Student Requirement System - Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem


Student Requirement System - Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem
The Statutes and Regulations of
Budapesti Kommunikációs és Üzleti Főiskola
Effective form
Term I of Academic year 2013/2014
Student Requirement System – General Provisions and Definitions............................................................ 6
Introduction........................................................................................................................................................ 6
General Provisions ............................................................................................................................................ 6
I. Scope of the student requirement system ......................................................................................6
II. The appendices of the SRS ..............................................................................................................6
III. Definitions .........................................................................................................................................8
Appendix 1 – Structure and Content of Courses........................................................................................... 12
Chapter One ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
General Provisions .......................................................................................................................................... 12
I. The basis of courses and training courses ...................................................................................12
Chapter Two ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
II. Course-unit ......................................................................................................................................13
III. Course .............................................................................................................................................14
IV. Programme .....................................................................................................................................14
V. Specializations and sub-specializations of degree courses launched before academic year
2012/2013 .............................................................................................................................................15
V/a. Specializations and sub-specializations of degree courses launched in or after academic
year 2012/2013 .....................................................................................................................................16
VI. Professional programme ..............................................................................................................16
Chapter Three .................................................................................................................................................. 17
The Structure of Courses and Training Courses ......................................................................................... 17
I. Curriculum ........................................................................................................................................17
II. Prerequisite ......................................................................................................................................18
III. Recommended curriculum ............................................................................................................18
IV. Mode of study and length of programme ....................................................................................19
Appendix 2 – Admission Procedure ............................................................................................................... 20
Chapter Six....................................................................................................................................................... 20
Special Rules Pertaining Exclusively to Non-Hungarian Citizens Applying for Degree Courses
Launched in a Foreign Language .......................................................................................................... 20
Appendix 3 – Rights and Obligations of Students ........................................................................................ 21
General Provisions .......................................................................................................................................... 21
Rights and Obligations of Students .............................................................................................................. 21
I. Rights of students ............................................................................................................................21
II. Obligations of students ..................................................................................................................24
III. The obligation of the BKF to provide information ......................................................................24
IV. ETR as the surface of information provision ..............................................................................25
Appendix 4 - Credit-based Studies and Examination Regulations.............................................................. 26
Chapter One ..................................................................................................................................................... 26
General Provisions .......................................................................................................................................... 26
I. Scope of the regulations .................................................................................................................26
Chapter Two ..................................................................................................................................................... 26
Legal Framework of Studies, Legal Relationship of Students, Guest Students and Students Taking
Part in Adult Education........................................................................................................................... 26
I. The basis of the legal relationship of students, guest students and students taking part in
adult education ....................................................................................................................................26
II. Student status .................................................................................................................................27
III. Admission .......................................................................................................................................27
IV. Transfer ...........................................................................................................................................27
V. Change of programme and mode of study ..................................................................................28
VI. Enrolment .......................................................................................................................................28
Student identity card...........................................................................................................................29
VII. Sign-in ............................................................................................................................................30
VIII. Refusal of sign-in .........................................................................................................................31
IX. Suspension of student status ......................................................................................................31
X. Visiting student status (guest student status) ............................................................................33
XI. Additional student status (simultaneously pursued studies) ...................................................34
XII. Termination of student status .....................................................................................................35
XIII. Discharge ......................................................................................................................................36
XIV. Procedures applied upon the termination of student status ..................................................37
Chapter Three .................................................................................................................................................. 37
Academic Credit System and Rules Pertaining to the Acquisition of Credit Points................................ 37
I. General rules relating to the credit system at the BKF ................................................................37
II. Rules pertaining to the collection of credit points at the BKF ...................................................38
III. Rules pertaining to credit recognition at the BKF ......................................................................38
Chapter Four .................................................................................................................................................... 39
Rules Pertaining to the Completion of Academic Requirements............................................................... 39
I. Length of programme and academic calendar .............................................................................39
II. Rules pertaining to the announcement of courses and course registration ............................40
III. Electronic course record book .....................................................................................................42
IV. Rules pertaining to participation in contact hours ....................................................................43
Rules pertaining to participation in lectures ....................................................................................43
Rules pertaining to participation in practical classes and the mandatory internship .................43
General rules pertaining to participation in contact hours ............................................................45
V. Rules pertaining to the selection of and registration for specializations .................................46
Chapter Five ..................................................................................................................................................... 49
Assessment and Evaluation of Student Performance ................................................................................ 49
I. Testing System of Subjects ............................................................................................................49
II. Forms of testing in practical classes ............................................................................................50
Classroom test (in-class test) ............................................................................................................50
Mid-term report ....................................................................................................................................50
III. Forms of testing in the case of a lecture and practical class to be completed together .......51
IV. Forms of testing in the case of lectures ......................................................................................51
End-of-term examination ....................................................................................................................51
IV/A. Form of testing applied for professional core subjects .........................................................52
V. The evaluation of student performance .......................................................................................52
VI. Rules pertaining to plagiarism .....................................................................................................53
Chapter Six....................................................................................................................................................... 54
Rules Pertaining to the Examination Period ................................................................................................ 54
I. General provisions ...........................................................................................................................54
II. The schedule of examinations .......................................................................................................54
III. Examination registration, missed examinations ........................................................................55
Missed examination ............................................................................................................................56
IV. The order of examinations ............................................................................................................56
V. Publication of examination grades, the right to review ..............................................................58
VI. Repeat examination and remake examination ............................................................................58
Repeat examination ............................................................................................................................58
Remake examination...........................................................................................................................59
VII. Examination course ......................................................................................................................59
VIII. Calculation of study performance, completion of semesters .................................................59
Chapter Seven ................................................................................................................................................. 61
Rules Pertaining to the Completion of Internship ....................................................................................... 61
I. General provisions ...........................................................................................................................61
II. Rules pertaining to the internship of students out of employment ...........................................62
III. Rules pertaining to internship for students in employment ......................................................62
IV. The supervision and assessment of internship .........................................................................63
V. The specific aspects of internship completed in the art and art mediation training fields ....63
VI. The specific aspects of internship completed by students holding a foreign citizenship
pursuing their studies at the English language degree courses ...................................................65
Chapter Eight ................................................................................................................................................... 66
Rules Pertaining to Graduation and the Award of the Diploma ................................................................. 66
I. Pre-degree certificate ......................................................................................................................66
II. Degree thesis and diploma work ...................................................................................................66
II/A. Rules pertaining to the degree thesis and the diploma work at art programmes ................72
III. Final Examination...........................................................................................................................74
IV. The Diploma ...................................................................................................................................78
Appendix 5 – Fees and Allowances Regulations .......................................................................................... 80
Chapter One ..................................................................................................................................................... 80
General Provisions .......................................................................................................................................... 80
I. Provisions pertaining to the scope of regulations .......................................................................80
II. General provisions pertaining to the procedure ..........................................................................81
III. Types of student grant allocations ...............................................................................................81
IV. General rules pertaining to state-funded and fee-paying programmes ...................................85
Chapter Two ..................................................................................................................................................... 88
Forms of state grants provided for students ............................................................................................... 88
IV. Bursa Hungarica Higher Education Local Government Scholarship .......................................88
V. Public life, scientific, professional and sport grant ....................................................................90
VI. Scholarship of the Republic of Hungary .....................................................................................91
VII. Acquisition of electronic textbooks, study materials and electronic devices required for
preparation ...........................................................................................................................................92
VIII. Supporting sport and cultural activities ....................................................................................92
IX. Supporting the operation of Student Union ................................................................................93
X. Scholarship for students studying abroad ..................................................................................93
XI. The order of supporting the studies of foreign nationals in Hungary .....................................94
Chapter Three .................................................................................................................................................. 95
Student scholarship programme ................................................................................................................... 95
I. BKF study grant for freshman students ........................................................................................95
II. BKF study grant ..............................................................................................................................95
III. BKF Creative grant .........................................................................................................................96
IV. BKF Start-up programme ..............................................................................................................96
Forms of student grant allocations from non-state budget sources ......................................................... 96
I. The sources and amount of institutional allowances, reporting allowances from other
sources .................................................................................................................................................96
II. BKF professional and cultural support.........................................................................................97
IV. Sport and cultural support ............................................................................................................97
V. Internship grant...............................................................................................................................98
VI. Discounts granted for top academic achievement ....................................................................98
VII. Fees paid for student work ..........................................................................................................98
Chapter Four .................................................................................................................................................... 99
Fees and charges payable by the students .................................................................................................. 99
I. General Provisions...........................................................................................................................99
II. Rules pertaining to state-funded programmes ..........................................................................101
III. Rules pertaining to fee-paying programmes .............................................................................102
IV. Further tuition fees, charges and special procedure fees ......................................................104
Appendix 7 - The rules of the consideration of student applications at first instance ........................... 107
Chapter One ................................................................................................................................................... 107
I. General provisions .........................................................................................................................107
II. Scope ..............................................................................................................................................107
III. Competence ..................................................................................................................................108
IV. The assessment of powers and competence ...........................................................................108
V. Leniency application submitted to the rector ............................................................................108
Chapter two .................................................................................................................................................... 109
General rules of first instance procedures ................................................................................................. 109
I. The process of procedures ...........................................................................................................109
II. The participation of the student in the procedure .....................................................................110
III. The rules of delivery ....................................................................................................................111
IV. Rules of summons, and the calculation of time limits .............................................................111
V. The rules of omission and its proof ............................................................................................112
VI. Supplementation ..........................................................................................................................112
VII. Decision at first instance ...........................................................................................................112
Chapter three ................................................................................................................................................. 113
The rules of procedure of bodies and persons rendering decisions at first instance........................... 113
I. The composition and rules of procedure of the Committee of Imbursements, Allowances and
Studies ...............................................................................................................................................113
II. The powers of the Committee of Imbursements, Allowances and Studies ............................114
III. The rules of procedure of the Committee of Imbursements, Allowances and Studies ........114
IV. The specific order of the consideration of the different cases in the procedure of the CIAS
V. The Director of Studies ................................................................................................................115
VII. The Chief Financial Officer ........................................................................................................123
VIII. Heads of Programmes ...............................................................................................................123
IX. Heads of institutes .......................................................................................................................124
IX./A The Head of the Institute of Foreign Languages ..................................................................124
X. The Director of the Institute of Higher Vocational Training .....................................................124
XI. Director of the Career Centre .....................................................................................................125
XII. Credit Transfer Committee ........................................................................................................125
XIII. Head of the International Trainings Centre .............................................................................127
Appendix 8 - The rules of the Student Appeals Procedure ........................................................................ 128
I. General provisions .........................................................................................................................128
II. The composition of the Committee, pleas in bar .......................................................................129
III. The procession of legal remedy procedures ............................................................................130
SUPPLEMENT ................................................................................................................................................. 133
DEGREE THESIS EVALUATION FORM ....................................................................................................... 133
Provisions on the formal requirements of the thesis ................................................................................ 142
Student Requirement System – General Provisions and Definitions
General Provisions
I. Scope of the student requirement system
1. The scope of the present Student Requirement System (hereafter referred to as SRS) extends to all
persons at Budapesti Kommunikációs és Üzleti Főiskola (hereafter referred to as BKF) with a student
or adult student status regardless of both the date of the establishment of the above status or the type
of training programme they participate in.
2. Furthermore, the scope of the Admission Procedure of the present SRS (Appendix 2 of the SRS)
extends to the persons who have submitted their application for admission to any of the training
programmes of the BKF.
3. In the case of students who started their studies at the BKF before 1 September 2006 – at
programmes offered within the framework of the so-called pre-Bologna system (hereafter referred to as
former training system) – the provisions of the present SRS shall be applied with respect to the
stipulations specified in the Transitional Provisions (Appendix 6 of the SRS).
4. The scope of the present SRS extends to all training programmes pursued within the framework of
student status or adult student status with respect to the stipulations in the appendices of the SRS.
5. The scope of the present SRS extends to each educational unit participating in the training
programmes, including lecturers, instructors, teachers who have entered into a contract of agency with
the BKF as well as to workers performing educational management tasks in any form.
6. The present SRS regulates the rights and obligations arising from the student and adult student
relationship established between the students and the BKF.
II. The appendices of the SRS
1. The regulations defined in Clause 1. are specified in the appendices of the SRS. The appendices are
as follows:
Appendix 1: Structure and Content of Courses
Appendix 2: Admission Procedure
Appendix 3: Rights and Obligations of Students
Appendix 4: Credit-based Studies and Examination Regulations
Appendix 4.1:
Credit-based Studies and Examination Regulations for Higher-level
Vocational Training Courses
Appendix 5: Fees and Allowances Regulations
Appendix 6: Transitional Provisions
i)Appendix 7: First Instance Decisions on Requests by Students
j)Appendix 8: Legal Remedy Procedures for Students
Appendix 9: Procedures Relating to Student Misconduct and Compensation
l)Appendix 10: Academic Calendar for Disabled Students
Appendix 11. Rules on Accident Prevention for Students
Appendix 12: Procedural Rules on the Erasmus Exchange Programme
Appendix 13: Procedures Relating to the Appointment of Teaching Assistants to Institutes
Appendix 14: The Records and Application of the Electronic Course Record Book
Appendix 15: Academic and Artistic Student Groups, Regulations Pertaining to the TalentManagement Workshops of the BKF
III. Definitions
For the purposes of the present SRS:1
orphan: a student under the age of 25 who was not adopted after both parents or the single,
divorced or separated parent he/she lived with passed away;
CooSpace: a space for electronic consultation which is suitable for maintaining contact
among participants, sharing electronic materials and playing media files thus supporting learning
processes outside the classroom, facilitating the acquisition of information needed for studies and
enhancing everyday processes that require general cooperation at the BKF;
breadwinner: the student who
a) has at least one child,
b) is entitled to nursing allowance in accordance with Act III. of 1993 on Social Administration and
Social Assistance;
training schedule of evening courses: a mode of study with classes starting not earlier than
4.00 pm on weekdays or with classes scheduled for the weekly rest-days throughout the term-time;
ETR: a unified electronic studies registering system (USRS) that supports the completion of
study requirements specified by the SRS;
mid-term grade: the mark that reflects the mid-term performance of the student and is
awarded during term-time in the framework of the assessment procedure specified in the studies and
examination regulations;
phasing-in system: the organisation principle on the basis of which compliance with the
new and amended academic and examination requirements shall be completed by students who
started their studies after the introduction of the regulations or by students who started their studies
before their introduction but have chosen to study for their degree in accordance with the new and
amended studies and examination regulations;
higher-level vocational training: vocational training provided by higher education
institutions within the framework of student status at the higher education institution – or in the event
of an agreement concluded between the higher education institution and the vocational secondary
school – for students having secondary student status, which is integrated into the undergraduate
course of the higher education institution and which awards a higher-level vocational qualification
listed in the National Qualifications Register;
higher education vocational training: vocational training provided by higher education
institutions within the framework of student status with the option to integrate the vocational training
programme into the undergraduate programme of the higher-educational institution;
fatherless/motherless person: a student under the age of 25 who was not adopted after one
of his/her parents passed away;
semester/term: a learning period of five months;
disabled student or student in need due to his/her health condition: a student or applicant
a) needs continuous or increased supervision or care due to his/her disability or who needs regular
In accordance with Section 108 of ANHE and Section 147 of AHE and Clause (1), Section 2 of the Fees
and Allowances Decree.
personal and/or technical assistance and/or service due to his/her disability or
b) has lost at least 67% of his/her ability to work and that condition has prevailed for at least a year or is
likely to prevail for at least a year;
published in the regular way/manner accepted as standard at the BKF: publication either in
ETR, Modulo or CooSpace or announcement on the notice board of the Directorate of Studies or on the
disadvantaged student or applicant: a student or applicant under the age of 25 at the time
of enrolment in respect of whom the notary arranged for child protection care during his/her secondary
education due to family or social background, or for whom regular child welfare benefit has been
disbursed, or who has been eligible for regular child protection benefit, or has been a ward of the
multiply disadvantaged student or applicant: a disadvantaged student or applicant whose
parent exercising parental control at the time when the student reached the compulsory school age
only completed elementary education as stated in the voluntary parental declaration under the
procedure regulated in the Act on the Protection of Children and on Child Welfare Administration, or for
whom long-term guardianship has been arranged;3
publication on homepage: publication of information in a domain on the homepage that is
accessible to all;
branch of training: all the programmes in a certain field of training the contents of which are
identical in the initial phase of training;
programme completion and exit requirements: the knowledge, skills, proficiency and
abilities (competencies) whose acquisition is a precondition for a diploma;
length of programme: the duration of the course specified by law and required for obtaining
the necessary credits, degree, professional and specialised qualification as defined in the
corresponding laws;
term of study: the division of the length of the programme into term-time and the pertaining
examination period;
field of training: the programmes and branches of degree programs and branches of
training defined in a government decree the contents of which are similar or partly identical;
student with outstanding academic performance: a student who performs above the
average as compared to the relevant criteria specified in Appendix 5 of the SRS with respect to
academic performance;
consultation: an opportunity for personal discussion provided by the lecturer of the BKF;
credit/credit point: a unit of students’ work which represents – in relation to the course-unit
or curricular unit – the estimated time necessary for the acquisition of a specific body of knowledge
and the fulfilment of requirements; one credit equals an average of 30 study hours;
collection of credits/credit points: in the course of the completion of studies, the credits
earned in each study period are added to the previously earned credits until the student collects all the
credits specified as the precondition of the award of the diploma (including the credits attached to the
knowledge the acquisition of which is mandatory);
training schedule of part-time training: a schedule of training provision where, unless
otherwise stated in an agreement concluded with the students concerned, the contact hours of
See AHE, Paragraph 10, Section 147.
