May 17, 2010 - Minooka Community High School District #111


May 17, 2010 - Minooka Community High School District #111
Peace Pipe Chatter
Volume 95
Edition 14
May 17, 2010
presented by
Journalism I
Peace Pipe Chatter, May 17, 2009
Issue features students’ best
For the third year, the Beginning Journalism class at MCHS
produced its own issue of the Peace
Pipe Chatter.
The purpose of this issue is to
provide the student body with some
interesting information and showcase the future of the PPC.
Taught at Central Campus this
year, Beginning Journalism is made
up mostly of freshmen and sophomores, with a few upperclassmen.
Next year, many of these students will be writing, reporting,
photographing, editing, and designing for the PPC every issue.
The class chose to call this issue
“Soundtrack of our lives” not only
because music is a common theme
in many of the stories, but also because of the variety of different approaches taken in trying to capture
the essence of what it means to be a
high schools student.
“Doom” continued from page 18
full-length album, Into Night’s Requiem Infernal. This was just released this
past year, and it made the most money of
any Novembers Doom record in its opening week.
“To me, it (the album) incorporates everything the band is about for the past 20
years. I think it’s a little bit of everything.
We may have not come out with a ground
breaking album, but the most well-rounded album we’ve done and for that its best
acceptable to our fans… one of the best
things we’ve put out,” says Kuhr.
Kuhr also added that they have started
working on new material, but they don’t
know when they will release the album
or what the name of the album will be. If
your at all interested in listening to this
death metal montage, you can visit their
website,, where
you can listen to some of their music. Or,
you can go onto iTunes or Rhapsody and
download their music from there.
The Past 20 Years
It has been a long road for Novembers
Doom. They’ve been through the ups
and downs, new band members, big time
albums, European tours, you name it, and
they’ve done it. Through it all, Kuhr says,
it takes a toll on you.
“Its felt like 40 years (laugh)…
sometimes I sit and look back and say
‘Wow, I’ve been doing this a long time,’
and then theirs other times where exciting
things are happening and I’m sitting in
the middle of Spain somewhere looking at
the mountains with my band mates going
“Stand” continued from page 17
Prince walked out of school and
someone in a car driving out of the parking lot threw a pop can at her and the
car of kids burst out in to laughter. Her
whole walk home she spent crying and
texting a friend about the abuse she had
received that day. Prince made it home
without getting beat up, but what happened was much worse. On January 14,
2010, Phoebe Prince hung herself in her
home because she was so depressed and
school was “close to intolerable.”
At MCHS groups like S.T.A.N.D.
are working towards putting a stop to
bullying and preventing such extreme
situations like Prince’s to ever happen.
They are based off of Rachel Joy Scott’s,
the first student killed at Columbine,
five challenges, with the most important
being looking for the best in others. “A
little bit of kindness can go a long way,”
said Rachel Scott.
A lot of times people bully others just
because they are insecure with themselves and then they make other secure
people insecure. Bullying is the most
pathetic way of making yourself feel
superior, and unfortunately that can mean
people picking on others that aren’t quite
like them.
“When I was in junior high I my
“friends” used to call me mean names
like “It” and “Gremlin.” But they were
the only people that I could hang out
with, so I just dealt with it,” said Becky
Shark, freshman. It’s inspiring to see how
victims of bullying can also have the
most optimistic views on how to avoid it.
“If they have something bad to say I
just don’t listen. I won’t put up with it.
You should just walk away,” said Lynnette Calogero, sophomore.
‘wow, can you believe that we made it to
this point’ and we can do these things…
then it doesn’t fell like 20 years… it just
There have been a lot of great moments for he band, but Kuhr can’t really
pick out one.
“So many… first day I got my first CD
of my first album… playing a European
festival for the first time was very special… there are a lot of high highs for this
band,” says Kuhr.
They’ve been around for 20 ½ years
now. They’ve released eight different
albums. They’ve toured all across Europe,
and now you know who they are. They
are Novembers Doom, rebelliousness
never heard. Until now.
Peace Pipe Chatter
Minooka Community High School
301 S. Wabena Avenue
Minooka, IL 60447
(815) 467-2140 Voicemail: ext 264
A&E Editor
Jacqueline Kaluzny
D.J. Valera
Sydney Trepel
Aubrey Aspan
Erick Klank
Cover Design
Editorial Editor
Sydney Trepel
Iman Bradley
News Editor
School News Editor
David Tibble
Taylor Roop
Features Editor
Assist. Sports Editor
Melissa Magnus
Jake Hoffman
Elliott Johnson
Sports Editor
South Editor
Mike Noe
Journalism I
Interactive Editor
Chatter Room Editor
Jacqueline Kaluzny
Ryan Miller
Copy Editor
Sports Photographer
Ryan Miller
Taylor Roop
David Tibble
Elliott Johnson
According to Ligammari, much of the
meanness can be avoided with the right
“Leadership is extremely important,”
said Ligammari. “It’s a lot easier to
achieve things when you’re unified.”
“Waking” continued
from page 20
blooded murder and left behind a legacy
to be remembered for centuries to come.
“He Came To Rock,” says the many posters honoring him and his musical genius.
Tupac Shakur once said, “Live by the
gun, die by the gun.” Ironically, Dimebag
didn’t live by the gun. He lived by his
music, his influence, and his heart.
A&E Photographer
Aubrey Aspan
Susan Bahret
South Photographer
Journalism I
Journalism I:
Adaure Ajiere, Elnina Bartoli, Alexa Bowen, Baylee Dibble,
Nicole Eberhard, Christopher Evans, Brandon Fierke, Angelica
Gonzalez, Ashley Groll, Elizabeth Guldenbecker, Samantha
Harer, Austin Hough, Jamie Huff, Catherine Jostes, Mallory
Keck, Joseph Koenig, Shannon Lawlor, Danielle Luttrell, Michael
Naszkiewicz, Dutch Nave, Liz Purcell, Carrie Rickmon, Paige
Toepper, John Walsh
Submission Policy:
The Peace Pipe Chatter strongly encourages suggestions
and/or responses to material printed on its pages.
Letters to the Editor should be submitted to Mr. Thomas’s
mailbox or to a Peace Pipe Chatter editor.
While submission does not guarantee publication, PPC
staff members will do their best to respond to all
admissions. Submissions will not be returned. All submissions are subject to editing and will not be printed if they are
considered to be inappropriate. They must be signed but
may be printed anonymous upon request.
Peace Pipe Chatter, May 17, 2010
Welcome To My Life
History of Central Campus
Designed by John Walsh
John Walsh/
Journalism 1
how it’s changed now. When Central campus
was first built, there was a dress code enforced.
The girls had to wear dresses and skirts and the
men had to wear button down
Part 2: The
collared shirts and pants with
a belt, and their hair had to be
Gym/ Auditooff the collar.
There is a lot more indiWhen MCHS was built, there
viduality now then there was
was only one gym. The main gym
then. Now, people could what
was the place where all of the basthey want and nobody has a
ketball games and wrestling matches
right to judge them.
Part 1: The Classrooms were held. The gym was all hard
“The students have changed
Before 1970, MCHS students went to the
wood floors with wood bleachers on
the years since I’ve been
same school as the grade school students went
both sides.
teaching,” Kinsella said, “and I
to. In the fall of 1970, the new school was built.
The gym was big enough for two
think that’s great.”
It cost a total of $2 million and it was built to
full size gym classes to comfortably
Minooka has also changed
accommodate 650 students. The goal of this
fit in it at one time. The locker rooms
with the different clubs that
new high school was to alleviate the crowded
were much bigger than the ones
they offer. Since central
conditions at the old school. With more room
at the old schoolhouse. It had new
campus was built, there has
at the new school, students were able to get to
crash pads, a new scoreboard, three
always been speech club,
class easier and classrooms were less crowded.
full sized basketball courts, and a
Student Council, Nation
Granted, 650 students seem like a small number, large storage area.
Honor Society, and forensics
The ribbon cutting for the new cafeteria at Central Campus in
but that was before Minooka began to grow.
The cafeteria was located in beclub. Yearbook and the Peace
“The school and the town was very small,”
tween the faculty mailroom and it in- 2001. Photo courtesy of Dave Dilorenzo.
Pipe Chatter were also clubs,
said Ms. Carolyn Kinsella, information specialcluded all of the career center. It was
but they were extra curricular
ist at South Campus, “When I went to high
originally called “The Pit” because it was dug
done after school. There was
school here (1970parts of the school to be air-conditioned.
in two feet deeper
no Journalism or Yearbook class.
1973), everybody
than the rest of the
There have always been great teachers at MiPart 3: Life at MCHS
knew everybody.”
school. The kitchen
but Mrs. Loretta McLaughlin stood out
“The school
was where the
all of them. McLaughlin taught Speech
was very small
cooking classrooms only have there been additions to the school,
and was involved in the play and
when it first
are. The auditorium the people have also changed. When Central
She was a polio survivor who
opened,” said
was in the rooms
early ’60s to the ’90s.
Wayne Greenwhere the special
“She was just a great teacher,” said Kinsella,
was 650.
beck, Campus
education classes
“and she was very involved in Minooka and the
Most people who went to high school in the
Monitor and
are now. After the
school. She was my mentor when I began to
former teacher at
new auditorium
“There was a lot more school spirit because
Minooka, “the
was built, the old
Mr. Wayne Greenbeck, who graduated from
school has gotten
auditorium was
in the 60’s, became a teacher in the fall
a lot bigger over
changed into classof
the old building. When Central camMinooka
the years.”
in 1970, Greenbeck came over and
At first, the
In 1975, Centaught
Ed. He is now a campus monitor
school was just
tral Campus added
the two core
a new gym behind the old gym. They also added everybody went to church.
“I actually taught a lot of classes over the
wings that were used for classrooms, the cafeteon a Performance Center. All of this was added
he said.
ria, which was in the middle of the school, and
on to the back of the school, where the original
has grown a lot over the years.
the main gymnasium. The classrooms were a lot
gym is. The newer gym was much smaller, with
The cafeteria has changed from being small and
The school became very diverse.
bigger than they were at the old schoolhouse, so
bleachers only on one side of the gym. There
“The diversity was great for the community,” crammed in the middle of the school, to huge
they could accommodate more people. In 1994,
was also a smaller scoreboard in the gym.
and air conditioned at one end of the school.
as the population of Minooka was steadily rising
In 2001, the school finally added a wrestling
From having the wrestling team and the basNot
and the class sizes were continuously getting
room and a new cafeteria. There was also a
team fight for practice time on the only
bigger, two new hallways were added onto the
new fitness section and a fine arts section added
the wrestling room and a second gym.
north and south wings of the buildings to add
behind the gyms. The health hallway was in the
hot and crammed, to comfortable
more classroom space and to solve the congessame hallway as the dance and weight room.
and air-conditioned. The school has changed,
our current four, ninety minute class periods
tion problems in the hallway. The new hallways
The wrestling room and weight room were
but also, the people have changed. The technolwhere we have classes every other day.
also added 40,000 square feet of space in the
state of the art, with new technology that helped
ogy, the sports, and the way people act at school
Minooka excel at sports. The cafeteria allowed
have all changed.
because the way society was back then and
In the fall of 2004, temporary class units
Over the years, Minooka Community High
School has been educating young adult’s minds
and has been preparing them for adulthood and
life on their own. Some people say you change
in high school. Maybe that’s because the people
and places around you change. You have new
friends, new places to hang out, and your school
even changes. MCHS has changed a lot since
they’ve opened the doors to Central Campus in
were put in the front of the school due to the
need for additional classrooms and to deal with
the rapid growth of Central campus.
students to eat lunch without having to cram
into a small space. The cafeteria could fit more
than 1,000 people in it and it was one of the first
Peace Pipe Chatter, May 17, 2010
Welcome To My Life
Designed by Katie Jostes
Homeschooling effects on local teen
Katie Jostes/Journalism I
use and taught his own kids.
Her mom teaches her some subjects from
time to time, but since she got her master’s
degree in Nursing, she can’t teach every subject.
Although she takes the majority of her
classes at home, she does take one class at
MCHS South Campus. She’s enrolled in Intro
to Art for freshmen year and her teacher is Ms.
Chris Listello.
To the people who know her, Mikayla
Kosicek is just your average 14-year-old girl
going about her school life. To the people
who don’t know her very well, they just don’t
know the whole story. Her schooling life is
much different than you think. This freshmen
year at Minooka, Mikayla has experienced
challenges of ordinary high school and
School Days
homeschooling combined. Although she is
The school days at the Kosicek home aren’t
mainly homeschooled, she really enjoys coming
to South campus because she can see her friends as long as MCHS. Mikayla’s school days
usually last about four hours. The typical day
and get the classroom learning experience.
starts when she wakes up around 9 a.m. Then
She actually learns regular subjects like
even before she goes to eat breakfast, she goes
math and English, but she also learns lessons
on the popular website Facebook.
about the Bible. For her electives at home she
Then she has breakfast and is once again
takes a sewing/designing intensive, economics,
on Facebook right afterwards. She starts her
nutrition, leadership, business development, and
actual school day off with her easier subjects
cultural studies. With the cultural studies class
like Spanish and English. Then she has moves
she gets to travel to other countries or states to
on to her harder subjects like science and math.
study their culture and the landscape of their
She then has lunch and then goes on facebook,
lives. Mikayla also has been attending Joliet Junior again.
“I’m a Facebook addict,” said Mikayla
College for night classes. She’s currently taking
laughing as she remembers her regular school
classes three nights a week. She plans to get her
degree in business and by the time she is done
She then moves on to what seems like her
with high school, she’ll have her Associate’s
favorite subject, which is violin. She seems so
degree. As of now she’s a freshmen in college
enthusiastic whenever she speaks
and in high
of it. She started playing about four
years ago with no lessons.
After violin, her school day is
has also
pretty much over. In case her dad
isn’t home to teach her though, her
all her high
mom may need to teach a couple
subjects such as math and science.
Another thing is, she can do
classes as
most of the subjects on her own, but
of January
sometimes she needs her teacher to
of this year.
help her.
