2014 Annual Report - Friesian Horse Association North America


2014 Annual Report - Friesian Horse Association North America
Annual Report
KFPS 2014
1. KFPS business
1.4 Foreign countries
1.1 General state of affairs and preview
books and KFPS-affiliated associations have been united. Countries with more than 100 (paying) members are:
The KFPS has members in 55 countries across all continents. These foreign members are represented by 9 delegates on the KFPS
Member Council. Another channel for members to have a say in KFPS matters is the WFHO, an organisation in which all stud-
The KFPS can look back on a successful 2014. In this year the main theme was the celebration of the 135th anniversary of the KFPS.
The musical theatre show ‘Faderpaard’ which was performed to commemorate the event was a huge success. This theatre production
under the leadership of Jos Thie was based on the poem by Tsjebbe Hettinga, the Friesian poet who died in 2013. On two consecutive
United States
nights this show with the same name as the poem was completely sold out and excellently received in the media. During this jubilee
United Kingdom
edition of the Stallion Inspection the KFPS was honoured with a surprise visit by its Patroness Princess Beatrix. The success of
‘Faderpaard’ certainly tastes like more. In the light of Leeuwarden Capital of Culture 2018, preparations are already underway for a
Belgium364 .
production which is expected to, at the very least, emulate the previous performance. Stud service numbers seem to have stabilised
In 2014 new affiliated associations were established in Slovakia and Brazil.
in 2014 and we are hopeful that the next years will bring some renewed growth. Not least because there is an increasing demand
from abroad and the (international) economy is on the road to recovery. Considering the downward trend of the past years we
must factor in that registration and inspection numbers will initially keep falling in the coming years. In spite of all this the
On Monday July 21st, 39 participants from Germany, Switzerland and Austria started the ‘Seminarwoche’, a course week for German-
KFPS has managed to close the financial year 2104 with a positive balance.
speaking lovers of the Friesian horse. The main part of the week was taken up by the course ‘Judging I’, but there was plenty of time
In previous years the KFPS has operated on the basis of an investment budget policy that enables us to seize chances. For
for socialising and relaxation. The ‘Seminarwoche’ offered many fun and interesting activities during which the participants received
information on the KFPS vision on the future please consult the long-term policy plan.
transparent and expert explanations. The participants were very positive about the programme and its organisation.
1.2 Regions and Member Council
1.5 KFPS business
In 2014 the usual two meetings of the Member Council were held, preceded by meetings in all 13 regions. The Member Council
After a term of eight years the 2014 autumn meeting was the moment to say goodbye to Pieter Tuinman in his capacity as
has approved the following policy-related resolutions:
Vice-Chairman and Treasurer. With his background in the legal profession, many of his activities within the Board were directed at
Spring meeting:
matters of regulations and good governance. In the summer of 2014 and after good consultation with the Board of the KFPS,
The constitution of the Member Council will remain unchanged and the number of members will not be reduced.
Sjouke de Groot decided to step down as a KFPS inspector. In this capacity he has played an active role for a period of nine years.
In the Regulations for Preferent status of stallions the weighing factor for the Sport predicate remains 15. This means that
following the Inspection’s approval the stallions Heinse 354, Fabe 348 and Beart 411 have acquired Preferent status.
1.6 Young KFPS
As of now Studbook and Foal Book mares with Preferent status will contribute 1 point to the Preferent declaration of their dams.
Young KFPS was established in 2009 and seeks to stimulate young people’s interest in the Friesian horse as well as motivate them
The Short Test will continue to be part of the Central Examination and takes place during the last two weeks. Those stallions
to become more involved in matters of both sport and breeding. Additionally, the KFPS aims to promote the influx from Young
accepted for the Short Test will be assessed on exterior on the day when the regular stallions arrive instead of during the
KFPS to the various councils and committees within its organisation. This can be brought about by organising events where the
First Viewing. These stallions may therefore not be presented at the Stallion Inspection in Leeuwarden.
focus lies on the transfer of knowledge. In 2014 Young KFPS organised various activities, such as a forum evening with breeders at
Stallions older than six can no longer be selected for the Central Examination.
Henswoude Stables in Oldeboorn, a visit to the Royal Stables, a breeder’s visit at the Demro Stables in Mierlo, a clinic Optimal
Star and Crown mares can no longer be downgraded to second premiums. Eligible mares will be selected for the Central
Training and a foreign excursion to Pieter and Savine Priester in the French Saint Mihiel on the occasion of their fifth anniversary.
Inspection. The remaining mares receive nothing and keep their most recent premium.
At the end of 2014 Young KFPS has around 150 members.
Autumn meeting:
As of 2015 the inspection fee for foals is cancelled. To counterbalance this deficit the registration fee for foals will be
1.7 In memoriam
increased by € 10.- (VAT excluded) on top of the inflation rate of 0,9%.
On Thursday April 3rd Appie Prins from Wolvega passed away. For as long as 60 years he used to be the usual contact person for
As of 1 January 2015 the normal rate for DNA tests will be the standard at a going rate of € 46.10 (VAT excluded).
runners and owners at the Stallion Inspection, Central Inspection and on various breeding days. Together with his fellow ring
The work on the idea of a ‘sport membership’ will be continued. Potential ‘sport members’ will be excluded from voting, registra-
stewards, Appie Prins always made sure that everything in and outside the ring went smoothly. His last time on active duty as a ring
tion of horses, and will be denied access to My Horse. However, they will be granted access to the library on the website, are
steward was during the 2008 Stallion Inspection and in 2009 he also laid down his function as ringmaster of the Oldeholtpade
eligible for discounts on e.g. merchandise and Stallion Inspection and will receive four more sport-related quarterly editions of
breeding day. Appie Prins died at the age of 80.
The Disciplinary Committee state that parties involved will be informed within 2 weeks of receipt of the outcome, the
On May 17th Markus Doller from Haulerwijk passed away at the age of 78 after a short but serious illness. For years on end Doller
statement of which constitutes the report thereof. However, this causes friction when the need for a countercheck arises.
has been a very keen breeder within the KFPS. His stud farm has produced an amazing three breeding stallions: Leffert 306, Ulbert
Therefore ‘within two weeks’ has been changed to ‘within three weeks’.
390 and Tietse 428. The mare behind his breeding programme is the Model Preferent Claartje (Bouke 174), who is also the
ancestress of the in America approved Feike 395.
Phryso attachment May 2015
foreign countries, although to a lesser
also used to be active on breeding days as ring master.