See AHE, Paragraph 10/A, Section 147.
students are delivered in a condensed form either on working days every two weeks or on regular restdays once a week while the rest of the training is delivered using distance learning methods;
Modulo: the electronic surface for the administration of student affairs operating as a
customer portal at the BKF, students start official procedures by submitting an electronic request;
person with a large family: a student
a) who has at least two dependant sisters or brothers or three children or
b) who – besides the breadwinner(s) in the family – has at least two persons in the same household
whose monthly income does not reach the minimum wage or
c) who is the guardian of at least two minors;
pursuing partial studies/study in another higher education institution: a student earning
credit points at another higher education institution within the framework of visiting/guest student
28/A. selection examination: a form of assessment of knowledge in the course of which the selection
examination board determines whether the student – during his/her studies at the art or art mediation
programme of his/her choice – has acquired the basic knowledge needed to practice his/her future
profession considering his/her academic work and abilities and whether he/she is able to continue
his/her studies based on the performance at the selection examination; 4
28/B. sub-specialization: studies aimed at the acquisition of specialised knowledge which does not
lead to the acquisition of a separate professional qualification;
29. programme/degree course: training towards a professional qualification which comprises the
pertaining content requirements (knowledge, proficiency, skills) in a uniform system;
30. specialization: in the case of programmes launched in accordance with AHE, a training aimed at the
acquisition of specialised knowledge which is certified as part of the professional qualification
qualification/professional qualification: the recognition of specialised knowledge determined by
the content of the programme and the sub-specialization/ specialisation or the content of the
postgraduate specialist programme or higher education vocational training preparing the student for
the profession; such knowledge is awarded with the Bachelor or Master degree or certified in a higherlevel vocational diploma;
31/A. (professional) core subject: key subjects published in the curricula of art and art mediation
degree courses with the optional requirement of a selection examination; 5
31/B. practice/internship/work placement: partially independent student activity carried out at an offsite practical training location or a practical training location belonging to the higher education
institution as part of a higher education vocational training, Bachelor, Master or one-tier programme;
student entitled to social benefits: a student at a full-time higher education vocational training,
undergraduate, graduate, doctoral programme or at a one-tier programme
a) who participates in a state-funded programme or whose studies are fully or partially financed
through scholarship granted by the Hungarian state or
b) who has started his/her studies within the framework of a state-funded programme and he/she would
be eligible to a state-funded programme based on the number of semesters completed at the given
programme or vocational training course;
33. academic year: an instruction provision period of ten months;
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
34. contact hour: a class requiring the personal cooperation of the lecturer for the fulfilment of the
academic requirements specified in the curriculum (lecture, seminar, practical class, consultation),
subject cancellation: the official deletion of a previously registered subject by the student from
ETR and the course record book;
35/A. distance education/distance learning: particular form of training, involving the use of ICT
teaching aids and teaching-learning methods using digital materials based on the interactive
relationship between the lecturer and the student as well as the student’s individual work, where the
number of contact hours is less than 30% of the contact hours in full-time training;
examination (end-of-term examination): a form of assessment to verify and evaluate the
acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities;
pre-degree certificate: a certificate that states without grading or evaluation that the student has
passed all the examinations specified in the curriculum and – except for the language examination and
the degree thesis – satisfied all other academic requirements and has earned the number of credits
prescribed in the programme completion and exit requirements – except the credit points rendered to
the degree thesis (diploma work).
Appendix 1 – Structure and Content of Courses
Chapter One
General Provisions
I. The basis of courses and training courses
1. Instruction provided by the BKF is based on the educational programme while in the case of higher-level
vocational training courses instruction shall be based on the higher-level vocational training programme.6
2. As part of the educational programme, the BKF shall develop the curriculum of the higher education
vocational training courses, undergraduate and the graduate courses in accordance with the programme
completion and exit requirements issued by the minister for higher education, whereas in the case of
postgraduate specialist training courses it shall devise the corresponding programme without any concern to
such restrictions.7
3. The vocational training programme may be developed for higher-level vocational training courses listed in
the National Qualifications Register on the basis of the vocational and examination requirements issued by the
minister responsible for the qualification. 8
4. The educational programme and the vocational training programme as part of the educational programme
shall be approved by the Senate based on the motion put forward by the General Vice-Rector and they become
effective after the Senate’s decision.9
5. The educational programme shall consist of in particular the following:
a) the detailed academic and qualification requirements of individual undergraduate, graduate, higher education
vocational training courses and postgraduate specialist training courses;
b) the requirements stipulated by legal provisions including the qualification requirements (in the case of
degree courses of the former training system); programme completion and exit requirements (in the case of the
new training system); vocational and examination requirements (in the case of higher-level vocational training
courses as part of the vocational training programme);
c) the detailed rules of instruction, in particular (the)
education and course-unit programmes, specializations and sub-specializations;
methods, procedures and rules of evaluation and assessment
ANHE, Paragraph (1), Section 15.
ANHE, Paragraph (1), Section 15.
AHE, Paragraph (2), Section 32.
ANHE, Clause ea), Paragraph (3), Section 12.
d) and other content-related conditions stipulated by other provisions of law.
Chapter Two
II. Course-unit
1. The educational content of studies consists of course-units (subjects) connected to degree courses,
specializations, sub-specializations and vocational programmes.
2. The course-unit is the system of hierarchically structured subjects containing corresponding knowledge
devised for one or more terms.
3. A subject may be included in the curricula of several degree courses, vocational programmes,
specializations and sub-specializations but certain subjects may be related only to one specific degree course,
specialization, sub-specialization or vocational programme in addition to subjects that are independent from the
above mentioned courses.
4. A description shall be devised for each subject containing in particular the following information:
a) the Hungarian and English names of the subject (in the case of subjects provided in languages different from
the above, the name of the subject in a foreign language shall suffice);
b) the ETR (USRS) code of the subject;
c) the number of credit points attached to the subject;
d) the teaching objectives of the subject;
e) the topics and detailed syllabus of the factual content of the subject in a weekly breakdown;
f) the detailed conditions of registering for and completing the subject (pre-requisites, the methods used for
evaluation and grading);
g) the detailed conditions of registering for examinations;
h) the description of the certificate in case such a certificate is attached to the completion of the given subject ;
i) the name of the organizational unit (institute, Career Centre etc.) and the name of the person responsible for
offering and managing the subject.
5. The instructor responsible for the subject shall prepare or update the course-unit programme (syllabus) for
the upcoming term not later than the end of the previous examination period and send it both in an electronic
and a signed printed format to the relevant institute. The course-unit programme then shall be published for the
information of the students by the institute in the manner accepted as standard by the BKF not later than the
start of the course registration period of the term the subject is scheduled for.
6. The types of subject provided by the BKF:10
a) Obligatory subject: a course-unit which shall be completed by each student of a given degree course.
c) Optional subject: course-units in the case of which the BKF shall not restrict the free choice of students
regarding a selected list of course-units offered by the higher education institution.
d) Examinations: course-units restricted to the exam itself, instruction is only provided in the form of
consultation. Practical classes listed in the recommended curriculum shall not be launched as examinations.
See implementation decree, Paragraph (2), Section 23.
e) Elective special study courses: optional courses launched as a tool for talent-management for students with
an outstanding study performance. With the aim of deepening practical experience, these courses are typically
launched offsite and not within the framework of the regular timetable.
f) Other course-units (criterion requirements): obligatory supplementary course-units the completion of which
shall not form part of the evaluation of studies and shall not yield any credit points.
g) Internship: work placement required by the programme completion and exit requirements, regulated by
Appendix 4 of the SRS.
h) Professional core subjects: key subjects published in the curricula of art and art mediation degree courses
with the optional requirement of a selection examination. 11
III. Course
1. A course is a basic unit of BKF studies constituting the professional requirement system of a course-unit in a
given term including the fulfilment of course-unit requirements and the studies acquired within the framework of
relevant contact hours and/or the individual working hours of the student, which enable the student to fulfil the
completion requirements of the course-unit.
2. A course may belong to one of the following course types:
a) According to the activities related to the completion of the course:
subject with contact hours: courses with classes (lectures, practical classes, trainings, degree thesis
consultation) held by instructors throughout the term within the framework of a defined (average)
number of classes per week;
subject with classes but without contact hours: courses with classes (internships, etc.) held within the
framework of a defined number of total classes but not on a regular weekly basis;
subject without classes that can be completed by a single activity (e.g. comprehensive examination,
final examination, degree thesis, examination courses, language examinations, etc.).
b) Based on its classification according to degree courses:
degree-related course: a course which belongs to the curricular requirements of one or more degree
non-degree course: an
IV. Programme
1. A programme is a unified system of educational content (knowledge, skills, competences) the acquisition of
which is the prerequisite of the qualification.
2. Types of programmes provided by the BKF:
a) undergraduate degree courses;
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
b) degree courses and double-degree courses under the former training system;
c) postgraduate specialist training courses;
d) higher-level vocational training courses;
e) graduate courses;
f) higher education vocational training courses.
3. A programme shall be part of the educational programme of the BKF. It shall be the duty of the Senate to
make a decision on the motion to establish a programme including its launch and curriculum based on the
proposal of the degree programme head considering the opinion of the heads of institute concerned.
4. It shall be the duty of the Senate to decide on the amendments in the curriculum of a programme considering
the opinion of the degree programme heads concerned. The General Vice-Rector or the Chief Executive Officer
shall decide on any change relating to the person of the degree programme head.
5. In the case of undergraduate degree courses, the assignment to the post of degree programme head shall
be given to a person with an academic degree who is employed full-time as an instructor by the BKF – which
fact is further confirmed in the relevant exclusive declaration – and who complies with the stipulations of
Appendix 5 of the implementation decree on the requirements relating to the launch of a programme. In the
case of graduate degree courses, the assignment to the post of degree programme head shall be given to a
person with an academic degree and appropriate professional references in his/her field of instruction (project
coordination, research findings, etc.) who is employed full-time by the BKF – which fact is further confirmed in
the relevant exclusive declaration – and who complies with the stipulations of Appendix 5 of the implementation
decree on the requirements relating to the launch of a programme. In the case of postgraduate specialist
training courses, the programme head may be an instructor who is employed by the BKF or who has entered
into a contract of agency with the BKF.
V. Specializations and sub-specializations of degree courses launched before academic year 2012/2013
1. Generally, a specialization is a special expansion of one of the various content-related requirements
of a programme.
2. There are two different types of specializations: the specialization leading to a separate qualification and the
specialization that does not lead to such qualification.
3. The expression „specialization” in the regulations of the BKF always refers to specializations that do not lead
to separate qualifications.
4. Upon completing the specialization that does not lead to the acquisition of a separate qualification, the
diploma includes the following clause:
„The holder of the degree in the course of studies completed the requirements for specialisation attached to
the …………. training (not leading to a separate qualification)”. date, L.S., signature
5. The specializations offered at individual degree courses are listed in the recommended curriculum.
6. The detailed description of specializations (hereafter referred to as specialization description) shall be made
available for the information of students in ETR by the enrolment period. It is the responsibility of the degree
programme head to meet the above deadline.
1. According to the regulations of the BKF, the course-units of a sub-specialization constitute a professionally
related group of subjects which cannot qualify as a specialization or a professional programme. A subspecialization contains obligatory and optional subjects which appear as independent elements in the contents
of the degree programmes defined by the BKF.
2. The certificate issued upon completion of a sub-specialization shall be awarded only to a student of
the BKF on condition that he/she has completed all the course-units and earned all the credit points
required for the completion of the sub-specialization.
3. The certificate on the completion of a sub-specialization shall be issued by the Director of Studies following
the related request submitted by the student.
4. A sub-specialization is compiled from course-units not related to any particular degree programme.
The credit points earned in the course of the sub-specialization shall be acknowledged as part of the
student’s studies in accordance with the curriculum of the degree programme. Students may register
for the course-units of a sub-specialization programme during their studies but from among the
subjects of the sub-specialization, registration for at least one course-unit is obligatory independently
from the sub-specialization itself.
5. Any citizen of the BKF may put forward a motion to establish a sub-specialization. The General ViceRector shall make a decision on the proposal considering the opinion of the degree programme head
concerned and at the same time appointing the head of the sub-specialization responsible for the
organization and professional quality of the programme.
6. A separate decision is needed for the registration for a sub-specialization in accordance with the
provisions related to the registration for a sub-specialization specified in Appendix II/4 of the SRS. The
sub-specialization is completed in case a student completes all the course-units and earns all the credit
points that belong to the sub-specialization.
7. Students shall be informed about sub-specializations and their structure in ETR. The provision of
information is the responsibility of the head of the sub-specialization.
8. The completion of sub-specialization is not recorded in the diploma.
V/a. Specializations and sub-specializations of degree courses launched in or after academic year
1. The provisions specified in previous subchapter V. shall apply to students enrolled in or after
academic year 2012/2013 with respect to the stipulations defined in the present subchapter.
2. Within the framework of the degree courses of the BKF, specializations cannot be completed, only
sub-specializations not leading to a separate qualification can be completed.
3. The rules of subchapter V. relating to the registration for and completion of specializations shall
apply to the registration for and completion of sub-specializations.
4. Upon completing a sub-specialization that does not lead to the acquisition of a separate
qualification, the diploma includes the following clause:
„The holder of the degree in the course of studies completed the requirements for specialisation
attached to the …………. training (not leading to a separate qualification)”. date, L.S., signature
VI. Professional programme
1. The course-units constituting a professional programme are professionally related subjects which
are not attached to any particular degree course and the completion of which improves certain (e.g.
foreign language or IT) skills of the students. The completion of such programme shall be made
possible by the BKF regularly or occasionally upon the proposal made by the programme head.
2. The certificate issued upon completion of the programme shall be awarded only to a student of the
3. The course-units of the professional programme may be composed of both degree-related and nondegree courses. The credit points earned in the course of the programme shall be acknowledged as
part of the student’s studies in accordance with the curriculum of the degree programme.
4. Any citizen of the BKF may put forward a motion to establish a professional programme. The General
Vice-Rector shall make a decision on the proposal considering the opinion of the degree programme
head concerned and at the same time appointing the head of programme responsible for the
organization and professional quality of the programme.
5. No separate decision is needed for registration for a professional programme which shall be
considered completed in case a student completes all the course-units and earns all the credit points
that belong to the professional programme.
6. Students shall be informed about the professional programmes and their structure in ETR.
Chapter Three
The Structure of Courses and Training Courses
I. Curriculum
1. The curriculum of a degree programme is a system of requirements approved by the Senate within
the framework of the qualification and the programme completion and exit requirements. The
curriculum shall contain the basic requisites of the completion of the programme, in particular the
a) the studies and examination requirements;
b) the list of course-units;
c) the conditions of making progress in a certain field of study;
d) the prerequisites of registration for the final exam and the award of the diploma;
e) the brief review of the professional contents of the course-units;
f) the number of hours attached to contact hours and individual study hours;
g) other prerequisites of granting a pre-degree certificate and the criterion requirements;
h) the methods for calculating the grade of the diploma (certificate);
i) the date of entry into effect of the curriculum;
j) the system of course-units to be completed (including the rules relating to their completion).
2. The curriculum of the degree programme shall be approved by the Senate upon the proposal put
forward by the Chief Executive Officer or the General Vice-Rector.
3. Any amendment relating to the curriculum of a degree programme may become effective only from
the commencement of the next academic year in a phasing-in system. The decision on the amendment
of the curriculum shall be made not later than half a year before the planned introduction of changes.
Any decision made later than the above specified deadline may be implemented in the academic year
starting in the following calendar year.
4. The curricula of the programmes shall be recorded in ETR by the Directorate of Studies.
II. Prerequisite
1. The conditions for making progress in a certain field of study shall be specified by rules relating to
prerequisites recorded in the curricula. Registration for and completion of certain course-units and
specializations may require the previous completion of other course-units as prerequisites. A single
course-unit may have several prerequisites.
2. A prerequisite may belong to one of the following types:
a) according to the type of course-unit stipulated as prerequisite
course-unit prerequisite: the previous completion of which is the prerequisite of registration for
or completion of another curricular unit (course-unit or specialization);
module prerequisite: the previous completion of which is the prerequisite of registration for or
completion of another curricular unit (course-unit or specialization);
b) according to the schedule of the mandatory completion of the prerequisite:
strong prerequisite: which shall be met before registration for the course offered to complete a
weak prerequisite: which may be met in the same term when the course-unit is completed.
3. The completion of a course-unit with a prerequisite shall become void in case the prerequisite(s)
have not been met. In that case the Directorate of Studies shall delete the course both from the
electronic course record book and the ETR.
4. The number of prerequisites attached to a single course-unit or specialization shall be restricted to
three other course-units or a course-unit group (module) of not more than 15 credit points containing
several course-units grouped together according to their contents or the educational objectives of the
5. As a professional requirement, the prerequisite of a course-unit may also be, among others, a
language exam of a specified level in a specified language.
6. The simultaneous registration for two (or more) course-units may also be stipulated as a
prerequisite. In the case of obligatory simultaneous registration, the attached course-units shall be
completed at the same time (in the same term). If a student has previously completed one of the above
mentioned course-units, he/she does not have to meet this obligation.
III. Recommended curriculum
See implementation decree, Paragraph (8), Section 23.
1. The recommended curriculum containing the course-units listed for each term is the schedule of
studies recommended by the BKF regarding the order and time schedule for the completion of courseunits.
2. Progress in a certain field of study made according to the recommended curriculum enables
students to complete their studies within the duration stipulated by the programme completion and exit
requirements under smooth load and by meeting the pre-study requirements of each course-unit.
3. The requirements stipulated by the recommended curriculum shall be met by students but they have
the right to deviate from the prescribed schedule of course-units (individual schedule).
IV. Mode of study and length of programme
1. Studies at the BKF may be offered within the framework of
a) full-time schedule at regular courses;
b) part-time schedule at evening and correspondence courses;
c) distance learning courses.
Appendix 2 – Admission Procedure
Chapter Six
Special Rules Pertaining Exclusively to Non-Hungarian Citizens Applying for Degree Courses
Launched in a Foreign Language
1. The rules specified in Appendix 2 shall be applied to applicants holding non-Hungarian citizenship
with respect to the stipulations specified in the present chapter.
2. The application documents of the applicant shall be submitted to the International Training Centre by
meeting the following conditions.
3. The applicant shall attach the following documents to the application form:
the copy of the secondary school-leaving certificate/the copy of the diploma obtained at a
higher education programme and the copy of the grades of the final examination;
the copy of the translation of the secondary school-leaving certificate in case the certificate was
not issued in the English or Hungarian language;
the document certifying a successful English language examination;
the copy of the page of the passport where the photo is inserted (the passport shall be valid
throughout the full length of studies);
the document certifying the payment of the application fee.
4. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the necessary visa and residence permit.
5. The International Training Centre shall make the decision on the approval of the application. Upon
the decision, the International Training Centre shall issue a conditional decision approving of
admission. The applicant shall pay the tuition fee of two semesters upon the receipt of the conditional
admission decision within the deadline specified for application. The International Training Centre shall
issue the final and valid admission decision based on the document certifying the payment of the
above tuition fee.
Appendix 3 – Rights and Obligations of Students
General Provisions
1. The rights and obligations of each student shall be the same regardless of the form of funding
unless a provision of the present ROS stipulates it otherwise.
2. A student admitted to a state-funded course or to a course financed through scholarship granted by
the Hungarian state shall be entitled to receive funding or scholarship for his/her studies during the
first academic year. After that the student attending a state-funded course may continue his/her studies
either in a state-funded or a fee-paying course in accordance with the provisions of AHE and the
present SRS, while the student receiving a scholarship granted by the Hungarian state may continue
his/her studies either in a fee-paying course or in a course financed through scholarship granted by the
Hungarian state in accordance with the provisions of ANHE and the present SRS.