This means
Her school days are shorter
that she’s
because since it’s one-on-one time
with her and her teacher instead
of her and a whole class. So,
college level Mikayla is at peace while posing for her
therefore, she learns more quickly
regular spring pictures. Photo courtesy of
and can move on to further
Mikayla Kosicek.
subjects faster.
at home,
her dad teaches the subjects because he got
Even though she gets to have shorter school
his Master’s degree in teaching. Her dad used
hours and go on Facebook more than most kids
to teach in public schools but he left because
do during the school day, she does miss being
he didn’t like dealing with the darlings, for a
able to see all her friends during class and in
nicer term, there. Since he had already had his
master’s degree in teaching, he put the degree to between classes.
“I do miss
the socializing
part,” said
Mikayla, even
though she can
see some of her
friends during
her church youth
group time and
also when she is
at her art class
over at South
campus. With
being at South
campus, she has
made many new
friends. She also
is in T.A.T.U./
S.A.D.D and
photo club here
at MCHS.
Just For
really has a lot
going for her in
life right now.
She has done
so much and
she’s still only a
She has a
clothing line out
for school spirit
wear. The goal is
not to be boring,
boxy, regular
Mikayla Kosicek rocks out on her violin at a local venue. The way she
spirit wear. She
dresses is like this for all venues she does. Photo courtesy of Mikayla
actually has fun
girly clothes
and cool boy’s On that website she
clothing for MCHS. There is actually a website
has past events that she’s done like the MCHS
where you can order the spirit wear from www.
talent show this year and the Minooka Jr. High
talent show last year.
She also has the talent of being able to play
“I’ve seen Mikayla perform at the talent
the violin very well. She doesn’t take lessons or
show at Minooka Jr. High; she’s amazing at
read sheet music so it can’t be counted as part of
the violin,” said a close friend of hers, Tera
her schooling. She really just plays it all for fun.
Waldron, freshman.
She composes all the music on her own.
The style of clothes she wears at these talent
Mikayla enjoys playing hip- hop and rock
on her violin. To her, music is basically her life.
It’s a really big part of her life and everything
“Homeschool” continued
she does. She also has an account on the popular
on page 7
website called YouTube. It’s called: www.
MCHS Students-One in the Same
Peace Pipe Chatter, May 17, 2010
Welcome to My Life
Tyler Cipriani, sophomore, plays Magic
Cards during his 4A resource to pass the
Elaina Bartoli/
Journalism 1
Let’s face the facts; none of our lives are like
that of the teenagers on 90210 or Gossip Girl.
Welcome to Minooka Community High School,
where, believe it or not, every student is alike in
one way or another. Our lives may not consist
of endless parties, scandalous friendships, or
living in downtown New York City, but that
doesn’t mean we live the boring monotone
picket-fence-perfect lives. Although cliques
may create an invisible barrier of each student’s
social life, truly, how much do you know about
the kid in the desk next to you?
Have you ever thought about what someone
else’s life might be like? Whether you’re the
class clown, the shy quiet kid in the back of
the classroom, the all-conference athlete, or the
troublemaker; we’re all teenagers, taking life
one step at a time. There’s more to the football
player than the game, more to the actress than
the theatre, and more to the partier than the wild
nights out. There is always more to a book than
its cover, and there is always more to a person
than how they appear or what clique they’re in.
Just a little look inside a person’s life may just
completely change everything.
Tyler Cipriani
As he sat in the front corner of his 4A
Resource, boredom was the only thought on
Miranda Rangel, freshman, is now on crutches after going under a two-hour surgery for
her ACL.
sophomore Tyler Cipriani’s mind. So out of
his pocket he took out a 5-inch stack of Magic
Cards. This was the remedy to his boredom.
Ready to play, Nick Rask, sophomore,
turned his desk to face Tyler’s, and the game
began. A few others from around the room
stopped to stare, but soon went back to their
usual work.
Throughout the class, the usual nicknames
were used to get Tyler’s attention; Short Guy,
Crier, Daycare, etc.
He came off as a jokester, he participated in
the fall play, musical, and choir. He can be loud
at times, while quiet other times.
“My parents are dragons,” he joked, the
sarcasm was radiant.
Lauren Morman
Lauren Morman, sophomore, thought to
herself. “It’s 10:35, 10 minutes left.”
It had been a long day; in fact, it had been
a long two months. Juggling school, friends,
and musical had been weighing her down. But,
nothing made Lauren happier than the thought
of seeing her boyfriend, Justin Barrow, sophomore. They had been dating about 13 months,
and nothing made her smile brighter,
Snapping back to reality, Lauren had work to
do. It was musical season, which meant her life
would be devoted to musical, musical, and more
musical. She spent every day, 5:00-10:45, as a
dedicated crew member, of this year’s production Oklahoma.
Design & Photos by Elaina Bartoli
Lauren Morman, sophomore, relaxes while
listening to her Ipod in resource.
Or, that’s what it was supposed to be like.
Although this was 99 percent true, there was
always a part of her mind thinking about Justin,
for that was the highlight of her day. She had
managed to get a ride every day after musical,
from her friend Kyra Salamon, junior, so that
she could spend as much time possible with
Over the past few months, the couple had
faced a few problems, but nothing enough
to break them apart. If anything, it made her
stronger. Lauren flashed back to a few previous,
when signing on to her Facebook, drama let
loose between the two.
Overwhelmed with anger, she had refused
to talk to Justin for days on end, which felt like
forever to both Justin and Lauren. But Justin
came around, and things worked out.
Shaking the bittersweet thought out of her
head, she again attempted to refocus. The clock
read 10:45, and with relief and butterflies, Lauren got to enjoy the best part of her day.
Glen Nemitz
With the bright-shining sun, 80-degree
weather, and some of his closest friends surrounding him, junior Glen Nemitz thought to
himself, why does spring break have to end?
His trip with the MCHS Band to Texas year
couldn’t have been better. Visiting the Alamo,
playing in a farmers market, going to the
University of Texas, attending band clinics, and
enjoying Sea World were just some of the many
different things the group did on their five-day
Glen Nemitz, junior, is always busy, and
works hard to finish his work in resource.
Too bad it was already Thursday, and it was
time for the two and a half hour flight back to
Chicago. The majority of Glen dreaded returning home to Minooka, he would surely miss the
Texas sunshine.
But on the plus side, it was fairly nice to
return home to Minooka. The weather wasn’t
terrible, it wasn’t 80, but for Illinois, it wasn’t
bad. He would get to see his family, his friends,
and go back to Judo, thinking on the bright side
of things.
Friends, family, and relationships all conquer the drama portion of his life.
“But doesn’t everyone deal with these
things? he laughed.
Miranda Rangel
Picking up her EnV Touch, Miranda Rangel,
freshman, began rapid-firing texts to her closest
friends, trying to figure out the plans for the
night. She needed tonight to be a good one, for
in a few days, she wouldn’t be able to do anything besides eat, sleep, and lay in bed.
Flashing back to two weeks ago, she remembered when she didn’t have to worry about the
ACL surgery she was getting Wednesday, or
the fact that she could barely walk. Thank you,
But now, the days were flying by, she had
five days until she would be out of sleepovers,
“Facts” continued on page 7
6‘Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue’
Peace Pipe Chatter, May 17, 2010
All the Small Things
Designed by Joe Koenig
Joe Koenig /
Journalism 1
Joining the Army
For some people, joining the army is all
they’ve wanted to do since they were little
and to show pride. For others, it is because
of financial needs, full time employment, and
a good career. Most people who are recently
unemployed would say the military is a messiah.
Other reasons people join the military is: family
tradition, good citizenship, and a test of ones
courage. Some people want to show the country
their pride and defend their nation. When the
artist Toby Keith wrote the song “Courtesy of
the Red, White, and Blue” really showed the
respect America gives to their soldiers.
“My daddy served in the army where he lost
his right eye,
But he flew a flag out in our yard ‘til the day
that he died.
He wanted my mother, my brother, my sister
and me.
To grow up and live happy in the land of the
Before you gain respect for being in the army,
you have to get there.
Enlisting in the
Josh Whitley was 19 when he joined the
army. He grew up and lived in Plainfield and
attended Plainfield Central High School.
On Tuesday, March 16, 2010 Josh Whitely
left for basics in Fort Gordon, Georgia. Signing
up for the marines is one of the hardest things to
do in your life. Once you’re in, you can’t change
your mind. Having this in mind Whitley still
signed up.
He said, “It’s something I’ve wanted to do
since I was little. Now that I finally have the
chance to do it, I’m excited.”
Even though he said he was excited, you
could see the slight nervousness on his face
trying to break through his tight grin. Rules of
basics are quite weird. For the most part, it’s
almost like you aren’t a part of civilization.
“I feel like this is a better form of prison.
You are only allowed to bring $50 because
they supply you with just enough later. Even
Josh Whitely, 19, went to Plainfield Central High School and enlisted
in the army when he got out. On March 16, 2010 he left for basics, in
though I usually have my head shaved, I’d have
to imagine it would be weird for people who
normally have their hair longer. The strangest
part of the whole thing is that they confiscate
your cell phone and any other device that you
could talk your family and friends with. I’m
going to miss my family and friends a lot. Since
all they can do is write letters, I won’t be able
to hear their voices for a really long time. That
will be the hardest part of the journey. ” said
Maybe the hardest part of the journey will be
stationed at camp.
Raymond Kabat, 23, is in uniform gaurding the famous “unknown
soldier” monument at the Arlington Cemetry in Washington, DC. He
was assigned to a base in Iraq.
Being Stationed
Raymond Kabat is currently living in
Lockport but grew up in Berwyn and attended
high school there. He was 23 when he enlisted
into the army because his father was in the army
and he wanted to follow in his footsteps.
Being stations has a lot of downtime to it but
tragedies are still possible. Raymond Kabat was
stationed in Iraq 2003 with his best friend Brett.
Most of the time, Raymond and Brett played
cards and did little assignments.
“For the amount of training and physical
work we did in basics, you’d never think there
would be this much downtime while being
stationed here,” said Kabat.
One day when working on electricity in
the camp, a tragic accident strikes. Brett was
electrocuted while fixing lampposts.
“After my best friends death, camp was
rough. I eventually had to adjust to it. When I
got home it was such a relief. I got to see all
my friends and family but the worst part was
knowing that I eventually am going to have to
repack and go back to camp,” said Kabat.
Going to the army is said to be the hardest
thing someone can do in their life. For whatever
reason they join it is usually a good fit for them
or their messiah.
Peace Pipe Chatter, May 17,, 2010
‘Facts’ continued
from page 5
bonfires, and parties for two months.
The worst part of it all, she would be
missing all of her spring break after
Wednesday. So this was it, her weekend
to have fun.
Finally. What had felt like forever
for her friends to reply had in-reality
only been five minutes. She raced to
her bathroom, and began perfecting her
hair and makeup. This took up another
30 minutes of her time, and her outfit
took another five. Finally figuring out
her plans, she was ready to start the
It had been a long week of dramatic
girls, stupid fights, and rumors. Personally, she stayed out of the drama. But,
even when you stay out of the drama,
there is no way of not hearing about
it. What would high school be without
drama? The way she thinks of it, there
are always going to be people starting
drama and bringing everyone down. But
she knew that she wasn’t going to waste
her four years at MCHS being one of
them, or letting them bother her.
Finally ready, she was ready to go
out. Five days left, she wasn’t about
to waste any more of her time sitting
around. She grabbed her bag, put on her
shoes, and stepped out the door to start
her night.
Looking Past the Cover
Looking past the cliques and different
groups of friends, we’re all a lot alike.
Chances are you have a lot in common
with someone you never would have
thought to even acknowledge. We’re all
teenagers, overwhelmed by the same
drama, and dealing with many of the
same problems, facing the obstacles
of our teenage lives, and enjoying the
highlights of them.
Break the barriers. Find out what else
there is to that football player, what the
actress for the school play does for fun,
what the partier’s relaxed life is like. You
may just find out you’re not that much
different than the stranger sitting in the
desk next to you.
‘Smoking’ continued from page 8
and the cigarette into her purse. Nature did not
want cigarette smoking today.
Stress and the Smoker
Smoking chooses the smoker, some may say.
Certain people identify themselves as being a
common smoker and believe that a part of
their identity would be diminished if they were
forced to quit. Sometimes lives are built around
smoking cigarettes. Smoking breaks become a
necessity, an obvious given in a smokers’ life.
“My first cig came from my ex-best friend
who was like ‘hey, you’re really stressed out, try
this cigarette.’ It’s just what we do. If we don’t
have a cigarette break, it’s like, hey, what are we
doing?” said a Minooka high school sophomore
who wished to remain anonymous, but for this
article whom we will call Jill.
Many claim that smoking is a stress reliever,
a distraction from the hustle and bustle in daily
life. On a medical note, contrary to popular
belief, smokers compared to nonsmokers have
higher stress levels. Dependent smokers need
nicotine to feel normal, and studies show that
daily mood patterns between cigarettes were
much worse than people who never smoked
at all, according to the Smoking Cessation on
The stress relief that many smokers claim to
feel from smoking cigarettes is simply the act of
taking time out of a stressful situation itself, not
the actual act of smoking. Some health specialists feel that smokers convince themselves into
believing that their tension is being released.
“I smoke because without nicotine, I get so
stressed that I want to rip my hair out. I just
smoke because I do. I can’t imagine myself not
smoking,” said Jill.
Maybe the act of being distracted from the
stressful situation itself creates a feeling of relaxation, and the act of smoking is mistaken for
‘Homeschool’ continued
from page 4
shows and local concerts is rather dark. Because
of that, people who don’t know her think she is
gothic and she really dresses that way to make
her performance more intriguing. She prefers
just the regular teenage girl style of jeans,
t-shirts, and dresses.
Overall, the homeschooling and slight public
schooling is working out well for Mikayla. Even
though she’s only at school for a period every
other day, she likes having the friends.
the relief that taking a simple break provides.
No Quitting
The number of smoking teens was on a steady
decline throughout the 1900s, but the numbers
have slowly begun to rise again. While the
decline was most likely caused by the public
awareness of the effects of smoking, the reasoning for this steady rise in recent years is unclear.
According to the American Cancer Society,
“cigarette smoking is the major single cause of
cancer mortality in the United States.”
“I have no intentions of quitting. Everyone is
going to die anyway, whether it be from cancer
or from a car crash…if I die from it, it’s my
choice-whether I die from that, oh well, it was
my choice,” said Jill.
This aware, expectant manner is shared
among many high school smokers. Though
aware of the harmful effects, many smokers
take a risk and decide to keep their habit going,
whether there are side effects or not.
