to LEAVING a LEGACY - Redeemed Girl Ministries


to LEAVING a LEGACY - Redeemed Girl Ministries
A Sorority Girl’s Guide
Redeemed Girl Ministries
A Sorority Girl’s Guide
to Leaving a Legacy
“There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every
man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but
only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus”
— Blaise Pascal
ach of us is created for a personal relationship with God, our
Creator. The greatest longings, desires and needs of our hearts are
only satisfied in Him. So often, we turn to people, material things, and
other substitutes to try to fill the void that we experience when God is not
at the center of our lives. As Marian writes in Sex and the City Uncovered …
“ let’s be honest, women are flat-out looking for a love …
one that makes them feel whole, accepted, and complete.
This quest for love transcends dating relationships,
friendships, and even marriage, because even when all of
these are present, there is still an ache, emptiness, and a hole
in the soul that isn’t filled. So the search continues …”
very girl in your sorority is searching for the love and acceptance
that only Jesus can provide. She wants to feel the unconditional
love, peace, and joy that comes only from knowing Him, but she is most
likely looking for it in all the wrong places. Here’s the exciting news: God
can use you to share with her the amazing love, forgiveness, hope, joy, and
peace that come from knowing Jesus. You’re probably thinking “I don’t
know the first thing about leading my sisters to Christ.” That’s where we
come in. This guidebook was written to encourage you to live for Christ
and to assist you in leaving a legacy in your chapter. In this Leader Guide
you will find tools to help you share Christ with your sisters and grow your
own relationship with Jesus.
In this guidebook you will find:
Tips for Living Intentionally in your Chapter
Tips for Starting a Bible Study in your Sorority
Tips for your Personal Quiet Time
Tips for Praying for your Sorority Sisters
p. 5
p. 13
p. 16
p. 20 / 22
A follower of Jesus Christ is called a disciple. As His disciple you love
Him, live for Him, learn from Him and lead others to Him. As a
Christian in your sorority, you are the light that points others to Jesus.
Leaving a legacy behind you begins with knowing your purpose. Each
disciple of Jesus is called to make other disciples. In Matthew 28:19 Jesus
tells us to, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” If you are a follower of
Jesus, you are called to share Him with your sisters and set the example for
others to follow. As you love and live for Jesus in your sorority, others will
see your faith and want to know Him.
“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am
the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never
walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
— John 8:12
The first step in leaving a leagacy is remembering your call to be a light
in the darkness. Jesus said, “Let your light shine before me in such a way
that they see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven.” Your
purpose in your sorority is to shine brightly for God’s glory so that others
can encounter Him through you.
Everyone knows that a girl in love is pretty hard to miss. She wants
everyone to know it and it is written all over her face! The same is true for
your relationship with God. When you love Jesus and live for Him, others
will take notice. By cultivating your own relationship with Jesus then you
will be better equipped to lead others and love the girls in your sorority.
To leave a lasting legacy, your relationship with Christ must take priority,
this is the greatest commandment.
“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your
heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’
This is the first and greatest commandment.”
— Mark 22:37-38
In this guidebook you will find tips for your personal prayer time and
quiet time. Additionally, Redeemed Girl provides free teaching podcasts
to encourage your relationship with Jesus and other resources to help you
grow in your faith. Visit We want to
encourage your walk with Jesus and help you live as His light in your sorority.
Leaving a legacy requires an eternal perspective. Translation: you only have
four short years of sorority life, so make the most of your time. Realizing
this truth will help you focus on what really matters. Be bold in sharing
your faith by stepping out of your comfort zone. Your life has great
purpose! You were made to have a relationship with God and to share His
message of freedom from sin. Ten years from now what other girls thought
of you won’t matter. What you wore won’t matter. The number of friends
you had won’t matter. Ultimately, what will matter in eternity is how you
lived for God’s glory. It will matter who you shared the love of Christ
with. Live with an eternal perspective! You have the chance to impact your
sisters’ lives for eternity!
