OçÙ ò®Ý®ÊÄ EXECUTIVE BOARD ~~~~~~~~ PRESIDENT “Leading women educators impacƟng educaƟon worldwide” T H E D E LTA K A P PA G A M M A S O C I E T Y Karol Denby 1ST VICE I N T E R N AT I O N A L PRESIDENT Jamie Evans Delta Theta Newsle er 2ND VICE PRESIDENT Susan Daigle RECORDING SECRETARY Crystal Werkheiser CORRESPONDING SECRETARY ALPHA STATE, TEXAS Delta Theta Chapter Area II No. 104 PORT NECHES & GROVES, TEXAS V OLU ME 6 1 ISSUE 3 JANUARY 2015 Lisa Badon President’s message TREASURER Louise Laƫmore PAST PRESIDENT & PARLIAMENTARIAN Denise Standley ~~~~~~~~ INSIDE THIS ISSUE President’s message 1 January mee ng 1 November minutes 2 Treasurer’s report 3 January reports due 3 Birthdays 3 November’s Mystery Sister 3 In other news 3 November mee ng highlights 4 December social 5 Mystery Sister clues 5 School Finance 6 Condolences/on the mend 6 Tri-chapter informa on 7 Membership update 7 Awesome websites 7 Reminders 7 This newsle er is published early due to the holiday season and also to the fact that our mee ng will be the Monday we return to work. I want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Blessed and Happy New Year in 2015! At the January mee ng, we will be reading our nomina ons for membership for the first me. Be sure to bring your member applica ons for nominees to this mee ng. The Tri‐Chapter mee ng will be on Thursday, February 12th at 6:30, so mark your calendars. (More details on this within the newsle er.) See you on Monday, January 5th at 4:30. *Karol January mee ng Date: January 5, 2015 Time: 4:30 PM Place: First Bap st Church Parlor, 4000 Grant, Groves Medita on: Laura Atkins (Vanessa Spiegel) Hostesses: * Suzann Benson, Donna Cole, Kelsey Crippen, Linda Harrison, Lana Parker, Chris na Puente, Elaine Sherman, Vanessa Spiegel Program Title: Shake, Ra le & Roll into the New Year ProgramSummary:BeckyHebert,PhysicalEducationTeacheratVanBurenElementary willhelpmembers“shape”uptheNewYear2015withideasoffunwaystoexercise withoutgoingtothegym. ProgramFacilitators:PersonalGrowthandScholarshipsCommittee Music: Hokey Pokey & The Delta Kappa Gamma Son. Editor: Lynne James ~~ VOLUME 61 ISSUE 3 Minutes: November 3, PAGE 2 Delta Theta Chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society Interna onal met in Heritage Hall at First Bap st Church, Groves, on November 3, 2014. The mee ng was called to order by President Karol Denby. The mee ng began at 4:30 pm with thirty members and seven special guests present. Special guests included Dr. Holland, Clifford Daigle, Kenneth Standley, Mike Tschirhart, Becky Tschirhart, Kris Hobbs, and Julie Marshall. Medita on: Lori Halbert gave the medita on for this month’s mee ng. Lori read a poem about giving Crystal Werkheiser Recording Secretary thanks. Refreshments: Susan Daigle headed up the hostess commi ee this month. Elisa Breuer, Christy Ellio , Jennifer Fecowycz, Lynne Hollomon, Lynne James, Mary Jane Moore, and Julie Weeks helped her provide this wonderful meal. Great job, ladies! Officer and Commi ee Reports Recording Secretary: The minutes of the October mee ng were approved as printed in the newsle er. Treasurer: Treasurer Louise La more distributed copies of the treasurer’s report for October. The report will be submi ed for audit. Audit: Vanessa Spiegel reports via Karol Denby that the treasurer’s books are in order. Legisla on: Jennifer Fecowycz reports via Karol Denby that an email was sent to members on how to visit TexasTeach‐ to help with the elec on. Correspondence: Marlyn Trahan shared correspondence from Tilda Thompson, Nancy Vanne , Rachel Richard, Lisa Badon, Lea Johnson, Janice Kelly, & Cheryl Worley sending regrets for not being able to con nue in their membership in Delta Theta. Karol Denby asked for a mo on to accept these resigna ons. A mo on by Lynne James was made and seconded by Linda Harrison. The mo on was accepted with a unanimous vote. Technology: Crystal Werkheiser reported that applica on was made on October 25, 2014, to recer fy the website for the new biennium. Global Awareness: Emily Rueda collected dona ons for the fund using her “blinged‐out” piggy bank at the sign‐in table. Membership: A mo on was made by Lynne James and seconded by Dixie Tucker to