Freshies, on your mark


Freshies, on your mark
MAY 2008
Freshies, on
your mark...
...welcome 02
...survive first year 04
...make friends 07
The Singapore Public Service: Integrity, Service, Excellence well 09
Win goodies! 18
FullStop • MAY 2008 • your campus newspaper
• Page p
By Sufian Bin Suderman and the Fullstop team
mar 27
We’re TRAIN-ing--
ou can finally ditch your
uniform, boring haircut
and standard school shoes.
You’re now officially a poly
student – hip, hip, hurray!
can range from thrilling jetty
jumps to turning dude-cool
boys into women. See how
much we love you, dear
But first, it’s only polite to
warmly receive you – the
SP way. Here, it’s tradition
that enthusiastic OGLs give
freshies their – hiak, hiak
– special welcome… which
This initiation, also
known as the freshmen
orientation programme,
took place last month.
Each school held their own
camps respectively, and
here’re some highlights…
mar 28
mar 29
School of Maritime Academy Club
Freshies plunging from Bedok Jetty.
School of Business Club
All red-dy to start the term!
School of Electrical & Electronic
Bowled over: W
ing alley
hoa, SP got bowl
april 8
School of Communication, Arts
and Social Sciences
april 9
Flag Day
All first year students are reminded of
the importance of charity work. They
did their bit for the President’s Challenge
as part of their orientation programme,
by garnering public donations with flag
day tins. Donate? Sure, here’s my coffee
april 10
Freshmen Live Party
Let’s backstab one another. Muahaha
Catching falling water bombs intact.
Ah boy ah, stop wearing mei-mei’s skirt!
april 7
mar 30
april 11
april 12
International Freshmen Orientation
305 foreign students from Malaysia,
Indonesia, Myanmar and China joined us
this year. Welcome!
Learning to trust
Live band
“I never thought orientations wer).
this fun!” Myo Mon
bal friends warming up to one ano
Is Singapore really THAT small?
Add SPICE: Learning the SPICE
Page •
Social circle: first, we
find a hula hoop…
FullStop • MAY 2008 • your campus newspaper
FullStop • MAY 2008 • your campus newspaper
• Page W
e had such fun putting this
issue together. Believe
us – after sifting through
photos of freshies enjoying
themselves during
orientation, we too wanna group ourselves
and cheer till we’re hoarse – all in the spirit
of SP camaraderie.
Of course, we know poly life’s not all about
fun, fun, fun. Which is why we’ve got stories
to help you cope with your first sem, such as
freshmen survival tips and SP senior Cheryl
Cheong’s first hand account as a newbie
(see facing page).
For our would-be graduates (yay to the
close of one chapter, and double yay to the
start of your next), we wish you the best.
For inspiration, take a leaf from former SP
student Woo Mei Xia, who nailed a highflying job even before graduating from a
prestigious Australian university.
And because we love you to bits, dear
reader, we’ve got VCDs, posters, NYDC dining
vouchers (yum, yum) and celeb-autographed
note pads to give away this issue!
So, from all of us at Fullstop, have fun, fun, fun.
Sufian Bin Suderman
Published by
Department of Corporate Communications.
Editorial, design and marketing services by
NTUC Media Co-operative Ltd.
Printed by
KHL Printing Co Pte Ltd.
For advertising enquiries, ring 6236 5790
Student Editorial Team
Sufian Bin Suderman
“Do not over work. Chill!”
Chan Si Ying, Gerlynn
“Don’t know who you are, or what
to do with your life? Fret not, there’s
still time!”
Vihasini Gopakumar
“Work hard play hard!”
Dexter Tay Hai Hong
“Good friends make good work.”
cool pool
No paint, no gain
Our pool was recently retiled, and had its pump and
filtration system replaced. We also installed a new
purification system that releases copper and iondisinfectants instead of chlorine
Remember your first day in SP?
Cheryl Cheong looks back and shares her tale.
Simply annoyed. That’s my earliest
memory of my first day in SP.
My palms just wouldn’t stop sweating and I had to
keep wiping my hands on my jeans. My, what an
unglamorous start to the term.
But I don’t really blame my cold, sweaty palms: That
day was not only my first day in SP, but also my first
day of school in Singapore.
Leaving on a jet plane
You see, a huge part of my 17 years of life revolved
around my loved ones – family and friends – in Brunei.
Until five days before poly started.
Social circle: Cheryl (third from right,
The plane ride to Singapore took several hours, but
anticlockwise) now has a cool group of
it seemed to have brought me to another planet. I was
friends with whom she hangs out. Just
suddenly alone, and the only contact in my mobile
look at their numerous outings!
phone list was Starhub Customer Care.
