2016 Southern States Sale Catalog
2016 Southern States Sale Catalog
GENERAL INFORMATION SCHEDULE: Arrivals and check-in on Thursday, July 21 through Friday, July 22 prior to 10:00 AM. Arrival at other times with prior arrangements Show: Friday, July 22 at 2:00 PM. Youth Showmanship: Friday, June 22 following show. Educational Seminar: Saturday, July 23 beginning at 10:00 AM. Sale: Saturday, July 23, at 1:00 PM. Sale Order: White Dorper Rams, Dorper Rams, White Dorper Ewes, Dorper Ewes, Commercial Rams, Pens of Ewes. LOCATION: Hyder-Burks Agriculture Pavillion, Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville, Tennessee. DIRECTIONS: Located between Nashville and Knoxville Tennessee. Driving time is approximately 60 to 90 minutes from either city. From Nashville: I-40 east to Cookeville, exit 286 left onto Hwy 135 N (Willow Avenue). Follow signs for approximately 3.5 miles. Left onto 12th Street (Gainesboro Grade) for 2.2 miles. Look for the Pavilion on the left. Beige & Purple building across the pasture. From Knoxville: I-40 west to Cookeville, exit 286 right on to Hwy 135 N (Willow Avenue). Follow signs for approximately 3.5 miles. Left on to 12th Street (Gainesboro Grade) for 2.2 miles. Look for the Pavilion to the left. JUDGE: Wes Patton, Orland, CA AUCTIONEER: Pit Kemmer, Crossville, TN MINIMUM BIDS: There will be a minimum bid of $300 on all single breeding animals, $200 per head on pens of three. HEALTH PAPERS: All consignments will be accompanied by proper Interstate Health Certificates. Your local or state veterinarian should be able to advise you concerning the health requirements for sheep entering your state. All sheep sold must be in compliance with federal scrapie regulations. It is the responsibility of the buyer to adhere to any state entrance requirements or permits requires beyond the Interstate Health Certificate. MAIL BIDS: If you cannot attend the sale in person, a number of individuals will be able to handle your bids. These include ADSBS Executive Secretary, Doug Gillespie, the Judge and Auctioneer, or the consignors of your choice. All mail bids must be preapproved by the ADSBS Executive Secretary prior to the sale. Purchases must be paid for within 5 days of the sale, or a 10% handling charge will be added. We believe that transportation can be arranged through participating consignors if we are notified in advance of your plans. INTERNET VIEWING & BIDDING: The sale will be broadcast on the internet at www.DVAuction.com, and bidding via the internet will be available. You must be preapproved for internet bidding at least 24 hours before the sale through DV Auction. PLEASE MAKE TRANSPORTATION ARRANGEMENTS IN ADVANCE OF THE SALE. Internet purchases must be paid for before they are loaded via Visa or Mastercard (4% convenience fee added). ADSBS Members may pay by check. SALE PHONES: Two mobile phone numbers will be available during this event: 781-929-5618 or 254-681-8793. DORPER FUTURITY LAMBS: Consignors may nominate ewe lambs for the ADSBS Youth Futurity Program, and nominated lambs will be identified on the sale order and by paint branding. If purchased by ADSBS Junior Members (applications available at the sale) these lambs can earn futurity premiums for points accumulated in shows through March 2017. NOTICE: Neither the university, sale manager or American Dorper Sheep Breeders Society, nor the consignors to the sale assume any risk or liability in case of accidents of any kind or losses of any kind to any person or persons in attendance. TERMS AND CONDITIONS TERMS: Cash. All purchases are to be settled for with the clerks immediately following the sale and before sheep are removed from the premises, unless arrangements and approval have been made with the ADSBS Executive Secretary prior to the sale. The auctioneer’s decision is final on any disputed bids. All animals are at purchaser’s risk as soon as sold. Sheep purchased on order must be paid for within five (5) days of the sale. A 10% handling fee will be added to all mail bids not paid for within five days. A 20% surcharge will be assessed to any insufficient funds check issues. Buyer shall be responsible for any and all costs of collection, including attorney’s fees. Institutions may pay by requisition. Foreign buyers must pay in US funds. Registration papers will not be transferred to the new owner until all purchases are paid in full. SALE GUARANTEE EXCEPT FOR THOSE STATED IN THE BELOW GUARANTEE, THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE SHEEP BEING SOLD IN THIS SALE. THE WARRANTIES AND GUARANTEES SET FORTH IN THE BELOW GUARANTEE ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AND REMEDIES PROVIDED THEREIN SHALL BE THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF EACH BUYER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY CLAIMING THROUGH THE BUYER, FOR ANY BREACH OF WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE THEREIN PROVIDED, AND ALL OBLIGATIONS OR LIABILITIES. 1- Every ram and ewe sold will be guaranteed as a breeder if properly handled. It shall be the responsibility of the buyer to return the non-breeder to the seller in acceptable breeding condition. The seller, after a fair trial, and the animal is found to be a non-breeder, shall have the privilege of replacing the ram or ewe with one of equal value to the satisfaction of the buyer, or refunding the purchase price. This guarantee shall not apply the first year to any sheep that are shown subsequent to the sale date. All ewe lambs are exempt from the breeding guarantee the first year. 2- Notification of non-breeder rams must be made to the seller prior to October 1st following the sale; notification of non-breeder ewes must be made to the seller prior to April 1 of the following year. 3- This guarantee shall constitute a contract between the buyer and seller only, and no other parties assume any liability, legal or otherwise, expressed or implied. 4- The ADSBS cannot or will not assume any responsibility as to the authenticity of the pedigrees, bloodlines, or information provided in the sale catalog, pen cards, or otherwise, and the subsequent genetic performance of any sheep purchased. All such information must be accepted at face value. Any statements or information given sale day supersedes catalogued information. Any special guarantees or claims offered by individual consignors is strictly between the consignor and the buyer, and will not be enforced by the sponsoring organization. DORPERS LONE STAR DORPERS SETH GILLESPIE 751 Boston Post Road Weston, MA 02493 781-929-5618 Dorper.Sheep@yahoo.com USDA: MAX0063 1- RAM – LONE STAR 1551 RF095166 Born: 3-11-15 Twin Fullblood RR S- “Classic Gold” RF 6062 RF086803 S- RF 5938 RF079550 D- RF 4567 EF036814 D- RF 5814 EF074109 S- RF 5207 RF057318 D- RF 4736 EF044719 Fullblood RR stud prospect! Sire was 2014 Champion Ram at Eastern States Exposition, and 2015 Supreme Champion Ram over all breeds at MA Sheep & Woolcraft Fair. Dam has been a good producer for us. This ram was in our show flock last year. He was used by Beetlebung Farm on Martha’s Vineyard island last Fall, and they are keeping all his daughters. JAMES & DONNA AVERILL 2415 Elm Road Webberville, MI 48892 517-927-6399 wcfdorpers@gmail.com 2 – RAM – WILLOWCREEK FARM 018 RP093435 Born: 2-27-15 Purebred S- Willowcreek Farm 003 RP088684 S- RF 5934 RF079555 D- Dry Creek Dorpers 0512 EP073492 D- Dry Creek Dorpers 0522 EP080503 S- RF 5207 RF057318 D- Pipestone P567 EP049302 Correct, well made ram. 1st Winter Ram Lamb at 2015 NAILE in Louisville. FUTURITY EWE LAMBS Will be paint-branded with “F” For Your Convenience ADSBS Junior Members may purchase these ewe lambs, show them locally and/or nationally, earning points to win cash premiums. Sign up at the sale DREW & SUNSHINE CONNER ROCKING C FARMS 500 Walker Road Mount Vernon, GA 30445 912-339-2557 SunshineCarter67@yahoo.com USDA: GA1201 3 – RAM – ROCKING C FARMS 0003 “FRANKIE” RF102466 Born: 1-3-16 Fullblood RR S- Fleetwood Farms 0095 “Bear” RF095906 S- Fleetwood 0067 RF086828 D- TA Dorpers 1307 EF055482 D- ESCO Farms 81 “Ewelanda” EF077434 S- Five Points 0436 RF067419 D- Anuagen 517 EF054053 Lamb weighed 125 pounds at 4 months of age. Mom produces big lambs and weighs 210 pounds on pasture. Hewill put pounds on his offspring. 