5 - First United Methodist Church of La Grange


5 - First United Methodist Church of La Grange
La Grange First United Methodist Church
P.O. Box 89 1215 Von Minden Road
La Grange, Texas 78945
J. Paul Bruhn
Lead Pastor
Jennifer Purdy
Associate Pastor
Non-Profit Organization
U. S. Postage Paid
La Grange TX 78945
Permit No. 52
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Time dated material.
Please deliver
as soon as possible.
July Lightshine
Nancy Hajek
Director of Classical Church Music
Marsha Pyle
Office Manager/Financial Secretary
Changed by the Never-Changing GOD!
SHALOM Dear Friends in Christ!
Second Chance Pack Day is August 3 and LGFUMC work week is August 11-15.
We know it is still brutally hot outside but Fall will soon be here and that means the smoker will be fired up to feed the
hungry antiquers at Blue Hills from September 19 to October 3. Volunteer Spot will be activated on August 22 so you
can sign up for the day(s) you want to join in on the fun and help out.
Look for more info in the September Lightshine.
Dr. Terry Teykl has years of experience when it comes to ushering people into a closer relationship with GOD. Thousands of Christians
have encountered a more fruitful prayer life. With his book “My Healing Devotional — 40 Days to Pray for Wholeness” Dr.
Teykl invites us to put our faith into practice that salvation — in Greek sozo — encompasses restoration and wholeness of
spirit, soul, and body. Join us for an exciting day of exploring healing for our time with Dr. Terry Teykl on August 22,2015.
A registration form is included in this newsletter and we now have ONLINE registration available.
The Early Birl Special is valid until August 10,2015.
Don’t Forget 5th Sunday Brunch on August 30,2015.
Bring a “brunchy” dish to share with your church family!
After years I finally got ready to enjoy my new car. The old one had served me well, but it was time. As I settled in behind the new
steering wheel I encountered an unexpected obstacle, the gear shifter was in a different place and played havoc with my muscle memory.
In my old car the shifter had been connected to the floor, in the new vehicle it protruded from the dashboard. Since both cars were automatic it did not cause concern or the danger for an accident, but there were moments in the driveway where I wanted to put the car in reverse
and got hold of my coffee cup instead. Over the next couple of weeks I finally adjusted.
Romans 12:1-2 reminds us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and LORD
we become a new creation, the old has passed away, however our mind is not simply wiped clean, but we will learn how to implement godly ways into our life. The Holy Spirit is given to all believers to teach us in all things and bring to our remembrance all that Jesus Christ had
said (John 14:26). We must change our thought patterns if we want to change our life. By the way that was one of the reasons for John
Wesley to introduce small groups to the Methodist movement. Believers encouraging one another in their pursuit of holiness.
Theologian Albert Outler extracted a theological model from John Wesley’s writings, the Wesleyan Quadrilateral. He observed that
the four standards in the theology of the founder of Methodism were Scripture, reason, tradition, and experience, with Scripture being the
“first among equals”. We need all four, but everything is measured against Scripture, the ultimate authority for every believer in the JudeoChristian community. If you really want to fall in love with GOD’s Words ask the Holy Spirit to take you on a journey through the Old and
New Testament.
Studying GOD’s Word we often realize that we have a warped perception of what Scripture teaches. “Being in Seventh heaven” is
not based on biblical teaching, but Islamic theology. World views, standards, convictions are formed by many sources, and not all of them
have the Word of GOD as their source.
GOD has given us authority to adjust our mind and to fill it with godly principles, concepts, and standards (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).
This is actually the only way to become an effective disciple of Jesus Christ. We want to explore together what the Word of GOD has to say
about healing. GOD’s desire for us is to live whole and complete in all areas of our life. Spirit – with communion, conscience, and intuition –
soul – with mind, will, and emotion – and body – with skeleton, nervous systems, and organs – are intended by GOD to be restored to
health and wholeness in the same way as Jesus died to restore our relationship with our heavenly Father at the cross of Calvary.
It is said that one needs 42 days to develop a new habit. So we are asking you to join us for a 40 day adventure. On August 22
Reverend Dr. Terry Teykl will lead a workshop at our church introducing his devotional “My Healing”. As we are introduced to scriptural
principles of healing and wholeness we will have the chance to renew our mind over the following 40 days by using his devotional to guide
us into a deeper walk with Jesus and a better understanding of healing.
