Congratulations Theta New Members


Congratulations Theta New Members
A publication of the Omicron Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity
at the University of Southern California
FALL 2014
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Congratulations Theta New Members
Omicron Welcomes 73 New Members After a Week of Recruitment
fter over a week of recruitment training
and a week of formal recruitment, bid
night was a much-earned celebration for
both actives and new members. The house
buzzed with excitement
as new members’ names
were read off the bid list
Sunday morning. Girls let
out squeals of happiness
when they heard the
names of girls who they
had fallen in love with
during recruitment.
Thetas had been
preparing for this
moment all week. Girls
were making paper kites,
setting up decorations,
and warming up their
dance moves.
T h e n ew m e m b e r s
finally began to run
down the row toward
the Theta house. They
were greeted with open
arms, warm hugs, and
bright smiles . T hey
received bright pink
tanks that read “Theta
Just Got Sweeter” to
match their Theta sisters’
tanks. New member
educators Katie Gregg
and Danielle Norton
went above and beyond
to make this night perfect
for ever yone. T hey
organized an air-brush
tattoo station, food trucks
serving hamburgers and snow-cones, and
a photo booth.
Perhaps the biggest hit though was the
dance floor in the middle
of the parking lot.
Lilia Mora took center
stage, going head-tohead with her kite sister
Lauren Barsamian in a
goofy dance contest.
It was remarkable to
see a group of girls
who barely knew one
another come together
and act completely
comfortable around
each other as if they had
been friends for years.
As bid night came to a
close and girls walked
inside to collect their
Theta backpacks, all
the actives knew how
lucky they were to have
such an amazing group
of new members.
Each girl represented
qualities of Theta in
her own unique way.
Undoubtedly, bid night
was one of the most
fun nights of the fall
semester. Nothing can
ever replace delicious
food, silly dancing, and
(most impor tantly!)
Theta sisterhood.
by Caroline Tucker
Leaders of Theta
Looking Back
Executive Board 2014
Chief Executive Officer
-Kimberly Ostiller
Chief Administrative Officer
-Brooke Turpin
Chief Operating Officer
-Alana Victor
Chief Financial Officer
-Kristin Frerichs
Chief Marketing Officer
-Margaret Lenker
Chief Education Officer
-Danielle Norton
Chief Panhellenic Officer
-Maddy Peterson
Outgoing CMO Margaret Lenker Reflects on Experience
s a Broadcast
and Digital
Business minor,
I gained skills
very applicable
to my future by
serving as Kappa
Alpha Theta’s Chief Marketing
Officer for the 2014 year. I oversaw
the marketing committee, which
includes nine different officers. The
committee coordinates Omicron’s
philanthropy and service activities,
alumnae events, online marketing
(including the chapter website and
social media pages), and newsletter.
I would say this committee is
Theta’s largest and most diverse,
and this past year it was comprised
Executive Board 2015
Chief Executive Officer
-Katherine Flynn
Chief Administrative Officer
-Mia Pfluger
Chief Operating Officer
-Fanny Anderson
Chief Financial Officer
-Marygail Dibuono
Chief Marketing Officer
-Hannah Roberts
Chief Education Officer
-Katie Woods
Chief Panhellenic Officer
-Larke Nimocks
of amazing leaders.
By leading my committee, I learned
the importance of having a positive
online image, the challenge of
raising over $20,000, and the grace
of working with different leadership
After I graduate from USC, I want
to become a reporter for a local
news station somewhere outside
of Los Angeles. Eventually, I hope to
move back to California to pursue
my dreams of leading a top news
organization. My position as CMO
directly applies to my career goals,
as I learned what it takes to market
a brand, in this case the brand
being a sorority, through different
Looking Ahead
Incoming CMO Hannah Roberts Shares Her Path
n my short time so far as Theta’s
Chief Marketing Officer for 2015,
I can tell the experience will be an
invaluable part of my time at USC.
As a Business Administration major,
I took classes and held marketing
internships that have prepared
me to take on this position. My
minor in Communication and the
Entertainment Industry also gives
me a creative perspective that will
be helpful when brainstorming and
planning events!
At present, I am fully immersed in
the challenge of raising $25,000 for
CASA and the Kappa Alpha Theta
Foundation through our signature
philanthropy event, KAT at Bat. I’ve
already had wonderful experiences
with my Marketing Committee,
a team of nine girls dedicated to
promoting Theta’s reputable image.
Leading Women Spotlight
As a sophomore, many of my career
goals are still in the making. I hope
to apply my business knowledge
in a creative industry that excites
me. No matter what I do, I know
that the leadership, marketing,
and communication skills I gather
during my term will serve me well
in my future career. In the years to
come, I know I will look back at this
role as one of my most important
leadership positions and fondest
college memories.
