2008 March April Newf News color email version


2008 March April Newf News color email version
Newf News
Serving Chicago, Northern Illinois, Wisconsin and Eastern Iowa
Website: www.northcentralnewf.org
March/April 2008
Editor: Angela Mertens
4109 Springbrook Ct
Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158
(262) 942-0271
email: greatbigdogs@yahoo.com
President’s Column
Cissy Sullivan
Hi Newf Friends,
Sitting back and reflecting about our Regional Specialty, it comes to mind the old adage “It takes a
village to raise a child”. I see where a comparison can be made to the rearing and nurturing of a
club. It takes a WHOLE lot of people working together to build a strong club. I witnessed this during
the time spent preparing, organizing and presenting this venue. I hope that everyone noticed the
additional hard work that went into providing a nice hospitality area, and a GREAT Auction/brown
bag area. It was great to see more participation and effort into those areas. Without the countless
hours of volunteerism the goal of bringing this presentation to fruition would never be met. Thanks
to our Show Chair Joan Gunn, for putting together such an event. My hat is off to the MANY people
of OUR VILLAGE who worked tirelessly, and my heartfelt thanks as well.
What a line up of outstanding beautiful dogs. It was like EYE CANDY to any dog lover. My personal
thanks to all who entered, attended, and shared time at our event. I appreciate the dedication and
hard work that everyone embraces to prepare for these and all other working events.
Congratulations to everyone, you are ALL WINNERS on so many levels, and I truly hope everyone
had an enjoyable time.
I am in HIGH hopes that everyone has renewed their memberships by now, if not please contact
Mary Trauernicht. We need to keep our VILLAGE consistent as well as happily welcoming new
I want to mention one of our NCNC members who does a whole lot behind the scenes and provides
us all with THIS source of information. Angela Mertens has done, and continues to do a great job
with our newsletter. She has spruced it up with more photos, and visuals that make it not only interesting to read, but provide some AHHH moments when looking at the pictures. This is a large job,
and we are fortunate to have Angela volunteer to do it for us. So my personal THANKS to Angela!
Looking forward to the Spring of the year our
club has planned for some events that will
provide great fun, great camaraderie, for both
human and canines alike. On May 10th
NEWFIEPALOOZA will once again ROCK
and KNOCK your socks off!! Each year when
I think it can’t get much better than this,
Karen and Rhonda kick it up another notch.
This year will be no exception. Details of this
awesome event held to benefit NCNC rescue
Continued on page 9
Newf News March/April 2008
page 2
Senior Birthdays
3/29/96 Stormy (Ch. Moonsails Stormy Weather) Kathy Morris
3/29/96 Buddy (Moonsails You've Got A Friend CGC, WD) Kathy Morris
3/23/00 Yanni (CH Emmabay New Age Composer CD, WD, TDD) Owner: Barbara Hearn.
4/12/95 J.J. (Moonsails Big Jims Bounty, CGC, CD, WD, DD) Kathy Morris
Senior birthday listings are FREE. See Editor’s Newsletter Notes below for more information.
Tempting Training Treats
2 1/3 cups flour, all-purpose or
. whole wheat
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup applesauce
1/2 cup grated cheese,
. like parmesan
1 large egg
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 cup powdered milk,
. non-fat
Lotta Love Bakery
Submitted by Linda Larsen
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl; mix well; Roll the dough
out to size of a cookie sheet; Pat the dough onto a lightly greased
cookie sheet, bringing it to the edges. Using a sharp knife or a
pizza cutter, cut desired sizes into dough (just score through). If
you're using as training treats, cut them into small pieces;
Sprinkle a little extra cheese and garlic powder if desired on
dough for flavor. Bake in a 350 degree oven about 15 minutes until
golden brown. Turn off the oven and let cool for a few hours; they
will keep hardening the longer you leave them. Break them apart;
store tightly covered or in the freezer.
Editor’s Newsletter Notes
1. The Birthday List is a perpetual list for club members’
dogs six years or older, repeating automatically year after
year. It is the owner’s responsibility to keep it up-to-date by
notifying Newf News immediately of any changes once a
dog is on the Birthday List.
2. Contributions to Newf News are most welcome and may
be handwritten or typed. Submissions by email, fax or on
IBM-formatted disks are especially appreciated. Please
notify editor in writing to publish news about your dog, such
as a new title or points in the show ring. To reduce the risk
of error when making any submission, please be sure
information is legible, complete and timely.
3. Contents of articles are the opinions of the authors and
not necessarily the opinions of NCNC or NCA. NCA has no
control over the contents of this newsletter. Articles in Newf
News are not intended to give specific advice. Consult your
veterinarian for concerns about health or behavior.
4. Newf News rates: Litter announcements $3. Classified
ad: 1-25 words $3; 26-50 words $5. Quarter page $10; half
page $15; full page $20.
5. Newf News deadline for material is the 5th day of each
odd-numbered month (i.e. Jan/Mar/May, etc.)
North Central
Newfoundland Club
Board of Directors
President: Cissy Sullivan
Vice-President: Mary Trauernicht
Treasurer Dona’ Baker
Secretary: Linda Larsen
Member: Christine Brigham
Member: Kathy Van Wie
Member: Denita Jackman
Member: Melissa Torres
Member: Roger Danielsen
Notice: Please send all name, address, or email
changes to Mary Trauenicht
262-968-6959 or bmtrauer@netwurx.net.
