Interval House Annual Report, Fiscal Years 2009-2010


Interval House Annual Report, Fiscal Years 2009-2010
Interval House
Annual Report
Fiscal Years 2009-2010 2010-2011
Agency Contact Information
2012 Board of Directors
Interval House
Post Office Box 340207
Hartford, CT 06106-0207
24 Hour Hotline: (860) 527-0550
Office Phone: (860) 249-9149
Executive Director: Cecile Enrico
(860) 246-9149 ext. 312
Assistant Director: Iris Ruiz
(860) 246-9149 ext. 315
Development Director: Rosemary Padin
(860) 246-9149 ext. 338
Program Director: Jennifer Lopez
(860) 246-9149 ext. 317
President: Orlene Weyland
Vice President: Laura Martella
Treasurer: Pelagia (Pearl) Lynch
Secretary: Kenneth Hallden
Bruce Adams
Sharon Andersson
Cile Decker
Carol Garlick
Gloria Gery
Jan Johnson
Sarah Lombard
Marc Montminy
Icy Mounds
Chery Pytel
Kate Sims
Aida Vazquez
Mary Beth Cardin
Beau Thurnauer
Interval House is
dedicated to
providing services
to prevent & break
the cycle of family
and intimate
partner abuse.
We strive to reach
all persons at risk
and bring about
social change.
We Provide:
24-hour Hotline
Safety Planning
Support groups
Court and legal
Programs for
Information and
Interval House
Annual Report
Fiscal Years 2009-2010 2010-2011
Letter From the Executive Director
Dear Friends,
Looking back on the past two years, I am amazed at how much we have
accomplished with the generosity of our supporters. As our 34th year of helping woman gain
the strength to become independent comes to an end, I cannot imagine how we could have
persisted without you.
We continue to provide crisis services, ongoing support and resources on a 24 hour,
7 day a week basis, to women and children in need in the 24 towns we serve. As you read
through the pages of our Annual Report 2009-2010 and 2010-2011, you will see how our
varied programs work together to prevent and break the cycle of intimate partner violence.
The generosity of our community is apparent in the pages of this report. While we
have had to make do with less, the demand for services has grown every year. In 2009-2010
we helped nearly 6,000 women and children; in 2010-2011, that number grew to over 8,500.
To be able to maintain our services, our dedicated and compassionate staff, board, volunteers,
and donors have worked tirelessly and given more of themselves than ever.
As you read through these pages, please think about what your
contribution has been to Interval House and be proud of your involvement.
Cecile Enrico
Financial Report 2009-2010 2010-2011
FY 2010 Annual Report
In This Report
Financial Report
Our Clients and
Service Area
Selected Statistics
Clubs, and Faith
Gifts In-Kind
United Way
Donors and Events
FY 2011 Annual Report
United Way
Donors and Events
Interval House is a 501(c) (3) tax qualified organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Service
Page 2
Interval House Annual Report FY 2009 -2010 2010-2011
Highlights: Our Core Programs
Shelter and Hotline, Iris Ruiz, Assistant Director
Partially due to the generosity of the Department of Social Services, the program completed renovations to the entire first floor of the shelter
building, including new flooring in the hotline office and shelter common area, and new kitchen counters.
The program implemented the Alice ™ software to better serve our clients and collect data confidentially.
Crisis counselors are working with Journey Home and attending monthly case managers meetings to get new information and referrals to
enhance services to clients and build relationships with other community agencies.
Advocacy Program, Jennifer Lopez, Program Director
The Greater Hartford Children and Domestic Violence Collaborative has grown to include Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, the
Hartford Crisis Unit, and Wheeler Clinic. This collaboration with Interval House and the Department of Children and Families was
implemented to address the overlapping concerns of domestic violence and child maltreatment.
Outreach into the community has doubled the number of pro-bono attorneys offering services to our clients at no cost to 11 total .
Support group attendance for both English and Spanish groups grew 17%, with 1,558 attendees in 2009-2010 and 1,829 in 2010-2011.
Domestic Violence Outreach Team, Penni Micca, Program Coordinator
The program was highlighted by the national Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies assessors, and may be used as a
model for similar programs in other police departments throughout the state.
The Program Coordinator serves as the chair of the Connecticut Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee, which released the first
Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee Annual Report in 2011.
The Coordinator was appointed by Governor Dannel P. Malloy to sit on the Law Enforcement's Response to Family Violence Task Force to
evaluate existing policies and procedures used by law enforcement when responding to family violence and violations of protection orders.
Interval House East, Donna Andrini, Program Coordinator
Thanks to the generosity of the community East of the River, 25 families, with 63 children, received Christmas gifts through the program.
In the period of this report, the Program Coordinator advocated 907 times for domestic violence victims in the Rockville Civil Court for restraining orders, divorce, and custody hearings, and in the Manchester Criminal Court.
Interval House West, Shanthi Rao, Program Coordinator
The program has successfully advocated for two clients to obtain U-Visa’s through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
Outreach efforts have been increased to churches, police departments, and other community entities and the number of clients has grown
54% from 2009-2010 to 2010-2011.
Highlights: Programs to Break the Cycle
Children’s Program, Lydia Lopez, Program Supervisor and Child Advocate
The children were able to attend basketball clinics hosted by Central Connecticut’s Blue Devil’s Men’s basketball Team at no cost.
Trips for the children were donated, including trips to Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, CT Science Center, Ocean Beach in
New London, Lake Compounce Theme Park, Cirque Du Soleil, and The Nutcracker at Saint Joseph College.
Attendance to the support and activity groups has grown 23%, with 1,081 children attending in 2009-2010 and 1,329 in 2010-2011.
Community Outreach and Education, Robin Kraemer, Community Relations Coordinator
We continue to address the growing needs of the community as we attend to issues such as how domestic violence affects the workplace,
people of faith, teens, men, and other underserved populations.
Outreach to public and private schools in the service area is a program priority, including prevention education in the preschools, middle
schools and high schools and colleges as well as targeted groups like collegiate sports. A new teen dating violence curriculum has been
developed and has been successful in reaching young people in our community and raising awareness.
We more than doubled the number of people we reached through community education and outreach from 11,578 people in 2009-2010 to
29,418 people in 2010-2011.
Men Make A Difference, Men Against Domestic Violence™, Rosemary Padin, Development Director
Since the initiative was founded in 2009 to help us increase awareness, the members have distributed over 65,000 brochures to Hartford and
the surrounding communities. They continue to be ambassadors for us and the work we do and act as leaders and role models, especially to
young men and boys.
Men in this group have been trained at our Speaker’s Training. They continue to bring us awareness and visibility in their everyday lives
and speak at civic and corporate meetings, clubs, churches, and sporting events. They discuss things men can do to help women in an
abusive situation; Listen, Learn, Lend a Hand and Lead. They support and attend our events and Chair the Breakfast with Champions.
