrster I 22 6 I 5 L2 34 Power L \I238 N 240 I\242 K" As t,on 9 N24B i trqn ! Biri 1 Garven B;:.r:n A 2"550 1 qnn 1"000 2"950 r"200 i-l R q atrn qqn " 250 ti iJt9l i'/icl,ii 11an r.J2 500 2" -1 -L o Z,' W 8"15C M m f,6.f Jenir i ng s r,lr: ght N1B7 N224 N229 2"0s0 7"800 2 "754 1 't n n J " 600 3"600 A 'r ?trn r.5 I ir 700 300 "754 8"700 ? rqn 4"250 I'arl ow r.'Ji tchard 2 N21 4 N21 B t\f, o JJV 2 vv!fttlD ) A " " 1 Barr NI6 3"000 ? Heckel Hore N50 N56 N62 N65 800 o *VV L 6 I J\J 3 7 Gregory bJilliamson Dreckmeyer " 4 q Hoskin 700 2"800 6 Q76 J" John s ton Q95 J" Twiname Q9B G" Tilgal s Ql02 R" Bry an t Ql04 J" Crone Q117 H " Harvey Qi19 R" McMi 1 I an " 3"300 6 I7 Liosk i n 2"850 " 800 d Macdonald A .400 7 "450 1"800 2"050 I a /t I \,Ja1sh i,rJ: {- orrn Nl50 3" 35r) 1..250 "700 9 2 I c: A" Vesel a a\ ^ ZOQUU Z A" Knowl es S" Guy J" ^r U)Z B Aston iiobinscn Laibt .250 I t 7q,n A/lr', -oQvv 4"900 2{n 3"600 ? ?orl 21 8"200 I 31 " 300 \'+ 6 t tr'<l lr IIUUULJIJ DETAILED No irish -^-" l\z)+ .F\" tJl_lson r\lo4 u. Larr N269 J" Garven N290 R" Hov,ie.s N301 J" Garven ri a A I'IJZZ^ U" LOIIJ.NS 4 9 L7 + 4 2 F \/l\ J" D" R. B" Gilbee Senior Carrill Pywell H lJ!rYrr Rrichl V19 P ivlcGrath V21 A"" Jones V 31 V ter " i,Val ii \tLLll HtLrvch\/ u r V49 tr" Fisher V53 L" Gilbee v -tJ uatrtEJ V69 J" Crane v/-) M" Goldsmibh V75 T" Goldsmith VB3 B" 'lhorne V85 c" Mason Sl J" ilobinson 57 G.E" Hewitson S11 R" ri.oberLs S16 G" Edvrards S 23 l'i " 1'hompson S34 J" iJierda 566 H" Teasdale Erolvn 1,t1 '/J4 n T,nrrarr r-rr/a U6 C vl20 IJ2B l,/31 R Dr eW H: rnar q urh ii35 l,t 39 1 f I na; D" Thomas A P ri r-a |Jewman InZz t'/" I"lcI:etridge I.IZZB T" NZ3 Savonije 3 R. li inters J Kg 4 ann Z. JUU 1"300 "6s0 ann ^IoJUU qnn 2.500 3"350 2" 150 I 2 s 6 3 1 rI aa J 2 7 2 . lUU "940 1"800 2" 800 1"600 "300 Qnn a ? a 3 3 5 3 I 2 5 A I 2 I 20 "7 "83 Nc N255 B" Beacom 2 N267 R" Carr 9 N287 !t" Viarren (t.ryong)13 N291 J" Voisey L2 hl3lo c" Voisey 5 N340 c" Brown 3 N359 M" Lighi,foot 5 N3B3 ii" Fost,er 5 v4 v7 vl0 vl3 v17 v20 v29 v35 1"1)Ll 1" 2s0 V5B ?(r^, v74 v76 o s vv 2"500 1."r0c 1"750 r"200 v70 VB5 v90 E" Gilbee 4 it 3 Turner " UAV JI A T" Charles " Forvtard " i.-l emlng J" I{organ H" Moore G K Vi" Hammer c" Schnelle T" Gilbee J" Crane K " Snor,vden Ho Goldsmith A" Goldsrnith J" Mason T" Hose S3 59 S13 S21 S?.7 S41 J" Fuller i?" lraclceLt J" Cat-terwell D " Foster P" Andersen \rl? .r 1"000 2 "950 1"000 ll5 \tL7 n 'ttn26 A " 800 " 700 1" 550 u't29 "900 3"2C0 "550 1"250 1" 450 z"otru a-t\ ^ cnn q(n \,'34 ii3B J" lr\i" ivinwood M u -r,*^^ r I c1y illcll I Drew 300 aqn " 450 t j-) Schmidt M I\1r-, inz23 i{" r ,) 1 n a I4 I 7 I n: n i,icl(ay i'JZ3C G" I-lar:nder NZ37 P " Crothers vleighl- Kg. _ .6s0 3"90C ( ,1 Air 4"000 2" 200 1"200 2"s50 2"600 1"700 1.200 "900 ?qn 2.800 2"s00 I Oc,n 6"800 " 800 2"950 " 8C0 a "45 OOr. 2 3 1"C00 1 2 ?r.n I r- nn 7 5 3"00c B J. OU I z I '1 ? 4 ?- " 200 qnr-, " 650 ?EO "550 qqn 4"7Q4 1 qnal 1 -L I - "450 1"1C0 1 a L e,sborne r 6 I H: rnar Gues 2 1 I 1"700 " " ish F v44 v52 v54 I 4 ?. 2 6 2 3 3 RCUND " 1.200 4"550 6"00 'l 5 9 5 ESTUARY l,{eight A N35B Ko Sutton N374 R" Gocdwin V3 V5 V9 V11 m- ?(.r, (qn YESTER[)6YTODAYTOMORRDIIJ iiOCK & BEI:iCI-] - i(OUND 2 I'he cold and blustery condi-Lions that arrived during the F-f "^-" y r^-ret,ition nrev'i c:i,s cl av I J r !JLUO! vvllli-/EL!LIUll continued (:Verl UvllL!llugU uuJ morF sf.roncl v even llluLL; f/r ev for yesterdayts rock & beach competition" The seas had risen to moderaLe to rough and the wind vras gusLing to 4A knots when competitors checked out at 2"00 pm" 3LZ competitors checked out and despite the conditions managed to catch 356 fish for 243"75K9" 115 Angl-ers r,reighed-in" The catch was a mi-xed bag with quite a few bream, a number of reasonable drummer, a few nice catches of luderick and a show of tailor indluding at least one good catch" Top of the day was by Graham Bell of N"S"f\i" who weighed- in a bag of 53 flsh for 36"05 Kg" Almost all were tailor with a few drummer being inciuded. Other good catches under the conditions were L7 for I2"45K9" by John Garven (mainly niggers)" 9 for 9"B5Kg" by Paul Kerkenozov and 3 for B"15kg" by Allan Cannon" Graham Bell now has a r/el:y s-i.zable lead in this section and will be difficult to overLai.:e r-:'',less there is a marked change in the fishing pattern" Alan Cannon is fishing quite well overalf as he is leading the Estuary, had a good score in the casting and is faring '"re11 in the Rock & Beach" h/ilh conciitions being so poor, not many ladies or juniors scored wel1. Best were Johnathon Garven in the Juniors with 5 for 3"50 I(9" and Karen Sutton in the Ladies with 2 for 3"0 Kg" Veteran Arthur Hales fished very well in Lhe veterans section with a good catch of 11 fish for 4"95k9" Best fish for the day ltes a mulloway of 5"760 Kg" taken by Queenslander Neville Barry" New heavies{- of species fish were weighed-in for both tarwhine and whiting v,rhile I have at. last remembered to amend the species list to show Judy Bender's 6"640 Kg" kingfish" In the teams competition, N"S"!v" has a commanding lead in the mens section although a few schools of tailor on the beaches could soon change all that" The ladies competition is still wide open with scores being so l"ow that a few fish in ihe last round could total ly change the resul ts " N " S "!''l " al so leads in the Juniors and Veterans with the Juniors seemingly 6own up but stil1 plent.y of room for others in the Veterans" NEXT EDITION OF YTT IS DUE UUT AT 5"OO PM" SUNDAY 24TH JULY 2(A11 Results Provisional) BTH DAY RESULTS - BEACH & ROCK ROUND I1ESULTS OF 1ST I?OUND OF BEACH & 2- THURSDAY 21ST JULY ROCK INTERSTATE TEAMS EVENT -------------r---1 .rurvroHs I urluRANs ___!lPIEt____ t ---.:-:-: ---t----;:-:-: --t I r r I i I {.. I 11"0 Pts" | 72"5 Pts " I I t 45"5 Pts" r-------------r- r ---1 I ar"o Prs" I --.eo"s pt"" --l l--------------t :-:-: i ts"o Pts" i ----1 I t- 15"0 Pts" I L l--------------i-i--t--l r-------------rl--l--l I L I rIVOn i I F nr^ J T- LbO I I r ---l i____==_______f-_*__::_____-J i--l--i I I !_ES.I' INDI_VID_UAL ANGLEru OveralI ltt I- Lb^ vgI N169 G" Bell N269 J" Garven N233 K" ?oovey 'l 2e N"S"!r. VIC. S "4" l\t-by u" tJell. V17 G. Forward 566 H" Teasdale ui23 R " Thorpe NZ32 D" Cullen 1;,l"A" N"Z" 2" Q56 B" scholfield 3" Ql0 D. Evans Q56 B" Scholfield N301 J" Garven QLD N" S"!v" 5 114"0 107. 5 84"5 qon 413"5 18"0 .>1 'rQ n n q,q r:r!^Lb JUNIORS Ove4ral11. "N30tl.J" Garven itOQK ROUND 1" n Lo a A =o q JZ"V l"l20 Ql6 N358 "A. V'J "A " ^/t- VlO \t20 " S N"Z R" Harper C1 ark C" J " Guy L. Clark K" Sutton S" Cavil I R " Harper VETERANS Overal I t" N67 4 -\z. L2tr 2 Jo A1 n N35B K" Sutton v10 s" Cavi 1 I N"S"!J" o A1 n Rq Pts" QLD VIC 2 LADIES Ll.}l a ^1 qIo QLD VIC r\1'7 / Vl " A" Ha1 es r" Lucil ow t) l\o Forii .n N67 V9 A" Hal es R. CaviI I Ludlow ir"A" Neville t',r "A " i-rA)' B HEAlrIEiil' f iSH Mu1 loway Berry I r'\ ?q- 6"0 /.f 32" 0 10"s P't, s " nq VJ N" S "W" qA S "A" rt"A" N"Z" & Overall hl99 A. Cannon QIg No Berry QLD" ,BEACH o 141" N303 Po Kerkenzov A - 5"76 Kg" STATE I{IGHT The i,J"A" State Night will be held on Sunday Night at the Ballina R"S"L" People wishing to attend chnrrln nl:na +:heif names cln the lisl on the notice board by today at the lalest" 60"5 25 "5 20"0 25"5 6,n 'lq r. n 3iJEAVIES Black R -L rl 5P ECI ES *""r Cod ra:m Drummer I athead Kingfi sh iN CAUGHT t.nnrz ;t,rl-qfer John Itlctrgan COM;JETITIL\I\ 14"400 Kg" I "920 ltg " 3"620 1(9" Graham Bel1 Gary b'ayne .l-idy Bender i,val1y Moore tsob Gibson F Luderick i'{orrvong I'tu1 1r:vl&y 3"01.0 Kg" 6"640 Snai:per Hj"nd ,-)nn I\gll Tarwhine C.l"r^-t1 JlGrtt..lacy 8"600 1"320 1 " 080 ^.' John Crone tjiriting Cther Species -- ack Kingf ish,, (/ Bl GREAT'EST 4 Species Martin r.lichard Caviil I{en Brown I'Joe1 VA11Iii1.Y CF UF' Bream Drummer Fl athead Kingf ish Luderick IN CATCH iiOUND 2"65C Kg. SPEClES CiT,UGHS OUT George Cole A1 f .qs ton Allan SLraihearn Tony ir, Ler Ivlul Harri, i-ri1Ler Terry Lengley -n--i r Terry Langley Faul Johnstone lovlay rearl Perch Snapper OF COMi. Kg" 3" 640 Kg" 9 "440 Kg. 6 " 830 Kg" 1"020 KE" 10"150 Kg" 4" 080 Kg" 5 "740 Kg " 2"204 Kg" "280 Kg" 22"300 Kg" i,/hrting Hel- en Bainbridoa Other Species ,-'obeft Lund (Black Kingfish) " I{EIGHT CHaNGED SINCE LAST yTT" tiCCK & BE,*.CH rlC,UitlD No" Anglers QLD " N"S"l'J" 2 lt itio Fi sh 24 " /,,()-) 'r;e iEht i: "'j 'r " 2+"24 L94".,i0 63 262 " 9 19 S";i" 1C 16 1C"20 Li"A" 7 T2 5"00 "2" 2 L aq 115 356 243"75 VIC i't TCTAL: ETITION I"470 r(ay Dorey 1 04rvL ^- Kg" Kg" 4"29 O Kg. 0" 280 Kg" 22 "0AO rig " Darel Vidler HEAVIEST Kg" I " 250 Kg" 2" 580 Kg" 1" 750 Kg " Eernie l.ieckel Noel Martin 1 erag 1 in T'reval 1y Kg" \"24Ct Kg" 3"110 Kg" 31 " 000 Kg, 3"980 Kg " SrIver Laibl iiarren Sommervill_e I'revcr Gardiner Graham Bell Arthur Hales ljearl Perch Spotted railor F. fr 1n uo!V n.