On October 16th Jorrit van der Wal from Bozum passed away. Van der Wal was above all renowned for being the breeder of
threefold Central Inspection Champion Dryske fan de Slachtedyk. Van der Wal launched himself into breeding in the early eighties
downward trend can also be seen in
represents a decline of 7,5%. This
days and KFPS events. An office he has held for over 40 years, often together with Appie Prins who died earlier in the same year. He
Compared to the year before this
passionate about Friesian horses. Until a few years ago he was still active in his capacity as a ring steward on Friesian breeding
registered Dutch members was: 5853.
farming near Heerenveen and his various functions on committees are proof of his social commitment. Geuvert Dijkstra was
On 31 December 2013 the number of
Former ring steward Geuvert Dijkstra passed away on July 19th at the age of nearly 90. Dijkstra spent the major part of his life
Development membership numbers KFPS
1.3 Developments in
member numbers
with Studbook mare Teunke, the namesake of his last breeding breeding product, a Wylster 463 granddaughter of Dryske. In all
these years Van der Wal has bred around 100 foals on his ‘Stjelp’ (Friesian farm house, ed.) at the Slachtedyk, just north of Bozum.
Van der Wal had already been ill for quite some time but remained a loyal visitor of Studbook inspections and meetings right
through to the end, which is a tribute to his love for the Friesian breed. Jorrit van der Wal died at the age of 73.
2. Staff
The chart above reveals that benefits have increased. Costs have also gone up. Further details on benefits and costs are listed
2.1 Staff mutations
capital amounting to €2,055,838 the society can be considered as healthy.
under the heading profit-and-loss account. In the past year the net result of financial credits and debits has gone up in comparison to the previous year due to a favourable revenue from security stocks, however, interest returns have gone down. With own
There have been no major staff mutations in 2014. Due to some minor changes the number of FTEs has slightly dropped. The
outcome for 2014 is 7.9 FTEs. The development over the past few years is shown in the diagram below:
2014 201320122011 20102009
Number of FTE’s7,9 8,28,49,6 9,810,3
Organisation chart
Below you can see the KFPS organisation chart.
The management team (MT) consists of Ids Hellinga, Nynke Bakker and Marijke Akkerman
Ids Hellinga
The chart below reflects an overview of the solvability of
the society in the past few years.
Generally, an organisation will be categorised as
‘healthy’ when the solvability percentage stays within
Own capital vs
the range of 25% and 40%. The KFPS has a solvability of
39,8%. The liquidity ratio of the Studbook can also be
listed as excellent.
2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008
3.3 Details Annual Account 2014
Finance manager/HRM
Nynke Bakker
Marijke Akkerman
Balance sheet
The chart below gives a concise overwiew of the balance of
the annual account 2014.
x € 1.000
31.12.2014 31.12.2013
Fixed capital
Accounts receivable
Belinda van
der Woude
Ina van der
Renie Koster
x € 1.000
Executive secretary
& employee studbook registration
Eveline van Kooten
Own capital
Longterm debits
Securities and liquide assets
Shortterm debits
Balance total
Balance total
Total balance has gone up. As regards the assets (active), this is due to higher receivables because the entry for interest revenue
is higher, and a higher account receivables. Moreover, the positions of stock securities and liquid assets have gone up. As
Trijnie Duin
regards the liabilities (passive), the long-term debt concerning Studbook certificates has risen because the number of unsettled
certificates is still growing. At the same time short-term debits have gone up, mainly caused by received subsidies in relation to
the research of sweet-itch which will be paid to the research centre in 2015.
3. Financial statements
Profit-and-loss account
For more details on benefits
3.1 General
and costs we would like to refer
Below we provide a limited number of subjects from the KFPS financial report. For a proper overview of the full financial state of
to the Annual Account 2014
affairs of the KFPS you are referred to the Annual Account 2014 (available via financien@kfps.nl)
and the concise report in the
attachments to the Phryso of
May 2015.
3.2 Financial situation
For 2014 the KFPS had factored in a deficit of € 140,000. The KFPS has succeeded in staying well within the budget with a final
The diagram below reflects the
positive result of € 42,374.
development of benefits and
costs (excl. financial credits and
The chart below presents an overview of basic statistics of the KFPS in recent years:
Financial figures (€ x 1.000)
Benefits 2,487 2,3902,366 2,543
2,890 2,836
Costs 2,556 2,4342,495 2,619
2,794 2,611
Financial credits and debits
Net result
Own capital
Phryso attachment May 2015
debits) of the society in recent
We will briefly report on some
details of the profit-and-loss
€ x 1.000
Benefits and costs (excl. financial credits and debits
Benefits costs
Total benefits have gone up. In spite of decreasing stud service numbers since 2010, judging proceeds and registration proceeds
4.5 Inspections
show stable results. Accounts show a higher percentage of registered foals and inspected horses than initially budgeted on the basis
There were 13 breeding days in 2014, including the breeding days on Ameland and Terschelling and the one in Vrouwenpol-
of stud service numbers. Membership numbers are still on the decline both in the Netherlands as well as, though slightly less, in
der. Five breeding days included a pre-inspection. A total of 12 studbook examinations and 7 foal examinations were orga-
foreign countries. In some foreign countries however, membership numbers are growing. One special benefit involves a fine issued
nised in the Netherlands. The number of inspection days in foreign countries totalled 62. Taking all categories into account,
for a surplus in stud services. Thanks to good investment revenues financial benefits are higher than budgeted.
the number of inspections in 2014 was down by almost 18%. This drop is related to the downward trend in stud services and
registered foals since 2003.
Total expenses have risen in relation to 2013. This is mainly due to incidental debits budgeted for investments in growth and new
markets, the protection of various logos in several continents, promotion in foreign countries, production of the international
special ‘The Royal Friesian’, KFPS TV and ‘Faderpaard’/Stallion Inspection. As expected, more costs were involved in the making of
musical theatre production ‘Faderpaard’. However, this was counterbalanced by the success which generated higher revenues.
3.4 Long-range expectations
Expectations for the years ahead are not positive. The decline in stud services since 2010 will continue to manifest itself in lower entry
Netherlands 2014
Abroad 2014
- 15%
Admission mares
- 12%
- 24%
Degree indicator
+ 2%
First viewing
- 1%
Yearling mares
- 21%
Two-year-old mares
- 7%
severe as previously expected on the basis of the drop in stud services. The KFPS is keeping a close eye on these developments.