4 – RAM – ROCKING C FARMS 0015 “PRETTY RICKEY” RF102734 Born: 3-1-16 Twin Fullblood S- Fleetwood Farms 0095 “Bear” RF095906 S- Fleetwood 0067 RF086828 D- TA Dorpers 1307 EF055482 D- ESCO Farms 141 “Lucy” EF088198 S- McCoy 0828 RF062764 D- Sunrise Farm 65 EF075535 Great grandfathers are Riverwood Farms 4696 and Half Circle 6 1486. Lamb weighed 65 pounds at 2 months of age on pasture. Let him add numbers to your flock. ONLINE BIDDING OR VIEWING FOR THIS SALE AVAILABLE BUCKLER FARMS 2646 Little Indian Creek Road Buffalo Valley, TN 38548 931-858-2697 bbuckler@twlakes.net USDA: TN 012197 5 – RAM – BUCKLER FARMS 205 RF095222 Born: 3-4-15 Twin Fullblood S- Buckler Farms 54 RF085041 S- Hodge Ranch 0088y RF073375 D- Hodge Ranch Y188 EF060356 D- Hodge Ranch 008y EF074533 S- JMc 105 RF052586 D- Hodge Ranch Y194 EF060357 6 – RAM – BUCKLER FARMS 293 RF103734 Born: 1-24-16 Fullblood S- Hodge Ranch 0088y RF073375 S- JMc 105 RF052586 D- Hodge Ranch y186 EF056517 D- Hodge Ranch 016y EF074530 S- JMc 105 RF052586 D- Hodge Ranch Y197 EF060358 7 – RAM – BUCKLER FARMS 314 RF103742 Born: 2-10-16 Twin Fullblood S- Hodge Ranch 0088y RF073375 S- JMc 105 RF052586 D- Hodge Ranch y186 EF056517 D- Buckler Farms 105 EF087261 S- Holman Ranch 0058RF068765 D- Hodge Ranch 016y EF074530 8 – RAM – BUCKLER FARMS 309 RF103738 Born: 2-1-16 Fullblood S- Hodge Ranch 0088y RF073375 S- JMc 105 RF052586 D- Hodge Ranch y186 EF056517 D- ESCO Farms 155 EF092286 S- McCoy 0828 RF062764 D- Sunrise Farms43 EF070593 9 – EWE – BUCKER FARMS 203 EF095217 Born: 1-3-15 Twin Fullblood S- Buckler Farms 54 RF085041 S- Hodge Ranch 0088y RF073375 D- Hodge Ranch Y188 EF060356 D- Hodge Ranch 016y EF074530 S- JMc 105 RF052586 D- Hodge Ranch Y197 EF060358 SUBSTITUTE ENTRIES Will Be Paint-Branded With A Line Under The Lot Number 10 – EWE – BUCKLER FARMS 299 EF103733 Born: 1-28-16 Fullblood S- Hodge Ranch 0088y RF073375 S- JMc 105 RF052586 D- Hodge Ranch y186 EF056517 D- ESCO Farms 153 EF092285 S- McCoy 0828 RF062764 D- Sunrise Farm 44 EF070595 11 – EWE – BUCKLER FARMS 310 EF103725 Born: 2-3-16 Fullblood S- Hodge Ranch 0088y RF073375 S- JMc 105 RF052586 D- Hodge Ranch y186 EF056517 D- Buckler Farms 86 EF087252 S- Holman Ranch 0058 RF068765 D- Hodge Ranch 001y EF074534 12 – EWE – BUCKLER FARMS 301 EF103724 Born: 1-30-16 Fullblood S- Hodge Ranch 0088y RF073375 S- JMc 105 RF052586 D- Hodge Ranch y186 EF056517 D- Buckler Farms 94 EF087253 S- Holman Ranch 0058 RF068765 D- Hodge Ranch Y81 EF069927 ETHAN BUCKLER 30 Blair Brothers Lane Carthage, TN 37030 615-735-1097 Ethan24013@gmail.com USDA: TN 12197 13 – RAM – BUCKLER FARMS 292 RF103749 Born: 1-23-16 Twin Fullblood S- Hodge Ranch 0088y RF073375 S- JMc 105 RF052586 D- Hodge Ranch y186 EF056517 D- Bucker Farms 99 EF087256 S- Holman Ranch 0058 RF068765 D- Hodge Ranch Y181 EF060352 14 – RAM – BUCKLER FARMS 302 RF103737 Born: 1-31-16 Fullblood S- Hodge Ranch 0088y RF073375 S- JMc 105 RF052586 D- Hodge Ranch y186 EF056517 D- Hodge Ranch 0297 EF079317 S- Holman Ranch 0058 RF068765 D- Hodge Ranch 008y EF074533 CONNER RICHARDSON 171 Rosedale Heights Lane Rosedale, VA 24280 276-880-2348 (home) 276-596-0245 (cell) Circle_r_farming@yahoo.com www.circlerfarming.webs.com USDA: VA 80074 15 – RAM – CIRCLE R FARMING 1438 RF100949 Born: 12-27-14 Twin Fullblood S- Circle H Livestock 394 RF076312 S- Circle H 211 RF061245 D- Circle H 268 EF068943 D- 3C 12-770 EF076152 S- 3C R395 RF040792 D- 3C 10-346 RF027225 16 – RAM – CIRCLE R FARMING 1437 RF100950 Born: 12-27-14 Twin Fullblood S- Circle H Livestock 394 RF076312 S- Circle H 211 RF061245 D- Circle H 268 EF068943 D- 3C 12-770 EF076152 S- 3C R395 RF040792 D- 3C 10-346 RF027225 BENJAMIN BINKLEY BINKS FAMILY FARM 1334 Mt. Zion Road Joelton, TN 37080 615-746-5221 or 615-585-4430 AmandaTBinkley@gmail.com USDA: TN012186 17 – EWE – BINKS FAMILY FARM 58 EF0100651 Born: 5-6-15 Fullblood S- Stone Farms 0010 RF089916 S- Powell Ranch 3421 RF083986 D- Powell Ranch 2254 EF079622 D- Ricks Wilson 6 EF088688 S- The Shepherds Place39 RF080229 D- Crane Creek 00950 EF071500 Exposed since April 1. Will be pregnancy checked before sale. 18 – EWE – BINKS FAMILY FARM 54 EF0100655 Born: 5-2-15 Fullblood S- Fleetwood Farms 0075 RF086824 S- Whetstone Prairie 12-003 RF077316 D- Fleetwood Farms 0027 EF073181 D- Circle H Livestock 493 EF091277 S- Circle H Livestock 407 RF081352 D- Circle H Livestock 268 EF068943 Exposed since April 1. Will be pregnancy checked before sale. INBODY BROTHERS 19590 County Rd. 12 Bluffton, OH 45817 419-889-9278 Mark.inbody@uky.edu 19 – RAM – INBODY BROS. Winter Ram Lamb Information Sale Day If you’re looking for a growth ram that will put pounds of lamb on the table, look no further. This big-boned, deep-sided, long-sided, level hipped ram has all the right components to be a great one. Don’t miss this excellent ram. 20 – RAM – INBODY BROS. Spring Ram Lamb Information Sale Day This ram will be all hair, and will be a complete package. He surely doesn’t disappoint when you put your hands on him. 21 - EWE – INBODY BROS. Winter Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day This stylish ewe lamb is the only January ewe lamb we are selling. She has eye appeal, along with a very feminine body. She will make a great addition and will be a productive ewe. HARRIS SHEEP STATION 2349 Pleasant Hill Rd Prospect, TN 38477 256-508-1464 harrissheepstation@ardmore.net USDA: TN012623 22 – RAM – HARRIS SHEEP STATION 9 PENDING Born: 2-16-16 Fullblood S- Maple Ridge Farm 57 RF086669 S- 3C 11-556 RF069408 D- Anuagen 770 EF064161 D- ESCO Farms 162 EF095593 S- Circle H Livestock 414 RF081349 D- ESCO Farms 93 EF079739 FRED L. GILLUM 1406 Glover Road Kirksey, KY 42054 270-994-3761 Fred.gillum@fcbheartland.com USDA: 23 – RAM – KY PROUD DORPERS 502-0488 RF102178 Born: 10-2-15 Twin Fullblood S- Powell Ranch 3604 RF085924 S- Magum Powell Ranch 1242 RF070138 D- Powell Ranch 2207 EF076941 D- Cherry Tm. Dorpers 279 EF075373 S- Cherry Mt. 163 RF062490 D- Powell Ranch 9212 EF057401 Twin to next ram; fullbloods. Powell Ranch “Magnum” grandsons 24 – RAM – KY PROUD DORPERS 502-0490 RF102179 Born: 10-2-15 Twin Fullblood S- Powell Ranch 3604 RF085924 S- Magum Powell Ranch 1242 RF070138 D- Powell Ranch 2207 EF076941 D- Cherry Tm. Dorpers 279 EF075373 S- Cherry Mt. 163 RF062490 D- Powell Ranch 9212 EF057401 Twin to ram above. 