On top of having to navigate through the cement
jungles of SP, there’s also a brand new culture to face. You know
the kiasu jostling in trains, the fighting for space on buses
during peak hours…
And being alone amid
all these is an especially
lonely task. How does one
build a home in a whole
new world?
Tee with famous golfers
Two SP students who volunteered to help out
during the recent HSBC Women’s Championships
share their experience:
SP to the rescue
The quickest remedy for a
lonely heart would be of
course, to make friends.
SP’s bi-annual CCA drive gives ample opportunity for students to connect with like-minded
enthusiasts. Attending the numerous SP events held over the course of the year is another sure
way to network.
And sometimes, it helps if strangers make the first move too.
“You don’t have to come to class this early, you know.” I looked up to meet the eyes of my
classmates for the first time. “Why don’t we come in together at around this time tomorrow?”
another suggested.
That brought on a smile. Tomorrow, I thought to myself, there would be friends awaiting.
I felt my palms. They were sweaty no more.
“I felt lucky to be part of such a large-scale event.
The event staff, mainly foreigners, was happy
with the quality of our work!”
Melissa Goh
Birth at Vivo
Visitors to VivoCity saw first-hand how creative our SP
students are. But of course, right? Graduates from the
school of Creative Media Design and Interior Design
put up the Birth exhibition, showcasing some of their
award-winning and graduation
projects last Feb 28 – March 2.
Among the exhibits: Integrated brand
communication designs, games, and
video developments.
“We were well taken care of – two
buffet meals and snacks – so we kept
eating every few hours!”
Chia Kia Huat
Formula dayOne
By Sufian Bin Suderman and the Fullstop team
We know it’s not easy – starting your life anew in a polytechnic can be quite
intimidating. But hear it from us at the Fullstop team. We’ve been there, done
that, and we survived! Here’re some tips – coming from former freshies – to
help you cope with your first year.
Solar so good taxi
Spotted in SP: A unique vehicle which relies solely
on solar energy. It was in SP last March, as part of its
global European Sustainable Energy Forum tour.
You’re not alone
Mon Thi Han
“Plan your time well!”
Students from the SP Environment Club
recently gave recycling bins a splashy
makeover at the Youth Park, as part of the
Recycling Bin Painting event, organised
by the National Environment Agency. A
similar project has since been initiated in SP
by the Club. – By Victor Lee, President of SP
Environment Club.
If you feel miserably alone without all your old mates from school, take heart that you’re not
the only freshie in SP. There are a bunch of others just like you, all desperately seeking a friendly
Let’s play raft
Log on to
to take part in this year’s
Singapore River Raft Race
2008, and win $300 cash. Call
Mr Ho Thiam Aik at 68790601
for more.
Stuck-up? More likely shy
Thet Su Htwe
“Make the best of your three years.”
Wondering why some people seem less approachable than others? For most of these it’s really
because they’re more introverted. So, what are you waiting for? Go forth and introduce yourself.
Make eye contact, smile or nod, but don’t scare them off by staring or being overly exuberant.
Plan, plan, plan
Khin Ei Maung
“Managing others is strength.
Managing yourself is true power.”
Atiqah Firdaus
“Success = Preparation +
Nur Hazwanie Begum
“Make your poly journey a
worthwhile one!”
Whether you like it or not, you’re going to have to be even more independent with your new
poly workload. Get organised by noting down all the important dates on your diary, which can
include exam or test dates, project timelines, meetings, and deadlines.
Take some time to surf our SP website ( for regular updates and be in the know
of SP happenings.
New chomping place
Woooo, it’s nice, it’s clean, it’s so cozy. Check out SP’s
newly renovated food court. Gee, we feel hungry
Our SP team may have lost 1-3 to the ITE team on
March 10 at the SR Nathan Soccer Challenge Cup, but
they’re not disheartened. Now, that’s sportsmanship.
Facilities galore
We’ve got state-of-the-art sporting facilities here in SP, like our gym and the newly renovated
pool (see Pg 5). Make use of them: You’re likely to meet like-minded enthusiasts there, and
being active helps reduce stress!
Join activities
There’re various activities planned in SP throughout the year. Make time for them!
Collin Wang
“Be natural!”
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FullStop • MAY 2008 • your campus newspaper
FullStop • MAY 2008 • your campus newspaper
• Page By Mon Thi Han
Mr Lim Peng Hun’s constantly on the go.
The former Electrical & Electronic Engineering
lecturer – loved as a fun and approachable
teacher – is now Singapore Polytechnic’s
Deputy Principal (Technology & Industry).
