STLinSTL Lesson Design Part 2.pptx - Laura Terrill


STLinSTL Lesson Design Part 2.pptx - Laura Terrill
6/9/15 Rebus Sentences Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Numbered Heads Together 4 1 3 2 Directions: Students assemble into groups and number off. The teacher asks a question and tells the groups to put their heads together to discuss it. The teacher calls a number and selects a group. The student with that number in that group answers. The teacher asks the students of the same number from the other groups if they agree with the response or asks them to elaborate on the response. Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 1 6/9/15 Thinking Like an Assessor What were learners able to do as a result of the lesson that they couldn’t do at the start of the lesson? Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 The lesson makes the learner, not the teacher, the acAve parAcipant. Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 2 6/9/15 Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 3 6/9/15 Living in the City EQ: What is the ideal city? Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 What makes Angers special? Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 4 6/9/15 Student Can-­‐do’s I can Yes With some help Not yet Identify places in a city Ask for and follow directions within a city Describe places in a city Express preferences with reasons about what cities to visit Make comparisons between cities in the US and cities in France Identify places in a city Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Lesson Learning Target Function(s):
Name places that are found in/near cities Hear the conversation you want students to have. Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 5 6/9/15 Learning Target – Name places that are found in and near ciAes Hear the conversation you want students to have. Do not teach the conversation. o  Do you want to go to Angers? o  Angers? I don’t know. I like to go to the beach. Is there a beach? o  No, but there is a great castle and the beach is close to Angers. o  I prefer a town close to the beach. What about La Baule? o  Maybe, are there museums and good restaurants? o  Of course. o  OK, what about 3 days in La Baule and 3 in Angers. o  Great idea. Let’s go. Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Bringing the pieces together…. ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 6 6/9/15 The lesson gives students a reason for needing to/wanAng to pay aZenAon and be on task. Une journée à Angers Students list words and phrases they associate with the images. Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Y a-­‐t-­‐il….? Il y a ou il n’y a pas de......? Is there? There is or there isn’t….. une école une gare un café un château une cathédrale Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 7 6/9/15 Y a-­‐t-­‐il….? Il y a ou il n’y a pas de......? Is there? There is or there isn’t….. une gare un café un château Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Discuss the city of Angers. Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 8 6/9/15 Tear Sheet Vocabulary Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Check for Learning •  Identify locations in a city; Identify desired results •  State preferences for places and activities done in those places (recycled); Determine acceptable evidence •  Students participate in inner/outer circle using images from tear sheet and ask and answer questions about places. Teacher listens as partners pair. Working with Random Partners Four Corners Inner/Outer Circle Rotating Rows Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 9 6/9/15 Comment est Angers? J'y vis depuis que j'ai 18ans, (et j'en ai 43) C'est une ville calme, très bien achalandée si tu aimes les petites boutiques, il y en a pour tout les gouts du baba-­‐cool aux très chic..ecoles dans tous les coins de la villes, cuisine scolaire public, bien d'après mes enfants qui y mange tous les jours..Bars, je ne les fréquente pas mais je sais qu'il y a de tout aussi…Restaus , (que l'embaras du choix, marocains, turc, végétaliens, canadiens, médiéval, resto à viande etc..) Pour aller à la mer, nous y allons souvent , il faut 1h15 direct par l'autoroute pour te rendre sur la cote atlantique.. voilà ce que je peux te dire.. Bis CLo­‐
C-­‐est-­‐comment-­‐angers-­‐quelle-­‐distance-­‐par-­‐rapport-­‐a-­‐la-­‐mer.html Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Comment est Angers? I have been living here since I was 18 years old, (and I am 43) It is a quiet town, very well stocked if you love the little shops, there is something for all tastes of hippie with very chic..schools in every corner of the city, public school cafeterias, good according to my children who eat there every day ..Bars, I do not frequent them but I know there are many... restaurants (so many choices, Moroccan, Turkish, vegan, Canadian, medieval, meat restaurant etc ..) To go to the sea, we go often, it takes 1:15 by highway to get you to the Atlantic coast .. this is what I can tell you .. Kisses CLo­‐
C-­‐est-­‐comment-­‐angers-­‐quelle-­‐distance-­‐par-­‐rapport-­‐a-­‐la-­‐mer.html Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 10 6/9/15 Proof for Proof against Clo a 18 ans. (Clo is 18.) On peut faire les magasins. (You can Clo a 43 ans. shop.) Il y a beaucoup de restaurants. (There are a lot of restaurants.) Angers est près de la mer. (Angers is near the sea.) Process: 1.  Students complete proof for/proof against individually. 2.  They pair and compare answers. 3.  They collaborate to write additional statements. 4.  They combine with another pair to share statements. 5.  They write 2 additional statements and exchange with another pair. Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 D’après Clo, qu’est-­‐ce qu’il y a à Angers? According to Clo, what is there in Angers? Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 11 6/9/15 Elicit Performance/Provide Feedback Quick Write Write for 2 minutes about city life. What is there in a city? What do you like to do? Why do you go to different places? Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Teaching Grammar Explicit instruction – explaining the rules of grammar !  Implicit instruction – acquisition of language, embedded in communicative context !  Deductive instruction – rules are explained !  Inductive – students uses languages, no real effort to identify patterns of grammar ! 
Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 12 6/9/15 Grammar ConAnuum Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Teaching Grammar Explicit instruction – explaining the rules of grammar !  Implicit instruction – acquisition of language, embedded in communicative context !  Deductive instruction – rules are explained !  Inductive – students use language, no real effort to identify patterns of grammar ! 
Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 13 6/9/15 Grammar ConAnuum Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Grammar in Context P resentation A C E Shrum & Glisan Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 14 6/9/15 Bébé Lilly: Les bêAses J'ai tout mangé le chocolat J'ai tout bu le cola cola Et comme t'étais toujours pas là J'ai tout vidé le Nutella j'ai tout démonté tes tableaux j'ai tout découpé tes rideaux Tout déchiré tes belles photos Que tu cachais dans ton bureau­‐passe-­‐compose-­‐en-­‐chanson.html­‐lilly-­‐les-­‐betises_music Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Bébé Lilly: Les bêAses I ate all the chocolate I drank all the cola cola And as you were still not there I ninished all of the Nutella I took down all your pictures I cut all your curtains Tore all your beautiful pictures That you were hiding in your desk­‐passe-­‐compose-­‐en-­‐chanson.html­‐lilly-­‐les-­‐betises_music Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 15 6/9/15 Grammar in Context P resentation A ttention C E Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Bébé Lilly: Les bêAses J'ai tout mangé le chocolat J'ai tout bu le cola cola Et comme t'étais toujours pas là J'ai tout vidé le Nutella j'ai tout démonté tes tableaux j'ai tout découpé tes rideaux Tout déchiré tes belles photos Que tu cachais dans ton bureau­‐passe-­‐compose-­‐en-­‐chanson.html­‐lilly-­‐les-­‐betises_music Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 16 6/9/15 Grammar in Context P resentation A ttention C o-­‐construct E Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Passé composé manger
tirer !
ai mangé le chocolat. Hier, j’ !
D’abord, j’________________ sur la queue de mon chat. !
Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 17 6/9/15 Passé composé ai mangé le chocolat. manger
Hier, j’ tirer D’abord, sur la queue de mon chat. !
Puis, ___________ mon frère. !
j’ai tiré Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Passé composé ai mangé le chocolat. manger
Hier, j’ tirer D’abord, !
oublier !
j’ai tiré sur la queue de mon chat. !
Puis, j’ai frappé mon frère. !
Aussi, ______________ mes devoirs. !
Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 18 6/9/15 Passé composé ai mangé le chocolat. manger
Hier, j’ tirer D’abord, !
oublier !
jurer !
j’ai tiré sur la queue de mon chat. !
Puis, j’ai frappé mon frère. !
Aussi, j’ai oublié mes devoirs. !
Ennin, _______________ à mon père et il m’a grondé. !
Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Passé composé ai mangé le chocolat. manger
Hier, j’ tirer D’abord, !
oublier !
jurer !
j’ai tiré sur la queue de mon chat. !
Puis, j’ai frappé mon frère. !
Aussi, j’ai oublié mes devoirs. !
Ennin, j’ai juré à mon père et il m’a grondé. !
