SWCOLT Lesson Design.pptx - Laura Terrill


SWCOLT Lesson Design.pptx - Laura Terrill
2/19/15 KEYS TO PLANNING FOR LEARNING: EFFECTIVE LESSON DESIGN lauraterrill.wikispaces.com image: allthingsd.com/ SWCOLT 2015 Laura Terrill Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Session Goal: Lesson Plan Mindset Transitions? Consider guiding principles for designing lessons that maximize student learning. Primacy-­‐ recency? Comprehensible input? Communicative Goals? Homework? Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Target language? Authentic Text? ReOlection? Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Use of target language & comprehensible input Use the target language as much as possible, but at least 90% of the time. May I speak English? Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 1 2/19/15 Importance of AuthenQc Texts SelecQng AuthenQc Text Novice Range Interpretive Pro7iciency Authentic Text – text written by speakers of the target language for speakers of the language Understands words, phrases, and formulaic language that have been practiced and memorized to get meaning of the main idea from simple, highly-­‐predictable oral or written texts, with strong visual support. Plus besoin de faire ses lacets avec •  Real-­‐world cette invention •  Culture rich •  Models of correct language Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Is the text: !  Intrinsically interesting, rich in ideas? !  Cognitively engaging, intellectually challenging? !  Communicatively purposeful, relevant to the learner? !  One that explores an aspect of the essential question? Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Une baleine à bosse passe juste devant lui mais il est trop cap5vé par son téléphone pour le remarquer Pour Eric Smith qui a pris cette photo au large de Redondo Beach en Californie, cette image est tout simplement le "reOlet de notre époque".Dans les commentaires de sa publication, le photographe américain dévoile les coulisses de sa prise de vue: "Des baleines sautaient hors de l'eau à Redondo et ce petit bateau à voile a manœuvré jusqu'à l'endroit où cela se passait. J'étais à 15 mètres quand une baleine et son baleineau sont sortis de l'eau, juste à côté du bateau. Le type n'a jamais levé les yeux de son téléphone. Deux femmes à l'avant du bateau prenaient des photos mais lui n'a rien remarqué.” Interrogé par CBS News, Eric Smith a conOirmé son témoignage et expliqué qu’une baleine est sont petit ont joué longtemps à la surface de l’eau sans que l’homme au smartphone ne remarque quoi que ce soit. “Il aurait put être en train d’écrire à sa mère à l’hôpital pour ce que j’en sais, mais je pense que c’est dommage qu’il ait manqué un si beau moment qui s’est déroulé à moins d’un mètre de lui”, a également conOié le photographe. Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Making AuthenQc Text Comprehensible Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 PracQce in target language; assess in English Comment dit-­on….. How do you say…. Cherchez les mots qui indiquent….. Find the words that indicate…. 1.  une quantité de coca (an amount of coke) 2.  pas toutes les pro7iteroles (not all the pro;iteroles) 3.  une sauce blanche (a white sauce) 4.  Quelquechose de jaune qui va souvent avec un hamburger (something yellow that often goes with a hamburger) 5.  La nourriture qui exige plus de deux heures de marcher pour éliminer les calories (the food that requires more than 2 hours of walking to get rid of calories) Quelle est l’idée principale? What is the main idea? Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 a.  La différence entre les hommes et les femmes (difference between men and women) b.  Une comparaison entre les calories et l’activité (A comparaison between calories and activity) c. La nourriture qui est de mauvaise santé (food that is unhealthy) 2 2/19/15 Checking for Comprehension GeUng the most out of a text " 
Thumbs up /Thumbs down Do as I say (TPR) " 
Hold ups Make sentence true How can you best use this text in the interpretive mode? What interpersonal conversation would students be likely to have on this topic? What might students do in the presentational mode as a way of making learning more concrete? Act Out Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 GeUng the most out of a text " 
Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 We learn best what we learn first and last. Gain Attention / Activate Prior Knowledge Write about the modern family from your point of view. I DO….WE DO....YOU DO I DO Provide Input Elicit Performance / Provide Feedback WE DO YOU DO Time in Minutes Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Have a conversation about your family. Share information about when and where you really talk to each other. Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Primacy-­‐Recency Degree of Retention Tell me about this family based on the image you see. What questions do you have for them? Adapted from Sousa The teacher: • gets the attention of the learner • communicates the learning goal of the lesson • provides comprehensible input • models language use in context The students: • work collaboratively to use language • are supported by peers • gain conOidence • receive feedback on performance The individual student: • demonstrates his/her ability to meet the goal of the lesson Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 3 2/19/15 Lesson Template — The Keys to Planning for Learning: EffecQve Curriculum, Unit and Lesson Design Lesson Sequence Activity/Activities What will learners do? What does the teacher do? Time* How many minutes will this segment take? Materials Resources Technology Gain Attention / Activate Prior Knowledge Lesson TransiQons The teacher says… Learners: write two questions to Oind out how if your partner is hungry, what he/she ate recently While I take attendance… While I pass out the think of ways to complete the following sentence, graphic organizer…. “Hunger exists because… role-­‐play a (30 second) conversation with your While I answer this partner. If you run out of things to say, start over. student’s question… Provide Input While I Oind the picture… Elicit Performance / Provide Feedback tweet a thought about hunger in the world. use circumlocution to see how many of the We have one minute following words/phrases you can get your partner left…. to say. Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015
Backward Design Managing transiQons Tell students what to do: Identify desired results !  Tell yourself .. . What are the goals? !  Think of ... !  Take turns describing ... !  Ask your partner a question about…. Determine acceptable evidence !  List … How will you and learners know they reached the goals? !  Complete this sentence:______________ !  Write a two-­‐sentence description of the image. Plan learning experiences and instruction What does it take to get there? Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 SeUng Lesson Goals Student Can-­‐do’s I can Yes With some help Are students involved in a worthwhile lesson that leads them to important standards and curricular goals, engages them with rigorous content, and meets their learning needs? Not yet ask and answer questions about food and hunger talk about likes and dislikes concerning common and international foods identify where certain foods are from and identify key ingredient(s) ask and answer if they would like certain dishes and give reasons explain where and why hunger exists in the world explain how they make good / poor food choices Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015
Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Moss and Brookhart 4 2/19/15 SeUng Lesson Goals Bell ringer Interpersonal Conversation Quick write Compare and contrast Reading Analyze data Homework " 
What are the goals for today’s lesson? Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 " 
Bell ringer Interpersonal Conversation Quick write Compare and contrast Reading Analyze data Homework What will the students be required to do, say, make, or write during the lesson that will both deepen and assess their learning? Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 SeUng Lesson Goals " 
Key Lesson Planning QuesQon Lesson Goal Function(s):
•  ask and answer questions about food and hunger Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Global Challenges: Food and Hunger Structure(s):
explain where and why hunger exists in the world prepositions with countries Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Gain AaenQon Students list words and phrases they associate with the images. Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 5 2/19/15 Provide Input: Cameroun: un jour dans la vie d'une réfugiée Centrafricaine
Cameroun: un jour dans la vie d'une réfugiée Centrafricaine Students read the story of Binta. Voici Binta. Elle et sa famille ont fui leur village en République centrafricaine il y a 5 mois. Ils ont perdu presque tous leurs biens sur le chemin. Il sont arrivés au Cameroun il y a deux mois et vivent maintenant dans un camp de réfugiés dans le village de Mbile. Process: 1.  Students read text silently and write one or more questions that can be answered in the text. 2.  Students pair and ask each other their questions. 3.  Teacher asks non-­‐volunteers to share a question, may write correctly as student asks question. 4.  Students think and share answer with partner, teacher selects non-­‐