Model mares
+ 11%
Membership numbers keep falling. The KFPS will therefore try to counteract this trend by investing in new markets and linking benefit
Crown mares
- 9%
schemes to memberships. Work is also underway to develop a sport membership to be introduced in 2016. In 2015 we will continue to
Star mares
+ 6%
invest in growth, new markets, international promotion and the support of foreign associations. Our programme for more breeding
Star geldings
+ 60%
research will also be continued. Costs for breeding research are partly financed from the allocated reserves.
- 11%
fees and judging proceeds. Since 2013 the number of stud services has stabilised and in 2014 the negative impact proved not to be as
4.6 Inspection results
4. Breeding and registration
The diagrams below reflect the inspection results of foal examinations and those of adult horses. Just like last year, the percen-
4.1 Breeding programme
single out a certain fraction of the mare population for use in breeding. With the increase in quality the threshold for Star
tage of foals with a first premium has gone up and is higher than 19%, which is 1% up compared to 2013. The Star percentage of
3-year-old mares was well over 37% in 2014. This is just above the established norm of 35%. The function of this norm is to
The breeding programme states how the defined breeding goal can be realised in the most efficient way, but it also offers tools
declaration will gradually go up. A slightly higher Star percentage is justified because these days owners carry out more pre-
to restrict the increase of inbreeding. An important breakthrough was achieved in 2014 by realising the availability of DNA
selections before mares are entered for inspections.
(marking) tests for the innate defects hydrocephaly and dwarfism. Stallions approved from 2014 onwards will be tested and
results publicized. The tests are definitely also available for mares. KFPS policy is not aimed at excluding carriers from breeding,
but at preventing risky matches and by doing so preventing the birth of foals with hydrocephaly and dwarfism. The KFPS will
First premium
Second premium
Third premium
No premium
investigate further potential applications of genome selection. Primarily to phase out undesirable characteristics such as innate
2014 261755
disorders, but ultimately too for breeding value expectations of breeding goal characteristics such as exterior, sport aptitude,
2013 286863
personality, fitness, etc.
4.2 Breeding and research
At present, research for the benefit of breeding is predominantly targeted at DNA research into innate disorders with the
intention to develop DNA tests. One project the KFPS actively participates in is the Horsegene project. This is a research project
that, for one thing, attempts to develop a DNA test for sweet-itch. For the benefit of this research the KFPS has collected almost
400 samples of affected and non-affected animals. The project has received EU subsidies in the amount of nearly 2.5 million
Gelding Book
2014676 410 53
2013782 420 50
Euros. In 2014 preparations were launched for DNA research of oesophageal dilation, aortic rupture, distichiasis (eye disorder)
4.7 Preferent and Performance
and cryprorchidism (undescended testicles). This research is conducted in close consultation with the Universities of Wagenin-
Preferent and Performance predicates are awarded to mares with good-quality offspring in terms of exterior or sport. In 2014 the
gen, Utrecht and Gent.
Preferent predicate was awarded to 58 mares. The Performance predicate was awarded to as many as six mares.
4.3 Stud services
In 2014 there were 4093 registered stud services, a similar number as in 2013. This implies that stud service numbers have
The names of the mares are:
Yskâld Wûnder E.T.
Star Sport Pref Performance Fêde 350
J.E. en S. Bouwman, Nijeveen
Star Performance
Oepke 266
R. Kooistra, Oudega
Rixt W.
Star Preferent Performance
Hearke 254
T. Wijma, Jislum
Saskia fan Beintemahûs
Star Preferent Performance
Brandus 345
J.T. de Boer-Fokkema, Engwierum
In 2014 we received 3.218 reported births and 2.846 of these foals were registered (chipped) in 2014. Some of the remaining foals
Studbook Performance
Ouke 313
D.P.R. van Eck-Middag, Vianen
(abroad) will be chipped and registered in 2015. Of the registered foals 94% have been registered in the main section. The number
Selle v.d. Zwienhemmen
Star Sport Performance
Brandus 345
J.J. Mulder, Eexterzandvoort
4.4 Registered foals
of registrations in the B-books are as follows: B-Book I: 90; B-Book II: 91; D-Book: 5. The number of registrations of offspring from
Friesian stallions registered in German studbooks has dropped substantially to practically zero.
Phryso attachment May 2015
4.8 Performance tests
The KFPS differentiates between three performance tests that together provide information about the sport aptitude of young
5. Sport
One of the core activities of the KFPS is to advance the Friesian horse’s progress in the sport. More and more Friesians are seen
horses: the Central Examination, the ABFP test and the IBOP test. The assessment scores from performance tests play an impor-
competing in various disciplines of elementary sports and the number of Friesians acting at sub top levels of dressage is constantly on
tant role with respect to the breeding programme, in the selection of stallions and for awarding predicates.
the increase. Also more and more Friesians take part in both elementary as well as national-level classes at national Championships.
4.8.1 ABFP tests
5.1 Sport predicates
Stallions, geldings and mares are eligible for taking part in ABFP tests from the age of three. During an ABFP test horses will be trained
In 2014
in ridden and driven work for a period of seven weeks and will be evaluated in both disciplines. The assessment results are taken
Dressage: 84
into account for the declaration of permanent Crown or Model. The largest number of ABFP tests is carried out as part of progeny
the following predicates were awarded:
Driving dressage: 13
Showdriving: 3
testing of approved stallions. In each stallion’s sixth stud season 20 of his descendants will be selected for progeny testing. 141 ABFP
5.2 Pavo Fryso Bokaal
tests were completed in 2014. The tests take place at WB-Stables in Warga. 6 ABFP tests were completed in the USA.
