This Issue - Elim Bible Institute


This Issue - Elim Bible Institute
Bell Tower
You can help
to reopen
College Hall!
page 8
New! Project OnRamp
Remembering David Edwards
Elim’s Inheritance in the Nations
Spring 2016 Bell Tower 1
LEADERSHIP is a role that requires both
FAITH and TRAINING. Impact NOW Leadership
Development Camp was created to help budding TEEN LEADERS grow in both dimensions.
This 4-day camp for grades 9–12 is run by Elim Bible Institute
and College and held on the Elim campus. Impact Now offers a
strong focus on cultivating the teen participants’ faith, as well
as giving them practical training in becoming stronger leaders
for Christ in their schools, churches, homes and communities.
Students will hear from seasoned leaders on topics such as
calling others to follow Christ and the importance of setting priorities. They’ll have opportunities to encounter God in powerful
worship and enjoy fun activities with new friends.
Speakers at this year’s Impact Now include Chris
Ball, President of Elim Fellowship; Joe Jansen, Elim
Fellowship US Ministries Director; Holli Baker from
Campus Target; Jon Burgio, Director of BASIC College
Ministries; Jess Freda; and Pastor Josh Wypij.
Campers will arrive on Thursday, July 14, and stay
through lunch on Sunday, July 17. Cost is $75 if
registered & paid by June 13; $85 after June 13.
Discounts are available for groups of 3 or more.
Registration deadline is June 27, so sign up soon!
For grades 9–12 l July 14–17
Register at www.elim.
More info:
or 585-582-1230.
YOUTH Leadership Development CAMP
Project OnRamp is a new one-semester program
at Elim Bible Institute & College. Its mission is to
help Christian young people without a high
school diploma get back on the highway of
personal growth—Bible training & mentoring,
while earning a TASC/GED.*
Without a high school diploma, the future of a young person
today can look very bleak. Statistics show they face higher rates
of unemployment, poverty, drug use, imprisonment and mental
health problems. Perhaps they were waylaid by poor decisions,
difficulty in the school system, lack of family support—whatever
the cause, they can now feel stuck in a dead end. Even after they
have turned their lives around and want to follow God, their
options are limited. Without a diploma, they cannot apply to a
college, and they often do not have a strong support system.
Project OnRamp wants to help these young people step
into a new future. The Project OnRamp program gives students
a semester of focused preparation to take the high school equivalency test. At the same time, they will take Bible courses from
our encouraging faculty and participate in all of our chapels
and events like Foundations Weekend and Missions Week. They
will live in dorms surrounded by other spiritually-committed
* TASC (Test Assessing Secondary Completion) is New York State’s new
high school equivalency test and is replacing the General Educational
Development (GED) test as the primary pathway to a New York State High
School Equivalency Diploma.
2 Bell Tower Spring 2016
young people. They will hold work-study jobs to earn part of the
cost of their program and practice good work habits. After passing
the TASC/GED test, they can apply to fully enroll at Elim or make
connections with another college.
Can you help us launch this program this fall? It will cost about
$5,000 to fund each student’s Project OnRamp experience, which
includes their room, board, and educational training. Often the
neediest young people come from under-resourced families, and
without a diploma they are not eligible for federal financial aid.
Your gift could dramatically change the future of a young person.
To donate online:
Do you know a young person who could benefit from this program? Qualifications include: a Christian young person who wants
to fulfill God’s calling on their life; a good recommendation from
their pastor; and a good personal interview with EBI&C.
For more information or to apply: see our website
programs/project-on-ramp, email or call 585-5821230 or 1-800-670-3546. Together, we can turn the statistics around
and give these students a second chance!
New program helps students earn a GED
A tribute to Elim’s 3rd President
Paul Johansson visits alumni bringing revival to the world
Big projects are planned on campus this summer
What God is doing in their lives at Elim
From the
Elim Bible Institute and College is on the cusp of a few major transitions!