Tobacco smoke is just a habit to some, and
more than that to others. Smoking is a life
choice for some, a simple habit to be broken in
the future for others, and even a future dedication. A psychological stress reliever is as addictive as a little boy is addicted to adrenaline-that
boy who was always jumping off trees and
caught playing with matches at the kitchen
Life is full of stress, peer pressure, and even
teen rebellion. High schoolers will continue to
smoke, as others may let the habit die off along
the way. A country without tobacco would not
be as it is today. Imagine a high school full of
students, and none of them have cigarettes. High
schools are full of students and some smoke for
their own reasons, despite health concerns and
parents’ spite. One thing is for sure: smoking
chooses the smoker, some may say, but the
person chooses the cigarette.
‘Healthcare’ continued
from page 12
heard about their feelings of the
healthcare like the gatherings at the
White House and many like Bowen,
believe that all that cries against the bill
ended up being useless for their cause.
“No, it is not good most of America
doesn’t want it, they say if you don’t
want it you’ll be fined. If my parents
have to work up to three jobs to pay for
ours why can’t others. Why should they
get my parent’s hard-earned money?”
said Heather Mendelson, freshman.
According to the Healthcare Bill on
page 167 within lines 18-23, it generally
claims that ANY individual who doesn’t
have acceptable HC according to
Government will be taxed 2.5% of income,
which is what Mendelson was referring to.
Others didn’t think so negatively
of the bill, four out of every10 people
interviewed thought the bill is a positive
aspect and should be given a chance. Out
of all the people asked, they shared a
common view that if the bill ends up being
a failure it would be because of either
Obama or Congress.
“I think people should just give the
bill a chance, and use this new method and
see how it goes, if it ends up doing great,
thank Obama, and if it’s a failure just let
it be and start recognizing new ways to
help, because all the world’s problems is
too much for one man,” said Sara Adams,
But that advice is not always followed
as seen with the amount of debate going
on, and its true one man can’t tell that nine
year old girl that she will get a chance to
live a healthy life, unless there are no better
results to come off of the healthcare bill
as it goes through hospitals everywhere.
“Lyrics” continued from page 19
sad because it reminds me of my cousin
Nathan,” said sophomore Mallory Keck.
Of course when you are feeling enraged
with anger there are always those songs that
make you want to go crazy. These songs are
mostly classified as hard rock, or metal.
As you can see, many people write music
based on the situations they have experienced,
such as love and loss. This is where all these
extraordinary lyrics come from. It is not the
beat or rhythm of the music that matters, it’s
the lyrics. “Music is my life, music is the
key cause the rhythm’s gonna get me, music
takes me higher,” lyrics by Dj Bobo explain to
many people how music means everything to
some people.
Not only can lyrics relate to your life, but
they also can remind you of past or present
events in you life, and that is what could
trigger emotion.
Peace Pipe Chatter, May 17, 2010
The Climb
igh school up in smoke
Liz Purcell/
Journalism I
Designed by Liz Purcell
and all, staring through the sliding glass doors
as if waiting for Mike Myers to walk out of the
kitchen and towards the paranoid high schoolers.
“Will you stop being so paranoid?” one of
the seniors from Morris High School said.
“I don’t want to get caught,” said one of the
“It’s just a cigarette.”
His words were followed by a silence. As
the length of the cigarettes became shorter and
shorter, the four boys throw them on the ground
and step on them to put them out, walking back
into the kitchen. “It’s just a cigarette” seems to
linger just as the smell of tobacco lingers in the
trail behind them.
It’s Halloween night at a high school junior’s
basement, the weather outside bitterly cold, and
the inside a madness of costumed people and
ear-splitting rap music. Red punch bowls and
bags of chips are scattered on the table, crumbs
on the floor and spilled drinks staining the carpet. No one pays attention long enough to make
note of the chaotic mess that will be left for
later. Black lights and spooky decorations create
a feeling of being in another world, a world of
dancing high school and college students and
boisterous talking, yelling, and laughing.
A group of four high school boys, two juniors
and two seniors, in the middle of all the crazy
Smoking in the Streets of
fun, whisper something inaudible to each other
and leave the crowded area. They search ruthSmoking has not been a taboo kind of habit
lessly through the piles of jackets on the floor to
find their own lost coat and head up the dimly lit in society. Since the beginning of our country,
tobacco has been a high-selling crop. High
stairway towards the next floor. Slowly opening
school students and smoking has always been
the door, light spills into their dark corridor,
a cliché kind of thing. Maybe the stress gets
flooding the blackness like headlights on a semi
to them. Maybe it really is peer pressure. Or
on an abandoned road. They step through the
maybe some just enjoy the burn in their lungs
doorway and out of the basement, the party life
and the taste in their mouth. Stress seems to be
virtually ending as they walk into a plainly deca common reason for smoking, but there are
orated kitchen, only the thud, thud, thud, of the
certainly other factors at play.
bass and the laughs
“Well for me it seems to
of girls’ voices to be
just like relieve my stress
that I have. And it just makes
They all dig into
me feel a little better or
their pockets in a
something-smoking away the
manner that sugpain I have,” said one high
gests repetitiveness,
school junior who we will call
pulling out different
Erica. “I know it’s a bad habit,
kinds of lighters and
but for some reason I still
a variety of cigarette
do it because it seems to me
boxes. The two
like it helps what I’m going
juniors are on guard,
looking around for
“Most of my friends
the host’s parents to
smoke, but they never presbe sure that the coast
sured me to do it. I just started
is clear for them so
freshman year. I don’t see mythat maybe tonight
self smoking in the future. I
they will not have to
think I’ll stop when I’m pregmeet their fate. The
nant or something and have
four boys open the
a family. I don’t see myself
sliding glass door
and step out onto the Cigarettes are lined up at the Walgreens doing it for a long, long time.
in Shorewood. Photo by Liz Purcell.
I don’t think it has affected my
chilly patio, lighting
health. I’m not really addicted
their cigarettes and puffing the clouds of smoke
to it. I just do it every so often when I feel really
into the uncomfortably cold air.
stressed and angry.”
There is random talk amongst them, talk of
Ninety percent of smokers begin smokthe girls downstairs and of how cold the weather
ing when they are in their teens, according to
is on this October night. The two juniors are
the Tobacco Control and Prevention Branch,
constantly on the lookout, smoking underage
A Minooka senior smokes a cigarette. Photo by Liz Purcell. Age does not seem to be
much of a factor. Stories of gas stations selling
cigarettes to underage high school students and
underclassman getting their “squares” from
upperclassman are common stories. At concerts,
15-year-olds are seen going around to the older
ones, asking to bum a cigarette. The smoking
scene is part of a cult. They share something in
common with each other, an addiction. But this
addiction in society is understandable among
other smokers. It’s like an addiction to caffeine,
some may say.
As Erica walks down a neighborhood road
in Shorewood, she talks about school and her
family. In a short moment of silence, she is soon
digging into her purse. She pulls out a box of
Newport cigarettes and stops to light a cigarette,
claiming, “I hope you don’t mind. I don’t get to
smoke a lot, being at home all the time.”
Erica’s lighter fails to light a steady flame
and she quickly gets frustrated.
She shields the cigarette with her hand, as if
pro tecting the hopeful fire from the wind that
wooshes by, waiting to destroy any hope of
smoking a cigarette today. Time after time, only
tiny sparks sputter out of the plastic lighter.
“Stupid lighter,” she says, tossing the lighter
“Smoking” continued on
page 7
Peace Pipe Chatter, May 17, 2010
All The Small Things
Designed by Brandon Fierke
Choosing Straight Edge
Brandon Fierke/ Journalism 1
When you see or hear about kids drinking
or smoking you might think its cool but in
reality its not. These things can seriously hurt
young teens, not immediately, but over time
they do major damage. Some kids choose not
to take a part in these things. Those kids are
the ones who are making the right choices.
Not every kid that doesn’t choose to smoke
or drink, are not always making the choice to
be straight edge. To be Straight Edge, a person must be willing to never have a second
thought cross their mind about taking a sip of
alcohol, of just a hit of a cigarette.
Choosing to be Straight Edge doesn’t just
mean looking out for you, it means introducing other people to this life style as well.
Straight edge began in the mid 1970’s but
was never really talked about till the 80’s,
but the stereo-type that comes along with
it, would be that every teen or adult who
follow this. Is in the scene or brocore groups.
The militant “Straight Edge” was characterized by less tolerance for non-straight-edge
people, more outward pride in being Straight
Edge, more outspokenness, and the willingness to stop violence in order to promote
“clean living” Three XXX’s are a symbol of
straight edge.
One stands for no drugs, another for
no alcohol, and the third for no violence. It
is also displayed as sXe. The S for straight
and the E for edge with the lifestyle symbol
in the middle. The symbol is now on many
different things, in the forms of tattoo’s, on
cloths and other things. According to a series
of interviews by journalist Michael Azerrad,
the Straight Edge “X” can be traced to the
teen idols brief U.S. West Coast tour in 1980.
The Teen Idles was scheduled to play at San
Francisco’s mabuhary garden. But when the
band arrived, club management discovered
that the entire band was under the legal
drinking age and therefore should be denied
entry to the club. As a compromise, management marked each of the Idles’ hands with
a large black “X” as a warning to the club’s
staff not to serve alcohol to the band.
Upon returning to Washington D.C. the
band suggested this same system to local
clubs as a means to allow teenagers in to see
musical performances without being served
alcohol.And now many music venues have started to adopt the system.
Choosing to be straight edge is never an
easy decision. But with some time, you’ll
see how pointless alcohol and smoking is.
“I chose to be straight edge because I didn’t
want to be like everyone else. I wanted to
show people the better side of life. And that
was is without drugs, alcohol, of violence,”
says Sean Fierke, senior.
How it affects people
Straight edge affects not only you, but
also every person around you. When younger
people see an older brother doing things,
they think that’s cool. And they will want
too try it. When a brother or sister see’s you
smoking or drinking, they will think that’s
okay. But when you are Straight Edge and
you keep them away from that stuff. They
will see no reason to pursue those things. A
study in Oregon showed that 96% of 2831
students chose their parents role models.
When a teen chooses to make the decisions
to smoke or drink, they are not only hurting
themselves, but others around them as well.
Smoke from cigarettes lingers in the lungs of
everyone who inhales. The loss of something due to having a few drinks with some
friends, Innocents thrown out the window.
Teens all the time make the decision to
drink and drive. Sometimes things are okay.
But other times things don’t go the way it
played in their heads, and someone ends up
getting hurt or worse. As teens, it’s normal
for them to mess up and learn from mistakes.
But unfortunately some don’t. While being
straight edge though. These things don’t
affect you. And you can prevent them from
happening. All it takes is a few words to
make things be okay.
Being Straight Edge always has its
advantages for you, too. Instead of spinning around and falling down for alcohol,
you stand up and out to people. You don’t
have to worry about getting in trouble for
underage drinking or smoking, or wasting
time on things that only distract you from
more important things. Because of things
like drugs and alcohol, people miss some
important things in their lives, like missing
Sean Fierke, Sr. has been Straight Edge for a year and a half now, and he couldn’t be happier.
your child grow up, while you’re in jail from
drunk driving. These things all have effects
on you in one-way shape or form. And being
Straight Edge you can stop them from happening.
Straight Edge affects many different
things in your life, and all of them in a positive way somehow. Weather it’s saving you
money, your friends and your life. Though
it may seem cool to party with alcohol, or
drugs. It really isn’t, because they can run
your life. Choosing to be Straight Edge is
never an easy decision, it needs time, like a
life goal, you need to take baby steps. But
in the end, it’s all worth it. “Being Straight
Edge has changed a lot of people’s life. I
want to make a point to people, that life isn’t
about being high, or drunk. Being who you
are is what makes the world what it is,” said
10Teen sexting in America
Peace Pipe Chatter, May 17, 2010
The Climb
Danielle Luttrell/
Journalism I
Of 20 students asked at MCHS 18 know
someone who has sent a sext or received one.
“Yeah that’s gross, I heard some chick talking
about it today,” said Zack Stepanek, sophomore.
What is a sext? It’s a suggestive message or
picture sent to someone in a flirting matter and
not surprising, most kids receive them.
Lately the topic of sexting and its
consequences have become bigger than ever. In
Illinois it used to be that if you possessed any
type of sexting -related photographs with minors
would be considered a misdemeanor, which
would result in some type of consequence,
according to Now Illinois is
trying to lower the type of consequences for
first time offenders and for people who keep
the messages to them and don’t distribute them,
according to the Chicago Tribune.
“We’re bit trying to prosecute them if they
keep them between themselves, it’s when the
third party is involved,” said Darlene Senger,
Illinois state representative, according to the
Chicago Tribune.
The discussion of the new law became
more of an issue when a 16-year-old honors
student from Plainfield East High School sent a
Design and Photos by Danielle Luttrell
nude photo of herself to one of
her classmates, who forwarded
the picture to several other
“Its more serious when the
third parties involved. That’s
when you get situations where
so-and-so committed suicide
because the picture got up
everywhere,” said Senger.
So basically if the photo’s can
be kept between two individuals
then the consequences would
be more like a warning than a
More than ever, the sexting
statistics have sky rocketed.
According to,
a website with statistics having
to do with technology, 30% of
all teenagers overall have sent
or posted sexually suggestive
Twenty percent of all
teenagers have sent or posted
nude or semi-nude pictures
or videos of themselves.
Shockingly, 15%of teenagers who send or post
Katie Erickson and her friend Sarah Van Dyke read an article about a girl commiting suicide
because of her boyfriend forwarding around a sext she sent him before they broke up.
People have killed themselves over somthing as little as their boyfriend or girlfriend passing
their phone around, or forwarding those messages to people, then it get around school.
nude pictures, send them to people they have
only meet online. That could be potentially the
most dangerous thing to do with nude photos,
not only would they be online forever, but also
could lead you in to some pretty bad situations.