2014 saw the launch of renewed versions of the classes Young Friesian Horses with Show Driving and Dressage Aptitude, under the
name of Pavo Fryso Bokaal. Pre-selection rounds were held on breeding days. Horses with scores totalling a minimum of 65%
4.8.2 IBOP tests
qualified for the finals which were ridden during the Central Inspection in Drachten. After taking the reins of the best horses in the
Stallions, geldings and mares can be entered for IBOP tests from the age of four. Horses can be assessed in the disciplines riding horse,
dressage finals, guest jury members Diederik van Silfhout and Benjamin Maljaars gave these horses a set of scores. The selections
driving horse or show driving horse. The results weigh heavily in the declaration of permanent Crown or Model predicates. The
were judged by Alex van Silfhout, Aat van Essen and Monica Drohm. These competitions are open to 4-, 5- and 6-year-old horses
standard is set (same as for ABFP test) at a total score of 77 points averaging a 7 for the basic gaits. 276 IBOP tests were completed in
that have been registered with the KFPS. There are four dressage classes: 4-year-old mares, 5- and 6-year-old mares, 4-year-old
2014: 225 riding tests, 39 driving tests and 12 show driving tests. The total number of assessed tests was 12 down compared to 2013.
geldings/stallions and 5- and 6-year-old geldings/stallions. For show driving aptitude there are two categories: geldings/stallions
and mares. Since 2014, 3-year-old horses can no longer be entered for the category show driving aptitude. These renewed catego-
4.9 Central Examination
ries are now also open to Studbook stallions in both dressage- as well as show driving aptitude classes. The organisation of these
The spring examination (for 4-year-old and older stallions) was discontinued in 2013 and from now on the Central Examination
selection rounds is in the hands of the board of the organising breeding chapter. The participating countries are the Netherlands,
will only take place in the autumn. The preparatory phase, which consists of a three-day instruction course, was first introduced
Germany, Denmark and Belgium. Competition results can be looked up on the website under Events (Central Inspection).
in 2012 and after positive feedback has been extended into 2013. Under the supervision of instructors Susan Bouwman and
Johan Hamminga, the stallions’ trainers receive instructions about how to give their horse the best possible preparatory trai-
5.3 Competitions
ning. A change introduced in 2013 means that the stallion jury advises owners whether or not horses should be entered for the
Throughout the year several competitions are organised specifically for Friesian horses. A short account of the major competitions.
examination. This policy was continued in 2014. This resulted in eight stallions being entered for the Autumn Examination in
2014 from which two have been registered in the Studbook: Jehannes 484 (Tsjalle 454 x Oepke 266) and Jouwe 485 (Pier 448 x
Post Kogeko KFPS Dressage Championship
Folkert 353). Tjaarda 483 (Time 398 x Lolke 371) took the Short Test and was registered in the Studbook.
Each year there is a national dressage championship for Friesian horses. Qualification for this event takes place via several
The Central Examination that took place at the DG-Bar Ranch in California, USA, has not resulted in a new crop. Just one stallion
pre-selection rounds organised by breeding chapters. The best combinations from each class are qualified to enter the finals in
took the test but he was not accepted.
Kootwijk which are scheduled for the end of September. Categories range from national levels (B to ZZ Light) up to the Light
Tour. The 2014 finals in Kootwijk saw the introduction of quadrille riding for four and six horses. In addition to the champion-
4.10 Progeny tests
ships there are a number of special prizes to be won in the finals.
In 2014, six stallions have completed the Progeny Test. The breeding license of all six stallions have been sustained for 2014. Progeny
testing contains data from the registration of offspring, the inspection results and the results of the 20 descendants that completed
The Champions:
the ABFP test. In the ABFP test offspring are tested for sport aptitude and character.
Sjerp 446*
Andries 415 x Pike 316
Stendert 447
Andries 415 x Piter 312
Pier 448
Beart 411 x Aiso 279
Sake 449*
Doaitsen 420 x Rypke 321
Anders 451
Adel 357 x Ouke 313
Reinder 452
Aan 416 x Sierk 326
Sjouke 453
Doaitsen 420 x Jelte 365
Tsjalle 454
Mintse 384 x Brandus 345
Level B Chaline Hensen with Femmie fan S. (Onne 376), Level L1 Sybren Minkema with Hearke van Moravia (Maurits 437),
value exterior
value sport aptitude
* On hold. Has not met the regulatory requirements of progeny testing at the end of sixth stud season.
Level L2 Carlijn Vaessen with Kop Jansen Google (Fabe 348), Level M1 Debby de Graaf with Beltsjeblom Galloper (Jerke 434),
Level M2 Peter Spahn withDjorn van de Demro Stables (Jorn 430), Level Z1 Thea Dijkstra with Abe fan Bangazathe (Brandus 345),
Level Z2 Joyce Haaijer with Tialda H. (Jasper 366), Level ZZ-Licht Esther Liano with Pattaconk’s Pluto (Wierd 409)
KFPS Indoor Competition 2013-2014
In the winter months the KFPS Indoor Competition is held for riders and drivers with Friesian horses, offering classes in the
disciplines dressage and driving. Since 2013 this competition has been made possible by Stud Bommelsteyn in Joure and De
Nieuwe Heuvel in Lunteren. In early spring, mostly late February or early March, the finals of this competition are ridden in
Riding School De Caprilli in Sonnega. The drivers will compete for the ‘Tinnen Menner’ (tin driver, ed.) and the dressage riders
After their preliminary approval in 2013, stallions Jense 432, Tjalf 443 and Michiel 442 were re-inspected in 2014. For Jense 432
for the ‘Zilveren Zweep’ (2) (silver whip, ed.) In 2014 the ‘Tinnen Menner’ went to the L level champions Udo de Haan and
and Tjalf 443 this resulted in permanent approval. Michiel 442 will be re-inspected in 2015.
Bommelsteyn’s Eelco (Beart 411). Harmina Holwerda scored a double victory by winning both ‘Zilveren Zwepen’. With Franke P.J.
(Beart 411) she became L2 Champion and with that received the ‘Zilveren Zweep’ for the lower classes and with Annette P.J.
4.11 Stallion statistics
Doaitsen 420) she triumphed in the higher classes, winning the title of M1 Champion. www.kfps-indoorcompetitie.nl
The following stallions died in 2014: Wander 352, Anne 340, Melle 311, Warn 335, Lolke 371 and Karel 370.
KFPS Outdoor Driving Competition
The following stallions received the Preferent predicate in 2014: Brandus 345, Heinse 354, Fabe 348 and Beart 411.
The KFPS Outdoor Driving Competition was introduced in 2007. This event comprises around six driving competitions in the
4.12 Jury policy
To advance jury policy several days have been organised to promote schooling and uniformity. These days take place under the
months of June, July and August. There are classes for driving dressage at BB, B, L, M, Z and ZZ level in singles and two-in-hand.
The champions will receive lovely presentation rugs. There are also KFPS medals to be won and an extra prize for the overall
winner. In 2014 the finals took place on the outside premises on the Friday afternoon of the Central Inspection in Drachten.
supervision of the inspectors.