◆◆ Financial Aid—We are just about to receive full recognition from the federal
government’s Title IV program, so that our students will be able to receive Pell Grants
and subsidized student loans. This will make it easier for more under-resourced
students to attend Elim.
◆◆ Facility Upgrades—We are planning to work on necessary upgrades of College
Hall this summer, so we can reopen it by this fall. This will have a big impact on student
& faculty life. Both financial gifts and volunteers are needed for this important project.
◆◆ New Program—We are hoping to launch Project OnRamp, to help students without a high school
diploma earn their GED while being discipled at Elim—to help them break through their roadblocks and
continue moving forward on the highway of a purpose-filled life. This fall is our pilot program with three
students to explore if we could help even more students the following year.
None of these initiatives would be possible except that we stand on the shoulders of great men and women
of God who have gone before us. In January, former president H. David Edwards left this earth, and we have
included an article celebrating his life. Paul Johansson, another former president and current Chairman of the
Board, shares a report of his recent trips around the world, visiting Elim alumni who are shaping nations. At 80
years old, Paul is still contributing to Elim’s “revival” impact.
One of the greatest gifts you could give the school in this hour is to use your influence to encourage a person
with a heart for ministry and spiritual preparation to consider attending Elim. Every semester the school is
growing stronger, and your continued support is critical during this season of change. Let’s believe God together
that this year Elim tips over into even greater fulfillment of its destiny. Thank you for standing with us!
Spring 2016 Bell Tower 3
A prince and a great man has fallen this day.
2 Samuel 3:38
H. DAVID EDWARDS was born in
1923 to Pentecostal parents in South
Wales, and at an early age David
became aware of a call to preach. He
served as an officer in the British Army,
and on July 21, 1945, he married Mefus
Thomas. After his discharge from the
army, David was ordained and served
in pastorates in the United Kingdom.
After several years, David felt the
Lord calling him to take his family and
move to North America to be involved
with what God was doing here. His
daughter, Kayren Lonneville, describes
how the Lord led David to Elim Bible
Institute. “When Dad first was considering moving to North America, he felt
the Lord had told him the amount of
money he would be earning. During an
exploratory trip to the continent, he
was offered a pastorate in Canada—
and the salary was the same amount
of money that God had spoken to him.
“While considering if that was God’s
direction, he visited Elim and was offered
a position on the EBI faculty. Interestingly, the salary was the same—except
at the church in Canada he would
receive that amount weekly and at Elim
he would receive it monthly. Dad obeyed
the Lord and came to Elim, which soon
became his home and place of faithful
service for the rest of his years.
“At the age of 40 he left his homeland,
his family, his culture, his ministry,
and all things familiar. He moved to
America in response to the call of God
and never looked back. He didn’t shrink
back from serving because it would
require sacrifice. He said, ‘Nothing that
God asks of me is too much in light
of the sacrifice that He made on my
4 Bell Tower Spring 2016
Brother Edwards served as
an instructor at Elim from 1964
until his retirement in 1988.
Over the years, he also filled the
roles of Dean of Men, Academic
Dean, Vice-President, Executive
Vice-President and President. As
President, he was also pastor of
the church that met on campus.
In the early 1970s, he served as
pastor of Islington Evangel Center
in Toronto, Canada, while continuing as EBI’s Vice-President.
He was appointed to the Elim Fellowship Council of Elders in 1969 and
served on numerous EF committees.
Brother Edwards loved to worship,
and he influenced Elim tradition by
sharing his love for hymns and introducing the Redemption Hymnal to
the school. Due to his British manner,
he sometimes appeared at first to be
formal and even formidable, but once
you got to know him you saw his love
for his Lord, love for people and sense
of humor. David’s willingness to listen
to expressed doubts, acknowledged
failures, hopeful aspirations, heartbreaks and disappointments endeared
him to students who chose to visit—or
were called to—his office.
David was a lifelong learner. His
ministry was marked by his articulate
speech, probing questions, explanatory detail, and inspiring truth. He was
a popular speaker at several national
and international Pentecostal conferences and was invited to participate in
papally-approved Catholic/Pentecostal
Dialogue in Europe and the USA. David
ministered in over 25 nations and was
well known for his cutting-edge teachings on marriage.