What is the rule? How would you explain how to speak and write in the past? Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 19 6/9/15 Grammar in Context P
resentation A
ttention C
o-­‐construct E
xtend Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 ConvenAons Correct use of all conventions Risk-­‐taking Writing errors are bad, they are indicators of failure Writing errors are good, they are opportunities for instruction “It has now become conventional wisdom…… that the best way to teach conventions is by example, using texts students create.” -­-­Culham Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 20 6/9/15 The World of Sports EQ: What is the role of sports in our lives? Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Lesson Learning Target Function(s):
Tell and retell a story Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 21 6/9/15 Working with video -­‐ vocabulary Show the video without images or show the video without sound. !  Ask students to list words and phrases they think they will hear based on the images !  Alternatively, show images and ask them to predict what the song is about based on the images. ! 
Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Shakira – La La La Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 22 6/9/15 What is it about? Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Consider the symbolism Tackle one at a time… "  Use of color vs black and white "  Animals "  Flags "  Smiles "  Drums "  Soccer Ball Ask for reasons or offer choices that suggest reasons. Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 23 6/9/15 Shakira What do you know about Shakira from the song? How do you know it? Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Letra – cloze acAvity What words would you leave out? Toda mi vida, fue así Yo a ti te busqué Hasta que llegaste Con esa boca que Dios te ha dao Ni obligada, podría dejarte Las ganas de ti, me devoran Los segundos de todas las horas Tus dos luceros son los que quiero Sin tus ojos azules me muero Ven y bésame mucho El mundo no importa La noche comienza No no no pares ahora Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 24 6/9/15 Cloze AcAvity Drop words that are known and obvious from context. La la la la la you I dare ________ Feel how the planet's Become one drum Beats like a _______ To the same rhythm Hear the whistle Kick the ball _____ The entire world eagle Soars like an _______ In Rio we play Like we _dance _______ Word bank (only if necessary) drum eagle you kick dance Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 25 6/9/15 Homework or silent in class reading for cognates….. summarize in English, focused discussion in Spanish Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Go to website…. Have students figure out number…… Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 26 6/9/15 Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 PresentaAonal WriAng Students write summary of video, retelling the story is simple sentences. "  Shakira sings. "  She likes soccer. "  She is Columbian. "  There are soccer players, animals. "  A little boy plays soccer, etc. Students work in pairs or groups to add a verse to the song, change the chorus, etc. Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 27 6/9/15 Interpersonal Students pair to discuss the song, soccer and Shakira. They comment on things they like and don’t like with regard to the video, favorite parts, etc. They give their opinions about soccer and/or other sports. Finally, they comment on Shakira and share information they know about her. Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 ! 
shakira Philanthrophy World Food Program­‐give-­‐school-­‐
meals/ US Weekly – Article about song
video-­‐2014225 Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 28 6/9/15 Theme and Topic Global Challenges/Contemporary Life: Consumerism Essential Question How does consumerism impact our lives? Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Consumerism EQ: How does consumerism impact our lives? Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 29 6/9/15 Qué compran y consumen los jóvenes Brainstorm a list of all possible purchases. Then, brainstorm a list of all possible innluences. Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015­‐universitaria/noticia/
2006/07/23/596842/que-­‐compran-­‐consumen-­‐jovenes.html Birdo évoque l'escalade de la consommaAon Réalisé par Luciana Eguti et Paulo Muppet du studio pauliste Birdo, "Escalade" est un court métrage d'animation autour de la thématique de l'environnement et de la consommation durable. Récompensé lors du festival brésilien "Cine Ambiente 2011", le nilm évoque la vie des habitants d'une île cubique qui détruisent peu à peu leur milieu naturel à force de vanité et de consommation inutile. Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 30 6/9/15 hZp://­‐evoque-­‐l-­‐
escalade-­‐de-­‐la-­‐consommaAon Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Pyramide de Maslow Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 31 6/9/15 Cómo funciona la Pirámide de Maslow 1. 