volunteer to answer. 5.  Process continues. 6.  Teacher may ask questions to address parts of the text that are essential that have not been addressed. http://fr.wfp.org/photos/gallery/cameroun-­‐refugie-­‐centrafricaine-­‐rca-­‐distribution-­‐alimentaire Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Elicit Performance/Provide Feedback Proof for Proof against La famille de Binta habite au Cameroun. Leur village s’appelle Mbile. Non, la République centrafricaine Elicit Performance/Provide Feedback Process: Retell the story by writing true statements about each image. Ils sont pauvres. Process: 1.  Students complete proof for/proof against individually. 2.  They pair and compare answers. 3.  They collaborate to write additional statements. 4.  They combine with another pair to share statements. Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Elicit Performance/Provide Feedback Provide Input La luae contre la faim, notre priorité à tous les causes les problèmes les solutions les avantages de résoudre le problème Students create a graphic organizer using words and phrases from video and reading to begin to expand the vocabulary they will need to talk about the topic. Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHtnxefqdIE Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 6 2/19/15 Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Elicit Performance/Provide Feedback Quick Write Using the graphic organizer you created with your group, write for (2) minutes about hunger — problems, causes and solutions. Include your personal thoughts. Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 http://sousalimentation.canalblog.com Enhance RetenQon and Transfer (Homework) Type of Homework Pre-­learning Checking for understanding Practicing Processing Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 ReflecQon Learners might watch a video or read an article on hunger issues in English. create a visual or Oind visuals for key vocabulary related to hunger. Post to in class word wall. work with graphic organizer and write sentences by completing various sentence starters. write questions they might ask to identify hunger issues in their community. What were learners able to do as a result of the lesson that they couldn’t do at the start of the lesson? Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 7 2/19/15 Contemporary Life: What makes a city special? Gain AaenQon/Input Une journée à Angers Students list words and phrases they associate with the images. Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Il y a ou il n’y a pas de......? Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Comment est Angers? J'y vis depuis que j'ai 18ans, (et j'en ai 43) C'est une ville calme, très bien achalandée si tu aimes les petites boutiques, il y en a pour tout les gouts du baba-­‐cool aux très chic..ecoles dans tous les coins de la villes, cuisine scolaire public, bien d'après mes enfants qui y mange tous les jours..Bars, je ne les fréquente pas mais je sais qu'il y a de tout aussi…Restaus , (que l'embaras du choix, marocains, turc, végétaliens, canadiens, médiéval, resto à viande etc..) Pour aller à la mer, nous y allons souvent , il faut 1h15 direct par l'autoroute pour te rendre sur la cote atlantique.. voilà ce que je peux te dire.. Bis CLo http://forum.aufeminin.com/forum/preschezvous19/__f1943_preschezvous19-­‐
C-­‐est-­‐comment-­‐angers-­‐quelle-­‐distance-­‐par-­‐rapport-­‐a-­‐la-­‐mer.html Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 D’après Clo, qu’est-­‐ce qu’il y a à Angers? Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Elicit Performance/Provide Feedback Proof for Proof against Clo a 18 ans. (Clo is 18.) On peut faire les magasins. (You can shop.) Il y a beaucoup de restaurants. (There are a lot of restaurants.) Angers est près de la mer. (Angers is near the sea.) Process: 1.  Students complete proof for/proof against individually. 2.  They pair and compare answers. 3.  They collaborate to write additional statements. 4.  They combine with another pair to share statements. 5.  They write 2 additional statements and exchange with another pair. Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 8 2/19/15 Laura Terrill World Language / ELL Consultant email: lterrill@gmail.com wiki: lauraterrill.wikispaces.com The Keys to Planning for Learning: Effective Curriculum, Unit and Lesson Design http://www.actOl.org/publications/books-­‐and-­‐brochures/the-­‐keys-­‐planning-­‐learning Laura Terrill, SWCOLT 2015 9 

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