Four courses are scheduled for Summer Session 2016, which is
May 16–27. Each course is 2 weeks and is held Monday–Friday
in either the morning or afternoon.
Cost for each course (3 credits) is just $700, which includes
tuition, room & board, and all fees. Regular semester tuition is
$312 per credit hour (does not include room & board or fees),
so summer rates offer a big savings. Take 2 summer courses,
in morning & afternoon, for $1300 and save even more!
Registration deadline is April 30. To register or for more info,
please call the Registrar’s Office at 585-582-8218.
MORNING Summer Courses
Ancient World History. Explore the development
of the civilizations of the ancient Mediterranean area with
a particular focus on Egypt, Greece and Rome.
HIST1013: taught by Barry Kwallek
History of the Christian Church. An historical
analysis of the Church enabling students to gain an understanding of the primary leaders, movements, and schools
of thought throughout the centuries.
HIST2013: taught by John Miller
AFTERNOON Summer Courses
English Composition. Focuses on the basic tools and
David and Mefus had recently celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary.
They have three children, eight grandchildren and an ever-increasing number of great-grandchildren.
Surrounded by family, David was
ushered into the presence of the Lord
on January 11, 2016.
Photos, clockwise from top: David praying—a
common pose; with Mefus, his wife of 70 years;
EBI Presidents: #2 Carlton Spencer, #3 David &
#5 Paul Johansson; 1960s EBI faculty member;
preaching in the I.Q. Spencer Tabernacle; doing
the hula, 3rd from left, with other staff at a
Hawaiian themed 1980s campus picnic; walking
on campus with 2 of his great-granddaughters.
skills necessary for effective written and oral communication,
including the accurate use of grammar, spelling, punctuation,
style and composition formats.
ENGL1013: taught by Elizabeth Ose
Watch David Edwards’ funeral service—an inspiring,
moving, and sometimes humorous tribute to a life
well lived—on our website,
The Edwards family has established the EBI&C
H. David Edwards Memorial Scholarship Fund to
help more students be trained at the school David
loved and faithfully served for so many years.
To donate in his memory:
Hermeneutics or Theology I (course offered depends on enrollment; courses must have at least 5 students enrolled).
Hermeneutics. How to use Bible study methods, tools,
aids, techniques, and commentaries arriving to present day
THEO1013: taught by Paul Edwards
Theology I. Study of Prolegomena (introductory matters),
Theology Proper (the nature and character of God), a biblical
study of Creation, and a study of Bibliology (the origins and
translations of the Bible).
THEO1033: taught by Paul Edwards
Spring 2016 Bell Tower 5
in the NATIONS
by Rev. Paul
As described in Willow in the Wind, from its beginnings Elim has
had “revival” at its center—“Suddenly large flaming red letters
spelling ‘REVIVAL’ appeared in the sky.” Elim’s founder, I. Q.
Spencer, knew what God had called him to start would result in
revival in the nations.
In 2015, I had opportunity to visit five different nations and
witness the continued work of the Holy Spirit in “REVIVAL”
through Elim alumni. As Habakkuk prophesied, “Look among
the nations! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder! Because I am
doing something in your days—You would not believe if you
were told.” How amazing it is to be able to witness the fruit of
God’s hand working in the nations.
In March, I was in Egypt with William & Carolyn Farag
(former EBI staff) in their new conference center and church
in Cairo. We had my book, Free by Divine Decree, translated into
Arabic and printed 10,000 copies. We joined with alumni Ron
(‘74) & Judy Burgio at a Christian conference in Alexandria,
encouraging over 245 leaders. They received the books with
joy as we dedicated it at that conference. Dr. Sameh (‘91) &
Connie Sadik have been ministering in Arabic nations for
many years through their ministry, Operation SERVE.