Newf News March/April 2008
Registered Name of Newfoundland: Lifeguard Declan's NewDay
Call Name: Brody
Owner: Cara Drogus
Brag: At the IKC show Brody went BOB on Friday, WD, BOW and BOS
on Saturday to finish his championship. And on Sunday went
BOB his first time as a special.
Date of Brag: February 22 to 24, 2008
page 3
& Tell
Registered Name of Newfoundland: Allison Acres Beauregard, CGC
Call Name: Beau
Owners: Cynthia Nichols and Connie Allison
Brag: We competed on three consecutive days at the Winter Classic in Indianapolis, successfully earning qualifying scores under three judges and earning the RN.
Date of Brag: February 10, 2008
Brag: We completed the assessment process to be registered as Delta Society Pet Partners.
Date of Brag: February 17, 2008
Registered Name of Newfoundland: Newphoria Good Goes Round Moonsail
Call Name: Gigi
Owners: Kathy & Steve Van Wie
Brag: At the Winnegamie KC show in Oshkosh, WI on January 12, Gigi went Best of Winners
for her second major.
Date of Brag: January 12, 2008
Registered Name of Newfoundland: Lotta Love's Tatanka Iyotanka
Call Name: Dakota
Owners: Amy and Tim Corvillion
Brag: Dakota was Winners Dog at the Chain O' Lakes Kennel Club show = 3 point major!
Date of Brag: January 27, 2008
Registered Name of Newfoundland: Paladin's Thomas Jefferson
Call Name: TJ
Owners: Barbara and Tom Hearn
Brag: TJ was Winners Dog and Best of Winners out of the Open Dog
Class at North Central Regional Specialty earning a 5 point major.
Date of Brag: February 29, 2008
BRAG FORM: Please e-mail or mail the following form to enter a brag in the Newsletter.
e-mail: greatbigdogs@yahoo.com. Mail: Angela Mertens, 4109 Springbrook Ct., Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158
(brags will be limited to the following information)
Registered Name of Newfoundland___________________________________________________________
Call Name:______________________________________________________________________________
Date of Brag:_____________________________________________________________________________
Newf News March/April 2008
page 4
2008 Regional Specialt y
On Friday, February 29 and Saturday, March 1, NCNC
held its second two day Regional Specialties. While
our entries were down a little over last year, the camaFebruary
raderie, enthusiasm and cheer reached an all time
29th &
high. Our show committee responsible for this event,
March 1st
did all possible to make it so. From our co-chair, Dona
Baker, also responsible for a great banquet, Chief Ring
Stewards, Jan Danielsen (Friday), Rick Torres
(Saturday), Chief Obedience Steward, Denita Jackman,
Trophy Chair Linda Larsen (trophies were all covered)
to Hospitality Chairs, Cissy Sullivan and Tara Bertrand,
Raffle/Auction Chair Carol Thonn, to Cardiology/Cerf
Clinic Co-ordinator Ted Meeker, and Judges Hospitality Mary Trauernicht and all of those many
volunteers who pitched in to help, this was a very successful event. Our day began with enough
to fill a hungry person, coffee, rolls, and more and don’t forget cafe tables with snacks throughout
the day. The weather cooperated, exhibitors arrived and judging all proceeded smoothly. The
results of the day don’t begin to match the wonder of the many entries both in breed and obedience. Whether exhibitors won, placed or just showed, they are all winners. They love and
appreciate this marvelous breed and took the trouble to let us all see them. Again, as with all we
do, are success is measured by the dedication of our members. This was a success because
we have so many dedicated members willing to give freely of themselves. Thank you all.
And The Winners Are:
Regional Speciality Results
Friday February 29, 2008
Best Puppy in Sweepstakes - BeeCreek’s Lucky Won. Owner: Ellen Barnard, Myrtle Wilhite & Virginia
Best Opposite to Best Puppy - Shadrack’s Rock’n the Boat. Owner: Gerry & Judy Heinz
Best Veteran in Sweepstakes - Ch Darbydale’s You’ve Got MMale. Owner: Carol Bernard Bergmann
Best Opposite to Best Veteran - Ch Holokai’s Rain Forest DeLite, CD, RE. Owner: John
& Denita Jackman & Barbara Jenness
1st Place - Novice, Intermediate. Heidi Dowell with CRD Emerald of Brtstr and Blkt.
