Highway tax increases aren`t likely says official
Highway tax increases aren`t likely says official
PIONEER BLACK HILLS TOMORRO56S 5EAT:ER; Breezy 48 º Saturday, November 21, 2009 • VOL$ 1&4 )O$ 1&* PIONEERING THE NEWS SINCE 1876 First Habitat house in Spearfish complete, owners to receive keys today +, ce/t1 www.bhpioneer.com Highway tax increases aren’t likely says official BY BOB MERCER Black Hills Pioneer PIERRE — The South Dakota Legislature will be presented a package of proposed tax increases for highway funding in the 2010 session, but state Transportation Secretary Darin Bergquist said Thursday he doesn't foresee lawmakers coming up with any more money for road maintenance and projects. See HIGHWAY TAX — Page 7 Belle Fourche food pantry sees community outpouring BY AMY WRIGHT Black Hills Pioneer A L>the@a/ Bi11io/ E@o>F f@oB Be@e1fo@I helFeI fo@ a KeeL I>@i/E the co/1t@>ctio/ of a :abitat fo@ :>Ba/itN hoBe$ The oK/e@1 a@e to @eceive the LeN1 toIaN$ Courtesy photo BY SARA KOCH Black Hills Pioneer A < V E R T I S E M E ) T SPEARFIS* — After several months of planning, many hours of labor and hundreds of helping hands and volunteers, the first *abitat For *umanity house in Spearfish is finally finished. The keys will be handed over today to new owners Don and Peony *ammerquist during a dedication ceremony. The couple is originally from Rapid City, but has lived in Spearfish for the majority of the last 20 years. In 2006, Don contracted a sinus infection that ultimately led to an infection in his brain. *e spent a month in a coma and was also on life support for some time. When Don finally started to get progressively better, doctors feared he would never walk again. But now, after three years, he has made improvements and is walking, talking and helping with the construction of his new home. “*e is definitely a miracle,” said Peony. The 24x48 foot house has four bedrooms and one bathroom and a porch attached to the front. It is the first home built by *abitat for *umanity in Spearfish, and the first one in all of the Black *ills with a garage. *undreds of people from different groups helped construct the residence since the groundbreaking in the end of May. “The first group of people we had was a 25-person group from the Lutheran Church in Beresford,” said Rick Ellerton, Northern *abitat for *umanity chairman. “They participated for a See HOUSE — Page 8 BELLE FO'RC*E — When word got out that the Compassion Cupboard food pantry operated by the Belle Fourche Ministerial Association was in need of food the community didn't hold back.” “People have been giving and giving,” Rev. See FOOD PANTRY — Page 9 Gail Arnold BHSU BEATS ROCKY MT. MAKING NOISE Lady Jackets win 100-65 Local honor band set to perform at Black Hills State. See story on Page 30 See story on Page 2 BLACK HILLS PIONEER LOCAL SCENE Page 2 (aKurday, 1GXeTOer 21, 2009 Northern Hills Honor Band to make music soon !C JUC0 CT2WUE PVUW1T2 !lack 'ills *ioneer ;,e <%r+,ern =i''4 =%n%r >and i4 4'a+ed +% +a*e +% +,e 4+age ;ue4day5 Pioneer photo by Jaci Conrad Pearson We Salute You! !e $%u'd 'i*e +% ,%n%r %ur '%/a' 1i'i+ary 3er4%nne'5 (end 5F @Gur PJGKGFL We will print photos of your family members or friends who are in the military. neMFNOJPiGneerRSGT ! INDEX !"#$! ()$)* *,-)".-$!/"P-1-"1 34(5 1*7( ): (#4*,5!*( #";-#( !*<$!(/#!$((-F-*,( #";;51-)@ (P".)( ;":-* !-()-1< 7*$)4*. ! 2&' + 2 10 11 12&1' 1>?22 2A?29 '0?'' '1 '> !"a$% 'i"") Pioneer /0112 1061661799 i) :u<"i)=ed dai"y e@$e:t 1unday) and =o"iday) /2eB CearD) Eay, C=ri)tma) Eay, I=an%)giKing, La<or Eay, Memoria" Eay and 0nde:enden$e Eay9, for a mai" )u<)$ri:tion rate of O1P0Q00 :er year in $ounty on"y <y 1eaton Pu<"i)=ing CoQ, 0n$Q, 31P 1eaton Cir$"e, 1:earfi)=, 1E P77S3Q Periodi$a" :o)tage :aid at 1:earfi)=, 1E P77S3Q PT1IMU1IVWX 1end addre)) $=ange) to !"a$% 'i"") Pioneer, PT !o@ 7, 1:earfi)=, 1E P77S3Q S"#ARFISH * The culminating concert of the 17th annual Northern Hills Honor Band Festival will be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at Black Hills State University and features more than 200 specially selected middle and high students from just under 20 area schools. The special public concert provides students from smaller schools the opportunity to perform in a large band with full sections of each instrument. Nearly 20 students were chosen to represent Lead-Deadwood Middle and High Schools at the festival. Middle school participants include, front row, left to right: Raylee McCullock, clarinet] Brooke Bialas, French horn] #li?abeth Belmontes, flute] Mackalyn Blanton, flute] #mily Reif, flute and second row, left to right: Andrew "isciotta, trumpet] Stacey Anderson, clarinet] Olivia Snedeker, trombone] Cody Wold, alto saxophone. High School participants include, third row, left to right: Jacque Bratcher, clarinet] Mandy Wold, flute] Amelia Williams, flute] Tierra Herrig, bass clarinet and fourth row, left to right: Isaac Corbett, baritone] Raman Dragoo, trombone] Matt Thompson, trumpet] #van Glan?er, alto saxophone. Not pictured: O??ie Snedeker, trombone. Spearfish High School students include: Aimee Owen, clarinet] Savannah Johnson, clarinet] Alexis Nelson, bass clarinet] Lauren Harrington, trumpet] Mary Amiotte, trumpet] Audri Swisher, horn] Hannah Hepper, horn] Max Temple, trombone] Mason Hall, trombone] Allison Syman, baritone] "aul Blasi, tuba] Chase Aspelin, tuba] Jake Eoung, percussion. State of Our Youth event to be held Dec. 1 !C 1UWU YTC' !lack 'ills *ioneer S"#ARFISH * Members of the community are invited to an event that will mobili?e a healthier path and cultivate a higher regard for our youth. The State of Our Eouth event will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Dec. 1 at the Northern Hills Holiday Inn. The event will be acknowledging the Spearfish Community Coalition's success in receiving the Drug Free Community Grant. It will also be recogni?ing local champions for their trailbla?ing energies regarding substance use and abuse issues, facilitating multidimensional discussions, and mobili?ing our community to pave a commitment path toward a healthier culture for our youth. Reynote speaker for the luncheon will be Roland Loundenburg, a scientist and epidemiologist. Loundenburg will be presenting research-based facts and figures about the rate of substance use and abuse that is occurring in our community. Since 1993, the Spearfish Community Coalition has pioneered the development of the Spearfish smoke free restaurant campaign and guide, tobacco education banners and billboards and youth training in Improv and Teens Against Tobacco Use. “The Spearfish Community Coalition is extremely excited to implement the goals of the Drug Free See YOUTH — Page 36 Outdoor photo of the day 6ar* 7%+, %8 93ear8i4, 4u:1i++ed +,i4 3,%+% %8 an %$'5 Send us your outdoor photo! Jpeg format, email to: happenings@bhpioneer.com BLACK HILLS PIONEER LOCAL SCENE Saturday, )ovember 21, 2223 City of Spearfish to upgrade computer network components 4age 6 Hickory House benefit set for Sunday !Y SARA KOCH !"#$%&'("")&*(+,--. =ears 1,e 5o eV-an1in. 5ec6nolo.=@ !,n1 -ro-ose1 an ,-.ra1e 5o a Xoice W?er 'n5erne5 Pro5ocol YXW'PZ s=s5e8 !P#$%&'!H * $n ,-.ra1e o4 56e 96ic6 9ill a11ress 56e nee1 5o ,-.ra1e co8-,5er ne59ork co8-onen5s 4or 56e 4ailin. co8-onen5s o4 56e s=s5e8 an1 ci5= 6as >een a--ro?e1@ 56e an5ici-a5e1 loss o4 56e Aen5reV s=sD Ai5= $18inis5ra5or Bre. !,n1 sai1 5e8@ 56a5 56e c,rren5 -6one s=s5e8 is s5ar5in. !,n1 a11e1F ET6e reason 5o 4ail an1 56e ne59ork canD 4or 56e ,-.ra1e o4 56e ne5D no5 8ee5 -6one s=s5e8 nee1s 9ork sec,ri5= ca-a>ili5= is 5o1a=@ 56e ne59ork assess8en5 E'n or1er 5o 1e5er8ine 56e s6o9e1 o,r c,rren5 sec,ri5= ca-a>ili5ies an1 s5resses on s=s5e8 is o,r sin.le lar.es5 o,r ne59orkF 9e recen5l= 56rea5 5o 56e ne59ork@ T6e aske1 Bol1en Ges5 5o -erD ,-.ra1e 9ill also allo9 ,s 5o 4or8 an assess8en5 o4 o,r ,se [icroso45\s !6are-oin5 co8-,5er ne59orkFH sai1 s=s5e8@H !,n1@ !6are-oin5 allo9s 56e 1isD &ollo9in. 56e assess8en5F Greg 5ri>,5ion o4 cer5ain 4iles on Bol1en Ges5 reco88en1e1 Sund 56e ne59orkF an1 kee-s 56e8 5o 56e ci5= 56e= -,rc6ase 59o a9a= 4ro8 ones 56a5 co,l1 ne9 s9i5c6es 4or a 5o5al o4 en1an.er i5@ T6is -ro.ra8 can also IJKFLML an1 a !onic Gall N!$ LOKK >lock access 5o so8e 'n5erne5 si5es 56a5 !ec,re P-.ra1e -l,s 56ree =ears AB!! 1e8an1 consi1era>le 'n5erne5 >an1D 4or IQFMRS@ T6e s9i5c6es 9ill eac6 6a?e 9i156@ OU slo5s alon. 9i56 8a5c6in. -o9er !,n1 s,..es5e1 56a5 al56o,.6 56is s,--lies@ 9as no5 -lanne1 4or in 56e LKJK >,1.e5F ET6e reason 4or 56e ne9 s9i5c6es is a i5 is so8e56in. 56a5 nee1s 5o >e ne9 -6one s=s5e8 9o,l1 eVis5 on 56e a11resse1 an1 can >e -,rc6ase1 ne59ork an1 56ere4ore 9o,l1 nee1 a 56ro,.6 !econ1 Penn= sales 5aVF 96ic6 slo5 4or eac6 -6oneFH sai1 !,n1@ EW?er is ,se1 5o 4,n1 8os5 ca-i5al -,rc6ases@ 5i8eF 9e 9an5 5o >rin. all o4 o,r >,il1D To5al cos5 on 56e -ro]ec5 9ill >e in.s in5o one -6one s=s5e8@H a--roVi8a5el= IJOFLS^ an1 -a-er9ork T6e c,rren5 Aen5reV -6one s=s5e8 an1 ins5alla5ion 9ill >e.in i88e1ia5el=@ 9ill >e 1iscon5in,e1 in 56e neV5 4e9 Bake sale set for Belle Museum !Y MARK +ATSON !"#$%&'("")&*(+,--. B#``# &WP%AH# * &lo,r 6as >een 4l=in. an1 o?ens 9orkin. o?er5i8e 4or !a5,r1a=\s ann,al >ake sale a5 56e TriD!5a5e [,se,8@ T6e 4o,r56 ann,al >ake saleF 96ic6 4,n1s 56e 8,se,8F 9ill 5ake -lace 4ro8 M a@8@ 5o O -@8@ E'5\s al9a=s a .oo1 5,rno,5FH sai1 ai8 !]o?allF ?ol,n5eer coor1ina5or a5 56e 8,se,8@ Wn 6an1 9ill >e so8e o4 6er 4a?ori5es D >rea1F -iesF s9ee5 >rea1F cinna8on rolls@ E!o8e -eo-le co8e in 9i56 >ake1 .oo1s an1 9alk a9a= >,=in. so8e 5ooFH s6e sai1@ E`as5 =ear a .ro,- o4 la1ies >ro,.65 in so8e loa?es o4 >rea1 an1 1eci1e1 56e= 9an5e1 1inner rolls 5oo@H Procee1s 4ro8 56e sale .o 5o 56e 8,se,8@ T6e 8,se,8 s5ar5e1 in JMSS 96en [rs@ %o= Gillia8s o4 Ha88on1F [T 1ona5e1 a 9es5ern collec5ion an1 IJFKKK 4or a 8,se,8@ [r@ Gillia8s\s collecD 5ion 9as 4or 6is o9n en]o=8en5F an1 56e en]o=8en5 o4 6is 4rien1s@ [rs@ Gillia8s realibe1 56e ?al,e o4 6er la5e 6,s>an1\s collec5ionF an1 s6e con5ac5e1 se?eral Belle &o,rc6e >,siness8en an1 co8D 8,ni5= lea1ers in 56e earl= JMSKsF o44erD in. 56e i5e8s@ Wn c,ne JSF JMSSF a .ro,- o4 in5eres5D e1 -ar5ies 6el1 56eir 4irs5 o44icial 8ee5D in. 5o9ar1 56e es5a>lis68en5 o4 56e 8,se,8@ $55en1in. 56a5 4irs5 session 9ere Beor.e &o9lerF !a8 Bro9nellF !@ B@ [or5i8erF Gal5er A,nnin.6a8F [arion `,ccaF a@ &@ WlsenF &@ B@ %o>er5sF W@ H@ &ros5F a@ `@ $r56,rF Pr6o car?i an1 Harr= !5e-6ens@ T6e nonD-ro4D i5 TriD!5a5e [e8orial [,se,8 4or8e1 56a5 =ear@ T6e c,rren5 8,se,8 >,il1in. 9as o-ene1 in LKKOF an1 56e 4acili5= is s6are1 9i56 56e Belle &o,rc6e A6a8>er o4 Ao88erce@ A,rren5l=F 56e 8,se,8 an1 4o,n1a5ion are 9orkin. on a -lan 5o a11 an a11i5ion 9i56in 4i?e =earsF 96ic6 9o,l1 .i?e 56e 8,se,8 8ore eV6i>i5 s-ace an1 collec5ions s5ora.e@ !ar$ Ann (ort+e$er- a +e+.er o/ t0e St2 3osep0 A6ter Societ$- 9e: !i6es ;it0 t0e (nig0ts o/ =o6u+.us- Ric@ Aau:ans@a- Butrition Site +anager an: Ci66 Dug0es- a6so ;it0 t0e (nig0ts o/ =o6u+.us prepare /or t0e (nig0ts o/ =o6u+.us .ene/it /or t0e Dic@or$ Douse2 Courtesy photo !Y SARA KOCH !"#$%&'("")&*(+,--. !P#$%&'!H * T6e ani.65s o4 Aol,8>,s 9ill >e 6os5in. a >ene4i5 >reak4as5 4or 56e Hickor= Ho,se N,5ri5ion !i5ee[eals on G6eels 4ro8 ^DJJ a@8@ on !,n1a=@ T6e >reak4as5 9ill >e 6el1 a5 56e !5@ cose-6 Aa56olic A6,rc6 an1 consis5s o4 -ancakesF e..s an1 sa,sa.e@ dona5ions 9ill 5ar.e5 n,5ri5ion si5e s-ecial 1ie5 -ro1,c5sF ,-.ra1e o4 8eals on 96eels conD 5ainersF ef,i-8en5 4or a11i5ion o4 o-5ional sala1 >ar an1 -ro8o5ions an1 a1?er5isin.@ [eals are -re-are1 4res6 1ail= a5 56e Hickor= Ho,se 4ollo9in. s5a5e n,5ri5ion .,i1elines@ T6e= ca5er 5o s-ecial 1ie5s as 9ell incl,1in. .l,5enD4reeF lo9 so1i,8 an1 1ia>e5ic@ Aon5in,e1 ,-.ra1in. o4 8eals a5 56e n,5ri5ion si5e incl,1es 56e a11i5ion o4 an o-5ional sala1 >ar@ A,rren5l=F 56e -ro.ra8 6el-s 8ore 56an SL -eo-leF se?en 1a=s a 9eek@ T6e= are also lookD in. 4or -eo-le 5o 6el- 96en 9ea56er con1i5ions -re?en5 -eo-le 4ro8 1ri?in. 5o 56e Hickor= Ho,se@ EHo-e4,ll= 56e co88,ni5= 9ill co8e o,5 an1 s,--or5 ,s 4or 56e >ene4i5FH sai1 ani.65s o4 Aol,8>,s 8e8>er Bill H,.6es@ News & Notes Mayor proclaims Nov. 30 as ‘Louise Johnston Day’ Market in the Park organizers thank community !P#$%&'!H * `o,ise co6ns5on 9ill cele>ra5e 6er JKLn1 >ir561a= on No?@ QK@ !6e 9as >orn in Belle &o,rc6e 5o [r@ an1 [rs@ Gillia8 co6ns5on an1 in JMJQF 56e= 8o?e1 5o 56e co6ns5on 4ar8 on P--er Xalle= %oa1 in !-ear4is6@ 'n JMQK s6e recei?e1 6er 5eac6in. cerD 5i4ica5e an1 also recei?e1 6er [as5er\s 1e.ree 4ro8 Bo,l1erF Aolora1o in JMOO@ co6ns5on 6as 5a,.65 in se?eral 1i44eren5 sc6ools an1 s5a5esF incl,1in. se?eral in !-ear4is6 an1 56e s,rro,n1in. area@ co6ns5on 6as >een re5ire1 4or se?eral =ears an1 no9 li?es in 6er o9n 6o8e >e59een Belle &o,rc6e an1 !-ear4is6@ $5 [on1a= ni.65\s ci5= co,ncil 8ee5in.F [a=or cerr= ara8>eck -roclai8e1 [on1a=F No?@ QK as E`o,ise co6ns5on da=H in !-ear4is6@ !P#$%&'!H * cos6 ar,e.er an1 ae?in W\da= a--eare1 >e4ore 56e !-ear4is6 Ai5= Ao,ncil on No?@ JR 5o a11ress 56e [arke5 in 56e Park e?en5 56a5 9as 6el1 in Ai5= Park 56is s,88er@ EGe ],s5 9an5 5o sa= 56anks 4or le55in. ,s con1,c5 56is@ T6e ?en1ors 6a1 4,n an1 i5 9as 9ell recei?e1 >= 56e co88,ni5=FH ar,e.er sai1@ T6ere 9as a rec=cle 1ri?e 6el1 si8,l5aD neo,sl= 5o 56e e?en5 an1 ar,e.er sai1 56a5 56e= 6a,le1 al8os5 JL 5ons o4 56e ci5=\s rec=cla>les 5o %a-i1 Ai5=@ EGe s5o--e1 1oin. 56e rec=clin. a5 56e en1 o4 56e [arke5 in 56e ParkFH 6e a11e1@ T6e e?en5 -eake1 a5 a--roVi8a5el= JS ?enD 1ors a5 56e 6ei.65 o4 i5s -o-,lari5=@ Ao,ncil 8e8>ers a.ree1 56a5 56e= 6a?e >een 6earin. .oo1 4ee1>ack 4ro8 56e co88,D ni5= an1 ar,e.er is -lannin. 5o 6ol1 56e e?en5 a.ain neV5 s,88er@ BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 4 Saturday, November 21, 2009 Afghan police are weak link in security force BY ELENA BECATOROS !""o$iated Pre"" -riter !"B$% &"P( * $n,er/ai,2 3n,er4 e53i//e, an, 3n,er46raine,2 "789anis6an;s <=2>>>4?e?@er /olice 7orce is 69e Deak link in an a?@i6io3s sec3ri6F s6ra6e8F 6o 9an, oGer ,e7ense o7 69e co3n6rF 6o "789ans so "?erican an, o69er 7orei8n 6roo/s can 8o 9o?eH " s6ron82 3ni7ie, na6ional /olice 7orce 9as lon8 el3,e, "789anis6an2 a co3n6rF 6orn @F occ3/a6ion an, Dar7are 7or 93n,re,s o7 FearsH B36 Di69 69e Ies6 noD a66e?/6in8 6o 9el/ 63rn 69e co3n6rF 7ro? a 7aile, s6a6e in6o a6 leas6 a 73nc6ionin8 one2 69e /olice Dill /laF a cr3cial role in ?akin8 ci6ies sa7e /laces 6o liGeH J9a6;s nee,e, 6o Din 69e loFal6F o7 or,inarF "789ans2 ?anF o7 D9o? no6e 69a6 3n,er 69e re/ressiGe r3le o7 69e Jali@an2 a6 leas6 cri?e Das loDH Presi,en6 Ha?i, !arLai @ro3896 69e iss3e in6o s9ar/ 7oc3s ,3rin8 9is ina34 83ral a,,ress J93rs,aF2 D9en 9e sai, 9e Dan6e, "789an sec3ri6F 7orces 6o 6ake 69e lea, in sec3rin8 69e na6ion Di69in 7iGe FearsH B36 so?e analFs6s es6i?a6e i6 co3l, 6ake a ,eca,e @e7ore ci6ies can @e sec3re, @F a /olice 7orce 69a6 is ri,,le, Di69 corr3/6ion2 3n/ro7essionalis? an, illi6eracFH MNo3 reallF ,o no6 9aGe anF69in8 like 69e leGel o7 s3//or6 or 6rainin8 7or 69e /olice Fo3 9aGe 7or 69e ar?F2M sai, ?il4 i6arF analFs6 "n69onF Oor,es?anH MJ9e lea,ers9i/ Di69in 69e /olice is ?3c9 DOT is giving back property which agency once purchased BY BOB MERCER ./a$0 1i//" Pioneer Police on 69e s6ree6 an, ?annin8 c9eck/oin6s o76en 7in, 69e?selGes on 69e 7ron6 line o7 a Gir3len6 ins3r8encF2 ?akin8 69e? 69ree 6i?es ?ore likelF 6o @e kille, 69an "789an sol,iersH Qro? PPRSSR * J9e s6a6e Jrans/or6a6ion Oo??ission 9esi6a6e, a6 7irs6 @36 69en consen6e, J93rs,aF 6o 8iGe aDaF ?ore 69an T> acres o7 lan, in Bea,le Oo3n6FH J9e lon8 s6ri/s o7 ease?en6 Dere /3rc9ase, 7ro? lan,oDners @F 69e Uo369 Vako6a Ve/ar6?en6 o7 Jrans/or6a6ion ?ore 69an => Fears a8oH J9e lan, Das @o3896 3n,er a /lan 6o eW/an, $HUH XY in6o a 7o3r4lane 9i89DaF @e6Deen H3ron an, $HUH Z[XH V\J;s ri8964o74DaF an, le8al eW/er6s sai, 69e XX /arcels nee, 6o @e le8allF a@an,one, an, alloDe, 6o reGer6 6o /riGa6e oDners9i/ @eca3se 69e lan, isn;6 @ein8 3se, 7or 69e /3r/ose eW/resse, a6 69e 6i?e o7 /3rc9asesH J9eF eW/laine, 69a6 V\J can;6 sell 69e lan, @eca3se o7 o69er le8al res6ric6ions 69a6 Dere in /lace on V\J /3rc9ases ?a,e /rior 6o X<[]H U6a6e Jrans/or6a6ion Uecre6arF Varin Ber853is6 sai, 69a6 /ro/er6F 6aWes can @e leGie, a8ain a76er 69e lan, is re63rne,H HaGin8 6o 8iGe aDaF lan, /3rc9ase, Di69 6aW ?oneF see?e, 6o s6ick in 69e craDs o7 seGeral co?4 ?issionersH "lso 9ar, 6o sDalloD Dere 69e econo?4 ic i?/lica6ions 7or H3ron o7 V\J 8iGin8 @ack See SECURITY — Page 34 See DOT — Page 35 !n th&s (ov. ,-. photo. An Af2han pol&5e7an ad9usts h&s 5ollea2ues ;eapon at a 5he5<po&nt &n =abul. Af2han&stan. ?nderpa&d. underA eBu&pped and underAtra&ned. Af2han&stanCs DE.FFFA7e7ber pol&5e for5e &s the ;ea< l&n< &n an a7b&t&ous se5ur&ty strate2y to hand over defense of the 5ountry to Af2hans so A7er&5an and other fore&2n troops 5an 2o ho7e. AP photo Deaker2 ?3c9 less Dell 6raine,2 an, 7ar ?ore corr3/6HM J9eF o76en 9aGe con4 6ac6s Di69 M/oDer @rokers2 cri?inals2 ,r38 lor,s an, 69e Jali@an2M 9e sai,H P7 69e si63a6ion is no6 re?e,ie,2 sai, Oor,es?an2 "789anis6an Mrisks losin8 69e DarHM ! 13th Annual Pa#ade o( )*g,-. December 3, 2009 • 6:00 p.m. “From the North Pole to the Center of the Nation” Prizes awarded for: Parade Theme, Best Use of Lights, Most Whimsical, Religious, Musical Join us for a /011 2,*3* /eed at the Community Hall following the parade! (Canned Food Donations for Compassion Cupboard will be accepted.) For more information or to participate call: Belle Fourche Chamber of Commerce 605-892-2676 e-mail: member@bellefourchechamber.org Sponsored in part by: in a g A © Belle Fourche Chamber of Commerce presents t I d i D Call SueJohn Cramer at at 645-2391 Call Marta 605-641-9767 OPEN 24 HOURS BLACK HILLS PIONEER STATE NEWS Saturday, No+e-.er 01, 0003 Fallen heroes banners soon to be on display at SD guard museum 4a5e 6 State highway named for ‘The Buffalo King’ !" !#! M%&'%& Black Hills Pioneer Banners (a)in+ ,ri-.,e ,o ,0ose 1o.,0 2ako,ans 40o 5ie5 in s.((or, o6 7(era,ion 8n5.rin+ 9ree5o: an5 7(era,ion ;ra<i 9ree5o: 4ill soon -e 5is(la)e5 ,o ,0e (.-lic a, ,0e s,a,e?s na,ional +.ar5 @.se.: in PierreB Courtesy photo PIERRE - The LFallen HeroesM banner display will be featured Dov. 24-Dec. 2W at the South Dakota Dational Xuard Museum (W01 E. Dakota Avenue) in Pierre. The banners were created in honor of South Dakota military personnel who lost their lives in \peration Enduring Freedom and \peration IraOi Freedom. LHaving the banners on display at the Dational Xuard Museum affords an opportunity for visitors traveling to Pierre to see the Christmas trees at the Capitol and the banners,M said Bob Tusser, manager of the museum. LIt=s been said that Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts,M Tusser said. LI would encourage all South Dakotans during this holiday season to open their hearts and honor these young heroes.M The Fallen Heroes banners are intended for display in settings that provide respectful reflection of See BANNERS — Page 35 You’re Invited! DO IT TODAY! Break the habit... Verse by verse study of the Bible at Hudson Hall Sunday Service: 10:00am Wednesday night study available Child care provided. QUIT! Pastor Ellis Lucas • 816-617-7411 • 605-717-9707 www.spearfishchristianfellowship.org QUALITY GAME PROCESSING Elk, Deer & Antelope TIRED OF THE SAME OLD THING? Now doing all wild game smoking in house! Come in and try my… Available Now! Jalapeno Pepperstix • Black Pepper Stix Jalapeno Summer Sausage • Cheddar Salami PepperJack Cheese Summer Sausage You won’t go back to the same old thing. Fresh Bristol Bay Alaskan Sockeye Salmon Taxidermy caping service on site. Best in the area! Fred & Fritz Carlson - 100 Years Combined Experience GRANDVIEW LOCKER 716 10th Ave., Belle Fourche • 892-3866 Extended Hours - Call 605-210-1780 PIERRE — Another stretch of South Dakota highway is getting a special name from our state=s past. A century ago, Stanley County rancher Scotty Philip had the foresight to preserve some of the last American bison remaining on the plains. Dow some folks want to preserve for the public the significance of what he accomplished. The state Transportation Commission agreed Thursday to designate G.S. 14 between Philip and Fort Pierre as James LScottyM Philip Highway. Several green signs will be erected roadside along the route. The reOuest came from Mary Burnett of Philip. She is co-chairperson of the Philip HoriRons organiRation. In her official letter, she described Scotty Philip as one of South Dakota=s treasures and said the community, which is the Haakon County seat, is named for him. LThrough his foresight in saving the buffalo from extinction, he built his herd to nearly one thousand head and many of the nation=s parks, including Custer State Park, have their herd origins from Scotty Philip stock,M she wrote. She added, LScotty Philip was not only a notable part of our history. He is South Dakota nobility. He will forever be remembered as LThe Buffalo Ting.M The reOuest was supported by Philip Mayor John Hart and Fort Pierre Mayor Sam Tidball, who is a member of the Transportation Commission but wasn=t present for the meeting Thursday. There was no opposition to the designation among the commission members. LIt=s historical,M said Jim Spies of Uatertown, the chairman. The only Ouestion was whether the sign=s design will provide the motoring public with enough information. As approved, the sign would be six feet wide and two feet deep bearing the phrase LJames =Scotty= Philip HighwayM flanked on each side by a silhouette of a bison. Commissioner Bob Benson of Uinner said