Seventy –one percent of all teenagers who
send nude photos say that they only send them
to their boyfriends and girlfriends, and 17% of
the sexting receivers say that they have passed
the images along to their friends and 36% of
teen girls and boys say its common for there
sexually suggestive texts get shared with others
than the intended receiver. Not surprising,
but 61% of people who have sent them have
pressured others to send them. Some kids people
say that they send them to “feel pretty” or as a
Sexting has been in the news quite a few
times. Lots of times relating to teenagers,
mostly, who have killed themselves
over pictures they sent to a boyfriend or
girlfriendwho had gotten around school. “I hear
about that stuff all the time” said John Stuccio,
In an article on, it showed how
one girl, Jessica Logan, 18, had killed herself
because her ex-boyfriend sent the nude photos
she had sent him, to some girls in there high
Two months before Jessica had committed
suicide, she went on the Cincinnati television
station, “I just want to make sure no one else
will have to go through this again,” said Jessica.
But after she went on TV, school just got worst
for her.
Kids kill themselves, start rumors, and lose
their friends and self-respect, over something
that could have totally been avoided.
“Some people are jerks and would send those
to other people, that’s why I’d never do that,”
said Kelli Regan, sophomore.
Peace Pipe Chatter, May 17, 2010
All the Small Things
The risk of teen driving
Designed by Ashley Groll
Ashley Groll/
Journalism 1
On December 28th 2009, junior Mallori
Scalzo was with Alex Theimer (the driver),
Krissy O’Keefe, and Alex’s friend Jon Orlando.
They were having a normal hang out day, they
went to Wendy’s and then Mallori and Kissy
heard of these “awesome” railroad tracks, but
never knew where they were. So they found a
railroad track, Mclindon railroad tracks. They
went over the tracks twice, then decided to do
it one more time. But the third time wasn’t the
Driver ed
Once everyone reaches high school, the
most important thing that will happen in their
life is learning to drive. Some people get very
excited while others are just a nervous wreck.
Once you are in the car about to take your test
to get your license, you get so nervous that
it feels like your heart is going to sink to the
floor, and you keep thinking to yourself, “Oh
my gosh, I hope I pass.” Then, once the driving
instructor says, “You passed,” you want to jump
with joy. Unfortunately, there is more to driving
than it seems. Each day there are accidents from
all different causes.
Students in MCHS can take Driver Ed their
sophomore year. Learning it is the easy part.
You remember all the signs and what they stand
for. Then you take that test to get your permit
you can’t miss more than three. While you’re in
Drivers Ed the teachers and a police officer that
will show up later on will show you videos of
all kinds of crashes that either make you want
to throw up or make you very quite. According
to United Justice, an average of 114 people dies
each day in car crashes in the U.S.
Websites vote on
top crashes
There are many kinds of crashes and at
serious accidents they have listed a top 25 of
Causes of Car crashes.
1. Distracted Driving- distracted driver
is a motorist that diverts his or her attention
from the road, “You can’t pay full attention to
the road if you’re talking or texting someone”
said Megan Sweet, senior. Usually this means
talking on a cell phone, sending a text message,
or eating food.
2. Speeding- Many drivers ignore the speed
limit and drive 10, 20 and sometimes 30 mph
over the limit. Speed kills, and traveling above
the speed limit is an easy way to cause a car
accident. The faster you drive, the slower your
reaction time will be if you need to prevent an
auto accident.
3. Drunk Driving- When you drink, you
lose the ability to focus and function properly
and it’s very dangerous when operating a
vehicle. “You don’t know exactly where you’re
going if your drunk,” said Lanie Lello, senior.
4. Reckless Driving- That’s what often
happens to reckless drivers who speed, change
lanes too quickly or tailgate before causing a car
accident. Reckless drivers are often impatient
in traffic so be sure to take extra care around
aggressive drivers.
5. Rain- Car accidents happen very often
in the rain because water creates slick and
dangerous surfaces for cars, trucks, and
motorcycles and often causes automobiles to
spin out of control or skid while braking.
Teen driving was the number 8 most
common reason people get into crashes.
Knowing the top five reasons of car crashes
it couldn’t lead to the same as what high
schooler’s would think. At MCHS, 103 students
were surveyed on what they viewed as the top
causes of car crashes
Cell phones, 41 % Its typical that
teenagers cannot keep their hands off the cell at
all and we always have to text even if it means
your driving. Our cell phones are the more distracting things for teens.
Mallori Scalzo, junior, survived a car crash
in December. Photo taken by Ashley Groll.
Not Paying Attention, 28% There’s
always a lot of reasons why we may not pay
attention. We
may look at
something, be
doing something
in our car or be
to into our music.
“My friend took
his dad’s car and
crashed it into
a parked car”
said TJ Condon,
Drinking, 17% Although we have
to be 21 to drink
some people will
go out of there
ways to break
any rules and
decide to drive
home thinking it
will be okay.
The car after the accident they filpped 2 and 1/2 times and landed in a
Speedcornfeild, everyone was fine photo taken by Mallori Scalzo.
ing, 7% when
you’re a teenager
completely crushed. They stood there looking
and have your own car of cause your going to
at the car and had no idea what just happened.
drive the way you want which leads to crashing
Mallori had a bump the size of her hand on her
“I was with my sister and her boyfriend and he
head bloody hands and she couldn’t move her
was doing 60 around a curve and hit an oncomthumb, Jon hand was a little bloody from the
ing car on Shady Oaks last year on March 12th,”
glass, Alex was fine, Krissy had a bit of glass in
said Sarah Pershey, junior.
her knee. They all waited for the ambulance in
the cop car, when they came they put Mallori,
Weather, 5% which becomes a big
Krissy, and Jon on a stretcher. Mallori had to
deal during the winter and even when it rains
get a CAT scan and concluded that she had a
none of us enjoy it when it’s really bad outside.
concussion also x rayed her thumb and, said
“The first winter of having my license I was on
it was sprained. She had ice cream in her hair
the interstate doing 20 during a snowstorm and
because of going to Wendy’s before hand. They
slid on ice on the into a guard rail,” said Ms.
gave her a thumb cast, let her go home and her
Lisa Wright, Librarian.
mom had to wash her hair because she couldn’t.
“The reason I am alive is because of the fact
I had people watching over us, and the fact that
Survivor’s tale
I grabbed the little hanger thing to the right and
When they went over the railroad tracks
buried my face into my arms” said Mallori,
the third time doing 55 mph, there was another
car on the other side. The other car went all the
way to the left so Alex quickly turned right to
From the 103 kids that were surveyed 37%
regain control but instead slid off the road to
got into car crashes and the rest of the 62% did
the right into a cornfield. Mallori’s side of the
not. So when driving remember to put the cell
car hit the ditch and went into the air and rolled
phones away and let the text and calls wait. Be
2 and 1/2 times and landed upside down after
careful on the road. Look, pay attention and do
sliding more into the cornfield. Mallori didn’t
the speed the sign says and you wont have to
remember much after that but was upside down
deal with getting a new car or repairing your car
and trying to get her seat belt unlocked.
from the damage and always wear your seat belt
When she finally did, she fell to the roof and
it could just save your life.
crawled out of Alex’s side because her side was
Peace Pipe Chatter, May 17 , 2010
The Climb
Design and photos by Adaure Ajiere
Healthcare Bill: Bent, Shaken, and Broken Down
heal everything that ails our healthcare system
but it will move us in the right direction,” said
Barack Obama, President of the United States.
The reform he spoke of is the Healthcare Bill that
A young girl by the age of 9 sat down
anxiously awaiting the news, nerves bonding was about passed, this bill has proven to be another
together as she watched the angry tears falling trying issue that America would have to face.
There have been many questions that
from her mother’s cheeks, and the revengeful
vein throbbing against her father’s neck. She surround the bill and the little aspects of it that
took in the sad, yet annoyed look on her family may or may not be applicable to some groups of
doctor’s face, they had just gotten the results of people, but as he stands there within that dimly
her diagnoses.She sat there trying to take it all lit hallway that led to a crowd of disapprovers
in, with her mom and dad struggling to make Obama set to answer some of those questions.
Within the bill are parts that say that if you
it with all the bills that were piling in, and her
mother staying at home to take care of her already have health insurance through your job,
newborn brother, where were they going to get then through the bill there will be no need that
the money to pay for all the hospital bills that require you to have to change the coverage or the
had accumulated?And now that her condition doctor you have. A part of the bill that is being
had turned for the worst and she was going to debated by many health insurance companies
require chemotherapy to fight off the cancer cells is the part that claims that insurance companies
will not be allowed to deny coverage because of
that were tearing away her immune system.
a pre-existing condition that a person may have.
The doctor had said that if she got the
“Families will get tax credits to help
treatment they were sure she’d be ok. But
afford private insurance, the lower your
without insurance how was the treatment going
income the more you get,” said Nancy Cordes,
to be able to happen?It is stories like this that
CBS News Congressional Correspondent,
With that been said,
insurance companies are
taking in the fact that the
bill also says that they
will not be allowed to
drop coverage if you get
sick as many already do.
There are many angles
that are taken to strike down
the bill, but it is plain that
some people just see the
Health Care Bill as a disaster
waiting to happen and they
are just lining up in an
attempt to stop the “disaster”
in advance.
According to an article titled
Spotlight: Health care law
Newsweek papers continue to report on Healthcare Bill
does more harm than good
Controversy, that has been flooding the media network.
by Brett Guthrie, “Beginning
Photo taken by Adaure Ajiere
in 2014, Americans will be
required to buy health insurance or pay a penalty.
led to the onslaught of debates regarding the Which means that, families who were hoping to
lower their health care costs will see higher taxes
healthcare of whether it would provide help to
and insurance premiums, including 46 percent of
people like the little nine-year old girl.
families making less than $66,150 who will be
forced to pay the individual mandate penalty.”
The fact of the matter is that past
The camera zoomed in to take in the stern
face of a man that was elected by the people to circumstances regarding the healthcare had
lead the United States of America. “This isn’t denied coverage to tens of millions Americans.
radical reform, but it is major reform. This won’t
Adaure Ajiere/
Journalism 1
The Bill Exposed
confidently as he walked
away from the swarm of
speculation and debates
that would surround him
After just announcing
the passing of the bill, of
course President Obama
expected that there would
be people against it,
but probably not to the
extent that it went to.
“Even though people
hate him as a leader, they
did elect him. I think he has
a good handle on this bill
and our country. Obviously,
if Congress didn’t like the
bill, then they wouldn’t
Some local small businesses are learning of Healthcare
have passed it,” said
bills’ implication on small business aspect of the economy.
Marissa Ciko, freshman.
Photo taken by Adaure Ajiere
Due to the great amount
of debate about the bill,
it is expected that people may take the side as
Bill Debate
supporters, and others the side of non-supporter,
and even others on the side of neutral-voters.
“The genie is out of the bottle here, and the This is also applicable to students of MCHS
reality is that people will begin to receive the
Out of the 10 MCHS students interviewed,
benefits of healthcare coverage this year, some two said that they didn’t care about the healthcare
of it will come later, but the Earth won’t come bill and the impact that it would have on society
to an end, and you know what people will be
While four out of every 10 people strongly
happier because you have healthcare coverage, disagreed to the passing of the bill, and their main
businesses will benefit from this, the cost will reason was that Obama didn’t listen to the people
be contained, and 32 million Americans will that strongly opposed it only to one side of the bill.
have healthcare coverage,” said Keith Boykin,
“I do not approve of the bill because if
Democratic Strategist, CNN Broadcast. He is the bill is signed the government will help
among one of the many people that are suiting fund abortions,” said Jimmy Lee, freshman.
up for a battle that continues to rage on, making
In actuality, an amendment in the bill
a mark by taking the side of a supporter which prohibits federal funds from clearly giving
some may se as a blaring white flag or a dark- money to abortion within private healthcare
filled black one. “When the smoke clears and plans that are offered through the health
all the cheering ends they are going to find out insurance exchange. But it doesn’t prevent
they are on the wrong side of this bill and that the public health insurance companies from
this bill effects them in a negative way,” said providing or prohibiting coverage of abortion.
Joe Watkins, GOP Political Strategist, CNN
“I think it’s wrong for President Obama
Broadcast. There have been great debates and to hold the rule for everyone but not for him
opposition within the area of the healthcare, and Congress? Why’s it good enough for us
with people, like Watkins, taking the side of but not him?” said Alexa Bowen, freshman.
reformers who are in total belief that even
What she is referring to the fact that President
before this bill begins the job it was assigned Obama is not actually affected physically by
to do, it will fail, while others like Boykin, are the bill but the people that the bill is issued
willing to give the bill a chance. But with both for will be affected for years to come. This
groups it is a known fact that only time will tell. thought is made from the onslaught of people
Voices are Heard! that opposed the bill that made their voices
An image of the President of the United
“Healthcare” continued on
States, Barack Obama, walking away filled the
screen. The slimming tux that he wore held him
page 7
Peace Pipe Chatter, May 17, 2010
The Climb
Designed by Mallory Keck
Ain’t No Sunshine: Seasonal Affective Disorder
Mallory Keck/ Journalism 1
depending on the person. According
to The Family, usual
symptoms include fatigue,
crying spells, irritability, trouble
concentrating, body aches, trouble
sleeping and weight gain. This
disorder can even go as far as
thoughts of suicide. Researchers have found that bright
light changes the chemical balance
in your brain, so the less light
available the lower the chemical
balance gets, causing the previous
“The worst symptom is being
tired all the time and not having the
motivation to do anything,” says
One treatment is the obvious
anti-depressant medication, but
another treatment that is proved
to work efficiently for 80 percent
of all patients, is
being exposed to
UV rays. Although
many frown upon
“fake-baking,” one
advantage it has is
curing this disorder.
Rather than going
in an indoor tanning
bed, patients also
may be encouraged
to take a vacation.
Seasonal Affective disorder causes patients to take many medications in order to
Fluorescent lights
it. Photo taken by Mallory Keck.
have been shown to
reverse the symptoms
of SAD. According
“To cope with it I go on medication and visit a therapist regularly,
to The National Alliance of Mental Fitness,
and exercise helps a lot too.”
50-80 percent of people go through complete
Weight gain and loss of focus and motivation are two major
remission when treated with UV rays or
of SAD, and can have a huge influence over people’s
fluorescent lighting.
How SAD affects lifestyle:
“I don’t go out with friends as often and I have less motivation
“It’s like depression that comes and goes,”
I also eat way more,” comments Purcell.
says Purcell, “It runs in my family, my mom,
used to have problems with SAD every year, especially in
grandma, and brother all have it too.”
my teen years. But eventually I seemed to grow out of it… or
Twenty percent of people in the U.S go
maybe I just learned how to cope,” says Michael Conlee, a 29
A junior at MCHS suffers from Seasonal Affective Disorder. Photo taken by Mal- through seasonal affective disorder every year.
year old land surveyor.