Best of Breed - Ch WhisperBay’s Reality Check. Owner: Julie Siefert, S. Spanbauer & L. VanCouvering
Best of Opposite Sex - Ch Honey Lanes Destiny with Fairweather. Owner: Linda DeWitt & Kelli LePore
Award of Merit Ch Sunvalley Petitions Pouch Cove. Owner: Kathy Griffin & Peggy Helming
Ch Darbydale’s You’ve Got MMale. Owner: Carol Bernard Bergmann
Newf News March/April 2008
Regional Speciality Results
page 5
Friday February 29, 2008
Best of Winners and Winners Dog - Paladin’s Thomas Jefferson. Owner: Barbara & Thomas Hearn
Winners Bitch - Darbydale’s Girl Talk. Owner: Carol Bernard Bergmann
Reserve Winners Dog - Fairweather’s Keepsake at Darbydale. Owner: Carol Bernard Bergmann
Reserve Winners Bitch - Brookside’s Head Over Heels. Owner: Rebecca Super DC & G. Graham
Class Placements: Dogs
6-9 Puppy
Shadrack’s Rock’n the Boat. Owner: Gerry & Judy Heinz
12-18 Months
BeeCreek Saddleup at Brookside. Owner: Cathy Mullen
Top Shelf’s Drunk as a Skunk. Owner: Rebecca Super DC & Cherilynn Antin
Golden Oaks Moon Chaser. Owner: Susan Putt
Bred by Exhibitor
Blackwatch Ted Williams, RN. Owner: Joan E. Gunn
Newphorias Lord Blackstone. Owner: Carol & Bill Thonn
American Bred
Lotta Love’s Tatanka Iyotanka. Owner: Amy & Tim Corvillion
Lotta Love’s Traces of Hanna. Owner: Tara & Chris Martin
Open, Black
Paladin’s Thomas Jefferson. (Winners Dog/ Best of Winners) Owner: Barbara & Thomas Hearn
Fairweather’s Keepsake at Darbydale. (Reserve Winners Dog) Owner: Carol Bernard Bergmann
WhisperBay’s Envy of All. Owner: Julie Siefert & J. Thompson
Council Cup’s Elementary My Dear. Owner: Sharon Nummer & Mary P. McDowell
Open, Other than Black
Nuvo’s BoDean. Owner: Susan M. Wagner & Clayton & Valera Wagner
Class Placements: Bitches
6-9 Months
Lotta Love Council Cup O’Brandy. Owner: Mark & Linda Larsen
Blackwatch’s Luxury Unleashed. Owner: Sherry Koehler & Joan E. Gunn
Blackwatch Beacon at Mainsail. Owner: Tammy Hensley & Tamara Taskey & Joan E. Gunn
9-12 Months
HoneyLanes All About Me Destiny. Owner: Kelli LePore & Linda DeWitt
HoneyLanes Darbydale’s Destiny. Owner: Kelli LePore, Carol Bergmann & Linda DeWit
12-18 Months
Brookside’s Head Over Heels. (Reserve Winners) Owner: Rebecca Super DC & G. Graham
BeeCreek’s Lucky Won. Owner: Ellen Bernard, Myrtle Wilhite & Virginia Graham
Gatsby’s Splash of Hollywood. Owner: Lynette & Mike Hiller & Marsha A. Medlock
Lifeguard’s Stardust Midnight Lady. Owner: Anita Reinisch & Cara Drogus
Bred by Exhibitor
Darbydale’s Girl Talk. (Winners Bitch) Owners: Carol Bernard Bergmann
Haytee’s Roxy on Squirrel Lake. Owner: Bev Ames & Wendy Hayman
American Bred
Karazan Bonny Burnette Lifeguard. Owner: Joseph & Anita Reinisch & Phyllis Colgan
Shadrack’s American Top Model. Owner: Rich & Cathy Hartke & Jean & Steven McAdams
Blackwatch Eleanors Eclipes. Owner: Pamela & Jason Bloomfield & Joan E. Gunn
Shadrack’s She Dreams in Color. Owner: John & Lea Jackman
Newf News March/April 2008
page 6
Regional Speciality Results
Friday February 29, 2008
Open, Black
Lotta Love Across the Miles. Owner: Mark & Linda Larsen
Amorosa’s Amulet at Buddybear. Owner: Susan & William Reuter
Honeylane’s Truly Fairweather. Owner: Karen L. Clancy & Kelli J. LePore
Newphoria Good Goes Round Moonsail. Owner: Kathy & Steve Van Wie DVM
Open, Other than Black
Honeylanes Darbydale I Get Around. Owner: Carol Bergmann & Kelli LePore
Makepeace China Bear. Owner: Mark & Kate O’Connor & Chris Ellen Rakyta & Ivan D. Rakyta
Non-Regular-Veteran Dog
Ch Darbydale’s You’ve Got MMale. (Award of Merit) Owner: Carol Bernard Bergmann
Ch Seabrook Beacon of Pouchcove. Owner: Anna Lorenz
Ch Pouch Cove’s Cambriol CD. Owner: Rick H. Hartke
Veteran Bitch
Ch Darbydale’s Flirt At Honeylane. Owner: Kelli LePore & Carol Bergmann
Ch Holokai’s Rain Forest DeLite, CD, RE. Owner: John & Denita Jackman & Barbara Jenness
Versatile Newfoundland - Dog
Ch Nimiami Ben Waiting Holokai, CD. Owner: Stan & Lori Peznowski.
