here - 16th AFCMA Congress 2016


here - 16th AFCMA Congress 2016
W h a t S h o u ld W e D o
for the Least of Our Brethren?
(Matthew, 25:40)
10 (Thu) to 13 (Sun), 2016
Shiran-Kaikan in Kyoto Univ., Japan
2nd Announcement
Welcome Messages & Invitation
・Welcome Message from President of JCMA
・Invitation from Chairman of the Organizing Committee
Organizing Committee
Program at a Glance
Congress Venue & Official Hotels
・Congress Venue: Shiran-Kaikan in Kyoto University, Kyoto
・Official Hotels
Ø Kyoto Brighton Hotel
Ø Kyoto Garden Palace
Ø Kyoto Heian Hotel
Ø Daiwa Roynet Hotel
・Accommodations for Students
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Welcome Message from
President of JCMA
Shigeki Hitomi, M.D., Ph.D.
It is a great pleasure and honor for me to open and welcome you all to the 16th Congress of the Asian Federation of Catholic Medical Associations or AFCMA in Kyoto, Japan. This 16th AFCMA marks the 3rd time the congress has been held in Japan. The first congress in Japan was held in Tokyo in 1968, and that was the 4th AFCMA. The second, which was the 9th AFCMA, was held in Nagasaki in 1988. We thank you for letting us hold the congress for a third time. Our main theme this year is What should we do for the least of our brethren? This theme come from Mathew, 25:40. Our world is polarized between the rich and poor. We all have to help each other, especially considering the least of our brethren. This yearʼ’s special lecture will be given by Dr. Masayo Takahashi, who will speak on regeneration of the retina by iPS cells. Dr. Shinya Yamanaka, her teacher, is a Nobel prize winner and has the great confidence of the Pope and was selected as a member of the Vatican academy. We will hold four symposiums covering 1) the health care system of the elderly clergy, 2) AIDS in Asian countries, 3) care for aged patients in the terminal-stage, and 4) protection of the human rights of children ‒ focusing on the trafficking and abuse of young children. Also, we have a studentʼ’s meeting called the get-together meeting for the medical, nursing and co-medical students ‒ our health care mission in Asia as well as free papers and posters. I am really excited about the things that will take place at this congress. Kyoto is the heart of Japan and a city with over a millennium of history. The best way to discover the real Japan is to visit Kyoto. Once again, I welcome you all to the 16th congress of the Asia Federation of Catholic Medical Associations and sincerely hope that your stay in Kyoto will be fruitful and enjoyable. Dr. Shigeki Hitomi President, Japan Catholic Medical Association (JCMA) Invitation from
Chairman of the Organizing Committee
Buichi Ishijima, M.D.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ in Asia, I am very pleased to send you the 2nd announcement of the 16th Congress of the Asian Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (AFCMA). Since being appointed as Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Congress, I have been working on the Congress agenda and programs in detail. Members of the organizing committee have also taken into account the comments and opinions submitted at the AFCMA Exco Meeting held during the 24th FIAMC Congress in Manila in 2014. In most countries in Asia, Catholics are a minority. In such a situation, catholic medical workers have important missions to follow Christ, put His teachings into practice, and proclaim His love in the region. I shall be very happy if the Congress in Kyoto can be a good opportunity for us, Asian friends, to share more thoughts and knowledge about our missions. I hope many people will be able to attend the Congress. In Kyoto, November is the most beautiful month of the year. Moreover, Kyoto is a city that has preserved much of the good old Japan and a number of historic sites. The reason is that Kyoto was the capital of Japan for about 1,000 years until about 150 years ago. We hope that all of you will fully enjoy the autumn and history of Kyoto in addition to the study sessions at the Congress. We are looking forward to seeing you soon here in Kyoto. With my warmest regards, In Christ, Buichi Ishijima, M.D. Chairman, Organizing Committee, The 16th Congress of the AFCMA 3¦
Organizing Committee
The Catholic Bishopsʼ’ Conference of Japan Japan Catholic Nurses Association Japan Catholic Medical Institute Association Japan Catholic Senior Residence Association Japan Christian Medical Association Chairman
Buichi Ishijima Scientific Committee
Fumihiko Shinozaki (Chairman) Hirohiko Kakizaki Yoshihiko Mizuno Executive Committee
Shigeyuki Kano (Chairman)