Rights and Obligations of Students
I. Rights of students
1. Students have the right to the recognition of their human dignity with special regard to the
observance of:
a) their personal rights, in particular the right to freely unfold their personality, the right to selfdetermination, freedom of action, and the right to family life, provided that the exercise of such
rights does not impose restrictions on others, and in exercising such rights the student does
not jeopardise neither his/her own health and physical integrity nor that of his/her fellow
students or the employees of the BKF;
b) while respecting dignity, students have the right to freely form an opinion on any issue
including the performance of lecturers, and the operation of the BKF;
c) the right to be informed of issues relevant to their person and studies;
d) the right to put forward proposals, address questions to the leaders and instructors of the BKF
and to receive a sufficient answer within thirty days from the submission of such question at
the latest;
e) the right to express an opinion on lecturers’ performance;
the right to the respect of their religious, secular or other beliefs and national or ethnic identity,
and the free expression thereof provided that the exercise of such rights does not violate the
law, the similar rights of others and does not restrict the assertion of fellow students’ right to
g) the right to respect of their correspondence provided that the exercise of such right does not
violate the similar rights of others and does not restrict the assertion of fellow students’ right to
2. Students have the right to pursue their studies in a safe and healthy environment at the BKF and to
receive assistance with their studies and start of a career in line with their talent, abilities and interests,
and within this scope especially to
a) use the equipment, facilities and services (library, editing room, IT devices, etc.) available at the
b) compile their individual study schedule in line with the requirements specified by the
educational programme, independently select from among course-units, and accordingly, have
free access to the training opportunities provided by BKF;
c) attend lectures, practical classes and trainings offered by the BKF;
d) earn credits up to the limit specified by the present SRS in addition to the credit points required
by their chosen degree course and to use the credits thus collected in their future studies;
e) freely select between lectures, practical classes and other contact hours offered by the
institution in the same subject and to choose their instructors;
receive exhaustive information in an objective manner;
g) receive provisions and services in accordance with their condition, personal capabilities, or
h) receive assistance in their integration into the community life of the BKF, in preserving their
physical condition and in leading a healthy life free of addictions;
become a member of an academic student group, participate in its work as well as in the
research and development activity of the BKF;
receive academic and research scholarship;
k) submit an application for academic, artistic scholarship, to publish their academic findings and
artistic works, and to select the topic of their degree thesis;
use the academic and career counselling services organized for them;
m) temporarily terminate their student status;
n) establish a visiting student status in another higher education institution, to request their
transfer to another higher education institution and to establish additional student statuses
(simultaneously pursued studies).14
3. Students have the right to become acquainted with international practice and, to this end, study in
another higher education institution operating in the Member States of the European Union or in other
countries party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, or in countries whose citizens enjoy
the same legal status as the citizens of a country party to the European Economic Area Agreement
based on an international agreement concluded between the European Community and its Member
States and the country not party to the European Economic Area Agreement. In addition, students have
the right to obtain a student loan for above specified purpose or to receive a grant in case they pursue
studies in state-funded training.15
4. Students have the right to receive financial or in-kind benefits with regard to their financial standing,
See AHE, Paragraph (2), Section 46.
See AHE, Paragraph (3), Section 46.
See AHE, Paragraph (4), Section 46.
income situation, and academic performance, in particular
a) to receive an accommodation grant;
b) to receive a maintenance grant and other bursaries (thus, in particular, a study grant, or the
Scholarship of the Republic of Hungary), social and textbook grants [hereafter the grants listed
under Paragraphs a)–b) are jointly referred to as ‘student bursaries’];
c) to be granted exemption from their payment obligations or allowed to make deferred or
instalment payments;
d) to receive a student identity card and have access to associated services and benefits;
e) to work at the BKF as an assistant and to receive a student salary in consideration thereof;
to receive travel, cultural and other benefits and allowances.16
5. Students shall be entitled to assert their interests and have the right to legal remedy, in particular to
a) be able to access information necessary for the exercise of their rights;
b) participate in decision-making having a bearing on their life and interests as a student and to
participate in the governance of the BKF either personally or through representatives;
c) file for an action in case their rights have been violated and to have recourse to publicity;
d) seek advice from the Ombudsman for Educational Rights;
e) turn to the education mediation service;
have the right to vote for the members of and to be elected as a member of the Student Union. 17
6. With respect to practical training provided as part of an undergraduate course, a postgraduate
specialist training course or higher-level vocational training course, students shall be entitled to all the
rights pertaining to interest protection and labour safety stipulated for all employees by the Labour
Code based on AHE and ANHE.18
7. In case an undergraduate student takes part in continuous in-company training at a business
organisation for more than six weeks, the business organisation shall pay him/her a weekly student
salary equivalent to fifteen percent of the monthly amount of the statutory minimum wage (minimum
wage). The higher education institution and the business organisation may enter into an agreement on
the organisation and delivery of professional practice, pursuant to which the student salary shall be
disbursed to the student by the BKF.19
8. Hungarian citizens, refugees, protected persons and foreign citizens with a student status based on
international agreement or on a scholarship granted by the ministry responsible for education who
have come of age and who pursue their studies at a full-time course of the BKF shall be entitled to
health services. The same applies to persons who are subject to the Act on Hungarians Living in
Neighbouring Countries and who pursue a full-time state-funded course at the BKF or take part in a
course funded through (full or partial) scholarship granted by the Hungarian state and have a student
status at the BKF.20
9. Students studying at higher-level vocational training courses shall be eligible for bursaries and
AHE, Paragraph (5), Section 46.
AHE, Paragraph (6), Section 46.
AHE, Paragraph (1), Section 47.
ANHE, Clause a), Paragraph (3), Section 44.
See Clause i), Paragraph (1), Section 16 of Act LXXX. of 1997 on the Eligibility for Social Security
Benefits and Private Pensions and the Funding for These Services
benefits as specified by laws on vocational training. Bursaries and benefits shall be provided by the
organizer of the practical training. 21
II. Obligations of students
1. Students shall
fulfil the obligations specified in Appendix 4 of the SRS;
observe the stipulations of the Statutes and Regulations of the BKF;
observe the rules relating to the use of the rooms of the BKF and that of the facilities
belonging to the BKF (House Rules), observe the order of practical trainings, and preserve and
handle the devices entrusted to them in accordance with relevant instructions;
protect the facilities and equipment of the BKF;
protect their own and their fellow students’ physical integrity and health, acquire and
apply the knowledge and skills protecting their health and safety;
respect the traditions of the BKF and the human dignity of fellow students and the staff
of the BKF;
fulfil the financial obligations related to the completion of their studies, with special
regard to the payment of tuition fees within the framework of fee-paying courses or to the
payment of the full tuition fee in the case of students participating in full-paid programmes22;
follow the announcements and personal messages of the BKF, in particular the
messages and e-mails sent via ETR and CooSpace,
keep an up-to-date record of their personal data recorded in the registry of the BKF and
ETR (e.g. Social Insurance Identification Number, the information of the person paying the
tuition fee, etc.) and immediately report any changes in their personal or other data and modify
the data above in ETR.
III. The obligation of the BKF to provide information
1. The General Vice-Rector shall provide for the availability of an Academic Guide (hereafter referred to
as the Guide) for students starting their BKF studies both in printed and electronic format in
compliance with the content-related requirements of the implementation decree. 23 The Guide shall
provide detailed information about the education objectives of the degree programme, curricular
requirements, the prerequisites of granting a diploma, the provisions stipulated by Appendix 4 of the
SRS, issues related to the rights and obligations of students, the degree and qualifications granted by
the diploma and further issues specified by the above decree.
2. In addition to the information specified in Clause 1., the BKF shall provide students access to the
following information in traditional or electronic formats not later than 8 days before the first day of
each term:
a) term schedule;
See AHE, Paragraph (2), Section 47.
See AHE, Section 49. and ANHE, Section 43.
See implementation decree, Paragraph (2), Section 22
b) recommended curricula;
c) official contact information of the student counsellors of the BKF;
d) information about the acknowledgement of subjects completed at other programmes;
e) inter-institutional agreements on the equivalence of credits.
contact information of lecturers, instructors, office hours.
3. In addition to the information specified in Clause 1. and Clause 2., the BKF shall provide students
access to the course-unit programmes (including the course-unit code, lecturer, prerequisites, number
of contact hours, credit points, methods of teaching and learning, ways of evaluation, mandatory and
recommended readings, course-unit syllabus in a weekly breakdown) in traditional or electronic form
not later than the start of the course registration period of each term. In case the rules pertaining to the
attendance or requirements of certain subjects are different from the typical general rules, they may be
applied only on condition that the syllabus containing the above rules is available for students at the
time specified in the present clause.24
4. Aiming at the full information of students, the Statutes and Regulations of the BKF including its
integral part, the SRS and other regulations concerning students shall be continuously accessible in
the manner regularly applied at the BKF.
5. Mandatory readings for the students of the BKF shall include only those course books, textbooks
and other publications that qualify as accessible for students. The General Vice-Rector shall define the
conditions of accessibility. It shall be the duty of the instructor of a subject to clearly define the
accessibility of the required mandatory and recommended readings not later than the first contact hour
of the relevant course-unit (e.g. textbook shop, library, the Internet, etc.). In case the given mandatory
reading is unavailable, the instructor shall offer his/her own copy for use or shall choose other
publications as mandatory readings. The publication of information specified in the present paragraph
shall be the duty of the instructor in the manner regularly applied at the BKF prior to the oral
IV. ETR as the surface of information provision
1. As an electronic information system, ETR shall record all information and data relating to individual
students that are essential for their academic administration. Furthermore, ETR is suitable for both
students and the BKF to get into contact with each other on a web-based surface. In addition to
maintaining contact, ETR shall also operate as the official information channel of the BKF, thus it shall
be the duty of students to continuously and accordingly follow the flow of information.
2. Students shall fulfil the academic requirements listed in Appendix 4 of the SRS (sign-in, the
withdrawal of thereof, registration for classes, selection of specialization, registration for examination,
etc.) via the ETR.
3. In addition to a user’s guide, each student and instructor shall receive their own user name and
password that enable them to enter into and use ETR. The confidential use of the user name and the
password shall be the responsibility of students and instructors.
4. The data recorded in ETR are the certified copies of the records of the electronic course record book,
thus any illegal entry into the information system shall bring about consequences regulated by legal
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
Appendix 4 - Credit-based Studies and Examination Regulations
Chapter One
General Provisions
I. Scope of the regulations
1. The scope of the present CSER extends to all students at Budapesti Kommunikációs és Üzleti Főiskola
(hereafter referred to as BKF) participating in undergraduate and graduate degree courses (hereafter together
referred to as students) as well as all lecturers and teachers/instructors in addition to the workers, persons and
bodies of the BKF participating and proceeding in the administration of student affairs.
2. The present CSER shall apply to the students, lecturers and teachers participating in the programmes at the
art and art mediation fields of training as well as to the workers thereof managing the administration of student
affairs with respect to the stipulations defined in separate clauses.
3. The provisions of Appendix 4.1 of the Student Requirement System shall be applied to the students,
teachers and lecturers participating in higher-level vocational training courses in addition to the workers
participating in the administration of student affairs thereof.
4. The scope of the present CSER does not extend to the students, teachers and lecturers of postgraduate
specialist training courses or to the workers, persons and bodies participating and proceeding in the
administration of student affairs thereof.
5. The changes in the studies and examination requirements of the present CSER shall be applied in a phasein system from academic year 2010/2011 onwards in cases when the studies and examination requirements
are disadvantageous for students who enrolled earlier.
6. The scope of the present CSER extends to all students of the BKF who participate in higher education
vocational training. The stipulation of the present CSER shall be applied to the students, teachers and lecturers
participating in higher education vocational training as well as to the workers managing student affairs with
respect to the stipulations defined in separate clauses.
Chapter Two
Legal Framework of Studies, Legal Relationship of Students, Guest Students and Students Taking Part
in Adult Education
I. The basis of the legal relationship of students, guest students and students taking part in adult
1. The persons studying at the BKF may pursue their studies within the framework of
a) student status,
b) guest student status and
c) adult student status.
2. On the basis of the present regulation, the above legal relationships may simultaneously prevail in respect of
the same studies.
II. Student status
1. Student status is a legal relationship formed between a student pursuing his/her studies at any programme of
the BKF and the BKF within the framework of which both the BKF and the student shall have specific rights and
obligations as defined by legal regulations and the Statutes and Regulations of the BKF.
2. On the basis of the student status, students shall design their studies and perform their academic obligations
within the framework of legal provisions, the Statutes and Regulations of the BKF, the Student Requirement
System and the CSER included therein as well as the curriculum of the relevant degree course(s).
3. With regard to students having a student status, the BKF is entitled to administer their personal and studyrelated data and to supervise and assess their activities in accordance with the effective legal provisions and
the Statutes and Regulations of the BKF.
4. With regard to students having a student status, the BKF shall provide the personal and material conditions
necessary to complete the degree course and shall also provide students with all the information necessary to
pursue their studies within the framework of legal provisions, the Statutes and Regulations of the BKF as well
as the curriculum of the relevant degree course(s).
5. The person who has been granted admission or who has been transferred to the BKF may acquire a student
status at the BKF in the year the decision approving their admission is made.25
6. Students are in a legal relationship with the BKF. The students’ legal relationship (student status) is
established upon enrolment following the decision made on their admission, transfer or the continuation of their
studies. After the termination of their student status, students preserve the right to take their final examination
and shall fulfil certain obligations specified in the CSER until their diploma is issued.
III. Admission
1. The institutional conditions for admission are specified – in accordance with the effective provisions of law –
in the Admission Procedure regulations constituting Appendix 2 of the SRS.
2. The BKF shall offer the opportunity for enrolment and thus the establishment of student status to students
who have been granted admission in the year the decision on admission is made.
3. In case the person who has been granted admission does not enrol in the first semester of the year
that the decision on admission is made, the admission decision becomes void. As a consequence, the
applicant shall not enrol.
IV. Transfer
The conditions of transfer are specified in Appendix 7 of the SRS, while the costs of transfer are listed in the
cost chart published in ETR.
See ANHE, Paragraph (3), Section 39.
V. Change of programme and mode of study
In case of change of programme and mode of study, the provisions of Appendix 7 of the SRS and the
Supplement of the SRS shall be applied.
VI. Enrolment
1. Student status shall commence with enrolment.26
2. Upon enrolment, students shall submit their personal particulars necessary for keeping records and
electronic information provision via the Modulo system. As a prerequisite of enrolment, students shall
present the following documents:27
a) identity card, address card and their copies signed by the student;
b) Modulo enrolment form;
ca) in the case of students paying full tuition fee: two copies of the training agreement printed
from the Modulo system;
cb) in the case of programmes financed through scholarship granted by the Hungarian state:
the declaration on the acceptance of the special conditions of the programme;
d) in the case of fee-paying students: the document certifying the payment of the full tuition
fee or the first instalment of the tuition fee (in the case of student loans: the document
certifying that the contract on student loan has been made or the student loan assignment
data sheet);
e) the original document certifying the payment of the fee for further services (in case it has
not been paid via a VPOS terminal); in the case of state-funded students the document
certifying that the payment has been made;
e) tax card and its copy signed by the student or in case the student does not have a tax card,
he/she shall present the document certifying application for a tax card;
f) health insurance card and its copy signed by the student, while in the case of foreign
nationals, the European Health Insurance Card;
g) secondary school-leaving certificate;
h) language examination certificate and/or certificate on qualification listed in the National
Qualifications Register (in case the student possess any of the above certificates);
i) diploma (in the case of students enrolling in a master programme);
j) in case the student wishes to temporarily suspend its student status in the first semester
following enrolment, he/she needs to present the document certifying the payment of the
related fee.
2/A. Students shall record the number of semesters funded by the state or financed through
See ANHE, Paragraph (3), Section 39.
Amended by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
scholarship granted by the Hungarian state that he/she has previously completed in the enrolment
sheet accessed in the Modulo system.28
3. Students are fully responsible for all damages done to the BKF resulting from their failure to provide
information, their inappropriate information provision or their failure to inform the BKF about any changes in
previously provided data.
4. With regard to subsequent terms, students shall state via the Unified Studies Registering System (USRS/in
Hungarian ETR) whether or not they intend to continue their studies in the upcoming term.
5. Students having been admitted to a degree course where they are required to pay full tuition fee shall
sign a training agreement with the BKF upon enrolment. The agreement contains the amount of the
tuition fee to be paid for the first year of the degree course, the services they are entitled to in
exchange of the tuition fee and the conditions of reimbursement of the tuition fee paid. 29
5/A. Students admitted to a programme financed through scholarship granted by the Hungarian state
shall make a statement on the acceptance of meeting the special conditions of the programme. 30
Student identity card
6. On the basis of a request submitted by the student, a student identity card is issued for the student in
accordance with the provisions of Government Decree 362/2011. (XII.30.) on the issue of education-related
cards (hereafter referred to as decree on student card). The student card is a centrally issued public document
equipped with an individual identity number and an electronic data storage unit which certifies the owner’s
student status and provides him/her with certain benefits specified in a separate legal provision. The student
card is validated in each term by the Student Information and Services Office in the manner defined by the
decree on student card.
6/A. The persons entitled to a student card are as follows:
a) students having a student status at the BKF;
b) foreign students participating in a partial study programme at the BKF based on intergovernmental treaties or other agreements on cooperation in education.
6/B. In case
a) the student’s student status terminates in the first semester, he/she is entitled to the student
card until 31 March following the date of termination;
b) the student’s student status terminates in the second semester, he/she is entitled to the
student card until 31 October following the date of termination.
7. During the period the student status is temporarily suspended (except for the period from the termination of
student status to the expiration date of the card), the BKF shall not issue or validate student cards.
8. In case a student card is lost, the Student Information and Services Office starts the procedure to have a
new student card issued following the payment of the relating special procedure fee.
9. Students shall immediately submit their student cards to the Student Information and Services Office
following either of the expiration dates of 31 October and 31 March upon completing their studies or the
termination of their student status or in case they have been transferred to another higher education institution.
The student card thus submitted shall be destroyed within 30 days the fact of which shall be officially put on
record. The individual identity number of the withdrawn student cards shall be submitted by the institution
concerned within 8 days to the body managing data in the manner specified by named body. 31
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
See ANHE, Paragraph (3), Section 39.
See ANHE, Paragraph (2), Section 48/D.
Decree on student card, Section 38.
10. The BKF may administer students’ personal data for a period of eighty years starting from the day the
student status is terminated.
VII. Sign-in
1. Sign-in is a declaration made by the student in electronic format via the ETR on his/her intention to continue
studies in the ensuing term. Students may sign in for the ensuing term during the period defined by the General
Vice-Rector in the academic calendar. Following that period, sign-in is not possible, students cannot register for
courses and the given term shall be considered passive.