9212 is a “Pistolero” daughter. Cherry Mt. 163 is by RF 4333 (National Champion). Complete, well balanced rams with beed character. SUBSTITUTE ENTRIES Will Be Paint-Branded With A Line Under The Lot Number For Your Convenience FLEETWOOD FARMS TODD & FAITH FLEETWOOD 435 Arthur Road Springville, IN 47462 812-797-9658 or 812-797-0703 USDA: IN 47088 25 – RAM – FLEETWOOD FARMS 116 RF105045 Born: 9-28-15 Twin Fullblood S- Whetstone Prairie 12-003 RF077316 S- HC 6 2083 RF062215 D- T Cude 809 EF052713 D- Fleetwood Farms 0027 EF073181 S- Circle H Livestock 0001 RF053234 D- Embree Farms 9475 EF072699 26 – RAM – FLEETWOOD FARMS 120 RF105046 Born: 10-10-15 Twin Fullblood S- Whetstone Prairie 12-003 RF077316 S- HC 6 2083 RF062215 D- T Cude 809 EF052713 D- Fleetwood Farms 0068 EF081186 S- Fleetwood Farms 0023 RF073182 D- Mockingbird Acres 0114 EF069781 27 – RAM – FLEETWOOD FARMS 139 PENDING Born: 1-2-16 Twin Fullblood S- Circle H Livestock 302 RF068946 S- Circle H Livestock B206 RF056333 D- Circle H Livestock 0013 EF052294 D- ESCO Farms 125 EF087819 S- Circle H Livestock 414 RF081349 D- ESCO Farms 93 EF079739 28 – RAM – FLEETWOOD FARMS 140 RF105047 Born: 2-7-16 Fullblood S- Dry Creek & Wold 0107 RF077734 S- Powell Ranch 1242 RF070139 D- Powell Ranch 1230 EF070105 D- RoShaBaa yel364 EF092516 S- Hodge Ranch y192 RF056601 D- RoShaBaa yel202 EF051287 29 – EWE FLEETWOOD FARMS 117 EF105024 Born: 9-28-15 Fullblood S- Whetstone Prairie 12-003 RF077316 S- HC 6 2083 RF062215 D- T Cude 809 EF052713 D- Mockingbird Acres 0114 EF069781 S- Mockingbird Acres 0089 RF065996 D- KR y385 EF044280 SALE TELEPHONES: 781-929-5618 254-681-8793 30 – EWE – FLEETWOOD FARMS 112 EF105022 Born: 9-17-15 Twin Fullblood S- Circle H Livestock 302 RF068946 S- Circle H Livestock B206 RF056333 D- Circle H Livestock 0013 EF052294 D- Powell Ranch 2231 EF079608 S- Powell Ranch 1242 RF070139 D- Powell Ranch 1218 EF070099 31 – EWE – FLEETWOOD FARMS 138 EF105036 Born: 1-2-16 Twin Fullblood S- Circle H Livestock 302 RF068946 S- Circle H Livestock B206 RF056333 D- Circle H Livestock 0013 EF052294 D- ESCO Farms 125 EF087819 S- Circle H Livestock 414 RF081349 D- ESCO Farms 93 EF079739 KENTUCKY GRASSLAND DORPERS Phillip G. Padgett PO Box 2189 Elizabethtown, KY 42702-2189 270-765-9067 Pgpadgett43@gmail.com 32 – RAM – KGD F328 PENDING Born: 9-12-14 Twin Fullblood S- Fleetwood Farms 0059 RF081187 S- Whetstone Prairie 12-003 D- BL 183 D- 3C Ranch 9-220 S- T Cude RF052724 D- 3C Ranch R324 EF038623 33 – RAM – KGD F375 PENDING Born: 9-14-14 Twin Fullblood S- Fleetwood Farms 0059 RF081187 S- Whetstone Prairie 12-003 D- BL 183 D- KGD 8000 S- RF 4345 RF035373 D- KG 1515 EF032996 34 - EWE – KGD F15044 PENDING Born: 4-1-15 Twin Fullblood S- Fleetwood Farms 0059 RF081187 S- Whetstone Prairie 12-003 D- BL 183 D- KGD 8020 S- RF 4345 RF035373 D- KGD 6021 EF047931 SALE TELEPHONES: 781-929-5618 254-681-8793 35 - EWE – KGD F15052 PENDING Born: 4-3-15 Twin Fullblood S- Fleetwood Farms 0059 RF081187 S- Whetstone Prairie 12-003 D- BL 183 D- Powell Ranch 9026 S- Powell Ranch 9026 EF057378 D- Powell Ranch 7033 EF048541 GREENE ACRES FARMS TOM & LISA GREENE 6641 E County Rd 1075 N Roachdale, IN 46172 317-716-9419 Tgreene141@tds.net Facebook: Greene Acres Dorpers USDA: IN110 36 – RAM – GREENE ACRES DORPERS 2158 RP092728 Born: 1-2-15 Triplet Purebred S- Greene Acres 2169 RP086858 S- Greene Acres 2078 RP080123 D- Greene Acres 1064 EP064510 D- Greene Acres 2239 EP071784 S- BF OR41 3233 RP046942 D- Mint Creek 6017 EP039034 37 – RAM – GREENE ACRES DORPERS 3031 RP101830 Born: 9-20-15 Twin Purebred S- Greene Acres 2169 RP086858 S- Greene Acres 2078 RP080123 D- Greene Acres 1064 EP064510 D- Greene Acres 2239 EP071784 S- BF OR41 3233 RP046942 D- Mint Creek 6017 EP039034 MOTEL INFORMATION BEST WESTERN 931-526-7115 HOLIDAY INN-EXPRESS 931-881-2000 FAIRFIELD INN by MARRIOTT 931-854-1050 HAMPTON INN 931-520-1117 COMFORT INN 866-969-8065 38 – EWE – GREENE ACRES DORPERS3033 EP101813 Born: 9-20-15 Twin Purebred S- Greene Acres 2169 RP086858 S- Greene Acres 2078 RP080123 D- Greene Acres 1064 EP064510 D- Greene Acres 2232 EP071783 S- BF OR41 3233 RP046942 D- Greene Acres 1221 EP061185 NARROW GATE FARM DILLON JONES 164 Narrow Gate Farm Lane Smithville, TN 37166 931-934-2555 djones@dynamis-inc.com USDA: TN010397 39 – RAM – NARROW GATE FARM 289 RF098312 Born: 1-18-15 Twin Fullblood S- Powell Ranch 3484 RF085922 S- Hulk Powell Ranch 8024 RF053603 D- Powell Ranch 9022 EF057375 D- Narrow Gate Farm 120 EF087466 S- 3C 10-303 RF061361 D- Triple F Dorpers 956 EF057177 Dam produced the 2013 Southern States Grand Champion Ram for us. 40 – RAM – NARROW GATE FARM 257 RF093631 Born: 10-15-14 Twin Fullblood S- Powell Ranch 3484 RF085922 S- Hulk Powell Ranch 8024 RF053603 D- Powell Ranch 9022 EF057375 D- Triple F Dorpers 1061 EF064486 S- Triple F Dorpers 648 RF041559 D- Triple F Dorpers 863 EF052772 Our top show ram last year, winning at area fairs and placing 3rd in the open Fall ram lamb class at the 2015 North American International. 41 – RAM – NARROW GATE FARM 307 PENDING Born: 4-27-15 Twin Purebred S- Powell Ranch 3484 RF085922 S- Hulk Powell Ranch 8024 RF053603 D- Powell Ranch 9022 EF057375 D- Narrow Gate Farm 099 EX069698 S- Triple F Dorpers 926 RF057180 D- Narrow Gate Farm 088EX057018 Dam produced our 1st Yearling Ram at 2014 Southern States, and 5th Yearling Ewe at 2015 National Show & Sale. 42 – EWE – NARROW GATE FARM 308 PENDING Born: 4-28-15 Twin Fullblood S- Powell Ranch 3484 RF085922 S- Hulk Powell Ranch 8024 RF053603 D- Powell Ranch 9022 EF057375 D- Narrow Gate Farm 155 EF075357 S- RF 5583 RF065677 D- Triple F Dorpers 1061 EF064486 A Fullblood from one of our most productive ewes. 43 – EWE – NARROW GATE FARM 306 PENDING Born: 4-17-15 Purebred S- Powell Ranch 3484 RF085922 S- Hulk Powell Ranch 8024 RF053603 D- Powell Ranch 9022 EF057375 D- Narrow Gate Farm 172 EP082233 S- RF 5583 RF065677 D- Narrow Gate Farm 109 EP072930 A well-made yearling from a line of show ewes. 44 – EWE – NARROW GATE FARM 305 PENDING Born: 1-30-15 Purebred S- Circle H Livestock 480 RF082328 S- Powell Ranch 1429 RF072916 D- Circle H Livestock 279 EF062470 D- Narrow Gate Farm 243 EX093639 S- RF 5583 RF065677 D- Narrow Gate Farm 068 EX057011 45 – EWE – NARROW GATE FARM 316 PENDING 49 – EWE – CIRCLE H LIVESTOCK Fullblood Yearling Ewe Information Sale Day Sells exposed for Fall lambs 50 – EWE – CIRCLE H LIVESTOCK Fullblood Fall Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day SALE TELEPHONES: 781-929-5618 254-681-8793 FREE LAMB DINNER Friday Evening Compliments of the MID-SOUTH DORPER ASSOCIATION Also FREE BREAKFAST Saturday Morning Compliments of the MID-SOUTH DORPER ASSOCIATION Born: 1-26-16 Purebred S- RFG 1472 RP086444 S- RFG 1415 RP073069 D- TA Dorpers 1134 EP053235 D- Narrow Gate Farm 244 EX093640 S- RF 5583 RF065677 D- Narrow Gate Farm 068 EX057011 CIRCLE H LIVESTOCK 295 Verona-Mt. Zion Road Dry Ridge, KY 41035 859-801-6975 CircleHLivestock@yahoo.com www.CircleHLivestock.com USDA: KYCHRA 101 – RAM – CIRCLE R FARMING 1519 PENDING Born: 10-11-15 Fullblood S- Crane Creek IA 10400 RF090463 S- Crane Creek 00039 RF072702 D- Crane Creek 12268 EF090461 D- Circle R Farming 1340 EF100933 S- HSS 3801 RF074751 D- RF 4986 EF049997 CONNER RICHARDSON 171 Rosedale Heights Lane Rosedale, VA 24280 276-880-2348 (home) 276-596-0245 (cell) Circle_r_farming@yahoo.com www.circlerfarming.webs.com USDA: VA 80074 Born: 10-20-15 Purebred S- Crane Creek IA 10400 RF090463 S- Crane Creek 00039 RF072702 D- Crane Creek 12268 EF090461 D- Shelby Acres 0156 EP065402 S- KY Grassland 8063 RF059327 D- Greens Crystal White 367 EP048691 Exposed to Circle R Farming 1519. Fullblood Yearling Ram Information Sale Day Sired by Circle H Livestock 407 “Bulldog”. 