vacation bible school - Elim Lutheran Church


vacation bible school - Elim Lutheran Church
June 2016
a cup of cool water for your journey
August 7-11 | 6:00-8:30pm | age 4–grade 5
Registration is open!
Forms can be found at the Sunday School Office and
online at or use this direct link:
Volunteers are needed!
Please contact the church office if you can help
at 763-537-8481. Thank you!
Thank you to Asanteman Association of Minnesota
for their generous donation to help restore the
striping in the parking lot. Asanteman rents space at
Elim. This association is a non-profit organized
exclusively for charitable, educational and literary
purposes, for Asante natives out of West Africa.
Last month I shared some
insights into the book Good to
Great by Jim Collins. You heard
that the boards and the church
council have begun to take a
closer look at each of our
programs and ministries in order
to “map” them in terms of their
life-cycle: are they just starting
up, are they growing, are they
stable or are they declining. Each
of these mapping points carries
with it a separate conversation
along with decisions that will
affect our future allocation of
resources, time and focus.
We have discovered that one
area where we are lacking for
information is in measuring the
attendance plus the impact of
each ministry and program that
happens both inside and outside
our walls. In an effort to collect
more data we are sending
evaluations to individuals and
families as we wrap up our year.
These surveys will help us begin
to put some numbers on our
effectiveness as a church and help
us measure and discover ways to
engage more of our members in
meaningful work in God’s world.
We will also be contacting
many of our families to engage in
a conversation with one of the
pastors or staff in one-on-one
dialogues that we hope can help
sharpen our offerings while
creating more opportunities for
all of our members, old and
young, to put their gifts and
talents to work not just “at
church” but in the world.
My request to you, busy as
you may be, is that you would
find a way to respond to the
survey and/or to the request for
a conversation and then make it a
priority to get that information
back to us.
Elim seeks to be a church that
exists to glorify God and make
disciples of all people by
teaching, living and sharing our
faith while inviting our neighbors
to do the same.
Highlights from May 2016 Meeting
A White Paper on the population demographics of zip code 55422
and the state was presented by Zach Hallberg.
Our Good to Great discussion based on the book was continued.
Ch. 2 - Level 5 Leadership and the difference between a Level 5 leader
and a Level 4 leader associated with a window and a mirror. Ch. 3 First Who, Then What means getting the right people on the bus and
in the right seats before deciding where to go. Ch. 4 - Confront the
Brutal Facts to evaluate honestly and diligently but never give up
hope. Ch. 5 – The Hedgehog Concept which seeks to identify what you
can be the best in the world at doing to learn where to focus attention
and energy in striving to be great.
The Council voted to accept the affirmations of the new members:
Allison & Timothy Gladhill, daughter Amelia; Travis & Melanie
Bullinger, children Orin, Elsa & Adler; Malcolm & Barbara Collins;
Mark & Jennifer Hoffman; Donna Gladhill; David G. Anderson;
Dennis Moore.
Surveys are being conducted (Sunday School, Worship). There will
be a Capital Finance Feasibility Study primarily funded by the
It takes all of us working
together to become not just
“good” at this work but, indeed,
“great” at it!
Thank you in advance and
may God bless you with a
summer of new adventures and
old friends, health and wisdom,
and the peace that passes all
human understanding.
See you at church,
Pastor Chris Enstad
Elim Church
Harald Eriksen,
Erin Spencer,
Vice President
Don Gold, Treasurer
Shelley Johnson,
Janet Anderson
Debbie Carlson
Claudia Fuglie
Jane Hennagir
Zach Hallberg
Brian Savior
Ann Tranvik
Jan Wicks
a message from THE ELIM FOUNDATION
Elim Foundation Board
Shirley Kramer, Chairperson
Maureen Engelstad,
Vice Chairperson
Terry Carlson, Treasurer
Erik Haug, Secretary
Rick Arntson
Harald Ericksen
Dori Schlins
Pastor Chris, ex officio
Transitions and New Commitments
The month of June has always been an eagerly awaited time for
me: growing up it was the excitement of completing another school
year with the prospect of summer freedom, or the change of season
offering more vacation possibilities and outdoor pursuits. Even as an
adult, the month of June has meant a transition to lighter schedules,
new commitment to more exercise [outside!] and an annual review of
our finances with our planner. It seems easier to think about our
budget and charitable giving while sitting on the deck with a cold
drink and hearing the birds chirping, than doing so hunkered down
on a cold dark evening at the kitchen table in January!