Stud Dog
Ch Nighthawk-Dryad vom Trieberg. Owner: Joan E. Gunn
Brood Bitch
Darbydale’s Flirt at Honeylane. Owner: Kelli LePore & Carol Bergmann
Utility A - no qualifiers
Open B - no qualifiers
Open A - no qualifiers
Novice B - no qualifers
Novice A - no qualifers
Ch Martingrove’s Harbor Master, CDX. Owner: Stan & Lori Peznowski
Excellent B
Ch Socorro’s Snowdrift Tsunami, CDX, TD, RE, JP, AXP, VCD3, Owner:
Cherilyn Antin & Jenni Lott
Ch Tresors Star of Logy Bay, CDX, RA. Owner: Anna Lorenz
Excellent A - no qualifers
Advanced B
Ch Socorro’s Snowdrift Tsunami, CDX, TD, RE, JP, AXP, VCD3. Owner:
Cherilyn Antin & Jenni Lott
Novice B
Haytee’s On Fire at Snowdrift, CD.. Owner: Cherilyn Antin & Wendy Hayman
Newf News March/April 2008
page 7
Regional Speciality Results
Saturday March 1, 2008
Best Puppy In Sweepstakes - Brookside Head Over Heals. Owner:
Rebecca Super DC & G. Graham
Best Opposite Sex to Best Puppy - BeeCreek Saddleup at Brookside.
Owner: Cathy Mullen
Best Veteran in Sweepstakes - Ch Seabrook Beacon of Pouchcove.
Owner: Anna Lorenz
Saturday March, 1 2008
Best Opposite to Best Veteran - Ch Darbydale’s Flirt at Honeylane.
Owner: Kelli LePore & Carol Bergman
Blackwatch Eleanors Eclipes. Owner: Pamela & Jason Bloomfield & Joan E. Gunn
1st Place - Novice, Intermediate. Heidi Dowell with CRD Emerald of Brtstr and Blkt.
Best of Breed - Ch Bear Trax Midnite Report. Owner: Jan S. Boggio & Reggie Schnieder
Best of Opposite Sex - Ch Nimiami Ben Waiting Holokai, CD. (First, Versatile Newfoundland) Owner: Stan
& Lori Peznowski
Award of Merit Ch WhisperBay’s Reality Check. Owner: Julie Siefert, S. Spanbauer & L.. VanCouvering
Ch Honey Lane’’s Destiny With Fairweather. Owner: Linda DeWitt & Kelli LePore
Best of Winners and Winners Dog - Fairweater’s Keepsake at Darbydale. Owner: Carol Bernard Bergmann
Winners Bitch - Haytee’s Unexpected Journey. Owner: Kelly & Virginia Davis & Wendy Hayman
Reserve Winners Dog - Council Cup’s Elementary My Dear. Owner: Sharon Nummer & Mary P. McDowell
Reserve Winners Bitch - Brookside’s Head Over Heels. Owner: Rebecca Super DC &
G. Graham
Class Placements: Dogs
6-9 Months
Shadrack’s Rock’n The Boat. Owners: Gerry & Judy Heinz
12-18 Months
BeeCreek Saddleup at Brookside. Owner: Cathy Mullen
Top Shelf’s Drunk as a Skunk. Owner: Rebecca Super DC &
Cherilynn Antin
Bred by Exhibitor
Blackwatch Ted Williams, RN. Owner: Joan E. Gunn
Newphorias Lord Blackstone. Owner: Carol & Bill Thonn
American Bred
Lotta Love’s Tatanka Iyotanka. Owner: Amy & Tim Corvillion
Lotta Love’s Traces of Hanna. Owner: Tara & Chris Martin
Newf News March/April 2008
Regional Speciality Results
page 8
Saturday March 1, 2008
Open, Black
Fairweather’s Keepsake at Darbydale. (Winners Dog, Best of Winners) Owners: Carol Bernard Bergmann
Council Cup’s Elementary My Dear. (Reserve Winners) Owner: Sharon Nummer & Mary P. McDowell
WhisperBay’s Envy of All. Owner: Julie Siefert & J. Thompson.
Hytide’s Downeaster Troubadour. Owner: Priscilla Zeller & Judy Soder
Open, Other than Black
Golden Oaks Moon Chaser. Owner: Susan Putt
Nuvo’s BoDean. Owner: Susan M Wagner & Clayton & Valera Wagner
Class Placements: Bitches
6-9 Months
Lotta Love Council Cup O’Brandy. Owner: Mark & Linda Larsen
Nite Sky’s Up to the Minute Report. Owner: Jan S. Bogio & Reggie Schnieder
Blackwatch Beacon at Mainsail. Owner: Tammy Hensley & Tamara Taskey & Joan E. Gunn
Blackwatch’s Luxury Unleashed. Owner: Sherry Koehler & Joan E. Gunn
9-12 Months
HoneyLanes Darbydale’s Destiny. Owner: Kelli LePore & Carol Bergmann & Linda DeWitt
HoneyLanes All About Me Destiny. Owner: Kelli LePore & Linda DeWitt
12-18 Months
Brookside’s Head Over Heels. (Reserve Winners) Owner: Rebecca Super DC & G. Graham
BeeCreek’s Lucky Won. Owner: Ellen Bernard, Myrtle Wilhite & Virginia Graham
Gatsby’s Splash of Hollywood. Owner: Lynette & Mike Hiller & Marsha A. Medlock
Lifeguard’s Stardust Midnight Lady. Owner: Anita Reinisch & Cara Drogus
Bred by Exhibitor
Haytee’s Roxy on Squirrel Lake. Owner: Bev Ames & Wendy Hayman
Darbydale’s Girl Talk. Owner: Carol Bernard Bergmann
American Bred
Shadrack’s American Top Model. Owner: Rick & Cathy Hartke & Jean & Steven McAdams
Blackwatch Eleanors Eclipes. Owner: Pamela & Jason Bloomfield & Joan E. Gunn
Shadrack’s She Dreams in Color. Owner: John & Lea Jackman
