The Tractor Tread - Tri-County Two


The Tractor Tread - Tri-County Two
The Tractor Tread
Tri-County Two-Cylinder Club of Michigan Newsletter
July / August 2015
Volume 1, Issue 9
Letter from Sam
Sam Brabant,
Bruce Park, Interim President
Bob Youtsey, Vice-President
Candice Youtsey, Secretary
Eileen Jones, Treasurer
Washtenaw County Directors
Bruce Park
Larry Simmons
Wayne County Directors
August Wallman
Brian Shephard
When will it ever end? This reminds me of the old rhyme - “Rain, rain go away and
come back another day” (few weeks). Anyone who has walked the planet as long
as I have, can’t remember a rainy season quite like this year.
I’ve always tried to keep my garden looking good. Not this year, it’s so wet out
there, that if you try walking without boots, you’re going to get wet. Finally, it dried
enough for me to mow the weeds between the rows. Then I rototilled between
the rows, hoping to get a handle on the weeds.
As we travel around the area, many fields are showing signs of too much moisture
and it’s hard to get the fields dried off when the rivers and streams are over their
If it’s any consolation, at least our homes are not surrounded by high water. Ann
Arbor had over 7 inches of rain in the month of June while Lansing had over 9
inches. It could have been wetter. Parts of Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio had
over 15 inches of rain in June. Illinois had a state-wide average rainfall of 9.53
inches, making it the wettest June ever and second-wettest month ever. Just think
of all the money that could have been made if we could have redirected our surplus
to California.
Monroe County Directors
Paul Emerson
Robert Lange
Out-County Directors
Richard Prill
One thing about rainy days, it gives us a chance to get caught up on the
bookwork. As for me, I can write this article without wanting to get back
outside. All we can do is hope and pray the rest of the growing season provides
some degree of relief from the weather.
Sam / Barb Brabant
Paul Emerson
Welcome to “The Tractor Tread”, the
official newsletter of the Tri-County
Two-Cylinder Club of Michigan
Contact the Editor:
In this issue:
Letter from the President Rain, Rain, Go Away
News & Upcoming Events
July Club Show Flyer
For Sale, Want Ads &
John Deere Trivia
Could be worse - you could be one of these guys!
Club News - Great June Club Meeting & Parade!
On June 20th, the Club participated in the Annual Strawberry
Festival in Belleville, MI. This is the first time we were in this
parade. It was very well organized and had lots of entries. The
parade route wondered throughout the streets of Belleville and
ended up at the staging area. Thanks to Stephanie and Brian
Shephard for coordinating the Club’s entries. (See photo)
The Tri-County Two Cylinder Club held its June meeting at the
Darling Farm, where Members and friends gathered at 5:30 PM for a
potluck dinner. The length of two tables were covered with main course
dishes and lots of desserts. It was a rainy night, but the meeting was held
inside the pole barn. We overlooked the John Deere combine, two of
Elgin’s antique tractors and a collection of Dayton Darling’s toys.
Everyone was invited to check out the equipment and set in the driver’s
seat of the beast of a combine that dwarfed everything in the barn. The
meeting was very well attended with Doug Darling informing everyone
about the farming operation.
Doug covered many aspects of farming and took questions from members. As one person stated after the
gathering, “I could have listened to Doug for much longer”. Thanks to the Doug, Elgin, and Joanne for
hosting the meeting, setting up their tables and chairs and putting on a great program. (See Photo)
Upcoming Club Meetings & Events for 2015
July 25: Tri-County Two Cylinder Club show - Sumpter Hardware
July 26 - Aug 1: Monroe County Fair
Aug 1: Milan Summerfest at Wilson Park (car & tractor show)
Aug 13-16: Buckley Old Engine Show
Aug 21-23: Mid-Michigan Old Gas Tractor Assoc. Show, Oakley, MI
Aug 25-29: Chelsea Fair - Parade on Aug 29th
Aug 26-31: Saline Fair
Aug 26-30: Portland Antique Engine & Tractor Show
Sep 3: Directors’ Meeting - Eileen & Harry Jones’ Home
Sep 18 - 19: Romulus Pumpkinfest
Sep 26: Club Meeting at Milan United Methodist Church - 7:00 PM
We are asking that as many that can to bring their tractors to the Milan Summerfest. It is held
in Wilson Park next to the Fire Station in a very nice shaded area to display. In the past, there
have been about 100 old cars and some tractors. The show runs from 10:00 AM to 4:00
PM. There are food vendors on the grounds and ice cream social with a bake sale. Please let
me know if you are interested so I can let the planners know how many to plan on
(Sam @ 734 483-7599 or 734 218-6409).