You can sign up on our web-site www.lgfumc.org or fill out one of the flyers and send them in to our church office. Looking forward to see
you on August 22.
In CHRIST’s Unfailing Love,
Pastor J. Paul <><
Choir Notes by Nancy Hajek
Musical greetings! WOW!! August is here!! Is anyone else thinking how it got here so soon?
If you happen to glance over at the handbell storage cabinet and notice the bells not there, don’t panic. I’ve taken them to Kerrville to be serviced so that they are sounding in tune and balanced and will look shiny and new once again. They should be
ready in about six weeks.
Chancel Choir will begin August 26 at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. We will be having a kick-off social gathering the week of August 16 – 22, so if you’ve ever thought about joining the choir, join us for that event – details will be coming via the announcements in the bulletin, so be looking for that.
Glory Tones will resume rehearsals Wednesday, September 9 at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Our newly serviced bells
should be back, I’ve organized all of our new music to ring, and we should be ready to go. I can’t wait.
I’m looking to start a new handbell class for beginner adults this fall. Please let me know if you are interested – we would ring
when we get a piece ready. Call the church office so I can get a list of folks together, then we can meet and discuss the best
time to get together for practices. It’s really not as hard as it looks!
Soli Deo Gloria!
La Grange, TX 78945
P.O. Box 89
of La Grange First United Methodist
Revival Discernment Committee
What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8, NRSV)
Jenna Purdy
(830) 837-6393
Name 3:
Name 2:
I can't believe that I've already finished my first month as an associate pastor! The time has gone by so quickly, especially during my week working with the youth at UM ARMY. The days were long. The heat was brutal. The work was hard. And I loved
every minute of it! It's always an amazing sight to see so many youth who are on fire for God and you know what? I think Katniss was right when she said fire is catching! The youth of our church came back with a passion for mission work and a desire
to do something for our community, and it is my hope that together as a church we can keep this fire going!
To that end, I would like to invite you to our church-wide brainstorming session, which will be on Sunday, August 9 at
5 PM. We will be coming up with ideas for youth-led, church-supported mission projects right here in our community. I'm asking
for your help because I just got here and I don't know what our community needs, but I'm hoping that maybe you do! I need all
the eyes and ears I can get! If you can make it o the brainstorming session, then please come! And, in the meantime, be on the
lookout for any opportunities where we can be the hands and feet of Christ in the world. John Wesley once said, "Light yourself
on fire with passion and people will come from miles to watch you burn." So, let's catch on fire!
We will also be having a UMYF parent’s meeting on August 30, 2015 @ 5pm.
Name 1:
Jenna’s Corner
Contact Bill Koenig (966-7079) or Pastor J Paul at church.
Name 3:
$4,000 to a church member
Name 2:
NADA Blue Book Value = $5,000
Name 1:
A/C, power windows and locks.
new battery, tires, current inspection and registration
“Healing & Wholeness Conference”
(Please Print)
Church Van, 2000 Dodge Van, 12 passenger, 79,000 miles
Application for
The Conference on Healing & Wholeness will
be held at La Grange First United Methodist
Church, located 1215 N. Von Minden Street,
La Grange, TX 78945.
The host pastor Rev. J. Paul Bruhn can be
reached under (979) 968-8323, ext. 11.
Dr. Teykl holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from
Sam Houston State University where he graduated summa
cum laud. He earned his Master of Theology at Perkins
School of Theology at Southern Methodist University. He
earned his Doctorate of Ministry with honors from Oral Roberts
University. He and his wife Kathleen live in Houston, Texas
and they have, 2 grown sons , 2 grown daughters and several
beautiful grandchildren.
Dr. Teykl has authored several books, including Pray the
Price, Blueprint for the House of Prayer, Acts:29, Preyed on or
Prayed For, Making Room to Pray, How to Pray After You’ve
Kicked the Dog, Outside the Camp and The Presence Based
Church. The central purpose of Dr. Teykl’s writings is to teach
people to pray and worship with power and confidence so that
they might win this generation to Christ.
Because Dr. Teykl pastored several small, rural churches before starting Aldersgate United Methodist Church, he
writes and speaks practical and specific help for the local
church in their efforts to win the lost. He has a burden to
produce quality prayer and church growth resources that teach
people how to pray with purpose and understanding, and how
to invite GOD into their midst. Out of this burden have come
many resources to guide people as they pray.