Co-founded by then, Attorney General, Senator Richard Blumenthal, remains an active force in this group and continues as it’s leader.
Interval House Annual Report FY 2009 -2010 2010-2011
Interval House Selected Statistics
Our Clients and Service Area
East Granby
Page 3
Services and Clients Served
Total Clients
Hotline Calls
Information and Referral
Women Sheltered
Children Sheltered
East Hartford
Counseling Sessions– Adult
Counseling Sessions– Children
Advocacy– Adult
Advocacy– Children
Safety Planning– Adult
Safety Planning– Children
Community Awareness Engagements
Support Groups– Adult
Support/Activity Groups– Children
New Britain
Rocky Hill
South Windsor
West Hartford
Other Towns/Unknown 430
Total All Towns
Development and Events,
Rosemary Padin,
Development Director
Step Up and Step Out gala has grown
significantly over the past few years. It
remains our signature fund raising event,
providing us with the opportunity to celebrate
and appreciate our donors. The men’s group
recognizes outstanding leadership and role
models in our community at our Breakfast
with Champions.
Our strong partnerships with local media
continue to develop and support us in our
awareness efforts. This article includes a bar
chart which represents where our fund raising
dollars come from.
We continue to be amazed and grateful
to all of those who support us each year and
are happy to acknowledge you in the coming
Volunteer Program, Donna Andrini, Volunteer Coordinator
Volunteers who complete the certification training donate their time and talents
to the Children’s Program, support groups, and as Crisis Counselors.
The Speakers Bureau has brought in more volunteers to speak and present
about domestic violence and Interval House after completing the training.
There was a 27% increase in total volunteers, from 52 in 2009-2010 to 66 in
2010-1011. Volunteer opportunities exist for direct service, events, speakings
and table events. Groups support us with “days of caring” regularly.
Spring and Fall Appeals
Bfst. with Champions,Gala
Community Fundraisers
Clubs & Organizations
Faith Communities
Employee/Matching Gifts
Total Fundraising
Page 4
Michael Abbate
Robin Abourizk
Paige Abrams
Susan Ackerman
Steven Adamowski
William Adams
Abigail Adams
Bruce Adams
Peter F. Adelsberger
Kristian Ager
Giri Agrawal
Rakhi Agrawal
Alane Ahlers
Laverne Aivano
Victoria F. Albert
Susan Albert
Linda S. Alexander
Jacqueline Allen
Irene Allen
Susan B. Aller
Janet Almagro
Stuart W. Alpert
Robert Althen
Bethany Alvord
Frank Amazeen
Elsie B. Anctil
Karen Anderson
Gilbette Anderson
Sharon Anderson
Susan Andrews
Janet Andrews
Donna L. Andrini
J. Danford Anthony
Joan Anton
Asha Appel
Frank Appicelli
Eva Aranowicz
Kathleen Armata
John Arrington
Carolyn Arvidson
Ann Auburn
Kara Auclair
Sathga Soi Baba
Jo-anne Baccielo
John Bachman
Anibel Baez, Jr.
Cecile Baker
Mary Balmer
Susan Bambara
Michael Bangser
Herbert Barall
Joseph Barber
Kathleen Barbieri
Mary Barneby
Interval House Annual Report FY 2009 -2010 2010-2011
Lauren Barnes
Clarke Barringer
David Bartholic
Christine Bartle
Grace Bartle
Saul Basch
William Baskin
Glenn Bassette
Catherine A. Bates
Cynthia and Jonathan
Katherine Bateson
Karen Batt
Phyllis Battiste
Chris Beale
Barbara Becker
Lorry Belanger
Jack Belchner
Mary Bellez
Maureen Benevides
Portia Bennett
Ruby K. Bennett
Matthew Bennett
Margaret Benson
Myra Berges
Elizabeth Berns
Diane Berube
Nancy Bestor
John Biancamano
Cara Bidwell
John Bierly
Holly L. Billings
Chelsea Bilodeau
Jenna Binkhorst
Carla A. Birmingham
Lilly Biscoe Torrey
Maria Blackwell
Ann-Marie Blake
Barbara Blechner
Richard Blumenthal
Frances Blumenthal
Donald Blust
Kimberly Bobin
Anna Boelitz
Phillip Bognar
Ellen Bompane
Matthew Bonin
Karen Bosse
M. E. Bosse
Beverly Boucher
Kenneth J. Boudreau
Michelle Bourque
Robert Bouvier
Nancy Boynton
Deborah Boynton
Lisa Brandon
Tony Braz
John Breton
Etta Brewer
Sybille Brewer
Kathleen Britting
George Brodigan
Jean Bronson
Cynthia Brown
Donna Brown
Faith Brown
Sandy Brown
Scott Brown
Lynn Bryant
Chris Buchholz
Bill Budde
John Burns
Victoria Burns
Stephen H. Burrall
Iris Busch
Stephen Bushnell
Marla P. Butts
Elizabeth Bye
Marla Byrnes
Erika Cagney
Samantha Cahill
Nicholas Caito
M. D. Calla
Olga Callender
Thomas Campion
Jeffrey Capelle
Fran Cappuccio
Lorie Cardoni
Elaine Carella
Patricia Carlson
Emily Carrier
Micheline Carrier
Yvonne Carrison
Judith Carrithers
Julie Carroza
Elaine Cartland
William Cartwright
Susan Caruso
Cheryl Casarella
Jeffrey Cassarino
JoAnn Cassello
Melinda Castanza
Janet Castricum
Alfred and Maureen Cavallo
Joanne M. Ceccarelli-Egan
Marie Cerino
Linda Ceruzzi
Angela Chafee
Michael Chambers
Marianne Chambers
Karin Champagne
Mary Ann Champlin
Elaine Charendoff
Cecelia Charron
Sarah Chasse
M. Jane Christensen
Susan Christensen
Jim Church
Mayyun Chyi
Karen Cianciola Pranulis
Jeffrey Cianflone
Jessica Ciccarelli
Monica Cipes
Fred Clack
Colleen E. Clancy
Alicia Clapp
Elaine Clark
Cecelia Clark
Toni Clay
Thomasina Clemons
Stephen Cloud
Carolyn Cloutier
Mary Cobb
Catherine Coburn
Jerrilyn Cohen
Serenie B. Cohen
Robert Cole
Joan Coleman
Anita Coles
Anneli Collins
Barbara Collins
Marilyn Collins
Robert Collins
Rosemary Conard
James Condren
Myles Connell
Kimberly Consonni
Bradford Cook
Stuart Cooper
Renate Cooper
Gail Coppage
Robert Cornell
Carol Correa
Karen Cortes
Bacilio Cortes, Jr.