It was in May-June of 2015 that I made the transition back to
membership at Elim Lutheran Church. Our large family had grown in
faith at Elim for thirty years before careers and marriages took many
of us out of Minnesota. Dad and Mom moved to Golden Valley in
1983 and worshipped at a church near their condo. When my mother
passed away in December 2014 [Dad had passed away in September
2006] I felt a strong need to come back to Elim. God pulled me back
here to nurture my faith and to make new commitments to this
vibrant congregation. The existence of the Elim Foundation made it
easy to make a tax friendly, financial commitment to Elim programs –
in my case, a donation of the four unused cemetery plots my dad
purchased years ago at nearby Crystal Lake Cemetery. I recently
added the Elim Foundation to beneficiary status in my will, too. The
Foundation supports so many Elim projects, and will do so for
generations to come. Take a look at the information on the
Foundation at Elim’s website per the recently completed J29 campaign
[the Foundation provided $28,500 funding for this] and prepare to be
This month, do grab a chair on your deck, porch or lawn and take a
look at your finances or portfolio. Are there funds, large or small, that
could be committed for the Elim Foundation?
“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be
refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25
Dori Hanson Schlins
Elim Staff
Senior Pastor
Associate Pastor
Organist & Choir Director
Children, Youth & Family Support
Director of Finance
Office Administrator
Lead Custodian
PT Custodian
Church Office hours
Chris Enstad
Marcia Rosa
Dick Balkus
Ellyn Roth-Unzicker
Niki Bohne
Jennifer Huehns
Richard Nylin
Ward Monroe
8:30-4:30 Monday–Friday 763-537-8481
Families Moving Forward
Elim is getting ready to host
families the week of August 28
through September 4. We will be
“home” for up to 4 families (a
maximum of 16 people) during
the evening and overnight during
this week. Families will be using
the Sunday School rooms on the
second floor across from the gym
and possibly the reception room.
Families will arrive at the
center each day around 6:00 p.m.
Dinner will be served when they
arrive. Dinner volunteers will set
up and serve the dinner from 5:30
to 7:30 p.m. Volunteers for
evening activities will come from
7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Overnight
volunteers will be there from 9:00
p.m. until the families leave in the
morning, around 7:00 a.m.
Families will make their own
lunches for the next day after
dinner. Families will also make
their own breakfast with cereals,
fruit, etc., that will be available in
the kitchen.
Thanks to funds from our
February Mardi Gras, we’ve been
able to purchase high-quality
inflatable mattresses. In addition
to the beds, each room will have a
lamp, end table, alarm clock,
linens, and pillows. While the
program center provides families
with basic living items, it is good
to have things like diapers, toys,
soaps on hand. It is helpful to
have clock radios; these families
live under a great deal of stress
and playing music is calming.
In addition to the mattresses,
we need the following items;
we’re asking members to donate
the following new or slightly
used items. Please call the church
office if you have items to donate.
 Sheets and pillow cases for
queen and twin beds
 Bath towels, wash cloths
 Baby crib or “pack and play”
cribs and crib sheets
 Lamps, end tables, alarm
clocks or clock radios
 Soap, first aid kit
Thank you to everyone who
has already offered to donate
needed items.
Acting in Faith: Investing in Potential
In addition to the Families
Moving Forward program,
Beacon is a force in the Twin
Cities for advocating for
permanent housing for homeless
people. On May 12, they held a
gathering attended by around 400
people from Beacon’s member
churches. Public officials,
Hennepin County Commissioner
and Board Chair, Jan Callison,
and Minnesota Department of
Human Services Commissioner,
Emily Johnson Piper participated
in the discussion.
Photo: By Rebecca Studios
Lakeview School Partnership
In May, Elim completed its
fourth year of partnership with
Lakeview Elementary School in
Robbinsdale. Five Elim members
volunteered to be “reading
buddies” with Lakeview first- and
fourth-graders. This year, we
picked the students up at their
classrooms and met their teachers.
