Toronto 2013 – in retrospect


Toronto 2013 – in retrospect
Issue 3, 2013
The Congress started on Monday with a well
attended Opening Ceremony and delegates all
enjoyed some typical Canadian music, dancing and
Toronto 2013 – in retrospect
Over 600 people from 56 countries representing
the very best of the international press distribution
industry gathered in Toronto on October 7-10th for
the 58th annual Distripress Congress.
Tony Jashanmal
even some entertaining cowboy rope tricks. Our
Master of Cerermony was dressed in the uniform of
the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and he guided
the audience through the acts and introduced our
speakers David Whitaker from Toronto Tourism and
Tony Jashanmal President of Distripress.
With an attendance of more than 500 delegates
the annual Distripress Forum on the first day of the
congress was the largest international circulation
event in the World. The speaker line up included
John Cruickshank President of Star Media Group
Toronto, Suzanne Boyd Editor in Chief of Zoomer
Magazine and Dr Samir Husni (Mr Magazine) from
David Whitaker
John Cruickshank
Issue 3, 2013
Suzanne Boyd
Tweet Wall at the Forum
In the evening at 19:30 the delegates were taken to
the Welcome Reception in the beautiful Governors
room of the Liberty Grand ballroom by the lakeshore.
With its magnificent crystal chandeliers, huge ceilings
and wrought iron balconies it was a perfect setting
the University of Mississippi. Delegates also listened
to two lively round table discussions firstly on
consolidation in major supply chain markets and
secondly on the new relationship between press and
Dr Samir Husni
for our multi cultural tribute to Toronto cuisine.
Menus from 5 cuisines were served: Indian, Chinese,
Italian and Greek stations as well as a Canadian
harbour side fish and seafood bar on the balcony.
After dinner guests were invited to have a drink next
door in the nightclub created for this one night in the
stunning Artefacts room complete with indoor and
outdoor lounge areas and mellow sounds to enjoy.
Forum Audience
The rest of the week was spent in typical Distripress
fashion with a hectic mixture of business
discussions and social events. Over 200 tables were
laid out on one floor in the hotel Sheraton so that
publishers could tour the globe meeting with their
distribution partners to review this past season and
make plans for the next one. As last year hot
lunches were served every day in the EXPO area so
that delegates could make the best use of their
limited meeting time.
Issue 3, 2013
Presidential lunch – this year the traditional lunch
hosted by the Distripress President took place in one of
the best restaurants in Toronto Canoe. The President’s
guests were made up of our Executive Committee,
Distripress honorary members, speakers, moderators
and other invitees who had helped us to deliver
Distripress 2013 in Toronto.
The congress closed on Thursday October 10th with
a French themed Farewell lunch for almost 100
delegates before they started on their journey
Sue Jörg’s Farewell lunch with David Owen
Tony Jashanmal at the Farawell Lunch
Issue 3, 2013
2-3 2013 to view the facilities for next year’s
congress and to decide on the venue for 2016.
After presentations of the four candidate cities (Abu
Dhabi, Dubai, Hong Kong and Singapore) Dubai
was eventually chosen by a clear margin over the
runner up city Abu Dhabi.
Executive Committee meeting in Cannes
Video and pictures
For more information please go to the Distripress
website to see our Distripress
Congress video shot in Toronto between the 7th
and 10th October 2013 which will be uploaded
soon. You will also find a wide range of images of
the Congress as well as all the presentations from
the Forum day.
Distripress Congress 2014 - Cannes
A note for your diary:
59th Distripress Congress Cannes will take place on
September 29th - October 2nd 2014.
EC meetings in Toronto
The Executive Committee met twice during the
congress with the main business meeting taking
place on Sunday October 6th in the VIP room of the
Sheraton hotel. On the agenda were items such as
the debate on accounts to August 2013, bid
process update for Congress 2017 and the VAT
registration. The second meeting of the week was
more of a discussion about how Congress 2013
had been delivered and what had gone well and
what had not.
The next meeting will take place in London on
Monday, December 2nd.
DTF - Distripress Training Foundation
Training in August 2013
A trainee from Pol Perfect, Poland got the
opportunity to travel to the USA for traineeship. She
was hosted by Source Interlink International and
Curtis Circulation Company, USA for two weeks.
Her report can be found here.