2. In the course of sing-in, the student shall state if there is any change in his/her personal and other data
recorded including the potential changes relating to his/her eligibility for health care. In case such changes
include a change that has to be certified by documents, the student shall state that in electronic format and then
present the original official document in person at the Student Information and Services Office. The relevant
changes will be recorded after the original document is presented. The student bears full responsibility for any
potential damages done to the BKF resulting from his/her failure to provide information or his/her inappropriate
information provision.
3. The student who has already signed in may withdraw his/her sign-in declaration by way of an electronic
request addressed to the Director of Studies until the start of the course registration period with encountering
the consequences specified in Clause 6. The Director of Studies shall provide for the record of the suspension
of the student status in ETR within five days and initiate the procedure to reimburse any potential fee due to the
4. In exceptional cases (due to scholarships, accidents, illnesses, childbirth or other unexpected events), the
student may state his/her intention to withdraw the sign-in declaration by way of an electronic request
addressed to the Director of Studies within one month following the first day of the course registration period
and by attaching the scanned version of the original document to the request certifying the aforementioned
unexpected reason. The Director of Studies makes a decision on the request within five days on condition that
the request has all necessary attachments. In case the student fails to attach the necessary documents to the
request, the Director of Studies may ask the student to submit the missing documents not later than within
three days. If the student fails to credibly certify his/her reasons to withdraw his/her sign-in declaration by the
set deadline, his/her request shall be rejected.
5. In case the student pursues his/her studies at several degree courses at the same time, he/she shall declare
his/her intention to continue studies at each degree course separately in the course of sign-in. Students
pursuing their studies within the framework of state-funded programmes or programmes financed through
scholarship granted by the Hungarian state shall also make such a declaration in the manner above and shall
make the same declaration at each degree course.
6. If a student at a full-paid tuition place or at a fee-paying programme withdraws his/her sign-in declaration
until the deadline specified in Clause 3., the BKF will refund the previously paid tuition fee which shall be
reduced by the amount of the handling charge specified in the administrative cost chart published in ETR. If a
fee-paying student or a student – except for the students enrolled in the degree programs exclusively for
foreigners in foreign language – at a full-paid tuition place withdraws his/her sign-in declaration until the
deadline specified in Clause 4., the BKF – following the deduction of the amount of the handling charge
specified in the administrative cost chart published in ETR – will refund the previously paid tuition fee, the
amount of which shall be proportionately decreased as a result of the student’s participation in education. In
case the amount of the tuition fee paid by the student is lower than the amount due to the BKF as a result of the
student’s participation in education, then the difference shall be paid by the student to the BKF. Once the
deadlines are over, the tuition fee cannot be refunded.
Amended by Senate Resolution 36a/1108/2011 from 8 November 2011.
7. Not later than the end of the fifth week of the term-time, the Director of Studies shall determine the final list of
active students and notifies via ETR those students whose sign-in has been invalidated in accordance with
Clause VII.
VIII. Refusal of sign-in
1. In case the student
a) has overdue financial obligations to pay to the BKF;
b) has overdue loan at the library;
c) has not updated his/her personal data in ETR or
d) has failed to fully compensate the BKF for the damages done by him/her either intentionally or
he/she is not entitled to sign in or his/her sign-in shall be invalid.
IX. Suspension of student status
1. The student may declare the suspension of his/her student status by not signing-in or by withdrawing it via
ETR. In case the student wishes to state his/her intention to suspend his/her student status on more than one
occasion during the sign-in period or at a time not falling within the sign-in period, the student shall file a related
request via the Modulo system in an electronic format.
2. During the suspension of the student status the student does not fulfil any academic obligations and he/she
is not required to fulfil any academic obligations.
3. The student may withdraw his/her sign-in declaration in an electronic format in the cases listed in Clauses
VII/3-4. In case the student does not request the suspension of studies until the deadline defined in Clause
VII/4., and has registered for at least one subject via ETR, the semester concerned shall be considered active
even though the student does not take part in classes or does not fulfil any academic obligation required by the
4. Upon the events specified in Clause VIII. and in case the student does not request the suspension of studies
until the deadline defined in Clause VII/4. at the latest and does not register for any classes, the Director of
Studies shall invalidate the student’s sign-in registration the week following the deadline specified in Clause
VII/4. and inform the student about that action via ETR. At the same time, the Director of Studies shall also
inform the student that the BKF – following the deduction of the amount of the handling charge – will refund the
previously paid tuition fee, the amount of which shall be proportionately decreased as a result of the student’s
participation in education. In case the amount of the tuition fee paid by the student is lower than the amount
due to the BKF as a result of the student’s participation in education, then the difference shall be paid by the
student to the BKF. Once the deadline specified in the present clause is over, no permission for refund shall be
5. In case the student suspends his/her studies, the given semester shall be considered passive. 33 Students
participating in art or art mediation programmes may suspend their studies only on condition that they request
the suspension of two consecutive terms at the same time. However, students participating in art or art
mediation programmes may also ask for the suspension of their studies for one semester in the case of
repeated subjects if the repeated registration for the subject takes place in the second semester following the
term in which the completion of the subject was unsuccessful.
See implementation decree, Paragraph (1), Section 24.
6. In passive semesters, the student is only entitled to exercise the rights arising from the student status with
respect to the following restrictions: in addition to using ETR, the Modulo system and CooSpace, the student
may make up for his/her examinations scheduled for a period not falling within the regular examination period.
In addition to the above, the student cannot fulfil academic obligations, cannot receive any financial support and
the BKF cannot issue or validate a student card for the student. 34 In a passive semester, the student shall not
pay tuition fee except for the pro-rated fee payable due to his/her participation in education.
7. The longest uninterrupted period of the suspension of the student status shall not be longer than two
semesters. The student may exercise his/her right to suspend his/her student status several times.35
Following enrolment, before the successful completion of the first semester the student may only
request the suspension of his/her student status on the condition that he/she files a relevant electronic
request addressed to the Director of Studies not later than the last day of the course registration
period. In that case, the Director of Studies grants permission for the suspension of student status
once the student has paid the suspension fee of HUF 50,000. In that case the suspension of the student
status may be as long as two semesters. In case the student starts an active semester after that, the
suspension fee shall be refunded to students participating in state-funded programmes or programmes
financed through state scholarship, while the suspension fee shall be deducted from the first
instalment of the tuition fee in the case of fee-paying students and students at full-paid tuition places.
8. The student status shall also be suspended if the student cannot fulfil his/her academic obligations due to
childbirth, accident, illness or other unexpected event and informs the Director of Studies about that fact in an
electronic request with the necessary documents certifying the event attached within one week following the
date he/she has become aware of the event or not later than within one month after the start of the term-time.
The student shall also state the expected length of the suspension in the electronic request. In these cases the
time restrictions specified in Clause VII. shall not be applied.36 The provisions of Clause VII/6. shall apply to the
rules of the payment of the tuition fee or its potential refund.37
9. In case the student status is suspended at the student’s request, he/she shall be informed upon the
submission of the request that pursuant to Clause IX/13., the Director of Studies shall decide which year’s
recommended curriculum and tuition fee applies to his/her studies when the request to continue studies is
10. In case the student does not sign in after the end of the two-semester suspension period, his/her student
status at the BKF shall terminate.
11. The student status shall not terminate in case the student’s sign-in after the end of the two-semester
suspension period is prevented due to childbirth, accident, illness or other unexpected event beyond his/her
control and he/she certifies that fact not later than the start of the third semester and at the same time he/she
submits an electronic request addressed to the Director of Studies in which he/she declares his/her intention to
maintain his/her student status and specifies the expected length of the suspension.
12. The student status shall be suspended in case the student is prohibited to continue his/her studies due to
disciplinary reasons. In case the student is suspended for disciplinary reasons for a definite period of time,
he/she shall sign in to continue his/her studies after the end of the suspension period without being called upon
to do so.
12/A. The student status shall be suspended for the period of the active voluntary military service performed by
reservists. During that period the student shall be relieved from the obligations specified in the studies and
examination regulations of the BKF.38
See decree on student card, Paragraph (8), Section 17.
See ANHE, Paragraph (1), Section 45.
See ANHE, Paragraph (2), Section 45.
Specified in more details by Senate Resolution 36a/1108/2011 from 8 November 2011.
See ANHE, Paragraph (4), Section 45.
Studies following suspension*
13. In case the student wishes to continue his/her studies, he/she shall state this intention in an electronic
request addressed to the Director of Studies. When judging the request, the Director of Studies makes a
decision on the curriculum according to which the student has to start/continue his/her studies as a result of
potential changes. In the case of fee-paying programmes or programmes with a full tuition fee, after the
suspension, the student shall pay a tuition fee that is specified for the above curriculum. In that case, the
acceptance of previously completed subjects shall be determined by the Credit-transfer Committee (based on
the rules on credit transfer) and in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 7 of the SRS. Following the
suspension period, the curricular changes shall not disadvantage the student apart from the case specified in
the second sentence of Clause 5.
14. In case the student chooses a specialization before the start of the suspension of studies but cannot start or
finish the specialization due to the suspension and after the end of the suspension he/she cannot join the
specialization of his/her choice as a result of the lack of named specialization, he/she shall join one of the
specializations launched by the BKF in the given semester. In such a case, the rules for choosing and
registering for a specialization shall be applied with respect to the following:
a) Upon signing in, the student shall submit an electronic request to the Director of Studies in which
he/she shall mark in order of priority up to three specializations where he/she wishes to continue
his/her studies after the end of the suspension of studies.
b) The Director of Studies shall make a decision on the request within 5 working days.
c) The subjects of the specialization completed before the start of the suspension may be recognized
as completed optional subjects based on the student’s request.
X. Visiting student status (guest student status)
1. A student of another Hungarian or foreign higher education institution may study at the BKF within the
framework of visiting student status on condition that he/she covers the expenses of partial studies. The rules
pertaining to the expenses incurred by partial studies are specified in Appendix 5 of the SRS.
2. In the case of partial studies pursued on the basis of inter-institutional agreements, the payment for the costs
of partial studies shall be provided for by the inter-institutional agreement.
3. The visiting student shall be put on record in the registry of the BKF and the provisions of the Statutes and
Regulations of the BKF shall apply to him/her accordingly.
4. The request on visiting student status shall be submitted in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 7 of
the SRS. In case the student wishes to study in a foreign higher education institution, the request shall be
addressed to the head of the International Training Centre and shall be submitted to the Student Information
and Services office.
5. The head of institute in charge of the instruction of the subjects concerned shall certify his/her permission of
the completion of the subjects within the framework of visiting student status. In case of more than one subject,
the permission shall be marked separately for each subject.
6. Based on the request, the permission to study in another higher education institution is issued by the Director
of Studies in the case of students of Hungarian higher education institutions or by the Vice-Rector for
International Affairs in the case of students of foreign higher education institutions. The permission also
specifies the amount of the tuition fee as well as the method and deadline of payment.
Clause 13-14 shall be applied in a phase-in system, first to students choosing a specialization in
academic year 2010/2011.
7. On the basis of the permission to study in another higher education institution, the Directorate of Studies
registers the visiting students for courses following the course registration of the students of the BKF. The
courses of visiting students at the BKF within the framework of the Erasmus exchange programme are
registered in ETR by the Directorate of Studies not later than within one month following the sign-in of the
8. The so-called credit certificate or certificate on participation which certifies the result of partial studies and the
content of which is identical with the information recorded in the electronic course record book is issued by the
Directorate of Studies based on the proposal of the head of the International Training Centre.
9. The BKF grants its consent to students holding a student status at the BKF to pursue partial studies at
another Hungarian or foreign higher education institution as a visiting student in case the receiving institution
offers that possibility.
10. The BKF – with respect to the separate provisions of inter-institutional agreements – shall not reimburse
students for the costs of partial studies.
11. The credit points earned by the student as a visiting student at another higher education institution shall be
acknowledged in accordance with the credit transfer rules defined in Appendix 7 of the SRS and the provisions
of Appendix 12 of the SRS and based on the certificate issued by the receiving institution.
12. In the case acquiring a visiting student status, the student holding student status at the BKF may register for
the compulsory or optional classes listed in his/her recommended curriculum at another higher education
institution. The condition for such registration is the submission of a related request within the framework of the
procedure specified in Appendix 7 of the SRS.
13. In case a separate inter-institutional agreement applies to the subject completed at the receiving institution,
the permission of the Director of Studies is not needed. The examination taken within the framework of such
status shall be considered an examination taken at the BKF.
14. The Director of Studies shall be notified about the subjects completed and credits collected within the
framework of a visiting student status not later than the last day of the term in which the student studied at
another higher education institution. The student shall also submit a certificate issued by the other institution
about the completion of subjects.
15. Studies pursued at a higher education institution in another country constitute a special case of visiting
student status. In that case the student pursues studies and takes exams at a foreign higher education
institution. The BKF shall acknowledge the credits collected by the student during his/her studies at a foreign
higher education institution in accordance with the rules pertaining to credit-transfer. The regulations relating to
studies at a foreign higher education institution within the framework of the Erasmus exchange programme and
to the acknowledgement/transfer of credits are specified in Appendix 12 of the SRS.
XI. Additional student status (simultaneously pursued studies)
1. The student may acquire additional student status at another higher education institution
(simultaneously pursued studies) without being obliged to inform the BKF about that.
2. The student of another higher education institution may acquire additional student status at the BKF in
accordance with the provisions of Appendix 2 of the SRS.
XII. Termination of student status
1. The student status shall be terminated under the following conditions: 39
a) if the student has been transferred to another higher education institution, on the day the student is
b) if the student announces in electronic format that he/she terminates his/her student status, on the day
such statement is made;
c) if the student cannot continue his/her studies at a state-funded programme or at a programme financed
through scholarship granted by the Hungarian state and does not wish to continue his/her studies at a
fee-paying programme or pay full tuition fee as stated in his/her electronic request addressed to the
Director of Studies;
d) on the last day of the first final examination period following the given training cycle or on the last day of
the first final examination period following the last training period of a higher education vocational
training course;
e) if the student’s student status is terminated by the Director of Studies on behalf of the Rector due to the
student’s overdue payments after the Director of Studies has given warning to the student to no avail
and has investigated the student’s social condition, on the day the decision on termination becomes
legally binding;
on the day a decision on the student’s expulsion due to disciplinary reasons becomes legally binding;
g) in case of discharge, on the day the decision on discharge becomes legally binding;
h) in case a student participating in higher education vocational training and has become unfit to continue
his/her studies due to his/her health condition and there is no other suitable higher education vocational
course at the BKF or the student does not wish to continue his/her studies or cannot continue his/her
studies due to the lack of appropriate conditions, on the day the decision on termination becomes
legally binding;
in case the conditions for establishing a student status as specified in the Act on Higher Education does
not exist any longer; on the day the decision on termination becomes legally binding;
in case the student participating in a programme partially or fully financed through scholarship granted
by the Hungarian state withdraws his/her declaration specified in Paragraph (2), Section 48/D in the Act
on National Higher Education thus refusing paying full tuition fee or refusing participation in a feepaying programme.
2. The student status shall be terminated on the last day of the first final examination period following the issue
of the pre-degree certificate of the given training cycle if the student does not pursue ongoing studies at any
other degree course at the BKF or the student has not been granted admission to a degree course of another
training cycle.
3. In case a student participating in a programme financed through a state scholarship exceeds the financing
period specified in the relevant legal provisions, he/she can continue his/her studies only by paying the full
tuition fee. In case the student does not wish to continue his/her studies in such a fee-paying course, the
Director of Studies terminates his/her student status.
4. The Director of Studies shall notify the student about the termination of student status in writing in each case.
In case the termination of the student status takes place in an active semester following the submission of an
electronic request specified in Clause 1.b) not later than the start of the course registration period, the BKF
shall refund the tuition fee paid by the student after the deduction of the amount of the handling charge. In
case the termination of the student status takes place in an active semester following the submission of an
See NAHE, Paragraph (1), Section 59.
electronic request specified in Clause 1.b) not later than within one month following the start of the course
registration period, the BKF – following the deduction of the amount of the handling charge – will refund the
previously paid tuition fee, the amount of which shall be proportionately decreased as a result of the student’s
participation in education. In case the student submits the request on the termination of his/her student status
later than within one month following the first day of the start of the course registration period, the previously
paid tuition shall not be refunded. 40
5. In the events specified in Clause 1.b), the student shall make the relevant statement in an electronic format.
6. On the day the relating decision becomes legally binding the Director of Studies terminates the student
status in the following events specified in Clause 1.:
a) due to overdue payments based on Clause 1.e) acting in his/her competence delegated to him/her by
the Rector;
b) due to expulsion for disciplinary reasons based on Clause 1. f);
c) due to discharge from the degree course in case the student does not pursue studies at other degree
courses based on Clause 1.g).
XIII. Discharge
1. Discharge is the termination of the student status by means of a unilateral statement made by the BKF.
2. The student shall be discharged in the following cases
a) the student has not earned at least 60 credit points during the first four finished active terms;
b) the student has not completed a compulsory subject after registering for the course for the fourth time –
or in the case of practical classes in art or art mediation programs for the second time – and he/she is not
allowed to submit a Fairness Request to the Rector or such request has been rejected;
c) the student fails to sign in at the beginning of three consecutive terms except for the cases specified in
Clause IX/11.41
3. With the aim of preventing the case described in Clause 2., the Director of Studies shall send a written notice
to the student via ETR at least on two occasions calling him/her to meet his/her obligations by the set deadline
at the same time informing the student that his/her failure to meet such obligations will bring about his/her
discharge.42 The student shall be informed about the above in the following cases and until the deadlines below
via ETR:
a) In case the student does not collect at least 20 credit points during the first completed active
semester, the Director of Studies shall inform the student about the consequences within one month
after the semester is closed and within another month after the second active semester is closed.
b) In case the student fails to successfully complete a compulsory subject after registering for the
course for the second time, the Director of Studies shall inform the student about the consequences
within one month after the second failure and one more time within the next month.
c) In case the student does not successfully complete a practical class after registering for the course
for the first time, the Director of Studies shall inform the student about the consequences within one
month after the failure and one more time within the next month. .
Amended by Senate Resolution 36a/1108/2011 from 8 November 2011.
See ANHE, Paragraph (3), Section 59.
See ANHE, Paragraph (3), Section 59.
d) In case the student suspends his/her student status in two consecutive semesters, the Director of
Studies shall inform the student about the consequences until 31 October or 31 March of the second
passive semester and one more time within the month after that.
4. The student shall also be discharged in case he/she is failed both at the selection examination in a core
subject defined in the recommended curriculum of the art or art mediation programmes and before a temporary
examination board appointed by the Rector.43
XIV. Procedures applied upon the termination of student status
1. In case the student status is terminated, the Director of Studies deletes the student from the student
2. The termination of student status does not require the issue of a separate decision, it shall be ordered
through a notice on the termination of student status or by passing a resolution stating the termination of
student status in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 7 of the SRS. .