We read with them in the media
center. A number of Elim
volunteers attended the school
district’s Volunteer Appreciation
breakfast at New Hope Church on
May 5. We met the new
Robbinsdale School District
Superintendent and heard former
Minneapolis Mayor, R.T. Rybak
Global Missions:
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Thank you to Elim members
who have recently donated
newly knitted prayer shawls to
Elim’s Prayer Shawl “treasure
chest.” This ministry started at
Elim a number of years ago. The
shawls give comfort to someone
who is ill, homebound,
hospitalized or grieving. They
are distributed by the pastors
and by Elim’s homebound
If anyone is interested in
knitting prayer shawls for this
ministry, please call the church
office. The pattern is easy—the
shawls are knitted on size 11 or
13 needles. They may also be
The following poem is
attached to each prayer shawl:
Prayer Shawl
Nothing in this world
is as comforting as prayer.
Nothing draws us closer
as when the Savior’s near.
As you wrap this shawl
around your shoulders tight,
may you feel the love and prayers
that have poured out day and night.
Prayers for your happiness,
for joy, hope, and peace.
Prayers that God’s blessings
for you will increase.
So as you wrap this shawl,
and feel its comfort there,
may you always feel assurance
that Savior Jesus is near.
Knitted for you by the women of Elim’s Prayer Shawl Ministry
Another Big Thank You
to the local businesses that were
generous and helped Mardi Gras
be a great success this year!
Robbinsdale Businesses:
Bark n’ Bathe Dog Grooming
Royal Pet Dog Grooming
The Lodge Restaurant
Frist Crack Restaurant
Athen’s Café
Genie’s Cleaners
Broadway Pizza
Sipe’s Gas Station
BP Gas
Pig Ate My Pizza
Lion’s Gym & Wellness
Video Universe
Nonna Rosa’s Restaurant
Crystal Businesses:
Miltons Vino Restaurant
Donato’s Floral
Stevo’s Bar & Grille
Cardell Floral
Crystal Community Center
Almsted’s Market
New Hope:
Pub 42 Restaurant
Country Kitchen
Hy-vee Markets
Pastor Elizabeth
Johnson, ELCA
Missionary in
Cameroon to Visit
Pastor Elizabeth Johnson will
be visiting her sponsoring
congregations in July and
August. Pastor Johnson is
sponsored by synods in South
Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, and
Illinois. We are putting in a
request for Pastor Johnson to
visit Elim on July 24 or August
11. Pastor Johnson will bring
news of the exciting things that
are happening in the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in
Cameroon and at the Lutheran
Institute of Theology in
Meiganga, where she teaches
New Testament and Greek.
Brooklyn Center:
50’s Grill
Cub Foods
Davanni’s Pizza
Brooklyn Park:
Wagner’s Drive-In
Melissa’s Dog Grooming
Sheila Sayler 05/18/16
Ken Bergquist 05/20/16
Marion Nelson 05/23/16
Janelle Godfrey 05/23/16
June 2
9:30am Worship/Communion
10:30am Coffee/Donuts—Parlor
11am Lao ELC —Gym
11am Greater All Nations—Recep Rm
11am Spiritual Ch of God -Chpl,UpRm,Par
3pm Standing Word—Chapel
9:30am Worship/Baptism (Carson Kona
Weck Roark)/Graduates receive quilts
9am Elim Women Circle Rep
mtg—Recep Rm
7pm Cub Scouts—Parlor
7pm Boy Scouts—Gym
7pm Cub Scouts—Parlor
7pm Boy Scouts—Gym
10:30am Coffee/Cake—Parlor
11am Lao ELC —Gym
11am Greater All Nations—Recep Rm
11am Spiritual Ch of God -Chpl,UpRm,Par
3pm Standing Word—Chapel
9:30am Worship/Communion/Baptism
10:30am Coffee/Donuts—Parlor
11am Lao ELC —Gym
11am Greater All Nations—Recep Rm
11am Spiritual Ch of God -Chpl,UpRm,Par
3pm Standing Word—Chapel
9:30 Staff / 10:30 Worship Mtg
10am Greater All Nations –Recep Rm
5:30pm Women’s AA-Parlor