According to
lory Keck.
Seasonal affective disorder affects people off all ages and it
If you’re wondering if SAD can affect grades
them greatly in many areas of their lives. Whether they
“winter depression,” or “hibernation reaction.” Anyone from any age or lifestyle, it does. Many students’ grades drop while going
symptoms in summer, winter, fall, or spring, they all
can develop this, but it is most common in females rather than males. through this disorder, and gain a sufficient amount of weight.
the same problems in their social and working lives,
“It makes me less focused and my grades drop. I don’t go
Symptoms and treatments:
causing a decrease in activity, plus many mental and physical
out with friends as often, and I have less motivation. I also eat
The symptoms of seasonal affective disorder are those
issues. People within generations to come will continue to
a lot more,” says Purcell.
similar to depression but can be classified as more or less severe,
experience Seasonal Affective Disorder in its many forms.
When it is sunny outside, you probably find yourself eating more
fruit than usual and maybe even going for a jog or a swim. When it
is colder outside, you find yourself cuddled under a blanket watching
movies and pigging out. Living in Illinois, it is very obvious the
change of your mood corresponding with the weather, considering
how much the weather changes. In the winter, everyone is staring
longingly out the window, counting the days until a summer vacation
filled with sunshine, swimsuits, flip flops, and endless nights with no
limitation until morning comes. For many, the only upside to living
in Illinois is Chi-town and many job opportunities.
From a lot of research, it is proven that the weather not only
affects your mood, but it also can affect the way your brain thinks
and reacts. According to “The Weather Affects Your Mind and
Body,” by, humidity can even raise the
perception of pain.
Yes, there is a name for this obvious phenomenon, Seasonal
Affective Disorder (SAD). But this only refers to the depression
occurring in gloomy weather.
“It’s mostly right before fall comes around and it lasts until about
December,” says junior Liz Purcell, who suffers from SAD.
Seasonal affective disorder is also known as “winter blues,”
Peace Pipe Chatter, May 17, 2010
The Climb
Design and photos by Paige Toepper
Child/ Parent Relationships: breaking it down piece by piece
Paige Toepper /
Journalism 1
Parents, a word commonly looked down
upon in the mind of a teenager. When kids hear
that word they tend to run in the opposite direction. In today’s world, parents are often made
out to be “the bad guys.” Teenagers are said to
exclude their parents from their lives and just
be completely and utterly annoyed with their
very presence. But, a parent and their child’s
relationship is like an onion, you have to peel
apart all the layers to get to the core.
As you can see, parents are trying to get
involved with their kids lives, but aren’t always
warmly received. They are making an effort and
they may be repetitive, but the questions deal
with your daily lives.
Many other factors go into a parent and
child’s relationship. One of the main ones may
be the communication aspect. Communication
is the basis of having a relationship. Without
actually talking to someone, how much can a
person really know about them? That’s why it’s
highly important for a parent to have conversations with their kids daily so they can get to
know and understand them better. Furthermore,
many other factors fall under this category. One
of those may be the type of welcome a child
gets when walking through the door.
Some teenagers may put on an act of “hating” their parents, but in reality, it’s quite the
opposite… for most. No teenager hates having
a warm, friendly welcome when they come
home, or having a parent strike up a casual
conversation about their lives. What parents
don’t understand is that the repetitiveness and
A warm welcome can set the level of comconstant nagging is what irritates their child.
munication a child has with their parents. Many
When some students were asked about the
students tend to have their first talk with their
conversations that occur when they first see
parents after school. Placher says her average
their parents after school, it was pretty much
afternoon when she arrives home is talking
the same answer.
with her mom and getting something to eat. If
“It’s the same questions everyday. ‘How’s
a student walks through the door with a warm
school? Do you have homework?’” says,
greeting after a long day of school, it may cheer
sophomore Lauren Sweet.
them up a bit. Some kids may want someone to
Courtney Kirkland, sophomore, says her
talk and vent to about their day. A warm welparents are the
same way. On a
daily basis when
she arrives home
from track practice, it’s the same
questions, “How
was track? How
was your day?”
Sara Placher
deals with the
same issues.
Her mom asks
her (since her
dad is working)
“How was your
day? How are
your grades? Do
A group of soccer players and their parents walk off the field after
you have evening
their game. Photo taken by Paige Toepper
plans? What’d you
want for dinner?”
Kids feel somewhat annoyed and agitated with the same questions and will push them away from that warm
welcome because they know what’s coming and
their answer never changes.
come could brighten the mood and maybe even
peel back more of those layers as the child sees
you want to know about their day causes them
to open up to you.
High school
can take a lot out
of a teenager. The
stress with all the
drama and grades
can be a lot to handle. The last thing
a teenager wants
is to come home
and be interrogated about a day
they would rather
forget. That’s why
it’s very beneficial
for a kid to have
a much laid back,
relaxing atmosphere
at home.
Parents stand and support their kids at the Romeoville track meet.
Photo taken by Paige Toepper.
A survey was taking at Minooka Community High School, class of freshman to seniors.
In the survey the students were asked if both
parents worked, neither worked, or one or the
other worked. About 3/5 of the survey said one
or the other worked and the other 2/5 said both
worked. The average work day will cause an
adult to arrive home between the hours of 5 or 6
o’clock, not the most ideal time. By the time the
adult actually gets home, they will most likely
have to either cook dinner for the family, clean,
do some laundry they didn’t finish earlier, or
even just do some more work for their job. An
adult may not have a whole lot of extra time to
actually chat with their child because of all of
these; however, it’s not all the parents fault.
Students tend to put off their homework
till later in the evening. They sit at a desk for
almost 7 hours, the last thing they would want
to do is come home and do more work. So naturally, they get home and relax. Kirkland says
that time when she gets home and her parents
aren’t there is her “Courtney Time.” The point
is, the amount of time that both the parent and
child spend at home, in many cases, one or
the other is busy working leaving little time to
spend together.
A typical teenager may say they want
their parents out of their life, and want them
to leave them alone but when a few students
were spoken to and took a survey…the results
contradicted that.
A few people, about 38% of the survey, said
they would want to spend more time with their
parents. These teenagers stated that both their
parents work and they hardly see them. However, if a student said one or the other or neither
worked, they would want less time with their
parents. They were usually too strict for their
liking and are a bit disrespectful.
Dillon Haase, sophomore, says he wouldn’t
change how things are with his parents today.
They don’t communicate that often and when
they do, it’s either about trucks or football.
What high school boy wouldn’t want to discuss
those? Kirkland says she wouldn’t change anything with her parents. She hardly sees them,
which she likes. Placher also says she wouldn’t
change anything with her parents. They have a
close relationship and she’d keep in that way.
Over half the teenagers in the survey would
want to spend less time with their parents. It’s
safe to say, every child is different, every home
life varies, and everyone’s opinion will most
likely change daily. Some cherish the moments
they spend with their family, and some despise
Much goes into how parents and their
children develop and maintain a strong relationship. It could be anything from the work
hours a student and/or parents have, the desire
and effort both sides make and their level of
communication. Every person is their own individual and has their own opinions on life. Some
teenagers want a change like spending more
time with their parents; and some want less
time. It all varies. Many more details go into
this matter. This is just scraping the surface.
You have to dig deep down and make the effort
to peel back all those layers to understand that
real situation you have.
Kids & the Economy
Peace Pipe Chatter, May 17, 2010
All the Small Things
Jamie Huff/
Journalism I
In February 2010 alone, 36,000 jobs
were lost due to the recession that the U.S
is going through. Thirty-five cities have
had their unemployment rate rise above
15%. There are jobs being lost, homes that
aren’t being sold, and the families that are
suffering to make ends meat.
“It was hard when my dad lost his job,
but I know he will be back on top once
he starts his own business. He has always
wanted to work for himself and no one else
so I am happy for him,” said a freshman
girl who has asked to not be named.
The only thing that families can do
when their breadwinner has lost his or her
job is hope. Hope for the best. The economy is not going to be fixed in one day.
Students and kids that have just graduated
school are nervous about going out into
the real world. The economy puts so much
more pressure on them.
“My dad has been fortunate enough to
be taken back by his old company. His old
boss loved him, so when he got laid off at
his new job, Bob, his boss, was ready to
take him back,” said sophomore Martin
Huff. “I haven’t seen much of a change in
my family life except for my mom buying
generic brands of food to save a dollar here
and there. My sister is the one who has
had to cut back because she is no longer
allowed to shop every week.”
Thirty-two MCHS students took a
survey about how the economy and how
it is effecting them. When all the students
were asked how there home life is and if it
has changed. Out of the students 78% said
life is the same, and only 22% said is has
“We host less parties now,” said Jose
Cabrera, freshman.
This is one of the most common responses from the MCHS students. A lot of
the kids feel like they want to help out, but
it is hard to find jobs to help their parents
and pay for their own things instead of
asking for money. Jobs are not easy to keep
these days, due to the economy.
“I know that my brother had been looking for a job, but he can’t find one because
older people, that got laid-off, have been
taking “teen jobs,” said Kaitlyn
Frederick, freshman.
The quantity of things
that students have got has
changed for 47% of the
MCHS students. Two of
these students however have
had it change for the better.
The other 53% say it hasn’t
changed at all.
“It has changed because
my mom’s job doesn’t pay
much, and my dad’s job
does, but due to the economy my dad’s pay has been
down and many people have
been laid-off,” said an other
freshman, who has asked to
not be recognized.
Courtney Halaska, left, Sarah Hundt, center, and Megan
“The average student is
Stewart, right, are all freshman girls who bring a lunch from
to live less and are
home to save a little bit of money here and there for their
their possessions
family. Photo taken by Jamie Huff.
for granted,” said Mallory
Designed by Jamie Huff
Traver, freshman,
Many of the students
think that it is affecting
their parents, but their
parents aren’t telling
them. So changes could
be taking place, but they
are not noticing it because
it isn’t a huge concern.
“Parents are more
stressed out, which can
be annoying,” said freshman, Gina Blaskie.
It seems that the
MCHS students are either being dragged under by the economy or Kids are attending more school events because it is cheaper then
not being affected at all. going out. This gives them a chance to have the “high school
experience” and spend time getting to know their peers. Photo
This is proven in the sur- taken by Jamie Huff.
vey they took. As freshman, Miranda Harshorn,
never going to lose his job,” if there is a posstated, “Life goes on,”
and that is the thing students have to keep sibility that he could. In her article, “Give
Kids a Way to Help,” Woolf says, “Children
in their heads.
are especially prone to feeling helpless in a
WHAT THE MEDIA crisis they may not understand.
Getting them involved will empower
them and make them feel better. Explain
Kids dealing with the economy doesn’t
to your kids that saving money is very
seem like a major concern according to the
important right now. Ask them to help
economy. It is more of a behind the scenes
you brainstorm ways the family can save
issue. An article by the name of “10 ways
money. Give them tasks like turning off
to help your kids” has found 10 steps, for
lights or gathering old toys for a yard sale.
parents, in helping their children better
Clip coupons together or hunt for bargains.
understand the economy. These 10 steps
Not only will they feel good about being
are, “Graph balances, compare to a savings
involved, but it creates a new way for you
account, predict the future, stay on that
to carve out some quality time together.”
course, learn about the market, show stocks
on sale, brainstorm with your child, move
on, and teach kids about money.”
It is clear that kids are being affected by
These 10 steps can help insure that the
future generations will handle money with the downfall of the economy and it is being
care and understand how to handle it. This reconized Associations are helping kids so
will help prevent the U.S from going through they can have bright futures and to help
an other depression. “10 ways to help your them achieve all their goals no matter what
kids” also says, “Kids should move some of the cost is. The economy is weighing down
on children and causing chaos. Kids need
their savings into mutual funds or stocks.”
Jamie Woolf, reporter for, to be protected and reassured that everysays that you should never talk to a child thing is going to be okay, no matter how
and make promises that it out of the parent’s much “bread” is being bought into your
power. Kids shouldn’t be told, “Daddy is household.
Peace Pipe Chatter, May 17, 2010
The Climb
Designed by Baylee Dibble
ffects of youth groups on teens
Baylee Dibble/
Journalism 1
High school. It can be four of the hardest years in your life, or four of the best. It
usually isn’t in-between; you either love or
hate it. So why not make it worthwhile?
Youth groups can have a great impact
on these years. Students all of the country
attend. One freshman, Nicole Eberhard
said, “It definitely brightens my week. High
school wouldn’t be the same without it.”
H20, 360, Refuge, and Home groups are
just a few of the many youth groups just in
this area. “Get plugged in. You won’t regret
it,” Eberhard said, who goes to Refuge.
You may be surprised at how many students actually do attend youth groups every
week, and how diverse the groups are.
A night at 360
kids monkey backpack leash and walking
around the mall wearing it.
360 was starting soon, and they were all
making a circle in the back of the Sanctuary getting ready for the game. Allison
Moss and Lizzy Glasgow, both seniors at
Minooka, explained to all of them how to
play Bippidy Bipiddee Bop, and then, the
game began.
“Bippidy Bippidee BOP!” Moss
screamed in another students face, attempting to get them not to say bop before she
finished. Some students screamed, some
yelled bop back before the other person
was done, and some didn’t say anything at
all (so they lost). But, whether they won or
lost the round, everyone was happy to be
there and had a lot of fun.
Once they were done with the game,
everybody sat in the chair getting ready
for the message Pastor Jason Domingo had
prepared. He taught on Relational Conflict,
One by one students fill the atrium at
Minooka Bible
Church. They are
all excited for an
awesome night
at 360, the high
school youth
group at MBC.
Everyone is
standing around
talking about
there weekends
and plans for
the upcoming
weeks, including plans for
hanging out over
spring break.
Some of them
The boys have fun playing their favorite game Buck Buck one night
discuss taking a
trip up to Wiscon- at 360. Photo by Baylee Dibble.
sin for a day just
and then went on to worship. They sang
to get some of their beloved Sun Drop, a
three songs, including Center, Unchanging,
kind of soda only sold there.
