Spearfish native always wanted to be an officer Festival in the Park
Spearfish native always wanted to be an officer Festival in the Park
PIONEER BLACK HILLS 1"2"33"456 4781973: Sunny 89 º PIONEERING THE NEWS SINCE 1876 Saturday, July 18, 2009 • !"#$ 134 )"$ 33 Accused murderer appears in court for motions hearing !" .M" #/(43T Blac% 'ill) Pioneer DEADWOOD * Accused murderer Shane Bell appeared before Fourth Circuit Court Judge Randall Macy for a motions hearing Friday morning at the Lawrence County Court House. Judge Macy granted all of BelleMs defense attorneys, Eric Whitcher and Joseph CosellMs, reZuests to seek discovery, including hospital records, autopsy reports, police field reports, photos and videos of the victims, victimsM possessions and crime scene, bench notes, and other pieces of possible evidence. The defense also reZuested copies of criminal background tests from all witnesses. A firearmMs traKectory report has been completed, but the state as well as defense is waiting for a ballistics testing report to be completed. BellMs defense attorneys ■ Nauman family proud of son’s military accomplishments, pray for safe return from Iraq See BELL — Page 30 Planning begins for new Spearfish school !" M./, #.T01N Blac% 'ill) Pioneer 3=>?n 9ennen =@ ABen,=eC 2Dnn$ EFnG0 EuIIDnG>DJK @eeKeJ0 F/ EeJ /en/C AuBB <0BFnK LJF@/0IenC F/ /Ee 32nK FnnuFB Ne0/DOFB Dn /Ee PFJQ$ Pioneer photo by Jill Broecher SPEARFISH * Spearfish resident Sandy Nauman still remembers her son, Scott, planning the GI Joe battles in the backyard with his brother. Her son, Nauman said, would spend the entire afternoon meticulously planning SPEARFISH * The planning process for a new elementary school in Spearfish has begun. The Spearfish School Board approved an architect and engineer contract with Williams and Associates for planning the construction of the new school that is slated to be constructed on the recently purchased Meier property adKacent to the post office. LItMs Kust a way for us to begin the process N to look at the site and to work with the staff and community with the programming,O said Steve Williams who is SPEARFISH * The P2nd annual Festival in the Park opened for preview night Friday, from 4-8 p.m. Those who attended enKoyed the music of the Abbey Road Band while they browsed arts and crafts vendors. This year there are 18P arts and crafts vendors and 25 food vendors for patrons to shop at. Local artists are painting in the childrenMs tent and people are welcome to stop by to talk with them and learn a little bit more about how they work. See OFFICER — Page 3 See SCHOOL — Page 30 See FESTIVAL — Page 30 !" #$N&" P(T*(C, Blac% 'ill) Pioneer 8 ; ! 7 3 1 < 6 7 2 7 ) 1 Festival in the Park kicks off also reZuested a date be set for an additional motions hearing. Bell is accused of the Dec. 21, 2008 fatal shooting of his girlfriend Bobbi Anderson, (formerly McClure), and shooting and inKuring BobbiMs sister, Tammy Anderson. Belle allegedly shot the two sisters in Room 102 of the Spearfish Travel Lodge with a Marlin .22 caliber riffle. Bell was arrested on Dec. 21 after asking a Spearfish resident for shelter from the cold. Bell was treated for hypothermia at Spearfish Regional Hospital before being taken into custody at the Lawrence County Jail. During the hearing, Lawrence County States Attorney John Fit^gerald also brought an additional charge of commission of a felony while in possession of a firearm. Fit^gerald e_plained Spearfish native always wanted to be an officer Maj. Scott Nauman *0 ,en/0 www.bhpioneer.com !" J(** !/1$C3$/ Blac% 'ill) Pioneer BH PIONEER LOCAL SCENE Page 2 Saturday, July 18, 2009 BF board members honored for their service BY BRANDON BENNETT !lack Hills *ioneer BELLE [%KRCHE ' Two outgoing members of the Belle [ourche school board were recognized for their years of service to education at MondayRs meeting. Oellie Pummel and Jim Poitra were each presented with plaQues that honored their eight years on the board, from HIIS to HII_. J$e appreciate all theyRve done for the students of Belle [ourche and want to than4 them for all theyRve done as they leave,N said Belle [ourche School Board president Bev Ban4s. As she was leaving, Pummel challenged the board to Jthin4 about the 4ids in each and every decision you ma4e. Thin4 about the 4ids,N she said. :e''e ?%u./,e @/,%%' :%a.d 3.es)A den+ :eB :an*s, %u+g%)ng <%a.d 1e1<e. De'')e Pu11e', @u3e.)n+enden+ @+eBe W)''a.d and %u+g%)ng <%a.d 1e1<e. J)1 P%)+.a $e.e a'' ,%n%.ed 7%. +,e). se.B)/e F%nday5 Pioneer photo by Brandon Bennett Adams Museum & House educational offerings for children fill up fast We Salute You! We $%u'd ')*e +% ,%n%. %u. '%/a' 1)')+a.y 3e.s%nne'5 Send Us Your PhotosK We will print photos of your family members or friends who are in the military. news@bhpioneer.com ! INDEX LOCAL OBITUARIES STATE MOVIE LISTING EDITORIAL/OPINION TV SCHEDULES COMICS LEGALS/CLASSIFIEDS COMMUNITY SPORTS WEATHER ! 2&3 4 5 5 6 11 12&13 14-22 23-25 26-29 30 Black Hills Pioneer /ISSN 1051-51789 is published daily e@cept Sundays and holidays /New Year’s Day, Christmas Day, Thanksgiving, Labor Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day9, for a mail subscription rate of O1P0.00 per year in county only by Seaton Publishing Co., Inc., 31P Seaton Circle, Spearfish, SD P77S3. Periodical postage paid at Spearfish, SD P77S3. POSTMASTERX Send address changes to Black Hills Pioneer, PO Bo@ 7, Spearfish, SD P77S3. BY YACI CONRAD PEARSON !lack Hills *ioneer DEAD$%%D ' Historically spea4ing, it may be one of the fastest class fill-ups on record at the Adams Museum @ House. Building on the success of the highly attended Archaeology Camp, Adams Museum @ House Educator Anne Rogers dug up another idea to 4eep area 4ids historically educated this summer and the brand-new History Camp offering she eFcavated and eFhumed filled up with nearly HI students in two days. JKnder the leadership of our educator Anne Rogers, educational programming for children has become wildly popular. The wor4shops, snoozeums, and camps fill up immediately,N said Adams Museum @ House EFecutive Director Mary Oopco. JPt has impressed upon us how vitally important our Quality educational programs are to our community. $e will continue to eFpand our offerings and really loo4 forward to the day when weRll be able to use the classroom space at the Homesta4e Adams Research and Cultural Center.N Adams officials initially planned to limit enrollment to ST 4ids, but added five more spaces because of the high demand. They are ta4ing a waiting list in the event someone cancels. JUauging by the interest weRre seeing, we will continue to build our childrenRs programming,N Rogers said. J$hat weRre finding is that interest in educational opportunities for children is through the roof. Most of our classes fill up before theyRre even advertised, as is the case with History Camp. Pt filled up in two days,N Rogers said. History Camp will focus 4idsR attention on a specific historical area of interest each day of the five-day camp, coming up Aug. SI-SV. Monday is Deadwood Day, focusing on the Adams Museum @ House eFhibits, offerings and DeadwoodRs historyW Tuesday is Xatural History Day, to be presented in conYunction with South Da4ota Uame, [ish @ Par4sW $ednesday is Archaeology Day with Laura [loydW Thursday is See EDUCATIONAL — Page 31 Outdoor photo of the day 6e++) 6)s+e. +%%* +,)s 3)/+u.e %7 a 8.)99'y :ea. )n +,e 1%.n)ng '%%*)ng +,.%ug, <u.n+ +)1<e. a+ =e''%$s+%ne Pa.*5 Send us your outdoor photo! Jpeg format, e-mail to: happenings@bhpioneer.com BH PIONEER LOCAL SCENE !a#urday, Ju*y 1-, 2009 Page 4 Spearfish man helping make a difference in Iraq !" #$%& '()*P !e#r%nted *%t+ #er,%--%.n /r., t+e 0er1ed Sun4Star 6d%t.r7- 8.te9 :+e /.;;.*%ng %- an a11.unt a=.ut a S#ear/%-+ nat%>e *+. %1urrent;y -er>%ng %n @ag+dad, *r%tten =y Ba;%/.rn%a re#.rter 0%Ce :+ar#, *+. %1urrent;y e,=edded *%t+ t+e un%tD BAGHDAD ] Fr*> S.ear8/sh, Ma3*r S0*!! Nau>an, !he 36-year-*'d *.era!/*ns *88/0er *8 !he 1s! Ba!!a'/*n, 18!h In8an!ry, 2nd Br/gade, 1s! In8an!ry D/-/s/*n, has %een /ns!ru>en!a' /n >a1/ng sure !he hand*-er *8 se0ur/!yF s*-ere/gn!y !* !he IraI/s Ken! s>**!h'y /n h/s 0*rner *8 !he Kar9 The Vanguard Ba!!a'/*n, as /!Ns n/01na>ed, has %een .a!r*''/ng n*r!hKes! Baghdad s/n0e /! 'anded /n IraI 'as! O0!*%er 8r*> F*r! R/'ey, Kan9 The *u!8/!F a's* has %een %usy .'ann/ng, /8 n*! /!s *Kn *%s*'es0en0e /n !he Kar, 0'ear'y a >u0h s>a''er r*'e /n /!9 On May 15, 8*r eaa>.'e, !he %a!!a'/*n 0hanged /!s >/ss/*n s!a!e>en! 8r*> b0*n!r*', 8*''*K and su..*r!b !he IraI/s !* 3us! .'a/n b8*''*K and su..*r!9b Nau>an has %een *ne *8 !he .r/>ary .'anners9 A Wes! P*/n! gradua!e, !he 58**!-9-/n0h %'*nd 0*>es a0r*ss >*re as a 0*''ege !enn/s 0*a0h !han a Karr/*r9 Bu! 3us! as1 !he 11 A>er/0ans de!a0hed !* Nau>anNs un/! Kh* Ken! >/ss/ng 8*r a d*[en h*urs a%*u! !he rear-0heK/ng !hey g*! Khen !hey 8/na''y re.*r!ed /n !* h/> a! 3 a9>9, s*>e!h/ng !hey sh*u'd ha-e d*ne '*ng %e8*re a Baghdad-K/de APB Kas near'y /ssued9 I!Ns K/!h IraI/s !ha! Nau>an sh/nes9 The s*8!-s.*1en *88/0er has ea!en shee.Ns %ra/ns, %*/'ed 8*r 12 h*urs !hen s0**.ed *u! *8 !he head, K/!h h/s IraI/ 0*un!er.ar!s9 HeNs ./01ed !hr*ugh !he 0ar!/'age *8 0ar. 0augh! near a raK seKage d/s0harge ./.e /n !he T/gr/s R/-er9 HeNs drun1 !h*usands *8 0u.s *8 0ha/ !ea, K/!h a Iuar!er-/n0h *8 sugar a! !he %*!!*> *8 a !K*-/n0h 0u.9 A'' !he Kh/'e, Nau>an has %u/'! h/s 0red/%/'/!y K/!h !he IraI/ ar>y *88/0ers n*K /n 0harge *8 !he/r na!/*nNs se0ur/!y9 The >a3*rNs >an!ra !* !he>c WeNre 3us! a rad/* 0a'' aKay9 When an IraI/ ar>y *r na!/*na' .*'/0e un/! ge!s /n !r*u%'e, !he A>er/0ans 0an %e *n !he s0ene 8as! K/!h sn/88er d*gs, an un>anned sur-e/''an0e 8'y/ng >a0h/ne *r a he'/0*.!er gunsh/.9 I8, as Na.*'e*n sa/d, an ar>y >ar0hes *n /!s s!*>a0h, /n !he 21s! 0en!ury, /! 8/gh!s K/!h /n8*r>a!/*n9 Nau>anNs !a'en! '/es /n 0r*ss-.*''/na!/ng rea'-!/>e /n8*r>a!/*n and .r*%a%'e s0enar/*s a>*ng U9S9 and IraI/ 8*r0es9 And h*K K/'' !he IraI/s d* K/!h !h/s >/'/!ary Ons!ar 0a.a%/'/!yd Says Nau>anc bIN> .re!!y 0*n8/den! !hey 0an hand'e /!9b OFFICER 56n#inued 9r6: Page 1 !he %a!!'es, *n'y !* ha-e !* ./01 u. a'' !he !*ys 3us! as he had h/s !r**.s .*s/!/*ned, s* he 0*u'd g* /n!* !he h*use 8*r d/nner9 A'' *8 !ha! .'ann/ng .a/d *88, and !*day Ma3*r S0*!! Nau>an, a gradua!e *8 Wes! P*/n! A0ade>y, /s !he %a!!a'/*n .'ann/ng and *.era!/*ns *88/0er 8*r !he 1s! Ba!!a'/*n, 18!h In8an!ry, 2nd Br/gade, 1s! In8an!ryF D/-/s/*n9 On h/s se0*nd !*ur *8 IraI, S0*!! /s res.*ns/%'e 8*r .'ann/ng e-ery!h/ng !ha! /n-*'-es >*-/ng !he !r**.s and eIu/.>en!, .'ann/ng 0*>%a!, and day!*-day *.era!/*ns /n !he 8/e'd9 Re0en!'y, !he Nau>ans Kere sur.r/sed !* 8/nd Inde.enden0e Day >ar1ed K/!h an e->a/' 8r*> !he/r s*n, 8ea!ur/ng an ar!/0'e Kr/!!en %y Ca'/8*rn/a re.*r!er M/1e Thar., Kh* /s e>%edded K/!h S0*!!Ns un/!9 OI !h*ugh! /! Kas -ery g**d,P Ern/e Nau>an sa/d9 OI! rea''y d/d a g**d 3*% *8 .*r!ray/ng *ur s*n9 He !a1es h/s 3*% -ery ser/*us'y and any!h/ng and e-ery!h/ng !ha! he d*es he d*es /! !* !he %es! *8 h/s a%/'/!y, a'' !he !/>e9P Fr*> a -ery ear'y age !he Nau>ans sa/d !he/r s*n has %een .'ann/ng h/s 0areer /n !he >/'/!ary9 When he Kas s!/'' a s!uden! a! S.ear8/sh M/dd'e S0h**', !hey sa/d he ann*un0ed a! !he d/nner !a%'e !ha! he K*u'd a!!end e/!her Wes! P*/n! A0ade>y *r !he A/r F*r0e A0ade>y, and >a1e a 0areer as an *88/0er /n !he >/'/!ary9 OI sa/d NS0*!!, y*uNre a '*! s>ar!er !han !ha!9 Y*u d*nN! need !* %e /n !he >/'/!ary9N Bu! he a0!/-e'y .ursued g*/ng /n!* *ne *8 !he ser-/0e a0ade>/es 8r*> !he !/>e he Kas a s*.h*>*re /n h/gh s0h**'9 He K*r1ed K/!h h/s gu/dan0e 0*unse'*r here /n S.ear8/sh and he s!e.-%ys!e., -ery >e!h*d/0a''y >ade sure !ha! he had a'' *8 !he 0*urses /n h/gh s0h**' !ha! he needed !* .re.are h/> 8*r g*/ng !* *ne *8 !he a0ade>/es9 Then he s!ar!ed !he a..'/0a!/*n .r*0ess as Iu/01'y as !hey a''*K, Kh/0h /s %e!Keen !he s*.h*>*re and 3un/*r year9P S0*!! Nau>an Kas 'a!er n*>/na!ed 8*r !he A/r F*r0e A0ade>y %y Sen9 Larry Press'er, and n*>/na!ed !* Wes! P*/n! %y Sen9 T*> Das0h'e9 He se'e0!ed Wes! P*/n!, and *n June 3, 1995 s!ar!ed ser-/ng *n a0!/-e du!y K/!h !he U9S9 Ar>y9 Th*ugh !hey are -ery .r*ud *8 !he/r s*n, Sandy Nau>an sa/d she !r/es n*! !* !h/n1 a%*u! h/s !*ur /n IraI9 OAs a >*!her, I !ry n*! !* !h/n1 a%*u! /!,P she sa/d9 OI !ry !* 1ee. %usy9 I !ry n*! !* 8*0us !** >u0h *n Kha! /s g*/ng *n /n !he neKs and I .ray a '*!9P C*n-erse'y, Ern/e Nau>an sa/d he !h/n1s a%*u! h/s s*n a'' !he !/>e9 OWha!Ns g*/ng *n *-er !here /s g*/ng *n and y*u 3us! h*.e and .ray 8*r h/s sa8e!y and gu/dan0e,P he sa/d9 B*!h agreed !ha! !hey d* n*! .ay >u0h a!!en!/*n !* !he head'/nes !ha! genera''y 0*>e 8r*> !he Kar [*ne, .re8err/ng /ns!ead !* re'y *n /n8*r>a!/*n 8r*> !he/r s*n9 OFr*> !he /n8*r>a!/*n Ke ge! 8r*> *ur s*n !h/ngs are a '*! >*re .*s/!/-e !han Kha! !he neKs .*r!rays %e0ause .*s/!/-e !h/ngs d*nN! >a1e neKs and d*nN! se'',P Sandy sa/d9 O-era'', !he Nau>ans sa/d !hey are -ery .r*ud *8 !he/r s*n, and !hey .ray 8*r h/s sa8e re!urn9 Ma#o% '(o)) *au,an, /%o, '0ea%/234, 0o3e3 2n /%on) o/ )4e T2g%23 R28e% 92)4 one o/ )4e ,any I%a<23 4e 9o%=3 92)4 2n >ag4dad@ Courtesy photo Nary fills empty seat on BF school board !" !*),-., !&,,&'' @;a1C I%;;- P%.neer BELLE FOURCHE ] S0h**' %*ard >e>%er T*> Nary has a00e.!ed !he sea! !ha! Kas -a0a!ed %y 8*r>er Tr/-S!a!e Musue> D/re0!*r J*rdan W/'>s a8!er he a00e.!ed a .*s/!/*n /n M/nnes*!a and 0*u'dnN! 8u'8/'' h/s *%'/ga!/*ns9 Nary Kas n*>/na!ed !* 8/'' !he .*s/!/*n a! !he s0h**' %*ard >ee!/ng M*nday e-en/ng9 H/s n*>/na!/*n Kas a..r*-ed and he Kas sK*rn /n K/!h neK >e>%ers N/!a Jus!/0e and Sue Wh/!>an9 OI had *r/g/na''y /n!ended n*! !* run 8*r re-e'e0!/*n %a01 ar*und Chr/s!>as!/>e9 Bu! !ha! Kas %e8*re Ke had s*>e >a3*r !urn*-ers K/!h *ur ad>/n/s!ra!*rs,P sa/d Nary9 OThe su.er/n!enden! re!/red, and Mr9 W/''ard Kas !he h/gh s0h**' .r/n0/.a' and Kas se'e0!ed !* %e !he neK su.er/n!enden!9 Ms9 WagnerNs res/gna!/*n a! !he >/dd'e s0h**' Kas unea.e0!ed and I 3us! !h*ugh! Kh/'e I ha-e a '*! *8 0*n8/den0e /n !hese neK 8*'1s, >y s!ay/ng *n !* .r*-/de 0*n!/nu/!y /n !er>s *8 ad>/n/s!ra!/*n .*'/0/es and *!her a0!/-/!/es K*u'd %e he'.8u' !* !he>9P The 'eng!h *8 NaryNs !er> /s *ne year9 News & Notes St. Ambrose ordinance revisited DEADWOOD ] The 0/!y *8 DeadK**d >ade a se0*nd read/ng *8 !he S!9 A>%r*se Ce>e!ery Ord/nan0es9 The *rd/nan0es Kere n*! a..r*-ed, as a nu>%er *8 %y'/nes Kere !r*u%'/ng !* 0/!y 0*>>/ss/*ners9 One .ar! *8 !he *rd/nan0e .'an s!a!ed !here 0*u'd %e n*! !r/n1e!s 'e8! *n gra-es/!es9 C/!y 0*>>/ss/*ner Ge*rgeann S/'-erna/' 8e'! !he *rd/nan0e Kas /na..r*.r/a!e and as1ed !he 0*un0/' !* re-/eK and re-/se !he .'an9 OI d* n*! !h/n1 /! /s any *8 !he 0/!yNs .'a0e !* d/0!a!e h*K .e*.'e de0*ra!e a gra-es/!e9P The *rd/nan0e Kas !a%'ed and K/'' %e re-/s/!ed /n a 8eK Kee1s a8!er re-/s/*ns ha-e %een >ade9 EF,y Gr%g+t Construction update SPEARFISH ] C*ns!ru0!/*n a! !he /n!erse0!/*n *8 Ja01s*n and Ma/n S!ree! /s .r*gress/ng n/0e'y, 0/!y eng/neer Ky'e Ma!h/s sa/d, and 0reKs are ge!!/ng -ery 0'*se !* *.en/ng !he /n!erse0!/*n u. 8*r !ra88/09 The 8'ash/ng red '/gh! a! !he /n!erse0!/*n n*K K/'' %e /n .'a0e un!/' Ju'y 27, Khen !he '/gh! K/'' %e 8u''y 8un0!/*na'9 There >ay %e !e>.*rary de'ays *-er !he nea! 8eK Kee1s, as !he 0*n!ra0!*r s!/'' has s*>e s/deKa'1 K*r1 and re.a/rs ad3a0en! !* !he s!ree!9 OI!Ns .r*gress/ng Ke'',P he sa/d9 OI !h/n1 KeNre g*/ng !* ha-e a rea''y n/0e .r*3e0! Khen /!Ns d*ne9P E Gendy P%t;%1C BH PIONEER OBITUARIES Page 4 Elda Naomi Hendrickson, 78 !lda Nao(i *endri./son, 73, Sturgis, died Thursday, July 16, 2009, at the Aippold *ospi.e Suite oC the Sturgis Degional *ealth Care CenterF !lda was Horn January 1I, 19I1, at Newell, to *al and Jlan.he KAewisL PaulsonF She grew up in NewellF !lda (arried Donald Ja(es OPhiteyO *endri./son at Jelle Qour.he, on June 10, 19R0F The .ouple liSed in Aead and Phitewood while Don wor/ed at *o(esta/eF They (oSed to OPhiteyTs Dan.hO near Jear Jutte in the (id 70TsF UCter Don retired, they had (ore ti(e to enVoy their hoHHiesF !lda enVoyed water aeroHi.s and she was a (e(Her oC the Wra.e Autheran Chur.hF UCter DonTs death in QeHruary oC 2003, she .ontinued to liSe on the ran.hF She (oSed to Sturgis in X.toHerF SurSiSors in.lude her sons, Ja(es KDeHraL *endri./son, Ait.hCield, YllF, Ja./ KDianeL *endri./son, Zale, and [i/e KColleenL *endri./son, Sturgis\ daughters, Donna KCharlesL *i(elri./, *undred, PFZaF, and Dorthy KDonaldL Johnston, Do./Cord, YllF\ one Hrother, Paul KPil(aL Paulson, Tullos, AaF\ 1R grand.hildren\ 23 greatgrand.hildren\ and one great-great-grand.hildF She was pre.eded in death Hy her parents\ her husHand, Don\ one daughter, Diane\ Cour Hrothers\ and one sisterF Zisitation will He one hour prior to serSi.es at the .hur.h on SaturdayF Quneral serSi.es will He held at 10 aF(F on Saturday, July 13, 2009, at the Wra.e Autheran Chur.h in Sturgis with DeSF [i.hael Qo^ oCCi.iatingF Jurial will He at the Jla./ *ills National Ce(etery at a later dateF U (e(orial has Heen estaHlished to *ospi.e oC the Northern *illsF Condolen.es (ay He sent to the Ca(ily at wwwF/in/adeCuneralsF.o(F !a#u%day, Ju*y 1-, 2009 Wyoming man dies in fatal crash !" !R$%&O% !(%%(TT Black Hills Pioneer *YAA CYT_ ` U Torrington, PyoF (an has died aCter a .rash with a logging tru./ on ThursdayF The a..ident was reported at 12a12 pF(F at the interse.tion oC South Da/ota *ighway 44 and cS *ighway 16dI3R, Vust south oC *ill CityF The .rash o..urred when 67year-old Doy Aougee oC Torrington was turning his 200R Toyota DaS 4 leCt onto cS 16dI3R Cro( *ighway 44 and was stru./ in the driSerTs door Hy a 193R eenworth tru./ traSeling north on cS 16dI3RF Spearfish considers wireless lease renewal on Lookout !" *(%&" P,TL,C/ Black Hills Pioneer SP!UDQYS* ` The .ity oC SpearCish (ay .ontinue to lease a spa.e on Aoo/out [ountain Cor a wireless towerF That was the general .onsensus oC .oun.il (e(Hers when they dis.ussed whether to renew an e^isting wireless tower lease on the (ountain during .ity .o((ittee (eetings this wee/F The .urrent lease, Hetween the .ity and Ulltel Pireless, is up Cor renewal in 2010 and City Planner Jayna Patson as/ed .oun.il (e(Hers whether they wanted to renew itF gPreCeraHly Y would li/e to see the( oCC oC there, Hut Y thin/ what is up there now is Cine,h Coun.il(an Doug S.h(it saidF YC the .ity wants the wireless tower to .o(e oCC, Patson said the opportunity will .o(e ne^t yearF *oweSer, she .autioned the .oun.il that sin.e the Aoo/out [ountain wireless tower is Cor general .oSerage, instead oC spot .oSerage, the tower would haSe to He lo.ated so(ewhere else in town and it would He signiCi- .antly larger than other appli.ations the .ity has struggled with in the pastF Currently the wireless lease is Cor CiSe years, howeSer Patson proposed that the .ity .hange that designation to an annual, auto(ati. renewalF ThatTs He.ause the .ity (ust Hase its lease pri.ing on the Consu(er Pri.e Ynde^, and with a CiSe-year renewal .ity oCCi.ials (ust resear.h what pri.es haSe Heen Cor the last CiSe years HeCore setting the pri.eF The annual renewal would (a/e pri.ing (u.h easier, she saidF The eenworth was driSen Hy R4year-old Jru.e Qales oC Phitewood, who tried to aSoid a .ollision Hut was unaHle to do soF Doy Aougee died at the s.ene Cro( inVuries sustained in the .rashF U se.ond passenger in the Toyota, 64-year-old Joy.e Pati/ oC [esa, UrifF re.eiSed non-liCe threatening inVuriesF Qales was not inVuredF Ull three people inSolSed were wearing seatHeltsF Ul.ohol was not a Ca.tor in the .rashF No .harges are pendingF The South Da/ota *ighway Patrol inSestigated the a..identF Man accused of hiding camera in bedroom WUDD!TSXN KUPL ` U Jrandon (an is a..used oC hiding a .a(era in a Warretson wo(anTs Hedroo(F Thirty-seSen-year-old Christopher Weringer is .harged with Hurglary and installing an eaSesdropping deSi.eF Uuthorities say Weringer used a .a(era that hunters use to ta/e pi.tures oC ani(alsF The deSi.es snap photos when they sense (oSe(entF Court do.u(ents say the wo(an, whose (other wor/s with WeringerTs wiCe, Cound the .a(era on a Hoo/shelC in her Hedroo(, and also Cound partially nude i(ages oC herselCF Uuthorities say Weringer told the( he put the .a(era in the Hedroo( to see iC it wor/ed, not to get na/ed photosF *e de.lined to .o((ent on the .hargesF Southern Black Hills of South Dakota ABSOLUTE REAL ESTATE A1U C T I O N 2 SPCTACULAR RESIDENTIAL/RECREATIONAL T R A C T S - 6 7 ± ACRES JOINING HWY. 385 & MICKELSON TRAIL ON BEAVER CREEK SELLER FINANCING OFFERED! FRIDAY • JULY 24, 2009 • 1:00 PM Located 7 mi. south of Custer in a very scenic and popular area. 12 scenic tracts range from .39 to 12.15 acres, all featuring fertile meadows, mature timber and scenic rock outcroppings. . perfect for horses! Beaver Creek & Mickelson hiking/biking trail adjoin many. Terms: Absolute Auction, selling without minimum or reserve! 20% down, 7.5% interest seller financing offered! Brokers represent seller. Public Showing: Inspect at your leisure, corners are marked, maps onsite OR Brokers onsite Sat. July 18 from 4-6pm. Auctioneers Note: You simply will not find this quality of residential acreages available anywhere. The time could never be better to invest in Black Hills land! See photos, map, details on www.sdauctions.com – Call 605-673-2629 for info Auction Professionally Managed By: “SPECIALISTS IN REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS” BH PIONEER STATE NEWS Saturday, )uly ,-, .