Mary Cosentino
Donna Cosentino
Donna W. Costello
Joanne C. Coursey
Wadia Cowell
Shirley Cowles
Mary H. Crary
Anna Crawford
Joanne Crist
Catherine Crommett
Theodore Crommett
Margaret Crone
Linda K. Crookshanks
Carol Crosset
William Crosswhite
Colleen Crowley
Kelley Crowley
Alyssa B. Cunningham
Deborah Cunningham
Elizabeth Curry
Cheryl Curtis
Patricia Curtis
Dominic Cutaia
Alma Cylaku
Melissa Cyr
Carmela D'Addeo
Chrissie D'Esopo
Patricia Daigle
Claire Dalidowitz
Sue Daly
Eric Daniels
Margaret Darby
Elyse B. Darefsky
Mary Davenport
Rachel O. Davis
Brad Davis
Susan Davison
Emily Dawkins
Wanda Debreaux
Cile Decker
Janice Dedominicis
Lucille R. Degaraphe
Claire DeJoseph
Pamela P. Deldonno
Danica Delgado c/o Hartford
Judith Delgaizo
Denise A. Demers
Darlene Demetri
Lucille Denigris
Lynn Dennis
Jean Denton
Anne Depalma
Keith Depathy
Ahalya Desikan
Robert J. Devito
Jean H. Dewolfe
Margaret Diachenko
Howard B. Dickenman
Carmen Dickson
Barbara DiCocco
Sandra Dolloff
James Donahue
Iris Donate
John Dougherty
Marianne Downie
Anne Dranginis
Patricia Dressler
Richard Dressler
Edmond Driscoll
Gary Drowin
Darlene Ducharme
Donald Dugan
Interval House Annual Report FY 2009 -2010 2010-2011
Nancy A. Dugas
Stamatia S. Dumas
Marilyn Dunlap
Gerald P. Dwyer
Kathleen Dyer
Susan Eastwood
Ellen Eastwood
Patrick Egan
Andrew Egri
Mary Eisen
Sarah Emmel
Kathy L. Enders
Cecile T. Enrico
Donna Epes
Ruth Epner
Lynn Erie
Pamela Esposito
Elizabeth Ewing
Elvis Fabi
Susan Fackerman
Doreen Farina
Carol Farr
Caroline Farrlley
Julia Rosenblum & L. Felson
Bettina Ferguson
Elizabeth Feser
Jonathan Field
Dan Fine
Dorothy Finn
Arlene J. Firtion
Lynne Fisher
Camille Fisher
Diana Fiske
Kathleen Fitgerald
Martha D. Flanders
Evan Flaschen
Hannah Fleahman
Edward Fleischli
Muriel Fleischmann
William Fleming
Joyce W. Flescher
Amanda Fletcher
Elizabeth Flores
Alberto Flores
Ellen Flynn
Nancy Focht
Kara Foley
Victoria Fontana
Derek Forbes
Sharon Forrest
Ruthie Foster
Sharon Fote
Louise Fredericks
Hilary Freedman
Theresa Freeman
Sarah French
Jennifer Freund
Courtney Frierson
Bette Fritzen
Mary Froeb
Faith Fuerst
Jacqueline Fulh
Glenn and Lianne Fuller
Wendy Furniss
Gregory Gaglione
Demetrios Gainnaros
Catherine M. Galaska
Margaret Gallagher
Richard Gallagher
Iris Gandolro
Debbi Jo Garcia
Kevin Garlick
Carol Garlick
Susan L. Garten
Genna Garver
Jo-Ellen Gasior
Lisa Gaynor
Mike Georgetti
Zelda Gersten
Gloria & Bob Gery
Demetrios Giannaros
Jean Gianopoulos
Christiana N. Gianopulos
Melanie Gill
Jeanette Gill
Carolyn Gitlin
Nan L. Glass
Joanne Gleason
Carmela Gleed
Leah Glicken
Marilyn Glover
Elizabeth Godbout
William Goddard
John Godsill
Robert Goecks
Blanche S. Goldenberg
Diane J. Goldsmith
Andrew Golfin
Mary F. Gonzalez
Oscar Gonzalez
Maria Good
Jacqueline Gordon
Donna Gore
Carolyn Gorecki
Vudonzi H. Graham-Days
Philip Grannan
Cynthia Grant
Kimberly Grant
Richard Graziano
Laura Green
Paula P. Greenberg
Zadelle Greenblatt
Paula Greenfield
Nancy Gregg
James Grenfield
Nelson Griebel
Clara Gruszkiewicz
Linda Guerard
Eileen Guerrini
Ellen S. Guertin
Carol Gutter
Joyce Gutterman
Edward E. Hackett
Hair Gallery
Gretchen Hall
Sarah Hall
Kenneth Hallden
Edward Hammett
Irma Handel
William Hannon
Monica L. Harper
Karen Harrington
Felicity Harris
Paul D. Harrison
Virginia Hayes
Molly Hayward
Michael Haze
Bruce Hedstrom
Faith Helene
Scott-Maureen Boyle
Joseph C. Henry
Luz A. Hernandez
Pamela Hershinson
Sharon L. Herzberger
Jeffrey Herzberger
Alfred Herzog
Frederica Heslin
Isabel Higgins
Sue Hill
James C. Hilton
Richard Hines
Stu Hoffer
Lee A. Hoffman
Wayne Holcombe
Richard Holmes
Deborah T. Hooker
John M. Horak
Parvathi Hosain
Dennis House
Tim Howard
Erica & Andrew Howat
Betty Hudson
Susy Hurlbert
Lisa Hurley
Joan Hurwitz
Linda Hyman
Judy Igielski
Herbert & Lois Isaacson
Anne H. Isbister
Page 5
Cynthia Jacobs
Jacqueline Jacoby
Carol Jacques
Kathryn Jacques
Nancy Jainchill
Kacey James
Karen James
Paula Jandreau
Peter Janus
Matthew Jasinski
Steve Jenkins
Jane Jepsen
Alice Johansson
Jo-Ann Johnson
Patricia Johnson
Janice Johnson
Maureen Johnson
Kimberly Johnson
Cynthia Johnson
Marilyn Jones
Ann D. Jordan
Vernese Joseph
Vernette Joshua and Norine
Patricia Kalberer
Tina Kampfman
Dennis Kane
Jeanne Katkavich
Robert Katz
Sue Kaufman
Eda Kay
Dene H. Keithline
Thomas M. Kelleher
Susan Kelly
Kelley Kelly
Tom Kelly
Joan L. Kemler
Bethany Kendrick
Ellen Kieffer
Mary Jean Kilfoil
Kevin Kinsella
Diane Kirkman
Colleen Kissane
Lydia Klatsky
Todd Klein
Linda Kleinschmidt
Susan Klock
Mitch Knight
Rolf Knoll
Glenn Koetzner
Anneliis Koiv
Elizabeth Kopper
Gale Kosto
Cassidy Kotyla
Sherry Kovill
Dorothy Kramer-Kawakami
Eileen Krauss