Humorous, smart and easy going. In a nutshell, that describes Mr Lim
Peng Hun. His love for working with young people is what propelled
him into teaching, he says. And he has never looked back.
Mr Lim joined SP in 1985 as a lecturer in Electrical & Electronic
Engineering. An ASEAN Scholar who came from Malaysia to
Singapore in 1979, he spent two years in Hwa Chong Junior College,
before attending Nanyang Technological Institute (now known
as Nanyang Technological University). Mr Lim was the institute’s
pioneer batch of engineering students.
Some of Mr Lim’s contributions in SP
Mr Lim led a group of students and staff to Outer Mongolia and
helped set up the Industrial Automation Laboratory at the Mongolian
Technical University. They also brought with them solar panels which
they installed on the roof of a building in the university.
They’re from another part of the world, and they’re in love with
campus life and our friendly locals after spending one sem in
SP. Meet exchange students Masako, Stephen and Julia who’ve
obviously been hangin’ out with the right crowd, woo-hoo!
Bubbly Masako
Who Masako Oze of Japan
What On a five-month overseas study programme from Hiroshima Institute of
Technology Polytechnic
Masako loves ... Studying
My Information Communication Technology lessons are very interesting as they’re practical
and hands-on. I owe my recent good results to the dedicated and motivating DICT staff!
… Satay
I’m impressed with Singapore’s delicacies – I love char kway teow and satay. And murtabak
and wanton mee too!
… Singapore
Singaporeans are generally warm and friendly. I’ll certainly miss my friends and lecturers
who have been so helpful to me throughout my semester in SP.
Mr Lim was one of the brains behind the E-Learning system, the
online learning tool which we are now familiar with. The project
started in 1998 and took five years to complete, but their efforts paid
off in 2003, the year SARS struck. Because the E-Learning system was
already in place then, there was minimal disruption to lessons and
In 1999, Mr Lim was the team leader for SUNSPEED, Singapore
Polytechnic Solar Car Team, which participated in the 5th World
Solar Challenge, held in Australia. Till today, SUNSPEED is the only
solar car from Singapore which has taken part in the World Solar
Many students see you as a fun and approachable lecturer.
What do you think of that?
“It relates to my motivation. I enjoy working with young people. I like
to share my experiences and I hope that they can learn and benefit
from them. After all, would you prefer a lecturer who reads from his
textbook, or a lecturer who can relate real life experience?”
You spent a year in Harvard, Boston, studying for your Masters.
What are your hopes for Singapore Polytechnic students?
“To keep on learning. I hope that they will aspire to achieve as much
as they can, but always remember to have the humility to continue
learning from others. I hope that they will never give up in the face of
adversity and rejection. Also, grasp the opportunity when it knocks
on the door.”
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FullStop • MAY 2008 • your campus newspaper
Who Stephan Struppler and Julia Kroll of Germany
What On a cultural exchange programme from the University of Applied Sciences, Stuttgart, Germany
In love with the Chinese culture
Stephan and Julia took part in the exchange programme mainly because of love – their love for the Chinese
language and culture, that is. One of their favourite activities in SP is conversational Chinese classes, conducted
by staff from the School of the Built Environment.
Wurst craving
German sausage, tea, corn and bread are some of the yummy hometown goodies Stephan and Julia miss.
Ah, but fret not. They’ve since found comfort in the famous FC3 canteen roti prata.
Harmonious lot
Stephan and Julia are warmed by our friendly Singaporeans. They’re amazed by our harmonious multi-cultural
society, and say they’ll certainly miss Singapore when they return to Germany. Altogether now, awww…
FullStop • MAY 2008 • your campus newspaper
• Page Good
to be
Most applicants enter polytechnic through the Joint Admissions
Exercise. But why not secure a place in SP using your prelim results,
and get a head start?
They’re certainly no time-wasting youths. Nurasyikin Ishak, Ahamed Nisha, Yap
Yu Zhi and Lim Chong Ping are among the pioneer batch of students in SP’s Direct
Polytechnic Admission programme. They secured a place in SP through their
preliminary results last year – even before their O level results were released.
Our four go-getters share their experience
Hands-on reward
I initially wanted to continue my studies at a junior college but I wanted a practical-based
learning experience at the same time. After attending the SP Open House last year, and
hearing from my brother (an SP graduate) his wonderful experience at SP, I made my decision
to choose the polytechnic route to further my studies. I am now studying a course that I have
always wanted to pursue and it has been really interesting and exciting so far!
Nurasyikin Ishak
Diploma in Digital Media
Tanjong Katong Girls’ School
Well done
Mei Xia!
Her years in SP gained Woo Mei Xia entry to a prestigious
Australian university; and helped her nail a high-flying job with
the world’s largest, leading reinsurance company
— even before she graduates.
There’s no shortcut in life. But as we know, hard work is one sure way to success. SP graduate
Woo Mei Xia confirms this.
Mei Xia sure walks the talk. The studious Diploma in Accountancy graduate is now an undergrad
at the prestigious Australian National University. Thanks to her diligence, Mei Xia has also earned the
ANU Terrell International Scholarship – one of eight scholarships awarded annually, which covers up
to half of a student’s tuition fees – a year after she began her double degree course in Commerce and
Actuarial Studies.
And even before she graduates this July, Mei Xia has nailed a job as a reinsurance underwriter with
Swiss Re – the world’s largest leading reinsurance company.
Mei Xia attributes her impressive achievements to Singapore Poly…
A good foundation
SP has definitely nurtured me in many ways. Firstly, it was my
Accountancy Diploma from SP that gained me a place in ANU.
My foundation in Accountancy also helped me cope
with my undergrad course.
Useful skills
No regrets
My relatives have always persuaded me to apply to SP because of its reputation as the leading
polytechnic offering quality courses. I like SP’s state-of-the-art facilities and appreciate how
easily lecturers can strike a rapport with us! My advice is, you probably won’t go wrong with
the polytechnic route in SP – because I’m enjoying my experience thoroughly!
I think I aced the reinsurance writer interview because
of my confidence, gained from years of executing
presentations in SP. Other skills such as people and
time management through group work also proved
Don’t laze
To SP students, she says, to succeed be prepared to work hard.
Ahamed Nisha
Diploma in Business Information Technology
Cedar Girls’ Secondary School
Aye Aye, Mateys
Going the extra mile
My father told me not to be bothered by the distance between our house and SP. He said that if
I really wanted to study in SP, then I should go ahead. It takes me more than one hour to travel
from Loyang to SP but I have already gotten used to it. SP is well known for its engineering
courses. I believe my strengths in maths and science will help me do well in my course, and I
hope to continue my studies in a university when I graduate from SP.
SMA graduates Kunal Chadha (left)
and Goh Choong Leong
Both received top honours in their Bachelor of
Maritime Operations degree programme, offered by
the Institute Willem Barentsz (MIWB), University of
Applied Sciences Noordelijike, Netherlands.
Yap Yu Zhi
Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Tampines Secondary School
I’ve set my eyes on the Optometry course for a long time now, so naturally, I chose SP – the
only polytechnic that offers this programme. There is a lot of potential for optometrists
in Singapore and graduates from Optometry are one of the highest earning polytechnic
graduates. I’ve been in SP for about five weeks and it’s been fun! We have a big, green campus.
I’m also looking forward to joining the SP Dragon Boat or Canoe Club when the CCA Drive
Entering and contributing
to the marine industry has
always been my dream.
Lim Chong Ping
Diploma in Optometry
Evergreen Secondary School
Being taught by highly qualified professionals
with many years of industry experience was
the best part of studying for the degree.
– Kunal Chadha
– Goh Choong Leong
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FullStop • MAY 2008 • your campus newspaper
FullStop • MAY 2008 • your campus newspaper
• Page !
right at our doorstep
Behold. We’ve got Alexander Graham Bell potentials in
and software that creates virtual, interactive models
of buildings.
wings? Erm, right… But hey, never
underestimate the wonders of a youth’s
mind. Not only did a group of SP students
conceptualise that seemingly bird-brained
idea, they even modelled a prototype with
commercial uses in mind.
These bright sparks are some of this
year’s winners of the Polytechnic Research
Programme, an initiative by NTU. Launched
in 1997, the programme aims to nurture
local polytechnic students in research and
and engineering research environments at
universities and research institutes.
This year, the programme attracted 81
projects submitted by 240 students from
local polytechnics. And among them, only
six were awarded the Best Project Award.
Two of the groups are from SP…
Lum Pei Lin Adelene (DMTM)
(Paya Lebar MGS)
Chng Shing Ji Shuan (DME)
(Delta Secondary School)
Outstanding student with a GPA of 4.0
Member of SP’s Track & Field Club
represented SP in Singapore Marathon
2006, Mizuno Wave Run 2006 and 2007,
Swissotel Vertical Marathon 2005
Self –driven individual
Self disciplined to ensure success in his
Lim Jian – Ting (DBF)
(Xin Min Secondary School)
Member of the SP Primers Management
Committee in 2006
Excellent academic performance
SB’s Director’s Honour Roll
The dream team:
Tan Zhen Yong, Poh Yi Xiang Denzil, Chen Li
Zhen, Low Boon Ming and Tay Chin Jie Amos,
from the School of Mechanical & Manufacturing
Ng Jua Him (DECC)
President of the SP Red Cross
Management Committee in 2006
EEE’s Director’s Honour Roll
Winner of the ILOG Book Prize/Ngee
Ann Kongsi Scholarship
Devester Choo Yun Ming (DBT)
(Maris Stella High Secondary School)
minutes before landing.
