PDF: 2013 Annual Report - Angelic Organics Learning Center
PDF: 2013 Annual Report - Angelic Organics Learning Center
B R A N C H I N G O U T, Growing Together ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Learn. Grow. Connect. Mission Angelic Organics Learning Center empowers people to create sustainable communities of soils, plants, animals and people through educational, creative, and experiential programs. The Learning Center, a nonprofit organization, is the educational partner to Angelic Organics, a vibrant Biodynamic community supported farm. Vision We envision a dynamic and enduring partnership between farmers and consumers who strive for economies, ecologies, and cultures that respect the land and honor the people who work it, know healthy food as a human right, celebrate the beauty and mysteries of life and the living earth, encourage authenticity and self-reliance and cooperation, and are sustainable over many generations. Liz Whitehurst, On-Farm Program Director Dear Friends of the Angelic Organics Learning Center, The theme of our 2013 Annual Report, Branching Out, Growing Together, reflects the Learning Center’s dedication to making good food more accessible by creating sustainable communities of soils, plants, animals, and people. Our vision allows us to branch out to create dynamic and enduring partnerships between farmers and consumers with a singular goal: to grow together. We are very proud of our successes in 2013 for which we have worked so diligently, and consider this a year of accomplishments for the Learning Center. These accomplishments allow us to better respect the land and honor the people who work it. Because of your support, we continue to provide the foundation that helps urban and rural people build local food systems. We are most proud, however, of the financial stability and security we have achieved. Our careful stewardship of our supporters’ trust through their gifts of time, talents, and resources helps to create valuable community resources and partnerships. Thank you so very much for your continuing support. We hope that you will enjoy this annual report and find the information useful. Please feel free to share it with a friend. Sincerely, Thomas Spaulding Executive Director Constance McCarthy President, Board of Directors Impacts Farmer Training Our Farmer Training Initiative works to train the next generation of sustainable farmers. Led by the experienced farmers from the Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training (CRAFT), we offer business planning, on-farm training, and mentoring directly from our region’s best farmers. 17 farm families graduated from Stateline Farm Beginnings. 334 farmers or prospective farmers received training. We launched the Farm Asset Builder Program, to provide farm financial training along with matched savings for farmers. We awarded the first Beginning Farmer of the Year award to Radical Root Farm. On Farm Education Our On-Farm Initiative offers hands-on learning at Angelic Organics farm. We engage the body, heart and mind to experience life on a vibrant working farm. We offer farm tours, skills workshops and custom learning opportunities for individuals, families, schools and community groups. We held 136 programs, with a record number of participants and a record amount of public program income in 2013. 100% of teachers reported that field trips helped meet school or state standards in: science, environmental education, physical education and health, social science, and language arts. We provided over $3,000 in scholarship funds to visiting schools and families. Civic Engagement Our Civic Engagement Initiative works to create civic networks and associative initiatives that spark policies for a healthy local food system and economy. The Learning Center is a founding member and backbone organization for Advocates for Urban Agriculture (AUA), Chicago Chicken Enthusiasts, and the Illinois Food Farms and Jobs Council. We held the first Urban Livestock Expo in Chicago for over 200 participants. We moderated the Chicago Chicken Enthusiasts group, connecting over 500 people with resources and information. We provided leadership and fiscal sponsorship for Advocates for Urban Agriculture coalition as it provided civic engagement, education, and resource sharing among the Chicago Urban Agriculture community. Urban Initiative Our Urban Initiative engages Chicago and Rockford communities in participatory development initiatives that build