Once again this year, Bruce & Judy Park are organizing the Club's participation in the Chelsea
parade. It's on Saturday, August 29th. Please let the Parks know if you plan to
participate. They provide a light lunch before the parade, so they need to know now many to
plan for. You can contact them at 734 475-2591. This is the best parade the Club has ever
been in, so don't set this one out.
For Sale / Want Ads
Got something you need to sell? Are you looking for something specific? Send your Ad or
“wanted” item to the Newsletter Editor
1939 John Deere “B”, flat spoke back rims, new tires, parade ready restoration. $3,200
Contact: Jim Hartford at 989-785-3843
1943 John Deere “A” Tractor - Call 734-796-0199
Send Ads to
IH Corn planter for sale asking $500. Pictures available. For more info please call Don Gamboe at 734-482-1210.
1929 Model A Ford Roadster Pickup truck. Fully restored ten +/- years ago. Painted green and black, wooden side boards. Beautiful vehicle: $17,500 Pictures available, Call Paul: 734-439-8589
1940s Era - John Deere -Van Brunt trip lift grain drill, with fertilizer bin, seed bin and hay/small seed bin! Manuals and application charts available - on 4 ft.
steel wheel wheels. It has always been stored inside building. $900 - Call Paul: 734-439-8589
1950 Era - John Deere 2 row cultivator for hydraulic “rocker shaft” lift with “quick-attach”. $200 - Call Paul: 734-439-8589
1935 Era - John Deere 2 row cultivator for Manual lift including lifting handle, etc. $200 - Call Paul: 734-439-8589
1940s Era - Silo Filler - Kapeck (?) - on steel wheels. always kept inside. $400 Call Paul: 734-439-8589
1940s era - John Deere - Van Burnt trip lift Field Cultivator - steel wheels - Complete - Can be restored to usable or show condition $600
Call Paul: 734-439-8589
1940s era - John Deere Hay Rake - on Steel wheels - all metal parts in working or restorable condition. Complete except needs new wooden tong. $600 Call Paul: 734-439-8589
Early John Deere 100 L & G tractor with new deck & a recent overhaul. Call Jack at 734 649-6150 to make an offer.
WANTED: A “PARTS” tractor and/or any attachments (front blade, plow, rototiller, etc.) for a 1975 JD210 Garden Tractor. Call Ken 734-384-3227,
WANTED: Wanted - Club members and friends to attend meetings - It's priceless!
WANTED: Does anyone know who might have a PTO-driven buzz saw that mounts to a tractor’s three-point hitch? Please contact August Wallman at
734-461-2315 or 734-502-3051.
Club Members - If you need new ag or trailer tires, Interstate batteries or tractor overhaul kits call Brad Neuhart to purchase at wholesale prices (734) 439-7939
John Deere Trivia
Did you correctly answer our June Newsletter trivia question?
What was the cutting width (inches) on the original JD 110 lawn tractor?
Answer: 38” - thanks to those who answered on our Facebook page too!
July / August Trivia Question:
What was the first two-cylinder series to offer yellow seat cushions?
The club has a few t-shirts, hats, and other club items for sale. There are a limited number and sizes of shirts available.
The $8 deal for a nice t-shirt can only be beaten by getting the 2nd and 3rd shirts at half price! Call the Brabants if you are
interested (734 483-7599). First come – First serve. Don’t miss out!
There will be no newsletter for the month of August. Thanks and check out our website or Facebook page for the latest!