3. Upon the termination of student status the Director of Studies – in line with the provisions of the present
regulations and in accordance with Appendix 5 of the SRS – shall prepare a credit-clearance statement.
Chapter Three
Academic Credit System and Rules Pertaining to the Acquisition of Credit Points
I. General rules relating to the credit system at the BKF
1. In the course of studies pursued at the BKF, the fulfilment of academic requirements is expressed in
terms of study points attached to each subject and curricular unit (hereafter referred to as credit/credit
point). The student’s progress at the given education programme is expressed by the total number of
credits earned.44
2. The value of one credit point does not depend on the evaluation of the student’s performance
provided that the BKF has accepted the student’s achievement. 45
3. The BKF shall ensure that during his/her studies the student has the opportunity to register for
optional courses up to at least 5% of the total number of credit points required for the award of the
diploma in addition to the opportunity to be able to choose from among subjects the credit value of
which shall exceed the total number of credit points by at least 20%. 46
The BKF shall ensure that students participating in state-funded programmes have the option to
register subjects in their individual study schedule the credit value of which may exceed the total
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
See ANHE, Paragraph (24), Section 108.
See ANHE, Paragraph (24), Section 108.
See AHE, Paragraph (4), Section 58. and ANHE, Paragraph (2), Section 49.
number of credit points to be earned by not more than ten percent without the student being obliged to
pay for the above extra credit points.47
In case the student started his/her studies within the framework of a fee-faying course but later continues
his/her studies at a state-funded course or started his/her studies within the framework of a state-funded course
but later continues his/her studies at a fee-paying course, he/she is entitled to the earn the above specified
extra credit points free of charge based on the number of credits earned during his/her state-funded or feepaying terms pro-rated to the full length of the degree course.
4/A. Students participating in programmes financed through state scholarships or students who pay full tuition
shall be granted the opportunity by the BKF to register for courses in their individual study schedule the credit
value of which may exceed the total number of credit points to be earned by not more than ten percent without
the student being obliged to pay for the above extra credit points. 4849
In case the student started his/her studies in a programme requiring full tuition fee but then continues studies in
a program financed through state scholarship or started his/her studies in a program financed through state
scholarship but then continues his/her studies in a program requiring full tuition fee, he/she is entitled to earn
the above specified extra credit points free of charge based on the number of credits earned during his/her
state-funded or fee-paying terms pro-rated to the full length of the degree course.
5. The student may register for the subjects included in his/her studies at another degree course of the BKF
or at any degree course offered by another higher education institution as a guest student. 50 The BKF issues a
pre-degree certificate for the student only in case the student has earned 75% of the total number of credit
points attached to his/her degree course at the BKF.51
6. The student may earn the credit points required for the award of the diploma in a shorter or longer period
than the length of the programme under the conditions specified in the Fees and Allowances Regulations.
II. Rules pertaining to the collection of credit points at the BKF
1. Credit points may be earned by meeting the academic requirements specified by the BKF according
to what follows:
a) by the successful completion of the subjects evaluated in grades and the successful
completion of the internship announced by the BKF,
b) by credit recognition granting the credit points gained by completing subjects at another
degree course of the BKF or at another higher education institution.
2. The credit points gained at or granted by the BKF shall be kept on record by the Directorate of
Studies and shall be registered in the electronic course record book of each student who has signed in
when the given academic term is closed.
III. Rules pertaining to credit recognition at the BKF
See AHE, Paragraph (4), Section 58.
See ANHE, Paragraph (2), Section 49.
The provision shall be applied in a phase-in system, first to students starting their studies on 1
September 2013.
See ANHE, Paragraph (3), Section 49.
See ANHE, Paragraph (7), Section 49.
1. The acquisition of specific knowledge contents shall yield credit points only on one occasion. The study
performance acknowledged by credits shall be recognized in the course of studies pursued at any higher
education institution provided that all prerequisites are completed and regardless of the type of the higher
education institution or the level of the training at which they were earned.52
2. Credit recognition, which is based on the course-unit programme, shall be granted only by comparing the
knowledge content on the basis of which the credit points are given. The credit points shall be granted if the
contents of the course-units compared are identical to an extent of at least 75%. Such comparison shall be
performed by the Credit-transfer Committee of the BKF in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 7 of the
SRS. The Credit-transfer Committee may acknowledge previously completed studies and work experience as
specific academic requirements completed.53
3. The fees to be paid for the credit-transfer procedure are listed in Appendix 5 of the SRS and in the
administrative cost chart published in ETR.
Chapter Four
Rules Pertaining to the Completion of Academic Requirements
I. Length of programme and academic calendar
1. At the BKF the full length of programmes is determined by the qualification requirements and the programme
completion and exit requirements of each degree course.
2. The basic unit of the duration of the programmes is called term (semester). An academic year consists of two
terms: the autumn and the spring term.
3. A term consists of a term-time and an examination period. The BKF evaluates student’s performance during
the term-time and in the examination period.54
4. The term-time, the examination period and their further detailed schedule shall be determined as
work order within the framework of the time schedule of the academic year (hereafter academic
calendar) in accordance with Clause 6. and shall be published in the manner accepted as standard at
the institution.
5. The first day of the term-time is the first day of the course registration period. The first week of the term-time
is the course registration period.
6. The academic calendar is determined by the General Vice-Rector observing the experience of previous
academic years, the effective legal provisions and the regulations of the recommended curriculum. The
General Vice-Rector shall make the decision on the academic calendar not later than one month before the
start of the ensuing term and shall publish the decision in the manner accepted as standard at the institution.
The decision shall – among others – include the following periods:
a) enrolment/sign-in period;
b) the term-time including the:
course registration period,
See ANHE, Paragraph (5), Section 49.
See ANHE, Paragraph (6), Section 49.
See ANHE, Section 108
course registration amendment period,
study period(s),
training period,
examination registration period and
days without instruction;
c) the examination period including the
regular examination period,
repeat examination period and
days without examination(s);
d) final examination period.
With regard to the specific characteristics of the art and art mediation courses, the differences in their academic
calendar shall be separately specified by the General Vice-Rector in the decision on the academic calendar.
7. The academic calendar cannot be changed unless it becomes unavoidable due to some unanticipated,
inescapable reason. In such cases, the changes in the academic calendar shall be published in the manner
accepted as standard at the institution within one working day following the emergence of such reason.
II. Rules pertaining to the announcement of courses and course registration
1. In any given term, students may choose from among the subjects announced by the BKF and the parallel
groups announced within the framework of specific subjects. The freedom of choice may be limited on the basis
of the number of groups announced and the number of their respective students.
2. Regarding practical classes announced, those groups where the number of applicant students does
not reach 25 shall be cancelled. In the case of so-called small practical classes (informatics, language
courses, etc.), the groups where the number of applicant students does not reach 15 shall be cancelled.
In certain cases it is possible to divert from the limitations specified in the present clause based on the
decision made by the General Vice-Rector.
2/A. In each term and at each degree programme, the BKF shall announce a list of optional courses the total
credits points of which shall not be lower than the amount of the total optional credits specified in the
recommended curriculum pro-rated to one semester and shall not be lower than the total number of optional
credit recommended by the curriculum for the given semester.55
2/B. In case the number of applicant students for optional lectures announced does not reach 25, they may be
deleted from the list of courses offered in a decision made by the General Vice-Rector.56
2/C. In case the number of applicants does not reach 3, the preparation course for the TOEIC test may be
deleted from the list of courses offered in a decision made by the General Vice-Rector pursuant to the relevant
proposal by the head of the Institute of Foreign Languages. 57
3. The student shall complete the subjects with a prerequisite in accordance with the recommended curriculum
observing the order of the prerequisites and the type of specific prerequisites specified in Appendix 1 of the
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
4. The student cannot register for the subjects he/she has previously completed successfully. In case the
student registers for a previously completed subject despite the above prohibition, the Director of Studies shall
delete the subject within one month following the end of the course registration period.
5. At any given programme the student can only register for the same subject in his/her individual
curricular schedule on three occasions, or on four occasions based on the permission of the Director
of Studies. In case the student fails to complete the course-unit on the third occasion or on the fourth
occasion based on the permission granted by the Director of Studies to register for a subject for a
fourth time, the rules of discharge shall be appropriately applied to him/her.
The BKF shall semi-annually determine and publish the list of subjects to be announced in the given
autumn or spring term in ETR. Upon the announcement of subjects, it shall be ensured that the student
following the schedule of the recommended curriculum is able to finish his/her studies within the
length of programme. For those students who have exceeded the length of programme the BKF offers
the subjects specified in the recommended curriculum or subjects that qualify as equivalent and have
the same number of credit points attached to them.
6. During the course registration period the Student shall indicate the following in ETR:
a) which subjects he/she intends to complete from among the compulsory subjects in the given term;
c) which subjects he/she intends to complete from among the optional subjects in the given
d) which examination courses he/she intends to take and which other subjects (criterion
requirements) he/she wishes to complete in the given term.
7. The credit value of the subjects the student registers for in a given term shall not exceed 45 credit
points. Based on the student’s electronic request submitted to and approved by the Director of Studies,
it is possible to divert from the above regulation in the case of students who register for their final
exam or who pursue studies at two parallel specializations.
8. In the case of first-year-students enrolled for the first semester, the registration of compulsory subjects shall
be administered by the Director of Studies.
9. In case the student signs in but does not register for classes, the provisions of Clause IX/4. of Chapter Two
of the present SRS shall be applied.
10. The student who signs in until the end of the sign-in period shall fulfil his/her course registration obligation
until the last day of the course registration period. The deadline for course registration is a forfeit deadline, thus
following the deadline, the student does not have the possibility to submit the request specified in Clause V. of
Chapter Two of Appendix 7 of the SRS related to his/her obligation to register for classes.
11. With reference to the present CSER, the Director of Studies may (even in the case of more than one
subject) amend the courses registered by the student on one occasion based on the student’s request
submitted not later than the deadline specified in the Academic Calendar under the following
a) the withdrawal of the student’s registration does not influence the number of students in the given
group to such an extent that it would decrease the number of students in the group below the set
b) the course planned to be launched will be cancelled or will be launched only as an examination
course without contact hours due to the low number of students applying for the subject;
c) the given subject(s) has been announced at an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate manner.
The Directorate of Studies shall inform the student about the amendments made in accordance with the
Amended by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
present clause and at the same time shall call on the student to register for another course replacing
the one that has been cancelled.
12. The request for the amendment of registered courses shall be submitted to the Director of Studies
in electronic format (selecting from the following electronic forms: request to cancel previously
registered courses, request to register for announced courses, request to register for unannounced
courses). The Director of Studies shall make a decision on the request to cancel previously registered
courses and on the request to register for announced courses within 5 working days, while the
decisions on the requests to register for unannounced courses shall be made within 15 working days.
After the deadline specified in Clause 11., there is no possibility for further amendments in the course
registration. In the electronic request, the student shall specify the name(s) of the course(s) the
registration of which he/she wishes to modify.59
13. In case the request for the amendment of registered courses submitted by the student is
incomplete, the Director of Studies calls on the student to complete the request not later than within
three days. In case the resubmitted request is incomplete, the Director of Studies rejects it.
14. Until judgement is passed on the request for the amendment of registered courses, the student shall attend
the classes the registration of which he/she has requested.
15. In line with Clause 11. a), the registered subject cannot be cancelled in case the number of participants in a
given subject would drop below the compulsory minimum specified in the study schedule.
16. In the case of part-time programmes, the subjects may be announced in blocks as well. The registration for
such subjects shall also be performed in accordance with Clause II.
17. Examination courses in a given subject may be announced by the BKF if the subject is not announced with
contact hours in the given semester. Practical classes cannot be announced in the form of examination
17/A. The student’s individual study schedule shall not contain practical classes that are scheduled for the
same time in the timetable.60
18. In the case of art and art mediation programmes, it is the instructor in charge of the practical class who
decides which particular group the student should attend after the course registration.
19. With regard to language classes, the head of the Institute of Foreign Languages shall decide which group
the student should attend. The decision shall be made until the end of the third week of the term time following
the end of the course registration period or not later than the second class of the language course in the case
of part-time courses. The decision made by the head of the Institute of Foreign Languages shall be based
primarily on the result of the student’s placement test, the number of participants in a given group and the
timetable schedule of the new group offered to the student. The student shall receive a notice on the decision in
electronic format. In case the student does not agree with the decision, he/she shall inform the head of the
Institute of Foreign Languages about that not later than within five working days following his/her receipt of the
decision. In this case, the student who disagrees with the proposal of the head of the Institute of Foreign
Languages may decide to continue his/studies in the class he/she has originally registered for or to withdraw
his/her registration for the language class without having to pay a special procedural fee.61
III. Electronic course record book
Amended by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012..
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
1. The electronic course record book is a public document certifying studies and serving as the pre-degree
certificate containing data relating to the completion of academic requirements. 62
2. The electronic course record book shall be opened upon enrolment and shall be issued to the
student following the completion of studies or the termination of student status in accordance with the
provisions of Appendix 14 of the SRS.
3. The study performance of students shall be recorded in ETR by the full-time instructors and the education
coordinator or – in extraordinary cases – by the workers of the Directorate of Studies. In the case of art
programmes, the study performance of students shall be recorded in ETR by the institute administrators.
4. In any other case not specified in the present clause, the regulations of Appendix 14 of the SRS shall apply
to the procedures related to the electronic course record book.
IV. Rules pertaining to participation in contact hours
1. Education is provided by the BKF within the framework of contact hours. Contact hours may take the
form of lectures, consultations, practical classes, trainings, workshops or mandatory internships.63
2. The length of one contact hour is 40 minutes. Contact hours may be held together with rearranging the
breaks between them once students have been appropriately informed about such arrangements.
3. In case it fits in the timetable, the contact hour may be held at a time and place different from the original
time and place recorded in the timetable on condition that the head of the relevant institute is aware of the
change, it is agreed upon by both the lecturer and the students and the institute administrator and the Director
of Studies are informed. The head of institute concerned is responsible for the observance of the timetable. In
the case described in the present clause, the final timetable shall be published for the information of the
students before the start of instruction.
Rules pertaining to participation in lectures
4. The participation in lectures is recommended for students.
4/A. The syllabus (course-unit programme) of a lecture given in a foreign language may require compulsory
4/B. The syllabus (course-unit programme) of a lecture may stipulate the compulsory participation of students
in an event organized by the BKF as the condition of the completion of the subject.65
Rules pertaining to participation in practical classes and the mandatory internship
5. The following regulations contain the rules of students’ participation in practical classes which may take the
form of a seminar, language class, training, workshop or internship.
Clauses 6-7. shall not apply to absence from trainings. In case the student fails to attend a training, he/she
cannot meet the requirements of the training, thus the rules pertaining to retake subjects shall be appropriately
applied to such cases.
6. Attendance of practical classes at full-time courses:
a) In the case of subjects with two contact hours per week :
See AHE, Paragraph (4), Section 57.
Amended by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
- The student shall not miss more than six (6) contact hours (3 occasions) of one subject within
one term.
- In case the student misses seven (7) or more contact hours, the given subject shall qualify as
incomplete and the instructor shall enter the following record on the grading sheet of the subject:
„unsuccessful completion”. In this case the student shall register for the subject again.
. b) In the case of subjects with two contact hours twice a week:
- The student shall not miss more than eight (8) contact hours (4 occasions) of one subject within
one term.
- In case the student misses nine (9) or more contact hours, the given subject shall qualify as
incomplete and the instructor shall enter the following record on the grading sheet of the subject:
„unsuccessful completion”. In this case the student shall register for the subject again.
c) In the case of subjects with four contact hours once a week:
- The student shall not miss more than twelve (12) contact hours (3 occasions) of one subject
within one term.
d) In case the student misses thirteen (13) or more contact hours, the given subject shall qualify as
incomplete and the instructor shall enter the following record on the grading sheet of the subject:
„unsuccessful completion”. In this case the student shall register for the subject again. 66
e) In the case of subjects with six contact hours once week:
- The student shall not miss more than twelve (12) contact hours (2 occasions) of one subject
within one term.
- In case the student misses thirteen (13) or more contact hours, the given subject shall qualify
as incomplete and the instructor shall enter the following record on the grading sheet of the
subject: „unsuccessful completion”. In this case the student shall register for the subject again.
f) In the case of absence from classes given in blocks, it is not the number of occasions but the
number of contact hours that shall be considered. 67
7. Attendance of practical classes at part-time courses:68
a) In the case of subjects with 8 contact hours:
The student shall not miss more than three (3) contact hours of one subject within one term.
- In case the student misses four (4) or more contact hours within one term, the given subject
shall qualify as incomplete and the instructor shall enter the following record on the grading sheet
of the subject: „unsuccessful completion”. In this case the student shall register for the subject
b) In the case of subjects with 10 contact hours:
The student shall not miss more than four (4) contact hours of one subject within one term.
- In case the student misses five (5) or more contact hours within one term, the given subject
shall qualify as incomplete and the instructor shall enter the following record on the grading sheet
of the subject: „unsuccessful completion”. In this case the student shall register for the subject
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
Completed by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
c) In the case of subjects with 16 contact hours:
The student shall not miss more than five (5) contact hours of one subject within one term.
- In case the student misses six (6) or more contact hours within one term, the given subject
shall qualify as incomplete and the instructor shall enter the following record on the grading sheet
of the subject: „unsuccessful completion”. In this case the student shall register for the subject
d) In the case of subjects with 20 contact hours:
- The student shall not miss more than eight (8) contact hours of one subject within one term,
while in the case of language classes with 20 contact hours, students cannot miss more than six
(6) classes.
- In case the student misses six (6) or more contact hours – or more than seven (7) contact
hours in the case of language classes – within one term, the given subject shall qualify as
incomplete and the instructor shall enter the following record on the grading sheet of the subject:
„unsuccessful completion”. In this case the student shall register for the subject again.
e) In the case of subjects with 24 contact hours:
The student shall not miss more than eight (8) contact hours of one subject within one term.
- In case the student misses nine (9) or more contact hours within one term, the given subject
shall qualify as incomplete and the instructor shall enter the following record on the grading sheet
of the subject: „unsuccessful completion”. In this case the student shall register for the subject
8. An instructor shall allow only those students to attend his/her practical classes who have registered
for the contact hour announced in ETR under the name of the instructor concerned. During the course
registration amendment period instructors shall also allow the participation of those students who
have submitted a request for the amendment of the registration of the relevant course and whose
request has not been judged by the Director of Studies until the start of the relevant class. The
instructor shall ask the faculty coordinator, the education coordinator or the institute administrator
concerned for the list of students within one and a half month following the start of the term-time.