“If you read history you will find that the Christians
who did the most for the present world were precisely
those who thought most of the next. It is since Christians
have largely ceased to think of the other world that they
have become ineffective in this [one].”
— C.S. Lewis
To leave a legacy, you must be intentional. Being intentional means to
purposefully act and live in a certain way in order to produce a desired outcome.
We must deliberately choose to live in such a way that every day, every hour,
every moment counts for Jesus. When you have encountered the love of God
you cannot walk away unchanged and unwilling to share. Be intentional about
sharing your faith and getting to know your sisters on a personal level.
Tips For Living
Intentionally In
Your Chapter
Utilize your Chapter Meeting as Ministry Opportunity: Ask your
Exec Board if you can make a short spiritual announcement during your
chapter meeting. Use this time to share a favorite quote or scripture and
let your sisters know that you are available to talk or pray for them. If your
executive board is resistant, pray about it, and choose your battles wisely.
Building relationships with the executive board is going to be a lot more
fruitful in the long run than reading a verse at chapter.
Pray for your Sisters: Ask God for specific names of girls to pray for, or
use your chapter’s roster to go down the list and pray intentionally for each
girl. One successful tool is to create a Gmail account specifically for prayer
requests (Ex: and let your sisters know that they
can e-mail personal prayer requests. Always reply back with encouraging
words and scripture that points them back to God’s word. Include that you
would love to meet up for coffee or to hangout.
“A radiant woman is one who lives intentionally by setting
her priorities according to her purpose to reflect the
radiance of Jesus”
Encourage your Sisters: Write scripture, encouragement, poems, or
quotes on sticky notes and post them throughout your sorority house.
“We can’t fall into the cultural traps of apathy and laziness,
or even the busyness that can take us away from
prioritizing Christ. We cannot waste our lives, missing
out on the high calling that God has for each one of us.”
INVITE your Sisters to Bible Study and Church: Most girls won’t even
go to the restroom alone, you can’t expect them to show up at a church
alone! Personally invite them and offer them a ride so they feel welcomed
and comfortable!
— Marian Jordan, Radiant, pg. 165
Live in the Sorority House/Hall: Living with unbelievers gives you daily
opportunities to build relationships and show them Christ’s love.
— Marian Jordan, Radiant pg. 164
Intentionally Build Relationships: Make it a priority to eat your meals at
the sorority house and sit with different people. Get to know your sisters!
Let them know that you care! Don’t just invite girls to bible study or other
campus ministry events, but invest in your sister’s life by getting coffee
with her, having a weekly ice-cream date, or going out to dinner. Share
your story and the gospel with her. If she is a Christian, share our vision
for your sorority with her.
Invest in New Members: Use your influence with New Members by
sharing your testimony at a New Member Meeting. Introduce yourself,
share what God has done in your life and how they can have a relationship
with Jesus, and let them know you’re always available to talk. Pass out
contact cards so girls can indicate if they are interested in talking with you
about beginning a relationship with Jesus.
Start a Book Club: Included in this package you received a free copy of
Sex and the City Uncovered by Marian Jordan. Thousands of college women
across America have come to Christ through reading this book. This has
proven to be an effective tool in reaching sorority women and God can use
you to reach your chapter for Christ simply by starting a book club. The
next few pages will explain in detail how to start and lead a book club in
your chapter.
Create a Strategic Plan for Reaching Your Sorority: If you don’t have a
vision, you won’t know what direction you’re going! Having a vision for your
sorority’s ministry will help you keep an eternal perspective and stay focused
on Jesus. The following questions will help you hold yourself accountable and
will help you put together a plan for reaching out to your chapter.
1) What is your plan for intentionally reaching out to girls?
2) Who is holding you accountable for sin and encouraging you
in your faith? Having close Christian friends who lovingly hold us
accountable to Christ-like character is very important.
3) Are you spending time praying specifically for your sisters?