invite at least seven new members to join our chapter at the May mee ng. The mo on passed with a unanimous vote. Karol Denby announced that three members correctly guessed who the Mystery Sister was last month. Linda, Denise, and Susan correctly guessed that the mystery sister was Beverly Guidroz. Three members’ numbers were hidden in newsle er and none recognized their numbers. Karol encouraged all members to read the newsle er each month. Achievement Awards: Anne e Meier has requested sugges ons for Shining Star awards. Programs: Susan Daigle presented members with a Save the Date ornament for the Delta Theta Christmas Party. The date is December 11 and will include an ornament exchange. The me and place will be decided and provided shortly. Susan introduced Kris Hobbs, founder and interna onal director of the Jesus. Hobbs House of Hope Children’s Home and School located in Kenya Africa. Kris gave a very hear elt and informa ve presenta on on the success of the school since it was founded in 2009. The school began as a one room classroom and is poten ally expanding to 36 classrooms. Delta Theta members learned about the school and how it is impac ng students’ daily lives by helping them obtain an educa on through rigorous coursework and daily lessons on helping each other and the community. Members were treated to a slide show followed by an authen c African meal hosted by Mike and Becky Tschirhart . Our sisters will collect dona ons to help furnish the school’s new computer lab. Kris Hobbs further blessed some members with worship CDs containing songs sung by the school’s very talented students. Unfinished Business Our new transferee Kathryn French was introduced to the membership. She is the curriculum coordinator for BCISD and is excited to join our organiza on. Karol recognized November and December birthdays. The November birthdays are Karol Denby, Lana Parker, Michelle Judice, Mary Beth McDuff, and Jennifer Fecowycz. The December birthdays are Elnita Stanley, Kay Hooper, Anne e Meier, Lynne James, Lynne Hollomon, Charlene Williams, and Susan Daigle. Happy Birthday! The mee ng concluded at 6:30 pm a er everyone enjoyed the wonderful authen c meal. (458160) Crystal Werkheiser, Recording Secretary DELTA THETA NEWSLETTER VOLUME 61 ISSUE T 3 PAGE D K G S Treasurer’s report November 2014 Balance on hand November 1, 2014 $3835.00 Receipts (342482) Dues $1694.00 Total Receipts $1694.00 Disbursements Supplies $174.01 Gi s and Memorials 43.01 State and Na onal Dues 2986.00 Total Disbursements $3103.02 Balance on hand November 30, 2014 $2425.98 January reports due Sheri Furby Scholarships Jamie Evans Membership Emily Rueda World Fellowship Personal Growth & Achievement Anne e Meier November’s Mystery Sister was Beverly Guidroz! January birthdays 5-Julie Gauthier 10-Mary Jane Moore 11-Staci Gary 25-Denise Standley February birthdays 9-Vanessa Spiegel 22-Meredith Brawner DELTA THETA NEWSLETTER I 3 . In other news . . . Alpha Kappa, one of the Lubbock Chapters, in November met at the Texas Tech Interna onal Cultural Center (Behind TTU Museum) where they heard the presenta on “Can Vouchers Be Avoided in Our Next Legisla ve Session?” by Clinton Gill (TSTA representa ve), who described possible bills we need to watch for and take ac on against. Saturday, December 2, they met for a Coordina ng Council Christmas Tea at the Lubbock Women's Club. Beta Tau, San Antonio, on November 20th met for fellowship, book study ‐ Heaven Is For Real, tour of the TBC Children’s Center, and a business mee ng. New members were ini ated and scholarships awarded at the Silver Scholarship Tea December 7. They are currently asking members to let their voices be heard and become members of the DKG Signing Sisters. Delta Omicron, Dallas, enjoyed Looking Back at their October 20 program tled The Value of Expression Lessons: The Forgo en Teachers of Elocu on, presented by Dr. Rose‐Mary Rumbley. In her cap va ng and humorous style, Dr. Rumbley discussed the importance of enuncia ng and projec ng, skills she began learning at age three from her first elocu on teacher. Epsilon Pi, Calhoun County (Port Lavaca, Point Comfort, Seadri , and Port O'Connor) voted and passed the following: “A