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B O O KS T E X T B O O K S • M AT R I C E X A M S F I C T I O N • VA R S I T Y S E T W O R K S KIDS BOOKS • REFERENCE BOOKS 12 D A A GR MENS EKSA –2012 2008 RIKA F A SUID BY D Y ND R MA NE ED ITE KH A AY WI E DL uy gg isin a ert y adv Kha e and r v and bies ou r , lo e ba hum gg ism blo k jelly f rac aya’s d to o e c ing Kh nte bla sues re. uara eats es is d mo g r e s n ipe d. cus der a lou rec dis en out g is a ga y, g inin inent ion laugh rta one pin m d , x, m with o k an ente pro g to g in sh, d nin e in ture th e a fr t fea h liste -winn mix e you is a rt k o rs ard s th ma ste book ices w d aw g n n ra ou ocket an vo o Y e ic uth a Th s of p Afr ing a ng e ll uth ner. dla seri g So estse ya Wie n b ha you d by ndy e Ma @k : r edit alist te rn wit jou AN GA In My io pin n on tO ay a an og Arr Kh YA G A Opinion A K HL A Nrrogant D yA In /09 /05 12 20 M 9P 3:5 M T N O N IC -F O TI N ook eB a .z an as ble illa vaila acm o a nm Als ww d nd A.i a-F ay Kh 1 PRINTED HERE C H E A P LY • Q U I C K LY • L E G A L LY BOO K C ATA LO G U E NOVEMBER 2013–APRIL 2014 I N T H I S C ATA L O G U E . . . . ..y o u w i ll fi nd a select ion of books a va i la b le t o b e p r i n t e d r igh t n ow – q u ick ly, c h ea p l y a nd l e g al l y – at y o ur local Paper ig ht - r eg is t er e d c o p y s h o p . T h er e are o v e r 2000 books a va ilable on P a p e r i gh t , a n d t h i s c a t a lo gu e wi ll d i r e c t yo u t o ou r be st - se l l i ng and mos t us eful it ems . If you c a n ’t s e e wh a t yo u wa n t , go t o pa p e r i m to s ea r ch our lib r a r y, or a s k a s t a f f me mb e r a t a P a p e r i gh t o u t le t t o h e l p y ou . To ge t i n to uc h w i t h us , s imply cal l +27 2 1 6 7 1 1 2 7 8 o r e ma i l tea m @p a p er igh t. com. H OW I T WORKS* 1 ) G o to yo ur lo c a l Pa p er ig h t outl e t . To fi nd yo ur loca l Pa p er ig h t o u t l e t, si mpl y g o t o www. pape r igh t .com/ ou tl ets or SM S 0 7 3 724 2501 ( SA on ly) . 2 ) Ask a staf f m e mber t o pr int you a b oo k fro m P aper ig ht . 3 ) L e t the m k no w which b ook youw a nt, and ho w you wa n t it p r in te d (si ze , c o l o ur, et c.) 4 ) P a y ! S o o n yo u’ ll have your b o o k. * A l l Pape righ t o ut le t s a r e i n d e p e n d e n t b u sinesse s, an d as suc h m i g h t h a v e t h e i r ow n w a y o f do i n g t h in g s . I f y ou h a v e a p rob l em at an o ut le t , c o nt a c t u s a t 0 2 1 671 1278 or e ma i l t e a m @ p a p e r i g ht . c o m. C ON TEN TS M AT R I C E X A M PA C K S H I G H S C H O O L YO U N G A D U LT R E A D I N G T E E N R E A D I N G T E X T B O O K S T E RT I A RY E D U CAT I O N CL A S S I C F I C T I O N T E A CH I N G A I D S CH I L D T E A C H I N G A F R I C A N L I T E R AT U R E R E L I G I O N & S P I R I T U A L I T Y CH I L D CA R E S E L F - H E L P & R E F E R E N CE 3 4 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 26 29 30 31 Official papers available in all languages & all subjects for all years from 2008–2012! Ask at the counter if the subject you want isn’t here. M AT R IC E XA M PA C KS MATRIC PAST EXAM PACKS G exarade m p 12 201 apers 2 sou th afr ica Grade 12 Mathematics Exam Pack - Papers from 2008 | Publisher: Paperight | | Examinations & Assessment Official past papers from the 2008 matric examination period, containing past papers from the February-March and November examination blocks, including all annextures, information sheets and memoranda. Grade 12 Mathematics Exam Pack - Papers from 2009 | Publisher: Paperight | | Examinations & Assessment Official past papers from the 2009 matric examination period, containing past papers from the February-March and November examination blocks, including all annextures, information sheets and memoranda. Grade 12 Mathematics Exam Pack - Papers from 2010 | Publisher: Paperight | | Examinations & Assessment Official past papers from the 2010 matric examination period, containing past papers from the February-March and November examination blocks, including all annextures, information sheets and memoranda. Grade 12 Mathematics Exam Pack - Papers from 2011 | Publisher: Paperight | | Examinations & Assessment Official past papers from the 2011 matric examination period, containing past papers from the February-March and November examination blocks, including all annextures, information sheets and memoranda. Grade 12 Mathematics Exam Pack - Papers from 2012 | Publisher: Paperight | | Examinations & Assessment Official past papers from the 2012 matric examination period, containing past papers from the February-March and November examination blocks, including all annextures, information sheets and memoranda. Grade 12 isiXhosa First Additional Language Exam Pack - Papers from 2012 | Publisher: Paperight | | Examinations & Assessment Official past papers from the 2012 matric examination period, containing past papers from the February-March and November examination blocks, including all annextures, information sheets and memoranda. Grade 12 isiXhosa Home Language Exam Pack - Papers from 2012 | Publisher: Paperight | | Examinations & Assessment Official past papers from the 2012 matric examination period, containing past papers from the February-March and November examination blocks, including all annextures, information sheets and memoranda. Grade 12 isiXhosa Second Additional Language Exam Pack EC- Papers from 2012 | Publisher: Paperight | | Examinations & Assessment Official past papers from the 2012 matric examination period, containing past papers from the February-March and November examination blocks, including all annextures, information sheets and memoranda. Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 3 H IGH SC H OOL Everything Maths Grade 10 CAPS Textbook Siyavula | Publisher: Siyavula | | Education A mathematics textbook for grade 10 learners, now officially endorsed by the Western Cape Department of Basic Education. Mathematics Grade 11 NCS Textbook Siyavula | Publisher: Siyavula | | Education, mathematics Mathematics textbook for grade 11. Mathematics Grade 12 NCS Textbook Siyavula | Publisher: Siyavula | | Education, mathematics A mathematics textbook for grade 12. Physical Sciences Grade 11 NCS Textbook Siyavula | Publisher: Siyavula | | Education, science Physical Science textbook for grade 11. Physical Sciences Grade 12 NCS Textbook Siyavula | Publisher: Siyavula | | Education, science A physical science textbook for grade 12. Learn Xtra: Grade 10 Accounting Comprehensive Study Notes Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | | Educational: study & revision guides A study aid for Grade 10 Accounting students to learn key concepts, formulas and terminology in preparation for examinations, as well as key study techniques which they can implement before exams. Learn Xtra: Grade 10 Mathematics Comprehensive Study Notes Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | | Educational: study & revision guides A study aid for Grade 10 Mathematics students to learn key concepts, formulas and terminology in preparation for examinations, as well as key study techniques which they can implement before exams. Learn Xtra: Grade 10 Mathematics Revision Xsheets Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | | Educational: study & revision guides Revision book for Grade 10 Mathematics students to go over concepts and terminology, using further explanatory language with examples, making them better prepared for their exams. 4 Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 H IGH SC H OOL MIN DSET LEAR N Mindset Learn supports learners and teachers in formal schooling with a focus on Grades 10, 11 and 12 and the Maths, Science and Economic cluster of subjects. Up-todate with the latest curriculum, these great revision titles and more are available through Paperight! Learn Xtra: Grade 10 Physical Sciences Comprehensive Study Notes Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | | Educational: study & revision guides A study aid for Grade 11 Physical Sciences students to learn key concepts, formulas and terminology in preparation for examinations, as well as key study techniques which they can implement before exams. Learn Xtra: Grade 10 Physical Sciences Revision Xsheets Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | | Educational: study & revision guides Revision book for Grade 10 Physical Sciences students to go over concepts and terminology, using further explanatory language with examples, making them better prepared for their exams. Learn Xtra: Grade 11 Accounting Comprehensive Study Notes Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | | Educational: study & revision guides A study aid for Grade 11 Accounting students to learn key concepts, formulas and terminology in preparation for examinations, as well as key study techniques which they can implement before exams. Learn Xtra: Grade 11 Life Sciences Revision Xsheets Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | | Educational: study & revision guides Revision book for Grade 11 Life Sciences students to go over concepts and terminology, using further explanatory language with examples, making them better prepared for their exams. Learn Xtra: Grade 11 Mathematics Comprehensive Study Notes Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | | Educational: study & revision guides A study aid for Grade 11 Mathematics students to learn key concepts, formulas and terminology in preparation for examinations, as well as key study techniques which they can implement before exams. Learn Xtra: Grade 11 Maths Literacy Revision Xsheets Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | | Educational: study & revision guides Revision book for Grade 11 Maths Literacy students to go over concepts and terminology, using further explanatory language with examples, making them better prepared for their exams. Learn Xtra: Grade 11 Physical Sciences Comprehensive Study Notes Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | | Educational: study & revision guides A study aid for Grade 11 Physical Sciences students to learn key concepts, formulas and terminology in preparation for examinations, as well as key study techniques which they can implement before exams. Learn Xtra: Grade 11 Physical Sciences Revision Xsheets Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | | Educational: study & revision guides Revision book for Grade 11 Physical Sciences students to go over concepts and terminology, using further explanatory language with examples, making them better prepared for their exams. Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 5 H IGH SC H OOL Learn Xtra: Grade 12 Accounting Past Exam Papers (Nov 2008-Feb/Mar 2011) Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | Second edition | Examinations & Assessments A booklet which helps to familiarise Grade 12 Accounting students with the types of exam questions to expect, the format of the exams and useful exam techniques which they can practice. Learn Xtra: Grade 12 Accounting Revision Xsheets Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | | Educational: study & revision guides Revision book for Grade 12 Accounting students to go over concepts and terminology, using further explanatory language with examples, making them better prepared for their exams. Learn Xtra: Grade 12 Business Studies Past Exam Papers (Nov 2008-Feb/Mar 2011) Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | Second edition | Examinations & Assessments A booklet which helps to familiarise Grade 12 Business Studies students with the types of exam questions to expect, the format of the exams and useful exam techniques which they can practice. Learn Xtra: Grade 12 Economics Past Exam Papers (Nov 2008-Feb/Mar 2011) Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | Second edition | Examinations & Assessments A booklet which helps to familiarise Grade 12 Economics students with the types of exam questions to expect, the format of the exams and useful exam techniques which they can practice. Learn Xtra: Grade 12 English (First Additional Lang.) Past Exam Papers (Feb/Mar 2009-Feb/Mar 2011) Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | Second edition | Examinations & Assessments A booklet which helps to familiarise Grade 12 English (First Additional Language) students with the types of exam questions to expect, the format of the exams and useful exam techniques which they can practice. Learn Xtra: Grade 12 Geography Revision Xsheets Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | | Educational: study & revision guides Revision book for Grade 12 Geography students to go over concepts and terminology, using further explanatory language with examples, making them better prepared for their exams. Learn Xtra: Grade 12 History Past Exam Papers (Feb/Mar 2009-Feb/Mar 2011) Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | Second edition | Examinations & Assessments A booklet which helps to familiarise Grade 12 History students with the types of exam questions to expect, the format of the exams and useful exam techniques which they can practice. Learn Xtra: Grade 12 Life Sciences Comprehensive Study Notes Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | | Educational: study & revision guides A study aid for Grade 12 Life Sciences students to learn key concepts, formulas and terminology in preparation for examinations, as well as key study techniques which they can implement before exams. 