بسم الل ه الرحمن الرحيم SYEDNA TUS DOA
بسم الل ه الرحمن الرحيم SYEDNA TUS DOA
SIJILL A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER OF FATEMIDAWAT.COM بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم اب ٍ َ ل و َأَ عْن َ أَ يَوَد ُ أَ حَد ُك ُ ْم أَ ن تَكُونَ لَه ُ جَن َة ٌ م ِن ٍ نخ ِي ات ِ َ ل الثم ََر َ تجْرِي م ِن َ ِ ُ تح ْتِهَا الْأَ نْهَار ُ لَه ُ ف ِيهَا م ِن ك ٌ ضعَف َاء ُ فَأَ صَابَهَا ِإ ْعصَار ُ ٌ و َأَ صَابَه ُ ال ْ كِب َر ُ وَلَه ُ ذُرِ ي َة ات ِ َ ك يُب َي ِنُ الل َه ُ ل َكُم ُ الْآي َ ِ ف ِيه ِ نَار ٌ فَاحْتَر َق َْت ۗ كَذََٰل * َلَعَل َك ُ ْم تَتَف َك َر ُون (Surat al-Baqara: 266) Does any of you wish that he should have a garden with date-palms and vines and streams flowing underneath, and all kinds of fruit, while he is stricken with old age, and his children are not strong (enough to look after themselves)- that it should be caught in a whirlwind, with fire therein, and be burnt up? Thus doth Allah make clear to you (His) Signs; that ye may consider. Issue 88 SYEDNA TUS DOA MESSAGE:Aashura On the solemn occasion of Aashura, Huzurala Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS bestows Doa Mubarak for all mumineen. May Allah Ta’ala grant mumineen the strength to remember themusibat of Imam Husain and his Ahle Bait and Ashaab and follow in their example. May Allah Ta’ala by the wasila of Imam Husain, safe guard mumineen from all calamities -- Husain na gham siwa koi gham na dikhave. May Allah Ta’ala by the wasila of Panjatan, Aimat, and Duat, fulfil mumineen’s wishes in this coming year and shower them with barakaat and blessings. SIJILL ARTICLE: Ashara - A Time for Remembrance, Reflection & Rejuvenation - Part 2 AMAL DETAILS: Aashura Night & Aashura Day 1437H QASIDA & DOA IN TRANSLATION: ‘Ya Sayyidash-shuhadaai’ SIJILL A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER OF FATEMIDAWAT.COM The ayat of the Quran, quoted above, describes the tragedy of Imam Husain in Karbala and asks: would you not want that such tragedy never befell you and your loved ones (See article in Sijill 38 on this ayat). The first ten days of Muharram (Ashara Mubaraka) commemorate the unparalleled sacrifice and commitment that Imam Husain SA, the grandson of the prophet Mohammad SA, and his family and close companions numbering 72, demonstrated on the plains of Karbala. They died fighting against the oppression, the injustice, the fear, and the persecution perpetrated by the rulers of the time. They reached Karbala on the 2nd Day of Muharram, held out for ten days and were finally brutally massacred on the tenth day of Muharram – known as Ashura in the year 61 Hijri (680 AD). Through our Hudaat Kiraam’s tradition of narrating the events of Karbala, we relive those fateful days in which Imam Husain was martyred, and in our limited capacity, relate to that ultimate sacrifice for the sake of Truth. (Click here to read the first part of the article, Remembrance & Reflection – The purpose of Muharram Part 1 of 2) Rejuvenation – The purpose of Muharram Part 2 of 2 Our Hudaat Kiraam saw the beginning of the new year as an opportunity to remember Imam Husain SA and impart the knowledge, guidance and wise counsel of Aale Muhammad, thereby rejuvenating us spiritually for the year that is to come. The sermons give mumineen an enhanced sense of purpose and direction to work toward both spiritual and temporal betterment. This guidance also encourages us to be good human beings and to uphold the universal values of good character. It also encourages us to get the best possible education for our children and apply ourselves fully to our careers, Issue 88 indeed to strive for success in all our endeavors so that we may contribute fully to our community, society at large and to the nation. Sharing such deep sentiments of sacrifice, spirituality and faith on such a significant and auspicious occasion brings the community