Katie Woods
Laura Frias
Hometown: Menlo Park,
Hometown: Lima, Peru
Hometown: Huntington
Beach, California
Major: International
Involvement: Teaching
International Relations
Program, USG University
Affairs Advocacy
Committee, International
Relations Undergraduate
Future goals: “I plan
to participate in an
international relations
study abroad program
this summer to foster my
global knowledge and
prepare for a career in
foreign affairs. ”
Best part of Theta: “I love
how close my pledge
class has become, it’s like
instantly gaining 73 new
best friends!”
Words to live by: “If you
can dream it, you can do
it.” - Walt Disney
Major: Human Biology
(Health Care Studies
Involvement: Theta
Assistant New Member
Director, Women and
Youth Supporting Each
Other (WYSE) Mentor
Future goals: “I love
working with kids and
hope to one day have
a career in pediatric
Best part of Theta: “It’s
the best thing in the
world to wake up to all
my best friends under
one roof! And I feel so
privileged to be working
with such a fantastic
executive board this
Words to live by:
“Wherever you are, be all
Major: Cognitive
Science (Marketing and
Consumer Behavior
USC Tour Guide, BBDO
Future goals: “I have a
passion for innovation
and I plan on pursuing a
career in advertising or
the music industry.”
Best part of Theta: “Theta
is a house with a diverse
group of girls who have
come together and have
a strong and positive
influence on each other.
It has shaped the person
I am today!”
Words to live by: “Antonio
Machado, a famous
Spanish poet, once said,
‘Se hace el camino al
andar’, which in english
translates to ‘There is no
road, but the one you
create while walking.’”
Hometown: San Marino,
Major: Psychology
Panhellenic Executive
Board V.P. of New
Member Education, PreNursing and Physician
Assistants Club, Glendale
Adventist Medical Center
Future goals: “I would
like to attend a master’s
program in nursing after
I graduate and eventually
work as a pediatric nurse
Best part of Theta: “No
matter when you walk
through the house,
there are girls laughing
Words to live by: “You
will regret many things
in life, but you will never
regret being too kind or
too fair.”
Congrats Theta New Members
Sarah Allen
Why are you proud to
be a Theta?
Why do you love Theta?
Mackenzie Amento
Jane Andrews
Marielle Bagnard
I’m proud to be a Theta
because I love being a part
of a group of women that
inspire me every single day!”
-Ren Slater, Junior
I love Theta because everyone is so
comfertable around each other and always
having fun! At the same time I know I can
always count on any of the girls being there for
me if I ever need them.” -Morgan Schumacher,
Arielle Baptiste*
Avery Barth*
Danielle Bear
Samantha Becker*
Chelsea Blanchard
Madison Kennaugh
Mackenzie Kennedy
Jessica Kern
Kate Krolick
Brianna Lane
Alana Lei
Sydney Lopes*
Fallon McCarthy*
Waverly Middleton
Courtney Blaylock*
Lillia Mora*
Sarah Borland*
Kaitlyn Murray
Alexa Boyer*
Kaylee Myers
Lauren Brackmann*
Shannon Nugent
Heather Braverman
Kitty O’Connor
Nicole Bronstein*
Kianna Phillips
Katherine Bush*
Natalie Piazza
Madeline Carnow*
Claire Potter
Ktea Carolan*
Mckenzie Pringle
Anna Catinis
Brittany Reid
Emily Clippinger
Megan Scarlatelli
Eliza Connors*
Leeann Schudel
Anna Demirchyan
Morgan Schumacher
Emma Diaz
Sarahbelle Selig
Carly Duncan
Kelley Sheets
Brynn Evans*
Siena Silver
Whitney Evans
Ren Slater
Katherine Furgurson
Addy Stafford
Katie Gillette
Elle Stang*
Carina Glastris*
Alexa Gores
Kaitlin Greenho
Brittany Hope
Elaina Howe
Tory Hu*
Emma Hyams
Krista Jamgotchian*
Mallory Jesser
Sarah Teichner
What does Theta mean
to you?
Theta means making new friends,
amazing memories, and having
a strong community of women to
support me through the ups and
downs of my college career.” -Eliza
Connors, Junior
What is your favorite Theta
There are so many amazing memories that
have been made in my short time so far as a
Theta, but one that really holds a special place
in my heart was the “Big Sister Reveal”. My big
got us matching Carmen Miranda fruit hats that
we sambaed the night away in.” -Avery Barth,
Amelia Thomas
Rachel Toffler
Jacquelyne VanEmmerik
Maggie Voekler
Madi Vogt
Jenna Wilson*
Anna Wright*
Smarty KATs!