Ben Krowicki
Alice Kugelman
Andrea Kuhn
Virginia Kuhn
Melissa Kumar
Debra Kusy
Wendy Kwalwasser
Diane Labedzki
Linda Laborde
Linda LaCass
Yan Lachowicz
Kevin LaFreniere
Jennifer Lahmers
Wally Lamb
Joni Lambert
Paul LaMonaca
Shakti Lane
Peter Lange
Robert M. Langer
Margaret Langston
Claudia Larocque
Janet M. Larsen
Diane Larson
Marion Lasko
Thomas R. Lavery
Cynthia Lawler
Edward M. Lawton
Marta Leal Osorio
Charles T. LeConche
Elise Lee
Jennifer Lee
Alex Lee
Harmon Leete
Raymond Lefurge
Helen Lehmann
William Leist
Geraldine L. Lemelin
Susan Lennon
Diane B. Lenti
Edward Lesbia
Doreen Lessard
Marcia Letourneau
Ann Leventhal
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Levin
Margaret P. Levy
Vanessa Lewis
Carmine Liberatore
Gilda Liebowitz
Linda J. Liguore
Lyle Lilie
Bonnie Linck
Katherine L. Lindsay
Barbara Link
Gerry Linton
Thomas Lips
Jill Little
Michelle Lock
Page 6
Brian Logan
Sarah Lombard
Lori Long
John Long
Michael Long
Justine Long
Al Loomer
Lydia Lopez
Rosita Lopez
Edna Lopez
Walesca Lopez
Marc and Joan Lorah
Sara Lourie
Susan F. Lourie
Robert Low
Stephen Lowe
Byron Lucas
Roger Luskind
Barney Lutsk
Priscilla Ly
Patricia Lynch
Ann B. Lynch
Pellgia (Pearl) Lynch
Francine D. Lynch
Kathleen Lyons
Diane Mack
Richard Mahoney
John R. Maier
Mura Majeski
Bonnie Malley
Jennifer A. Malone
Jill Maloney
Rose E. Mancarella
LeeAnn Manke
James Mann
Ruth H. Mantak
Jane Manzo
Ian Marchaj
Leta W. Marks
Patty Marshall
Laura Martella
Jessica Martinez
Aneta Marut
Debra Mastropetre
Melissa Matolina
Kathy Matson
Andrea Matthews
Laura Matties
Jennifer Mazur
Gloria Mazzeo
Jan Mc Intosh
J McAliden
Judith McBrair
Laurie McBride
John J. McCabe
Matthew McCaffrey
Gloria P. McCarthy
Interval House Annual Report FY 2009 -2010 2010-2011
Loretta McCarthy
Jan-Gee McCollam
Jason L. McCoy
John F. McCue
James McCullagh
Katherine McCurdy
Linda J. McDowell
William McGugan
Kim McGuiness
William McGurk
Bette McIntire
Bruce McIntyre
Marc McKinney
V P McLean
Elizabeth A. McNulty
Dawn Medve
Sean Meehan
John Meehan
Phyllis Meeker
Kristne Meinert
Kristine Meinert
Darcy Melanson
Yvette Melendez
Richard G. Mellow
Susan Menson
Steven Merkel
Jeanne Merola
William Metzler
Anthony Michalak
Adele Mierzejewski
Ann L. Mikulak
Mr. and Mrs. Miller
Jewel Miller
Tollie Miller
Miriam Miller
Bobi Molchan
Cindy Molgano
Amy Mondeschein
Paul Monds
Marc Montminy
Jennifer Montone
Karen Mooney
Patricia A. Moran
Kathleen Morencys
Nancy Moriarty
Mary Moriarty
Francois Morin
Brian Morin
Elizabeth Morris
Francis Morrison
Marjorie E. Morrissey
Peter Morse
Eve Morton
Troy Moses
Wesley Moulton
David Moulton
Marissa Mounds
Icy Mounds
Paul Mounds, Jr.
Marnie Mueller
Philip Munn
Charlotte Murphy
Paula Murphy
Carmel Murphy
Nancy Murray
Sudhakar Nagardeolekar
Sabita Narpine
Rudolph Nelson
Carolyn Newell
Sally Newell
Jeanne Nickens
Pearl Nickens
Vic Nirgro
Florence Nixon
Donald Noel
Mark Nolan
Sara C. Norris
Louis Norton
Jane Nurwitz
Donald O' Brien
Wendy O' Seep
Dawn O'Brien
Rose Marie G. O'Dea
Lois O'Hare
Richard Oconnell
Rose Marie Odea
David Oesterheld
Nancy Ojakian
Ann Olson
Margaret Olszewski
Shirley Omicioli
Susan M. Omilian
Mark A. Orenstein
Marcia Ortiz
David R. Owens
Paul Pace
Rosemary Padin
Donald I. Paine
Pamela Palmer
Chistopher Palmer
Kathleen Papasian
Katherine Papathanasis
Richard Paquette
Katherine Paquette
Nancy C. Parker
Michele B. Parker
Susan S. Patricelli
Marva Patterson
Seneca Patterson
Edward Pawlak
Wendi Pearce
Libby Pearl
Karen Pearson
Steven Pelletier
Marcia Pereira
Gabrielle Perez
Brewster Perkins
Carolyn Perry
Anna Perry
Barbara Petit
Vincent & Cheryl Petrella
Patricia Petry
David Phillips
Lisa Phillips
Cruger Phillips
Randi Piaker
Kathryn Pickard
Christianne S. Pidgeon
Donna C. Pike
Judith M. Pinney
Annmarie Pinone
Charles & Tammy Pompea
Mark and Ysabel Porter
Barry Portoff
Betty Poster
Annamay & Ms Bonniemay
Juliet Powell
Joan H. Prensky
R. Kevin and Barbara Price
Renee Priggs
Katherine Prince
Tim Pusch
Dorothy Pysh
John Pytel
Elizabeth A. Quick
Jenny M. Rabinowitz
S. Caesar Raboy
Deborah L. Raboy
Elizabeth Raccio
Kathrine Radine
Sharon Radler
Valerie Raggio
Rebecca Rahn
Deborah Ramirez
Darida Ramirez
Jonathan Ramsay
Ann Randall
Anne Randazzo
Robert Randich
Emily Rankin
Shanthi Rao
Susan L. Redfield
Michele T. Redman
Michael Reilly
Joan Reiskin
Mary Rellez
Susan L. Renert
Paul Resetarits
Ronna Reynolds
Carlene Coates Rhea
Martey Rhine
Greta Rich
Martha Richardson
Edward Richters
Patrica Rinaldi
Sylvia Ritter
Mark Rittlinger
Michelle Rivera
David Rivera
Dom Rizzo
Ellen Robbins
Barbara Robbins
Frances T. Roberts
James Robertson
Mary A. Robinson
Ernest Rocco
Maureen Rodgers
Richard Rodriguez