6 Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 H IGH SC H OOL Learn Xtra: Grade 12 Life Sciences Past Exam Papers (Nov 2008-Feb/Mar 2011) Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | Second edition | Examinations & Assessments A booklet which helps to familiarise Grade 12 Life Sciences students with the types of exam questions to expect, the format of the exams and useful exam techniques which they can practice. Learn Xtra: Grade 12 Life Sciences Revision Xsheets Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | | Educational: study & revision guides Revision book for Grade 12 Life Sciences students to go over concepts and terminology, using further explanatory language with examples, making them better prepared for their exams. Learn Xtra: Grade 12 Mathematics Comprehensive Study Notes Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | | Educational: study & revision guides A study aid for Grade 12 Mathematics students to learn key concepts, formulas and terminology in preparation for examinations, as well as key study techniques which they can implement before exams. Learn Xtra: Grade 12 Mathematics Past Exam Papers (Nov 2008-Feb/Mar 2011) Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | Second edition | Examinations & Assessments A booklet which helps to familiarise Grade 12 Mathematics students with the types of exam questions to expect, the format of the exams and useful exam techniques which they can practice. Learn Xtra: Grade 12 Mathematics Revision Xsheets Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | | Educational: study & revision guides Revision book for Grade 12 Mathematics students to go over concepts and terminology, using further explanatory language with examples, making them better prepared for their exams. Learn Xtra: Grade 12 Maths Literacy Past Exam Papers (Nov 2008-Feb/Mar 2011) Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | Second edition | Examinations & Assessments A booklet which helps to familiarise Grade 12 Maths Literacy students with the types of exam questions to expect, the format of the exams and useful exam techniques which they can practice. Learn Xtra: Grade 12 Maths Literacy Comprehensive Study Notes Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | | Educational: study & revision guides A study aid for Grade 12 Maths Literacy students to learn key concepts, formulas and terminology in preparation for examinations, as well as key study techniques which they can implement before exams. Learn Xtra: Grade 12 Maths Literacy Revision Xsheets Mindset Learn | Publisher: Mindset Learn | | Educational: study & revision guides Revision book for Grade 12 Maths Literacy students to go over concepts and terminology, using further explanatory language with examples, making them better prepared for their exams. Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 7 H IGH SC H OOL Exam Success: Romeo and Juliet E. Donaldson, N. Hayes, M. van Niekerk | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Study Guide This study guide is designed to help English Home and First Additional Language students with reading one of Shakespeare’s most beloved plays. Some of the innovative techniques used for easy reading include presenting some parts of the play in comic strips. Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Aardrykskunde Studiegids Cathryn Hodgkinson | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Aardrykskunde Studiegids provides sample exam papers and full memoranda to help students gain optimal preparation and practise. Colour maps are available to help students master essential mapwork skills. Useful features of the guide include unit checks, word checks, notes, hints and a glossary to assist students in their preparation. Core concepts and content is reinforced and revised to ensure students obtain the most from their studies. Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal Studiegids A. Mouton | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Eksamen Sukses: Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal Studiegids provides simple explanations of core concepts that help learners who are not mother-tongue speakers of Afrikaans to improve their understanding of the language. The study guide includes exam questions with detailed answers, module and unit tests, as well as information on the formal assessment tasks and exams, providing ample opportunity for revision. Two sample exam papers with memos help learners to practise. Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Afrikaans Huistaal Studiegids J. Hugo | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Eksamen Sukses:: Afrikaans Huistaal contains detailed explanations of core concepts to help learners understand the work and apply their knowledge. The study guide includes exam questions with detailed answers, module and unit tests, as well as information on the formal assessment tasks and exams. Two sample exam papers and memos are provided to help learners practise for the exams. A complete glossary with index is also included for reference and revision purposes. Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Besigheidsstudie Studiegids Wanda Booysen | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Business and management: study and revision guides Eksamen Sukses: Besigheidsstudie utilises case studies to provide real-life examples of business practices. Students can develop their skills through practice questions, mini exams and a practice exam paper and with a memorandum. The study guide contains useful features, including word check boxes, hints that give extra practical advice and a glossary with important terms defined. Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Ekonomie Studiegids Francis Khumalo | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Eksamen Sukses: Ekonomie provides a practise paper and full memorandum ro ensure learners are thoroughly prepared for the final exam. Features include notes, revision checklists, word checks and a glossary. The study guide allows numerous opportunities for learners to assess their knowledge and preparation. Model answers and mark allocation have been provided for each activity. Interesting newspaper articles, case studies and clearly annotated graphs are also available. Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Fisiese Wetenskappe Studiegids Wendy Horn | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Eksamen Sukses: Fisiese Wetenskappe improves learner understanding through highlighting core concepts supported by detailed diagrams. Margin notes and hint boxes guide students in their approach to answering questions. Self-assessment is also encouraged through many opportunities which include numerous sample questions. Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Geskiedenis Studiegids Jean Bottaro | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Eksamen Sukses: Geskiedenis Studiegids contains sample exam papers and full memoranda as well as a “skills section” that helps learners master skills essential for answering source-based questions. The study guide also provides valuable examiner hints and tips about content and sources, word checks, “did you know”s and a glossary. Learners can also assess themselves through the model answers and mark allocations available in Exam Success: History. 8 Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 H IGH SC H OOL Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Lewenswetenskappe W. Bezuidenhout | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Eksamen Sukses: Lewenswetenskappe is specifically written to help students address the new Life Sciences curriculum and contains effective examination preparation tools. Practice exam papers and full memoranda give learners the ultimate exam preparation opportunity. Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Rekeningkunde Studiegids Aletta McGee | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Accounting: study and revision guides Eksamen Sukses: Rekeningkunde Studiegids contains well-designed ledger entries that explain the step-by-step mechanics of accounting practice. Mind maps and flow diagrams visually aid learning, while module checks allow students to assess their exam readiness. Questions from actual exam papers are also included to comprehensively prepare students for their exam. Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Toerisme Studiegids Richard George | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Eksamen Sukses: Toerisme Studiegids provides an assessment practice that guides learners through a step-by-step process which includes studying how to answer certain questions. Useful features of Eksamen Sukses: Toerisme Studiegids include word check boxes, useful facts, exam hints and a glossary of key terms to aid student learning. A practice exam paper and full memorandum is provided to give learners the ultimate exam-preparation opportunity. Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Wiskunde Geletterdheid Studiegids S. Botha | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Eksamen Sukses: Wiskunde Geletterdheid encourages student exam preparation by providing module checks which allows learners to assess their exam readiness. Mind maps and flow diagrams aid learning, while practical application of mathematical concepts develops crucial skills. Questions from past exam papers are also available to maximise learner preparation, while visual aids assist memory. Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Wiskunde Studiegids S. Botha | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Eksamen Sukses: Wiskunde allows students to sharpen their skills through module checks which assess their readiness for the exam. Mindmaps and flow diagrams are provided to optimise learning, while exercise questions encourage students to use practical application of mathematical concepts. Questions from past exam papers are also available as well as visual aids which assist and stimulate memory. Exam Success English Short Stories Prescribed for Grade 12 Sandra Louw | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Exam Success: English Short Stories Prescribed for Grade 12 provides extra support for the 36 short stories prescribed by the DBE, which helps learners prepare and succeed. A summary for each story, and study notes on character, plot, theme, setting, and narrative techniques boosts learners understanding. Exams style questions are available to help learners practice for the exams, while the accompanying answers assist learners to assess their understanding. Exam Success Gr11 Accounting Study Guide A. McGee | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Accounting: study and revision guides Exam Success Accounting contains well-designed ledger entries that explain the step-by-step mechanics of accounting practice. Mind maps and flow diagrams visually aid learning, while module checks allow students to assess their exam readiness. Questions from actual exam papers are also included to comprehensively prepare students for their exam. Exam Success Gr11 English First Additional Language C-A Economou | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Exam Success: English First Additional Language provides exam questions with detailed answers to ensure students are well prepared for their examination. Module and unit checks develop essential skills, while the information and guidance on portfolio tasks enable students to improve their learning. Model exam papers and memoranda allow students to practise and apply their skills. Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 9 H IGH SC H OOL Exam Success Gr11 Mathematical Literacy Study Guide Werner Ladewig | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Exam Success: Mathematical Literacy encourages student exam preparation by providing module checks which allows learners to assess their exam readiness. Mind maps and flow diagrams aid learning, while practical application of mathematical concepts develops crucial skills. Questions from past exam papers are also available to maximise learner preparation, while visual aids assist memory. Exam Success Gr11 Mathematics Study Guide Werner Ladewig | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Exam Success: Mathematics allows students to sharpen their skills through module checks which assess their readiness for the exam. Mind maps and flow diagrams are provided to optimise learning, while exercise questions encourage students to use practical application of mathematical concepts. Questions from past exam papers are also available, as well as visual aids which assist and stimulate memory. Exam Success Gr11 Physical Sciences Study Guide (Option 1) Wendy Horn | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Exam Success: Physical Sciences improves learner understanding through highlighting core concepts supported by detailed diagrams. Margin notes and hint boxes guide students in their approach to answering questions. Self-assessment is also encouraged through many opportunities which include numerous sample questions. Exam Success Gr12 Accounting Study Guide Aletta McGee | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Exam Success: Accounting contains well-designed ledger entries that explain the step-by-step mechanics of accounting practice. Mind maps and flow diagrams visually aid learning, while module checks allow students to assess their exam readiness. Questions from actual exam papers are also included to comprehensively prepare students for their exam. Exam Success Gr12 Business Studies Study Guide Wanda Booysen | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Business and management: study and revision guides Exam Success: Business Studies utilises case studies to provide real-life examples of business practices. Students can develop their skills through practice questions, mini exams and a practice exam paper and with a memorandum. The study guide contains useful features which includes word check boxes, hints that give extra practical advice and a glossary with important terms defined. Exam Success Gr12 Economics Study Guide Francis Khumalo | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Exam Success: Economics provides a practise paper and full memorandum to ensure learners are thoroughly prepared for the final exam. Useful features include notes, revision checklists, word checks and a glossary. The study guide allows numerous opportunities for learners to assess their knowledge and preparation. Model answers and mark allocation have been provided for each activity for learners to gain a full understanding. Exam Success Gr12 English First Additional Language Study Guide C-A Economou | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Exam Success: English First Additional Language provides exam questions with detailed answers to ensure students are well prepared for their examination. Module and unit checks develop essential skills, while the information and guidance on portfolio tasks enable students to improve their learning. Model exam papers and memoranda allow students to practise and apply their skills. Exam Success Gr12 English Home Language Study Guide Raymond Doubell | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Exam Success: English Home Language Study Guide provides exam questions with detailed answers to encourage student learning and preparation. Module checks, information about portfolio tasks, as well as useful tips and notes are also available to aid the learning experience. Model exam papers and memoranda help learners to practise for the exams, while a complete glossary and index is included for reference and revision purposes. 10 Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 H IGH SC H OOL Exam Success Gr12 Geography Study Guide Cathryn Hodgkinson | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Exam Success: Geography Study Guide provides sample exam papers and full memoranda to help students gain optimal preparation and practise. Colour maps are available to help students master essential mapwork skills. Useful features of the guide include unit checks, word checks, notes, hints and a glossary to assist students in their preparation. Core concepts and content is reinforced and revised to ensure students obtain the most from their studies. Exam Success Gr12 History Study Guide Jean Bottaro | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Exam Success: History contains sample exam papers and full memoranda as well as a “skills section” that helps learners master skills essential for answering source-based questions. The study guide also provides valuable examiner hints and tips about content and sources, word checks, did you know and a glossary. Learners can also assess themselves through the model answers and mark allocations available in Exam Success: History. Exam Success Gr12 IsiXhosa Study Guide P. Gajana | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Exam Success: IsiXhosa meets the requirements of all four examination papers, maximising student preparation. Sample examination papers are provided for Paper 1 and Paper 3 together with their memoranda to encourage learners to test their skills and knowledge. Revision tasks with recommended answers are featured, as well as tips and points, particularly in literature and grammar. A revision timetable is also included to allow students to learn in an organised and constructive manner. Exam Success Gr12 IsiZulu Study Guide Tozi Buthelezi | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Exam Success: IsiZulu Study Guide meets the requirements of all four examination papers, allowing students to master their preparation for the exams. Sample examination papers with suggested answers are provided for Paper 1 and Paper 3 to enrich learner preparation. Revision exercises with recommended answers and a revision timetable is included to maximise learner skills and studying. The stories provided also apply various language learning strategies, signs and art forms useful to learners. Exam Success Gr12 Life Sciences Study Guide W. Bezuidenhout | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Exam Success: Life Sciences Study Guide is specifically written to help students address the new Life Sciences curriculum and contains effective examination preparation tools. Practice exam papers and full memoranda give learners the ultimate exam preparation opportunity. Exam Success Gr12 Mathematical Literacy Study Guide S. Botha | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Exam Success: Mathematical Literacy encourages student exam preparation by providing module checks which allows learners to assess their exam readiness. Mind maps and flow diagrams aid learning, while practical application of mathematical concepts develops crucial skills. Questions from past exam papers are also available to maximise learner preparation, while visual aids assist memory. Exam Success Gr12 Mathematics Study Guide S. Botha | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Exam Success: Mathematics allows students to sharpen their skills through module checks which assess their readiness for the exam. Mindmaps and flow diagrams are provided to optimise learning, while exercise questions encourage students to use practical application of mathematical concepts. Questions from past exam papers are also available as well as visual aids which assist and stimulate memory. Exam Success Gr12 Physical Sciences Study Guide 2e Revised Wendy Horn | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Exam Success: Physical Sciences improves learner understanding through highlighting core concepts supported by detailed diagrams. Margin notes and hint boxes guide students in their approach to answering questions. Self-assessment is also encouraged through many opportunities which include numerous sample questions. Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 11 H IGH SC H OOL Exam Success Worldscapes Poetry Guide A. Stephenson | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Literary studies: poetry and poets Exam Success: Worldscapes Poetry Guide provides exam support for 58 of the most frequently prescribed poems in Worldscapes. A summary of each poem, with study notes on themes, form and poetic techniques boosts learners understanding. Exam-style questions and answers help learners practise for the exams and assess their understanding. Exam Success: Worldscapes Poetry Guide includes practical suggestions for studying poetry, with useful information on forms historical periods and movements. Exam Success: English Poetry Prescribed for Grade 12 A. Stephenson | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Literary studies: poetry and poets Exam Success: English Poetry Prescribed for Grade 12 contains extra exam support for all the poems prescribed for English Home and First Additional Language by the DBE for 2009-2011. Exam-style questions and answers, and a sample literature paper with memo helps learners practise and assess their understandings. Exam Success: Hamlet E. Donaldson | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Shakespeare plays, Educational: study and revision guides Exam Success: Hamlet includes extra exam support for Home and First Additional Language FET students, meeting the needs of all exam candidates. Accessible comic-style versions of the plays are provided as visual aids, while useful notes on the characters, themes and imagery, and clear plot summaries motivate better understanding. Exam-style contextual and essay questions and answers help learners practise for exams and assess their understanding. For Home & First Additional Language learners. Exam Success: Macbeth A. Stephenson | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Shakespeare plays, Educational: study and revision guides Exam Success: Macbeth includes extra exam support for Home and First Additional Language FET students, meeting the needs of all exam candidates. Accessible comic-style versions of the plays are provided as visual aids, while useful notes on the characters, themes and imagery, and clear plot summaries motivate better understanding. Exam-style contextual and essay questions and answers help learners practise for exams and assess their understanding. For Home & First Additional Language learners. Exam Success: Othello A. Stephenson | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Shakespeare plays, Educational: study and revision guides Exam Success: Othello includes extra exam support for Home and First Additional Language FET students, meeting the needs of all exam candidates. Accessible comic-style versions of the plays are provided as visual aids, while useful notes on the characters, themes and imagery, and clear plot summaries motivate better understanding. Exam-style contextual and essay questions and answers help learners practise for exams and assess their understanding. For Home & First Additional Language learners. Shakespeare for South Africa: Romeo & Juliet Gill | Publisher: Oxford University Press | | Shakespeare plays A South African take on the Shakespearean classic, Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet William Shakespeare | Publisher: Paperight | Paperight Edition | Shakespeare Plays A tragedy set in the kingdom of Denmark, recounting the revenge of Prince Hamlet over his Uncle Claudius. Macbeth William Shakespeare | Publisher: Paperight | Paperight Edition | Shakespeare Plays Macbeth is a tragedy by William Shakespeare portraying a regicide and its aftermath. 