Phryso attachment May 2015
The champions:
choice to present these gentlemen towards the end of the morning, a time when the spectators have come in by the crowds. This is
Level BB Bertha Cazemier-Rozema with Wicher BCR (Arjen 417), Level B Lysbeth de Boer-Hettinga with Wytske (Hinne 427),
a beautiful way to pay tribute to the older stallions who presented themselves in excellent condition. In addition to previously
Level L Baukje van de Weide with Freya van de Oostwal (Meinse 439), Level M Nienke Schrale with Bommelsteyn’s Tseard
approved stallions who tried to secure a ticket for the Champion Inspection, those stallions selected for the Central Examination
(Wisse 408), Level Z Liesbeth van der Wal with Bindert H. (Aan 416), Level ZZ Lysbeth de Boer-Hettinga with Marit (Tsjerk 328).
were also shown in two groups. Head of Jury Bauke de Boer gave them all a short introduction and their breeders and owners were
honoured. All this resulted in a nice mix together with the awards for ‘Horse of the Year’ and ‘Breeder of the Year’ and the honouring of Brandus 345 because of his Preferent title. Brandus himself was unable to attend but was represented by some of his
6. Events
descendants. And then of course the time had come to put Cees Roozemond in the spotlight. At the end of November 2013 he took
Each year the KFPS organises a large number of inspections with two being the highlights on the inspection calendar. These two
Cornelissen took the reins of Wierd 409 and drove a lap of honour with him in a sleigh. The Stallion Inspection was rounded off
events, the Central Inspection and the Stallion Inspection, run for several days and each year are drawing the crowds in by the
with a splendid championship. It was hardly a surprise that Norbert 444 received the title in the group of older stallions. ‘Is it an
thousands from home and abroad.
option to ignore the ‘Horse of the Year’, Head of Jury Louise Hompe asked the audience, and that settled the matter. However,
6.1 Stallion Inspection 2014
his farewell as Chairman of the KFPS and has been granted the title of honorary member of the KFPS. Next, dressage rider Adelinde
Mewes 438 becoming such an outstanding Reserve Champion was indeed a surprise. In the category for younger stallions the title
was for Hette 481 with Wolfert 467 being a fine Reserve Champion. The battle for the Overall Championship was a real showstopper which sent the onlookers into raptures. It was virtually a battle between father and son, which ended in a victory for father
6.1.1 Inspection young stallions
The Second Viewing of the young stallions took place on Thursday January 9th. From the 74 stallions that had been selected in
Norbert 444 as the Overall Champion and his son Hette 483 as the runner-up.
Ermelo during the First Viewing, 58 made their way to Leeuwarden after passing semen and X-ray tests. In the end 18 stallions
6.2 Central Inspection
remained who received the much-coveted invitation to the Central Examination.
Just as in the year before, in 2014 the Central Inspection was held in the ‘Fries Congres- en Paardencentrum’ in Drachten. Friday
September 12th was set aside for sport and youngsters (foals, yearlings and 2-year-olds). New this year were the indoor inspecti-
6.1.2 Clinic afternoon
ons of the 4- to 6-year-old Star mares which had been re-scheduled to the same day so that the Saturday programme would be
The mixed programme of clinics during the Stallion Inspection had been organised in cooperation with a trainee from CAH in
less overloaded and not too long. There were up to 20 colts and 18 fillies showing their best in the outdoor arena of the FCD. The
Dronten. The clinics were held in the main arena and warm-up ring as well as in some rooms of the WTC Hotel. Louise Hompe’s very
youngster classes also took place outside. In the morning and early afternoon the indoor hall was the scene for the finals of the
popular clinic ‘Judging the Friesian horse put into practice’ always takes place in the main arena. Johan Hamminga and Judith
Pavo Fryso Cup for talented, young dressage horses. New in this year’s finals was the introduction of two guest jury members who
Pietersen gave a dressage clinic and Herman Smit and Udo de Haan shed some light on the IBOP. The people of Tweespan Ruitersport
also took to the saddle of the best horses to put them through their paces. This year the special guest jury members were
explained what to look out for when fitting saddles for Friesian horses. Swaen Brink gave a side-saddle presentation. Gabriele Boiselle
Diederik van Silfhout and Benjamin Maljaars. Acting jury member during the finals was Hanneke Gerritsen. In the afternoon the
gave a clinic on photography, Karin Baas explained thermography and Rodinde Hoogenraad enlightened her audience about back
Hippiade Championships Two-in-hand and Ladies’ Class were held on the outdoor grounds. Ladies’ Champion was Froukje Heuker
issues in horses. Also well-attended were the clinics Freestyle Academy by Emiel Voest, Mental Coaching with Tjalling van den Berg,
with Lutger 436 (Onne 376) and in the Two-in-hand class Gooitzen Wester triumphed with Ulke 338 offspring Hovenierwester
the Right Balance on Horseback by Harmet van der Meer and Dental Issues by Paul Versluis. By now a tradition, the afternoon was
Aalwina and Hovenierwester Sterre. The programme was wrapped up with the finals of the Outdoor Driving Competition. The
concluded with an interactive clinic where visitors were given the opportunity to get into the driver’s seat for some ring-riding.
Saturday was a pleasant day of inspections. Today the grounds belonged to the horses entered for inspections and a splendid
championship as the final piece. In the afternoon there was the Pavo Fryso Cup class for show driving aptitude. And not to forget
6.1.3 KFPS Jubilee Show ‘Faderpaard’
the battle for the Prize of the Best which got its victor in the person of Age Okkema holding the reins of Thorben 466 (Ielke 382).
Because of the 135th anniversary of the Royal Society the Friesian Horse Studbook, the traditional show evening on Friday had
The inspections yielded 48 new (preliminary) Crown mares and 9 new Model mares. The Central Inspection will always symbolise
undergone a remake. The ‘Faderpaard’ foundation was set up to pave the road to success for the musical theatre show inspired by
a wonderful end to the inspection season in the Netherlands. There was good quality across the board. Last year, Janneke B’s
Tsjebbe Hettinga´s poem with the same name. It had to be a show that would also attract people who are not really into Friesian
Champion award came as a complete surprise, but in 2014 the now 3-year-old mare managed to prolong her title.
horses. Well, it proved to be a real hit and immensely popular with the audience. On two consecutive nights the show was performed with all grandstands packed to bursting. Jos Thie, also the architect of ‘Kening Lear’, was both creator as well as director of the
Survey Central Inspection Champions 2014
show. Other people who contributed to this production are: singer Nynke Laverman, Blyth Brown in Behind the Mask, cabaret artiste
Champion colts:
Thijmen van ’t Glinde Peerd (Tsjalle 454 x Harmen 424) owner G.G.F. v. Dijkhuizen, Elburg
Brigitte Kaandorp, the Broken Brass Ensemble, singer Gerrit Breteler, bass player and composer Sytze Pruiksma, violinist Tessa
Reserve Champion colts:
Timo B. (Jasper 366 x Andries 415) owner J. Bosma, St.Nicolaasga
Zoutendijk, Théâtre du Centaure and last but not least, around one hundred Friesian horses with their riders from home and abroad.