47 – RAM – CIRCLE H LIVESTOCK Fullblood Fall Ram Lamb Information Sale Day Fullblood Yearling Ewe Information Sale Day Sells exposed for Fall lambs CIRCLE R FARMING FREDDIE RICHARDSON 171 Rosedale Heights Lane Rosedale, VA 24280 276-880-2348 (home) 276-596-0245 (cell) Circle_r_farming@yahoo.com www.circlerfarming.webs.com USDA: VA 80074 102 - EWE – CDR 1538 PENDING 46 – RAM - CIRCLE H LIVESTOCK 48 – EWE – CIRCLE H LIVESTOCK WHITE DORPERS SUBSTITUTE ENTRIES Will Be Paint-Branded With A Line Under The Lot Number For Your Convenience FUTURITY EWE LAMBS Will be paint-branded with “F” For Your Convenience ADSBS Junior Members may purchase these ewe lambs, show them locally and/or nationally, earning points to win cash premiums. Sign up at the sale DALE CARTER FARMS 2419 Lamar Crosby Road Baxley, GA 31513 912-240-0427 Dalecarter704@gmail.com USDA: GA 1043 103 – RAM – DCF 0741 RP099203 Born: 9-6-15 Twin Purebred S- HC 6 2617 RF091004 S- African D555 RFD555AU D- Mugambi W108 (ET) EFW108AU D- Land-O-Ledgend 0448 EP085235 S- Land-O-Ledgend 0419 RP078647 D- Land-O-Ledgend 0307 EX076267 104 – RAM – DCF 0754 RP101873 Born: 1-25-16 Twin Purebred S- HC 6 2106 RF062192 S- Kaya 071345 RF071345AU D- Kaya 071905 EF071345AU D- HSS HSSTN0372 EP075153 S- HSS 1270 RF050971 D- HSS 906 EP038223 105 – RAM – DCF 0752 RP101878 Born: 1-24-16 Triplet Purebred S- Land-O-Ledgend 0473 RP096779 S- S Bar T Livestock 251 RP083888 D- Land-O-Ledgend 0450 EP085236 D- S Bar T Livestock g242 EP080398 S- RF 5678 RF067279 D- Hodge Ranch B132 EP043509 106 – RAM – DCF 0745 RP101872 Born: 1-20-16 Purebred S- HC 6 2106 RF062192 S- Kaya 071345 RF071345AU D- Kaya 071905 EF071345AU D- Lewis Wh Dorper 120096 EP080194 S- Lewis WD 100500 RP068450 D- Lewis WD 100084 EP068378 107 – EWE – DCF 0610 EP099202 Born: 8-16-15 Twin Purebred S- HC 6 2617 RF091004 S- African D555 RFD555AU D- Mugambi W108 (ET) EFW108AU D- HSS 4233 EP082666 S- HSS 1613 RP051084 D- HSS 2334 EX067590 Check out her birthdate: a very young yearling! 108 – EWE – DCF 0742 EP101577 Born: 11-17-15 Twin Purebred S- Land-O-Ledgend 0298 RP094991 S- Land-O-Ledgend 0419 RP078467 D- Land-O-Ledgend 0301 EX067632 D- Land-O-Ledgend 0467 EP094986 S- S Bar T Livestock g251 RP083888 D- Land-O-Ledgend 0300 RP052939 109 – EWE – DCF 0751 EP101870 Born: 1-24-16 Triplet Purebred S- Land-O-Ledgend 0473 RP096779 S- S Bar T Livestock 251 RP083888 D- Land-O-Ledgend 0450 EP085236 D- S Bar T Livestock g242 EP080398 S- RF 5678 RF067279 D- Hodge Ranch B132 EP043509 110 – EWE – DCF 0761 EP104005 Born: 4-18-16 Twin Purebred S- HC 6 2601 RF091015 S- Dumisa 10011 RF10011AU D- Fairfield 090024 EF090024AU D- HSS 4233 EP082666 S- HSS 1613 RP051084 D- HSS 2334 EP051084 RICKEY L. JACKSON 32 County Road 1123 Booneville, MS 38829 662-728-2541 USDA: MS-760 111 – RAM – RLJ FB WD MS 214 PENDING Born: 10-5-15 Twin Fullblood S- RF 6228 RF092047 S- PHP Wh Dorpers 3196 RF084258 D- RF 5744 EF073331 D- Turnbull Farm 488 EF075846 S- Twin County 0023 RF039368 D- Turnbull Farm 436 EF056343 S BAR T LIVESTOCK 1103 CR 2715 Goldthwaite, TX 76844 (325) 948-3840 darla@sbartlivestock.com www.sbartlivestock.com USDA: TX 25435 112 – RAM – S BAR T LIVESTOCK p449 RP101068 Born: 2-20-15 Twin Purebred S- S Bar T Livestock g232 RP083887 S- HSS u2102 RP056615 D- BF 1226 EP074126 D- S Bar T Livestock 0215 EP080387 S- RF 5678 RF067279 D- S Bar T Livestock R56 EP071110 Nice young ram, good hair cover, ready to go to work. 113 – RAM – S BAR T LIVESTOCK p484 RP101071 Born: 4-1-15 Purebred S- S Bar T Livestock 0213 RP081752 S- RF 5678 RF067279 D- S Bar T Livestock R54 EP071109 D- S Bar T Livestock g272 EP084276 S- RF 5678 RF067279 D- HSS 3030 EP064997 This is a nice, well-balanced young ram, ready to work. 114 – RAM – JUBILEE TIME 102 RP099734 Born: 6-11-15 Twin Purebred S- S Bar T Livestock g232 RP083887 S- HSS u2102 RP056615 D- BF 1226 EP074126 D- S Bar T Livestock Y53 EP071114 S- Mills Family 391 RF051004 D- 4S Livestock Y17 EP070703 This is “JT”. He isa nice, well-balanced ram, packed with muscle. We bought him back from a new breeder that purchased a starter flock from S Bar T. He isa half-brother to the ram we called “Bulldog”. 115 – RAM – S BAR T LIVESTOCK sp596 PENDING Born: 3-1-16 Purebred S- Twin County Dorpers 0634 RP095631 S- Twin County 0341 RF071182 D- Twin County 0458 EP095632 D- Twin County Dorpers 0333 EP069709 S- RF 5283 RF057325 D- BF 0916 EP051800 This is a fast-maturing, big-boned young ram that is a half brother to the Grand Champion Ram at the Southern States Sale last year. 116 – EWE – S BAR T LIVESTOCK p492 EP098202 Born: 4-27-15 Twin Purebred S- S Bar T Livestock g232 RP083887 S- HSS u2102 RP056615 D- BF 1226 EP074126 D- Speck Ranch 3390 EF075597 S- HSS 1272 RF050972 D- RF 4866 EF044750 This is a very nice feminine ewe with an impressive pedigree to go with her. She sells exposed to “The Duke”, HC 6 2692 with the rare Terrewenna genetics. 117 – EWE – S BAR T LIVESTOCK sp582 PENDING Born: 2-15-16 Purebred S- Twin County Dorpers 0634 RP095631 S- Twin County 0341 RF071182 D- Twin County 0458 EP095632 D- S Bar T Livestock s302 EP087104 S- RF 5767 RF073193 D- HSS 2055 EX064962 This is a very feminine ewe lamb. 118 – EWE – S BAR T LIVESTOCK sp598 PENDING Born: 3-1-16 Twin Purebred S- Twin County Dorpers 0634 RP095631 S- Twin County 0341 RF071182 D- Twin County 0458 EP095632 D- Missouri Dorpers 2060 EP080569 S- Speck Ranch 3136 RP068553 D- Speck Ranch 3040 EP068523 This is a very nice feminine ewe lamb with good shedding. 119 – EWE – S BAR T LIVESTOCK sp623 PENDING Born: 3-10-16 Purebred S- Twin County Dorpers 0634 RP095631 S- Twin County 0341 RF071182 D- Twin County 0458 EP095632 D- Twin County Dorpers 0383 EP075705 S- Twin County 0206 RF062531 D- Twin County 0175 EP059618 This is a very nice, feminine ewe lamb that I actually intended to keep. Travis said I had to sell her. My loss is your gain! SCOTT R. LUCAS 295 Lake Drive Rhinebeck, NY 12572 845-266-0329 lucasdorpers@gmail.com www.ShepherdsCrookFarm.com USDA: NY110558 120 – RAM – SHEPHERDS CROOK FARM 515 RP101527 Born: 3-6-15 Purebred RR S- Circle R Farming 1350 RF090613 S- HSS 3801 RF074751 D- RF 5527 EF061064 D- Hurricane Creek 033 EP075299 S- Locust Creek 1020 RF060292 D- Green Crystal White 296 EF031445 121 – RAM – SHEPHERDS CROOK FARM 520 RP101528 125 – EWE – 90&9 LIVESTOCK 0044 EP104304 Born: 11-29-15 Twin Purebred RR S- Circle R Farming 1350 RF090613 S- HSS 3801 RF074751 D- RF 5527 EF061064 D- Hurricane Creek 38 EP073847 S- HC 6 2005 RF060020 D- A&R Livestock 908 RP043506 Born: 2-20-16 Twin Purebred S- Glenn Land Dorpers C107 RP082216 S- Ida Vale 99-0239 RF990239AU D- Glenn Land Dorpers 2016 EP057703 D- Circle R Farming 1252 EP079239 S- Circle R Farming 1112 RP067066 D- Circle R Farming 0924 EX057548 90&9 LIVESTOCK TOMMY & ELAINE SMITH 1747 Bartley Road LaGrange, GA 30240 706-594-5338 tommy@90-9livestock.com www.90-9Livestock.com USDA: GA2055 126 – EWE – 90&9 LIVESTOCK 0045 EP104305 122 – RAM – 90&9 LIVESTOCK 0043 RP104306 Born: 10-31-15 Purebred RR S- 90&9 Livestock 0019 RP095508 S- Weaver Sheep 1100 RF078332 D- HSS 3737 EP079104 D- CHB 3539 EP080341 S- HSS 1085 RF052806 D- HSS 1065 EX053981 123 – RAM – 90&9 LIVESTOCK 0048 RP104308 Born: 11-3-15 Twin Purebred QR S- 90&9 Livestock 0019 RP095508 S- Weaver Sheep 1100 RF078332 D- HSS 3737 EP079104 D- S Bar T Livestock g228 EP080391 S- HSS u2102 RP056615 D- Hodge Ranch bl26 EP039692 124 – RAM – 90&9 LIVESTOCK 0047 RP104309 Born: 11-5-15 Purebred QR S- 90&9 Livestock 0019 RP095508 S- Weaver Sheep 1100 RF078332 