the name will be a mystery to many. LI remembered the name, but not many people do,M he said. The designation is at least the fifth made by the commission this year. BLACK HILLS PIONEER OPINION OUR VOICES MATTER !a4e ' 5aturday, <ove>ber ,., ,((3 Parenting Today An early start in literacy Parents are hearing the chatter about new programs that claim to have babies reading at 6 months and are wondering if it is really possible. Possible: Maybe. Realistic: No. There are no sets of videos on the market today that will single handedly teach a baby to read that early in life. It isnAt developmentally what babies need at that age. Pushing babies to that level may actually hinder their development by adding stress into their daily routine and may take away from normal activities the child is trying to learn on their own. So, what is the right age to start thinking of literacy with children: Probably the best place for us to start is to have a real understanding of what literacy is. Yes, literacy is knowing how to read and write but that is actually the final stages of literacy. It starts in a much simpler form with numerous steps that will get your child to the end result. Literacy begins at birth. When we respond to a babyAs coos by cooing back, they are starting to learn sounds. Reading books to newborns start their interest as well as singing and nursery rhymes. Hsing these during their rou- tines will introduce them to new words and sounds. The simplest activity such as taking a walk with an infant and talking about new sights sounds will foster this development. Iollow the infantsA cues by talking more about thing your child points to or seems interested in. Even early childhood games can help develop a childAs listening skills. If your child responds when you are playing peek-a-boo, they are learning to take turns, and to listen for cues. Watch carefully for the small milestones babies achieveK turning a book over when it is upside down, babbling as if pretending to read or even scribbling on paper are all big accomplishments for a young child. As children start to develop into toddler stages, they will have a whole new set of skills to develop. They may try to MreadN a book to an adult, tell stories about what they did during their day or even start to recogniOe different print, DOO<G5HJCI BLACK HILLS HI MACI LCJDGAJ PIONEER 315 Seaton Circle, Spearfish, SD 57783 7 South Main, Lead, SD 57754 !"one '()-'+,-,7'. / 0a2 '()-'+,-3('( Email: news@bhpioneer.com such as their name or certain letters. All of these are wonderful accomplishments in a childAs development. When you think about different activities you can do with your toddler, even the simplest field trip can provide numerous opportunities to learn. A trip to the grocery store may involve them writing a grocery list before they go, and then retelling a story about the shopping trip once it is over. Ask your child Puestions about the store such as MWhat sounds did you hear in the store:N or MDid you see anything orange:N to encourage them to think and retell parts of the trip. When provided with the opportunity to learn about reading and writing, your preschool child will seem like a sponge, soaking it all in. Providing them with easily accessed MtoolsN such as a stick they can write in the sand or snow with or dough to make letters from will help with letter recognition and spelling. They will be learning to read from left @ALLACD 0ELL@OCG EDITOR and PUBLISHER, Stewart Huntington ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER, Letitia Lister MANAGING EDITOR, Mark Watson CITY EDITOR, Wendy Pitlick AD MANAGER, Dru Thomas PRODUCTION MANAGER, Scott Lister CIRCULATION DIRECTOR, Charity Runnells ACCOUNTING, Ardith Richards to right and top to bottom so you can help them develop that skill by pointing, with them, to the words as you read. Stop and let them fill in the words of a story they may already know or let them read you simple one word per page books where the pictures cue them. The success will help them develop the confidenceR Literacy is taught to children of all ages in a variety of different ways. If we keep this in mind we will be able to bring more and more literacy activities into their day without adding cost or even much extra preparation time to our days. By the way, if you are reading this article in front of your child, pat yourself on the back. Showing your child that you are a reader will confirm for them that reading is an enUoyable activityR Ear$y Chi$dhood Connections is a non-pro3it organi5ation whose Mission is to enrich the $i8es o3 chi$dren by wor:ing with the adu$ts who a33ect their $i8es-parents, caregi8ers, and educators. www.ear$ychi$dhoodconnections .com HI HCJKG LE<5LGI • SPEARFISH, BELLE FOURCHE, WHITEWOOD NEWS: 315 Seaton Circle, PO Box 7, Spearfish, SD 57783 Toll Free 1-800-676-2761 or 605-642-2761 • Fax 605-642-9060 Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday • Closed Saturday, Sunday & national holidays • LEAD-DEADWOOD NEWS: 7 S. Main, PO Box 876, Lead, SD 57754 Phone 605-584-2303 • Fax 605-584-2333 Office Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday • Closed Saturday, Sunday & national holidays • SUBSCRIPTIONS: Call For Rates In Your Area • Mail Rates - Quarterly - $37.50. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE The Black Hills Pioneer is the official newspaper of Central City, City of Deadwood, City of Lead, Lead-Deadwood School District, City of Spearfish, Lawrence County, Spearfish School District, St. Onge, Whitewood, and the legal newspaper for publication of notices. COPYRIGHT, 2009, Black Hills Pioneer. All rights reserved. Nothing may be reprinted, photocopied, or in any way reproduced from this publication, in whole or in part, without written permission from the publisher. BLACK HILLS PIONEER Saturday, November 01, 0223 Page 6 Rain may put pumpkin pie in peril, Nestle says !" #$%$& #'()*+%, !P #ood 'ndustry .riter !OR$%&'()* O+,-* .&!/* 0 $1,*12345678*967*:2;*<,*82*8=,,; ;148*7,6+',8;3,* >* =14?1* 8,338* :,6+37* 633 ;1,*?6::,5*@A9@B4:*4:*;1,*C-D-*> 8678* @22+* =,6;1,+* 1A+;* 4;8* 16+> E,8;)*?+,6;4:F*6*@2;,:;463*812+;6F, 2G* 4;8* %4<<7H8* @A9@B4:* @4,* @+25> A?;8*;1+2AF1*;1,*12345678$1,*?29@6:7*8645*1,6E7*+64:8 965,*4;*:,6+37*49@2884<3,*;2*@4?B 4;8* @A9@B4:8* 5A+4:F* ;148* 7,6+H8 16+E,8;-*$1,*32:F,+*;1,*@A9@B4:8 84;*4:*;1,*9A557*G4,358)*;1,*92+, ;1,7* 5,;,+42+6;,-*&8* 6* +,8A3;)* ;1, ?29@6:7* 6::2A:?,5* ;148* =,,B ;16;* 4;* =2A35* :2;* @6?B* 6:7* 92+, @A9@B4:8*G2+*;1,*8,682:*>*=14?1 9,6:8* 4;* 967* <,* 16+5* ;2* G4:5* 4;8 ?6::,5* @A9@B4:* 6:5* @A9@B4: @4,* G4334:F* @+25A?;* A:;43* :,I; 7,6+H8*16+E,8;JM2;1,+* '6;A+,* 165* 2;1,+ @36:8*G2+*A8)J*;1,*?29@6:7*8645*4: 6:* 2@,:* 6@232F7* ;2* ?A8;29,+8 2:34:,',8;3,* 48* ;1,* 36+F,8;* :6;42:63 <+6:5* G2+* ?6::,5* @A9@B4:* @+25> A?;8)*=4;1*LM*;2*NM*@,+?,:;*2G*;1, 96+B,;)*;1,*?29@6:7*8645O;* @36:;8* 6* 8@,?463* 8;+64:* 2G @A9@B4:*6;*6*G6+9*4:*M2+;2:)*O33-) =14?1*@+2E45,8*:,6+37*633*4;8*8A@> @37-* ',8;3,* ,8;496;,8* 4G* 72A ;A+:,5*633*;1,*@A9@B4:8*4;*F+2=8 2:*;1,*G6+9*;2*@4,)*4;*=2A35*;2;63 NM*943342:*@4,8J$1,+,* 6+,* 6* 32;* 2G* <,6A;4GA3 @A9@B4:8* 2A;* ;1,+,* ;16;* =,* PA8; ?6:H;*+,8?A,)J*8645*',8;3,*8@2B,8> =296:*R2Q*OHR,6+:$1,*?29@6:7*165*6*=,;*16+E,8; 368;*7,6+)*;22)*=14?1*9,6:;*4;*545> :H;* 16E,* 6* 8A+@3A8* ;2* ?6++7* 2E,+ 4:;2* ;148* 7,6+* 6:5* 3,5* ;2* 8@2;;7 812+;6F,8* 4:* 36;,* 8A99,+* 6:5 ,6+37* G633-* $1,* 16+E,8;* 8;6+;,5* 4: &AFA8;*6:5*4;*<,F6:*F,;;4:F*@+25> A?;8*2:*4;8*81,3E,8*822:*6G;,+)*<A; 4;*=2:H;*<,*6<3,*;2*9,,;*4;8*:2+963 5,96:5JS,* 12@,* ,E,+72:,* A:5,+> 8;6:58* ;16;* M2;1,+* '6;A+,* =68* 6 34;;3,* 54GG4?A3;* ;148* 7,6+* 6:5* 12@, 81,H8*6*34;;3,*<4;*B4:5,+*;2*A8*:,I; 7,6+)J*OHR,6+:*8645',8;3,*8645*4;*168*8,,:*;1,*@2@> A36+4;7*2G*@A9@B4:*F+2=*+,?,:;37 68* 92+,* @,2@3,* 16E,* <,?29, 6=6+,* 2G* 4;8* 1,63;1* <,:,G4;8)* <A; $16:B8F4E4:F* 48* 8;433* ;1,* ?29@6> :7H8*@,6B*8,682:!4,* 96B,+8* ?6:* 8;433* A8,* G+,81 @A9@B4:*2+*2;1,+*<+6:58$+65,+*T2,H8*8645*4;*168*4;8*8;2+, <+6:5*@A9@B4:*4:*8;2?B*<A;*8645*4; ?2A35:H;*@+,54?;*=16;*=2A35*16@> @,:*;2*8A@@34,8*4:*;1,*GA;A+,S123,*U2258*M6+B,;*O:?-*8645 ;16;* =143,* 4;* 48* 6=6+,* 2G* 32=,+ @A9@B4:* 74,358* 4:* @6+;8* 2G* ;1, ?2A:;+7)*;1,*?29@6:7*=68*6<3,*;2 F,;*,:2AF1*@A9@B4:*G2+*4;8*8;2+, <+6:5* @+25A?;* 6:5* 6?;A6337 814@@,5* 92+,* @+25A?;* ;2* 8;2+,8 ;148*7,6+*;16:*,E,+*<,G2+,U6+9,+8* M6+B,;* O+F6:4?)* ;1, ?2A:;+7H8* 36+F,8;* @+2E45,+* 2G 2+F6:4?* ?6::,5* @A9@B4:)* 8645* 4; 545:H;*,I@,+4,:?,*;1,*869,*488A,8 =4;1*GA:FA8*6:5*9235*6;*4;8*G6+9 ;16;* <4F* F+2=,+8* 4:* ;1,* M45=,8; 8AGG,+,5*;148*7,6+*6:5*368;&:5* ;1,* ?29@6:7)* <68,5* 4: C2+E63348)* O+,-)* 8645* 4;* 4:?+,68,5 4;8*?6@6?4;7*6:5*168*814@@,5*943> P"#$%&'()*+#,+(-./'(A1%,+#*'(2*3%4(5/+."6/(*(',&6/7.+84(2*5,+3.66,9($"#$%&'()&,39(T",49*;< N.>? @A(&'(W*4/&'65.'(T.2'4/&$<(I33?<(2/&3,(9&41"44&'6(5/,(9&))&1"35&,4(.)(5/&4(;,*+84(/*+>,45? 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Odenbach HIGHWAY TAX Continued from Page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`a*=,8;*2G*O+,:,)*D-(-*_M ,68;*2G*B+4;;2:)*D-(-*[L*,68;*6:5*=,8;*2G*R4;?1?2?B) 6:5*D-(-*_b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ve., Ste. 8 • Spearfish, SD • 605-642-2622 • Attorney@rushmore.com November 27, 28 & 29 ONLY! Family Membership Special Buy Any Youth, Adult, Senior or Senior Couple Membership Purchase any ANNUAL Family Membership in Full and Get and get an additional Month FREE! 1-month, 3-month, 6-month and annual memberships available! 25% OFF! ($78-$90 savings!) Youth Boys Basketball (1st-6th grade) Register you child by December 6th! Members $20.00 • Non-Members $25.00 $5 Late fee after December 6th Teams will form in December with games starting in January. Contact Tessa for more information at 892-2467 or programs.bfacc@midconetwork.com For more information contact customer service at 1111 National St., Belle Fourche • 892-2467 office.bfacc@midconetwork.com BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 6 Saturday, November 01, 0003 HOUSE 7ontinued from Page 1 !ee# a& 'a(t o+ the-( .-&&-on t(-'0 The2 3(o45ht all d-++e(ent a5e& and &#-ll le8el&9 &tood all the !all& and d-d all the +loo(: -n50 ; 5(o4' o+ .en9 !o.en and #-d& <a.e and &ta2ed at the =4the(an >h4(<h -n ?'ea(+-&h0@ The 5(o4' e8en donated an a&h t(ee that !a& (e<entl2 'lant: ed -n +(ont o+ the ho4&e0 ; 5(o4' o+ Ao2 ?<o4t& +(o. 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It’s a lot of hard work.” !"#o%e' )oy S,out /roo1 955 from C7i,ago, <==> ?ramed a== of t7e interior Ba==C and did t7e 7ea%y =ifting on t7e garage a=ong Bit7 many ot7er taCDC t7at mo%ed t7e 1roEe,t to ,om1=etion> Courtesy photo !/o1' Pi,tured from =eft are neB oBnerC of t7e firCt Ga#itat for Gumanity 7ome in S1earfiC7 Hon and Peony GammerIuiCt Bit7 Ji,D K==erton, Lort7ern Gi==C Ga#itat for Gumanity ,7air> Pioneer photo by Sara Koch YOU ARE INVITED TO OUR 2009-2010 EVENTS: Girls Night Out Lingerie Fashion Show ~ 4-7 p.m. with home-cooked meals, featuring smoked turkeys & hams. Seafood also available. Gillette Camplex ~ 1-4 p.m. February 5th & 6th Alfred Angelo “Bridesmaids Bash” Fashion Show 12% Off Maids ordered these 2 days Sue Cramer February 12th & 13th Mori Lee “On tour” Fashion Show 12% Off Gowns ordered these 2 days 203 S. Gillette Ave., Gillette, WY • 307-682-9355 Store Hours: M-F 10-6 & Sat. 9-5 • lmb@vcn.com Owner/ Managing Broker s Annual Bridal Show & Expo It Did Holiday Favo e l th Celebrate the season r ite January 10th in! a g A NEW LISTING Al December 2nd © 4.43 Acres In Pine Oaks This beautiful Pine Oaks lot has several prime building sites. Take advantage of the 3 state view or nestle your home in the trees for more seclusion. Room for a nice size shop as well. Possible purchase of a well share. Great access. Spearfish • $44,700 • MLS-30326 Call 605-645-2391 INTEGRITY MEATS 404 Industrial Street, Belle Fourche • 892-6215 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Sa#u%day, No+e-.e% 21, 2009 FOOD PANTRY Con#8nued 9%o- Page 1 Page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e#$ Ga'( Arno(d /tand/ 1y ro3/ o4 /to56ed /he(#e/ at the Co9:a//'on Cu:1oard 4ood :antry 'n Be((e Four5he Fr'day 9orn'ng$ Arno(d /a'd the 5o99un'ty ha/ donated enough 4ood to 4'(( the :antry@/ /he(#e/ a4ter donat'on/ 3ere (o3 'n O5to1er$ Pioneer photo by Amy Wright W*',**?'@"0& )*#3'"0-%4--4,A Bert Beth !"##$ Susan Stacey Grant %"&'T)*'+",-.'C#01'"%'23*.&%4$) !"e %o''s )i'' +e a-ctio0ed at t"e 2o0ta 5*$-46.#'"%'T&**$ !*78'9:';<<= Kim At Mason’s 5th Ave we consider each customer a blessing. Help us celebrate with our Lanny Kenny Carol Lorena C.##'K.-)@'C0,?"&%'.-'D4",**&'B.,F'GH;I;J;K !"e 2o0ta >'-+ o7 ?4ear7is" is dedicated to ser<i06 o-r co88-0it9 +9 reco60i@i06 a0d s-44orti06 t"e 0eeds o7 )o8e0 a0d c"i'dre0: Cornell Rules for “Count Your Blessings” tree: 1. Write “Blessing” message on paper ornament (index card size) or pick one up at Mason’s 2. Display ornament on “Count Your Blessings” tree 3. Win Mason’s or BuckStop gift certificates daily if ornament randomly picked 4. Win a Giant Christmas Sock filled with gifts for all ages if your ornament is randomly picked Dec. 17 for GRAND PRIZE 5. Reflect on your blessings & be thankful! Bill Tom Sally Blessing Tree contest runs Nov. 27-Dec. 17, 2009 Any monetary blessing donations will be given to local charities MASON’S 5TH AVE. & BUCKSTOP 510 5th Ave, Belle Fourche • 605-892-4564 i0 ?4ear7is" Rick “Count Your Blessings” tree. A'' 4roceeds 6o to "e'4 t"e 0eeds o7 )o8e0 a0d c"i'dre0 i0 o-r co88-0it9: ;i8ited 0-8+er o7 !"##$ are a<ai'a+'e t"r- t"e )ee= at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“The #1 Station in the Center of the Nation” Kim Is there a college event that you would like covered? Call 642-2761 or e-mail your request to news@bhpioneer.com BHSU NEWS Page 10 n e w s @ b h p i o n e e r. c o m November 21, 2009 BHSU check presentation PEO Chapter BW awarded Black Hills State University senior Jennifer Wetz a check for $500 to cover textbook expenses this semester. In May 2010, Jennifer will receive her Bachelor of Science degree in Early Childhood Special Education. Presenting the check on behalf of PEO Chapter BW are Priscilla Romkema, left, and Bobbi Looney, right. Courtesy photo BHSU faculty transform lives SPEARFISH — Black Hills State University faculty are transforming lives and making headlines with their achievements. Dr. Holly Downing, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, recently attended the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences (CCAS). The conference was held Dr. Holly in Baltimore, Md., where Downing gave a Downing presentation as part of a panel entitled "Pipeline Issues in the STEM Disciplines." In her presentation she addressed the BHSU campus' initiatives in recruiting and retaining Native American students in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) fields. Her focus was on the importance of the BHSU Center of Indian Studies, the gains made possible through the NSF S-STEM grant, the research opportunities, and the support of American Indian Studies faculty and staff. BHSU students receive honors at state competition SPEARFISH — Six Black Hills State University music students received honors at the state-wide competition at Augustana College in Sioux Falls, sponsored by the South Dakota Music Teachers Association (SDMTA). Top students were selected to perform program memorized pieces. Tyler Raad, a junior from Spearfish, placed second in the vocal division at the competition, while Jamie Williams, senior from Qillette, Wyo., received an honorable mention in the same division. Pianist Jessica Finch, senior from Rapid City, received an honorable mention in the collegiate piano division. Ashton VandenHoek, senior from Jamestown, Mich., received an honorable mention in her division in the SDMTA competition. VandenHoek was among eight vocalists who all sing at graduate level. Tenor Sean Sutton, freshman from Sioux Falls, was a participant in the Collegiate Voice, and Luke Temple, sophomore from Burlington, Wis., participated in the Collegiate Composition Dr. Janeen Larsen, BHSU professor of music, serves president of SDMTA, and Dr. Nancy Roberts, BHSU assistant professor of music, serves as chair of the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) competitions. Raad said, UIt was a great experience. All of the work that I did paid off, and I felt well prepared. I wouldn't have been able to do it without the help of the music faculty - especially Dr. Roberts, Dr. Larsen, and Dr. Nero. I don't think I would have been able to get this much personal assistance from any other music department.W Six Black Hills State University students were honored at a state-wide competition. Courtesy photo BLACK HILLS PIONEER Saturday, November 21, 2003 Page 11 SATURDAY’S TV KOTA :PM 4:30 :PM 5:30 :PM 6:30 :PM 7:30 :PM 8:30 :PM 9:30 :PM 10:30 :PM 11:30 AM 12::30 AM 1::30 AM 2::30 AM 3::30 AM 4::30 AM 5::30 AM 6::30 AM 7::30 AM 8::30 AM 9::30 AM 10::30 AM 11::30 :PM 12:30 :PM 1:30 :PM 2:30 :PM 3:30 College Football Grey’s Anat. College Football: Regional Coverage ’’ JeoNews CSI: NY ’’ Housewives CSI: Miami Insider Movie: ‘‘Saving Private Ryan’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ Music Good Morning This Week Turning Point Christn Worshp WHADD NASAnimal Animal Storm CountdNASCAR Racing: Sprint Cup ’’ PBS WGN-A KEVN KNBN KCLO DISC Dakota TBA Girls HS Volleyball ’’ Girls HS Volleyball Red No Cover Austin City Globe Trekker OpenMcKenStevie Wonder Marley Live! No Cover Dakota CyberCurious Sid Super DinoClifford Martha Arthur WordGElectric Fetch Group One Justice: Right South Dakota Nova ’’ Minds on Edge America Trek Bones ’’ Bones ’’ Movie: ‘‘The Silence of the Lambs’’ Movie: ‘‘Hannibal’’ ’’ ’’ ‘‘Gone in Sixty Seconds’’ Movie: ‘‘Thelma& Louise’’ ’’ Paid World Paid Paid Facts David Vacuum Swaggart Paid Paid HollyCultivatWWE Stars Boston Legal Movie: ‘‘The Silence of the Lambs’’ Movie: ‘‘Hannibal’’ ‘‘I Me Wed’’ LegendSeeker Two Two Cops Cops Most Wanted News Office House ’’ Wanda Sykes Sit Movies TMZ ’’ Sign-Off AgriBusin Paid MatNews Sunday CopeFeldick Main Street Fox NFL Sunday NFL Football: Dolphins at Vikings PostPokerStarsnet Sports House Wall St NBC Paid Friends Friends Mercy ’’ Law & Order Law/Ord SVU News Sat. Night Live Poker After Wine Overnight Radar ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ Farm Report Paid Paid Paid Today ’’ Meet Press Paid Paid Paid Paid Figure Skating: Skate Canada Robinson Tribute on Ice College Football News WelMentalist 48 Hr. Mystery 48 Hr. Mystery News Ent. Tonight Monk ’’ Access H’wood Sign-Off Music Wall St News ’’ Sunday Morn. ’’ Nation Mass KELThe NFL Today NFL Football: Colts at Ravens ’’ NFL Football ’’ ’’ Man vs. Wild Ghost Lab Ghost Lab Ghost Lab Ghost Lab Ghost Lab Ghost Lab Ghost Lab Ghost Lab Cooking Paid Paid Comfort Paid Debt Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters The FBI Files The FBI Files Steve Fossett Somali Pirate Hudson ’’ JFK: Inside DIS FAM Wizards Wizards Wizards Sonny Sonny Sonny Sonny Sonny Princess Pro Movie: ‘‘Camp Rock’’ ’’ MonWizards Raven Suite Cory Replace Kim EmpeDragon ‘‘Going to the Mat’’ MerLilo Lilo Little Charlie Tigger EinHandy Manny Mickey Mickey Movers Handy Phineas Phineas Princess Pro Phineas MonMon- ‘‘The Christmas Wish’’ ‘‘Once Upon a Christmas’’ ‘‘Twice Upon a Christmas’’ ‘‘The Christmas Wish’’ Acne Thinner Paid Paid Paid 1 MinTotal Paid Paid Paid Sabrina Sabrina Movie: ‘‘Christmas in Boston’’ Picking Up and Dropping Off Movie: ‘‘Three Days’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Christmas DoOver’’ ‘‘Chasing Christmas’’ NICK TOON LIFE FOOD A&E Sponge Sponge iCarly iCarly iCarly True Jackson iCarly Lopez Lopez Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Malcolm Malcolm RoRoRoRoRoRoRoRoGrown Grown Neutron Neutron OddParOddParSponge Sponge PenBarnMighty Sponge Sponge Sponge Barbie and the Three ’’ PenPenSponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Beyblade BakuHero Titans Batman SaturJustice King King The PJs BoonBoonBleach Bleach AlcheAlcheMoribito Death Ghost Blood Big O InuInuTom & Jerry Johnny PokeChowChowScooby Hollyw. Muppet Treasure Island ‘‘The Secret of NIMH’’ ChowChowChowJohnny Johnny Johnny Ed, Edd ’n Eddy Odd Girl Out Movie: ‘‘The Deep End’’ Movie: ‘‘Personal Effects’’ Project Runway Movie: ‘‘Personal Effects’’ Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Sanitize Paid Paid Paid Paid Inc’sing Faith Hour of Power Ab SeHealth Will Will ‘‘Our Mother’s Murder’’ Movie: ‘‘Obsessed’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘A Perfect Murder’’ Mother, May I Iron Chef Challenge Thanksgiving Iron Chef America Flay Iron Chef Iron Chef America Flay Iron Chef Thanksgiving Ripped Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Thanksgiving Leftovers Giada Day Off ConBoy Big Bite Minute Lee Paula Home Next Iron Chef Iron Chef Iron Chef Iron Chef CSI: Miami Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds CSI: Miami Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds CSI: Miami Millions Total Paid magProfits Paid ‘‘Beverly Hills Cop II’’ Sessions The Sopranos The Sopranos The Tragic Side of Comedy ‘‘Beverly Hills Cop II’’ ‘‘Beverly Hills Cop III’’ HIST TNT WWII in HD WWII in HD Kennedy Assass. 24 Hrs How the Earth Was Made Kennedy Assass. 