Champion fillies:
Tess van Schäfer (Bartele 472 x Pier 448) owner J.M. Schäfer, Zwolle
Reserve Champion fillies:
Valentina fan ‘e Ridderdyk (Alwin 469 x Fridse 423) owner A. Duiven-Lettinga, Hartwerd
Champion yearling mares:
Syanke fan Synaeda (Stendert 447 x Beart 411) owner A.S. Oosterbaan, Opeinde
In connection with the jubilee show ‘Faderpaard’ this year’s honouring of the Horse of the Year 2013 was re-scheduled from the Friday
Reserve Champion yearling mares:
Sanne T.T. (Alwin 469 x Beart 411) owner W.E. Lokhorst, Ederveen
to the Saturday of the Stallion Inspection. Last year he was the Overall Champion of the Stallion Inspection which earned him a
Champion 2-year-old mares:
Maud van Bourboom (Jisse 433 x Leffert 306) owner S. Frenken, Aalten
Reserve Champion 2-year-old mares:
Namke van de Troostwijk (Tsjalle 454 x Ludse 305) owner A.M. Michel-Jansen, Kerkenveld
Overall Champion youngsters:
Maud van Bourboom (Jisse 433 x Leffert 306) owner S. Frenken, Aalten
Reserve Overall Champion youngsters:
Syanke fan Synaeda (Stendert 447 x Beart 411) owner A.S. Oosterbaan, Opeinde
Champion 3-year-old mares:
Janneke B. (Norbert 444 x Fabe 348) owner M.H.A. Schothorst, Soest
6.1.4 Horse of the Year
nomination for this year’s contest: horse lovers and the expert jury alike were convinced that the title Horse of the Year 2013 should go
to Norbert 444. Definitely an outcome that came out of the blue for breeder/owner the Van der Zee family from Sint Jacobiparochie.
6.1.5 Breeder of the Year
For the second year running the title Breeder of the Year was awarded during the Stallion Inspection. An honour which went to
Anton Schut from Hengelo in Gelderland. He and his wife Liesbeth were already present in the centre of the arena because of the
tribute to the 2013-approved stallions. That is because he is the breeder of Gerben 479, but then being awarded the title Breeder
of the Year came as a complete surprise. At that point in time Anton Schut’s breeding had already produced 128 foals. In 2013
he managed to collect a first premium for as many as seven of his foals. Five of his mares became Star and one Model mare from
his breeding received a first premium.
6.1.6 Inspection Studbook stallions
Reserve Champion 3-year-old mares:
Kyra fan Bosksicht (Uldrik 457 x Onne 376) owner F.N. Wolfswinkel, Vlieland
Champion 4-to-6-year-old mares:
Ida fan ’t Artland (Pier 448 x Lammert 260) owner W. Janizewski, Berge-Dalvers
Reserve Champion 4-to-6-year-old-mares:
Grytsje fan Ferwâlde (Maurus 441 x Tsjerk 328) owner Bernhard Kreye, Lotte-osterberg
Champion 7-years-old and older mares:
Wealtsje A. (Teeuwis 389 x Jasper 366) owners Comb. De Vries & J.W. de Boer, Wiuwert
Reserve Champion 7-year-old and older mares: Zytske ût de Grachten (Andries 415 x Teunis 332) owner J.M.L. Glas, Goutum
Overall champion of the Day:
Janneke B. (Norbert 444 x Fabe 348) owner M.H.A. Schothorst, Soest
Reserve Overall Champion of the Day:
Wealtsje A. (Teeuwis 389 x Jasper 366) owners Comb. De Vries & J.W. de Boer, Wiuwert
This year, Saturday’s programme on January 11th did not kick off with the older generation of stallions. Instead, it was a conscious
Phryso attachment May 2015
Champions Pavo Fryso Bokaal Show Driving Sport Aptitude 2014
7.2 Communication
Stallions and geldings
1st place
Filou S.B. (Tjalf 443) owners S. Minkema and J.J. Schreuder, Frieschepalen and driven by Sybren Minkema
7.2.1 Phryso and newsletters
2nd place
Eise fan Hylpen (Maurits 437) owner Stal Chardon, Jorwert and driven by Jelmer Chardon
Each month the KFPS and a team of editorial staff produce the Dutch Phryso and two digital newsletters. The highlights of the
3rd place
Christiaan fan Teakesyl (Andries 415) owners J.C. v.d. Ark and P. Wijbenga, Oudwoude and driven by Udo de Haan
Phryso are translated into English and Spanish newsletters which are then sent to the KFPS members. In 2014 the Phryso
published several specials. An extra long special on breeding was published in March and the September issue was packed with
1st place
Auckje fan ‘e Alde Ryd (Tsjalke 397) owners R. and G. Lemstra, Kootstertille and driven by Hilda de Vries
information about breeding days. On four occasions the Phryso was published with an extra attachment: Stallion information,
2nd place
Gezina van Lapinenburg (Maurus 441) owners J.J.H. Boot and J.P.W. Boot, Hillegom and driven by Age Okkema
Annual Report, and two General Meeting addenda (spring and autumn).