D- HSS 3737 EP079104 D- HSS 4110 EP079166 S- BF 0990 RP059258 D- HSS 1051 EP050900 FREE LAMB DINNER Friday Evening Compliments of the MID-SOUTH DORPER ASSOCIATION Also FREE BREAKFAST Saturday Morning Compliments of the MID-SOUTH DORPER ASSOCIATION Born: 2-20-16 Twin Purebred S- Glenn Land Dorpers C107 RP082216 S- Ida Vale 99-0239 RF990239AU D- Glenn Land Dorpers 2016 EP057703 D- Circle R Farming 1252 EP079239 S- Circle R Farming 1112 RP067066 D- Circle R Farming 0924 EX057548 PLEASE DONATE SILENT AUCTION ITEMS TO BENEFIT THE MID-SOUTH DORPER YOUTH PROGRAMS. BRING THEM TO COOKEVILLE TENNESSEE TECH UNIVERSITY PO Box 5034 Cookeville, TN 38505 931-267-1802 ahouser@tntech.edu USDA: 127 – RAM – TENN TECH UNIV 625 RP104469 Born: 11-23-15 Twin Purebred S- Land O Ledgend 0445 RP085241 S- Speck Ranch 1357 RP063520 D- KY Grassland 8435 EP055386 D- HSS 3770 EP082591 S- HSS 1668 RP056629 D- HSS 837 EP038231 A nice Fall lamb out of a really stout ewe. He will have codon testing available sale day. 128 – RAM – TENN TECH UNIV 605 RP104468 Born: 11-23-15 Twin Purebred S- Land O Ledgend 0445 RP085241 S- Speck Ranch 1357 RP063520 D- KY Grassland 8435 EP055386 D- HSS 4242 EP082675 S- HSS 1668 RP056629 D- HSS 2078 EP065006 A Fall ram lamb that is long-bodied and smooth made like his sire. Will have codon testing results on sale day. SUBSTITUTE ENTRIES Will Be Paint-Branded With A Line Under The Lot Number For Your Convenience ABIGAYLE HOUSER 205 Patton Road Pikeville, TN 37367 931-267-1802 ahouser@tntech.edu 129 – RAM – ROCK SOLID RANCH 635 RP104393 Born: 9-20-15 Twin Purebred S- Rock Solid Ranch 78 RP096023 S- HSS 3814 RP096023 D- HSS 4278 EP084157 D- S Bar T Livestock 0206 EP090385 S- RF 5678 RF067279 D- Twin County 0280 EP069713 A thick, long bodied and well-developed Fall ram lamb that should be ready to go to work. Codon results available by sale day. WILLIAM & CONNIE KUECKER 17613 Underwood Court Rockville, VA 23146 615-633-2196 conniekuecker@gmail.com 130 – RAM – KUECKER WHITE DORPER 48A PENDING Born: 4-7-15 Twin Purebred RRNNAA S- HSS 4159 RP079181 S- BF 0990 RP059258 D- HSS 1001 EP045552 D- Circle R Farming 1248 EP079238 S- Circle R Farming 1112 RP067066 D- Rainbow Meadow 2044B EP036752 131 – RAM – KUECKER WHITE DORPER 48B PENDING Born: 4-7-15 Twin Purebred RRNNAA S- HSS 4159 RP079181 S- BF 0990 RP059258 D- HSS 1001 EP045552 D- Circle R Farming 1248 EP079238 S- Circle R Farming 1112 RP067066 D- Rainbow Meadow 2044B EP036752 132 – RAM – KUECKER WHITE DORPER 0038 RP103770 Born: 9-14-15 Twin Purebred S- Rock Solid Ranch 78 RP096023 S- HSS 3814 RP096023 D- HSS 4278 EP084157 D- Circle R Farming 1257 EP079233 S- RF 5358 RF061087 D- Osborne Farms E5001 EX044994 A stout Fall ram that sheds well and is out of an easy flushing ewe. He should sire great females and ram lambs that mash the scales down! 133 – EWE – KUECKER WHITE DORPER 92or EP096201 Born: 12-2-14 Twin Purebred S- HSS 4159 RP079181 S- BF 0990 RP059258 D- HSS 1001 EP045552 D- CHB 3492 EP080340 S- HSS 1085 RF052806 D- HSS 2375 EX067589 Exposed to Rock Solid Ranch 78, RP096023 from 4-15-16 through 6-15-16. This HSS bred ram stood 2nd in class at NAILE. 134 – EWE – KUECKER WHITE DORPER 0032 EP103769 Born: 9-25-15 Purebred S- Rock Solid Ranch 78 RP096023 S- HSS 3814 RP096023 D- HSS 4278 EP084157 D- CHB 3492 EP080340 S- HSS 1085 RF052806 D- HSS 2375 EX067589 A really nice Fall lamb that sheds well and should make a good show lamb and a great ewe. KOUGH FARMS ADAM & CANDICE KOUGH 4798 Swan Road Farmington, KY 42040 270-705-3607 cmkough@yahoo.com 135 – RAM – KOUGH FARMS 85 PENDING Born: 1-28-16 Purebred S- Baylees Rockin N 1034 RF087292 S- Baylees Rockin N 1002 RF076915 D- Baylees Rockin N 1008 EF079439 D- Greens Crystal White 589 EP088878 S- Twin County 0023 RF039368 D- Greens Crystal White 525 EP071793 136 – RAM – KOUGH FARMS 105 PENDING Born: 2-3-16 Twin Purebred S- JKL 4086 RP090079 S- BF 1144 RP071831 D- Speck Ranch 3216 EF073837 D- Greens Crystal White 542 EP078765 S- Turnbull Farm 458 RF064494 D- Greens Crystal White 435 EP064401 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY 1171 Midway Road Versailles, KY 40383 859-519-0298 frank.berry@uky.edu USDA: KY011 Certified Free 2007 137 – RAM UK WHITE DORPERS Winter Ram Lamb Information Sale Day Sired by Riverwood RF 6078. SHELBY ACRES ROBIN RAU 774 Springhead Rd. Colquitt GA 39837 229-416-5199 ShelbyAcres@windstream.net www.ShelbyAcresDorper.com USDA: GA770 (2010) 138 – RAM – SHELBY ACRES 581 RF095676 Born: 1-30-15 Twin Fullblood S- KY Grasslands 8063 RF059327 S- RF 4332 RF035366 D- KY Grasslands 4025 EF035443 D- Shelby Aces 488 EF087130 S- HSS 775 RF050970 D- HSS 3052 EF067594 139 – RAM – SHELBY ACRES 725 PENDING Born: 2-17-16 Twin Fullblood S- KY Grasslands 8063 RF059327 S- RF 4332 RF035366 D- KY Grasslands 4025 EF035443 D- HSS 3052 EF067594 S- HSS 775 RF050970 D- HSS 1259 EF050895 140 – RAM – SHELBY ACRES 694 PENDING Born: 2-11-16 Twin Fullblood S- Yucca Lily 6426 RF042241 S- Yucca Lily 4337 RF027665 D- Yucca Lily 3543 EF019401 D- Shelby Acres 488 EF087130 S- KY Grasslands 8063 RF059327 D- HSS 3052 EF067594 141 – EWE – SHELBY ACRES 697 PENDING Born: 2-19-16 Twin Fullblood S- Yucca Lily 6426 RF042241 S- Yucca Lily 4337 RF027665 D- Yucca Lily 3543 EF019401 D- Shelby Acres 621 EF095674 S- KY Grasslands 8063 RF059327 D- HSS 3052 EF067594 142 – EWE – SHELBY ACRES 721 PENDING Born: 2-16-16 Twin Purebred S- HSS 3958 RP092366 S- HSS 3934 RP082348 D- Glenn Land 2014 EP057701 D- Shelby Acres 365 EP087174 S- HSS 4155 RP079174 D- Biltmore Company 17y EP069901 SALE TELEPHONES: 781-929-5618 254-681-8793 KENTUCKY GRASSLAND DORPERS Phillip G. Padgett PO Box 2189 Elizabethtown, KY 42702-2189 270-765-9067 Pgpadgett43@gmail.com 143 – RAM – KGD P15081 Born: 1-20-15 Twin Purebred S- HSS 4007 RP082690 S- HSS 1668 D- HSS 2487 D- HSS 1086 EP056936 S- TA 819 D- HSS 906 144 – RAM – KGD P15074 Born: 9-18-14 Twin Purebred S- S Bar T Livestock RF088097 S- RF 5767 D- Speck Ranch 3312 D- HSS 4243 EP082676 S- HSS 1668 D- HSS 1679 145 – RAM – KGD P15075 PENDING Born: 1-24-15 Twin Purebred S- WCR 3233 RF085821 S- HC 6 2124 D- Yucca Lily 0563 D- KGD 8570 EP060443 S- KGD 6058 RF047695 D- KGD 6610 EP053192 146 – EWE – KGD F15032 PENDING Born: 1-14-16 Twin Fullblood S- RF 6051 RF086813 S- RF 5737 D- RF 5620 D- RF 5041 EF050039 S- RF 4620 RF042097 D- RF 3701 EF021214 147 – EWE – KGD P15028 PENDING Born: 1-20-16 Twin Purebred S- RF 5988 RF082337 S- RF 5766 D- RF 5495 D- KGD 8551 EP059364 S- KGD 6058 RF047695 D- KGD 6532 EP047687 SUBSTITUTE ENTRIES Will Be Paint-Branded With A Line Under The Lot Number For Your Convenience SHEEPY ACRES FARM 1686 Philema Road South Albany, GA 31701 229-436-6837 USDA: GA 1256 148 – RAM – SHEEPY ACRES FARM 1011 RF103042 Born: 11-5-15 Twin Fullblood S- PHP White Dorpers 2082 RF076787 S- HC 6 2120 RF062196 D- PHP Wh Dorper 9020 EF058572 D- Yucca Lily S3487 EF088360 S- Yucca Lily S0473 RF069183 D- Yucca Lily S1421 EF077123 149 – RAM – SHEEPY ACRES FARM 1012 RP103043 Born: 11-7-15 Twin Purebred S- PHP White Dorpers 2082 RF076787 S- HC 6 2120 RF062196 D- PHP Wh Dorper 9020 EF058572 D- Yucca Lily S3596 EP091359 S- Yucca Lily S0480 RF069184 D- Yucca LilyS0758 150 – SHEEPY ACRES FARM 1013 EP103040 Born: 11-7-15 Twin Purebred S- PHP White Dorpers 2082 RF076787 S- HC 6 2120 RF062196 D- PHP Wh Dorper 9020 EF058572 D- Yucca Lily S3596 EP091359 S- Yucca Lily S0480 RF069184 D- Yucca LilyS0758 HAMILTON SHEEP STATION ALAN McANELLY 2475 County Road 513 Hamilton, TX 76531 254-372-3112 Mcanelly.jolene@gmail.com www.HamiltonSheep.com USDA: TX19889 151 – RAM – HSS 3859 RP104675 Born: 4-6-15 Twin Purebred S- HSS 3927 RP079178 S- HSS 775 RF050970 D- HSS 1742 EP069545 D- HSS 3033 EP064996 S- HSS 988 RF040545 D- HSS 903 EP038219 152 – RAM – HSS Fall Ram Lamb Information Sale Day 153 – RAM – HSS Fall Ram Lamb Information Sale Day 154 – EWE – HSS 4061 EP104767 Born: 10-15-15 Purebred S- HSS 3814 RP082346 S- HSS 3803 RF074753 D- HSS 1903 EP069566 D- HSS 3953 EP091552 S- HSS 3927 RP079178 D- HSS 1737 EP082567 Exposed to HSS 3859. Will be pregnancy tested. 