healthy local food systems. We develop community-based projects and offer hands-on learning that increases access to fresh, healthy food and improves quality of life, in addition to connecting urban people to the land. We accompany and build capacity with project partners and their leaders in Rockford (community-based groups in the Roots and Wings Youth Leadership Program) and in the Englewood neighborhood of Chicago (Eat to Live Farm). Urban Initiative: Rockford The Youth Leaders added five paid CSA shares to their 10 free shares for senior citizen households. We partnered with the Rockford Housing Authority and Blackhawk Buddy House to expand Blackhawk Courts Farm and Gardens, adding a fence, water system, and storage, as well as selling food through weekly farm stands. 340 people participated in over 400 events, reporting increases in leadership and farming skills, plus increased consumption of fresh foods. Urban Initiative: Chicago The City of Chicago hired a contractor to complete land remediation work for the Eat to Live Urban Farm & Garden in Englewood. We provided urban agriculture programming for Yale Elementary School and the Montessori School of Englewood, serving 349 children. We engaged 199 adults in growing and sharing good food through the Eat to Live Community Garden. Deb Crockett, Senior Program Director Celebrating 15 Years of the Learning Center In 1993, Angelic Organics was the only community supported agriculture farm (CSA) growing organic vegetables for families in the greater Chicago area. Today, there are more than 100 CSA farms serving the area! In 1998, Tom Spaulding (Executive Director), Neddy Astudillo, John Peterson, and a team of farmers and volunteers formed the non-profit Learning Center so that Angelic Organics would become widely accessible as a community resource, helping urban and rural people build a vibrant local food economy. Operating out of a renovated chicken coop on the farm, they offered workshops, coordinated the CRAFT farmer training alliance (Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training), and launched educational programs in Chicago and Rockford. During the next 15 years the organization built its program infrastructure -- including a timber frame barn, a strawbale and whole-tree ecological facility with classroom and office spaces, and urban offices in Chicago and Rockford – to support its major program expansion. On farms and in the city, today, our work has grown to include a recognized regional farmer training initiative; urban agriculture and leadership programs on urban training farms; a civic engagement initiative to transform local, state and federal policies; and, a variety of hands-on learning programs on Angelic Organics farm. In 2013, the Learning Center reached more than 5,000 youth and adults, more than any other previous year! Of those 100 CSA farms serving our region, a third are current or past CRAFT farmers and more than 20% are graduates of our Stateline Farm Beginnings program. To honor them, we presented Beginning Farmer and Mentor Farmer of the Year awards at the Good Food Fest in Chicago. To further expand access to the farm and the 70 acres acquired in 2012, the Learning Center constructed the Mill Bridge over Kinnikinnick Creek. Martha Boyd, Urban Initiative Program Director, Chicago Vision for the Future Moreover, Angelic Organics Learning Center and its foundational partner Angelic Organics farm took a giant step towards the future by forming the Angelic Organics Association (AOA). The Association is the new umbrella non-profit for the CSA farm and Learning Center and it serves as a community land trust. Our Vision 2030 plan, drafted seven years ago, emphasized protecting our land base in perpetuity for Biodynamic and organic agriculture, farming education and land conservation. With the formation of the Association, the organization is well on its way to making that goal a reality. The Association’s purpose is to ensure that future generations have the same access to life-giving vegetables and life-changing educational programs that people enjoy today. In addition to protecting several hundred acres of land, the Association’s umbrella structure will invite new enterprises to serve the common mission of the CSA farm and Learning Center. One such new enterprise is our planned Residential Educational Center, a 48-bed ecological facility with commercial kitchen and meeting hall. Through this enterprise, the organization can double the number