Veta Rodriguez
Maureen Rogers
Saundra Rokosz
Elizabeth Roman
Helen Ronco
Lizette Rosado
Elizabeth R. Rose
Diane Rosenberg
Robert S. Rosson
Jane L. Roth
Mark Rousseau
Tara Rousseau
James Royles
Valdimir Rubin
Deborah Rucho
Sam Rudick
Debra Ruel
Iris Ruiz
Dianne B. Rumsey
Elizabeth Russell
Lucia Russo
Donna Russo
Daniel Russo
Joyce Ruyak
Kathleen Ryan
Suzanne M. Ryan
Joanne Sacher
Susan Saeedi
James Sage
Barbara Saladin
Saldin Family
Louis Salgado
Gary P. Salva
Louise Sanchione
Charlotte Sanders
C. M. Sanders
Sharon Sandler
Frank Santa-Donato
Amy Santiago
Page 7
Interval House Annual Report FY 2009 -2010 2010-2011
Eileen Santiglia
Carol L. Santry-Covello
Mary Sargent
Terri Saulter
Judith Saunders
Katherine Savard
Andrea Savastra
Christine Saverina
Daniel Scapellati
Angela Scarangella
Denise Schaeffer
Susan Schenker
Anne Schick
Michael Schlecht
Paul Schlickmann
Heather A. Schlott
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schmerler
Doris Schreier
Eva Schuchart
Kate Schuler
Beverly J. Schwabe
Elaine Schwartz
Catherine Schwartz
Charles Schwartz
Nathan Scoggin
Catherine Scudellari
Mary Scull
G. William & Anne Seawright
Winifred Seery
Pedro Segarra
Colleen Senk
David Sergio
Theresa Sesko
Sukhwant Sethi
Deanne Shapiro
Deborah Shemo
Terry Sheppard
Amy Sherwood
Lori Shield
Lila Shilosky
Carmen Shipley
Edward Silva
Hilary Silver
Dawn Simpson
Regina Skiroin
Gregory Slater
Helen Sly
Kurt Small
Diane Smith
Lucas Smith
Marlo Smith
Rosalie Smith
Rhonda Smith
Virginia Smith
Eleanor Smyth
Jerry R. Sneed, Jr.
Christopher/ Ann Myra Snow
Maria Soliani
Robyn Sommer
Janice Spicer
Rosalind Spier
Julianne Splain
Michelle St. Hilaire
Kristen St. john
Eugene & Audrey St. Pierre
Ilene Staff
Jerome Stallings
Jim Starr
Carol A. Staubley
Sloane Stefanik
Sevorah Stein
Sandra Stern
Liane M. Stevens
Carol Stevens Eno
Carolyn M. Stewart
Mary Stielau
Eric Stien
Robert Stillman
Kristin Stomberg
Raymond Stone
Lizabeth Stoner
Elizabeth Stowe
Judy Straub
Kristi Straub
Susan Strauss
Roberta L. Sullivan
Philip Sussler
John Sutherland
Donna Sutton
Fred Sweitzer
Lynne Swetz
Diane Sylvester
Myrna Symes
Donna Symonds
Donna Szarwak
Chrystal J. Szeto
Gay R. Szumyk
Dolores Szyszko
Robert Lawrence Taddeo
Jenifer Tait
Ellen B. Talbot
T. Tari
William Tatt
Donna Taylor
Carol Taylor
Althea Taylor
Damian Tedone
Samuel H. Teller
Eleanor Tener
Janet Terkildsen
Joan Testori
Caitlin Thayer
Richard Thibodeau
Anh K. Thieu
Terri Thomalla
Marva Thomas
Agnes Thomas
Beau Thurnauer
Lyne Tider
Barbara Timbie
Deborah Tofil
David Tolin
Sam & H. Tomasetti
Johane Torrant
Cynthia Torrenegra
Lucy F. Townsend
Richard J. Trachimowicz
Carol Trani
Edward Trapp
Florence Triano
Andrea Triano-Lachapelle
Linda Trommer
Virginia A. Troy
Ginger Troy
Jeffrey Trussler
James Turcotte
Derek L. Twombly
Nancy Tyler
Elizabeth L. Tyler
Deanna Tyminski
Eva Udobina
Lynn Romano Uhl
Carl Ullman
Stephen Upham
Wonita Upton
Jeanne A. Valbona
Jeff Valin
Jean Pierre Van Rooy
Aida Vazquez
Kevin P. Verre
Karen M. Vetrano
Cynthia Viens
Barbara Villecco
Sherry B. Visintainer
Susan Voigt
Robert Vose
Mariana P. Wagoner
Sandy Walker
Michael Walsh
Lynne Walsh
John Walton
Vilma Walton
Margaret J. Ware
Judith P. Warner
Jeanne Warren
Constance Warren
Clarissa T. Watson
Judith S. Wawro
Robert Wax
Susan M. Weber
Amy G. Weed
David L. Weil
Robyn Weller
Craig Wellman
Orlene A. Weyland
Madeline J. Whalley
Christopher White
Michael & Karoll Wiater
Harriet Wicke
Crystal Wiener
Marcia Wilkinson
Charles Williams
Susan Williams
William Williams
Sharon Wilson
Harriet Winograd
Susan L. Winter
Thomas W. Witherington
Barbara F. Wolf
Margaret Wolk
Laurie Wood
Roxane Wright
Ed Wrobel
Loretta Wrobel
Anne Wursthorn
Priscilla F. Yamamoto
Elizabeth Zakowicz
Anita C. Zakrzewski
Catherine Zeiner
Rose Ziegler
Philip Zilo c/o Joshua A.
Blacksten, PA
Joseph Zone
Tribute Gifts were
made in Honor of:
The Children of Dene H.
Del Chesky
Bob and Gloria Gery
Interval House Staff
Lucille Parker
Lillian Newberger
Normal Palmer
Jill Royster
Laura Rizzo
Margy Salvatore
Judy Warner
Stephanie McAllister
Sue Stagg
Donna Crombey
Anne Schick
Kitty Tyrol
Frank Kozel
Memorial Gifts were
made in Memory of:
Rose Reeve
Jonathan Malone
Barbara Weidt Lavery
Evelyn Baas
Cali Joy
Edith H. Isbister
Greta Krischus
Beverly Therrian
Francis Perelman
Fayne Erickson
Tiana Notice
Ciara McDermott
Jeanne Nickens
Allison Owen
Sharon Tyrell Barnaby
Jean Eddy
Marie Enrico
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B
Dickenman, Sr.
We make every effort to maintain the
integrity and accuracy of our database.
Please contact Terry Alamo at
860-246-9149 ext. 337 or if you
notice any errors or omissions.