155 – EWE – HSS 4461 EP104769 Born: 10-25-15 Purebred S- HSS 2485 RP074750 S- HSS 2246 RP063583 D- HSS 1606 EP050924 D- HSS 1834 EX057097 S- Two Angels 819 RP033955 D- HSS 1449 EX050866 Exposed to HSS 3859. Will be pregnancy tested. GREENE ACRES FARMS TOM & LISA GREENE 6641 E County Rd 1075 N Roachdale, IN 46172 317-716-9419 Tgreene141@tds.net Facebook: Greene Acres Dorpers USDA: IN110 156 - EWE – GREENE ACRES DORPERS 3043 EP101823 Born: 10-11-15 Purebred S- Glenn Land C228 RP082221 S- HSS 1952 RF063581 D- Glenn Land 1593 EP051477 D- UK White Dorper 13-6039 EP084822 S- UK Wh Dorper 11-5203 RP077178 D- UK Wh Dorper 10-4454 EP069451 LAND O LEDGEND DORPERS SCOTT & LINDA KLINGLER 1640 Tonieville Road Hodgenville, KY 42748 270-723-0601 landoledgend@yahoo.com USDA: KY 5862 157 – RAM – LAND O LEDGEND 0461 PENDING Born: Spring 2015 Twin S- S Bar T Livestock y251 D- Land O Ledgend 0300 A serious stud with thick muscle from end to end. We have held him for this sale. LOL 300 is the best of the best Holman-Powell ewe line. Detailed pedigree information will be available at the sale. 158 – RAM – LAND O LEDGEND 0474 PENDING 163 – EWE – LAND O LEDGEND 482 PENDING Born: March 2015 S- S Bar T Livestock g251 D- Land O Ledgend 0424 Another smooth buck that puts class with explosive muscle in the outside cushion of the forearm and rear gaskin. His grandmother is a production machine: 6 lambs in 2 years. Born: Spring 2015 S- S Bar T Livestock g251 RP094993 D- Land O Ledgend 0259 A large capacity ewe like S Bar T g251 throws. Sire was 2nd in class at NAILE and youngest in class. 159 – RAM – LAND O LEDGEND 0321 PENDING Born: 9-15-15 Purebred S- Land O Ledgend 0461 RP083888 S- S Bar T Livestock g251 RF094993 D- Land O Ledgend 420 EP078645 D- Land O Ledgend 302 EX023146 S- Lewis Wh Dorper 8080 RF055882 D- Holman Ranch EX060237 Hewants you to see him when he walks in off the pasture, and you do! Beautiful Dorper head, solid dark pigment, sound feet and legs, nice muscle development per age. Will show. 160 – RAM – LAND O LEDGEND 485 RP103758 Born: 9-14-15 Twin Purebred S- Land O Ledgend 0461 RP083888 S- S Bar T Livestock g251 RF094993 D- Land O Ledgend 420 EP078645 D- Land O Ledgend 0307 EX076267 S- Land O Ledgend 0403 RP073152 D- Holman Ranch 9645 EX060237 Twin to lamb Pleasant View Farm just selected as their next stud. Nice extended ram with a medium frame and perfect breed type. 161 – RAM – LAND O LEDGEND 496 PENDING Born: January 2016 Twin Purebred S- Land O Ledgend 0461 RP094993 D- Land O Ledgend 0436 EP083627 Complete, well developed ram with deep rib pattern, good feet and legs. 436 is our best indexing ewe. 162 – RAM – LAND O LEDGEND 497 PENDING Born: January 2016 Twin Purebred S- Land O Ledgend 0461 RP094993 D- Land O Ledgend 0436 EP083627 Twin to lot 161. A very long lamb we call “Snake”. Though young, I used him on a few ewes for his extension and soundness. Another 436 son. SUBSTITUTE ENTRIES Will Be Paint-Branded With A Line Under The Lot Number For Your Convenience EAST STAR LIVESTOCK 3516 Heck Road St. Paris, OH 43072 937-215-2411 EastStarLivestock@gmail.com USDA: OH ESLS 164 – RAM – EAST STAR LIVESTOCK 1604 RF101854 Born: 10-7-15 Triplet Fullblood S- RF 6026 RF082338 S- RF 5806 RF075943 D- RF 5436 EF061080 D- RLJ FBWDMS 120 EF086390 S- HC 6 1955 RF055253 D- Locust Creek 1048 EF075158 Stout young ram. Triplet sister won her class in Duncan, and his other triplet sister was Champion Ewe at Ohio sale. 165 – RAM – EAST STAR LIVESTOCK 1607 RF103630 Born: 2-5-16 Twin Fullblood S- RF 5487 RF061097 S- Kaya 060036 RF060036AU D- RF 5181 EF052272 D- Yucca Lily S3342 EF090552 S- Yucca Lily S0473 RF069183 D- Yucca Lily S1329 EF076612 Big framed winter lamb with Riverwood, Kaya and Yucca Lily genetics. RF 5487 was also thesire of “Bone Crusher”, the two-time Louisville Champion. 166 – EWE – EAST STAR LIVESTOCK Winter Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day 167 – EWE – EAST STAR LIVESTOCK Spring Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day FREE LAMB DINNER Friday Evening Compliments of the MID-SOUTH DORPER ASSOCIATION Also FREE BREAKFAST Saturday Morning DORPER PENS of 3 BENJAMIN BINKLEY BINKS FAMILY FARM 1334 Mt. Zion Road Joelton, TN 37080 615-746-5221 or 615-585-4430 AmandaTBinkley@gmail.com USDA: TN012186 201 – PEN – BINKS FAMILY FARM 53 EF0100650 Born: 4-28-15 Twin Fullblood S- Stone Farms 0010 RF089916 S- Powell Ranch 3421 RF083986 D- Powell Ranch 2254 EF079622 D- Ricks Wilson 5 EF088687 S- The Shepherds Place39 RF080229 D- Crane Creek 00950 EF071500 Exposed since April 1. Will be pregnancy checked before sale. 201 – EWE – BINKS FAMILY FARM 57 EF0100656 Born: 5-4-15 Twin Fullblood S- Fleetwood Farms 0075 RF086824 S- Whetstone Prairie 12-003 RF077316 D- Fleetwood Farms 0027 EF073181 D- Ricks Wilson 10 EF088689 S- The Shephers Place 39 RF080229 D- Crane Creek 00661 EF071499 Exposed since April 1. Will be pregnancy checked before sale. 201 – PEN – BINKS FAMILY FARM 59 EF0100654 Born: 5-7-15 Twin Fullblood S- Stone Farms 0010 RF089916 S- Powell Ranch 3421 RF083986 D- Powell Ranch 2254 EF079622 D- Ricks Wilson 11 EF088686 S- The Shepherds Place39 RF080229 D- Crane Creek 00633 EF071455 Exposed since April 1. Will be pregnancy checked before sale. WILLIAM JOHNSON 3185 Ridge Road Cedar Hill, TN 37032 615-838-5139 Wjohnson65@att.com USDA: TN 12420 202 – PEN – CEDAR HILL 0003 EP102655 Born: 4-25-15 Purebred S- Stone Farms 0010 RF089916 S- Powell Ranch 3421 RF083986 D- Powell Ranch 2254 EF079622 D- Fleetwood Farms 0085 EP087428 S- Whetstone Prairie 12-003 RF077316 D- Embree Farms 8267 EX055993 Exposed 4-6-16 to 5-21-16 to The Shepherds Place 53, RF092236, a ram rich in Powell Ranch and Wilson Ranch bloodlines. Will be pregnancy checked prior to sale. 202 – PEN – CEDAR HILL 0007 EF102654 Born: 5-8-15 Fullblood S- Stone Farms 0010 RF089916 S- Powell Ranch 3421 RF083986 D- Powell Ranch 2254 EF079622 D- Circle H Livestock 490 EF091282 S- Circle H 407 RF081352 D- Circle H 0008 EF052297 Exposed 4-6-16 to 5-21-16 to The Shepherds Place 53, RF092236, a ram rich in Powell Ranch and Wilson Ranch bloodlines. Will be pregnancy checked prior to sale. 202 – PEN – CEDAR HILL 0008 EF102653 Born: 5-12-15 Fullblood S- Stone Farms 0010 RF089916 S- Powell Ranch 3421 RF083986 D- Powell Ranch 2254 EF079622 D- Circle H Livestock 511 EF091284 S- Circle H 407 RF081352 D- HC 6 1582 EF042447 Exposed 4-6-16 to 5-21-16 to The Shepherds Place 53, RF092236, a ram rich in Powell Ranch and Wilson Ranch bloodlines. Will be pregnancy checked prior to sale. FLEETWOOD FARMS TODD & FAITH FLEETWOOD 435 Arthur Road Springville, IN 47462 812-797-9658 or 812-797-0703 USDA: IN 47088 203 – PEN – FLEETWOOD FARMS 114 EF105023 Born: 9-27-15 Fullblood S- Whetstone Prairie 12-003 RF077316 S- HC 6 2083 RF062215 D- T Cude 809 EF052713 D- Embree Farms 1701 EF066677 S- TA Dorpers 1174 RF055485 D- Liightning Strike