Makoto Kobayashi Tsuneto Tsuchimochi Yasutsugu Shoji Kazuo Niwaya Treasurer
Emiko Wada Man Woo Secretary
Namie Murakami Junko Sakurai Kyoto Local Committee
Shigeki Hitomi (Lead Coordinator) Man Woo Yasutsugu Shoji Kazuo Niwaya Contact
Prime International Co., Ltd. TEL: +81-3-6277-0117 FAX: +81-3-6277-0118 E-mail: 4¦
Programs at a Glance
Thursday, 10 November 2016 (at Kyoto Brighton Hotel) 15:00-17:00 Registration 17:00-18:00 Opening Mass 18:00-18:30 Opening Ceremony & Welcome Address 18:30-20:00 Welcome Reception Friday, 11 November 2016 (at Inamori Hall, Shiran-Kaikan) 09:30-10:30 Alimurung Lecture (Special Lecture) Chair: Shigeki Hitomi Retinal cell therapy using iPS cells by Masayo Takahashi, RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology 10:30-10:50 Coffee / Tea break 10:50-12:30 Session 1: Health care system for elderly clergy Chair: Lukas Jusuf & Shigeki Hitomi 1. Instead of adding days to life, add life to days -Nurturing elderly clergyʼ’s health, by Waldemar Kippes 2. Diocesan Commission for the health care of the clergy and religious, by Peter Anthony Fok 3. Founding a supporting system for retired priest and nuns in an aging society, by Shigeki Hitomi 4. Recent status of health care system for elderly retired clergy in Korea, by Kang Joon-Ki 5. The health care system for elderly clergy in Taiwan, by Arlene Te 12:30-13:30 Lunch 13:30-14:50 Session 2: AIDS: Present state and struggles against it in Asian countries Chair: Makoto Utsumi & Peter Au-Yeung 1. Outcome of HIV pregnant women: perspective of family planning and reproductive health, by Yovita Hartantri 2. Option-out approach to HIV testing in prevention mother to child transmission among Indonesian pregnant women, by Agnes Indrati 3. The picture of HIV in Malaysia today, by Juliet Matthew & Benedict LH Sim 4. Present status and challenges of HIV/AIDS in Japan, by Kazuko Ito & Makoto Kobayashi 14:50-16:10 Session 3: Care for aged patients in their terminal stage Chair: Freddie Loh & Buichi Ishijima 1. Care for aged patients in terminal stage -Advanced Directive Perspective, by Freddie Loh 2. Advance Directives and so-called Living Wills: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, by George Isajiw 3. "Natural Death" of the aged people at nursing institutes or at their homes, by Buichi Ishijima 4. Human dignity at the end of life, by Peter Au-Yeung 16:10-16:30 Coffee / Tea break 16:30-18:10 Session 4: Protecting the rights of children, especially trafficking and abuse of small children Chair: Toshiyuki Itoi & Sharon Gopalan 1. Kid on the market, by Sharon Gopalan 2. Child abuse protection in Japan, by Makiko Okuyama 3. The cradle of the stork and pregnancy and child-rearing counseling service, by Taiji Hasuda 4. Street children oral hygiene and health matter awareness ~Calls for our attention, by Waty Sumiati Halim 5. Fair trade - Cast your vote for the better world, by Tomoko Hitomi 18:10- Free time 19:00- FIAMC Council Meeting (at Garden Palace Hotel) Saturday, 12 November 2016 09:40-10:40 (at Inamori Hall, Shiran-Kaikan) Session 5: Contributions from outside of the AFCMA Chair: Fumihiko Shinozaki & Ignatius Harjadi Widjaja 1. Fifty years ago: The creation of F.I.A.M.C. as an independent and democratic federation, with statutes approved by the Holy See, by Blin Francois 2. Cooperation among the Catholic doctors, nurses and medical institutes in Japan, by Hiroji Shima 10:40-11:00 Coffee / Tea break 11:00-12:00 (at Inamori Hall, Shiran-Kaikan) Session 6: Post-disaster care (12 min / topic, 9 min for talk & 3 min for discussion) Chair: Hirohiko Kakizaki 1. Support activities of Japan Catholic Medical Institute Association in the big earthquake-disasters, by Kenichiro Ide 2. How to support Victims spiritually after disasters, by Kazu Kobayashi 3. Report of support activities of Sendai‐chapter of JCMA in the Great East Japan Earthquake, by Yumiko Mizoguchi 4. Bereavement care: The interactional approach for local NPO staff -Looking back 5 year-activity at the Great East Japan Earthquake area~, by Keiko Ito 5. The task about mental health care in the event of a disaster utilizing palliative care Through the experience of ʻ‘Doctor's Ochakkoʼ’ at Otsuchi-cho in Iwate prefecture