of youth and adults served and create opportunities for long-term, meaningful experiences on the farm. There is a call to put 10,000 new sustainable local farmers on the land in our region by 2020. To be successful as farms and stewards, they will need a million new eaters to support them via CSAs, farmers markets, and grocers. The Learning Center is here to support both farmers and eaters to build a healthy and vibrant local food economy! Randy Mermel, On-Farm Educator Angelic Organics Learning Center, Inc. 2013 Financial Information Source of Funds: January 1 through December 31, 2013 Condensed Statement of Financial Position Jan 1, 2013 through Dec 31, 2013 ASSETS Current Assets Fixed Assetts TOTAL ASSETS 535,712 516,398 $1,052,110 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Long-term Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES 72,580 68,557 $ 141,137 NET ASSETS Unrestricted - Undesignated Unrestricted - Designated Temporarily Restricted TOTAL NET ASSETS 690,309 82,864 137,800 $ 910,973 TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS $1,052,110 Condensed Statement of Activities Jan 1, 2012 through Dec 31, 2012 Program Revenue 12% Government Grants 33% Individual Gifts & Special Events 13% Corporate, Foundation & Community Grants 42% Use of Funds: January 1 through December 31, 2013 REVENUES AND SUPPORT Individual Gifts & Special Events Program Revenues Sale of Merchandise (net) Other Program Revenue Grants Income Corporations, Foundations & Community Groups Government Grants Miscellaneous & Interest TOTAL REVENUES AND SUPPORT 509,975 406,603 12,818 $1,182,300 EXPENSES Program Services Management and General Fundraising TOTAL EXPENSES 818,800 248,336 104,897 $1,171,443 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS NET ASSETS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR NET ASSETS AT END OF YEAR $ 67,990 $ 842,983 $ 910,973 155,226 11,045 137,800 Fundraising 9% Management & General 21% Educational Programs 70% Thank you to . . . Individual Donors Anonymous (8) Susan Agate and Michael Slutsky Joseph and Ann Marie Arden Alphonse and Anna Arias Richard Assmus Linda Balek Andrea Bare Judy Barnard Elizabeth Bentkowski Marianne Benveniste Linda Berna Ethlyn Berner Susan Besson Jane R. Bilger and Andrew I. Philipsborn Christopher Blanchard Sarah Boehm Judith Boehmer Jeannie Boutelle Richard Boyd Sean and Michelle Brady Judy Bramson Elizabeth Brawley Benjamin and Alison Brown Julie Brown and Steve Schneck Valerie Burlingame Conor Butkus Jean Butzen and Jim Strickler Antinieata Caicedo Pamela Callahan and John Walte Mike and Donna Calwas Arnie Carey Rose Carey Moinor Ceres Foundation Heather Chvojka Laurie Cohen Carol Conklin Benton Cook Rena Cotsones Debra Crockett and Bill Conover Richard and Marcia Crockett Thomas Daley and David Svehla Amy Davis and Lee Nagan Jackie DeBatista Julie Denham Nancy Dennett William M. Doyle, Jr. Jacqueline Drake Kim Duchossois E-B Foundation Jay and Karen Eckensberger EF Harris Family Foundation Christine Eischen John Emrich Linda Forman Ewa Fudala Gerry and Diane Gajos Janet Gamble Wendi Garringer Susan Gayford Janet Gerske Virginia Gibbons Carl and Hanna Gilmore Brian and Jenny Gleichauf Ginger Goral Susan Gordon Tara Lamb, Development Coordinator, IT Manager & Laura Wetter, Manager of Foundation and Government Relations Dominic Green and Jessica Swoyer Green Roger and Carolyn Greenlaw Nancy Griffin Sharon Grimm and Stacey Horn Lisa Haderlein and Tom Cubr John and Marison Hakanson Joe Hanley and Kelly Murawski Kristen Hayden Debby Henning Roger and Patricia Higgins Charlene Hild Shirley Hilzinger Mark and Lupita Holley Jeffrey and Elizabeth Holmertz John and Kelly Hoogenakker Shilpa Hosler Margaret Howard Kathy Hurley Barbara Jenkin Anna-Lise Jensen Cynthia Job Sarah Job Melani John Kelly Johnson Melissa Jones Morten Jorgensen and Family Nancy Juda and Jens Brasch Miranda Junge Jeff Kott and Amanda Kaleta-Kott Joanne Kalnitz and Marshall Sorkin Sean Kaplan Sharone Kaplan Gordon and Anna Kaye Tara Keating and Frank Gellen James and Pamela Keeling Helen Kessler Anurag and Meghan Khaitan Mary Lammert Khoury and Rob Khoury Induk Kim and Ilter Saygin Tracy Kjell Joel Koplos Krause Family Giving Fund Michael and Kristen Krause Altfrid and Susan Krusenbaum Monica Krysztopa Lisa Kueng Josephine Kujawinski Michael Laidlaw and Tammy Ball Tara Lamb and Jason Ward Warren and Susan Lammert Beth Lange and William Martin Susan Lannin Thomas Lariviere Rebecca Lavigne