“It’s the best pop ever!” said Heath Hou- and Consuming Fire. This is a lot of the
high-schoolers favorite part of the night.
gas, a sophomore at Morris Community
After worship, they dispersed in to their
High School.
groups, which are small group of
“It’s so good!” said Jared Gagnon, a
were they get to talk about the
freshman at Minooka.
answer questions, and talk about
Other students talk about getting a little
their weeks.
From there they were all
dismissed, but continued to
hang out until about 9:30 p.m.
Friendships formed
How can youth groups affect you so much?
“It’s more than just a group
that meets every week. You get
so close to everybody else in
Refuge, we are like a family,”
said Eberhard.
The bonds formed in youth
groups are unbreakable,
and undeniable. You can’t
find relationships like these
anywhere else. “I don’t know
what I would do without 360,
and everyone in it,” said Carly
Garcia, freshman.
They aren’t just normal
high school friendships created. There is the perfect mix
of fun and real friendship. Everyone is always there for oneanother, and its not just, “I’m
here for you,” type of thing,
Some girls from 360 spend time together sitting around
they actually follow through
a pond on a girls retreat called Meander. Photo by Lizzy
and do their best not to let you
down, more than most.
Jamie Huff, freshman, who
likely to fall into typical high school tempattends H20 said, “ It’s brought
tations. By surrounding themselves with
me closer to kids who I knew, but didn’t
other Christians, they have plenty of people
know they were so tight with God…It
to help through the hard times, and have
makes it easier for me to be me when I’m
the strength to deal with it in better ways.
with them.
Students who do go to youth groups are
Eberhard said, “At youth group I feel
not all “better” than anyone else by any
so much more comfortable and can just
means. There is just a better chance of them
be who I am. I don’t have to worry about
having the strength to get through diffianyone judging me.”
cult times in high school in a healthy way,
because they have people all around them
Effects on teen lives
who share the same beliefs, and can help
It is a fact that youth groups do have an
through good and bad.
effect on teen lives. There is no denying
Youth groups have changed many stuthat. People may think that is not a good
lives very dramatically in fact.
effect but it does have an effect. Though,
said, “It’s made me take a differthere is no reason to think that it has a
on things and it’s brought me
negative impact on people’s lives. Students
and has opened up new doors
who attend youth groups regularly are less
in communicating with him.”
When leaders take a stand
Peace Pipe Chatter, May 17, 2010
The Climb
Design and Photos by Libby Guldenbecker
Libby Guldenbecker/
Journalism 1
“There are always going to be mean
people,” said Dominick Ligammari, junior.
“No matter where you go, there are going to be
people that you just don’t want to be around.”
But what people don’t realize is that there
can be a way around the rude people of the
world. Instead of joining them, overpower
them. Bullies can take an individual’s selfconfidence, self-esteem, reputation, and even
their life. Letting bullies take these attributes,
the most valuable aspects of life, is our fault.
But what if we were led by a group of spirited,
motivating students who gave us the courage to come together as one powerful student
body? Who do you think the majority would
be then? Definitely not the bullies.
But the problem is, many people at MCHS
feel that we are fragmented. Especially with
two different campuses, it’s obvious to see
how students are more likely to not have a role
model at school.
Students stand in the hallway and gossip, one of the main causes of bullying.
“If someone tried making school a better
“If you’re in a class and no one wants to be
and teachers, leadership and spirit is definitely
place to be I would definitely recognize it, but
do you think you’re going to care about
I don’t think anyone does. I mean, I don’t look
being in that class? No. And sometimes I feel
“In track I always felt like there was
up to anybody here,” said Caitlyn Goodpaster,
like that,” said Bevell. “If there was someone
someone to look up to when I was a freshman
and sophomore. It’s just the seniors; they know to look up to and convince everyone to be
happy about being at school, I really think
what they’re doing so they lead the way. I
According to, the definition
it could make a difference. But then again, I
think it’s like that with all sports; the teams alof leads is to “go before or to lead the way.”
guess I really wouldn’t know.”
ways have strong leaders because you have to
Across the country, high schools are filling up
have support. Not everyone is in sports though,
“I agree with the students,” said Ms. Kristin
to mass capacity with students. For Minooka,
Carlson, career center manager. Carlson deals
and academically no one really wants to be
that’s probably where the problem started. Yes,
with test preparation, college visits, and scholhere. I would think a leader would want to be
South Campus is a new building equipped with
at school?” said Autumn Bevell, junior.
all the materials we need to learn, but what it
“There’s a huge lack of spirit, and the
“Do we even have a student council?
doesn’t have is upperclassmen to fill the white,
Who’s on it?” asked Stephanie Moak, junior.
students don’t want to get involved or have
blank hallway walls. High school is where
others perceive them as active in clubs. That’s
Moak and Bevell went on to have a conversayou’re given the opportunity to mature and
completely the wrong goal to have,” said
tion about their views on leadership at our
prepare yourself for the real world, but when
school, and eventually their entire resource
you spend the first two years of high school
“Students don’t promote their clubs, I don’t
joined in.
without peer influence of anyone over 16, it
even know who the student council mem“They plan like…homecoming and stuff,”
batters that opportunity just a bit.
said Adam Sheikh, junior.
bers are. Half the time I find out it’s a spirit
At Minooka, there are about 42 extracurweek after it’s already started,” said Carlson.
“So does that mean we have a class presiricular clubs you can join, and groups like
Publicizing school events, activities, and clubs,
dent? And a student council president?” asked
S.T.AN.D. Student council, Interact, and others
is probably the most important initiative step,
Stephanie. The class laughed.
make constant efforts to make MCHS a better
which we obviously lack.
“Uh, I’m not sure. Honestly I have no
place to be. However, it seems like some fail
idea what our principal even looks like,” said
“I graduated from Minooka in 2002.
to realize it takes a lot more than fundraisAutumn. And then the class agreed that they
The best week of the entire year was always
ing events, homecoming, and prom to bring
homecoming week. The hallways and teachers
didn’t know who their class president was,
together two different campuses as one spirited
were always completely decked out. It was a
who the members of student council are, and
student body. In the minds of some students
lot better than it is now, even though it’s still
what our principal looks like.
looked at as the best week of the school year,”
said Carlson.
There’s always going to be an opportunity
to “raise the bar” and it’s never too late to
make a difference. But first, you have to have a
motivated student body to participate in school
activities and be in the stands cheering at the
football games. While South Campus was
being constructed, we might have lost track
of our previous goals set in place. Now there
needs to be reconstruction of what is inside our
Lack of leadership and student involvement
can lead to negative consequences, and unfortunately bullying is one of them. Fortunately
for MCHS, bullying isn’t as big as a problem
as it is in other high schools across the nation,
like South Hadley High School in South Hadley, Massachusetts.
Phoebe Prince was a freshman this year at
South Hadley who ended up taking her own
life for the sole reason that she was a victim of
bullying. Phoebe was always called different insults, including “Irish slut” and “Irish
whore.” Unfortunately, those racial slurs are
common throughout society, especially with
texting and Facebook being a teenager’s top
One day, another classmate told Prince
that she needed to “watch her back and was
going to get beat up.” Prince was obviously
frightened and felt so insecure. She went to administrators and told them she “was scared and
wanted to go home.” Prince was sent back to
class, and no action was taken and no students
were called down.
“Stand” continued on page 2
A student aide gets involved simply by checking out books in the library at Central.
Peace Pipe Chatter, May 17, 2010
Let it Rock
Designed by Austin Hough
Novembers Doom: Rebeliouseness Never Heard
Austin Hough
Journalism 1
They’ve been around for 20 ½ years now.
They’ve released eight different albums.
They’ve toured all across Europe.
They’re a Chicago-based band, and yet most
of you don’t know who they are. They have
a professional record deal and selling CD’s.
You might ask: Who are these guys? They’re
Novembers Doom, a scary-looking, death metal
singing rock band. Yet, when you meet them,
they couldn’t be any friendlier.
The Beginning
The year is 1989. George Bush Sr. is sworn
in as president, gas was $.57/gallon, the first
ever episode of The Simpsons was aired,
the first ever Microsoft Office program was
launched, and Novembers Doom was formed.
Paul Kuhr, lead singer of Doom, explains in
more detail.
“Other musicians and other music I was into
An Ever-changing Cast
Usually if a band has been around for so
long, people will think, “Man those guys have
really been able to stick together for a long
time.” Well, that’s not the case for Novembers
Doom. In fact, Novembers Doom has gone
through more than 10 different members. Even
a girl was in the band! Through all these band
members, Kuhr admits he had a hard time continuing through with the band.
“There was a time where we did stop for
about six months early on… it took a lot of soul
searching… it’s the love of the music… if you
don’t have that, you won’t have longevity,”
Kuhr said.
Despite all these changes, Kuhr said it was
easier, not harder, to write music for Novembers
“A new member means new ideas, so to get
someone new in the band with a whole new outlook, with a fresh batch of ideas… then it’s the
band’s responsibility to take his ideas and mold
them into what Novembers Doom sounds like.”
Early On: Dark Days
The band posing for a picture early in their
career. Only two guys in this picture are currently in the band. Photo courtsey of google.
(influenced me). Back in the day there were
some local bands I had admired… they had
something unique that I wanted to make part of
my own and try to build upon that… they were
smaller bands in the Chicagoland area, there
names were Syndrome and Devastation… they
really inspired me to do this,” Kuhr said.
Using this, he started up the band known
as Novembers Doom. Where did they get the
name? Kuhr explains.
“Original guitarist Steve created it… basically, November is the month everything dies
off for the winter, so we wanted that depressing
kind of name to go with the style of music it
Even though Novembers Doom formed in
1989, they didn’t release their first album until
1992. Their mini two-song demo allowed them
to get a record deal with Regress Records in
Italy. This was a lead up to their first full-length
album labeled Amid Its Hallowed Mirth. It was
a successful album, with many good reviews
of the album. The success of this album led
them to their second album Of Sculptured Ivy
and Stone Flowers, which was with a different
company, Martyr Music Group. Then they did
a follow up album with Martyr called The
Knowing. It received much praise, and in
2002 it released another album, To Welcome
the Fade. All this was just a warm-up to what
was going to happen in the year 2005.
Novembers Doom, posing for a picture. Kuhr, right, is the only original member left in Novembers Doom. Photo courtsey of google.
member going to the stores and buying them…
have fond attachment to them… it goes to show
you that deep down everyone is normal, we just
have different tastes.”
No, the band members don’t “play” with
them or dress up in superhero costumes. They’ll
just go to conventions that display them and
where they can buy them. Just wanted to clear
that up.
Pale Haunt Departure
The Unknown Side
Novembers Doom paints an image of a
death metal band, but some of the band members have a little secret: some are involved
in MEGOs. MEGO is an organization that
involves with superhero doll collecting. You
might laugh at that, knowing that they’re these
death metal singers, yet they collect dolls. Kuhr
explains how he fell in love with MEGOs.
“Was into it from age 3… have pictures
of me when I was younger at Christmas with
dolls… I grew up with them, so I always re-
The Pale Haunt
Departure is their top
album.Photo courtsey
of the band’s website
So far,
Doom had
been a very
band, but
that was all
elevated in
2005, when
they released
their biggest
album to
date, The Pale
Haunt Departure. This album
came out with some
of there best songs,
such as the song
named after the
album, The Pale Haunt Departure.
“I would have to say, and only by a little bit,
that (my favorite album) is The Pale Haunt Departure. That’s the album that really kick started
things and opened up a lot of doors that got us
to Europe and I’m very proud of that one,” said
That’s not the only time Novembers Doom
has been in Europe. In fact, as Kuhr explains,
they’ve been all over Europe.
“We’ve been to Spain, Portugal, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, the
Netherlands, the UK, we’ve been all over.”
Impressive for a band that the normal music
fan probably doesn’t know who they are.
After they released Pale Haunt and went
on a Europe tour, they came home to record
another album. In 2007, they released their sixth
full-length album, The Novella Reservoir. This
album probably featured their top song released,
named Rain. This led them to playing more Europe tours and a release of their first live concert
on DVD, named The Novella Vosselaar: Live in
Belgium, featuring more than 75 minutes of pro
shot, live performance, three promo videos, and
four fan made videos.
Following that, they released their seventh
“Doom” continued on page 2
Music of our lives
Peace Pipe Chatter, May 17, 2010
Let It Rock
Design and Photos by Shannon Lawlor
Many songs are used to vigorously illustrate
and connect to all different situations.
Shannon Lawlor /
Journalism I
Lyrics’ connection to moods
“Listen to the sounds in you ear, treat music
to smooth your fears, sometimes I can’t help
but cry, as the music takes me high,” lyrics by
Felix Da Housecat. Music is not just a sound
you listen to or something used to pass the
time. It is used for a unique reason, to connect
to your inner most soul. The lyrics of a song
flow through you like the blood does through
your veins. The lyrics can connect to everyday
situations that speak to you in ways that cannot
possibly be described.
Music in the atmosphere
Every song tells a different story, even
though some may be slightly corresponding
to each other. It is remarkably peculiar the
way lyrics can open someone’s feelings up
immediately as they listen to the lyrics.
“I listen to hardcore gangster rap before a
softball game because it gets me pumped up and
makes me want to open a can,” said sophomore
Kaylee Senffner.
Some people may not notice that music
and atmosphere are incredibly similar. You put
on relaxing music while trying to fall asleep,
but listen to more exotic music while doing a
physical activity. There is no doubt that music
Sophomore Kaylee Senffner listens to her
ipod while doing homework in Mr. Joe Urbelis’ 2A biology class.
Sophomores Nikki Seddon and Michelle Pansa eat their lunches while looking up lyrics on
their iPods.
does affect our state of mind. Whether the
genre of music is rap, pop, techno, country, or
blues they all have their own way of uniquely
describing a situation throughout the lyrics.
Without the lyrics what would a song be? With
just the monotonous beat and rhythm the song
is lifeless. Through love songs, sad songs. and
inspiring songs they all immediately change
your mood after you listen to it
Facebook statuses
“Hey Rachel do you know any good
song lyrics to put as my facebook status?” said
sophomore Ashley McWilliams.
“Well, I usually just go to Google and type
in any word that describes how I am feeling and
I put the word lyrics after it, and BAM you get
good lyrics,” said sophomore Rachel Vidano.
“It actually works good because I never
heard of these songs, and they pretty much sum
up my life story,” said Vidano.