Page 8
Organizations, Clubs and Faith
AAA Eagle Locksmith
Abrams Group, UBS
Active Net Work
Advanced Behavioral Health
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Aetna Giving Campaign
All Saints' Episcopal Church
Alpha Phi Sorority
ALSTOM Power, Inc.
American Express Travel
Applied Technologies
Aquarion Water Company
Archdiocese of Hartford - Rel Ed
Associated Security Corporation
Assoc.Jewish Charities of Baltimore
Asylum Hill Congreg. Church
Avon High Schools
Avon Junior Women's Club
Axinn, Veltrop & Harkrider, LLP
Ballet Theatre Company
Bank of America
Beatrice Fox Auerbach Foundation
Becker's Fine Jewelers
Bingham McCutchen, LLP
Blue Fox Run Golf Course
Blue Heron Landscape Design
Blum Shapiro
Bob's Discount Furniture
Bosworth Sports Group LLC
Bracewell & Guiliani
Braman Chemical Company
Bright Horizons Children's Center
Brown Rudnick
Buckingham Congreg. Church
Business & Professional Women’s
Club of Hartford
Busted Blue Graphic Design
Cafe Louise Catering
Calvary Fellowship
Campus Pizza
Capital Community College - NSNA
Cardio Express
Care-Full Health Planning, LLC
Carney and Roy and Gerrol, P.C.
Carter Memorial Temple
Catholic Family Services
Cedar Hill Cemetery Foundation
Center Church Women
Central Baptist Church
Central CT State University
Central School
Centurion Holdings
Interval House Annual Report FY 2009 -2010 2010-2011
Charities of Hope Inc.
Charles Nelson Robinson Fund
Chubb Specialty Insurance
Church of Christ Congreg. UCC
Church of St. Elizabeth Seton
Citizens Bank
City of Hartford - ESG
City of Hartford CDBG
CLSJ Foundation
CMB Wireless Group, LLC
Community Hartford SNET
Community Health Resources, Inc.
Community Partners in Action
Congregation Beth Israel
Connecticut Bank & Trust Company
CT Chapter Society of C.P.C.U.
CT Council of Family Service
CT Depart. of Social services
Connecticut Education Association
Connecticut Lighting Center, Inc.
Connecticut's Children
Laborers Local Union 230
Coventry High School
Corpus Christi Church
CPCU Society
CRT Thomas Ritter Center
CT Bar Association, Hartford County
CT Department of Revenue
Day, Berry, & Howard
DBL Contracting, LLC
Dorcas Society/Marlborough Congregational
Doty Family Foundation
East Granby Congregational Church
East Hartford Rotary Club
Eastbury Elementary School
Eastern Connecticut State University
Ellington Congregational Church
Elmwood Community Church
Emblem Clubs of CT – State Assoc.
Ensworth Charitable Trust
Farmington Rotary Foundation
Feldman & Hickey, LLC
Filomeno & Company, P.C.
First Church Early Learning Center
First Church in Windsor
First Church of Christ Congreg.
First Congregation Church Center
First Congreg. Church in Bloomfield
First Congreg. Church of Canton
First Congreg. Church of Granby
First Presbyterian Church
Fisher Foundation
Flagg Road United Church of Chirst
Fleming's Prime Steakhouse/ Wine
Foodshare of Greater Hartford
For the Kitchen
Forbidden City Bistro
Fox 61 Family Fund
French Cleaners
Gallery Salon
George A./Grace Long Foundation
Giftcorp Inc.
Gilead Congregational Church, INC
Girl Scout Troop 66594
Glastonbury Jewelers
Godbout Family Foundation
Good 2 Go
Goodrich Engine Control Systems
Gordon Bonetti Florist, Inc.
Granby Memorial Middle School
Greater Hartford Jaycees Foundation
Greater Kansas City Comm. FDN
Haks Engineers, P.C.
Harper Collins Publishers
Harrington Engineering
Harry E.Goldfarb Family Foundation Inc.
HTFD Courant Foundation/Fox 61
Hartford Federal Credit union
Hartford Foundation/ Public Giving
Hartford Hospital
Hartford Hospital - Emergency Rm Dept.
Hartford Magnet Middle School
Hartford Police Union
HTFD Steam Boiler Inspec. & Ins.
HTFD Union/King's Daughter & Son
Hinckley, Allen & Snyder, LLP
Hoffman Auto Group
Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church
Honorable Order of the Blue Goose
Hopmeadow Nursery School, Inc.
Hospital of Saint Raphael
Iglesia Nueva Esperanza, UCC
Imperial Oil Company
ING Employee Giving Campaign
Integrated Software Specialists, Inc.
Interim Healthcare
Int’l Brotherhood/Electrical Workers
Irving Robbins Middle School
J. Walton Bissell Foundation, Inc.
Jane & Michelle's Hair Gallery
Jewish Women International
Just Give
Kaman Corporation
Murray - Crane Foundation
Katherine's Hair Design
Kidsafe Connecticut
Kimberly Boutique
Kostin, Ruffkess & Co., LLC
Interval House Annual Report FY 2009 -2010 2010-2011
L L Bean
Laney's Dolls
LARRABEE Fund Association
Lee Heicht Harrison
LeGrand Wiremold Company
Life Skills Associates
Lincoln Financial Foundation
Live Nation
Local Union 35 - Electrical Workers
M & R Liquors of Avon/ Farmington
Manchester Fire Dept Eighth Dist.
Maple Street School
Mariella Creations, Inc.
Marlborough Grange #205
Mass Mutual Financial Group
Max Restaurant Group
Maximilian E. Hoffman Foundation, Inc.
McDonald Family Trust
McDonnell & Co.
Millennium Research Group
Memorial United Methodist Church
Metro Hartford Alliance
Miss Porters School, Inc.
Montessori Magnet School
Mount Olive Church
Mt. Farms Homeowners Association
Nail Boutique & Natural Beauty Skin
Care at the Mill
National Assoc/ Letter Carriers 86
National Health Care Association Inc.
New Covenant United Methodist Church
New England Capital Financial
NewAlliance Foundation
Nick Magazine
Northeast Utilities Corporation
Northeast Basket makers Guild
Northeast Utilities Corporation
Nurse Consultants LLC
O'Brien, Tanski & Young, LLP
Office Furniture, Inc.
Olive Garden Restaurant
Park Hardware Company, Inc.
Pension Consultants
People's United Bank
People's United Insurance Agency
Perlstein, Sandler & McCracken
Phoenix Life Insurance Company
Phones 4 Charity, LLC
Pillow Case Girls
Pitney Bowes-Matching Gifts
Pomeranz, Drayton & Stabnick, LLC
Premier Limousine
Prince Hall Grand Chapter O. E. S.
