October 2011 - East Coast Antique Tractor Club


October 2011 - East Coast Antique Tractor Club
g Dates…
November 9, 20
19, 2011
ATC Chri
East Coast Antique Tractor Club
PO Box 2286
Seabrook NH 03874
October 2011 Newsletter Deerfield Fair
October 2011 Newsletter ”DOING BUSINESS WITH A MEMBER!”
ECATC Minutes–10/12/11
Call to Order & Welcome: President Rosencrantz called the meeting to order at 7:35
President Rosencrantz thanked everyone who participated in the fair for all their hard
work in making the clubs display one of the best. He said he received multiple
comments about the great display this year from the general public and fair committee
Minutes: Minutes from the September meeting. Motion was made, seconded and
approved to accept the September minutes as printed in the August/September
Treasurer’s Report: Trudy read the treasurers report. A motion was made to accept the
treasurers report as read, it was seconded and approved.
Club Announcements
Fall pull is October 16th- Hot potluck dishes and deserts, club will provide hamburgers
and hot dogs.
Pull will be held rain or shine.
Applecrest Fall plow day is Sunday October 23, contact Dave Tilton
Nominations for officers and Directors- The following nominations were made and
Officers- President- Jim Rosencrantz, VP-Peter Rousseau, 2nd VP- Barry Moore, SecMegan Megrath, TreasurerHistorian- Blanche Levesque.
Directors- there are five slots open for directors. 4 are two year terms and 1 is a 1 year
term to fill the seat vacated by Pat Dozibrin. She resigned her position as director on
October 3rd.
Nominees for directors are as follows;
1 year term
Mark Nickerson
2 year term
Nick Brett, Barry Cooley, Roger LaPlante, Brian Matarozzo and Cliff Tilton
Christmas party tickets are available this evening, see Russ or Trudy- 25.00 each Green
Gate- Nov. 19, bring a gift for male or female, $10.00 value
Salem Parade is November 27th.
Cheryl will no longer be compiling the newsletter or maintaining the website as of
2012, if anyone is interested in taking this over, please see Megan.
Committee Reports- explain each committee briefly for new members
Deerfield Fair committee- Jim again thanked everyone for a successful
display at this years fair. The club has already received the check from the fair
for $3,800.00, Megan gave this to Trudy this evening. Ralph Capobianco
expressed concern about members entering the cooking area before food was
ready and his tractor/orchard sprayer being moved to a different display area
without his knowledge. Jim explained that displays are arranged and
Your Business Card could be here!
Contact Trudy Tilton, Club Treasurer today!
To place your business card here for a year ($25) please contact Trudy Tilton, Club Treasurer.
2011 Club Officers
Jim Rosencrantz, President 765.8235
Dave Tilton, Vice President 603.898.7122
Barry Moore, Second Vice President 978.948.2549
Megan Megrath, Secretary 978.948.2823
Trudy Tilton, Treasurer 603.898.7122
Blanche Levesque, Historian 603.421.9678
NOVEMBER 9, 2011
JD # 5 Mower- $500.00
Contact George Carr; 603-942-7773, cell 603-731-1537
Posted 10/16/11
JD Trailer Plows, Two and Three bottom, $300.00 and $400.00 each
Contact George Carr; 603-942-7773, cell 603-731-1537
Posted 10/16/11
JD Model M Tractor, $900.00
Contact George Carr; 603-942-7773, cell 603-731-1537
Posted 10/16/11
JD Model A Tractor, wide front end, long frame, $1000.00
Contact George Carr; 603-942-7773, cell 603-731-1537
Posted 10/16/11
John Deere 1936 short frame Model B, spoke wheels,
Serial # 312257, $3995.00
Contact Jim Rosencrantz, 603-765-8235
Posted 10/19/11
John Deere 1937 long frame Model B, spoke wheels,
Serial # 42229, $3995.00
Contact Jim Rosencrantz, 603-765-8235
Posted 10/19/11
John Deere 1953 Model 50, on steel wheels
$ 2495.00
Contact Jim Rosencrantz, 603-765-8235
Posted 10/19/11
Simplicity Auto, Model 3416, Riding Mower-$450.00.
Contact George Carr; 603-942-7773, cell 603-731-1537
Posted 9/16/11
John Deere B, rear flat spoke wheels, styled, serial # 73707, $2300.00.
Contact George Carr; 603-942-7773, cell 603-731-1537
Posted 9/16/11
1947 John Deere D, serial # 178208, needs rear tires, $2200.00.
Contact George Carr; 603-942-7773, cell 603-731-1537
Posted 9/16/11
4010 John Deere Industrial Tractor, with a 4020 update kit, rebuilt motor, serial #
401021T35032, $ 7900.00.
Contact George Carr; 603-942-7773, cell 603-731-1537
Posted 9/16/11
Super 55 Oliver, wide front, $2600.00.