4) Do you have an older, wiser woman to mentor you, such as a
campus ministry leader?
5) Are you growing in your faith by spending time with Jesus in
prayer, worship, and community?
6) Will your sister’s lives look any different as a result of you
being there?
7) When you leave after graduation who will you leave behind
you as a spiritual legacy? Challenge potential leaders to step up
and begin preparing themselves for leadership. If you are building
relationships with these girls outside of small group you should have an
idea of who is passionate about serving the Lord. Seek this girl out and ask
if she would like to learn more about how to leave a spiritual legacy. Teach
her everything in this guidebook!
A Word from Marian Jordan,
Founder of Redeemed Girl Ministries:
Dear Precious Sister in Christ,
Leading a small group book club or Bible study is
a great way for you and your sisters to grow deeper
in your faith together. I know this experience will
be life changing for you and for the other women
in your group. I so wish I could sit down with your
group for coffee and laugh and cry as you walk
through this season of life together.
I want to encourage you in the role you are taking on as a leader in your
sorority. Friend, it was in a small group setting that my life was truly
transformed. I was the girl “looking for love in all the wrong places” until
I found myself in a Bible study with a few other women who showed me
what it was like to know and follow Jesus. Small groups provide a place
where women can be honest, transparent, and most importantly real. I
pray that your book club will be a place where girls can discuss their hopes,
heartbreaks, and find healing for their hurts.
All book clubs look different. Some consist of 4 participants and others 40.
Some meet in coffee shops and classrooms, while others meet in sorority
houses or dorm rooms . You can get started by downloading a Leader
Guide for the book you would like to use. Visit
start-a-small-group to download each guide in PDF format. On the
website you will also find a link to download flyers for each book to
spread the word about your book club!
For His Glory,
Marian Jordan
Redeemed Girl Offers
Excellent Tools for
College Women
Each of Marian’s books are topical and provides opportunity for discussion
on issues that are relevant to young women. A free leader guides for each
book is available for download at
Sex & the City Uncovered:
Exposing the Emptiness and Healing the Hurt
In her first book, Sex and the City Uncovered, she writes,
“A painful existence of ‘looking for love in all the wrong
places’ is hidden behind images of couture fashion, witty
dialogue, and beautiful people. I know this to be true
because I’ve lived it.” A former party girl with her own personal stories
of hookups, hangovers, and heartbreaks, Marian now speaksto women
nationwide about the unfailing love that she has found in Jesus. Her book
will help struggling women everywhere fill their hearts with this same joy.
Wilderness Skills for Women:
How to Survive Heartbreak and Other FullBlown-Melt Downs
From Moses to Jesus, so many heroes of the Bible had to
endure some type of wilderness season in their life, a time
of testing that was painful to endure but ultimately brought
glory to God. In Wilderness Skills for Women, rising author/speaker
Marian Jordan sees the same thing happening today as she and her friends
still find themselves going through periods of isolation, temptation,
sorrow, and waiting. Whether it’s relationship drama, the constant pull of
our sinful nature, a health issue, or any variety of unmet dreams, Jordan
turns readers to God’s Word as the ultimate wilderness survival guide.
The List: Figuring Out Prince Charming, the
Corner Office and Happily Ever After
Let’s admit it, Girls. We’ve all had our version of “The List.”
It’s that handful of goals we hope to achieve by a certain
age—school, travel, career, marriage, children, whatever.
But what happens if those world-shaped dreams, fine as
they are, don’t come true according to schedule—or they do, but don’t
meet your long held expectations? Well, it turns out there’s a much better
list to live by. It’s a God-centered, in-the-moment set of priorities that
makes every season of life beautiful— however long it may last.
Radiant: Living as Light in a Dark World
Like a bride shines on her wedding day, we are called to
glow with the passion of love for Jesus. Combating today’s
darkening culture, with wit and timeless illuminations of
Scripture, encouraging women to: know their God-given
purpose and identity; look to Christ as their true power
source; and reflect His glorious light in this world with an undivided heart.