quorum of a regular or special mee ng shall be a majority of the members present at that mee ng.” No more worrying about if they do or do not have a quorum. Eta Tau, Aus n, had a Cra Ac vity, making items for the children at SafePlace (abused and neglected children) to give to their mothers for Christmas. Members brought hot glue guns to work on the projects, candy boxes and necklaces. They also started collec ng gi cards (or cash dona ons to purchase gi cards) for CASA teens for Christmas. Mu Pi, Humble, hosted Dan Huberty, State Representa on District 127, as their Guest Speaker. Addi onally, the 2014‐ 2015 Mu Pi Project Commi ee has chosen to support early career educators at Copeland Elementary in Huffman. These early career teachers will be invited to a end the December Mu Pi social so they can meet them and iden fy their needs. Mu Pi will provide each of the teachers with books to build a classroom library and school supplies to assist them with their classrooms. Submi ed by Michelle Judice Delta Theta Communica ons and Publicity Commi ee VOLUME 61 ISSUE 3 PAGE 4 November mee ng highlights Top (le to right): Second Vice President & Program Chairman Susan Daigle with Kris Hobbs of Alamo City Mercy Founda on in San Antonio, and Mike Tschirhart, of Chick‐fil‐ A pose for the camera following the November mee ng; Sandie Jordan prepares reminders for the December social; Mike Tschirhart prepares the African meal. Row 2: Pat Briggs signs the guest book as Emily Rueda and Karol Denby look on; Brenda Duhon, Crystal Werkheiser and Sheri Furby sign their website release forms with Susan and Clifford Daigle in the background. Row 3: Chapter members give Hobbs their undivided a en on during the program; Lori Halbert delivers the medita on; Librarian Louise La more enjoys the friendly surroundings of books about Africa as she performs her du es as chapter treasurer. Row 4: Mary Jane Moore, Alicia Barne , Lynne James, and Staci Gary visit following the African meal; New members Michelle Judice and Pat Parker enjoy mee ng other chapter members prior to the program; Clifford Daigle (Susan) helps serve the hungry chapter members; Lori Halbert and Lynne Hollomon show their interest in all things “African.” Delta Theta Communica ons and Publicity Commi ee: Lynne James (editor), Kathryn French, Lana Parker, and Michelle Judice DELTA THETA NEWSLETTER VOLUME 61 ISSUE 3 PAGE Christmas social a huge success! Row 1: The table was filled with goodies . . . Let the fun begin! Mary, Karol and Sandie; Suzann, Lori and Laura; Alicia, Sheri, and Emily; Ann and Lynne—and many more came ready to celebrate the Christmas holidays with their DKG sisters. Row 2: Pat, Suzann and Susan enjoy the punch; Suspense mounts as members await the signal to open their “ornament” packages; Christy and Laura team up for a game of Snowball Toss; Ann and Mary put their heads together before a game of Christmas Ball, which gives Ann a challenge! Pat Briggs and Lori stack their trees while Chris na, Pat Parker, Emily and Sheri look on. Row 3: Lynne and Christy wage a ba le of tree stacking . . . guess who won? Candy Cane (fish) Catch was easy for Laura and Alicia, but Suzanne came up on the short end of the fishing pole. Karol and Lynne are intensive as the they stack nuts with a peppermint s ck. Row 4: Members filled boxes with gi s of computer‐related products as part of the Komputers for Kenya project. The dona ons totaled 2 mouse pads, 3 mice, 11 headphone sets, and 12 flash drives. Thanks to all who made their dona ons to the project. Those who could not a end may donate at the January mee ng.(281038) ~~Mystery Sister Clues~~ Who’s in the Cloud? From the clues at right, guess which Delta Theta Sister listed below is profiled? Susan Daigle Suzann Benson Crystal Werkheiser Brenda Duhon Patsy Edmonds Mary Beth McDuff DELTA THETA Laura Atkins Elisa Breuer Anne e Meier Karol Denby Lana Parker Michelle Judice NEWSLETTER 5 VOLUME 61 ISSUE PAGE 3 6 Inadequate and Uncons tu onal School Finance System State District Judge John Dietz agreed with nearly 600 school districts (PNGISD is one of them) involved in the school finance trial and declared Texas' school finance system uncons tu onal on August 28. Judge Dietz said, "The Texas school finance system is cons tu onally inadequate, unsuitable, and financially inefficient." The judge enumerated what the Texas Legislature must do, using words from previous lawsuits brought to the Texas Supreme Court. 