Ruminations - The Newfoundland Club of Northern California


Ruminations - The Newfoundland Club of Northern California
November, 2010
November, 2010
Newfoundland Club of Northern California
By President Pam Rubio
It’s been a very busy end of Summer/Early Fall with two successful Water Test weekends, a wellattended general meeting, the Walnut Festival parade, and coming next weekend, our 40th Anniversary Regional Specialty. I want to particularly call our members attention to the regional specialty. Whether you enjoy watching beautiful dogs strut their stuff in the ring, the marvelous
teamwork of dog and handler in the obedience and rally rings, the awesome dogs in the Honor
Roll tribute, the thrill of winning that special raffle item, or just getting together with old friends
and meeting new ones, I hope to see you there. It is a really good time, full of fun, good food
and camaraderie. - member’s area
user name: webnewf
password: newfsrule
The NCNC regional specialty raffle is notorious for including some really hard to find/one of a kind
items, and some of us get very competitive in trying to make sure we win them. I have it on a
reliable tip, this years raffle will include the 2010 National Specialty plate, and a 2010 limited edition pewter Christmas ornament from Cissy Sullivan, as well as many, many other great items.
I’d also like to encourage our members and guests to attend the post specialty banquet. To
make reservations, contact Laura Gallagher, Pre-banquet reservations are
$20.00, day of banquet $25.00. This year’s banquet features your choice of tri tip, chicken or
portabella mushrooms, along with garlic mashed potatoes, grilled vegetables, salad, bread and
The most important service our club offers during the specialty weekend is low cost cardio and
CERF (eye) clinics. These clinics are open to all breeds with Newfs getting priority on preregistrations. Dr. Kienle, board certified cardiologist, has partnered with NCNC for over 15 years,
providing auscultations and echo cardiograms at a greatly reduced rate. Whether your Newf is a
show/breeding dog or a family pet, an adult auscultation, along with your dog’s DNA in the CHIC
DNA Repository, provides valuable information to both the breeder and the Newf community who
are working hard to reduce the incidence of heart disease in our wonderful breed. From a personal standpoint, I would encourage anyone who is breeding, or contemplating breeding their
dog, to do an echocardiogram on all dogs in your breeding program. Many Newf owners are not
aware that Newfoundlands have eye issues beyond ectropian and entropian. Sometimes we
don’t even realize our Newfs lids are turning in and causing scarring and pain. Besides these
often obvious conditions, Newfs are prone to pin point cataracts which cannot be detected without an eye exam by a board certified opthamologist, as well as other eye issues. To pre-register
for an appointment with either or both of our specialist, contact Linda Maggy
Finally, the Fall Draft Test is right around the corner, on November 7. Entries close October
24. If you haven’t received a premium list, and wish to download one, go to the NCNC website, If you’ve never seen a draft test and want to find out what it’s all about, please
join us in Vacaville at Lagoon Valley Park. Better yet, volunteer to steward or help out by contacting John Pearson, My sincere thanks to all our members and non
members who have volunteered their time and talents to make our events so successful. You are
all awesome, and we certainly couldn’t do it without you.
Inside this issue:
Misc. Warnings
Therapy Dogs
& New Members
Breeders List
NCNC Meeting
Newfy Regional Specialty - Friday, October 29 - Dixon May Fairgrounds, Dixon California
Page 2
By: Hazel Jacoby
Regional Show
Don't forget to schedule your dog(s) for
the the Heart and CERF clinics. Prices
are goo
d for these critical checks.
Also please check our booth at the regional – there will be new items to buy!
Remember the foster dog Dodger? Well,
he was our 13 month old with skin issues
and was in foster for longer than normal
to diagnose and treat. He now has a
wonderful home – and see the picture to
see how wonderful he looks!
Dogs in Rescue
Here is a summary of rescue dog activity:
Ruger: Is being treated for heartworm, will be adopted when
medically cleared.
Moses: Has been adopted.
Teeny Tiny: Ready to be adopted.