24 Hrs How the Earth Was Made Paid Paid Paid Paid Homes Paid Weather at War EarthMade EarthMade EarthMade EarthMade EarthMade EarthMade EarthMade EarthMade EarthMade EarthMade ‘‘U.S. Marshals’’ Cont’d Movie: ‘‘Shooter’’ ’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Shooter’’ ’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Air Force One’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Ransom’’ ’’ ’’ Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Movie: ‘‘Poseidon’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Payback’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Air Force One’’ ’’ Shooter SPIKE USA Real UFC 106 UFC Unleashed UFC Unleashed UFC 106 ’’ Movie: ‘‘Die Another Day’’ ’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Crimson Tide’’ ’’ Real Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Trainer Paid Baby Insanity Mysteries Mysteries Xtreme HrsepTrucks! Muscle CSI ’’ CSI ’’ CSI ’’ CSI ’’ CSI ’’ PiratesDead Movie: ‘‘Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End’’ ’’ Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse WWE A.M. Becker Wings Paid Paid magHomes Law Order: CI Paid Creflo In Touch Monk ’’ White Collar Law/Ord SVU Law/Ord SVU Law/Ord SVU Law/Ord SVU Law/Ord SVU Law/Ord SVU Law/Ord SVU TVL TBS FSN Married Married Married Married Married Married Married Married RoRoRoRoRoRoRoRo3’s Co. 3’s Co. 3’s Co. 3’s Co. 3’s Co. 3’s Co. 3’s Co. 3’s Co. RoRoRoRoExtreme Makeover: Home Makeover Bonanza Bonanza Bonanza Bonanza Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Movie: ‘‘The Goonies’’ Grinch Dr. SeussCat Dr. SeussCat ’’ Movie: ‘‘The Last Mimzy’’ Movie: ‘‘Bridge to Terabithia’’ Win a Date ’’ ’’ Married Married Harvey Movie: ‘‘Big Fat Liar’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘The Last Mimzy’’ Movie: ‘‘Bridge to Terabithia’’ Movie: ‘‘The Goonies’’ Movie: ‘‘Home Alone 3’’ Wizar- College Football ’’ PostTop 50 ’’ Rockies Run for Pennant Rockies Big 12 Live Rockies Rockies Final Final World Poker Top 50 ’’ Final Final Paid Paid Paid Paid World Poker Paid Paid Update OutdrsOutdoor Hunter Veteran Birding Paid Paid Profit Paid MoUSARacing Champ. Darts Rockies Basketball ESPN ESPN2 SPEED EWTN Football Score Score College Football: Kan. St. at Nebraska SportsCenter ’’ Football Final SportsCenter SportsCenter NFL College Football ’’ ’’ SportsCenter Football Final NFL SportsCenter Lines ReportSportsCenter Sunday NFL Countdown SportsCenter Special PBA Bowling ’’ Billiards ’’ Billiards ’’ NASCAR Racing College Football: Kentucky at Georgia Scoreboard Fast2009 World Series of Poker College Football ’’ ’’ NASCAR Racing: Nationwide Series ChroniJournal WhiteTerritoOutDriven NASCAR ExpediFantasy Football Now Spanish Primera Division Soccer Beach Soccer World Series Redfish Redfish Monster Jam Edge Trackside NASNASNASNASNASNASNASNASNASNASNASNASNASNASNASNASNASPaid Millions Paid magHot Rod Gearz Car Truck U Garage Car Perform NASNASNASCAR RaceDay ’’ ’’ Gearz Gearz Gearz Gearz Gearz Gearz Gearz Life Papal Meeting ’’ Saint Giuseppe Rosary Fr CorMysterJourney Home Daily Mass Fr. Corapi Global Show. Siena ClasEWTN Live Feasts Light Bedrock Catholic Chaplet Rosary Sunday Mass Litany BookRome Faith AposAngeSunday Mass Litany St. John Passion by Bach ’’ Holy World Over JoseHeritage SUNDAY’S TV KOTA :PM 4:30 :PM 5:30 :PM 6:30 :PM 7:30 :PM 8:30 :PM 9:30 :PM 10:30 :PM 11:30 AM 12::30 AM 1::30 AM 2::30 AM 3::30 AM 4::30 AM 5::30 AM 6::30 AM 7::30 AM 8::30 AM 9::30 AM 10::30 AM 11::30 :PM 12:30 :PM 1:30 :PM 2:30 :PM 3:30 NASCAR Race TBA Home Videos 2009 American Music Awards ’’ News CSI: NY ’’ Housewives CSI: Miami Stargate Atlantis ABC World News Now AgDay Morning News Good Morning America ’’ Regis ’’ The View Dr. Phil ’’ All My ’’ News Inside General Hospital One Life to Live Oprah Winfrey PBS WGN-A KEVN KNBN KCLO DISC Europe Nature Antiques Welk ’’ Nature ’’ Contemporary Frontier Globe Trekker Wash World Lomax Lomax Lomax Lomax Lomax Lomax Lomax Lomax GED WorkMaya Feet Curious Sid Super DinoClifford Zoboo Caillou Word Martha Sesame Street Barney BerensLions AsDragon Arthur WordGElectric Fetch ‘‘Hannibal’’ Cosby Cosby Newhart Newhart BarBarBarCheers Cheers Cheers Bewitch Bewitch Jeannie Jeannie Nash Bridges S. 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JFK Ruby Storm Chasers JFK: Inside Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Robison Meyer Paid Cash Cash Cash Cash Overhaulin’ Overhaulin’ Overhaulin’ Overhaulin’ Overhaulin’ Overhaulin’ Cash Cash DIS FAM MonMonMonMonMonMonMonMonMonMonSonny Jonas Movie: ‘‘The Santa Clause’’ Wizards MonSuite Cory Replace Kim EmpeDragon Proud WhisBarMerLilo Lilo Phineas Movers Handy Mickey Agent Mickey EinEinEinLittle ’’ EinMovie: ‘‘The Santa Clause’’ Jonas Jonas Movie: ‘‘Santa Baby’’ ’’ ‘‘Holiday in Handcuffs’’ Movie: ‘‘Snowglobe’’ ’’ Osteen Feed Zola Paid Ab SeMillions Acne Paid Total Insanity Prince Life ToMeyer Joni Sister Sister Sabrina Sabrina Step 700 The 700 Club Gilmore Girls What I What I My Wife My Wife Sabrina Sabrina FullHse FullHse GroundGroundGilmore Girls NICK TOON LIFE FOOD A&E iCarly iCarly True Jackson Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Lopez Lopez Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny RoRoRoRoRoRoRoRoNanny OddParSponge Sponge Sponge BackDora Dora Go Go Max Max Band Dora Dora Ni Hao Sponge Sponge OddParBarnZoey Brain Sponge Pen- Ed, Edd ’n Eddy Pokemon: Arceus ’’ Johnny Total King Fam Fam Titan Venture Metal Mighty King King Fam Fam Titan Venture Metal Mighty King Gormiti Chaotic Yu Gi PokeBakuHero Muppet Treasure Island ‘‘The Secret of NIMH’’ Flapjack Flapjack Flapjack ChowChowJohnny Johnny Johnny Spy Kids 2 Mother, May I Movie: ‘‘Unstable’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Personal Effects’’ Movie: ‘‘Personal Effects’’ Mother Mother Paid Paid Paid Total Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Meyer BalancReba Reba Reba Reba Frasier Frasier Will Will Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Housewives Housewives Housewives Iron Chef Iron Chef Iron Chef Iron Chef Chopped Flay Flay Iron Chef Chopped Flay Flay Iron Chef Paid Profit Paid Paid Thinner Paid Paid Acne Paid Big Grill Paid Ask Emeril Live EnterQuick Paula Giada Minute ConSandra Lee Big Bite Ultimate Cooking Giada Desserts CSI: Miami CSI: Miami Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds CSI: Miami Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds CSI: Miami Paid Paid Paid Ab SePaid Paid Crossing The Sopranos Amer. Justice CSI: Miami Cold Case The First 48 Criminal Minds The Sopranos Amer. Justice CSI: Miami Cold Case HIST TNT EarthMade HomeHoliday Pawn Pawn Cowboys Cowboys Sex in West Pawn Pawn Cowboys Cowboys Sex in West Money Paid Paid Money Untold Story Real West Went Down Went Down Went Down Went Down Disasters Modern Marvels Went Down Went Down Went Down Went Down Movie: ‘‘Shooter’’ Cont’d Movie: ‘‘The Patriot’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘The Patriot’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Payback’’ ’’ Law & Order Law & Order Angel ’’ Angel ’’ Charmed Charmed Charmed ER ’’ Las Vegas Las Vegas NUMB3RS NUMB3RS Cold Case Law & Order SPIKE USA TVL TBS FSN Law/Ord SVU Law/Ord CSI ’’ SVU CSI Law/Ord ’’ SVU CSI Law/Ord ’’ SVU CSI Law/Ord ’’ SVU CSI House ’’ ’’ ‘‘A His- Movie: tory of ‘‘Along ViolCame ence’’ Polly’’ CSI ‘‘Little ’’ Miss CSI Sun’’ shine’’ Paid Law/Ord Paid SVU Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Movie: Paid ‘‘Arthur Paid Hailey’s Paid DetecPaid tive’’ Paid ’’ CSI Law Or’’ der: CI CSI Law Or’’ der: CI CSI Law Or’’ der: CI CSI Law Or’’ der: CI CSI Law Or’’ der: CI CSI Law Or’’ der: CI CSI Law Or’’ der: CI CSI Law Or’’ der: CI CSI NCIS ’’ ’’ Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith MASH MASH MASH MASH RoRoRoRoRoRoBrady Brady Brady Brady Little House Little House Paid Paid Paid Thinner Paid Paid Leave HillbilHillbilAllFamSanford Sanford Hogan Hogan Gunsmoke Bonanza Bonanza Bonanza Griffith Griffith ‘‘The Wizard of Oz’’ Cont’d Grinch Dr. SeussCat Dr. SeussCat ’’ Movie: ‘‘Home Alone 3’’ Movie: ‘‘Big Fat Liar’’ ’’ Married Married Married Married Married Married SavedSavedSavedSavedFresh Fresh Just Home Home Yes Yes Ray King King Ray Ray Payne Payne Jim Jim Friends Friends Basketball Rockies Run for Pennant Rockies World Poker Air Racing Sport Science Football Profiles Final Final Premier League Profiles Top 50 Final Final Paid Paid Paid Paid Air Racing Paid Paid Final Final Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid World Poker College Football ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ NSCRA Mo- CSI ’’ ESPN ESPN2 SPEED EWTN Billiards ’’ SportsCenter ’’ MLS Soccer: MLS Cup ’09 ’’ SportsCenter ’’ SportsCenter ’’ SportsCenter ’’ Football Final SportsCenter ’’ SportsCenter ’’ SportsCenter ’’ SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter ’’ Lines Football NFL NFL ’’ Horn Inter- College Basketball ’’ College Basketball ’’ NASCAR Drag Racing World Series 2009 World Series of Poker NASCAR Racing: Sprint Cup ESPMike and Mike in the Morning ’’ ’’ ’’ ESPN First Take ’’ ESPN First Take ’’ Best of 1st and College Basketball ’’ ESPBasket- Gearz Test Pinks -All Out Victory Lane Wind Tunnel SPEED Report Pinks Pinks WreckeWreckeSuperSuperSPEED Report Car Car Victory Lane Millions Paid Paid Paid Monster Jam Victory Lane Wind Tunnel Pinks -All Out Paid Paid Setup NASCAR Racing ’’ ’’ Car Truck U Chop Edge Monster Jam BeneCrossGroeschel Father Corapi ChesRosary Enrique Shaw Life on Rock Sunday Mass Litany BeneGroeschel A MiraEmmanMiracles Virtue BookChurch Bedrock CrossChaplet Rosary Daily Mass Groeschel World Over Octava Holy Daily Mass Fr. John Corapi ReliFootMercy Rosary TreaCatholic Knights Quest Page 12 Garfield Baby Blues For Better or For Worse The Born Loser Frank and Ernest Ernie BLACK HILLS PIONEER Saturday, )*+e-.er 21, 2009 by $im Davis by $erry Scott 7 Rick >irkman by Lynn $ohnston by Art 7 Chip Sansom by Bob Thaves by Bud Grace 6aug7ter 8r9nge; <7en -*d*e; 7a==y dan8e 9n =u.>98 DEAR ABB@A I am an 11year-old girl who loves going shopping and doing various stuff with my mom. But when we go to the mall or stop for lunch and she hears a song she likes, sheKll start singing to it. And if weKre standing up, she even dances to it a little. I have tried telling her to stop because sheKs embarrassing me, but all she says is, LNo one is looking, honey.N She also does it at home in front of my friends when I play my iPod. Any suggestionsP — BLUSHING IN SAN FRANCISCO DEAR BLUSHINGA @our problem is one that has been shared by generations of young people. @ou have reached an age when image is becoming important to you, and youKre afraid that your motherKs behavior will reflect badly on you. It wonKt. Rather than be embarrassed, please consider how lucky you are to have an upbeat, music-loving mother with a sense of rhythm and some knowledge of the lyrics. (If she has forgotten, be a sweetheart and offer to teach her.) I have it on good authority that an Lold dogN can learn new tricks. DEAR ABB@A After Y0 years of marriage I still donKt know how to tell my wife she canKt cook. I came home tonight to find an expensive piece of meat I had been looking forward to eating reduced to shoe leather. In our golden years, we will be able to afford to splurge on expensive cuts of meat, etc., only rarely. It is disappointing to have to toss it into the garbage. I never encouraged my wife to cook, and usually the pressure of work distracts her. But she has been LsurprisingN me more often with LdelicaciesN on her days off. I dread retirement. How can I nicely ask her not to go to the trouble of preparing these disastrous dishesP — WANTS TO BE TACTFUL DEAR WANTSA Who has been doing the cooking in your household all these years — or have the two of you been eating outP Because you canKt bring yourself to tell your wife her cooking skills need improvement, allow me to offer an alternative. Sign the two of you up for nighttime cooking classes so she can brush up on her culinary skills and, if necessary, you can take over the role of family chef after you retire. Bon appetit] DEAR ABB@A My parents divorced when I was 1_. It was nasty. My mother, in an act of desperation, dragged me into it. I was placed in foster care until her allegations were looked into and found to be false. I held a grudge for 10 years. During that time I was bitter, angry, shy, anxious, scared — overall, `ust a mess. I finally realiaed that until I addressed those feelings, it would affect all aspects of my life. At 2_, I am finally trying to have a relationship with my mother. It has been hard. There are some things from the past that I cannot forget, and I find it difficult to let go of my anger and resentment. IKd like to write a book about my experience as a guide to forgiving and moving on, but if I do, I would not be able to hide my identity or my motherKs. Is it realistic to write a self-help book without the world knowing itKs my family IKm talking aboutP IKm longing to help others. — ASPIRING WRITER IN ILLINOIS DEAR ASPIRING WRITERA It can be done. I can think of two ways to accomplish what you have in mind. The first would be to write the story as fiction. The second would be to adopt a pen name. Whether or not your story turns out to be a best seller, the experience would be cathartic. Dear Abby is written by Abigail can Buren, also known as $eanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box deff0, Los Angeles, CA e00de. Abby shares more than 100 of her favorite recipes in two bookletsA LAbbyKs Favorite RecipesN and LMore Favorite Recipes by Dear Abby.N Send a business-siae, selfaddressed envelope, plus check or money order for g12 (U.S. funds) toA Dear Abby — Cookbooklet Set, P.O. Box ffh, Mount Morris, IL d10_f0ffh. (Postage is included in price.) BLACK HILLS PIONEER S"#$%&"'( N*+,-.,%/01( 0223 Alley Oop L% da>e Ora5e e aacK Be2der P"5,/16 78E/:OR=D/A=@ANAC/DA7ABANC S"#$%&"'( N*+,-.,%/01( 0223 Arlo & Janis L% ai66% ao*2so2 Herman NEA Crossword Puzzle Funky Winkerbean L% !o6 Bati5K Astrograph S$K&"'(/N*+L/00(/0223 82 t*e %ear a*ead; %o5 6i@*t /i2aDD% e2@a@e i2 a 256Ler o/ Do2@Y desired acti>ities7 !*e ti6es a*ead co5Dd Le Daced Iit* 6a2% ?Deas5rY aLDe ad>e2t5res t*at IiDD Le Z5ite 6e6oraLDe; Dea>i2@ a Li@ i6?ressio2 o2 %o57 SCORPIO/MON#L/0OPN*+L/00Q b fo5Qre s5c* a s*reId s*o??er t*at /i2di2@ Lar@ai2s co5Dd Le /ar easier t*a2 5s5aD7 8/ %o5Qre st5cK i2 t*e *o5se; @et o2 t*e co6?5ter a2d c*ecK o5t I*atQs /or saDe o2 t*e 82ter2et7 SARI77ARIIS/ MN*+L/ 06PD,NL/ 01Q b Beca5se %o5 *a>e s5c* a *eaDt*% c5riosit%; %o5r i2Z5iri2@ 6i2d co5Dd Le eNce?tio2aDD% res?o2si>e7 fo5QDD acc5rateD% e>aD5ate a2% 2eI i2/or6atio2 a2d /iDe it aIa% /or /5t5re 5se7 CAPRICORN/MD,NL/00PJ"KL/13Q b A *eaDt*% c5riosit% co5Dd *a>e %o5 c*ecKi2@ o5t aDD Ki2ds o/ i2/or6atio2 t*at *a??e2 aDo2@7 !*e @ood t*i2@ is t*at %o5 6a% st56LDe across a 2eI Ia% to 6aKe or sa>e 6o2e%7 AHIARIIS/MJ"KL/02PJ,.L/13Q b A @ood /rie2d IiDD Le >astD% i6?ressed; as IeDD as @reatD% /Dattered; I*e2 %o5 credit *i6 or *er Iit* so6et*i2@ said i2 t*e ?ast t*at a??Dies to c5rre2t e>e2ts7 EoI 2ice %o5 re6e6Lered7 PISCES/MJ,.L/02P@"%NT/02Q b A *5@e @oaD IiDD co6Y 6a2d %o5r atte2tio2; a2d a Z5ietD% e//ecti>e 6a22er IiDD *eD? %o5 ac*ie>e it Iit* DittDe /a2/are7 ARIES/ M@"%NT/ 01PAU%VW/ 13Q b 8tQDD Le 6e2taDD% sti65Y Dati2@ to associate Iit* ?erso2s I*ose i2teDDect %o5 res?ect; Leca5se t*eir t*i2Ki2@ @ets %o5r 6e2taD ]5ices L% ai6 i2@er !oda% is t*e ,-.t* da% o/ -001 a2d t*e 34st da% o/ a5t5627 7ODAYES/ 8IS7ORYG 82 49::; !*o6as <diso2 a22o52ced *is i2>e2tio2 o/ t*e ?*o2o@ra?*7 82 41.,; t*e Britis* Cat5raD Eistor% F5se56 a22o52ced t*at t*e GPiDtdoI2 Fa2J sK5DD; i2itiaDD% LeDie>ed to Le o2e o/ t*e 6ost i6?orta2t /ossiDiMed *o6i2id sK5DDs e>er /o52d; Ias a *oaN7 82 4190; a deadD% /ire LroKe o5t at t*e FOF Ora2d EoteD i2 Paradise; Ce>ada P2oI BaDD%Qs Ras Se@asT7 82 -00U; !*e Paris VD5L a@reed to Irite o// 90W P5? to X400 LiDY Dio2T o/ 8raZQs eNter2aD deLt7 7ODAYES/BIR78DAYSG SoDtaire P431UY4::9T; ?*iDoso?*er[ \ta2 F5siaD P41-0YT; LaseLaDD ?Da%er; is 91[ OoDdie EaI2 P41U.YT; actress; is 3U[ B]orK P413.YT; si2@er^so2@Iriter^actress; is UU[ !ro% AiK6a2 P4133YT; /ootLaDD ?Da%er; is U,[ `e2 Ori//e% ar7 P4131YT; LaseLaDD ?Da%er; is U0[ V*ris Fo2e%6aKer P41:.YT; ?oKer ?Da%er; is ,U[ ae2a FaDo2e P419UYT; actress; is -.7 7ODAYES/SPOR7SG 82 41U-; t*e CER disco2ti25ed o>erti6e i2 re@5DarYseaso2 @a6es Leca5se o/ Iarti6e restrictio2s o2 trai2 sc*ed5Des7 8t Ias restored i2 419,7 7ODAYES/ HIO7EG GCo ?roLDe6 ca2 Iit*sta2d t*e assa5Dt o/ s5stai2ed t*i2Ki2@7J b SoDtaire 7ODAYES/ JAC7G !*o6as <diso2 recei>ed *is /irst ?ate2t i2 4931 /or a >oteYrecordi2@ 6ac*i2e7 7ODAYES/NI@BERG -U b 256Ler o/ ADDY\tar Oa6es i2 I*ic* LaseLaDD EaDDYo/Yca6er \ta2 F5siaD a??eared7 7ODAYES/@OONG BetIee2 2eI 6oo2 PCo>7 43T a2d /irst Z5arY ter PCo>7 -UT7 /DoIi2@7 W*o K2oIs I*at co2ce?ts %o5QDD co2cei>eh 7AIRIS/MAU%VW/02P@"'/02Q b fo5Qre @ood at 5tiDiMi2@ t*e ideas or s5@@estio2s o/ ot*ers to a @reater ad>a2ta@e t*a2 %o5 Io5Dd Iit*o5t t*eir i2?5t7 W*at t*e% co2triL5te 6a% Le s6aDD; L5t itQDD Le d%2a6ic to %o57 RE@INI/M@"'/01PJ$K,/02Q b do2Qt disco52t t*e t*i2KY i2@ o/ ot*ers7 8tQs tr5e t*at t*e% 6a% Le DooKi2@ at 6atters di//ere2tD%; L5t a >ariatio2 i2 t*i2Ki2@ Lroade2s %o5r e>aDY 5atio2 a2d 52dersta2di2@ o/ t*e s5L]ect7 CANCER/ MJ$K,/ 01PJ$W'/ 00Q b A2% ?ro]ect t*at reZ5ires Lrai2?oIer s*o5Dd Le %o5r c5? o/ tea7 fo5 ca2 Le eNce?tio2aDD% ?rod5cti>e i/ %o5Qre /ort52ate to IorK o2 so6et*i2@ t*at taKes a Lit o/ cDe>er2ess7 =EO/MJ$W'/06PA$5L/00Q b fo5QDD %ieDd t*e @reatest satY is/actio2 deaDi2@ Iit* e2dea>ors t*at taKe a Lit o/ co2ce2Y tratio27 8t does2Qt 6atter I*et*er %o5Qre e2@a@ed i2 a s?ort or a serio5s ?ro]ect7 XIRRO/MA$5L/06PS,U#L/00Q b 8t Io2Qt taKe 65c* to @et a res?o2se to a 2eI idea i/ %o5 t*i2K it IiDD i6?ro>e %o5r Di>i2@ co2ditio2s a2d *aLitat7 fo5 Io2Qt *esitate to tr% a2%t*i2@ t*atQs a Lit di//ere2t7 =IBRA/MS,U#L/06PON#L/06Q b i2Dess %o5r 6i2d is i2triY cateD% i2>oD>ed i2 I*ate>er %o5Qre doi2@; %o5 co5Dd Le a Lit restDess7 8tQs 2ot e2o5@* to Le e2@a@ed i2 so6et*i2@ ?*%sicaDD%[ %o5 2eed 6e2taD `2oI I*ere to DooK /or ro6a2ce a2d %o5QDD /i2d it7 !*e AstroYOra?* Fatc*6aKer i2sta2tD% re>eaDs I*ic* si@2s are ro6a2ticaDD% ?er/ect /or %o57 FaiD X, to AstroYOra?*; P7j7 BoN 43:; WicKDi//e; jE UU01-Y043:7 See all the public notices placed in SD newspapers at www.sdpublicnotices.com Page 16 )*0% %(JH$ $* L#*W GGG ...and be informed of the function of your government are embodied in public notices in that self government charges all citijens to be informed. This newspaper urges every citijen to read and study these notices. We strongly advise those citijens seeking further information, to exercise their right of access to public records and public meetings. ."A.'(#" /*% '"JA' A.I"%$(1(#J Up to two legalsijed typewritten pages, the deadline is 2 p.m. FOUR days in advance of publication date. More than two legal-sijed typewritten pages will require up to SIl days for publication. MEETING MINUTES 52 !"#$%A' !($) $*W# B*A%. */ $%01$""1 %eg4lar 8eeting #o=em?er @AB CAAD The November 10, 2009 regular meeting of the Central City Town Board of Trustees was called to order at 5@00 p.m. at the Central City Town Hall. Board members present were Robyn Novotny, and Donovan Renner FMarc Straub absentI; also present@ John Mraft FMaintenanceI and Dwight Hajek FFinance OfficerI. MINUTES The October 13, 2009 regular meeting minutes were presented and approved. RN-1, motion carried. BILLS It was moved by Renner and seconded, to approve the following vouchers@ BH Power X Light Y323.50 FSt. LightsZPub. Util.I; M.D.U. Y8\.69 FPub. Bldg. Util.I; City of Lead Y65.31 FPub. Bldg. Util.I; Dwight Hajek Y369.^0 FSalary Fin. OfficerI; John Mraft Y821.\8 FPayrollI; Hillside Disposal Y1,5^^.00 FSolid WasteI; BH Pioneer Y5^.80 FLegal PublicationI; NAPA Y299.21 FSt. Supp.I; Jacobs Welding Y20.00 FSt. Supp.I; Triple M Tire Y^3.00 FSt. Supp.I TOTAL Y3,696.6\ FINANCE OFFICERaS REPORT The Finance Officeras Report was presented for October 2009. DR-1, motion carried. Balance@ 10-01-09 CDs Y^00,000.00; Checking Y26,\26.31; Revenues Y8,32^.08; Expenditures Y6,851.9^; Balance 10-3009 Y28,198.^5. cISITORS Mike and Wyola Ogren inquired about any future building application from their neighbor. All future applications will go though the lengthy process that involves the Central City PXe. Mike and Wy will be notified immediately of any building permit application that would affect them. The residents of 208 Hidden Gulch requested an opinion of the Board as to if the long-standing trail that passes through their property is legally a “city street,” an access to other property, or merely a long personal driveway. Thoughts of gating the property need to pass through Lawrence County Emergency Management. On a similar topic, the Townas responsibility regarding snow removal on Sunnyside St. was discussed. C O M M I T T E E REPORTS Expenditure for a iuletide gathering Fpossibly at Pijja LabI was approved. Date is pending. An expenditure of Y3\,3\0 was approved FDR-1 and secondedI, to purchase a Case 621B front-end loader Fbid submitted by Titan MachineryI. Cost reflects a purchase price of Y^8,000Y10,630 trade-in. NEW BUSINESS Liquor license renewal applications from Big D Oil, Pijja Lab, and Casino Bar were approved. ADJOURN No further business to come before the Board. Motion by Renner, motion carried to adjourn at 5@^0 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held Tuesday, December 8, 2009 at 5@00 p.m. at the Town Hall. Town of Central City Marc Straub ATTEST@ FFinance OfficerI Dwight Hajek Published once at the total approximate cost of Y30.\5. EFAA #o=G C@ 0#APP%*I". %"J0'A% WH($"W**. !*0#!