Distripress member’s birthday – 65th
EC meeting in Cannes
The Executive Committee met in Cannes on June
Your 65th Birthday is a major milestone in your life
and a wonderful time to celebrate! Congratulations
and best wishes from Distripress to Xavier de Bure.
Xavier holds the position of Directeur Général of
Keesing France since 1994. He studied Management
and Marketing at the IPAG
Business School in Paris, and
worked with ROC Laboratoires
(LVMH group) as Directeur
France, at Bourjois as (Marketing)
Directeur International.
Furthermore, he worked with JB Williams and
General Biscuits.
Russia - PDA website
The Russian association have informed Distripress
that there is now an English version of the PDA
website and Distripress
members can read about the Russian market and
also supply text of their own for the Russian market
EMMA – European Magazine Media Association
The Future Media Lab.’s next conference, titled “The
Future of Content: Innovations in content creation,
dissemination and consumption,” is scheduled to
take place on Tuesday, 21 January 2014 in Brussels.
The conference will have a similar construction to
the last Future Media Lab. conference that took
Issue 3, 2013
Logwin Media Meeting Going/Austria
November, 2013
British Press Christmas Meeting London/United
Kingdom December 3, 2013
ACE Christmas Meeting London/United Kingdom
December 4, 2013
place in April 2013, with a mixture of keynote
addresses, workshops and a panel discussion.
Some of the questions to be tackled at this event
include: How will content creation and consumption
change? What drives innovation in content
creation? And how do new consumption patterns
impact content creation?
Please mark your calendars - 21 January 2014 - so
you will be able to join us in Brussels for the next
Future Media Lab. conference. More information
will be provided once it becomes available.
Contact: Max von Abendroth// //
+32 2 536 06 04
We are already looking forward
to seeing you in Cannes in 2014!
The Distripress Congress will take place
from Sep 29 - Oct 2, 2014
Hearst Bauer Media launches ELLE in
Hearst Bauer Media, a joint venture between
Australian publisher Bauer Media and the US
publisher Hearst Magazines International has
launched ELLE in Australia. This new international
edition of ELLE takes the total number of editions to
44 worldwide. ELLE Australia launched on 23
François Coruzzi, executive vice president
international, Lagardère Active, France said: “We
are extremely proud of the launch of this edition of
ELLE in Australia. This market is rapidly growing and
is very dynamic in fashion and beauty areas. This
new edition of ELLE will benefit from the power of
our international network to establish its success.”
Duncan Edwards, president and CEO of Hearst
Magazines International, said: “The launch of ELLE
in Australia brings together two of our most
important partnerships; with Bauer Media (formerly
ACP) in Australia and with ELLE globally. Hearst is
already the publisher of ELLE in 16 markets and we
are delighted that Australia will be added to this
list.”, 24. 09. 2013
China has more internet monitors than
China has 2 million people working as online
monitors, according to a report last week by state
news publication Beijing News — a new estimate
that reveals the breadth of the country’s massive
online censorship and surveillance systems. The
monitors, who scour online comments and compile
reports for officials or private businesses,
outnumber even China’s 1.5 million active military
personnel. There is now an entire industry and
profession dedicated to controlling - or attempting
to control - China’s fast-moving social media world,
where comments quickly go viral among the
country’s 500 million Internet users.
The People’s Daily, the official mouthpiece of the
Chinese communist party, is holding a four-day
seminar this month where successful students can
TRADE news
Issue 3, 2013
be certified as “public opinion analysts,” according
to a Beijing Times report. Once certified, they’re
eligible for jobs with China’s propaganda
department, commercial companies, news websites
or public relation firms., 08. 10. 2013
Lagardere says to part with 10 magazines,
350 jobs hit
Media group Lagardere said it planned to
restructure its magazine division and sell 10 of its 39
titles to focus on growing its most strategic brands
online. Titles for sale include popular Psychologies
Magazine, Be and Premiere, and several home and
decoration magazines, Lagardere Active said in a
statement on October 17, adding that its
restructuring could affect a total of 350 jobs. Like
many media groups, Lagardere Active has been
hurt by a significant drop in circulation and
advertising in its print publications as it faces
soaring competition from content available on the
Lagardere Active, which already sold its
international magazine portfolio for around $900
million to U.S. publisher Hearst in 2011, said it
aimed to focus on the digital development of its
most powerful brands, including the French edition
of Elle, Paris Match and Le Journal du Dimanche.