Contact George Carr; 603-942-7773, cell 603-731-1537
Posted 9/16/11
Please send email to info@ecatc.org to post your ad.
rearranged for safety reasons, and the safety of the public is our number one
Megan reported that the club grossed $987.00 in sales, memberships and
donations at the fair.
Total profit from the fair was $747.25.
Old Business
1. Club logo- no new submissions
2. Club attire – see Jeff –
3. No other old business
New Business
1. President Rosencrantz read a letter from the NH FFA requesting our support, this
was tabled until the next meeting.
2. Old iron calendars $5.00 each, get yours tonight, 33 left
3. Pictures for 2012 club calendar lottery-Megan meet with Pat, she has the photos and
there are 39 photo submissions from 15 members. Pat has collected $78.00 so far.
There will be a lottery style drawing for the photos to go into the calendar at the
October 16th pull. Megan passed around an order sheet to better gauge interest in the
calendars. No one signed up to purchase any.
4. Any suggestions as to things the club could do or participate in?
5. Kimball Farm display at one of their fall festivals, it appears the clubs schedule is full
for the rest of the fall.
6. Any items you wish to submit for October newsletter see Megan.
Tabled Items
Donation to the FFA
Please thank Jim Rosencrantz, Blanche Levesque and Don Simard for this evening’s
refreshments. Bob & Megan Megrath will be providing refreshments at the November
Motion for adjournment at 8:35 pm, followed by 50/50 raffle.
Winner of the 50/50 raffle was Bob Megrath, $33.00??
Scarecrow donated by Don Sowa, won by Barbara Capobianco
Pumpkin donated by Brian Matarozzo, won by Don Sowa
Potpourri donated by Barbara Capobianco, won by Cliff Tilton
2 John Deere signs donated by Barry Moore, won by Russ Levesque
Respectfully submitted,
Megan Megrath
ECATC October 1, 2011
Beginning balance September 1, 2011
Internal Revenue Service
R. Capobianco
Food for Deerfield Fair
Emblem & Badge
Burchell award
$ 6478.75
2 memberships
Ending balance September 30, 2011
$ 5928.18
Beginning balance September 1, 2011
$ 3390.20
50/50 9/14/2011
Ending balance September 30, 2011
$ 3436.48
Total combined balance
$ 9364.66
Club Announcements Nominations for officers and directors took place at the October 12th meeting, they are as follows; Officers; 1 year term President‐ Jim Rosencrantz Vice President‐Peter Rousseau 2nd Vice President‐ Barry Moore Secretary‐ Megan Megrath Treasurer‐ Brian Matarozzo‐ International Harvester N07 Corn binder Tom Raitt‐ Hit‐and‐Miss engines; 1924 Witte 5hp‐ Type B, 1939 McCormick Deering LA 3‐5 hp Tom Stephens‐ Hit‐and‐ Miss engines, 1898 Fairbanks Morse Standard 5hp (rare), Bower Corn grinder c. 1900, 1910 and 1911 Woodpecker 6 hp, 1911 Sears & Roebuck Economy 2hp, 1919 Stover 1 ½ hp, 1926 Sandwich 3hp, 1920 Fairbanks Morse Z 3hp, Hildreth Brothers power axe (up & down wood splitter) c 1910 +‐ 5 years, Gould Pyramid water pump, hand water pump and a corn shucker. If we have inadvertently left your name or your tractor off the list, we apologize. Please let us know so that we may correct our error. Thank You. Historian‐ Blanche Levesque Directors‐ 5 openings; 1‐ 1 year term (to replace Pat Dozibrin who resigned October 3, 2011) Mark Nickerson for the 1 year term 4‐ two year terms Nick Brett, Barry Cooley, Roger LaPlante, Brian Matarozzo and Cliff Tilton Elections will take place at the November 9th Club meeting, @ J.R. Rosencrantz and Sons, Kensington, NH, 7:30 p.m. The Dave Burchell Award was given out at the Fall Pull this year. Congratulations to Jim Cooney Sr. and Jim Cooney Jr., this years winners of the Dave Burchell Award. The Cooney’s are always present at club events, plow day’s, pulls and the Deerfield Fair. Thank you Jim and Jim for your dedication to the club! The club calendar is now on its way to the printer. Winning photographs were drawn by lottery at the club pull on Sunday, October 16th. There were 41 photos submitted from 17 different members. Congratulations to the following winners; Robert Batchelder, Nick Brett, George Buxton, Ralph Capobianco, Alan Chapman, Dave Lane, Gary Marique, Bob Megrath, Tom Reed, Jim Rosencrantz, Ken Sim and David Tilton. The calendars should be available at the Christmas Party and I believe the price will be the same as last year. Christmas party tickets are available at the monthly meetings and the fall pull. Tickets are 25.00 per person. The party will be held at the Green Gate Inn in Exeter, NH on Saturday, November 19th. Please see Russ Levesque or Trudy Tilton to get your tickets. ECATC will be celebrating its 20th Anniversary in 2012. We need old photographs of club events we would like to make an anniversary calendar for 2012. So if you have any photos from club outings, plow days, parades, etc, please loan them to a committee member. Also any information you would like to share pertaining to the history of the club would be most appreciated, thank you to all those who have contributed so far. Notice: We need some volunteers to take the lead on this project. Perhaps we need to postpone the celebration until the 25th anniversary. ECATC Fall Pull - October 16, 2011