(' 8""$(#J #o=em?er @FB CAAD The Whitewood City Council met in regular session on Monday, the 16th of November 2009 at City Hall. President of the Council Jay cogt called the meeting to order at \@00pm with Council members Albert Derby, Wiley Freidel, Randy Wiege, and Rick Heinrich present. Mayor Mike Weyrich and Council member Dale OaDea were absent. City Attorney Bruce Hubbard, Police Chief Davidson, Public Works Director Grant, Finance Officer Heckenlaible, and Building Inspector OaDea were also present. Action 2009-22\ Motion by Wiege, second by Freidel to approve the minutes for the Regular Council Meeting on November 2 2009. All members present voting yes, motion carried. Action 2009-228 Motion by Freidel, second by Wiege to approve the claims as written. Roll call, all members present voting yes, motion carried. CLAIMS - November 16, 2009 LIkUOR FOR OCTOBER REPUBLIC NATIONAL DIST., 25^3.^\ JOHNSON WESTERN WHOLESALE, 2\^8.^6 TOTAL Y5,291.93 GENERAL BH POWER X LIGHTCity Shop, 95.28 BH POWER X LIGHTCity Hall, 52.50 BH POWER X LIGHTParks, 35.69 BH POWER X LIGHTStreet Lights, 809.91 MID AMERICAN SPECIALTIESPolice Evidence Bags, 3\\.99 PRAIRIE HILLS TRANSIT- Transportation Local Match, 6.\0 SPEARFISH AUTO SUPPLi- Streets Supplies, 236.29 SPEARFISH AUTO SUPPLi- Parks Supplies, 236.29 BH PIONEER- Legal Publications Oct 2009, 168.22 NORTHERN HILLS FOP- Reserve Officer Dues, 30.00 CESI- Police Computer Software, \20.00 ALSCO- City Hall Rugs, 19.2^ AXJ SUPPLi- Police Supplies, 19.5\ AXJ SUPPLi- Parks Supplies, 98.6\ AXJ SUPPLi- Streets Supplies, 3\9.9\ METEL THORSTENSON- Audit Billing, 1315.00 lEROlCopier Maintenance Agreement, ^0.^6 HILLS MATERIALStreets Gravel, 66.96 AMERICAN RAMP COMPANi- Skateboard Park Equip., 2085\.60 COMMERICAL LIGHTING- Shop Lights, ^69.0\ WHITEWOOD DAREReimburse Conference Registration Fee, 60.00 SOUTHSIDE OILStreets Fuel, 221.58 SOUTHSIDE OILParks Fuel, 221.58 POSTMASTER- City Hall Postage, ^^.00 CAMPBELL SUPPLiStreets Supplies, 3\.38 W H I T E W O O D PLAeA- Police Fuel, ^18.95 W H I T E W O O D PLAeA- Streets Fuel, 9\.2\ W H I T E W O O D PLAeA- Parks Fuel, 9\.28 MONTANA DAMOTA UTILITIES- City Shop, 160.50 MONTANA DAMOTA UTILITES- City Hall, 93.31 CORi HECMENLAIBLE- Reimb.Filing Fee- Mileage to Elect School, 3\.38 RANDiaS WELDINGc-Plow Installation, 336^.00 GREAT WESTERN BANM- TIFD Payment m22, 29,8\6.29 TOTAL Y60,\6^.93 GENERAL LEDGER SD DEPT REcENUEGarbage Sales Tax, 162.90 MEDICA- Employee Health Insurance December 2009, \816.\9 UNITED HEALTHEmployee Life Insurance December 2009, 62.10 WELLS FARGOPayroll Taxes 11-20-09, 1966.0^ TOTAL Y10,00\.83 WATERZSEWER BH POWER X LIGHTWater, 1161.99 CLARM PRINTINGWaterZSewer Deposit Cards, 80.85 SPEARFISH AUTO SUPPLi- Supplies, ^\2.59 MIDCONTINENT TESTING LABS- Water Testing Oct 2009, ^51.00 ONE CALL SiSTEMS- Locate Tickets, ^.20 AXJ SUPPLiSupplies, 121.0\ RAPID DELIcERiSample Delivery, 39.60 OWENS INTERSTATE- Supplies, 123.19 SOUTHSIDE OILFuel, ^^3.16 POSTMASTER- Water Bill Postage, 112.00 W H I T E W O O D PLAeA- Fuel, 19^.56 W H I T E W O O D PLAeA- Supplies, \.6^ DAMOTA SUPPLi GROUP- Water Parts, ^00.86 TOTAL Y3,612.\1 LIBRARi BH POWER X LIGHT, 108.6\ ALSCO- Rugs, ^\.58 AXJ CLOTHINGSupplies, 2^.95 MONTANA DAMOTA UTILITIES, 82.01 CIT TECHNOLOGiCopier Contract, \8.06 TOWN X COUNTRi PLUMBINGRepairs, 93.98 BLACM FOREST CHEM-DRiCarpet Cleaning, 289.62 REATA WEiRICHReimburse Lodging for Conference, 131.58 E N C Li C L O P E D I A BRITANNICA- Books, 89.85 PENWORTHi- Books, ^01.30 TOTAL Y1,3^\.60 AUTOMATIC LOAN PAiMENT USDA RURAL DEcELOPMENT- Storm Sewer- December 2009, 1226.50 TOTAL Y1,226.50 Action 2009-229 Motion by Derby, second by Freidel to move contingency money of Y5,000 to Legislative Professional Services. Roll call, all members present voting yes. Motion carried. Action 2009-230 Motion by Heinrich, second by Freidel to approve first reading of Ordinance 2009-02 Supplemental Appropriation to Appropriation Ordinance 2008-0^. Roll call, all members present voting yes. Motion carried. Action 2009-231 Motion by cogt, second by Wiege to table any action on surveying the City Hall vacant lot for possible surplus. All members present voting yes. Motion carried. Action 2009-232 Motion by Freidel, second by Wiege to sign and join the combined voting agreement with LeadDeadwood Sanitary District, Lead-Deadwood School District, City of Central City, City of Lead, City of Spearfish, and Spearfish School District for publication cost sharing. All members present voting yes. Motion carried. Items discussed by Finance Officer Heckenlaible@ n The delinquent property tax bill received from the Lawrence County Treasurer for the Twin Parks park area was forwarded to R X R Developers and will call to follow up on it. n The estimate for curb and gutter on Spruce Street was received and the landowner wishing to petition for curb and gutter assessment has withdrawn there request. n The petition to stop curb and gutter assessments on Fillmore and Ash Street is still short of the required signatures and the landowners have until November 2\, 2009 to file the petition with the required signatures. Action 2009-233 Motion by Derby, second by Wiege to pay the excavating bill from Pedersen Excavating in the amount of Y1,5\2 for the water leak on Ash Street. The leak was coming from the curb stop and not the landowners lines. All members present voting yes. Motion carried. Action 2009-23^ Motion by Derby, second by Freidel to continue working on the application for an Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant. All members present voting yes. Motion carried. Action 2009-235 Motion by Wiege, second by Freidel to enter into Executive Session for per- Saturday, November 21, 2003 sonnel at 8@12pm. All members present voting yes. Motion carried. At 8@23pm President of the Council cogt announced that Executive Session had ended with no action taken. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8@2^pm. JAi cOGT President of Council Attest@ CORi HECMENLAIBLE Finance Officer Published once at the total approximate cost of Y\\.32. EFA@ #o=G C@ @ENERAL ADVERTISIN@ POLICY The Black Hills Pioneer makes every effort to avoid errors. However, in handling hundreds of ads, occasionally errors do occur. We ask that you read your ad carefully on the first day of publication and phone us immediately if there is an error. We can only be responsible for a single daySs incorrect ad. We reserve the right to revise, edit, reclassify or reject any classified ad for publication. Equal Housing Opportunity A"" re&" e't&te &)*erti'i,- i, t.e /&ir 0o2'i,- A3t m&5e' it i""e-&" to &)*erti'e 6&,7 pre9ere,3e: "imit&tio, or )i'3rimi,&tio, <&'e) o, r&3e: 3o"or: re"i-io,: 'e=: .&,)i3&p: 9&mi"i&" 't&t2': or ,&tio,&" ori-i,: or &, i,te,tio,: to m&5e &,7 '23. pre9ere,3e: "imit&tio, or )i'3rimi,&tio,>? /&mi"i&" 't&t2' i,3"2)e' 3.i")re, 2,)er t.e &-e o9 @A "i*i,- Bit. p&re,t' or "e-&" 32'to)i&,'C pre-,&,t Bome, &,) peop"e 'e32ri,- 32'to)7 o9 3.i")re, 2,)er @A> D.i' ,eB'p&per Bi"" ,ot 5,oBi,-"7 &33ept &,7 &)*erti'i,- 9or re&" e't&te B.i3. i' i, *io"&tio, o9 t.e "&B> O2r re&)er' &re .ere<7 i,9orme) t.&t &"" )Be""i,-' &)*erti'e) i, t.i' ,eB'p&per &re &*&i"&<"e o, &, eF2&" opport2,it7 <&'i'> Do 3omp"&i, o9 )i'3rimi,&tio,: 3&"" 0GD to""-9ree &t @ IAJJK LLM-MNNN> D.e to""-9ree te"ep.o,e ,2m<er 9or t.e .e&ri,- imp&ire) i' @ IAJJK MONMONP> WhatSs the difference between a parent who hits his child and a parent who doesnStU About ten seconds. De, 'e3o,)'> Not m23. to &'5 o9 7o2r'e"9: i9 it 5eep' 7o2 9rom 'tri5i,- o2t &t 7o2r 3.i")> So: t.e ,e=t time 7o2 9ee" t.i,-' -etti,- o2t o9 .&,): DONST HITVV CountVV Do te,>>> or to tBe,t7>>> or B.&te*er it t&5e' 9or 7o2 to re&"iSe t.&t .2rti,- 7o2r 3.i") i' NOT THE ANSWERV Te 3&, .e"p: too> /or & 9ree <oo5"et Brite to W@ood Discipline,X P.O. Box 2Z66D, Chicago, IL 606030. Take time out. DonSt take it out on your child. National Committee for Prevention of Child Abuse This message brought to you by your friends at The Black Hills Pioneer To Place Your Classified: Call 642-2761 for info. or e-mail your ad with credit card info to classifieds@bhpioneer.com CLASSIFIEDS Page 15 102 P&'(O*AL( 209 9A*83/A* !"#$S&'C *+,S$ Se/ua2 *33au2t 2678our Cri3i3 <ine, +utte?<a@renAe?8arding Countie3D E0G7H23709E6 or SKearfi3M SMe2terD E0G7E627HN2G or 17N007 9997236NP !ead@ood? <ead SMe2terD Sturgi3 SMe2terD E0G736H700G0 or 17N007HGG7N632 *22 Ca223 Confidentia2P 8*Q!a#*Q?R$Q$S*< AontraAtor offering off73ea7 3on rate3b Ret tMo3e Kro7 deAt3 off your to7do 2i3tP CarKentry, remode2ing, 3ma22?2arge do\3, indoor? outdoorP $3ta\2i3Med, 2iAen3ed, in3ured, Aa223 returned, Aourteou3P E0G7 E617GEHGP 103 CO//0*123 &4&*2( S&P "QR$ *QQ,*< CS*T& T*'SP StP "nge Community 8a22P QoWP 213t, 9D00a73D00KP Craft3, Kie3 - 3ouK3P Ca22 E0G7H1H79HN0 8*Z$ &""<S 7 ]i22 &raWe2 CarKentry, ti2ing and Kainting, reKair and remode2ingP Qo do\ too 3ma22, free e3timate3P <iAen3ed, in3ured, @or` guaranteed, referenAe3 aWai2a\2eP Ca22 #ar3Ma2 2107090N or N9273N9NP J,Qf 8*,<'QR, "!! J"+S, SQ"] S$#"Z*<P Ca22 GN0710E3P 105 LO(2 6 7O0*8 303 (P&A'71(9 ;A'A;& (AL&( <"S& +$*,&'T,< N year o2d Siame3e in <eadP Triend2y and @e22 manneredP *n3@er3 to , X#it3ueYP #it3ue i3 a AMi2d to u3 a3 @e MaWe noneP E0G79207N922 *&D E S"S$ <*Q$, SKearfi3M, one \2`P nortM of 8@y 16 \et@een ZetC2iniA and ZT]P SatP 11?21 ND00a72D00KP Sunday 12D00K76D00KP <eatMer AouAM - AMair, 2og \ed frame - t@o 2amK ta\2e3, Katio furniture, uKrigMt freeger, anti_ue3, \a3`et\a22 Ko2e - MooK, dog `enne2 h10/10/Ni Mome3AMoo2 \oo`3 h*+e`a 3a/oni AMi2drenj3 \oo`3, Rerman te/t3, 2a@n mo@er, @eed eater, generator, e/ten3ion 2ad7 der, 3`i \oot3, @omen3 A2otMing, Mome furni3M7 ing3, muAM mi3AP 200 P'O7&((1O*AL (&'41C&( !$Z*S8*Q 'Q78"#$ ComKuter SeKairP '3 your AomKuter running 32o@[ Sea3ona\2e rate3, 3erWiAe @itMin 2G mi2e3 of SKearfi3M E0G7H227 G3GG "<! ]$S& 8$*&'QR, 'QCP "f <eadP Qatura2?<P Ra3 $_uiKment SeKairP TurnaAe3, ]ater 8eater3, 7Coo` StoWe3P, $tAP Tor Ta3t SerWiAe Ca22 Rreg *t E0G7GN07 0123 "r E0G7H1H71HH9P ]$ S$<< S*T$&abb Ret your AMimney fire7 K2aAe, @ood3toWe, Ke22et 3toWe A2eaned and main7 tained \y a Krofe33iona2b Ca22 #i`e c !a`ota CMimney - Se3toration, 'nAP E0G7E627HNE0 +"+C*& for Mire73no@ remoWa2, fire mitigation A2earing, dirt @or`, Aa22 #i`e c E0G7E627HNE0 205 C91L8 CA'& (&'41C&( <'C$QS$! C8'<! C*S$ 'n <ead 8a3 "Kening3 Tor *ny *geP P2ea3e Ca22 E0G7 H2279901 or E0G7GN07 9901P <'f$7Q$] C"QZ$C7 &'"Q oWen?range7AMeaK, `itAMen ta\2e3, anti_ue37 muAM moreP #u3t 3e22P ND00a7[ SatP 36G QP GtM StP SoutM of ]e223 TargoP <01 PA'2=21/& $kP$S'$QC$! &im\Ao "KeratorD P7&, T7&, ]ee`end3l 8i22 City *reaP m1N7m23?MrP Ca22 E0G7E617GE3GP c l a s s i f i e d s @ b h p i o n e e r. c o m November 21, 2009 Join Our First Gold Family CLUB CENTER HOST - FULL-TIME Great Benefits Equal Opportunity Employer Pre-Employment Drug Testing OB, LOOKING FOR A NEW J AREER? C EW N NEW SCENERY, OR A *KK2y in Ker3on at tMe front de3` E0G7GHN79HHH 2H0 #ain StP !ead@ood Join Deadwood’s newest casino and work in a fun atmosphere, receive great pay and an excellent benefit package. WE ARE CURRENTLY HIRING : Table Games Dealer - contact Casey at 571-2115 Cocktail Server (graveyard) - contact John at 571-2116 Experience preferred, but not required. The Lodge at Deadwood is an Equal Opportunity Employer. <01 PA'2=21/& *]$S"#$ J"+ "PP"S&,Q'&a @itM un2imited re@ard3P $7 mai2 u3 at 3outMda`ota7 3uAAe33cyaMooPAom, or Aa22 *manda at E0G7 E61723H6 for more infor7 mationP <02 70LL=21/& 2010 S&*S& &8$ Q$] a$*S @itM a ne@ Aareerb Sea2 $3tate Pre7<iAen3ing A2a33e3 h11E Mour3i \egin January 11, 2010 in SKearfi3MP !a`ota]e3t Ma3 one of tMe MigMe3t Ka33 rate3 in tMe 3tateP aou o@e your3e2f tMe \e3t eduAationP * Kart of tMe Aour3e i3 aWai27 a\2e on C!P Z* nua2ifiedP Ca22 !a`ota]e3t SAMoo2 of Sea2 $3tate for information KaA`ageP 17E0G7H1H72G01 +*S$T""& S$S"S& 7 i3 no@ Miring 8",S$7 f$$P$SSP "ur re3ort i3 2oAated direAt2y aAro33 tMe road from &erry Pea` S`i *reaP T2e/i\2e SAMedu2eP mNPG0?Mr inArea3e after Ko3itiWe 907day reWie@P $mK2oyee +enefit3 offeredP Rreat K2aAe to @or`P <oo`ing for Krofe33iona2, dediAat7 ed and team K2ayer3P Tu22 or Part &imeP ]ee`end3 a K2u3P P2ea3e Aa22 or 3toK \y tMe re3ort for an aKK2i7 AationP The top spot in town is now hiring for the following positions: Black Jack Dealer We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits, paid vacations, 401K and opportunities for advancement Stop in at 709 Main Street and fill out an application today! Graveyard Cashier Deadwood’s Mineral Palace Hotel & Gaming is seeking applications for Graveyard Cashier Position is Full-time, Sunday-Thursday and a SDCG license is required. We participate in Pre-Employment Drug Testing. Equal Opportunity Employer Apply in person at 601 Main Street in Deadwood 8"&$< - R*#'QR !$*!]""!, S! <02 70LL=21/& TS"Q& !$Sf and QigMt *uditorP Tu22 or Kart timeP *KK2y in Ker3on and Wi3it our Mote2 and tMe atmo37 KMere youjre 2oo`ing forP +enefit3 for fu227timeP +e3t ]e3tern +2aA` 8i223 <odge, G60 $ JaA`3on +2Wd, SKearfi3M 7 ne/t to #i223toneP T,<< &'#$ SeAording C2er`P !utie3 inA2ude 3Aanning doAument3, a33i3ting Au3tomer3 @itM reAording of doAument3, genera2 offiAe dutie3, a\i2ity to fo22o@ Wery 3Ke7 AifiA guide2ine3 aAAording to 3tate 2a@3, inde/ing, i33uanAe of Wita2 reAord3, re2ated @or` a3 re_uiredP 8igM 3AMoo2 diK2oma or R$! re_uiredP #u3t \e detai2 oriented, MaWe good tyKing 3`i223 - a\i2i7 ty to @or` effeAtiWe2y @itM tMe Ku\2iAP #u3t \e a\2e to 2ift 30 Kound3P ]age m11PN9?Mr !"$P C2o3ing date QoWP2GP *KK2iAation3 to SMeree Rreen, <a@renAe County Segi3ter of !eed3, 90 SMerman Street, !ead@ood, S! GHH32P <a@renAe County i3 an e_ua2 oKKortunity emK2oyerP <02 70LL=21/& T,<<7&'#$ "S P*S&7 &'#$ Ca3MierP Starting @age !"$, mP2G rai3e after 90 day3, fu227time \enefit3 inA2ude, m600 montM2y \onu3 Kotentia2, N0o Kaid in3uranAe, 3o matAM SimK2e 'S*, WaAa7 tion, year round emK2oy7 ment, - mea2 di3Aount3P *KK2y at &in <iggie P2ayer3 C2u\P <02 70LL=21/& 8"S&$SS, S$SZ$SS, Mou3e`eeKer3, re3taurant manager, front de3` A2er`, nigMt auditor, \artender3, - maintenanAeP *KK2y at +e3t ]e3tern Sturgi3 'nnP 8Z*C "Kening3P ]i22 +e 'n3ta22ing 8eating - *?C Sy3tem3P #inP *ge 1N, Za2id !riWerj3 <iAen3e, Qeat 'n *KKearanAe, Pay !"$P Ca22 hE0Gi36H721N3P POWDER RIVER COAL has job openings online at: www.peabodyenergy.com www.peabodyenergy.com Check out available jobs and apply online. Power River Coal, LLC is an equal opportunity employer. For approximately 45 minutes of your day, why not earn some extra income? OP&* 'O02&( 1* (P&A'71(9 ➜ 'oute 127 7 $2`Morn, TootMi223, Sno@y Pea`, and SKearfi3M #tnP ➜ 'oute 133 7 Cro@ Pea`, SougM2oA` and ]arren OP&* /O2O' 'O02&( ➜ 'oute 22< 7 +o\tai2 Ru2AM, #ait2and, ,S 8@yP 16* ➜ 'oute 225 7 ,S 8@yP 3NG, Rrigg2y Ru2AM, Stra@\erry 8i22, Qemo Soad, and +ro@n3Wi22e ➜ 'oute 325 7 SoutM #ain, &erry Pea`, !eer #tP SdP, SKearfi3M Canyon, 8anna SdP, and SoAMford SdP P'O(P&C2O' O*L3 'O02&( ➜ 'oute 306 7 +2ee`er, Ro2d, 8igM, 8i22, #AC2e22an, #i22, SieWer and ]a22 Street3 ➜ 'oute 310 7 +arA2ay, Canyon, RroWe, 8igM, 8i22, #i22, #i22i`en, Sa@yer, and Summit Street3 ➜ 'oute 311 7 *2ert, Ra2ena, Ju2iu3, #ain, and Stone Street3 ➜ (20';1( 7 #AQenny, Pine, SKruAe and &i2ford Street3 IF INTERESTED IN A ROUTE CALL CHARITY AT 642-2761 PIONEER BLACK HILLS D AN 315 Seaton Circle, Spearfish, 642-2761 7 South Main, Lead, 584-2303 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Pa5e 16 !a#$r&a'( )o+e-.er 01( 0223 LARGE ESTATE & FIREARMS @16 AUC T ION >=!D?::A)?F9! =<?>! Monday, November 23, 2009 ~ 9:30 am D**) S%*^KS6 !ew and used6 Pellet, wood, gas sto=es6 Spearfish Panyon /ireplaces and Spas6 h00Cc3IC2h2I Irvin & Charlean Lampl Estates Ray Ginsbach & Frank Dean Firearms Collections Auction held at the Tretheway Pavilion, 115 S. Canyon St., SPEARFISH, SD ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES: Oak hall tree w/mirror; Oak writing desk; library table; trunks; old students desk; treadle sewing machine; decoys; pitcher & bowl sets; cane bottom chair; copper boiler, like new; sad irons; 2 gal. Redwing crock; 2 gallon crock churn; crock jugs; cast iron tub & stand; kerosene lamps; several quilts & fancy work; butter mold; Assorted glassware & china, cut & pressed glass, crystal, depression, stemware, milk glass and more; 2 cuckoo clocks; horse collars & hames; bull skull; old saddle; several steel implement wheels; cream cans; implement seats; 2 water well pumps; cistern pump; walking plow: “Slope Saga”, Slope Co. ND history, 1976; 1800’s bibles; old books & photos; WILDLIFE MOUNTS including 3 & 4 pt. Whitetail deer head mounts, flying turkey, full body fox & otter, raccoon skin, and much more! FURNITURE: Thomasville Early American dining room set including table w/8 chairs & large glass front china hutch, and dry sink/sideboard, beautiful; Thomasville EA coffee & end tables; Thomasville EA oak bedroom set; Thomasville hunter green sofa/loveseat; white sofa/loveseat; tan sofa/loveseat; several arm chairs, recliners, occasional chairs; “White Clad” coffee table; Early Am. Dinette set; Early Am. Bedroom set; Early Am. roll top desk; Sewing table/desk; several coffee & end tables; heavy pine rocker; oak wardrobe; pine upright chest; bedroom set; oak drop leaf dinette set; 4 file cabinets; computer desk; office chairs; office desk w/overhead bookcase; several bookcases & shelving; storage cabinets; wardrobe; occasional tables; magazine racks and more! HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS – MISC.: Frost free refig/freezer; full line of small kitchen appliances; microwave oven; dinnerware; flatware; utensils; pots & pans; baking sheets; glassware; large asst. of cleaning supplies; large asst. of framed prints, pictures, wall hangings, artwork, decorator items of all types; dozens of area rugs; desk, floor & table lamps; “cowboy” figurine; swan décor; lg. Asst. of linens, bedding, towels, wool blankets, etc; baskets; pottery; plants; planters; hat rack mirror; “regulator” wall clock”; luggage; card table/chairs; Sony Trinitron flat screen TV; office items; PC computer w/flatscreen; 2 laptop computers; 4 printers; paper shredder; office organizers; bulletin boards; wheel chair; large asst. of Christmas decorations; knick knacks; ceramics; coolers & Thermos; stereo & radios; large asst. books; and much more! SHOP & LAWN: Ornamental windmill; extension & step ladders; wheel barrow; workmate; Charbroil & gas grills; patio furniture; large asst. of lawn, hand, power, mechanics and wood shop tools; battery charger; wood clamps; small compressor; fertilizer spreader; gas leaf blower; shop shelving; garden hose; misc. lumber; trash cans; downhill skis/boots and more! VEHICLE: 1993 Chevrolet 1500 4x4 pickup, auto, V-8, 8’ box w/liner & tool box; 156K+- miles, good rubber, clean and A-1! Auctioneers Note: This auction includes the entire furnishings from the Lampl’s 4300 sq. ft. Mountain Plains Sub. home. This is a large auction of clean, well cared for, top quality furnishings. Something here for everyone, many boxes in storage and yet to be inventoried, selling in 2 rings beginning at 9:30 sharp, plan to attend! 100+ FIREARMS – RAY GINSBACH & FRANK DEAN COLLECTIONS Beginning at 6:30 pm RIFLES – CARBINES - SHOTGUNS: Henry .45 Long Colt lever action carbine; Shilo-Sharps Mod. 1874 .45-70 falling block, set trigger, peep site, never fired; Uberti Arms 1873 .45 Long Colt “Jesse James” commemorative rifle, #45, gold plated & engraved by A&A engraving, Rapid City SD, New in hard case, very nice! Win. Mod. 94 .32-40 carbine, John Wayne Commemorative, #JW3930, new in box; Win. Mod. 94 .38-55 carbine, Chief Crazy Horse Commemorative, #CCH2177, NIB; Win. Mod. 94 .32 Win. Special saddle ring carbine, “Wrangler”, 16” bbl., NIB; Win. Mod. 1200 12 ga. Mag., Vent rib, full; Win. Mod. 50 12 ga. Auto, 2 ?; Win. Mod. 12 w/trap rib & wood, 12 ga. 2 ?; Win. Mod. 12 12 ga. Featherweight, takedown mod., 2 ? full; Win. Mod. 12 .20 ga. w/factory Lyman choke-compressor; Win. Mod. 63 .22 LR Auto rifle; Win. Mod. 94 .44 mag saddle ring carbine; Win. Mod. 490 .22 LR auto; Win. Mod. 94 AE .38-55 lever action saddle ring carbine; Win. Mod 94AE .45 long Colt, lever action, saddle ring carbine; Win. Mod. 88 .243 lever action rifle; Win. Mod. 290 .22 auto rifle; Win. Mod. 100 .284 auto rifle; Win. Mod. 250 .22 lever action rifle; (2) Win. Mod. 1897 12 ga. Pump; Win. Mod. 1890 .22 WRF pump; Marlin mod. 1893 .30-30 Oct. Bbl., takedown rifle; Marlin Mod. 1889 .38-40 lever action rifle; Marlin Mod. 1894 .25-20, lever action rifle; Marlin Mod. 1893 .30-30 lever action rifle; Marlin Mod. 1892 .22 lever action rifle; Marlin Mod. 336 .30-30 lever action rifle; Marlin Mod. 1893 .32-40 lever action carbine; Marlin Mod. 883 .22 mag. bolt action rifle; Marlin Mod. GA-22 .22 auto. rifle; Marlin mod. 60 .22 LR auto rifle; Remington Mohawk 600 .6mm Rem. bolt action rifle; Rem. Mod. 788 .223 Bolt action rifle; Rem. mod. 512 .22 bolt action rifle; Rem. mod. 25 .25-20, pump rifle; Rem. mod. 3200 12 ga. competition trap model over/under; 2 ?; Rem. mod. 870 12 ga. mag DU Mississippi River Edition, new in hard case; Rem. mod. 870 12 ga. mag pump; Rem. mod. 721 .30-06 bolt action rifle w4x Bushnell; Rem. mod 50 16 ga. auto, 2 ?; Savage mod. 99 .30-30 lever action rifle; Savage mod. 93 .22 Win. Mag, Blk. syn. stock w/Weaver 2.5-7x; Savage 110 Custom .22-250 left hand rifle w/Bushnell 6x24; Savage 110 Custom .22-250 left hand rifle w/Bushnell 3X9; Ruger mod. 77 Mark II .223 bolt, stainless steel, blk. syn. stock; Ruger mod. 77 Mark II .338 Win. Mag, Stainless steel, syn. stock, & SS Leupold 3-9x; Ruger mod. 77 .220 Swift, chrome bbl., w/10X Leupold; Ruger mod. M-77 6mm bolt, Douglas Bbl., w/Leupold 3-9X; Ruger M-77 .270 bolt w/Sightron 3-9X; Ruger M-77V .22-250 bolt, heavy chrome Barrel, w/Redfield 10X; CZ 550 American .270 bolt w/Sightron 3-9X; Browning Auto-5 12 ga. mag, Belgium made, DU “Wetlands for America” model, new in hard case; Browning BLR .22 lever action rifle; Interarms Mark 10 .308, bolt action rifle; 1898 Krag .30-40 Krag military bolt rifle; Springfield 1903-A3 .30-06 custom bolt action rifle; Springfield 1903-A3 Custom .308 Norma Mag. w/Bariska 6-24X; Styler 1896 .30-40 Krag, bolt action rifle; 1898 Mauser .243 custom bolt action rifle; Japanese Ariska 7.7 military bolt; Swedish Husqvarna .35 custom w/Wahlon action & Bushnell 4X; Custom .22-250 Mauser bolt action rifle w/Weaver 10X; Custom.300 Winchester Mag, bolt, built infield; Custom 98 Mauser 25-06 Santa Barbara bolt, chrome bbl., w/Lyman 6X; Stevens mod 416 target .22, peep site. heavy barrel; Mossberg mod 550 12 ga. 2 ?