"My strategy is to focus our investments on around
10 titles which are leaders in their segment and
where there is a strong potential to develop them
online," Lagardere Active head Denis Olivennes said
in an interview with Le Monde newspaper., 17. 10. 2013
G+J says transition from print to digital is
Germany is home to Europe's largest print media
market and has proven relatively resilient to the
technological, cultural and demographic forces that
have hit print titles in many other developed
countries, but that has changed in the past year.
G+J, publisher of titles including "Stern" and
"Brigitte" and which is 74.9 percent owned by
media conglomerate Bertelsmann, said on Tuesday
the shift to more digital content would take time.
"The transition of G+J is long-term. It is clear to us
that the next three to five years will be years of
investments," the company said. G+J - which last
year closed its Financial Times Deutschland (FTD)
title after it piled up millions of euros in losses during
its 12 years of operation - denied media speculation
that the transition would involve job cuts.
The loyalty of German readers to their favourite
daily newspaper has eroded in recent years as
consumers get more news online. And advertising
trends have echoed that shift. Ad revenue in
German newspapers was down 11.4 percent at 1.1
billion euros ($1.5 billion) in the second quarter,
while spending on magazine ads eased 1 percent to
995 million, data from Nielsen Media Research
showed. As a result, German media groups
including Axel Springer, publisher of Germany's
top-selling daily "Bild", and Bertelsmann have been
speeding up digital initiatives while scaling back
traditional operations., 10. 09. 2013
Decades of profitable print to come
Mathias Döpfner, Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of Axel Springer, says he does not anticipate
print going extinct as a publishing platform.
Speaking at the opening session of the World
Publishing Expo on October 7, Döpfner says
nonetheless online journalism can be better than
"analog journalism." It can be faster – but does not
need to be. It can just as well be slower and more
thoughtful, more reflective. Also, the interactive
aspect of digital journalism allows it to be enhanced
by the intelligence of news consumers. What is
important, says Döpfner, is that publishers invest in
journalism, because strong editorial content is key
to success. Another key is communicating the
brand via multiple platforms.
Döpfner says 47 percent of Axel Springer's revenue
comes from digital platforms – not enough. "We
have more to do," he says. Axel Springer staff was
"very worried" when the paywall for online content
was launched, and very relieved when the results
turned out better than expected. He says there are
now 47,000 digital-only and 27,000 multi-platform
subscribers to Die Welt, more than anticipated.
TRADE news
Issue 3, 2013
Most surprisingly, page views did not drop off., 07. 10. 2013
Karl Lagerfeld will be guest editor-in-chief of
Welt am Sonntag
On Sunday, December 1st, 2013, Karl Lagerfeld will
be the guest editor-in-chief of Welt am Sonntag.
This special issue will be dedicated to luxury and will
be brought to life under his creative direction – with
his legendary sense of humour and provocative
Jan-Eric Peters, editor-in-chief WELT Group: „We
are very pleased that Karl Lagerfeld has agreed to be
guest editor-in-chief of our luxury edition. Thereby
the luxury has started already. The credo of the
special edition is a quote from the designer himself:
'A task one is not happy to fulfill is work. The
moment you like your job, it is no longer work.'“, 24. 10. 2013
ZenithOptimedia predicts global ad growth
ZenithOptimedia has released its latest Advertising
Expenditure Forecasts and predicts that global ad
expenditure will grow 3.5 per cent in 2013,
reaching US$503bn by the end of the year. This is
the same as the growth rate it forecast in June,
marking the first time it has not downgraded its
2013 forecast since June 2012., 02. 10. 2013
Italian press signs agreement with
government to revitalise ailing industry
The Italian government and representatives from
throughout Italy’s news media industry signed an
agreement on 6 August as part of an initiative to
revitalise the country’s crisis-hit news publications.