“Too Tall” Thomas: Has been
Doogie: A black, 3 year old, male.
Has been vet checked, neutered, and adopted.
Izzy: A landseer, 18 months, female. Has been vet checked,
spayed, and adopted.
Lucky: A landseer, 18 months,
male. Has been vet checked,
neutered, had cherry eye
tacked, and adopted.
We would like to thank and
acknowledge the following
people for their donations:
Deanne and Frank Pedroni
Julie Webb
Samantha Westgate
Daniel Zimmerlin
(in memory of "Hannah" Stern,
11/18/00 - 10/12/10)
The November 20th carting seminar scheduled for Meadow Vista in the Auburn area
has been cancelled for lack of sign-ups.
Please contact Meth Mirsky (530) 745-0433 -
Calling for Entries for the Golden Gate Bench Show in 2011
The premium for the Golden Gate Bench show is out and it is
time to consider showing your Newfoundland at the Cow Palace
on Jan 30th and Jan 31st in San Francisco. The Bench show is the
largest interface of the general public and the Newfoundland
Club of Northern California and Newfoundland Health and Rescue.
This is a “Blue Ribbon” Bench Show, where Newfoundlands
whom have won a blue Ribbon in any Conformation Class (or
puppies 6-9 or 9-12) can enter and be “benched” with the club
for informational and educational purposes, shop the expansive
vendor booths, and of course show your dog in conformation and
obedience. You can be on the on Saturday or Sunday or both
The Newfoundland Club has an education table to help educate
the general public on why and how to buy or not buy a Newf
Newfoundland Health and Rescue 501C3 will also have an educational table to solicit donations and hand out Rescue Applications
for Adoption.
If you would like to enter and be benched with NCNC and/or
volunteer to decorate the bench on Friday January 28th please
contact Summer Poris at
If you would like to work the NCNC Education table please contact Lynne Baker at
November, 2010
Page 3
The Dangers of Wild Mushrooms
Dear Friends,
This week Lisa, my friend's sister who lives near me in Woodside,
CA found mushrooms in her lawn area. Since she was aware of
what happened to Donato she was concerned for her kids and
dogs. Lisa contacted the resident ranger from Jasper Ridge who
is also a member of the Mycological Society of San Francisco. At
first Lisa was told that Death Caps would not show up till way
into the rainy season, but after seeing Lisa's pictures the ranger
immediately drove down and positively identified the mushrooms
as Death Caps. Lisa hadn't found just one... she had picked a
bag of them. Yesterday she found more.
Though the highest density of occurrences is around the San
Francisco Bay Area, there are two distinct ranges for the Death
Cap. One along the west coast ( as far south as Los Angeles
County and north to Vancouver Island, Canada) and the second
on the East Coast (from the Atlantic Coastal Plain of Maryland
northward to the White Mountains of New Hampshire and east to
the coastal islands of Maine). In California, Death Caps are associated with oak trees, in Oregon with chestnut or filbert trees and
on the east coast with pines. The other problem....experts say
the Death Cap's range is spreading and they are becoming more
Unfortunately, I found out too late and lost Donato, my beautiful
pup to this mushroom. In hopes that this doesn't happen to
others, I've made a flyer to raise awareness about the Death
Caps. I thank Lisa Wan for her incredible photos of the developmental stages of the Death Caps found in her backyard. If you
see them pick them and bag them. But as the ranger said....err
on the side of caution... pick everything, bag it all and throw
them out.
-Dian Gerba
Promeris: A Possible Bad Flee/Tick Product
Wednesday, September 22, 2010, 11:21 AM
I wanted to share with the group something that happened to
one of my babies. I recently took one of my dogs to Fort Payne
Alabama to a vet there. He is an hour from me but, I like the
way he interacts with my dogs. While there, I decided to get
some Frontline. He explained that he had patients unhappy with
that product and began carrying Promeris. I hadn't heard of this
product but felt he wouldn't carry it if there were problems.