1 First, "The Legislature must establish an adequate public school finance system, meaning one that achieves a general diffusion of knowledge." Second, "The Legislature must make suitable provisions to achieve the general diffusion of knowledge," meaning the Legislature must "structure, operate, and fund" public schools so that the system accomplishes its purpose for all children. Third, the Legislature must be ‘financially efficient’ so that students residing in property‐poor districts and students that live in property‐rich districts must have substan ally equal opportunity to have access to funds for their educa on. There must be a "direct and close correla on between a district's tax efforts and the educa onal resources available to it." Judge Dietz enumerated evidence that Texas school "demographics are changing, resul ng in a student popula on that is increasingly more costly to educate. The judgment said funding weights for economically disadvantaged and English language learners (ELL) are inadequate and prevent districts from raising enough funds to accomplish a general diffusion of knowledge (GDK) for all students, especially these two student groups. If the Legislature acted solely on the basis of this trial courts final judgment, all districts would have equitable funds. The state responded to the decision with an appeal to the Texas Supreme Court. This decision could come in "late" 2015 . 1 Texas Taxpayers and Student Fairness Coali on v. Williams. Cause No. D-1-GN-11-003130. August 28, 2014. Submi ed by Lana Parker Delta Theta Communica ons and Publicity Commi ee Condolences to Elisa Breuer and Linda Broussard On the loss of their mothers Get Well wishes to Charlene Williams and Crystal Werkheiser Y ou belong to Delta Kappa Gamma because someone believes you are SPECIAL. DELTA THETA NEWSLETTER VOLUME 61 ISSUE PAGE 3 Tri-Chapter Dinner Thursday, February 12 Pompano Club Alpha Omega Delta Theta Iota Rho 17.00 per reservation 7 Membership update Membership me is here! With the start of a new year, Delta Theta has set a resolu on for new members! Recommenda on forms are due this month, and we hope to see many new friendly faces. Our schedule for membership is as follows: March – Nominees will be introduced and discussed at the mee ng April – Vo ng May – Ini a on of new members Menu Baked chicken Fried fish Veggies Salad Dessert Guest Speaker Kay Herrington Please remember to turn in your nomina on submission forms. How about invi ng prospec ve members to the tri‐chapter dinner? This is a great way to introduce her to Delta Kappa Gamma. Submi ed by Jamie Evans Delta Theta First Vice President/Membership Chairman Technology Instructional Coordinator Region 5 Awesome websites for teachers There are tons of fantastic websites available for teachers and here’s a list of 11 that are absolutely great. You’ll find lesson plans, videos, interactive resources and more on these sites. Click on each link (or Google the name) to learn more about each one! LearnZillion (Common Core lessons, videos and ac vi es) TED‐Ed (videos, lessons and inspira on) ReadWorks (reading passages and test prep) ForAllRubrics (rubrics and grading pla orm) MetMuseum (thousands of primary source documents) Visualead (create QR codes with images) PixiClip (online interac ve whiteboard) Google Hangout (bring virtual guest speakers to your classroom) QR Voice (make QR codes talk) SlideShare (post and find presenta ons) Dropbox (sharing documents with students) Things to Remember January meeting is on Monday, January 5— first day back from vacation. New member recommendations will be read at the January meeting (form attached), Tri-chapter dinner is on February 13. Make your reservation and invite a potential member to attend. Bring your tech donation for Komputers for Kenya to the January meeting if you missed the Christmas social. From Teach & Learning ( h p:// september-2014-table-of-contents/55375) DELTA THETA NEWSLETTER