Since 1980, Dr. Teykl has been actively teaching and
preaching on one topic – mobilizing the local church to pray
and win the lost. Having begun a church with only eight people who were committed to prayer, Aldersgate United Methodist church grew to a membership of over 1,000 in 5 years. He
firmly believes in prayer-evangelism as a lost practice, yet
working principle for church growth. His first book, Pray and
Grow, along with its companion, Personal Prayer-Evangelism
Guide, speaks about this theme and he has conducted hundreds of seminars and workshops on the topic.
Dr. Terry Teykl
Second Session
10:30 to 11:50 am
12:00 to 12:45 pm
1:30 pm Time of worship, prayer, and
healing in the sanctuary
10:20 to 10:30 am
1:00 to 1:30 pm
First Session
9:00 to 10:20 am
8:30 a.m.
Join us for an exciting day with
Dr. Terry Teykl, exploring healing for our time.
Dr. Terry Teykl has years of experience when it comes to ushering people into a closer relationship with GOD. Thousands of
Christians have encountered a
more fruitful prayer life. With
his book “My Healing Devotional
— 40 Days to Pray for Wholeness”
Dr. Teykl invites us to put our
faith into practice that salvation
— in Greek sozo — encompasses
restoration and wholeness of
spirit, soul, and body.
Childcare is provided for children up
to the age of 6 years.
Please join us for the 9:00 a.m. Traditional service, or our 11:10 a.m. New
Life Service.
Dr. Terry Teykl will also deliver the
messages in our Sunday morning
services on Sunday, August 23, 2015.
Include your check for the full amount of your
application and mark it “Healing & Wholeness
Mail the filled out application to First United
Methodist Church, P.O. Box 89, La Grange, TX
Childcare $15.00 per child
$30.00 per individual (no couple’s discount)
After August 10, 2015
$15.00 per child (up to 12 years of age)
$45.00 per couple
$25.00 per individual
(Postmarked before August 10. 2015)
Early Bird Special
The price for this event includes teaching material and
Fees & Application
Expressions of Thanks
"The Muldoon Methodist Church would like to say thank you and express our appreciation and support from
the FUMC, and especially from the New Covenant class and all other members who have joined us for worship and supported us in prayer. You have been a beacon of hope in a sea of uncertainty. Your support is
helping breathing new life into an otherwise dying church. We would like to remind all that we are having
fellowship (some sort of food and fun) starting between 6pm and 6:30pm, followed by worship at 7:30pm on
Saturday evenings. We welcome all to come join us..
-Ronnie Ray
“My family and I would like to thank all of you who were so supportive during Charles’ illness and his
passing on to his reward with his heavenly Father. Your prayers, cards, food, calls and visits during the
many months meant so much to Charles. A special appreciation to Pastor J. Paul who was always close
by. Charles was humbled and grateful that his friends in Christ cared so very much about both of us.”
-Pat Schmidt
Fayette County Habitat for Humanity update
Construction for house #5 is getting ready to start this month with the foundation preparation at the site in Schulenburg. The family is excited and have already started working on their "sweat equity" tasks as required by Habitat's
guidelines. To volunteer please contact Megan Semora at meagan.semora2013@gmail.com or call her at (979) 733-6731.
It is sad to report that the home owner of house #4 passed away last week. Please keep the family of Christina Harris
in your prayers.
