L ion B reezes - Thurmont Lions Club
L ion B reezes - Thurmont Lions Club
L ion B reezes ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume 72 No. 56 –January 2014 Thurmont Lions Club District Governor Elect Kent Eitemiller – “We Serve Because We Care” Visit us on the web: http://www.thurmontlionsclub.com Follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ThurmontLionsClub District 22-W Web Site: http://www.e-district.org/sites/22w/ ******************************************************************************************************** Message from President Don “Visions Of A Better Community, A Better World” Members, Family and Friends The holiday season is behind us, and my how fast time flies! I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable Christmas and New Year's. Our club remained quite busy in December with the Christmas House tour held jointly with the Historical Society, as well as our annual Christmas tree sales, Remembrance Tree, and finally the tour and dinner at Doug and my house. Each of these fundraisers was a success, and I’m amazed at how fast our Christmas trees sold this year. We were sold out well over a week before Christmas! I would like to thank everyone who helped make these events so successful. A special thanks to Lions Mike, Curtis, and Bob Meunier for organizing the tree sales, including setup and tear down of the tree lot. We will be providing goodwill meals to Ace Hardware and Keilholtz Trucking for their help with the Christmas trees this year. As we turn our sights on the new year, we will have our official visit from District Governor Kent on the January 8 regular meeting, so please plan to attend if you are able. Also, we will be holding a benefit breakfast for Jeremy Hahn on Saturday, January 11. This will be held jointly with Trinity United Church of Christ in Thurmont. Please come out and enjoy a nice breakfast and support our neighbor who is going through some difficult times. We will be having our Longaberger basket and Vera Bradley bingo on Friday, January 31. This is always a popular event and typically is a nice fundraiser for our club. Looking further into the future (next summer, in fact), we will be reducing our summer sandwich sales from six to four events (April 26, May 24th Memorial Day weekend, July 5th which is July 4th weekend and August 30th Labor Day weekend). Many folks have suggested that the fundraisers and activities that our club is doing have become too numerous. One of the main suggestions is that we reduce the number of pit sandwich sales. Also, the Fall Foods Festival will be discontinued. Since magnets have already been distributed with all the dates for 2014, please help spread the word that we will only be holding four events next summer. As always, if you have any questions or comments regarding the club, please don’t hesitate to contact me. 1 Remember: “Visions of a Better Community, A Better World” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TODAY’S LEOs = TOMORROW’S LEADERS Thurmont Middle School (TMS) LEO Club During the month of December, the TMS Leos participated in various activities and events that aided the community during the holiday season. The Thurmont Middle School held their new member Induction Ceremony on December 4, 2013. TLC TMS advisors Lion Gayle DiSalvo and Joyce Anthony performed the inductions with the assistance of the TMS President Alex. There were 12 new members (we’re at 24 members) who repeated the obligation of membership and are now members of the TMS Leo Club. The new members were presented their LEO packets and membership cards. A new member pizza party celebration was enjoyed by all the Leo members. WHAT AN HONOR – CONGRATULATIONS! Thurmont welcomed Christmas in Thurmont on December 7th. TMS Leos assisted at the registration table and issued maps for the local business visits. The Leos ended their final food drive for the year by collecting food throughout the sixth grade. Approximately 150 items were donated to the Thurmont Food Bank. 2 Jeremy Hahn Fundraiser - The Leos took on the challenge of doing a fundraiser to benefit Jeremy Hahn for use on outstanding expenses and to help the family during the holidays. Jeremy is battling throat cancer, has four children and is unable to work. Jeremy is the owner of the Intowne Barber Shop. The Leos have been very active during the past month selling candy bars at the entrance of the school during parent conferences, at the Thurmont Lions Club, throughout the community, among their friends, neighbors and