closer together. The remembrance of Imam Husain SA in the light of the teachings of our Hudaat Kiraam enables us to reflect and to reassess our priorities. It gives us the courage to face life’s challenges and the strength to persevere. As the successor of the 52nd Dai and inheritor of his legacy and the legacy of all the Dais before him, the 53rd Dai Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS similarly encourages his followers to garner the barakaat and blessings of Ashara. Syedna’s bayaan and waaz is a continuation of this legacy of remembrance, reflection and rejuvenation. Even in these difficult times, mumineen are able to partake these barakaat no matter where they are (link to live broadcast). May Allah Ta’ala grant Syedna Qutbuddin the longest life to continue to guide us and may He give us the tawfeeq and inspiration to partake the barakaat of Ashara Mubaraka with Him. May Allah Ta’ala grant us the strength to follow the example of the 72 shuhadaa’ of Karbala and stand firm with the Syedna Qutbuddin TUS, the Dai of Imam Husain SA. That is the true remembrance of Imam Husain SA. NEWS & EVENTS: Highlights & Photos of Syedna TUS Ashara Waaz 1, 2, 3 Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddintus performs Ashara Mubaraka 1437H wa’az on Takht-e-Imami in Darus Sakina, Mumbai with greatshaan, bestowing pearls of divine wisdom and ma’refat, and delivering deeply meaningful orations about faith in Allah, and our leaders in faith, the Panjetan Paak, Imams, and Dais. In each waaz, Molana gives guidance for this world and the next, raising high the stations of all mumineen who have the high fortune to behold his radiant visage and hear his luminous sermons. At the heart of every waaz is Syedna’s heartrending narration of the martyrdom of Imam HusainSA. Also in every waaz, Syedna bestows pearls of dua for mumineen gathered here as well as mumineen everywhere in the world. Waaz is held in the afternoon, followed by maghrib-isha namaaz. After namaaz, while Syedna is in the qibla, poignant marsiyas are recited and mumineen perform purjosh maatam. Each day’s program ends with Imam Husain niyaaz jaman. In the first waaz, Maulana Qutbuddin TUS recited the opening praise-of-God formula ofhamd from the Majalis of Syedna Muayyad Shirazi RA, and expounded upon our Awliya-ullah’s strong faith and mumineen mukhliseen’s fortitude and service. Keep faith with your principles, Syedna said, and your purpose in life will become crystal clear. Syedna Qutbuddin recited the following report of glad tidings: Maula Ali SA said to his Shia: “Rasulullah SA passed away pleased with you, for you have pledged allegiance to his Wasi.” Explaining a deep chapter of prayer, he recited Rasulullah’s hadith that those who await the prayer are already in prayer: when one Imam passes away, another SIJILL A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER OF FATEMIDAWAT.COM takes his place, and just as mumineen had given misaaq to the previous Imam, they directly give bay’at to the new Imam. Those who pledge allegiance first, obtain first precedence in paradise. The same is true for Dais. When the 52nd Dai Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA passed away, mumineen mukhliseen immediately gave misaaq to his successor the 53rd Dai Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin. Syedna explicated the meaning of sajda: The Quran says the angels offered sajda to Adam nabi. Iblis refused and Allah banished him from heaven. The spiritual counterpart of sajda is the Imam. Husain’ssajda signified that there would be an Imam in his line, son after father, till the last day, who would guide the people on the path of truth. Husain’s supplication (dua) signified that in the Imam’s concealment, his Dai would establish his Dawat and guide mumineen. With Ta’eed-e Imami, Syedna explicated that the numerical value of the Arabic