In the case of language classes, students may change their group for another one in accordance with
their command of the language based on the permission of the head of institute and the language
8/A. The attendance rules specified by the syllabuses (course-unit programmes) of certain practical classes
may be the same as the attendance rules of lectures.69
General rules pertaining to participation in contact hours
9. Students and accidental inquirers shall not disturb the classes by inappropriate conduct or by
arriving late. In case the student is more than 10 minutes late for the class, the instructor may refuse
certifying his/her participation in the class which thus qualifies as absence from class.
10. The General Vice-Rector may in advance decide to restrict the publicity of classes or may keep the public
out and the instructor may also decide to do the same in class due to the inappropriate conduct of a student or
any potential inquirer.
11. In case the student behaves in a manner which does not comply with the generally accepted social norms,
he/she can be sent out of the class.
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
12. The student is not allowed to prepare audio and/or video recordings in class unless it has been approved by
the instructor in advance. The extra educational materials published and disseminated by the BKF on the
Internet are in the exclusive possession of the BKF, their use is only allowed to foster the academic
achievements of students. In case the student fails to comply with that regulation in the course of using above
mentioned materials, a disciplinary procedure shall follow. The BKF informs students via ETR about the lawful
and illegal ways of making use of such materials.
Rules pertaining to participation in language examinations as subjects
13. The student may register for language examinations as so-called subjects without contact hours during the
course registration period..
14. Language examination course-units do not have contact hours.
15. The condition of participation in the KITEX language examination is as follows: after registering for the
language examination course, the student shall register on the homepage of KIT Kft
(, the company organizing the language exam and then fill in the
application form on the same website within the deadline determined by KIT Kft for the given examination
period on its website. In case the student fails to meet his/her obligation to register or fill in the application form,
he/she cannot participate in the language examination which entails the „unsuccessful completion” of the
language examination course, KIT Kft. informs students about the acceptance of their application and shall
send further information relating to the language examination..
16. The condition of participation in the TOIEC language examination is registration for the TOEIC examination
course during the course registration period
V. Rules pertaining to the selection of and registration for specializations *
1. Students participating in undergraduate and graduate programmes may pursue studies at one specialization
within the framework of an individual programme in accordance with the programme completion and exit
requirements. Nevertheless, students – except those participating in art and art mediation courses – may
register for one or more additional specializations as well within the framework of fee-paying courses in case
the related electronic request is approved by the Director of Studies. In that case, however, when editing the
timetable, the BKF is not obliged to avoid potential overlaps of subjects belonging to different specializations.
The tuition fee of the second and other additional specializations equals the current credit fee in effect
multiplied by the total number of credit points attached to each specialization. The subjects belonging to the
second or other additional specializations may be recognised as part of the optional credit points to be earned
at the major only on condition that the General Vice-Rector grants permission for that in advance.
2. The number of students pursuing their studies at the same specialization cannot be lower than 35 persons –
except for cases defined in the specialization programme – and the total number of places at the
specializations to be announced within one degree program cannot be lower than the total number of the
students required to select a specialization in the semester concerned. The relevant number of places at each
specialization to be launched shall be published in the manner accepted as standard at the institution in the first
semester of the programme but not later than the date of application for the specialization. In case the number
of applicants and the number of students who have been granted admission reaches the above number, the
specialization shall be launched. In case the number of applicants and the number of students who have been
granted admission does not reach the above minimum, the General Vice-Rector shall make a decision on the
launch of the specialization considering the opinions of the programme heads concerned.
3. The rules pertaining to the selection of specializations shall apply to the selection of sub-specializations.
This provision shall be implemented in a phase-in system, first it shall be applied to students starting
their studies in September 2007.
Application for specialization
4. The application for and admission to specializations take place via ETR based on the submitted applications
and the class rank. (Application for a specialization in case of students exceeding the length of the programme
shall be based on an electronic request.) The aim of the class rank is to measure the study performance of
students at the same programme and make it comparable thus providing an objective basis for the decisions
made on the admissions to the specializations. A class rank lists the rankings of students who study at the
same programme within the same period. A class includes those students who fulfil the conditions of the
application for admission to the specialization at the same time.
5. The class rank shall be prepared upon the end of the semester that precedes the start of the specializations.
The start of any specialization is specified in the recommended curriculum of the given degree course.
6. Only those students may choose a specialization who:
a) have fulfilled the requirements specified by the head of programme and
earned at least 50 credit points in the case of undergraduate programmes,
- earned at least 30 credit points in the case of art and art mediation undergraduate programmes
(unless otherwise provided for in the present regulation),
earned at least 20 credit points in the case of master programmes and
b) satisfied any further special requirements (e.g. relating to the command of languages or other
subjects) specified as admission condition by the recommended curriculum, the specialization
programme or the head of programme.
6/A. In case the student does not select a specialization in the semester scheduled for selection, he/she cannot
select a specialization earlier than in the second upcoming semester. In case the BKF also offers the
programme the student participates in at a programme the first semester of which starts in the spring semester,
the student may also select a specialization in the term following the semester scheduled for specialization
6/B. In the art and art mediation training fields, the recommended curricula of the undergraduate and graduate
programmes may stipulate rules different from the ones above.
Rules pertaining to the calculation and preparation of the class rank
7. In the course of preparing the class and programme rankings, the following criteria shall be considered in the
following order:
a) aggregate corrected credit index based on the semesters completed at the time of application for
admission which is calculated considering the grades awarded for previously earned credits ;
b) the number and level of language examinations;
c) further special requirements specified by the head of programme.
8. The head of programme defines in what proportion the conditions listed in Clause 7. shall be taken into
consideration. Furthermore, the head of programme may employ criteria different from the ones above – except
for the criterion specified in Clause 7. a) – on condition that he/she clearly defines the content and meaning of
the new criteria. The head of programme shall also be responsible for publishing the information relating to the
admission to specialization in the manner accepted as standard at the BKF.
9. The head of programme is entitled to impose further conditions on the admission to certain specializations
including an aptitude test or other requirements (e.g. a language exam in a specific language at a specific
level). In that case, the conditions and dates of the aptitude test shall be published by the programme head in
the specialization programme in the manner accepted as standard at the BKF.
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
10. The class rank shall be calculated according to what follows:
a) aggregate corrected credit index (calculated by ETR upon closing the semester on the basis of the
grades recorded in the system);
b) language examinations based on the table below:
exam – Level
Level B2
exam – Level
Level C1
3 points
4 points
4 points
5 points
„Type B”
3 points
4 points
4 points
5 points
„Type C”
6 points
8 points
8 points
10 points
In case a student has more than one language exam of the same type, the points that can be
awarded shall be multiplied by the number of the language exams.
Only those language exams shall be accepted that are accredited by the Hungarian state or the ones
that are accepted as their equivalent.
c) Further, profession-related requirements specified by the head of programme and recorded in the
10/A. The class rank is not influenced by the number of specializations the student applies for.
Admission to specialization
11. The application for admission to specializations shall be submitted in an electronic format via ETR not later
than the term before the planned starting date of the specialization, i.e. until 15 October in the autumn semester
and until 15 March in the spring semester.
12. Via the ETR system (or in an electronic request in the case of students exceeding the length of the
programme), the student shall indicate not more than three specializations in order of preference that he/she
wishes to start the next semester upon being granted admission. In the electronic application form the student
may also separately indicate further specialization(s) he/she wishes to start in addition to the specialization
he/she is obliged to select. By indicating the intention to register for further specialization(s), the student
accepts that the fee to be paid for the above specializations equals the amount of the credit fee in effect
multiplied by the number of credit points attached to the specialization(s).
13. The class rank of each programme is finalized by the Director of Studies on the first working day following
the last day of the final examination period in each year based on the order of students calculated by ETR. The
class rank is public, it shall be published in ETR by the Director of Studies indicating the ranking of each
student next to his/her EHA-code.
14. Within two working days following the publication of the class rank, the Director of Studies shall make a
decision regarding which specialization the student is granted admission to based on the rankings calculated by
15. Notwithstanding the provisions specified the present clause, in the case of art programmes, the head of
programme shall make the decision on admissions to specializations based on the performance of students in
their grounding subjects during the first two semesters and considering the opinion of the head of
15/A. In the case of the motion picture art graduate programme, the head of programme decides on the
admission of students to specific specializations based on the recommendation of the Admission Board after
16. The student shall be informed via ETR about which specialization he/she has been granted admission to.
The student shall be informed not later than by the start of the course registration period of the semester in
which he/she plans to start the specialization.
16/A. In case the student has not been admitted to any of the specializations he/she indicated in the application
form, the student shall have the opportunity to request his/her admission to another specialization within one
week after the receipt of notification without having to pay a special procedural fee. 71
Completion of specializations and certificate of completion
17. Specializations are completed upon earning the credit points attached to them as specified in the curricula.
18. The Director of Studies is in charge of certifying the completion of specializations in the diploma.
19. In case the student undertakes the completion of several specializations, he/she shall also state that he/she
will fulfil all study requirements related to the specializations in the application for the final examination. In case
the student does not undertake the completion of his/her second or further specialization(s), he/she shall
withdraw the application for the final examination(s) in the specialization(s) concerned in an electronic request
addressed to the Director of Studies until 5 January the latest in the case of the autumn term and until 5 June
the latest in the case of the spring term.72 After that deadline, he/she can withdraw his/her application only upon
having paid the late payment fee specified in the administrative cost chart published in ETR.
Chapter Five
Assessment and Evaluation of Student Performance
I. Testing System of Subjects
1. The form and planned dates of testing student performance are defined by the present CSER, while
the content-related requirements of each subject are defined by their course-unit programme
2. In the case of lectures, the testing of acquired knowledge takes place in the examination period. The
syllabuses may stipulate further conditions different from the ones above, nevertheless they cannot
use any other form of testing than those listed in the present regulations. 73 The form of testing is
examination, the result of which is expressed by an examination mark.
3. In the case of practical classes, the testing of acquired knowledge takes place during term-time. The
result of testing at practical classes is expressed by a practical mark.
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
Amended by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
The practical mark assesses the student’s full practical performance during the term-time evaluating
also the extent to which he/she is able to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice. The
student shall meet the requirements of subjects evaluated by a practical mark during the term-time. The
practical mark shall be defined on a five-grade scale. The practical mark may be based on both
classroom tests and mid-term reports.
The instructor holding the practical class shall submit the practical marks to the faculty or education
coordinator concerned within three working days following the last contact hour. The practical marks
thus submitted shall be recorded in ETR not later than the end of the first week of the examination
4. In the case of a lecture and practical class to be completed together, the testing of acquired knowledge takes
place during term-time and the examination period.
II. Forms of testing in practical classes
Classroom test (in-class test)
1. A classroom test is a written test assessing the student’s acquisition of a certain part of the material or the
whole material described in the course-unit programme. Classroom tests shall be written only in class at the
regular time recorded in the timetable. Evaluation is based on a five-grade scale.
2. The instructor shall define the number of classroom tests required and the possibilities for taking a
makeup test both in the case of classes missed due to verified reasons and unsuccessful tests. In case
the instructor requires more than one classroom test to be written, they can only be retaken together
on one occasion. Classroom tests may be retaken only during term-time. In the case of part-time
students, in-class tests may also be retaken during the first week of the examination period. In the case
of a lecture and practical class to be completed together, the classroom test may only be retaken
during the first week of the examination period if the student has not registered for an examination
related to the given subject that week.
3. The instructor shall ensure that students are able to review their classroom tests during the given
training period in accordance with the rules pertaining to the review of written examination tests.
4. The provisions of section IV. of Chapter Six of the present CSER on the order of examinations shall
apply to the way classroom tests take place with the appropriate differences in view.
Mid-term report
5. A mid-term report is a task defined by the instructor in connection with the syllabus of the course. It
can be either an oral or written individual task that shall be performed during term-time. The various
forms of the mid-term report include presentations, short lectures, written home assignments,
translations, etc. the evaluation of which shall be included in the final practical mark.
Practical tasks
6. In the art and art mediation training fields, the instructor – within the framework of practical classes – may
require students to develop, prepare and present certain particular object(s), film(s), program(s) and other
creative piece(s) of work related to the training programme also including an oral presentation on the
background research, the theoretical basis and the process of preparation of the work mentioned above. The
work thus performed shall be evaluated in the course of a public assessment until the end of the fourth week of
the examination period. Performance is measured on a five-grade scale.
III. Forms of testing in the case of a lecture and practical class to be completed together 
1. In the case of a lecture and practical class to be completed together the student receives an
examination mark following the examination taken in the examination period.
2. The examination mark is the sum total of the maximum of 50 points to be gained through the
evaluation of the practical class and the maximum of 50 points to be gained at the examination.
3. The prerequisite of the entry to the examination is the acquisition of at least 25 points gained at the
practical class. In case the student fails to reach that minimum, the completion of the subject will
qualify as unsuccessful and he/she shall register for the subject again if he/she has registered for the
subject as a compulsory course-unit.
4. In case the student does not reach at least 25 points at the examination, he/she will fail the examination and
the provisions of Chapter Six shall apply both to the completion of the subject and the improvement of the
grade accordingly.
5. In the case of repeated course registration, previously gained practical points and other partial
results are lost and cannot be recognized as part of the evaluation following the repeated course
registration. Thus, the classroom test shall be written again.
6. Provisions of Clauses II/1-5. and IV/1-2. shall be appropriately applied to the assessment of
performance at a lecture and practical class to be completed together.
IV. Forms of testing in the case of lectures
End-of-term examination
1. End-of-term examination (hereafter referred to as examination or exam) is a form of testing the
student’s acquisition of the material of a subject in an oral, written or combined form in the
examination period, the result of which is expressed by an examination mark. Grading is based on a
five-grade scale. In the course of the examination the instructor shall determine to what extent the
student has acquired the material and whether he/she is able to acquire further material based on
his/her knowledge of the given subject.
2. The rules pertaining to the organisation of examinations are laid down in Chapter Six.
2/A. Based on the decision made by the examiner and on the relevant request of at least 20% of the students
registered for the exam, the examination may be organized in an oral form instead of a written form or in a
written form instead of an oral form for the students filing the request on condition that a reference is made to
such possibility in the syllabus of the subject.74
Comprehensive examination
3. Comprehensive examination is a form of testing used during the examination period of programmes
launched within the framework of the former training system evaluating the student’s acquisition of the material
of several subjects that are considered to be grounding courses in view of the training objectives of the
programme. A comprehensive exam may only be completed if the student completes all the subjects that
belong to the comprehensive exam within the same examination period (weak prerequisite). A comprehensive
exam may include a written test as well. The information about the conditions of comprehensive exams
The rules pertaining to the completion of a lecture and practical class to be completed together shall
apply to students registering for this type of subject in academic year 2009/2010 the first time and then
shall be applied in a phase-in system from that date onwards.
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
including the precise conditions of the written test shall be published by the Director of Studies at the time of
enrolment in the manner accepted as standard at the BKF based on the request of the head of programme.
The information about the conditions of comprehensive exams is also published in the Academic Guide if
possible. The result of the comprehensive examination is expressed by a comprehensive examination mark
with grading based on a five-grade scale.
4. In case the student does not complete a prerequisite of the comprehensive exam, but nevertheless takes
part in the comprehensive exam and obtains a mark, the Directorate of Studies shall invalidate the grade thus
gained afterwards.
Mid-term report
5. A mid-term report is a task defined by the instructor in connection with the syllabus of the course. It can be
either an oral or written independent task that shall be performed during term-time. The various forms of the
mid-term report include presentations, short lectures, written home assignments, translations, etc. the
evaluation of which shall be included in the final practical mark. In the case of lectures a mid-term report may
only be set as a condition of the completion of the subject if the relevant stipulation is recorded in the syllabus
of the subject.
Further conditions of the completion of lectures
6. The syllabus of a lecture may stipulate the compulsory participation of students in an event or activity
organized by the BKF as the condition of the completion of the subject
IV/A. Form of testing applied for professional core subjects 75
Selection examination
1. Through the evaluation of a selection examination the selection examination board determines whether the
student – during his/her studies at the programme of his/her choice – has acquired the basic knowledge
needed to practice his/her future profession considering his/her academic work and abilities and whether
he/she is able to continue his/her studies based on the performance at the selection examination
2. A selection examination shall be taken before an examination board of three persons. The composition of the
examination board is determined by the Rector. A selection examination may only be repeated on one occasion
before an ad hoc board appointed by the Rector. The composition of the ad hoc examination board shall be
different from the composition of the selection examination board in charge at the time of the previous
unsuccessful exam.
V. The evaluation of student performance
1. The evaluation of student performance may be based
on the following five-grade scale:
excellent (5)
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012. The rules pertaining to the
selection exam shall be first applied to students starting their studies in the autumn term of academic
year 2012/2013.
(1), or
on the following three-grade scale:
The evaluation of the student’s internship is based on the three-grade scale.
VI. Rules pertaining to plagiarism
1. Plagiarism is the use of another author’s work, facts and ideas without giving appropriate references
and credit. Furthermore, plagiarism also includes the event when a student purchases, steals or
borrows a paper or piece of writing prepared by a third person and submits it as his/her own work.
Copying full paragraphs or chapters from the work of other authors and presenting them in a thesis, a
paper or other piece of writing as one’s own original idea without recording the appropriate references
also qualifies as plagiarism. The principles and detailed rules relating to references and format
requirements that students shall follow to avoid plagiarism are specified in the Supplement of the SRS.
2. In the event of plagiarism – in case it is discovered in a degree thesis or diploma work – the
referee(s) or consultant(s) noticing it shall immediately notify the head of institute and shall evaluate
the degree thesis as fail due to plagiarism on the degree thesis/diploma work evaluation form. In case
the act of plagiarism is appropriately grounded, the head of institute shall initiate a disciplinary
procedure in accordance with the stipulations of Appendix 9 of the SRS.
3. In case plagiarism related to a degree thesis or diploma work is observed by a member of the final
examination board in the course of the defence of the degree thesis or the diploma work, the chairman
of the final examination board shall grade the defence of the degree thesis or the diploma work as well
as the final exam as a fail and shall initiate a disciplinary procedure in accordance with the stipulations
of Appendix 9 of the SRS.
4. In case plagiarism is related to a submitted annual research paper, other pieces of writing or
practical task, the instructor noticing the plagiarism shall grade the paper as a fail and oblige the
student to prepare a new annual research paper, other piece of writing or to perform a new practical
See AHE, Paragraph (2), Section 57.
Chapter Six
Rules Pertaining to the Examination Period
I. General provisions
1. The examination period comprises six weeks starting after the last day of the term-time of every
semester. The examination period is in turn followed by a final examination week. The last week of the
examination period is the repeat examination week. The schedule of the examination period in the case
of part-time programmes may be different from the one above.
2. The student who wishes to take an examination after the end of the examination period shall submit
an electronic request to the Director of Studies not later than the end of the given examination period.