family. With the support of everyone, their fundraiser was a huge success. Leo Secretary Avie Hopcraft presented a check to Mrs. Angie Hahn in the amount of $1,013. You, the TMS Leos, should feel very proud for what you have accomplished in giving back to someone in the community. Gayle and I are honored to be your TLC advisors this year. CONGRATULATIONS FOR A HUGE SUCCESS! Note: The Leos will be distributing flyers to support the benefit breakfast being sponsored by the Thurmont Lions Club and Trinity United Church of Christ being held on January 11, 2014. The TMS Leos will be kicking off a pennies campaign on “Leukemia and Lymphoma Society‘s Pennies for Patients” program. We will have a guest speaker for the January 8th Leo meeting to present the program to the Leos – more information to follow next month. Thurmont Middle School Leos continue to be very active with fundraisers to help their community, thus giving them opportunities to develop positive character traits and learning the importance of cooperation through these many community services. We are investigating the new LEO International website ‘e-LeoClubHouse’ for use by the TMS Leos. The CHS Leos have made major strides using the site. (Submitted by Lion Joyce) Remember – “Just one new LEO member can make a huge difference! 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Catoctin High School (CHS) LEO Club Happy New Year, CHS Leo’s and Advisors! The CHS Leos were active during the month of December: Celebrated December 5th International Leo Day with pizza at Rocky’s and attending the movie “Frozen” On December 17th and 20th visited a nursing home providing caroling and dance performance Baked holiday cookies for the CHS custodial staff Helped with setup and decorating for the December 21st Winter Wonderland Dance Raised $400 selling Uncle Ralph’s cookie dough Check out our website, Facebook and Twitter (NOTE: An account is not needed with these sites to see what we’re up to. Enjoy!) Christmas Tree Sales – Once again, our Christmas tree sales were a big success. The Thurmont Lions Club Christmas tree sale began on Friday, November 29, 2013 in the parking lot of the Ace Hardware store on North Church Street. Many thanks to all of you who helped with the Christmas tree sale this year. We had an early sell out due to the snow days that folks wanted them early to decorate while they were snowed in. Our Christmas tree sales continue to be a successful fundraiser due to the planning, participation by many members and the support and cooperation of Ace Hardware and Keilholtz Trucking. (Submitted by Lion Mike) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2013 Thurmont Christmas House Tour – The 2013 Christmas House tour was a great success. It is hard to believe the tour has come and gone for another year. We sold 213 tickets with the profits being split between the Historical Society and the Lion Club. The weather did not stop folks from coming out on Saturday, and Sunday was a good day. Many thanks to all of you who volunteered to guide visitors, punch tickets, and assisting in the preparations leading up to the spectacular event. A special “thank you” to Lion Theresa for the amazing job she did with the PR. (Submitted by Lion Sharon) 4 Longaberger Basket/Vera Bradley Bingo - January 31st at the Guardian Hose Company’s Activity Building on the carnival grounds. We need everyone to get the word out and generate some interest in the tickets. Lion Jo Ann Cannada has tickets – they are $20.00 each. Please have folks call her at 301-271-2924. Baskets will be filled, there will be a cash King Tut and a 50/50 so there are lots of chances to win. Shirley Long is manning the kitchen so you know the food will be good. Doors open at 5:00 pm – come one, come all. Lion Theresa has a great ad coming in the next edition of the Banner, and we have posters to go out if you know somewhere to put one, please let us know – we’ll get the sheet to you. Also see the attachment to this newsletter. Your help in making this another successful Lion’s event is appreciated. (Submitted by Lion Susan) Literacy Event at the Thurmont Regional Library – The Literacy Committee is working with the Thurmont Regional Library to host a literacy event at the library – scheduled for the afternoon on Saturday, February 15th from 2:00-4:00 pm. Start telling your friends and neighbors to bring their children and grandchildren. There will be fun, games, stories, crafts and more for the kids. Lots to do and fun for all! (Submitted by Lion Susan) Remembrance