ProHealth Physicians
Project Linus
Prudential Foundation
Public Welfare Foundation
Putnam Plaza Super Liquors
Re-Sources Inc.
RE/MAX Advantage
Reid & Riege Foundation
Riverport Insurance Company
Rizzuto's Wood-Fired Kitchen & Bar
Robinson & Cole, LLP
Rockville Bank
Rockville United Methodist Women
Rocky Hill Congregational Church
Sacred Heart Church
Saint Francis Hospital Foundation
Saint James Church
Saint Matthew Roman Catholic
Salute Restaurant
SBM Charitable Foundation Inc.
Schwab Charitable Fund
Second Congregational Church
Second Story Interiors
Shear Artistry Salon
Shein Cohen, Palmer, & Company
Shelter Alliance
Shepherd of the Hills Evangelical
Lutheran Church
Shiloh Baptist Church
Siegel, O'Connor, O'Donnell & Beck
Signal Service
Simsbury Junior Women's Club
Simsbury Newcomers Club
Simsbury United Methodist Church
Simsbury Woman's Club
Simsmore Square Enterprises, LLC
Sorenson-Pearson Family FDN
South Congreg. Church, of EH
S.W. Chamber of Commerce
Spectacular Party Sales
Springfield Chapter for Girl Friends
SS Cyril & Methodius School
St Joseph Church
St. Francis Hospital & Medical Center
St. John's Parish - Social Outreach Committee
St. Ann's Church
St. Bernard Church Society
St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral
St. Isaac Jogues Ladies Guild
St. James Church
St. James Episcopal Church
St. James Parish- Outreach
St. John's Episcopal Church
St. Joseph Social Action
St. Joseph's Church
St. Jude's Mothers Circle
St. Luke's Episcopal Church ECW
Page 9
St. Matthew's Roman Catholic Church
St. Monica's Episcopal Church
Stanley Works
State of Connecticut
State of Connecticut DOT
Stone Academy
Swarovski North America, Ltd.
Talon Pest Control
Tamar Court #1 HOH
Target Stores
Taylor, Ganson & Perrin
TCP River Highlands
Ted's Kids
Temple Sinai
The Body Shop
The Cheesecake Factory
The Clare T. Murphy Trust
Community Foundation Greater NH
The Connecticut Light & Power Company
The Courant/Fox 61 McCormick
Tribune Foundation
The Daily Show w/Jon Stewart
The Ferris Group
The Fund for Greater Hartford
The Greater HTFD Assoc./Realtors
The Hartford Financial Services Co. Company
The Hartford Insurance Company
The Hartford YMCA
The Investors Center, Inc
The Knox Foundation
Marlborough Junior Women's Club
The Nutmeg Foundation Inc.
The Olga Sipolin Children's Fund
The Peddller's Corner, LLC
The Petit Family Foundation Inc.
Solomon & Katie Wohl Foundation
The Swindells Charitable Foundation
The University of Connecticut
The Village for Families & Children
Theater works
Timothy Edwards Middle School
TJX Foundation
Tolland Junior Woman's Club, Inc.
Towers Watson
Town of Avon
Town of Canton
Town of East Hartford
Town of Ellington
Town of Glastonbury
Town of Manchester
Town of Simsbury
Town of South Windsor
Town of Vernon
Town of West Hartford
Town of Windsor
Travelers Companies, Inc.
Page 10
Travelers Foundation
Trinity College
Trinity Episcopal Church
Trinity Lutheran Church
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
Unico Manchester Foundation Inc.
Unitarian Universalist Church of WH
Unitarian Universalist Society: East
Unitarian Women's Alliance HFD
United Congreg. Church of Tolland
United Methodist Homes, Inc.
United Methodist Women
United Way of Central &
Northeastern Connecticut
United Way of Fairfield County
United Way of Greater New Haven
United Way Of Greater Rochester
United Way of Greater Waterbury
United Way of Pioneer Valley, Inc.
United Way of Capital Area - CFC
United Way of West Central CT
Universal Life Children's Church of
Jesus Christ
Universalist Church/West Hartford
University Health Professionals
Local 3837, AFT
UPS Foundation, Inc.
USA Hauling & Recycling Inc.
Valley Brook Church
Verizon Foundation-Verizon
Wireless, New England Region
Victoria's Secret
Victoria's Secret #383
Wapping Community Church
Weaver High School
Webster Bank
Wells Fargo Bank
West Avon Congregational Church
West Hartford Junior Woman's Club, Inc.
West Hartford Newcomer Club
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Wethersfield Evangelical Free Church
Wethersfield United Methodist Church
Whole Foods
Widows Society
William and Alice Mortensen Foundation
Windsor Federal Savings
Windsor High School
Windsor Jaycees
Women of Faith
Women's Spirituality Communities
Woodcock Refrigeration Co. Inc.
Interval House Annual Report FY 2009 -2010 2010-2011
Woodland Moving & Warehouse
Workers Compensation Trust
Gifts In-Kind
Bruce Adams
Advanced Behavioral Health
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Kristian Ager
Rakhi Agrawal
Irene Allen
Alpha Phi Sorority
Frank Amazeen
American Express Travel
Janet Andrews
Applied Technologies
Eva Aranowicz
Avon High Schools
Sathga Soi Baba
Ballet Theatre Company
Susan Bambara
Bank of America
Mary Barneby
Lauren Barnes
Christine Bartle
Phyllis Battiste
Portia Bennett
Diane Berube
John Bierly
Chelsea Bilodeau
Bingham, McCutchen LLP
Richard Blumenthal
Bob's Discount Furniture
Michelle Bourque
Bracewell & Guiliani
Lisa Brandon
John Breton
Bright Horizons Children's Center
Cynthia Brown
BustedBlue Graphic Design
Marla P. Butts
Cafe Louise Catering
Samantha Cahill
Calvary Fellowship
Capital Community College
Fran Cappuccio
Cardio Express
Patricia Carlson
Yvonne Carrison
Julie Carroza
Carter Memorial Temple
JoAnn Cassello
Cedar Hill Cemetery Foundation
Central School
Centurion Holdings
Sarah Chasse
Church of Christ of Congreg, UCC
Fred Clack
Cecelia Clark
Elaine Clark
Toni Clay
Marilyn Collins
Community Partners in Action
Congreg. Beth Israel
Connecticut Bank & Trust Co.
CT. Department of Social Services
Connecticut Lighting Center, Inc.