-3” w/adjustable choke; Mossberg 500AHT 12 ga. 3” mag pump; H&R 10 ga. mag single shot; Tradewinds 10 ga. mag side by side, full-full; E. James 10 ga. side by side, exposed hammers; German pellet rifle w/red dot scope HANDGUNS: Smith & Wesson Mod. 18 .357 Mag. revolver, 3”, w/holster & red site insert; S&W Mod. 18 .22 LB revolver, 4”, w/holster & red site insert; S&W Mod. 67 .38 special, Stainless steel, 3”, w/red site insert & holster; ;S&W mod. 10 .38 Special, double action; Colt .45 2nd gen. Army, single action; Colt Peacemaker .22 w/mag. cylinder; (2) Colt .22 Civil War Centennial, single action, encased pair; Colt Police Positive .38 Special, double action; Ruger Blackhawk .357 Mag., single action; Ruger Mark I .22 auto; Ruger Vaquero-Sheriff’s .45 Colt, single action; (2) Ruger Single Six .22, single action (old model); Thompson Center Contender custom .22 single shot w/Leupold 2X; Cobra C-B .38 Special Derringer; Browning 9mm Hi-power semi-auto; Raven P-25 .25 semi-auto; High Standard mod. B .22 semi-auto; 1911 Remington .45 ACP Govt. semi-auto; High Standard .22 H-D Military semi-auto; Hawes .45 Colt Western Marshals, single action; Interarms .45 Colt Virginian, single action; Western Marshal .44 Mag, single action; Ellipietta .36 Muzzleloader, single action; (3) Iver Johnson .38 Short Colt, top break, single action; Uberti 1858 .44 Army muzzleloader, single action; Mitchell Arms .45 Colt, single action; Cimarron mod. P .45 Colt, single action; ALSO, several soft cases, etc. for above firearms. Auctioneers Note: These firearms represent 50+ year collections by both Ray Ginsbach, a long time Spearfish area plumbing contractor and Frank Dean, active in area Cowboy Fast Draw competitions. There is a large variety of well cared for firearms, all selling w/o reserve! Available for inspection auction day only. . .firearms sell at 6:30pm. Terms: Cash day of sale – MC/VISA Selling “As-Is” without Warranty – Lunch available For more photos and information visit: www.sdauctions.com Auction Professionally Managed By: Owners: Irvin & Charlean Lampl Estate Kathy Finkle & Jeanne McGregor, Administrators Also: Ray Ginsbach & Frank Dean Spearfish SD “SPECIALISTS IN REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS” 621 HFB!?! 720 89::;<=>? @2H !"#$% A()"%*+ and /ront )esk6 /ull or part time6 Apply in person and =isit our hotel and the atmosphere you?re looking for6 Benefits for fullCtime6 Best Destern Black $ills Fodge, HI0 K Jackson Bl=d, Spearfish C neNt to Oillstone6 APP:=A)D?! %$K P*O/*+% "!!QB(//AF* B*)KC #A "s Fooking /or Players PluS Attendant, #aming Ficense !ot +eTuiredU And /ullCtime Swing Shift Pashier6 Apply "n Person At %he Pomfort "nn or Apply *nline At www6deadwoodsfamiC lyresort6com6 @21 AB<! C DBA8<! F**W"!# /*+ S*OK (niTue and different Phristmas gifts, maySe some collectiSle items, ornaments, candles or diffusers for that wonC derful smell of Saking and the holidaysX %ry shopping online at www6Yustaminimall6com6 Zou?ll Se delighted at what you will findX @26 HF9!?HF:G =<?>! 2\] P$"FF"PS %^, _\H6 `ueen siae Bed, SoN spring and metal frame6 _12H Pall c0HCcIHC 93I2 #K% Z*(+ S*(%$ )AW*%A OA)K P+*)C (P%S %*)AZ, "! %"OK %* S$"P /*+ P$+"S%C OASX Plenty of gently used furniture, a #+KA% practical giftX Pheck Sack weekly, our stock is continuously changingX %his and %hat, H3c Dest Jackson Boule=ard, Spearfish6 c0HC\1\C cH006 Oonday C /riday 9f00am C Hf30pm, Saturday 9f00am C If00pm6 !KD g (SK) D**), #as g Pellet $eating Appliances6 Also accepting tradeCins6 Spearfish Panyon /ireplaces g Spas 1C h00Cc3IC2h2I6 200h S%6 P+*"i Pellet sto=e6 Afton Bay model _12006 Klectric range _1006 Pall c0HCh92C 30\9 or c0HC\22C9\02 @2I P?<! C P?< !9PP:=?! jJK!SK! WK!!KFj #un )og g Farge Breed Pompanion )og %raining6 Pall kc0HlcI1C 03106 B*S%*! %K++"K+ puppies for sale6 3 males, 3 females6 Pall 30\CIc\C92ch Richardson Kennel & Pet Grooming Boarding & All Breed Dog Grooming, Obedience/Behavior instruction. By Appointment (605) 347-3375 )"PWS*! SOAFF B+KK) P(PSf Zorkie, Oaltese, )achshund, Papillon, Shih %au Puppies AWP6 %wo Zear $ealth #uarantee, payC ments, credit card okay6 www6dicksonpups6com c0HC\h\Cch21 )eS )ickson @10 DF>P9<?B!J ?:?D<BF)=D! /*+ SAFKf /latscreen monitor for computer6 _9H6 Phone c0HCcI1C \9I0 @1@ 8=B?KFFG C 89?: )+Z O*(!%A"! /"+KC D**)6 /ull ININh cord6 _1\H6 Put and split6 *ak a=ailaSle6 Pall Finn c0HC\22CI\I1 @16 >=!D?::A)?F9! =<?>! (SK) D$"+FCBA%$ PASSP*+% KnsemSle Yet SathtuS6 c adYustaSle Yets6 110= electric pump6 \1]F N I2]D N 2I]$6 Dhite6 _12H6 c0HCcI2CI3H9 e=enings 9 ZKA+ *F) Tuarter horse mare for sale6 "s an easy going horse and easy keeper6 $as helped work cattle and Seen in =arious riding classes o=er the years6 A gentle ride6 Pall c0HCcI2C392h BFAPW $"FFS K`(KSC %+"A! Penter now has a %uesday morning women?s ride and after school riding program6 )etails call c0HCcI1C 32H1 BFAPW $"FFS K`(KSC %+"A! Penter will Se hold a Seginners horseC mens clinic !o=emSer 22nd6 from 10f00aC 2f00p6 Oore info c0HC cI1C32H1 %DKF^K ZKA+ *F) Tuarter horse mare for sale6 $as helped work cattle and Seen ridden in =arious riding classes including Yumping6 #ood, solid ride6 Pall c0HCcI2C392h 62L MBA=)( 8??G( C !??G AF/AF/A /*+ SAFKf 2009 1st cutting, 100m Alfalfa, Sig round Sales, twine wrapped, \ miles north of Buffalo, S)U %ilus +anch, kc0Hl3\HC 3990 )a=e or %anya6 H21 >F<FBDPD:?! 03 ZAOA$A +oad Star kPruiser 1c00ccl6 +uns and looks great6 !ew rear tire and Sattery6 c0HCc39C01Hh 0\ P+/100, eNcellent condition6 %oo many eNtras to list6 _1H00600 Pall c0HC\22CI30I or 920CHI0CIH3\ 19c9 /F$ $) in good running condition6 hh stoke, +uns great6 !ew Oetaler tires and more6 _cH00 /"+O6 c0HC\20C 121I 19\h $*!)A #F 10006 +uns good6 _1cH0 *B*6 $a=e other Sikes6 Pall c0HCcIHC1c2H 19h1 $) /iK, Sho=elhead, con=erted to wide glide6 KNtra parts6 Kstate Sale, time to let go6 _cH006 *B*6 c0HCh92C3c93 19h3 ZAOA$A +*ZAF Star ^enture, kcruiser 1200ccl6 Fooks and runs great6 _2200 321Cc93C H0h9 199h P(S%*O B("F% 9c] S Ootor H spd, #ood Oiles, /at +ear %ire, %oo Ouch %o Fist "n Pustom Parts6 19h2 $A+FKZ /i+ +*A)C S%K+, /resh Built Sho=el Big Bore Stroker, H spd, /orward Pontrols, !ew +ear %ire And Battery _9,H006 19\\ $A+FKZ SP*+%S%K+, Stretch %ank, Sturgis Dheel, /wd Pontrols, Bored _I,0006 c0HCcIHC\003 Pentral Pity6 All Priced /irm And !o %rades6 /*+ SAFK AlfalfaQ#rass miN, oat g wheat hay small sTuare Sales6 $ulett, Dy6 phf 30\CIc\C Hcc3 1999 $A+FKZ )A^")C S*! /i)i6 Black, c000 miles, perfect condition6 Focated in Spearfish _90006 c0HC c39C319I 626 8AB>JBA)DH >=!DN 1999 WADASAW" ^(FC PA! )+"/%K+, c,100 Oiles, KNtras, _c,H00 c0HC920C3h\36 AFF"S P$AFOK+S Oodel P, _1000U 300 gal fuel tank, _12HU Sarn wood, make offerU 1h0 amp /orney welder, _12HU old side deli=ery hay rake, 1I ft, _3H0U John )eere spring tooth harrow, 12 ft6, _h00U 1h00 gal water tank, _IH0U 1I ft horseQstock trailer, _9H0U )empster wind mill head, _h0U sprayer foam markC er, _1006 ernienrange weS6net 30\C2h3C2Hh1 H22 A::; <?BBA=) O?H=D:?! 200c P*FA+"S H006 $* INI sportsman6 300 miles, wQeNtras6 1 owner6 _H3H0 *B* cell H\3C Ih9C\H006 391 (pper ^alley +d6 Spearfish 2000 $A+FKZ )A^")C S*! SP*+%S%K+ hh3 hugger6 c000 miles6 KNcellent condition6 _c0006 c0HCcI1C0HIh 2001 W%O P+*C SK!"*+ H0cc6 2003 +Oc0 S(o(W"6 Ootorcycles for sale6 1,H00 each6 *B* c0HC HhIC31h1 200I WADASAW" !"!JA oiC10+, 1000cc, green, passenger seat co=er also, only 2,000 miles6 !ow Yust _c,9996 www6+KPS%A%"*!6net httpfQQwww6recstation6ne tQor c0HC\1\CIC/(! 200H $*!)A P+/IH0+6 +#3 susC pension6 Doods ready6 Pomes with gear and eNtras6 Pall for details6 _3,c00 30hCcI1C\\33 Fea=e Oessage BLACK HILLS PIONEER Saturday, November 21, 2009 701 702 MOTORCYC=ES SNOWMOBI=ES 2005 ?AMAHA FD1, blue. 1000cc, 200Gmi. Fuel range, 2H76 mi. Power, handling Mileage comfort. Does-it-all. $5500 OBO. Q07-8962505 evenings, 605722-0701-hm. b08 1000CC. SKIDOO Touring. Black, 1850 miles. b0Q 550 Polaris Classic. Gray, QQ00 miles. b0H 2up Aluma trailer $7500 605-HQ0-0H66 2007 HONDA SHADOW Spirit 750. 2,H00 miles. Vance-Hines pipes and Dynojet kit. Black, Red Flames. Warranty, Service transferable. $6700 605-6H1-HQ85 2007 ?AMAHA V-STAR 1Q00 motorcycle\ 5000 miles\ excellent condition\ $8500 OBO. includes side bags and 2 helmets. 605-H90-09HH 2008 ?AMAHA VINO 125 SCOOTER. Clean, Low Miles, 89 MPGaaa $2,000. Call 6H1-8218 b99 ELECTRA GLIDE.One owner, well maintained. ONL? 21,500 milesa Q seats, Q windshields. Many accessories. $10,900. Call 605-6H5-70QH FOR SALEc 2006 Honda CRF H50d Dirt Bike with headlight and electric start. Excellent Condition. $H,000 Call Luke e 605-771-9892.” 2000 ?AMAHA MO:NTAIN MAd 600. New ?amaha Belt And Slides, 1H1x2 Track, 1H50 Miles. No Cracks Or Damage. $2Q00 OBO. 651-H9109Q6 704 BOATS & MOTORS 1996 FO:R WINNS boat & trailer. 1996 Kawasaki 1100 iet Ski wjcustom trailer. 2006 iayco Q0k travel trailer. Call 605-722-716Q 705 CAMPERS & TOPPERS 1995 2Hk Shadow Cruiser 5th Wheel. Excellent Condition, Easy to Pull. Good Aero Dynamics. :sed very little. Asking $6000. 605720-H811. 5TH WHEEL CAMPER TRAILER HITCH $H00.00. 605-QH2-2586 Page 17 706 MOTOR HOMES & RH’S 199H WINNEBAGO WARRIOR. 25k Class A motor home. Excellent condition. Low mileage. Very Clean. $10,500. OBO. 605722-7800 1997 FORD 2Qk. TIOGA motor home. Excellent condition. $9,H99 OBO. 605-6H1-08Q0 200H HA:LMARK living quarters toy hauler. Heat, air conditioning. Full kitchen. $11,000 OBO 605-H56-2855 750 AUTOS FOR SA=E b01 PT CR:ISER LIMITED 126,000 mi. $5000 605-210-196Q anytime Move your entire car in a space smaller than this. 1989 CHR?SLER CONVERTIBLE, white, H cyl, auto, cruise, air, runs perfectly, Q1 MPG highway. Stored in Winter. $2,900. 605717-0025, cell 605QH7-1HQ7 Put the power of print to work for you in The Black Hills Pioneer & Weekly Prospector Classifieds 6H2-2761 or 58H-2Q0Q 199Q FORD CROWN VICTORIA. Runs, needs work. Make an offer. 605-6H5-2658 Email Your Classifieds! Online Anytime! www.bhpioneer.com Log on to our website at www.bhpioneer.com 4 Click on the Classifieds and :se the form below to submit your classified ad online. Page 16 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Saturday, )*+e-.er 21, 2009 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Sa#$rda'( No+e-.er 01( 0229 752 AU:OS <OR 752 AU:OS <OR SALE SALE 1994 HONDA ACCORD E-, loaded, new timing belt, new carpet, new heated leather, woodgrain dash, one owner. $3595. Matt, 605-390-7341. 2000 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSEAutomatic 4cyl New Tires Power Sunroof Rear Spoiler Electric Windows 4,000 Call 605-210-3160 1995 BMW 318ti. Power Windows LocksO ACO SunroofO Sony CD PlayerO 5 Speed StickO 30T MPG. $3500 OBO. 605-6412109, 605-722-7489 2001 FORD ESCORT, Automatic, Good Tires, 30 MPG, Runs Great, $2,500. 605-722-1776. 1996 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Achiva LS, Fully Loaded, Good Condition, $950. 1989 Ford Ranger Pickup -LT, 4x4, Good Body, $950. 605-631-0018. 1996 PLYMOUTH NEON. 2 Door, green. Fair condition. $1600. 605-720-3774 1997 FORD MUSTANG Automatic, A/C, cruise, 116K (new engine @76k), clean, one owner. $3500. (605)641-4073 2000 DODGE STRATUS recent repairs, runs, needs work. 160,000 miles. $800 OBO 605-578-1227 2001 LINCOLN TOWN Car, Signature Series, Excellent Condition. Dark Blue, 4-Door, Auto, Power, Leather Interior. 71,696 Actual Miles. $6,000. 605-7226008. “RUN IT ‘TIL IT SELLS” Buy a classified in our auto section and we’ll run it in the Black Hills Pioneer & Weekly Prospector until it sells! Only 25 $ up to 20 words Applies only to Cars, Pickups, SUVs, Vans & Motorcycles 315 Seaton Circle Spearfish,SD 7 S. Main Lead, SD & 642-2761 Classified Ad Form 2004 DODGE INTREPID, electirc windows/seat, tinted windows, rear spoiler. 28-30 mpg. 104K Sharp car. Asking below book @ $6000. 605641-2604 2004 DODGE STRATUS. 65,000 miles, 4 brand new tires, Great MPG, $7,500. 2001 DODGE Grand Caravan. 113,000 miles. $4800. (605)2101629 Pa5e 19 I 584-2303 @a#e5or'A C Your Ca Email Youn Also r classifie Ad to bhpionee ds@ r.com Na-eA PhoEeA ( AddressA @i#'/S#a#eA @redi# @ardKA ELp. Da#eA ) Si5Ea#$reA Payment Must Accompany Ad - No Businesses Please! AD RUNS 8 WEEKS AT A TIME. MUST CALL TO RENEW! PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY AD. NO BUSINESSES PLEASE! Page 20 BLACK HILLS PIONEER !aturday, )ovember 21, 2009 BLACK HILLS PIONEER !"#urd"', N*+e-.er 01, 0009 4"5e 01 670 AU:O! FOR 670 AU:O! FOR 670 AU:O! FOR !ALE !ALE !ALE 671 @AN! FOR !ALE 670 4ICCU4! FOR !ALE 670 4ICCU4! FOR !ALE 670 4ICCU4! FOR !ALE 200U MAaDA 3, 14,000 Miles Under Warranty Black, Moon Roof, Power Locks, Power Windows, CD Changer, Manual D15,000 OBO 605-641-4052 200I CHEVY UPLANDER, 4I000 mi. Dual power sliding doors, Remote Starter, DVD player, Avg 22 mpg. well maintained. D13,500 605-I20-3965 1946 [REBUILD TITLE\ Willys geep And 2000 Dodge 3/4 Ton Diesel, Sold Together D13,200/Or Will Sell Seperatly. 605-I22406I, 605-639-9156. 1994 FORD F150 4d4. Supercab. 66,000 actual miles, a/c, cruise, power windows, locks. Lund conversion package. Custom paint. D5,900. 605-645-49I6 2003 FORD F250 dLT 4d4 Deisel Auto Loaded Tow Pkg, Gooseneck Hitch U0,000 Miles E]t. Warranty 20,000 milesZ D1I,500 605-645-32U3 cU3 GMC 3/4 TON VAN. 6.2L, diesel. 155S. New tires. Solid, clean Van. E]tras D2000. gason 605-561-0115 19U4 FORD F150, with new 5th wheel hitch. 19U2 35’ Wilderness 5th wheel, both need work. D4000 OBO. 605-U923693 1996 F-250 POWER STROSE EdT. Cab. D5900. 605-391-5412 2002 HONDA CRV. Clean, good condition. 126,000 miles. Front wheel drive. Newer Tires, sunroof. D6,500 OBO 605-641-05I3 2005 COOL VANILLA PT Cruiser GT Convertible, Leather. Every option available. 24S miles. Stored in winters. show room condition. D13,U00 605-69U3944 2006 CHEVY COBALTX Tinted windows, rear spoiler, red, automatic, front-wheel-drive, I3,000 miles. RUNS PERFECTZ DI,I00. CALL 605-920-1146 [Spearfish\ 200I FORD TAURUS SE. 65,000 miles. DU000 OBO. 406-II5-6026 200U FORD FOCUSSES 1U,000 miles. E]cellent conditionZ Loaded, Sync, MP3/6 disc CD changer, 4 cyl. 25-30 mpgZ Asking D1I,000. Cassie, 605641-0121, Aaron, 605641-0U54 cUU CADILLAC ELDORADO. 4.5 litter, vU. 2 door coupe. Power sun roof, windows, locks. Looks and drives great. D1500 605-569-1320 FOR SALEX c06 Lincoln Town Car. 29,U00 miles. Has e]tended warranty until 2013 or I5,000 miles. Priced D1U,000. New factory price was D4I,U15. E]cellent shape. Very well equipped. 605-642-4394 FOR SALEX 19U6 CHEVY Astro van. 19U4 Home made motor cycle trailer. OBO 605-U92-3693 c96 FORD CONTOUR. Needs engine. Has new tires. D400 OBO 605545-3294 671 @AN! FOR !ALE 99 PONTIAC GRAND AM. Low miles, runs great, D1,000 under book value. D3,350 OBO 605-641-U539 1994 GMC Conversion Van, New Tires, Solid, Very Reliable, D1,500, 30I-643-2162 in Beulah. FOR SALEX c06 Chevy Impala. E]cellent Condition. 69,000 miles. Power windows, and locks. Can take fle] fuel. D10,500. 605-645-19I0 1996 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN LE, 160,000 miles, AC, PS, PW, PL. Transmission good, runs great. D1400. OBO Call 605-642-IU90, Spearfish. FORD ESCORT Ld 1999 4dr Alpine stereo w/12e sub woofer after market rims and tires 100,600 miles D4,500 OBO 605-343-U5UI 2004 PONTIAC MONTANA AWD, loaded with all options, I2,000 miles, e]ceptionally clean, white/tan. D9500. Matt, 390-I341. 9I DODGE CARAVAN. D2500. phone 605-645I2I2 DODGE CARAVAN 200U. 3.U, V6, 34k miles, Loaded stow n go seating. Clean, no Smoke, Pets. Real Honey, D15,500. 605-U92-II22. 670 4ICCU4! FOR !ALE c99 FORD F-250 4]4 I.3 ltr. diesel, rebuilt transmission. Asking DU500. Call 605-210-0UI1. 19U4 NISSAN, E]tended Cab, 4]4, Runs And Drives Good, D1,400 OBO, 30I-6432162 in Beulah. 19U5 CHEV. Short Bo] 4WD, D1,000. 19U2 Chev. 1 Ton, D1,200. 199U Chev. Malibu, D1,500. 19UI geep Wagoneer, D650. 605-5U0-006I 19UU FORD F150 PICSUP, 4]4 With Topper, Runs GREATZZ Hate To Let It Go. D2,900 6055IU-3434 1996 TOYOTA TACOMA. 10I,I00 miles, 2 wheel drive. gust had an oil change, and runs great. D3500 call 30I-421113I 2000 FORD F-350 4]4. I.3 power stroke auto overdrive. Straight cab, a/c, tilt cruise, 5th wheel, 132k miles. D10,000. 30I-U96-3202 19U9 FORD F-150. 4]4, runs great. D2200 321693-50U9 2001 FORD RANGER 4]4 110,000 miles 4.0L 5 speed. Matching topper D5200 good condition 605-645-9541 1995 GMC SONOMA 4]2. 350 engine, I00R4 125,000 miles, 1I,000 on engine. Runs great, wiring needs work. D2500. 605-I22-26U6 2002 RANGER dLT Offroad. 4]4, 99S Power windows, locks, mirrors. Tow package. New tires, topper D6495 call 605645-UU93 2009 DODGE RAM 1500 4d4 Crewcab. Laramie Pkg Under 11S miles-Factory warrantyZ At 212 North Main Spearfish D3I,500 OBO 605-645-9694 c99 FORD F150 4]2. v6, 5 speed, Good shape. Nice Stereo, custom wheels. Nice truck. D4U00. 605-56U-200I 1992 TOYOTA PICS-UP with topper. v6. Asking D1600. 605-642-314U ONE WAY SERVICE PROS 4OLLARD AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS CON!:RUC:ION Jeff Rath, Owner • Spearfish ~ Lead ~ Deadwood ~ Belle Fourche ~ Sturgis Gener"E C*n#r"c#*r Affordable Rates - Residential & Commercial Installation & Repair • Duct Cleaning • Sales & 24 Hr. Service Br"d 4*EE"rd Servicing ALL Brands of Air Conditioners & Furnaces HCRI3, Bo] 24I Deadwood, SD 5II32 Always accepting new customers! 722-8101 or 578-7795 R07P768P0076 ONE WAY... THE RIGHT WAY Licensed(Insured BIG CREL ON HAND FORX i Roofing i Siding i Cement i Home Building cell 2006 TOYOTA TUNDRA 4]4 e]tended cab. TRD OFF-road package. Rhino-liner. E]cellent condition. D21,500 OBO. 30I-6U9-U122. Evenings leave message. C"EE 78OP0Q0Q *r RO0P06R1 BE"cG HiEEs 4i*neer "nd LeeGE' 4r*sMec#*r UeVV !#*rW"u5 2005 F-250 Crew Cab. Powerstroke 5th wheel dLT. Grill Guard. Would consider economy car as a trade. 605-64221I2 Leave message 605-641-3619 Spearfish D* '*u W"+e " neY .usiness #W"#Zs n*# Eis#ed in #We MW*ne .**G 'e#[ AD@ER:I!E HERE\\ Call RO0P06R1 *r 78OP0Q0Q Bob Lambert Construction Licensed • Insured QUINN’S PAINTING & REPAIR • New Construction • Steel Buildings • Concrete • Additions • Remodeling • QUALITY GUARANTEED • 605-641-7958 (cell) 605-722-5466 (home) Dan 642-2197, 641-1954 Tom 642-2477, 641-6923 L ICENSED - I NSURED R EFERENCES I NTERIOR - E XTERIOR N EW C ARPENTRY R EMODEL - R EPAIR After hours call 722-8101 @ !"#$ %&'()*+$,&+-&./,0'12+345 Independent Member Broker 722 Main Street Spearfish, SD 722-3948 Mike Alley 390-2743 !"riss&'()*ir Spearfish Advertising Representative +,-./',01213,4 54.'6e*89n'!irc)e 6<e*r=is">'6? BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 22 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE !"R %&'() *++, !"R(./0R%I"N fully loaded. v=>+? @ inch lift? custom rims. %erious buyers? /arrie J+,=K**=>LL* or J+,= J@>=>KMN 753 SPORT UTILITIES FOR SALE OLM P((Q RR&NS'(R %Q"RT? MKU Viles? &/? ,sp? Hardtop? Yrand New Y.!. Soodrich Tires? Sood 'oo[ing? Sreat Running. ]K,++. L*M= L*,=+JK@ O+> P((Q RR&NS'(R %Q"RT. Hard top? KN?+++ miles? , speed. New J ply tires. ]L,++? or offer. J+,=,L>=LL,N >LML !"R- YR"N/"? Runs Sood. J+,=,M+= *>L@. >LL@ SV/ PIVV^ %'T @.N liter _J? @ door? leather? /- R`ipod con= trol. * wheel drive? >@J?+++ miles ]>?,++ J+,=K**=+L,M 753 SPORT UTILITIES FOR SALE 753 SPORT UTILITIES FOR SALE >LLJ /H(_^ Y'&a(R. * wheel drive. >ML?+++ miles? new tires? runs great. ]M++. J+,=J@>= +J*N? leave message. *++* V"NT(R"? Q(RT(R ,MU? ]L?L++? *++> Rrangler? Rhite` Ylac[ %oft? JLU? ]>*?L++ *++@ SV/ %ierra >,++? Ylac[? 'oaded? MKU? ]>K?L++? J+,=ML*=,M@@. >LLJ !"R- YR"N/" .' ,.+ _M? &0T"? NNb TIR(%? &`/? N(R R(&R %H"/U%? N(R /"I' %QRINS%? /R0I%( /"NTR"'? ]@+++ J+,=J@,=N*MN >LLJ T"^"T& R&_R @dr &R- @ cyl. , speed great condition ]J+++ "Y". >LLJ /hevy (xpress conversion van ]N,++. N+K=*L+= >+ML >LLL P((Q RR&N= S'(R soft topd *., 'iter @=cyld ,=speedd @K+K+ actual miles. (xcellent condition. ]M,++ "Y" J+,=K**=KJ>> *++* '&N- R"_(R !reelander. M+[? *.,'? vJ? &uto? *>mpg? awd? trac control? abs? tilt? cruise? /-? heated seats. ]J,++ J+,=J@>= J,+, *++N H"N-& QI'"T (.='? @R-? 'eather? Towing Qac[age? 'i[e= new Tires. "ne owner? non=smo[er? >>*?+++ Viles. ]LM++ = N+K=*MN= >,,K eYeulah? R^f *++J HN H0VV(R? @x@? 'uxury Qac[age. Heated %eats? Voon Roof? 'ow Viles? 0pgraded Rheels? Nerf Yoards? Rarranty. ]*@?+++. J+,=N@>=@@@+? J+,=N@>=*LNL. *++K P((Q 'IY(RT^. Rhite? pw? pb? pl? ps. New tires? hwy miles. _ery clean. ]>N?*,+ "Y" J+,=J@,=>J*, RR&NS'(R >LL* >,J?+++ miles? good shape? runs well? hard top w`bi[ini top? manual? &s[ing ],?+++ "Y". J+,=*>+=>LJ>. Saturday, November 21, 2009 754 HEAVY TRUCKS 755 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 759 AUTO ACCESSORIES >LK, !