y58 EF057846 SUBSTITUTE ENTRIES Will Be Paint-Branded With A Line Under The Lot Number For Your Convenience 203 – PEN – FLEETWOOD FARMS 121 EF105026 Born: 10-10-15 Twin Fullblood S- Whetstone Prairie 12-003 RF077316 S- HC 6 2083 RF062215 D- T Cude 809 EF052713 D- Fleetwood Farms 0068 EF081186 S- Fleetwood Farms 0023 RF073182 D- Mockingbird Acres 0114 EF069781 Yes, a nice pen of TWO. 204 – PEN – FLEETWOOD FARMS 118 EP105025 Born: 9-28-15 Purebred S- Whetstone Prairie 12-003 RF077316 S- HC 6 2083 RF062215 D- T Cude 809 EF052713 D- Fleetwood Farms 11009 EP066431 S- Greenwood 546 RF031517 D- Embree Farms 6043 EX055974 204 – PEN – FLEETWOOD FARMS 122 EP105027 Born: 10-12-15 Purebred S- Whetstone Prairie 12-003 RF077316 S- HC 6 2083 RF062215 D- T Cude 809 EF052713 D- Embree Farms 8267 EX055993 S- RF 4023 RF030002 D- Bear Creek Farm 5011 EX033449 Pen of TWO Purebreds. FREE LAMB DINNER Friday Evening Compliments of the MID-SOUTH DORPER ASSOCIATION Also FREE BREAKFAST Saturday Morning MOTEL INFORMATION: BEST WESTERN 931-526-7115 HOLIDAY INN-EXPRESS 931-881-2000 FAIRFIELD INN by MARRIOTT 931-854-1050 KENTUCKY GRASSLAND DORPERS Phillip G. Padgett PO Box 2189 Elizabethtown, KY 42702-2189 270-765-9067 Pgpadgett43@gmail.com 205 - PEN – KGD F15046 PENDING Born: 4-13-15 Fullblood Information Sale Day 205 - PEN – KGD F15047 PENDING Born: 4-15-15 Fullblood Information Sale Day 205 - PEN – KGD F15048 PENDING Born: 4-1-15 Fullblood Information Sale Day 206 – PEN KGD P15043 PENDING Born: 4-1-15 Purebred Information Sale Day 206 – PEN KGD P15044 PENDING Born: 4-1-15 Purebred Information Sale Day 206 – PEN KGD P15049 PENDING Born: 4-1-15 Purebred Information Sale Day GREENE ACRES FARMS TOM & LISA GREENE 6641 E County Rd 1075 N Roachdale, IN 46172 317-716-9419 Tgreene141@tds.net www.GreeneAcresFarms.com 207 – PEN – GREENE ACRES DORPERS 3005 PENDING HAMPTON INN 931-520-1117 Born: 9-4-15 Purebred S- Greene Acres 2169 RP086858 S- Greene Acres 2078 RP080123 D- Greene Acres 1064 EP064510 D- Greene Acres 1221 EP061185 S- BF OR41 3233 RP046942 D- Mint Creek 6032 EP039036 COMFORT INN 866-969-8065 207 – PEN – GREENE ACRES DORPERS 3008 EP101814 Born: 9-9-15 Triplet Purebred S- Greene Acres 2169 RP086858 S- Greene Acres 2078 RP080123 D- Greene Acres 1064 EP064510 D- Greene Acres 1215 EP078548 S- BF OR41 3233 RP046942 D- Mint Creek 6010 EP039033 207 – PEN – GREENE ACRES DORPERS 3045 EP101805 Born: 9-6-15 Twin Purebred S- Greene Acres 2169 RP086858 S- Greene Acres 2078 RP080123 D- Greene Acres 1064 EP064510 D- Greene Acres 2239 EP071784 S- BF OR41 3233 RP046942 D- Mint Creek 6017 EP039034 CIRCLE H LIVESTOCK 295 Verona-Mt. Zion Road Dry Ridge, KY 41035 859-801-6975 CircleHLivestock@yahoo.com www.CircleHLivestock.com USDA: KYCHRA 208 – PEN – CIRCLE H LIVESTOCK Fullblood Yearling Ewe Information Sale Day Sells exposed for Fall lambs 208 – PEN – CIRCLE H LIVESTOCK Fullblood Yearling Ewe Information Sale Day Sells exposed for Fall lambs 208 – PEN – CIRCLE H LIVESTOCK Fullblood Yearling Ewe Information Sale Day Sells exposed for Fall lambs 209 – PEN – CIRCLE H LIVESTOCK Fullblood Ewe Information Sale Day Sells exposed for Fall lambs 209 – PEN – CIRCLE H LIVESTOCK Fullblood Ewe Information Sale Day Sells exposed for Fall lambs 209 – PEN – CIRCLE H LIVESTOCK Fullblood Ewe Information Sale Day Sells exposed for Fall lambs WHITE DORPER PENS of 3 CIRCLE R FARMING FREDDIE RICHARDSON 171 Rosedale Heights Lane Rosedale, VA 24280 276-880-2348 (home) 276-596-0245 (cell) Circle_r_farming@yahoo.com www.circlerfarming.webs.com USDA: VA 80074 301 – PEN – CIRCLE R FARMING 1526 PENDING Born: 10-14-15 Twin Purebred S- Crane Creek IA 10400 RF090463 S- Crane Creek 00039 RF072702 D- Crane Creek 12268 EF090461 D- Shady Acres 150 EP061003 S- Turnbull Farm 320 RF052437 D- Turnbull Farm 321 EP048193 301 – PEN – CIRCLE R FARMING 1530 PENDING Born: 10-15-15 Twin Purebred S- Crane Creek IA 10400 RF090463 S- Crane Creek 00039 RF072702 D- Crane Creek 12268 EF090461 D- Shady Acres 0169 EP061001 S- Turnbull Farm 320 RF052437 D- Turnbull Farm 337 EP048197 301 – PEN – CIRCLE R FARMING 1541 PENDING Born: 11-7-15 Purebred S- Crane Creek IA 10400 RF090463 S- Crane Creek 00039 RF072702 D- Crane Creek 12268 EF090461 D- Circle R Farming 1328 EP087155 S- HSS 3801 RF074751 D- Circle R Farming 1105 EP067051 D- S Bar T Livestock g226 EP080390 S- HSS u2102 RP056615 D- HSS 2244 EX066584 SUBSTITUTE ENTRIES Will Be Paint-Branded With A Line Under The Lot Number For Your Convenience SCOTT R. LUCAS 295 Lake Drive Rhinebeck, NY 12572 845-266-0329 lucasdorpers@gmail.com www.ShepherdsCrookFarm.com USDA: NY110558 302 - PEN – SHEPHERDS CROOK FARM 519 PENDING Born: 11-19-15 Purebred QR S- Circle R Farming 1350 RF090613 S- HSS 3801 RF074751 D- RF 5527 EF061064 D- Baylees Rockin N 1037 EP088289 S- Baylees Rockin N 1002 RF076915 D- Baylees Rockin N 1005 EP079438 302 – PEN – SHEPHERDS CROOK FARM 522 EP101523 Born: 12-28-15 Twin Purebred QR S- Circle R Farming 1350 RF090613 S- HSS 3801 RF074751 D- RF 5527 EF061064 D- Hurricane Creek 39 EP073848 S- HC 6 2005 RF060020 D- A&R Livestock 908 EP043506 302 – PEN – SHEPHERDS CROOK FARM 525 EP102303 Born: 1-3-16 Twin Purebred QR S- Circle R Farming 1350 RF090613 S- HSS 3801 RF074751 D- RF 5527 EF061064 D- Higher Ground RT13 EP080298 S- Turnbull Farm 456 RF064496 D- Higher Ground A11 EP069436 303 – PEN – SHEPHERDS CROOK FARM 523 EP101524 Born: 12-28-15 Twin Purebred QR S- Circle R Farming 1350 RF090613 S- HSS 3801 RF074751 D- RF 5527 EF061064 D- Hurricane Creek 39 EP073848 S- HC 6 2005 RF060020 D- A&R Livestock 908 EP043506 303 – PEN – SHEPHERDS CROOK FARM 529 EP102722 Born: 1-15-16 Twin Purebred QR S- Circle R Farming 1350 RF090613 S- HSS 3801 RF074751 D- RF 5527 EF061064 D- Higher Ground ET21 EP069438 S- Greens Crystal White 467 RF064415 D- Greens Crystal White 332 EP048695 303 – PEN – SHEPHERDS CROOK FARM 530 EP102723 Born: 1-15-16 Twin Purebred QR S- Circle R Farming 1350 RF090613 S- HSS 3801 RF074751 D- RF 5527 EF061064 D- Higher Ground ET21 EP069438 S- Greens Cystal White 467 RF064415 D- Greens Crystal White 332 EP048695 TENNESSEE TECH UNIVERSITY PO Box 5034 Cookeville, TN 38505 931-267-1802 ahouser@tntech.edu USDA: 304 – PEN – TENN TECH UNIV 306 EX104453 Born: 3-27-16 75% S- Tenn Tech Univ 624 RP096055 S- HSS 3934 RP082348 D- HSS 3781 EP083388 D- Tenn Tech Univ 123 EX086844 S- HSS 1758 RP070523 D- Tenn Tech Univ 211 EPTTU211X 304 – PEN – TENN TECH UNIV 316 EX104455 Born: 3-27-16 75% S- Tenn Tech Univ 624 RP096055 S- HSS 3934 RP082348 D- HSS 3781 EP083388 D- Tenn Tech Univ 225 EX096066 S- Land O Ledgend 0445 RP085241 D- Tenn Tech Univ 171 EPTTU171X 304 – PEN – TENN TECH UNIV 356 EX104454 Born: 3-29-16 75% S- Tenn Tech Univ 624 RP096055 S- HSS 3934 RP082348 D- HSS 3781 EP083388 D- Tenn Tech Univ 503 EX096025 S- HSS 1758 RP070523 D- Tenn Tech Univ 61 EPTTU61X 304 – PEN – TENN TECH UNIV 456 EX104456 Born 4-7-16 75% S- Tenn Tech Univ 624 RP096055 S- HSS 3934 RP082348 D- HSS 3781 EP083388 D- Tenn Tech Univ 633 EX096028 S- HSS 1758 RP070523 D- Tenn Tech Univ 1762 EP1762X Pen of Four 75% White Dorper Spring Ewe Lambs. 