“Verrrrrrrrrrrrrry nice!” said
The majority of the Facebook population
uses lyrics as their statuses. This way they
can express what they feel throughout their
status. Girls are occasionally known for posting
statuses about lyrics that explain their love life,
while guys consistently post statuses with lyrics
from songs they like to listen to.
For example if you want to use lyrics for
your status to explain a break-up, the lyrics
from the song “Goodbye,” by Kristinia Debarge
is commonly used as a status.” Take this final
piece of advice and get yourself together,
but either way baby, I’m gone,” these lyrics
distinctively explain what you’re feeling after
a break-up instead of simply posting “I’m over
it,” as a status.
Not only do people use lyrics as statuses
to describe a break-up, but they also use lyrics
to explain a good relationship. The song “Love
Story,” by Taylor Swift is the perfect example.
Its lyrics “You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the
princess, it’s a love story, baby, just say yes,”
is part of the lyrics you would post only if you
were going through a good relationship.
“All of Taylor Swift songs connect to my
life and explain it so good it’s unreal,” said
sophomore Nicole Rodeghero.
Lyrics relate to your mood in two ways.
Lyrics can sometimes put you in a certain
mood, or you may listen to lyrics due to the
mood you’re in because it may explain what
you’re going through. Many people may write
songs based on the mood they’re in and how
they are feeling, and the lyrics vividly describe
everything. Happy, sad, and mad simply clarify
the three moods music can put you in.
Happy directly means feeling good about
a certain situation. Without a doubt there
are many songs that make people have that
“walking on air” feeling.
“ The song ‘Tik Tok’ by Kesha, always puts
me in a good mood, and whenever it comes on
I end up doing my traditional dance to it,” said
sophomore Paige Gliwa.
Everyone will always have that one song that
puts them in a good mood, and makes them feel
like they’re on cloud nine.
Then on the other hand, there are many
heavyhearted songs that make you have that
depressed feeling. When you listen to these
despairing songs you usually have been through
tough situations such as a break-up, or possibly
a death.
‘Tonight’ by FM Static, always makes me
“Lyrics” continued on page 7
Ipods are left out on the lab table in Mr.
Urbelis’ 2A Biology class.
The Day The Music Died
“You are the music while the music lasts.”- T.
S. Eliot
Many famous musicians have made it to the
Billboard Top 100 or some other form of fame
and are still rockin’ out today. But others made it
big and went down in a blaze of glory. Whether
it’s from a plane/automobile crash, illness, or
murder, they all have made an impact on the
music world. According t, a Christian website that presents interesting facts about
the Bible, the highest cause of death for rock
stars is heart attack with 42%. They may be lost,
but they certainly aren’t forgotten. Some that
have been lost are remembered even more now
that they are gone. For example every year ever
since John Lennon’s murder near The Dakota
Building, fans gather there remember the former
Beatle and music icon.
“Of course, a deceased musician is always
more popular than before or during their climb
to fame,” said Mrs. Rose Ann Rakidzic, library
assistant. For example, according to, a site used for information on any
topic in the web, Kurt Cobain gained $60 million after his death. Money does not only make
them famous, but their legacy that they made
throughout their whole life.
Along with money, various tribute bands have
risen because of the passing of some artists,
even whole groups. According to, Electric Lady Band, (a Jimi Hendrix tribute band), Militia, (a Metallica tribute
band), and Abbey Road Band, a Beatles tribute
band, is just are a few of the many tribute bands
in music.
In any way, through tributes or money, musicians are being remembered, no matter how
tragic their death.
Smells Like Teen Spirit
“I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved
for who I am not.”- Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain was the front man for the famous
grunge rock band Nirvana, and with their 1991
album Nevermind, they were at the top of
grunge stardom. But it seemed the pressures
were different than he’d expected, as he told
heavy metal interview magazine Hit Parader in
Peace Pipe Chatter, May 17, 2010
Let It Rock
“It’s hard to believe that so many people are
interested in us and want to meet us and talk to
us. When we’re on the road our days are taken
up with going to radio stations, meeting the
press and doing all those sort of things. I never
Kurt Cobain has been featured in magazines
like Hit Parader and The 100 Greatest Guitarists. Photo taken by Dutch Nave JI.
realize how people would idolize him like that.
I wouldn’t want to be called a god, and neither
would he. He never cared about what people
thought of him,” said Nagel
Today he is remembered as the Grunge God,
with a following all over the world, starting
from the grunge capital of the world, Seattle. As,
Hit Parader said, “Perhaps Cobain never was
good, as important, as culturally significant as
the media would have you believe- but maybe,
he was even more important. After all, this was
the performer who forever altered the perspectives of the rock world, changing the face of
rock and roll at a time when it seemed a if the
entire contemporary music empire was going
to fall into a bottomless pit of commercialism
and corporate greed. If he accomplished nothing
else, the mere fact that Cobain almost singlehandedly saved rock and roll from destroying
itself is enough to ensure his permanent place in
the music pantheon.”
realized there were so many rock radio stations
in the country! And having to get up every day
to talk to the press can get a little tiring. You
appreciate the fact that they’re interested in you, Strength Beyond Strength
you do
Pull!”get the
quesHe was
born on
all the
20, 1966
he said.
in Dallas,
By Dutch Nave/ Journalism I
HowTexas. In
ever, in
the 1980s,
he became
a legend.
And his name was Dimebag.
something that most of Kurt’s closest friends
“Dimebag” Darrell Abbott was the guitarist
and family thought was an accident, might have
for the hardcore metal band Pantera from 1981
been a cry for help. According to,
to 2003. Then he and his brother and drummer
a site dedicated to Kurt and Nirvana, he was
of Pantera, Vinnie Paul, broke from the band
rushed to the hospital, in a coma after an unsucand formed Damageplan. Then while Damagecessful suicide bid in which he washed down
plan was on stage performing in Columbus,
about fifty prescription painkillers with chamOhio, tragedy happened. An outraged fan,
pagne. Then things turned for the worse. On
Nathan Gale, ran onstage and shot Dimebag five
April 5, Kurt barricaded himself into the granny
times, including once in the head, killing him
flat of his mansion, put a shotgun to his mouth
and pulled the trigger. His body was found with
According to, a Q&A website,
a suicide note nearby, addressed to his wife
Nathan Gale was a deranged former Marine
Courtney Love, his 19-month-old son Frances,
who was obsessed with Pantera and claimed
and others. Two days later, a candlelight vigil
he really wrote their songs. Then shortly after
was held in his memory.
shooting Dimebag and three others, he was shot
“You cannot describe his personality on a
by police.
piece of paper,” said sophoKurt Cobain
Even though this was only six years ago, and
more Zach Nagel. “He’s pracand Dave
has been on some news channels, like CNN and
tically my idol. I have almost
Grohl were
MSNBC, not many people in the present know
interviewed by every album he made and I’ve
about the legendary heavy metal guitarist.
had a book about him for the
Hit Parader
“I know him,” said sophomore Roxy Mauin 1992. Photo whole year.”
veri. ”My dad listens to Pantera.”
taken by Dutch Nagel was a follower of Kurt’s
“He was the old guitarist for Pantera, and he
ideas and opinions. “I don’t
Nave JI.
got shot,” said freshman Nick Esposito.
Waking The Fallen
Designed by Dutch Nave
Dimebag was featured in The 100 Greatest
Guitarists and Hit Parader. Photo taken by
Dutch Nave JI.
As it says in the December commemorative issue of Guitar World, “Five years after Dimebag
Darrell’s death, Jerry Abbott, the legendary
axman’s father, opens up about his son’s childhood, his early passion for the guitar and his life
as ‘one (heck) of a dude.”
According to, “Home of the
Highest Quality Video Guitar Licks and Lessons
on the Net,” Dimebag was remembered because
“the people who knew him best did not value
him merely for his musical genius, but for his
giving nature.” Also, through, a group
of Dimebag’s closest friends made a website to
honor him.
“I wish to thank and remember Darrell for his
amazing life and the gift that he shared with me
and so many others,” said Dave Mustaine, front
man of Megadeth. “We must never forget his
life and his gifts, his genius, his terrific personality, and the legacy he left behind to remember
him by.”
“Dimebag was a dear friend of mine,” said Ozzy
Osbourne. “I’m absolutely beside myself with
grief. My heart goes out to Dime’s family, his
fans and the other innocent victims who were
killed in this senseless tragedy.”
“Darrell and his brother (Vinnie Paul) were the
cornerstone of musical adventures,” said Lars
Ulrich of Metallica, “that were always groundbreaking, pushing boundaries, challenging to
themselves and to their fans, respected by their
peers and always true musicians’ musicians, and
today the rock world is worse off because of this
untimely and senseless waste.”
Dimebag was the leader of a new generation
of metal guitarists and died almost too soon, it
may seem. According to friends, family, and
fans, he had a terrific personality and a heart
of gold. But, of course, it might have been his
time to go, by gunshot. He was killed in cold-
“Waking” Continued on page
The life of This Is A Stickup!
Peace Pipe Chatter, May 17, 2010
Let It Rock
Carrie Rickmon/
Journalism I
The weather is nice, very sunny and not to
hot or too cold. People are hanging outside in
the parking lot, waiting for the show to start.
Seven bands were playing and This Is A Stickup! was on fourth. The doors open so people can
start coming in, and roughly 40 people show up.
Everyone is enjoying himself or herself, while
some people are hanging outside. Not many
people showed up just yet, but thinking on how
it’s still quite early, more people would show up
Waiting patiently for This Is A Stickup! to
come on, more people arrive. The room is dark,
while the lights on the stage are very bright.
People are hardcore dancing and throwing
down. The security guard watched to make sure
no one hits anyone hard. Yet, this venue does allow the hardcore dancing and moshing, so more
music fans like it.
About 8 o’clock at night This Is A Stickup! is
finally going on. The vocalist, Brad Waite, announces that this will be Dennis’ last show, and
thank you for coming out. People are in shock.
Dennis started this band and has been through it
all, with all the members and everything.
This is How it Started
This Is A Stickup! a hardcore band not that
old, originated in 2009. The band started off
as way different in the beginning as from now
Dennis McWherter, clean vocals and guitar,
started off in tons of other bands before he was
ever in This Is A Stickup!
It was the end of Dennis’s band called The
Donner Party. He still wanted to continue with
This Is A Stickup! taking professional photographs. Courtesy of This Is A Stickup!
music. He decided he wanted to be in a band,
but wanted it to start fresh, not just join one that
was already made.
Dennis talked to a few other people and
started a new band; some members from other
local bands in the area. The band couldn’t
find out a good vocalist, to do screams. They
tried out the vocalists from the following local
bands: Reaching For Alaska and Until the End
of Autumn. Then they found a right screamer,
named Dan.
Dan graduated from MCHS. Dennis was
excited for his new band, using auto tune vocals,
at the moment, made the band sound better.
While the band was writing music, Chris
Jones came in the band in May of 2009 doing
synth. Tom, other guitarist, knew Chris, so that’s
how he got in the band. A little later, maybe not
even a week, Chris kicked Tom out of the band.
Many more people come in and out of the
band, but one of the most important members
that are in it is Brad Waite, who used to be in the
band Distant Fear of a Legend. After he joined,
more members still came in and out of the band.
Needing a guitarist again, Jake Hadamik
joined, who was in a band before called Vile
Demise. The first day of Jake’s practice, Aaron
quit, which they all knew was about to happen.
Currently with no bassist, there are only four
members in the band: Jake, guitarist, 18; Brad,
vocalist, 20; Dennis, clean vocals and guitarist,
18; and Then last, but not least, former synth
player, Chris, 16, now drummer.
This band, coming very far, is still staying
strong and hoping for a bassist that will stay
committed like the rest and take music seriously.
The day Aaron quit the band took photos, on
Jake’s first day of practice. He came in right on
Where the Money Goes
This Is A Stickup! like most bands,
takes promos. Promos are professional
pictures taken. They spent hundreds of
dollars as a band for these photos for
their Myspace. These photos are also
used for flyers for shows.
The band has taken photos from different photographers. They’ve taken photos
in Chicago with they original line-up of
the band when it first started. They’ve
also taken photos with Almost Famous
Photography in August, and photos in a
field in Morris that are most recent and
were taken in the beginning of 2010. On
the same day the bassist, Aaron, quit the band.
Along with photographs being very expensive
the band has also recorded.
They recorded their first
CD in June of 2009, at
Crown Pointe, Indiana by
Hey Charlie!!! Studios.
The CD is called Face the
Sword, Walk the Plank.
The next CD came out in
November 2009 with two
songs on it. Electro Works
recorded the CD in Downers Grove with more songs
coming soon.
Their new dc, Refine in
the Fire, is coming soon
with three to five songs.
They’re going to be sold
for $5. The CD was recorded at The Nook in Lemont.
They will also have many
other future recordings.
Designed by Carrie Rickmon
This Is A Stickup! on stage at the music venue in Morris called
The Korova which is their favorite place to play.
The End Of The Beginning
It’s the end of the show and everyone’s hanging outside. Most bands left already and the
owner was quite upset for having chairs broken
and people throwing down and hitting others.
Dennis got a full scholarship for college. He
wants to take his education very seriously, but
still will enjoy playing music.
Their set is going on, and everyone in the
crowd is enjoying them. Moving around on
stage, the band shows off some great stage presence. Set almost over, more bands are about to
go on. Everyone is here for different bands, and
the heavier bands were going on later.
After This Is A Stickup! other bands went on.
More people were hardcore dancing and moshing around. Rarely any girls came to the show,
since they thought it’d be kind of dangerous.
With the last band on at 10 p.m., more people
got into the hardcore dancing. Tons of people
getting hit, security is looking everywhere at
everyone. With all the bands participating in
throwing down, things and people are getting
pushed and hit. During the band Short Handed
Goal, a hardcore dancer picks up a chair and
whips it at the wall.
“Most of our shows are like this, we have
shows with bands who bring the metal. These
shows are the ones we love to play,” said Brad.
The show’s over, and the owner isn’t in the
best of moods for a chair being broken and tons
of hate moshers. The show did bring a lot of
people though. So even a little fuss was worth a
good last show for Dennis.
This Is A Stickup!, has many upcoming
events like most bands do. They schedule many
shows a month, now without Dennis.