12 Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 ALL PEARE SHAKES PLAYS LE! AVAILAB otherlogo H IGH SE CSC T ION H OOL Ken & Verstaan Wiskunde Studiegids Graad 12 Paul Carter, Daan van der Lith | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Mik jy daarna om die beste in die klas te doen of raak jy angsbevange wanneer jy jou toetspunte of rapport huis toe neem? Met die Studiegids sal jy definitief jou uitslae verbeter! Hierdie wonderlike hulpmiddel sluit die volgende in: ‘n inleiding tot en bespreking van al die temas wat in Graad 12 Wiskunde gedek moet word, volledig uitgewerkte voorbeelde met hulle antwoorde, hope oefeninge en vrae om jou nuwe vaardighede enkennis te oefen, voorbeeld-vraestelle en hulle antwoorde. Ken & Verstaan Wiskunde Studiegids Graad 9 Paul Carter | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Mik jy daarna om die beste in die klas te doen of raak jy angsbevange wanneer jy jou toetspunte of rapport huis toe neem? Met die Studiegids sal jy definitief jou uitslae verbeter! Hierdie wonderlike hulpmiddel sluit die volgende in: inleiding tot en bespreking van al die temas wat in Graad 9 Wiskunde gedek word, volledig uitgewerkte voorbeelde met hulle antwoorde, hope oefeninge en vrae om jou nuwe vaardighede en kennis te oefen, voorbeeld-vraestelle en hulle antwoorde. Study & Master Physical Sciences Study Guide Grade 12 Karin H Kelder, Derick Govender et al | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides By working through this Study Guide you will definitely improve your results - whether you are working towards being the top performer in your class or whether you regularly break out in a sweat when you have to present your test scores or school report at home! Furthermore, teachers will find the Study & Master Study Guides very useful for focusing learners’ attention on specific areas of the syllabus. Study & Master Study Guide Mathematics Grade 8 Paul Carter | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | African Literature By working through this CAPS-aligned Study Guide you will definitely improve your results - whether you are working towards being the top performer in your class or whether you regularly break out in a sweat when you have to present your test scores or school report at home! The Study & Master Mathematics Study Guide is an invaluable tool to help you pass your Mathematics exam with flying colours! PASS Accounting Grade 12 Mandy Moyce | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides A great study guide for matric accounting, with easy examples, sample exam questions and more to help you succeed. PASS English Grade 12 Jeanne Maclay-Mayers | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides PASS English with ease. This exam guide contains essential grammar with easy examples, sample exam questions and answers, quick guidelines for writing summaries, formats for writing letters, essays, reports and a comprehensive contents page, so you can find exactly what you need. Grade 12 English in a nutshell! SLAAG Aardrykskunde Graad 12 Anthea Johnstone, Cheryl Williams et al | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides SLAAG Aardrykskunde se volledige oorsig van die Graad 12 Aardrykskunde kurrikulum sal jou help om vir ‘n suksesvolle eindeksamen voor te berei. SLAAG Fisiese Wetenskappe Graad 12 Karin H Kelder, Derick Govender et al | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | African Literature SLAAG Fisiese Wetenskappe se volledige oorsig van die Graad 12 Fisiese Wetenskappe kurrikulum sal jou help om vir ‘n suksesvolle eindeksamen voor te berei. Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 13 YOUNG ADULT READING Paperight Young Writers’ Anthology 2013 Paperight Various contributors | Publisher: Paperight | | Youth Anthology Listen up – South Africa’s youth are speaking! The Paperight Young Writers’ Anthology uncovers the next generation of South African writers and artists, compiling work of the highest quality from high school students from every corner of the country. This is what it means to be young, talented and South African in 2013. This is our next generation of artists and writers – in English, Zulu, Xhosa, Sotho and Afrikaans. Featuring a foreword by Niq Mhlongo. Get Me Started Sipho Hlongwane | Publisher: Picador Africa | | Autobiography: general In Get Me Started, self-taught wordsmith, award-winning journalist and roisterous raconteur Sipho Hlongwane plays off the phrase ‘Don’t get me started’ to REALLY challenge youngsters to get themselves riled up over politics, cars, Twitter, racial slurs, religion and people who must go away, all in the name of a better South Africa. A Bad Black’s Manifesto Zama Ndlovu | Publisher: Picador Africa | | Autobiography: general Social activist, columnist, working professional, founder and MD of Youth Lab and vanguard for the #badblacks, Zama Ndlovu talks failed education and revolutions, dating on the interwebs, white people and their braais, women’s empowerment and Black Consciousness and identity in A Bad Black’s Manifesto. It Feels Wrong to Laugh Anele Mdoda | Publisher: Picador Africa | | Autobiography: general ‘I am not my gap, but I own it. I am not my size, but I own it and you can’t use what you see as a negative against me. I own me and proudly so.’ – Anele Mdoda. Carving her own path in radio, Anele Mdoda is the irrepressible DJ on the Afternoon Drive show on 94.7 Highveld Stereo. A talker, a comic, honest and raw, Anele discusses everything from radio to hair weaves and owning your size in It Feels Wrong to Laugh, But … Take It From Me Danny K | Publisher: Picador Africa | | Autobiography: general ‘They say there’s no business like show business. And that’s not because of the fame, or the money. It’s because of just how hard it can be.’ – Danny K. Take It From Me records the ups and downs of the career path of South African singer, songwriter, actor and producer, Danny K. A performer from a young age, Danny K talks about the good, the bad and the ugly of the music business, his influences and how rejection can sometimes pay off. Becoming Shaka Sisulu | Publisher: Picador Africa | | Autobiography: general ‘There is a poetic justice to life because we are the sum of our experiences.’ – Shaka Sisulu, Grandson of anti-apartheid stalwart Walter Sisulu, CEO of non-profit organisation Cheesekids, creator, dreamer, father and devoted Afrikan, Shaka Sisulu discusses heritage, BEE, inspiration, leadership, legacy and how you can carve your own destiny in the Afrikan soil in Becoming. South Africa: A Long Walk to a Free Ride Nik Rabinowitz Gillian Breslin | Publisher: Picador Africa | | Autobiography: general According to these two ageing youngsters, ‘The hardest thing about history in South Africa is getting people to agree on it.’ A fast-paced, hilarious guide to surviving your youth in South Africa. Expect a history lesson with a difference, what makes a comedian tick, some alternative political insights and thoughtful crystal-ball gazing. Join Nik Rabinowitz and Gillian Breslin on a side-splitting journey to discover the ‘real’ South Africa. In My Arrogant Opinion Khaya Dlanga | Publisher: Picador Africa | | Autobiography: general Award-winning blogger and advertising guy who never eats black jelly babies, Khaya Dlanga discusses issues of racism, love and sex, money, gender and a range of things in between. Khaya’s humour mixed with opinion is a recipe guaranteed to make you think and laugh out loud. 14 Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 T E E N R E A D IN G Field of Dreams Ros Haden | Publisher: FunDza | | Fiction, Young Adult Fiction When Dumisani finds out that the new player in his team is also in line to be selected for the soccer academy, he is worried. Mandla is every coach’s dream. But he keeps to himself and nobody knows anything about his past. And, Dumi only has a few days before the selection match to discover Mandla’s secrets… Misha’s Story Dorothy Dyer | Publisher: FunDza | | Fiction, Young Adult Fiction It’s life orientation: the class is reflecting on pictures from a long time ago. Misha hears some of the people in the pictures talking to her. They tell her of their pain and suffering, of being enslaved, separated from their own children, abused by their fathers. Misha is confused and sad. But her class doesn’t understand – they just jeer and snigger behind her back. Why does Misha hear their voices? What is making her so sad? She’s the One Ros Haden | Publisher: FunDza | | Fiction, Young Adult Fiction Thando thinks he’s a bit of a late starter – he’s shy and doesn’t understand girls. But, there is one girl in particular that he’d really like to notice him: the beautiful and desirable Phathokazi. He asks Dumi, whose always full of ‘wise words’, for ‘love’ advice. But things don’t go according to plan… Who is K? Ros Haden | Publisher: FunDza | | Fiction, Young Adult Fiction When Thumi gets an SMS from the mystery K, she thinks its her friend Khosi playing a joke on her. But when she gets to school and finds that Khosi has lost her cell, Thumi starts to think just how many people the mystery K could be… Broken Promises Ros Haden | Publisher: Cover2Cover Books | | Fiction, Young Adult Fiction It’s not fair! Ntombi’s mother is out all the time with her new man, Zakes – leaving Ntombi to look after her little sister Zinzi. But Ntombi is missing practices for South Africa’s ‘Teen Voice’ competition and the auditions are getting closer every day. And besides, she wants some fun of her own… especially once she meets up with Mzi, one of the hottest boys at Harmony High. But what secrets are Zakes and Mzi hiding? Sugar Daddy Ros Haden | Publisher: Cover2Cover Books | | Young Adult Fiction Busi feels left out! Her friends have won a talent competition, but the only talent she has is for being late for school! When she climbs out of a broken window at Harmony High and escapes onto the street her life is about to change. The smooth, handsome taxi driver, Parks, stops to pick her up and there is no going back. But Busi soon finds herself out of her depth and realises that Parks has a secret he isn’t sharing. Too Young To Die Sivuyile Mazantsi and Sam Roth | Publisher: Cover2Cover Books | | Young Adult Fiction Mzi wants one thing: revenge. He is full of hatred and anger for his old girlfriend Ntombi and her new boyfriend Olwethu. It was their fault that he was arrested. But now to stay out of jail Mzi can’t make one wrong move. And at Harmony High Mzi no longer gets the respect he once had. Only his old friend Vuyo and the sexy Priscilla give him comfort. Will Mzi manage to get his revenge on Olwethu, and still stay out of jail? Or will he be making the biggest mistake of his life? Two-Faced Friends Dorothy Dyer | Publisher: Cover2Cover Books | | Fiction, Young Adult Fiction Lelethu has always dreamed of the big city. She’s excited to arrive in Cape Town, but soon finds out that things are not as she imagined. Her aunt treats her like a servant and her cousin is unfriendly. So when a cool gang of girls invite her to join their group, she’s overjoyed. But what kind of friends are they really? Will she have to betray her beliefs to stay in their group? And, what will happen if she dares to cross them? Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 15 T ESE XTCBOOKS T ION O’REILLY TECHNOLOGY TEXTBOOKS Now studying tech and computer science is more affordable than ever before! O’Reilly’s techy textbooks are world-famous, and are among the most prescribed textbooks for computer science classes worldwide. Get them from your local Paperight outlet, cheaply, quickly & legally. 16 Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 Head First Design Patterns Eric Freeman, Elisabeth Robson, Bert Bates, Kathy Sierra | Publisher: O’Reilly Media | | Computing & information technology T E XT BOOKS If you’ve read a Head First book, you know what to expect--a visually-rich format designed for the way your brain works. Using the latest research in neurobiology, cognitive science, and learning theory, Head First Design Patterns will load patterns into your brain in a way that sticks. In a way that lets you put them to work immediately. In a way that makes you better at solving software design problems, and better at speaking the language of patterns with others on your team. Head First Excel A learner’s guide to spreadsheets Michael Milton | Publisher: O’Reilly Media | | Computing & information technology Do you use Excel for simple lists, but get lost when it comes to actually doing something useful with all that data? Head First Excel helps you move from a spreadsheet dabbler into a savvy user in just a short time. Whether you’re completely new to Excel, or an experienced user looking to make the program work better for you, this book will help you incorporate Excel into every aspect of your workflow. Head First HTML and CSS Elisabeth Robson, Eric Freeman | Publisher: O’Reilly Media | Second Edition | Computing & information technology Tired of reading HTML books that only make sense after you’re an expert? Then it’s about time you picked up Head First HTML and really learned HTML. You want to learn HTML so you can finally create those web pages you’ve always wanted. You also want to do it right so you can actually maintain and expand your web pages over time so they work in all browsers and mobile devices. And if you’re going to create web pages in the 21st century then you’ll want to know and understand CSS. Head First PHP & MySQL Lynn Beighley, Michael Morrison | Publisher: O’Reilly Media | | Computing & information technology If you’re ready to create web pages more complex than what you can build with HTML and CSS, Head First PHP & MySQL is the ultimate learning guide to building dynamic, database-driven websites using PHP and MySQL. Packed with real-world examples, this book teaches you all the essentials of server-side programming, from the fundamentals of PHP and MySQL coding to advanced topics such as form validation, session IDs, cookies, database queries and joins, file I/O operations, and more. Head First Python Paul Barry | Publisher: O’Reilly Media | | Computing & information technology Add Python to your programming skills and have some fun at the same time. Head First Python takes you beyond typical how-to manuals with an engaging visual format that includes images, puzzles, stories, and quizzes that are proven to stimulate learning and retention. You’ll not only learn how Python differs from other programming languages and how it’s similar, you’ll learn how to be a great programmer. Head First Software Development Dan Pilone, Russ Miles | Publisher: O’Reilly Media | | Computing & information technology Even the best developers have seen well-intentioned software projects fail -- often because the customer kept changing requirements, and end users didn’t know how to use the software you developed. Instead of surrendering to these common problems, let Head First Software Development guide you through the best practices of software development. Before you know it, those failed projects will be a thing of the past. Learning JavaScript Design Patterns A JavaScript and jQuery Developer’s Guide Addy Osmani | Publisher: O’Reilly Media | | Computing & information technology If you want to write beautiful, structured, and maintainable JavaScript code, this guide shows you how to apply both classical and modern design patterns to the language. You’ll explore several popular design patterns in plain JavaScript as well as jQuery and other abstracted libraries. Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites Robin Nixon | Publisher: O’Reilly Media | Second Edition | Computing & information technology If you’re familiar with HTML, you can quickly learn how to build interactive, data-driven websites with the powerful combination of PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript. This hands-on guide explains each technology separately, shows you how to combine them, and introduces valuable web programming concepts such as objects, XHTML, cookies, and session management. Carefully paced for non-programmers, this second edition provides an extensive introduction to CSS. Learning Web Design A Beginner’s Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics Jennifer Niederst Robbins | Publisher: O’Reilly Media | Fourth Edition | Computing & information technology Learning Web Design provides a no-nonsense guide to the maze of options novice designers face, offering clear advice for creating attractive web sites and applications. Everything you need to know to create professional web sites is right here. You’ll start at the beginning – learning how the Web and web pages work – and build your knowledge from there. By the end of the book, you’ll have the skills to create multi-column CSS layouts, and you’ll know how to get your pages up on the Web. Programming C# 5.0 Building Windows 8, Web, and Desktop Applications for the .NET 4.5 Framework Ian Griffiths | Publisher: O’Reilly Media | | Computing & information technology With its support for dynamic programming, C# 5.0 continues to evolve as a versatile language on its own. But when C# is used with .NET Framework 4.5, the combination is incredibly powerful. This tutorial shows you how to build web, desktop, Metro and rich Internet applications using C# 5.0 with .NET’s database capabilities, UI framework (WPF), extensive communication services (WCF), and more. Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 17 T E XT BOOKS BUSINESS ECONOMICS Modules 1-10 GetSmarter Feature Writing: Modules 1-10 GetSmarter | Publisher: GetSmarter | | Film and Media Learn the skills and techniques for writing professional feature articles. Gain the knowledge and ability to write a wide variety of features for magazines, newspapers, websites and blogs, and become part of an online writing community and share your work and ideas while being guided by experts. GetSmarter Social Media: Modules 1-8 | Publisher: GetSmarter | | Film and Media Gain a comprehensive overview of social media, with particular emphasis on “The Big 5” - Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Blogging as well as Google+ and Pinterest for your business. Learn practical skills to manage online communities, develop an integrated content strategy, conduct effective online reputation management and measure ROI. GetSmarter Business Economics: Modules 1-10 GetSmarter | Publisher: GetSmarter | | School of Economics Empower yourself to make better decisions by understanding how an economy works and how it applies to the business environment. Understand the decisions of households, firms and governments based on human behaviour, beliefs, structure, constraints and needs. These are the notes for a 10-week part-time course presented online throughout South Africa, by GetSmarter. GetSmarter Events Management: Modules 1-10 GetSmarter | Publisher: GetSmarter | | Management Studies Learn the fundamentals of developing and managing events of any size. Gain the skills to design, administer and market events, and to manage event operations and risks. GetSmarter Digital Photography: Modules 1-10 GetSmarter | Publisher: GetSmarter | | Film and Media Learn to use your digital SLR camera to its full potential and take better photographs. Deepen your photography skills and learn to shoot in full manual mode, and become part of an online photography community and share work, photographs and ideas while being guided by experts. GetSmarter Marketing: Modules 1-10 GetSmarter | Publisher: GetSmarter | | Management Studies Understand the fundamentals of planning and running a successful marketing campaign, and learn about market and customer analysis. This course lets you gain insight into brand development, sales, marketing channels and market research. 18 Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 GetSmarter partners with prestigious universities and leading organisations to offer a variety of online courses and education solutions. These guides are great for self study on a wide range of contemporary topics and skills. T E XT BOOKS GE TSMARTER PERSONAL FINANCE Modules 1- 8 S I N G LE MO DU LE S OFFE RED FOR ALL COURSES Ask a member of staff at a Paperight outlet or visit the to find out more about individual modules. GetSmarter Photoshop: Modules 1-10 GetSmarter | Publisher: GetSmarter | | Film and Media Understand the theory and practice of creating and editing your images professionally with Adobe Photoshop. Apply these skills to a variety of creative contexts, including web design, print design and post-production in photography. GetSmarter Internet Marketing: Modules 1-10 GetSmarter | Publisher: GetSmarter | | Management Studies Understand the internet marketing landscape and how to reach your target audience by using tried and tested internet marketing tactics while gaining the skills and confidence to implement your own online marketing tactics and strategies. GetSmarter Personal Finance: Modules 1-8 GetSmarter | Publisher: GetSmarter | | Management Studies Learn to manage your finances effectively. Develop practical skills in budgeting, property buying, and investment and tax planning. GetSmarter Office Management: Modules 1-10 GetSmarter | Publisher: GetSmarter | | Management Studies Learn the skills to manage information and communication efficiently so that timely, relevant and accurate information is available to managers and colleagues at all levels. Gain a solid foundation in professional administration and office management. GetSmarter Import and Export: Modules 1-11 GetSmarter | Publisher: GetSmarter | | UCT Law @ Work Learn all facets of import and export management. Understand the global trade environment and South Africa’s international trade agreements, including documents needed for customs procedures and clearance. GetSmarter Internet Super User: Modules 1-12 GetSmarter | Publisher: GetSmarter | | Information Systems Get ahead by learning to use these tools like the professionals: Google, Skype, Wikipedia, Google Earth, Facebook, Twitter, PayPal, eBay, Ustream, Mozy, blogs, mobile technology and many more. Ideal for novice and intermediate internet users. Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 19 T ESE XTCBOOKS T ION Genuine Intellectuals Academic and Social Responsibilities of Universities in Africa Bernard Nsokika Fonlon | Publisher: Langaa RPCIG | | Higher Education The book details Fonlon’s reflections and vision on the scientific and philosophical Nature, End and Purpose of university studies. He calls on African students to harness the Scientific Method in their quest for Truth, and to put the specialised knowledge they acquire to the benefit of the commonwealth first, then, to themselves. To do this effectively, universities must jealously protect academic freedom from all non-academic interferences. Non-Europhone Intellectuals Kane, Ousmane Oumar | Publisher: CODESRIA | | Social Science: Black Studies The history of Arabic writing spans a period of eight hundred years in sub-Saharan Africa. Hundreds of thousands of manuscripts in Arabic or Ajami (African languages written with the Arabic script) are preserved in public libraries and private collections in sub-Saharan Africa. This Islamic Library includes historical, devotional, pedagogical, polemical and political writings, most of which have not yet been adequately studied. Stereotyping Africa. Surprising Answers to Surprising Questions Surprising Answers to Surprising Questions Emmanuel Fru Doh | Publisher: Langaa RPCIG | | Social Science: Discrimination & Race Relations Africans in any Western country are asked so many different questions about “Africa,” as Westerners love to refer to the many countries that make up that huge continent, as if Africa were a single nation state. It is some of these questions that Emmanuel Fru Doh has collected over the years and has attempted answering them in an effort to shed some light on a continent that is in many ways like the rest of the world, when not better, but which so many love to paint as dark, backward, chaotic, and pathetic. Me and My Cell Phone And Other Essays On Technology In Everyday Life Crystal Powell | Publisher: Langaa RPCIG | | Social Science: Anthropology and Culture Cell phones and the Internet have been the recipients of in-depth research on their increased and rapid integration into everyday life and the innovative appropriations associated with them in many societies. The book draws on and critically reviews contributions by some leading authors on the social shaping of ICTs and social media to offer a more nuanced and complex understanding of technology in relation to those who use and are used by it. Introduction to Sociology Nathan Keirns, Eric Strayer, Heather Griffiths, Susan Cody-Rydzewski, Gail Scaramuzzo, Tommy Sadler, Sally Vyain | Publisher: Openstax | | Sociology With title chapters such as Culture; Society and Social Interaction; and Deviance, Crime and Social Control, this book introduces the reader to some of the most compelling research areas of Sociology. It offers sociological insights produced by academics. SheMurenga: The Zimbabwean Women’s Movement 1995-2000 Shereen Essof | Publisher: Weaver Press | | Social Science: Women’s Studies This book demonstrates the place of women’s movements during a defining period of contemporary Zimbabwe. Shereen Essof shows how Zimbabwean women aimed for a feminist agenda that would prioritise the interests of the rural and urban poor. Rejecting both the strictures of patriarchy and the orthodoxies of established feminism, she demands that Zimbabwe’s women be heard. In doing so she writes a book that combines scholarly integrity with a wild, joyous cry for liberation. Masculinities in Contemporary Africa Egodi Uchendu | Publisher: CODESRIA | | Social Science: Mens Studies Although gender and non-gender scholars have studied men, such an academic exercise requires a critical and focused study of masculine subjects in particular social contexts, which is what this book attempts to do. This empirically rich collection of essays, the seventh of the CODESRIA Gender Series, deals with critical examinations of various shades and ramifications of Africa’s masculinities and what these portend for the peoples of Africa and for gender relations on the continent. 