I applied the product to seven of my dogs one afternoon. Everyone appeared to be fine however, Banjo(Shepherd/ Collie X)
vomited a bit of grass but, that wasn't alarming to
me. I never left the house that night but was upstairs in my office working. When I came down
stairs Banjo wasn't at the hallway door where he
always waited for me. I found him in my bedroom
laying on his pillow his little head between his paws,
his eyes staring.. I called for him, no response.
My boy was dead. I couldn't understand what could
have happened to my baby? He was only 4 yrs old.
Beautiful, healthy, energetic boy. It was a holiday
weekend(Sept 3) so I called the crematorium to see
if they would allow me to freeze him until I could
get over the shock of this and figure out what I wanted to do. It
suddenly hit me, the Promeris? I called my vet were I purchased
this. He agreed that it was very suspicious and requested that I
bring Banjo to him for an autopsy. As much as I didn't want to
do this, as a rescuer, I felt it would be irresponsible not to follow
Our suspicions were accurate. The chemical in the product shut
down his motor cortex at the base of his brain. It appeared that
the neurological inhibitor put my Banjo to sleep. His application
was for less than his
body weight. The vet said that if he had gotten the full dosage
he would have been gone in 30 minutes. The product takes 8 to
10 hours to get in to their blood stream. Banjo was dead 9 hours
after his application.
(Waiting) for a pathology report to be done. Dr. Lee
sent more tissue samples off to Auburn University
and we are waiting for the results. Not certain the
tissue will still be viable. Please tell everyone you
know to stay clear of this flea/tick product. It's a roll
of the dice and not worth the risk. I have 6 dogs that
appear to be o.k. but, Banjo lost his life. I don't
know that I have ever felt such heartache. I will fight
in his memory to have this product pulled or at the
very least have the wording "this product could be
fatal to some dogs" added to packaging. My vet
boxed up this product and sent it back to Visor after
his autopsy findings. He said he would not carry a product that
could harm a dog in this way. Thank you Dr. Lee.
Beth Ann Webb
Page 4
Mission Mountains' "TRUFFLES"
August 12, 1999 - October 4th, 2010
Our hearts are heavy to say, Mission Mountains' "TRUFFLES" crossed the rainbow
bridge on Monday, October 4th, 2010.
We can only hope Truff "ran" to the other side as running wasn't something she
was capable of her last months' of life with us.
Her litter of feral cats (now 9yrs old - the 3 of them) and trusted buddy "Taylor"
are looking for her everywhere, but have to be satisfied with her scent
on the basket of "toys" and her favorite sleeping areas.
Somehow Taylor has some mighty big paws to fill.
Susan & Bill Liley
Therapy Dogs
By Dorothy Apple
Although he started as a therapy dog at a young age, Bruce took
to his job with unbridled enthusiasm. At an impressive 135
pounds, you would think Bruce might be hard to handle around
small children, who sometimes do not feel their best, but nothing
could be further from the truth. Bruce is truly a gentle giant, he
is the perfect guest. Bruce only gets up on the bed only when
asked; laying down to snuggle with a happy child, taking a walk
with a child who needs to get some exercise or sneaking a kiss to
cheer someone up.
Bruce really loves working in the rehab unit. When a family
comes into rehab for their first visit, somehow he knows who the
patient is. He makes his way over to greet them and waits quietly by the patient to start helping in the rehab process. He
makes the most wonderful soft furry bolster to use as a starting
point for leg lifts and stretching. He also loves to perform tricks
for treats or have treats put on his paws and wait patiently for
the child that put it there to tell him to take it. He loves to work
directly with the therapists to help make the rehab process more
fun for everyone involved. To help a kid learn to walk again is a
favorite activity. When I watch him play soccer with a child, it is
often hard to tell who is having more fun, Bruce or the child he is
“helping”. Bruce adores his working days and being part of the
healing process.