, by Yuko Ohi 12:00-13:00 Lunch/Exco Meeting for Board members (at Shiran-Kaikan Annex, B1) 13:00-14:30 (at Hall Lobby, Shiran-Kaikan) Session 7: Posters All the speakers are to stand-by for discussion in front of their own posters. Inamori Hall 14:30-15:30 (at Inamori Hall, Shiran-Kaikan) Session 8: Free Papers (1) (10 min / topic, 8 min for talk & 2 min for discussion) Chair: Shin-ichiro Kitagawa 1. Increased incidence and medical expenses in elderly hemodialysis patients in Taiwan: An importance issue in palliative care, by Chi-Hung Cheng 2. Health informatics era evolving health care of the elders, by Chi-Min Shih 3. Knowledge of aging and attitudes toward elders among long-term care facilities staffs in Taiwan, by Ying Kuo 4. The health consequences of Koreaʼ’s rapidly aging population, by Kang-Sook Lee 5. Promoting a good death for nursing home residents, by Yu-Tai Lo 6. Using geriatric comprehensive assessment to enhance autonomy, by Shiou-Huei Li 15:30-16:30 (at Inamori Hall, Shiran-Kaikan) Session 9: Free Papers (2) (10 min / topic, 8 min for talk & 2 min for discussion) Chair: Kazuo Niwaya 7. A psychosocial analysis of elderly Karaoke activity, by Wen-Wei Shen 8. A multicenter study on the practice of informed consent and assent in pediatric care, by Danilo Ballesteros 9. Benefits of participating in an intergenerational program in a senior home for young children, by Meng-Tien Wu 10. Abortion grief: A disenfranchised grief, by Anne Lastmann 11. Professional comportment and ethical responsibilities of health care practitioners on social media, by Pacifico Eric Calderon 12. A solution to solve health care problem, by Lie Dharmawan 14:30-15:30 (at Yamauchi Hall, Shiran-Kaikan) Session 10: Free Papers (3) (10 min / topic, 8 min for talk & 2 min for discussion) Chair: Yayoi Takei 1. Ethico-moral assessment of the compassionate use of medical cannabis in the Philippine setting, by Pacifico Eric Calderon 2. A community service experience of early child developmental intervention in a catholic hospital of Taiwan, by Li-Chih Wong 3. Knowledge, attitude and behavior of medical student on abortion in Jakarta, Indonesia, by Tommy Tanumihardja 4. Love and truth doctors formation of a catholic physician, by Etienne Gaisne 5. Wholeness the aim of medicine, spirituality within medical treatment, by Waldemar Kippes 6. How to flourish Jesusʼ’ message ‒ Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me ‒ among managers of Cardinal Tien Hospital in Taiwan? by Mariola Zofia Stawasz 15:30-16:30 (at Yamauchi Hall, Shiran-Kaikan) Session 11: Free Papers (4) (10 min / topic, 8 min for talk & 2 min for discussion) Chair: Masamichi Goto 7. What should we do for the least of our brethren? by Brian Hung 8. Holistic care for young breast cancer, by Mary Ann Lou 9. Knowledge of the general practitioners from Bandung towards thalassemia carrier: Implication on promotion and preventive program of thalassemia in West Java Indonesia, by Edhyana Sahiratmadja 10. Ten years of surgical mission for lepers with missionaries of charity in India, by Etienne Gaisne 11. Building the faith of catholic medical students who study in a non catholic usniversity, by Laniyati Hamijoyo 12. Cultivate studentʼ’s healing power, by Kuo-Inn Tsou 16:30-18:00 Transfer to Banquet Venue 18:00-20:00 Congress Banquet (at Brighton Hotel) Yamauchi Hall Sunday, 13 November 2016 09:30-10:40 (at Inamori Hall, Shiran-Kaikan) Session 12: Country Reports (5 min / 1 country) Chair: Makoto Kobayashi & Hirohiko Kakizaki Representatives of each country are to present their countriesʼ’ reports 10:40-11:00 Break 11:00-12:00 Closing Ceremony and Mass (at Shiran-Kaikan) 12:00- City Tour pre-registered participants only 5¦
Congress Venue and Official Hotels Congress Venue
Shiran-Kaikan in Kyoto University Yoshida-Konoe-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan ■From Kyoto station lBus: 30-40 min. Take city bus 206 [bound for "Kitaoji-Bus Terminal Higashiyama St."] from bus terminal D2 to "Kyodai Seimon Mae" bus stop. Shiran-Kaikan is approximately 2 min walk from the bus stop. lTaxi: 20-25min. Approximately 1,800 yen. l Subway → Bus 10min. plus bus 10-15 min. Take the subway [bound for "Kokusai- Kaikan"] to "Imadegawa Station". Take exit No.3 and turn left. Take city bus 201 [bound for "Hyakumanben-Gion"] to "Kyodai Seimon Mae" bus stop. Shiran-Kaikan is approximately two min walk from the bus stop. ■From Hankyu Railway [Kawaramachi Station] lBus: 15-25 min. Take exit No.6. Take city bus 201 [bound for "Hyakumanben-Gion"] or city bus 31 [bound for "Iwakura"] from the East bound bus stop on Shijo-Dori to "Kyodai Seimon Mae" bus stop. Shiran-Kaikan is approximately 2min walk from the bus stop. lTaxi: Take exit No.4 or No.5. 10-15min. Approximately 1,300 yen. ■From Keihan Railway [Demachi-Yanagi Station] lWalk: 15 min. Take exit No.2 or No.4. lTaxi: 5 min. Approximately 640 yen. Take exit No.6. *Times and fares shown above may vary depending on the traffic condition.