20 Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 T E RT IA RY E D UC AT ION Let’s Talk About Varsity Johan Fourie (editor) T| Publisher: Gabbema Books | First edition | Universities, Higher Education, Education: Student Life and Student Affairs Are you on your way to varsity without any idea of what to expect or how to handle the challenges you are going to face? Experts offer their advice on issues ranging from your academic choices to dealing with your finances and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. With more than half of all university students never completing their degree, this book provides a valuable guide, right through to the graduation ceremony and beyond (and shows you how to have fun along the way). Uniwrsityt: Wat jy moet weet Johan Fourie (editor) | Publisher: Gabbema Books | First edition | Universities, Higher Education, Education: Student Life and Student Affairs Minder as �n kwart van alle eerstejaars vang na vier jaar graad, en dis �n feit soos �n koei. Nog �n feit is die geweldige koste verbonde aan universiteitsopleiding. Tog, of dalk juis daarom, moedig hierdie teks jongmense aan om, met oop o�, die w�reld van die universiteit te betree, want die universiteit kan ook een van die beste, mees opwindende plekke wees waar jy jou ooit sal bevind. Now What? A guide to studying with Unisa Paperight and Together We Pass | Publisher: Paperight | 1st Edition | Study & Learning Skills Now What? includes sections about degree planning, time management, joining a study group, effective and enjoyable studying, keeping yourself motivated, exam revision, dealing with stress, understanding exam questions, finding and managing your funding, and getting in touch with Unisa’s different departments. Write the Winning CV Danie Joubert | Publisher: Random House Struik | | Advice on careers & achieving success This book will show you how to get the right job for you, in the company you want to work in. You will find out how to prepare your winning resume and CV to target the job and the company exactly, in order to create the perfect fit. Write the Winning CV is based on current employment philosophies, practices and trends, and serves as an up-to-date guide for people who are entering the employment market for the first time, as well as those who are seeking a change in career. To the Budding Creative Writer A Handbook Roselyne M. Jua Bate Besong | Publisher: Langaa RPCIG | | Language Arts and Disciplines: Composition & Creative Writing To the Budding Creative Writer: A Handbook is designed to help young writers come to grips with questions and problems relative to their creative efforts. The authors discuss a range of topics, providing guidelines on such issues as style, technique, point of view, characterization, poetic diction, figurative language, denotation and connotation, etc. Writing for Magazines Absolutely Everything You Need to Know Catriona Ross | Publisher: Crink | | Journalism; writing; magazine writing If you want to write articles for magazines, this is the guidebook for you! Easy to read and packed with hot tips from an array of experts, Writing for Magazines provides all the information and inspiration you’ll need to become a successful, well-paid freelance journalist. Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad | Publisher: Paperight | Paperight Edition | Fiction Conrads influential tale of imperialism, in which Marlow, a seaman and traveller, recounts his journey in search of the enigmatic Kurtz down the Congo River. Animal Farm George Orwell | Publisher: Paperight | Paperight Edition | Fiction ‘It is the history of a revolution that went wrong-and of the excellent excuses that were forthcoming at every step for the perversion of the original doctrine,’ wrote George Orwell for the first edition of Animal Farm in 1945. His simple and tragic fable, telling of what happens when the animals drive out Mr Jones and attempt to run the farm themselves, has since become a world-famous classic of English prose.Surely the most important fictional satire to be written in twentieth-century Britain. Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 21 C L A SSIC SE C T ION F IC T ION The Story of an African Farm Olive Schreiner | Publisher: Paperight | Paperight Edition | Fiction Regarded as one of the first feminist novels, Story of an African Farm is a story of Waldo, Em and Lyndall, first as children and then as adults in 19th century South Africa. Published under the pseudonym Ralph Iron, Schreiner’s book shocked the literary world. A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens | Publisher: Paperight | Paperight Edition | Fiction Released from imprisonment in the Bastille, Dr Manette is reunited with his daughter Lucie, whose affections are being competed for by a French aristocrat and an English lawyer. The Dubliners James Joyce | Publisher: Paperight | Paperight Edition | Fiction A collection of short stories depicting Irish middle-class life in early twentieth century Dublin. Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen | Publisher: Paperight | Paperight Edition | Fiction Pride and Prejudice follows Elizabeth Bennet as she deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education and marriage in the society of the landed gentry of early 19th-century England. Elizabeth is the second of five daughters of a country gentleman, living near the fictional town of Meryton in Hertfordshire, near London. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Lewis Carroll | Publisher: Paperight | Paperight Edition | Fiction Alices Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to Alice in Wonderland) tells of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole into a fantasy world (Wonderland) populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. The tale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as children. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain | Publisher: Paperight | Paperight Edition | Fiction The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn follows Huckleberry Finn, a poor boy with a drunken bum for a father, who has been adopted by the kind (but stifling) Widow Douglas. The story covers Hucks escapades after coming into a large sum of money. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle | Publisher: Paperight | Paperight Edition | Fiction The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twelve stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring his famous detective Sherlock Holmes. The First Men in the Moon HG Wells | Publisher: Paperight | Paperight Edition | Science fiction A science fiction novel following the journey of a businessman and an eccentric scientist to the moon. 22 Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 T E A C H IN G A ID S Being a Teacher Saide | Publisher: Saide | | Education This module in the SAIDE Teacher Education Series is a systematic overview of the role of a teacher and teaching as a profession. Creating a Caring School Saide | Publisher: Saide | | Education A guide for school management teams, developed out of a SAIDE research project. Using Media in Teaching Saide | Publisher: Saide | | Education This module in the SAIDE Teacher Education Series focuses on how teachers might use popular media, textbooks and computer technologies to create a learning environment that equips learners with the knowledge and skills to live and work in a changing country. Working in Classrooms Saide | Publisher: Saide | | Education This module in the SAIDE Teacher Education Series addresses the question of how teachers might best organise classroom space and time to promote systematic learning. 53 ways to deal with large classes Hannah Strawson (editor) | Publisher: The Professional and Higher Partnership | | EDUCATION / Teaching Methods & Materials / General Teaching staff are increasingly being required to teach large classes. This book identifies the problems this gives rise to and, for each one, suggests a response or set of responses. It is designed for dipping into to find solutions that dovetail with your own practice. The topics covered are wide-ranging. They include: course planning and implementation; lectures; discussion groups and seminars; practicals, projects, and fieldwork; and assessment. 53 Interesting Ways of Helping Your Students to Study Anthony Haynes and Karen Haynes | Publisher: The Professional and Higher Learning Partnership | 1st Edition | Education If you teach in higher or professional education, 53 interesting ways of helping your students to study is designed to help you. This book provides practical suggestions, each tried and tested, for helping students to improve their learning. The topics covered are wide-ranging. They include: beginning to study; planning ones studying; studying through reading; taking notes; writing; learning with others; using library resources; revision; and examinations. Educational Psychology Kelvin Seifert and Rosemary Sutton | Publisher: Paperight | | Psychology A guide for prospective teachers covering different teaching methodologies as well as material typically found in teacher training programs, using both theories and real-world applications. Where to for Provincial Education? Reviewing Provincial Education Budgets 2006 to 2012 Russell Wildeman Rose Hemmer-Vitti | Publisher: The Institute for Democracy in South Africa | | Financial Education South Africa’s provincial education departments have been reduced to provincial administrations, for reasons that include the powerful role national government plays in delivering education services. This book looks in detail at education spending and asks: Can we afford to maintain administrations that cannot possibly change the course of poor quality education and engineer a brighter future for our poor and deprived learners? Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 23 C H IL D T E A C H IN G e-Classroom English worksheets: Phonetics E-Classroom | Publisher: E-Classroom | | Early Learning Activity Books A selection of English worksheets for young learners. Learn about Phonetics! e-Classroom English worksheets: The Alphabet E-Classroom | Publisher: E-Classroom | | Early Learning Activity Books A selection of English worksheets for young learners. Learn about the Alphabet! e-Classroom Life Skills worksheets: Arts & Crafts (Vol 1) E-Classroom | Publisher: E-Classroom | | Early Learning Activity Books Volume 1 of a selection of fun life skills worksheets & activities for young learners. e-Classroom Life Skills worksheets: Grade 2 (general) E-Classroom | Publisher: E-Classroom | | Early Learning Activity Books A selection of life skills worksheets for learners in Grade 2. e-Classroom Life Skills worksheets: Grade 3 (general) E-Classroom | Publisher: E-Classroom | | Early Learning Activity Books A selection of life skills worksheets for learners in Grade 3. e-Classroom Life Skills worksheets: Grade R (Term 1) E-Classroom | Publisher: E-Classroom | | Early Learning Activity Books A selection of life skills worksheets for learners in Grade R. e-Classroom Life Skills worksheets: Grade R & Grade 1 (general) E-Classroom | Publisher: E-Classroom | | Early Learning Activity Books A selection of life skills worksheets for learners in Grade R. & Grade 1. e-Classroom Life Skills worksheets: Health E-Classroom | Publisher: E-Classroom | | Early Learning Activity Books A selection of health and safety life skills worksheets for young learners. 24 Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 C H IL D T E A C H IN G The Jungle Book Rudyard Kipling | Publisher: Paperight | Paperight Edition | Childrens fiction The classic collection of short stories about a young child, Mowgli, who is adopted and raised by bears in the jungle. Adventures of Pinocchio Carlos Collodi | Publisher: Paperight | Paperight Edition | Childrens fiction A classic childrens story about a small wooden puppet who wants to become a real boy. Dressing (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer | Publisher: Kierie & Kriekie - Big Bug Books | | Early Learning Book 8 of Level 0: Each learner should have her/his own copy of this reader. Dressing - Worksheets (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld | Publisher: Kierie & Kriekie - Big Bug Books | | Early Learning Wordcards and Worksheets for Book 8 Level 0. Each learner should have her/his own set. Grandpa goes to hospital (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer | Publisher: Kierie & Kriekie - Big Bug Books | | Early Learning Book 4 of Level 3: Each learner should have her/his own copy of this reader. Grandpa goes to hospital - Worksheets (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld | Publisher: Kierie & Kriekie - Big Bug Books | | Early Learning Wordcards and Worksheets for Book 4 Level 3. Each learner should have her/his own set. Do Babies Wear Pyjamas? Fransie M. Frandsen | Publisher: African Minds | | Childrens Stories Do babies wear pyjamas? has been written and illustrated to stimulate communication between the young child and the reading adult in a fun and entertaining manner. The story emphasises the importance of communication between parents and children, in so doing facilitating and strengthening attachment and bonding between caregiver and child. The characters in the book listen to each other and the opinions of the children are regarded equal to those of their parents. Folktales from the Moose of Burkina Faso Alain-Joseph Sissao | Publisher: Langaa RPCIG | | Fairytales, Folktakes, Legends & Mythology The Moogo, the region of the Moose known as Mossi in ancient literature occupies the entire central zone of Burkina Faso. It is divided into several kingdoms, the principal one comprising todays capital of Ouagadougou. Along with the singing griots, the evening storytellers pass on the ancestral word during the evening gatherings where they provide the group with models to follow. The folktale is the most appropriate form for teaching children to express themselves, to structure their thoughts, and to reason. Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 25 A F R IC A N L IT E R AT UR E A ke wena...? (Setswana title) Tlhale Setlhare | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | African Literature Padi e e nang le kgogedi e ntsi mme baithuti, barutwana mmogo le babuisi ka kakaretso ba t la itumelela yona. Ditiragalo tse di tseisang mmuisi mmamadikwadikwane, tsa kwa motsesetoropong wa Ipelegeng, sekolong se segolo sa Reaitshupa. Kgang ya mosetsanyana yo montle, yo e leng morutwana mme a na le bokamoso jo a neng a rata go bo ipetlela. Akulawule umththo (IsiZulu title) P.B. Maphumulo | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | African Literature Akulawule umthetho ngumdlalo lona ogxile endikimbeni yokungaboni ngaso linye osekuqubuke phakathi kukaKhangekile ebhekene ngeziqu zamehlo noPhephela ekanye noJameleni. Umahosha onguKhangekile uyenzile indaba walahla usana. Ekutholakaleni kwalo sekuqhamuke abazali bambe abangayiphiwanga inzalo nasebezijube ukuzikhulisela le ngane enguBazamile njengengane yokhuselo esizongena esiswini sabo. Chike and the River Chinua Achebe | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | African Literature Chike grew up in Umuofia with his mother and sisters. Before he left for Onitsha, his mother warned him never to go to the big River Niger. Chike was keen to visit the river. He requested money from his uncle, who refused. Whilst in Onitsha, he washed cars and got the money. He paid a boat fare to cross the big River Niger. Whilst on the other side, he lost track of time and missed the last boat back. Chike’s breathtaking adventures began. Hodimo le tlase (Sesotho title) Moroesi Sefuthi | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | African Literature “Pele setjhaba sa Rantsho se una molemo dingolweng, kannete ke tla be ke eso phethele mosebetsi wa ka. Etswe dingolwa di tshwana le qati di ya arolelwana.” Izimvemvane (IsiZulu title) A.M. Maphumulo, T. Qwabe | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | African Literature Izimvemvane yiqoqo lezinkondlo ezibhalwe ngokuhlanganyela nguSolwazi A.M. Maphumulo kanye noMnumzane Themba Qwabe. Bobabili bayizimbongi ezaziwayo olimini lwesiZulu. Ziningi izinkondlo abazibhalile kanye namaqoqo ezinkondlo abawahlelile. Izinkondlo ezikuleli qoqo zilungele ukufundwa ngabesiZulu ulimi lwaseKhaya kanye nabesiZulu ulimi lokuQala olweNgeziwe. Izindlalifa zamalungel’ okufa nokuphila (IsiZulu title) A.T. Ndlovu | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | African Literature Le noveli ikhuluma ngamalungelo akhona lapha eMzansi. Umbhali uyawapenapena la malungelo bese kuvela ukuthi kukhona amalungelo amahle esingawabiza ngamalungel’okuphila. Aphinde futhi aveze amalungelo amabi noma angemukeleki, lawo-ke singathi angamalungel’ okufa.Abantu “”abadla”” la malungelo babizwa ngezindlalifa zamalungel’ okufa nokuphila. Jimmy and the Bubblemen James O’Connor | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | African Literature What would have happened if Jimmy had not met the Greenplanet people? Would he have been able to save his mother from Stanley, and his evil plans? Would the school have remained in the iron grip of Mr Snodgrass? Read about the arrival of the Bubblemen and their spacecraft from Greenplanet, and how they bring change for the better, as they tap the hidden power inside Jimmy. Ka lebaka la Belina (Sesotho title) M. P. Mokhele | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | African Literature Pading ena mongodi o pepesa bofokodi ba botho. O re phetela ka Thapelo, ngwana ya holetseng lapeng la Bokreste. Moshanyana enwa o ne a phela bophelo bo hlwekileng boo a neng a bo amahantse le molao wa Modimo. Nkgonae o ile a fana ka setshwantsho sa melao e leshome e Bibeleng jwale ka mpho. A laela hore setshwantsho seo se tle se fuwe Thapelo, mme melao ya sona e tle e mo tataise kgolong ya hae. 26 Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 A F R IC A N L IT E R AT UR E Kgwaa, re utlwe! (Setswana title) Tlhare Setlhare | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | African Literature Buka e, e ka itumelela ke barutwana mmogo le baithuti gonne ke poko e e ka ba fatlhosang fa ba ntse ba le mo tseleng e e ba isang kwa isagong e ba ka ratang go nna le yona. Poko e e buang thata ka ditiragalo tse re tshelang mo nakong ya tsona. Ka poko e, bakwadi ba a ruta, ba a kgalemela,ba a laya e bile gape ba go tsibosa o le mmuisi. Ke tsona dilo tse di fi tlhelwang mo pokong e ya rona. Kungabheja ezansi! (IsiZulu title) P.B. Maphumulo | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | African Literature Kusukela lo Hulumeni wombuso wentando yeningi uqhoqhobele izintambo zombuso, kunemithetho emisha eyashaywayo ePhalamende yashicilelwa nakumthethosisekelo. Omunye wayo yilona oqhakambisa ukulingana ngokobulili nangokwamalungelo. Yiwona-ke lo mthetho osubange ukudonsisana phakathi kwabesilisa nabesifazane. Abesilisa bashaya phansi ngonyawo bathi abasoze balingana nabesifazane bona ngokwamalungelo ngesizathu sokuthi bayizinhloko zemizi. Lily waseLilydale (Siswati title) J J Ncongwane | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | African Literature Lily waseLilydale yindzaba yentfombatana lenguLily yasendzaweni yaseLilydale, lebeyisishikashiki setepolitiki. Beyisigcinatfumbu kabo itelwe nabomnakabo labatsatfu. Kuvela kwakhe emkhatsini webafana futsi abeyintfombatana, kwamenta wahlangabetana netinsayeya letinyenti. Kwadzingeka kutsi acine futsi atimele. Kucoshwa kwebatali bakhe epulazini kaMdosombane kwamenta wangenela umzabalazo wenkhululeko. Washisa umsaho wetingodvo wasefemini yaseWarbuton. Ngiyadela ngobuntu! (IsiZulu title) Mabuyiseni Fana Mdlalose | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | African Literature Ngale ncwadi umbhali uzama ukuthi aveze ngosiba, akushoyo ngezinto azibona zenzeka esikhathini esiphila kuso. Engani phela usuku nosuku kuvela noma kwenzeka izinto esiziqabukayo nokunzima ukuthi ezinye sizamukele kalula. Le ncwadi izama ukufaka ngaphakathi kithi umuthi, uzifozonke, ozolwa nazo zonke izifo zokwenza kanye nokucabanga okubi okuphila ebantwini. Asibunakile phela lo bubi ngoba sebaphila isikhathi eside bukithi kanti futhi sekwajwayeleka njengento eyamukelekile. Sihlenge setikhatsi (Siswati title) P T Jele | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | African Literature Lena yindzaba yekuphatamiseka kwemphilo letintile yemndeni ngenca yetizatfu temsebenti kanye nekungabi khona kwesimilo lesicinile emvelweni yemuntfu. Kumele inikete kulandzisa ngendlela letfokotisako ngeNingizimu Afrika emva kwelubandlululo netinselela tekuphatsa umndeni ube uhlala khashane, kutekana kwetinhlanga letingafani, kutiphatsa ngendlela lengenasimilo, bunyonyana kanye nekuba ngumtali loyedvwa. Zidlana imilala (IsiZulu title) A.M. Maphumulo | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | African Literature Zidlana Imilala, yiqoqo lezinkondlo elihlelwe yingwazi yolimi lwesiZulu uSolwazi A.M. Maphumulo. Lihlelelwe amabanga aphezulu kubandakanya ibanga leshumi nambili. Linezinkondlo ezibhalwe izimbongi, iningi lazo esezike zagiya kulo munxa wezinkondlo. Yiqoqo leli elihamba phambili ngenxa yalezi zizathu ezilandelayo: Linezinkondlo zolimi lwasekhaya kanye nolimi lokwengeza. Stories from Abakwa Francis B Nyamnhoh | Publisher: Langaa RPCIG | | Juvenile Fiction: People & Places - Africa Childhood and growing up in Mimboland, Cameroon are infused with fascinating stories and adventures. Discover life in Abakwa with Tom and his friend, as they are chased through an orchard for secretly harvesting avocados and mangoes. Smile as Mathias Chis overloaded canoe almost loses balance. Shiver as Roland runs through the dark streets and bleeding corridors of Mvog Mvog. And cry when Big Brother discovers how his siblings suffered when he was away at school. Live Mag: Issue 6 Live Mag | Publisher: Live Mag | Issue 6 | Magazine Made by the youth, for the youth & empowering youth. Riveting, cutting-edge, in your face! That’s us! Innovative? We are! Creative? No doubt! Hardcore? Definitely! Youth Journalism with an edge. We bring you your truth; no sugar-coating; no favours. Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 27 A F R IC A N L IT E R AT UR E The Earth Fights Back Colin Diyen | Publisher: Langaa RPCIG | | Science Fiction Diyen’s addition to the sci-fi/fantasy genre is a new chapter in the renaissance of Cameroonian fiction. He has created a convincing alternative world whose characters will keep us firmly grounded in the issues of our own world. The author is a true storyteller with a talent for keeping his audience spellbound. The Earth in Peril Colin Diyen | Publisher: Langaa RPCIG | | Science Fiction Colin Diyen’s imaginary world of Mungongoh is an interesting one. There is the wrathful King Awobua whose lust for the earth is immeasurable. He intends to use the Institute of Research for the Development of Ideas (IRDI) where all the top brains in Mungongoh are concentrated to accomplish his wish of conquering the earth. The book brings out strong positive points about the earth, as well as many negative aspects that if not corrected fast may take the earth down the drain. Please, Take Photographs Sindiwe Magona | Publisher: Modjaji Books | | African Poetry Sindiwe Magona’s poems conspire with her. Even years after being written, they still seem warm from her lips, and it is this residue of her telling them that draws you into their confidence. From the languid innocence of the poems about her village, to her shattering images of Africa at war, Magona leads you headlong into her fireside circle where archetypes flicker like shadows on a face that has seen, and been. The Bed Book of Short Stories Lauri Kubuitsile Joanne Hichens | Publisher: Modjaji Books | | Short Stories The bed, dressed in hand sewn quilt or threadbare blanket, may in and of itself be memorable, but it is what happens in the bed - the sex and lovemaking, the dreams, the reading, the nightmares, the rest, giving birth and dying - which give “bed” special meaning. The Bed Book of Short Stories - some quirky and tender, others traumatic or macabre - is the perfect companion to take to bed with you, to keep you reading long into the night. The Thin Line Arja Salafranca | Publisher: Modjaji Books | | Short Stories (Single Author) Arja Salafranca is an accomplished writer, having twice won the Sanlam Literary Award in South Africa. The stories in her new book engage and reel in the reader on that thin line from the start. The carefully drawn characters are haunting. Searingly honest, sometimes painfully so. Married But Available Francis B Nyamnhoh | Publisher: Langaa RPCIG | | Literary Fiction Married But Available ventures into a theme about which people say as much as they withhold. It explores intersections between sex, money and power, challenging orthodoxies, revealing complexities and providing insights into the politics and economics of relationships. During six months of fieldwork in Mimboland, Lilly Loveless, a Muzungulander doctoral student in Social Geography, researches how sex shapes and is shaped by power and consumerism in Africa. Tale of an African Woman Thomas Jing | Publisher: Langaa RPCIG | | Literary Fiction The village of Yakiri has been cursed by ancestral wrath because of the treatment of Yaa, the first girl who wrestled her male goatherd peers to earn the right to be initiated into the society of manhood. Orphaned like her forebear, Yaya becomes a star student in the villages primary school and promises to go far. But, ask the villagers, is it right to invest in an education for a girl who may become the property of another village? Women Writing Zimbabwe Irene Staunton | Publisher: Weaver Press | | African Literary Collections The fifteen stories in Women Writing Zimbabwe offer a kaleidoscope of fresh, moving, and comic perspectives on the way in which events of the last decade have impacted on individuals, women in particular. 