Then there is Bobbi, our beautiful rescue Newfoundland dog. She
is a true princess and loves to lie calmly next to a patient while
they are being stretched or doing rehab exercises. I cannot tell
you how many children have said, “she helps take my pain
away”. She also loves to do comfort visits, going from room to
room spreading happiness. Our best day and our worst day was
a visit to the fourth floor west wing. The nurse on duty asked us
to save a particular room for our last visit of the day and to come
find her before we went in. The patient, a young girl, was waiting with her mother for a priest to come read her last rites. This
girl loved dogs and Bobbi knew it right away. She climbed up on
the bed with her and sat quietly for about thirty minutes while
the little girl brushed her hair and put in pretty barrettes. I took a
picture of the two of them for her mother and she had the biggest smile on her face. It was hard to keep a smile on my face,
but watching the two of them interact made it possible. I was so
proud of Bobbi at that moment and pleased knowing Bobbi
helped take away this little girls pain. I hope that her mother
remembers her with that beautiful smile on her face.
Then there is Bonner, our huge 175 pound puppy born on August 8, 2008. According to the Chinese, a very lucky date. He
started visiting at Children’s hospital when he was just six
months old and took to it like a duck to water. I have never seen
children so excited to wash their hands, as they are when they
see him. Throngs of children gather around Bonner as lay on the
floor, lining up for a little waterless soap to clean their hands and
then lay all over him petting him and giving him the most wonderful hugs as he lay perfectly still enjoying every minute of his
time at Children’s Hospital. One time I counted eleven children
clinging to him, it must be some kind of a record to make that
many children happy at one time.
All three of my Newfoundland’s have very different personalities,
but the one thing they all have in common is their gentle nature
and ability to make a child smile.
November, 2010
Page 5
Ch Saltydog's Augustus Joe CD RE (Gus)
Donna & Bill Masters
Antares Catch Me If You Can
Steve & Raye Kapci
Kali WD, DD, CD, CDX
Alison Reid
Sweetwater's "Taylor" Made 4 Us CGC, RN, DD
Susan & Bill Liley
Bonnie Bear's "Iris"
Carla Scolieri/Barry Brodd
Ch Osa's Blue Fin (Mako)
Linda Parker
Casa Loma's Princess Kai'ulani (KK)
Gwen Graham/Rob Kamai
Sweetbay's Tobin
Allan & Marilyn Rhodes
Ch. Nakiska's Lord of the Ring (Viggo) DD, WRD, CGC
Dawn Druge/Kathy Bracisco
Wind Raven "Diva"s Wear Prada
Karen Canevari
Wind Raven "Diva"s Wear Prada
Nancy Bynes
Fairweather's OP's Divina (Nina)
Joyce Taylor
Blue Heaven's Horatio Hornblower (Harry)
Kristy & Richard Press
Blue Haeven's Amazing Grace (Gracie)
Kristy & Richard Press
Karazans Olivertwist III
Timothy & Lori Coen
Jennifer & Ross Allen
Tracy & Marc Moran
Welcome New Members!
Elizabeth Basile
508 Cape Blanco Ct.
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
(408) 830-9145
Lisa & Rick Pinguelo
6207 Sellers Ave.
Oakley, CA 94561
(925) 219-2224
Laura & Joe Camarillo
1737 Paseo Del Cajon
Pleasanton, CA 94566
(925) 484-0546
Bobbi Coulter / Tom Petersen
1605 Ashbury Lane
, CA
(775) 771-7320
Page 6
Due by December 31
2011 NCNC Breeders List Application
November, 2010
Page 7
2011 NCNC Breeders List Application
Page 8
NCNC Board of Director’s Minutes - 9/25/2010
Present: Pam Rubio, Summer Poris, Kevin Gallagher, Debbie
Bridge, John Bonnell Joyce Taylor, Hazel Jacoby and Lynne
Baker. Called to order at 10:41.
Board minutes were approved unanimously as published.
No report from VP, Recording or Corresponding Secretaries.
Treasurer’s Report
Hazel stated that Working Dog is doing well with the tests and
seminars. They are in the red for the WRDX test; however their
total perspective is good.