word sajda is 72. Husain, in his sajda, prayed for the 72 martyrs who gave their lives for him. Molana recited touching shahadat of the martyrs of Karbala, Muslim bin Usaja among Husain’s companions, and Abbas-e-Alamdar among his Ahle Bayt. In his dua,Husain remembered all mumineen; it is because of his dua that we are mumineen (believers), and God willing our children, and our children’s children, will also be mumineen. In the second waaz, Syedna’s discourse focused on Nooh nabi and his Ark (safina). He recited Rasulullah’s hadith, “My family are like Noah’s Ark— those who climb aboard are saved, those who waver are drowned.” Rasulullah is this epoch’s Noah, and his Wasi Ali is the Safina. Each Imam in his age, and each Dai in the Imam’s concealment, is the Safina. Those who Issue 88 pledge allegiance to him and accept his guidance toward Allah are saved from the Sea of Corporeality, Bahr-e-hayula. Molana also recited Rasulullah’s hadith from Syedna Hatim’s kitaab, “Whosoever is given the rozi of Ali’s walayat obtains khayrin this world and the next. Whosoever loves Ali has—or should aspire to have—20 qualities, 10 in this world, 10 in the next.” Syedna explained in detail the first two of these qualities: (1) renunciation of worldliness (zuhd) while giving priority to the hereafter, and (2) longing for knowledge (ilm), particularly Dawat knowledge. In the shahadat bayaan, Syedna exhorted mumineen to remember Husain Imam’s thirst, and the thirst of his children, especially Maulana Ali Asghar. In the third waaz, Syedna continued Rasulullah’s wise counsel (maw’izat), explaining in detail the next two qualities that Ali’s shia must have: (3) piety (wara’), and (4) worship (‘ibadat, bandagi). He placed great emphasis on good deeds, saying we are Muslims and each of us must pray the five mandatory daily prayers, no matter where we are, or what we may be doing. He quoted Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA’s pithy words exhorting an attitude of enthusiasm and vigor: “You should not say, ‘I am made to do this’ (aa karwu parey chhe), rather, you should say, ‘I should be doing this and a lot more besides’ (ghanu karwu joiye).” In a lofty bayan of haqiqatand hikmat, Syedna explained the meaning of Nabi Ibrahim’s name, which encompasses the barakat of the celestial beings, and signifies the continuation of imams in his line till the last day. Syedna ended the waaz with doa for all mumineen, and rendered a touching narration of the shahadat of Ali Asghar. NEWS & EVENTS: Highlights of Shehzada Taher bhaisaheb Ashara Waaz 1 & 2 Shz. Taher Bhaisaheb performed waaz on the night of 2nd Moharram ul haraam in Silicon Valley. He started the waaz by explaining that mumineen have gathered in the majlis for the pursuit of knowledge and in enthusiasm to increase their darajaat in heaven. The Quraan states that, “Allah will exalt those who are given knowledge.” Although atheists describe religion as a ‘purposeful suspension of critical thinking’, our prophet Rasulullah made it mandatory to attain knowledge and take out time to purposefully improve our critical thinking skills. Shezada Taher bhaisaheb discussed Moulana Ali’s kalaam stating that all things have a peak, and the peak of Islam is Shia. All things have a foundation, and the foundation of Islam is Shia. All things have an honor, and the honor of Islam is Shia. And finally, the leader of all majalis is the majlis of Shia. Because of Shia, there is rizq and honor for everyone else. He further stated that mumineen have gathered in Husain SIJILL A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER OF FATEMIDAWAT.COM Imam’s majlis, in which the angels have also gathered. They collect the tears of mumineen and treasure them for our life hereafter. Shz Taher bhaisaheb also explained that tawheed is accepted only with the obedience of haq na saheb. Without obedience there is