//0 SD gap between white and black students shrinks PIERRE (AP) = South DakotaEs black students continue to lag behind white students on a key achievement test, but the gap has narrowed in recent years, according to state Education Department records. While scores increased across the board from 2003 to 2008 on the test South Dakota uses to measure compliance with the No Child Left Behind federal school improvement law, black students made bigger gains than white students in the test given in grades 3-8 and grade 11. In 2003, 36 percent of the AfricanAmerican students were proficient or advanced in math, compared with 64 percent of white students, a difference of 28 percentage points. The gap had closed to 23 points by 2008, when 58 percent of black students and 81 percent of white students scored proficient or advanced. In reading, 52 percent of black students were proficient or advanced in 2003, 22 percentage points behind white students. Black students were only 13 points behind by 2008, when 73 percent of them scored proficient or advanced in reading. ]WeEre still not where we want to be, but itEs a dramatic increase,] said state Education Secretary Tom Oster. Oster and the Education DepartmentEs statistical experts acknowledge that with such a small number of black students in South Dakota, any change tends to be amplified, but the scores are moving in the right direction. Educators say the disparity between white and minority students is due in large part that more black children live in poverty, a condition linked to other problems such as low birth weight, less reading at home and less involvement by parents. Oster said the Dakota State Test of Educational Progress provides information that the state, schools and teachers can use to improve education. For example, if most third graders are unable to answer math questions on decimals, schools can focus on decimals more then next year, he said. ]ThatEs one of the blessings of No Child Left Behind. We have this data and each local school district has it,] Oster said. South DakotaEs disparity was not reported in a recent U.S. Education Department study, which used a different test, because the state has a small population of black students. But the Dakota STEP tests each year reports results for minority groups. Under No Child Left Behind, states and schools must meet goals for all students and for different groups of students. Out of South DakotaEs 121,000 students in elementary and secondary schools last year, 2.3 percent, or 2,820, were black. Native American students are the largest minority, at nearly 12 per- South Dakota Ellsworth Development Authority appointed PIERRE = Gov. Mike Rounds today announced the appointment of seven members to the South Dakota Ellsworth Development Authority, which was created to help secure the future of the Air Force base near Rapid City. cSouth Dakota has an important role in working with local communities to prepare for additional growth in missions at Ellsworth Air Force Base,” Rounds said. cThis Authority will provide an important mechanism to deal with that growth. EllsworthEs current and future economic impact benefits the entire state and is something we cannot afford to lose.” The Authority was created by HB1301, which was passed by the 2009 Legislature and became law July 1. Appointed by the Governor to serve on the Ellsworth Development Authority are Jeffory Erickson, Sioux Falls; Gary Grittner, Fort Pierre; Mark Johnston, Sioux Falls; Glen Kane, Rapid City; Stanley Porch, Wanblee; Bruce Rampelberg, Rapid City; and Mark Roby, Watertown. Rounds has designated Bruce Rampelberg to chair the Authority. Lt. Gov. Dennis Daugaard, who was instrumental in helping with creation of the Ellsworth Development Authority, said state economic development officials have worked since 2007 to foster compatible development around the air base. The new Authority is an extension of those efforts, he said. cThe role of the Authority is to work hand in hand with local governments, the private sector and property owners to promote the health and safety of those living or working near the base,” Daugaard said. cThe seven-member board will strive to assure that South Dakota continues to be a great place for the Air Force to conduct its national defense mission at Ellsworth Air Force Base.” A 2006 South Dakota Department of Labor study estimated EllsworthEs annual economic impact on the state at more than $324 million. cent, and the state has special programs aimed at boosting Native American academic achievement. The Sioux Falls School District, which has one of the largest populations of black students in South Dakota, saw the disparity between black and white students shrink at a level comparable to the statewide average from 2003 to 2008. Fred Aderhold, assistant superintendent for instruction and human resources, said Sioux Falls schools use a number of programs to improve the performance of students at lower achievement levels to narrow the gap between low- and highachieving groups, not just those from minority groups. School principals meet regularly with teachers to determine what help students need, Aderhold said. ThereEs after-school tutoring, special reading programs, some elementary schools run an extra 30 minutes a day to focus on vocabulary and other skills, and immigrants from other nations get special immersion classes, he said. Class sizes also have been reduced, and teachers are trained in helping kids improve skills in solving problems, thinking creatively and being analytical, Aderhold said. ]I think for us it boils down to really looking at each individual child and providing the kind of programming thatEs going to allow them to excel in their learning,] Aderhold said. Kleinsasser sentencing rescheduled PIERRE (AP) = Sentencing has been delayed again for an Onida man who pleaded guilty in the shooting death of his wife. Thirty-nine-year-old Herman Kleinsasser Jr. was to be sentenced for first-degree manslaughter Monday in Onida. The sentencing has been moved to Aug. 31 because of scheduling conflicts. ItEs the third time the sentencing has been changed. Kleinsasser was accused of shooting his wife, Sharon, in their Onida home on Jan. 28. The defendant also shot himself in what is alleged to have been a murderattempted suicide. He spent more than two weeks in the hospital. Page 4 Belle Fourche news sponsored by the following community minded businesses... BF Area Community Center Bunney’s Body & Collision Can Am Auto Dakota West Auction First Western Bank Johnson Electric Pete’s Clothing Round Up Building Center 1830 N Main St., Spearfish, S.D 57783 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (PG13) Mon – Fri 6:30 & 9:15 Sat and Sun 12:45, 3:15, 6:30 & 9:15 Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (PG) Mon – Fri 6:30 & 9:30 Sat and Sun 12:30, 3:30, 6:30 & 9:30 Starts Wed July 15th SORRY NO PASSES - ADVANCED TICKETS THE DAY OF SHOW ONLY Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (PG) Mon – Fri 6:45 & 8:30 Sat and Sun 1:45, 4:00, 6:45 & 8:30 The Proposal (PG13) Mon – Fri 6:30 & 8:45 Sat and Sun 1:15, 3:45, 6:30 & 8:45 The Hangover (R) Mon – Fri 7:00 & 9:00 Sat and Sun 1:00, 3:30, 7:00 & 9:00 Public Enemies (R) Mon – Fri 6:45 & 9:20 Sat and Sun 1:30, 4:15, 6:45 & 9:20 MOVIE TICKETS MAKE GREAT GIFTS555 A6ailable at the Bo@ Office BOX OFFICE HOURS MON-FRI 6:00 SAT-SUN 12:30 CALL 642-4212 OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE WWW.NHCINEMA.COM BLACK HILLS PIONEER OPINION OUR VOICES MATTER Page 6 Saturday, July 18, 2009 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Deadwood needs recycling !riends and *eigh-ors, my name is Chery3 4hee3er, some of you 7no8 me as, 9the 3ady 8ith the -ig dog;9 < fee3 =ery 3u>7y and -3essed to ha=e 3i=ed in this -eautifu3 to8n of ?ead8ood for the @ast 1B or so years and ha=e gotten to 7no8 a33 the 8onderfu3 @eo@3e 8ho 3i=e here; C3though, <Dm not origina33y from here, <D=e gro8n to 3o=e this to8n and >anDt imagE ine any other @3a>e < >ou3d >a33 home; < 8ant to see our to8n >ontinue to thri=e and @ros@er, -ut < a3so 8ou3d 3i7e to see our >ommunity gra=itate to8ards -eing more green; 4e 3i=e in one of the most -eautifu3 @3a>es on earth and < 8ant to see it stay that 8ay; < ha=e -een trying to find a 8ay to -ring re>y>3ing to ?ead8ood, -ut no >om@any is 8i33ing to do it, -e>ause of 3a>7 of interest in our >ommunity; Fo8e=er, < s@o7e 8ith Green Htar Ie>y>3ing and they said that if they get enough names on their 8aiting 3ist, they might -e 8i33ing to do it; They ser=i>e -oth -usinesses and homes; <f you are interested at a33, @3ease >a33 Kar7 or Jennifer *e3son at BB9E0333 and get your name on the 3ist; < 8ou3d rea33y 3o=e to ha=e this ser=i>e for our >omE munity, -ut < need your he3@; Sincerely, Cheryl Wheeler Deadwood Don't interfere with personal life The Houth ?a7ota Htate Henate =oted that >ome Ju3y 1 fai3ure -y the dri=er to 8ear a seat-e3t 8i33 -e a @rimary offenseP -ut the Fouse Judi>iary Committee, fo33o8ing Ie@; Chu>7 Tur-i=i33eDs 3ead, =oted to 7i33 the -i33; The state Qegis3ature =oted to ma7e Houth ?a7ota one of a handfu3 of states to -e smo7e free, -ut than7s to the su>>ess of the @etiE tion dri=e the smo7e free -i33 8i33 -e =oted on -y the e3e>E torate; 4hen de-ating the =arious a-ortion -an -i33s that 8ere -efore the state senate in my eightEyear tenure, < heard the @roE>hoi>e ad=o>ates re@eated3y DOONESBURH BLACK HILLS Jerry Apa Lead Health care solutions needed < 8as g3ad to read in the June 2V Pioneer that our Go=; Ki7e Iounds 8as one of fi=e go=erE nors 8ho met 8ith our President Xara>7 Y-ama, Zi>eEPresident BH MARH TRUDEAU PIONEER 315 Seaton Circle, Spearfish, SD 57783 7 South Main, Lead, SD 57754 Phone 605-642-2761 / Fa2 605-642-9060 Email: news@bhpioneer.com =oi>e the o@inion that go=ernE ment shou3d not interfere in @eoE @3eDs @ersona3 3ife de>isions; < ha=e noti>ed that a maRority of the @roE>hoi>e 3egis3ators =oted for the seat-e3t and no smo7ing -i33s; 4hat ha@@ened to their mantra that go=ernment shou3d not interfere 8ith oneDs @ersona3 3ife de>isionsS < as7 you 8hat is more tragi>S The @erson 8ho 8i33ing3y, through their o8n >hoi>e, de>ides to not 8ear a seat-e3t or 8i33ing3y de>ides to 8or7 or freE Tuent an esta-3ishment that a33o8s their @atrons to smo7e, or the inno>ent -a-y, 8ho has no >hoi>e in the matter, that is torn from its motherDs 8om- 3im- -y 3im- -y the a-ortionistDs su>tion ma>hineS Xiden, and some GYP and ?emo>rati> Fouse 3eaders this @ast 8ee7 to dis>uss hea3th >are reform; The story te33s ho8 Iounds mentioned state -udget @ro-3ems that 8ou3d get 8orse 8ith @ossi-3e Kedi>aid e[@anE sion and ho8 the <ndian Fea3th Her=i>e needs more money to do an adeTuate Ro-; < thin7 that most fo37s in Houth ?a7ota 8ou3d agree 8ith Y-ama and the go=ernors, 8ho the ne8s story says 9agreed that @riorities in hea3th >are reform in>3ude >ontro33ing >osts, assuring that @eo@3e 7ee@ the right to >hoose their o8n do>tors and @ro=iding high Tua3ity >are;9 < 8ou3d ho@e that Hen; John Thune 8ou3d start 8or7ing in a @ositi=e fashion \3i7e fe33o8 Ie@u-3i>an Iounds] 8ith President Y-ama to find a so3uE tion to the hea3th >are @ro-3ems of a=erage fo37s in Houth ?a7ota; 4e need to he3@ 8or7E ing fami3ies, senior >iti^ens, and others 8ith no insuran>e or 8ith inadeTuate insuran>e; 4e need to he3@ our hea3th >are @ro=iders in these diffi>u3t e>onomi> times; <tDs time for Henator Thune to ro33 u@ his s3ee=es and he3@ Y-ama, Iounds, and others ?ALLARD FILL?ORE find hea3th >are so3utions for Houth ?a7ota; David Nickel Spearfish What a Joke! Can the smart @eo@3e from the state >ome -a>7 to H@earfish -y _[it 1` and mess it u@ Rust a 3itE t3e -it more than they Rust didS That _[it 1` is a -ig Ro7e; Tony Keller Spearfish Letter to the Editor Than7 you to Tony and Kargaret 4inton, 8ho he3@ed set u@ the H@earfish @arade and a33 8ho so generous3y ga=e of their time to ma7e the <nde@enden>e ?ay @arade a su>E >ess; Congratu3ations go out to Qinfred and Char3otte H>hutt3er on -eing se3e>ted as @arade marE sha3s; <t 8as the 3argest @arade 8eD=e e=er had 8ith tons of ne8 entries and a 3ot of fun; Gene and Yvonne Ficek Spearfish Parade Chairmen BH BRUCE TINSLEH AD MANAGER, Dru Thomas • SPEARFISH, BELLE FOURCHE, WHITEWOOD NEWS: 315 Seaton Circle, PO Box 7, Spearfish, SD 57783 Toll Free 1-800-676-2761 or 605-642-2761 • Fax 605-642-9060 Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday • Closed Saturday, Sunday & national holidays • LEAD-DEADWOOD NEWS: 7 S. Main, PO Box 876, Lead, SD 57754 Phone 605-584-2303 • Fax 605-584-2333 Office Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday • Closed Saturday, Sunday & national holidays • SUBSCRIPTIONS: Call For Rates In Your Area • Mail Rates - Quarterly - $36.00 PRODUCTION MANAGER, Scott Lister PAYABLE IN ADVANCE CIRCULATION DIRECTOR, Charity Runnells The Black Hills Pioneer is the official newspaper of Central City, City of Deadwood, City of Lead, Lead-Deadwood School District, City of Spearfish, Lawrence County, Spearfish School District, St. Onge, Whitewood, and the legal newspaper for publication of notices. COPYRIGHT, 2009, Black Hills Pioneer. All rights reserved. Nothing may be reprinted, photocopied, or in any way reproduced from this publication, in whole or in part, without written permission from the publisher. EDITOR and PUBLISHER, Stewart Huntington ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER, Letitia Lister MANAGING EDITOR, Mark Watson CITY EDITOR, Wendy Pitlick ACCOUNTING, Ardith Richards Saturday, July 18, 2009 BH PIONEER Bank of America earns $2.4B, ahead of estimates !" #$%& M. &*+S-*MS AP Business Writer C"#R%&''(, N.C. (#.) 0 1an4 56 #7eri;a <5ined 5t?er 7a<5r ban4A in rep5rtinC better-t?aneEpe;ted Ae;5nd Fuarter in;57e Hriday, earninC J2.42 biMMi5n eNen aA M5AAeA 6r57 6aiMed M5anA ;5ntinued t5 riAe. '?e reAuMtA, O?i;? in;Muded J713 7iMMi5n 56 diNidend pay7entA tied t5 a 6ederaM baiM5ut, ;57pared Oit? pr56itA a6ter pre6erred diNidendA 56 J3.22 biMMi5n in t?e Aa7e t?ree-75nt? peri5d a year aC5. (arninCA per A?are, O?i;? re6Me;ted a 7u;? ?iC?er a75unt 56 A?areA 5utAtandinC, 6eMM t5 33 ;entA 6r57 72 ;entA. '?at OaA OeMM a?ead 56 t?e 28 ;entA per A?are 65re;aAt 56 anaMyAtA AurNeyed by '?57A5n ReuterA. '?e reAuMtA aMA5 re6Me;ted a J5.3 biMMi5n pretaE Cain 6r57 AeMMinC part 56 t?e ban4UA Ata4e in C?ina C5nAtru;ti5n 1an4 C5rp. and a ;?arCe t5 b5MAter a 6ederaM dep5Ait inAuran;e 6und. SeparateMy 5n Hriday, CitiCr5up Wn;. rep5rted t?at it earned J3 biMMi5n a6ter pre6erred diNidendA, 5r 49 ;entA per A?are. #naMyAtA ?ad predi;ted t?e NeO Y5r4-baAed ban4 O5uMd p5At a M5AA. 156#UA C(& Zen %eOiA Aaid in a Atate7ent t?at ;5ntinued Oea4neAA in t?e e;5n57y, riAinC une7pM5y7ent and deteri5ratinC ;redit FuaMity O5uMd a66e;t t?e ;57pany 65r t?e reAt 56 t?iA year and neEt. '?at e;?5ed NieOA 6r57 J.M5rCan C?aAe & C5. eEe;utiNeA, O?5 aMA5 rep5rted ;5ntinuinC M5an pr5bMe7A '?urAday eNen aA t?eir ;57pany p5Ated Atr5nC Ae;5nd-Fuarter earninCA. DeApite ?iC?er earninCA, 1an4 56 #7eri;aUA A?areA 6eMM 32 ;entA, 5r 2.5 per;ent, t5 J12.85 in 7idday tradinC Hriday. _'?e nu7berA Oere C55d,_ Aaid '5ny .Mat?, 6inan;e pr56eAA5r at t?e `niNerAity 56 N5rt? Car5Mina at C?arM5tte. _1ut biC ;5nAu7er ban4A, and 1an4 56 #7eri;a iA t?e biCCeAt, t?ey are t?e 5neA O?5 ?aNe t?e 75At t5 M5Ae in a pr5M5nCed ;5nAu7er-5riented re;eAAi5n._ '?e C?arM5tte, N.C.-baAed ban4 ?aA ab5ut 55 7iMMi5n ;5nAu7er and A7aMM buAineAA ;uAt57erA, 7a4inC it NuMnerabMe t5 deMinFuen;ieA and de6auMtA, yet aMA5 ready t5 t?riNe O?en t?e e;5n57y re;5NerA. 1an4 56 #7eri;a, Mi4e a5Md7an Sa;?A ar5up Wn;. and J.M5rCan C?aAe, Aaid it ?ad a ?andA57e pr56it 6r57 itA tradinC buAineAA. '?e ;57pany a;Fuired MerriMM %yn;? & C5. earMy t?iA year, ?eMpinC t5 b55At reNenueA by 61 per;ent ;57pared Oit? a year aC5 t5 J32.77 biMMi5n. .r56itA in 156#UA CM5baM 7ar4etA unit <u7ped by J1.1 biMMi5n t5 J1.38 biMMi5n. WtA CM5baM OeaMt? and inNeAt7ent 7anaCe7ent diNiAi5n AaO net in;57e 6aMM 24 per;ent t5 J441 7iMMi5n. 1ut, Mi4e J.M5rCan, 156# did rep5rt ;5ntinuinC M5AAeA 6r57 6aiMed M5anA. 1an4 56 #7eri;a Aaid it re;5rded a J13.4 biMMi5n pr5NiAi5n 65r M5an M5AAeA durinC t?e Ae;5nd Fuarter aA ;5nAu7erA AtruCCMed Oit? debt a7id riAinC une7pM5y7ent, ;57pared Oit? J5.8 biMMi5n a year aC5. 'r5ubMed M5anA, 5r n5nper65r7inC aAAetA, in;reaAed t5 J31 biMMi5n 6r57 J9.75 biMMi5n a year aC5. '?e ban4 aMA5 M5At J1.6 biMMi5n 5n ;ard AerNi;eA, a6ter p5AtinC a pr56it a year aC5. '?e ;57pany aMA5 Aaid itA 75rtCaCe reNenue r5Ae 65MM5OinC itA a;FuiAiti5n 56 Mender C5untryOide Hinan;iaM C5rp., re6Me;tinC t?e re6inan;inC b557 triCCered by M5Oer 75rtCaCe rateA. &n a ;aMM Oit? anaMyAtA, %eOiA Aaid t?e ban4UA 5utM554 65r t?e e;5n57y iA ;M5Ae t5 t?e ;5nAenAuA NieO Oit? une7pM5y7ent pea4inC A57eO?ere ar5und 10 per;ent. "e aMA5 Aaid t?e ban4 anti;ipateA ban4rupt;y 6iMinCA 65r indiNiduaMA t5 ;5ntinue t5 in;reaAe, and ?57e pri;eA t5 6aMM 6urt?er. _'?eAe are t?e aAAu7pti5nA Oe uAe t5 run t?e ;57pany,_ %eOiA Aaid. _1aAed 5n t?iA A;enari5, pr56itabiMity in t?e Ae;5nd ?aM6 56 t?e year OiMM be 7u;? t5uC?er t?an t?e 6irAt ?aM6, CiNen t?e abAen;e 56 AeNeraM 5ne-ti7e ite7A t?at Oere p5AitiNe t5 earninCA._ DurinC t?e Fuarter, t?e C5Nern7ent t5Md 1an4 56 #7eri;a it needed t5 raiAe J33.9 biMMi5n in additi5naM ;apitaM t5 AtrenCt?en itA 6inan;eA in t?e eNent 56 a 6urt?er deteri5rati5n in t?e e;5n57y. 1y Mate June, t?e ban4 ?ad raiAed J38 biMMi5n. &n Hriday, t?e ban4 Aaid itA 'ier 1 ;apitaM rati5, a 4ey 7eaAure 56 6inan;iaM AtrenCt?, <u7ped t5 11.93 6r57 8.25 per;ent a year aC5. '?e ban4 ?aA re;eiNed J45 biMMi5n in baiM5ut 6undA aA part 56 t?e 'reaAury Depart7entA J700 biMMi5n 6inan;iaM reA;ue pa;4aCe. WtUA n5t 4n5On O?en it OiMM repay t?e C5Nern7ent. Unemployment tops 10 percent in 15 states in June W#S"WNa'&N (#.) 0 `ne7pM5y7ent t5pped 10 per;ent in 15 AtateA and t?e DiAtri;t 56 C5Mu7bia MaAt 75nt?, a;;5rdinC t5 6ederaM data reMeaAed Hriday. '?e rate in Mi;?iCan AurpaAAed 15 per;ent, t?e 6irAt ti7e any Atate ?it t?at 7ar4 Ain;e 1984. '?e HederaM ReAerNe t?iA Oee4 pr5<e;ted t?at t?e nati5naM une7pM5y7ent rate, ;urrentMy at a 26-year ?iC? 56 9.5 per;ent, OiMM paAA 10 per;ent by t?e end 56 t?e year. M5At Hed p5Mi;y7a4erA Aaid it ;5uMd ta4e _6iNe 5r AiE yearA_ 65r t?e e;5n57y and t?e Mab5r 7ar4et t5 Cet ba;4 5n a pat? 56 M5nC-ter7 ?eaMt?. '5 Cet t?ere, ;5nAu7erA 7uAt return t5 a reCuMar ApendinC Cr55Ne and ?5uAinC pri;eA need t5 Atart riAinC aCain. "57e t5 t?e nati5nUA AtruCCMinC aut5 7a4erA, Mi;?iCan ?aA been ;M5bbered by M5At 6a;t5ry <5bA. WtA <5bMeAA rate 56 15.2 per;ent in June OaA t?e ?iC?eAt in t?e ;5untry. StiMM, t?e `.S. %ab5r Depart7ent Aaid itUA t?e 6irAt ti7e in 25 yearA t?at any Atate ?aA Au66ered an une7pM5y7ent rate 56 at MeaAt 15 per;ent. Wn 1984, it OaA WeAt eirCinia. '?e Atate une7pM5y7ent rep5rt underA;5reA t?e da7aCe t?at t?e M5nCeAt re;eAAi5n Ain;e W5rMd War WW ?aA in6Mi;ted 5n ;57panieA, O5r4erA and ;577unitieA. '?e 5t?er 14 AtateA O?ere une7pM5y7ent t5pped 10 per;ent MaAt 75nt? Oeref #Maba7a, CaMi65rnia, HM5rida, ae5rCia, WMMin5iA, Wndiana, %5uiAiana, NeNada, N5rt? Car5Mina, &?i5, &reC5n, R?5de WAMand, S5ut? Car5Mina and 'enneAAee. Wn May, t?e <5bMeAA rate t5pped 10 per;ent in 13 AtateA and t?e DiAtri;t 56 C5Mu7bia. #Maba7a and ae5rCia <5ined t?e MiAt in June. W?iMe Mi;?iCanUA rate OaA t?e ?iC?eAt in t?e ;5untry in June, t?e re;5rd-?iC? 65r t?e Atate OaA 16.9 per;ent in N5Ne7ber 1982. Page 7 Advertising Sales Position T"#$ %&'()$ *+&&,$ -+./##012##)&3$ -0.,4#(5.0$ "',$ '$ 67&&$ 5+8# .4#/+/9$+/$.70$S'&#,$D#4'058#/5$+/$R'4+=$>+53? @7,5$A#$8.5+B'5C #=D$=#5'+&C.0+#/5#=D$"'B#$(7,5.8#0$,#0B+(#$#E4#0+#/(#$'/=$A#$'A&# 5.$F.0)$7/=#0$=#'=&+/#,? S7((#,,67&$'44&+('/5$F+&&$A#$F.0)+/9$./ ,4#(+'&$40.G#(5,$',$F#&&$',$,'&#,$6.0$='+&3$H$F##)&3$/#F,4'4#0,? I6$ 3.7$ "'B#$ F"'5$ +5$ 5')#,$ 5.$ A#$ ,7((#,,67&$ '/=$ F'/5$ ' ('0##0$F+5"$'$6'8+&3C.0+#/5#=$(.84'/3D !all %&'(')%* or sen0 res12e 3o4 The Black Hills Pioneer • Attention: Dru Thomas 315 Seaton Circle, Spearfish, SD 57783 or e-mail to dru@bhpioneer.com PIONEER ! BLACK HILLS EKE Wear them to the Days of ‘76 Parade and Tough Enough to Wear Pink Rodeo, Friday, July 24, 2009 BUY T-SHIRTS AT: DEADWOOD Days of '76 Rodeo & Museum Deadwood Chamber of Commerce Lead-Deadwood Regional Hospital Gold Dust First Gold Mineral Palace Four Aces Silverado VFW LEAD Lead Chamber of Commerce Roundhouse Liquors SPEARFISH Alpine Impressions Elkhorn Ridge RV Park & Resort Sponsored by: Days of '76 Wharf Resources Hay Creek Ranch Elkhorn Ridge RV Park & Resort Roundhouse Liquors Black Hills Pioneer Lead-Deadwood Regional Hospital Foundation Alpine Impressions BH PIONEER 1a2e - in! a g A © It Did Arden Trandahl NEW LISTING Better Than New First Time Home Buyer’s $8,000 Credit. Perfect retirement or starter home. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car garage, fenced yard, sprinkler system views, nice location, very nice! Call for appointment. Belle Fourche • $163,000 • MLS 29605 Call 605-645-2101 Sat$r&a', )$l' 1-, 2000 Rural bankers: Midwest, Plains economy still sick OMAHA, Neb7 HAPI J A monthly surLey of rural bankers suggests that, thanks to the weaker market for farm products, the economy was still ailing in a region of 11 Midwest and Plains states7 The Rural Mainstreet IndeQ dropped to 3276 in July, down from 3470 in June and 3672 in May7 The report issued Friday said the figures were significantly higher than the indeQUs record low of 1679 in February7 A reading of 5070 is considered growth neutral7 Creighton UniLersity economist Ernie Goss, who oLersees the surLey, said the gauge of oLerall economic actiLity seemed to bottom out earlier in the year but is now trending downward7 Goss and Bill McZuillan, CEO of City National Bank in Greeley, Neb7, created the surLey, which coLers Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming7 The surLeyUs confidence indeQ, which reflects what the bankers eQpect siQ months from now, dropped below growth neutral_ to 4476 in July from 5272 in June and 5670 in May7 Farm economists haLe said the weaker global economy has hurt net farm income, which in turn has hurt sales of farm e`uipment and land7 Goss said the July surLey asked bankers what they eQpected in 2009 crop income7 aOnly 673 percent of the bankers forecast an increase in farm income oLer 2008 leLels,a Goss said7 aFully onethird eQpect crop income in 2009 to be lower than 20087a Some bankers suggested that the problem with farm income is prices, not production7 aIt appears that yields will be 10, 15 percent higher than last yearc howeLer, prices will be down close to 25 percent,a said Bradley Robson, CEO of First State Bank in Belmond, Iowa7 Joe Kennedy, CEO of First National Bank in Frankfort, Kan7 was optimistic7 aWe haLe had Lery good rains in the past 10 days or so7 The crop yields should be better than the past three years,a he said7 The indeQ for rural hiring remained low in July, hitting 2570, which was 4 percentage points under the 2970 in June7 It was the 19th month in a row that the new-hiring indeQ was under growth neutral7 In the surLey report, Goss blamed that weakness in part on the national and global recession and weaker farm and energy commodity prices7 aOLer the past 12 months, rural areas of the region haLe lost almost 5 percent of their dobs7 JulyUs surLey indicates that these dob losses are likely to continue in the months ahead,a Goss said7 JulyUs retail-sales indeQ of 2975 compared unfaLorably with JuneUs anemic 3377, and for a second straight month, the home-sales indeQ dropped7 It hit 4070 in July, compared with 4579 in June and 4877 in May7 aReal estate is selling Lery slowly,a said Pete Haddeland, CEO of First National Bank in Mahnomen, Minn7 But Ken Walsh, CEO of Ruby Valley Bank in Twin Bridges, Mont7, said real estate agents are telling him athat the in`uiries haLe picked up recently, so maybe the transactions will be forthcoming7a Also in JulyUs surLey, bankers were asked about the effect of the federal stimulus package7 None of the bankers reported a large and meaningful impactc 3775 percent said the impact was nilc 6275 percent said the impact was aLery little or small7a Almost 200 communities are represented in the surLey, with the aLerage communityUs population about 1,3007 Wyoming Black Hills petition raises legal issue Read the Black Hills Pioneer anytime, anywhere online7 Su#scri#e no+ at #hpioneer.com or call 605-642-2761 @9 per month @96 per year CHEfENNE, Wyo7 HAPI J A re`uest that a Wyoming panel designate a piece of the Black Hills National Forest as aLery rare and uncommona has raised `uestions about the stateUs authority to influence what happens on federal land7 The legal `uestions could influence