Possible uses:
Aerial surveillance or spark a trend for
hobbyists keen on miniature aeroplanes.
The dream team:
Maung Linn Htet and Kyi Myat Moe, from the
School of the Built Environment
Came up with software – which makes use of
laser scanning technology to construct models
– with interactive virtual touring capabilities for
Google Earth users.
Possible uses:
This technology can pave the way for master
planning, archaeological archive and game use.
P age 10 •
• MAY 2008 •
Committee member of the SP
Taekwondo Club
Won a Silver Medal in the IVP Games
Won a Gold Medal in the Whampoa
Taekwondo Tournament in 2006/07
Winner of Gold Medal at the National
Pesta Sukan Taekwondo Tournament
in 2007/08
Conscientious and a well-mannered
Excellent academic performance
Zakaria (DMTM)
(Dunman Secondary School)
• One of the top students
in SMA
• Secretary of the SMA
Club in 2005
• Represented SMA in the
Inter-School Debate in
Secretary for the SP Chinese
Orchestra Management
Organising Chairlady for the
Orchestra Music Camp 2005
Class Representative in 2006
and 2007
Motivated learner
Striving for excellence
SP Changi Youth Ambassador
Director’s Honours List
2005/06, 2006/07
Winner of the Kwan Im Thong
Hood Cho Temple Scholarship
Anlong (DARCH)
(Catholic High School)
Winner of the Built Environment
Scholarship for 2005/06 and 2006/07
Winner of the Director’s Roll Award,
2 nd place winner of the Marina
Magic Photo Competition 2004
Winner of the SP National Day Photo
Contest, consolation prize 2005
Winner of the 2006 Commonwealth
Youth Photo Competition
Lee Hee Hoe (DEEE)
(Nan Hua High School)
Vice President of the SP Library Club
Committee member of the CLS
Dinner and Dance events in 2005 &
Excellent academic performance
Eugene Quek Jian Liang
(Junyuan Secondary School)
Poh Hui Bing, Joyce
(DMAT) ( Serangoon
Secondary School)
Received the Interior Design
Confederation Design Excellence
Daniel Lie (DCP)
(First Toa Payoh Secondary School)
Peer – Helper Training Programme
National Splash awards (IT) committee
Singapore Computer Society Student
Winner of the National IT Youth Award
Excellent academic performance
Shows great aptitude for technical
President of the SP SB Mentoring Club in
Excellence in Service Award winner in
Proactive student-helper at the SP
Courses and Careers Fair
Excellent academic track record
Jenny Teja Sukardi (DID)
(Pioneer Secondary School)
Tan Chun Siong (DIT)
(Dunearn Secondary School)
Chua Jingyi Alister (DBF)
(Orchid Park Secondary School)
Represented SMA in the SP Inter-School
Debate Championship 2007
Volunteer in the SP-CYA Changi Airport
Director’s Honours List SMA
Set up the Mangrove
Planting Club
Received Loyalty
Award from the Mayor
of Concepcion,
Excellent academic
track record
Ow Kok Kiat (DECC)
(Chestnut Drive Secondary School)
Helped out in the Poly 50 & Care
Community Service Society
Energetic and helpful
Excellent academic track record
Alexandra Tan Min Lin (DBT) – Vice
President SP Dance Club (Telok Kurau
Secondary School)
Talented in dance and music
Participated in the SuperStar Pop Musical 2005
Organisers of the recent Dance concert
Positive attitude
Loads of energy and zest
Supportive of the many poly events
Mizushima Emi (DBA) – Team Captain of the SP
Dancesport Club (Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School)
Pioneers of the SP Dancesport Club
Helped to develop the SP Dancesport Club to a
formidable competitor in the Tertiary DanceSport scene
in Singapore
Keen and passionate dancer
Committed individual
Hopes to someday represent Singapore in the
Dancesport event
• MAY 2008 •
• P age 11
You did us proud!
Eight teams from the School of Mechanical &
Manufacturing Engineering
ALL top awards at the 2007 Cabaret Mechanical
Theatre Competition
Their awards also include all three Judges’ SpecialMention Award and two Merit Awards out of 12
Awards. – By Choy Fook Seng, Senior Lecturer, (MM)
… the DANCE champs
Students from the SP DanceSport Club (SPDS)
Came in first at the 7th SGDF National DanceSport
Championships last December 29.
The SPDS bagged 22 medals - 7 gold, 7 silver and 8 bronze awards.
… OTHER champs
Students from 10 secondary schools pitted their aircraft modeling skills
against one another, at the Aero Competition 2008, organised by the School
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Award: Best Automata ($1,000)
Award: Best Mechanical Design ($500)
Overall champion: Woodlands Ring Secondary School
Plane assembly: Ang Mo Kio Secondary School
Simulator aerobatics: Woodlands Ring Secondary School
Aero quiz: Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Sec School
Circuit flying: Bowen Secondary School
It’s lunchtime,
iiiiiiit’s… show time!
Lunch time at SP will be a boring affair no more, now that you
can eat and enjoy student performances at the Theatre@Moberly.
Sufian Bin Suderman checks out the facility’s inaugural show.
Award: Best Aesthetic Design ($500)
Award: Judges’ Special Mentioned ($300)
Award: Judges’ Special Mentioned ($300)
Oh, what a treat. Spicy samba and cha cha numbers and bringthe-house-down type beatboxing were some of the lunchtime
highlights at the inaugural show at the Theatre@Moberly.
Our student entertainers – including beatboxers Bryan Koh
(SB), Samuel Chao (CLS) and members of the SP DanceSport Club
– had the crowd going wild with their stunning
The show not only attracted students. Among the
hyped audience was a group of SP staff, who went
to lend their support.
Here’re what some students had to say…
Award: Judges’ Special Mentioned ($300)
… the CIRCUIT champs
Hotplates for rental
Our team took part in six out of the seven challenges in the Polytechnic/
ITE circuit. And they received their prize on the Singapore Flyer.
Some other facilities@Moberly…
Leave your mark on the graffiti panels
Second place at the National Infocomm Competition, an annual interschool competition that allows students to hone and showcase their
Infocomm skills.
Students from the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Need a hip and happenin’ place to relack-one-corner between
classes? Well, move over to Moberly. There’re lots to do at the
new lifestyle facility – LAN gaming, jamming, karaoke-ing. And
if you’re a budding performer, congrats. You’ve just found a
place to showcase your talents.
Expect hip-hop dances, dancesports, jazz singing, deejaying,
short plays and many more. To showcase your talent, call
Ning@67721517 or Hope@67721696 – lunch will be on us, dear
talented performers!
Ahem, just so you know,
Oops student reporters were among the media
bigwigs – such as Reuters, The New York Times
and The Straits Times – invited to the recent
Singapore Airshow 2008. We hope they
had fun sourcing for scoops!
The show was very good – a
great way for students to hang loose and do
something else besides
the 3 Ls – Lunch,
Call Ning @
Lecture, Loo.
6772 1517 or
Hope @
Have your professional shots done. Smile!
Pool tables and foosball tables for booking
Eat, drink, relax
6772 1696
for details on how
you can perform at
Be transported to the land of LAN games during lunch break
The lunch time show
is an excellent platform for us to
showcase our talents!
Moberly Launch
May 9, from 5.45pm
SP Guitarists
May 14, noon-1pm
For more info, please approach the Moberly counter or call, 6772 1335.
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FullStop • MAY 2008 • your campus newspaper
FullStop • MAY 2008 • your campus newspaper
• Page 13
Sports the
They work hard and they play hard. Ladies and gentlemen… we give you the double Js
– Joshua Lim and Jasmine Yeong-Nathan, SP’s Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year!
SP’s Sportsman of the Year
Joshua Lim Wen Hao
Diploma in Aeronautical Engineering
I am happy to receive this award. Hard
work certainly paid off. I am also grateful
to my parents, lecturers and friends for
supporting me all the way through my 3
years in SP.