Membership is up and doing well. We received several inquiries
at the Del Valle water test. Motion to accept treasure’s report SP/
DB passed unanimously.
Hazel presented a budget worksheet for Jan-Dec 2010 with year
to date values as of September 22, 2010. She asked the different
chairs for input, not everyone responded. Budget numbers for
2011 came from committee chairs. She also asked as Chair, if
committee chairs were willing to stay on.
John and Gina will stay with the Newfs Paper and Membership.
They felt their current budget will be adequate. They could
budget an additional $500 for income.
Lynne will continue as education chair and with the same
Pam Jackson is stepping down as Ways and Means. W/M’s
budget will remain as is for now. There was a brief discussion
concerning obtaining logo items with the clubs logo. Pam’s Tshirt contact is no longer available. Some ideas were preordering and putting information in the paper seeking interest in
logo items. Kevin suggested sending out a survey to the membership using a service such as Survey Monkey. There is also a
need to find someone to take over W/M’s. John will check member’s interest in the data files.
Pam and Gina will do the awards banquet. There is a budget to
cover extra expenses. There will be further discussion concerning
the awards budget after the entire budget is reviewed.
Alex is stepping down as Working Dog Chair. Her suggestion is to
budget for harnesses because we occasionally need to buy them.
Income that comes in from sources other than the tests will be
put into the seminars budget. Water tests will be considered
weekend “events” not individual tests and will be budgeted and
categorized accordingly.
Club awards expenses will be higher this year due to the high
pass rate. The Luise Parsons award budget will be increased to
$300 due to the increased cost of the egg. This is a one time
expense and not likely a yearly expense.
The picnic has no budget but should break even. It was suggested that we have a budget for meetings to reimburse members for soda’s, etc. Gifts for speakers would be included in this
The supported entry budget was discussed. NCNC will support an
entry if there is a breeder judge. We will support for one day
only. If members know of shows that have a Newfy breeder
judge they can submit information to the club.
Summer is attempting to cut the Regional budget. The raffle this
year will benefit NCNC only, as rescue had a very successful raffle at the July water test.
Administrative budget has been decreased to $300. Hazel suggested using this fund for Gina’s new printer ($150).
Bench show expenses are for decoration, benched members exhibiting only and their parking. Debbie suggested a heading such
as “dog show’s” that will include supported entries, decorations,
benching, etc.
Sunshine committee-Linda Maggy suggested a budget of $200 to
allow for the purchase of flowers if necessary.
Liz and Tom Pulchney would like to relinquish if someone qualified agrees to take over. They have set up web hosting through
their personal accounts. They feel expense would probably be
$200-$300 for new software for a new webmaster if they didn’t
already have a program. The domain was renewed in 2009 for
five years. ($115.00) Debbie suggested budgeting $150.
Debbie researched a repository for the archives that can be
shared at approximately $10/month. This needs further discussion later.
Nancy Bynes has declined Legislative chair, she feels the position
does not require a budget.
Hazel will review the budget and send it out to the board in the
next few weeks as she will not be at the December meeting
which is the time the budget must be approved.
OLD Business
The Del Valle interface paperwork has been completed according
to Rick Humphrey’s. There is no signage yet due to water season
winding down.
Archives - Joyce felt that the club should keep photographs from
the Regionals, marked catalogues, water and draft test information and the NewfsPaper which includes the minutes.
Christmas Party - will be at the Maggy’s. Summer said Gwen
Graham has volunteered for 2011.
Regional - The premiums as of today have not been received.
Supposedly they were to be emailed to members, however only
Summer and one other person has received it. The board discussed the delay in service, and the errors made in the premium
(Continued on page 9)
November, 2010
Page 9
(Continued from page 8)
list. Summer will check the contract with Show for
dispute resolution. Banquet checks should be made out to
NCNC, not NCA.
The annual picnic is June 18, 2011. Summer cannot reserve
Vasona more than nine months in advance.
Kevin has been unable to get to the DMV to check the vehicle
registration status due to the state Friday furloughs.