no tawheed and without tawheed there is no ibadat. He explained that we should thank Allah that we mumineen have the nemat of belief in the true representative of our Imam, Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS to guide us towards the understanding of true tawheed. Shz Taher Bhaisaheb ended the waaz with the shahadat of Imam Husain. On the night of 3rd Moharram ul haraamShehzada Taher bhaisab did bayan on the meaning of walayat, mohabbat. He explained that the mohabbat of panjetan has been made mandatory in the Quraan. The ayat, addressed to Rasulullah, states: “Say, that I do not ask anything from you, except that you do mohabbat of my kin.” When asked what was meant by “kin,” Rasulullah replied that it meant Ali, Fatema, and their progeny. On the day of Ghadeer e Khum, an Ayat came upon Rasulullah stating that, “if you do not deliver this risaalat (of walaayat, mohabbat), it will be as if you have not delivered anything else.” Shezada Taher bhaisab strengthened mumineen’s conviction by relating the difficulties and storms faced by Nooh Nabi during which Issue 88 people kept losing trust in Allah, and finally only 80 people remained with Nooh. And only those 80 who remained on safinatun-najaat, the ship of salvation, were saved. Families were lost - Nooh Nabi’s own son was lost. When pleading to Allah for his life, Allah Subhanahu revealed an ayat, “He is not from your family.” Shz Taher bhaisaheb also explained that Quran Majeed states that on the Day of Judgement, no intercessor nor any friend will come to your rescue - Your own actions and your love for panjetan, aimaat and duat is what will save you. Shz Taher Bhaisaheb explained that when coming aboard the Safeena, we should come with peace and conviction, regardless of the waves of distress that surround us and we should remember Maula Ali’s kalaam that, “even after death my conviction will not be any greater.” Shz Taher bhaisab said that Allah has made this world a house of hardship for awliyaullah. Husain steered this ship towards jannat whilst surrounded by enemies, praying to Allah. He supplicated to Allah to let mumineen, surrounded with difficulties in this world, sit contently and peacefully in the ship of salvation with Husain’s Dai, Syedna Qutbuddin tus, with their trust in Allah. He continued and said that the Safeena tun najaat is here today only because of that sajda of Husain, in Karbala. To read the more detailed summaries of Shz Taher Bhaisaheb’s waaz visit FatemiDawat.com NEWS & EVENTS: Highlights of Shehzada Abdeali bhaisaheb Ashara Waaz 1 & 2 Shezada Dr. Abdeali bhaisaheb performed Waaz on the eve of the 2nd Moharram al-Haram in London, UK. He explained that we have gathered here in the days of Husain Imam to reflect on the Ilm of the Aale Mohammad, to mourn the martyrdom of Imam Husain and weep for him and do matam. The waaz started with an explanation of the fact that we are in the era of Panjatan and our Nabi Mohammad. Mumineen are defined in this era by their belief in the Nass of Rasul Allah on Mawlana Ali. He explained that Rasul Allah chose Mawlana Ali because Nass is the farman of Allah, and explained that this can never deviate and explained the Quranic Ayat, ‘wa Allahu ‘yasimuka min al-naas’. Mawlana Ali said to the Shi’a, that take good tidings, for Rasul Allah SA has not passed from this world except that he is pleased with you. Why? Because you have accepted the Nass, the farman of Rasul Allah. That is why the peak of Islam are the Shi’a, the pillar of Islam are the Shi’a. We believe in the Nass of Rasul Allah, and the tasalsul of Nass. That is why it is we mumineen who are the true Shi’a. Shz Dr Abdeali bhaisaheb explained that the most noble of Allah’s creation is the human, because he has been given intelligence and reason. Therefore humans must look with ‘basirat ni aankh’ the eyes of reason to reflect on matters. To