+ 4PP,OGIiqSSJVE oVERALL iNDJyfDq,AL.-qEACH & ROCI{ tC,INTS (efter 2 xounds) vEu QLD" Q127 D" Birci N"S"\,/" Nl69 G" Bel1 vIC" VI7 G" irorvrard S"A" vi"A" N"Z. S15 B" l,iilliss 'vi35 A" Frice t't'226 D" Cullen Jtrl\JICiiS QLD Q55 B" Scholfield N"S"t,," N301 J" Garven VIC" V75 L'o Goldsmith tl i.J r\ "A I !^ LADIES CA N 39"5 32"0 24 "5 12"0 , t--. t- L5 0 29 "A 48"0 14"0 " 11"5 32"0 31"0 vi"A" 52"0 S"A" N"Z LJ18 N" Clifton VETERI\INIS QLD. a17 R" Rord N"S"'1/'1" N31O G" Voisey VIC" V9 ii" Cavill S"A" N"Z" \u26 A" liinner of the ciinner for two at Don Valentinos ilestaurant was Helen Dyer of V;"A" She held lucky ticket number 31" This continues Lhe run of successes bv ld"A" compeLj-tors at this convention " Don Valentinos is a tcp class restaurant and one of the best in Ballina" This prLze ls a real treat to win and I Helen will enjoy her dinner'" FtS know ltOGx.Al"l CFliiNG l-;> The Cffshore for today has been cancelled and a Team Captain's mee'uing scheduled fcr early today will decide a ih\/ €rr-i-hnn fn fho rurcrle-r'cr.*..r-any ^hrnnaq -..- program" AmongsL the possibilities being considered are to change the third r"ound of rlock & Beach to a morning start on Tuesday to allow i:he Clff shore to be held on Monday" Several other are being considered so keep in touch with possibiliries hea"iciquarters over Lhe next f ew days" Any clecisi-ons made about changes to the program lrill be placeci oh ,*1-e f irst notice board near the results display area" Donrt rely on YTr' to tell you ivhalrs h:pnening as YTT is only produceci af ter each round of f ishir-:r.1" Lne nexL one af ter this vrill be out late c-,n Sunday c..,Grri irg, follo'r!rii-rJ the 9"00 am weicrh-irr that dav " " 44 "5 79"5 46"5 Eq Guest DII{NEr] ''JINNEiI P o QLD" Qlb C" Clark N"S"irt" N35B K" Sutton VIC" V10 S" Cavill !'v"A" N"Z" r Lb 5coR{ECqrONq following catches were omiLted from Lhe rist of f ish taken in the second round of the Estuary competition" N151 rt. I"larcon 7 fish for 2.40 Kg" ri i{166 Fr" T'" Chapman 4 'i 2"65 Kg " ri tr NlB2 Ao Rooks 31 14. 30 Kg " ei \1183 A" Lennard 15 9"40 Kg" 'r rt N1B5 J" Bourke I rr 3"2A I(g" Alan i'icoks is fourth overaLl in the mens with L74 points lthile Anita Dreckmeyer is also 4th overall in the Ladies compeLition with 26 poinLs" 'r'he You miglrl- al-so be interested to know that Allan Cannon,s catch of 37 fish. was.mainly flatheado rt was reported to me that he caught them in the shallower water behind Lhe watls in the Clarence" DET,'.ILED ;iESULTS No" Fi sh qf, Ql1 qTO Q19 Q37 Q43 a53 Q56 QB9 Q91 Q99 ^1 a I " Ludlow " L" i{ Cars Lens t1 N57 N75 N99 N 103 N1 06 N117 I\JZJ N1 26 I'J141 N1 5B 66 N1B1 N 214 N277 N 231 N234 N237 N 239 N 241 N1 a Z LIATK N" Berry M" Augustus L" Guy A. Scholfielcl Bo Scholfreld R, Turville Go Hosken F" Allom Q114 D. Bateman Q128 P" Storey N+B A q R" Standley R" Courtenay Jo Pratt E. West Ko Alcorn A" Cannon R" F -rsh NI 'i-lrnmn cnn R" Drane fv" Essex Bo Layton Tye Por i:er VJ" v o rOf L Fr" T" Chapman D" Baker r" Bij I R" Redman C" Arthur K" Power J" Prosser Mo Hirst J" Dey .I a 't ROCK & BEACH i,,leight 2"150 no 2" 240 VJ' J Q14 " 450 Q3B R ?qrl ".1,00 ({/1 "l f, AIn, a L 1 " 300 I z 1"650 A " 700 A 2"2s4 4 2" s00 2 3"450 l. ? L " f I " 'l I r-l "850 1" 150 " 500 L Llo J Q90 Q94 Ql 04 Ql 26 N47 N50 N55 I? T^h-.i vgrtltrr!vi) ^^^ I\10 2 Nt 05 D" Pi ddl a 11109 M 4"600 3"700 l\zJ) N 238 N240 N242 Li, Bcrrrel l J" F'arrel1 J" Melvaine C" Bel 1 P" i?nqq 1.. " Ci'i-uins G,. ilcl I L," Duncan D" Vidl er Forster K" Toovey K" Roberts Aston A" ns ton Robinson Ko Ir,/ai r-rh I I -l I 3 3 "450 " 200 I"OUU \\t) " 250 400 850 " " " 40r") onrl 1" s50 <\t 1 3 'l I J 1 l- Kg" I Courtenay Heckel IJ tr NB4 I'i161 t,t1b9 N1 34 N215 N229 N233 A K" RaLcliffe S" Scholfield F " buatego C" Went K" Tarlinton Jo Crone R" Graham .t\o / i'll:,! 1 1 Qan {- lvvvuu J" Hammond Hales i,l'l :17 354-) I l nqq 5"400 I 2 I Q49 Ni 19 MZ+ 4"700 s"850 2"750 L2 .7 400 400 " " 1"65C 2 n] VI/ "654 .650 8"150 r - 450 1"200 1 a 900 2 1 4 Evans 5"800 "l f Z. L" M" Clark R" Ford !'" O rNeil l 1 3 No" Fi sh Kg" I 1"200 "250 4"100 'l Qqn 4"950 tl onn t I 3"800 'l AC:n 6=JV 1 I 1 I I ( L 'l 53 f 6 J 19 l- I A 1 " 750 "450 400 a " c/\n LAJWV " E00 ono 36"050 2"74A 3"600 1"900 9"500 3"000 2.900 6"200 1"000 6No" latai n h I Fish nr Ar ^ LrzJz n. r!a-n I''lZ\JY P atch Garven S idn ey Kerkenezov J. i\r295 M" N303 P " N 3 09 tvt" James N333 r-'" Peters N35B I(" SuLton I\JOZ \r-r-i ? r! J , J \/o v J \rt 7 VL I V36 " Pickup l\ o Goodr^.rin D l\ o u(1vIJ-r Y L) Forv,lard H" Moore \J,, \IAA C sI J" rtobinson g L J S15 >2./ .\T a l,\ \;l Barnes lJackei-. t G" Edrvard s I\ O u. Foster Kohl er Ii / v,t23 H" Drew Kinq Thorpe !'i3B i{ " M" NZ32 D" Cu1 Morg an 1 en 1 77 B 9 1 I 2 lrg " " 450 12"450 4"150 9"850 " 550 (qn 3"000 2" 500 5 3 1"300 3 3 1"200 1.500 'l 1 Z I ) l 1 ? I 3 I No" V',' Good'"..;i n L 1"900 1"0c0 vl0 4 1"100 v44 z 1"200 N 3OB \r31 7 N3 34 N359 N 368 N374 v19 v90 1"200 s11 1" 000 nrl qnf) q 1" 050 " 450 1"5C0 nnr l/ B" A" J" J" E " G" J" K" ii " N255 294 N301 N " 300 " 800 r"250 l/,iaf Fi sh s23 lJhitehead atson 5 Kingdom " " T" McGrath !t Hammer Hose J"" s >> Thomp son \iVierda s66 H" Teasdale ti6 G" Drew R" Harper D" Thomas \,i29 L\J 31 I 3 I C " ir.obert vvJItf 1 ) Feters rleston vOVIla ii a {- 5 uo R 3 Garven Muldoon P uo q?l Beacom I " 050 1" 550 l_ 3"600 ?\n 2"740 1" U|JV " 300 " 900 " 550 " 500 a L 1"250 1 1"1s0 2"300 I 4 z a a I 1"050 "Bs0 r r\. " 5C0 Atr,ft NZ3 3 R " V,/inLers " 400 YESTERI)AYTODAYTDMDRRD\X CASTING Ihe rai-n started to fall in the early hours of the morning and continued to come dor,vn in bucketfulls throughout the day" A moderate wind helped to make conditons even more uncomfortable and it was pleasing to see the tolerance t.hat exj-sted between Lrf ficials and Competitors despite the conditions" l,V"A. took out the Mens and Ladies teams events and showed the benefits of regular practice" They skipped away to an early lead in the Accuracy event then cast steadily in both distance events with few break-offs and casts out of court" Both N"s"\,,1" and eld" tried hard in the distance events but a lead of 65 points was too to peg back " In the Juniors and Veterans team events, N"S"!'v" recorded fairly comfortable wins from Queensland and iid"A" respectively" 'ihe Mens individual competition was exciting all day" Garry Gildersleeve of i/J"A" got off to a lead of 10 points over his main rivals after the Accuracy event and it was then a matter of whc> cnrrlrl na^ him back" The big guns from N"S"tJ" thought they would vuY catch him later in the day and only one did Tony Forster" Tony won by nearly 5 points to record his second successive A,A.A" Mens Casting Championship" A truely fine effort" Hard luck story of the day went to Harry Furler" Harry had caught up with Garry by the end of the second event and had the whole field well covered coming tc his last cast for the day" About 70 metres would do" But as he cast, his rig snagged a piece of gras-s and went sideways never to be seen again with Harry looking at about 7 feeL of line hanging from his rod tip with only a brass ring wlrere his rrg should have been! He'11 be back again. In the Ladies competition, Rose Harper of W"A" 1ed all t.he way, increasing her lead with each event for a comfortable win over her leam mate Helen Dyer" The Junior event was a neck to neck contest between Jol'rnaLhon and Andrew Garven with Johnathon clinchlng victory with his last cast" Their scores of 298"03 and 294"02 give some idea of how close they were" The standard of casting by the veterans was quite good with Dudley Lovegrove of W"A" recording a comfortable win over Bill Beacom of N. S"W" 19e3 \^/as W.A. f s year for casting" The two major teams events and two firsts and two seconds in the individual" Congratulations!l Last but not least a word of thanks to those field Officials who stood in the rain and slush all day and into the night" rt was a great job and you all must have been frozen and exhausted by the time we finished" Thank you from everyone and thanks to alt competilors" I f m told i-t rs the f irst A"A"A" to conduct an event bv f loodl iqht " Letts hope that doesn't become a tradition" much 25'IH DAY RESULTS - CASTING '! I\4ONDAY lBTH JULY ** "::: OVERALL T{ESULTS OF CASTING INTERSTATE TIAMS EVENT 'c (Scores for each event are percentage points) EVENT M N q nf Accuracy A/B Dist." 569 Dist" 359"12 5JV.4Z .4aa 10 /i Q'l 541 445 O7 a =VLoJ T'OTAL 309 " sB Ar-r-rrr^a\/ 1n 4 ^A Mo t> n an n tJl"Y I A/B Dist. 569 Dist" VIC N"S"V\i" QLD 524 " 09 435 "78 323"86 llll:?l- !193:99-- 2?Z:?Z ^r- J=VaJ9 2s4 "99 LJ/+O"+t B1B" 57 -;;;-";;-- 424;BL, 294.88 383"52 432"83 2L4 "60 n - " 50 " B0 Aa 1 tot"L) " 158"78 223 "19 r 11I"33 -7.