and Dan Kapner Kent Lawrence Paul and Eileen LeFort Amy Lehman Karen Lehman Maarit Lehtovuori Paul Lenczuk Mary LePlante Alexis Leverenz Mary Francis Linzer Christopher and Martina Mann Avaneesh and Minni Marwaha Michelle Maton and Michael Schaeffer Laura McAlpine and Jean Kracher Kevin McCarthy Mark and Nancy McClelland Matt McIndoo James and Kate McNabb Judy McQueary Tom and Nancy Melvin Jenny Meyer Carol Mikucki Steve Miller Jacqualine Mitchel Luigi Montalbano Iris Moore . . . all whose contributions in 2013 helped us to build a healthy local food system! Donna Mrugala Robert Neustadt and Mary Radostits Jim Niehoff and Jolie Macier Bonnie Nield Sunnie Niklaus Dan and Linda Nitzsche Lila Nonevski John and Merilee Novinson Julie Oberweis and Josh Manion Kathryn O’Connell Kathleen O’Donnell Jeff Orduno Diane Palanica Bob Palmer Alison Parker Olivia Patterson-Blake Tom Perry John and Haidy Peterson Jeff Pines and Mary Samerdyke Frank and Thea Polancic Lisa Polasky Alex Poltorak Stefanie Pressl Sam Ramirez Ellen Ray and Ty Mulroy Tim Regan Robert Rehor Boyd Rice and Karin Wagner Carla Riggs Candie Rink Janice Rodgers Elvia Rodriguez James and Elizabeth Roghair Barbara Rose and S. Neil Peck Linda Rosecranz Amanda Ruch and Jason Evans John and Mary Rudzinski Yoshihiro and Meggen Saka Paula Samerdyke Mike Sands Heather SanJuan Andy Scaife and Erica Duguid Peter and Alice Schaff Meg Schaul Christopher Schimmel Elizabeth Schinazi Michael and Patricia Schneider Kathy Schoening Jim and Eva Schuchardt David Schweickart Murtaza Schmeem Robert Shatkin Jim Siama Julie Simpson and Bob Heuer Mary Sinclair Jameson Skaife William and Julianne Snively Naomi Sobel and Diana Doty Tom Spaulding and Neddy Astudillo Sara Stevenson and Mark Breen Ava and Alistair George Stewart Freedman/Stillerman Family Sandra Streed Ken Swoyer Joan Taylor Ronald and Fleur Testa Steve Tiwald and Karen Hutt Kathleen Toohill and David Perlman Katie Townsend Tedd Snowden, Market Manager Urban Initiative, Rockford Jody Trendler Greg and Mary Tuite Michael Uram Ginger Van de Velde William Vancrey Michael Vettraino Michael and Mindy Viamontes Beth and Paul Von Driska David and Nancy Voss Voss Charitable Family Giving Fund Linda Wagner Don Wedd and Lisa Rademacher Lenae Weichel Mari Weikel and Ken Thomson Laura Wetter Joanne Weidemann-Wolf and David Wolf Tracy Wik Paul Williams Elizabeth Wohlleb Lynn Wolff Joan Zahorik John and Linda Zanieski Edward and Megan Zastawny David Zinan Donations from . . . Anderson-Blubaugh, in honor of Penny Blubaugh Alphonse and Anna Arias, in honor of Sophia Arias Mrs. Tammy Ball, in honor of Lloyd W. Ruesink Sandra and Chris Cantwell, in honor of Malorie Brown Richard Duchossois, in honor of Dominic and Jessica Green Dayle & Ed Duchossois-Fortino, in honor of the Dominic Green Family Dominic and Jessica Green, in memory of Wendy Adelson and Ann Lenezuk Stacey Horn and Sharon Grimm, in honor of Alison Parker and Alex Needham and chickens everywhere Patrick Healy, in honor of Constance McCarthy Will Heelan, in memory of Patricia Heelan Janine Hoft, in honor of Linda Wagner and Barbara Rose Jackie and Ann Kaplan-Perkins, in honor of Dimitra’s 50th birthday Barbara Laing, in honor of Laura McAlpine Susan and Warren Lammert, in celebration of Mary Khoury’s birthday Craig Lancaster, in honor of Patti Lancaster Mary Jane Lewis, in memory of Lester and Anna Peterson Satch Ludington, in honor of Joanne Wiedemann-Wolf and David Wolf Laura McAlpine and Jeanne Kracher, in honor of Hazel McAlpine Thomas Neberieza and Carolyn Handler, in honor of Joanne Wiedemann-Wolf Nancy Quintana, in memory of Richard Quintana Ilter Saygin and Induk Kim, in memory of Sadan Erol Dianna and John Sherman, in honor of Constance McCarthy Carrol Smith, in honor of Dr. Penny L. Smith-Kerker Marilyn Vancrey, in honor of David Wolf and Joanne Wiedemann-Wolf In Kind Donations 2013 Chef Johnny Anderes Angelic Organics Best Events Blackhawk Buddy House John Chapin The Chicagoist Digital Hub Chef Paul Fehribach Brian and Jenny Gleichauf Rebecca Haldeman Chef Jason Hammel Tracy Kjell KOVAL Distillery Chef Scott Manley Iris Moore New Holland Brewery Mike Nowak Chef Chris Pandel Alison Parker and Alex Needham Rosenberg and Associates, LLC Sandhill Family Farms Judy Speer Chef Paul Virant Foundations, Community Organizations, & Businesses AARP InnoCentive Challenge Award The Boeing Company The Bramson Charitable Trust The Brico Fund The Ceres Foundation The Chiditarod Foundation