La base de la prámide: nisiología. Lo primero que el ser humano necesita cubrir son sus necesidades básicas: comida, bebida, descanso, respiración... Segundo escalón: seguridad. Una vez cubiertas las necesidades básicas, se pasa al escalón de la seguridad. Esto implica un techo donde cubrirse, saber que se está protegido y tener recursos asegurados. Tercer escalón: aniliación. El ser humano necesita relacionarse, sentirse aceptado y participar en una sociedad. Cuarto escalón: reconocimiento. Tener éxito y ser respetado por los demás. La cúspide de la pirámide: autorrealización. Crreatividad, moralidad, resolución de problemas... El ser humano llegará aquí cuando haya visto satisfechas el resto de sus motivaciones. Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015­‐primaria-­‐y-­‐
secundaria/como-­‐funciona-­‐la-­‐piramide-­‐de-­‐maslow-­‐13783 Deseo o necesidad Diferencias clave entre deseo y necesidad !  Los deseos son cosas que no son esenciales para la vida, pero las necesidades sí lo son. !  Las necesidades se renieren a elementos sin los cuales no es posible la supervivencia o la calidad de vida, mientras que los deseos hacen referencia a cosas que queremos tener o alcanzar para sentirnos mejor. !  Las necesidades son más importantes que los deseos.Ejemplos de necesidades son: comida, agua, vestimenta. !  Ejemplos de deseos son: un smartphone, ir a un restaurante, ir al cine.­‐entre-­‐deseo-­‐y-­‐necesidad/ Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 32 6/9/15 Juan David,10, Medellin, Colombia Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Justin, 8, New Jersey, USA Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 33 6/9/15 Anonymous, 4, Rome, Italy Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 34 6/9/15 ¿De dónde vienen tus cosas favoritas? Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 El minimalismo: la alegría de vivir con menos En sociedades donde el consumismo es muchas veces más motivo de estrés que de placer, muchos sueñan con vender todo lo que tienen y reducir sus pertenencias a lo mínimo indispensable. Los llaman los minimalistas. Pero se trata de algo más que de deshacerse de algunos bienes; el punto es eliminarlos en forma permanente. "El minimalismo no son cuartos blancos casi vacíos y con escasos muebles", señala Chris Wray, quien escribe el blog "Se trata de eliminar todas las cosas que nos distraen de aquello que es importante en nuestras vidas". Para los minimalistas extremos como Andrew Hyde de Colorado, Estados Unidos, signinica poseer apenas alrededor de 15 artículos. Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 35 6/9/15 Día Mundial sin Compras 2014 El Día Mundial sin Compras (Buy Nothing Day) es un día simbólico contra nuestro modelo de consumo, social y ambientalmente insostenible. Este día sirve para recalcar que necesitamos otros 364 días de un consumo crítico y sostenible.La propuesta consiste en escapar de la corriente consumista que las empresas y los publicistas nos imponen tanto en Navidad como en el resto del año. Para ello se invita a toda la población a no acudir a comercios y grandes almacenes, reducir al máximo las compras de esa jornada limitándolas a lo realmente necesario, o incluso anularlas, y salir a la calle para denunciar un sistema socioeconómico injusto, alienante y ambientalmente insostenible. Desde que se comenzó a celebrar este día, en 1992, cada año son más los países que se suman a esta iniciativa. Las formas en que las diversas organizaciones internacionales se maniniestan son muy variadas, pero mantienen en común una crítica al modelo de consumo en el que estamos instalados, homogeneizador, despilfarrador, cínico e individualista, que contribuye, de forma decisiva, al mantenimiento de una situación que nos está conduciendo al colapso social y ambiental. Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 World No Purchases (Buy Nothing Day) is a symbolic day against our model of consumption, socially and environmentally unsustainable. This day serves to emphasize that we need other 364 days a critical consumption and sostenible. La proposal is to escape the current consumer companies and advertisers imposed on us both at Christmas and in the rest of the year. To do so invites all people to not go to stores and department stores, minimizing purchases that limiting them journey really necessary or even cancel them, and go out to denounce unfair, alienating socioeconomic system and environmentally unsustainable. Since he started celebrating this day in 1992, each year more countries join this initiative. The ways in which the various international organizations manifest are varied, but held in common a critique of consumption model in which we are installed, homogenizer, wasteful, cynical and individualistic, which contributes decisively to the maintenance of a situation that is leading us to social and environmental collapse. Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 36 6/9/15 Laura Terrill World Language / ELL Consultant email: wiki: The Keys to Planning for Learning: Effective Curriculum, Unit and Lesson Design­‐and-­‐brochures/the-­‐keys-­‐planning-­‐learning Laura Terrill, STLinSTL 2015 37 

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