\ at LlWn o t { 446 "54 -9!9:19- 247 243 280 196" 40 254 " 32 363 " 19 "33 "79 " 0B u TOTAL .T v ncr .Aruver t t43 rr uvJ-\/ U A/B Dist" N | 569 Dist" R TOTAL \tv n ^^r nLgu! r 112 273"69 116 " 00 278 "83 244 "89 " l.o4"It) o JA =LJ lzo E A/B Dist Tr 569 Dist"" N I l- n. TOTAL M+L -?22:99- a i -llil9:l!- ^ JUNIORS.. N301 * Jon" Garven A" Jones VETERANS V2I MENS N269 J" Garven V93 M" Duncan N301 Jon Garven V21 A" Jones LADIES JUNIORS VETERAN r29 "L3 2L4 -92!:!2--L-?19:92-L996 "&2 i 1396 "94 {I LONGEST CASTS Ii\ ARTIFTCIAL BAIT DIST" L42"08 MENS N269 J" Garven 103"10 Duncan M" LADIES V93 1! 119 L22 LgB " 47 89 "23 100 " 00 4L "64 "Y4l 5 ^44 tto " 1J zLB "7 4 l*l- TOTAL 55 "92 100"26 119"50 -7e-7:!! q9y Rf 279-?7- " " 54L "77 1111" 23 DISTAI',JCE EVENTS MENS LADIES M 1'7"7 'l q M L22"25 'l?q M L42"BA M 1\ I .:r,k,',. VB9 W29 JUNIORS N3O1 VE'IERAN N255 M M 7s 48 ?!!!:99- )-2?7117 DISTANCE JVY M "r7 156 "24M D" Pettie S" Osborne 1I3"40M Jon"Garven B" Beacom 112"8014 122"15M M goRRECTTONS- The heaviest fish caught during the second round of the Offshore was not Sharon Osborne's snapper, buL a k:-ngf ish of 6"640 Kg" taken Sharon ha:: some by another lady competitor, Judith Bender of i',J.S.W" North;crn yesterdayrs photo in consolation as-she had a spectacular Star" 4 ,, TAXI eF fi * ::. 'l: ;;. ::. ,,. + i. * * 4t * )j .:t t'; ;? * DISCOUNT Discount vouchers are available from the R"S"L" for a $1"00 discount on any taxi fare in Ballina" Irm told these vouchers can be rrsecl bv AAA competitors anywhere in Ballina - but ring the taxi r-omn^n\/ if rrou lvant more details" --i A ^r^rrn nr -I\Zf,O K" N270 E" N274 B" N276 R" N2B4 E" r{291 J" Overall ^+ Lund Garven Davis Anderson V'Jatson Voisey 1'l 3results were omitted from YTT No"6" All N"S"|.J" L22 for 54 " 000 Kq",, N269 J" Garven 38 for 32"50Kg. N273 i{" Davis 22 t! r7"800 'f 11"35Kg" ^nn 16 il 44 n!{ N275 K" F"reckleton13 1lo LVV B " 6"50Kg. 10" 700 10 N2B3 H" Green L2 'r 5"B0Kg. 15 fr 7.800 N2B5 L',1" Suffolk B I' B"40Kq" rr 6.4f? 32 "2AA [3"1 BEST -INDIVIDU/\L ACCURACY CASTERS ( A11 Scores are Points out of a maximum of 200) LADIES YEry Pts " I " vi42 G" Gildersleeve I37 Overall 1 " w20 ii " Harper 2" N67 RO Rheinberger L24 2" N257 Mo O 'Nei1 1 a N177 H" F'uller I23 \N22 H. Dyer A A N229 T" Forster 119 N195 Mo Riddel q q, i$27 c " Vlofhersnoon 111 r{74 D " Wilkie 98 Q105 K" Freeman QLD. Q109 E" Hertrick N67 11" ,?hr"i nhcro er L24 N"S"!V" N257 r'{" O I Neil- 1 VB9 D" Pettie 87 VIC " v37 R" Moore S"A" BB S7O B" At tert.on w42 G" Gildersleeve L37 W"A" W20 R o l-larper N"Z" NZ35 D" tsaillie 96 ft! ^ r Lb 1n? 106 93 92 ''6 JO .\Tn N"S"!J" \/Tr. A N"Z" f)!^ JUNIORS Overal l 1 n Lo QLD " N"S"i,,J" VIC " S i.r"A. a A" Garven I!301 Jon" Garven Ql10 P" Barton Q110 P " Bartort N21B A" Garven V25 D" Gilmour !'/30 H " Osborne N21B 152 '1,40 Overal I 1r9 119 L52 B5 105 't a Lo ? \{uu N " S "!.1,|" " VIC cn "A" N"Z BEST INDIVIDUAL 112q DISTANCE N"Z" lr'rJ VETERANS n T ,orroc w4 N37 o 13i B4 107 7B 131 'l 3 0 1 21 rrr\/a Gregory Jones v2L A N37 VzL 564 \,'J4 F" Gregory I2I Ao Jones 116 Ko Kain 48 D" Lovegrove 130 116 CASTERS (Distance given is aggregate of two casts) ^veral- I 1" q " N"S"!'/" VIC " S"A" WoA" N"Z" N269 Jo Garven 2, N294 A" N229 T" A QLD LADIES vgry Vi hitehead Forster FuI I er Freeman K" Q105 Ql05 I( " Freeman N269 J" Garven VB9 D" Pet tie --i At i:erton Jtv I{177 H " w45 E" NZ31 B" Parker Porter 352"20M Overall 346 " 00M 1" 1 ^a 338"65M { 327 "OzM A 16 326"1IM 325"11M 352 " 20t4 322"59M ,4 q ?M 296 "LgM 267 "54M a.'t JL'XOJJ'' QLD N"S"W. VIC " S "A" l,1i"A" o VIC V\i"4" N"Z" l,\130 H " o:l::"" 223 "6OM 5.05M 210.95M 21 208 200 " 70M " 40M 198" 08M 2AB "7 0t4 154"20M 223 "6AM VETERANS 268 " 90M 260"50M 233"73M 233 "73M 26B.90rrt " S"A" !,/20 R" Harper N277 L" Johnson N4 i( " Barsing Q109 E" Hertrick N277 L" Johnson V37 R" Moore ^^-.-USpOrne ilzY 5" N"Z" JUNIORS Overall I " N301 Jon" Garven Z ^o N21B A" Garven a Q110 P" Barton ULIU Qlt0 P" Barton N30l- Jcn" Garven N " S "'trv" V''129 S " Osborne WIU I\" LIlTTON 232" 55M B" Beacom 217 "45Y1 \l'J4 D" Lovegrove24A"90M V2L A" Jones 224"70M N255 B" Beacom 247 "451,1 VZL A" Jones 224"74M 564 I(" Kaln 172.72M W4 D" Lovegrove240"90M Overal I 1" N255 2" ? QLD N"S"W" VIC " \^J"A" tl"Z. z+ BEST fNDIVIDUAL ARTIFTCIAL BAIT .D*lsTA,N-q q_s_4ql E g!. (Distance given is aggregate of two casts) :,JT:IE! Y-EN Overal I 'l a Zo A q, ii " Rei s enwebbe 1259'" 7 8M CveraL Ul46 H"Y" I-iew ?59 "67M N294 A" ljhitehead 252"87Nt N269 J" Garven 249 " 43M N229 T" F'orster 238 " OBM a96 Q96 R"ileisenwebbe1259. 7BM N294 A" lJhitehead 252"87M QLD " N"S"liv" VIC " S"A" VB9 D. FetLie 56l|- J" Nicholls \146 H"Y" Hew I'i230 G" Maunder !,J"A" N"Z" 237 " 45t4 227 "L4v1 259 "67M 145 " 22M l- 1" i'i]3 N" Clif ton I60"95M Z" \;l'24 it. Harper 155"85' ! 3" N257 M" OtNeill \'r22 H. Dyer " 5" Nl95 lvt" Riddell Ql0B E" Hertrick N257 M" O'Nei11 V37 R" Moore 1 1" N3O1 2" N21B ? QLD " N"S"i,V" ViC QLD " N"S"ll,J" VIC " qA CN Jon Garven A. Garven In72 I,i"r.heinberger QI10 P" Barton j',.I301 Jon Garven rd3 0 H" N"Z 137"00M No Clifton t'vl B "A" N"Z W 155"82t',1 160"95 VETERANS 199 185 " Overal 00pi C)sborne I:t I::;:: 1 " 35M 155"70M 1" N25 5 n 2" \tl4 ? 15 3 " 80t"1 QI,D 199" 00M 72"50M s "A" I,J "A " ;r N37 N255 Bo N"S"'vti" VIC " liJ"A" 155"82. 151 " l5M t5O.10tvl 66"80M 4 ggIi9I! Overal ^^ ^ Beacom 17B"2CM Gregory 4 " 40M 139 " 551'{ LovegroveLT Beacom 178"2( 564 K" Kain llB"BOtii l^i4 D"Lovegrove 114"40M N"Z" INDIVIDUAL CASTING CHAMPIONS ::I * 'i? (A11 sccres are aggregate of percentage points over) ( Overal 1 QLD " N"S"V,J" VIC qA " the three Ca s I i no Erranf c, ^ YEI N229 A" Forster 265"92. 2" V,142 c" cildersl-eeve261" 19 ') N269 J" Garven 258"05 I(" Irreeman 254"37 Ql05 tr VB9 D" rettie 246"49 Q]05 K" irreeman 254"37 N229 A" Forster 265 "92 VB9 Do Pettie 246"49 S52 Jo Carman 244"57 'l Vi42 G"cildersleeve25l " 19 NZ37 P" Cro'uhers I36"L2 W"A" N" Z" Maximum score is 300" Overall 1" v,r20 R" Harper 2" W22 H" Dyer 3" Nl95 r'{" Riddel 4" N257 M" (rrNeill .)'l no QLD " N"S"!i. Nl9 5 v37 VIC " S"A ti"A" tli N"Z" 1 l Io a QLD " N" S "l,iJ" VIC" N3O1 J " Garven N21B A" Garven Q110 P " Earton Q110 ij . Barton N301 J" Carven vl) u. Gi 1 mour !