whether any mining takes place on that particular piece of forest where gold is one of the minerals known to be present7 ConserLationists want to see forest land protected, while mining companies want to be able to deLelop their mineral rights7 The Sand Creek area in Crook County is located on U7S7 Forest SerLice land along the border with South Dakota7 The Wyoming EnLironmental Zuality Council earlier this week redected a petition by a conserLation group to designate the area as aLery rare and uncommona because the council wanted more information7 But Laramie-based BiodiLersity ConserLation Alliance plans to refile its petition soon with new information7 The designation could be used to stop some mining actiLities7 Besides seeking more information about the petition, members of the council raised `uestions about issuing such designations on federal land7 BiodiLersity says the council has the authority, mining companies contend it doesnUt, and the federal goLernment hasnUt taken a stand either way7 aWe donUt really haLe a position on the whole thing,a Elihabeth Krueger, resource planner with the Forest SerLice, said Friday7 aAs far as we know it doesnUt affect surface management7a Bronco Creek EQploration Inc7, an eQploration company based in Tucson, Arih7, that owns mineral rights in Sand Creek, contends the state panel has no authority to issue such a designation on federal land7 aOne of the big issues that we see in this particular case is that these are fed- eral lands and we haLe federal mining claims,a said Eric Jensen, Lice president and senior geologist with Bronco Creek7 aOur property interest up here is a federally mandated right to deLelop this property under federal law7a If the state denied a mining permit because of the ULery rare and uncommonU designation, it would Liolate Bronco CreekUs property rights, Jensen said7 Petition supporters say the designation only pertains to state-issued permits and doesnUt affect federal authority7 aIn fact the ULery rare and uncommonU designation simply limits whether and what kind of mining permits get issued by the state,a said Erik MolLar, eQecutiLe director of the conserLation alliance7 aSo they actually donUt haLe any impact on a federal agencyUs management of the land because they deal strictly with a procedure, the mining permitting process, that is the stateUs prerogatiLe to regulate7a BH PIONEER Saturda', )ul' 18, 2009 CORPORATE SPONSORS First PREMIER Bank Wal-Mart Scott Peterson Motors McDonalds First Gold Hotel Perkins Restaurant & Bakery Brady Pluimer Law Firm Junek’s Chrysler Dodge Fidle-Isburg Funeral Chapel PartyLite City of Spearfish Black Hills Pioneer MONETARY DONATIONS Ainsworth-Benning Construction Amann & Graslie, PC Bell’s Motor Lodge Days Inn of Spearfish Double D Builders Great Western Bank Hills Materials Company Joe Jorgensen Prestige Auto Sales Spearfish Building and Supply 2009 Relay for Life Committee Mary Bonrud Sandy Cass Angie Duncan Jodi Garcia Julie Goetsch Lori Hansen Linda Harlan, D’Anna Hitson Jan Kaus Bonnie Klunder Cheri Leahy Deb Leatherman Lori Long Abbie Suda Julie Walkins Karla Weber Page 9 The 12th annual American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Lawrence County was held June 19th & 20th in Spearfish. Lawrence County demonstra ted once again “it’s about a community that takes up the fight”. $92,264.15 was raised and will help fund programs right here in the Black Hills. These dollars are applied toward vital cancer resea rch programs, education awareness, and support local American Cancer Society services for cancer patients and families, such as “Reach to Reco very”, “Look Good… Feel Better” and “Navigato r” to name just a few. The Relay For Life of Lawrence County is a succe ssful event because of the commitment of the Relay For Life teams, the Lawrence County comm unities, and the many generous businesses, churches, individuals, and organizations making donations . You should all be very proud of yourselves. The Relay For Life Committee has decid ed to change the name of our Relay to the Relay For Life of the Northern Hills. This will be an excit ing change for us as it will allow us to incorpora te the surrounding areas! Thank you for being a part of helping to fight cancer. Cancer doesn’t take a break and neith er can we. Together we can make a difference. Co-Chairs, Bonnie Klunder and Julie Goetsch and the entire Relay Committee 2010 Relay For Life of the Northern Hills June 18th & 19th SPECIAL THANK YOU to the following for donation of product or time to the Relay: • City of Spearfish – Public Works Department • Mayor Jerry Krambeck • Brian Hambek • Amanda DeWain • Spearfish Veterans Honor Guard • Mike Shafer • Jodi Bartell • Howard Ugland • Shannon from Sonya’s • Black Hills Pioneer • Lawrence County Journal • Papa John’s Pizza • • • • • • • • • • • THANK YOU ALL RELAY TEAMS!! Saloon No. 10 - Bev’s B’s ................$35,000 Diam ond Bunko Babes ..................................$10,671 Platni um The Fallen Behinders................................$7,500 Gold The Mighty Hopefuls ..............................$5,333 Silver Spearfish Regional Medical Clinic-Skywalkers ..................................$4,441 Bronz e Our Saviors Lutheran Church - Leapin Lutherans ................................$3,302 Bronz e Spearfish Middle School - Purple Ninjas with Cancer Fighting Skills ....................$2,643 Bronz e St. Paul’s Lutheran Church - St. Paul’s Saints ..................................$2,10 0 Queen City Medical/Spearfish Surgery Center - The Healers ........................................$1,45 8 Maurice’s Better Late Than Never ......................$1,56 0 Peggy’s Parade ..............................................$1,05 0 McDonald’s - Bob’s Bobbers..............................$1,00 5 Northern Hills Training Center Trekkers ..................$738 PartyLite Dollars & $cents ....................................$720 PREMIER Bank Card - PREMIER Posse ....................$690 Margarelayville ..................................................$645 Spearfish Recreation Center REC-less Relayers ................................................$645 Kid’s Club Kids - KCK for a CURE..........................$392 Northern Hills Training Center Tream Trekkers #2 ..............................................$375 Coaches vs. Cancer ............................................$261 Pizza Hut - Spearfish Spearfish Regional Surgery Center Janet Merkel - Gage’s Nursery Fisher Sand & Gravel Dominos Pizza Danny O’Neill – O’Neill’s Floor Covering Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Lueders Music Car (Party Store) All Volunteers BH PIONEER 1age ,/ South Dakota reports 6 more cases of flu Saturda', )ul' ,-, .//0 Iraq government faces claims of prisoner abuse !"#$$#, S(D( (+!) - + ./arter of So/th Da7ota8s co/nties no= report at least one case of s=ine fl/( + half-AoBen Core cases =ere confirCeA in the past =ee7, raisinD the state co/nt of E1G1 fl/ to 43 cases in 17 co/nties( K=o people haLe Meen hospitaliBeA( State Eealth SecretarN Doneen EollinDs=orth saiA it8s s/rprisinD that cases 7eep AeLelopinD =ell after the traAitional fl/ season( O/t she saNs So/th Da7ota has fareA Metter than soCe other states( Whitetail Creek Outfitters & Sports Shop Devils Tower, WY Large Liquidation AUCTION MONDAY • JULY 27, 2009 • 9:30 AM Auction held at the property located 6 miles NE of Devils Tower or 3 miles SW of Hulett, WY on Hyw. 24, then 1 mile south on Whitetail Creek Rd. Tractors – Hay & Farm Machinery – Equipment – Trailers – Vehicles - ATV - Complete inventory of the sports shop including 16 new and used guns, 200+ boxes ammo, large selection of hunting related sporting inventory - Dozens of trophy & other mounts, whitetail & mule deer, antelope, wild boar, turkey, tanned hides of all kind - Complete commercial kitchen, restaurant equipment, bar & lounge fixtures & equipment, galvanized walk-in cooler & freezer, game processing equip., quality bunkhouse log beds & acc., - Misc. Including tree stands, wildlife feeders, 20+ portable business band radios & base, log storage building, & much more! Watch www.bradeenauction.com or www.sturgissd.com for details & photos Auction Professionally Managed By: “SPECIALISTS IN REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS” An alignment inspection now can save tire wear down the road. -n ,his 1%ne 23, 5667 fi9e pho,o, ;en si, in crowded ce99s in a ?ai9 in cen,ra9 @a*hdad, -raAB -raAi officia9s o%,ra*ed C$ ,he aC%se of prisoners a, ,he DBSBFr%n GC% HhraiC prison are dea9in* wi,h a prison scanda9 of ,heir own as a99e*a,ions con,in%e ,o s%rF face aCo%, $ears of ,or,%re and ;is,rea,;en, inside -raAIs own 9ocJ%psB AP photo O+GED+D (+!) - "ra.i officials o/traDeA MN the aM/se of prisoners at the Q(S(-r/n +M/ GhraiM prison are trNinD to contain a scanAal of their o=n as alleDations contin/e to s/rface of CistreatCent insiAe "ra.i Rails( +cco/nts of "ra.is MeinD Meaten =ith cl/Ms, MlinAfolAeA anA coerceA into siDninD false confessions are attractinD increaseA attention partlN Meca/se the QniteA States is DettinD o/t of the prison M/siness in "ra.( Khe Q(S( has transferreA S41 Aetainees into "ra.8s cro=AeA prison sNsteC anA Core are on the =aN( +lleDations of CistreatCent haLe persisteA since 2005, =hen Q(S( troops raiAeA an "nterior WinistrN loc7/p in a preAoCinantlN Shiite area of so/theastern OaDhAaA anA fo/nA scores of eCaciateA prisoners( Khe Catter ret/rneA to the spotliDht after the X/ne 12 assassination of S/nni la=Ca7er Earith al-OMeiAi, an o/tspo7en aALocate of prisoner riDhts( Khe iss/e is a test of !riCe Winister Go/ri alWali7i8s coCCitCent to the r/le of la= anA to rec- Do $o% ha(e a *rea, team photo8 oncile =ith the S/nni CinoritN, =ho acco/nt for Cost of the prisoners helA in sec/ritN cases( S/nnis claiC theN are MeinD /nfairlN tarDeteA MN sec/ritN forces r/n MN al-Wali7i8s Shiite-AoCinateA DoLernCent( ZKhe cases are as MaA as =hat too7 place at +M/ GhraiM, M/t it is painf/l =hen these thinDs ta7e place in "ra.i prisons,Z saiA S/nni la=Ca7er SaliC +MA/llah( Z[e Cet soCe of those =ho =ere releaseA anA sa= the scars on their s7ins( KheN /se Aifferent 7inAs of tort/re li7e tNinD the sho/lAers anA hanDinD the MoAN, =hich norCallN leaAs to Aislocation of the sho/lAers(Z Khe alleDations pale in coCparison =ith the horrific acco/nts of SaAAaC E/ssein8s prisons, =here inCates =ere sNsteCaticallN Meaten, RaCCeA into tinN =inAo=less cells anA e\ec/teA on the fliCsiest of eLiAence anA =here Cen =ere forceA to =atch their =iLes anA Aa/Dhters rapeA( Still, the c/rrent "ra.i leaAership caCe to po=er =ith the proCise to holA itself to a hiDher stanAarA anA respect h/Can riDhts( NORTHERN BLACK HILLS RANCH-ETTE REAL ESTATE AUCTION Friday, July 24th • 5:00 PM 11.67 acre rolling prairie building site Call now to schedule an appointment. AUTO PROS 10951 US HWY 212 BELLE FOURCHE 605-892-2338 CONNECTING YOU TO THE WORLD AROUND YOU... bhpioneer.com Share it with 'our friends! Please email your team photo to sports@bhpioneer.com with the team?game information and then loo@ for it in the Black Hills Pioneer Directions: From exit 23 on I-90 (Whitewood exit) go North to Whitewood Valley Road for 1/2 mile, go East on Jackson about 2 and 1/2 miles to the second Frontier Loop road go South on Frontier, left on Stampede Dr. property is on left side of cul-de-sac. The covenants governing this property allows for horses and other animals making this is an ideal Ranch-ette that many dream of having. The property consists of 11.67 acres of rolling land with an intermittent stream flowing to a stocked fish pond and picnic area set aside for the subdivision. At present there is a nice level hay field on the south end of the lot and a gently sloping field on the north end of the lot. Several nice building sites are available, some will have a beautiful view across the prairie to Bear Butte. Covenants & Restrictions: A full copy of the Covenants and restrictions are available by e-mailing to Richard.Krogstad@century21.com or 605-641-0099. For a picture and complete information go to www.sdauctions.com Sale professionally managed and conducted by: THE AUCTIONEERS Rich Krogstad & Associates, 605-642-5385 or 605-641-0099 “We love to cry.. so give us a try!” *Not responsible for accidents DAKOTA BELLE-SPEARFISH REALTY BH PIONEER !aturday, Ju*y 1-, 2009 Page 11 SATURDAY’S TV :PM 4:30 :PM 5:30 :PM 6:30 :PM 7:30 :PM 8:30 :PM 9:30 :PM 10:30 :PM 11:30 AM 12::30 AM 1::30 AM 2::30 AM 3::30 AM 4::30 AM 5::30 AM 6::30 AM 7::30 AM 8::30 AM 9::30 AM 10::30 AM 11::30 :PM 12:30 :PM 1:30 :PM 2:30 :PM 3:30 KOTA PBS K. ABC Law/Ord SVU Fortune JeoWipeout ’’ Castle ’’ Sexy Money News CSI: NY ’’ Housewives My Wife CSI: Miami Movie: ‘‘Shanghai Noon’’ Da Vinci Inqust Star Trek Golf: British Open -Final Round ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ XFighters Sports Storm Illusion ’’ Traveler Golf ’’ Classic Gospel Welk ’’ LomTimeKeep May SumRed Soundstage Austin City Globe Trekker ParkTimeKeep May SumRed Soundstage Dakota Donnas Mama Barney Sagwa Franny Bob AngeDragon Curious Thomas Foreign Group One Truth Native Lakota Music ’’ Dakota Inside ’’ America Trek WGN KEVN KNBN KCLO DISC Videos LeadOff MLB Baseball: Cubs at Nationals WGN News Scrubs Scrubs BullwinMovie: ‘‘Alien’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘The Musketeer’’ Sports SingsaWorld Feed Paid Facts David Slim in Swaggart ChildPaid Series of Golf WWE Stars LeadOff MLB Baseball ’’ ’’ Inning Coach Cosby Cosby Baseball Sports SimpTwo Two Cops Cops Most Wanted News Scrubs MADtv ’’ Talk Jim House ’’ TMZ ’’ Sign-Off AgriBusin Paid MatNews Sunday BelievFeldick Main Main Paid Paid Paid Paid Homes HomPaid AutoviPaid Athlete Sports ’’ House Wall St NBC Paid Friends Friends Kings ’’ Law Order: CI Law/Ord SVU News Sat. Night Live Poker After Wine Overnight Radar ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ Farm Report Paid Paid Paid Today ’’ Meet Press Paid Paid Paid Paid Action Sports Golf: Am. Century Champ. ’’ ’’ Storm Chasers Storm Chasers Storm Chasers Storm Chasers Storm Chasers Storm Chasers Storm Chasers Storm Chasers Storm Chasers Paid Trainer Paid Profits Slim in Comfort Paid Detox Music Slim in Wall St Millions Baby News ’’ Paid Sunday Survivorman Morn. ’’ Man vs. Nation Wild Ext. Mass Loggers KELStraw- Deadliest Job Care DeadliPaid est Paid DeadliPaid est Flight DeadliPaid est Paid DeadliPaid est Paid DeadliJack Hanna est Paid CBS News Home The Unit ’’ NUMB3RS 48 Hr. Mystery News Ent. Tonight Monk ’’ Access H’wood Sign-Off DIS FAM Suite Cory MonSuite Wizards Wizards Wizards Wizards Wiz Wiz Wiz Montana MonWizards MonSuite Raven Suite Cory Replace Kim EmpeDragon Movie: ‘‘Rip Girls’’ MerLilo Lilo EinCharlie Tigger EinAgent Handy Mickey Mickey Movers Handy Wizards Wizards Wizards Wizards Wizards Jonas Jonas Jonas ‘‘The Princess Bride’’ My Big Fat ’’ ’’ Another Cinderella Story Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Paid Paid Paid P90X Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Step Step Sabrina Sabrina FullHse FullHse My Wife My Wife GroundGround‘‘The Princess Bride’’ My Big Fat ’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘My Fake Fiance’’ NICK TOON LIFE FOOD A&E Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge SpongeBob SquarePants Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge PokeStoked Total Total BrainDestroy OtherStar King King The PJs BoonBleach Bleach Moribito Star Geass AlcheDeath Ghost Cowboy Big O InuInuMr. Men Tom & Jerry PokeLeague George ScoobyDoo Mummy ChowFlapjack Total SlamBall BrainDestroy Flapjack Flapjack ChowChowTotal Total 6TEEN Stoked The Obsession Movie: ‘‘Panic Button’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Vacancy’’ ’’ Army Wives Drop Diva Frasier Frasier Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Baby Paid Thinner Price ’’ Hour of Power Paid Health Drop Diva Movie: ‘‘Cheaters’ Club’’ Movie: ‘‘Her Sister’s Keeper’’ ‘‘My Daughter’s Secret’’ Confessions Best Life Paula’s Party Candy Conv. Cakes Cakes Cakes Cakes Iron Chef Cakes Cakes Cakes Cakes Iron Chef Candy Conv. Paid Trainer Paid Garry Paid Paid Cooking Rescue Emeril Simply Cooking Giada ConGrill It Big Bite Minute Money Paula Home Big Summer Diners Diners Food Food Cakes Cakes ‘‘The Fugitive’’ Cont’d Movie: ‘‘My Cousin Vinny’’ ’’ SimThe Sopranos Movie: ‘‘My Cousin Vinny’’ ’’ SimThe Sopranos Paid Paid Paid Ab SePaid Paid Movie: ‘‘Cocktail’’ ’’ Sessions The Sopranos The Sopranos The Sopranos Movie: ‘‘The Fugitive’’ ’’ RunaParking Parking Parking Sim- HIST TNT Sea Salvage Modern Marvels KennedysCrse ’’ The Kennedy AssasKennedysCrse ’’ The Kennedy AssasPaid Paid Paid Paid P90X Paid Treasures Gangland Gangland Gangland God vs. Satan ’’ ’’ Nostradamus ’’ Nostradamus ’’ After People HawthoRNe HawthoRNe HawthoRNe Movie: ‘‘Mission: Impossible III’’ Movie: ‘‘The Patriot’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Minority Report’’ ’’ ’’ LAPD Golf: British Open ’’ Law & Order Movie: ‘‘Paycheck’’ ’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘The Patriot’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Minority Report’’ ’’ ’’ Mission SPIKE USA Videos ’’ Videos ’’ Videos ’’ Videos ’’ Movie: ‘‘Any Given Sunday’’ ’’ ’’ Prisoners-Ctrl RiotsControl MXC Paid Paid Paid Paid Ab SePaid Insanity Trainer Paid P90X Married Married Married HrsepHrsepMuscle Trucks! Xtreme Jesse James Jesse James Jesse James Ways Ways Ways Ways House ’’ House ’’ House ’’ House ’’ House ’’ Law Order: CI Law/Ord SVU Law/Ord SVU WWE A.M. Ultimate Game Paid Paid Paid Paid Law/Ord SVU Prince Creflo Ed Osteen Monk ’’ In Plain Sight Law Order: CI Law/Ord SVU Law/Ord SVU Law/Ord SVU Law/Ord SVU Law/Ord SVU Law/Ord SVU TVL TBS FSN Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby RoRoRoRoRoRoGot the Look 3’s Co. 3’s Co. 3’s Co. 3’s Co. Star Trek Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Bonanza Bonanza Bonanza Bonanza Bonanza Bonanza Bonanza Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Music & Lyrics Movie: ‘‘Shrek’’ ’’ ’’ Engvall Engvall Movie: ‘‘Shrek’’ ’’ ’’ Engvall Engvall ‘‘The Out-ofTowners’’ Movie: ‘‘Teen Wolf Too’’ Married Married Married Married Harvey Harvey Planes, Trains & Automobiles ‘‘The Out-ofTowners’’ Movie: ‘‘Music and Lyrics’’ MLB Baseball: Tigers at Yankees Engvall Engvall XTERRA Top 50 ’’ SpotRockies Rockies PreMLB Baseball: Rockies at Padres PostFinal MLB Baseball: Rockies at Padres Paid Paid Paid Paid Top 50 ’’ Paid Paid Rockies Final Outdoor Hunter Veteran Birding Paid Paid USAR DraScooRockies Rockies PreMLB Baseball ’’ ESPN ESPN2 SPEED EWTN SportsCenter ’’ ’’ Softball ’’ ’’ ’’ Baseball SportsCenter Baseball SportsCenter SportsCenter Softball ’’ ’’ ’’ SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter Lines ReportSportsCenter ’’ ’’ ’’ BaseSoftball: 2009 World Cup Women’s Soccer ’’ Baseball NASCAR NHRA Drag Racing ’’ CountdNASCAR Racing: Nationwide Series Softball: 2009 World Cup Baseball NASCAR Racing: Nationwide WhiteTerritoChroniJournal WhiteTerritoOutDriven Baseball NHRA Auto Racing Bull Riding Martial Martial Poker Series of Poker 2008 World Series of Poker Test Setup NASCAR Racing: Truck Series ARCA RE/MAX Series ’’ AMA Race Auto Racing ’’ Setup NASCAR Racing: Truck Series Paid Paid Paid Paid Hot Rod Gearz Car Truck U Garage Car Car Chop AMA Race AMA Race AMA Race MotoGP Racing Rolex Sports Car Series ’’ ’’ Life Virtue Angelica Live Solanus Casey ’’ Rosary Fr. John Corapi Journey Home Daily Mass Fr. Corapi Solanus Casey ’’ Movie: ‘‘Into Great Silence’’ ’’ ’’ ReaChaplet Rosary Sunday Mass Litany BookRome Faith Image AngeSunday Mass Litany Missa Solemnis ’’ MysterWorld Over Catholic God SUNDAY’S TV :PM 4:30 :PM 5:30 :PM 6:30 :PM 7:30 :PM 8:30 :PM 9:30 :PM 10:30 :PM 11:30 AM 12::30 AM 1::30 AM 2::30 AM 3::30 AM 4::30 AM 5::30 AM 6::30 AM 7::30 AM 8::30 AM 9::30 AM 10::30 AM 11::30 :PM 12:30 :PM 1:30 :PM 2:30 :PM 3:30 KOTA PBS AdvenABC Law/Ord SVU Home Videos Makeover Housewives Brothers News CSI: NY ’’ Housewives CSI: Miami Stargate Atlantis ABC World News Now AgDay Morning News Good Morning America ’’ Regis ’’ The View Dr. Phil ’’ All My ’’ News Insider General Hospital One Life to Live Oprah Winfrey Europe Nature Antiques Welk ’’ Nature ’’ Masterpiece ’’ Dakota Globe Trekker Wash World College Track College Track College Track Reading Reading GED WorkDragon Noddy Curious Sid Super Clifford Martha Zoboo Caillou Word Barney Sesame Street Rogers BerensLions Maya Reading Arthur WordGFetch Cyber- WGN KEVN KNBN KCLO DISC ALF ALF WKRP WKRP Newhart Newhart BarBarNews Replay Bewitch Bewitch Jeannie Jeannie HoneyHoneySteve Wilkos Movie: ‘‘Doctor Dolittle’’ ’’ RENO Paid SwagMeyer Creflo BelievHome Videos 7th Heaven Matlock ’’ Heat of Night Nash Bridges Midday News Bewitch Bewitch Jeannie Jeannie Cosby Cosby Scrubs Scrubs Seinfeld Paid NBC Paid Road Trip Merlin ’’ Movie: ‘‘Meteor’’ ’’ News Seinfeld Ray Dateline NBC Meet Press Overnight Radar ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ Early Paid Early Paid News Paid ’’ BusiLibertys Today ’’ Paid ’’ Mike & ’’ Juliet ’’ Judge ’’ Mathis ’’ Judy ’’ Judge People Paid Frasier Ct Friends Paid Ray Paid Bonnie Days of Lives Hunt Paid Tyra Banks Frasier Friends Ellen Seinfeld Show Sports Blooprs Bananas Til Amer SimpKing Fam SimpNews SimpHouse ’’ Cold Case Movies Sports Extra ’’ Sign-Off CBS News 60 Minutes Brother ’’ Cold Case Without a Trace News KELMonk ’’ Heart. Poker Up to the Minute ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ News News ’’ ’’ ’’ The Early Show ’’ Animal CrossPrice Is Right Y&R ’’ News Bold World Trn Guiding Light Martha Stewart Law Order: CI Deadliest Deadliest Deadliest Deadliest Sea ’’ ’’ Deadliest Deadliest Sea ’’ ’’ Deadliest Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Money Paid Comfort Baby Robison Paid Profits Cash Cash Cash Cash Cosmic Coll. In the Shadow of the Moon NASA ’’ NASA ’’ Deadliest Cash Cash DIS FAM Jonas Jonas Jonas Jonas Wiz Wiz Wiz Sonny Sonny Sonny Sonny Sonny Sonny Sonny Wizards MonWizards MonSuite Cory Replace Kim EmpeDragon Proud WhisBarMerLilo Lilo Phineas Tigger EinMickey Agent Mickey Handy Movers Phineas Suite MonWizards ‘‘The Cheetah Girls’’ Phineas Suite Suite Another Cinderella Story Movie: ‘‘Labor Pains’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Labor Pains’’ ’’ Osteen Feed Zola Ab SePaid Millions Paid Paid Paid Paid Prince Life ToMeyer Joni Sister Sister Sabrina Sabrina Step 700 The 700 Club Gilmore Girls FullHse FullHse Sister Sister Sabrina Sabrina FullHse FullHse What I What I Gilmore Girls NICK TOON LIFE FOOD A&E Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Family Family Nanny Nanny Malcolm Malcolm Lopez Lopez Malcolm Malcolm Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Home Home Family Olivia Ni Hao BackMax Go Dora Dora Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge OddParSponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Johnny Johnny Movie: ‘‘Son of the Mask’’ Total Star King Fam Fam Chicken SquidAqua Mighty King King Fam Fam Chicken SquidAqua Mighty King TransBakuBen 