Karazan Bonny Burnette Lifeguard. Owner: Joseph & Anita Reinisch & Phyllis Colgan
Open, Black
Haytee’s Unexpected Journey (Winners Bitch) Owner: Kelly & Virginia Davis & Wendy Hayman
Amorosa’s Amulet at Buddybear. Owner: Susan & William Reuter
Honeylane’s Truly Fairweather. Owner: Karen Clancy & Kelli LePore
Lotta Love Across the Miles. Owner: Mark & Linda Larsen
Open, Other than Black
Honeylanes Darbydale I Get Around. Owner: Carol Bergmann
& Kelli LePore
Makepeace China Bear. Owner: Mark & Kate O’Connor &
Chris Ellen Rakyta & Ivan D. Rakyta
Non-Regular-Veteran Dog
Ch Darbydale’s You’ve Got MMale. (Award of Merit) Owner:
Carol Bernard Bergmann
Ch Seabrook Beacon of Pouchcove. Owner: Anna Lorenz
Ch Pouch Cove’s Cambriol CD. Owner: Rick H.. Hartke
Newf News March/April 2008
Regional Speciality Results
page 9
Saturday March 1, 2008
Veteran Bitch
Ch Darbydale’s Flirt At Honeylane. Owner: Kelli LePore & Carol Bergmann
Ch Holokai’s Rain Forest DeLite, CD, RE. Owner: John & Denita Jackman & Barbara Jenness
Versatile Newfoundland - Dog
Ch Nimiami Ben Waiting Holokai, CD. Owner: Stan & Lori Peznowski.
Stud Dog
Ch Nighthawk-Dryad vom Trieberg. Owner: Joan E. Gunn
Brood Bitch
Darbydale’s Flirt at Honeylane. Owner: Kelli LePore & Carol Bergman
Open B - no qualifiers
Open A - no qualifiers
Novice B - no qualifers
Novice A
Blackwatch Eleanors Eclipes. (High In Trial) Owner: Pamela & Jason
Bloomfield & Joan E. Gunn
Signalmen Mr. Brown, CD, WRD, DD. Owner: Mary Trauernicht
Ch Martingrove’s Harbor Master, CDX. Owner: Stan & Lori Peznowski
Excellent B
Ch Tresors Star of Logy Bay, CDX, RA. Owner: Anna Lorenz
Excellent A
Ethel May Dakota Bear Meeker. Owner: Theodore & Judith Meeker.
are listed on the website. Please take a look, and see that
this is DEFINITELY something you do not wish to miss.
Come join in on all the fun. I do not think there is another
club that puts on a PARTY like this one to benefit needy Newfoundlands. Please put it on your
President’s Column (continued)
Speaking of calendars, check out our NCNC website if you ever are in need of specific information
on events. There is a section that has a month to month calendar with meeting dates, and event
dates listed. It changes frequently with new information added as it comes in. While we are on the
subject of WEBSITES, another NCNC member that needs applause and thanks is our webmaster
Karen Clancy. Karen is lighting quick with posting things for our website and keeping us up to
date. We have a great website thanks to Karen and her technological talents.
Hoping that Spring will get here sooner than later! My BEST to all of you and your FURKIDS.
Newf News March/April 2008
page 10
2008 Annual Picnic
Membership Meeting & Election of Officers
Sunday, June 22, 2008
10:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Chain O'Lakes State Park
8916 Wilmot Road
Spring Grove, IL 60081
The picnic will be held in the Oak Point #2 Shelter.
This area has electricity, a large parking lot,
picnic shelter in case of rain and lots of trees.
Fun and games for all! Bring the kids !! Bring the Newfs!!!
Grill, drinks, eating utensils will be provided.
Bring a dish to share for a Pot Luck lunch.
The General Membership meeting
and Election of Officers will begin
at 11:30 AM, followed by Awards
Presentation and lunch.
A Brown Bag
Raffle will
be held.
Please bring
any items you
wish to donate.
For information or volunteer to help on the Picnic Committee contact:
Mary Trauernicht (262) 968-6959 Email: bmtrauer@netwurx.net
Information also available on NCNC website: http://northcentralnewf.org
The 2,793 acre state park and adjoining 3,230 acre conservation area are located in the
northeastern corner of Illinois in both McHenry and Lake counties. The park is 60 miles
northwest of Chicago, 20 miles west of Lake Michigan and only 4 miles south of the
Illinois/Wisconsin border. With nearly 6,500 acres of water and 488 miles of
shoreline on the chain, Chain O’ Lakes State Park is the heart of water wonderland.
For More Information on the park, please visit their website:
page 11
Newf News March/April 2008
Newfie Picnic
at Oak Point
Shelter #2
Use the Route 173
park entrance.
NOTE: This is NOT
the same shelter
we have used in
the past.
The shelter is in
the Oak Point
Day Use Area.
Chicago: North on
I-94 to Route 173.
Exit west Rt. 173.
Wisconsin: South
I-94 to Route. 41.
