Twin Brooks - Community League
Twin Brooks - Community League
Community League Showcase 2015 Twin Brooks Community League TWIN BROOKS COMMUNITY GARDEN GROUP Our story We are particularly pleased that the Twin Brooks Community Garden Group exists since it is truly an inter-community project. There is such a hunger for gardening sites, that we have members from approximately eight different community in the southwest. In fact, the first coordinator resided in the Yellowbird Community League area. We are also hugely proud of the fact that the garden sits on land that was destined for a four-lane arterial roadway. A group of 10 citizens from across Edmonton, lobbied, organized and collaborated with community groups such as the EFCL, the Alberta Nature Society, the Sierra Club, Ducks Unlimited, Edmonton Area & Land Trust to get the City of Edmonton to quash the idea of building a $500 Million bridge across the Blackmud Ravine Crossing. The latter is fondly dubbed the “Grand Canyon of Edmonton.” We are deeply proud that the idea of a community garden attracted many volunteers such as Susan Austen, Lucille Mazo and Seko Construction company. They spent endless hours applying for grants, donating the use of bob-cats to remove the turf and laying down sod in 2012. We also applaud and commend Joyce Makarowski, Julie West, Susan Parker and Ida Richards who, began the search for a site in 2008. Sign makes it official Our first choice failed in 2009, but in March 2012, City Council removed 119 St from Bylaw 15100 and the land became available subject to approval from Dept. of Transportation. The latter graciously gave its permission and in 2013, after five years, TBCGG became a reality with 44 plots and approx. 50 gardeners. It has become a place of intense pride and joy, and in 2014, we won 3rd prize out of 63 entries in the Front Yards in Bloom contest in category of Public Spaces. It has become a central “bumping into” space for Twin Brooks and other neighbouring community residents. It also serves a peripheral purpose of providing eyes and ears near to the Twin Brooks District and Nature Park parking lot. This seems to lessen what is suspected to be sale and use of illegal drugs in the parking lot. The garden is evidence of community cooperation; it is the pride and joy of residents. And, we have a plot dedicated to the food bank too. Sharing the harvest — both product and seeds To learn more about this project: IDA RICHARDS Thanks to our Reception Display Sponsor: