West Price Hill Minor - Cincinnati Neighborhood Business
West Price Hill Minor - Cincinnati Neighborhood Business
CITY OF CINCINNATI Neighborhood Business District Improvement Program 2016-2017 FUNDING REQUEST APPLICATION Each Neighborhood Business District may submit two project requests (one major and one minor or two minor). Complete each section and provide written documentation to receive credit on scoring. Project Title: West Price Hill Gateway Marker Project Address: __3810 Glenway Ave._________ Neighborhood: West Price Hill Census Tract(s): ___94_______________________ Business Association: West Price Hill Merchants Community Council: West Price Hill Community Council Please Describe Project in One Sentence: This project seeks to renovate the façade of the 3810 Glenway Ave. building (now owned by Cincinnati Landmark Productions) into a gateway for West Price Hill. Detailed Project Description: Cincinnati Landmark Productions – owner/operator of the Covedale Center for the Performing Arts and the Warsaw Federal Incline Theater – has recently purchased the building at 3810 Glenway Avenue (formerly Kahny Printing/Economy Glass) to use for theatrical sets/props storage. The building sits at the boundary between West and East Price Hill. Its dilapidated, unsightly façade is the first thing seen when crossing between each neighborhood. This project seeks to renovate the façade of the building into a gateway for West Price Hill. Renovations to 3810 Glenway Avenue would include: - Improved exterior lighting and front façade work Potential city skyline mural on the West façade (fully visible on Glenway heading east). The “skyline” motif is meant to refer to the adjacent property as the site of the original Skyline Chili restaurant. A new vertical signage “beacon” at the southwest corner. Made of metal panel with lit letters similar to Incline Theater, it will be is easily visible from both east and west on Glenway, the corner of Quebec and Glenway, and Warsaw heading northwest. 1. Type of Project: Major ________ or Minor __XXX___ 2. NBD Impact: Impact is limited to the specific project site or NBD. Identify the businesses physically, contractually, or financially impacted and directly benefiting from this project. 5 3. Job Impact: Job impact is limited to the specific project site or NBD. All jobs must be reported as fulltime equivalent (FTE). FTEs must provide a minimum of 2,080 hours per year or 40 hours per week. 1 See NBD Improvement Program Criteria for an explanation of retained or created jobs. Please provide documentation/methodology to support these numbers. # Jobs Retained_7____ 4. # Jobs Created ______ Businesses Assisted: Provide the names and addresses of businesses that will directly benefit from the project, and explain how these businesses will directly benefit. (Example – a streetscape will benefit all businesses fronting on the improvements. Parking lots benefit businesses needing additional parking in close proximity). While the “five points” corner on which this location sits has only a handful of existing business, the site is the entry into the West Price Hill neighborhood business district. Branding the location and the neighborhood serves the entire business district while also greatly improving the location of the gateway sign. A previous Glenway Ave. city traffic study estimated that 15,000 cars pass that location each day each day. # Businesses Assisted 25+ 5. Sources and Uses: Degree to which the project leverages private and other public funding. Private leverage based on commitments through letters of support. List other public funds committed to the project (federal, state, NSP). Fund Source Private Public NBD Improvement Program Cinti Landmark Productions X X Amount Use of Funds $30,000 _purchase/installation $31,600 _purchase/installation $ _____________________ $ _____________________ Total Budget $ 61,600 6. Attach complete budget, including cost estimates, source of estimates, and contractor’s bids. See attachment. All estimates from: Mark D. Mueller design build solutions Senior Project Manager mmueller@dbsolutions1.com 7. What is the neighborhood contribution to this project (including committed volunteer hours)? The Cincinnati Landmark Productions Building Committee is a standing committee that works in direct support of this project. The committee has helped to complete a long list of renovations to Cincinnati Landmark Productions properties (Covedale Center, Warsaw Federal Incline Theater, etc.) and has garnered thousands of dollars of in-kind services from such businesses as F&M Mafco, Kings Electric, Design Build Solutions, Swath Design, Federal Equipment Company, Olympic Steel, Mechanical Finishing Company and more. 2 Cincinnati Landmark Productions programs include: teens, elementary age children and adults. Patrons hail from the entire region. Participants in the teen theater program come from over 40 Tri-state schools. Over 35,000 patrons visit the Covedale Center each year. The Covedale Center for the Performing Arts is at the center of the West Price Hill community, in a longstanding neighborhood business district that has recently seen great momentum towards redevelopment, while honoring both new populations and its traditional atmosphere. The recent success of “the Covedale” has sparked renewed interest in housing, business and infrastructure improvements in the area contiguous to the theatre. The Covedale Center is looked upon as an extremely powerful force in tipping this area in a positive direction, economically and perceptually by the region as a whole. The Price Hill Civic Club, Price Hill Will, West Price Hill Merchants Assoc., Covedale Neighborhood Assoc. and more have worked in support of the Covedale’s success. Support of Covedale performances ensures longterm changes for-the-better in the community, while giving regional patrons a new perspective on this Cincinnati neighborhood. As evidenced across the country and in the Cincinnati area, community arts centers are an engine of economic development as well as a source of community identity and pride. Venues such as the Fitton Center in Hamilton, Carnegie Center in Covington, Kennedy Arts Center in Kennedy Heights, and the new Fairfield, Clifton, Sharonville, Evendale and Anderson Community Performing Arts Centers and others are important examples. Communities, businesses and governments are investing millions in the arts to sustain and revitalize neighborhoods, preserve local historic character and invigorate business districts. Local arts fundraising organization ArtsWave touts the arts’ “ripple effect,” an increasingly popular national theory that holds that arts investment creates vibrancy throughout the community in which the arts organization resides. The Covedale has directly collaborated in the creation of the center and in neighborhood redevelopment initiatives with the Price Hill Will Arts Committee, Covedale Elementary School, Covedale Branch Library, Westwood Concern, The Women’s Connection, Community Services West, Elder Business and Professional Association and the West Price Hill Merchant Association. The Covedale building has hosted meetings, press conferences, developer presentations, benefits and the like. Covedale Center staff work often with the above entities as well as Price Hill Will Arts Community Action Team, Covedale Elementary School Redevelopment, Cincinnati Police Safe City project team and other groups. Cincinnati Landmark Productions’ staff is uniquely qualified to guide development and theatrical programming at the Covedale, having successfully transformed the facility, while rapidly building a patron base. Its short history with the Covedale has rescued a treasured landmark and helped towards revitalizing our neighborhood. 8. Does this project complete or continue a previously funded project? Yes ____ No_X__ If yes, please specify the following: 9. a) Phased project (Project Name)_____________________________________________ b) Cost over run Explain:____________________________________________ Does your community have an approved plan? Yes _X__ No____ If yes, which goal or objective of the plan does this project implement?_ Improvements to the Gateway into West Price Hill and business district _ Is this project specified in the plan? Yes ____ No_X__ 3 10. Letter from: a) Business Association (Attached) X X Confirming knowledge of project Supporting project ***NOTE: West Price Hill Merchants is a committee of West Price Hill Community Council. Support letter from community council to serve as support evidence for both entities. b) Community Council (Attached) X X Confirming knowledge of project Supporting project 11. Attach a map of the project location. 12. Who is the Project Coordinator and Main Contact Person for this project? Name: Address: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Rodger Pille 801 Matson Place (513) 241-6550 office; (513) 378-6874 cell (513) 251-6030 rodgerpille@clpshows.org List the names and email addresses of active committee members who will be implementing this project. Name Email/Phone Rodger Pille, rodgerpille@clpshows.org, (513) 378-6874 Tim Perrino, timperrino@covedalecenter.com Doug Ridenour, doug@federalequipment.com Mark Mueller, mmueller@dbsolutions1.com 4 PROJECTBUDGET 3810GlenwayAve. WestPriceHillGatewayProject GatewayPylon Framing ACMPanels 1232 sf 1232 sf TOTAL $15/sf $35/sf $18,480.00 $43,120.00 $61,600.00 April 22, 2016 West Price Hill Community Council P.O. Box 5096 Cincinnati, Ohio 45205 RE: NBDIP Funding request West Price Hill - Façade Renovation/Gateway Project: 3810 Glenway Avenue To whom it may concern: We would like to express our support for the above mentioned project by Cincinnati Landmark Productions – owner/operator of the Covedale Center for the Performing Arts and the Warsaw Federal Incline Theater – which has purchased the building at 3810 Glenway Avenue (formerly Kahny Printing/Economy Glass). The building sits at the boundary of West Price Hill. Its dilapidated, unsightly façade is the first thing seen when entering our neighborhood from the east. We’ve discussed the following planned improvements with Cincinnati Landmark Productions and support the improvements with the understanding that the discussion between our West Price Hill Community Council and Cincinnati Landmark Productions remains open, per Rodger Pille, regarding the possibility of changing the sign lettering at the southwest corner to read “West Price Hill”. - Improved exterior lighting and front façade work Potential city skyline mural on the West façade (fully visible on Glenway heading east). The “skyline” motif is meant to refer to the adjacent property as the site of the original Skyline Chili restaurant. A new vertical signage “beacon” at the southwest corner. Made of metal panel with lit letters similar to Incline Theater, it will be is easily visible from both east and west on Glenway, the corner of Quebec and Glenway, and Warsaw heading northwest. We are excited about this very visible and need improvement to our gateway. Please support this funding request. Respectfully, Laura Hamilton, President West Price Hill Community Council