Route 41 south to
Route 173 west
Come join us at Chain O’ Lakes State Park
Route 173
View this map online at
Wilmot Roa
Wisconsin State Line
Newf News March/April 2008
page 12
North Central Newfoundland Club
2008 Annual Membership Renewal
Renewal Deadline is March 15, 2008
Telephone (including area code): _____________________________________________________
Type of Membership (please select one):
Full (voting) Take an active part by attending meetings and functions.
$ 25/year Family
$20/year Individual
Associate (non-voting) Choose not to participate fully due to distance or other reasons, but be
invited to all Club events. $20/year Family or Individual
Senior (over 60 years old)
Full voting
Associate (non-voting)
$22/year Family
$17/year Individual
$17/year Family or Individual
In addition to my dues, I am enclosing $ __________ for NCNC Rescue.
Send this form and your check payable to
North Central Newfoundland Club to:
Mary Trauernicht
W305 N578 Maple Avenue
Waukesha, WI 53188
There is a $5.00 late payment charge for renewals paid after the due date of March 15th.
Are you a member of the Newfoundland Club of America?
Would you like to receive your color copy of Newf News by email?
If you attended last year's Club events, please let us know the activities you enjoyed.
Any suggestions for 2008 Club activities?
Newf News March/April 2008
page 13
As the warmer weather approaches, (hopefully soon!), it will soon be time to gear up for
water training.
Training sites for 2008 are:
Reese/Gunn residence, Harvard, IL Contact: Joan Gunn (815) 943-1492 or
Training dates for the Gunn/Reese pond will again be Monday morning and Wednesday
afternoon. While we hope to start up the weekend after Memorial Day, we are dependent
upon weather cooperating and drying up the excessive water currently on the site. It is
currently a lake, not a pond!
Les & Jean Morris’ residence, Antioch, IL Contact: Les Morris (847) 395-5942 or
Camp Shioc, Shiocton, WI Contact: Kathy Van Wie (920) 757–9709 or
For start dates and training times, contact the above members directly. Also coming soon:
Check the website for training times for the above locations.
Now’s the time to start boning up on that obedience!
Mark you calendars now, as back by popular
demand, Roger and Barb Frey will join us for a twoday water seminar. The dates are June 28 & 29 at the
Gunn/Reese pond.
This seminar is designed for all levels of water training
and experience. More information and a reservation
form will be contained in the next newsletter.
Newf News March/April 2008
page 14
. ......................
Newf Finder
........ ........
. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .
. ..
. ..
. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
. ..
. ..
. ..
. ..
Newf Finders...
. ..
at NCNC’s website.....
. ..
. ..
NCNC’s webmaster Karen Clancy
. ..
has created pages for NCNC Rescue at
Annie has been in foster care . ..
. ..
with me for over a year.
. ..
and the response has been outstanding
. ..
--- many applications and other questions
. ..
She is a great companion
about the Newf adoption process --. ..
and loves people but
and several offers to provide foster care
. ..
prefers to be the only dog
--- and even a few donations.
. ..
in a no-cat household.
Thanks SO much Karen.
. ..
. ..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....
Please send your
referrals to me for
more information
about NCNC Rescue.
. ..
Potential adopters are
. ..
always needed.
. ..
Temporary Foster care
. ..
providers are also
. ..
. ..
Please contact me
. ..
if you can help
. ..
Newfoundlands in
. ..
Eugenia is an exuberant
our region.
. ..
adolescent who works well with other
. ..
Mary L. Price
dogs. She needs obedience training
. ..
and learns quickly. Eugenia has been
. ..
. ..
in foster care with me since September.
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Newf News March/April 2008
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Thank you to Samantha Ashleigh Volovski for her generous donation of this year's logo!!
Newfiepalooza 2008 - Fundraiser For Rescue
May 10th, 2008
Mark your calendars NOW – You do NOT want to miss this event!!
One of the BIGGEST events of the year for Newf Rescue! Come for the fun, games,
NEWFS, prizes, NEWFS, vendors, NEWFS, food, NEWFS, visiting with friends
and did we mention the NEWFS?!
Hundreds of dollars worth of QUALITY raffle/silent auction items, such as a one of a kind newfie
jewelry, handmade leather leads, newf pins, magnets & stickers, etc., with
100% of the proceeds going directly to Rescue!
Please check the NCNC website often as activities and description of donated items are added!!
Donations/Reservations for events:
Contact~ Rhonda Brunning
Email: missiriver@yahoo.com
Phone: 563-210-6583
Contact~ Karen Clancy
Email: karen.clancy@k9adventure.com
Phone: 630-235-5138
We are looking for volunteers, if you’d like to help, please call or email Karen Clancy.
Thank you!!
Newf News March/April 2008
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Photo Contest Winners!!
Congratulations to the winners of the Quilt Photo Contest and a BIG Thank you to our judges….
We received 271 entries so you can IMAGINE how difficult it was to pick just 12!!
Newf News March/April 2008
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Special deals from Newfiepalooza Donating Vendors!!
We wanted to make sure everyone was aware of some GREAT deals our generous donating vendors
are offering…
The first item is from vendor Ashley Craig, the manufacturers of the famous
Greyhound Combs and Brushes. This company is offering quite a unique and
incredible item, made specifically for Newfiepalooza ’08 … This is a custom
brush (or comb with wording) with an original drawing – the brush/comb will
also be customized with your dog’s name or kennel name for no additional charge …
Ashley Craig Pet Products will donate a quarter of the cost of every brush and comb sold back to our
rescue fund. And knowing the manufacturer is famous the world over for the quality of their
products, you can feel comfortable knowing this is going to be a very high quality item!