Posted online by Giovanni Legnini, under secretary
to the Prime Minister’s office, the accord makes
provisions for greater financial support for the news
industry, not only with regards to funding
innovation and new startups, but also in terms of
distribution costs and pensions. At the heart of the
agreement are 11 propositions which promise
financial aid and incentives for the development of
TRADE news
Issue 3, 2013
the Italian media’s digital output, protection of the
rights of the author online and the updating of the
country’s news distribution network. More
specifically, the report backs the endorsement of
restructuring through financial measures such as
favourable credit terms’ and the promotion,
through tax incentives, of ‘the development of
digital platforms and multimedia content’. The
funding of new journalism startups and innovative
business models is also a priority, as is the
establishment of an agreement with aggregation
sites, particularly Google, and news content
producers. Exact details about how these schemes
will be funded are unclear, but La Repubblica cites
sources ‘close to the government’ as saying that the
plans will receive funding of €40m per annum over
three years., 08. 08. 2013
launch follows strong demand for FT content in a
region with a growing economy and increasing
global importance. Ben Hughes, FT’s global
commercial director and deputy CEO, said: “We
reached a significant milestone this year when our
global print operations became profitable. The FT’s
launch in Turkey is a great moment to recognise the
importance of and demand for quality news in print
as part of our successful channel-neutral content
strategy.” The FT recently topped the ‘international
daily newspaper’ category in the latest EMS Europe
survey by Ipsos, which measures the media
consumption habits of Europe’s top business
decision makers. The FT was the favourite in Turkey,
which has 38,000 daily print readers, as well as the
overall top choice in Europe., 05. 10. 2013
Print still accounts for more than 90 per cent
of national newspaper reading time
Burda takes over Sanoma Hearst in Romania
Burda International is to acquire all Sanoma Hearst
activities in Romania, which consists of more than
35 titles and 40 online media services. Burda
Romania’s portfolio includes brands such as Practic
in bucatarie (Cooking), Casa Lux (Living), Ioana
(Women), Gradina mea de vis (Gardening) and will
be enriched with international titles including
Harper’s Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire,
Esquire, Men’s Health, Auto Motor and Sport and
National Geographic. Fabrizio D’Angelo, CEO,
Burda International, said: “We are inheriting strong
and long established brands in Romania. We now
create a modern media company that will be well
positioned to exploit the opportunities of the print
and digital media markets in Romania in the years
to come.” The transaction is subject to approval
under cartel law., 21. 08. 2013
FT launches in Turkey
The Financial Times starts printing in Istanbul in
October as part of a new deal with Dunya, its
longstanding distribution partner. The Turkey
United Kingdom
Readers of UK newspapers still spend far greater
time with print editions than online, a new study
has found. Research carried out by City University in
London - looking at data from 2011 - examined the
total time UK readers spent with 12 major national
newspaper titles in print and online. It found that
print accounted for 96.7 per cent of the total
number of reading minutes.
Despite booming web audiences in the years 2007 to
2011, the survey found that only one newspaper The Guardian - saw an increase in the total number
of minutes UK readers spent with it in print and
online in that period (around a one per cent increase).
UK newspapers increased their overseas web
readerships by up to 16 times during the same
period, but this has failed to offset a fall in overall
reading minutes for most titles - the survey found.
The study also found that tabloid titles tended to
have a bigger discrepancy between the amount of
time spent reading online and in print., 07. 08. 2013
The Sun's post-paywall traffic drops 60%'s online traffic has more than halved
since the introduction of its paywall in August,
TRADE news
Issue 3, 2013
according to figures from SimilarWeb, the
third-party web traffic measurement firm.
According to its estimate, the number of visitors to fell 61.4 per cent from 37.3 million in
July – the last month before the paywall went up –
to 14.4 million in August.
The Sun's paywall went up on 1 August, backed by
a big above-the-line campaign, and although the
full price is £2 a month, the tabloid offered an
introductory price of £1 for two months to readers
who registered in advance. Daniel Buchuk, the
head of brand & strategy at SimilarWeb, said this
represented a much sharper decline compared with
other sites that have introduced paywalls. He said:
"The amount of visits to The Sun's website halved a
month after rolling out the paywall. Other online
newspapers such as The Telegraph or The
Washington Post had a much softer transition by
giving readers limited access to content. However,
Telegraph Media Group and The Washington Post
both have metered access to their paywalls and
allow readers up to 20 articles a month for free. In
contrast, only subscribers can read The Sun content
Average page views and average time on site also
showed declines, with average page views in
August falling to 1.83 (July: 2.77) and average time
on site dropping to under two minutes (one
minutes 59 seconds) versus four minutes 42
seconds in July., 16. 09. 2013
agree changes to a Parliament-backed Royal
Charter on press regulation which will be
underpinned by statute and include a compulsory
libel claims arbitration service.