attain true knowledge one must rely on the source that has preserved it, without deviation. Because of the tasalsul of Nass, this SIJILL A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER OF FATEMIDAWAT.COM knowledge is preserved in the Aimmat and Duat. It is here that knowledge of religion is precise and dependable, because of the Nass of Rasul Allah. Towards the end of waaz, Shezada Dr. Abdeali bhaisab also linked the meaning of the Shahadat of Imam Husain to the preservation of Islam and the kalimat al-shahadat and the tasalsul of Nass through Imam Ali Zayn al-Abidin. Shezada Dr. Abdeali bhaisab, performed waaz on the eve of the 3rd of Moharram. He began the waaz by explaining that this world will never be without the Imam al-zaman. He explained that the basis of our iman is that we assert and acknowledge this continuous chain of existence. The mumin’s goal is to return to Jannat and the world is a means to attain this. The world is a world of aging and end. Jannat is azali, eternal. It is the Mumin, the one who acknowledges and brings faith in the tasalsul who is privy to these inner secrets of religion. It is the Imam and his Dai that preserve these meanings and inner secrets in their true form. The knowledge may be written, but the keys to understanding them with correctness and integrity are with the Imam and his Dai. Shezada Abdeali bhaisab also explained the zikar from the Ikhwan al-Safa which compares the body as a ship and the soul as the Captain of that ship. Shz Dr Abdeali Bhaisaheb concluded the waaz with shahadaat of Imam Husain. To read the more detailed summaries of Shz Dr. Abdeali Bhaisaheb’s waaz visitFatemiDawat.com ANNOUNCEMENT: Aashura 1437H Mumbai, San Jose & London Program Mumbai On Aashura day (Thursday 22nd Oct) Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS will deliver the 9th waaz of Muharram at Issue 88 10.30AM followed by Zohor Asar Namaaz and Aqa Husain SA Maqtal Bayaan. Mumineen are invited for Imam Husain SA Niyaz and Salawaat Jaman after Maghrib.From 2nd Muharram (Tuesday, 14thOct) to 9th Muharram (Wednesday, 21st Oct) Syedna Qutbuddin TUS will perform wa'az mubarak at 330pm IST in Darus Sakina, Thane. San Jose, CA, USA On Ashura day, 10 Muharram (21st October) Shz Taher bhaisaheb will begin morning waaz at 10.30AM and Maqtal Bayaan at 2.30PM, which will be broadcast live as stated above for those in similar time zones. For those ahead of US Pacific time, please view Amal Details below. From eve of 2nd Muharram at 6.45 PST (biji raat Tuesday 13th Oct) to eve of 10thMuharram (10mi raat - Wednesday, 20th Oct) Shz Taher Bhaisaheb will perform wa'az. Click here for venue details. London, UK On Ashura day, Shz Dr Abdeali Bhaisaheb will beginning morning Waaz at 11.00am -1.00pm; Namaz and doa will be from 1.00pm-1.45pm; and maqtal bayaan will be from 3.00pm5.30pm. There will be a pick up arranged from the tube station on Ashura day at 10.30. The venue is Mill Hill Country Club, Burtonhole Lane, Mill Hill, London, England, NW7 1AS. From eve of 2nd Muharram at 7PM GMT (biji raat - Tuesday 13th Oct) to eve of 10thMuharram (10mi raat Wednesday, 20th Oct) Shz Abeali Bhaisaheb will perform wa'az. Click here for venue details. AMAL DETAILS: Aashura Night & Aashura Day 1437H Mumineen who are unable to attend waaz in Mumbai, San Jose or London are also urged to congregate and get together to listen to waaz and for Imam Husain SA Niyaz jaman in their home towns. Please contact your local coordinator for venue and timing details. AASHURA NIGHT On Aashura Night Mumineen should listen to recording of Shahaadat Bayaan of Aqamaula Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS which will be uploaded soon onFatemidawat.com. Mumineen should spend the night in bandagi and pray Bihori Namaaz, especially Nisful Layl – but also take rest to be able to take barakaat on Aashura Day. AASHURA DAY