7:30pm AA—Fireside Room
12:00 Altar Guild Sprint
9:30 Staff / 10:30 Worship Mtg
10am Greater All Nations –Recep Rm
5:30pm Women’s AA-Parlor
7:30pm AA—Fireside Room
No Staff/Music Meeting
10am Greater All Nations –Recep Rm
5:30pm Women’s AA-Parlor
7:30pm AA—Fireside Room
9am Quilt
9:30am H
6-8pm W
Night on
9am Quilt
9:30am Sta
Rosa’s hom
—— Elim Luther Park Week ——
9:30am Worship
10:30am Coffee/Donuts—Parlor
11am Lao ELC —Gym
11am Greater All Nations—Recep Rm
11am Spiritual Ch of God -Chpl,UpRm,Par
3pm Standing Word—Chapel
3pm Asanteman Assoc. of MN-Parlor
9:30 Staff / 10:30 Worship Mtg
10am Greater All Nations –Recep Rm
5:30pm Women’s AA-Parlor
7-8pm Garden Club Meeting
7:30pm AA—Fireside Room
7am BNI—Reception Room
5:30pm Sons of Norway-Parlor
7pm Open Basketball—Gym
11am Holy Yoga—Recep Rm
Richard out until June 12
Hope Circle-Corinne
7am BNI—Reception Room
5:30pm Sons of Norway-Parlor
7pm Open Basketball—Gym
11am Holy Yoga—Recep Rm
2-5pm Girl Scouts (Kristina) Reception Room
WNL (Wednesday
the Lawn)
7am BNI—Reception Room
5:30pm Sons of Norway-Parlor
7pm Open Basketball—Gym
Wedding offsite (Marcia)
11am Holy Yoga—Recep Rm
2-5pm Girl Scouts (Kristina) Reception Room
——Leadership Camp Luther Park ——
aff Retreat at Pastor
—-Bell Choir in Sioux Falls for convention until Sunday, June 19—23
7am BNI—Reception Room
1pm Messenger
5:30pm Sons of Norway-Parlor
7pm Open Basketball—Gym
7pm Birdtown Theology PubThe Lodge
7am BNI—Reception Room
5:30pm Sons of Norway-Parlor
7pm Open Basketball—Gym
11am Holy Yoga—Recep Rm
11am Evelyn Forkey Funeral Chapel
3pm (Wedding) Pastor Smith
church member—Sanctuary
Elim Church Quilters
Elim Church Quilters will be meeting in the month of June on the 8 and 22 at 9am in the gym.
On the 22nd we will have our annual potluck luncheon. For more information contact Shirley Kramer at
The Elim Church Quilters are looking for yarn in the following colors: Greens, pinks, blues, reds,
purples, etc. We can use full or partial skeins of yarn. Thank you for any consideration that you might
give to this request. Your donation will help us to make our blankets beautiful!
Wildfire News: Holy Nativity’s Super Adults | Tuesday, July 26
Once again Holy Nativity’s Super We will have a bus leaving from
Adults are going to the Saints
the Holy Nativity parking lot at
game. Please join us on Tuesday, 6pm. The cost is only $16.00.
July 26, when we will see the
Saints playing against the Sioux
City Explorers at 7pm.
For reservations call the
church office at 763-5451647, or
Lynn Kvalness at 763-546-3940,
by June 27. Checks are payable to
Holy Nativity and due by June 27.
See you there!
Luther Park Open House | Saturday, July 16
Interested in going to the
Luther Park Open House on
Saturday, July 16? We might rent
a van to take people up who
would like a ride. If you are
interested in this, please call Tom
Nelson at 763-593-0356 by June
15 to reserve a spot! The
van would leave Elim at 9am
and return between 4-5pm. This
is a great chance for you to see
Luther Park!
The Summer Open House on
July 16 runs from 10am-4pm.
Coffee and goodies will be
available at 10am; worship
outside at 11am (weather
permitting); free-will offering for
lunch at 12:30pm; free-time from
2-4pm with swimming, pontoon
rides and canteen will be
available. Come relax in the
great Northwoods!
Reimagine Aging: Senior Community Services
Enjoy the great outdoors and
get your hands dirty! Assist onetime or adopt a garden for the
season. Work alone, with a
partner or group. Family teams
welcome, youth must be age 7 or
older and supervised by an adult.