The Girlfriends Guidebook:
Navigating Female Friendships
What am I supposed to do when my friend is giving me the
silent treatment and I don’t know why? How am I supposed to
react when it feels like middle school, and I’m the girl not picked
to sit at the lunch table?
While there are ample books for women on dating, career, marriage, and
motherhood, less prevalent are thoughtful writings about the everyday
handling of female friendships. Inspired by the highs and lows of a
backpacking trip across Europe with four gal pals, The Girlfriends
Guidebook charts a winning pathway through “jealousy, competition,
control, anger, manipulation, and resentment-just to name a few less than
cuddly aspects of our personalities.”
What College Women
are Saying
“I am in love with your new book, Wilderness Skills for
Women! I thought the first book was SUPER amazing
started another book club in our sorority house and
everyone is SOOOO excited. Everyone I have talked
too seems to be going through wilderness times right
now and this book is completely meeting a need in our
chapter. Thanks Marian!” — Kendra
“Reading The List with a group helped us discuss things
in our lives that we were all aware of but maybe afraid,
nervous or embarrassed to talk about with other girls.
Doing this book club together we realized, as young
women, we’re all dealing with a lot of the same things,
it was validating and encouraging.” — Sarah K.
Starting a Bible Study
in your Sorority
“In The List, Marian candidly addresses issues all women
can relate to. The small group questions in the back of
the book lead to meaningful discussions. From the engaged,
single, or married woman, whether in graduate school,
settled into a career, or still searching, I got to know
five women who, although we couldn’t be more different,
all desire to pursue satisfaction in Christ alone.” — Sarah M. “I just now finished reading Sex and the City Uncovered.
I am a huge Sex and The City fan, and that is what
enticed me to purchase your book in the first place. God
has a funny way of doing things … it took me being
sick to actually sit down and read your book. I loved it!
I was able to relate to EVERYTHING that you wrote.
It was like you wrote the book just for me. I had it read
just after 2 days. I could not put it down. I just want
to thank you for writing the book. It’s been a real eye
opener! I know now that I am a treasure! Thank you!”
— Staci
and for your free book club flyer to hang in your sorority house or hall.
• Announce the book club in chapter: A DVD of Marian Jordan (author)
discussing her story and her book, Sex and The City Uncovered, is included
in this package and can be shown in a meeting to promote your study.
• Invite women to join your book club and explain the book that you will
read and discus: Be sure to invite women at least three weeks before your
first meeting so that they have plenty of time to buy the book and read the
first chapter. (Books are available online at, Amazon,
Barnes and Nobles, Lifeway Christian Book Stores, and many others.)
• Choose the date, time, and place for your book club: coffee shops,
apartments, or a cozy living room in the sorority house make great book
club settings. Let the women know there will be a set start and end time. (ex.
Wednesday night, 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. in the sorority house living room)
• Pray: Ask God to prepare you to facilitate the group. Ask for specific
women to join the club who need to hear this message. Pray for wisdom
and guidance as a leader. Pray for God to bless your time together and for
Him to transform girls’ lives! Ask God to use you in an effective way to
minister to the girls that come and that the group time and discussions
would bring glory to His name.
• Prepare: Read the book and review the study guide provided. Prepare
your own notes, comments, and questions to go along with those provided.
• Provide: As the leader your job is to make sure there is comfortable
seating for the group and provide Bibles, note cards (for prayer requests),
extra pens, and refreshments if appropriate.
Tips for First Meeting
1. Allow time for everyone to arrive, chat with each other, and get a
snack. (It is best to not allow this time to linger too long or you will have
difficulty getting everyone re-focused). Be sure to begin promptly!
2. Sit where all can see you and officially welcome everyone to the group
and let them know how happy you are that they are there. Introduce
yourself and any co-leaders.
