Patio and European Collection! - Eason Horticultural Resources
Patio and European Collection! - Eason Horticultural Resources
UNIQUE & DIFFERENT 2015 BOUNTIFUL FARMS PATIO COLLECTION Arches available in: Cedrus atl. ‘Glauca Pendula’ Fagus ‘Purple Fountain’ Prunus ‘Snowfountain’ Thuja o. ‘Emerald Green’ Price: 8’ Arch in Cedar Box = $499 * 2 Boxes are 36” x 21” x 18” each ◄ Fagus ‘Purple Fountain’ Prunus sub. ‘Snowfountain’ Arch (spring) ► Screens Available in: Acer p. ‘Bloodgood’ Acer p. ‘Beni Otake’ Acer p. ‘Osakazuki’ Acer p.d. ‘Seiryu’ Betula ‘Heritage’ Cedrus ‘Glauca Pendula’ Fagus syl. ‘Asplenifolia’ Fagus syl. ‘Rohani’ Ilex ‘Blue Princess’ Juniperus c. ‘Spartan’ Prunus ‘Snowfountain’ Pyracnatha ‘Teton’ Price: 5’ Cedar Box = $199.00 * Box is 27” x 27” x 21” Price: 7’ Cedar Box = $299.00 * Box is 64” x 23” x 18” Cedrus deodora ‘Aurea’ umbrella Umbrellas available in: Acer p.d. ‘Ryusen’ Cedrus deodara ‘Aurea’ Fagus ‘Purple Fountain’ Prunus ‘Snowfountain’ Maple Screens @ local eatery in Oregon! Betula n. ‘Heritage’ Wisteria floribunda Morus alba ‘Chaparrel’ Price: 7-8’ in a Cedar Box = $299 * Box is 27” x 27” x 18” Contact your EHR sales representative or call 800-214-2221 and ask for the Nursery Department to order these exciting new items from Bountiful Farms! TURN CONIFERS INTO CASH!!! EasonHorticulturalResources,Inc. 1‐800‐214‐2221 SCULPTUREDCOLLECTION Picea pungens ‘Baby Blue’ 3-4’ (left); 5-6’ (right) EHRDirectAccess—TheBestOn‐Line OrderingSysteminHorticulture Gotoourwebsite,,to indoutthe bene itsofEHRDirectAccessandhowyoucansign upforFREE! TheSculpturedCollectionisaspecialtyseriesof plantsthatfeaturebeautifulplantmaterial coupledwithartisticdesign.Oursculptured plantsarecarefullyformedintoavarietyof shapesthatadddistinctionandinteresttoyour landscapesetting.Choosefromawideselection ofanimals,letters,structures,andmore. Customsculpturescanbeorderedaswell. Need Maples? Acer p.d. ‘Crimson Queen’ #10PNP STD - 24-30” #3upto#25PNPspecimens BBupto3”caliper 25+varietiestochoosefrom Acer pal. ‘Bloodgood’ #20 PNP 2” caliper WHYBOUNTIFULFARMS? Over100acresofPot‐N‐Potproduction Allowsforyearroundshipping Over200acresofB&Bproduction Attentiontodetail Computercontrolledfertilizationforoptimumgrowth BringingNewProducts&ConceptstoMarket FamilyOwned‐ThreeGenerations Thuja occ. ‘North Pole’ #10 PNP - 4-5’ Pinus strobus ‘Fastigiata’ 4-5’ Cercis c. ‘Rising Sun’ #10 PNP EasonHorticulturalResources,Inc. 1‐800‐214‐2221
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