&RV TR0/U. >M foot combination box with hoist. Sood /ondition. 'oo[s & runs great. ]K+++. N+K=@JK= ,,M+ or J+,=K**=@*JN /'&RU @.@? !or[lift? J?+++ Qound 'ift? Runs Sood? ]*?,++ "Y"? N+K=J@N=*>J* in Yeulah. @=YRI-S%T"N( TIR(%? Trunma ('@++ H Y' *@,`,+R>M V&%. Qrice ]>K,.++ each. Qhone N@*=*,MJ %UI--(R /H&IN% *N.>x*J bear paw LLj. ]>?*,+. /lar[ JJKc Srapple %[idder with wor[ing winch with L+j bear paw chains. ]L?,++ "Y". N+K=MLJ=N*+* !"R %&'() &'QIN( -ec[. Includes J -isc /hanger? , >`@ %pea[ers with Tweeters? * &lpine _>* &mps? Yoston acoustic @xKhs and Yoston acoustic %ub. ]>+++ "Y". /all J@,=>M@L and leave message. >LL, SV/ Top[ic[ /ab &nd /hase? **?+++ S_R? /at Votor? &llison? &utomatic? &ir? ]@?,++ "Y"? N+K=J@N=*>J* in Yeulah. *++> !R(ISHT 'IN(R !'K+? /at Votor? J %peed? L+?+++ Viles? **h !latbed? Sood Truc[? *,?,++ S_R? ]>N?,++? N+K=J@N=*>J* in Yeulah. /R&N( TR0/U !"R!M++? >MLb wb? crane is a National %eries *++ J+,=@L+=+*ML 755 HEAVY EQUIPMENT >LK* &-&V% R"&Srader? diesel? runs well? great for home pro= iects? has served me well. ]NLL, "Y". Vatt? J+,=NL+=KN@>. 756 TRAILERS FOR SALE *++N Q&/( /&RS" trailer? ,xM. 'i[e new. ]>@++. *++N JxL Qace /argo trailer. Rear ramp? side door. ]*+++. J+,= ,JL=>N*+ Q&^INS ]]]] !"R "'TR&I'(R%. Yeen sitting around awhile. "Ukk Ror[ing condition un[nown. "Ukk %toc[? Horse? !latbed call Poe J+,=K**=>M+K /'&%%I!I(- &-_(R= TI%INS R"RU% !"R ^"0k RH^ N"T Q'&/( ^"0R &- T"-&^l 761 761 COLLECTIBLE AUTOS n>LKNb V0%T&NS /"0Q(. &ll refurbished. * owner car. Vust see to appreciate. /all J+,=,,L= +*@K leave message. 'ast of the n/lassicsb. >LKJ P((Q /PK? Red? Hard Top. J cyl=&uto !T @=wheel with ouadratrac. !resh Votor. !irst ],L++ ta[es itk J+,=J@*=*N@@ days? J+,=J@*=KMNN evenings`wee[=ends COLLECTIBLE AUTOS @K RI''^h% P((Q. Yuic[ _=J. Vuncie @ speed. -ana >M Transfer /ase. N> inch ^o[oahamas? Headers? custom exhaust. ],+++ J+,= K@M=**>, OJJ Q'^V"0TH !0R^ III. New N>M motor? all original. _ery little rust. Immaculate shape. Va[e offer Res p J+,= J@,=**K> P((Q '&R(-"? >LMJ? 'ast of RRII type? white`gold? all acces= sories? automatic? all documents? L>?M++ orig= inal miles? ]>+U? J+,= N@K=J+K> QRI/( R(-0/(-) >LKN /"R_(TT( %TINSR&^ N,+? @ speed. >LKN /orvette ^ellow in color. T=Tops. ]*>?+++. /all J+,=J@*= *N@@ days? J+,=J@*= KMNN evenings. %(( &Q&RTV(NT% !"R R(NT "N TH( N(.T Q&S(k Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector Geri Riggs Sturgis Ad Sales Boarding All Breeds Retreiver Training & Conditioning Upland or Waterfowl 605-645-3444 605-642-2761 Make your holiday boarding reservations now! fax 605-642-9060 geri@bhpioneer.com CHUCK HUTCHASON • 605-456-6016 LARRY’S HANDYMAN SERVICE R(V"-('INS R(Q&IRINS !'""R TI'( No Job Too Small) !"## #S&'()&#S 605-645-4105 A"#$%&'(')*+ Advertising deadline for the Black Hills Pioneer is 3 p.m., two days prior to the day in which you wish your advertisement to appear. We can also accept advertising until ;<00 a.m. on >ondays for our Tuesday edition. Do you have a new business that’s not listed in the phone book yet? ADVERTISE HERE!! /all 642-2761 or 584-2303 • • • • • Income Tax Preparation Financial Statements Business Plans QuickBooks® Bookkeeping E-Mail: tenbroek@westriv.com PIONEER BLACK HILLS E !"#$%N"'() Rapid City Advertising Consultant *+,-.%/012,,3+ 1415% 67%M9:;<%=>(7%?@,4 A9B:#%C:>$<%=D PEDERSON HARDWOOD FLOORS • • • • installation repair refinishing tile & more for a FREE Estimate call Justin 605-578-1089 PROFESSIONAL LAWN CARE & PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE PROJECTS MERLE’S LANDSCAPING & YARD SERVICE ate Total Lawn Care Maintenance Estime)) SPRING PACKAGE PROFESSIONAL Fe • Qower Ra[ing • &erating LANDSCAPING • %od 'aying • %eeding New 'awns • &nd @=%tep Turf Qlus Qlan • Install & -esign %prin[ler %ystems (computerized imaging & Design) PROJECTS OLD & NEW! LEAD • DEADWOOD • SPEARFISH • BELLE FOURCHE • STURGIS 1-800-287-7805 • 605-892-2111 South Hwy. 85 • 1835 Fifth Avenue, Belle Fourche, SD This Spot Just Opened Up! I-90 Exit 14 • 3125 E. Colorado Blvd. Spearfish, SD 57783 nhauto@rushmore.com Ph. 605.722.0537 Cell 605.645.1349 Fax 605.722.0580 RENT ME! RENT ME! /all 642-2761 or 584-2303 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Saturday, No+ember 21, 2009 700 700 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1 # 2 BEDROOM, Fur/0shed a/d U/7ur/0shed. Lead. Ca;; <05-920-145B LeaCe Name # PhG/e H. 1 BEDROOM e770I0e/Iy apartme/t. C;Gse tG the u/0Cers0ty. MN45/mG. <05<45-1100, <05-<42N4B5 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT 0/ BF aCa0;ab;e /GS. MN50 0/I;udes ut0;0tes. HardSGGd 7;GGrs, ;arge S0/dGSs, sma;; pr0Cate deIV. NG pets/NG smGV0/g <05-<45-BB5N Summit View & Heritage Apartments NEWLY REMODELED Very nice 1 & 2 bedroom apartments in Belle Fourche. Some utilities included. For further information call: 723-8000. Page 23 700 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 700 700 APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1 BEDROOM APARTMENTS U/7ur/0shed, I;ea/. N0Ie X0eS 0/ Lead. M425. Ye Pay A;; Ut0;0t0es. Lau/dry G/-s0te. NG pets. Ca;; <05-5B8-2012. ATTRACTIXE, eIG/Gm0I-stud0G, 1,2,N,4,5 bedrGGm apartme/ts, hGuses, mGb0;e hGmes 0/ Spear70sh, Lead, DeadSGGd. <05-B22B240 CAN_ON ESTATES Apartme/ts 0/ Spear70sh, /GS has 2 bedrGGm apartme/ts aCa0;ab;e. N0Ie;y ;a/dsIaped, p;ay area, G77 street parV0/g, ;au/dry 7aI0;0t0es. SGme u/0ts /eS;ey remGde;ed. Ca;; <05-<42-B400 7Gr mGre 0/7Grmat0G/. E`ua; HGus0/g OppGrtu/0ty. 1 BEDROOM, 1 BATH Apartme/t I/ Lead, ACa0;ab;e OItGber 10, M425 P;us Ut0;0t0es. <05N<2-N412. 1-2-N BEDROOM APTS. X0s0t Our Yebs0te\ He;pU-Re/t./et Or Ca;; <05B22-RENT. 2 AND N BEDROOM Apartme/ts. DeadSGGd DGS/tGS/. MN90M525/MG. ] E;eI. ParV0/g I/I;uded. NG Pets/ SmGV0/g. <05-5B8-N80B 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT. I/ Spear70sh. M450/mG. Ca;; <05-<418900 ATTRACTIXE 2 a/d N bedrGGm apartme/ts a/d mGb0;e hGmes 0/ Ie/tra; Spear70sh. LGS ut0;0t0es^ Sasher/dryer^ M<00 - B00 <05-B22B240. BELLE FOURCHE - Tanglewood Apts., 2 Br BOX ELDER - Parker Apts., 1 Br (handicap accessible) LEAD - Gold Mountain Apts., 1 Br (handicap accessible) DEADWOOD - Gilmore Apts., 1 Brs NEWELL - Grand & Green Valley Apts., 1 Br (handicap accessible) Newell Townhouses, 2-3 Br PRO/Rental Management 1113 Sherman St., Sturgis, SD 57785 605-347-3077 / 1-800-244-2826 Equal Housing Opportunity Apartments carpeted throughout, appliances furnished, laundry facilities available. AXAILABLE IMMEDIATEL_\ 1 BR/1 BA 0/ Spear70sh. 822 _a;e. NG smGV0/g//G pets. 1 yr. ;ease, gGGd Ired0t. Pay e;eItr0I0ty G/;y. M425/mG/th. M0dSest PrGperty Ma/ageme/t, <05-<41-102<. CLEAN 1 # 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS ;GIated 0/ Spear70sh. ACa0;ab;e NGS. Re/t Based O/ I/IGme. FGr MGre I/7Grmat0G/ Ia;; <05-<45-89NN E`ua; HGus0/g OppGrtu/0ty. Ca@@ 642-2N61, 574-2303 or 341-0076 +,0./ ,02-23,1 51. Seaton Circle, Spearfish, SD 10;1 <a+n St> S)ear?+.@, SB C77DE 722#$%&' Your One-Stop Clean-Up Shop! No job too big or small! Rent Me! Rent Me! Belle Fourche, Spearfish Ad Representative Ser$in' the +orthern -lac1 2ills a CGmp;ete I/ter0Gr C;ea/-Up a ShampGG S0th SIGtIh buard aCa0;ab;e a Ha/d Yash # Yac0/g/Bu770/g a RGIV Ch0p # L0ght SIratIh Repa0r a Tar RemGCa; a Steam C;ea/ E/g0/es Plowing & Shoveling 136 Sherman Street, Suite A Deadwood, South Dakota 57732 Phone/Fax 605-722-6466 Sona O'Connell ()t+,n. 0,r 2,ur $enta6 &eed.8 Apartments, Commercial Storage Units, Homes Recreational/Rally Rentals COLOR MYSTIQUE SNOW REMOVAL Group & Individual Health & Life @ 504 MAIN STREET • SPEARFISH, SD 57783 • 605-642-8803 Ca@@ 574-2303 or 642-2N61 Startd # Sta`rtd La/dsIap0/g PIONEER !e#$%&%'e() “QUALITY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT” AXAILABLE IN DECEMBER\ 2 BR/1 BA 0/ Spear70sh. 822 _a;e. NG smGV0/g//G pets. 1 yr. ;ease, gGGd Ired0t. Pay e;eItr0I0ty G/;y. M<00/mG/th. M0dSest PrGperty Ma/ageme/t, <05-<41-102<. B@acB Hi@@s Pioneer and WeeB@y Prospector BLACK HILLS Help-U-Rent Pha e Electric Inc. RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL DEAN L. WEIS Manager - Owner PO Box 669 Spearfish, SD 57783 Ph. 642-9693 Fax 642-5757 FREE ESTIMATES P GiRt CertiRicates 578-3434 580-3434 N150 4th ACe., Spear70sh, SD Specializing in Portraits with Personality 309 W. Main St., Ste. A Lead, SD 57754 (605) 584-4912 Sheila & Tom Graveman graveman@rushmore.com To make an appointment, please call (605) 381-9296 or (605) 641-0935 watson.photography@yahoo.com This spot just opened up! Ca@@ 642-2N61, 574-2303 or 341-0076 SEWING MACHINE SICK? No Job Is ! Too Sma@@ Renew Your Golden Oldie! R & D CONSTRUCTION !"#$%&$'("%(!$)'*(D$)',--'(.(S0$)12"&3 ROGER THOMAS S605T 574-2N01 or 570-1562 (Across from Midcontinent) 605-642-0562 CG/Irete S0deSa;Vs # F;atSGrV a NeS CG/struIt0G/ Repa0r # RemGde;0/g We repair all makes: Singer, Viking, Brother, Pfaff, Elna, Bernina, Necchi, Janome, White, Kenmore Servicing your machines since 1949 All repairs guaranteed BOB’S SEWING CENTER 825 E. Denver St., Rapid City, SD Just West of Kmart • Mon.-Sat. 9-5:30 605-343-3214 or 1-800-864-3229 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 26 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? When business was good, he said he didn’t need to advertise. When business was bad, he said he couldn’t afford to advertise. For the life of us, we can’t remember his name. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE... 642-2761 • 584-2303 • 341-0086 Saturday, )*+e-.er 21, 2009 700 701 9>>;S 8P89:;<):S =>9 9<): TON_’S MOTEL. Completely Furnished, Ready to Move in, Kitchenettes. Rent by Day, Week Or Month. Cable, Color T]. Cleaned Weekly. Reasonable Rates. cJ05d 2J9-2501 Whitewood SD. IRON RIDGE ESTATES has openings for 2, 3 and 4 bedroom luxury apartments. Swimming pool, hot tub and fitness room. Free satellite tv. No smoking, pet considered with references. J05-J41-20JN LEAD, NICE, 2 BEDROOM Apt., Off-street Parking, WasherUDryer. No Pets. J05-5N4-3NJ1, J05-5N0-0090 702 :>?)@>AS<S =>9 9<): STUDIO 2 blocks from downtown Spearfish. $325 Y utilities Z deposit. No pets, no smoking. Avail now. J05-J45-3223. 3BRU3BA 2,400 sq.ft. townhome wU2 car garage, on Windmill Dr. in Spearfish. WUD inc., ReferencesUApplication required. No smoking, no pets. $1,100 plus utililties. Call J05-J45-N[21. STUDIO APARTMENTS in Spearfish. utilities paid. No petsUno smoking. $250.-$300. per month. J05-[1[-5555 IN SPEARFISH 3 bedroom 1 Z 1U2 bath. No petsUsmoking. $J95 plus deposit, plus utilties. 1 year lease. J05-J45-21[2 701 9>>;S 70B CAPD<E<S =>9 9<): INE\PENSI]E LI]ING^ Rent _our Own Room, Good Condition, Clean, `uiet. Out of Deadwood. $350 Includes Utilities.Short Lease Available. Call J055N4-2JJ[. 2 BEDROOM, 1 bathroom, 1 car garage duplex for rent in Belle Fourche. $J50Umonth. J05-[23-[J54. it MARKET • • • • • • Advertise Here! Cars Trucks Boats Campers Trailers ATV’s 3151 E. Colorado Blvd. Spearfish, SD PARK 605-641-1248 DUPLE\ A]AILABLE NO]EMBER 1, SPEARFISH. 304 E. Elgin g1. 3 BR, 1 BA., Laundry room, fenced yard. No smoking, no pets. 12 mo. lease with good credit. $N00 month. Midwest Property Management, J05-J41-102J. GREAT 2 BEDROOM DUPLE\ with garage, washerUdryer, water and sewer included, small pets allowed. $N00 plus deposit. Located in Spearfish. J05-43124[[. 706 ;>FGD< @>;<S =>9 9<): 2 BEDROOM MOBILE home in small, quiet court in Sturgis. Large deck, water, sewer, garbage paid, washerUdryer available, central air. No smoking. $430Umo plus deposit. Call [22-[[22 Z leave message. OaHH P76Q2B0B *r R62Q27R1 FHaIJ @KHHL PK*neer and ?eeJHy Pr*LNeIt*r PARK 70B CAPD<E<S =>9 9<): IT HERE, SELL IT HERE! Aaron’s Handyman Services Christyrodgers.directhomes.com krodgers@rushmore.com Call Aaron )raun OaHH R62Q27R1 *r P76Q2B0B PIONEER (605) BLACK HILLS :XKL SNaIe JuLt >Nened AN[ Why not try your ad here? OaHH R62Q27R1 *r P76Q2B0B Robert Crane GEICO Field Representative ? Sharon Mason Lead-Deadwood Advertising Representative (+05) +/2-22+1 315 Seaton Circle Spearfish, SD Licensed in South Dakota, Wyoming & Montana 1575 LaCrosse Street, Suite A Rapid City, SD 57701 Telephone: (605) 348-6060 Fax: (605) 342-9318 Claims: 1-800-841-3000 Rcrane@geico.com Rent Me! Rent Me! OaHH R62Q27R1 *r P76Q2B0B • Snow Removal • Furniture Moving • Kitchen & Bathroom Remodel • Egress Windows • Concrete • Decks • Roofing • Plumbing • Garages • Painting • Repairs • Tree Trimming and Cleanups 642-5874 FREE DROP IN BELLE! T 8HH PaNer T Oard.*ard T 8Hu-Knu- OanL Commercial Dumpsters Appliance Pickup DaUy F <ntV LKnIe 2002 WWWV.HaIJXKHHLVI*-YreIyIHe R0PQ722Q1707 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Saturday, November 21, 2003 708 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT IN BELLE FOURCHE, 2 bedroom with w/d, dishwasher, large yard. Close to school. No pets. References required. $520/mo. plus deposit. Call Johnson Electric 605-892-2277 TWO TRAILERS for rent in Beulah. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. A/C, w/d, Available now. 307-643-2161 705 HOMES FOR RENT 2 1/2 BEDROOM HOUSE in Lead. Cozy wood stove, w/d. Fenced back yard. Lots of storage. 2 car over sized garage/workshop. Off street parking. Pets o.k. on approval. $675/month. 605-3476047, 605-347-7726 2 BEDROOM 1 1/2 bath home in Belle Fourche. Available Dec. 1st. Rent $550.00 a month plus utilities.Deposit required.Call 605-8922513 after 5:00 p.m. 705 HOMES FOR 705 HOMES FOR RENT RENT 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT-Spearfish. 1,2,3,4 bedroom houses-Belle. 4 bedroom house-Sturgis. 2 Bedroom house-Newell. Call 605-210-3419 3 HOUSES IN STURGIS: Two - 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath; One - 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath. Call Dave For Details 605-6411383. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE. $750 plus utilities. No pets/no smoking. References and deposit required. 605-642-4529 3BD 2BA HUD HOME $238/mo! Great deal won’t last! 5cdwn, 15years @ 8.5c. For listings 800-586-3904 x D643 3 BEDROOM, 1 BATH, in Lead. Sun porch. W/D, storage, private parking. $625/mo. deposit, gas /electric. References. 605641-4719 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, attached garage in the country near Sturgis. Available Dec. 1st. call 605-347-6408 3 BEDROOM, 3 bath home in Spearfish available Dec. 15th. Walking distance to schools & shopping. $895 Monthly plus deposit. No pets, Call 641-2500 3 BEDROOM, SINGLE Car Garage In Spearfish, Back Deck, Large Yard, No Pets, $800 Month. 605-642-4540 BUY IT FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM Home In Lead Available By The Week Or Month. All Utilities Furnished. Near Trails. No Smoking Or Pets. $250/Wk Or $850/Mo. 605-580-1267 Leave Message. • SELL IT • RENT IT • Classified Ad Form CategoryW Check One ❍ 1 Classified Ad in the Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector - $17.00 per issue Up to 20 Words - 50g each additional word Your ad runs 6 times in the Black Hills Pioneer and 1 time in the Weekly Prospector - Reach 25,000 households! ❍ Best Bargain! Eight issues for only $27.00 per issue Reach Over 26,000 households! • Black Hills Pioneer • Weekly Prospector • Nation’s Center News ADDITIONAL WORDS NameW PhoneW ( AddressW Exp. DateW SignatureW PLEASE ENCLOSE PAYMENT AND MAIL, DROP BY OR EMAIL YOUR CLASSIFIED TO: CLASSIFIEDS@BHPIONEER.COM SPEARFISH OFFICE 315 Seaton Circle Spearfish, SD 57783 (605) 642-2761 LEAD OFFICE 7 South Main Lead, SD 57754 (605) 584-2303 RAPID CITY OFFICE 1719 W. Main, Ste. 207 Rapid City, SD 57702 (605) 341-0086 Call 578-2303 or 682-2O61 GOODROAD CONSTRUCTION (licensed local contractor) No job too big. No job too small. We do them all! 605-206-0026 ~ 20 Years Experience ~ Ask about our laminate flooring specials • Remodeling & Repair • RV/Mobile Home Repair • New Construction • Painting • Roofing • Tile & more! FREE Estimates! PIONEER BLACK HILLS & Sona O’Connell Advertising Representative (605) 642-2761 315 Seaton Circle Spearfish, SD PIONEER This would be a good spot to advertise your specialty! Call 682-2O61 or 578-2303 or 381-0076 PIONEER BLACK HILLS BLACK HILLS & & Lead-Deadwood Advertising Representative ) City]StateW Credit Card^W Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector Sharon Mason FIND IT & 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH in Deadwood. Hardwood floors, w/d, fireplace. $825/mo. plus deposit and utilities. 605-6459904 FOR RENT: 3 bdrm Belle Fourche home. Freshly painted, large lot, garage. No smoking. $600/month. Call 605210-1374 Page 25 General Contractor + Roofing + Home Repair + Remodeling Danielle Green-Osloond FREE ESTIMATES Advertising Representative (605) 584-2303 175 Sherman St. Deadwood 7 South Main Lead, SD 605.786.3048 (605) 642-2761 315 Seaton Circle Spearfish, SD It’s as easy as 1,2,3 & You Can Rent This SpaceV Call 642-2761 584-2303 or 341-0086 PIONEER BLACK HILLS & Chrissy Blair Advertising Representative (605) 642-2761 315 Seaton Circle Spearfish, SD AIRPORT EXPRESS SHUTTLE Rapid City • Mt. Rushmore Spearfish • Black Hills Custer • Sturgis • Deadwood Rapid City, SD (605) 399-9999 Outside Rapid City 1-800-357-9998 www.rapidshuttle.com RIVER RUN BUILDERS JOHN FITZGERALD / OWNER rogersconstruction2@rushmore.com TIMBERFRAMING AND LOG ASSEMBLY WELDING R FABRICATION STRUCTURAL PANELS CUSTOM FRAMING !ield or In+,hop ,ervice Shop Hours: MondayFriday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. After Hours Service 24 Hours A Day 605-722-4080 605-641-6765 1003 Haley Drive, Whitewood, SD 57793 Check us out on the web at: www.bhpioneer.com 605-645-7815 / FAX 605-717-8582 / riverrunbuilders@gmail.com BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 26 FOR RENT Rally Rentals Available! 140 W. Jackson Blvd, Spearfish Visit our website at www.therentcenter.com 507 STATE STREET - Belle Fourche 1 BR, 1 BA, Renter Pays Utilities ............................$275/Mo. 816 STATE STREET - Belle Fourche $100 OFF 1st Mo. Rent 2 BR, 1 BA Apt. ..................$525/Mo. 319 UPPER VALLEY - Spearfish 2 BR, 1 BA ..................................................................$625/Mo. 205 HILLCREST - Spearfish 2 BR, 1 BA, 1 Car Detached Garage ............................................$650/Mo. 445 ST. JOE - Spearfish 3 BR, 2 BA, 1 Level, Close to BHSU ..................................................$850/Mo. 1421 CANYON - Spearfish 4 BR, 2 BA, 1 LG 2 Car Garage, W/D ..............................................$900/Mo. 826 HERITAGE - Spearfish 4 BR, 2 BA, 1 Car Garage, Fenced Yard ......................................$1,200/Mo. Sabrina Arnold • 645-2042 (cell) • 717-5555 (office) • sabrina@realestatecenters.com 805 HOMES FOR RENT ! #$%R''M H'M$ in Spearfish with fenced back yard. <o pets. >?@A monthly, plus deposit. Fall G!HJAKK H'LS$ M'R R$<NO Sturgis, #eautiful <ew Qog Home, Abdrm,Rbath w/ in floor radiant heat, dbl garage, J fireplacesTgas/woodU,di shwasher,washer/dryer , furnishings optional. >HAKK.KK mo V util. G mo lease w/option to buy on contract or H mo exten GKA-R!X-GRKR Q$Y% FQ$Y< Lpdated H bdrm, H bath home. Zith garage on level lot. Modern washer/ dryer/fridge. <o smoking. \ets negotiable. >GKK/mo. plus utilities. GKA-G!H-XKGK. Q$Y%-J #$%R''M House, 'ff-street \arking Zith ]ood Zinter Yccess, >AAK/Month, \lus %eposit Ynd Qease. GKAG!H-KRG@. <$Z H'M$ ! bedroom J bath, H car garage. >H,JKK Monthly. <ow Yvailable. <o smoking/no pets. GKAG!J-A??G, GKA-G!ARR?? <^F$ J #$%R''M, H #ath House ^n %eadwood, <o Smoking, <o \ets, >XAK.KK \lus Ltilities, %eposit. GKA-@JKJJJJ. \'SS^#Q$ R$<N-N''Z< 'R _LSN R$<N` auiet Lpper balley area, ! or A #R, J H/J #Y, J car garage. Menced yard. HJ mo. lease with good credit and references. >HJKK month. \rice includes everything except electricity. Midwest \roper ty Management, GKAG!H-HKJG. S\$YRM^SH H'LS$ M'R R$<N. A bedrooms J baths. J car garage. Menced yard. Z/%, dishwasher, central air, Hot tub, >HRKK/mo. plus utilities. GKA-R!?-JAJ? or em a i l QM%'<'cduno.com 806 809 ROOMMATES WANTED COMMERCIAL RENTALS R''MMYN$ ZY<N$% ^n <ew House, Qead. Share eitchen, four 'wn Qiving Room, #athroom, Zasher g %ryer. >!AK ^ncludes Yll Ltilities. GKA-G!H-H@RK ]R$YN %$Y%Z''% 'MM^F$` JJ Fliff Street. <ewest in town. ]reat location, great parking, great neighbors. Sunny and by the creek. >HKKK/month. Midwest \roperty Management GKA-G!H-HKJG. 808 LOTS & ACREAFE FOR RENT M'L<NY^< SHY%'ZS $SNYN$S in Spearfish Has Qarge Mobile Home Qots Yvailable for Rent. <o %ogs Yllowed. TGKAUG!J-!XG!. 809 COMMERCIAL RENTALS %$<NYQ, M$%^FYQ, 'R \HfS^FYQ Nherapy Rental space available in #elle Mourche call GKA-XJR-XGA!. %'Z<N'Z< S\$YRM^SHO Ypproximately HAKK shuare feet of commercial/retail space available on Main Street. Qarge windows, bathroom, basement storage area. Fall _ason at Fentury JH Spearfish Realty, ^nc. GKA-G!J!GKX. MY^R]R'L<%S Q''\ ^ndustrial \arkO RKiRK unit >!KK/month, RKi!K unit >GKK/month. Heated, private bathrooms, overhead doors, easy access. Fall _ason at Fentury JH Spearfish Realty, ^nc. GKA-G!J!GKX. M'R Q$YS$O RA!K Sh. ft. 'ffice/Retail space with large windows and handicap restrooms. $xcellent location. Fall Rod at GKA-G!A-KJGHcell or GKA-G!J-!JAKhome M'R Q$YS$O A?K? sh. ft. space set up for ]ym, with handicap restrooms, showers, massage rooms, and tanning rooms. Fould be office/retail space. $xcellent location. Fall Rod at GKA-G!AKJGH-cell or GKA-G!J!JAK-H ^< S\$YRM^SH, XKK shuare feet of office space. ^n downtown area. GKA-XJR-JR!R or GKA-G!H-!XG! 'MM^F$/Z'Re SH'\, in Spearfish, Ypprox HHKK Sh. Mt. ]arage #ay H!x!K, Qarge Storage, 'utside Storage Yrea. >!XA/Month, %eposit g H fear Qease Rehuired, Fontact Holly c GKAG!J-XXGX \R$M^$R$ S\YF$S for <ewer #elle \laza Fall XGA!. 