3. Pass out note cards for everyone to fill out their name / email / phone
number /birthday, etc. This way you can contact everyone in your group.
4. Share your vision for the Bible study/ book club (i.e. fellowship /
exploration of God’s truth / prayer and encouragement).
5. Encourage the girls to be open to share with each other and that it is
a safe place to do so. Remind them that this time is meant for discussion.
Emphasize that everything shared should be kept confidential. Model
openness by sharing your personal testimony of what God has done in
your life.
6. Make the content applicable to real life. Show girls how the scripture
relates to their own lives and how God’s Word is still true today.
7. Be creative! Think of fun activities to incorporate into your book club.
Bible Study Time Breakdown:
The purpose of this time is to break the ice and create community.
The purpose of this time is to dig into the book and cultivate discussion.
1. Open this time with prayer. Ask God to guide the conversations and
teach each girl what only His spirit can.
2. Dive into questions that you have prepared ahead of time. There are
discussion questions in back of the every book. Have assigned scriptures
and passages ready to read out loud.
3. Make sure everyone is involved in discussion and on topic. Avoid going off
on tangents. After one girl answers a question, it is good to ask “What do the
rest of you think?” (Don’t be afraid of silence. Girl’s will need time to think.)
If one girl is dominating the conversation, politely invite another girl to voice
her thoughts.
4. Affirm answers given whenever possible. Encourage times of deeper
discussion and always direct women to God’s Word.
5. After going through the discussion guide conclude with a closing prayer time.
The purpose of this time is to conclude the study with prayer and instructions for
the next meeting. (Be sensitive to the fact that some girls in the group are not
comfortable praying out loud. Ask for volunteers rather than assigning the task.)
1. Pass out note cards to each person in the group and encourage them
to write a personal prayer request on the card to exchange with another
member of the group. This way you can be praying for each other during
the week.
2. Assign the next chapter to read.
Personal Quiet Time Tips
n your passionate pursuit to leave a legacy in your sorority, be careful
to keep your personal relationship with Jesus Christ as your primary
focus. If your relationship with Him isn’t growing and strong, then it will
be very difficult for you to share His love and light with others. In this
section you’ll find a few helpful tips for your personal quiet time. After
all, all relationships grown through quality time and communication.
The same is true of our relationship God. Daily time in God’s Word and
Prayer will strengthen your relationship with Jesus.
Grow in Your Relationship with Jesus by Reading God’s Word
In her book The List, Marian Jordan writes, “The secret to true beauty
is spending time each day with the Beautiful One, Jesus.” The Bible is
literally the word of God and has the power to transform you from the
inside out. ‘Quiet Time’ is the expression often used by Christians when
describing their daily time spent with Jesus. There are many ways to have
‘Quiet Time’ with the Lord. All you need is your Bible, a journal, a quiet
place where you can concentrate, and a heart willing to hear God’s truth.
Here at Redeemed Girl Ministries, we like to use the R.E.A.P. method
(Read. Examine. Apply. Pray.) This method is best used with a Bible reading
plan like the one found at
• At the top of a sheet of paper (or in a cute journal), write the date and
leave a space to write the title of your entry later.
• Pick scripture to study either by using a Bible reading plan or by coming
up with one on your own.
• Prayerfully read the text. Ask God to speak to you from His Word.
• Write down the key Scripture (or two) that stuck out to you.
• Write down what this scripture says and why it matters.
• Write down thoughts on what you’ve read from the entire section.
• Ask the Important Examination Questions as You Read the Text:
Who? (Audience, Speaker, Subject)
What? (Context, Purpose, Problem)
When? (Time, Duration, Season)
Where? (Setting, Situation, Location)
Why? (Motivation, Purpose, Intent, Lesson, Truth)
How? (Call to Action, Example to Follow)
• How does this text apply to your life, and relationship with God?
• Write out how you will be different today because of what you have just read.
• Respond in your journal to the following questions:
What do I learn about God (the Father, the Son, the Spirit) from this?