/ar tt"A" r,,129 N"Z" BILL " Hertrick niddel t? Moore 20 rr " *::Tr 194"2L 248 "86 2L3 " 62 zel "I C)sborne Overal I 298" 03 294 "42 242 "50 242 "5C 'l Lo { QLD I{"S"l/i" 298"03 s5 "92 VIC r9L "99 IJ (N " "A" N"Z Vi4 D. Lovegrove 295 "22 N255 Bo Beacom 269 " 23 N37 F" Gregory 25 0. B6 N255 B" Beacom 269 V2l C. Jones 180""23 03 564 K. Kain 173"29 tV4 D"Lovegrove 295"22 l'rErirl Bill sf arri no l.n H F. M 29L "r',7 ^a ^ loJ"l) 248 "86 247 "2L VETERANS JUIIJIOT'IS Overal ) LADIES eaa 'i v,ras due out of n Ral-lina until \/,11r h:cir r.rn \/r)llF hncni rrvDPr fuqf, rl rroqf arrl:rr uqy y sJ Lgr and ho r^ri I'l nrnhrk'rl the Convention is over" It will be .F^^r !t:cL -^^,i ^ c1vqalro NEXT EDITION OF YJ'T DUE OUT AT NUL]I\ ON L/EDNESDAY 19TH JULY rr ho good YESTERI)AYTODAYTDMDRRDIIJ ESTUAIIY dOUTiD 3 The final round of Estuary fishing was held under difficult weather conditions which seem to have plagued Ballina during this A"A"A" A cold souLherly wind with rain at times proved too much for many anglers who took a few hours off in the middle of the niqht to sleep and warm ur:" Despite the longer hours not many more fish were caught than in the previous two rcunds. Total catch was 1211 fish for 516kq" Most of the fish taken were bream with a small number of flaLhead and very felv niggers" One Estuary lrerch of 0"45kg. was also caught " Largest individual caLch of the day was taken by AIan Veselis of Queensland who wei-ghed-in 49 fish for 18"75 kg" Next came Phillip tialsh also of Qld" wiLh 33 for B"30kg" then Tony Forster (N"S"ti") with 29 for 72"I0kg" Several other anglers took over 20 f ish including Allan Cannon of N"S"liJ" who bagged 23 f or 10.75kg" to take out the Individual Esiuarv title for Men" Conqratulations A11an1 ! l,argest fish of the round was a flalhead of 2"240 Kg" taken by Queenslandrs expert on big flat.ties, Alan Strathearn" Some of Lhe bream taken vrere up over tkg" but still a lot smaller than Lhe currenl heaviest of 1"92k9" A new largest whiting was also weighed in today, tipping the scales at 0"300kg" IL was landed by Paul Anderson of South .irustralia" In other Sections some very good caLches were recorded" Veteran competitor Tom Ludlow of Qld took 26 fish for 10"45k9" to record a clear victory in the Veterans category" Johnathon Garven romped home in the Juniors where he added 18 fish for 7"50k9" to his previous score" The Ladies result was far closer with Karen SutLon (N"s"tv") coming from behind with,a good catch in the final round to narrcwly beat Collene Clarlceof Queensland and Margaret McMillan of N"S"ll,t" Karen took 18 flsh for 9"05k9" in todayrs round r,vhile Collene took 16 for 7"5kg" and Margaret 6 for 3"t0kg" In{ividual ._Estuary Champio.ns for 1983 I{EN5 Allan Cannon Karen Sutton Johnathon Garven -'UNIIORS VETEI1ANS fom LudLow LADIES ':.SEE PAGE FOR DtrTAILS OF N"S"VJ" N"S"!x" N" S.W" QLD" ) PJTOGRAI{ CHANGES'r -NEXT IIDITION OF YTT IS DUE OUT AT NOON ON TUESDAY 26TH JULY- 2ES-1'UAi]Y ?EAI4S N S t,i " " ldere victorious in the interstate Leams events takinq out the" Mens, Ladies and Juniors competitions" eueensLand a comfortable victory in the Veterans category" Details of ".or.j the ceam scores are on this page" In the coml:etition fcr Lhe 1i'varrnambool Trophy for interstate teamse N.S"ii" leads with 192"62 percentage poinis from eueensland with r47 "46 after completion of the casting' and est,uary events" This trophy is awarded for the highest percentage points scored over all four sections by each State's Mens and Ladies Teams" (A11 rlesults Frovisional 9TH DAY RESULTS ESTUARY iTOUND 3 - ) SAT" & SUNi" 23IrD BESILTS OF 2ND RQUND OF ESTUARY INTE, ,gTATE TFAMS I[.;; -ii -;;;; i ;;;; -:_:-:---T |-;;; t;;;;; ;;;;---f -;;;;;;--T 24TA JULY EVENT -T -t 1/o") "l| t;----t--;;;;---t. ;; ;-- -r---:::-:---t- ---_:----l- l---:-roAo J55"U I I ----" -r-----------r --;; i----uv"A" I I I 166" O I ;I ru;;__"_i____==_____t ___=_____]_ 'r'':' ovlB4\LL REsUL?s f --------*----- t oF ES:i.uAity TNTERSTATE TEAMS EVENT ,:. (aggregate points for Rounds 2 & 3) !:.,.:: r-*-'------r--------___i___u,u,___[,rn,s;__i__,;-;;-;__L_;;ilil,_]F_;_;;___l [--se.----f-iaw.r---frer.:---l---e?:!__ __l_ztz=: ]l_ ee.ee_____.J __r:t:u:__[_ teez:.:___l_ ?e7.:2_.._f _rz:*:____l___:2.:____Jl_]ee: ee_____l f f --vrs,--__l_ _qie, e___l__ee.r___f___?t :e_ ___[._z:.e____11_]3.1e_____J i---r.r.----l- -une.:---L--==-- --L---::-----L---== 1l ?e:Zt__ l _!z:2___l____==_____L__rn.:____+l l---u.r=----l---:ez.t-_ l_ L--\.2=- "--l----eg.t--J---==----l ----::--___L__._== HEAVIEST FIsH Q31 ALAN S r'^<ATHEA,<N p4Y _?e:ls_ l ____j.J___t= ?9_____j e FLATHEAD 2"24 Kg" 3]NDIVIDUAL y_tr1'{ - Overall ^1. +. A q QLD" N"S"i,/" VIC " S "A" l,t "4" NZ37 N"Z" I" 1 2 3 rzirD " N301 lV218 " " QB7 QB7 rJ.5"fv" VIC V JJ S "A. IJ"A. vv3O IV"Z. Overal 1 " 2" 3. A NlB2 " N224 1 r'j99 N102 ^r+o t2)/ 5 QLD " N"S"1//" \/ Tn \2f, i N99 v52 .if s23 ri"A" fr34 NZ37 i\l" Z" 'l z" i.J3C l. ri Biddte ir.ooks Veselis Moffett Veselis Cannon QB7 QLD " tl"S"!,/" VIC. S"A !,i "A " NI"Z .T ao r-\Q'7 N301 v54 Lr30 .l .P " N"Z" NZ23 K" McKay Overal 1 5 'l 2" a JI"U 32"0 n c;;;;"" irvl QLD " N"S"1,J" 10"0 VIC z+"v S"A" IJ.A" N"Z 'tA Q5 ,,?r .Ludlow N310 G" Voisey Q117 H. Harvey Q5 ?" Ludlow N310 c" Voisey 't VJ I{" 'v,r1 G " n LZ.U U 'fr I /6 " N" VETEr<ANS " 61" B \iV"A" tI!" (l ?n q, LAV]-II 1q n Brown 2"4 "5 LADIES 527 "5 424 "O Lverall 402"5 ?or 4" q 394"0 527 "5 q, N"S"!i" lnA VIC 114"5 119"5 16"0 S Schmidt Garven Garven Merchan lIvierchant Garven Gi lbee H" Osborne " "A" ri"A" 43"0 43"0 r42"4 19"0 R n;;;, " LvLlS K. " McKay Lrvera,l1 1 t. 3" QLD " I\i.S"i/t" VIC " IV"A" N"Z nq YJ 'rr lo r2I/ i(" Ford N310 c" I G" th Ludlow \/cr i < arr - v+ve-I J.'. Ludlovr vf N31O G" \/n i corr V9 t{" Cavi 1 1 !',1 l/.u D'ir c VETERANS 5"A 24"0 a v,/20 N"Z" i,T'S r42"0 Sutton 143 " 5 Clark 109 " 5 NIlB7 M" McMillan 102"0 Q53 A" Scholfield 62" 5 V59 J" Crane 50" 5 vro L. Clark 109" 5 N35B K" Sutton 143.5 v69 J" Crane 60" 5 A1 QLD " Thompsr:n r mar N35B K" n f a 2" VAO L" 1" ? n Schnelle " Crothers 218 O N.S"!v" QA PTS 1 a QLD " vrc ?A lta^ q s3"0 C" A" J" ::i INDIVIDUAL ESTUAIiY CHAMPIONS ?:::'::: IISNA" Cannon l, 4" 97 "0 q q? I" A" A" ir" A" A" G" :i " D" ? 0 0 J" Garven I" Gilbee ^-'-no usoorne JUi{IORS (,tvera11 236" 150" " Sutton 108" 5 CIark 9t "0 LIsJ Scholfield 47 "0 VOY Crane 45 5 VlB7 M" Mclt{i11an 37 " "C vro L. Clark 91 " N35B I{" Sut t-on 108. 5 \,/69 T" Crane 45" 5 Ql6 2" 130"5 PTS N35B K" 1" L 3 /.\) 1 ?A n 93"0 ::: ;.: Overall z-ao " u 150"0 J" Garven A" Garven T" l,lerchant 1'o Merchant N301 " LADIES F" CroLhers JUNIOR> Overal Els-lluARY ROUND 3 'iT(: Q57 A" Vesel i s N229 A" Forster Nt02 r " Biddl e N1B2 A" Rooks N99 A" Cannon Q57 A" Vesel i s r\229 A " Forster r,i I q McGrath 523 K" 'i'hnmn qnn !,i38 M" lviorgan 1" ANGLERS Brown T2I "O 49 "5 46"0 4HEAVIEST Black Morwong It{ul1ovray Fearl Perbh Snapper nd Tai 1 or Tarwhine Terag 1 i COMPETITION 14"400 Kg" I "920 Kg " 3"62A Kg" 3" 010 Kg" 6 "644 Kg " L"240 Kg" 3"110 Kgy" 31 " 000 Kg. 3"980 Kg" 8"600 K9" 1."320 Kg" I " 080 Kg" r"r:o N3B2 Noel Martin Q104 John Crcne NI3B 2 Noel MarLin n Treval 1 y Tuna vjhi t ing Other Species ( Bl ack Kingfi sh ) / '-r GRAATEST HEAVIEST OF Bream Drummer F1 IN V29 Tony Morgan N169 Graham Bell N2OB Gary Payne N304 Judy Bender N64 Vr/a11y Moore N199 Bob Gibson N248 S1lver Laibl I'i378 flarren Sommerville N24.9 frevor Gardiner i$I69 Graham Bel1 N67 ArLhur Hales Nl4 Ren Standley N50 Bernie Hecke1 Luderick Hf CAUGHT N229 Tony Forster Cod Bream Drummer trl aLhead Kingfi sh \rhfli'tafl SPECIES OF athead COMPETITIOi\J Other Species (Black Kingfish) ':' N27B N1 89 N256 Terry Langley t<ay Dcrey 'lerry Langley Paul Johnstone iiobert 22"304 Kg" Hel-en Bainbridge "2BO Kg" Lund T,;EIGHT CHAi\IGED SINCE LAST YTT" ESTUARY nOUND No" AngI ers nt & t.I ./"ts3 lJ No" Fish i,,rr. i nh Kn {_ 40 371 I47 "85 N"S.IJ. 5B 593 VIC " 29 109 zot"L!3 45"45 S"A" tJ"A" N"Z" L2 B7 38. 20 16 49 z 2 20 "75 1 qq L57 l211 s15"50 QLD " TOT.rrL: Kg" I"47O I(9" 3 " 640 Kg. 9 "444 Kg" 6"830 Kg" 1"020 Kg" 10"150 Kg" 4"080 Kg" 5"740 Kg" 2.200 Kg " A1lan Strathearn Tony Forster Har::y Ful l er lo 1 Nl 21 Tailor ti ng ROUNjJ SPECItrS CAUGHT OUT t\tlJl George Coles I\j240 ;\1f Aston t\t t/hi THIS 2"25o Nt 77 Nl 21 Snapper CATCH N35B Karen Sutton N229 Pearl Percl-r OF ETY uJL Kingf ish Luderick Mul loway 2"580 l(9" . 750 Kg " 4"290 Kg" 0" 300 Kg. 22"000 Kg" 1 S4L l-aul Amderson N202 Ken l3rown VliriI lln" f- DtrTA"ILEIr iiESULT S ESI'LiAKy i\o " FI SH n? v-J r\OT VJ fu a Evans N" Cars ten s I2 Cl ark 16 !o Ql1 14" Q] 3 nt^ r Q31 A" iv]" Q3 7 Q45 S" Q52 J" Q57 AO Q59 P" Q64 D" o/ D" rr' Yrv ? -r? \</J vo lo potLer tra chearn l\ugu stus r)Q 4JJ tr Ql14 Ql18 D" R i+ " K. N:J9 l\I44 I'J54 A" M" I\iA\ !' N" 1 S 7 13 Gtiy freld Veselis AA l'ia1 sh 33 Schol B Macdonald Hoskin Barr Q81 L" Chri s ten sen Q85 t'" F-aux L" Merchant QBB q IA t I Barre bt A1lom Bateman Farmer 3 I i1 3 2A 4 4 24 7 Barsinq t/,tilliamson i-) 6 7 rae kmarrar Lowe 1 A Garrett N57 A" Hal es N7:J K" A1 corn i nnq NB4 R" .Tann -.,Y " \IB9 K" Appel NI02 ro Biddl e ,05 Lickiss r\Ibb tr." T" Chapman N1B5 JO Bourke N188 I(" IvlcMi I I an ri20B G" Payns N215 D" Vid I er N?