Mumineen should observe ‘laagan’ on Aashura day. Laagan is like roza in the sense that we refrain from all food and drink from dusk to dawn, but the niyyat is of laagan – that is refraining from food and drink in remembrance of the thirst and hunger of Imam Husain SA and his Ahle Bayt and Ashaab. In the afternoon children should be given a small snack so that they have strength for maatam. For those on the West Coast of the US, Shz Taher bhaisaheb live waaz will be broadcast starting 10.30AM PST followed by Maqtal Waaz at 2.30PM PST. Mumineen who are unable to listen to the live waaz should view recording of Shehzada Taher bhaisaheb waaz from SIJILL A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER OF FATEMIDAWAT.COM previous year in the morning before Zohr Asar Namaz. After zawaal mumineen should pray Zohor Faraz with Sunnat and Naafelat. After Zohor Naafelat Mumineen should pray Imam Husain Taqarrub namaaz and Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA and Syedna Mohammed Buranuddin Tawassul Namaaz followed by namaz for Doa for tulul umar of Dai al-Asr. PDF of Niyyats for those namaz as well as the Doa after tawassul namaaz is available on Fatemidawat.com (p. 18). Recording of wasila is also presented which should be listened to after tawassul namaz. After wasila Mumineen should pray Asar Sunnat and Faraz. In the afternoon (Asar ni ghari) Mumineen should view Maqtal Bayaan recording, keeping in mind that mumineen should finish viewing before maghrib. Mumineen should observe all adab of Majlis as they do in Masjid and immerse themselves throughout the day in the remembrance and grieving of Imam Husain SA. The full day should be spent in remembrance and mourning, in any spare time mumineen should pray Ya Sayyida al-Shuhadaa’i marsiya (PDF with translation available on website) and Fulkul Husain (PDF on website) and do tasbeeh of Imam Husain SA 128 times (as per the adad of Husain – just as Ali is 110). After Maghrib Namaz Mumineen should pray ‘Ya Muhsinu qad jaa’akal musee’ doa and ‘allahumma ya mu’tias su’alaat’ doa before iftaar (PDF of Doa available in Amal Details section of Fatemidawat.com p. 38). ANNOUNCEMENT AND AMAL DETAILS: Ashara Mubaraka 1437H & Live Broadcast Mumineen are strongly encouraged to attend wa'az in person. Those who cannot attend can view Shz Taher Issue 88 Bhaisaheb's live wa'az relay (645pm PST/ 715am morning IST) by clicking here. This wa'az recording will be available for replay through the same link after the broadcast is complete. Mumineen are also urged to recite Ya Sayyida ash Shuhadaai and Fulkul Husain Marsiya every day during ashara – at least a few abyaat. Mumineen should also do tasbeeh of Imam Husain 128 times – the adad of Imam Husain’s name (just as Ali is 110), which is a most barakati nuskha prescribed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA. MARSIYA OF IMAM HUSAIN: PDF & Audio of Marsiya Composed by Shzd. Dr. Saifiyah baisaheba This Ashara we present Shzd Dr Saifiyah Baisaheba’s purdard marsiya, written this year on the occasion of Ashara mubaraka, with the audio recording. QASIDA & DOA IN TRANSLATION: Imam Husain SA Doa in Aashura (allahumma anta siqati) & ‘Ya Sayyidash-shuhadaai’ (From Sijill 38) We are pleased to present on the solemn occasion of Aashura, a translation of the doa recited by Imam Husain SA in Aashura: allahumma anta siqati fi kulli karbin. We are also pleased to present a translation of Syedna Taher Saifuddin’s RA iconic marsiya in the remembrance of the musibat of Imam Husain SA Ya Sayyidash-shuhadaai’. Both, the doa and the marsiya, have been translated by Shz. Dr. Bazat Tahera baisaheba. The PDF of the doa and full qasida with translation is presented on fatemidawat.com ANNUAL REPORT 1435H/1436H: Now Available in Hindi & Gujarati In Shehre Ramadan 1436H, Syedna Qutbuddin instructed the publication of a report of Dawat activities. The