The Director of Studies shall pass an immediate judgement on the request in accordance with the
conditions stipulated in Appendix 7 of the SRS. Permission to take an exam after the examination
period may be granted only in extraordinary cases.
3. The student cannot register for an exam as long as he/she has overdue financial or material (libraryrelated, tools, etc.) obligations towards the BKF and has not received permission from the BKF to meet
his/her financial and other obligations at a later date.
II. The schedule of examinations
1. Examinations shall be organised so that each student concerned can enrol for and take the
examination.77 The selection of exam dates and their proportionate distribution throughout the
examination period is the right and responsibility of the student.
2. Examination dates shall be given so that the student is able to schedule his/her exams evenly distributed
throughout the examination period.
3. The length of an oral examination cannot be longer than six hours and the maximum of 30 persons may be
scheduled for one oral examination. The time of examinations may be scheduled both for the morning (from
8:00 a.m.) and for the afternoon (from 1:00 p.m.). In the case of oral exams, only one examination in a given
subject may be scheduled for the same day, either for the morning or for the afternoon.
4. When setting the examination dates, it shall be taken into consideration that no written exam shall be
scheduled for the last but one week of the examination period. In individual cases a different schedule may be
provided based on the prior approval of the General Vice-Rector and the president of the Student Union.
Considering the proposal of the president of the Student Union, the General Vice-Rector may schedule an oral
exam instead of a written exam for the repeat examination week.
5. The examiner shall offer three exam dates in a subject during the examination period and one subsequent
repeat exam date also providing the option for a repeat exam on the second and third examination date if the
number of students registered allows that. In case the student fails to appear at the examination as specified in
Clause III/5. (missed exam), the BKF does not offer two repeat exam dates in the subject concerned.
6. The last week of the examination period is scheduled exclusively for repeat and remake exams.
See AHE, Paragraph (1), Section 59.
7. The examiner shall schedule the examination dates of a given subject in the examination period so that the
number of students that can potentially take the exam shall exceed the number of students registered for the
subject by 25%. In case more than 500 students registered for a given subject, the examiner shall make sure
that the number of students that may take the exam shall exceed the number of students registered for the
subject by 35%. When setting the number of students that are allowed to take each examination, the potential
number of students expected to take a repeat exam shall be taken into consideration. On examination days, the
option for repeat exams shall also be offered without exceeding the set maximum number of students allowed
to register for an exam.
8. In the case of part-time students, at least one of the regular examination dates and the repeat examination
date during the repeat examination period shall be scheduled for a Saturday or a Friday - in case courses are
also held on Fridays. Regarding the examination dates set for a weekday, the start of the examinations cannot
be set earlier than 3:50 pm. During the repeat examination week, part-time students shall also be provided the
possibility of taking part in the exams announced for full-time students.
9. Students shall be informed about the examination dates and the names of the examiner (members of the
comprehensive examination board) via ETR three weeks before the start of the examination period. 78
Preliminary examination
10. In case the instructor responsible for managing and offering a course provides for the option of a so-called
preliminary exam in the syllabus of a given subject, the student may take such an exam if the conditions for
individual preparation are given and the preparation does not hinder the student in his/her other studies. Based
on an agreement between the president of the Student Union and the head of institute concerned, the instructor
may be required to hold a preliminary examination.
11. Full-time students may take a preliminary exam in the given subject during the last week of the term-time.
For part-time students the preliminary exam dates shall be scheduled for the training week following the first
part of the term-time and/or for the autumn/spring break with the exams starting on Saturdays or not earlier
than at 5.00 pm on weekdays.
12. A preliminary exam shall be considered to be an exam taken in the examination period for which the
general rules pertaining to regular exams shall be applied with regard to the provision that the preliminary exam
opportunity is included in the total number of exam opportunities that are required to be provided for students.
13. Registration for the preliminary exam shall take place via ETR. In case the student fails to do so, he/she
cannot participate in the preliminary exam.
14. The student cannot be granted exemption from any study obligation (e.g. attendance of classes, in-class
tests, etc.) due to his/her preparation for the preliminary exam.
III. Examination registration, missed examinations
1. The student shall register for an exam date in each subject during the examination registration period before
the start of the examination period. The deadline for examination registration is a forfeit deadline. In case the
student fails to meet this requirement, the provisions of Clause III/2. shall be applied.
2. In case the student does not register for an exam date in a subject which requires examination due to
his/her own fault, the subject shall be assigned an „incomplete” grade. After that the student shall
register for the given subject again in case he/she has registered it as a compulsory subject.
3. The examination registration via ETR starts on the third week before the start of the examination
4. Examination registration and cancellation shall be done not later than 24 hours prior to the exam.
See AHE, Paragraph (3), Section 59.
5. In case the student wishes to cancel the KITEX language examination that he/she has registered for in
accordance with Clauses IV/13-15. of Chapter Four of the present regulation, he/she may do it observing
Clause 4. In that case, the BKF cancels the student’s registration. The student may register for the KITEX
language exam again in the next semester in accordance with Clauses 13-15. of Chapter Four of the present
6. In case the student wishes to cancel the TOEIC language examination that he/she has registered for in
accordance with Clause IV/16. of Chapter Four of the present regulation, he/she may do so not later than the
last day of the term-time. In that case, the BKF cancels the student’s registration. The student may register for
the TOEIC language exam again in the next semester in accordance with Clause IV/16. of Chapter Four of the
present regulation.
Missed examination
7. In case the student does not cancel his/her examination registration via ETR in due time and fails to
appear at the examination, the provisions of Clause 2. shall appropriately apply with the proviso that
he/she can register for a new exam date during the regular examination period in case he/she has paid
the BKF the costs of the missed examination in accordance with the stipulations of Appendix 5 of the
SRS. The obligation to pay the costs of the missed examination may be rescinded in case the student
certifies within 5 working days after the missed exam that his/her absence was justified.
8. In the case of missed examinations, the instructor shall not be obliged to set further examination
dates or to increase the maximum number of students eligible for the exam as defined on the basis of
Clause II/7. In case the student cannot register for an exam date due to the lack of places until the fifth
week of the examination period, he/she shall register for the subject again if it was registered for as a
compulsory subject.
9. A missed exam results in the loss of one of the examination possibilities the BKF is obliged to offer
to the student but the missed exam shall not be included in the number of possible repeat
10. In case the student does not cancel the language exam he/she has registered for in accordance with
Clauses IV/13-16. of Chapter Four of the present regulation and does not appear at the exam, the
stipulations of Clause 2. shall apply with the proviso that the student may register for a new
examination date in the next examination period once he/she has paid the BKF the costs of the missed
examination observing the provisions of Appendix 5 of the SRS. The obligation to pay the costs of the
missed examination may be rescinded in case the student certifies within 5 working days after the
missed exam that his/her absence was justified.
IV. The order of examinations
1. The instructor shall check the identity of participants both at written and oral examinations. Identity
verification (certified by some suitable official document with a photo) is the prerequisite of
participation in written examinations. In case a person is not able to prove his/her identify, he/she
cannot take part in the exam.
2. Oral exams officially start by asking the examination question(s) (i.e. the reception of the exam topic)
while written exams officially start by the receipt of the exam tasks. Following the official start of the
exam, the student’s performance shall be evaluated by giving a grade. In case the student taking part in
the exam disturbs the start of the exam and does not give up such behaviour upon being called on to
do so by the examiner(s), the examiner(s) are entitled to suspend the student’s examination and initiate
a disciplinary procedure. In such a case, the exam qualifies as a missed exam and it has to be repeated
in accordance with the rules pertaining to missed examinations. If the student fails to record his/her
name and EHA code (student identification number) on the written examination paper, the exam
qualifies as a missed exam and it has to be repeated in accordance with the rules pertaining to missed
3. The instructor is entitled to interrupt the student’s examination and assign a fail grade in case the
instructor notices that the student uses aid(s) and resource(s) not allowed at an exam or in case the
student cooperates with another person. In that case the instructor has the right to initiate a
disciplinary procedure.
4. At oral examinations, the examinee shall be granted the necessary time or at least 15 minutes to
prepare before the start of the oral test. This can only be disregarded upon the student’s request. The
length of the exam is determined by the instructor or by the chairman in case evaluation is performed
by an examination board.
5. Examinations shall be held only in the buildings of the BKF. The examination shall be held at the time/in the
period it has been scheduled for in advance. Both the student and the instructor shall be present at the start of
the period and at the time announced as above.
In case the student is more than 15 minutes late for the exam thus preventing the exam from being held, the
instructor is entitled to finish the student’s exam. In such a case, the exam qualifies as a missed exam and it
has to be repeated in accordance with the rules pertaining to missed examinations.
In case the instructor is more than half an hour late for the exam and the students concerned notify the Student
Information and Services Office of that fact, the instructor shall schedule another examination date for the
students who might not have appeared at the exam. The examination date mentioned above shall be
scheduled only upon prior consultation with the students.
6. Within the physical limits of the examination venue, oral examinations are public for the instructors and
students of the BKF. The publicity of the oral examination may be restricted at the examinee’s request.
7. In case the student takes an exam before an examination board, the student’s performance is evaluated by
the chairman of the board based on the board members’ opinion.
8. The instructor (the board) may only examine those students whose names are listed on the official
printed grading sheet.
9. The examiner (the chairman of board) shall submit the grading sheet to the faculty or the education
coordinator or the institute administrator on the day of the exam in the case of oral examinations or within 5
working days following the exam in the case of written examinations. In the case of written examinations, the
corrected exam papers shall also be forwarded to the coordinator or the administrator.
10. The instructor is entitled to combine an oral and written exam by announcing a so-called „entry exam” on
condition that it is recorded in the course description. At the „entry exam” only basic information shall be tested,
i.e. information that is essential for the knowledge of the given subject. A failed „entry exam” qualifies as an
unsuccessful exam. In the case of „entry exams”, derogation from the provisions of Clause II/3 on the limit on
the maximum number of students may be allowed.
11. The data related to the exam together with the grade given shall also be recorded in ETR within two days
following the submission of grading sheets or until the start of the course registration period the latest.
12. In the case of students pursuing their studies within the former training system, comprehensive
examinations shall be taken before an examination board of at least two members. Furthermore, in the case of
such exams, minutes shall also be taken. The comprehensive examination board shall be set up by the head of
institute providing for a chairman who is a BKF professor or associate professor. The chairman of the board
shall be responsible for the smooth and undisturbed circumstances during the examination including the
observance of related regulations.
13. In case the student passes only a part of the KITEX language examination he/she has registered for in
accordance with Clauses IV/13-15. of Chapter Four of the present regulation, the subject qualifies as
“incomplete”. In such a case the student may decide to apply for the missing parts of the examination at an offsite language centre but he/she is not entitled to register for the language exam again as part of his/her BKF
14. In case the student does not gain at least 600 points – as specified in the syllabus – at the TOEIC exam
that he/she has registered for in accordance with Clause IV/16. of Chapter Four of the present regulation, a
failing grade shall be assigned to the subject. Nevertheless, the student shall be granted an official score report
even in that case.
V. Publication of examination grades, the right to review
1. In the course of publishing the results of written examinations and those of the written parts of
comprehensive examinations, the provisions on privacy shall be closely observed. Without the
student’s prior written consent, his/her examination grade(s) cannot be publicly listed by name.
2. The student shall have the opportunity to review his/her corrected written examination paper within
two weeks following the publication of grades. After that deadline, the student cannot exercise the right
to review.
3. In case the instructor is not personally available at the time of the review, he/she shall provide the
faculty or education coordinator or the institute administrator concerned with the exam paper and its
answer key in order to facilitate a smooth review and the easy interpretation of the results.
4. Having reviewed the written test, the student may apply to the examiner for the revision of the
previous correction based on the relevant compulsory readings. In case the instructor does not revise
the paper and fails to react to the student’s request within 8 days following the notification, the student
shall be granted a remake exam opportunity held by a new examiner in order to improve his/her
previous grade without having to pay a separate procedure fee.
5. The BKF informs students about their grades obtained at examinations and classroom tests via ETR and on
other notice boards of the BKF but does not provide information on telephone.
6. In the case of degree programmes in the art and art mediation training fields, the evaluation of practical
performance and its evaluation criteria are public.
VI. Repeat examination and remake examination
Repeat examination
1. A repeat examination means the retake of an unsuccessful exam in the given examination period. A
repeat exam can only take place on the third calendar day following the unsuccessful exam or on the
fifth calendar day following the unsuccessful comprehensive exam the earliest. Final exams cannot be
repeated during the examination period concerned.
2. In the case of fee-paying students, the repeat examination fee shall be paid via a VPOS terminal.
After the repeat examination fee is paid, the student shall register for the repeat exam via ETR in
accordance with the rules pertaining to regular examination registration. In case the student fails to pay
the repeat examination fee or to register for the repeat exam, he/she shall not start the exam. In case
the student starts the exam without having fulfilled above obligations, the Director of Studies will delete
his/her examination grade both from ETR and the electronic course record book.
3. For state-funded students, the first repeat examination in each subject is free of charge.
4. An unsuccessful exam may be repeated only twice in the given examination period without a
repeated course registration unless otherwise specified by the present CSER. The BKF is not obliged
to offer new repeat exam dates in case the student has several repeat exam dates in several subjects at
the same time. In case the student fails his/her second repeat exam, he/she shall register for the
subject again if it was registered for as a compulsory subject.
5. If the student has been examined and failed by the same person on both occasions, the head of
institute shall ensure that the student is examined by another instructor or a separate examination
board if the student applies for that by submitting an electronic request to the head of institute not later
than the first day of the examination registration period of the next term.79
With regard to the above mentioned examination board, it shall consist of at least three members and
the student’s grade shall be based on the round up average of the grades given by each member with
the proviso that the student shall fail only if the majority of the committee (i.e. at least two members)
grades the performance as a fail.
Remake examination
6. A remake examination is the repeat exam of a previous successful exam in the given examination
period. A remake examination can be taken only on one occasion in each subject. The same applies to
fee-paying students with the proviso that they pay the remake examination fee via a VPOS terminal in
7. By registering for a remake examination, the student renounces his/her previous exam grade and the
BKF shall consider the grade gained at the remake exam to be valid. If the student fails to appear at the
remake exam, his/her previous grade shall be considered to be final. In that case the student shall not
be entitled to the reimbursement of the remake examination fee.
8. Successful final examination cannot be remade.
VII. Examination course
At the end of the examination course the student is entitled to take an exam in accordance with the
requirements defined in the present chapter.
In case the completion requirement of the examination course is a written examination, the exam in
several examination courses may be announced for the same exam date.
VIII. Calculation of study performance, completion of semesters
1. The average study performance of students shall be calculated in each term in the case of both full-time and
part-time programmes.
2. Within the framework of credit-based education, the index of student performance is the (cumulated)
weighted grade point average calculated for a period of more than one term or for the whole study period. The
weighted grade point average is calculated in the following way: the sum gained by multiplying the sums
resulting from the addition of the credit value and grade of each completed subject in the given period is divided
by the total number of credits of each completed subject.80
3. The most suitable indexes for the assessment of the quantity and quality of student performance in each
term are called credit index and corrected credit index.81
4. The credit index-based (hereafter CI) study performance is determined and recorded in the electronic
course record book by the Directorate of Studies after the end of the examination period within one
month following the start of the term-time.
See AHE, Paragraph (2), Section 59.
Implementation decree, Paragraph (2), Section 24.
81 See Implementation decree, Paragraph (3), Section 24.
80 See
5. CI is based on the grades of the subjects that have been actually completed in the given term. When
calculating the credit index, the subjects which have been completed at another institution but have been
acknowledged by the BKF shall be excluded (acknowledged subject).
6. Credit index is calculated in the following way: the amount gained by multiplying the sums resulting from the
addition of the credit value and grade of each de facto completed subject in the given period is divided by thirty
(30) credits constituting the average progress a student can make in a term according to the recommended
7. Corrected credit index is based on CI but calculated using a factor corresponding to the ratio of credits de
facto gained and the credits undertaken in the given term in the individual curriculum.83 The corrected credit
index (hereafter CIcorr) is exclusively used to establish the amount of the study stipend.
8. The aggregate corrected credit index is used to assess the quantity and quality of student performance
throughout several terms. The aggregate corrected credit index is calculated the same way as CI corr with the
proviso that thirty credits per term and the total number of completed and undertaken credits during the full
study period shall be taken into account84
9. The so-called (cumulative) weighted grade point average is used to track study performance in a period
longer than one term or in the whole length of studies When calculating the weighted grade point average the
sum gained by multiplying the sums resulting from the addition of the credit value and grade of each completed
subject in the given period is divided by the total number of credits of each completed subject. 85
10. The student may find the information on his/her study performance in ETR.
82 See
Implementation decree, Paragraph (3), Section 24.
Implementation decree, Paragraph (3), Section 24.
84 See Implementation decree, Paragraph (3), Section 24.
85 See Implementation decree, Paragraph (2), Section 24.
83 See
Chapter Seven
Rules Pertaining to the Completion of Internship
I. General provisions
1. Students shall undertake a compulsory internship programme during a specified period of their
studies in accordance with the qualification requirements, the programme completion and exit
requirements and the recommended curriculum of each degree course. The objective of the internship
is to prepare students to face the real challenges of the world of work and arts; to put their theoretical
knowledge and skills acquired during their studies into practice and perspective and to improve and
complete them at a higher level.
2. The internship shall be done at an organization which ensures the fulfilment of the practical aims above and
the profile of which suits the student’s degree course.
3. The student selects his/her place for internship from the list of openings published by the BKF. The
list of potential organizations is published on the website and on the notice boards of the
Career Centre established for that particular purpose.
4. The selection of the organization for the internship may also take place individually, the
administration of which is assisted by the BKF.
5. Only those students may start their internship – with the exception of students at the art and art
mediation courses – who have finished at least
a) four active terms in the case of degree courses of a length of six terms or
b) five active terms in the case of degree courses of a length of seven terms.
6. The student shall print the „Agreement on Internship” form from Modulo, have it officially signed and
submit it in two original copies to the Career Centre not later than 10 days prior to the start of the
internship. In the case of certain companies the same shall apply to the „Declaration of Acceptance”
Individual contracts different from the „Agreement on Internship” shall be submitted in electronic
format to the Career Centre for approval not later than 30 working days prior to the start of the
internship. Following the approval of the individual contract, the student shall record the required
details of the contract in a form specified for that purpose in Modulo. Following the deadline specified
above, individual contracts cannot be accepted.
Students may start their internship and their internship is considered to be valid by the BKF only on
condition that the „Agreement on Internship” or the approved individual contract is signed by the
respective representatives of the BKF and the organization before the start of the internship. The start
of internship shall be invalid without the agreement signed by both parties.