-24 f'" Mcf fet t N234 K" i) ov,/er N23B K" As i;on N240 A" ASTON N248 S " li255 r(" Lund N264 D" 1\269 J" Garven N291 J" Voi sey .3CB J" It'lul doon ..,358 K" Qrrf]_nn 1B l\Jol 10 3 1O A 16 24 6 !.,i !dIU vq! N3EO / " G" P 7 l4 5 5 4 1') IJ 3 16 2L 3 f, ! ick up Martin 4 I4 LJ 7 10 3 itOUl{ D -q ztr "7 "E3 t,TEIGHT No" t/- l,'JEIGHT k_ | qg qnn n{i VJ " 300 Ql0 5"C00 Ql2 " 550 Ql5 7" 500 Ql 7 4 " 800 Q34 5 " 500 Q3B "800 Q49 2"7O4 Qs 3 18 " 700 Q5B B " 300 Q63 " 900 Q55 " 500 068 s " 000 Q76 1 " 200 QB2 B" 000 Qs7 1 "500 a9B I " 200 Ql04 9"400 Ql17 2" 000 Q119 2"704 i\38 2"80C N40 "800 i\53 1 " 200 N64 2 "904 ]\i56 I " 250 N73 4" *r50 NB3 3"100 I\lB7 E " 850 lJg9 11 " 300 N103 2"750 N]06 3"'250 N182 7"550 Nl87 2"244 N19l 1" 600 I\i212 2" 350 N21B 4 "9aO N229 2" 100 N237 6 " 050 N239 B " 200 tt242 1"150 N255 1" 600 r,t259 5 " 600 N257 10 " 200 i!287 3"550 N301 4"250 N310 9 " 050 l{359 5"r00 N374 1 " 700 N383 T" LudLow 26 D. Evans 2 it " Underwood 3 M" Clark 17 i( " Ford 7 D" xeberger 6 B" Scott B K" i{atcl if f e 2 A" Scholfield 10 ri " atego 3 F" vratego 13 J" Veselis 16 R" Hoskin I .]" JohnsLon 3 D" Christensen 3 'f" MerchanL 5 L-" Tilgals I J" Crone L4 H" Harvey 7 ia" IvlcMillan 4 urr 11" p Do Anderson 7 u-f IrOJI I J tr Jo Pralt 3 Ivioore 5 " S " Schumacher I P 7 " Stenner M" ]I]lis I J. clover 12 A" Cannon 23 R" Bush 4 N" Thompson 15 A" i'.ook s 27 M" Mcltli 1 1 an 6 it " Barrrard 16 rl " Dansey 9 A" Garven 6 T" Forster 29 J" Frosser L4 M" liirsl 24 B" iiobinson 18 B" Beacom I V" ltay 1 d" Carr 5 t'i" !,vat r:n ( luyonq ) 7 J" Cerven 18 G" Voi:cy I2 l"i" Lightf r.lo t. I5 .{ " Goodwin 9 R " r-oster 24 i/ KG" 10"45C " 800 1"000 .-t Atra\ l6*Jw 2"90C 2. 100 4. 000 "00 3" 7Otl onn o ) vV 6"000 6"100 " 400 1"200 1"000 2"lac " 400 3"000 1" 900 2"800 1"750 550 2"7 50 l. " 3"400 " 300 6"500 10" 750 2"150 6" 200 l0 " 900 3"I00 7 ?"700 Anr) ? ?r)n 12"100 5"550 o / qrl J aaJv 7"500 ( fl . J\/V 1^r " 350 2" 050 2" 45O 7"500 5"E50 7" 050 3"950 o ?nn )o M 5QET/\ILED RESULTS ESTUARY ROUND 3 No" F'ISH V3 v7 vll vL7 v20 v36 V38 v44 v2r v54 \/ qq V6B v70 J" Gilbee '1'urner " B" Pywel1 G" Forward Ko Fleming H" Moore T " Mr:ore Wo Hammer A" Jcnes T" Gilbee vo J" tlobinson Ful I er N" R il " " " 900 t " 900 1" 550 Brown Drew 5 l.l: rn a r 3 .) a 4ttu!Pg 1 K" McKay 'r qqn 1"000 1"100 ?trn " 350 qqo I Osborne Schmidt NZ23 q 2qn z Clifton [J3B 2"400 3"6s0 1"000 3"750 7"800 13 Pri ce vl9 v40 v49 v52 2"45A I9 I r.!' ^ F/^l vl!Eruo v]5 3s0 ? " onn qqn 2 3 B D" Senior V5 V9 v29 G 7 IVo F 3"100 1"300 ?7q ? ?nn 6 Edwards Thompson S" D " L" 1/,134 2 3 I " 4"254 B S1 G 9 I I To Hose !ri6 '1,i18 \,t20 '/'j 23 vt29 1" 550 (qn I UO!llgD i,Vack eL 'l 10 J" Crane K" Snowden s13 ti. 516 G" S23 R" S34 J" lvl G" r J \/o n \9 r,!EIGHT KG" 4 f( 24 "7 "83 B 2"650 6 3" 050 1"100 VJ/ v55 v65 \/AO VB6 st1 S2T s27 c.t1 7 \i,/19 \J'J 1, " Cavil Z 26 rr30 1 B" Bright P " McGratl-r J" Morgan R" Moore F" Bisby E" Fisher G" Schnelle I" Gilbee P " Irtoreau J" Crane Vu 39 NZ37 KC 3 3 1"300 1 " 800 4"20Q I"200 11 l I . 300 aqn 4 5 1.850 'l " 325 I oqn " 800 2" 500 9 3"650 4 1" 550 G"E" Hewitson B 4" Fi 4 G" Mason " Roberts B" bJilliss J" Catterwell D" Foster P" Andersen Drew r 5 I r 3 2 H" Osborne 4 4 A" [..rice C" Newman P" Crothers 350 r"350 4 H" Dyer L" Clift.on " 3"100 3"600 Y J " 600 2"7^q 1"" 1"0d0 1" 550 I 1 2"000 " 300 " 600 " 850 iTROGRAM CijANGtrS Times for the lasL round of Rock & Beach competitlon have been changed Lo al"low the postponed u'f f shore tounb 3 to be held on i'{onday" The program for the last tv;o days is now as follows: l,vith the present weather conditions it is quite possible that Lhe third round of the off shore will be cancelled" Ci^reck at the ],i"A" night this evening or at. headquarters tcnight (or in the morning) for f urther information,, I'1o!te1y 2-5!h__{uty -g-{,f_,1hq{e iior:nd 3 5" I,r,-5" OO am chelli"*o''i /"{ ) am 1"00 pm 2" 00 pm 3" 00 pm L Tuesdav 26Lh Julv 2"00-2"30 3" 00 am 12 noon 1"00 pm am Li-nes Dor,vn Lines Up Irish Truck departs i,leigh-in :: ltock & Beach Round 3 Check out Lines Lines Down Up l,ieigh-in '0 1"4s0 'l M" Harpe:: \,t \rV35 WEIGHT a a 7 D" V'i5 fvl t'i " ISH YESTERI)AYTODAYTDMDRRDIIJ July, OFFSHORE ROUND 3 The last attempt to hold this event was finally abandoned this morning vrhen seas and wind had not abaLed sufficiently for crra ri qhi nn The weather conditions have been a big disappointment for all compeLitors and Lo the local organisers. i'hose of you who attended the !i"A" presentation last night would have clearly undersLood the message about the weather in Ballina compared v;ith that of Bunbury" (r arn stil1 noL sure why Lhe t.ourism chap wanted to present l/"A" as a holet ) " Final result,s for the Offshore individual titles are not the same as published in YTT No"6 with 6ome correctionso peter stenner of N"s"t'/" is the Mens Champion, having taken the bitle from Mike lii.rst by a mere 7 points" That's about one trevally" The Ladies and Veterans Championships were also quite ci-ose with kuth Barsing ( N" b"',i" ) taking the ladies title and Harry Harvey of Qld", Lhe veterans" CongratulaLions peter, Ruth and Harryl INDIVIDUAL OFFSHORE FCR 1983 Peter SLenner IqEN:J t?rr{-h Rrrqinn H.a r rrr [-]: rrrarr LADIES VETEiiANS 1IECOITD CHAIVIFIONS (t'l"" (N"s"',rt" (QLD" ) ) ) F'ISH CLAIM Another possible Australian record fish has been taken Championships" at these It is a Basset HuIl's Trevally of 1"4001{9. which was taken by Gloria Bateman from Queensland. Our weighmaster John Prosser positively identified the fj"sh which differs from a normal trevally by having a noticably sma1l-er tail" As far as I know it was taken amongst Gloriats catch in the second Offshore Round" AVOCADO SALE Avocados aF narrar-rn-he-mlssed priCeS will be available today and tomorrow at Headquarters" Get in early for your favourite fruit" Yl.TI{UMBER4&5 Some mcre of these issues of YTT will be printed today or Lomorrow and wiil be available at Headquarters at the Social Tabl e" NEXT EDITION OF YTT IS DUE OUT AT 11"00 AM ON I,VEDNtrSDAY 27TH JULY E INDIVIDUAL CFFSHOi),E CHAMPIONS PTS MEN Overal I _1" l\/J 2" N239 3 " NB4 ?" M" i1" SLenner Hirs t Jenning s 4,o N256 R" Lund J 6 "A S15 B" \Jil1iss NZ ii" McFetridge " Overall 1" ^" 1 3" QLD. N"S"l,,t" qA LADI ES " vgTEllu! Q117 H" HarveY QBl L"Christensen G " Brown lil QliT H" HarveY N2B3 H" Green " N4 R" Barsing v37 lt" Moore E" Garven Nl3B D" Hunt V69 J" Crane a26 Bo Bonnell N4 ri " Barsing V37 R" Moore "A" "A" N"Z" Ul29 S " Osborne NZB K" Arnold 1901 " 0 1894" 0 1637 " 0 r427 "0 L223 "5 Overall 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" rlb+"u VIC rlz5"J S 609"5 1901" 0 1,'/25 il" r?alrl i nn i!"2" VIC 1,/i11iss Q114 !J" BaLeman i{73 P. Stenner V36 H" Moore QLD" N"S"V'i" VIC " qA l'J ULJ I ::: 295 "5 199"5 QLD " N"S"|t'1" W lrg" 258"5 n ^a4 lJZ"V LY I") r otrQ LJAAJ q 175"0 " LYZ")- !'J1 G. Brown NZ25 L" Scott "A. i{"2" !'1 L26 "C OFFSHOi?E TEAI\IS Victoria was victorious j-n the l{ens Offshore, much to Lhe annoyance of N"S"VJ" who thc-rEhi tiley had this event in the bag bef oie the competil-ion started " S "A" were second and i{ " S "t'i " thircji Victoria also tooll oli. l-i,e Ladies category whils l'{"A" were victorious in the Ve'ue:'arlls" ::: {:::: OVERALL.RESUI-TF Otr """" (Aggregate points for iiounds 2 & LADIES VETERANS 124 "0 I031 "5 280"5 lIb5": 388"5 3) PTS [lt/3 " " 5 804"5 667 "0 633"5 AA? q 204 "5 804"s I I / "U fIJOJtr c 3PICNIC DAY The Ficnic Day was held at Headquarters lasl- Friday" People sLari:ecl gal,heri ng f rom about 2"aA ;:m onwards lvith att.enc.ince rising tc over 400 l- ater in the eveni-ng " i-laces f or bo'uh i:i'irldren and adults vJere Lielcl clur:ing''che afternoon on the g.r'as:,'y ;rrea ofipo;ite the marque rvith the hiEhlight bei ng i:he interstate -L'e dllts Tug-0-'r,rar" A bush band played from 6"00 pm t.i l1 af i:er lC"00 pni v;iriJe people consumed vasl amcunts cf food" All- Lhis for :rL00! ircr rnany people it r'ras a chance to renew ofd friendships e'ncl l-o establish or strengt.hen nevJer ones " The strong winds had a]:ated and it \,vas a pteasanL sunny af t.ernoon