Conventry High School
Bradford Cook
Carol Correa
Donna Cosentino
CPCU Society
Joanne Crist
Catherine Crommett
Theodore Crommett
CT Bar Association, HTFD County
CT Department of Revenue
Melissa Cyr
Carmela D'Addeo
Chrissie D'Esopo
Sue Daly
Margaret Darby
DBL Contracting, LLC
Wanda Debreaux
Denise A. Demers
Lynn Dennis
Howard B. Dickenman
Carmen Dickson
James Donahue
Edmond Driscoll
Nancy A. Dugas
Eastbury Elementary School
Eastern Connecticut State
Susan Eastwood
Cecile T. Enrico
Elvis Fabi
Caroline Farrlley
First Congreg. Church Center
Camille Fisher
Lynne Fisher
Edward Fleischli
William Fleming
Elizabeth Flores
Nancy Focht
Kara Foley
Victoria Fontana
For the Kitchen
Derek Forbes
Forbidden City Bistro
Ruthie Foster
Hilary Freedman
Sarah French
Faith Fuerst
Gallery Salon
Kevin Garlick
Lisa Gaynor
Gloria & Bob Gery
Giftcorp Inc.
Jeanette Gill
Melanie Gill
Girl Scout Troop 66594
Glastonbury Jewelers
Maria Good
Good 2 Go
Gordon Bonetti Florist, Inc.
Donna Gore
Carolyn Gorecki
Cynthia Grant
Kimberly Grant
Joyce Gutterman
Gretchen Hall
Harrington Engineering
Hartford Hospital
Hartford Hospital Emergency Rm Dept.
Hartford Magnet Middle School
Michael Haze
Bruce Hedstrom
Luz A. Hernandez
Alfred Herzog
Stu Hoffer
Wayne Holcombe
Honorable Order of Blue Goose
Hopmeadow Nursery School
Tim Howard
Iglesia Nueva Esperanza, UCC
Irving Robbins Middle School
Kacey James
Karen James
Jane & Michelle's Hair Gallery
Jewish Women International
Jo-Ann Johnson
Patricia Johnson
Ellen Kieffer
Kimberly Boutique
Lydia Klatsky
Linda Kleinschmidt
Gale Kosto
Cassidy Kotyla
Sherry Kovill
Dorothy Kramer-Kawakami
L L Bean
Laney's Dolls
Margaret Langston
Cynthia Lawler
Jennifer Lee
Lee Heicht Harrison
Susan Lennon
Doreen Lessard
Interval House Annual Report FY 2009 -2010 2010-2011
Ann Leventhal
Linda J. Liguore
Dean Levitt
Bonnie Linck
Gerry Linton
Local Union 35 Electrical Workers
Lori Long
Edna Lopez
Lydia Lopez
Rosita Lopez
Walsca Lopez
Priscilla Ly
Pellgia (Pearl) Lynch
John R. Maier
LeeAnn Manke
Maple Street School
Mariella Creations, Inc.
Jessica Martinez
Max Restaurant Group
Gloria Mazzeo
Jan-Gee McCollam
Kim McGuiness
Darcy Melanson
Steven Merkel
Jeanne Merola
Jewel Miller
Miss Porters School, Inc.
Amy Mondeschein
Montissori Magnet School Perkins'
Karen Mooney
Kathleen Morencys
Brian Morin
Elizabeth Morris
Troy Moses
David Moulton
Wesley Moulton
Mount Olive Church
Mt. Farms Homeowners Assoc.
Charlotte Murphy
Sudhakar Nagardeolekar
Nail Boutique & Natural Beauty
Skin care at the Mill
Sabita Narpine
National Health Care Association Inc.
Rudolph Nelson
Northeast Utilities Corporation
Northeast Basketmakers Guild
Northeast Utilities Corporation
Jane Nurwitz
Olive Garden Restaurant
Margaret Olszewski
Paul Pace
Rosemary Padin
Pamela Palmer
Katherine Paquette
Marva Patterson
Wendi Pearce
People's United Bank
Marcia Pereira
Brewster Perkins
Vincent and Cheryl Petrella
Donna C. Pike
Pillow Case Girls
Annmarie Pinone
Betty Poster
Juliet Powell
Premier Limousine
Katherine Prince
Project Linus
Elizabeth Raccio
Kathrine Radine
Sharon Radler
Shanthi Rao
RE/MAX Advantage
Joan Reiskin
Mary Rellez
Martey Rhine
Michelle Rivera
Dom Rizzo
Rizzuto's Wood-Fired Kitchen/Bar
Barbara Robbins
Saundra Rokosz
Diane Rosenberg
Deborah Rucho
Sam Rudick
Iris Ruiz
Joyce Ruyak
Barbara Saladin
Saldin Family
Salute Restaurant
Sharon Sandler
Amy Santiago
Eileen Santiglia
Christine Saverina
Angela Scarangella
Nathan Scoggin
Terry Sheppard
Amy Sherwood
Shiloh Baptist Church
Simsbury Junior Women's Club
Simsbury Woman's Club
Regina Skiroin
Diane Smith
Springfield Chapter for Girl Friends
SS Cyril & Methodius School
St Joseph Church
St. Francis Hospital & Medical Center
St. Ann's Church
St. George Greek Orthodox
Michelle St. Hilaire
St. Isaac Jogues Ladies Guild
St. James Church
Kristen St. john
St. John's Episcopal Church
St. Joseph Social Action
St. Joseph's Church
St. Jude's Mothers Circle
St. Monica's Episcopal Church
Eugene & Audrey St. Pierre
Jerome Stallings
State of Connecticut DOP
Sevorah Stein
Carolyn M. Stewart
Kristi Straub
Donna Sutton
Swarovski North America, Ltd.
Lynne Swetz
Myrna Symes
Donna Symonds
Donna Szarwak
T. Tari
William Tatt
Althea Taylor
Donna Taylor
TCP River Highlands
Ted's Kids
Temple Sinai
Janet Terkildsen
The Body Shop
The Cheesecake Factory
The Daily Show w/Jon Stewart
The Ferris Group
Terri Thomalla
Lyne Tider
David Tolin
Sam & H. Tomasetti
Travelers Companies, Inc.
Trinity College
Trinity Episcopal Church
Trinity Lutheran Church
Ginger Troy
Deanna Tyminski
Unitarian Universalist Church/WH
Unitarian Women's Alliance/HTFD
Universal Life Children's Church
Of Jesus Christ
Wonita Upton
Jeff Valin
Valley Brook Church
Victoria's Secret
Victoria's Secret #383
Cynthia Viens
Barbara Villecco
Sandy Walker
Jeanne Warren
Weaver High School
Craig Wellman
West Avon Congregational Church
Page 11
W. Hartford Junior Woman's Club,
Wethersfield Evangelical Free
Wethersfield United Methodist Church
Orlene A. Weyland
Christopher White
Susan Williams
William Williams
Windsor High School
Windsor Jaycees
Women's Spirituality Communities
Laurie Wood
Woodland Moving & Warehouse
Priscilla F. Yamamoto
… and Thank You to
all of our donors
who wish to remain
We make every effort to maintain
the integrity and accuracy of our
database. Please contact
Terry Alamo at
860-246-9149 ext. 337 or
if you notice any errors or