3rd place
Hielke H. (Maurus 441) owner W.H.P. Hendriks, Reusel and driven by Mart van Daal
Champions Pavo Fryso Bokaal with Dressage Aptitude 2014
4-year-old stallions/geldings
7.2.2 Website
Current affairs are communicated briefly and to the point on the KFPS website. Inspection and test results are put on line as quickly
as possible and followed up with a twitter alert. The site is continually updated with current news items and all events are listed on
1st place
Gerke fan Oostenburg (Doaitsen 420) owner A. de Hoek, Drachtster Compagnie, rider Judith Pietersen
the calendar. On My Horse (members only), horses can be entered for examinations, foals can be registered and it generally offers a
2nd place
Hykes fan Kûkherne (Fabe 348) owner Ted Kop Jansen, Putten, rider Judith Pietersen
host of horse-related information. Early may 2014 the My Horse portal was completely restyled. Several new functions have been
3rd place
Hearke van Moravia (Maurits 437) owners G.A.Bouma and Renata Kónickóva, Oldeboorn, rider Sybren Minkema
added and others have been extended. With this the KFPS hopes to open up more information for members and to make the use of
5 and 6-year-old stallions/geldings
the My Horse portal even more user-friendly. Later in 2014 came the addition of ‘De Marktplaats’ for Friesian horses. This portal offers
1st place
Floris fan Scheltinga Zathe (Onne 376) owners S. Minkema and J.J. Schreuder, Frieschepalen, rider Sybren Minkema
members a low-cost opportunity to put their horses up for sale. ‘De Marktplaats’ will be furnished with information from the KFPS
2nd place
Ewald fan ’t Wegje (Beart 411) owner J. de Graaff, Gameren, rider Ingeborg Klooster
database which can then be complemented with text, photos and film pictures by the seller. Another addition is the KFPS TV video
3rd place
Fokke G. (Norbert 444) owner A.S.D. Horses, Beuningen, rider Sybren Minkema
4-year-old mares
1st place
Geke fan ‘e Beijemastate (Beart 411) owner J. Kramer and P. Hofma, Arum, rider Marsja Dijkman
2nd place
Gerbrich fan Wifo (Reinder 452) owner Stal Anema, Hallum, rider Ieke Baukje Anema
3rd place
Gwen D.A.W. (Michiel 442) owner Fam. Hardeman-Slemmer, Bennekom, rider Corina van de Bunt
5 and 6-year-old mares
1st place
Aurelia fan Ass (Dries 421) owner Ted Kop Jansen, Putten, rider Judith Pietersen
2nd place
Eke Marieke (Tsjalke 397) owners J.G.M. Drost and T. Folmer, Heeswijk-Dinther, rider Marijke Folmer
3rd place
Annette fan ‘e Hamsterheide (Doaitsen 420) owners J.C. v.d. Ark and P. Wijbenga, Oudwoude, rider Harmina Holwerda
7. Promotion & Communication
7.1 Promotion
portal. This portal can be used to search for and look up or play images and footage of for instance events, performance tests or
individual horses. The online library on the website is continually updated with the most important articles from the Phryso. Via the
categories: General, Breeding, Events, Veterinary, Sport and Welfare it is possible to look up articles of up to four years ago.
7.2.3 Social media
In 2011 the KFPS started to publicise news items and events via social media (twitter). In 2012 this was followed up with the
launch of our own Facebook page. This medium reaches a vast public and positive reactions are coming in from all over the
world. Already in 2013, but also in the course of 2014 this has seen immense growth. As Facebook is an international platform
the leading language therefore is English. The various social media channels are more and more found to be the ‘beaten track’
used by people to get in touch with the KFPS for queries and information about the Friesian breed.
Attachment I: Bodies of the KFPS
The KFPS includes several bodies. There are policymaking bodies, advisory and executive bodies and external committees.
Underneath is a list of all committees and councils that play a part within the KFPS. The Governing Board has a policymaking
function and the following persons hold a seat on the Board:
7.1.1 Webshop and merchandise
Bert Wassenaar Amstelveen Chairman
Bert Wassenaar Amstelveen Chairman
Promotional merchandise of the KFPS can be ordered online via our webshop. Online sales via the webshop were launched at the
Pieter Tuinman Boksum, Vice-Chairman and secretary
Geralt Pots Nuis Vice-Chairman and secretary
end of 2012. This was set up in the course of 2013 and 2014 and several articles have been added to the list. Outer clothing,
Peter Bazuijnen Diever Treasurer
Peter Bazuijnen Diever Treasurer
horse items and educational books can be ordered online on our site www.kfps.nl
Geralt Pots Nuis General boardmember
Detlef Elling Klötze (Dld.) General boardmember
Pascale Drijfhout Jistrum General boardmember
Pascale Drijfhout Jistrum General boardmember
7.1.2 Promotion stand KFPS
Considering the increase in online transfer of information and promotional articles, the decision was taken in early 2014 to call
in the PR Team for larger events such as the Stallion Inspection in Leeuwarden, Central Inspection in Drachten and Horse Event
in Deurne. From these, the Stallion Inspection is the absolute highlight for the PR team. The entire event is an enormous boost
Pascale Drijfhout 2008 20122016
for the Friesian horse but it also creates a great opportunity for the PR stand which generates a major part of its turnover on
Bert Wassenaar 2011 20152019
merchandise during these days.
Peter Bazuijnen 2012 20162020
Geralt Pots 2013 20172021
Detlef Elling 2014 20182022
7.1.3 Royal Friesian Club
Appointed in Re-election in Outgoing in
The Royal Friesian Club was founded in 2013. The Royal Friesian Club seeks to encourage the mutual transfer of knowledge
between Friesian horse enthusiasts. Twice a year they organise a network meeting to discuss a wide range of subjects centred
around the Friesian horse. Their first meeting was at the Stallion Inspection in 2014 on Friday January 10th. Bestseller author
Member Council
Dan Brown was welcomed as an honorary guest and hosted a lecture in cooperation with Luitingh-Sijthoff Publishers. On Friday
The Member Council has a controlling function and consists of representatives who have been elected by the members in the
October 10th the Royal Friesian Club visited the Royal Stables in Den Haag, where KFPS Chairman and equerry Bert Wassenaar
regional meetings. The Council of Members has two internal committees:
conducted a guided tour.
1. The Confidential Committee: is responsible for the selection of candidates to fill future upcoming vacancies on the Board
2. The Financial Committee: is responsible on behalf of the Member Council for conducting investigations into the financial
matters of the KFPS
Phryso attachment May 2015
Groningen-Drenthe Combinatie Mw. J. Schuurman, J. Meijer, R. Oldenburger Confidential Committee
Merel Groen Ta it Bihâld Y. de Vries Confidential Committee, Tj. Bosma, W. de Vries
Oene Bosma It Fryske Greidhynder D.J. Reiding, A. Bouma, J. Steenbeek
Richard Rademaker de Ridder It Fryske Hynder T. Bouma Financial Committee, R. Bos, M. Samplonius-Nijenhuis
Udo de Haan Het Friese Paard Wolvega Mw. J. Kroes, Mw. H. van Wijncoop, D. Hoekstra*
Het Friese Paard Midden-Nederland C. Veldjesgraaf, A.R. Zandee Confidential Committee, D. Brummel
Appointed in Re-election in Outgoing in
NJ 2014
NJ 2018
VJ 2012
VJ 2016
VJ 2020
NJ 2012
NJ 2016
NJ 2020
NJ 2013
NJ 2017
NJ 2021
Martsje Bergsma NJ 2014
NJ 2018
NJ 2022
Maaike Teekens NJ 2014
NJ 2018
NJ 2022
Het Friesche Paard Twente Achterhoek P. Tanck, M. Slagers-Karnebeek Confidential Committee, H. Vloedgraven
Council office is for a period of 4 years with one re-election term of 4 years.