and calm evening " 'Ltintenbar dicj a find job of ca'uering abty assisted by our Social duo of Jim Dr^ryer and Greg Fenn " 'i'UG-0-rvAR Teams were entered by Queensland, N"S"Li. South AusLralia and New Zeal-and" A11 rounds were keenly contested with the heavyweights f rom Queensl and -vercoming the N " S "., , v,rork ing Leam in the f inal 2 * 1" S"A" Beat I'i"Z" for 3rd place" In the ear:ly rounds it seemed like tlre 'downhill' team had an advantage" Once tl-re score in Lhe f inal reached 1 all, it was ciecicied to have the third tug across t-he frelci" N"5"\,t" won the toss f or choice of encls but still lost " It was an excit-ing evenL lvith lots t-,f grunting and groaninq and su1:pc::Ling yel1s" one Queens-l.ander even casl- a platei The rric'corious al-d,, 'Lean was. )es ChrisLensen, -Toltn Joi-rnstont John Crone, Denis ii. tclif f e, Bc,b fiaLe-qo, irrank r,Jatego, Neil Carstens, and ilon tJnderv;ocd" The succe:lsful ccach was LyIe Guy" RACNS A sprint race \^/as held for Tug-O*trjar compeLil-crs only" Gec,f f !,jotlrerspoc,n atrd iiobert Lund of l{"S"VJ" Won both heaLs but Bryan AtLerton of S "A" came i-hrouqh Lo take cut the f inai f rom iiobert Lund and iraul Crot-hers of ti"Z" lined up The Open Si:rint l-landicap saw over 2a cor'rpetitors nnr,r'l l-rrrrr (Age a N" 5"f;" showed of 11) Collins Darnien young but of spsed i:o clearly bea'c Darr:en Evans (Age I3) of Qlcl . with Highlights c.f this eve;1 t was Jchnai-hon Garven of N",:j"'!'1" third" a f ew leng-uhs short of the i"oss Garven by f al-l a :pectacular rE5 iit-'ss" l,V"A" in Try for finj-s;lr" 'rhe iliens Open Han<-iicap vJas clearly rvorr by Harry r lv! ver N"S.\iJ" (cur illusj-rious I'1"C" again) " Harry gained a -t etltrof essional " f 1y at the sLart giving Dave Chapman a ^^.-^^ and a mud baih" Lin-nan , v_ l \rr ^,1: J cont over/ ? In the Ladies O1:en, ,Aileen Augustus of eld" convincingly defeated irer opp:sition with Dianne Lund of N"S.ii" cominq second and Sue i]rcsser also of I{"S"il" a close third" P.esults of the children t s age eveni:s vJere: 3 8, 4 Y"o" l " Andrev,r Hopgood (i\r) 6 & 7 Y"c. 1" shaun auguslus (o) 3" Sai1y Chapman (w) I & 9 Y"u" 1" Henry l'roring (N) 3" anthcny Collins (i,t) 2" Chris Chapman (rrr) z" Joanna Hopg.od (v) 2" Jason Barnes (v) (N) and Rob tloring (N) ]CI &. 14, Y"u" 1" Dam_ien Coltins (N) 2" Jock Garven ( NZ ) 3 " 'r-yscn Turner Qq7_2r Hcwrs that for a cryplic heading" e67 is Davicl Hoskin who turns 2L tcmorrcw" Happy birthday from all of us and best wishes for ycur future, especially from the other Hoskins at this Conventi,:n CUK RECTIU " I!5 Rock & Beach round 22 cietailed result,s for competitor shoulci have had Lhe name i(" Barr" N47 Dcn?t believe everythin.-r; )lr-,u read in YTT" Ivlany minor errors occur in the results pubiished in Y'fT because it is clone in a rush to Eet result,s ouL Lo ycu ds soon as possible" rt is rare for these mistakes to also lccur in the official results" A11 off icial scores are gj-ven on the display boards in the Headquari-ers marque" There is a sheet of paper on a board nearby for people to tcrl the i(ecorder' about errors" Use this sheet if you believe there is a mistake in a score" CAS?ING COt?TiECTIUNS A complete re-check of the rain sodden score sheets for the casLing has revealeuJ a few minor errors" The only .jnes of any real :;ignif icance are: Accuracy Dcug iettie (VIC) scored 97 (not 87) Art" Bait iJisL" Geoff 'r,roLherspoon '(iv"s"rr" ) tocal 218"56 metres 'iotal 1;cints Doug FeLtie 253"79 Geof f iJo therspoon 25 5 " 06 Team Points Victoria Mens 825"87 YESTERD4YTODAYTDTNDRRDIU July, INTE$STATE TEAMS CHAMPTO!_{SHri- S N"S"\,i. took out the major Leams prize at the 1983 Conventj-on by a clear margin f rom Victoria with Queensland third" '-L-his prize i c rho ci irr nf LVarrnambool Trophy which is for the highesi- score by mens and ladies in all four compeLiLion sections" Congratulations to the home state who f ished consistentl.y irr all events. Much crediL must go to N"S"ti" Captain, AIf Aston for the way he managed to bring together a very dj-verse group of fishermen" LADIES TEAMS The champion Ladies team, and winner of the bl" Vlohling Tro;:hy was N"S"|"J" who scraped home by a very small margin over t.he strong team from Victoria" The Ladies competition was dominaLed by the Offshore cat.ches and i{"S"iii "'s vrin was made possible by some fine scores in the Estuary O"J" COLLIDGE TTIOPHY comp" This trophy is awarded to the State with l-he highest points in for Mens, Ladies and Juniors" Again, N"S.W" were victorious by a large margin over Queensland" {:::i FIJLL DETAILS 9I_4!!_IEty_!g9Igg_trE_!I__ttgE_: i' Beach & Estuary ;:: INDIVIDUAL AV.JARDS The tussle for 1983 Convention Champion came down to a two man contest between Michael Hirst and Alan Cannon, both of N"S"li/" after calculation (and recalculation) of the scores, Allan was declared the Champion by a margin of 0"08 percentage points" This is about one fish or so" Michael is probably kicking himself as the one undersized fish he presented in the first t-,ffshore round ended up costing him both the Offshore t.it1e and the Convention Championship" Congratulations Allani! -- See also Page 6 However, the National Angling Champion is Michael Hirst" This award is delermined over the three fishing events only" i"e" The casting is not counted" Again, Mikers margin over Allan was very smal1 -- See also Page 6 The National Ladies Champion is Karen Sutton of N"S"l,J" who had a close tussle with many compe.titors before edging out lluth Barsing, CJDV title VI I!oJo!Jo The National Junior Champion is Johnathon Garven who won this by a very cfear margin over his rivals" The National Veteran Champion is George Voj_sey of N"S"W" who recorded a close win over Harry Harvey of Queensland" 2 RQCK & , BEACH r.C,![yp 3 Poor f ishing ct.,ncjj_ti<_-ns continued for this the laSt €vent *f the 1983 Convintion" The strong winds and shov.rers gf the prev f#x- oays hacl abated to provide a nice sunny morning but tha seas lreres up making rolt areas unfishable" Most ingla*"* concentratec fl*lithewell #tl beach near the meat works at Byron Bay in the h$p6 that some t**lor- mighi show up" However, this wasn't lo be" Best *etches were t.*k*n Uy those who concentrated upon the few good holo* l.n amongsl th& rocks for catches of luderick and rock blackfish. Sorne nice bags of bream rrere and a surprlsinE number sf long t'oms and mu1let Lvere also weighed-in taken " 246 anglers ch€cked-out at *'*c am rvith 133 weighing-in 566 fish for a toLat of 367,gti KE* Not a particularly impressive catch but good the condit,ions, It is unfortunaie that all rounds of the rrock &under Beach were held under bac conditions as the fishing was not ai al1 typical of Ballina in July" tsesl catch of the day was taken by a jun,lor, Johnathon Ga::ven of Yamba v,rho weighed in 28 fish for 25"05 xg" li was a very nice catch of mainry luderick r,vith some rock braitfish. John Gar.,ren wl fished r,vith his son had Lhe next best bag for the cJay with 23 fishfcr- 1q"10 Kg" , again mainly ni.ggers and drunrrner" other catches included Denis eaker (r.r"s"r,v" ) rltr' 23 for r2,70 Kg., mainly bream, Gecff snow r,vith 20 ]uderick for 12"60 I(g" and Allan Cannon uvith lB fish for r?-"75 Kg" one unusual catch was by Keith roovey who landed 3 nice mullovray and a bream for 10" 25 Kg" Amongst the Ladies, juniors and Veterans, Johnathon Garvenrs catch was outstanding" However, veteran Geoff voisey also weighed-in a very good caLch with 21 fish for 5"70 Kg. Best amongst il^ ladies was I'lella Clif ton of !v"A" she tooli 5 f ish for ".or.3" 05 Kg. whj_*.< hras quite creditable in the conditions" The competition to fincl the individual champions in the Rock & Beach category was almost no contest in the Mens Juniors antl sections" craham Fjel1 of N"s"!,r", with f ine catches i-n the f irst two rounds establishecl an unassailable margin which saw him vict,orious. irleediess to sdY, Johnathon Garven easily won the Juniors section amassing a scoj:e that would have pleased most men compeLitors. Nelra Clifton :';i ;ffi :"::lF;,X:; i:'il":;i".ffi , l:':"3:;: ;:i= :;,:,"; i, :r-!i*l;i,.n a good score in the thircj iound to easily win the Veterans section. IN!