10 Johnny PokeSaturYu Gi Yu Gi Batman Batman Aloha, ScoobyDoo Johnny Johnny Titans Titans BrainTotal Total Ben 10 Ben 10 Destroy Johnny Confessions Fab Five: Texas ’’ Drop Diva Army Wives Drop Diva Army Wives Drop Diva Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Thinner Paid Paid Paid Paid BalancMarried Still Still Less Less Frasier Frasier Will Will Housewives Housewives Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Challenge Next Star Challenge Next Star Ace of Cakes Flay Flay Next Star Ace of Cakes Flay Flay Challenge Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Ab SePaid Ask Emeril Live EnterQuick Paula Giada Minute ConMoney Grill It Big Bite Ultimate Cooking Giada ConHome SimSimSimSimSimmons SimSimHamHamHammertime Simmons SimSimHamHamHammertime Paid Paid Paid Sculpt Millions Paid The Cleaner Crossing The Sopranos Amer. Justice Cold Case CSI: Miami CSI: Miami Crossing The Sopranos Amer. Justice Cold Case HIST TNT After People Truckers Truckers Truckers Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Truckers Truckers Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Contour Ab SePaid Paid World Trade Real West Time Machine ’’ ’’ Time Machine Mysteries Time Machine Modern Marvels Time Machine ’’ ’’ Time Machine Mysteries ‘‘Mission: Impossible III’’ Bourne Suprm. ’’ ’’ Bourne Suprm. ’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Paycheck’’ ’’ ’’ ‘‘The Chronicles of Riddick’’ Law & Order Angel ’’ Angel ’’ Charmed Charmed Charmed ER ’’ Las Vegas Las Vegas Cold Case Law & Order Law & Order Bones ’’ SPIKE USA Ways Ways Ways Ways Ways Ways Ways Ways Jesse James Jesse James MANMANMovie: ‘‘Lucky Number Slevin’’ ’’ MXC Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Ab SePaid Baby Paid Married Married CSI ’’ CSI ’’ CSI ’’ CSI ’’ CSI ’’ CSI ’’ CSI ’’ CSI ’’ Law/Ord SVU Law/Ord SVU Law/Ord SVU Law Order: CI In Plain Sight Burn Notice Law Order: CI In Plain Sight Movie: ‘‘7 Seconds’’ ’’ Law Order: CI Profits Baby Movie: ‘‘The Living Daylights’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Licence to Kill’’ ’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Octopussy’’ ’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘A View to a Kill’’ ’’ NCIS ’’ TVL TBS FSN Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith AFI Life Achievement ’’ AFI Life Achievement ’’ Got the Look RoRoBrady Brady Little House Little House Money Paid Paid Paid Paid Thinner AllFamSanford JefferJefferGoodGoodGot the Look HillbilHillbilBonanza Bonanza AFI Life Achievement ’’ Movie: ‘‘Eurotrip’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Old School’’ ’’ Dark Blue Movie: ‘‘Old School’’ ’’ ‘‘Orange County’’ Movie: ‘‘Son of the Mask’’ BloopMarried Married Married Married SavedSavedSavedSavedFresh Fresh Movie: ‘‘Jury Duty’’ ’’ Home Home Home Home Just Just Yes Yes King King Ray Ray Baseball PostRockies Minor League Baseball ’’ ’’ Rockies Rockies Sport Science Final Final ToughElite XC Final Final LOKAR Car Paid Paid Paid Paid Sport Science Paid Paid Rockies Final Final Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Eco Adv ’’ MLB Baseball: Rockies at Padres Rockies Rockies ESPN ESPN2 SPEED EWTN MLB Baseball: Mets at Braves ’’ 2009 ESPY Awards ’’ SportsCenter 2009 ESPY Awards ’’ SportsCenter 2009 ESPY Awards ’’ SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter Lines Football NFL Burning SportsNation SportsCenter Soccer: World Challenge NHRA Drag Racing: Final Eliminations Softball: 2009 World Cup MLB Baseball ’’ Series of Poker ESPESPMike and Mike in the Morning ’’ ’’ ’’ ESPN First Take ’’ ESPN First Take ’’ Best of 1st and Scott Van Pelt SportsNation NASCAR MotoGP Racing SPEED Report Jacked! Jacked! Wind Tunnel Pinks -All Out WreckeWreckeAMA Race AMA Race SPEED Report Car Car SuperSuperPaid Millions Paid Paid Monster Jam SPEED Report Wind Tunnel Pinks -All Out Paid Baby Setup NASCAR Racing: Truck Series Car Truck U Chop Edge Monster Jam BeneCrossGroeschel Father Corapi ChesRosary Pearl ’’ Life on Rock Sunday Mass Litany BeneGroeschel CatholEmmanDesire Virtue BookChurch Trinity CrossChaplet Rosary Daily Mass Groeschel World Over Quest Holy Daily Mass Fr. John Corapi ReliFootMercy Rosary TreaAngels Knights Dana Page 12 Garfield Baby Blues For Better or For Worse The Born Loser Frank and Ernest Ernie BH PIONEER Saturday, July 18, 2009 !" $i& 'avis !" $err" Scott 7 <ick >irk&an !" W"nn $ohnston !" 5rt 7 8hi9 Sanso& !" Bo! -haves !" B01 2race Boy6riend 9uestions wisdom o6 long-distance commitment '?5< 5BB@A B a& a CDE "earEol1 Go&an Gho has !een in a co&&itte1 relationE shi9 Gith &" !o"Hrien1I JBanIK Hor three "earsL B atten1 a 0niE versit" o0t oH the co0ntr"I so o0r relationshi9 is &ostl" longE 1istanceL Ne are in love an1 have 1isc0sse1 a H0t0re aHter B gra10ateL Ban sa"s BO& the reason he has goals an1 Gants to live a &eaningH0l liHeL ?ver" noG an1 then he sa"s heOs aHrai1 that he is hol1ing &e !ack P that !eca0se BO& so co&&itte1 to hi& B a& &issing o0t on so&e oH the &ost i&9ortant eQ9eriE ences B co0l1 have at the 0niE versit"L B have tol1 Ban BO& ha99" Gith Ghat Ge have an1 Go0l1nOt tra1e itL BH B GasnOt Gith hi&I B Go0l1 9ro!a!l" see other &enI !0t &ore seQ0al Hree1o& Go0l1nOt &ake &e ha99ierL 5ll &" single Hrien1s sa" the" Go0l1 rather have Ghat B haveL R0r relationshi9 &eans Har &ore to &e than the o11 Hling Go0l1L Ban sa"s he has no 1esire to !e Gith other Go&enI !0t heOs aHrai1 B 1onOt knoG Ghat B Gant !eca0se B havenOt ha1 eQ9erience Gith other &enL HoG can B conE vince hi& that this is Ghat B reall" GantT P '?8BSBU? BN S8R-W5N' '?5< '?8BSBU?A -ell "o0r !o"Hrien1 that Ghile so&e Go&en &a" enXo" Y0antit"I "o0 have an e"e Hor Y0alit"I an1 he is the gran1 9riZe "o0 have Gaite1 Hor all "o0r liHeL -hen tell hi& "o0Ore a oneE &an Go&anI an1 heOs st0ck Gith "o0L [-his sho0l1 1o the trickI 0nless heOs 9roXecting his oGn Heelings oH a&!ivaE lence onto "o0L\ '?5< 5BB@A Bn ]a" CDD^I "o0 9rinte1 &" letter alerting Hor&er 9risoners oH Gar an1 their Gi1oGs to the s9ecial veteransO !eneHits availa!le to the& Hro& the 'e9art&ent oH Ueterans 5HHairsL -he res9onse Gas great_ &an" HorE &er `RNs an1 their 1e9enE 1ents noG have their U5 !enE eHits !eca0se oH that col0&nL NoGI as chair&an oH U5 o0treach Hor 5&erican ?QE `risoners oH NarI B Grite to alert all veterans [not X0st HorE &er `RNs\ oH a recent U5 r0lE ingL Rn Se9tL CaI CDDbI Wo0 2ehrigOs 1iseaseI a&"otro9hic lateral sclerosisI Gas &a1e a 9res0&9tive con1ition Hor all veterans Gho serve1 in o0r ar&e1 Horces Hor at least cD 1a"sL -his &eans that the Gi1oGs oH those veterans Gho 1ie1 oH Wo0 2ehrigOs 1isease in "ears 9ast are eligi!le Hor the U5 Gi1oGsO &onthl" !eneHitI Ghich is ver" s0!stantialL ]an" 9eo9le are not aGare that a veteranOs 1eath 10e to this 1isease is noG consi1E ere1 serviceEconnecte1L Rne clai& B han1le1 recentl" involve1 an 5WS 1eath de "ears agoI in ^ceaL -hank "o0 Hor "o0r hel9 in getting the Gor1 o0tI 5!!"L P f<?' 85]`B?WWI 5]?<BE 85N ?gE`<BSRN?<S Rf N5< '?5< f<?'A BO& 9lease1 to hel9 "o0 an1 5&ericaOs vetE erans once againL <ea1ersI fre1 Gelco&es inY0iries at aa^C 8hatterton 'riveI San 5ngeloI -g hecDdL He can also !e eE&aile1 at HreE 1reviGe!tvLnetL '?5< 5BB@A B a& b "ears ol1L ]" &o& tol1 &e o0r neigh!orOs 1og Gas ol1 an1 sickI so he ha1 to 90t his 1og to slee9L B hate thisL B knoG it is Ghat is !est Hor the 1ogI !0t B canOt sto9 thinking a!o0t itL HoG can B get over thisT P H?N<@ BN 5jS-BNI -?g5S '?5< H?N<@A @o0r neighE !orOs 1og Gas 90t on this earth to r0n an1 9la" an1 enXo" his 1oggie liHeL Nhen an ani&al is no longer a!le to 1o that an1 s9en1s his 1a"s an1 nights in 9ainI then the kin1 P !0t ver" 1iHHic0lt P thing Hor a 9et g0ar1ian to 1o is to let hi& goL Being 90t to slee9 Gas a gentle Ga" to goI an1 Ghen "o0 think a!o0t "o0r neighE !orOs 1ogI "o0 sho0l1 re&in1 "o0rselH oH thatL 'ear 5!!" is Gritten !" 5!igail Uan B0renI also knoGn as $eanne `hilli9sI an1 Gas Ho0n1e1 !" her &otherI `a0line `hilli9sL Nrite 'ear 5!!" at GGGL'ear5!!"Lco& or `LRL BoQ ecddDI Wos 5ngelesI 85 cDDecL -o receive a collection oH 5!!"Os &ost &e&ora!le P an1 &ost HreY0entl" reY0este1 P 9oe&s an1 essa"sI sen1 a !0sinessEsiZe1I selHE a11resse1 envelo9eI 9l0s check or &one" or1er Hor ke [jLSL H0n1s\ toA 'ear 5!!" P >ee9ers BookletI `LRL BoQ ddhI ]o0nt ]orrisI BW e^DldE DddhL [`ostage is incl01e1 in the 9riceL\ BH PIONEER Sa#urday, Ju*y 18, 2009 Arlo and Janis Alley Oop !y Ji&&y Johnson !y Da8e Graue & Jack Bender Herman !y Ji& Unger THE WORLD ALMANAC DATABANL Saturday, July 18, 2009 Today is the 199th day of 2009 and the 28th day of su&&er= TODASTS HISTORSV In 1925, Adolf Hitler ?u!lished his &aniC festo, Mein La&?f= In 1936, S?anish ar&y officials re8olted, led !y Gen= Francisco Franco, starting the S?anish Ci8il War= In 200T, Pres= George W= Bush created a highCle8el ?anel to re8ie9 the safety of i&?orted goods after so&e Chinese i&?orts caused health scares= TODASTS BIRTHDASSV Nelson Mandela a1918Cb, antiCa?artheid acti8istcfor&er South African ?resident, is 91d John Glenn a1921Cb, for&er senatorcastronaut, is 88d Hunter S= Tho&?son a193TC2005b, Aournalistd Joe Torre a1940Cb, !ase!all ?layerc&anager, is 69d Ste8e For!es a194TCb, ?u!lisherc?residential candidate, is 62d Sir Richard Branson a1950Cb, entre?reneur, is 59d Vin Diesel a196TCb, actor, is 42= TODASTS SPORTSV In 198T, Don Mattingly of the Ne9 Bork Bankees tied a &aAor league record !y hitting a ho&e run in eight straight ga&es= TODASTS MUOTEV fA!solute truth is a 8ery rare and dangerous co&&odity in the conteFt of ?rofessional Aournalis&=g @ Hunter S= Tho&?son TODASTS FACTV Nelson Mandela and Oli8er Ta&!o o?ened the first African A&ericanCo9ned la9 ?ractice in South Africa in 1952= TODASTS NUMBERV 153 feet @ height of the to9er fro& 9hich Hunter S= Tho&?son7s ashes 9ere launched !y cannon during a ?ri8ate cere&ony= TODASTS MOONV Bet9een last Duarter aJuly 15b and ne9 &oon aJuly 21b= NEA Crossword Puzzle Funky Winkerbean !y To& Batiuk Astrograph Sunday, Ju*y 19, 2009 In the year ahead, soðing you78e !een 9orking hard for and &ay ha8e only discussed 9ith a fe9 inti&ate friends could !eco&e a reality= A 8alua!le lesson 9ill !e learned !ecause you ne8er ga8e u? on it= CANCER ;June 21<Ju*y 22= @ If ?eo?le don7t feel they are !eing treated fairly 9ith regard to an agree&ent decided !y the &aAority, it isn7t likely to stand the test of ti&e= Try to &ake adAust&ents to !ring the entire ?ack together= LEO ;Ju*y 23<Aug@ 22= @ Bour energy and enthusiC as& &ight !e inclined to 9ane early, so if you 9ant to take ?art in an in8ol8e&ent that reDuires gusto, do so durC ing the &orning hours 9hile your tank is filled 9ith fuel= VIRGO ;Aug@ 23<SeD#@ 22= @ Using gentle, &easured actions to achie8e 9hat you 9ant 9ill take you a lot furC ther than fleFing your &uscles or raising your 8oice= O?erate and !eha8e like a 9inner, not as an o8er!earing loser= LIBRA ;SeD#@ 23<OF#@ 23= @ Don7t &ake 9inning or recei8ing adulation fro& others &ore i&?ortant than ?layC ing !y the rules of the ga&e= Unsa8ory ðods 9ill yield only a shallo9 8ictory= SCORPIO ;OF#@ 24<NHI@ 22= @ Walk around 9ith a chi? on your shoulder, and you 9on7t ha8e any trou!le finding ?eo?le 9illing to knock it off= There is nothing to !e gained !ut un?o?ularity= SAGITTARIUS ;NHI@ 23<DeF@ 21= @ If you go sho?C ?ing, !e ?rudent and stay 9ithin your !udget= Buying eF?ensi8e ite&s, !elie8ing you 9ill ?ay for the& 9ith your Page 13 neFt ?aycheck, is folly= Bou7re a?t to need these earnings for necessities= CAPRICORN ;DeF@ 22<Jan@ 19= @ Bou 9ould !e s&art to skirt issues or to?ics that lead to heated discusC sions !et9een you and your s?ecial so&eone e8ery ti&e they co&e u?= This ga&e ?lan causes nothing !ut &isery= AMUARIUS ;Jan@ 20<FeO@ 19= @ All it takes is a !ad attitude to &ake tough or distasteful chores e8en &ore difficult= Handle things in stride !ecause negati8e thinking only causes negati8e !eha8ior= PISCES ;FeO@ 20<MarFh 20= @ Be eFce?tionally careC ful not to incon8enience or trou!le the 8ery ?erson you7ll need to ad8ance your interests= This ?erson 9ill re&e&C !er and not 9ant to ha8e anything to do 9ith you= ARIES ;MarFh 21<ADrR* 19= @ If you in8ite friends o8er to your ?lace, ?ut s?ecific hours on the e8ent or risk ?eo?le staying 9ay !eyond a reasona!le ti&e= Let the& lea8e 9ith the thought of 9anting to co&e !ack= TAURUS ;ADrR* 20<May 20= @ Ha8e a ?leasant day !y s?ending ti&e 9ith ?als 9ho are fun to !e around and don7t take life too seriously= Ty?es that are far too serious a!out e8erything tend to argue a!out unresol8a!le issues= GEMINI ;May 21<June 20= @ If you7re &aking a ?act 9ith so&eone 9hose ethics are sus?ect, !e on guard= If you7re s&art, you 9on7t gi8e hi& or her any 9iggle roo& to &aneu8er you into an unfa8ora!le ?osition= Lno9 9here to look for ro&ance and you7ll find it= The AstroCGra?h Match&aker instantly re8eals 9hich signs are ro&antically ?erfect for you= Mail O3 to AstroCGra?h, P=O= BoF 16T, Wickliffe, OH 44092C016T= To Place Your Classified: Call 642-2761 for info. or e-mail your ad with credit card info to classifieds@bhpioneer.com CLASSIFIEDS Page 14 :5;< <73=6 65 >45? 000 ===8nd be ;nEorRed oE 9Ce ELnI9;on oE yoLr ^oSernRen9 8re eRbod;ed ;n pLb<;I no9;Ies ;n 9C89 se<E ^oSernRen9 IC8r^es 8<< I;9;`ens 9o be ;nEorRed= "C;s nePs@ p8per Lr^es eSery I;9;`en 9o re8d 8nd s9Ldy 9Cese no9;Ies= 0e s9ron^<y 8dS;se 9Cose I;9;`ens seeV@ ;n^ ELr9Cer ;nEorR8@ 9;onO 9o eWerI;se 9Ce;r r;^C9 oE 8IIess 9o pLb<;I reIords 8nd pLb<;I Ree9;n^s= @2.@1742 A5< 123.1 .@B2<67C743 (p 9o 9Po <e^8<@ s;`ed 9ypePr;99en p8^esO 9Ce de8d<;ne ;s A p=R= '&(1 d8ys ;n 8dS8nIe oE pLb<;I89;on d89e= Dore 9C8n 9Po <e^8<@s;`ed 9ypePr;9@ 9en p8^es P;<< rebL;re Lp 9o S2c d8ys Eor pLb<;I89;on= ESTATES 51 S"#"$ &' S&(") *#+&"# SS ,&(-". &' /#01$-,$ 2- ,21,(2" ,&(1" '&(1") 3(*2,2#/ ,21,(2" 4rob89e ';<e -o= >?@A? 2n 9Ce D899er oE 9Ce $s989e oE 1&-#/* G= ,#1H$1 *eIe8sed= -&"2,$ "& ,1$*2"&1S #-* -&"2,$ &' 2-'&1D#/ 41&K#"$ #-* #44&2-"D$-" &' 4$1S&-#/ 1$41$S$-"#"2H$ -&"2,$ 2S G2H$- 9C89 on 3L<y NO A>>?O +8ryn /= 4oPe<<O PCose 8ddress ;s NAQ &rRePood #Se=O #9<8n98O G# Q>QTAO P8s 8ppo;n9ed 8s person8< rep@ resen989;Se oE 9Ce $s989e oE 1on8<d G= ,8rSer= ,red;9ors oE deIeden9 RLs9 E;<e 9Ce;r I<8;Rs P;9C@ ;n EoLr Ron9Cs 8E9er 9Ce d89e oE 9Ce E;rs9 pLb<;I89;on oE 9C;s no9;Ie or 9Ce;r I<8;Rs be b8rred= ,<8;Rs R8y be E;<ed P;9C 9Ce person8< represen@ 989;Se or R8y be E;<ed P;9C 9Ce I<erVO 8nd 8 Iopy oE 9Ce I<8;R R8;<ed 9o 9Ce person@ 8< represen989;Se= *89ed 9C;s TQ9C d8y oE 3L<yO A>>?= @s@ +8ryn /= 4oPe<< +8ryn /= 4oPe<< NAQ &rRePood #Se= #9<8n98O G# Q>QTA Ds= ,8ro< /89LseV /8PrenIe ,oLn9y ,<erV oE ,oLr9s 4=&= KoW XAX *e8dPoodO S* YNNQA ZX>Y[ YN\@A>]> *8Se /= ,<8^^e99O 4=,= #99orney 89 /8P YAQA -= D8;n S9ree9 Spe8rE;sCO S* YNN\Q ZX>Y[ X]A@NN>\ c l a s s i f i e d s @ b h p i o n e e r. c o m p<e 8re rebL;red 9o C8Se 9en ZT>[ <oP ;nIoRe persons oSer e;^C9een ZT\[ s;^n 8 pe9;9;on= 4ersons 89 <e8s9 e;^C9een ZT\[ ye8rs oE 8^e seeV;n^ 9o be 8 Ko8rd <oP@;nIoRe represen989;Se I8n ob98;n pe9;9;ons EroR 1ose SP8nO T\]] /oRb8rdy *r;SeO 18p;d ,;9yO S* YNN>Q= 4Cone_ ZX>Y[ Q]\@T]X> or oL9 oE 18p;d ,;9y Z\>>[ QAN@TN>Q= 4e9;9;ons 8re 9o be sLb@ R;99ed 9o 0es9ern S* ,oRRLn;9y #I9;onO ;nI=O T\]] /oRb8rdy *r;SeO 18p;d ,;9yO S* YNN>Q by Dond8yO 3L<y ANO A>>? 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Deadwood/Lead Shelter: Sturgis Shelter: 605-347-0050 or 1-800755-8432 All Calls Confidential. 103 COMMUNITY EVENTS COED SOFTBALL TEAMS Wanted! League plays in Belle Fourche in August and September. For more team packet and more info contact the BFACC at 605-892-2467 or programs.bfacc@midconetwork.com. 105 LOST & FOUND FOUND A SET OF CAR KEYS. Call to identify. 605578-2205 FOUND MOUNTAIN BIKE near BHSU. on 7/12/09. Call 605-722-5430 to identify PUBLIC NOTICES 56 123.1 456782 102 PERSONALS !"ual &'using ,pp'rtunity All real estate advertising in the Fair Housing Act makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians; pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free at 1 (800) 669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1 (800) 9279275. LOST CAT - near Harding Street in Spearfish. Missy is a small, female, long haired, Tortoise shell cat. She has white on her face, chest and feet. Missy was last seen wearing a blue collar with her name and phone number on a tag. Please Help, Call 641-7792 or 641-0413. July 18, 2009 203 CLEANING SERVICES 302 LEAD GARAGE SALES 400 SEASONAL HELP RENTING YOUR HOUSE for the rally? Before and After Clean-Up Special! Call to reserve your time slot. Maid to Clean Green. 605-430-3797. MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE - 11335 Nevada Gulch Road, 1/2 Mile Up Terry Peak Road. Saturday 7-18, 8AM to 1PM. Bikes, Household, Decoration Items, Men’s, Good Women’s Plus Clothing, Much More. 2-6 GIRLS NEEDED For Motorcycle Wash. Apply In Person At Whitetail Court, Hwy 14A, Lead. 605-5849085 205 CHILD CARE SERVICES CHILDCARE WANTED beginning August. Professional couple seeking experienced child care provider in our Spearfish home. Approximately 33 hours per week, Tues, Wed and Thurs, starting at nine dollars per hour. One toddler, and possible after school care for an older child.. Duties to include light housekeeping and cooking. Please call 605-490-2390 or email mgoodmanbecker@gmail.com for more information and application. NEED QUALITY CHILDCARE? New in-home daycare located in LeadDeadwood area. Opening August 10. Accepting applications immediately for ages 3-12. Call 641-5628. 209 HANDYMAN 200 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HAVE TOOLS - Will Travel Carpentry, tiling and painting, repair and remodeling. No job too small, free estimates. Licensed, insured, work guaranteed, references available. Call Marshal 210-0908 or 892-3898. DEVASHAN IN-HOME Computer Repair. Is your computer running slow? Reasonable rates, service within 25 miles of Spearfish 605-722-5355 300 BELLE FOURCHE GARAGE SALES OLD WEST HEATING, INC. Of Lead. Natural/LP Gas Equipment Repair. Furnaces, Water Heaters, -Cook Stoves., Etc. For Fast Service Call Greg At 605-580-0123 Or 605-717-1779. MULTI-FAMILY RUMMAGE SALE: 1033 Elkhorn Apt. 4. Saturday July 18th 9:00a6:00p. variety of items. All Items Cash and Carry 202 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES A-Z HOME IMPROVEMENT Fully Equipped To Handle All Your Home Improvement Needs. Free Estimates. The Better Home Improver. Licensed And Insured. Call Jerry 605-717-5078 1!N!345 478!3T:;:N1 P,5:C> The AlaBk &ills Pi'neer Dakes eEery eFF'rt t' aE'id err'rsH &'weEer, in handling hundreds 'F ads, 'BBasi'nally err'rs d' 'BBurH Ke ask that y'u read y'ur ad BareFully 'n the First day 'F puLliBati'n and ph'ne us iDDediately iF there is an err'rH Ke Ban 'nly Le resp'nsiLle F'r a single dayMs inB'rreBt adH Ke reserEe the right t' reEise, edit, reBlassiFy 'r reOeBt any BlassiFied ad F'r puLliBati'nH 301 DEADWOOD GARAGE SALES ANNUAL YARD SALE - 8 Family - Approx. 4 Miles South On Hwy. 385. Friday, 7/17-Friday 7/24. Gas Stove And Pipe, HMCo. Items, Collectibles, Nice Clothes All Sizes, Bikes, Antler Lamps And Furniture, Lots of Misc. HUGE RUMMAGE SALE Now Till Whenever, Our Trash Is Your Treasure! Open Mondays Thru Fridays And Weekends By Appointment. (605-580-1078) Decorations To Recreational Equipment, And Much More. 136 Sherman Street, Suite B. (Next To Verizon) In Deadwood. 303 SPEARFISH GARAGE SALES 1843 IRON HORSE LOOP. 8:00a-11:00a, 7/18, furniture, bedding, air hockey table, toys, 4-wheeler, paintball gun, snowboard, much more. 230 VERMONT. 7/18 8:00a1:00p. Hurley, Roxy, Oneill, girls(8), juriors/adult 8-10. Jewelry, household, hunting/fishing, deco, books, music, lots of mics. 820 S. 34th St. Apt. 10 7/18 9:00a-4:00p Plus size clothes, foot spa and many other items. No early sales! AIRPORT COMMUNITY RUMMAGE SALE: 7/18, 7:00am-2:00pm. 1414 N. Rainbow Rd. 5205 Turtle Ln. 5235 Airport Rd. 5120, 5113 Sunset Ln. 5101 Twilight Dr. 1112 Mac Ln. 1107 Cole Ln. 625 Industrial Dr. GARAGE SALE: 920 SPARTAN DR. 7/18, 7:00a-2:00p. Kids furniture, toys, clothes, exercise, equipment, frames GARAGE SALE: SAT. July 18, 7:00am. 210 E. Lincoln Street. King size headboard, bed frame, night stand. clothing, misc. items. MOVING SALE: July 18th. 3521 Westview Dr. 7:00a5:00p. Many items. Make Offer. SAT. 7/18 8a-2pm~1230 N. 3rd St. Large, Multi-family yard sale. Household items, bedding, kids clothes, beds, movies, books. Too much 304 ST. ONGE GARAGE SALES ST. ONGE YARD SALE: July 18th 8-? Third st Fullsize Hockey Table, Older 52” t.v. Lots & Lots Misc Stuff. 400 SEASONAL HELP BOONDOCKS HIRING Rally And Until School. Join The Fun At The Area’s Fastest Growing Amusement. Earn Spending Money! Now Training Cooks, Ride Operators, Gift Clerks, Game Operators. 605-578-1186 SEASONAL HELP NEEDED at Gold nugget Trading Post. Sale Clerks, seasonal. Apply at 675 Main Street SPEARFISH CANYON LODGE is seeking Rally Help. Wage $8-10 per hour. July 30th-August 9th. EOE. Call to arrange an interview at 605584-3435. 401 PART-TIME AWESOME JOB OPPORTUNITY with unlimited rewards. E-mail us at southdakotasuccess@yahoo.com, or call Amanda at 605-641-2374 for more information. BLACK HILLS WORK FROM HOME, Full/Part time, Unlimited income potential. Featured on the cover of Succss Magazine. For appointment. 605-722-4741 CAREGIVER/AIDE Part time position available in the Spearfish/Sturgis area assisting elderly individuals living in the comfort of their own home. Will assist with basic cleaning, meal prep., and companionship. Hourly cares and 8 hour shifts available. Great supplemental income. Please contact Nyla @ (605) 559-0230 DAKOTAMART GAS In Lead Is Accepting Applications For Part-time Cashiers. Must Be 21 And Have Good Customer Service Skills. Apply At 103 Glendale Dr., Lead. FRONT DESK CLERK. Dependable, honest, personable. Wage DOE. 605-5787791 SO YOU WANT TO BE a cowboy! The Deadwood Main Street Gunfighters are in need of two or more reliable volunteers to be in charge of the traffic barricades at the 2:00, 4:00 and/or 6:00 gunfights. Authentic “Old West” costuming is provided.Contact: Randy Christensen, Gentlemen of Old Deadwood, LLC 605-4840338 SPEARFISH CANYON LODGE is seeking a PT Night Auditor. Shift is 11pm7am Friday and Saturday nights with possible additional shifts. Hot meal provided. $9.25 hr. EOE. Call to arrange an interview at 605584-3435. BH PIONEER Saturday, July 18, 2009 401 PART-TIME NEED EXPERIENCED CCG E-BAY Salesperson. Need knowledge of Edge, Rage, Ultimate Combat, Overpower, Netrunner, ST, SW, Magic. Pre 2001. LM 605-722-1427 POWDER RIVER COAL has job openings online at: www.peabodyenergy.com 402 FULL-TIME CHEMICAL Dependency Counselor needed to provide diversion services to youth in a school based setting for YouthWise. Work hours varied. Drivers’ license & back ground check required. Persons with stable recovery are encouraged to apply. Apply: Director, YouthWise P O Box 433 Spearfish, SD 57783. DEADWOOD THYMES CAFE Taking Applications For Parttime Evening Cook, Wage DOE; Wait Staff. Apply In Person, 87 Sherman St., Or Call 605-578-7566. FULL SERVICE SALON looking for Full or Part-time Stylists. Options available for employment, booth rental, hourly or commission. Contact Tracey Gallagher at 723-4247. FULL TIME Auto Body Tech to work and manage Auto Body and Painting Shop in Sheridan, WY. Call 307-7513083. FULL-TIME CDE LICENSED Speech Language Pathologist (CCC’s preferred) and Certified SLPA for school year 2009-2010 with East Central BOCES in Bennett-Stratton central area. Students PreK12th, rural Eastern Colorado school settings, competitive salary, excellent benefits. Access to company vehicle or mileage reimbursement. Possible tuition reimbursement if currently in or eligible for a master’s program in speech language pathology. FULL-TIME MORNING Cook. Replacing, Retiring 16yr. employee. Looking for the right person. Contact Gary Todd at Gold Country Inn. 801 Main Street, Deadwood. or call 605-578-2393 for appointment TAKING APPLICATIONS for Gaming Supervisor. Full time position. Pick up applications at cashiers cage. See Gorge or Janis for further information. 