Clif Bar Family Foundation Digital Hub Dr. Scholl Family Foundation Farm Aid Follett Corporation Fourth Presbyterian Church of Chicago Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation General Mills Foundation Harvey S. Miller Foundation Honeybee Foundation J. R. Albert Foundation James and Pamela Keeling/Green Passthrough Fund of the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois Kiwanis Club of Rockford LeFort-Martin Fund The Leo S. Guthman Fund Liberty Prairie Foundation New Visions Foundation Octane Interlounge Organic Valley Patagonia Chicago Presbyterian Hunger Program of the PCUSA The Presbytery of Chicago Rockford Housing Authority S. Neil Peck and Barbara Rose Gift Fund The Searle Funds of The Chicago Community Trust United Way of Rock River Valley Walter S. Mander Foundation Whole Foods Market, Lincoln Park Government Grants United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, Farmers Market Promotion Program USDA, National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Development Program United States Department, National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), Community Food Projects Volunteers, 2013 Thank you to the numerous volunteers who donated their time and talent in 2013. We appreciate all of you! Danica Hoehn, Program Director, Urban Initiative (Rockford) Jackie Kaplan-Perkins, Director of Development & Communications Kathy Kelley, Accountant/Human Resources Director Tara Lamb, Development Coordinator, IT Manager Adrian Landeros, Groundskeeper, Livestock Assistant Berta Jurado Landeros, Livestock Assistant, Soapmaker Kellie Laurson, On Farm Program and Office Administrator Jenny Meyer, Program Director, Farmer Training Initiative Jeff Orduno, Operations and Business Director L. Anton Seals Jr., Project Coordinator, Urban Initiative (Chicago) Tedd Snowden, Market Manager (Rockford) Tom Spaulding, Executive Director Katie Townsend, Urban Farm Educator Laura Wetter, Manager of Foundation and Government Relations Liz Whitehurst, Program Director, On Farm Initiative Board of Directors, 2013 Constance McCarthy, President Joanne Aggens, Director Joseph Arden, Director Janet Gamble, Vice President Dominic Green, Director Mary Lammert Khoury, Secretary Margaret Nelson, Director John Peterson, President Emeritus Dale Reeves, Director Ava George Stewart, Director Kathleen Toohill, Director Tom Spaulding, Director, non-voting Staff, 2013 Shelbie Blank, Farmer Training Program Assistant Martha Boyd, Program Director, Urban Initiative (Chicago) Jessie Crow Mermel, Communications Coordinator Deb Crockett, Senior Program Director Sheri Doyel, Program Facilitator, Farmer Training Initiative Spencer Ellsworth, Urban Farm Manager Justin Farr, Farm Finance Program Coordinator Rebecca Halderman, Farmer Training Program Assistant April Morris, On-Farm Educator On Farm Educators, 2013 Jessie Crow Mermel Cyndi Duda Amanda Holmes Dave Kostka Randy Mermel April Morris Mary Rudzinski We apologize for any errors or omissions. For inquiries, email Denise Stennis at donate@learngrowconnect.org All photographs, layout, and design by Jessie Crow Mermel OUR PARTNERS Advocates for Urban Agriculture (AUA) Angelic Organics CSA Farm Blackhawk Buddy House California FarmLink Comprehensive Community Solutions, Inc. Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training (CRAFT) Chicago Botanic Gardens Chicagoland Chicken Enthusiasts Elihu Yale Elementary School Chicago (CPS) Farm Beginnings Collaborative The Farm Business Development Center at Prairie Crossing Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois Illinois Stewardship Alliance The Land Connection The Land Stewardship Project Lutheran Social Services of Illinois, Inc. Michael Fields Agricultural Institute The Montessori School of Englewood Real Men Charities, Inc. Rockford Housing Authority Rockford Park District Rock Valley College Tinker Swiss Cottage and Museum Zion Outreach We are grateful to many other collaborators in our work, including numerous farms, schools, networks, individuals and other community organizations. Chris Voss, Growing Manager & Kellie Laurson, On-Farm Program and Office Administrator On Cover (from left): Yatte Moore, Adult Apprentice, Mckenzie Lewis, Youth Leader, Moo Ku Paw & Bu Seh Thaw, Adult Apprentices w w w. l e a r n g r o w c o n n e c t . o r g 1547 Rockton Rd. Caledonia IL 61011 - 815.389.8455 1647 W. Fulton St. Chicago IL 60612 - 312.243.5151 110 N. First St. Rockford IL 61107 - 815.963.2131