Thetas Giving Back
Omicron Recognizes Academic Achievement with Biannual Scholarship Dinner
Girls Volunteer and Pass Out Meals on Skid Row
n November, Theta honored the
academic excellence of our chapter
and the dedicated professors who teach
us at our biannual Scholarship Dinner.
We were excited to welcome Ramona
Cappello, a USC Trustee, entrepreneur,
business leader, and former Omicron
Theta, as the keynote speaker. Our
members hosted 30 professors from
a variety of disciplines for an evening
of conversation and celebration—and
there was much to celebrate! Last
semester, Kappa Alpha Theta boasted
the second-highest GPA on the Row,
with over 20 members maintaining
a 4.0 GPA. In addition, our chapter
honored Dr. Bill McClure, our dedicated
faculty advisor of many years, with a
gift and words of recognition. A special
evening for all involved, Scholarship
Dinner was a wonderful reminder of
one of the core values that enriches
the Theta community.
by Kate Arnold
his fall, Thetas teamed up with
the men of Delta Chi to help the
homeless population on Skid Row.
Each Tuesday evening, a group drove
to the Skid Row area to make hundreds
of PB&J and turkey sandwiches and
pass them out along with water bottles
and other food items to homeless
individuals. Our members had the
opportunity to offer not only food
and water, but also bright smiles and
kind words to these men and women
in tough situations. This outreach was
extraordinarily meaningful, reminding
many of us just how fortunate we are.
by Kate Arnold
Letter From the President
A Message From Kimberly Ostiller
Dear Theta Family,
Thetas for Life
Omicron Recognizes Alumnae with Celebratory Brunch
fter many years for some, and
only a semester for others, over
40 Omicron alumnae came back to
Theta for brunch on Friday, October
17th. Alumnae of all ages sat down
with current members to enjoy this
weekly Omicron tradition. They
reminisced about the tea parties they
once had with other houses and the
sweethearts from their classes. They
caught up with old friends, shared
stories with current Thetas, and looked
through photographs from years past.
Following the brunch, many alumnae
toured the house—they found their
old rooms and photos of themselves
in the composites lining the halls.
Amongst those in attendance was
Kathleen Leavey McCarthy, Vice Chair
of the USC Board of Trustees and
Chair of the Leavey Foundation. In
addition, several of Omicron’s current
advisors attended, including Debbie
Wong, who came with her daughter
(both Omicron Thetas). Though they
may have moved on since their time
at USC, Omicron women are Thetas
for life!
by Katherine Levinson
The success of the Fall
2014 semester began
before school started in
August. This past June,
Kappa Alpha Theta held
its Grand Convention,
a biennial gathering, in
sunny Orlando, Florida.
At Grand Convention,
alumnae and college chapters are recognized for
their accomplishments over the past biennium, and
Omicron earned a Golden Kite Award, as one of Theta’s
Top 20 Chapters! But our chapter also received what
I believe is perhaps the most meaningful award: Top
College Chapter in Giving to the Theta Foundation.
Over the past two years, Omicron has donated over
$48,000 to the Theta Foundation. Our members’
continued commitment to philanthropy and giving
truly astounds me.
Riding the wave of excitement that followed Grand
Convention, we sailed into August’s Spirit Week. This
fun-filled Spirit Week was a great chance to welcome
the members back to the chapter and generate
enthusiasm for the new school year and Formal
This year’s Recruitment was a tremendous success,
thanks to incredible effort from the entire house. On
Bid Night we welcomed 73 intelligent, kind, charming,
and all-around lovely new members into our chapter–
the best and brightest of USC. Our new members
have taken USC and the Row by storm with their
involvement and enthusiasm for our great university
and the Greek Community.
Since the conclusion of Formal Recruitment in August,
our members have maintained a busy and enriching
fall semester calendar. We have enjoyed spirited
football game days, meaningful hours of philanthropy,
Monday Night Dinners and Deliveries, our Twin Star
and KAT in the Hat invites, fraternity exchanges, and
sisterhood events. In addition, we held events that are
particularly special to our chapter: Initiation, Presents
during Trojan Family Weekend, and our Fall Scholarship
Dinner. This semester’s Scholarship Dinner featured
more than 30 professors!
This semester marks my final semester as President and
I am grateful for the privilege to have served Omicron
for the past 12 months. During spring semester I am
heading to Madrid, Spain to study abroad, but I look
forward to the success of our new chapter leadership
and know they will accomplish great things during
their term. Goodbye for now, Theta – I’ll see you in
August for Spirit Week!