605-578-1555 www.peabodyenergy.com Check out available jobs and apply online. Power River Coal, LLC is an equal opportunity employer. HELP WANTED. COMMUNITY Service Worker (Butte, Lawrence and Meade Counties). $12.12 - $14.12 per hour, 40 hours per week. Proficient in computer operations, Valid SD drivers license with no major violations in last 5 years, able to lift 50 pounds and be physically competent to perform required duties and must have a reliable insured vehicle. Insure income eligible people have access to all available agency programs. Must be located in the geographical area of Butte, Lawrence or Meade Counties. This position has a maximum duration of one year. For application and/or more Information contact Western SD Community Action, Inc., 1844 Lombardy Drive, Rapid City, SD. Phone: (605) 3481460 or (800) 327-1703. Closing Date: Friday, July 24, 2009 at 4:30 PM. Marketing Assistant* Seeking a detail-oriented teamplayer to assist in the Marketing Department. Candidates must be skilled with Microsoft Office programs; proficiency in Excel is plus. Knowlede of Oasis Player Tracking System is helpful. FT/PT Casino Host/Players Club* PT Graveyard Gaming Cashier* PT Graveyard Night Auditor* PT Convention Center Assistant PT Valet Rally Bar**/Kitchen Staff Wages DOE. Competitive benefits package. *SDCG License required. **Must be 21 Complete application or send resume to: Deadwood Gulch Gaming Resort 304 Cliff St., Deadwood, SD 57732 605-578-1294 HOSTESS, SERVERS, housekeepers, restaurant manager, front desk clerk, night auditor, bartenders, & maintenance. Apply at Best Western Sturgis Inn. IRON HORSE INN is currently looking for all positions in Whitewood. Wages DOE. Full and part time hours available. Attention to detail a must. Please call 605-7227574 404 BUSINESS/ CAREER OPPOR. GREAT BUSINESS ADVENTURE Auto Body and Painting business is for sale. Located in beautiful Sheridan, WY. Call 307-7513083. VENDERS WANTED for the Belle Fourche Riverfest and Crazy Days July 31 and August 1. Reserve your space no later than July 24. Call 605892-4773 for more information. VENDORS WANTED for the Black Hills Pioneer Outdoor Expo Sept. 13,2009 in Spearfish. Call 605-642-2761 for more info. VENDORS WANTED for the Black Hills Pioneer Taste of Home Cooking School Oct. 15th, 2009 in Spearfish. Call 605-642-2761 for more info.= 502 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CARVIN ACOUSTIC/ELECTRIC thinline guitar with hardshell Carvin carrying case. $950 This style of guitar was first built by Carvin in 1994. Allows you to jump from electric lead riffs to acoustic tone with ease. Two coil splitters phase switch, semi hollow, synth access. See www.betterguitar.com for reviews or Carvin guitars website #AE185 call 605-578-1146 Page 15 500 ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES 508 PETS & PET SUPPLIES 603 GRAIN, FEED, & SEED ANTIQUE buggy. Taking bids. 784 Main St, Deadwood. 605717-2322. DICKSON SMALL BREED PUPS: Yorkie, Maltese, Dachshund, Papillon, Shih Tzu Puppies AKC. Two Year Health Guarantee, payments, credit card okay. www.dicksonpups.com 605-787-6821 Deb Dickson 2009 HIGH QUALITY small square bales of grass/alfalfa hay. 605-642-5206, 605-6455206 DOG RESCUED on I-90, west of Sturgis, before road construction, 4th of July. Orange and white, wearing purple/yellow/turqoise collar without tags. Very friendly, Sturgis Animal Shelter. Any questions, 605-578-7774. 2004 POLARIS SPORTSMAN 700. Always maintained. Gun rack and many extras. $4,900 OBO Cash, Call Brad 605-641-2786 I HAVE TWO young adult black male poodles, one is a toy one, is a miniature, vet checked current on shots 200.00ea 787-9015 ‘02 BMW K12 Cruise, Heated Grips Blue, Fast, Comfortable. BMW one hard, one soft side bag. Asking 7,500. 605-641-5443, 605578-1060 509 SPORTING/ EXERCISE ITEMS 03 YAMAHA Road Star (Cruiser 1600cc). Runs and looks great. New rear tire and battery. 605-639-0158 ANTIQUES SALE: buffet, sidebar, piano, desk, butcher block, victrola, dresser, table. Also 10 chairs and chest of drawers. 605-722-5175 Spearfish 506 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS FOR SALE: Whirlpool 24.5 cubic ft. Side by Side refrigerator, with ice maker. Excellent Condition. $250. Large 230 Volt/30amp window air conditioner. $75. 951-733-9503 GAS RANGE, Oak Vanity, New Pedestal Sink, Corner Shower, Dishwasher, Recliner, Hide-A-Bed, Desk And Cabinets. 605-717-3553 After 4:00 pm. KING SIZE BED FRAME, solid oak, 4 poster. Leather work on headboard. Had 6 months. $650 OBO. Call Amanda. 605-639-0341 NEW INVENTORY ARRIVING WEEKLY! Sofas, tables, chairs, beds, appliances, and MUCH, MUCH MORE! Check back weekly, our stock is continuously changing! This and That, 536 West Jackson Boulevard, Spearfish. 605-717-6500. Mon- Fri 9:00AM-5:30PM, Sat 9:00AM-4:00PM. RED MICROSUEDE queen/sofa sleeper, multi-colored overstuffed chair. Both like new. $650 for both. or sell separately. 605-645-9684 WIDE VARIETY OF ANTIQUES, collectibles, household goods, furniture, ect. See 20% off items. Located behind Whitewood Family Restaurant. (Hwy 90) Exit 23, open until 6:00pm. Seven days. 507 APPLIANCES FOR SALE: 400LB. Ice maker. Low hours. 307-6434113 508 PETS & PET SUPPLIES FOR SALE: 2 Jack Donkeys. 1 year old and 2 year old. Contact 642-3208 days or 6422285 nights $100 for the two BOWFLEX SPORT. 310 lb capacity, with lat tower, leg extension, manuals, two 35 lb dumbells. Excellent condition. $300. Spearifsh 605642-4234. 700 ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES 701 MOTORCYCLES 07 CRF100, excellent condition. Too many extras to list. $1500.00 Call 605-722-4304 or 920-540-4537 511 BUILDING SUPPLIES 1969 HD SHOVELHEAD. 88 stoke, 12,000 miles on motor. Runs great. New Metzler tires and more. $7400. OBO 605720-1214 ASPHALT MILLINGS for sale in Rapid City. Call 605-3487068 and ask for Don or Floyd. 1983 YAMAHA ROYAL Star Venture, (cruiser 1200cc). Looks and runs great. $2200 321-693-5089 515 FIREWOOD & FUEL 1983 YAMAHA VENTURE ROYALE, runs great, looks great, nearly new tires. $1,800. 605-717-9700 FIREWOOD EARLY BIRD Special. Full 4x4x8 cord. $175. Cut and split. Dry Mountain Firewood. Call Linn 605-722-4741 PELLET STOVE Pelpro model #FPP2BD. 40lb hopper. $850. 605-720-3774 516 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS BRIKERHOFF PIANO with bench, and piano books. Excellent conditon. Dark wood. $150. 605-722-5430 MS PACMAN 2 man game table. Good condition. $325. or best offer. Authentic Robert Mondavi private reserve wine barrel. $100. OBO 605-6459684 NICE SWING SET - With Slide And Gliders, Like New, Asking $75.00. 605-5801267 517 WANTED TO BUY - MISC WANT TO BUY USED GRAIN bins. 3000-5000 bushel. We will arrange removal. Please call 307-6432297 leave message. 601 HORSES YEAR AROUND HORSE boarding for up to 2, in Spearfish. 605-642-4138 1986 TT 600, MOTORCYCLE. Runs Great. 605-6399227 1993 HARLEY DAVIDSON FXR Ready To Ride, Newer Dunlap Tires, Super Trapp Exhaust. Motor Work Done At RC HD, 30,000 Miles. $8000. 605-499-9737 1996 HARLEY DAVIDSON/FXDS Dyna Convertible, Black in color, 24,000 Miles, Windshield, Leather Saddle Bags, Screaming Eagle Exhaust $8,500 (605)641-1926 2001 HARLEY DAVIDSON 883 Sportster Custom. New paint, lots of x-tras. Great condition. $5000 or trade for bigger bike. 605-645-2271 2001 KTM PRO-SENIOR 50cc. 2003 RM60 SUZUKI. Motorcycles for sale. 1,500 each. OBO 605-584-3181 2002 AMERICAN IRON HORSE, motorcycle (Tejes) Excellent shape. Maroon/black. $13,500. Totally awesome bike. 605892-2585 or 605-645-9404 2002 VICTORY TC CRUISER TRIKE - 1505CC, Fuel Injected, 5,000 Miles, Full Windshield, Driving Lights, Touring Pack, Hard Bags. $8,900. 307-746-4683 2002 YAMAHA YZ125 2 stroke New rear tire, excellent condition, runs perfectly. $1,650. To see call 605-7225246 or Leave message. 701 MOTORCYCLES 2004 KAWASAKI NINJA ZX10R, 1000cc, green, passenger seat cover also, only 2,000 miles. Now just $6,999. w w w. R E C S TAT I O N . n e t http://www.recstation.net/or 605-717-4-FUN 2005 HONDA CRF450R. RG3 suspension. Woods ready. Comes with gear and extras. Call for details. $3,600 308-641-7733 Leave Message 2005 KLX125 KAWASAKI. $1200. Kids outgrew. run great. 605-641-2891 shscooby@rushmore.com 2005 STAR CLASSIC, Loaded, Low Miles, Very Clean, $7,500. 2000 HARLEY SPORTSTER, 1200 Kit, Scream Eagle, Lowered, Low Miles, $4,500. 1998 Custom Built 96” S Motor 5 spd, Good Miles, Fat Rear Tire, Too Much To List In Custom Parts. 1982 HARLEY FXR ROADSTER, Fresh Built Shovel Big Bore Stroker, 5 spd, Forward Controls, New Rear Tire And Battery $9,500. 1977 HARLEY SPORTSTER, Stretch Tank, Sturgis Wheel, Fwd Controls, Bored $4,000. 605-645-7003 Central City. All Priced Firm And No Trades. 2005 YAMAHA FZ1, blue. 1000cc, 200+mi. Fuel range, 2476 mi. Power, handling Mileage comfort. Does-it-all. $5500 OBO. 307-896-2505 evenings, 605-722-0701hm. ‘99 ELECTRA GLIDE. One owner, well maintained. ONLY 21,500 miles! 3 seats, 3 windshields. Many accessories. $11,900. Call 605645-7034 FOR SALE: 2005 C50 SUZUKI Lehman Trike Conversion. Custom paint. Full Fairing w/extras. Price $11,500. Mileage 14,200. 605-6453669 or 605-722-1669 FOR SALE: 2006 Honda CRF 450X Dirt Bike with headlight and electric start. Excellent Condition. $4,000 Call Luke @ 605-771-9892.” FOR SALE: New 2006 Moped Scooter. “SUNL” 50cc. Less than 10 miles. Call 605-7225698 HONDA CRF230F $1,800, Yamaha TTR125L $900, or both for $2,500. Excellent used condition. Call 605578-3278 after 7:00 pm or weekends. 702 SNOWMOBILES 2000 YAMAHA MOUNTAIN MAX 600. New Yamaha Belt And Slides, 141x2 Track, 1450 Miles. No Cracks Or Damage. $2300 OBO. FOR SALE: 1996 Sumit 670, $800; 2005 Supersport 550, $1,500; 2005 RMK 550, $1,500. 605-641-5089. 704 BOATS SAILBOATS (2), 11 feet long, 55 sq. ft. nylon sail, deck and hull expanded poly Vacobond. $500 each. 605-341-6231, 605-718-4033. Page 16 BH PIONEER !a#urday, Ju*y 1-, 2009 705 CAMPERS & TOPPERS 2005 WHITE TRI-LEVEL TOPPER. Lined & lights. Includes C-clamps. Fit 2005 Dodge 2500, 6 ft. bed. $900. Call 952-237-9086, 605-3814172, or 605-391-2377. 2008 PUMA 28’ TOY Hauler. Mint Condition. Tandem axels, bumper hitch or gooseneck, inside outside TV, stereo. Sleeps 8. $17,900. Best Offer. 928-580-9038 5TH WHEEL CAMPER TRAILER HITCH $400.00. 605-342-2586 IDLETIME pick-up camper, 8’ plus cabover, 3 burner cook stove, furnace and ice box. Manufactured in 1974 always stored inside. Excellent condition, jacks included. $1000. 605-456-2341 706 MOTOR HOMES & RV’S 1984 WINNEBAGO ELANDAN. 33ft., 454, 54,000 miles. New tires, batteries. $5,500 OBO. 605-642-5178 FOR SALE: 1991, 33ft Pinnacle RV, 48,000mi, 454 Chevy engine, Generator, 2AC, Awnings, TV, Cedar closets, Oak cabinets, Stored undercover, Excellent condition. $17,000, Call 605-7224235, or wrawlings@spe.midco.net mailto:wrawlings@spe.midco. net 750 AUTOS FOR SALE $4900. 2004 FORD TAURUS, 4dr. 82,000 miles. 5x16 Stock Trailer. Reconditioned. $1550. 605-645-6667 1965 BLUE BUG VOLKSWAGON, Engine Good, Asking $2,000. Call And Leave Message 605-7170012. 1993 CHRYSLER LEBARON Convertible Nice running, good tires, clean. $3495. 605578-2013 1993 FORD CROWN VICTORIA. Runs, needs work. Make an offer. 605-6452658 1997 FORD MUSTANG Automatic, A/C, cruise, 116K (new engine @76k), clean, one owner. $4995. (605)6414073 1997 FORD THUNDERBIRD LX $3,995.00. Very nice. Sunroof, Auto Transmission, 2 Studded Snow Tires. Weekdays after 6:00 p.m. 605-7213933. 1999 RED MONTE CARLO Z34. 3.8 Engine. New Rims & Tires. Great mpg. 110,000 miles. Excellent condition. $6,000. Evenings 605-8482660 !u5s7r85e #9 #he ;*a7< =8**s P89neer ?@?d8#89nA 2000 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSEAutomatic 4cyl New Tires Power Sunroof Rear Spoiler Electric Windows 4,000 Call 605210-3160 Saturday, July 18, .009 BH PIONEER 1age 17 BH PIONEER Page 18 Saturday, July 18, 2009 750 AUTOS FOR SALE 750 AUTOS FOR SALE 750 AUTOS FOR SALE 750 AUTOS FOR SALE 750 AUTOS FOR SALE 751 VANS FOR SALE 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE 1999 SUBARU FORESTER 5 spd, A/C, cruise, 30mpg 199,000 commuter miles New tires, transmission $3,900 OBO 307-290-0460 2002 TAURUS SES 63,800 miles. AC, Cruise, tilt, CD, Like new tires. $7200 605-6425252 2004 DODGE STRATUS. 65,000 miles, 4 brand new tires, Great MPG, $7,500. 2001 DODGE Grand Caravan. 113,000 miles. $6,000. (605)210-1629 2008 CHEVY MALIBU LTZ, loaded, 8900 miles, 100k Warranty, Black, 6 cyl. Remote start. Relocatingmust sell. $23,000. 605-7233408 FOR SALE: 1996 Chevy Beretta. Body very good. Good tires, new battery. Engine needs work. Best offer. 605-642-4117 2003 CHRYSLER VAN. Excellent condition, Fully Loaded, Sun roof, Individual controls for heat & air. Trac Electronic door lock. 605641-3740 1991 GMC 3/4 TON EXT. CAB SIERRA 4x4 pick-up 350, automatic, A/C, cruise, Excellent condition 140,000 Miles. $4,500 OBO 307-290-0460 2005 CHEVY MALIBU CLASSIC. 4 DS. Low miles, good gas mileage, good condition. Must see. $8,500. 605-3472287 Leave Message 350hp/400FT. LBS C-4 trans rebuilt with shifter kit, 0 miles, needs some work. asking $5,500. OBO In Spearfish. 307-751-2325 2005 COOL VANILLA PT Cruiser GT Convertible, Leather. Every option available. 24K miles. Stored in winters. show room condition. $14,900 605-717-3144 ‘55 WILLIES, body. ‘73 INTERNATIONAL SCOUT, DODGE DAKOTA, ‘98,’99, parting out. ‘94, 4 speed transmission, and transfer case. 605-347-7669, 307-299-5722 2005 PONTIAC GRAND AM. Silver 62,000 miles, V-6, spoiler, new tires. $8,400 605-6413819 ‘83 MAZDA Rx7, Includes T2 Turbo kit. Needs some work.‘84 MAZDA Rx7. Parts car. $700 for both. OBO 605-210-1560 2000 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE DIESEL. 5 sp. New turbo, new timing belt, new water pump. Excellent condition. 1 owner. 1995 Honda Civic Hatchback. Many new parts, good condition. 605456-3155. 2001 CHEVY CAVALIER Coupe 2 door - Five speed Great car for a student. $3800 or best offer. Call 605722-7654 2001 SUBARU OUTBACK WAGON. Dark blue, automatic, a/c, cruise, cd player. 143,000 miles. $5500. Call 605-430-2425 2002 NISSAN MAXIMA SE 110,000 Runs Great Dark Blue, Sunroof, Leather $7600 Towermotors.biz 215 National St. Belle Fourche 605-7236188 2002 SUBARU OUTBACK, LL Bean Package, 68K miles, Excellent Condition. $11,500; 605-578-7562 2003 TOYOTA CAMRY. 2 Liter, 4 cyl. 125,000 miles. Power windows, power locks, 34 mpg. $8,000. 605-6419590 2003 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA Wolfsberg 82K Miles, Well Maintained. LOADED. 18” Konig Wheels, Full Audio System, Intake & BlowOff Valve. 605-720-1931 2004 CHEVY IMPALA great gas mileage, good condition, runs great, moving, must go! $9,000 OBO. 605-722-7673 2004 DODGE INTREPID 61,500 miles. Books at $11,900, only asking $10,000. In good condition. Call 605645-9115 for details. 2004 DODGE INTREPID, electirc windows/seat, tinted windows, rear spoiler. 28-30 mpg. 104K Sharp car. Asking below book @ $6000. 605641-2604 2005 PONTIAC G6, 4 door, auto, new tires. 60,000 miles. $8,250 605-722-6480 2005 SUBARU Forrester $15,000 Call 605-270-2001 2005 VW PASSAT GLS TDI, Diesel 40+MPG, Black, Loaded, Sunroof, 56,000 miles, Great Shape! $17,000 OBO 605-580-3158. 2006 CHRYSLER PACIFICA Touring. 52K. Leather. Front /middle bucket seats, 3rd row split bench seat. $14,700 OBO. Call 605-645-0321, 605-723-2042. 96 PLYMOUTH NEON. 2 Door, green. Fair condition. $1900. 605-720-3774 FORD ESCORT LX 1999 4dr Alpine stereo w/12” sub woofer after market rims and tires 100,600 miles $4,500 OBO 605-343-8587 OLDER MODEL CARS. ‘81 Buick LeSabre. ‘88 Delta Oldsmobile (Diesel). $500 each. Serious inquiries only. 605-641-4435 751 VANS FOR SALE 1990 FORD E250 Service Van With Tool Bins, HD Ladder Rack, Receiver Hitch, 2 New Tires $950. 605-580-0067 99 PONTIAC GRAND AM. Low miles, runs great, $1,000 under book value. $3,350 OBO 605-641-8539 1994 CHEVY LUMINA VAN. 3.8, v6. 7-passenger. 1994 OLDS. CONVERTIBLE. 3.1, v6. Both run good. Choice $1650. OBO 605-645-1625 FOR SALE: 1986 CHEVY Astro van. 1984 Jeep Wagoneer. 6 cylinder. Home made motor cycle trailer. OBO 605-892-3693 2002 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY. Runs great. Immaculate condition, inside and out. 108,000 miles. $4,450. Tower Motors. 605-723-6188 2003 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY EX. 72k miles. Entertainment center. Excellent condition. Asking $9000. 605-892-2285 ‘83 GMC 3/4 TON VAN. 6.2L, diesel. 155K. New tires. Solid, clean Van. Extras $2000. Jason 605-561-0115 FOR SALE 1998 VAN. E150, white Ford. v8 engine. Air, with racks. 61000 miles. $4995 605-892-4406 or 605723-4873 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE 01 CHEVY 3/4 TON crew cab Long box. 7” Lift. 8,500. Call 605-641-2547 1988 FORD F150 PICKUP, 4x4 With Topper, Runs GREAT!! Hate To Let It Go. $2,900 605-578-3434 1989 FORD F-150. 4x4, runs great. $2200 321-693-5089 Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector 1994 NISSAN XE, v6, 4x4 extended cab. c/d, cruise, a/c, topper, 5 speed, nice condition. $4100/offer. 605-390-8483 1995 GMC SONOMA 4x2. 350 engine, 700R4 125,000 miles, 17,000 on engine. Runs great, wiring needs work. $2500. 605-722-2686 1996 F-250 POWER STROKE EXT. Cab. $5900. 605-391-5412 2001 FORD F-350 LARIAT 4X4 Crew Cab, long box. 7.3 Diesel, automatic. Runs great! Books for $14,500, asking $10,500. 605-641-1248 2002 FORD F-250 Super Duty v-8. Super Cab XLT. 4wd. 185,000 miles. Accepting bids until 10-30-08. We reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Questions call Walt 605-347-5935 2001 FORD RANGER 4x4 110,000 miles 4.0L 5 speed. Matching topper $6000 good condition 605-645-9541 Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 POLLARD ONE WAY SERVICE PROS General Contractor Jeff Rath, Owner • Spearfish ~ Lead ~ Deadwood ~ Belle Fourche ~ Sturgis AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS CONSTRUCTION Affordable Rates - Residential & Commercial Installation & Repair • Duct Cleaning • Sales & 24 Hr. Service Brad Pollard Servicing ALL Brands of Air Conditioners & Furnaces HCR73, Box 247 Deadwood, SD 57732 Always accepting new customers! 722-8101 or 578-7795 605-578-2057 ONE WAY... THE RIGHT WAY L"#$%&$'(I%&*+$' • Roofing • Siding • Cement • Home Building Jeff Storhaug cell 605-641-3619 Spearfish S TIMATE FREE ES D/J Saddlery Boot & Shoe Repair Contact us for all of your landscaping needs! • Lawn Maintenance • Low Voltage Lighting • Complete Landscape Design • Retaining Walls/Boulder Walls • Water Features & Ponds • Sprinkler Installation & Repair STONECREEK LANDSCAPE L.L.C. Todd Keyes, Owner • 605-645-8110 • www.stonecreeklandscaping.net Bob Lambert Construction Licensed • Insured After hours call 722-8101 QUINN’S PAINTING & REPAIR • New Construction • Steel Buildings • Concrete • Additions • Remodeling • QUALITY GUARANTEED • 605-641-7958 (cell) 605-722-5466 (home) Dan 642-2197, 641-1954 Tom 642-2477, 641-6923 L ICENSED - I NSURED R EFERENCES I NTERIOR - E XTERIOR N EW C ARPENTRY R EMODEL - R EPAIR DROP OFF at 2535 E. Colorado Blvd., Spearfish t Johnston’s Hardware And A IN STURGIS BOOTS • WORK BOOTS SHOES • TACK SADDLES & MORE! ,AN /IL/ER 23456763/IL/ER LANE83BELLE :O<RC>E 605-892-4459 • 605-210-1213 BH PIONEER Saturday, July 18, 2009 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE 2002 GMC SIERRA. 1500 extended cab, with new 7ft. circle D, flat bed. 122,000 miles. $5,500. OBO. 307-2832359 or 307-290-2020 ‘99 FORD F150 4x2. v-6, 5 speed, Good shape. Nice Stereo, custom wheels. Nice truck. $4800. 605-568-2007 ‘01 JEEP WRANGLER SPORT. Hard top, 73,000 miles, 5 speed. New 6 ply tires. $10,500, or offer. 605-591-9953 ‘99 FORD LARIAT 3/4 ton Super Duty. Power stroke, Long Box, with 2005 Western plow. $13,900 or offer. 605591-9953 1994 GMC JIMMY SLT 4.3 liter V6, 4 door, leather, CD W/ipod control. 2 wheel drive, 146,000 miles $1,500 605-722-0958 2005 CHEVROLET SILVERADO, 1500. 4x4, Z71 Victory red. Good condition. 55,000 miles, with 5’x12’ open trailer, $19,999 605-210-1717 2005 F-250 Crew Cab. Powerstroke 5th wheel XLT. Grill Guard. Would consider economy car as a trade. 605642-2172 Leave message 2006 GMC 1500 PICKUP. 4x2, v6, Auto. 42,000 miles. Spray liner, tow hitch. 605-723-6188. Tower Motors. Belle Fourche. 2006 TOYOTA TUNDRA 4x4 extended cab. TRD OFF-road package. Rhino-liner. Excellent condition. $21,500 OBO. 307-689-8122. Evenings leave message. ‘95 NISSAN SINGLE Cab pick-up. 80,000 miles. $3000. OBO 605-645-2100 ‘96 CHEVY K3500 1 ton pickup. 4 door great for hauling heavy loads. New tires. Clean truck $5500. Wes 605-6452271 FOR SALE: 1972 Ford F-100 2wd 1/2 ton pickup. 302 4 speed. Good condition and could be restored or just get it running. $500. 605-4999896. FOR SALE: 2005 FORD EXCURSION fully loaded. v-10, 4 inch lift, custom rims. Serious buyers, Carrie 605-722-1992 or 605-6411783 RARE RESTORED 1966 FORD Camper Special 352 motor, automatic trans. red and white with 8ft. pop-up Skamper Camper. $9950.00. 307-283-2629. START OR ENHANCE YOUR BUSINESS! 2001 Ford F350 Powerstroke with 1 year old 9’2” Boss V Plow $16,000. 605-673-1625 or 605-6732553. Page 19 753 SPORT 753 SPORT 753 SPORT UTILITIES FOR SALE UTILITIES FOR SALE UTILITIES FOR SALE 1994 ISUZU RODEO 4x4. Aircruise. PW/PL. Pioneer CD. Alloy Wheels. Tinted Windows, Low miles. Runs Excellent. 605-545-1228 $3,000. OBO. 605-545-4785 2002 FORD EXPLORER sport trak 4-door, hard top cover, 4x4. Sun roof, 6-cd, runs great. Silver, 100,000 miles. $9,500. 605-645-8994 2002 LAND ROVER Freelander. 80k, 2.5L, v6, Auto, 21mpg, awd, trac control, abs, tilt, cruise, CD, heated seats. $6500 605-6416505 WRANGLER 1992 156,000 miles, good shape, runs well, hard top w/bikini top, manual, Asking $5,000 OBO. 605-210-1961. 754 HEAVY TRUCKS 1975 FARM TRUCK. 18 foot combination box with hoist. Good Condition. Looks & runs great. $7000. 