Tree – A special “thank you” to Stauffer Funeral Home and Thurmont PNC Bank for partnering with the Thurmont Lions Club to present the 4th annual Community Remembrance Tree. Also, a ‘thank you’ to the Remembrance Tree committee and those who helped to decorate the tree. The tree is truly a remembrance tree of life and love. Ornaments can be picked up on Wednesday, January 8, 2014, from 5:00-6:00 pm at the Cozy Restaurant. Ornaments not claimed will become the property of Thurmont Lions Club. (Submitted by Lion Joyce) 5 Thurmont Lions Club’s Annual Christmas Party – This year’s celebration took place at the Carriage House in Emmitsburg, which served a delicious buffet and was beautifully decorated for the season. Although the attendance was smaller than usual, everyone who attended had a great time. Adults played two fun games; pass the present and decipher (guess) the Christmas carol. The children who attended had an opportunity to make a fun craft. Of course, the main man of the season, Santa, made a jolly appearance. (Submitted by Lion Deb) Christmas Extravaganza Benefit for LVRF - The Christmas extravaganza was a special evening for all who attended. This was the fifth year that Don and Doug opened their home for an extravaganza event at 6 which guests could enjoy the many trees and decorations that they put up. Many lions also worked together to provide a bountiful buffet for most of those who attended. This year the event featured more than 10 new trees including: two Lollipop Trees, a Teddy Bear Tree, a Snowing Tree, a Waterfall Tree, an Antler Tree, a Farm Tree, a “Despicable Me” Tree, a Money Tree, an Apple Tree and a Peacock Tree. Outside the familiar lights were accompanied by a spectacular tree lined driveway with lights in each tree and an additional 12 foot tall inflatable color changing tree. This was the last year for the event which drew more than 60 people including volunteers and helpers. Funds from the event will be donated to LVRF. More than $1,100 was raised from this private event attended exclusively by lions and invited guests. Jeremy Hahn, a local cancer survivor, for whom a fundraiser is planned, made a brief, but very inspiring appearance, with his children all of whom enjoyed the sights and sounds of the holiday. Many of the decorations are already coming down; but, if you’d like to see the house (and make a contribution to support LVRF), contact Lions Don or Doug as soon as possible to schedule a time before it’s too late. Thanks to everyone who helped with the event and contributed to its success. (Submitted by Lion Doug) Benefit Breakfast for Jeremy Hahn - An all you can eat breakfast for Jeremy Hahn is being held at Trinity United Church of Christ, 101 East Main Street, Thurmont, MD on Saturday, January 11, 2014 from 6 AM – 11:00 AM. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, pudding, hominy, eggs, chipped beef gravy, juice, fruit and coffee. This breakfast is sponsored by the Thurmont Lions Club and the Trinity United Church of Christ. Please see Lions Nancy and Joann for advanced ticket sales, or purchase tickets at Brown’s Jewelry Store or purchase on the day of the event at the church. As many of you are aware, Jeremy is a local barber at the InTowne Barber Shop and was diagnosed with cancer of the tongue. He has undergone surgery and has taken many extensive radiation treatments over the last several weeks. Proceeds from this event will go to the Jeremy Hahn Fund for use on outstanding expenses managed by the Thurmont Lions Club. (Submitted by Lion Joann Miller) Please refer to the Benefit Work Schedule attached to this newsletter for the sign up listings and times. If you are unable to fulfill your time slot, please inform Lions Nancy or Joann. Update on the MaDD 2013 Project – What’s Next???????? - On October 26, 2013, the Thurmont Lions Club along with local artist Yemi partnered in the “Beautify Our Town” project by installing a beautiful mural entitled “Thurmont - Rail History” on the trolley substation along Main Street. In an effort to continue this project, by adding additional historic scenes of Thurmont to the substation, the Thurmont Lions Club auctioned off an artist print and has been selling commemorative items – wine glasses and ornaments that have been etched with the mural scene. All of these funds, along with any further donations, will be used for future murals to make the trolley substation a history lesson for the community as well as visitors that come into Thurmont. To date, the Lions Club has sold