'MM^F$ Qease in Mourche GKA-XJR- 810 FARAFES & STORAFE kkSN'RY]$ L<^NSkk X H/Jx HK, HK xHA, HKxJ!, HJxRK Foncrete Mloors, Yll Ysphalt %riveways, ]ood Snow Removal. #est rates in Spearfish. GKA-G!H-GRAK. kkSN'RY]$ L<^NSkk. Fompetitive Rates, JJxRK, HHxRK, HHxJK, HHxHA, HHxHK, AxHH. Fall <orthview Storage at TGKAUG!J-?HJG. HKxJG, HKxJ!, HKxHJ SN'RY]$ L<^NS. Foncrete Mloor. balley Storage. TGKAUG!J-RX?J, GKA-G!A-J??K. ZH^N$Z''% SN'RY]$ <$Z L<^NS. barious sizes. Qow prices. 'utside parking available. GKA-JG@-JHJR LOWEST PRICE 810 FARAFES & STORAFE AxX, ?xHK, HKxHK, HKxJ!, HJxRK. Foncrete floors, #lack topped drive ways. Qocated behind Safeway- Stow Yway Storage- GKA-G!JJ?G@ or GKA-G!A-JHAJ. Q'Z$SN \R^F$ SN'RY]$ L<^NS. AlxHKl and HKlxJKl. Fommercial shops with office, ! to choose from. ^ncentives` Zelll move your items for you` Midwest \roperty Management GKA-G!HHKJG. 813 IACATION RENTALS #QYFe H^QQS bYFYN^'< FY#^<S...Fhoice locations in the <orthern Hills. Yll year availability. See properties at www.blackhillsvacationcabins.comFall GKA@JK-HJG@ or GKA-AX?HH?! for reservations. email dodym mollmancyahoo.com 902 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE >HK,AKK M'#^Q$ H'M$ Mor Sale, <ew Farpet, well kept up, nice lot near creek. #icentenial Nrailer Fourt. \honeO GKA?!?-K@HA H@XK HJiGA M'#^Q$ home w/shed, on nice extra large lot, in Rolling Hills $states. \ossible lease, must see. >G,KKK GKA-G!H-HK?X M'R SYQ$O H@?@ JGxGG %ouble wide log mobile home. R bedroom, J bath. Qog sided home with large covered porch. Renovated inside, fireplace with log accents. <ew carpet and tile flooring. House must be moved. Ypprox. sh.ft. H@KKV >GK,KKK. GKA-G!H-HJ!? 903 HOMES FOR SALE Y #Y<e R$\' !bd Jba` 'nly >!!,@KK. Must see` More homes available` Mor listings ?KK-A?GR@K! x R!H? STORAGE UNITS • 5’ X10’ and 10’ X 20’ available • Commercial shops with office. 4 to choose from. Incentives! Call Aaron 605-641-1026 We’ll move your items for you! Saturday, November 21, 2009 OPEN HOUSE Saturday, November 21 1 pm - 3 pm ™ LID SO TS K L C U RO RES DESIGN BEAUTY 2+ Bedroom, 3 bath, home on 5 Acres! It offers hickory flooring, tongue & grove knotty pine cathedral ceilings, jet tub in MB, rino deck, luxury & comfort w/views from every window, beautifully landscaped w/flowers and numerous trees. MLS 30069 • $216,900 18 Red Bluff, Beulah, WY Sandy Donahue 605-645-7860 745 N. Ames, Spearfish www.NBlackHills.com • 605-717-0002 ©2009. An independently owned & operated member of The Prudential Real Estate Affilitates, Inc. is a registered service mark of The Prudential Insurance Company of America. Equal Housing Opportunity. 903 HOMES FOR SALE YNNRYFN^b$ ! bedroom, J and H/J bath. <ice neighborhood, in #elle Mourche. >HAX,KKK. GKA-?@J-@K@J evenings. M'R SYQ$ #f ownerO Sturgis, #eautiful Rocky Mountain Qog Home, A bdrm, R ba w/ in floor radiant heat, dble garage, J fireplaces Tgas/woodU, dishwasher, washer/ dryer,sprinkler system, furnishings optional. >JA,KKK under appraised value asking >JGA,KKK.KK GKA-R!X-GRKR 904 LOTS & ACREAFE FOR SALE Q'NS M'R SYQ$. Residential, %uplex, Multifamily, Fommercial, and Horse \roperty. Mc]uigan Ranch Yddition Spearfish \rices Start >RK,KKK. Heritage Yddition Spearfish \rices Start >@!,KKK. Hat Ranch Yddition #elle Mourche prices Start >!A,KKK. Fall Fhris \angburn GKA-G!A@@?A or _oe _orgensen GKA-G!A-KK!?. _orgensen Realty Spearfish. #roker 'wned STATEWIDES Y%b$RN^S$ ^< <$ZS\Y\$RS statewide for only >HAK.KK. \ut the South %akota Statewide Flassifieds <etwork to work for you today` TJA words for >HAK. $ach additional word >A.U Fall this newspaper or ?KK-GA?-RG@X for details. STATEWIDES Yb'< R$\R$S$<NYN^b$S <$$%$%` <ever be laid off or fired` $arn up to AKn plus bonusl. Medical insurance/ retirement plans available. <o parties, huotas or inventory rehuired. ?XX-!A!-@GA?. #'Z%Q$ H$YQNHFYR$ S$$e^<] F$' with proven success in both critical access hospital g <H management. #achelorls degree and <H license rehuired. Fompetitive wages. $mailO dpoppenc bowdlehc.com Z'Re M'R f'LRS$QM with team support` fou can set your own hours. 'btain a reliable income. ^f you are self motivated/professional, GKA!RX-JJ@R or email bmniescvalleytel.net. STATEWIDES YM$R^FY< NYi R$Q^$M. Settle ^RS back taxes. %o you owe over >HA,KKKo ^f so...Fall us now` Mree consultation. Mor less than what you owe` Stop wage garnishments` Remove bank levies, tax levies g property seizures` Stop payment plans that get you nowhere` Settle state and business payroll tax problems. $liminate penalties, interest charges g tax liens` Settle ^RS back taxes. <o obligation. Fonfidential. Fall Ymerican Nax Relief, ?KKRHX-@XHJ. Mree consultation. mmFY\^NYQ R$S'LRF$ ML<%^<] Fo. Fash paid for ownerfinanced mortgages. \rofessional service/fast closing. ?KK-RJJ-G@JA. JK YFR$ QY<% Moreclosures near growing $l \aso, Nexas. <o credit checks/'wner financing. >K down. Nake over >HA@/month payment. Zas >HG,@KK, now >HJ,?AG. ?KK-XAA-?@AR, www.texaslandforeclosures.net QYR]$ F^Nf Q'N in Herman, M<, with full basement and foundation. \aved driveway. Qocated on the edge of town with lots of mature trees. Mull water, sewer and electrical services. #uild a new home to your specifications and save the cost of the basement. >G,KKK.KK. Fall Rick at HRJK-XGK-HXHK or Qenore at H-JH?-G?A-!@K@ for more information. M'#^Q$ H'M$ M'R sale, rent, or rent to own. Qocated in #rookings, S% Fall for details GKAG@H-JHA@. It’s a r... no-braine FR$%^N FYR% R$Q^$M. Mree consultation. Save thousands of dollars. 'ut of debt in months` Yvoid bankruptcy` Fredit Fard Relief is not a high priced consolidation company or a Fonsumer Fredit Founseling program. Fall Fredit Fard Relief, ?GG-!XA-A@A@. Mree consultation. WEAR A HELMET! M^<<$HYHY F'L<Nf QY<% g J building sites for saleO approximately JJK acres FR\ Texpires in JKHRU and HKG acres pasture with one building eligibility. $xcellent hunting` Ylso J building sites. HA miles west of Sioux Malls, S%. Fall GKA-AJ?-R@AK, GKA-RGRR!!@. and wearing a helmet can Sports induries are PREIENTABLE HELP especially when in-line skating, biking or climbing. Brought to you by your friends at the Black Hills Pioneer E-mail your non-profit, community calendar event at least three days in advance to: happenings@bhpioneer.com COMMUNITY Page 27 h a p p e n i n g s @ b h p i o n e e r. c o m November 21, 2009 Turkey round-up Nov. 21 Depression recovery program Nov. 23 SPEARFIS( * The Spearfish Salvation Army will be at Safeway from 9 a.m to 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 21 accepting donations and turkey drop-offs for their annual turkey roundup. The turkeys will be distributed from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday, Nov. 23 at the Salvation Army. For additional information, call Megan at K22-4321. (ERM^SA * Session six will be at K p.m. Monday, Nov. 23 at the (ermosa Elementary School (main entrance). During this session, Dr. Nedley will teach us how to deal with the stressors of our lives without getting distressed. Learn how your sleep habits may be cutting short your melatonin production. Calcium is not only beneficial in preventing osteoporosis but is crucial to handling stress. Is your diet providing you enoughb Learn these and many more stress-reduction techni[ues. For more information, call (605) 255-4101 ext. 21. Christmas craft fair Nov. 21-22 LEAD * A Christmas craft fair will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 21 and Sunday, Nov. 22 at the Lead Armory. Qenders will have many handmade items and the line up of professional vendors include Pampered Chef, Partylite, Diva Rirl Purse party, Avon, Passion Party and others. At the conclusion of the fair, winners for the Free Store Repurpose raffle will be drawn. Luncheon and bazaar Nov. 21 LEAD * Christ Episcopal Church will have its 129th Annual Luncheon and Bazaar from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 21 at 631 W. Main Street, Lead. Please come and enjoy the bake sale, crafts, felt table, cornish pasties and the white elephant sale. Lunch will be served from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. It will be hot turkey casserole with fruit salad, a roll and dessert. All proceeds will benefit the Church Parish. Turkey game night Nov. 21 SPEARFIS( * Turkey game night will be held from 6-9 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 21 at the Spearfish Senior Center sponsored by National Mutual Benefit. Proceeds will benefit Elsie Bradley who was seriously injured in a car accident on Xuly 10. Supper by donation consists of chili, hot dogs, drinks and desserts. Rames are available. For more information call Ruth at 642-4KK8. Hickory House benefit Nov. 22 SPEARFIS( * A benefit breakfast is set from K-11 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 22 at St. Xoseph Catholic Church. Donations will help the meals on wheels container supply and other e[uipment. Pancakes eggs and sausage will be served. Thanksgiving service Nov. 22 SPEARFIS( * The United Church of Christ at 920 Main St., will have a Thanksgiving and music service at 10 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 22. Included in the service will be a selection by Sid Phelps on trumpet and by Xohn Daum, vocalist, as well as the choir's performance and songs with the praise team. Xohn Daum will lead the service as guest speaker in Pastor Peg Rrzelkowski's absence. All are welcome to attend. Depression support group to meet Nov. 24 SPEARFIS( * The DBAS Depression Support group will meet at K p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 24 at ^ur Savior's Lutheran Church, 1020 State St. Lead Fire Board Nov. 24 LEAD * The Lead Fire Board will meet at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 24 in the Lead City (all. Please note the date change due to the Thanksgiving (oliday. Relay for Life Benefit Nov. 24 DEADW^^D * A lingerie style show and benefit auction to support the Relay for Life will begin at 8 p.m. and continue until all clothing has been sold on Tuesday, Nov. 24 at Saloon No. 10. There is a charge at the door to get a bidders number. Proceeds go to benefit the Relay for Life. Blood drive Nov. 25 DEADW^^D * A blood drive will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 25 at the (istoric Bullock (otel Seth's Cellar. To schedule an appointment call Xulia at 5K8KKKK. Community Thanksgiving eve service gratitude. The service will include scriptural readings appropriate to the occasion, correlative passages from Science and (ealth with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, hymns of joy and praise, and an opportunity to verbally express gratitude for Rod's goodness, grace, and protection. No collection is taken. Bullock to offer Thanksgiving dinner Nov. 26 DEADW^^D * It is time for the 12th Annual Thanksgiving Day dinner from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, nov. 26 at the (istoric Bullock (otel on Deadwood's (istoric Main Street. ^nce again, the (istoric Bullock Properties is providing a free traditional holiday dinner for the community. Donations will go to The Ministerial Association of LeadDeadwood with part of the money going to two scholarships for the high school seniors that will become spiritual leaders and the rest will go to people in need. For information call Xulia or Bobbie at 5K8-1K45 or 800-336-18K6. Everyone is welcome. Tour of lights Dec 8, 10, 15 and 17 N^RT(ERN (ILLS * NeighborWorkse Dakota (ome Resources along with the Deadwood Trolley Department are sponsoring the annual Tour of Lights in Lead, Deadwood, and Central City at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 8, Thursday, Dec. 10, Tuesday, Dec. 15, and Thursday, Dec. 1K. Come enjoy hot chocolate and the Christmas lights around the area while riding the Deadwood Trolley. A nonperishable food donation is re[uested for the trip. To make a reservation, please call Erin at 5K8.1401. Good Shepherd Clinic open Monday evenings SPEARFIS( * Do you live in the Northern (ills, need medical attention but have no health insurance and don't [ualify for other medical assistance programsb Then come to the Rood Shepherd Clinic located at ^ur Saviors Lutheran Church, 1020 State St., in Spearfish. The mission of this Walk In Clinic is fto provide [uality medical care for people without health insurance and to take the light of Christ into the community.g Clinic hours are Monday evenings (closed on Monday holidays) from 6 to 9 p.m. No appointments are accepted and you must meet income eligibility guidelines. SPEARFIS( * The Spearfish Ministerial Association is sponsoring a community Thanksgiving Eve Service at K p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 25 at St Xoseph's Catholic Church, 844 Fifth St., Spearfish. Eleven Spearfish churches and ministries participate in the Ministerial Association and various community pastors will lead the service. The Thank ^ffering received during the service will go to the Spearfish Food Pantry. All are welcome to attend. SPEARFIS( * Spearfish Christian Fellowship would like to invite you to a verse by verse, chapter by chapter systematic teaching through the entire Bible. We meet on Tuesdays at K:30 p.m. at (udson (all, 222 (udson St., Spearfish. Call Ellis Lucas at K1K-9K0K or 816-61K-K411 (cell). Thanksgiving service Nov. 26 Lutheran Campus Ministry Tuesdays SPEARFIS( * The Christian Science Society of Spearfish, at K10 Kth St., will again be holding its hour-long Thanksgiving service at 10 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 26. All in the community are warmly invited to come together and share in an outpouring of Bible study Tuesdays SPEARFIS( * The Lutheran Campus Ministry will hold its weekly meetings at 8:15 p.m. on Tuesday evenings at 810 N. Yale St., on the corner of North Yale and West Xackson Blvd. For more information call 210-3108. BLACK HILLS PIONEER COMMUNITY Page 28 Saturday, November 21, 2009 CELEBRATIONS Make a friend for life…adopt a shelter pet today! HAMLET* is a cute, silverwhite, longish-haired Australian shepherd mix. The shepherd side of him gives him a loyal, affectionate, courageous, playful, and adaptable to family life personality. Only 3 months old, so very adoptable. JENNY* Very sweet and docile. Jenny is an immaculate and lovely young female cat. POLLY* This three month old long-haired miniature dachshund mix goes by the name of Polly. Her disposition is affectionate, and she does not take up much space. She gets along well with her friend, Hammy, but welcomes the opportunity to become close with some human friends too. !All Pets are spayed and neutered be1ore they lea4e the shelter. Immunize, spay/neuter, shelter from the cold, and LOVE your pets!! See these and other wonderful pets at www.petfinder.com Lost pets and strays fill the shelter, can you help with time or donations? Pet Food Pantry is available at the shelter for those who need it. Some have to choose between food for family or food for pets. To discourage animal abandonment, a Pet Food Pantry is available at the shelter for those who need it. Won’t you help us stock the Pet Food Pantry? Just drop off food at WHHS. These Animals are available at WESTERN HILLS HUMANE SOCIETY Sponsored by: 324 Industrial Dr., Spearfish 642-1576 120 Industrial Drive, Spearfish, SD Green, Osloond exchange vows Danielle Green and Ed,ard Osloond ,ere married Saturday6 Au8. 296 2009 in Roch@ord. The brides parents are DaDid and Shari Green6 and Eayson and Shere Scholten6 all o@ Lead. The 8rooms parents are Ray Osloond6 Er.6 o@ Central City6 and SuHanne TrentH6 o@ Lead. Bride and 8room are both 8raduates o@ Lead Ji8h School. Danielle is a 8raduate o@ BlacK Jills State UniDersity6 and is employed by The BlacK Jills Pioneer. Ed,ard is employed by StretchNs Glass and Custom Parts. The couple liDes in Central City. Courtesy photo Leahy and Becker, Jr. marry PUZZLE FOR SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 Lesley Leahy and Robert BecKer6 Er. o@ Napa6 Cali@. ePchan8ed marria8e Do,s Euly 25 at Our SaDiors Lutheran Church in Spear@ish ,ith Pastor Kent Stillson o@@iciatin8. The bride is the dau8hter o@ Ray and Cheryl Leahy o@ Spear@ish. She 8raduated @rom Spear@ish Ji8h School and BlacK Jills State UniDersity in 2005 ,ith a de8ree in elementary education. The 8room is the son o@ Stephanie ChubaroD and Robert BecKer6 Sr. both o@ Pittsbur86 Pa. Je 8raduated @rom the UniDersity o@ Cali@ornia6 DaDis in 1999 ,ith a de8ree in enDironmental economics. Courtesy photo What’s Buzzing At BHSU SPONSORED BY: LUEDERS FOOD CENTERS • Story Ideas • Features • Announcements • Fun Photos • Upcoming Events Just send it to us along with your name & phone number. news@bhpioneer.com BLACK HILLS PIONEER COMMUNITY Saturday, )ovember 21, 2009 School Menus Lead-Deadwood School Menu Monday, Nov.23 . /ot ham and cheese sand6iches, potato rounds, hot vegetable, >ruit, mil? Tuesday, Nov. 24 . French bread piCCa, salad, >ruit, mil? Wednesday, Nov. 2E-27 No School Than?sgiving vacation Breakfast Monday . Cold cereal, toast, >ruit, mil? Tuesday . Wa>>les, sausage, >ruit, mil? Wednesday . No School Belle Fourche School Lunch Menu Monday, Nov. 23 . Chic?en patty 6Jbun, rice pila>, glaCed carrots, pears, pump?in bars, mil?variety Tuesday, Nov. 24 . Chili, cinnamon rolls or grilled cheese sand6ich, veggies and dip, pineapple chun?s, mil?-variety Wednesday, Nov. 2E-27 Than?sgiving vacation Breakfast Monday . Bagel, cheese omelet, cereal variety, >resh >ruit, Luice Tuesday . Cereal variety, 6heat toast, >resh >ruit, Luice Wednesday . Than?sgiving vacation Fruit, juice and milk served each day. Meade Schools Menu Sturgis. Piedmont. 4hitewood. Stagebarn Monday, Nov. 23 . Foot long hot dogsJbun, ba?ed beans, tater tots, stra6berries, mil?-variety Tuesday, Nov. 24 . Tur?ey gravy, mashed potatoes, peas, troll, peaches, mil?-variety Page 29 Area music teachers attend conference Wednesday, Nov. 2E . Cheese piCCa, green beans, pineapple, mil?-variety Thursday, Nov. 26-27 Than?sgiving brea? Breakfast Monday . Brea?>ast burrito Tuesday . Omelet and toast Wednesday . Brea?>ast piCCa Thursday . Friday Than?sgiving brea? Breakfast includes fruit, juice and milk Spearfish School Menu 4est Elementary Monday, Nov. 23 . Chic?en patty 6Jbun Tuesday, Nov. 24 . /ot dogs Wednesday, Nov. 2E-27 No School Than?sgiving brea? East Elementary Monday, Nov. 23 . Super nachos, >ruit, veggie cinnamon bun Tuesday, Nov. 24 . Omelets, sausage, orange, roll Wednesday, Nov. 2E-27 Than?sgiving brea? Middle School and High School Monday, Nov. 23 . Oven >ried chic?en 6ith >iOings Tuesday, Nov. 24 . /ot dog 6ith macaroni and cheese Wednesday, Nov. 2E-27 Than?sgiving brea? All meals are served with choice of 1 percent white milk or fat free chocolate milk. Everyday cereal and cinnamon toast with milk and juice is offered instead of morning entr?e. Breakfast Monday . /ot brea?>ast 6Jmeat Tuesday . Cereal and toast, >ruit, Luice Wednesday . No School Than?sgiving Brea? happenings@bhpioneer.com Please include your name & phone number! !"a$% 'i""s *rea -usi$ /ea$hers *sso$iation 4e45ers attended the South 8a%ota -usi$ /ea$hers 99th annua" state $onferen$e ;o<= 9>? at *u@ustana Ao""e@e in SiouB Ca""s= /he state or@aniDation is affi"iated with -usi$ /ea$hers ;ationa" *sso$iation= Fi$tured fro4 the "eft are Fat 'a5e$%G !e""e Cour$heG Hu@ene Iein@erG AusterG /rish 'ansonG JaKid AityG 8r= Maneen NarsenG -aria JantaKaa and Jita 'i$%sG a"" of SKearfish and O"ene Shar%ey and 8iane Pete"G 5oth of JaKid Aity= Courtesy photo Inside Sports: NHTC power lifters competed in USAPL Power Lifting Meet in Rapid City. Story page 32 SPORTS Page 30 s p o r t s @ b h p i o n e e r. c o m BELLE FOURCHE BLACK HILLS STATE LEAD-DEADWOOD SPEARFISH STURGIS November 21, 2009 Lady Jackets put the sting to Rocky Mt. 100-65 B" *,NN&S .N/%.0,S !"a$% 'i"") Pioneer SPEARFISH & B/a8N H+//s S.a.e s84)ed .(e F+)s. se1en 94+n.s 4F .(e gaDe and ne1e) /44Ned Ea8N, )4u.+ng R48Ny M4un.a+n C4//ege 100-65 F)+day n+g(. +n S9ea)F+s(. TI 2as )ea//y 9/eased 2+.( (42 2e 9/ayed .4n+g(.. We 2e)e g4+ng 4n a// 8y/+nde)s 4FFens+1e/y and ge..+ng .(e Ea// 4u. and 9ass+ng +. a)4und and n4. Ee+ng se/F+s(,V Ja8Ne.s 84a8( Ma)N N4)e sa+d. B)+..any Fu()Dan (+. a 3-94+n.e) and A/ana DyNe(4use, ]a.e/ynn LaDE, Fu()Dan and Jenna B4/s.ad a// add EasNe.s .4 g+1e .(e Ja8Ne.s an ea)/y 11-2 /ead. O1e) .(e neU. F+1e D+nu.es .(e Ja8Ne.s 4u.s84)ed .(e Ba../+n` Bea)s 9-4 .4 +n8)ease +.s /ead .4 20-6. R48Ny M4un.a+n Ea../ed Ea8N .4 8u. .(e B/a8N H+//s S.a.e /ead .4 29-19, Eu. .(en .(e Ja8Ne.s 2en. 4n an4.(e) )un. LaDE (+. a 3-94+n.e) .4 s.a). a 14-0 )un and .(e Ja8Ne.s eU.ended .(e+) /ead .4 43-19. Ea0e#ynn La?F o/ G#a;H 8%##) B0a0e goe) u= )0(ong /o( a )<o0 du(%ng F(%dayJ) 100M5 9%n o-e( Ro;Hy Moun0a%n Po##ege %n B=ea(/%)<D Pioneer photo by Reese Wallace See JACKETS — Page 32 Digger athletes headed ‘Down Under’ ■ Community support and sponsorships welcomed B" #$%& %'N)$* +,$)S'N !"a$% 'i"") Pioneer LEAD & T()ee D+gge) a.(/e.es (a1e 2e//-)4unded a.(/e.+8 as9+)a.+4ns. In Ju/y, J+// Lund?u+s., @a1+e) G/41e) and Ryan Ha))+s4n a+D .4 Ee (eaded (a/F-2ay G)4und .(e 24)/d .4 9/ay .(e+) )es9e8.+1e s94).s +n Aus.)a/+a as 9a). 4F D42n Unde) S94).s T4u)naDen.s, (4s.ed Ey In.e)na.+4na/ S94).s S9e8+a/+s.s. T(e .()ee 2e)e se/e8.ed .4 9/ay 1+a +n1+.a.+4na/ /e..e)s ea8( )e8e+1ed ea)/+e) .(+s yea), F4//42+ng n4D+na.+4ns Ey .(e+) )es9e8.