Other Achievements:
• SEA Games 2007 – Relay Gold
• FINA/ARENA Swimming World
Cup (Singapore) 2007
• FINA World Championships 2007
– Participant
• Hong Kong Open Swimming
Championships 2007 - Participant
SP’s Sportswoman of the Year
Jasmine Yeong-Nathan
Diploma in Media and Communications
Other Achievements:
• SEA Games 2007 – Women’s trio 3rd
and Masters finalists
• World Women’s Championship
I feel grateful to the institution for
awarding me the Sportswoman of the
Year and supporting me in every way
so I could excel in both my sports and
(Mexico) 2007 – Representative
• 40th Singapore International 2007
– 5th
• 1st Asian Girls Bowling Competition
2007- Representative
• Euro-Med Storm International Masters
Challenge 2007 - Representative
And the winners of the other Sports Awards categories are:
Ryan Chew Diploma in Business Administration
Koh Dengshan Diploma in Business Administration
Tan Gong Jing Gordon Diploma in Maritime Transportation Management
Hadizan Bin Jaaman Diploma in Electronics, Computer and Communication Engineering
Tan Jinyang Joel Diploma in Business Administration
Jason Ong Koon Yew Diploma in Business Information Technology
Low Chuan Kai Diploma in Property Development and Facilities Management
Lim Wai Sian Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Au Da Ren Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Chen Zhao Xiu Diploma in Bioelectronics
Phua So Bing Diploma in Marine Engineering
Wu Han Diploma in Business Information Technology
Tan Jun Wen Nicholas Diploma in Business Administration
Goh Wee Teck Diploma in Property Development and Facilities Management
Lo Jun Hao Diploma in Aeronautical Engineering
Mohd Hafiz bin Mohd Azhar Diploma in Banking and Financial Services
Abdul Rahim bin Anwar Diploma in Media and Communication
Nur Dinniyat Diploma in Interior Design
Zhou Xiang Diploma in Banking and Financial Services
Tan Ji Pung Gilbert Diploma in Civil and Structural Engineering
Page 14 •
FullStop • MAY 2008 • your campus newspaper
Canoe Polo
Canoe Polo
Canoe Polo
Lawn Bowls
Honours (Gold)
Honours (Gold)
Honours (Gold)
Honours (Gold)
Honours (Gold)
Honours (Gold)
Honours (Gold)
Compiled by Sufian Bin Suderman and the Fullstop team
Oh boy, do we love our jobs. We had fun
reviewing the following (for your sake, of
course), and we wish you good luck with the
Bryan Adams’ 11
Consistently impressive he is, this Canadian rocker. We dig his
raspy vocals – crooning meaningful lyrics – amid the upbeat rock
ballad jamming.
Mariah Carey’s E = MC2
Diva Dolphin seems to be deliberately playing down the vocal
acrobatics in this album, but that didn’t compromise any musical
quality. Mariah’s still in her element doing her thang.
Eason Chan’s The First 11 Years
– What Next?
Mister mellow-timbre-voice evokes wistfulness in the listener one
emotive ballad after another in this album that’s made up mainly
of his past best hits.
What do Mariah Carey, Bryan Adams and Eason Chan have in common?
Okay, they’re all great singers, but nope, that’s not the answer.
The three have just respectively released their eleventh album – and
they’re goooooooood.
East to West Ning
Robust vocals, humongous lungs (and equally humongous mouth)
who made it big with her 1994 In Another Life. Yup, that would
be Ning Baizura. It’s hard to accept her new dance slant here, but
there’re the radio-friendly tracks like Water and Salt
and Drama.
Randy Jackson’s Music Club Vol. 1 Randy Jackson
We shudder to think what Simon Cowell would say of this album
produced by fellow American Idol judge Randy. There’s nothing
memorable, despite featuring artistes like Mariah Carey, Joss Stone,
Richie Sambora and Ghostface Killah. Yo, dawg, better find the right mix
for Vol. 2.
The Gold Record The Bouncing Souls
The Bouncing Souls’ seventh album is a shining beacon in
the emo music scene of rock The band displays a sense
of maturity evident in Midnight Mile and A Letter from
Iraq – which, interestingly, is a poem written by a soldier
serving in Iraq, with whom the band corresponds
through letters. Love to bits, the classy compositions
which pay attention to harmony and optimistic lyrics.
This album stands out for its cheery factor – a welcome change
from the usual gloom and doom prevalent in rock music today.
Flower Show Riots The Great Spy
The guys of Great Spy Experiment prove good
music’s not exclusive to bands overseas. I
take pride that this Indie/Rock album – so
professionally produced – is a made-in-Singapore
product. Flower Show Riots showcases all their
flair and talent in 11 infectious tracks, without the
‘ella-ella-ella’ brand of annoyance. Most notable
mentions of the album: Late Night Request, Class
A Love Affair and Flower Show Riots. The only thing that bothers
me? The Great Decay, Dance with Me and A Kind of Love lack
musical originality. They sound like weak clones of Late Night
Request and Class A Love Affair. - by Cheryl Cheong
MiG Miguel Ayesa
Remember Miguel Ayesa? Well, this clean-cut
rocker was in town last April here for his We Will
Rock You musical at the Esplanade. Though this
is MiG’s debut album, his early-years exposure
in showbiz culminates into a seasoned vocal
performance. Commendable theatre-music and
rock flair.