The industry steering group claimed publishers will
have no opportunity to take part in discussions
around changes to Parliament’s press regulation
plan. It said: “We are deeply disappointed that the
Privy Council sub-committee has rejected our
Charter proposal which set out criteria for tough
and independent self-regulation with the support
of virtually all of the newspaper and magazine
industry., 08. 10. 2013
UK press on collision course with Parliament founder and chief executive Jeffrey P.
Bezos formally took over as the owner of The
Washington Post, officially ending 80 years of local
control of the newspaper by the Graham family.
Bezos’s $250 million purchase was completed as
expected with the signing of sale documents. The
signing transfers the newspaper and other assets
from The Washington Post Co. to Nash Holdings,
Bezos’s private investment company.
Bezos, who founded the online shopping company
in 1994 and became a billionaire in the process, has
vowed to continue the newspaper’s long history of
independent journalism. His technical and
marketing savvy, long-term outlook and lack of an
apparent ideological agenda made him an attractive
The newspaper and magazine industry is on a
collision course with the Government after
condemning proposals on press regulation which
could “fatally undermine freedom of expression”.
A steering group representing the Newspaper
Publishers Association, Newspaper Society, Scottish
Newspaper Society and PPA said that it was “deeply
disappointed” by the decision of the Privy Council
to reject the Royal Charter on press regulation
submitted by publishers. The Privy Council said the
publishers’ plan would see the industry exert too
much control over the Recognition Panel which will
licence any future regulator. Instead the
Government has set a deadline of 30 October to
Financial Times to Consolidate Print Editions
The Financial Times, signaling a tighter focus on
digital publishing, plans to stop printing regional
editions and produce only a single global daily
newspaper. In a memo to employees on October 8,
Lionel Barber, the editor of The Financial Times, said
that the publication, which is based in London,
would make the change during the first half of
2014. Regional editions are now printed for Britain,
Continental Europe, the United States, Asia and the
Middle East.
www.nytimes, 10. 10. 2013
The Washington Post closes sale to Amazon
founder Jeff Bezos
steward for the paper, Post Co. chief executive
Donald E. Graham said in August, when an
agreement in principle was first disclosed.
At the same time, Bezos, 49, has the deep pockets
to sustain an enterprise that has been buffeted for
years by declining readership and advertising,
especially in the printed Post. The Post’s new owner
hasn’t disclosed specific plans or changes he
intends to make for the money-losing paper. But in
earlier interviews and on a two-day visit to The
Post’s downtown Washington headquarters in early
September, he suggested that he’ll provide a
financial cushion - or “runway” - that will allow The
Post time to conduct experiments that could lead to
a successful business model., 01. 10. 2013
Newsweek sold to publishers of International
Business Times
IAC/InterActive reached a deal to sell Newsweek,
which has been publishing since January as a
digital-only version of the old magazine, to the
owners of the International Business Times.
newsmagazine, was sold before by The Washington
Post Company to audio-equipment magnate Sidney
Harman for a dollar in late 2010. In a private deal,
none of the details of which are yet clear, the
Newsweek brand is now the property of digital
start-up International Business Times and will
continue to be published digital-only.
International Business Times has 10 national
editions worldwide, published in several languages., 03. 08. 2013
Conde Nast announced a major partnership
with Amazon
Magazine publisher Conde Nast announced a major
partnership with Inc on 20 August in
which the Internet retailer will handle print and
digital subscriptions for glossy publications such as
Vogue, Wired and Vanity Fair. Conde Nast is the
first magazine publisher to collaborate with
Amazon on this type of service, a move that will
simplify and eventually save money on its
subscription process and give it access to a huge
new customer base. Currently, subscriptions involve
TRADE news
Issue 3, 2013
direct mail and stacks of magazine insert cards.
Amazon will allow consumers to purchase, manage
and renew their subscriptions for seven of its top
titles under a new "all access" plan that gives them
both print and digital editions of select magazines
using their Amazon accounts. For the time being,
readers can still subscribe using the old paper-based
method, but the idea is that Amazon will eventually
handle all Conde Nast's magazine subscriptions if
the arrangement is successful.