Located in suburban Hennepin
County or Minneapolis, depends
upon where the senior citizen
resides. Other one-time and
ongoing unpaid volunteer
Finance Reports
Copies of last month’s finance
report are available to pick up
at the church office.
opportunities are also available.
Please contact the Household &
Outside Maintenance for Elderly
(HOME) Program’s Volunteer
Coordinator at scsvolunteer@ or call
952-767-7894 for more
The HOME Program number
is 952-746-4046 for inquiries
from elders needing garden help
or email
published monthly by
Elim Lutheran Church of Robbinsdale (ELCA)
3978 West Broadway, Robbinsdale MN 55422
Senior Community Services is a
nonprofit organization with five
programs serving seniors and
caregivers in Hennepin County.
For more information please visit or
call 952-541-1019. Seniors outside
of Hennepin County should
contact the Senior Linkage Line
at 1-800-333-2433 for information
about services in their area.
Thank you!
Stay in touch with Elim
on Facebook
Theology Pub
Thurs, June 23 | 7pm
A lively religious discussion
with great food and drinks! We
meet at The Lodge, 4080 West
Broadway Ave. in Robbinsdale.
How to join: Everyone is
invited. No RSVP needed.
Women’s Circles
Hope Circle:
Wednesday, June 8 at 9:30am
Hostess is Corinne Setterlund
Women’s Circle
Representatives Meeting
Mon, June 6 at 9:00 a.m. in
the Reception Room
Through 5/15/16
Elaine Thorsen
$210 Undesignated
Steve Blore
$540 Undesignated
Virginia Bauck
$25 KidPack
Elim Ringtones Hit the Road!
On June 16-19, eight members of the Elim Ringtones will be attending the American Handbell Ringers
Conference in Sioux Falls, SD. The conference is a time to attend classes on ringing techniques, bell
maintenance, and incorporating bells into a worship service. Several concerts are presented by individual
choirs and a guest nationally known choir. We will also participate in rehearsals for the festival’s final
concert to be held Sunday, June 19. The Ringtones are grateful for the support they have received from
the Elim Foundation, which has made this trip possible.
-Dick Balkus, Ringtones Director
Welcome Elim’s Summer Intern
my name is
Huehns. I
am the new
intern here at
Elim Lutheran Church. This
summer I will be working with
the Administrator and Outreach
Board to help create
communication strategies to
support the church. I will also be
attending youth and family
events to support, photograph,
and report church activities.
When I am not home for the
summer, I am attending the
University of Wisconsin-Stout. I
am heading into my fourth year
and studying Professional
Communications and Emerging
Media with a concentration in
applied journalism and plan to
graduate in May of 2017.
However, this was not always
my major. I started at Stout
studying Early Childhood
Education, and then switched
over to Hotel Restaurant
Tourism Management to pursue
event planning. I am unsure of
what I want to do once I
graduate, but I am excited to see
what God has in store for me.
Life is full of choices, and I
feel all of my life decisions up to
this point are contributing
towards my future career. I look
forward to using my past and
current studies to guide me
through this internship and help
bring new things to this church.
When I have time to spare I
love spending it with my friends
and family, going to the movies,
and dancing. Dance is a very big
part of my life, as I have been
doing it for 18 years. I am a
member of the Dance Ensemble
club at UW-Stout. I have recently
been appointed to be on the
clubs Exec board as the Public
Relations Coordinator. I look
forward to building my
leadership skills and bettering
the club.
I am a very open person and
love meeting new people, so I
look forward to meeting and
building new relationships with
the people I meet at Elim. Feel
free to stop me and say hello, I
would love to talk and get to
know you!
David G. Anderson
Since retiring at the end of 2014, David sold his home and moved into a seniors
apartment in April, 2015. He traveled for 40 years as a manufacturer’s rep,
covering the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, North & South
Dakota, selling high end home furnishings. He also attended markets once or
twice a year in N. Carolina, Chicago, Dallas and San Francisco. Before traveling,
David danced with the Twin Cities Swedish Folk Dancers, sang with the Twin
Cities Swedish Male Chorus, and was active with the Vasa Order of America.
He will become more active at Swedish Institute. Currently he volunteers with
NEAR Food Shelf and Dinner at Your Door. He also enjoys walking and biking.
Travis & Melanie Bullinger, Orin, Elsa, Adler
Travis is a stay-at-home dad and Melanie is an engineer at BAE Systems.