Time for a New Club LOGO????? The suggestion has been mad that the club needs a new logo, The new logo can be used for the 20th Anniversary. Voting on the new logo will take place at a future meeting. There have been four ideas submitted so far, anyone have any more ideas??? I will reprint the logos in the November newsletter. ATTENTION!!!! Future of the club Newsletter and Website As of January 2012, Cheryl Bernier will no longer be available to maintain the website and format the newsletter. For those members that do not know, Cheryl created the newlsetter format that we currently have and designed the clubs website. Thank you Cheryl, for presenting club information in a professional format for past 9 years. With the loss of Cheryl, volunteers will be needed starting in January of 2012 for the maintanence of the club’s website. It is currently done using Microsoft Front Page. Anyone with this software or interested in maintaining the website please contact Megan Megrath @ 978‐948‐2823. Also, if members wish to continue to receive the clubs newsletter in a booklet format as it is now, we need a volunteer who has Microsoft Publisher software. This volunteer would be receiving and formating material submitted for the newsletter into a booklet and sending it along to the volunteer who is currently making the copies of the newsletter. Please contact Megan Megrath if interested. It was a beautiful, sunny, fall day for the club pull on Sunday ,October 16th. Some members said it was the best pull ever. The pull was well attended by close to 70 people, who between them brought a mix of 26 tractor makes and models for pulling. In other words, there was a very nice color assortment. As usual attendees packed the food tables with plentiful, delicious food. Thank you to all who participated! And yes, at the end of the pull, when the boat was loaded to the max with blocks, the Presidents 1959 JD 730 had to be used as the pull back tractor. The 730 replaced the 2011 JD 4WD, with cab, Model 7230 pull back tractor………….I seem to recall this happened last year also. Editors note: I was informed that if the Model 7230 tires had been loaded and the tractor had the proper ballast, there would have been no difficulty using it to the end as the pull back tractor. Cliff & Belle Tilton‐ 1940 Ford 9 N and a 1947 Farmall H David Tilton‐ 1947 and a 1948 Farmall Cub Ron Turner‐ 1960 John Deere 440 Crawler On loan‐ Farmall F‐20 Working displays and equipment Nick Brett‐ 1937 International Model 15 Hay Press Ralph Capobianco‐ 1920’s Hardie Orchard Sprayer, 1911 Maytag washing machine Barry Cooley‐ Axes, Barrel stave, box of Bits and Brace, Brass fire extinguisher and water pump, 3 gal. Butter Churn, two Cream separators, a DeLaval #15 floor model and a Montgomery Wards table top model No 45, ice pick/pusher, Lawn edger, Metal scale, 1932 Hood small milk can and numerous milk cans, bottles, caps, bottle capper, cartons, carriers, late 1940’s insulated milk container, pail and racks, 19th century milk storage container, Three Peavey’s, Pulley block, Pulp hooks, Rope and tackle, Numerous metal and wooden buck, cross cut and ice saws, Soldering irons, Tamper, Vegetable slicer, two Wooden measuring buckets, ice cream maker. Jim Cooney‐ Chase Shingle Mill East Coast Antique Tractor Club‐ Cider Press Doug Kimball, a.k.a. “Dennis the Menace”‐ Hit‐and‐Miss engines; a 1915 Foos Jr. 6hp and a Friction Drive Siren with ½ a thumb, Hobbs Ferris wheel driven by a modified 1920’s friends pump engine modified by Don Hoxie Ed Kolhase‐ 1943 Celery planter Norbert Hilton‐ 1948 Farmall Low Boy Samantha Knowles‐ 1945 Farmall A, a.k.a “Bubblegum” Frank Knowles‐ Two‐ 1948 Gibson D’s Ed Kohlhase‐ 1950 John Deere B Brian Matarozzo‐1930 McCormick Deering 1020 and a 1939 Farmall A Mike Mikell‐ 1949 John Deere B Ed Nichols‐ 1922 Tracson F 1020, 1924 Fordson F 1020, 1940 Ford Ferguson 9N, 1946 Massey Harris 30 Andy O’Book & Peter Elshout‐ 1945 John Deere H Bill Paskiewicz‐ 1951 Famall Super C Billy Pepe‐ Cub Cadet 70 Tom Reed‐ 1955 Farmall 300 Kevin Rosencrantz‐ 1952 John Deere R Jim Rosencrantz‐ 1959 John Deere 330, 430, 530, 730, 830, and a 1968 Oliver 2150. Peter Rousseau‐ 1947 Farmall W‐6, 1948 Ford 8N, 1950 Farmall M, 1953 Farmall Super C and a 1956 International Industrial 2424 Adam Sicard‐ Farmall BN and a Farmall W4 Don Simard‐ 1962 Ford 2000 row crop Don Sowa‐ 1952 Ford 8N What’s Happening at ECATC?