Here is the artwork that will be on the brush:
To order this brush or a comb – please visit the Ashley Craig website and search under “National and
Specialty Event Items” Here is the link: http://greyhoundcomb.com/cart/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=18 –
From there search out the NEWFIEPALOOZA event items.
This is a beautiful item and will be customized personally for you – add in that a portion of the cost is
donated right back to the club – that makes it an AWESOME deal!! Please consider purchasing
The second offer is from 1-800-Pet-Meds. They will donate a portion of
any purchases made back to us if you use this code when checking out:
NEWF101 or if you use this link: http://www.1800petmeds.com/mypartner/newf101
when making your purchases. If you’re going to purchase from 1-800 Pet Meds – please consider
using the code to help raise money for Rescue!!
The third offer is from SportShade!. They’ve agreed to give a
10% discount for every purchase made using the discount code:
EBBIE. This great company donated a $300 item to
Newfiepalooza. Look for it as one of the prizes for the FUN
MATCH! (Added incentive to join in this activity with your newfie!!) They’re being even more
generous by offering us this great online discount which will be tracked to us giving them more
incentive to donate in the future. Please consider supporting such a generous company! You can
order and learn more about SportShade! Here: http://www.sportsshade.com/
Newf News March/April 2008
page 18
National Survey Results
Several months ago, NCNC asked our members to respond to a survey to determine interest
in hosting a future National.
I would like to extend a big THANK YOU to all who took the time to respond to the National
Survey. Your cooperation and input are greatly appreciated!
The results of the survey are as follows:
We had approximately 16 responses (there were a few more, but they came in after
the deadline and the tally). All but one was in favor of hosting a National.
Nine respondents offered to chair committees, all were willing to work on one.
We received 3 suggestions for sites to look at.
The results of the survey have been collected and compiled in a binder for future reference
should NCNC decide to pursue hosting a future National.
Again, thank you to all who responded.
Kathy Van Wie
Getting Ready To Roll
Watch our website for dates and location of draft
practice sessions in May. Practice will begin again
in the fall before the draft test.
Don’t forget
The Membership Meeting
and Election of Officers at
the Annual Picnic on
Sunday, June 22th.
Whether you participate in the draft work or just
enjoy seeing
do the work they
were bred for,
plan to attend
the Draft Test on
October 12th.
Newf News March/April 2008
page 19
New Member Applications
William & Tammy Burr
201 Illinois St., , Elmhurst, IL 60126
Sponsor: Roger Danielsen
Type of membership: Full, family
NCA member: No
Marian Graff & Bob Kasarkus
9151 Merion Dr., Orland Park, IL 60462
Sponsor: Roger Danielsen
Type of membership: Full, family
NCA member: No
Dawn Stroup
2007 Harvard Ave., Rockford, IL 61107
Sponsor: Mary Trauernicht
Type of membership: Associate
NCA member: No
Chad Munger & Tracy Hickman
NCNC is selling personalized
cookbooks. This spiral
bound cookbook features
recipes from our members
in nine different sections,
including a special one for
our dogs. It also contains many pages of helpful cooking and nutritional hints along with
kitchen crafts for our kids. You can buy one at
any NCNC event or order now
by mail by downloading the
form from our website at
NorthCentralNewf.org. Books
are $10.00 plus $2.00 shipping
and handling for one book and
$1.00 for each additional book.
Best in
3105 N. Wolcott, Chicago, IL 60657
Sponsor: Cissy Sullivan
Type of membership: Full, family
NCA member: No
Cathy & Gary Mullen
26383 W. Vista Ct., Ingleside, IL 60041
Sponsor: Patty Zurpoli
Type of membership: Full, family
NCA member: No
Whelped: February 12, 2008
Dam: Ch BeeCreek's Evergreen Abby-Gal (Abby)
Sire: Ch. Egebaeks After Eight (Zeuss)
Renee & Joseph Sclafani
7 Females, 3 Males
All Black
180 Old Sutton Rd., Barrington Hills, IL 60010
Sponsor: Roger Danielsen
Type of membership: Full, family
NCA member: No
Owners/Breeders: Neil McFadden & Ginny Graham
If you have not yet renewed,
please renew now to avoid a late fee.
Newf News March/April 2008
page 20
Dates to Remember
What’s inside:
President’s Column
Senior Birthdays
Lotta Love Bakery
Board of Directors
Show & Tell
Regional Specialty Results 4
Annual Picnic & Elections 10
Picnic Map
Membership Renewal Form 12
Water Work Practice
Newf Finder
National Survey Results
Draft Practice
New Member Applications 19
Best in Show Cookbook
Litter Announcement
Meeting Minutes
March 15th: Membership Renewal Deadline
May 5th: Deadline for May/June Newsletter
May 10th: Newfiepalooza Fundraiser for Rescue
June 22th: Annual Picnic, Election of Officers
and General Membership Meeting
September 13th: Water Test Banquet and
General Membership Meeting
September 14th: Water Test
October 12th: Draft Test
November 16th: Education Day and
General Membership Meeting
Newf News
North Central Newfoundland Club
Angela Mertens - Editor
4109 Springbrook Court
Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158
Membership Renewal
Deadline March 15th!!