28 Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 RELIGION SE& C TSPIRITUALITY ION otherlogo Questions God Asks Us Trevor Hudson | Publisher: Struik Christian Media | | Christian life & practice Instead of always looking for answers, Trevor Hudson suggests that we start thinking more carefully about the questions that God asks. God desires a relationship with us, and He shows this desire by asking questions. God also gives greater dignity to us by allowing us to wrestle with the questions rather than if we are simply given answers. Questions God Asks Us presents ten questions – five from the Old and five from the New Testament – which God had asked and is still asking us. God for Grown-ups Tim Attwell | Publisher: Cingela Press | | Religion Tim Attwell’s lecture series in four thought-provoking chapters, where he explores broad and important themes: What is God? Does the Bible Matter, What is the Church? And The Poetry of Faith. The Bible and African Culture Mapping Transactional Inroads Humphrey Waweru | Publisher: Zapf Chancery Publishers Africa Ltd. | | Religion: Christian Theology How can African theology survive the self-repetition of mere cultural apologia or contextualization-stereotypes, and mature into a critical theoretical discipline responding to the challenges of the postmodern world-order? Dr. Humphrey M. Wawe contributes here a sound theological reflection using the hitherto unused methodological paradigm of mapping the in-roads in the transaction between the Bible and African culture. Comparative Historical and Interpretative Study of Religions Michael P. Adogbo | Publisher: Malthouse Press | | Comparative Religion Comparative Historical and Interpretative Study of Religions provides a thorough methodological discussion on specific themes, historical figures and movements in Religious Studies. It delves into other themes such as the concepts of God, spirits, mysterious forces, pollution and ritual symbolism. The reference to the Urhobo is a clear demonstration of current efforts by scholars in this area of study to de-emphasise the old forms of generalisation to greater differentiation. Joy in the Morning Hopolang Phororo | Publisher: Mkuki na Nyota Publishers | | Biography and Autobiography: Personal Memoirs Hopolang was sexually abused by a neighbor and for nineteen years she didn’t divulge her experience because she feared that she would be blamed. In the first edition of “Joy Comes in the Morning” she shares her battle to regain her self-confidence and self-esteem by running into the arms of the One who can heal - God. Through poems, she expresses emotions, such as confusion, pain, fear, betrayal, guilt, regret, approval, self-pity, mistrust and forgiveness that she had to work through. 65 sayings inspired by my night’s dream Fatai Oladapo Adebanjo | Publisher: Digital Publishing of Florida, Inc | | Self-help & personal development One day Fatai fell into a deep sleep and discovered something marvelous and unusual. In his dream, he saw a classroom with empty chairs, and saw a quote on a chalkboard. The quote, which was written anonymously on a chalkboard said, “A drug is a root that comes from money in such a level.” This led to a turning point in his life. Fatai, who never knew how to write, suddenly received inspiration that made him write 65 of his own sayings, their meanings and the lessons to learn from each. Wholeness Living Bonaventura M. Balige | Publisher: Mkuki na Nyota Publishers | | Self-Help: Personal Growth & Happiness Wholeness Living is about recognizing the power that exists within us, in others and in the Higher Power. When these powers are in harmony we experience growth in the sense of physical health, high self-esteem, high social interest, and high optimism. Therefore, wholeness living is the openness to the truth about the relationship with the physical self, the psychological self, others and the Higher Power. Favourite Bible Stories for Children Maretha Maartens Samantha Van Riet (Illustrator) | Publisher: Struik Christian Media | | Bibles & bible stories (Childrens/YA) Favourite Bible Stories for Children contains 15 well-known Bible Stories, retold by Maretha Maartens. It represents a variety of stories from both the Old and the New Testament. Each story also contains a short summary and prayer. Favourite Bible Stories for Children is not only a pleasure to read, but also contains colourful illustrations that will delight readers no matter what age they are. Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 29 Drs. Keith A. Eddleman and Joanne Stone Carroll & Brown n the form of shopping lists, calendar and development u to be prepared for, and keep rocedures as well as baby’s tion is easy to access, and and action photographs and ve a reliable, reassuring and nancy and baby. A CARROLL & BROWN BOOK Carroll & Brown C H IL D C A R E p-to-the-minute sourcebook o make pregnancy and caring thy experiences. It aims to he best things to do for your edge of many experts in the ics. my pregnancy & baby ancy y my pregnancy & baby Contains special LIFT-UP-AND-LOOK ’windows on the womb’ pages your guide to a happy and healthy pregnancy and caring for your baby up to three years of age ww rollandb ro u k Invisible Earthquake A woman’s journal through still birth Malika Ndlovu | Publisher: Modjaji Books | | Biography & Autobiography: Women Malika Ndlovu takes us right into the heart of her grief – the loss of her third child, who was stillborn. The book breaks the silence around stillbirth, often seen as a non-event. Invisible Earthquake is placed in the wider South African context by Sue Fawcus, who writes tenderly from the point of view of an obstetrician, and by Zubeida Bassadien and Muriel Johnstone, social workers who accompany women going through this shattering experience. My Pregnancy and Baby Your guide to a happy and healthy pregnancy and the care of a baby up to three years of age Dr. Carol Andrews | Publisher: Carroll & Brown | | Pregnancy, birth & baby care This is an accessible, up-to-the minute sourcebook of everything that makes pregnancy and caring for a baby up to the age of 3 an enjoyable and a healthy experience. What sets this book apart is its emphasis on the woman’s role in managing her pregnancy and childcare. It aims to build on a woman’s best instincts with the help of obstetrical and paediatric expert advice, extensive ‘to do’ and check lists and summary ‘if nothing else’ boxes. Successful Infant Feeding Ensuring your baby thrives on the breast or bottle Heather Welford MSc. | Publisher: Carroll & Brown | | Pregnancy, birth & baby care Feeding a baby is a parent’s earliest and most important task. Done correctly, it helps a baby grow and thrive physically and emotionally. It also is essential to the wellbeing of the parents because if a baby doesn’t thrive or if the process is unsatisfying, parents will be left anxious and distressed. Pregnancy Week by Week Understand the changes and chart the progress of you and your baby Dr. Jane MacDougall, MB, Bchir, MA,FRCOG, MED | Publisher: Carroll & Brown | | Pregnancy, birth & baby care The best-selling Pregnancy Week-by-Week is your ideal companion through the 40+weeks of pregnancy. Babycare Day by Day Tend to all your baby’s needs by following the step by step sequences in this book Dr. Frances Williams | Publisher: Carroll & Brown | | Pregnancy, birth & baby care Having a new baby can be a stressful situation. Even if you attended childbirth classes, once you have your own baby to handle, feed, change, dress and comfort, you will probably find yourself desperately seeking answers as to what to do. Don’t panic! Armed with this incredibly handy book, you will see at a glance how to successfully manage all aspects of your baby’s care. South African Journal of Child Health Publisher: HMPG | | Medical Journal My Child has Crohn’s Disease Philippa Garson | Publisher: Parktown Publishers | | Journalism: Health Journalist and mother of three Philippa Garson was mystified as to why her youngest daughter failed to grow, why she suffered from anaemia, diarrhoea, lack of appetite and more. Months of visits to different specialists provided theories, expensive treatments, but no solution. Then a gastroenterologist discovered the cause: a severe case of Crohns Disease, an incurable auto-immune disease, which had already caused considerable internal damage. Raising Happy, Healthy Children A practical guide to parenting and nutrition Sally-Ann Creed and Andalene Salvesen | Publisher: Struik Christian Media | | Childcare & upbringing Raising a child today can be a daunting task – the responsibility is enormous; the challenge is one few first-time mums are ready for; and knowing the right thing to do is often learned by trial and error rather than having someone take us through the steps to being a good parent. In Raising Happy, Healthy Children, Sally-Ann Creed and Andalene Salvesen bring together two of the most important aspects of raising a healthy child – discipline and a healthy diet. 30 Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 SELF-HELP SE C&T ION REFERENCE otherlogo Chess Wikibooks | Publisher: Paperight | | How to Chess is an ancient strategy game that originated in India. It is played by two individuals on an 8x8 grid. The objective is to maneuver ones pieces so as to trap the opposing king in checkmate. This book will cover the basic pieces of chess, before going on to some more advanced topics. How to Win Friends and Influence People Dale Breckenridge Carnegie | Publisher: Paperight | Paperight Edition | Personal Development This is one of the best-selling personal development books ever published. The Art of Public Speaking Dale Breckenridge Carnegie | Publisher: Paperight | | Public speaking guides A remarkable book about the best way to become a confident and effective public speaker from the author of the successful book How to Win Friends and Influence People. Cape Town & Peninsula Street Guide Map Studio | Publisher: Map Studio | 16th edition | Place names & gazetteers, Street maps & city plans, Travel maps, Road atlases Greater Cape Town Region In Seamless Coverage. Includes Street Maps Of: Atlantis, Bredasdorp, Caledon, Ceres, Darling, Franschhoek, Grabouw, Hermanus, Gordon’s Bay, Kleinmond, Langebaan, Malmesbury, Montagu, Paarl, Robertson, Saldanha, Somerset West, Stellenbosch, Strand, Swellendam, Tulbagh, Villiersdorp, Wellington, Worcester. As well as airport maps of OR Thambo, Cape Town and King Shaka, Detailed Index of streets and complex names. Durban Street Guide Map Studio | Publisher: Map Studio | 10th edition | Place names & gazetteers, Street maps & city plans, Travel maps, Road atlases Greater Durban and South Coast: Howick, Kokstad, Mooi River, Scottburgh, Hibberdene, Shelly Beach, Uvongo, Margate, Ramsgate, Port Edward, Empangeni, Ballito, Umhlanga, Stanger, Estcourt, Greytown, Ladysmith, Dundee, Newcastle, Vryheid, Pietermaritzburg, Richards Bay, Port Shepstone , Pinetown, Amanzimtoti. As well as extra keyplans of map pages & freeway exits, Airport maps of O.R. Tambo, Cape Town & Durban International Airports. The Cambridge Mathematics Dictionary for Schools Karen Press, PRAESA | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides The Cambridge Mathematics Dictionary for Schools contains over 1 000 definitions of mathematical concepts and words, aimed at learners who are 10 to 15 years old. The dictionary covers all the mathematics terminology needed in Intermediate and Senior Phase classrooms, and is written according to the outcomes-based curriculum. As reference material this book will support learners in understanding new terminology that is constantly introduced in the Mathematics classroom. Words are explained using South African examples and supported, where needed, with strong visual examples to help with explanations and to reinforce the concepts. Written in a language that is easily accessible to non-mother-tongue speakers, The Cambridge Mathematics Dictionary for Schools will be a helpful tool on every learner’s desk. Also available in Afrikaans and Xhosa. Isichazi-magama seziBalo Sezikolo sase-Cambridge Zola Wababa, PRAESA et al | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Die Cambridge Wiskundewoordeboek vir Skole Karen Press, PRAESA | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | | Educational: study and revision guides Paperight catalogue • November 2013–April 2014 31