What do I learn about myself from this scripture?
What commands/instructions should I obey?
What truth can I apply to my life?
What sin do I need to confess?
What error can I avoid?
What promises can I claim?
• Write out a personal prayer based on your time in God’s Word.
• Journaling your prayers and responses to God’s Word is an incredible way
of communicating with Jesus and allowing Him to speak to you
from Scripture.
• Spend some time reflecting and write about what you’ve read.
• You can also keep a prayer journal on your computer if you prefer typing
instead of writing with pen and paper.
Strengthen Your
Relationship With Jesus
Through Prayer
s Christians, we have the privilege of talking and communicating
with God through prayer. All relationships need communication
to grow. A relationship with God can be compared to a friendship; when
two girls meet and want to become friends they invest in the relationship
by calling, texting, and spending time together. The more you talk to your
new friend, the better you know her character, and the more you will trust
her. If they met once or twice and never spoke again, there would be no
relationship! Your relationship with God works the same way; the more
you talk to Him and spend time with Him, the better you will get to
know His character, and trust Him. Like any relationship, if you neglect
your time and communication with God, the relationship will suffer. As
His daughter you have the special privilege of coming to your Father and
Friend with all of your praise, confessions, needs, and desires. Below are
some helpful tips on how to pray:
At Redeemed Girl Ministries we love to use the P.R.A.Y. method
(Praise. Repent. Ask. Yield.)
P= Praise: Spend time praising the Lord by thanking Him for what
He’s done and is doing in your life and the lives of others. Thank Him for
saving You. Pray the Psalms back to Him, sing worship songs, and simply
praise Him for who he is, God.
R= Repent: To repent means to turn away from our sin and turn towards
God. Ask God to search your heart (Psalm 139:23,24) Confess any sin
that the Holy Spirit reveals to you. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you turn
away from that sin.
A= Ask: Ask God to provide for any emotional and physical needs that
you’re experiencing. Ask Him for the desire of your heart, or for Him to
change the desires of your heart. Intercede on behalf of friends and family
to ask God for their protection, provision, and healing.
Y= Yield: Give God your plans for the future. Yield in obedience to His
will for your life. Surrender to His calling for your life. Have the attitude
of , “Not my will, but Yours be done” (Luke 22:42).
Make time for prayer. Prayer should be a priority.
Find a place for prayer. You can pray anywhere, any time, but it helps to
have a designated spot where you can come into God’s presence. Get some
privacy for your prayer time. Go somewhere peaceful where you won’t be
Listen. Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God”. Ask God to
speak to your heart. God always hears and answers prayer. God may say,
“No”, because He has a better plan for you. He might say “Wait” because it
is not the right timing in your life, or He might say, “Yes”, and bless you!
“The men who have done the most for God in this world
have been early on their knees. He who fritters away
the early morning, its opportunity and freshness, in
other pursuits than seeking God will make poor headway
seeking Him the rest of the day. If God is not first in
our thoughts and efforts in the morning, He will be
in the last place the remainder of the day.”
— E.M. Bounds
Praying For Your
Sisters Who Don’t Know
Christ Personally
s you open up to your sisters and share your faith in God, many may
share with you their hearts’ desires and troubles. Prayer is one of
the greatest ways we, as followers of Jesus can share His love with others.
Not only can you pray for your friends’ personal needs, but you can also
pray for them to trust God and turn to Him.
The following is a sample prayer* for your unbelieving friends to come to
know Jesus as their Savior.
Dear Lord,
I ask that You would open (
)’s eyes and turn her from
darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to the power of God, so
that she may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those whose
sins are forgiven by faith in Christ. (Acts 26:18)
Please give (
) a new heart with new desires that love and
honor You, Lord. Give her an undivided heart, put a new Spirit in
her. Remove her heart of stone and give her a heart of flesh. Help
) to follow your decrees and keep your laws. (Ezekiel 11:19,
Ezekiel 36:26)
Thank You, Lord that You are patient for (
You desire that no one should perish, but that (
to repentance. (II Peter 3:9)
)’s sake because
) should come
Lead (
) away from sin and into Your salvation.