August Birthdays
Ann Baker 8/11
Corey Golan 8/12
Charles Katz 8/8
Shelby Scallan 8/30
Jon Ballard 8/21
Scott Gronewald 8/12
Betty Keeney 8/18
Greg Schielack 8/13
Megan Barta 8/20
Bobby Hajek 8/6
Anita Kelly 8/11
Ricky Schielack 8/29
Colin Basquette 8/7
Michael Hall 8/30
Madison Lambert 8/28
Dillan Schlabach 8/23
Katie Boenker 8/11
Ellen Hardin 8/27
Cheryl Lehane 8/13
Pat Schmidt 8/10
Beatrice Burton 8/14
Mary Ann Hatfield 8/17
Jean McHenry 8/24
Michele Schramm 8/10
Georgia Burton 8/14
Mel Hazlewood 8/13
Virginia Moore 8/11
Dick Smith 8/27
Tom Buscher 8/25
Jerry Hess 8/11
Kenneth Newsome 8/30
Dan Teas 8/21
Mike Carmack 8/12
Patsy Hess 8/27
Pam Nolen 8/23
Dillon Van Dresar 8/23
Donella Cernosek 8/21
Orvel Hill 8/5
Jim Otto 8/13
Krystal Van Dresar 8/8
Destini Cook 8/4
Reese Holt 8/29
David Pace 8/17
Ashlyn Walker 8/21
Larry Fleck 8/7
Caramel Homer 8/24
Bill Pieratt 8/27
Aubrey Wallace 8/22
Rickey Fleck 8/11
James Kahlden 8/23
Seth Rainey 8/8
Boyd Weems 8/15
Rickie Fleck 8/30
Kolby Karstedt 8/12
Nell Richards 8/3
Devin Zapata 8/9
Elizabeth Zatopek 8/18
August Anniversaries
Richard & Patricia Ingalls 8/1
Patrick & Kathleen Wilder 8/6
Larry & Carroll Russell 8/16
Kenneth & Pauline Newsome 8/2
Paul & Jeannette Faist 8/8
Tim & Amy Evans 8/18
Mark & Annette Cooper 8/4
Bob & Glenna Laffey 8/13
Bill & Margie Hill 8/22
Mike & Bridget Rainey 8/6
Jerry & Patsy Hess 8/15
Rex & Vanessa Griffith 8/27
August 2015
10:00 am Memorial Service
for Diane Haggerty
5:00 pm Life Song
7:00 am EMMAUS Men’s Meeting
5:00 pm Prayer Group in Parlor
8:30 am CenTex Head Start F/H
8:30 am CenTex Head Start F/H
8:30 am CenTex Head Start F/H
9:00 am Sages & Saints
10:00 am Revival Group - Sanct
11:30 am Worship Team - C/R
5:00 pm Weight Watchers- F/H
8:30 am CenTex Head Start F/H
5:00 pm Life Song
7:00 am EMMAUS Men’s Meeting
5:00 pm Prayer Group in Parlor
6:00 pm Habitat Meeting C/R
9:00 am Traditional Service
10:10 am Sunday School
11:10 am New Life Service
5:00 pm Bible Study & UMYF
**Please bring a snack or drink item
for Social Hour between services!**
10:00 am Revival Group - Sanct
11:30 am Worship Team - C/R
5:00 pm Weight Watchers- F/H
6:30 pm Aggie Moms F/h
5:00 pm Life Song
7:00 am EMMAUS Men’s Meeting
5:00 pm Prayer Group in Parlor
6:00 pm Mid Week Service
8:30 am CenTex Head Start F/H
5:00 pm Trustee Meeting C/R
6:30 pm UMMEN Meeting F/H
8:30 am CenTex Head Start F/H
6:00-10:00 pm Terry Teykl
Sanct & F/H
8:00 am Terry Teykl
Sanct & F/H
10:00 am Revival Group - Sanct
11:30 am Worship Team - C/R
5:00 pm Weight Watchers- F/H
5:00 pm Life Song
7:00 am EMMAUS Men’s Meeting
5:00 pm Prayer Group in Parlor
6:00 pm Mid Week Service
9:00 am Traditional Service
10:10 am Sunday School
11:10 am New Life Service
5:00 pm Bible Study & UMYF
6:00 pm Healing Service
**Please bring a snack or drink item
for Social Hour between services!**
9:00 am Traditional Service
10:10 am Sunday School
11:10 am New Life Service
5:00 pm Bible Study & UMYF
**Please bring a snack or drink item
for Social Hour between services!**
9:00 am Traditional Service
10:10 am Sunday School
11:10 am New Life Service
5:00 pm Bible Study & UMYF
3:30 pm Care Inn/4:15 pm MH
**Please bring a snack or drink item
for Social Hour between services!**
9:00 am Traditional Service
5th Sunday Brunch**
11:10 am New Life Service
5:00 pm Bible Study & UMYF
**Please bring a brunchy food or
drink item for Sunday Brunch!**
10:00 am Revival Group - Sanct
11:30 am Worship Team - C/R
5:00 pm Weight Watchers- F/H
10:00 am Revival Group - Sanct
11:30 am Worship Team - C/R
5:00 pm Weight Watchers- F/H
August Anniversaries
9:00 am Lay Servant Committee
4:00 pm AA - F/H