-LV-IDUAL ROCK }lENS LADIT]S JUllIOltS VETETIANS & BEACH CHAMPIONS FOd 1gB3 GRAHAI'{ BELL (iv"s"rrl) NELLA CLIFTUI\J ( vlj"A" ) JOHNAT'H(;N GAFIVEN (N"s"r,'t") GEORGE VU]S5Y (li"s"u;" ) & BEACH TEAMS N"S"ti" took out the teams titles for Men Junior and Veteran teams while ldestern Australia were successful , in the Ladies eu*peEr-r:- on " 'rhe unusual f ishing condi-tions were difficult all teams but must have been espiciaily difficurt for interstate for and overseas visitors. .ROCK nnm^^f .i f ; ^^ 3( }OTH DAY i1ESULT,) RRIULTS Of- 2nd A11 riesul ts BIACH .TOUND F rovi sional & xoCK - OIr BEACH & ) 3- ROUI{D TUESDAY 26TH JULY ,iOCK INTERS'IATE TEAMS EVENT JUNIORS VETERANS 30"0 q 1A LI qr A ril Lrnr! OV ( tl MF'\I q t{ tl il g -i" TEAMS EVENT I !q-I9r- Ie yl 9: - ?_ *_ = =i_ =i= = = I:I I:' I" 3t =;;;;;; ;;; ;; ;;;; ;; -L ---;;-;--l'-;;-; --t-TI = = T R === ; = il ;= ;= ;=;= --llR ;; ;----il ;; ;; ; , t ;;;"; i- ;;; ;--- fi;;; ;; -1?19:9,;;-t-;;; t;;;ll il ---__--T----:: -__-r -r ---l---::-:------11---------il .AA -r I tltl ll t{ |l il il ll 0 Qo q, LVJ n tl tl H --!':1,:.--ti tl i{"2" i] t. 191" 'r t-l tt tr lg grsg e! e-p a J I -t- A J __??9:9* -ff l/") === == === ::-:--r--------s2"0 i -- -t == =======t==== 21"s ll I HEAVIEST FISH NEVILLC BE,l,iY YABBY i:'Ui"ii-ING | ==== == =t== =====- DAY MULLOiivAY = == =il== u ll ;=;;===il 10 4"80 Kg" DAY tror quite a while it seemed like this event would be cancelLed as no officials were available to crrcl^nic,o itHOWevef a last minute rescue bid by Dianne Lund and Gloria AsLon saved the da1r" They l-ook charge of the siLuation and ran t-he even t " Unf ortunately I donrt l'iave a copy of the resul ts but I rm that everyone had fun and enjoyed themsel-ves despite the yabbies not being as plentiful as had been hoped" 4 BEST INDTVIDUAL Overal 'l 1 1o 4" YEI Drrc 269 J" Garven N181 D" Baker N36 7 J" Snow A N99 Cannon 184"0 N N"S"!t" VIC. v23 s23 qA J" Gilmour ii" Thrrmn c n n l,v,A" u,t N"Z" NZ3 7 ir J I 'j'" Hayman N"S"!t" VIC " S"A rd"A" N"Z 1aA n AA n qan p'l Garven 2" I\.J322 D" Col 1 ins ? LIIU D" Evans QlO D" Evans r\I301 J" Garven V3B T" Moore 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" ]o n L L6 J 12"s 278 "5 a qn UoJV l\tbu N15B V" 1 ) A q QLD " N"S"V'1" " p'r Nl69 G" i{269 J" N99 A" NIBl D" Bel l Garven Cannon Baker N234 K" Power .\QT Evans VJ Nl59 c" Bel 1 VL7 G" Porward s23 ii" viz l]'J"A " ]Q aqn '1-Irnmn cnn T" H:rrm;rn JUNIOi),S 1 2" ? QLD " N"S"tt" VIC " S "A" \,'J"A" N"Z" 16"0 15"5 9"5 16"5 L/l8 N" Clif ton 35 " 5 VET'EP,AN5 ,:'i-{- " L V g! Oa f QLD " N"S"!t" VIC qA q N310 c" \/n v v+ i ueJorr z" N259 V" Kay ) V9 Ii" Cavil l Jo QI7 R" f-ord N310 G" Voisey a o a " \/q P \/Jl G" Brown LCVIII 15 " 5 16"0 '7Q n f^\A aq 28"0 r? n 'r Overal I n B" Scholfield D" Evan s v75 T" Gol o q W3O H" th o::::'" PITESIDENTs W"A LADY VETERAN VIUn i\i " ). v't2O R" N35B K" Q45 S" ' r.,Q45 S" N35B K" S" " VJ1B N" N"Z" C]A PT5'=- Clifton Cavil 1 Harper Sutton Guy Guy Sutton Cavil I Clifton VETERANS Overal'1 I N310 G" \/n i q orr A" Hal es QLD " 20"o VIC. V9 rt" Cavi on IJ"A" aA q ? N"S"riv" 326 "5 SoAo G" BROi,'lN N310 t'il B7 " 5 47 "0 37 " 5 32"4 27 "0 27 "0 32 0 4t B7 "5 PTS N67 V9 QT7 1o N"Z" DAY r7f " 3" 4" 5" VlO 22"O 38"0 smi I:: " VIC 38"0 d !,i18 4 Z" N"S"]i\J" 39"5 54"0 58"0 Evans N301 J" Garven 1 QLD " q Jlo"3 QlO Q56 QlO ':I;:: LADI ES D'1. c. N301 J. GofV€l'l D" q 850"5 442"5 376"4 305"0 274"5 'l NZ37 P" Crothers N"Z" Overal I 35 _Lb"f N"Z ') qA s" rJ" Clifton ^-^uuy Cavill Carr Tait Guy Carr Cavi1l i/,J.A S"A" t/"A" YEI! VIC N" S" L.l(l Q45 S" N26B B" VlO S" ( 278 "5 lvl8 Q45 vl0 INDIVIDUAL B]IACI{ & ROCK CHAMPIONS Cveral I 3 N"S"l,'1" VIC " QLD " N" Z" H" Osborne tJ30 Overal I L11"V LZoU Overall I " N30l J. QLD " n 146"0 I45 " 5 Crothers UNIOits BEACH & .}TOCK. iiOUND LADIES 1qn N294 rt" Irrlhi tehead no L" Evans N 269 J" Garven QLD. ANGLERS R" vc:v !I ! R" Ford G" 1/o i c arr 1 G" urown VJ"A" ANITA DRECKMEYER N"S"!../" I " 157"5 73"0 59"s q? n 157"5 s9"5 5OVEBALL CHAMPIONPHIP RESULTS ':'.:,'i' cHAMplOi{ INTERSTATE TEAM ( - TROpHy ';:::::, (Scores r'or each event are aggregace points in lviens and Ladies ) Divisi"ons converLed i:o a percentage" I"laximum total I5 avw PUIIIL> ===;";"; rI rg"grl E:!seryBeach & riock Crql-i T==;";" ---f--- ----r nn ;; ;; .;-i-------| ------i NI 7 IJ"A" loo"oo I t3"661 eg"82l -;; ;;; ;; ;; t.--,;-;;-l t-;; ;; t--;;; f f shore / ==[ == l==;;;===[ " [===;;;. --'.--r-'"-------r------- r\irirm O 1,/ARRNAMBOOL T7 t 1"08 "82 1"11 ;;- t- ;;:;; I i:; r----------r--------r 2 ri8i"46 l 42"62 1 6s"r4 I sr"s4 i " ---r - - --- -i-- -t--------t "15 l TOTAL l- POSITION I : 9, : I -i- -" - I ___ 1____" :::'::::: CHAMPION 9z : 1 I -; -.-zt-l: z ? -f- ! 9 z : ? ___l_ -5. -[ ?_.___L__-._*__ t7:97 -, _L LADIES TIIAM - \,J" 'I/{OHLING TROPHY **rt ^^l ^L^ ^J_^ Scores are aggreg d.Lg rE or the three fishing events only) p\JrlrLJ - --[---- -- - =r= == === =- =j= EVENT I iv"s"t,u" -;;;;;-T--__ I qll -t--;;;--r------*-"r ( I I ro3r"s ;;;;;;;____t_;;.;__ -----r ---r ------ -r--*,t--Esruary I zat"s | ]br") -:-: -fI - vrc" i r"o" | ,,.o. l*"r" t- ;;;;-t- - -- --'- - -t--'--* -'- - --r * "- I tI I l--Y"v I ___:;==;il;ru;;_ '--r- -' - t"---------tI I t3oB"o ---t--*-------I9T1!-- -----l-?39:,1 -- i-------'---f l'l __ __19!III9I___ *l _.- _ _t _ _.. l*_ __.-_l__ -L - -.- - -? - --L-- - I - - --- -L- - -- -I-- --L - - - : -- -'::::I CHAMP ON BEAC H & ESTUARY TEAM - O"J" COLLIDGE TIOPHY ::r:::':: ( Score are aggre nr{-a nni n ts in these two eveent (fo r Nlan c T. adies and J uniors r ) I i- - I ::I D ======== === =:1 - Ecl-rt:rrr eee! == =r ====== ===[ == = [=-;;;. EVENT de =;;;= J Beach & iiock ,;;;.; r -?29t:9 - [ ;;;; -tI TOTAL ;;;; ; POSITION __;_:_t .:.1..: 1598"s --l:l:**-T I --999:lI : --t-I t;;;;-t -;;;; --19?:l---L =l== \r"A" -r I A't 1/ 6 n V tI I I -t-' N"Z" 24 "5 I | I Y : ?af\ tJvov 0 n 0 +A 4 t__:__;___L HEAVIEST ITISH SILVER LAIBL ;;;; ==F = O'/EitALL MULLOUJAY i --iI - --L- ::: :;.::i 31"00 Kg" n 111.V ^?i vvJ I I ll I (a -tov r ,J -tI J- "J n 6 CONVENTION CHAI{P ILIN lst I{99 Allan Cannon Znd I'1239 It{ichael FIirs'u 3rd N269 John Gerven IIATIONAL AI{GLII{G CANNON 228 "60 228"52 2Ll "79 CHAMPIONS MENS M" Hirst LiiDIES K. Sutton JUNICRS Jcn" Garven VE'fh,RAN5 G" Voisey ALLAN SCORES N"S"'v',/ " N"S"Lu" N"S"tir" N"S"\iv" CONVENTION CHAMPION l9B 3 Allan is a member of t-he Yarnba Club and lives at Yamba where he runs the famify's cane farm and conducts a successful plumbing businesg" f1e has been a stronE supporter of 1-he Yamba Club and is currently their treasurer'" He has been fishing since he was a kid and has really developed as a fisherman over the last year or two" He has been involved ih almost all championships in N"S"r;" in recenL years and is a capable fisherman in all caLegories of fistring" He also casts compeLitively and has represented his Club and Associatj-on on a number occasions. This is his first A"A"A" Convention" A11an'gs vicLory at Lhis ConvenLion is particularly meritorious as he chose not i:o compete in the Offshore events even though he owns a suitable boai and is a good offshore fisherman. He is reported Lo have decided not Lo fi-sh offshore because he didn't have anvcrte to fish with in the first round i Allan fished very consistently throughout this ConvenLion with good catches in every round of Estuary and itock & Beach" He is a deserving Australian Champion" MICHAI:IL HIi(ST NATIONAL ANGLING CHAMPIOJ{ 198 3 Michaelts f ishing career as a junior in yamba under the guidance of top fisherman such as John Garven" His first A"A"A. Convention \^Jas at Noosa where he compeLed as a junior" He left- the Yamba area to gain qualifications as a High School Leacher and is nolr teaching al- Henry Kendall High in Gosford" He is a member of Gosford Angling Club" Apart from his angling and casting interests he has also held various executive, positions in Clubs and Associati-ons frcm Publicity to Fresident, He has represented his Club, Association, and N"S "1,/" in ;r.i^^ -. c()ilrpetrrrlcn ^^m^^f at all leve1s and in all caLegories of fishing and casting" He is a true ail round fisherman, a good team fisherman and a fine person previous individual wins by lvlichael