When Elliott (att ‘74-77) & Mary Tepper came to Elim, Elliott
had already attended Lehigh, Harvard and Cambridge Universities. The cry of their hearts was missions, and a year after they
left Elim they were in Mexico reaching university students. In
1983 they stepped out by faith to Spain, with a plan from God
to work among the outcasts and drug addicts. Their love and
compassion birthed Betel International (,
which has now established over 100 residential communities in
25 nations and 50 churches. In last 30 years, more than 200,000
people have lived in these centers, with lives being transformed.
What a joy it was for me and my son Mark Johansson
(att ‘77) to visit the new campus in Delhi, India, that is now the
headquarters for that region. On the compound they have built
six beautiful buildings to house men and women who have
come from Hindu and Muslim backgrounds. The dedication was
an awesome experience.
Elim has been in Kenya for many years, with numerous missionaries serving as pioneers, teachers and nurses. Each one has
made a divine deposit into that great nation. It was in the capital city of Nairobi that Gloria and I laid the foundation for All
Nations Gospel Church, the “mother church” of many that have
since been planted. I was moved to tears to see how the Kenya
leadership has expanded in Nairobi to 65 churches.
We participated in the Kenyan graduation exercises of the
new Nation2Nation Christian University (
N2NCU was founded by Elim grad Dr. S. Brick Cliff (‘83), who
serves as its President, and former Elim faculty member Fount
Shults, who is N2NCU’s Academic Dean. Four hundred and fifty
students received Bachelor degrees from this video-based Bible
training program, and thousands of family members attended
the graduation.
Elliott Tepper, far right, prays for a man at a Betel service in Delhi, India
At the first Nation2Nation Christian University graduation in Nairobi: Paul
Johansson, in light grey; Elim Fellowship President Chris Ball, in dark grey;
N2N founders Brick Cliff, center left, and Fount Shults, with beard; Kenyan
leaders Joseph Mophat Kilioba, center right, & Paul Habwe Kilioba, far right
I began my journey revisiting an Asian nation.* In 1984 Elim
graduate Kevin G* stepped out by faith into Hong Kong and
the mainland, with the strategy to bring together leaders who
are doing a great job yet are “independent.” Kevin and his wife
Joyce have labored over 30 years to bring these key leaders
together, and today they represent hundreds of thousands of
believers. Elim alumni Robin (‘77) & Susie S* (att ‘75-77) are
there assisting in Bible training. We have distributed 40,000
copies of my book Free by Divine Decree, a study of the book of
Romans, in Mandarin to new believers in these house churches.
Campus Target (, founded 10 years ago
by two Elim grads,* provides opportunity for young adult missionaries to live near Asian university campuses and share their
faith with other young adults. When new Asian believers accept
Christ, they want to share the Gospel with their friends, and
soon they become part of multiplying house churches. EBI&C
faculty member Sylvia E*, Tess W* (‘78) and I were able to
spend time encouraging—and being encouraged by—these CT
workers, several of whom are Elim alumni.
In September, Gloria and I joined with John (‘75) & Marla
Spyker (att ‘73-74) and their son Andrés (‘99) & his wife Kelly
(att ‘99) in Morelia, Mexico. John & Marla began a work on the
Pacific Coast with humble beginnings in 1977. In 1979 I had the
privilege of dedicating a new church there. At that time, I had
a vision of a mighty wave coming out of the Pacific Ocean up
the mountains and touching Mexico City, and when it receded,
pools of water were left through the mountains. Since then, 160
churches have been started through the Vida Abundante movement! Recently, the Morelia church of 6,000 launched a new
work in Mexico City, and 2,000 people attended the first service.
Over the years, Mexico has been enriched by many Elim alumni
who went to bless that great nation, including early missionary
Bob Blodgett (att ‘49-50) and more recently, Robbie (‘77) &
Patty Evans (att ‘75-77), Dave (‘78) & Becci Snyder, and
the late Juan Ramirez (‘75). The
inheritance continues as several
Mexican young people are even
now being trained at EBI&C.
* The name of the nation, full names of missionaries and photos
in restricted access nations are not used for security reasons.