Want to participate in or volunteer at a club function?
Come and join other club members at the following
functions. Don’t have a tractor or want to bring
one….help is always needed with set up and clean up,
potluck food, etc,……….. check below for more
details. Don’t forget spouses and family members are
always welcome.
When: November 19th
What: ECATC Christmas Party
Where: Green Gate Inn, Exeter, NH
Contact: Russ Levesque, 603-421-9678
Food: buffet, per ticket
Tentative start time: 6:30 pm
When: November 27th
What: Salem Christmas Parade
Where: Salem, NH
Contact: Dave Tilton, 603-898-7122
Food: on your own
Tentative start time:
Staging Area:
check with contact for latest info
Help needed to set up:
Up Coming Events
November 2011
November 19, ECATC Annual Christmas Party- Green Gate Inn, Exeter,
NH, Contact: Russ Levesque, 603-421-9678
November 27, Holiday Parade, Salem, NH, Contact: Dave Tilton, 603-8987122
December 2011
December 4, Rye Christmas Parade, Rye NH, Contact: Ed Kolhase
December 11, Southern Maine Christmas Parade- Wells, ME, Contact:
2011 Deerfield Fair Members rose to the challenge and hauled in 73 tractors, 11 hit‐and‐
miss engines and assorted pieces of farming equipment and tools from all over New England. Again this year, in exchange for the club exhibiting and holding plow days, Applecrest Farm in Hampton Falls, NH who donated a total of 12 bushels of apples, 25 mums and 24 pumpkins. The club would also like to thank Hogs Hill Farm in Kensington, NH and Brian Matarozzo, who donated the corn stalks. The club would also like to thank the Tractor Supply Store in Chichester, NH and the Blue Seal Store in Derry, NH for their donation of corn for grinding, the Coca‐
Cola Company, Seabrook, NH for their donation to the club of soft drinks and Andy O’Book who donated several packages of chicken legs and sausages. The fair committee once more created a brochure including a schedule of events and an exhibit map to aid the public in enjoying our display. The fair committee received many positive comments in regards to the number of tractors, working exhibits and demonstrations. A big thank you to the dedicated sales staff of Andy O’Book, and Blanche Levesque, with the assistance of Barbara Capobianco and Rita Carr and Peter Elshout who signed up 7 new members at this year’s fair. The total profit in sales of cookbooks and calendars was $509.25. Including memberships, and donations the club raised $747.25 at this years fair. Without the tireless dedication of the 81 club members that hauled in tractors, set up exhibits, worked the exhibits, staffed the sales table, cooked meals, donated food, educated the general public, and broke down the exhibit after the fair, none of this would have been possible. A great big thank you to all who helped out during the fair! Tractors displayed at this years fair. Robert Batchelder‐ 1939 John Deere B Nick Brett – 1923 and 1925 McCormick Deering 10‐20, 2‐1929 McCormick Deering 15‐30’s, 1930 McCormick Deering 15‐30, 1936 McCormack Deering W 30 and a 1936 McCormick Deering WK40 Ken Brown ‐ 1937 F12 Farmall wide front end George Buxton‐ 1938 Viking Twin garden tractor and a 1951 Farmall Cub Ralph Capobianco‐ 1944 Allis Chalmers B, and a 1951 Ford 9N George Carr‐ 1937 John Deere AO Streamline Barry Cooley‐ 1951 International Cub low boy and a John Deere LX 176 Scott Cooley‐1953 Allis Charmers B James Cooney Senior and Junior‐ 1946 Farmall H, 1948 Farmall A, 1948 Gibson D, and a 1964 International Cub Roy Crane‐ 1949 John Deere BW John Gamble‐ 1948 Case VA, and a 1946 Allis Charmers C Ted & Jill Girard‐ 1929 Farmall H, 1937 Farmall F 12, 1940 Farmall BN, 1942 Farmall H on steel with cultivator, 1946 Farmall H on duals, 1949 Farmall H, 1950 Farmall H, 1953 Farmall Super C, 1954 Farmall Super M, 1954 Farmall Super H, and a 1964 Farmall Cub.