For Amazon, it marks a new step into handling
content, following forays into film and lending
books. It gives the online retailer a chance to offer
subscriptions to its more than 200 million
customers and cross-sell goods to Conde Nast
subscribers with the easy 'one-click' purchasing
system., 20. 08. 2013
International Herald Tribune changed name
to International New York Times
The International Herald Tribune officially became
the International New York Times on October 15,
2013. It's yet another in the many twists and turns
in the Paris-based paper's history. Founded nearly
126 years ago, it was known early on as the Paris
Herald, and then as the The New York Herald
Tribune European Edition in 1935. (Film lovers will
remember Jean Seberg's character in "Breathless"
hawking copies of the New York Herald Tribune on
the Parisian streets.) The paper's current name
didn't come into being until 1967, when both the
New York Times and the Washington Post
Company took control of the paper. In 2003, the
New York Times claimed full ownership of the
paper. Now, the Times incorporated their name
into the paper's title and see if it can hold its own
abroad. The effort is part of a broader strategy to
enhance the Times's status as a global brand as the
domestic print market fades. “The digital revolution
has turned The New York Times from being a great
American newspaper to becoming one of the
world’s best-known news providers. We want to
exploit that opportunity," Mark Thompson, the
CEO of the Times Company, said in a statement
marking the transition., 15. 10. 2013
As per June 29, 2013:
The Standard Group Ltd (Distributor)
P.O. Box 30080
00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Tel. +254 20 3222111 Fax +254 20 322027
Contact: Julie Kisaka, head of PDS,
Reuben Onyimbo, Distribution Manager,
Eastman Kodak Sàrl (Ancillary Service Provider)
Route des Avouillons 30
1196 Gland, Switzerland
Tel. +33 6 82 34 50 68 (Philippe Duviquet, France)
+41 22 354 14 63 (Gudrun Alex, Switzerland)
Contact: Philippe Duviquet, Newspapers Sales Director
Europe, Middle East & Africa,
As per July 6, 2013:
Autoreview Ltd. (Publisher)
Issue 3, 2013
Gregg Oehler, Oehler Media Inc (Individual Member)
18 Old Stamford rd
Stamford, CT 06905, U S A
Tel. +001 203 595 5452 Fax +001 203 595 5454
Contact: Gregg Oehler,
Publishers Circulation Fulfillment, Inc. (PCF) (Ancillary
Service Provider)
303 Smith Street, Suite 1
Farmingdale, NY 11735, U S A
Tel. +001 631 270 3133 Fax +001 631 470 7995
Contact: Tom Dressler, VP of Growth & Development,
As per May 3, 2013:
Technology Review, Inc., USA
As per June 30, 2013:
Diario ABC S.L., Spain
Paisano Publications, LLC, USA
Leninskiy prospect, 30
Moscow, Russia
Tel./Fax +7 495 633 00 23
Contact: Alexey Kobets, Head of sales department,
World Publications, Inc., USA
As per July 19, 2013:
Daphne’s Diary BV (Publisher)
Diependaalselaan 3a
1213 TD Hilversum, Netherlands
Tel. +31 35 6569488
Internet: +
Contact: Henk Bemboom, Publisher,,
Wendy Bembom, Publishing Manager,
Liberty News Distributors, Inc. (Distributor)
460 Drew Court
King of Prussia, PA 19406, U S A
Tel. +001 610 279 0600 Fax +001 610 279 5791
Contact: Carmine Castellano, President,,
Justine Kawas, International Magazine Manager,
As per August 23, 2013:
Dale Oehler, Oehler Media Strategies (Individual Member)
116 Lewis Lane
Fair Haven, NJ 07704, U S A
Tel. +001 732 693 5093 Fax +001 732 224 8775
Contact: Dale Oehler,
Farajallah Press Agency Ltd., Kuwait
Compagnie Libanaise de Distribution de la Presse et des
Imprimés SAL, Lebanon
FA Presse, Algeria
World of Magazines, Israel
As per July 23, 2013:
Editions Megastar, France
As per July 25, 2013:
Pansing IMM Pty Ltd., Australia
UAB "Impress Teva", Lithuania
new: UAB Press Express
Pressco Trade Services Oy, Finland
new: Lehtipiste Oy
Please keep your company’s data on the cutting-edge! Therefore, please,
update directly your coordinates on our website or send them to us.
The regularly updated contacts of all member companies can
always be found on our website
Distripress Seefeldstrasse 35 8008 Zürich Switzerland Tel. +41 (0)44 202 41 21 Contact:
Fax +41 (0)44 202 10 25