6 Bell Tower Spring 2016
Since Paul & Gloria Johansson graduated from Elim Bible Institute in 1956, they have continued to fulfill Elim’s
mission around the world. They served for 11 years as missionaries in Kenya, where they founded All Nations
Church, co-founded the Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College and helped lay the foundation for PEFA (Pentecostal
Evangelistic Fellowship of Africa). In New York City, they birthed the New York School of Urban Ministry (NYSUM),
where today’s Elim students spend a 5-week internship. On the Elim campus, Paul filled the roles of teacher,
Dean of Students and President, and he has been the Chairman of the Board of Directors* for the past 10 years.
In 2015 Paul traveled to several continents, ministering with many alumni in the field; here is his brief report.
Missionary pastors John Spyker & Robbie
Evans with 2014 grad Noemi Souza
Photos at top of pages, left to right: Paul Johansson speaks in Nairobi,
Kenya, to graduates of N2N Christian University and their families.
Egyptian leaders, with William & Carolyn Farag, hold up their copies of
Paul’s book Free by Divine Decree that were printed in Arabic and given out
at a conference in Alexandria. Paul speaks at Mas Vida church in Morelia,
Mexico, while Andrés Spyker translates.
* Paul will be retiring as the Chairman of the EBI&C Board of Directors in
June. Dr. Ron Burgio, Elim alumnus & former President of Elim Fellowship,
has been nominated to succeed him.
We echo the words of Habakkuk the prophet. Yes, God is
doing a work in our days that boggles the imagination! As the
prophetic word given to Elim’s founder, I. Q. Spencer, promised,
God continues to ignite “REVIVAL” worldwide. May all who lead
Elim going forward keep the burden and vision clear in these
last days, and may all who come behind us find us faithful. n
Spring 2016 Bell Tower 7
“God has a great plan for the campus of EBI&C: for young leaders to be trained, to bring revival to their personal lives and
into their future, whether as a missionary, pastor or other ministry. It is our job to provide proper accommodations for this
mission to take place.” ~ Ephraim Allgyer, Facilities Director What is YOUR part in fulfilling the mission?
Our biggest summer project is to update the main floor and
basement of this historic building, so it can again be used for
classrooms & offices starting this fall. The aesthetics of the
exterior won’t change, but we need to improve accessibility
to the building & bathrooms and make other upgrades. We’ll
begin in May and work through the summer. Can you help?
◆◆Construct a split level main entrance on the north side
of the building (facing Watson Hall) to be ADA compliant
◆◆Construct an elevator shaft for an elevator/lift
($60–80,000 in future phase) that will reach all three levels
◆◆Renovate classrooms
◆◆Renovate bathrooms and modify for ADA accessibility—
build a 6” ramp from main corridor; plumbing and electrical
◆◆Upgrade the heating and plumbing to the whole building by
adding a forced air duct system
◆◆Paint the interior — basement and first floor
◆◆Exterior — paint and stone/brick repair
◆◆Volunteers needed: skilled construction workers
(electricians, plumbers, HVAC) and painters
◆◆Cost: $50,00–60,000 for this phase
To give FINANCIALLY to these campus projects, you
can make donations through the Carlton Spencer Memorial
Campus Restoration Fund—online at, by
mail or by phone 585-582-8310.
To volunteer your TIME & SKILLS (individual or group),
please contact Volunteer Coordinator Jack Thorpe, jackthorpe or 585-582-8306.
For more info about campus projects, please contact
Facilities Director Ephraim Allgyer, or
◆◆Build a small cavity to better protect the front doors from
heavy winds, and install new front doors that will be more
energy efficient and ADA compliant, with automatic opener
◆◆Upgrade boilers to a more energy efficient system
◆◆Volunteers needed: skilled construction workers
(framers and finish carpenters)
◆◆Cost: $3500–4000
◆◆One project will bring an immediately noticeable improvement to the appearance of the whole campus — repaving
the campus entrance road. (You can see some of the
potholes & damage in front of the Tab in the above photo.)