New business
Kevin suggested the club sell the large Wells Cargo trailer and
buy two smaller ones. Right now only a few members can tow
the club trailer due to its weight. Smaller trailers can have divided up equipment for water and draft. He feels the large trailer
is in demand, the club could sell it closer to it’s original price. The
smaller trailers with tax, license and insurance would be around
$2000. He will research and bring information to our next meeting.
Nominating committee
The slate must be presented at the December meeting. Hazel
will be the board member and chairman. We will ask John Pearson or Lori Littleford and June Gibson has expressed an interest.
Alternates will be Summer, either Lori or John or Gaby Cohen.
The 2010 Breeders list was sent to Tom and Liz to update the
Mike Reyer presented NCNC Policy Resolution - September 24,
2010. It reads:
“NCNC Newf Rescue Committee Policy Resolution recommended
by the NCNC Board of Directors Reference Article 5, Section 1,
standing committees for Newf rescue.
It shall be the policy for the NCNC Board of Directors that their
appointments to the NCNC Rescue committee shall also be the
appointment for the Board of Directors of the Newfoundland
Health and Rescue, Inc.
It is the duty of the members of the Board of Directors of the
Newfoundland Health and Rescue, Inc. to comply with the ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND BYLAWS OF NEWFOUNDLAND
HEALTH AND RESCUE, INC., a California Nonprofit Public Benefit
The term of the appointments to the NCNC Newf Rescue Committee shall be at the pleasure of the Board of Directors of
Kevin moved to have the general membership review this policy.
This motion was passed unanimously.
MTA 12:18
NCNC General Meeting Minutes - 9/25/2010
Called to order at the Reyers home at 13:06, with 19 general
members, 6 associates and 2 guests.
Motion to accept minutes as published MSP Lori Littleford/Laura
The club has 313 members, 239 associate members and 74 general members. Today we have two guests Eric and Cheryl Peterson, they are members of NCA, NENC. They have moved to California.
The morning board minutes were reviewed.
Committee Reports
Summer has bought a DVD on cranial cruciate injuries. Gina suggested putting this information on our website. Summer has
information concerning a CCL study being conducted in the UK.
They are looking for affected dogs. She has fifty packets and
cheek swabs. Contact her. They are also interested in control
dogs; however they must be older dogs, not youngsters.
Hazel said 2 dogs are in foster care with probable homes. Teeny
(was 58#, now 80#) has been spayed, vaccinated and possibly
has flea allergies. “Too Tall” a 2 yr. old recently neutered male is
very sweet, loves people more than other dogs. Today a 3 yr. old
male, outdoor ranch dog is coming into rescue.
Was reviewed. We are looking for volunteers to run Ways/
Means, Working Dog Committee, chair the picnic and Webmaster. Gina will co-chair the Regional next year with Summer. No
report from education.
Gina asked for members to send items of interest and ideas to
her, the next paper is on the thin side.
Members should contact Summer if they know of any member
that should be recognized.
Alex mentioned that the fall water test went well.
November 7 is the fall draft test at Lagoon Valley. Cherie Brown
has premiums, The premium is also on the website. Laura Gallagher is the chair and John Pearson chief steward. Please contact
them if you would like to steward.
There will be a draft seminar on Nov 20th in the Auburn area.
Summer inquired if members had received their premiums yet.
No one had. Apparently they were temporarily lost by the USPS.
It is available of the website.
Pam Jackson is seeking trophy donations. Please contact her
ASAP if interested.
(Continued on page 10)
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(Continued from page 9)
Help is needed at the CERF clinic on Saturday and Sunday. You
only need to work a few yours. It’s fun!!
Gina reminded members that this will be our 40th anniversary
Regional. She has reviewed NewfTide, papers, AKC searching for
old marked catalogues there are many holes to fill from the 70’s
and a large part of the 80’s. There will be a tribute to previous
winners. Anyone with information please contact her ASAP. She
will be printing a banner and flags for tribute at the show. If you
were a winner during the past 40 years you might want to contribute some money. Gina feels the total cost will be $400-450
total expense. The most important getting the information. Joyce
suggested sending out a mass mail seeking the missing information.