307-467-5580 or 605-722-4263 2002 MONTERO, PEWTER 58K, $9,900, 2001 Wrangler, White/Black Soft, 69K, $12,900 2004 GMC Sierra 1500, Black, Loaded, 87K, $17,900, 605-892-5844. CRANE TRUCK FORD F800, 189” wb, crane is a National Series 200 605-490-0289 2005 HONDA PILOT EX. v6 3.5L. 73,000 miles. Immaculate. $14,900 605722-9445 or 605-641-1400 1995 BRACO ENCLOSED 20’ large trailer. Has interior lights/storage. Will consider trade for camptrailer or 4 wheeler. $4300 605-722-0298 2000 FORD EXPLORER XLT. v8, awd, cd, sunroof, rear air, loaded, new tires. 100k miles. Asking $5000. OBO 605-6451338 2006 H3 HUMMER, 4x4, Luxury Package. Heated Seats, Moon Roof, Low Miles, Upgraded Wheels, Nerf Boards, Warranty. $24,000. 605-341-4440, 605-3412939. PAYING $$$$ FOR OLD TRAILERS. Been sitting around awhile. OK!! Working condition unknown. OK!! Stock, Horse, Flatbed call Joe 605-722-1807 2000 JEEP WRANGLER SPORT. Soft top, 4 liter, 5spd. 94k miles. New tires, dark green. Looks & runs great. 605-347-0966 TOO MANY JEEPS! 1975 CJ5 Renegade. 304v8, 3spd. Good body, good tires, runs great! Full top $3,000 OBO 605-722-5868 1996 TOYOTA RAVR 4dr AWD 4 cyl. 5 speed great condition $6000 OBO. 1996 Chevy Express conversion van $3500. 307-290-1089 1997 CHEVY SUB. Runs good, looks good. New tires. 4wd, needs to be serviced. $2500 OBO. 605-584-9955 756 TRAILERS 759 ACCESSORIES 4-BRIDGSTONE TIRES, Trunza EL400 H BL 245/50R18 M&S. Price $175.00 each. Phone 3422586 759 ACCESSORIES 4 SUPER SWAMPER tires, 36 x 12.5 R 15 LT with 1/2” tread on 5 hole 4 1/2 “ bolt pattern wheels also to go 8 hole 15”wheels. $900.00 605206-0289 FOR SALE: ALPINE Deck. Includes 6 Disc Changer, 5 1/4 Speakers with Tweeters, 2 Alpine V12 Amps, Boston acoustic 4x7’s and Boston acoustic Sub. $1000 OBO. Call 645-1849 and leave message. 760 AUTO SERVICES WILL HAUL YOUR JUNK VEHICLE FOR FREE. MUST HVE TIRES AND TITLE. CALL 580-1063. 761 COLLECTIBLE AUTOS LARRY’S HANDYMAN SERVICE REMODELING REPAIRING FLOOR TILE *o Job Too Small) 0122 24T567T24 605-645-4105 47 WILLY’S JEEP. Buick V-6. Muncie 4 speed. Dana 18 Transfer Case. 31 inch Yokoahamas, Headers, custom exhaust. $5000 605-7482215 FOR SALE: 1929 AA Truck. One ton. 605-722-5175 Ask for Jim. Also Ransomes mower and landscape trailer JEEP LAREDO, 1986, Last of WWII type, white/gold, all accessories, automatic, all documents, 91,800 original miles, $10K, 605-3476071 1973 CORVETTE STINGRAY 350, 4 speed. 1973 Corvette Yellow in color. T-Tops. $22,500. Call 605-642-2344 days, 605-642-7833 evenings. RARE 1966 FIAT 1500 Cabriolet, Two Seater, Hard And Soft Tops. Straight Body, No Engine, Good Project Car. $1000 OBO. Call Mark At 605-722-1151. !"ner& Thomas -inter 915 State Street, Belle Fourche, SD Call for a Consultation 1976 JEEP CJ7, Red, Hard Top. 6 cyl-Auto FT 4-wheel with Quadratrac. Fresh Motor. $6,500 OBO. Call 605-642-2344 days, 605-6427833 evenings. Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 Brodie Dental Dentures “1973” MUSTANG COUPE. All refurbished. 2 owner car. Must see to appreciate. Call 605-559-0247 leave message. Last of the “Classics”. 1936 CHEVY COUPE. 350 automatic, crate motor. Steel body. Nova sub frame. Restoration well underway. Call 605-642-5705 or 605-269-2132 Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector Specializing in: 761 COLLECTIBLE AUTOS Removable Partials Crowns & Bridges 605.892.3763 617 State Street, Belle Fourche, SD 57717 M-F 10-6 605-568-0268 Pawns Title Loans Payday Loans Consignments PIONEER BLACK HILLS E Dove Chocolate Discoveries in home chocolate Parties. Theresa Bibler theresabibler@yahoo.com 605-641-4404 Book an in-home tasting party today! Do you have a new business that’s not listed in the phone book yet? ADVERTISE HERE!! Call 642-2761 or 584-2303 Judy &uber Rapid City Advertising Consultant *6,5. 341-,,36 1415 6. 8ain< Ste. ?@,4 Aapid City< SD Sat. 10-5 Retail: Knives, Black Hills Gold, Electronics, Tools, Antiques PEDERSON HARDWOOD FLOORS • • • • installation repair refinishing tile & more for a FREE Estimate call Justin 605-578-1089 • • • • • Income Tax Preparation Financial Statements Business Plans QuickBooks® Bookkeeping E-Mail: tenbroek@westriv.com PROFESSIONAL LAWN CARE & PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE PROJECTS MERLE’S LANDSCAPING & YARD SERVICE ate Total Lawn Care Maintenance Estime)) SPRING PACKAGE PROFESSIONAL Fe • Power Raking • Aerating LANDSCAPING • Sod Laying • Seeding New Lawns • And 4-Step Turf Plus Plan • Install & Design Sprinkler Systems (computerized imaging & Design) PROJECTS OLD & NEW! LEAD • DEADWOOD • SPEARFISH • BELLE FOURCHE • STURGIS 1-800-287-7805 • 605-892-2111 South Hwy. 85 • 1835 Fifth Avenue, Belle Fourche, SD NEW LOCATION! I-90 Exit 14 • 3135 E. Colorado Blvd. Spearfish, SD 57783 nhauto@rushmore.com Ph. 605.722.0537 Cell 605.645.1349 Fax 605.722.0580 BH PIONEER Page 20 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1 & 2 BD apts/modern cabins, $495-$525, brand new interiors, off-street parking, np/ns! Hart Homes 605-641-5675. 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH, Deadwood, One Downtown Parking Space. No Smoking/Pets. Available Now, $400 + Electric. 605-5783807. 1 & 2 BEDROOM, Furnished and Unfurnished. Lead. Call 605-920-1457 Leave Name & Phone #. 1-2-3 BEDROOM APTS. Visit Our Website: Help-U-Rent.net Or Call 605-722-RENT. 1BD, 1BA oversized cottage available now, $495. 2BD, 1BA apartments available now, $525. All units have been completely remodelled inside, very clean. Move-in special for leases signed before August1, np/ns! Hart Homes 605-641-5675. Summit View & Heritage Apartments NEWLY REMODELED Very nice 1 & 2 bedroom apartments in Belle Fourche. Some utilities included. For further information call: 723-8000. AFFORDABLE LIVING — BELLE FOURCHE - Cozy 1 bedroom, Newly remodeled. All utilities paid except electric & gas.. 605-641-4788 APARTMENT RENTAL in Spearfish. Two bedrooms, no pets. Asking $495/mo. plus utilities 605-641-2500 AVAILABLE AUGUST 5th. Large 2 bedroom main floor apartment located in BF. $600. Close to park and schools. Huge yard, off street parking. 1st month+deposit. No pets/no smoking. References required. 645-7753 CANYON ESTATES Apartments in Spearfish, now has 2 bedroom apartments available. Nicely landscaped, play area, off street parking, laundry facilities. Some units newley remodeled. Call 605642-7400 for more information. Equal Housing Opportunity. Help-U-Rent !e#$%&%'en) “QUALITY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT” 504 MAIN STREET • SPEARFISH, SD 57783 • 605-642-8803 Options For Your Rental Needs8 !"artment), Commer.ia0 Storage 3nit), 4ome) 5e.reationa065a00y 5enta0) !er$in' )*e +or)*ern Black Hills 1041 Main St. Spearfish, SD 5!!83 !22-RENT ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom, central Deadwood apartment. Covered porch. Oak kitchen, Washer/dryer provided, low utilities. $500. 605-722-7240 CLEAN 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS located in Spearfish. Available Now. Rent Based On Income. For More Information call 605645-8933 Equal Housing Opportunity. DELUXE 2/3BD Units, near University, no pets/no smoking. 1 yr. lease. Call 605-7223613, 605- 642-7464 Saturday, July 18, 2009 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 802 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT COTTAGES/APARTMENT in Spearfish for rent 2009-2010 BHSU School Year. 8.5 Month Lease only. Furnished with free utilities, basic cable and wireless internet. Walking distance to college. Kitchette. No pets, no smoking. Most have queen bed, some with two full beds. $500 month single, $520 for two persons, Two persons not recommended unless personal items at minimum. $220 deposit to hold. Clean. Ready September 1st or slightly earlier. Call Orchard Creek Cottages 605-6424234. 514 Mason, Spearfish. orchardcreekcottages.com IRON RIDGE ESTATES has openings for 2, 3 and 4 bedroom luxury apartments. Swimming pool, hot tub and fitness room. Free satellite tv. No smoking, pet considered with references. 605-641-2068 UPSTAIRS APARTMENT. 1 bedroom. Private, nice view and yard. Utilities included. No smoking/no pets. $550/mo. 605645-1483 or 605-645-8377 2 BEDROOM TRAILER, garbage & water included, $400/mo, beulah, wy call evenings 307-643-7175 DEADWOOD - WALK to work & save gas. Beautiful 2 br apartment five min from downtown. $675 + 1 mo deposit. References and one year lease required. 605-9209003 DEADWOOD - WALK to work & save gas. Beautiful modern 1 br apartment five min from downtown. Heat included in rent. $675 + 1 mo deposit. References and one year lease required. 605920-9003 LEAD, NICE, 2 BEDROOM Apt., Off-street Parking, Washer/dryer. No Pets. 605584-3861, 605-580-0090 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT at 130 E. Illinois, Spearfish. Storage and cable TV included. Available immediately. No smoking, no pets. 1 year lease with good credit. $430 mo. Call 605-641-1026. ONE BEDROOM, garage. Deadwood. New carpet/paint. $685/mo. $685 deposit. Most utilities, cable, w/d, Fireplace. No smoking/pets. Available August 605-659-3083 STUDIO APARTMENTS in Spearfish. utilities paid. No pets/no smoking. $250.-$300. per month. 605-717-5555 UPSCALE SPEARFISH 4plex . 2 bedroom 2 bath with fireplace. $850-1000/mo. 2 bedroom 1 bath $650-$750. All 4 units have laundry. 605-323-8748 801 ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. In adorable home in Spearfish. W/D, and all utilities and internet included. No smoking. $375/mo. 605-6452144 NICE CLEAN ROOM For Rent, Located Between Lead And Deadwood, Air Conditioned, All Utilities Paid, No Pets. Call 605-584-2667. TONY’S MOTEL. Completely Furnished, Ready to Move in, Kitchenettes. Rent by Day, Week Or Month. Cable, Color TV. Cleaned Weekly. Reasonable Rates. (605)2692501 Whitewood SD. 802 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT IN BELLE FOURCHE 2 bedroom. Available August 1st. Call 605-892-3140 Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector 803 TOWNHOUSES FOR RENT SANDSTONE TOWNHOME. 2 bedroom, 1 bath unit. Available 7/1/09. Includes all appliances, yard care, central air, attached garage, and much more. No smoking, no pets. $895. Call Polly at 605-6452331 or Todd at 605-717-1111. 805 HOMES FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM older home in country setting. $950/mo. includes water. 1 year lease/$1000 deposit. No smoking. 605-645-1483, 605645-8377 2 BEDROOM HOUSE in Newell. 1 & 2 bedroom apartments and 2, 3, & 4 bedroom houses in Belle. 605-210-3419 3 BEDROOM IN LEAD, $675 Plus Utilities Plus Deposit, No Smoking, No Pets, 605-9203962 Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 Startz & Startz Landscaping Group & Individual Health & Life COLOR MYSTIQUE Your One-Stop Clean-Up Shop! • Complete Interior Clean-Up • Shampoo with Scotch Guard available • Hand Wash & Waxing/Buffing • Rock Chip & Light Scratch Repair • Tar Removal • Steam Clean Engines Residential & Commercial CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 136 Sherman Street, Suite A Deadwood, South Dakota 57732 Phone/Fax 605-722-6466 578-3434 • 580-3434 FREE ESTIMATES • Gift Certificates 3150 4th Ave., Spearfish, SD * Retaining Walls * Grading * Sod & Seeding * Sprinkler Systems (Across from Midcontinent) 605-642-0562 Specializing in Portraits with Personality WESTERN STAR INC, GARAGE DOOR SALES & SERVICE To make an appointment, please call RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL (605) 381-9296 or (605) 641-0935 MENTION THIS AD FOR A FREE GIFT ON SCHEDULED SERVICE CALL watson.photography@yahoo.com 892-3376 • 641-6929 512 INDUSTRIAL, BELLE FOURCHE, SD Pha e Electric Inc. @ !ona &'(onne** Belle Fourche, Spearfish Ad Representative +,-./ ,01213,4 54. !eaton (ir9*e: !pearfish: !? RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL DEAN L. WEIS Manager - Owner PO Box 669 Spearfish, SD 57783 Ph. 642-9693 Fax 642-5757 No Job Is ! Too Small R & D CONSTRUCTION !"#ensed "n !ead, 7ead8..d 9 :;ear<"sh ROGER THOMAS (605) 584-2701 or 580-1562 Concrete Sidewalks & Flatwork • New Construction Repair & Remodeling ★ ROOFING ★ CONCRETE ★ REMODELING ★ ALL PHASES ★ GARAGES ★ POLE BARNS ★ ADDITIONS ★ RIDING ARENAS -. /.0 1.. 0"g .r 1.. s3a445 Tom Kinter Locally owned and operated for 16 years !"#ensed and *nsured 605-892-4632 1103 Elkhorn Belle Fourche, SD 577517 BH PIONEER Saturday, July 18, 2009 FOR RENT 805 HOMES FOR RENT Rally Rentals Available! COUNTRY LIVING in Spearfish. Three bedrooms 2 bath. No dogs. $800 per month plus utilities. Deposit required, references appreciated. Available 9/1 605-642-4138 HOUSE FOR RENT. 629 Canyon. Fenced in backyard with alley access. Upstairs kitchen, full bath, bedroom, living/dining room w/fireplace; Downstairs - bedroom, living room, full bathroom, newer washer/dryer, half kitchen, small bedroom, storage room. Attached single garage. $880/month. No pets. Call 641-7226 and leave a message. Available July 20th. Page 21 140 W. Jackson Blvd, Spearfish Visit our website at www.therentcenter.com 816 STATE STREET 2 BR, 1 BA, Avail. end of May ..................................$525/Mo. - Belle Fourche 711 8TH STREET - PONDEROSA APTS. 1 BR, 1 BA ......................$325/Mo. - Belle Fourche 822 YALE #3 2 BR, 1 BA ..............................................................................$525/Mo. - Spearfish 1227 FOOTHILLS DRIVE 3 BR, 2 BA Mobile Home, 2 Car Garage, Laundry Room ......$1150/Mo. - Spearfish 2516 HAMSTER HILL PLACE 2 BR, 2 BA, 2 Car Garage, Fully Furnished ......$1,100/Mo. - Spearfish 1020 MEADE ST 2 BR, 1 BA, 2 Car Garage ....................................................$750/Mo. - Whitewood 808 LOTS & ACREAGE FOR RENT IN STURGIS 2 HOUSES for rent. One bedroom $400, water paid. Two Bedroom $590, water paid. Both in shaded yard and close to downtown. Available now. 605-641-9854 or msg 605722-3263 MOUNTAIN SHADOWS ESTATES in Spearfish Has Large Mobile Home Lots Available for Rent. No Dogs Allowed. (605)642-4764. THREE BEDROOM HOME with laundry hookups near college available August 1. Pet may be considered with references and additional deposit. No smoking. $840/month plus utilities. 605641-2068 PRIME COMMERCIAL SPACE available immediately. 210 West Grant. 2,032 Total Sq. Feet (238 sq. ft. Office and 1,794 sq. ft. Shop.) Located in a very nice commercial condo center. Call Justin at 605-6452524 for more info. 809 COMMERCIAL RENTALS 809 COMMERCIAL RENTALS 809 COMMERCIAL RENTALS DOWNTOWN SPEARFISH: Approximately 600 square feet of commercial/retail space available on Grant Street, 1/2 block west of Main Street. Large windows, private bath. $400.00 per month. Call Jason at Century 21 Spearfish Realty, Inc. 605-6424607. DENTAL, MEDICAL, OR PHYSICAL Therapy Rental space available in Belle Fourche call 605-723-7654. FAIRGROUND LOOP Industrial Park: 30X40 unit $500/month, 30X70 unit $800/month. Heated, private bathrooms, overhead doors, easy access. Call Jason at Century 21 Spearfish Realty, Inc. 605642-4607. 810 GARAGES & STORAGE 813 VACATION RENTALS **STORAGE UNITS**. Competitive Rates, 22x30, 11x30, 11x20, 11x15, 11x10, 5x11. Call Northview Storage at (605)642-8126. OVERSIZED DOUBLE GARAGEwith remote opener available July 15 in residential area of Spearfish. Clean and in great condition for $150 per month. 605-6412068 BLACK HILLS VACATION CABINS...Choice locations in the Northern Hills. All year availability. See properties at www.blackhillsvacationcabins.comCall 605-920-1269 or 605-578-1184 for reservations. email jody_ mollman@yahoo.com 5x7, 8x10, 10x10, 10x24, 12x30. Concrete floors, Black topped drive ways. Located behind Safeway- Stow Away Storage- 605-642-2869 or 605-645-2152. Sabrina Arnold • 645-2042 (cell) • 717-5555 (office) • sabrina@realestatecenters.com LEAD, LARGE, 3 BEDROOM, 1 Bath, $800.00 OBO. Available August 1st. Call 605-584-1800 (Rory). 810 GARAGES & STORAGE PREMIERE OFFICE SPACES for Lease in Newer Belle Fourche Plaza Call 605-723-7654. STORAGE UNITS IN the city of Deadwood. Sizes 10x18 and 10x24. Call 605-5783601 leave message for Aspen Storage WHITEWOOD STORAGE NEW UNITS. Various sizes. Low prices. Outside parking available. 605-269-2123 UMCOC (Former Central School). Lower level multi-purpose room. 236 West Jackson Blvd. Call 605-642-2024 810 GARAGES & STORAGE 10x26, 10x24, 10x12 STORAGE UNITS. Concrete Floor. Valley Storage. (605)6423782, 605-645-2880. LOWEST PRICE SELF STORAGE UNITS: 7 1/2 x 10, 10 x 15, 12 x 30 Concrete Floors, All Asphalt Drives, Good Snow Removal, Spearfish. 605641-6350. Why not try your ad here? Call 642-2761 or 584-2303 STORAGE UNITS Sona @AConnell Advertising Representative (+0-) +40107+1 31- Seaton Circle Spearfish, SD FOR SALE: 1989 26x66 Double wide log mobile home. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Log sided home with large covered porch. Renovated inside, fireplace with log accents. New carpet and tile flooring. House must be moved. Approx. sq.ft. 1900+ $60,000. 605-6411248 • 5’ X10’ and 10’ X 20’ available • Commercial shops with office. 4 to choose from. Incentives! Call Aaron 605-641-1026 See the rest of today’s classifieds on the next page! We’ll move your items for you! Schmidt Construction 30- .ears 123erien5e in • Basements • Foundations • Driveways • Patios • Sidewalks 6i5ensed 8 9nsured 605-584-1004 605-641-6124 Laura J. Kolb Music Studio Music For Your Heart ♥ Phone: 605-641-8422 PO Box 1357, Spearfish, SD 57783 Danielle (reen LJKMusicStudio@knology.net Advertising Representative Beginning to Advanced Piano Lessons for Students of All Ages Over 20 Years of Teaching Experience (+0-) +40107+1 31- Seaton Circle Spearfish, SD A Variety of Tuition Plans - One for Every Budget Call Today to Schedule a Free Interview! Skin care packed with multiple benefits. Special offers you don’t want miss. Free samples so you can try before you buy. Free makeovers and expert tips. Shop at your convenience with my personal delivery. No crowds. No parking hassles. No drain on your gas tank. What better way to get all your skin care and makeup! Contact me today! Sherri Moeller Independent Beauty Consultant www.marykay.com/sherrimoeller 605-645-9667 PARK it MARKET Aaron’s Handyman Services • Snow Removal • Furniture Moving • Kitchen & Bathroom Remodel • Egress Windows • Concrete • Decks • Roofing • Plumbing • Garages • Painting • Repairs • Tree Trimming and Cleanups Ca## %aron )raun (605) 642-5874 FREE DROP IN BELLE! Robert Crane GEICO Field Representative Licensed in South Dakota, Wyoming & Montana • All Paper • Cardboard • Aluminum Cans 1575 LaCrosse Street, Suite A Rapid City, SD 57701 Commercial Dumpsters Appliance Pickup Telephone: (605) 348-6060 Fax: (605) 342-9318 Claims: 1-800-841-3000 Rcrane@geico.com • • • • • • Cars Trucks Boats Campers Trailers ATV’s 3151 E. Colorado Blvd. Spearfish, SD PARK 605-641-1248 PIONEER BLACK HILLS ? ♥ MARY KAY ? 902 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 This Space Just Opened Up! PIONEER CONDO FOR SALE BY OWNER: 2 bedroom 2 baths, 2 car garage. Call 605-5590247. Built new in 08 Price Reduced! STORAGE FOR RENT. Heated and Cooled 1500 SF for $750/Mo. 3000 SF for $1000/Mo. E. Jackson Blvd. High Plains Properties Mike Alley 605390-2743 Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector BLACK HILLS 900 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE IT HERE, SELL IT HERE! Lazy B Ent. since 2002 www.blackhills.com/recycle 605-722-1807 Accounting & Bookkeeping Financial Statement Preparation Tax Preparation & Planning 3227 Fairgrounds Loop Spearfish, SD 57783 605-641-1394 jenny@donovancpapro.com (Entrance to office is off McGuigan Road) BH PIONEER Page 22 Saturday, July 18, 2009 903 HOMES FOR SALE 903 HOMES FOR SALE 903 HOMES FOR SALE 903 HOMES FOR SALE 903 HOMES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM, 1 Bath, Lead, Total Remodel, Flat Lot With Much Off-street Parking. New Log Siding, Roof, Windows, Doors, Drywall, Tile, Counters, Cove Heat And Stainless Appliances. $109,900. 651-491-0936 GREAT CENTRAL LOCATION Spearfish. One owner home. 3 bed. 2 bath. Wood floors $189,000. Call Chris Pangburn at Jorgensen Reality 605-645-9985 TERRY PEAK LODGE $82,900 Completely furnished-Two bedroom, two bath resort Pool, game room, dining area, picnic area and much more. $ Income generating $ Call 24hr hotline at 650-641-1100 CODE 40856 or Jessica/ Prudential 605641-0566 SPEARFISH CLEARANCE $124,900 Large Homeacross from creek and park. Four bedroom, two full baths, almost 2,000 sq. ft. Home could use a face lift. Home has newer roof, furnace, electrical, central air and some windows. Call 24hr hotline at 605-6411100 CODE 12006 or Jessica/Prudential 650-6410566 LEAD- $149,900 Four bedroom, two full bath home with two car attached gar. Large deck with fantastic views Home is on double lot with plenty of parking Move in ready 605-641-0566 CODE 40866 or Jessica/Prudential 605-641-0566 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH In Deadwood, Lots Of OffStreet Parking, Secluded In Town, $175,000. Call 605578-3073. MOTIVATED SELLER Majestic Mountain Top Home 4 acres, 3300 SF, 3 car garage and 26x32 shop. 5 miles to Sturgis. $349,649. Exit Realty, 390-2743 See photos at exitrapidcity.com SEE THE CLASSIFIEDS ONLINE, TOO AT www.bhpioneer.com OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday, July 18th & 19th 11 am - 2 pm • 21598 Ginty Court Ironwood Estates at the Lead Country Club (first right turn off of the Rochford Road at Country Club turn off) YOU HAVE GOT TO COME SEE THIS QUALITY HOME! Dakota Gold REALTY Bill Laskowski Broker/Owner 605-584-2662 Mobile 605-580-0225 719 W. Main, Lead, SD 57754 www.dakotagoldrealestate.com WANTED TO BUY YOUNG COUPLE LOOKING TO RELOCATE 3 Bedroom home with basement or other room in Spearfish $140,000. Jessica/Prudential 605-6410566 904 LOTS & 904 LOTS & ACREAGE FOR SALE ACREAGE FOR SALE LAND FOR SALE: 22 plus acres 3miles northwest of Spearfish. Beautiful Views. $137,500. Call 605-641-1354 or 605-642-7080 or email burnstar@rushmore.com BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! Large home across from creek & park, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, almost 2000 sq. ft., could use a face lift, newer roof, furnace, electrical, central air and some windows. MLS 28363 24 hr hotline, 605-341-1100 CODE 40836 or call Jessica 641-0566. jessicasellsspearfish@live.com $124,900 • 345 West Michigan - Spearfish Saturday – July 18th • $129,900 www.kahlerinc.com • 605-717-0002 ©2009. An independently owned & operated member of The Prudential Real Estate Affilitates, Inc. is a registered service mark of The Prudential Insurance Company of America. Equal Housing Opportunity. Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector Rent Me! Rent Me! Call 642-2761 or 584-2303 BABBS PIONEER BLACK HILLS EXCAVATING • • • • • & Footings Drainage Tile Ditching • Colverts Utility Lines Water Lines, etc. Fire, Smoke, Water Damage Clean-up Air Duct/Dryer Vent Cleaning Mold Inspection & Removal Carpet, Upholstery & Drapery Cleaning No job too small! Free estimates! 