approximately 190 commemorative items. If you missed purchasing your item or if you need more items, please see Lions Nancy or Joann, or you can purchase them at the following Thurmont businesses – Cozy Inn & Restaurant, Gateway Candy Land and Brown’s Jewelry. (Submitted by Lions Joann & Nancy) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scholarships – Thurmont Lions Club Scholarship applications are available at the Catoctin High School, the TLC website. An application is also provided as an attachment to this newsletter. Applications are due no later than Tuesday, April 1, 2014 to Lion Deb Schray. The scholarships will be presented to individuals on Education Night, May 14th. There will be three one-thousand dollar scholarships – scholarship criteria based on academic, performance, activities and need. (Submitted by Lion Deb) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 Barter Night Mark your calendars – March 12 – Gather up all those unwanted Christmas presents, and those items around the house that are someone else’s treasure. Be ready to share them on March 12 th for our Annual Barter Night – this is a spouses night and ALWAYS a fun night. Barter Night is our annual fundraiser for the club – the procedures help defray the administrative cost of the club throughout the year. SEE YOU THERE – LET’S HAVE A FUN NIGHT WITH Lion Bob! (Submitted by Lion Joyce) Business Expo for 2014 - The TLC Board voted to not participate in the Business Expo this spring. We’ve not received much in the way of potential new members or interest from this event. (Submitted by President Don) Food Bank Project – Remember DG Kent’s project is “Feed the Hungry”. This project will continue throughout the year. Please bring an item to each meeting to support the Food Bank project. The club’s Food Bank Committee consists of Lions Tim Stuart, Charlie Frey and Fred Mullins. If you have any questions, please contact a member of the Committee. REMEMBER, AN ITEM PER MEMBER FOR EACH MEETING! (Submitted by Lion Joyce) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note of “Thanks” to my Extended Family Just when I think my life is as blessed as it can be, along comes a surprise. However, my life has been so blessed with the gift of family and friends. There are no words to express my gratitude for everyone’s concern. Thank you for the telephone calls, food, cards, visits, flowers, laughter, gifts and prayers. More importantly, that you for your wishes, love, blessings, encouragement, kindness, friendship and inspiration. These words fall short in expressing the feelings you have given me, but they carry the sound from the strings of my heart. May you be blessed with the kindness you have shown me. Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but with your support, love, prayers and the Lord holding my hand, I will get through this period of uncertainty with positive results. Thank you and God Bless! (Submitted by Lion Larry) WE Serve and WE Care If you learn about an illness or tragic happening affecting one of our LION Club members or families, please contact a member of the TLC Sunshine Committee with the information - Committee co-chairs Lion Nancy Dutterer - 301271-6965 or nsdutterer@verizon.net or Lion Joann Miller – 301-271-3913 or pjmiller45@comcast.net. Caring and concern for our fellow members is a very important part of our life together. Prayer for our TLC Family and members who are in need of prayer and support during their illness and recovery: O God of heavenly powers, by the might of your command you drive away from our bodies all sickness and all infirmity. Be present in your goodness with your servants that their weakness may be banished, their strength restored and that their health being renewed; they may bless your holy Name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Those with Acute Needs for our prayers: Lion Ross DiSalvo – resident at VA Nursing Home in Martinsburg, WV – Health declining. Lion Larry Mundy – undergoing treatment for blood infection. Paul McDermott (brother of Lion Rosemary) – awaiting a heart transplant. 8 Lion Marsha Opel – undergoing treatment. Those with Long Term Needs for our continued prayers and support: Linda Frazier (friend of Lion Don Keeney’s father) – awaiting a kidney transplant. Lions Paul & JoAnn Cannada, Lion Rosemary McDermott, Lion Bill Wachter, Pastor Gary Morgan of the Thurmont United Methodist Church, Clay King brother-in-law of Lion Albie Little and Jeremy Hahn, owner of Intowne Barber Shop in Thurmont. Prayer for TLC Family and their members who are serving our country: Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces and their loved ones. Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils which beset them and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen We pray for: Travis Wantz – Son of Lions JR & Cindy Wantz Nick Subryan – Son in Law of Lions JR & Cindy Wantz Joshua Long – Son of Lion Kristen Long and grandson of Lion Bill Long Mathew Mundy – Grandson of Lions Larry Mundy and Joyce Anthony Guy Jackson – Son in Law of Lions Frank & Theresa Dardanell David Miller – Grandson of Lion Sam & Nena Miller If there are other family members serving in the armed forces; please let Lions Nancy and Joann know so that they too can be added to our prayer list. C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!! Birthdays Jan. 1 – Dolly Dingle & Vic Jagow Jan. 5 – Dianne McLean Jan. 9 – Julie Stellitano Jan. 22 – Ross Smith Jan. 23 – Nancy Dutterer Jan. 31 – Rosemary McDermott Anniversaries Jan. 19 – Terry & Wendy Candela ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important Notes & Reminders If you have e-mail access but are receiving the Newsletter via regular mail, you can save the club money. With the cost of postage, we need to limit “mailed” copies to those who DO NOT have e-mail. You can read the Newsletter on the TLC website or contact Lion Joyce Anthony at 301-898-8515. If you have unwanted eyeglasses or hearing aids, please bring them to any meeting OR place them in the collection boxes that are located at Goodwill Industries and outside Dr. John Hagemann’s office. 9 If you need an updated copy of the Committees for 2013-2014 or Visitation Schedule, please contact Secretary Lion Kim. If you are interested in purchasing Lions apparel, contact Lions Kim Grimm or Joann Miller. PLEASE remember to call Lion Wes Hamrick if you will not be attending a meeting and do not want to be charged for that meal. Also, it is very important to let Lion Wes know when you have a guest attending a meeting – we need to provide an accurate count to Cozy on Monday morning the week of our meeting, and the Club is charged based on a narrow leeway from that count. Please call Lion Wes Hamrick the Sunday before the meeting at 301-271-9195. If you do not let Lion Wes know by the Sunday prior to the meeting that you will not be in attendance, you will be charged for the meal for that meeting. Lion John Hart is continuing to collect the aluminum can tabs to help support the CHS and TMS LEO Clubs. Please bring the tabs to the monthly Membership meetings. DON’T THROW THEM AWAY! Thank you! PLEASE submit all articles for the next Newsletter ASAP but no later than the last meeting of the month or by the 25th of the month whichever comes first to Lion Joyce Anthony at jananny@comcast.net ********************************************************************************************** Editor – Lion Joyce Anthony “Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Remember, this is the beginning of a new year. “When one door of happiness closes, another door opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.” (Helen Keller) Happy New Year to all my Newsletter readers and a Blessed 2014. May each of you be filled with good health, happiness and wonderful moments for you to treasure. Check us out online at Website: http://www.thurmontlionsclub.com And Follow us on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/ThurmontLionsClub ************************************************************************************** Important “January” dates 1 – New Year’s Day 13 – Melvin Jones Birthday 20 – Martin Luther King Day 31 – Chinese New Year Cervical Cancer Awareness Month National Mentoring Month National Blood Donor Month ************************************************************************** Thurmont Lions Club Calendar of Events 2013-2014 Please provide corrections/additions promptly to Lion Joyce Anthony Updated December 30, 2013 January 1 – HAPPY NEW YEAR -- Welcome to 2014! January 1 – January Newsletter released January 8 – Regular Meeting (Program/District Governor’s Official Visit) January 8 – Dues/Meals Statements for January-March 2014 (Meal charges/3months; no dues) January 11 – Benefit Breakfast for Jeremy Hahn January 13 – Melvin Jones’ Birthday January 15 – Board Meeting – 6:00 p.m. Kountry Kitchen ** January 22 – Regular Meeting (Program/Preston Law, Civil War Battle in Smithsburg) 10 January 25 – Info due for February Newsletter January 26 – Third Cabinet Meeting, Independent