Old Business
DNA clinic: Pam would ideally like to see clinics in several locations to make it easy for members to have their dogs drawn. It
was decided that having a draw at the picnic would most likely
see the highest number of dogs.
New Business
Mike Reyer’s policy resolution was discussed. Refer to the board
minutes to review policy.
NH&R’s bylaws state the NCNC board will appoint the NH&R
board annually. NCNC’s current by-laws allow the NCNC board to
appoint committees, but has no provision for appointing NH&R’s
Mike’s solution was to present a policy resolution without changing the bylaws to allow NCNC’s Board to appoint a NH&R committee and this committee will serve as NH&R’s board.
A motion was made; the consensus was to pass until Pam Jackson objected.
Her concern was this policy ties the two organizations too closely
together. The members felt that the motion was not trying to
change the relationship between the two separate organizations
only clarify the relationship for future boards. The NCNC board
can “hire and 'fire” NH&R board. Lori Littleford reminded everyone NH&R”S status as a 5013(c) bylaws require them to report
annually to NCNC board.
Mike said that a policy resolution stays in place after a new board
is in place. The policy must be voted out and changed by the
As the membership had questions and felt there was a need for
more information Cherie Brown/Laura Gallagher made a motion
to table the policy resolution until a later date. The motion
passed. Laura asked if Pam and Mike would be working together
on the rewording of the policy resolution and present it at the
next meeting. They agreed to this.
Dawn Drudge, having been the chair for the water test, suggested guidelines for chairs that include how much to spend for
lunch, trophies, etc. The guidelines are in old minutes. Summer
is attempting to find them and file them in a policy book. It was
also suggested the guideline be place on the website under
members only.
Cherie Brown said two tote bags and monkeys were left at the
fall water test, perhaps they belong to Rick Humphreys who was
missing his?
Patty Sondgroth is collecting items for the regional raffle; please
contact her to donate as all the money made will go to offset
regional costs.
Mike and Ursula Reyer: Rex,the Entlebucher Sennenhund is
no longer a virgin, if it takes 1/2 of the stud fee will go to NH&R
and the other 1/2 to Entlebucher health study.
Summer: Ch.Three Ponds Sugar Magnolia
CGC,DD,WD,TODD,after 7 attempts finally earned her WD title.
Dawn: CH. Nakiska’s Lord of the Ring (Viggo) DD,CGC
WRD,earned his WRD and CGC this summer.
Debbie: Walter has a new job ... he is the puppy sitter of Margaret.
Alex Hoops is now a provisional water test judge.
Cherie: at Dixon, early August, at the Richmond show Aukai
Makani H___ (sorry Cherie I couldn’t read it) was WD to finish
his CH.
July 31 at NCNC’s water test Twinkle.VN WA CH Nakiska Shine’s
at Aukai CDX,TDX,RE,WRD3,TDD added WRDX to her list of accomplishments.In September at our fall water test she requalified
for WRD,she is now WRD4.
Makani had hips/elbows done last week by Dr.Popkin who said
his hips should go excellent, elbows and knees are normal.
Makani is co-owned with Lori Shim.
Saphira (in Tx) owned by Patti Emmerling,hips and elbows are
A brag for Linda Maggy-Ch.Capriccio’s Shower the People (Rain)
DD completed her Ch on her birthday in August.
A brag for Nancy Bynes-Diva finished her CH at Reno KC in early
Elisa Morozumi: Royal Flush Kona Coast Showdown WD,CGC
earned her WD title 9/11/10 and CGC 9/21/10 handled by John
Pam R: Fling (Ch. Cypress Bay Mt. High Capriccio) whelped 9
puppies (7 boys,2 girls).They are 10 weeks old today. They will
have their heart checks today at 4PM. Christopher
(CH.Sunvalley’s Petitions Pouch Cove ROM) is the sire of 7, the
jury is still out on 2.