Be Kind Rewind
The skinny:
Jack Black plays Jerry, a joker who tries to sabotage
the town’s power plant, thinking that the plant was
the cause of his headaches. Instead, Jerry’s brain
accidentally gets magnetised in the process. Failing to
realise that, he walks into his best friend’s video store
and unwittingly erases all his tapes (what are best
friends for, right?) Desperate, the duo resorts to refilming every movie in the store – their way.
/10 – if you’re desperately in need for a hearty
Relatively well-paced plot despite the irrelevant and draggy bits at
the start. The characters in the show work very well together – their
chemistry apparent; and the comedy first class. The clever mix of slapstick and
intellectual humour enhances its comedic value too. Have loads of laughs with
friends and family – and make sure you don’t buy Jerry and friend’s re-made
I am Legend
The skinny:
Really Jazzy Saskia Laroo
A variety of catchy tunes ranging from funky jazz,
to reggae and rap made atas with Saskia’s trumpet
awaits. Need a quick recharge before you hit the
lecture notes? Jazzin’ Jamz will help warm up your
grooves before leading into Big Blues and Munchin
for the big bang. Cool down with the soothing
Jealousy and voila!
Era Reborn
If you’re intending to channel Era into your iPod,
be warned. Don’t listen to it if you’re walking
home alone… Most of the tracks exude cryptic
effects, making you feel like you’re drawn into a
mystical Wiccan ritual. Then again, there’re those
which simply transport you to MOS where’re
you’re drowned senselessly in trance.
Page 16 •
FullStop • MAY 2008 • your campus newspaper
A cure-all drug invented by some smarty-pants
scientist goes wrong, turning mankind into
bloodthirsty zombies. The only human left
standing is Will Smith, who plays a brilliant
scientist slash hunky soldier. He needs to
concoct an antidote in time, before the zombies
hunt him down.
/10 – especially if you dig the zombie-who-finds-joy-attacking--humans
type of films
The poor Will Smith, the only main actor in this film, is so lonely he
has make-believe friends with several mannequins. Yet, it’s his near
one-man-show that scores. His portrayal as the last human in Manhattan city
is excellent. And coupled with the kancheong storyline and film pace, you’d
be bowled over. Love it for the acting (without many co-stars, Will has the
advantage of attention all on himself), and then for the gore.
Blood and Honey
By Graham Hurley
The Skinny:
Yes, yes, yes, we’re generous people. And since everyone’s
yes, inwe’re
in a jolly
SP (what
with the recent
and graduation
we’re gonna
since everyone’s
in a mood),
jolly mood
in SPgive
some goodies.
A decomposed and mangled headless body is found in
the sea – trapped in a boulder – beneath the Isle of Wight
cliffs. The uphill task of identifying the corpse involves
Inspector Joe Faraday. There are no clues. No tattoos,
rings, piercings, dental records or IDs. Even the fingers of
the corpse have been chewed off by fish. A case of suicide
or homicide?
with the recent freshmen orientation and
And becausemood),
we’re verywe’re
gonna make
it easygoodies.
for you to win prizes.
Simply email and indicate which
Fill up
the coupon
you’d like in
your subject
Choose one only – and email only once
(repeated senders will be disqualified!)
Closing date: May 30, 2008.
tocks L
Overall a brilliant read
especially with the vividly
depicted crime scenes
and in the way both cops
and crooks are portrayed.
Definitely a satisfying
novel that gets you deeply
engrossed in the deep
dark world of thrills. - Nur
PS, I Love You
By Cecelia Ahern
The Skinny:
Jerry dies of brain
a braintumor,
to grieve.
little did
did that
she know
Jerry had
Jerry had
written her a written
series ofher
a series of posthumous
letters, helping
to moveher
on. to move on.
•I am Legend Posters
• I am Legend VCDs
• Singer Wu Jia Hui’s autographed note pad
• $20 NYDC dining vouchers
Terms and conditions:
Indicate in your email your full name (as in NRIC), student ID and mobile
number. Student IDs must be produced upon prize collection.
We reserve the right to reject incomplete entries.
Page 18 •
FullStop • MAY 2008 • your campus newspaper
Now, unless you were in Outer Space last February,
you’d know this chick lit went from print to screen
during the Valentine’s Day
out of
the out
the gals
it now)
andit the
and the closeted
(ditto) but
is not
at is
at all morbid.
You may
cry reading
it, but more
it, butbecause
I promiseit
you it’d mainly
celebrates tears of laughter.