◆◆Tree pruning & removal
◆◆Volunteers needed: road paving; tree pruning & removal
◆◆Cost: $65,000–70,000
Looking for schools that fit me and
my walk with God, I found Elim. I really
am surrounded by teachers and staff
that genuinely want me to grow into
what God has for me. Elim’s teachers,
leaders and staff are not afraid to
get involved in your life and help you
reach your full God-given potential.
~ Benjamin Guilzon, 19, freshman, Year
in the Son, from Kapenta, Tanzania
I knew I had come to a place of safety
in God. The love and care I get makes
it a home away from home for me as
an International student. It is more
than just studying at Elim but an
encounter with God.
~ Sylvia Nantongo, 31, freshman, AAS
program, from Kampala, Uganda
Elim Bible Institute & College has
provided a place where God has
defined and brought into clearer
focus the call God has on my life,
that I might walk in the marvelous
works He has prepared for us before
the foundations of the earth.
~ Shawn Yoder, 28, senior, Ministry
program, from Kinzers, PA
We asked some current students...
How has God used Elim in your life?
Before I came to Elim, I was “asleep”—
I wasn’t passionate about anything at
all; I was very ordinary. God has used
every person and every situation to
wake me up and really show me that
He has made me for extraordinary
things. I am so grateful for the impact
Elim has made on my life.
~ Susan Ludlam, 23, senior, Ministry
program, from Potsdam, NY
Elim has greatly impacted me as a
leader through practical training and
opportunities to serve.
~ Andrew Weiler, 25, senior, Ministry
program, from Morgantown, PA
Elim for me isn’t just a place to see
academic growth, but growth in all
aspects of your life. It was through
interactions with the staff & students
where God showed me my true
identity in Him. God transforms you
in ways you never expected, so you
can be the change the world needs.
~ Destiny Freeman, 21, senior, Youth
Ministry program, from Woodstock,
Ontario, Canada
◆◆North A & North B apartments roofs. The shingles (80
roof sq) have already been purchased through World Vision
at less than ½ price. We now need volunteers with basic roofing skills to complete this project (last two weeks in July).
◆◆West & South apartments porches. These buildings
have beautiful back porches, but they need some love—
from volunteers who can sand, paint & stain. We’ll also redo
the front porch of Spencer Hall. Cost: $500
THANK YOU to the generous couple who donated an energy efficient hot water boiler last fall; it was installed in Blake Hall by our maintenance
crew and saved the school over $5000! THANK YOU to our Fall & Winter VOLUNTEERS! Elam Allgyer, Ben Hedlund, Mike Kniley, Silas Ludlam,
Joy Niswander, Darlene & Jack Thorpe, and Jeremy VanSanten.
8 Bell Tower Spring 2016
Spring 2016 Bell Tower 9
MAR 3–5
Join students, faculty, campus
ministries & area pastors at this
weekly chapel, at Elim Gospel
Church. Schedule:
Check out life at EBI&C! Free
for high school juniors &
seniors, college students
& youth leaders.
BASICcon Rochester
Join hundreds of other college
students & young adults at
these conferences. See ad p. 11.
Get recharged & connect with
other leaders at this annual
Join old classmates & friends
of Elim for a special luncheon
during the EF Oasis Leadership
Conference. See ad page 11.
Celebrate with our graduates!
Baccalaureate Fri 7pm
Seniors Brunch Sat 10:30am
Graduation Sat 2pm
Need to take a missed course?
Or want to fit a course or 2
into just 2 weeks? Register for
summer session! 585-582-8218
Leadership Development
Camp for students in grades
9–12. See page 2.
AUG 29
OCT 2–4
Apply soon to attend EBI&C
this fall! Info@ or 585-582-8210
Check out life at EBI&C! Free
for high school juniors &
seniors, college students
& youth leaders.
All are welcome to come celebrate with our 2016 graduates May 13 & 14. The
Baccalaureate & Commencment Services will be held at Elim Gospel Church.