They have lived in their house almost 9 years, not too far from Elim.
They have young kids and enjoy doing fun things with them. The
family also has a dog, Finn. Travis and Melanie wanted to find a church
near their house so that their kids could go to Sunday School. The
oldest, Orin, is in the 4-5 year old class. The live on the last street of
Minneapolis, on Victory Memorial Parkway and enjoy the trails on the
parkway often.
Malcolm & Barbara Collins
Malcolm was born in England, raised in Kenya, spent college in
California, in publications as a young adult in So. California,
married Barbara, did missionary work in Kenya from 1977-2001,
moved to Minneapolis in 2002 (2 magnets brought us here: real
estate, the East Africans). We have 7 grown grandchildren: 39, 37,
35, 33 x 2 (twins) and two adopted Kenyan children, a boy and a
girl age 21 (not twins), also 6 grandchildren. In North Minneapolis,
they are involved with 4PXC-advisory council to the precinct; also
with Lutheran Colportage services on 2101 S. Chicago Ave. Why
Elim? We like the Biblical emphasis, Bible Studies and Pub Bible discussions.
Sr. Barbara is a wife, mother, grandmother, teacher, Deaconess, Chaplain, missionary, Lutheran;
all titles she values. Graduate of UC-SB (University of California Santa Barbara), secondary teaching
credential, MA from Wheaton Grad School, and additional licensing in ABE ergo ESL teaching, and 5
units of CPE clinical pastoral experience, which define her professionally. Sr. Barbara was deeply formed
by missionary work in Kenya famine relief camps, urban resettlement scenes and teaching. Her family is
her joy and teaching/chaplaincy is her passion. She loves the ocean and water but the Mississippi is
pretty great too. Sr. Barbara loves to read, needlepoint, knitting, pets and is a sap for historical drama
movies. Sundays are often busy days for her but hopes to find a way to fit in.
Allison & Tim Gladhill
Allison and Tim became new parents on Thursday, May 5th with
the birth of their daughter, Amelia. Congratulations to them!!
Allison is in HR Talent Development at Allina Health and Tim is
the Director of Community Development for the City of Ramsey.
They moved to the area in July 2015. They also have two fur babies
- Riley (dog), Mayzie (cat). Their hobbies include biking, going to
the lake and enjoying time with friends and family. What led them
to Elim? Community based church, family based.
Donna Gladhill
Donna is married to husband, Bob, and has two grown daughters and two
grandchildren. She enjoys spending time with family and friends, likes to
exercise and walk at the lakes, and enjoys gardening and reading.
Jennifer & Mark Hoffman
Jennifer and Mark live in Brooklyn Center, where Mark has lived
since 2009, and Jenn since their marriage in 2012. Mark attended
Saint John’s University with a business management major and a
music minor. Currently Mark is the Director of Sales at Magi
Travel. Jenn attended MN State University Moorhead with a mass
communications major. Jenn is the Manager of Store Operations at
Christopher & Banks. Mark’s hobbies include basketball, guitar, and
watching sports. Jenn’s hobbies include gardening, reading, and
cooking. Together they enjoy biking, tennis, attending concerts, and
traveling. They found Elim after trying a few Lutheran churches near to their house, and really
appreciated the inclusive atmosphere and the preaching.
Dennis Moore
Dennis has been a resident of Robbinsdale his whole life, including attending the
Robbinsdale High School. Dennis is a gardener, he loves to be in the garden. He
fishes and hunts, too. In short...Dennis loves the outdoors!
(763) 537-8481 |
Wednesday Night on the Lawn
This Summer on Wednesdays
June 8  July 13 from 6:00-8:00pm
During the summer we have a bonfire and games.
If it's hot, kids should bring a towel and wear a swim suit as
we have water balloons and sprinklers.
WNL is for the neighborhood, so we encour age people to
bring friends and neighbors!
Weather permitting—Please check our website for any changes.
Service & Mission Report
Welcome New Members of Elim
VBS & Wednesday Nights on the Lawn
Meet Our Summer Intern
...and more!
Non-profit org.
U.S. Postage
Twin Cities, MN
Permit No. 3253
Elim Lutheran Church
3978 West Broadway
Robbinsdale MN 55422-2286
June 2016