Imam Zayn Imam Zayn-ul-Abideen - Ahlul


Imam Zayn Imam Zayn-ul-Abideen - Ahlul
In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
December 2014 - Ottawa, CA
Assalaamu alaikum dear friends
Ahlul--Bayt Islamic School Newsletter
Read it online at ..
Imam ZaynZayn-ulul-Abideen
Name Ali
Title Zayn-ul-Abideen
Alias Abu MuhammadFather Imam Hussein (AS)
Mother Shahr Banu, daughter of Yazdeger III, the last preIslamic King of Persia
Medina, on Saturday, 15th Jumadi-1 36 AH
Death Medina at the age of 58, poisoned by al-Walid on Muharram 25th 95 AH
Grave Jannat-ul-Baqi', in Medina
Ali Zayn-ul-Abideen is the 4th apostolic Imam of Ahlul-Bayt
(as). His epithet was Abu Muhammad and was popularly titled
as "Zayn-ul-Abideen". His mother was the royal personage,
Shahr Banu, the daughter of King Yazdeger, the last preIslamic Ruler of Persia.
Imam Zayn-ul-Abideen spent the first 2 years of his infancy in
the lap of his grandfather, Imam Ali, and then for 12 years he
had the gracious patronage of his uncle, Imam Hassan. In 61
AH, he was present in Karbala, at the time of the gruesome
tragedy of the wholesale massacre of his father, his uncles,
brothers, cousins and all the godly comrades of his father. He,
then, suffered a heartless captivity and imprisonment at the
hands of Yazid.
When Imam Hussein had come for the last time to his camp to
bid goodbye to his family, Ali Zayn-ul-Abideen, who had been
very sick since his childhood, was semi-conscious in his
sickbed and hence escaped the massacre in Karbala'. Imam
Hussein could only manage a very brief talk with the inmates
of his camp and departed declaring his sick son as Imam.
Imam Zayn-ul-Abideen, for the almost 34 years that he lived
after his father, he spent it in prayers and supplication to Allah
(swt), in remembrance of his martyred father, and teaching
people about Karbala and the Imamat. It is for his ever being
in prayerful prostration, that he was popularly called "Sajjad".
The knowledge and piety of this Holy Imam was matchless.
He was so mindful of Allah that whenever he sat for ablution for prayers, the complexion of his face would change
and when he stood at prayer his body was seen trembling. When asked why this was, he replied, "Don’t you
know before whom I stand in prayer, and with whom I
hold discourse?"
His charity was unassuming and hidden. After his passing
away, the people said that hidden charity ended with the departure of this Holy Imam. Like his grandfather, Imam Ali, he
used to carry on his own back at night bags of flour and bread
for the poor and needy families in Medina and he so maintained hundred of poor families in the city.
Imam Zayn-ul-Abideen was not given the time to offer his
prayers peacefully, nor could he deliver any sermons. He,
therefore, adopted a third course which proved to be very
beneficial to his followers. This was in compiling supplication
prayers for the daily use of man in his endeavour to approach
the Almighty Lord.
The invaluable collection of his edited prayers are known
as as-Sahifah as-Sajjaddiyyah. The collection is a treasury
of wonderfully effective supplications to the Lord in inimitably
beautiful language. Only those who have ever come across
those supplications would know the excellence and the beneficial effect of these prayers. Through these prayers, the
Imam gave all the necessary guidance to the faithful during
his seclusion.
On the 25th of Muharram 95 AH, when he was in Medina, alWalid, the then ruler had this Holy Imam poisoned. The funeral prayers were conducted by his son, the 5th apostolic
Imam, Muhammad al-Baqir (as) and his body was laid to rest
in the cemetery of Jannat-ul-Baqi in Medina.
Dates to Remember
4 Lockdown drill
13 Arbaeen (40th day commemoration) of
Martyrdom of Imam al-Hussein (AS)
Bake Sale
21 Martyrdom of our holy Prophet Mohammad
peace and prayers be upon him & his Ahlul-Bayt
22 Christmas Break (ends Jan 2)
P l e a se Re c yc l e
‫"א! אא‬#$% &'
Martyrdom of Imam Ali al-Rida(AS)
Birth of Prophet Jesus (AS)
P l e a s e R e cy c l e
‫"א! אא‬#$% &'
Thank You to Shawarma Byte for the generous donations to support the school.
Thank You to Mrs. Batoul Jomaa
Jomaa, Mrs. Elkchirid
Elkchirid, Mrs. Hilda Wahab
Wahab, Mrs.
Monira Kayhan who helped with school field trips. ABIS is lucky to have such a dedicated, enthusiastic group of volunteers!
Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq’s (as) said: "Revive our events; Blessed is he who revives our events”
He, then, explained: “To learn our knowledge and teach it to the people for if people knew the goodness of our words
they would surely follow us.”
Your continued support of our children and school is greatly appreciated.
Donations Are Always Welcome…
Please contact Mrs. Haidoura if you would like to sponsor treats or gifts for upcoming Islamic events.
Keeping with the Tradition
Volunteers and staff of Ahlul-Bayt Islamic School cooked a large pot of hareesah (‫)ھريسة‬
and served it as lunch to all students and staff on Friday, Nov. 28th.
Thank you to Mrs. Itaf Dbouk (Imm Hassan) for volunteering to cook this hareesah using her delicious recipe.
Special thanks to Mrs. Fatima Haidoura,
Haidoura Mrs. Rimonda Zeidan,
Zeidan & Mrs. Jamile
Matar for covering the cost and also to Mrs. Batoul Jomaa & Mrs. Fatima Zeitoun for assisting in stirring and serving the hareesah lunch to all students.
Homework Packages Concerning students who are absent from school due to vacation.
If a student will be missing school due to a vacation, a parent needs to contact the office or send a
note with the dates your child will be absent to the classroom teacher.
Please note that it is impossible for our teachers to prepare homework packages for students who are
absent from school due to vacation.
If parents decide to remove their children from class in order to travel, teachers may provide reading materials for
students while away.
The responsibility is on students and parents to catch up on any work missed during their absence.
Cold & Illness
Our Winter Break
Many thanks for keeping your children home when they are sick. It is very easy
to pass on colds and flu in a school environment.
Children, who do not feel well, do not learn well, and learning is definitely our
If students are well enough to be at school, then the expectation is that they go
outside for recess.
Unfortunately, we do not have staff on duty inside during recess times.
starts on December 22nd.
Students return to school on
January 5th.
Take time to relax and enjoy
your winter break.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back in 2015.
With winter weather already in Ottawa, it is important to dress your
child appropriately with winter coats, hats and gloves or mittens daily.
• When snow is on the ground, students are expected to wear boots.
• Students in grades KK-6 are expected to wear snow pants as a great
deal of their winter play involves playing in the snow.
• Students in grades 7 & 8 are required to wear snow pants if their recess activities involve playing directly in the snow.
• We will be going outside in cold weather and proper clothing will
make this activity most enjoyable for our students.
Ahlul Bayt Islamic School community values a safe and caring school for
everyone. Please review the following expectations with your children.
During the winter months we need to remember:
• Dress warmly wearing a winter coat, boots, mitts, and toques.
• Brush snow off your clothing before you enter the building.
• Bring an extra pair of shoes to wear inside.
Achieving Student for
JK Arwa Issa, Ali Hamam
SK Haniyah Toulouie, Saja Salami
Gr 1 Hassan El- Cheikh, Zehra Motlak
Gr 2 Sara Hussein, Fatima Jomaa
Gr 3 Ali al- Abdan, Amina Lezzeik
Special Rules for When We Have Snow
Gr 4 Mariam Elcheikh Ali
Going out for recess when it’s snowing is part of our everyday lives!
In order to make sure students are safe, please follow our winter rules.
• Keep your hands, feet and objects to self.
• No playing/sliding on the ice
• No throwing, kicking snowballs or ice EVER!
• Building snowmen and snow sculptures is permitted and encouraged!
• Rock salt might be used to make our playground safe.
Please do not pick it up!
• Stay dry! Stay out of standing water or large puddles.
• All the other recess rules still apply!
Gr 5 Raneem Zeitoun
Gr 6 Siham Srour
Gr 7 Serene Cheaito
Gr 8 Nizar Hamam
Cold Weather Reminder...
At this time of the year the weather can change drastically from morning
to afternoon or from day to day. Students are expected to go outside at
recess unless it is raining or the temperature condition reaches -20 degrees, with the wind chill factor included.
We will go outside in cold weather as long as the temperature wind chill effect is above -20.
Going outside and getting a little fresh air is a nice change for the students’ classroom activities. Students are expected to dress appropriately
for the weather. Please help keep your child safe by sending winter gear
with them and if possible pack an extra set of mitts and hat in their back
Thresholds set by Environment Canada:
• Risk of frostbite in prolonged exposure occurs
when wind chill is below -25
• Frostbite possible in 10 minutes at -35
• Frostbite possible in less than 2 minutes at -60
Parent/Teacher Interviews
On behalf of the teaching staff I would
like to thank all of the parents who
were able to make the Parent/Teacher
Please continue to stay involved.