The band plans on going further with productions, and hopes to get signed by an amazing
record label in near future. They’re going to
make a music video within the next year, which
they’re all very excited for.
The band will be playing Cornerstone this
summer, which is a religious band tour, sort of
like Warped Tour. Cornerstone is a huge event
for the band to be excited for and will also get
their name out there by far.
The band will also possibly be playing
Warped Tour if fans vote them. They want
to play warped very badly, and believe they
deserve it for all the hard work they put into the
Over the summer they will be going on tour,
possibly to some other states, spreading there
name around and sharing there music. They
progress each month into getting more fans, and
have even been on the radio. They are always
offered great opportunities. More than likely
within the summer they will be playing with
more signed bands.
Looking for a bassist currently, and hoping to
find one soon, the band will take new promos
once a new member is found.
22Minooka strives for the top
Peace Pipe Chatter, May, 17, 2010
All I Do is Win
Chris Evans/
Journalism I
Sixty degrees and rising. The grass is a faded
green; the color is just starting to come back
from a long winter. It’s the kind of day you long
for; you crave it after being cooped up in the
house all winter long. It is a sign that spring is
here, and that summer is fast approaching. This
is the kind of weather for baseball.
“I’m late!” Steve Pullara, senior outfielder
yells to himself as he sprints to catch up with his
teammates whom are getting a quick jog in. He
blends in to the crowd. What the coach doesn’t
know won’t hurt him. They line up across from
each other and get a quick catch in before Coach
Jeff Petrovic calls them in.
“Listen up guys, practice has been good so
far, we’ve had a good attitude, we’ve been
determined and committed to turning this thing
around, take advantage of this nice day we
won’t have too many of them, we want to get
our work in and be ready for the season.” Coach
Petrovic tells his players.
The players split up outfielders begin to field
balls while pitchers and in fielders work on
scooping up grounders and making plays with
their feet. The outfielders and in fielders are split
almost the entire practice until running bases.
The players run around a few times workup
Designed by Chris Evans
Sophomore lefty Josh Jiminez gets ready to fire a fastball. Photo taken
by Chris Evans.
quite a sweat. “I’m chaffing so bad!” said Tyler
Hoeg, senior pitcher on more than one occasion.
Practice went smoothly and ended after a
junior vs. senior suicide squeeze
competition and then bunting
practice. The team got called in
one last time.
“Good job out here today
guys,” began Petrovic “We had
a nice day we took advantage of
it and we’re getting ourselves
ready for the season, good job
we’re going right back at it
The soul reason for practice
is to get ready for games. The
Minooka Indians, already 2-0
on the season at this point with
a 12-0 win against Andrew High
School and a 7-1 win against
Batavia, were getting ready
to play their first home game
Junior shortstop Blaise Grebics srts up in the batters box.
against Providence.
Photo taken by Chris Evans.
It’s a cool
Saturday morning;
the players have to
report to the field
by 9:00, two hours
before the game
starts. Going over the
line-ups, the Indians
are 2-0 and facing
Providence was going to be a challenge,
but certainly one that
they thought they
were ready for.
As time passes
the players become
a bit tenser, they see
the other teams bus
pull in and it is time
to mentally prepare.
You can feel the
change in the atmosphere go from loose
and fun to tense and
serious. The players
take the field for warm-ups
After warm-ups, Blaise Grebic, junior is
ready to take the mound for the first time he is
ready and focused, The game is underway and
it is already off to a rocky start, a few questionable plays in the field left the Indians staggering,
The offensive onslaught and defensive debacles
knocked Grebic out of the game early. “I’m
pitching terribly.” Grebic announced back in the
dugout. “Hey, no worries Blaise.” “Yea man we
can come back.” “Everyone has a bad outing
man.” His teammates consoled him but to no
avail. By the look in his eyes you could tell
that he blamed no one but himself for what had
Grebic had been suffering from a sore arm for
a while, and it was well apparent it had taken its
toll on his pitching performance. Josh Jimenez,
sophomore, was sent in to settle things down.
“He’s nervous as hell.” Mike Melone whispered
to teammate Zach Colvin, both juniors on the
team. Jimenez got his work in with 3 1/3 innings
allowing two runs one earned. He struck out
seven players while walking zero.
The Indians struggled to get things going
offensively resulting from their lowly two hits,
causing the goose egg they laid on the scoreboard. The result was a 10-0 loss to Providence;
the game only lasted six innings due to an IHSA
slaughter rule.
Season Outlook
So what makes this team so good? A 14-4 record through record through their first 18 games
is nothing short of spectacular. Two losses were
routs, however, against Providence and JCA.
Their bats have seemed to be on fire, scoring
runs in the upper singles and double digits in
nine of their games. And with team ace and
MLB hopeful Mike Foltynewicz on the mound
as well as a lot of other capable pitchers in Josh
Jimenez, Spencer Lehman, and Joey Persheythis
team is built to win.
Mike Foltynewicz is 5-0 has pitched 32.1
innings and has a 0.43 ERA with 9 walks and 52
strikeouts. Sophomore lefty Jimenez has sur-
Senior outfielder Adam Kruse runs for a fly
ball. Photo taken by Chris Evans.
prised many with near compatible numbers, 5-0
.99 ERA 34.1 IP 5 walks and 42 strikeouts. The
Indians bats have been exploding; as well the
top hitters are Mike Foltynewicz .426, Blaise
Grebic .423, and Dakota Brown .370
This team has all the pieces they need to bring
home a state title. They dropped a few winnable
games but in the words of Mr. Kevin Murphy
“It’s a marathon, not a sprint.”
Peace Pipe Chatter,May 17, 2010
All I do Is Win
Designed by Nicole Eberhard
Family, on and off the field
By Nicole Eberhard/
Journalism 1
The strength of the wolf is the strength of the
pack and the strength of the pack is strength of
the wolf.
The quote on the back of the softball shirt
means many different things to the teammates
on the freshman softball team. “The quote,
to me means one person’s strengths helps the
ream and the team can’t function without every
player’s strengths,” said Taylor St. Paul, right
The freshman softball team works together
very well. “ The softball team has to work
together because softball is not an individual
sport. We have to pick each other up,” said,
Alysse Bagley ,2nd basemen.
Joking Around
“What’s the point of the Easter Bunny?”
questioned Allie Robinson.
“They lay the eggs for Easter!” answered
Addie Vowels.
“Bunnies don’t lay eggs!” said Christina
“Than dinosaurs do!” said Vowels.
“Chickens do!” said Budd.
“No that’s roosters,” said Robinson.
“Wait the chickens don’t lay eggs?” said
“No they don’t!” said Robinson.
“You guys are so smart!” joked Kennedy
The freshman softball team jokes around
together like a family. The team kids
around at the lock in for all the softball
teams. The team is coming closer
together since they spend a lot of team
together during the week. Freshman
softball has practice 6 days a week
when they do not have games.
The team practices well together,
cheering one another on during drills
while coach Burke hits grounders to
the player who fields the grounder than
throws to first. Every time a girl would
field the grounder and throw to first, a
fellow teammate would encourage them
even if they did badly. When Taylor St.
Paul fielded the ball and threw it to first,
several teammates encouraged her.
Keli Holstine, pitches a great game for the Indians.
Photo courtesy of Joann Eberhard.
First game
Go! Go! Go!
The whole team cheered as
Robinson rounded first base for her
second triple that game. Allie’s triple
brought two girls home to contribute
to the 14 runs Minooka scored against
Naperville North High School.
In the first inning Minooka was
ahead. Scoring for the team was
Christina Budd gets in the ready positon at
third base well the ball is pitched. Photo courtesy of Joann Eberhard.
Robinson, Alysse Bagley, Amanda Barnes and
Kelly Holstine. The team had some first game
jitters. In the 4th inning Naperville scored and
the score was 12-1.
The team got a little nervous even though
they were up 11 runs. They got two more runs
in fourth inning. The game ended in the fifth
inning because Minooka was up over 10 runs.
Bagley said, “Even though the was won
14-1, we still practiced good fundamentals and
character.” The team practices fundamental
drills each practice.
Addie Vowels said, “It was an incredible
first game. We won 14-1 and it really boosted
our confidence for future games.
that next year they will make the Junior varsity
team. Working hard during practices and games
is what the team does best even when losing, the
team still keeps their head up high and do not
lose confidence for future games.
“The team is close, we have fun during
our games and practices, but we take our
performance in games and practices serious,”
said Addie Vowels, left field.
The softball team is very close since they
spend six days a week together including some
team mates who hang out after school and on
weekends. Friendships have also been made
from the softball team St. Paul, said, “ I have
made many friends that I didn’t think I would
ever talk to before the team.”
Over the weeks of practices, games, and bus
rides to games the team has become a family
and work together like that. Kelli Holstine, said
“ We work together like a family.”
“Our team always works together on the
field and of the field, and when we make
mistakes we don’t give up, we just keep
trying,” said Kelsey Smith, catcher.
The softball team practices six days a week
when they don’t have games. The team gets
along very well with each other, joking around
with each other, but being serious when need
be. The freshman softball team do have some
trouble adjusting since they are the freshman The Indians congratulate the opposing team for a
good game.Photo courtesy of Joann Eberhard.
below the other teams, but they are trying
their hardest as the freshman team hoping
Dawning of Lacrosse
Peace Pipe Chatter, May 17, 2010
All I Do Is Win
Samantha Harer/
Journalism 1
Running out on the northern fields of
Central Campus, the MCHS lacrosse teams
practice for their upcoming games.
The team faces many difficulties such as
being run off the fields by the soccer team,
barely being noticed, and funding issues.
Despite the hardships, they still manage to
pull together for the sake of the team to show
that they are just as important as every other
team Minooka has.
What it’s all about
On the outer fields of Marmion Academy
in Aurora, the players on Minooka’s Fresh/
Soph Black team run onto the field with pride.
The players shook hands with the Marmion
Cadets, and then ran off field to celebrate their
11-0 win.
Lacrosse, being one of the newest and least
recognized teams at Minooka, can be one of the
most exciting and entertaining sports to watch.
The entire lacrosse program has more
students participating than most of the spring
sports. They practice every weekday from 5:15
until 7:15 and along with the occasional Saturday practice.
The practices for the team consist of conditioning, running, passing and shooting drills,
and scrimmaging. Off the field, they team can
seem like a bunch of goofballs. Once they step
on the field, they turn into a family.
Vince Glasgow coaches the Fresh/Soph
Black team. He’s more on the calm side when it
comes to coaching. He rarely yells, and makes
the practice fun and intense.
Lacrosse isn’t considered a varsity sport
this year. The coaches, parents, and friends of
the team are fighting for it to be recognized as
something more than a club or an activity.
The boys and girls of the team will be
together until the end of the
school year, wearing their
name in pride and making
what they spend their time on
recognized by the town.
The defensive
With a roaring crowd in
the stands, the Black team
goes against Lincoln-Way East
for their second game of the
Perhaps one of the loudest
groups of the team on the
field is the defense. For them,
being vocal during a game
is extremely important. You
can’t just have all the defensemen running after the ball or
the player with the ball.
The most vocal of the
defense, besides the goalie,
is number 38, Jacob Potts,
sophomore. Even when the
ball is on the other side of the
field he still helps out the attack and midfield, also known
as “middies” with what the
other players are doing.
Sophomore Joe Gulli fixes his lacrosse stick at practice during
“Get the ball! Get the ball
a quick break. Photo taken by Samantha Harer.
you guys! Keep it away from
Designed by Samantha Harer
Engel!” said
For the fall
season, Potts is
on the football
team and in
the winter he
participates in
The goalie,
Matt Engel,
number 37,
sophomore, is
mostly vocal
Sophomore John Fiedler practices his shot aganist goalie Matt Engel.
with the defensive players. Photo taken by Samantha Harer.
When Engel gets
sophomores learn some basic, but necessary
the ball, he has to pass it to the defense so they
can get it up field to an attack or middies. A
McAtee and his friends are usually huddled
wider net easily recognizes the goalie.
talking and discussing different moves and
The defensive players usually carry longer
games. Some of the conversations they have are
poles; it’s easier to scoop the ball and get it
amusing, yet disturbing.
away from the goal.
“Gingers have souls, too!” said Kyle Vertin,
During the game, one of Lincoln-Way’s
sophomore, number 22.
players got their stick knocked out of their hand.
“I wonder if House would sell his soul to
Everyone, even the JV team who sat in the
me,” said McAtee.
stands yelled “yardsale.”
“I would sell my soul for a 1979 Corvette.
“A yardsale is when someone gets their
No lie,” said Erik House, sophomore, number
stick knocked out of their hand. It’s fun to yell
it, they always get mad at us,” said Joe Gulli,
“HOUSE! Can I have your soul for a lolnumber 21, sophomore.
lypop? PLEASE!” said McAtee.
The teams are extremely supportive of each
“Heck yes!” said House.
other. The JV goalie, Alec Alonzo, helps out
They add a lot of fun to the team, and it livEngel and gives him advice. And the other
ens up the practices quite a bit. If it wasn’t for
defensive players help the younger players with
them, the practice would be quiet and drag on.
the basic skills.
Outside of lacrosse, McAtee plays on the
The defense appears to be the backbone of
soccer team for the school. He was part of the
the team. They hold the team together, even in
defense for the 2009 sophomore soccer team.
the hardest times. When the practices get rough,
McAtee is one of the top scorers on the team.
they get keep everyone up. It makes practices
He has a powerful shot that scares most other
more relaxed.
Midfielders like McAtee help bring the team
together. They act more like a family than a
team. “Lacrosse isn’t just a sport, it’s a lifeThe defense is a very important part, but
style,” said McAtee.
they can’t do all of the work. Midfielders, or
middies, are a huge part of the team and bring a
lot to the game.
Many people in Minooka didn’t even know
In the beginning of the game, the faceoff,
there was a lacrosse team. In fact, it isn’t even a
or the fight for the ball, is against two midfieldteam. Lacrosse is still considered a club in the
ers. They can go on either side of the field, with eyes of the school.
some restrictions.
Next year will be a different story. Lacrosse
The main midfielder for the Black team is
will be considered a Varsity sport. After being
Aaron McAtee, number 33 sophomore. Being
unrecognized by the school, they will finally get
one of the more experienced people on the team, some of the spotlight they believe they righthe usually helps the freshmen or some new
fully deserve.
On the offensive
Ignored no longer