642-7939 Call 892-0126 PIONEER Spearfish, SD PIONEER BLACK HILLS BLACK HILLS & & Sharon Mason Danielle Green Lead-Deadwood Advertising Representative Advertising Representative (605) 584-2303 (605) 642-2761 315 Seaton Circle Spearfish, SD 7 South Main Lead, SD L&J Construction 3214K E. Fairground Loop Spearfish, SD 57783 GENERAL CONTRACTOR 605-644-8888 All Phases of Construction • New Construction • Additions • Remodeling • Interior • Exterior • Sheet Rock • Roofing • Steel Siding • Vinyl Siding LARRY JOB Specializing in American Motorcycles Harley Rentals Quality Work • Locally Owned & Operated 31 Years in South Dakota • Licensed & Insured 37 2nd Street, Lead, SD • 605-890-1954 Thanks For Using The Black Hills Pioneer Classifieds! OPEN HOUSE 904 LOTS & ACREAGE FOR SALE LOTS FOR SALE. Residential, Duplex, Multifamily, Commercial, and Horse Property. McGuigan Ranch Addition Spearfish Prices Start $30,000. Heritage Addition Spearfish Prices Start $94,000. Hat Ranch Addition Belle Fourche prices Start $45,000. Call Chris Pangburn 605-645-9985 or Joe Jorgensen 605-6450048. Jorgensen Realty Spearfish. Broker Owned LAND FOR SALE, 40 acres, covenants, 2 miles NW of Beulah, wy, call evenings 307643-7175 www.blacklashmotorcycles.com • Roofing • Masonry • Concrete We do it all! Including repairs! 30 years experience Call Dave 605-490-2068 Sona O’Connell Advertising Representative (605) 642-2761 315 Seaton Circle Spearfish, SD Not listed in the phone book? Advertise Here! Call 642-2761 or 584-2303 GOLZ ASPHALT SEALING ASPHALT SEALING • PARKING LOT STRIPING CRACK • POT-HOLE REPAIR CODY KELLEM 2121 8th Avenue Belle Fourche, SD Bus: 605.568.0158 Cell: 605.210.0535 E-mail your non-profit, community calendar event at least three days in advance to: happenings@bhpioneer.com COMMUNITY Page 23 N. H. Community Band concert Ju#y 19 STURGIS — The Northern Hills Community Band will present a concert at > p.m. Sunday, July 19 at the City Park in Sturgis. The public is invited to bring a blanket or lawn chair and enjoy an evening of fine music. Garden walk Ju#y 19 LEAD — Chapter L P.E.O. is hosting their second annual garden walk from 1-4 p.m. Sunday, July 19 in Lead. The price of the garden tour is R5 per person and tickets can be purchased at any of the gardens. Attendees can start at any of the five locations on the tour. Maps will be available at each place to direct tour attendees to the others. Bottled water will be available to purchase for R1. Proceeds benefit womenUs education and local charities. The five gardens on the tour includeV European Courtyard, Joan Irwin, 515 W. Main, LeadX Secret Garden, Wayne and Sharon Yarpinen, 618 W. Addie, LeadX MayorUs Retreat, Tom and Melodee Nelson, 616 Sunnyhill, LeadX Sunnyhill Hide-away, John and Mickie Moore, 620 Sunnyhill, LeadX and Hillside Garden, Ed and Yay Carr, >13 Ridge Road, Lead (enter from Dwight Street). Black Hills Pioneers to meet Ju#y 19 WHITEWOOD — The annual banquet for the Society of Black Hills Pioneers will be held Sunday, July 19 at Hale Hall. A program will be an update on the Sanford Lab. The social hour begins at noon with the dinner, program and awards ceremony to follow after 1 p.m. Reservations may be made by calling Julia Yinghorn at 642->693. Vacation Bible School — Spearfish Ju#y 20*2+ SPEARFISH —Hope Lutheran Church in Spearfish is inviting kids ages 3-12 to a week of fun and learning about creation at Vacation Bible School July 20-24. The church is at 913 34th St. in Spearfish (Green Acres Subdivision). Vacation Bible School will run from 8V30-11V30 a.m. daily, with a snack provided. Register online at www.hopelutheran.us, by mail at Creation VBS, Hope Lutheran Church, P.O. Box 983, Spearfish, SD 5>>83X or by calling >22-385>. The Celts & Their World Lecture Series Ju#y 21 LEAD — The Celts e Their WorldV A four-part lecture on their culture and history given by Charlie Weir, part three will be held from >-8V30 p.m Tuesday, July 21 at the Historic Homestake Opera House. N. H. Community Band concert Ju#y 22 BELLE FOURCHE — The Northern Hills Community Band will present a concert at > p.m. on Wednesday, July 22 at Herrmann Park in Belle Fourche. The public is invited to bring a blanket or lawn chair and enjoy an evening of fine music. h a p p e n i n g s @ b h p i o n e e r. c o m Lawrence County Republican Central Committee meeting Ju#y 23 SPEARFISH — The Lawrence County Republican Central Committee will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday, July 23, at the Holiday Inn for a no-host dinner followed by the meeting at > p.m. Chairman Tim Johns welcomes all interested Republicans to participate in this event. Clothe-A-Kid Ju#y 23*2+ SPERAFISH — Is your family struggling financially this year trying to buy school clothes and suppliesf If so, Clothe-A-Yid can help you. Register your child from noon until > p.m. Thursday, July 23 and Friday, July 24 at the United Methodist Church in Spearfish (corner of 5th and Yansas). Please call Lori with questions 642-0585. Rotary honors Spearfish resident Ju#y 2+ SPEARFISH — The Northern Hills Rotary Club would like to invite the public to attend a special luncheon on Friday, July 24 at noon. Members will recognize Char Yrogstad, the director of the Western Hills Humane Society for all of her wonderful work over the years. She has unselfishly given her time and energy to hundreds of homeless and neglected animals in the Northern Hills and the club's members feel she deserves some recognition. That is why the Northern Hills Rotary Club has chosen her as the 2009 recipient of the Community Service Award. The meeting begins at noon and runs until 1 p.m. at the Spearfish Holiday Inn and Convention Center. Parade participants needed Ju#y 2+*25 DEADWOOD — The Days of i>6 Committee is looking for interested individuals to ride in the annual Days of i>6 parades. We are looking for adults and children to ride in the 1V30 p.m. Friday, July 24, and 10 a.m. Saturday, July 25 parades. Costuming will take place at the Days of i>6 Museum from 3-> p.m. daily on July 21-23. For more information please call the Days of U>6 Museum at 5>828>2. Free concert in the park Ju#y 2+ SPEARFISH — New Orleans musician Chris Driesbach will present a free concert at > p.m. Friday, July 24, at the band shell in Spearfish City Park. He'll be performing many of the new songs from his “Feed Your Faith” (songs for kids) CD with help from a few area children, as well as numbers from his other CDs. Bring your lawn chairs for an evening of free family entertainment hosted by Hope Lutheran Church in Spearfish. For more information about the concert, call >22-1413 or >22-385>. For more about Chris Driesbach, go to www.chrisdriesbach.com. July 18, 2009 CASA fundraiser Ju#y 25 SPEARFISH — The 23rd Annual Spearfish Canyon Half Marathon and 5Y RunmWalk, a fundraiser for the Northern Hills Area CASA Program, will be held Saturday, July 25. Registration will be from 6-6V45 a.m. at the Spearfish City Park. For more information, call the NHCASA office at >22-4558 or visit www.nhcasa.com. Seeking rally event vendors LEAD — Plans for this year's Lead Rally Event are underway. Applications are being taken for vendors. To register and for more information, contact the Lead Area Chamber of Commerce at 584-1100. Meals on Wheels fundraiser SPEARFISH — Tickets are on sale now for a handmade quilt to be raffled at a Rally-week ice cream social in Spearfish. Tickets for the quilt are R1 each or six for R5 and can be purchased by contacting Ida Marie Snorteland at 642-5123. The ice cream social will be from 1-4 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6, on the lawn at the Hickory House, 430 Oriole Dr. and at United Church of Christ, 920 Main St. Proceeds will help cover the cost of disposable food trays for approximately 50-60 meals delivered daily by volunteers to homebound seniors in the community. For general information about the fundraiser, contact Margaret Lewis at 642-42>9. Prairie Hills Transit will give free rides on the trolley to and from the social, so avoid the traffic, but support the cause and get in on the fun. To schedule a ride, call 642-6668 at least 24 hours in advance. Free meal .onday3 SPEARFISH — There will be a free meal from 5-6 p.m. on Mondays at the Spearfish United Church of Christ, corner of Main and Yansas in Spearfish. Everyone is welcome to partake in soup, sandwiches and beverage. Good Shepherd Clinic temporarily closing 4ugu3t SPEARFISH — The Good Shepherd Clinic located at Our Saviors Lutheran Church in Spearfish will be closed the month of August and on Labor Day, reopening at 6 p.m. Sept. 14. Cribbage club 7ue3day3 and 9riday3 LEAD — The Lead cribbage club meets Tuesdays and Fridays, 12V30 p.m. sharp, at the Golden Hills Inn in the bar area. Tournaments are on the first and third Saturday of each month. Players are always welcome. For further information, phone Gary Goodrich 584-3145. BH PIONEER COMMUNITY Page 24 Saturday, July 18, 2000 Smythe to celebrate 100th Make a friend for life.... adopt a shelter pet today! TREVOR* This adorable, little firecracker will steal your heart. Only five months old, he has the best days of his life ahead of him, and with Trever always by your side, they just might be yours too. PETE* Pete is not a cat that really stands out in a crowd, but he is a good cat, and a cat that would make the right person a very, very good friend and confidante. SHOOTER* Found tied to a tree, two year old Shooter was abandoned by her master. If you are looking for a companion dog who is courageous and obedient, pit bull terriers are that. !"## %e's )re s+),e- )n- ne/'ere- 0e12re '3e, #e)4e '3e s3e#'er. Immunize, spay/neuter, shelter from the cold, and LOVE your pets!! See these and other wonderful pets at www.petfinder.com Lost pets and strays fill the shelter, can you help with time or donations? Pet Food Pantry is available at the shelter for those who need it. Some have to choose between food for family or food for pets. To discourage animal abandonment, a Pet Food Pantry is available at the shelter for those who need it. Won’t you help us stock the Pet Food Pantry? Just drop off food at WHHS. These Animals are available at Sponsored by: WESTERN HILLS HUMANE SOCIETY 324 Industrial Dr., Spearfish 642-1576 Helen Smythe will celebrate her 100th birthday on July 20. She was born Helen Marie Hewett in Rapid City on July 20, 1909. She married Kenneth Smythe in 1935. Kenneth died in 1989. The couple had one daughter, Sharon of Santa Rosa, Calif. and a son, James of Spearfish. Helen will celebrate her birthday at a luncheon with a number of family members who are coming from both the eastern and western parts of the United States as well as from South Dakota. Cards may be sent to: Tender Care Assisted Living, 209 Evans Ln., Spearfish, 57783. Courtesy photo Serving the Black Hills since 1931! 644 W. Jackson • Spearfish PUZZLE FOR SATURDAY, JULY 18, 2009 SPONSORED BY: LUEDERS FOOD CENTERS Sturgis Motorcycle Rally announces events schedule STUR%IS ( The city of Sturgis has announced the schedule of special events for the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. =hen asked about the 69th annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, Mayor Maury CaRue said, “=e have focused on making the best motorcycle event in the world even better and we cannot wait to show riders the time of their lives.” Join the crowd at Sturgis as the Coud American Roadhouse presents the first Coud American Burnouts at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally on Kinship Road at Cazelle Street next to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Nxpo at O p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6. =atch as bikers do their best before a panel of Qudges to earn the $S,TTT in prize money provided by the Coud American Roadhouse. If that is not enough, you will be amazed as Jeff Clark warms up the audience with crazy burnouts from the famous Budweiser Burnout Bike. International celebrity and motorcycle enthusiast Corenzo Camas will emcee the event along with radio personality Murdoc Jones from 95.S KSWX and they are sure to make the Coud American Burnouts a Sturgis Motorcycle Rally favorite. Prepare to be amazed as the legendary StarBoyz bring their stunt riding madness to the streets of Sturgis on Kinship Road at Cazelle Street next to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Nxpo from S-O p.m. daily Sunday, Aug. 2 through =ednesday, Aug. 5. Brought to you by Alltel =ireless, these talented stunt riders will be sure to entertain audiences of all ages and interests. For almost S5 years, the StarBoyz have been international icons in the stunt riding industry. StarBoyz founders Scott Caraboolad and Kevin Marino are recognized as the founders of the sport bike class stunt riding craze. During the riding season, more than 4TT,TTT enthusiasts come out to see their shows and the Sturgis audience is sure to be wowed. =atch as the builders from Vicious Cycles assemble the Alltel =ireless Custom Motorcycle right before your eyes on the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Nxpo lot beginning on Sunday, Aug. 2 through Thursday, Aug. 6. If you are interested in building a custom motorcycle, watch the assembly process and ask the builders questions as they work. The Alltelbranded custom is sure to turn heads. Are you crazy about motorcycles? =atch for Barry Meguiar as he and his crew film the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally for an upcoming episode of Car Crazy TV on Speed TV. =hen asked about filming at Sturgis, Barry said, aBecause so many of our Car Crazy TV viewers are bikers as well as car guys, we're coming to capture the passion of the greatest biker event in the world.a As you can see, the Car Crazy and Meguiar's groups are not Qust crazy about cars, they love motorcycles too. Cook for the Car Crazy TV crew and Meguiar's display along with their worldclass motorcycle and car care products on the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Nxpo Cot at Kinship Road and Cazelle Street. The Aftermarket and Custom Builders Roundtables are designed to give riders an insight into the industry from the perspective of significant and respected professionals. The Aftermarket Roundtable in the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Nxpo Theatre at noon on Tuesday, Aug. 4, will feature nationally recognized product manufacturers and suppliers of the V-Twin aftermarket and moderator Keith “Bandit” Ball. The event is presented with an open exchange of dialog between the panelists as directed by Keith and closes with a question and answer session with the public. Cook for the latest industry news from professionals Randy Aron of Cycle Visions, Scott Hodgson of Progressive Suspension, Holger Mohr of Custom Chrome, %rady Pfeiffer of %H Marketing, and Ted Sands of Performance Machine. The Custom Builders Roundtable in the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Nxpo Theatre at noon on =ednesday, Aug. 5, will feature nationally known and respected custom motorcycle builders Jerry Covington, Cory Ness, Dave Perewitz, Donnie Smith, and Nddie Trotta. The event is presented with an open exchange of dialog between the builders and closes with a brief question and answer session with the public. This is your chance to hear from some of the greatest minds in custom motorcycle building. Rally Director Brenda said, “It is such a thrill to have the chance to entertain riders in the city of Sturgis as we never have beforee” BH PIONEER COMMUNITY !a#urday, July ,-, 2009 Page 24 CELEBRATIONS Reifenrath, Joyce Thomas, Van Dyk Darrell and Patricia Reifenrath of Spearfish announce the engagement of their daughter, Meghann Reifenrath to Mark Joyce, son of Randy and Bar=ara Joyce of Redfield. Meghann graduated from Central Lyon High School in Rock Rapids, Iowa in 2002F the UniHersity of South Dakota with =achelorJs of arts in political science in 2006F and from the UniHersity of South Dakota School of Law in 2009. She is currently employed as a clerk for the South Dakota Supreme Court. Mark graduated from Redfield High School in 2003 and from the UniHersity of South Dakota with a =achelorJs of art degree in political science and criminal Nustice in 200O. He is currently a student attending the UniHersity of South Dakota School of Law. The couple will =e married at the Christ the Qing Catholic Church in Sioux Falls. Kingsbury, Weglin Anderson, Lawson Stacy Qings=ury and Mark Weglin, =oth of Spearfish, were united in marriage in a priHate ceremony at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 8, 2009 at the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Belle Fourche, with Pastor Del Neumeister officiating. Parents of the =ride are Richard and Margie Qings=ury of Wood, and parents of the groom are Don Weglin (deceased) of Worland, Wyo. and Nancy Williams of Lander, Wyo. Their children, Brandon Weglin (1O), Addison Weglin (11), and Skyler Jermolenko (10), were the coupleJs attendants. Stacy has worked at Spearfish High School for nine years, and Mark has worked at SharkeyJs Plum=ing and Heating for 20 years. The couple resides Nust outside of Spearfish. …to let us share the news of your Engagement Announcement! Please include your name & phone number! E-mail us at: happenings@bhpioneer.com BLACK HILLS PIONEER Larry and Penny Thomas of Spearfish announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Tessa Renee Thomas to Mark Allen Van Dyk, son of Allen and Lila Van Dyk of Si=ley, Iowa. The =ride is a 1999 graduate of Spearfish High School and graduated from the UniHersity of South Dakota in 2004 with an accounting degree. She is currently employed with CPA Northwestern Energy in Sioux Falls. The groom is a 1995 graduate of Si=ley High School, Iowa, and graduated in 1999 from South Dakota State UniHersity with an engineering degree. He is currently employed at Daktronics as a proNect engineer in Sioux Falls. The couple is set to wed Aug. 15, 2009 in Sioux Falls. Nicole R. Anderson and Aaron G. Lawson were married on the morning of April 8, 2009, during a priHate ceremony at the Blarney Castle in Ireland. The =ride is the daughter of Ryan and Patricia Anderson of Big Sky, Mont. She is the granddaughter of Rose Anderson of SpearfishF the late Waldie Anderson, Adeline Theisen of Drayton, N.D.F and the late Lesley Theisen. The groom is the son of Gerald and Marilyn SeaHey of BelleHille, Ill. The =ride graduated from Spearfish High School and is currently a student at the UniHersity of Missouri in St. Louis, Mo. The groom is a student at McQendree UniHersity and employed with the Federal ProtectiHe SerHice. The couple honeymooned in Ireland, Spain, and Morocco =efore returning home to BelleHille, Ill. Let us do your laundry during The Days of 76! In Loving Memory... of our dear, sweet Mother and Grandma Verna Thomsen. She’s been gone for 10 long years and our lives have been so empty without her sweet, loving touch. We miss her so much but we know she is happy in heaven with Dad, the Love of her life. Sadly missed by, Deb, Larry, Savhannah, Sarah and her whole family Black LAUNDRY & Hills DRY CLEANING The dry cleaner for the Northern Black Hills Belle Laundry & Dry Cleaning 711 State St. Belle Fourche, SD 605-723-6301 East Main Laundry Spearfish Laundry & Dry CLeaning & Dry Cleaning 915 Main St. Sturgis, SD 605-347-8429 712 Canyon St. Spearfish, SD 605-722-9400 SPORTS Inside sports: Belle Fourche Post 32 hosting baseball camp july 25. See story Page 28 Page 26 s p o r t s @ b h p i o n e e r. c o m BELLE FOURCHE BLACK HILLS STATE LEAD-DEADWOOD SPEARFISH STURGIS July 18, 2009 CASA Half Marathon and 5K Run/Walk July 25 SPECIAL TO THE PIONEER !"#$R&'!( * T,- ./0d $nn3al !6-a07i9, :anyon (al7 Ma0a>,on and ?@ R3nABalCD a 73nd0ai9-0 7o0 >,Eo0>,-0n (ill9 $0-a :$!$ FE(:$!$G "0og0am Jill K,-ld L3ly .? in !6-a07i9, a> !6-a07i9, :anyonM :omm3ni>y 9366o0> 7o0 >,i9 y-a0N9 -O-n> ,a9 K--n >0-m-nP do39M Q:on9id-0ing >,- >3m3lP >3o39 -RonomyD J- a0- -96-P Rially a660-Ria>iO- o7 all >,9366o0> J- ,aO- 0-R-iO-d >,i9 y-a0 70om >,- Romm3ni>yDS E(:$!$ Ra9- manag-0 EanRy &o0R3RRi 9aidM E(:$!$ i9 -TRi>-d >o anno3nR- >,a> $ll $Ko3> "o>-n>ial &amily :,i0o60aR>iR F$$"&:G Jill K- Uoining >,E(:$!$ >-am >,i9 y-a0M V0M VaJn (o30igan and ma99ag>,-0a6i9> T0aRy &0anz-n Jill K- o77-0ing 0aR- 6a0>iRi6an>9 R,i0o60aR>iR adU39>m-n>9 on all -T>0-mi>i-9 a9 J-ll a9 R,ai0 ma99ag-9 a> no Ro9>M $ll >i69Adona>ion9 giO-n >o Matt DeWald, of Yankton, is shown running in the CASA half marathon. This year’s even will be held Saturday, July 25. Pioneer file photo $$"&: Jill K- dona>-d KaRC >o >,- E(:$!$ "0og0amM X>,-0 -O-n> 96on9o09Adono09 inRl3d-Y "0-mi-0 BanC :a0dD R:! :on9>03R>ionD !-a>on "3Kli9,ing FBlaRC (ill9 "ion--0GD @#[E BlaRC (ill9 &X\D @V!L ]^_D !ilO-0ado `amingD B,a07 R-9o30R-9D `0-a> B-9>-0n BanCD &i09> `old (o>-lD @->-l T,o09>-n9on aa"D Tin aizzi:a9inoD B-9> B-9>-0n (iRCoC (o39-D B3lloRCD :30O-9D !>0-99 R-li-7 Ma99ag-D "-07o0manR",y9iRal T,-0a6yD B-ll- Loli Bin-0yD and !36-0io0 !ani>a>ionM B-O-0ag-9 and 7ood i>-m9 a0- K-ing dona>-d Ky R-in,a0> &ood !-0OiR-9 and :oRa :ola Bo>>ling :om6any QB- Ro3ld no> ,old >,i9 -O-n> Ji>,o3> o30 Jond-073l 96on9o09DS 9aid `y69y "->zD E(:$!$ -T-R3>iO- di0-R>o0M QT,-i0 96on9o09,i6 no> only 60omo>-9 a 7amilyP70i-ndly See CASA — Page 29 We should set good examples for our athletes, not bad ones ' CnoJ J,a> yo3 a0- >,inCingD Qb,Po,D ,-0- J- go again >alCing aKo3> >,- c!c Jo0d againMS ' Ji9, J- didnc> ,aO- >ooD K3> 3n7o0>3na>-ly 9om- 6-o6l- n--d 0-mind-09D 9o ,-0- J- go Ji>, ano>,-0 l-99on on 96o0>9man9,i6M ' ,aO- a Ro36l- -Tam6l-9 'cd liC>o 39- o7 good and Kad 96o0>9P man9,i6 >,a> ' Ji>n-99-d 0-R-n>P ly a9 ' mad- my 0o3nd9 >,0o3g, >,- BlaRC (ill9 RoO-0ing 96o0>ing -O-n>9M Dennis My 7i09> -Tam6l- i9 aKo3> a 7an >,a> d-Rid-9 >o g-> in>o a O-0Kal Ron70on>a>ion Ji>, ano>,-0 7anM ' Ja9 a> a Ka9-Kall gam- J,-n a Oi9i>ing 7an mad- a lo3d Romm-n> aKo3> 9om->,ing >,-y didnN> liC- d30ing >,- gam-M T,- ,om- 7an >old >,- o>,-0 7an >o Kd3i-> and >,- Oi9i>ing 7an 9aidD QmaC- m-MS a3RCily no>,ing ,a66-n-dD K3> ' Ro3ldnN> ,-l6 K3> 7la9, KaRC >o J,-n ' Ja9 a li>>lCid and on- K0o>,-09 39-d >o 39- >,a> 6,0a9- all >,- >im-M Mom Jo3ld a9C ,im >o d3i> doing 9om-P >,ing and ,- Jo3ld 9ayD QmaC- m-MS Mom didnN> maC- ,imD K3> J,-n Vad go> ,om- ,- mad,im Ji9, ,- ,ad li9>-n >o momM T,- 6oin> K-ing J- J-0- li>>lCid9D K3> >,- 7an9 inOolO-d in >,i9 O-0Kal -TR,ang- J-0- ad3l>9M $nd 6-o6l- Jond-0 J,y Cid9 >oday aR> >,- Jay >,-y doM T,a> 9i>3a>ion 9,o3ld n-O-0 ,aO- ,a66-n-d and Knuckles >30n-d J,a> 9,o3ld ,aOK--n all -y-9 on >,- 6lay-09 on >,- 7i-ld >o >Jo 7an9 aR>ing a9 i7 >,-y J-0- >JoPy-a09PoldM $9 ad3l>9D i> i9 36 >o 39 >o >-aR, o30 Cid9 >,- 0ig,> Jay >o do >,ing9D no> >o >0y and QK3llyS yo30 Jay >,0o3g, li7-M (-0-N9 ano>,-0 -Tam6l- o7 96o0>9manP 9,i6 >,a> ' Ji>n-99-d a> a l-gion Ka9-Kall gam- in !>30gi9 in a gam- K->J--n !6-a07i9, "o9> efg and !