305 – PEN – TENN TECH UNIV 705 EX104462 Born: 12-23-15 75% S- Land O Ledgend 0445 RP085241 S- Speck Ranch 1357 RP063520 D- KY Grassland 8435 EP055386 D- Tenn Tech Univ 603 EX096027 S- HSS 1758 RP070523 D- Tenn Tech Univ 1905 EP1905X 305 – PEN – TENN TECH UNIV 16 EX104463 Born: 1-3-16 75% S- Tenn Tech Univ 624 RP096055 S- HSS 3934 RP082348 D- HSS 3781 EP083388 D- Tenn Tech Univ 604 EX096042 S- HSS 1758 RP070523 D- Tenn Tech Univ 33 EPTTU33X 305 – PEN – TENN TECH UNIV 26 EX104464 Born: 1-10-16 75% S- Tenn Tech Univ 624 RP096055 S- HSS 3934 RP082348 D- HSS 3781 EP083388 D- Tenn Tech Univ 734 EX096037 S- HSS 1758 RP070523 D- Tenn Tech Univ 1750 EP1750X UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY 1171 Midway Road Versailles, KY 40383 859-519-0298 frank.berry@uky.edu USDA: KY011 Certified Free 2007 306 – PEN – UK WHITE DORPERS Winter Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day Sired by Riverwood RF 6078 306 – PEN – UK WHITE DORPERS Winter Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day Sired by Riverwood RF 6078 306 – PEN – UK WHITE DORPERS Winter Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day Sired by Riverwood RF 6078 FUTURITY EWE LAMBS Will be paint-branded with “F” For Your Convenience ADSBS Junior Members may purchase these ewe lambs, show them locally and/or nationally, earning points to win cash premiums. Sign up at the sale KENTUCKY GRASSLAND DORPERS Phillip G. Padgett PO Box 2189 Elizabethtown, KY 42702-2189 270-765-9067 Pgpadgett43@gmail.com 307 - PEN – KGD G15001 PENDING Born: 12-17-15 75% Information Sale Day 307 - PEN – KGD G15003 PENDING Born: 12-17-15 75% Information Sale Day 307 - PEN – KGD G15005 PENDING Born: 12-17-15 75% Information Sale Day 308 - PEN – KGD Y15002 PENDING Born: 12-14-15 87.5% Information Sale Day 308- PEN – KGD Y15005 PENDING Born: 12-17-15 87.5% Information Sale Day 308 - PEN – KGD Y15010 PENDING Born: 12-11-15 87.5% Information Sale Day 308 - PEN – KGD Y15031 PENDING Born: 12-11-15 87.5% Information Sale Day Yes, a pen of four 87.5% White Dorper ewes. Their offspring will be considered Purebred. 309 – PEN – KGD P15029 PENDING Born: 12-11-15 Purebred Information Sale Day 309 – PEN – KGD P15032 PENDING Born: 12-11-15 Purebred Information Sale Day 309 – PEN – KGD P15041 PENDING Born: 12-11-15 Purebred Information Sale Day 310– PEN – KGD P15045 PENDING Born: 4-1-15 Purebred Information Sale Day 310 – PEN – KGD P15009 PENDING Born: 11-1-15 Purebred Information Sale Day 310 – PEN – KGD P15028 PENDING Born: 12-11-15 Purebred Information Sale Day 310 – PEN – KGD P15048 PENDING Born: 4-1-15 Purebred Information Sale Day SHEEPY ACRES FARM 1686 Philema Road South Albany, GA 31701 229-436-6837 USDA: GA 1256 311 - PEN – SHEEPY ACRES FARM 1010 EF103039 Born: 11-5-15 Twin Fullblood S- PHP White Dorpers 2082 RF076787 S- HC 6 2120 RF062196 D- PHP Wh Dorper 9020 EF058572 D- Yucca Lily S3487 EF088360 S- Yucca Lily S0473 RF069183 D- Yucca Lily S1421 EF077123 311 - PEN – SHEEPY ACRES FARM 1015 EP103041 Born: 12-30-15 Purebred S- PHP White Dorpers 2082 RF076787 S- HC 6 2120 RF062196 D- PHP Wh Dorper 9020 EF058572 D- Yucca Lily S3560 EP088348 S- Yucca Lily S0458 RF069182 D- Yucca Lily 8655 EX058738 311 - PEN – SHEEPY ACRES FARM 1005 PENDING Born: 12-27-15 Fullblood S- PHP White Dorpers 2082 RF076787 S- HC 6 2120 RF062196 D- PHP Wh Dorper 9020 EF058572 D- Yucca Lily S3334 EF088364 S- Yaya 06SM16 RF06SM16AU D- Yucca Lily 3581 EF019412 SUBSTITUTE ENTRIES Will Be Paint-Branded With A Line Under The Lot Number For Your Convenience HAMILTON SHEEP STATION ALAN McANELLY 2475 County Road 513 Hamilton, TX 76531 254-372-3112 Mcanelly.jolene@gmail.com www.HamiltonSheep.com USDA: TX19889 312 – PEN – HSS 5156 PENDING Born: 6-10-15 Purebred S- HSS 1787 RP085959 S- BF 0990 RP059258 D- HSS 1605 EP050889 D- HSS 4306 EP090222 S- HSS 2478 RP074749 D- HSS 1800 EP074679 Exposed to HSS 3859. Will be pregnancy tested. 312 – PEN – HSS 4454 EP104758 Born: 9-27-15 Purebred S- HSS 2485 RP074750 S- HSS 2246 RP063583 D- HSS 1606 EP050924 D- HSS 1679 EP057076 S- HSS 982 RF040546 D- HSS 718 EX045525 Exposed to HSS 3859. Will be pregnancy tested. 312 – PEN – HSS 4498 EP104765 Born: 10-17-15 Purebred S- HSS 2485 RP074750 S- HSS 2246 RP063583 D- HSS 1606 EP050924 D- HSS 2021 EP056924 S- HSS 1206 RF045601 D- HSS 1008 EP045557 Exposed to HSS 3859. Will be pregnancy tested. 313 – PEN – HSS 4464 EP104776 Born: 11-20-15 Twin Purebred S- HSS 4274 RP084275 S- HSS 1668 RP056629 D- HSS 2036 EF056901 D- HSS 2329 EP067596 S- HSS 1668 RP056629 D- HSS 1072 EP054010 Exposed to HSS 3859. Will be pregnancy tested. 313 – PEN – HSS 4479 EP104783 Born: 11-28-15 Purebred S- HSS 4274 RP084275 S- HSS 1668 RP056629 D- HSS 2036 EF056901 D- HSS 1279 EF054000 S- HSS 982 RF040546 D- HSS 983 EF040544 Exposed to HSS 3859. Will be pregnancy tested. 313 – PEN – HSS 5130 EP104772 Born: 11-1-15 Purebred S- HSS 3456 RP091142 S- HSS 3413 RP075958 D- HSS 2613 EX069517 D- HSS 3440 EP079100 S- BF 0980 RP055809 D- HSS 1631 EX050885 Exposed to HSS 3859. Will be pregnancy tested. EAST STAR LIVESTOCK 3516 Heck Road St. Paris, OH 43072 937-215-2411 EastStarLivestock@gmail.com USDA: OH ESLS 314 - PEN – EAST STAR LIVESTOCK Spring Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day 314 - PEN – EAST STAR LIVESTOCK Spring Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day 314 - PEN – EAST STAR LIVESTOCK Spring Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day LAND O LEDGEND DORPERS SCOTT & LINDA KLINGLER 1640 Tonieville Road Hodgenville, KY 42748 270-723-0601 landoledgend@yahoo.com USDA: KY 5862 315 - PEN – LAND O LEDGEND Yearling Ewe Information Sale Day Sells exposed to Broadmead 010, 1st Fall Ram Lamb at Midwest Sale. 315 - PEN – LAND O LEDGEND Yearling Ewe Information Sale Day Sells exposed to Broadmead 010, 1st Fall Ram Lamb at Midwest Sale. 315 - PEN – LAND O LEDGEND Yearling Ewe Information Sale Day Sells exposed to Broadmead 010, 1st Fall Ram Lamb at Midwest Sale. 316 - PEN – LAND O LEDGEND Fall Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day Sells exposed to Broadmead 010, 1st Fall Ram Lamb at Midwest Sale. 316 - PEN – LAND O LEDGEND Fall Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day Sells exposed to Broadmead 010, 1st Fall Ram Lamb at Midwest Sale. 316 - PEN – LAND O LEDGEND Fall Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day Sells exposed to Broadmead 010, 1st Fall Ram Lamb at Midwest Sale. COMMERCIAL RAMS UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY 1171 Midway Road Versailles, KY 40383 859-519-0298 frank.berry@uky.edu USDA: KY011 Certified Free 2007 401 – RAM – UK WHITE DORPERS Commercial Yearling Ram Information Sale Day Sired by Riverwood RF 6078 or Lewis 130096. KENTUCKY GRASSLAND DORPERS Phillip G. Padgett PO Box 2189 Elizabethtown, KY 42702-2189 270-765-9067 Pgpadgett43@gmail.com 402 – RAM – KGD F15067 PENDING Born: 4-8-15 Fullblood Dorper S- Fleetwood Farms 0059 RF081187 S- Whetstone Prairie 12-003 D- BL 183 D- 3C Ranch 9-220 S- T Cude RF052724 D- 3C Ranch R324 EF038623 403 – RAM – KGD F15064 PENDING Born: 1-20-15 Fullblood White Dorper Information Sale Day A very nice ram, just no time to halter break! 404 – RAM – KGD F15042 PENDING Born: 4-1-15 Purebred White Dorper Information Sale Day A very nice ram, just no time to halter break! 405 – RAM – KGD F15076 PENDING Born: 1-24-15 Purebreds White Dorper Information Sale Day A very nice ram, just no time to halter break! SALE TELEPHONES: 781-929-5618 254-681-8793 FUTURITY EWE LAMBS Will be paint-branded with “F” For Your Convenience ADSBS Junior Members may purchase these ewe lambs, show them locally and/or nationally, earning points to win cash premiums. Sign up at the sale FREE LAMB DINNER Friday Evening Compliments of the MID-SOUTH DORPER ASSOCIATION Also FREE BREAKFAST Saturday Morning Compliments of the MID-SOUTH DORPER