incl ude tr,vo i! S "'!',r " Deep Sea Championships, 3rd in the Offshore at Pt" Lincoln" Znd" tlffshore here in Ballina and a I{.S"t',/" Casting tit1e" --7 -iIOCK & BEACH J1L)IJIIID 3 DETAILIJD ;itsSULTS No " FISH a\ c) v/ T Evan s Ql1 t\. Carqi-anq 1-r'l ? Ql9 Pot Ler N" Rorrrr M QJI /^, ? zl t) Q3B ftA,. tlJ f Q5 iJ LI/J nQl Q9t" JO f' i{o tr the.rrn S a ilal'rornar (an'Ff Guy Scholfield Vva t ego I. Barr C V Ho sk en n 1 a? \/LaI - i;'ro ,1 _+ ,? PUr D^--;orl-19 i\o Tarl- inLon s t rtll5 J" Pellagreen N4B R" Courtenay N53 J" PratL. I"J57 E" iiest N67 A" Hales I'iB2 ',i" El1is i{87 J" Glover "199 A" Cannon 105'!,i" Lickiss l\1U/ LJ" bevan N1.13 S" Kendrick i'J123 ti" Essex Nl35 1i. Van l!ispen I'J150 A" Far1ov,, 1\1OY tr, |Jell iVlB5 J" Bourke l'1196 B" Bati:ese aL3 U" VrOler -m227 " ttedman I\i233 i(" Toovey N235 K" i.oberls l\lJy ivi" Hlrsr N247 J" Toovey N255 B" Beacom Ii}264 D" Carr N269 J" Garven h1294 A" V'/hitehead I\299 A" Darwson N301 J" Garven i\ 309 !1. James N317 E" f-jatson |J362 P" Pickup N.l 7zr f( " Goodvri n i'r V3 J" V9 R" V15 B" v2a V36 '{44 Gr lbee L-crvIfI Rri rrht K" trl ami nn H" ivloore li" Hammer 15 17 2 1 4 I 3 2 2 I 2 3 2 5 I 3 7 ? t1 I I 9 ,/EIGHT KG 8"150 5"300 "754 4"750 1.250 .300 1"900 L.450 "500 "600 "954 1"000 N17 N2B N50 N55 N55 i'J75 NB4 l{E9 2"75i) i"150 2"7C0 300 " ([n o JJW 5. 550 n I.L.n t..l L: 1 ?nn " 65C " 75C . 2 l7 l:; 6 I I 2 3 I7 JL/V 2"900 7"000 1"700 4"000 4"000 10"25c 3"000 " 500 4.150 " 650 1"450 16., I 00 10"500 3 1"90C 2-B 25"ri50 2 2 1o JJV 5 r 3qn 2"400 E 3"55C L " 600 2 1.100 a L a "500 r tr,r I Q92 A" ,1 qn o _tJ V 10 " 9C0 I I 9 Y/v O IJEIGH T ](G" SH rn 3 I 1 I1 I q o -) J d LJV 1 o JJV 1 "450 tr-n 1"85C 2"100 5 Edv.rard s 4 4 2"454 L 1"10C N109 Pl" tserrel1 i\117 R " Drane i{126 B " LayLon i',i141 ir" Tye.DorLer iJl5B V" Tait N181 D" Bal<er N195 r"1" itiddel i{2}4 T'" tsi j I 1\222 T" Graham t\tiz u" uoles N234 K" Power N237 J" Prosser i{240 A" Aston N252 H" Patch N259 V" rlay i!268 B"A" Carr N291 j", Voisey I{295 M. Sidney N30t) A" Dawson N303 P" Kerkenezov i!310 c" Voisey o LJ !',tJZl u" Lo.Lt]-ns nr l i^ N357 J" Snobr \l ,/t tr vl0 V19 v23 Gi ,s. !ovJff P" McGrath V3B V75 lbee J" Gilmour T'" Moore T" Gol dsmi th V 1 " 300 5 2" /+54 " 50rj 1 I a 3 2"404 5. 200 r!-n a J o I J\) 4 1.850 Jf L 3 2.050 5 a tr -). ) I li I7.) L /J at:n LJ V 4"440 I ,?. l"lclnerney l'1" f'ri-or B" Heckel J" Hammond il" Garrett K" Alcorn ii " Jennings K " A;:pel lil-.:l I" ufdole N106 N" Thompson ,rl -/qn Qqn 4 i L ^6 I L !v El rll l om /'l q 2" 300 2"s50 3 !votlQlO D" E,,-^Ql2 il" Underwood QI 7 i1" Ford Q24 F" f,INIai f i Q33 P" v as terfi eld Q37 I\i" Augus t,us Q43 L" Guy Q53 A" Scholfield Q55 B" Schol field Q62 R" ii aLego oqn (' a,Q vJJ 5 1A FI " 30r) r2"750 ?- No" " 1E I 26 "'7 "83 ] 7 6 15 15 1 3 2 3 3 7 1 1 l0 2I "B5C o LJ'J " J'50 trllt -r\)il 1"050 5"100 7"500 " 750 " 800 12"700 3"7s0 2"700 9 "750 9"70C .300 2"200 . BOO 1"450 1"250 3"000 500 " 300 " 11"050 5"700 3 r"6c0 ?a 12"6C0 1 ?nn 3 1.300 1 LI 1 1 I " 700 2.90C 750 500 " " --E-DETAILED JiESULTS l No " FI SH s15 s21 s27 ..,1.'l B" Jo D" P " llJilliss Catterwell Foster I I I Andersen J \/'rl cl" Brown r,i4 D " I.nrron rn r/6 \'7 H. King ''r1B i\l " Clifton ! ra.\ \laV ut26 Vl30 ri34 tr 38 i\237 r\o L 1 I L I Ha rnar 'l Osborne Schmid M" Mn ra:n p Crothers " 1 t D" & /. No" FlSH 450 " 750 400 'l " qnn " "850 rinn onn " 500 " 400 " 800 L 3 1"900 & BIACH ^-- J t9J gt 27 516 S23 S34 S53 lv23 \;t29 t,i33 h35 l,139 ? fi" Thompson J" Wierda B" Kohler C" NIn trish a'7 N"S"lji" 67 VlC " 12 1A S"A" cf IV"A" 1B A) N.Z" I ? 133 566 1"300 4. 500 z " 900 3"200 Drew 4 4"900 1"800 Hr rrrar 1 u-.,8^^ l l(f ylllcll I L" Clifton Ii" Thn rna S Osborne " ft" Guest A" 3 !./EIGHT KG" 1 J 2 I Z Price 2 'l Newman 26 "7 "83 ?a( i'OTl,,L; G" Edwards \,12 li- " rrt6 G " ut17 M" '1v19 iiOUND No" n ^^-l nl QLD " 26 "7 "83 I(G . "900 800 " IIOCK BEI\CH ROUND 3 ',,tEIGHT 5 A" GuesL H" ROCK v'teigh Kg" L 50"60 265"95 14"45 13.00 22"00 1"90 367 " 90 I " 250 H\{) 850 ?on 900 " " 1"' I /1-1- n 9S'fATE,/.I.JCL1i\IG CHAI.lI-IONS N, 5 "l'J VIC " W.A lt " o rrI!.> -'l L l( F A Price am'i nn QLD " N" Carstens qA i? r'hompson hI"Z" P" Crothers SPECIES P]TIZE; he d\ri?rd f or l:he l arges L f ish caught in ccmpetition goes tc Silver Laibl f or hi s magnif icent Mullovray of 31" 00 i{g " ivhile the ^r:oa Fa' fho mosL numher of species caught in a single round v/as won by Garth itlari:in of N.S"i,,r" \,vith 7 fish for 19"0 Kg. f HEiiVIEST ts1ack Cod Bream Drummer - l-t-^-^ I;t AGLlIEGU Kingfish Ludericl< I'iorwong Mul 1 oway Pearl Perch Snapper .nnl-f orl H'i nri or farlvhine 1'ai l ll 1in f're.ral I y T'erag Tun a \,i hi ting (nac i l-l-rar ( Eil i oc ack Kingf is;h ) OF' SiT ECIES CAUGHT IN COMPETITION 14 " 400 l{g " in229 Tony irors ter 1'ony l"iorE an L "920 Kg " V 29 N169 Graham Bel1 3,640 Kg. 553 Bob Kohler 3" 180 Kg" 6"64A Kg " N3C4 Judy Bender i\64 1j'/al ly Moore I "240 Kg" N199 Bob Givson 3"110 Kg. i{248 Silver Laibl 3t " 000 Kg " N378 V,/arren Sommervil le 3" 980 Kg " N249 Trevor Gardiner B " 600 Kg " N169 Graham BeIl 1"320 Kg,, NB7 John Glover I " 800 l(g " N41 r{en Standley 1"250 Kg" I\i50 Bernie Heckel i{ 3B 2 }Joel ivjar uin 2"580 Kg" 1"750 Kg" Ql04 John Crone 4"290 Kg" N 382 ltloel Martin Beacom 13i11 0" 340 Kg " N255 Ken Brown N202 22"aAA Kg" Vi\iilETY Giilili\Tils I 7 OII CATCH THIS HEAVIE:JT OF Bream Drummer SPECI]]S CAUCH OUT N232 Georqe Coles N240 A1 f ,A,s tofl 3"190 KgCF n?1 a1lan Strathearn \r22_9 'l'nnrr -",.j Snapper Nl 77 Nl 21 N262 Nl 21 Harry Fuller Terry L,angley iiay Dorey Terry Langley r ctl r v ! N 278 Nl 89 N255 i, irl athead I(ingfish Luderick Ivlul I oway Pearl Perch l,/hi ting t rf l-ror Qnoci ROUI{D N215 Darel Vidler cin ac'i a c ac (81ack Kingfish) ,:, IIEIGHT COi'lPEIITION 7"470 I(9" 3"540 l(9" 9 "440 Kg " 6"830 Kg. 1" 020 I(g " i.-nrql-or 10"r50 Kg" 4"080 Kg" 5"740 Kg" au1 JohnsLone Helen Bainbridge rtoberl: Lund CHANGED SINCE LAST 2"2O4 i(9" 0" 280 ?-2 YTT " "340 Kg Kg " " -10A.A"A CONVENTION " ll'i"4" BUi\iBURY Now is the ti.rre to niake those first bookings to attend the next Convent.ion" 'l'his time j-trs sunny Bunbury, a fj-ne city of over 20,OCIJ* people and situated about 180 Km south of r,efth. The Convention is being held frcm March 19th, 1985 to April 4, 1985 " 'fhere vril1 be i-hree rounds of f ishing tor C-tttshore, Estuary and Beach, rvith Lwo days being allocated to the casting" The last day of the Convention is Lhe t,lednesday before Good Friciay" A preliminary information booklet has already been prepared by the host State and copies may be obtained by vuriting to The Carnival Co-ordinator, Box I(832, G"p"O" e perLh w"A" 6001" Lrver 600 reqistranLs are expecLed and some forms of accommodation are rather limited so book earlv" Host Clubs for the Ccnvention are: Bunbury Angling Club & Bunbury i'ower Boat Club FOR 'iHE ittrCORD A special thanks to the itecorders" compeLitors may have noticed tha"i: certain people looked af ter each State frbm registration right through to the last weigh-in" Not one mj-ssed a weigh-in and all showed great patience in putting up with a cranky r{ecorder when tags went missing, fish went missing, and competitors vlent missinE" N.S"LiJ" June trinch, Harry Horgan Da'rra Cihanman QLD " qA Brain Collins VIC " il"A" & N"z" Hnd boards " l-as; but not Joan Corrigan Bob Barsing leasL Kay Garven who pencilled in the display Bruce Schumacher i<ecorder THANK " YOU 'ihere are many people vrrro heJ-p to make convenLj-on such as this a success" I would like part.icularly t.o thank those people rvho gave of their time f o hel n nri nf cn1 'l rf a rnd qf an'l a Vl't' a:q[ iSSUe" iTirst there is Margaret Savage our printer in Ballina who met many unusual requescs yet managed to meet our very unreasonable deadlines" Of the people who collated and sLapled YIT, Jitl Coll-5.ns, A.nne Chapman, L'aL I4ackerell and John Nicholls always seemed to be around vrhen needed" To these people and many others, thank you. And a special thanks to Ballina which did everything righi: except for the weather" David Soothil Fublications Edit.or NEXT EDITIOI! OF YTTIS DUE OUT ON:TUESDAY 2OT'H MARCH. 1985"
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