Official Hotels
Hotel Reservation Information The official travel agency offers various efficient and convenient hotel reservation service for the 16th AFCMA Congress 2016. For obtaining the special rates for the 16th AFCMA Congress 2016, please make your reservation with the travel agency. Hotel Name
Room Type
Room Rate (JPY)
Kyoto Brighton Hotel
(5 star)* Include breakfast but
exclude taxes
JPY 39,000
09 Nov., 10 Nov.
JPY 44,000
and 11 Nov.
JPY 48,000
12 Nov.
JPY 55,000
JPY 13,500
DX Single
JPY 16,000
JPY 24,000
DX Double
JPY 26,000
Family Room
JPY 29,000
Kyoto Garden Palace
(3 star)* Room fee only
(Include taxes)
Up to 2 people can be
Suite Room
JPY 41,000
Up to 2 people
Japanese Style
JPY 39,500
Up to 2 people
JPY 42,500
Up to 3 people
JPY 45,500
Up to 4 people
Kyoto Heian Hotel
(3 star)* Room fee only (Include
JPY 9,500
JPY 16,000
DX Double
JPY 18,000
Daiwa Roynet Hotel Kyoto
Shijo Karasuma
(3 star)* Include breakfast but
exclude taxes
JPY 15,500
JPY: Japanese Yen
Contact: T. I. Consortia, Inc., #5F, 3-3-6, Kudan-minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0074 Japan Fax : +81-3-3238-5271 E-mail : (reservations by telephone are not acceptable) Deadline: 26 Oct. 2016 Reservation cannot be made without credit card information. Payments are to be settled directly with the hotels. For cancellations made after 14 days prior to reservation to dates and no shows, a full one night room rate will be charged to your credit card.
Accommodations for Students
Accommodations listed below are available through Nov.10 to Nov. 12 ONLY for students. Those students who wish to stay in the listed accommodations should send the Reservation Form to the office of Japan Catholic Medical Association by e-mail <> , or by FAX +81-3467-2889 with a copy of the Student Identification Card . The reservation is made on a first-come-first-served basis in principle, but the priority is given to the speakers in the sessions. Name of Accommodation Room Room Type Capacity 1. Shiran-Kaikan Annex Single bed No breakfast. Equipped with Bath, Toilet, TV, Refrigerator Twin beds 2. Boyo-An \ 6,800 \12,700 \10,400 for single use Single bed 3 rooms \3,000 Include breakfast Japanese 2 rooms \3,000 2-3 persons can share Communal Bath & Lavatory Style for each one room 5 rooms \3,500 2 persons should share 3.Kyoto Korean Catholic Japanese Center 7 rooms Remarks Rate 2 rooms Style one room No breakfast, but with kitchen, Communal Bath & Lavatory Notices; 1. Japanese Style means to put futons ( Japanese style bed-mats) on a tatami floor. 2. Address of Accommodations: 1) Shiran-Kaikan Annex:Yoshida-Konoe-Cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan 2) Boyo-An:Ichijotonomachi, Shinmachidori-ichijoagaru, Chuo-ku, Kyoto, 604-8006, Japan (in the premise of Catholic Nishijin Church) 3) Kyoto Korean Catholic Center:3, Minamikamiaimachi, Nishinokyo, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto, 604-8483, Japan 3. Transportation to the Venue: 1. Shiran-Kaikan Annex:About a minute walk 2. Boyo-An:About 5 minutes walk to Brighton Hotel, where a Taxi service is available. 3. Kyoto Korean Catholic Center:Must use Bus service of about 30 minutes. 4. The room charges should be paid in Japanese Yen at the check-in time. Accommodation Reservation Form for Students Deadline: 30 Sept. 2016
Please Type or Print in Block Letters, check appropriate boxes and mail to the Office of Japan Catholic Medical Association by e-mail,, or by FAX, +81-3-3467-2889. (Reservations by telephone are not accepted) Given Name Family Name Sex: Mailing Address: . City: Postal Code: Country: Tel: (ext / ) Fax: E-mail: Nationality: Name of the Attending School Accommodations: Name of Accommodation 1.Shiran-Kaikan Annex 2.Boyo-An 3.Kyoto Korean Cath. Center Japanese Single Twin \ 6,800 \ 12,700 Style Remarks \10,400 for 1 \ 3,000 \ 3,000 each Shared by 2-3 \ 3,500 Shared by 2 I will share the room with (name) (Twin or Japanese Style Room ) Check in Check out Total nights 2nd Choice 3rd Choice ● Payments are to be done in Japanese Yen at the check-in time. ● Shiran-Kaikan Annex:For cancellation made after 3 days prior to reservation to dates and no shows, a half of the room rates will be charged. 6¦