Laura: Castanewf’s Mends a Broken Heart-Jordan-earned her
WD in July at our test and her an August 7th dog show.
Lynne: Tug, Castanewf’s Expedition North CGC earned his WD
at our July test. We owe it all to neutering. Brookie, Capriccio’s
How Sweet it Is, got her 2nd major the same weekend her sister
Rain got her CH. She picked up one point at Del Monte; in Colorado several ribbons, however not the right colors.
November, 2010
Page 11
2010 Meeting and Event Calendar
NCNC Meeting Schedule (unless otherwise published)
Board - 10:30 AM ~ Potluck Lunch – 12:00 Noon ~ General Meeting – 1:00 PM
Please leave dogs at home for meetings unless host is contacted first.
October 29, 2010
Regional Specialty
Dixon, CA
Summer Poris
831-338-1101 /
November 7, 2010
Lagoon Valley, Vacaville
Laura Gallagher
(707) 447-9079 /
December 4, 2010
Holiday Parade
Pleasanton, CA
Walt Parsons
925-934-0775 /
December 11, 2010
Christmas Party
Hayward, CA
Linda & Merle Maggy
510-886-9385 /
January (TBD), 2011
General Meeting
January 8, 2011
Annual Planning Meeting
Hayward, CA
Linda & Merle Maggy
510-886-9385 /
February 26, 2011
Annual Meeting & Awards
April 3, 2011
Draft Test
Garin Park, Hayward, CA
Linda Maggy
510-886-9385 /
June 18, 2011
Summer Picnic
Vasona Park, Los Gatos
Summer Poris
831-338-1101 /
(pending NCA approval)
Pam Rubio
Hazel Jacoby
Vice President /
Recognition Chair
Summer Poris
John Bonnell
Corresponding Secretary
Joyce Taylor
Recording Secretary /
Education Chair
Lynne Baker
Debbie Bridge
Kevin Gallagher
Rescue Chair
June Gibson
Membership /
The NewfsPaper Editor
John & Gina Bonnell
Ways and Means
Pamela Jackson
Working Dog Chair
Alex Hoops
Tom & Liz Pulchny
Half Page - $7.50
Quarter Page - $4.00
Business Card - $2.50
Articles/ photos must be submitted by the 20th of each
month for publication in the
next issue. Digital photos
should be submitted in high
Send to:
The Newf’s Paper is a regular
publication of the Newfoundland Club of Northern California (NCNC). Articles published
are the opinions of the authors
and not necessarily those of
the board of NCNC or those of
the board of NCA. Articles
published, which are of a
medical nature, are the opinions of the authors only. Consult your veterinarian before
Advertising, commercial or
attempting to diagnose, mediotherwise, will be accepted for cate, or severely change the
publication in The Newf’s Paper dietary habits of your dogs.
subject to the editor’s discretion on “good taste in advertising”.
Newfoundland Club of
Northern California
The NewfsPaper Editor
16730 Fountain Ave.
Phone: 408-779-2541
A Tradition of Excellence
10 Peeves Dogs Have
1. Blaming your farts on me..... not funny... not funny at all !!!
2. Yelling at me for barking…. I'M A DAMN DOG
3. Taking me for a walk, then not letting me check stuff out.
Exactly whose walk is this anyway?
4. Any trick that involves balancing food on my nose. Stop it!
5. Any haircut that involves bows or ribbons. Now you know why we chew your stuff up when you're
not home.
6. The sleight of hand, fake fetch throw. You fooled a dog! Whoooo Hoooooooo what a proud moment for the top of the food chain.
7. Taking me to the vet for 'the big snip', then acting surprised when I freak out every time we go
8. Getting upset when I sniff the crotches of your guests. Sorry, but I haven't quite mastered
that handshake thing yet.
9. Dog sweaters. Hello ???
Haven't you noticed the fur?
10. How you act disgusted when I lick myself.
Look, we both know the truth. You're just jealous..

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