Het Friesche Paard Noord- en Zuid-Holland H.H.M. Smit Confidential Committee, C.W. Star Financial Committee / Chairman Special
Closed MC Meetings, C.G. de Vrieze Financial Committee
Breeding Council
Het Friesche Paard Zuid-Nederland J. Achterhof, J.P. Raaijmakers, A. Poppelaars
The Breeding Council advises the Board in matters regarding breeding goal as well as the breeding and selection policy of the
Het Friesche Paard Limburg F.J.M. van den Bogaert*, B.G. Sengers
KFPS. The following people have a seat on the Breeding Council: Helga Flapper (chairman), Hans de Nooij (advisor), Fer Smit,
Duitsland F. Frerichs, R. van der Meer, J. Heckmeijer
Frank Houterman, Willem de Boer, Aat Both, Harrie Draaijer (advisor), Waling Haijtema, Jan van Weperen and Laurens van der
Noord-Amerika & Canada G. Steenbeek, W. Bron, S. Plantinga
Overige buitenlanden M. Larsen, Mw. E. de Boer, Mw. A. de Jager, H. Maes
Re-election in Outgoing in
Helga Flapper x
NJ 2012
NJ 2016
Disciplinary committee: The
Frank Houterman x
NJ 2012
NJ 2016
Disciplinary committee deals with
The World Friesian Horse Organisation is the consultative body between the KFPS and the boards of foreign associations. The
Fer Smit x
NJ 2014
NJ 2018
violations as laid down in the
WFHO Board consists of the KFPS Chairman and secretary, the three foreign members of the Member Council and a representative
Waling Haijtema VJ 2012
VJ 2016
VJ 2020
disciplinary regulations of the
from the German and North American Associations.
Aat Both NJ 2012
NJ 2016
NJ 2020
KFSP and consists of the follo-
Willem de Boer NJ 2012
NJ 2016
NJ 2020
wing people: Mr. T.K. Hoogslag,
Inspection, (performance) jury and passport consultants
Jan van Weperen NJ 2013
NJ 2017
NJ 2021
Mr. G.K. Schipmölder en
Inspection: General responsibilities include articulating and implementing inspection policy that must be in accordance with the
Laurens van der Meer NJ 2013
NJ 2017
NJ 2021
Mr. M.L. Blackstone.
* appointed as per 28 November 2014
Appointed in breeding goal as well as breeding and selection policy as stated by the Member Council and laid down in the Studbook Regulations.
Council office is for a period of 4 years with one re-election term of 4 years.
Members of the Inspection
External committees
Acting member: Mr. A. Roos
Bauke de Boer, Nes; Jaap Boersma, Oudega; Harrie Draaijer, Itens; Louise Hompe, Groningen; Fetze Veldstra, Joure
G.K. Schipmölder 20072010
Prospective inspectors
T.K. Hoogslag 20072010
Luciel Ellens-Van der Kooi, Nagele; Sabien Zwaga, Nieuwleusen
Mw. M.L. Blackstone 20072010
Appointed in Re-election in
Re-election in Re-election in
Committee office is for a period of 3 years with one re-election term of 4 years. At present there appears to be no maximum of terms
on the committee.
The jury is responsible for the implementation of the inspection policy. The following people are jury members for the KFPS:
U. Beissner (Germany), P. Bergsma (linear scoring), L. Boelens ((prospective), A. Brak, J. Hellinx, J. Hendriks, G. Kuipers,
Appeals Committee
H. van der Meulen, P. van der Meulen, E. Pouw (linear scoring), E. Reen, J. Slootjes, Fr. Smits, W.S. Sonnema,
The Disciplinary Regulations offer the possibility of appeal to the Appeals Committee against the ruling of the Disciplinary
C. Terpstra-v/d Meer, W.P. Thijssen, J. Veenstra and D. van Vliet (prospective).
Committee: Mr. C.M. Telman, Mr. E.J. Kuiters and Mr. P. Tuinman
Performance Jury
The performance Jury is responsible for the judging of ABFP and IBOP tests. The members of the performance Jury are: Reitze Faber
(Dijken), Herman Smit (Arum), Gerard Vermunt (Emmeloord), Haike van der Meulen (Noordbergum) and Nella Bijlsma (Giekerk).
Mw. C.M. Telman 20072010
E.J. Kuiters 20072010
P. Tuinman 20142017
Passport Consultants
The team of passport consultants is responsible for the implementation of the I&R Regulations of the KFPS. The members of the
Appointed in Re-election in Re-election in Re-election in
Committee office is for a period of 3 years with one re-election term of 4 years. At present there appears to be no maximum of terms.
team are: Jaap van der Meulen (coordinator), Reitze Faber, Lammert Jager, Doede de Jong, Eppie de Jong, Geert de Jong, Obe Mous,
Marten de Vries and Emiel Verwey.
Appeals Committee
On behalf of the Member Council the Board of Appeals is responsible for dealing with the ruling concerning an appeal which one
Sports Council
of the members has lodged against a decision by the Board. Mr. O.F. Brouwer, Mr. J.W. Oosten and J. Bakker. Acting member:
The Sports Council advises the KFPS Board in matters regarding sport goals and sport policy of the KFPS. The members of the
A.A.M. Schut and H. van Dieren
Sports Council are: Oene Bosma (chairman), Esther Liano*, Saskia Meinema*, Richard Rademaker de Ridder, Merel Groen, Udo de
Haan, Maaike Teekens** en Martsje Bergsma**.
Complaints Committee
* stepped down as per 28 November 2014 ** appointed as per 28 November 2014
This committee has been established to advise the Board with regard to complaints submitted in writing concerning the conduct
of members of the Board, committees, officials, management and other staff of the KFPS, as indicated in the complaints procedure laid down by the KFPS. L.H. Haarsma LLM, P. Hoekstra, A. Holtrop, T.H. de Jager, J. Kiestra, and W. Sleijfer LLM
Phryso attachment May 2015