Online Registration
• In order to complete registration and abstract submission, you are requested to create your own "My page". When you press the "Registration" button of this page, you may find the "Create My Page" button in another window. After crating "My page", your password will be delivered automatically to your e-mail address. If you do not receive your password within a day, please contact: • You may login to your own "My page" by using your ID (your e-mail address) and password, and all registration processes may be executed through "My page". • Please note your registration for the conference will only be completed after the payment of the registration fee has been made. Registration fee & Banquet fee
Category Early Bird Standard Onsite (before and on (from 01 July to (10~14 November, 30 June, 2016) 09 November, 2016) 2016) Regular Member 25,000 JPY 30,000 JPY 35,000 JPY Other Participants* 20,000 JPY 25,000 JPY 30,000 JPY Clergy or Religious 10,000 JPY 15,000 JPY 20,000 JPY Accompanying Person 15,000 JPY 20,000 JPY 25,000 JPY Student** 3,000 JPY 5,000 JPY 10,000 JPY * Nurse, Paramedical, or Anyone related to medical or welfare professions. ** Student will be required to show ID at the registration desk on-site. Conference registration included: •
Conference participation Conference program/abstract book Opening ceremony Workshops Daily coffee breaks and lunch Welcome reception & Congress Banquet Transportation between official hotels and the venue during the conference One Day Ticket is available only at On-site registration desk: • Regular Member 12,000 JPY • Other Participants 9,000 JPY • Clergy or Religious 6,000 JPY • Accompanying Person 7,000 JPY • Student 4,000 JPY (above registration fee does not include Welcome reception nor Congress Banquet) Method of Payment
There are two methods of payment: 1. By credit card via Paypal system in Japanese yen (VISA / MASTER / AMERICAN EXPRESS / JCB). 2. By bank transfer: If you make a bank transfer, please email the statement of remittance to the secretariat ( For foreign participants, we strongly recommend to make the payment of the registration fee by credit card (Paypal). If you make a bank transfer payment, all remittance charges must be paid by the person registering. City tour
AFCMA2016 participants are invited to an After congress excursion . If you are interested in joining a tour, please register by 9 September, 2016. Date: 13 November, 2016 Time: 13:00 ~ 17:00 (you will be drop off at Kyoto Station at 17:00) Fee: Free (lunch is not included) ○Option 1 Shiran-Kaikan (meeting venue) - Kodai-ji Zen Temple - Ninen-zaka & Sannen-zaka ‒ Kiyomizu-dera Temple - Kyoto Station ○Option 2 Shiran-Kaikan (meeting venue) ‒ Ginkaku-ji Temple ‒ Kinkaku-ji Temple ‒ Ryoan-ji Temple ‒ Kyoto Station ○Option 3 Shiran-Kaikan (meeting venue) ‒ Fushimi Inari ‒ Tofuku-ji Temple ‒ Sanju Sangendo ‒ Kyoto Station Please Type or Print in the following boxes and mail or fax to secretariat at: Prime International Co., Ltd. E-mail:, FAX: +81-3-6277-0118 Registration number e.g. 0123 Full name E-mail address Tour Option Number *Registration and payment for AFCMA2016 are required beforehand. *The itinerary may be changed due to traffic. *Minimum number of participants ‒ 8 pax/each option. *Due to limited space, you are required to send your personal luggage to Kyoto station in advance if you leave on the day. ( Contact For any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact the secretariat at: Prime International Co., Ltd. TEL: +81-3-6277-0117 FAX: +81-3-6277-0118 E-mail: Host Japan Catholic Medical Association (JCMA) TEL/FAX: +81-3-6356-9629