The Baccalaureate Service is Friday, May 13, 7pm. We’ll present student
certificates, awards & honors, and Pierrre DuPlessis, Lead Pastor of The Father’s
House in Rochester, is our speaker.
Commencement is Saturday 2pm. We’ll
present associate degrees to our AAS
grads and diplomas to our 3-year seniors.
The speaker is Sam Smucker, Lead Pastor
of The Worship Center in Lancaster, PA.
Available immediately. Responsibilities: provide
oversight, direction and management for admissions & recruitment; including Admissions Dept
staff and on- & off-campus recruiting events. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree, preferably in the area
of marketing; admissions, recruitment and customer service experience preferred. Skills needed:
administrative, supervisory, and inter-personal.
For more information or to apply: contact President
Mike Cavanaugh,
10 Bell Tower Spring 2016
Have you seen our NEW
VIDEOS? They were produced
by alum Fred Antonelli. Check
them out on EBI&C’s Facebook
or YouTube and share them!
3 “Spirit Empowered Explosion
at Elim”
3 “Student Environment on
Fire at Elim”
3 “Save Pre-Civil War Buildings
at Elim” (with Pat Robertson &
Ruth Graham)
win ASIA
win the WORLD
Old Yearbooks Available
Were you in the Class of 1953, 54, 61, 62, 63, 64,
66, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92,
93, 95, 96, 98, 99, 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 09,
10, 11, 12, 13 or 15? Are you feeling nostalgic
but lost your yearbook? If so, you’re in luck!
The Library has extras from these years and
we’d love to send you one. Cost: $7 shipping.
Please contact Joy Niswander at
Have you seen our newest videos?
Watch “Spirit Empowered Explosion,”
“Student Environment on Fire,” “Save
Pre-Civil War Buildings” and other videos
We Want to See YOU in Elim attire!
Elim alumni can be found all over the world,
and we want photos to prove it! Email us a
photo of you on location (with other alumni,
too—the more the merrier!) wearing your
Elim swag (T-shirt or sweatshirt), along with
your names, grad years, and location where
the photo was taken, to
Don’t have an Elim shirt? Hold up a creative
“Elim” sign.
Most All Elim Chapel services are shown
live Thursdays 11am at
live. The videos are also archived on www. (click on Media at top), as are audio
podcasts of chapels & other services.
Pass it On! Do you know a young person
whom God might be calling to Elim? Tell
them to check it out at a Discovery Days!
If Elim is God’s next step for them, your
encouragement might affect the direction of
their whole life! More info:
A Senior Brunch for 3-year grads and
their invited guests is Saturday, 10:30am
at the EBI&C dining hall.
Job Opening: Director of Admissions
What are your former classmates up to now?
Check out updates from other Elimites—and
let them know what’s new with you—at
Chancellor & Chairman: Rev. Paul Johansson
President: Rev. Mike Cavanaugh
VP of Academic Affairs: Mrs. Danuta Case
Dean of Students: Rev. Stacy Cline
Director of Admissions: Mr. Joe Farage
Director of Administration: Mr. Chris Lampson
Bell Tower: Editor: Terri Cavanaugh
Photo credits: Ken Seaman, Ricardo Cid
Website: Admissions: 1.800.670.ELIM
Other calls: 585.582.1230
target |
For the past decade, we have had one mission:
reach Asian college students for Jesus. We would
love to connect with you and your young adults
to share stories of students transformed by the
gospel. Contact us at
Catch up with Elim friends at this annual luncheon,
held during the Elim Fellowship Oasis Leadership
Conference, in the I.Q. Spencer Tabernacle.
This year’s speaker is former Elim Fellowship Youth
Director Joe Nettleton (EBI ‘69), and we’ll honor
2016 Alumnus of the Year, Dr. Fred Antonelli.
Cost is $10/person; $30 max/family. Register thru
Elim Fellowship at
Contact EBI&C
Campus Life
Director Keri
Grant at 585582-8205 or
there? YES!!
Spring 2016 Bell Tower 11
Elim Bible Institute and College
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Lima, NY 14485
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