Hose Company Social Hall, Frederick, MD January 31 – Basket Bingo February 1 – February Newsletter released February ?? – Third Zone Meeting February 12 – Regular Meeting (Scout Night) February 19 – Board Meeting – 6:00 p.m. Kountry Kitchen ** February 25 – Info due for March Newsletter February 26 – Regular Meeting (Program/Bob Johnson and Bob Muchow, LVRF) March 1 – March Newsletter released March 12 – Regular Meeting (Barter Night) March 19 – Board Meeting – 6:00 p.m. Kountry Kitchen ** March 25 – Info due for April Newsletter March 26 – Regular Meeting (Program – Youth Night) April 1 – April Newsletter released April 4-5 – Multiple District 22 Lions Leadership Institute April 6 – Fourth Cabinet Meeting April 9 – Regular Meeting (Program –Thorpewood visit) April 9 – Dues/Meals Statements for April-June 2014 (Meal charges/3 months; dues/6months) April ?? – Fourth Zone Meeting April 16 – Board Meeting – 6:00 p.m. Kountry Kitchen ** April ?? – Clean up Day at Bell Hill April 20 – Community Easter Egg Hunt – Town Park – 2:00 p.m. April 23 – Leader Dog Banquet (in lieu of regular meeting) April 23 – Info due for May Newsletter April 26 – Sandwich Sales – Bell Hill April 30 – PU 101 due May 1 – May Newsletter released May ?? – Clean up Day – Trolley Trail May 14 – Regular Meeting (Program – Education Night) May 12-15 – Multiple District 22 Convention – Ocean City May 21?? – Board Meeting – 6:00 p.m. Kountry Kitchen ** May 25 – Info due for June Newsletter May 26 – National Memorial Day Parade – Washington, D. C. May 28 – Regular Meeting (Program – Community Night) May ?? – White Cane Banquet June 1 – June Newsletter released June 1 – Helen Keller Day June 11 – Regular Meeting (Program – Installation of Officers) June 18 – Board Meeting – 6:00 p.m. Kountry Kitchen ** June 25 – Regular Meeting (Program – Tour of New Town Office) June 25 – Info due for July Newsletter ** Please provide agenda items to Secretary Kim not later than Thursday prior to Board Meeting. 11 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS – THURMONT LIONS CLUB President Immediate Past President st 1 Vice President nd 2 Vice President rd 3 Vice President Secretary Assistant Secretary Don Keeney Tim Stuart JR Wantz Bob Johnson Kim Grimm Joann Miller Treasurer Dues Treasurer Directors: l year Directors: 2 years Lion Tamer Tall Twister Membership Chair Doug Favorite Susan Favorite Bill Reckley/Shirley Long Paul Cannada/Rosemary McDermott Deb Schray Charlie Frey PDG Och Ochoa ************************************************************************* HAPPY NEW YEAR 12 District, Region and Zone Chairs District Governor Kent Eitemiller (Lion Liz) 7202 Patton Drive Woodbine, MD 21797 Res: 410-795-5115 Cell 443-789-1742 Email: keitemiller@yahoo.com Home Club:Taylorsville-Winfield Lions Club Past District Governor Paul Cannada (Jo Ann) 7 Sylvia Circle Thurmont, MD 21788 Res: 301-271-2924 Cell 301- 639-7434 Email: paulcannada@comcast.net Home Club: Thurmont Lions Club 1st Vice District Governor John Parker (Lion Sandra) Rt. 1, Box 122A 30 Keyser, WV 26726 Res: 304-788-5755 Cell: 301-697-8570 E-Mail: John.Parker@atk.com Home Club: Potomac Valley Lions Club Cabinet Secretary Susan Bonura (Lion Martin) 1743 Deer Park Road Finksburg, MD 21408 Res/Cell: 443-745-1281 E-mail: lionsbonura@comcast.net Home Club: South Carroll Lioness Lions Club nd 2 Vice District Governor Robert (Bob) Mitchell (Michelle) 3 Bowie Mill Avenue Taneytown, MD 21787 Res: 410-756-4225 E-Mail: rsmitchell14@gmail.com Home Club: Taneytown Lions Club Region III Chair Susan Ensor 3198 Hooper Road New Windsor, MD 21776 Cell: 410-967-0770 E-mail: sueensor@comcast.net Home Club: Libertytown-Unionville Lions Club Region III, Zone 1 Chair Cartha Johnson (Lion Bob) 2193 Bellemonte Court Jefferson, MD 21755 Res: 301-371-9129 Cell: 301-471-2908 E-mail: carthjohnson@aol.com Home Club: Thurmont Lions Club Administrative Assistant Elizabeth (Liz) Eitemiller (DG Kent) 7202 Patton D rive Woodbine, MD 21797 Res: 410-795-5115 Cell: 443-789-1740 E-mail: lizeitemiller@yahoo.com Home Club: Taylorsville-Winfield Lions Club Cabinet Treasurer Gary Buchman (Patty) 1449 Streaker Road Sykesville, MD 21784-8747 Res: 410-795-8174 Cell: 443-823-3658 E-mail: gbbucks@comcast.net Home Club: Freedom District Lions Club 13 Benefit Breakfast - Jeremy Hahn Saturday, January 11, 2014 WORK SCHEDULE SATURDAY, 1/11/2014 4:45 AM - 9:30 AM FRANK DARDANELL DON KEENEY DOUG FAVORITE PAUL CANNADA GAYLE DISALVO ROSS SMITH TRINITY EVENT HELPERS: CASHIER - BETTY GROSSNICKLE TOOTIE , RUSS & ZEIGI