+1e (+g( s8(44/ 84a8(es. Lund?u+s., a G4/dd+gge) D+dd/e (+..e) and daug(.e) 4F Jeane..e C(aney-M44d+e and B)+an Lund?u+s., 2+// 9/ay 14//eyEa//M G/41e), a G4/dd+gge) )unn+ng Ea8N and s4n 4F Ga)y and De/4)es G/41e), 2+// 9/ay F44.Ea//M Ha))+s4n, a G4/dd+gge) /+neEa8Ne), and s4n 4F Jay Ha))+s4n and TaDDy F)e)+8(s, 2+// a/s4 9/ay F44.Ea//. As ea8( needs P4,500 .4 DaNe .(e+) D42n Unde) S94).s d)eaDs a )ea/+.y .(e+) Fund)a+s+ng eFF4).s 2+// s.a). s44n. TIGD eU8+.ed,V Lund?u+s. sa+d. TI /41e .4 .)a1e/. IG1e a/)eady Eeen 4u. 4F .(e 84un.)y and I .(+nN .(e 4994).un+.y .4 .)a1e/ .4 4.(e) 9/a8es +s g)ea.. I.Gs a g)ea. 4994).un+.y .4 9/ay 14//eyEa// +n Aus.)a/+a.V In add+.+4n .4 F+nan8+a/ ass+s.an8e F)4D (e) 9a)en.s, Lund?u+s. 2+// s44n send 4u. a /e..e), d)uDD+ng u9 s94ns4)s(+9s F)4D 84DDun+.y Eus+nesses, as 2e//. TI 2as su)9)+sed a. F+)s., 2(en I F4und 4u. I 2as +n1+.ed,V G/41e) sa+d. TI d+dnG. Nn42 a. F+)s. +F +. 2as s4De.(+ng I 2an.ed .4 d4, Eu. .(e D4)e I .(4ug(. aE4u. +., I de8+ded +. 2as s4De.(+ng I D+g(. 2an. .4 d4. I.Gs s4De.(+ng y4u 8a))y 2+.( y4u .(e )es. 4F y4u) /+Fe, s4De.(+ng y4u 8an !o#dd%gge() +a-%e( !#o-e(, #e/0, J%## Lund5u%)0 and Ryan 8a((%)on 9%## )oon )0a(0 /und(a%)See DIGGERS — Page 31 %ng e//o(0) 0o )e;u(e 0<e%( )=o0) a) a0<#e0e) )e#e;0ed 0o )<%ne %n Au)0(a#%a 0<%) )u??e( a) =a(0 o/ @o9n Unde( B=o(0) Tou(na?en0)D Pioneer photo by Jaci Conrad Pearson !atur&ay( )ove-.er 01( 0223 BLACK HILLS PIONEER SPORTS Lead-Deadwood Lady Jackets volleyballers fall sports banquet travel to Nebraska is Sunday DEADWOOD — The Twin City Athletic Booster Club Fall Sports Banquet will be held at 4 p.m.on Sunday, November at the Deadwood Gulch Convention Center. All fall sport athletes and their parents are invited to this potluck. For more information please call the LeadDeadwood Activities Office at 717-3450. Please note this is a change from the Booster Club calendar. 4age 61 Belle Fourche news sponsored by the following community minded businesses... BF Area Community Center Bunney’s Body & Collision Can Am Auto Dakota West Auction First Western Bank Johnson Electric Pete’s Clothing DIGGERS Round Up Building Center 7o8t98ue& :ro- 4age 62 tell your kids about and stuff.” Harrison, who has never been in an airplane before, is equally excited about the prospect of playing football in the land down under. TI didn't really know what to expect, but I'm excited to go to a different country and play a sport in Australia.” In addition to financial help from their parents, Glover and Harrison are planning to hold a chili feed at some point during the school year to help defray the costs of their trips. To contact the students to provide help in realizing their dreams of playing Down Under Sports, call Lundquist at 920-8465, Glover at 641-4240 and Harrison at 641-5412. International Sports Specialists hosts the annual Down Under Sports Tournaments which provide a forum for athletes from other countries to compete head to head in the sport they love. The 2010 Down Under Sports Tournaments will include competition in football, cheerleading, basketball, volleyball, golf, cross-country, track and field, free style wrestling and swimming. The goal of the tournaments is to continue to provide athletes who excel in their sport the opportunity to experience the culture, beauty and grandeur of Australia all within the framework of spirited and intense competition in many different sports. 1830 N Main St., Spearfish, S.D 57783 !"a$% 'i"") *+a+e-) .andy !ru45ie"d, 1, 8re8are) +9 )e+ u8 a +ea44a+e during a ga4e ear"ier +;i) )ea)9n< =;e Ja$%e+) +ra?e" +9 @in$9"n, AeB< +9day +9 5a$e C9ane D9""ege in +;e 8"ayEin ga4e 95 +;e AFGF Aa+i9na" H9""eyBa"" =9urna4en+< Fir)+ )er?e i) 2 8<4< K9u $an ;ear +;e ga4e 9n LC*J 9N0 F.< Pioneer file photo C9 y9u ;a?e a grea+ tea- ;hoto= !hare 't )'th your fr'ends1 Please email your team photo to Paranormal Activity (R) Mon – Fri 7:00 & 9:00 Sat & Sun 1:30, 3:30, 7:00 & 9:00 Disney’s A Christmas Carol (PG) Mon – Fri 6:45 & 8:30 Sat & Sun 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 6:45 & 8:30 Planet 51 (PG) Sorry No Passes Mon – Fri 6:45 & 8:30 Sat and Sun 2:00, 4:00, 6:45 & 8:30 2012 (PG13) Sorry No Passes Mon – Fri 7:30 Sat & Sun 1:30, 4:30 & 7:30 sports@bhpioneer.com >9th the tea-?ga-e 98:or-at9o8 a8& the8 @ooA :or 9t 98 the Black Hills Pioneer The Blind Side (PG13) Sorry No Passes Mon – Fri 6:30 & 8:45 Sat & Sun 1:30, 4:00, 6:45 & 8:45 Twilight Saga: New Moon (PG13) Sorry No Passes Mon – Fri 6:30 & 8:45 BOOK YOUR HOLIDAY PARTY WITH US 212 Bait Shop Black Hills Painting 605-642-2344 3316 E. Fairgrounds Loop, Spearfish Sat & Sun 1:00, 3:30, 6:30 & 8:45 Starts Wed. Nov. 25 Old Dogs Mon – Fri 6:45 & 8:30 Sat & Sun 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 6:45 & 8:30 We will be open on Thanksgiving Day. Doors will open at 6:00 3 LOCATIONS AVAILABLE ~ BELLE FOURCHE, SD Happy Thanksgiving! PRIVATE ROOM • CATERING BO# OFFICE HOURS MON-FRI 6:00 SAT-SUN 12:30 CALL 642-4212 SPACE STILL AVAILABLE ~ BOOK NOW! Call 892-2503 to reserve your date. OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE WWW.NHCINEMA.COM BLACK HILLS PIONEER SPORTS Page 60 Satur&a'( )o+e-.er 01( 0223 Northern Hills Training Center power lifters compete in USAPL Power Lifting meet in Rapid City SP#C%&' () (*# P%)+##, RAPI% CIT) * West River Power Lifting team members from the Northern Hills Training Center competed in the USAPL Power Lifting meet in Rapid City on November EF. The team is coached by Brent and Tracey Steinbach, and the lifters range in age from EJ-FL years old male and female. Several of the lifters have trained for about a year and others have just joined us in the last few months. The team competed in the state Special Olympics last May and has continued to train since. Over the last year, the team has increased from four lifters to about Q0, training two days a week the )oung Center. There are a wide range of abilities and afflictions. JC, who has to be strapped to the bench so he doesn't fall off because he only has one leg to support himself can bench more than his body weight. Roger, even with his unique dead lift form can pick up a lot of weight. Robbie, who is hearing impaired is able to read lips, follow commands, and learn technique. That is just a few of the examples of these dedicated lifters. Xach lifter is required to complete their lift not just as you might think by being able to lift the weight, but they must also listen and apply the commands that are given by the judges. For instance, in the bench when the judge announces ZThe bar is loaded[ the lifter can approach the bench. ZLift off[ is when the lifter holds the weight with arms fully extended. Judge announces Zstart[ and the lifter begins the lift and must stop on the chest. Judge announces Zpress[ the lifter can press the weight back to full extension and hold until the judge announces Zrack[ when the lifter can rack the weight and completes the lift. In addition to the bench, the squat and the dead lift have their own NHTC power lifting team members are: Back Row, Barb (volunteer), Tracey Steinbach (coach), commands and cri- Michael Foote, Nick Millard, Robbie Asheim, Roger Denevan, Garet Alickson, Brent Steinbach teria to learn. (coach) and Peter (volunteer). Front Row, Todd Fossen, Lorraine Miner, Valerie McElroy, Jimmy It has taken persistence, dedica- Simmons, JC Barba, Keonna Hines, Buck Long and Gerad Schuldies. Courtesy photo tion, time, coaching group of lifters and their dedication and ing Special Olympics Q0E0. )ou will be and several volunteers to bring this all you will remember many of the lifters by able to pick them out in their bright yellow together. what they bring. Seeing their faces after power lifting shirts. In the dead lift, the lifts range from E00their lifts, hearing them cheer their teamWithout the help from volunteers, Q5F pounds. Working on form and safety is mates, the high five after their lifts, or friends, staff, parents and the training cenvery important when you are working in watching family members pride are just a ter, coaches Brent and Tracey would not be the gym. If anything goes wrong someone few things that might have touched your able to pull this off. can get hurt. hearts. We look forward to our next meet If you were able to attend the meet you From here the NHTC West River Power and watching this group continue to will have a whole new perspective on this Lifters will continue to train for the upcomsucceed. This is a (1) Time Introductory website offer of... 25% OFF Lifespan Closet Systems Visit RoundupBuildingCenter.com and search cabinets for redeemable coupon. November 21 - December 24 Hours are Mon. - Fri. 7:30 - 5:00, Sat. 7:30 - 4:00 NHTC powerlifter Gerad Schuldies is showed benching, with the lift off from coach Brent Steinbach. Courtesy photo JACKETS 7ontinue& :ro- Page 62 “The Little Man Business with Big Customer Service.” 605-892-2094 The Jackets extended its lead to 5Q-Q6 at the half. Rocky Mountain made a brief run to start the second half to cut the Jackets lead to 5F-Q^, but BlackHhills State regained momentum and cruised to a E00-65 win over the Battlin'_ Bears Fuhrman led all scores with Q` points, including seven `-pointers. Lamb added EL points, Kristi Ryan EQ points, and Bolstad and Morgan Mines chipped in E0 points each. %ykehouse and Fuhrman had six rebounds each for the Lady Jackets, who out rebounded Rocky Mountain F5-`Q. The Lady Jackets (5-Q) travel to Laramie, Wyo. Tuesday for an exhibition game against the University of Wyoming. BLACK HILLS PIONEER SPORTS !at$r&a'( )*+e-ber 01( 0223 Pa5e 66 Bowling Scores So#th 'ar* +anes 11-6 2ri4a5 6ite 7i8e4 ! #o%&' Park ,anes !0102 3 #454B4 !7182 an9 : ;%&o Pros ! !<1= Hi@' AenBs @aAeC DellF GaHer& 3:I Hi@' AenBs @aAe Ji&' 'an9icaLC DellF GaHer& 3<< Hi@' AenBs seriesC Mik Bar&els 7II Hi@' AenBs series Ji&' 'an9icaLC Mik Bar&els 7N8 Hi@' JoAenBs @aAeC Da&'F Doerner 3I! Hi@' JoAenBs @aAe Ji&' 'an9i1 caLC #&eL'anie Bar&els 3<! Hi@' JoAenBs seriesC #&eL'anie Bar&els <3= Hi@' JoAenBs series Ji&' 'an9i1 caLC #&eL'anie Bar&els 0!< Hi@' &eaA @aAeC ;%&o Pros ! 0:: Hi@' &eaA @aAe Ji&' 'an9icaLC #o%&' Park ,anes Hi@' &eaA seriesC ;%&o Pros ! !=0: Hi@' &eaA series Ji&' 'an9icaLC OarAerBs ins%rance 3:7: 7on4a5 6i9ht 7en:s Co<<ercial 11-? ! Pri1#&a&e Q'iroLrac&ic <I1332 3 ReJ Genera&ion Oee9s NN138 an9 : ,aJ Pr%ckin@ N!1:! SenBs 'i@' @aAeC #&eTe #'%&& 37I SenBs 'i@' @aAe Ji&' 'an9icaLC Qrai@ 5BQonnell 0:8 SenBs 'i@' seriesC Qrai@ 5BQonnell 0:8 SenBs 'i@' series Ji&' 'an9icaLC Qrai@ 5BQonnell 0=< PeaA 'i@' @aAeC ,aJ Pr%ckin@ 87I PeaA 'i@' @aAe Ji&' 'an9icaLC BooA Qoncre&e =3I PeaA 'i@' seriesC ,aJ Pr%ckin@ 3:<! PeaA 'i@' series Ji&' 'an9icaLC BooA Qoncre&e 373< G#5s an4 Gals 11-? ! ;lleF Qa&s 3N1!32 3 PeLLers 331 !N an9 : ;rLan #Lecial 3!1!< Hi@' AenBs @aAeC #onnF Ba%@'Aan 3I= Hi@' AenBs @aAe Ji&' 'an9icaLC #onnF Ba%@'Aan 337 Hi@' AenBs seriesC #onnF Ba%@'Aan <<N Hi@' AenBs series Ji&' 'an9icaLC #onnF Ba%@'Aan 7I< Hi@' JoAenBs @aAeC Uanice 5lson 3II Hi@' JoAenBs @aAe Ji&' 'an9i1 caLC Uanice 5lson 33= Hi@' JoAenBs seriesC Oran V%nWor9 <!I Hi@' JoAenBs series Ji&' 'an9i1 caLC Oran V%nWor9 <=! Hi@' &eaA @aAeC Ho& #'o&s <3= Hi@' &eaA @aAe Ji&' 'an9icaLC Ho& #'o&s <0! Hi@' &eaA seriesC Ho& #'o&s !<!8 Hi@' &eaA series Ji&' 'an9icaLC Ho& #'o&s !7NN A-Ai<e 11-10 ! PosF Palace an9 #o%&' Park ,anes 3N4<1!<1<2 3 Pe&eBs Qlo&'in@ 3:4<1!74<2 an9 : MesLonse #ol%&ions !013: Hi@' JoAenBs @aAeC Uo9F Heisler 3!< Hi@' JoAenBs @aAe Ji&' 'an9i1 caLC Uo9F Heisler 3:3 Hi@' JoAenBs seriesC U%9F Xel9er <30 Hi@' JoAenBs series Ji&' 'an9i1 caLC U%9F Xel9er <== Hi@' &eaA @aAeC PosF Palace 787 Hi@' &eaA @aAe Ji&' 'an9icaLC PosF Palace 8I8 Hi@' &eaA seriesC PosF Palace !88: Hi@' &eaA series Ji&' 'an9icaLC PosF Palace 33N= ‘94 Mazda B4000 4x4 3,995 your price $ ‘95 GMC Sierra 2500 4x4 6,995 your price $ ‘00 Buick LeSabre 3,995 your price $ ‘98 Nissan Altima 3,995 your price $ Jackets hoopsters travel to Colorado ‘94 Pontiac Bonneville 2,995 your price $ Cain Atkinson, ,, and the Black Hills State men6s basketball team travels to Colorado Spring6s Colo., tonight to take on Bethany College at the ?niversity of Colorado at Colorado Springs ?CCS Classic. Tip off is B p.m. Cou can hear the game on EDSJ 9I0 AM. Pioneer file photo ‘00 Chevy Crew Cab 4x4 8,995 your price $ ‘96 Dodge Dakota 2,995 your price $ ‘95 Cutlass Supreme Conv. 3,995 your price $ ‘96 Ford F-350 Crew Cab 4x4 8,995 your price $ ‘90 Chevy 1500 4x4 2,995 your price $ Corner of 5th & Summit • Belle Fourche, SD • (605) 892-6929 !og %n 'o((( ) ) )(*+,-onee/(0o1 BLACK HILLS PIONEER TOMORROW’S WEATHER Page 34 Saturday, No+ember 21, 2009 SECURITY Continued ;rom Page 4 !anuary 200* to !uly this year, 1,9*3 police were killed, compared with *35 Afghan troops. "Be are expected to fight insurgents, not Dust criminals," said Ehan Mohammed Gazai, police chief in the violent southern province of Eandahar. Je said his force faced shortages of assault rifles, machine guns, pistols, ammunition and four-wheel drive vehicles. "There would be no need for more sophisticated weapons if we did not need to fight an insurgency. But we are fighting an insurgency as well. If we don't get better equipment, we will lose." It is not Dust weapons they lack. Standing in Eabul's chaotic Mandae Market beside banana and sunglasses vendors, MaD. Ahmed Sarid Jotak of the 101 Asmey Gone Tational Uolice, which is in charge of security in the city center, pointed to one of his young subordinates, the man's shoulders hunched against the chill of a Tovember evening. "See, it's winter and he still has a spring uniform," Jotak said, adding that he bought himself a warm winter uniform with his own money. Currently it's Dust the desperate who sign up for the Dob - and even then, many leave, often taking their equipment with them. That puts more strain on a recruitment drive that has to sign up thousands Dust to maintain the current numbers, let alone increase the force to the recommended 1W0,000 by 2013. In a country where *2 percent of the population is illiterate, those who can read rarely have problems finding better-paid Dobs. Only "illiterate people will accept the salary that we pay the police," said Brig. Yen. Ehudadad Agah, who is in charge of training. Je said a policeman's starting salary is W,000 afghani Z[120\ a month, except in Eandahar where Gazai said it is 9,000 afghani Z[1]4\ because that is a hotbed of Taliban attacks. "An educated person will not work for W,000 afghanis a month," Agah said. To make things worse for the beat cop, his superior often skims 30 percent off the top of his meager salary, according to police on the street. If current rates of attrition continue, a quarter of Afghanistan's police force will have quit by the end of next year. Thousands more will be dead or wounded. Jotak, who has lost more than half his men, is so desperate to bolster his unit's numbers that he is ready to take anyone who passes a basic background check even untrained. Of the W42 in his unit, 3*0 couldn't make ends meet in the capital and returned home to the provinces. "Be told our colleagues 'Be need recruits. I need people. If they pass a background check, put them into my unit, and afterward send them to training,'" he said. Another big worry is how many insurgents have infiltrated the police. _arlier this month, a rogue policeman in Jelmand province shot and killed five British soldiers. Although the gunman's motive was unclear, the attack risks damaging the trust between Afghan police who work side-by-side with their foreign mentors. "It is certainly an indicator that, largely, loyalties are fickle," said Mark Moyar of the Marine Corps `niversity, a counterinsurgency analyst who recently wrote a book on the subDect. Bringing the police up to speed will be a huge challenge even with more international help in training and equipping the national security forces. "It's not going to be anything that can be solved in a year or two," Moyar said. "To develop the kind of leadership where the Afghans can do it largely on their own is probably 10 years out." Je said success will lie in developing a competent leadership free of corruption and a sense of professionalism throughout the force - from top commanders to beat policemen, many of whom currently shake down street vendors for bribes. Agah, the police training general, insisted corruption was worst among high-level police authorities. Je said low-ranking policemen can't be held responsible for demanding small bribes. "That is all done on the orders of their commanders," he said. "I cannot blame the policeman over what we should blame their commanders and bosses for." But it is petty corruption which most affects ordinary Afghans and strengthens the insurgency. The Taliban promise accountability and had a reputation while in power of not tolerating corruption - they would often paint the face of an accused man black to humiliate him before firing him. Shoe salesman Yolam Azat said he and other cart owners pay police a weekly fee to be allowed to sell their goods at Eabul's central market. "It's illegal to sell on the street," he said. "If I don't pay, then they will kick me out." The going rate is about 100 afghanis per day, or about [2. That's a princely sum for Azat who makes only 200 afghanis Z[4\ a day. "I have no money. Jow can I feed my childrena Business is not good, so how can I paya" he asked. "In the Taliban times, they didn't do this." LOCAL & REGIONAL WEATHER !a#urday, )*+e-.er 21, 2009 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 67 BANNERS D*n#:nued Er*- Page 7 the brave sacrifices made by the American military heroes. Bus tours wishing to schedule a tour can contact staff at :;0=> 22@AAA1. There is no charge to tour the South Dakota National Huard Museum. The National Huard MuseumJs mission is to preserve and honor the history of the South Dakota National Huard from the days of the Dakota Territory :1L;0Js> to present with emphasis on the various wars and conflicts. The goal is to create a greater understanding of the significant role played by the South Dakota National Huard throughout history by caring for and preserving collections of historical documents and artifacts. DOTD*n#:nued Er*Page 4 ground once destined to become an expressway. NThere Oust absolutely never will a four-lane highway going west out of Huron, in other words,R commissioner Salph MarTuardt of Uankton observed. Just a few years ago, HuronJs prospects seemed brighter, as the Dakota, Minnesota and Eastern railroad planned to locate a central yard there as part of its proOect to build a high-grade line that would carry coal from the mines in WyomingJs Powder Siver Basin. But the Canadian Pacific has since purchased the railroad and the coal proOect isnJt a priority for the new owner. The Beadle County give-back wonJt be the last such situation involving land bought by D[T but not used, according to right-ofway administrator Joel Hengler. NWe likely will have many more of these in the future, as we discover bits and pieces of property we never built, dating back to the J\0s,R Hengler said. !u.s9r:.e #* #he <=a9> ?:==s P:*neer ABAd:#:*nC BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 37 Saturday, )*+e-.er 21, 2009 YOUTH @*nt=nued Ar*- Page 2 8* y*u 9a+e a ne;< t=>? Ca## %ar' at )*2,2-)1 Community *rant- to strengthen our Hills on Healthy lifestyle choices community3s net4ork and reduce sub4ith an em9hasis on alcoholB stance onset and abuse among our CFhe S9earfish community no4 s9earfish youth through en;ironmenhas the o99ortunity to increase a4aretal and social norming strategies,> ness regarding our abo;e national said Sue @onstant, eAecuti;e directorB a;erage alcohol and drug use as risk CDobiliEing community stakeholders factors for our youth, increase ca9ac4ith this substance abuse ity for addressing these reduction in;estment 4ill concerns and im9ro;e 9ro;ide a long-term social resiliency among our youth and economical change through 9re;ention mes4hile sha9ing our comsages, modeling, mentormunity3s culture and attiing and youth de;elo9tudes to4ard healthy ment,> stated Angie @ing, eA9ectations for our IouthWise eAecuti;e youthB> directorB Fhe goals of the e;ent Fhe informational and and the Grug Hree Ccall to action> luncheon Community *rant 4ill be hosted by a conAngie through the Coalition are glomeration of Grug Hree King to establish and strengthen Community *rant collaboration and ca9acity PartnersB among S9earfish Community GHC *rant Administrator Alecia Coalition 9artner organiEations in Hoffman said, CWe need to start edusu99ort of the community3s effort to cating our kids young so they under9re;ent and reduce substance abuse stand the 9ositi;es resulting in less among youth, and to reduce substance 9o9ular beha;iorB We can3t do this abuse among youth in S9earfish and alone, none of this 4ill be successful o;er time, among adults, by addressif the community doesn3t res9ondB> ing the issues in our community that Community members are in;ited to increase the risk of substance abuse attend the Ccollecti;e actions for conand 9romoting the 9rotecti;e factors crete solutions> e;ent, 4hich rePuires and assets that contribute to resiliency an QSRP by Wednesday, Ko;B 2T at a 4hile minimiEing the risk of subcost of UV0 9er 9ersonB Please QSRP stance abuseB to @onstant at @onstant said one of the coalition3s s9fccdirectorXgmailBcom or call her greatest 9artners has been IouthWise, at 6ZT-V3\9B Fhe neAt coalition meeta non9rofit organiEation 4hose mising 4ill be held from 3-30-T 9BmB on sion is to 9ro;ide educational ser;ices Wednesday, GecB 3 in the S9earfish to the youth of the Korthern Black Qec Center 9arty roomB