Grant (
) godly sorrow that leads to repentance without regret.
Protect her from the worldly sorrow and guilt that leads to death.
(II Corinthians 7:9-10)
Father, I ask that (
) would come to know You by coming to
know Jesus Christ, Your Son, whom You have sent. (John 17:3)
Give me wisdom as I interact with (
). May I make the most
of every opportunity to show them Your unfailing love. (Colossians
Remove the veil from (
)’s eyes so she can see the light of the
gospel. I pray that she would see her sin clearly and turn away from it.
(II Corinthians 4:3-4)
Though (
) is now Your enemy, may she return to You, Lord.
May the day come soon when she decides to be adopted into Your
kingdom as Your daughter. (John 1:12-13)
Put people in (
)’s life to instruct her; and show her how to
repent, leading to knowledge of Your truth. Cause (
) to come
to her senses and escape the trap of the devil, who has taken her captive
to do his will. (II Timothy 2:25-26)
*Adapted from Hank Marshman
Praying For Other
Christians In Your
s Christians, we are not promised easy lives. Following Christ and
sharing our faith is difficult. Pray for other believers you know and
ask them to pray for you. The following prayer* uses scriptures that will
uplift your friend and help her to grow in her relationship with God.
Dear Lord,
Please show (
) how to put off the old self, which is being
corrupted by its deceitful desires, and make her new in the attitude of
her mind. Help her to put off falsehood and speak truthfully and to
refrain from sin when she is angry. Above all, do not let (
do anything that would give the devil a foothold in her life.
(Ephesians 4:22-27)
Le (
) be quick to confess her sin, knowing that You are
faithful and just, and will forgive her of her sins and cleanse her of all
unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)
Surround (
) with other believers who will sharpen her as iron
sharpens iron. Surround her with friends who can show her Your love
and build her up in her faith.
(Proverbs 27:17)
Let (
) flee her youthful lusts and instead pursue righteousness,
faith, love and peace. Let (
) enjoy the companionship of
others who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. (II Timothy 2:22)
Let (
) be careful how they live, not unwisely but as wise.
Teach (
) to make the most of every opportunity she
encounters and enable her to understand what Your will is.
(Ephesians 5:15-17)
No matter what (
) is planning in her heart, let Your purpose
prevail in her life. (Proverbs 19:21)
Do not allow (
) to be yoked together with an unbelieving
boyfriend or spouse. Help her to see that righteousness and lawlessness
have nothing in common. I pray that she would not settle for a man that
is ungodly. (II Corinthians 6:14-17)
Help (
) to see that Your plan is to give her hope and a future.
May she know that “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has
conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.” Help her
to trust that Your plans are better than her own. (1 Corinthians 2:9)
(Jeremiah 29:11)
Enable (
) to be strong and courageous. Don’t let them be
frightened or discouraged, but let (
) know that You are with
her wherever she goes. (Joshua 1:9)
“Time spent in prayer will yield more than that given
to work. Prayer alone gives work its worth and its success. Prayer opens the way for God Himself to do His
work in us and through us. Let our chief work as God’s
messengers be intercession; in it we secure the presence
and power of God to go with us.” —Andrew Murray
*Adapted from Hank Marshman
for Additional Resources
Free Teaching Podcasts by
Marian Jordan
Blogs specifically for College Women
Books, DVDs, and other Resources
by Marian Jordan
Free Small Group Leader Guides
Information for Hosting a
Girls’ Night Out Event on your Campus
Stay Connected with
Redeemed Girl Ministries:
Twitter: MarianJordan
Facebook: Redeemed Girl Ministries
If you are starting a group in your sorority, please let us know so we can
pray for you and assist you in getting started.
Email us at