SATURDAY, 1/11/2014 5:45 AM - 10:30 AM JOANN MILLER NANCY DUTTERER SUSIE TURNER DON KEENEY DIANNE McLEAN LLOYD BERRY KIM GRIMM FRED MULLINS JONATHAN HAMRICK WAYNE MARTIN GLEN RICKARD MARY ETHEL RICKARD BILL RECKLEY DOUG FAVORITE SATURDAY, 1/11/2014 9:30 AM - 12:00 CLEAN-UP JOANN MILLER NANCY DUTTERER DON KEENEY DOUG FAVORITE SUSAN FAVORITE ALBIE LITTLE BOB MEUNIER JOYCE ANTHONY 2014 Scholarship Application Information GENERAL INFORMATION: For many years, the Thurmont Lions Club Foundation has provided financial assistance for college attendance to Catoctin High School students in the form of scholarships. These scholarships are awarded competitively based on academic achievement, participation in activities, and financial need. The number of scholarships and the amount of each are dependent upon the degree of success of the annual Lions’ Community Birthday Calendar sales. This year the Thurmont Lions Club Foundation is awarding three one-year scholarships of $1000 each. REQUIREMENTS: You must- Be a graduating senior who has attended CHS for at least one full year or is a state accredited home schooled student who lives within the CHS feeder pattern Complete both pages of the attached application and submit it not later than April 13th Here is what you will need to have for your application- Provide an official copy of your senior year (fall semester) transcript, SAT and/or ACT scores Submit a one-page original essay describing your college and career objectives Provide two or more letters of recommendation, at least one of which is from a CHS teacher All applicants must provide a copy of pages 1 and 2 of their parents’ 2013 Federal Form 1040 with all social security numbers blacked out. Feel free to add any additional information ADMINISTRATION: Completed applications and all required documentation must be received by the close of the school on Tuesday, April 1, 2014. Applicants may be called for an interview. Scholarship winners and one guest each are expected to attend the dinner meeting of the Thurmont Lions Club at 6:15 PM on Wednesday May 8, 2013, at the Cozy Restaurant. If selected as a Thurmont Lions Club recipient a thank you note must be received by May 1st. December 1, 2013 Deborah Schray Scholarship Chairman THURMONT LIONS CLUB 2014 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Name:______________________________________ Home Phone:________________________________ Cell Phone:__________________________________ Student email address:_________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Age:____ Date of Birth: ________________ Dates Attended CHS:______________________________________________________ ACADEMIC INFORMATION: Attach Certified Official CHS Transcript (fall semester of senior year) and a copy of SAT/ACT scores and other national testing results. ACTIVITIES: Please submit an Informational Bio that includes all and any information about the applicant activities, clubs, and offices held, work and employment experience and leadership roles. ESSAY: Compose an original one-page essay identifying the college you plan to attend and describing your objectives for higher education and your career and attach. LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION: Obtain and provide two or more letters of recommendation supporting this application. At least one of these letters must be from a CHS teacher. Attach these letters. NEED: All applicants must provide a copy of pages 1 and 2 Of their parents’ 2013 Federal Form 1040 with all social security numbers blacked out. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Provide any additional information you would like the Scholarship Committee Judges to consider in a separate page. Incomplete applications will not be considered. THURMONT LIONS CLUB SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION CONTINUED CERTIFICATIONS: We certify that the information provided in this application and attachments is true, correct and complete. Applicant’s Signature: __________________________________________ Date: _______________ Parent’s Signature:_____________________________________________ Date:________________ CHS STAFF REVIEW: (Not required for home schooled applicants) I have reviewed the information provided in this application and attachments, and, to the best of my knowledge, it is true, correct and complete. According to CHS official records, this applicant’s class rank is #_____. Printed Name: ____________________ Title:__________________ Signature:________________________ Date:__________________