Loyally with Theta Love,
Kimberly Ostiller
Chief Executive Officer
micron hosted a large variety
of sisterhood events during
fall semester. “We’ve tried to
plan sisterhood events that help
us bond as a chapter and foster
communication and support, rather
than events that lead Omicrons to
focus on body image,” says Human
Resources Director Emily Browne.
While workout classes and shopping
trips are still on the agenda, Browne
expanded the calendar to include
many new events that Omicrons
hadn’t experienced in previous
semesters. The event list included
a movie premiere at L.A. Live, a
beach day at Santa Monica, a Nike
Training Event at the Lyon Center, a
house-wide fireside chat at Theta,
a visit to Mr. Bones’s Pumpkin
Patch, and multiple movie nights
Bonding with Omicrons
Fun with Omicrons
t was another successful semester of social events
for Omicron! We kicked off the fall semester with
our formal invite, Twin Star, at the beautiful Novel Bar
in Los Angeles. Fall semester fraternity mixer themes
included Halloween, Oktoberfest, Music Festivals
and Zoo Animals. Each football game day was
celebrated with much-anticipated tailgates, some of
the highlights being our on-campus Homecoming
tailgate, our Parent’s Weekend tailgate at the Galen
Center, and an exciting tailgate outside the Rose
Bowl as USC faced off against UCLA. Other fun fall
events included pumpkin carving during the week of
Halloween, and speed dating with our new member
class and the new members of Phi Kappa Psi. We
concluded the fall with Kat in the Hat, where ladies
and their dates sported outrageous costumes—from
dinosaurs to unicorns to cows to minions. It was such
a memorable end to a fun-filled semester!
downstairs at the Theta house—all
of which have been a hit.
The sisterhood committee also
created a calendar highlighting
upcoming universit y event s
featuring Thetas. The sisterhood
calendar is an easy way for Thetas
to see what other girls are involved
in and encourages them to go out
and support their sorority sisters.
Krista Jamgotchian will become the
new Human Resources Director in
the spring semester, and she is
already busy planning—everything
from a Beyoncé-style fitness class
to a Theta-only dance party, and
of course there will be many more
movie nights. We’re sure to be in
good hands!
by Kate Arnold
by Alex Burns
Big Little Reveal
New Members Meet Their Perfect Matches
Study with Theta
Shirts Raise Money for Theta’s Official Philanthropy
ou’ve probably heard about our popular spring
philanthropy, Kat at Bat—but Theta’s philanthropic
efforts extend into the fall
semester as well! In addition to the
numerous fraternity philanthropy
events Thetas participate in,
Omicron sold t-shirts this semester
to raise money for CASA and the
Theta Foundation. The shirts,
emblazoned with the phrase
“Study with Theta”, were sold by
chapter members to friends on
and off the row, and 100% of the
proceeds went to the two great causes. Shirts were
passed out right before finals week, and those who
purchased one were invited
to the Theta chapter house
for an evening of snacks and
scholarship. That evening,
Theta’s tables were packed
with students studying—no
one makes studying as fun as
Theta does!
by Kate Arnold
hetas stood around giddy with
excitement as they waited with
high anticipation for their new “littles”
to come down the stairs. After a week
of leaving gifts and clues for the new
members, the older Omicrons couldn’t
wait to finally reveal themselves to their
soon-to-be littles. New members put on
hats left for them by their soon-to-be
bigs and anxiously sat in the living room
awaiting the big reveal. Hiding their
matching hats under their “big-little”
t-shirts, older members danced around
to music blasting in the background.
When the music stopped, they whipped
out their hats and dived into the arms of
their littles, gushing about how excited
they were to have them as a part of their
Theta family. Thrilled with their pairings,
everyone headed off to an arcade for a
night of bowling, games, karaoke, and
by Ally Christensson
c/o Kappa Alpha Theta
653 W. 28th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90007
Pasadena, CA
Address Service Requested
KAT at Bat 2015
This year we hope to raise $25,000 for our national philanthropies, Court Appointed Special
Advocates (CASA) and the Kappa Alpha Theta
Foundation. Our annual philanthropy event will
be February 27th. Please help us reach our goal
by contributing raffle items or monetary dona-
tions. Please go to the following link (http:// and write
“Omicron KAT at Bat” in the box that says “note
regarding my gift”. Contact Zoe Sunshine, KAT
at Bat Chair, at with any
Please join the
Kappa Alpha Theta Omicron
LinkedIn and Facebook pages!
Contact Alumnae and Foundation Liaison
Lauren Brackmann with questions
This edition of Thetas of Troy was created by:
Katherine Levinson, Editor
Special thanks to:
Ari Uhalde and Margaret Lenker

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