>30gi9 6o9> //M '> Ja9 >,- >o6 o7 >,- 9-O-n>, inning Ji>, !6-a07i9, >0ailing ?PgM $ "o9> efg 6lay-0 go> a ,i> Ji>, >,Ka9-9 load-d and >Jo o3>9M T,- 03nn-0 J,o Ja9 on 7i09> mad- a Jid- >30n a> 9-Rond and Ja9 >agg-d o3>D K3> no> K-7o0- >Jo 03n9 9Ro0-d >o 63> !6-a07i9, in 70on> hPfM T,a>N9 J,-n >,ing9 go> in>-0-9>ingD a9 >,-0- Ja9 a d-Ka>- K->J--n >,- ,om-6la>3m6i0- and >,- 3m6i0- in >,- 7i-ldM $7>-0 a 7-J min3>-9 >,- RonO-09a>ion Ja9 oO-0 and >,,om-6la>- 3m6i0>30n-d >o !6-a07i9, RoaR, Ma>> @-m6 and 9aid Ko>, 03n9 Ro3n>-dM T,i9 60om6>-d >,- o>,-0 3m6i0-D J,o Ja9 Ja>R,ing >,- 6lay a> 9-RondD >o >30n a0o3nd and Ron>in3- a RonO-09a>ion Ji>, >,- ,om-6la>- 3m6i0-M $7>-0 a 7-J mo0- min3>-9 o7 di9R399ion >,- ,om-6la>- 3m6i0- >30n-d >o >,!6-a07i9, d3go3> and 9aid only on- 03n Ro3n>-dD J,iR, K0o3g,> Ma>> o3> o7 >,d3go3> >o d3-9>ion >,- 0-O-09al o7 >,- RallM ' Ja9 im60-99-d Ji>, ,oJ Ma>> ,andl-d ,im9-l7 in a 9i>3a>ion >,a> Ro3ld ,aO- -a9iP ly -9Rala>-d in>o an 3gly 9i>3a>ionM (- 9,oJ-d 0-96-R> 7o0 >,- 3m6i0-9D -O-n >,o3g, ,- didnN> ag0-- Ji>, >,-i0 Rall and ,- didnN> 39- any o77-n9iO- lang3ag- >,a> 9o many RoaR,-9Amanag-09 Jo3ld ,aO39-d in a 9imila0 9i>3a>ionMM EoKody Jo3ld ,aO- Klam-d Ma>> 7o0 going o77 on >,- 3m6i0- K-Ra39- d3i>70anCly >,- ,om-6la>- 3m6i0- Ja9 J0ong 7o0 l->>ing >,- o>,-0 3m6i0- >alC ,im o3> o7 ,i9 RallM Eo> only >,a>D K3> >,a> Rall Ja9 >,di77-0-nR- K->J--n a Jin and a lo99 7o0 !6-a07i9,M B- a0- l3RCy >o ,aO- RoaR,-9 and aR>iOiP >i-9 di0-R>o09 in >,- BlaRC (ill9 J,o a0good 0ol- mod-l9 7o0 >,- a>,l->-9 and no> only >-aR, good 96o0>9man9,i6D >,-y l-ad Ky -Tam6l-M B- a0- al9o l3RCy >o ,aO- 9om- o7 >,K-9> 7an9 anyJ,-0-D J,o 9366o0> >,-i0 >-am >,0o3g, good >im-9 and Kad and See KNUCKLES — Page 28 BH PIONEER SPORTS Saturday, )uly ,-, .//0 1age .4 Sports Happenings Fall 2009 Spearfish soccer registration begins July 31 !P#$%F'!( * +he regi1tration pro7e11 for 1o77er i1 making a 7hange; +hi1 year we will no longer ?e mailing regi1tration form1 out or making form1 aAaila?le at the !pearfi1h Bi?rary or Cham?er of Commer7e; Dou 7an go to www;!pearfi1h1o77er;7om and print out the regi1tration form along with the medF i7al relea1e and mail the form into !pearfi1h !o77er, P;H; IoJ K3, !pearfi1h, !outh Makota; #Aentually, we will ?e 7hanging to a 7omplete onFline regi1tration pro7e11; Plea1e print your form1 out 1oon to re7eiAe the fall early ?ird di17ount of NK0;00 whi7h end1 on July 31 to en1ure team pla7ement for your 7hild; Spartans volleyball Camp July 20 through July 22 !P#$%F'!( * +he !pearfi1h !partan1 Aolley?all 7amp will ?e July 20 through July 22 at the !pearfi1h (igh !7hool gym; Camp for grade1 three through 1iJ will ?e from 9 a;m; to 10T30 a;m; +he 7o1t of thi1 7amp i1 N3K; Camp for grade1 1eAen and eight will ?e from 11 a;m; to 12T30 p;m; +he 7o1t of thi1 7amp i1 N3K; Camp for grade1 nine through 12 will ?e from 3 to K p;m; +he 7o1t of thi1 7amp i1 NK0; +he 7amp1 will ?e put on ?y !arah Mittman and a11i1ted ?y !pearfi1h (igh !7hool and Ila7k (ill1 !tate UniAer1ity 7oa7hing 1taff and player1; Jhett $l?er1, head 7oa7h at I(!U and 200V/2009 M$C 7oa7h of the year, will ?e ho1ting the high 17hool 1e1F 1ion1; %egi1ter the day of the 7amp or 1top ?y Ila7k (ill1 Pure at 31K1 #; Colorado IlAd; to pi7k up regi1tration 1heet1; 'f you haAe any Xue1tion1 7onta7t !arah Mittman at YZ1F12Z9; Spearfish football camp July 27 thru 29 !P#$%F'!( * !pearfi1h (igh !7hool will ?e holding it1 foot?all 7amp1, for grade1 three thru 12, July 27 thru 29 in !pearf1ih; (ere i1 the 17hedule for the 7amp1T \rade1 three thru fiAeT V to 10T00 a;m; \rade1 1iJ thru eightT 10 a;m; to 12 noon \rade1 nine thru 12T Y p;m; to 9 p;m; +ho1e intere1ted may find a 7amp regF i1tration form on the !pearfi1h !7hool Mi1tri7t we? 1ite under Xui7k link1; $ny Xue1tion1 plea1e 7all Iru7e Ire1ee at 723FVV71; South Dakota Bowhunter Education Class July 22 and 23 !P#$%F'!( * +he !outh Makota Iowhunter #du7ation 7la11 will ?e held in the ?a1ement of the old Central !7hool in !pearfi1h July 22 and 23 from Y to 10 p;m; For more information 7onta7t %i7k (an1on at YZKF0K21 or +rigger Pro !hop at 723F1000; Spartan soccer camps in July !P#$%F'!( * +here will ?e two !partan 1o77er 7amp1 held in July at the I( Power !port1 CompleJ in !pearfi1h; July 21, 22 and 23 will ?e a 7amp for middle 17hool 1tudent1 ]grade1 fiAe thru eight^ and high 17hool 1tudent1 ]grade1 eight thru 12^; +he middle 17hool 7amp will ?e from ZT30 to Y p;m; and the high 17hool 7amp will ?e from 7 to 9 p;m; ea7h day; +he July 2V, 29 and 30 7amp i1 for high 17hool age1 only; Iring water, a 1o77er ?all and a good attitude;+he 7o1t of the middle 17hool 7amp i1 NZK and the 7o1t of the high 17hool 7amp1 are N7K for ?oth; For more information 7oanta7t Jame1 (ill at YZKF1K9V; Bill Hughes Classic JV Tournament underway !P#$%F'!( * +he Iill (ughe1 Cla11i7 J_ +ournament i1 underway at Ila7k (ill1 Power !tadium in the Ila7k (ill1 Power !port1 CompleJ, lo7ated ?etween #Jit V and #Jit 10 off of 'F90 at 3K0 (`D 1Z, !pearfi1h; $dmi11ion i1T Douth ]under 1V^ N3, adult1 NY, 1ingle per1on tournament pa11 N1K and family tournament pa11 N2K ]1ea1on pa11e1 will ?e honored^; (ere i1 the tournament 17hedule for today and !unday;T Saturday 10T00 aile1 City A1; !pf +eener1 12T00 Irooking1 A1; !turgi1 2T00 %C %i1ing !tar1 A1; Irooking1 ZT00 !turgi1 A1; !pf J_ YT00 aile1 City A1; !pf J_ Sunday 12T00 aile1 City A1; !turgi1 2T00 Irooking1 A1; !pf +eener1 ZT00 %C %i1ing !tar1 A1; !pf J_ Post 164 hosting region tourney Hunting Fishing Game Processing Motorized Sports Rock Climbing Mountain Biking and Much More! 10am - 5pm Sunday, Sept.13, 2009 Tickets Only $5 for tickets & info call 642-2761 • Featured speakers throughout the day • Vendors • Demos Post 164)s *yle le.is s.in1s at a pitch durin1 Thursday)s 1ame .ith Williston in Spear=ish. Spear=ish .ill host the re1ion ?A Le1ion baseball tournament startin1 Wednesday at Blac* Dills Po.er Stadium in Spear=ish. Post 164 and Stur1is play at 8 p.m. Wednesday. Pioneer photo by Dennis Knuckles Vendor Space Still Available Please Call 642-2761 Spearfish Convention Center • I-90 Exit 14 BH PIONEER SPORTS Pa2e 2- Tiger misses cut at British Open Sat$r&ay( )$ly 1-( 2//0 Belle Fourche Post 32 baseball camp July 25 BELLE FOURCHE — Belle Fourche Post 32 holding a baseball camp July 25 at the Belle Fourche baseball complex in Belle fourche. The camp is for youth ages seven to 12, from 4 to 7 p.m.There is a $10 fee which includes camp t-shirt and barbeque following the camp. Registration forms can be picked up at the BF Community Center or downloaded from www.eteamz/bellefourche/ Call Chad Kruckenberg with questions: 641-9300 or email chadkruckenberg@bhsu.edu Please send form and fee to: Belle Fourche Baseball Association; PO Box 501; Belle Fourche, S.D. 57717 Spearfish/Belle Fourche area youth needed for football Tiger Woods of the ..S. walks towards his ball on the 18th green Friday during the second round of the British >pen Golf Championship, at the Turnberry golf course, Scotland. Woods missed the British >pen cut falling 10 shots behind co-leaders SteFe Marino and Tom Watson.Woods had missed only one cut in a maHor since turning pro, and that was at the 200J ..S. >pen shortly after the death of his father, Karl. AP Photo/Matt Dunham Spearfish Ambassadors July Visits BLACK HILLS — The Black Hills Youth Football League is looking for players age 7-8 for Full Pad Tackle Football. The team is short on players. If interested Please call Shawn at 787-2563. Golddigger football mini-camp July 20 LEAD — Monday, July 20, Lead-Deadwood High School football players in grades nine through 12 are asked to checkout equipment from 1-4 p.m. Tuesday, July 21 through Thursday, July 23, will be camp for grades five through eight from 9 to KNUCKLES Alpine Impressions (new location) Black Hills Guitar 639 N. Main, Spearfish • 605-642-0744 544 Main St., Spearfish Lindsey Richards & Katie Kiger Eklund Chiropractic (new location) Dr. Lee & Sarah Eklund 526 W. Jackson Blvd., Spearfish • 605-645-0172 Steve & Kim Carroll Mitchell’s Barber Shop Mitch Mechaley & daughter Talia Mechaley 118 E. Jackson Blvd., Spearfish • 605-717-9318 11 a.m. and grades nine through 12 from 5-8 p.m. Attendees at the mini-camp will learn football fundamentals and schematic strategies along with having a great time. Campers will also be involved in the implementation of the Gold Digger Offense and Defense. Grades nine through 12 campers will also receive "chalk talk" time with the Golddigger coaching staff. Cost of the camp is $30 for grades five through eight, and $50 for grades nine through 12. Registration forms are available at the Lead-Deadwood High School Business Office. For more information on the mini-camp contact head coach Tony Biesiot at641-5244. Lead-Deadwood sports physicals LEAD —For those students who did not get their free physical last week, you will have another opportunity to be able to do that July 20 24 at theSpearfish Regional Medical Clinic. They are also providing free physicals the week of July 27 thru 31. Students still in need of a physical for the upcoming school year will have to call the clinic in Spearfish as these physicals are by appointment only and there are only a certain number done each day. The number to call for the clinic is 644-4170. Co6ti6$e& fro9 Pa2e 26 understand that sports is about the kids and teaching our young athletes lessons they will use continuously throughout life. It’s unfortunate that a few people think they are the exception to the rule and they can act any way they like at sporting events. The sad thing is that afterwards they show no remorse for their actions and somehow feel entitled to act the way they do and refuse to take responsibility for their actions. Hopefully one day those unruly fans will realize the errors of their ways and get on board with everybody else and make sporting events fun again instead of uncomfortable. As baseball season begins its post season play and the fall sports seasons is just around the corner, I encourage everyone who attends sporting events to remember that sporting events are about the athletes. Sportsmanship should not be applied only in sports, but it should also be used in everyday life. Lets put the emphasis of sports back on the athletes and not the fans. Let the young athletes have their time to shine and show off their talents. See you at the games! If you know of a new business that may want to be welcomed by the Ambassadors, please contact the Chamber at 642-2626 or director@spearfishchamber.org Brought to you by: sportsLbhpioneer.com BH PIONEER SPORTS Saturday, July 18, 2009 Page 29 Armstrong stays 3rd at Tour; Haussler wins stage J"#$% &$"'$( Associated Press Writer !"L$%&' France /%P1 2 Lance %rmstrong sta8ed in third place a>ter a ?et and chill8 ride Frida8 and lost a crucial all8 >or the rest o> the Tour de France ?hen teammate Levi Leipheimer ?ithdre? because o> a broken ?rist. Ferman8Gs Heinrich Haussler ?on the I3th stage b8 outclassing the pack ?ith a solo breaka?a8' and Ktal8Gs &inaldo Locentini kept the 8ello? Nerse8 >or a seventh straight da8. %rmstrong' the seven-time champion' remained eight seconds behind Locentini. %stana teammate %lberto !ontador' the 2PP7 Tour champion' is second' siR seconds back. %rmstrong' !ontador and other >avorites ?ere S minutes' T3 seconds behind Haussler. LeipheimerGs ?ithdra?al is a blo? to %stana and %rmstrong. He is a >our-time top-IP >inisher at the Tour' including third place >inish in 2PP7. He had CASA been in >ourth place' 3U seconds behind Locentini. He had surger8 on the ?rist Frida8' and %stana said he ?ould return to the Vnited States as soon as possible to begin his recover8. X$8 ?rist hurts a lot but it doesnGt compare to the pain o> ?atching the Tour leave me behind and not be able to ride the Tour ?ith m8 teammates'X Leipheimer said in a statement. XYeGve had a big battle so >ar. YeGre the >avorites' and K ?anted to be part o> that.X %t >irst' it appeared Leipheimer might remain in the race. XKt seemed like an insigni>icant crash that all o> a sudden turned out to be prett8 maNor'X %rmstrong said. Leipheimer >ell o>> his bike less than t?o miles >rom Thursda8Gs >inish line in a crash involving t?o-time Tour runner-up !adel Zvans. He pulled out be>ore riders began the da8Gs I2T-mile stage through the rolling hills o> northeast France that >eatured three big climbs' including the demanding !ol du Plat[er?asel. Haussler' a !ervelo rider ?ho ?on a stage at Paris-Lice in $arch' raced ahead o> the second o> t?o >ello? breaka?a8 riders in the last 3I miles and distanced himsel> >rom the peloton as the >inish neared. Haussler cupped his >ace in his hands and choked up ?ith emotion as he crossed the line in T\]S\2S 2 T\II ahead o> second-place %mets TRurruka o> Spain. Brice Feillu o> France ?as third' S\I3 back. XK ?as reall8 happ8. K Nust got tear8'X said Haussler' ?ho ?as born in %ustralia to a Ferman >ather. XK Nust couldnGt believe it. ... K ?as Nust so nervous that K ?as going to crash.X Haussler' ?ho collected his >irst Tour stage victor8' entered the stage in IP]th place overall 2 ]]\2T behind Locentini. He rose to _3rd overall ?ith his ?in' T_\TI o>> the leaderGs pace. LeipheimerGs inNur8 ?as not the onl8 thi -&e .ack 1i,& 34erican se(en7,i4e -o%r 8e 9rance 1inner :ance 3r4s,ron*; ri*&,; s.ee8s 8o1n <ol 8e la >c&l%c&, 8%rin* ,&e ?@,& s,a*e oA ,&e -o%r 8e 9rance c$clin* race o(er BCC kilo7 4e,ers D?BEF@ 4ilesG 1i,& s,ar, in Hi,,el an8 Ainis& in <ol4ar; cen7 ,ral 9rance; 9ri8a$ I%l$ ?J; BCCKF AP Photo/Bas Czerwinski Continued from Page 26 event in our communit8' but champions the !%S% Program. %ll proceeds >rom this event bene>it our communities b8 providing abused and neglected children ?ith !%S% volunteers ?ho ?ill advocate on their behal> >or sa>e' permanent homes. &egistration begins at S\PP until S\T] a.m. in Spear>ish !it8 Park on !an8on Street. The Hal> $arathon begins at 7\3P a.m. Five ?ater stops are provided along the slightl8 do?nhill' paved route. %?ards are presented to the >irst three runners in each categor8 and medals to all runners ?ho >inish the Hal> $arathon. The ]` ?ill begin in the park at 7\I] a.m. The top t?o runners in each categor8 o> the ]` run ?ill also receive medals. !ompeting in the timed ]` is optional. &unners and ?alkers ma8 also participate in the event ?ithout being timed i> the8 !o $o% &a(e a *rea, team photo= !"a$e '( )'(" you$ -$'end01 Please email your team photo to sports@bhpioneer.com with the team?game information and then look for it in the Black Hills Pioneer pre>er. The donation entr8 >ee includes a T-shirt >or each participant and is taR deductible. Zarl8 registration >ees are a3] >or the Hal> $arathon and a2P >or the ]` &unbYalk i> registered be>ore cul8 2P' 2PPU. %>ter cul8 2P' registration >ees are aT] >or the Hal> $arathon and a2] >or the ]` &unbYalk. &e>reshments ?ill be provided and door pri[es ?ill be a?arded at the end o> the race. &egistration >orms are available b8 visiting ???.nhcasa.com or emailing casaadmdrushmore.com. For more in>ormation call the Lorthern Hills %rea !%S% o>>ice at 722-T]]_. %ll proceeds support the Lorthern Hills %rea !%S% Program' a local non-pro>it organi[ation advocating >or sa>e permanent homes >or abused and neglected children ?ho are in the court s8stem through no >ault o> their o?n. July 21 July 22 July 23 8:30 am - PRCA Steer Roping 8:00 am - Timed Event Slack 8:00 am - Timed Event Slack Followed by - Barrel Racing Slack 7:00 pm - PRCA Rodeo For Tickets Call: 1-888-838-BULL www.daysof76.com PRCA Small Outdoor Rodeo of the Year 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Badlands Circuit Rodeo of the Year 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 PRCA Midsize Rodeo of the Year 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 July 24 TOUGH ENOUGH TO WEAR PINK DAY! 1:30 pm - Historic Parade 7:00 pm - PRCA Rodeo July 25 10:00 am - Historic Parade 1:30 pm - PRCA Rodeo 7:00 pm - PRCA Rodeo BH PIONEER TOMORROW’S WEATHER Page 40 !aturday, Ju*y 18, 2009 BELL Continued from Page 1 SCHOOL Continued from Page 1 FESTIVAL Continued from Page 1 the charge needed to be brought against 0ell because the case will be presented before a new grand jury. 0ell will be arraigned for the additional charge at 3 p.m. :uly ;3 where the state will ask to have the charge combined with the existing murder indictment. The Andersons parents, brother and other family members were present during the hearing and said they feel the investigation is moving slowly. “0obbi and Tammy are my daughters,” Eobert Anderson said after the hearing. “We shouldn't be here in the first place. A lot of lives were ruined because of his actions.” Hpon arrival the Andersons initially sat behind where 0ell was seated to observe the hearing before moving several rows behind to maintain distance from their daughter's alleged killer. “I had to move. I realiJed he was within arm's length of me,” Anderson said. “It is very difficult to see him.” The shackled 0ell seemed relatively relaxed in the courtroom, lightly conversing with counsel and peering over his glasses, which his attorney's claim will aid in his defense, to read over court documents. The state is seeking the death penalty in the case. 0ell is set to appear in court at 3 p.m. :uly ;3 to be arraigned for the additional charge as well as for a motions hearing at KL30 p.m. Aug. ; at the Nawrence County Courthouse. A pretrial hearing is set for Oct. KQ. 0ell's trial is set for Rov. 3. heading the project. “The next step is to meet with a building committee that would include staff and community members.” Williams said the goal is to finish planning drawings in :anuary, bid the project in Sebruary and to begin construction in March. “At any point you don't want us to go any further you pay us for the work we've done up to that point,” he told the board. Williams will now work with school officials to determine the needs for each classroom. Typical classrooms may be a set siJe, but rooms like band rooms, choir rooms and art rooms may need to be significantly larger. “We are identifying all the rooms and the sUuare feet needed,” he said. “We took an initial look this past week and it will be somewhere around VV,000 sUuare feet. The siJe of the classrooms will be consistent with those around the state and the nation.” The planning process will include school officials and community members. “Row we get to the nuts and bolts of defining exactly what are the rooms in the building and the exact plan that will best organiJe those rooms and how that will be best placed on the site,” he said. Williams said the school is estimated to cost WX.; million with preparation work at about WK million. The new school, for which officials do not have a proposed name yet, would replace the YV-yearold and problem-filled East Elementary School. The Sestival is open to the public Saturday from \ a.m. to X p.m. and Sunday from K0 a.m. to ] p.m. The schedule of events for the weekend includesL At the Bandshell Saturday K0-K0LKV a.m. Opening Ceremony K0LKV-KK a.m. The Dance Company of Spearfish KK a.m. - noon Phil 0aker children's musician noon - K p.m. Straight Ro Chaser K-; p.m. T: Casey - cowboy singer and poet ;-;L30 p.m. 0HSH Alumni Acapella Choir ;L30-] p.m. Top Hats and Eoses ]-X p.m. Dogs Without Sweaters Sunday K0L30-KKL30 a.m. Worship Service noon - K p.m. Phil 0aker K-; p.m. Straight Ro Chaser ;-3 p.m. 0lack Hills guitar groups and students At the Refreshment Garden Saturday Y-K0 p.m. Nang Termes For the Children Saturday \-K0L30 a.m. aivacious aisors - make, then wear at the Spearfish Arts Center tent KK a.m. - noon Phil 0aker children's musician at the 0andshell K-;L30 p.m. T-shirt painting at the Spearfish Arts Center tent ]L30 p.m. Hugland 0alloon twisting balloons in the park Sunday K0-KKL30 a.m. 0oat races build a boat from lumber provided, then race it down Spearfish Creek at the Spearfish Arts Center tent noon - K p.m. Phil 0aker children's musician at the 0andshell LOCAL & REGIONAL WEATHER BH PIONEER !a#urday, July 1-, 2009 Page 31 EDUCATIONAL 567#i7ued 9r6: Page 2 CAMPFIRE SERIES PROGRAM WEDNESDAY, JULY 22 ! 7PM NATIONAL REUNION OF RODEO ENTERTAINERS FEATURING DISCUSSION BY: OVER 30 ATHLETES THAT WILL TELL STORIES ABOUT THEIR CAREERS ADM E"#$%&'()%* ,-(.-%//'). (,,(-&#)'&'01 2(- $3'*"-0) ,-(4'"0" 56 &30 A"%/1 M#10#/ 9 :(#10 %-0 3'.3*6 1#$$0112#*; %1 04'"0)$0" %& &30 <0**=%&&0)"0" L0%-)'). L#)$3 10-'01 *%1& 1,-').; <3'$3 <'** $()&')#0 &3'1 2%**? Pioneer photo by Jaci Conrad Pearson !"e$%&an *nd%an ,ay, /ea0u$%ng 3a$a4 5ansen7 and 8$%day %s T4ea0e$ ,ay, /ea0u$%ng 5:"es0a;e <=e$a 5:use >?us%& ?an> &:@d%$e&0:$s ,aAe 3&4e$e$ and 3a$a4 Ba$Cs:nD EFe Gan0 04e ;%ds 0: 0a;e :Gne$@ s4%= :/ 04e%$ 4%s0:$y %n ,eadG::dD Fe Gan0 %0 0: He aH:u0 a&0%Ae 4%s0:@ $y, 4%s0:$y 04a0 %s aC%Ae and 4a==en@ %ng, s:"e04%ng 04a0 04ey>$e a =a$0 :/, n:0 s:"e04%ng 04a0 %s s0a0%&,I J:ge$s sa%dD EFe Gan0 0: s4:G 04e" 4:G "u&4 4%s0:$y 04e$e %s 4e$eD *0>s a C:0 ":$e 04an a GaC; d:Gn ?a%n 30$ee0, aC04:ug4, Ge G%CC de/%n%0eCy d: 04a0DI T4e %dea /:$ 5%s0:$y Ba"= &a"e /$:" 04e su==:$0 /:$ and %n0e$es0 eK4%H%0ed %n !$&4ae:C:gy Ba"=D EFe $eaC%Led Ge &:uCd $un a su&@ &ess/uC =$:g$a" /:$ y:unge$ ;%ds, d%$e&0ed 0:Ga$d a &e$0a%n age and "%ndse0,I J:ge$s sa%dD E5%s0:$y Ba"= %s /:$ y:unge$ ;%ds G%04 s4:$0@ e$ a00en0%:n s=ansD *0 :nCy $uns a 4aC/@day and %s "u&4 ":$e /a$@ $ea&4%ng %n s&:=eD Fe>CC d: eAe$y@ 04%ng /$:" a na0u$e 4%;e 0: d$a"a, a&0%ngD Fe>CC 4aAe an a$&4ae:C:gy day as GeCC as an !"e$%&an *nd%an &uC0u$e dayD T4:se a$e Mus0 a /eG eKa"=Ces :/ 4:G %n&Cus%Ae 04e =$:@ g$a""%ng %sDI F4%Ce 04e a$&4ae:C:gy and /%eCd &a"=s Ge$e /:$ y:u04 %n g$ades 04$ee 04$:ug4 12, 5%s0:$y Ba"= %s /:$ &4%Cd$en en0e$%ng ;%nde$ga$0en 04$:ug4 04%$d g$adeD 3%"%Ca$ 0: 5%s0:$y Ba"=>s su&&ess, H:04 :/ 04e !$&4ae:C:gy &a"=s /%CCed u= /:$ 04e se&:nd yea$ %n a $:G, G%04 nea$Cy P0 &4%Cd$en %n ea&4 &Cass 04%s su""e$D EF%04 04e nu"He$ :n 04e Ga%0%ng C%s0, * &:uCd 4aAe /%CCed an:04e$ &a"=,I J:ge$s sa%dD E* &an see us ://e$%ng seAe$aC &a"=s du$%ng 04e su""e$, /:u$ :$ /%AeD * aCGays Gan0 s:"e04%ng 0: He g:%ng :n /:$ 04e ;%dsD Fe Gan0 0: He 04e =Ca&e /:$ &4%Cd$en>s and /a"%Cy =$:g$a""%ngD Fe =$%&e 04e ://e$@ %ngs /:$ Read@,eadG::d /a"%C%es and Ge>Ae 4ad g$ea0 &:""un%0y su=@ =:$0, a GeCC as d:na0%:ns, G4%&4 $eaC@ Cy g: a C:ng GayDI S=&:"%ng /aCC &4%Cd$en>s =$:g$a"@ "%ng a0 04e !da"s ?useu" T 5:use %n&Cudes 04e &:n0%nua0%:n :/ 04e Rea$n%ng Run&4 se$%es Hegun Cas0 s=$%ng, G4%&4 aCs: Gas GeCC@a00endedD Rea$n%ng Run&4es G%CC He 4eCd /$:" 11 aD"D 0: 1 =D"D a0 04e !da"s 5:use and 04us /a$, 04e s&4eduCe %n&Cudes 04e /:CC:G%ngU ! Va0u$e FaC; and P%&n%&, 3e=0D 19 and Bandy ?a;%ng G%04 &4:&:Ca0%e$ B4%= Tau0;us :/ B4uHHy B4%="un; /a"e, <&0D 17D ! /a"%Cy g%nge$@ H $ e a d 4 : u s e G:$;s4:= %s s&4ed@ uCed /:$ ,e&D Z a n d an:04e$ sCee=@ :Ae$, s%"@ %Ca$ 0: Cas0 s=$%ng>s V%g40 a0 0 4 e !da"s ?useu", %s s&4ed@ uCed /:$ <&0:He$D E F e a$e /%CC%ng a need /:$ edu&a@ 0%:naC &4%Cd$en>s =$:g$a"@ "%ng %n 0 4 e V:$04e$n 5%CCs,I J:ge$s sa%dD EFe $eaCCy Gan0 0: =us4 04a0 C%n; 0: Cea$n%ngDI - $500 Saving cowboys from harm and making the fans laugh was the intent of these rodeo protectors. They will be here from 14 states to attend the Days of ‘76 Rodeo in Deadwood. 642-WEST (9378) I-90 Exit 14 - Spearfish, SD www.westernheritagecenter.com How time flies.... Page 32 BH PIONEER Saturday, July 18, 2009