aim of the report was two-fold: 1. To demonstrate and promote an efficient, professional, compassionate, sustainable organization that will grow dynamically and multifold in the years to come, inshallah 2. To inform mumineen who are submitting Zakaat to the Dai al-Mutlaq about Dawat activities and upliftment programs in which Zakaat resources are allocated. Learning these details, each mumin will insha’allah be encouraged to get personally involved in Dawat activities by doing khidmat and contributing their skills and offering their counsel. All departments of Dawat have administered many positive projects and worked efficiently to achieve their SIJILL A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER OF FATEMIDAWAT.COM mission of serving the 53rd Dai al Mutlaq and helping mumineen. This report explains where Dawat resources are being allocated, describes this year’s accomplishments, and explains future projects. It is now available in Hindi and Gujarati on FatemiDawat.com FATEMIDAWAT.COM: New Search Tool! Issue 88 FatemiDawat.com has developed as an immense resource for mumineen worldwide. It has been exactly one year since we migrated to our custom built website, which now has over 1000 pages. Our website team has worked tirelessly to improve the organization of the website to enable mumineen to find and locate relevant information. For example the Amal Details are now organized by month, the qasidas marsiyas etc. are organized by category etc. in addition to many minor improvements. This Hijri New Year, we are pleased to present a robust google powered search tool for FatemiDawat.com. The tool is at the top right hand corner of the homepage and searches all Fatemi Dawat websites. This Newsletter This newsletter will inshaallah be published every Friday. It will include the latest news and instructions from Syedna Qutbuddin’s office and will be published in Dawat-ni-zaban and Gujarati. It will also highlight the latest updates on fatemidawat.com. Please register to receive the newsletter regularly at info@fatemidawat.com Sijill is an Arabic word which literally means official letter. It was a term often used in the Fatimid chancery. The name is inspired by the most auspicious letter 'Sijill-ul-Bisharat'. Updates this week SYEDNA TUS DOA MESSAGE: Aashura SIJILL ARTICLE: Ashara - A Time for Remembrance, Reflection & Rejuvenation - Part 2 NEWS & EVENTS: Highlights & Photos of Syedna TUS Ashara Waaz 1, 2, 3 NEWS & EVENTS: Highlights of Shehzada Taher bhaisaheb Ashara Waaz 1 & 2 NEWS & EVENTS: Highlights of Shehzada Abdeali bhaisaheb Ashara Waaz 1 & 2 ANNOUNCEMENT: Aashura 1437H Mumbai, San Jose & London Program AMAL DETAILS: Aashura Night & Aashura Day 1437H ANNOUNCEMENT AND AMAL DETAILS: Ashara Mubaraka 1437H & Live Broadcast MARSIYA OF IMAM HUSAIN: PDF & Audio of Marsiya Composed by Shzd. Dr. Saifiyah baisaheba QASIDA & DOA IN TRANSLATION: Imam Husain SA Doa in Aashura (allahumma anta siqati) & ‘Ya Sayyidash-shuhadaai’ (From Sijill 38) ANNUAL REPORT 1435H/1436H: Now Available in Hindi & Gujarati FATEMIDAWAT.COM: New Search Tool! Upcoming updates Zahra Hasanaat January 2015 Report Ikhwanus Safa Article Series – 4th Installment Women in Islam Series: The Experience of a Muslim Woman - Part 2 QJSP: First Higher Education Scholarships Details Syedna TUS Ashara Waaz Highlights Shz Taher bhaisaheb monthly sabaq broadcast Matrimonial Forum and Nikah Quran recitation with commentary analysis (regular). Hikayaat: Morals & Fables from Dawat Kitaabs Fatemi Madrasa new material Fatemi Dawat Architecture – Galleries and Presentations Fatimid Literature Article Series Q&A series on pertinent issues: Shari’a compliant finance, qasar namaz. If you have any suggestions for updates and content please email info@fatemidawat.com If you wish to unsubscribe to this newsletter please email to above address with subject line ‘unsubscribe’