Nev Cal dar
Newf News March/April 2008
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North Central Newfoundland Club
January 27, 2008
The General Membership Meeting was held at the University of IL. Extension Building, Grayslake, IL.
The Meeting was called to order at 2:35PM, Cissy Sullivan, President NCNC presiding.
There were 31 Voting members present, thus achieving a quorum.
• The minutes from the December 2, 2007 were approved as written.
• Presidents Report: C. Sullivan announced Newfiepalooza- Benefit for Rescue is set for the date of May
10, 2008. This year there is a photo contest for NCNC Members to submit photos for a special quilt.
Details at the NCNC website -Patchwork Pattie’s Quilts will make a photo quilt that will be auctioned off
(live auction) at this year's Newfiepalooza.
• C. Sullivan announced she had received thank you notes from NCA Board members for NCNC
Hospitality at the Chicago NCA Board Meeting held November 2007.
• C. Sullivan addressed a request for NCNC posting board meeting agendas and minutes on the club
web site. Cissy stated after checking 26 other Regional Club web sites they did not put out their minutes
on the club web site.
• Action: Board to review request.
• Mary T. Announced Membership Renewal Due Date is March 15, 2008. There will not be a separate
mailing. Form was in the last newsletter and is available to download at NCNC web site.
• Treasurers Report- The treasurer’s report dated 1/1/2007 through 12/31/2007 showed Total inflows
$24,359.71 total outflows $21,464.17 over all total $2,895.54 Total Overall Bank Accounts $29,999.09.
• Regional Report - Joan Gunn stated that entries should be mailed by the end of the month, to assure
the Show Secretary receives them before closing date of February 13. Regional entry forms were available at meeting. Joan passed around a Volunteer signup sheet. Jobs were assigned to the volunteers.
Thursday volunteers were organized for set up. Friday night banquet – contact Dona Baker to reserve.
L. Larsen stated there were 5 more trophies to sponsor.
C. Thonn stated she needed help with auction/brown bag. D. Jackman stated the need for obedience
Regional Premium is available on the NCNC web site.
Misc. assignments confirmed:
Mary T. will do the judges hospitality / judge basket.
Ring markers – M. Torres
Sweeps envelopes – L. Larsen
Chief Ring Stewards
2/29 Jan Danielsen
3/01 Rick Torres
Cards for photography will be put with the 1st. place trophies.
D. Jackman will mark obedience catalog.
R. Torres and J. Danielsen will mark conformation show catalog.
T. Bertrand – Hospitality area supplies
Newf News March/April 2008
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• Rescue Report: Mary L. Price reported there were 8 Newfs in rescue at this time. The NCNC is in need of
Foster Care. The NCNC rescue funds are in excellent condition due mainly due to Newfiepalooza. Rescue
funds to date $9,241.00. Mary reported the AKC Stud book was analyzed for producing. 78% produced by
non NCA members with 24 % produced by NCA members. In the recent years the trend has shown more
movement with non NCA members producing Newfoundland than NCA members.
Mary stated to call her with questions.
• Ad Hoc Committee Report: Barbara Hearn reported her report had been sent to the Board Members.
She thanked her committee of M.Trauernicht, M. Torres, P. Hammitt and C. Drogus.
• Action: Board to review report.
• Cook Books: L. Larsen reported there are approx 100 cook books left for sale.
• By- Law Committee: D. Jackman is chairing the committee. Members: J.Gunn, R.Torres and J.Quandt.
D. Jackman stated the committee will start to work on by-laws after the Regional.
Please contact the committee with any ideas/suggestions.
• Action: None at this time.
• Annual Trophy Update: M.Trauernicht reported that the company currently doing the NCNC annual trophies machine is still under repair. It was asked where the NCNC logo originated and who had the art
work, it was stated Consie Powell did and has the artwork.
• Action: Mary will continue contact with Keith at Libertyville Trophy for updates on the finished trophies.
• New Members welcome by C.Sullivan are:, Patti and Bob Lang, Patricia and Jerome Ochota, Chris
Rogers, Glory Reed, Barbara and Ray Krakausky, Gwen Grosskopf, Nancy and Steven Bogaert
• Unfinished Business:
• First Aid Kits: There was a discussion about the suggestions of a stretcher/sling and first aid kit at club
events for the Newfs. T. Meekers stated he has the first aid items with him at events in his vehicle.
• Action: The board will discuss the first aid issues.
• Job Descriptions: L. Larsen reported the remaining job descriptions to be completed were turned in.
• New Business:
T. Meeker suggestions for future club events:
1. Draft Seminar weekend.
2. Newf Olympics (events for members and their Newfs)
3. Paypal account for membership fees / club events. (A. Corvillion stated Paypal charges are 1½ to 2 %)
It was stated by numerous members they would like to see the club event “Winter Walk” back.
B.Quandts stated that NCNC should consider having the conformation clinic that was held at Kings Kennel
on January 20, 2008 more often. Also a possible obedience clinic was discussed.
Being there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:30PM.
Respectfully Submitted:
NCNC Secretary,
Linda Larsen