The success of our students is reflective
upon supportive parents.
Anytime you have a question, concern
or just want to share information,
please feel free to contact your child’s
December’s Character Trait is
Generosity is the willing to share with others.
It is giving freely of yourself and your possessions without expecting anything in return.
November’s Character Trait was
Students, who demonstrated this character trait throughout the past month were awarded character awards.
Congratulations to the recipients of this character award:
JK Daima Sheikh
Gr 3 Ali Ridha
Gr 7 Maya Toufaely
SK Zakaria Beydoun
Gr 4 Aya Kassira
Gr 8 Fatima Kmaiha
Gr 1 Mariam Atwi
Gr 5 Mahdi ElEl- Seyed Ali
Gr 2 Yara Amacha
Gr 6 Batoul Jomaa
AhlulAhlul - Bayt Islamic School Students and Staff
Participated in Remembrance Day Ceremonies
All students from grades 2, 3,& 4 took part in the annual parade route clean-up held by the
Vanier Beautification Group, alongside Vanier residents and volunteers.
Our students and staff also participated in the afternoon ceremony and annual parade and group march towards the community's cenotaph. Once at the cenotaph, grade 3 student Sara Saadane, laid a wreath.
Enrichment MiniMini-Courses
Program (EMCP)
EMCP is a unique annual event in the world of Canadian
Students from grade 8 are given the opportunity of exploring a field of
study or area of interest in a university or college setting. Students acquire knowledge and skills that will help them achieve academic success
and stimulate their interest in pursuing post-secondary studies. The minicourse runs during the first full week of May.
Participating post-secondary institutions offer information/orientation sessions for parents and students on the week before the program begins.
Who is Eligible?
A student who demonstrates excellent academic achievement in all
subjects covered in the school year or term.
A student who demonstrates excellent behavior.
A Student who demonstrates good citizenship towards the school,
staff, and fellow students.
Congratulations to ..
Hajj Bassem
ElEl-Cheikh Ali
& Hajjeh
Jana Dawi
on their
blessed newborn baby
Aya was born
Introduce new students
and receive $125 for
every referred student!
We are proud to announce the names of the students selected to participate in the program:
Any family, with students in our
school, can receive $125, in tuition fee discount, for every referred student, when they introduce a new family to our school.
Nizar Hamam, Fatima Kmaiha, Zahraa Olleik
Ask the office for details.
Three students from grade 8 have been selected, by the school, according
to the program’s qualifying criteria and the school’s selection criteria.
The safety and security of our students and staff is a top priority for Ahlul-Bayt Islamic School. We have been implementing a
number of measures as part of a comprehensive plan aimed at
ensuring our school remains a safe place for our students to
One of the procedures our school will be practicing is a lockdown drill.
During a lockdown drill, classroom doors are secured and the students remain inside the room
until instructed by the teacher to resume their activities. All exterior doors are locked and no
one is permitted to enter or leave the building.
Students are kept inside the school and classrooms when circumstances make it safer to stay
in the classroom rather than evacuate. Just as we prepare our students to properly respond to
a fire drill, they also need to be aware of the proper response during a lockdown drill.
These drills should be treated with the same level of importance as fire drills.
Please be assured that staff will spend time discussing the importance of this procedure with
students prior to running a drill. We will also take time after the drill to remind them that it
was only a practice and there was no danger. When possible, our School Resource Officer may
assist us in conducting the lockdown drills.
Please take the time to speak with your son/daughter about this procedure and reinforce its
We practice these drills to ensure our school remains a safe place for teaching and learning.
Ahlul-Bayt Islamic School
Phone (613) 526-0774
Fax(613) 526-1941
Address 200 Baribeau Street، Ottawa، Ontario K1L7R6
Principal Mrs. Leila Rahal
FullFull-day JK & SK programs.
Small class sizes for all grades.
Individual attention for each child.
Private school discipline and work ethics.
Arabic Language taught by native speakers.
French as a 2nd language starting from JK.
Weekly group prayer (salaat Jamaah).
Enrichment & remediation as field trips.
Continuous monitoring of student progress.
A variety of activities & learning experiences.
Innovative holistic education programs.
Qualified dedicated,
dedicated & caring teachers.
High academic performance standards.
Ontario Ministry of Education inspected school.
Ongoing academic monitoring and assessment via ministry and other standardized exams.
Ontario academic curriculum that starts at JK, covers Junior high school, and into high school.
Islamic environment promoting good morals & behavior.
Islamic Studies including Quran & Fiqh (Jurisprudence).
Please check our website, or call us, for more information.
We are happy to provide a guided tour of our school.
Call us for an appointment.

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