7. In the case of missed internships, the student shall not receive his/her pre-degree certificate and
his/her registration for the final examination cannot be accepted.
8. The student’s liability for damages during his/her participation in internship is regulated by AHE in addition to
the provisions of Appendix 9 of the SRS that shall also be appropriately applied.
9. The length of the internship – with the exception of students at the art and art mediation courses –
with a workload of 8 hours per day shall be as follows:
a) for students without a job:
a minimum of 12 weeks and the maximum of 26 weeks for full-time students
a minimum of 3 weeks and the maximum of 26 weeks for part-time
b) Students with a job may do their internships at their own work places in accordance with
Clause III.
10. The student shall register for the course-unit „Internship” via ETR and shall finish it not later than
the end of the term-time concerned.
11. The student cannot be exempted from the attendance of practical classes due to his/her obligation
to complete the internship.
12. In case the documents required to be submitted for the internship are filed beyond the deadline, the student
shall pay a special procedure fee specified in the administrative cost chart published in ETR.
II. Rules pertaining to the internship of students out of employment
1. With a view to the completion of the subject, the student shall submit the following documents to the Career
Centre observing both the deadline indicated in ETR and the formal requirements specified in the Supplement
of the SRS:
a) „Cooperation Agreement” or „Declaration of Acceptance” signed and stamped by the receiving
company in the number of copies and in accordance with the conditions set out in Clause I/6.
(printable documents in the Modulo system)
b) „Report on Internship”, that shall be uploaded on the appropriate space in the Modulo system;
c) „Evaluation of Intern by Supervisor” signed and stamped by the supervisor
The internship shall be considered completed only by submitting each of the documents listed above.
2. The „Student Questionnaire on Internship” included in the Supplement of the SRS shall be sent to the
student’s e-mail address recorded in ETR by the career Centre until the deadline specified in ETR. The
questionnaire shall be filled in and sent back electronically. The information recorded in the questionnaire is
used by the BKF in research conducted by Career Centre and in the analysis of the experience gained during
3. In the case of a foreign internship, the student shall forward two original copies of the „Cooperation
Agreement” or the „Declaration of Acceptance” to the Career Centre not later than two weeks prior to the date
of the travel. The aforementioned documents shall be printed from the Modulo system and written in a foreign
language. (The „Cooperation Agreement” and the „Declaration of Acceptance” forms are available in English,
Hungarian and German.) In case the company offering the internship wishes to sign an individual contract with
the BKF, the student shall submit the contract by also attaching an official translation of the contract or may
choose to ask the BKF to provide for a translation. In both cases, the costs of the translation shall be borne by
the student. The BKF shall make a decision on the acceptance and approval of the translated contract.
Following its acceptance, the student shall record the necessary data of the contract in the appropriate space in
the Modulo system, Once the contract is signed, the student may receive the contract in person in the Career
Centre or at the student’s request it may be posted C.O.D. to an address abroad.
III. Rules pertaining to internship for students in employment
1. Students in employment shall upload the following documents in Modulo until the deadline
published in ETR:
the signed and stamped original copy of the „Employer’s certificate” and
the „job description”,
filled in by their present employer or the former employer they worked for in the past year.
2. In case the Career Centre accepts the employer’s certificate and the job description (in accordance
with Clause I/2.) via Modulo, the internship shall be considered to be completed and the student shall
get an excellent grade for the „Internship” course-unit in ETR.
3. In case the Career Centre does not accept the employer’s certificate or the job description (in
accordance with Clause I/2.) via Modulo, the Centre shall via the Modulo system send the student a
notification of a compulsory company visit or of the fact that the student – except for the students of
art and art mediation programmes – shall choose an organization for internship. The student shall visit
at least one company and prepare a report summarizing his/her experience gained there according to
the requirements specified in ETR.
IV. The supervision and assessment of internship
1. A representative appointed by the BKF may pay a visit to the company or organization offering the
internship at a date agreed upon by the head or contact person of the company or organization. The
visit may also be initiated by the company or organization.
2. In case the student realizes that the organization where the internship is performed does not ensure
the fulfilment of the objectives of the internship, he/she may notify the director of the Career Centre in
an electronic request within 15 working days following the start of the internship asking for permission
to find another organization or company.
3. In the case of requests filed later than within 15 working days following the start of the internship,
the director of the Career Centre may consider the change of the place of the internship according to
what follows:
in case the supervisor does not certify the completion of internship at the original
company or organization, the internship course-unit of a minimum of 12 weeks (a minimum
of 3 weeks for full-time students) specified for the given term cannot be completed;
in case the supervisor certifies the completion of internship at the original company or
organization, the remaining time left from the specified minimum of 12 weeks (a minimum of
3 weeks for full-time students) may be completed at another company or organization.
4. The student’s attitude and performance during the internship shall be evaluated by the supervisor
appointed by the employer in the „Evaluation of Intern by the Supervisor” form. The form certifies the
completion of internship including attendance in addition to the written assessment and evaluation of
the student’s performance.
5. Upon the student’s request, the supervisor appointed by the employer may also issue a letter of
reference which may increase the student’s chances to find employment upon entering the labour
6. The final grading of internship shall be performed by the director of the Career Centre on a threegrade scale.
7.. The completion and grade of the internship shall be recorded in the electronic course record book.
V. The specific aspects of internship completed in the art and art mediation training fields 86
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
The structure of the internship
1. With regard to the programmes of the art and art mediation training field, the general rules pertaining
to the internship shall be applied with respect to the stipulations of the present Clause V. The
internship completed in the art and art mediation training fields may consist of one or two parts.
2. In case the internship consists of two parts, it is comprised of an internship organized within the
BKF (hereafter referred to as internal internship) and an internship organized at an external workplace
(hereafter referred to as external internship).
3. The complete internship may consist of either a full internal or a full external internship as well. The
internal and external internships in the art and art mediation training fields may be performed at
various intervals. The completion of internal internship may start in the first active semester while the
external internship may start after the deadline specified in Clause 10 with both being completed at
4. The internship in the art and art mediation training fields may also be completed through placement
at an art colony or participation in a study trip.
Internal internship
5. Internal internship is practical work that is approved by the head of the given programme, performed
in the interest of the BKF, on the premises of the BKF using the tools provided by the BKF.
6. Application for, completion and registration of the internal internship shall be recorded in Modulo.
7. The certificate about the completion of the internal internship is issued by the institute concerned
not later than after the acquisition of 120 credits.
External internship
8. External internship is practical, artistic work performed at an organization or in cooperation with an
external person that concluded an agreement with the BKF.
9. External internship may be done at an organization or in cooperation with a person which/who ensures the
fulfilment of the practical aims and the artistic profile of whose suits the student’s degree course
10. Only those students may start an external internship who have completed at least
two active
11. The detailed requirements of the internship done at programmes in the art and art mediation
training fields (including its length determined in hours, the special conditions of completion, the ratio
of the length and credit value of the external and internal internship compared to each other, etc.) are
specified in the Supplement of the present CSR: Students shall observe and meet the requirements
thereof, any deviation from the observance of the completion criteria therein requires the prior approval
of the head of programme.
12. In the case of the programmes of the art and art mediation training fields, the head of institute shall
collect the recommended work places based on the proposals of the heads of programme which then
shall be forwarded to the director of the Career Centre not later than the start of the examination
registration period of the semester that precedes the term scheduled for the start of the internship. The
director of the Career Centre shall provide for the publication of the openings on the notice board of
the Career Centre established for that particular purpose on the website of the BKF.
13. The student cannot be exempted from the attendance of practical classes due to his/her obligation
to complete the external internship.
14. In case the documents required to be submitted for the external and internal internships are filed beyond
the deadline, the student shall pay an extra late procedure fee specified in the administrative cost chart
published in ETR.
Rules pertaining to the supervision, assessment and completion of the internal internship
15. In the case of internal internship and with a view to the completion of the Internship subject,
students shall submit the following documents via Modulo addressed to the head of programme until
the deadline published in ETR and in accordance with the formal requirements specified in the
Supplement of the SRS:
“Permission for internal internship”
“Certificate on completion of internal internship”.
16. The person in charge of the programme shall certify the completion of the internal internship based
on the proposal of the head of the organizational unit that has ordered the practical work and following
the countersignature of the head of institute.
17. The grading of the internal internship shall be done on a three-grade scale that may be completed
with a written evaluation which shall be taken into consideration by the head of programme upon the
final grading of the Internship subject.
18. With regard to the differences between individual programmes, the provisions pertaining to the
supervision, assessment and completion of the internal internship are specified in the Supplement of
the present CSR.
Rules pertaining to the supervision, assessment and completion of the external internship
19. The student’s attitude and performance during the external internship shall be evaluated by the
supervisor appointed by the head of programme in the „Evaluation of Intern by the Supervisor” form.
The form certifies the completion of internship including attendance in addition to the written
assessment and evaluation of the student’s performance.
The evaluation of internship
20. The final evaluation of the internship shall be done on a three-grade scale in the Modulo system by the
head of programme taking into consideration the evaluation of both the internal and the external internship.
VI. The specific aspects of internship completed by students holding a foreign citizenship pursuing
their studies at the English language degree courses
1. With regard to students holding a foreign citizenship and pursuing their studies at the English
language degree courses, the general rules pertaining to the internship shall be applied with respect to
the stipulations of the present subchapter.
2. With a view to the completion of the Internship subject, students shall submit the following documents via
Modulo addressed to the Career Centre until the deadline published in ETR and in accordance with the formal
requirements specified in the Supplement of the SRS:
a) the English language „Cooperation Agreement” signed and stamped by the receiving organization in
accordance with the conditions specified in Clause I/6. and in the number of copies specified therein
(the document is printable from the Modulo system)
b) a copy of the English language „Assessment” form signed and stamped by the supervisor.
3. The final grading of internship shall be performed by the director of the Career Centre on a threegrade scale.
Chapter Eight
Rules Pertaining to Graduation and the Award of the Diploma
I. Pre-degree certificate
1. Registration for the final examination shall be subject to the acquisition of the pre-degree certificate. The BKF
shall issue a pre-degree certificate to students who have met the academic and examination requirements and
completed the internship in accordance with the curriculum except for the necessary language examination(s)
and the degree thesis/diploma work and thus earned the required number of credit points.
1/A. In the case of students who started their studies before academic year 2012/2013, the final examination
may be taken in the examination period following the issue of the pre-degree certificate within the framework of
student status or after the termination of student status in any examination period without any deadline but in
accordance with the effective qualification requirements.87
1/B. In the case of students who started their studies in or after academic year 2012/2013, the final examination
may be taken in the examination period following the issue of the pre-degree certificate within the framework of
student status or after the termination of student status in any examination period within the following five
years. The final examination cannot be taken after five years have passed following the termination of the
student status.
In case the student has undertaken the completion of several specializations, his/her pre-degree certificate
cannot be issued until all credit points attached to each specialization are earned. In case the student declares
in an electronic request addressed to the Director of Studies that he/she renounces the opportunity to complete
the subjects of the second or further additional specializations, the clause certifying the completion of the
second or additional specializations shall not be recorded in his/her diploma.
2. The pre-degree certificate may be certified in the electronic course record book signed by the
Director of Studies and the Rector upon the student’s request.
II. Degree thesis and diploma work
1. The student shall prepare a degree thesis or diploma work at each degree course in order to be
awarded a diploma. In case the student pursues studies at several degree courses at the same time,
he/she shall submit a degree thesis and/or diploma work on a different topic with different content at
each programme.
The degree thesis is a piece of writing on a specific topic which is in line with the qualifications to be obtained
and which is related to the core subjects of the degree course. By preparing the degree thesis the student shall
certify that beyond the material laid down in the syllabi he/she is also acquainted with the relevant national and
international literature.
The diploma work is the creative summary of the professional knowledge obtained in the course of the practical
training in a given object or piece of work.
2. The degree thesis topics approved by the degree programme heads shall be published by the
Student Information and Services Office in the manner customary not later than by the end of the first
month of each term-time. The student may also select an individual topic different from the ones listed
by the institution in case it complies with the professional requirements, it is approved by the degree
programme head and there is an expert accepted by the head of institute who is willing to undertake
consultancy. In case the individually selected topic is not approved by the degree programme head or
the head of institute cannot recommend an expert that can be accepted as consultant and it is not
See AHE, paragraph (4), Section 60.
possible to cooperate with an external consultant selected in accordance with Clause 7., the student
shall choose another degree thesis topic.
2/A. In accordance with the main rule, the language of the degree thesis shall be the language of the
programme. The students may also write their thesis in a language different from the language of the
programme on condition that an appropriate consultant is available. 88
Degree thesis topic declaration
3. The student shall declare the degree thesis topic he/she has selected by submitting the appropriate
electronic form until the last day of the term-time, two terms prior to the planned date of the final examination
following his/her agreement with the consultant. In case the student selects an individual topic, he/she shall
make the relevant declaration in electronic format following his/her agreement with the consultant.89
4. The number of students selecting the same topic may be limited if that restriction is announced upon the
publication of the topic. When that limit is reached, the students left without a topic shall choose another degree
thesis topic. The previous limitation on the number of students cannot be modified.
5. A consultant cannot undertake more than 15 students for degree thesis consultation within the
framework of undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate specialist and higher-level vocational training
programmes. When that number is reached, the students left without a consultant shall find a new
consultant. The above restriction on the number of students cannot be modified by the consultant.
6. Full-time students may modify or change their degree thesis topic only on one occasion not later
than until the end of the term-time in the term when they complete the „Degree Thesis Consultation I.”
course-unit or not later than by the end of the term prior to the semester when they register for the
“Degree Thesis Consultation” course-unit. . Such request shall be judged by the head of institute
based on the electronic request submitted by the student and considering the opinion of the degree
programme head.
7. The student may propose the acceptance of a third person – who is not employed by or who is not
under contract with the BKF – as consultant (hereafter referred to as external consultant) in an
appropriately justified electronic request addressed to the head of institute. The request is judged by
the head of institute in agreement with the degree programme head. External consultants may only be
appointed if there is no available expert in the relevant field at the BKF and if the external consultant
undertakes the task under the same conditions as the consultants available at the BKF.
Degree thesis consultation
7/A. Those students at undergraduate and graduate programmes who have declared the topic of their thesis in
electronic format shall verify both the acceptance of the degree thesis topic and their participation in
consultations in an electronic form via the Modulo system in accordance with Clauses 8. a)-c).
7/B. In the case of those full-time students whose recommended curriculum requires the completion of a threesemester-long degree thesis consultation (Degree Thesis Consultation I., II., III.), the condition of completion of
the Degree Thesis Consultation I. course-unit includes the selection of the degree thesis topic, the selection of
the consultant as well as participation in and certification of participation in the Thesis Consultation Forum and
the information forum organized by the Library and the Career Centre. In the case of the three-semester-long
degree thesis consultation, the provisions of the present subchapter on the completion of Degree Thesis
Consultation II. and Degree Thesis Consultation III. shall be appropriately applied to the completion of Degree
Thesis Consultation I. and Degree Thesis Consultation II.
8. Those undergraduate and postgraduate students who have declared their degree thesis topic in a paperbased format shall participate in consultations following the acceptance of the degree thesis topic declaration
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
The provisions of Clause 3. shall be first applied in academic year 2011/2012 and from that date
onwards in a phase-in system.
and after their registration for the „Degree Thesis Consultation” or „Degree Thesis Consultation I.” subjects and
then the „Degree Thesis Consultation II.” subjects. Furthermore, students shall also certify their participation in
the aforementioned subjects by obtaining the signature of the consultant. Participation and certification shall be
done according to what follows:
a) At full-time undergraduate programmes the condition of completion of „Degree Thesis
Consultation I.” is participation in consultation on three occasions and participation in the socalled Thesis Consultation Forum organized by the BKF on two occasions at the beginning of
each term. Participation thereof shall also be verified.
b) At part-time undergraduate courses the prerequisite of the completion of the „Degree thesis
Consultation” subject is to participate in three consultations which shall also be verified. Part-time
students shall also be given the opportunity to participate in the Thesis Consultation Forum specified in
Clause a) but their participation is not mandatory.
c) At full-time and part-time graduate courses the prerequisite of the completion of the „Degree thesis
Consultation” subject is to participate in three consultations which shall also be verified.
9. In the course of the consultations the consultant guides the students in accordance with the conditions laid
down in the Supplement by discussing the formal and content-related requirements of the thesis, supervising
the student’s progress, giving assistance in the selection of the appropriate literature and informing the student
that in case of plagiarism the thesis fails. The consultant cannot swerve from the conditions laid down in the
Regarding the schedule of the consultations, at least one month shall pass between each consultation
date. Each consultant shall have a regular office hour the time of which is announced in advance.
10. In case the student successfully completes the degree thesis consultation(s) but following the submission of
the degree thesis evaluation form it turns out that the thesis fails to comply with the criteria for acceptance, the
head of the relevant institute may prohibit the consultant from undertaking consultation in the upcoming term.
The legal consequences laid down in Clause 29. shall apply to the student as well in the case described
11. The consultant shall verify the completion of the degree thesis consultation in electronic format not
later than the last day of the term-time. Undergraduate and graduate students shall participate in three
or six consultations in accordance with Clause 8. even if they have modified their degree thesis topic.
12/A. If the degree thesis meets the criteria for acceptance according to the consultant’s opinion, he/she shall
record this fact in the relevant electronic form.
Rules pertaining to the selection of a new consultant
13. At full-time degree courses students may select a new consultant not later than the deadline for the
submission of the thesis consultation sheet verifying the completion of „Degree Thesis Consultation
I.”. At part-time degree courses students may select a new consultant not later than in the term prior to
the term when they register for the „Degree Thesis Consultation” subject or not later than the last day
of the term-time in the term when they have registered for the „Degree Thesis Consultation I.” or the
„Degree Thesis Preparation” subject.
14.: The student may select a new consultant only in case the head of institute approves of his/her
such request submitted in electronic format and:
a) the new consultant has given his/her consent to the change of consultant in writing and
b) the number of students does not exceed the pre-limited number of acceptable students in case
the change of consultant also includes the change of the thesis title.
15. In case the consultant is hindered in performing his/her tasks as a consultant at the dates
scheduled for consultation for an indefinite time due to unanticipated reasons, an exception can be
made and the student may select a new consultant by submitting a request at a later date than the one
specified in Clause 13. Nevertheless, the head of institute cannot approve of such request following the
student’s registration for „Degree Thesis Consultation II.”.
Confidential theses
16. Not later than upon declaring the title of the degree thesis the student may apply for the confidential
handling of his/her thesis especially if certain pieces of information related to third parties,
organizations or other company interests justify the option of confidential handling. In this case the
student shall attach the document listing the conditions laid down by the person or organization
concerned to the Degree Thesis Title Declaration Form including a statement in which the person, the
company or other organization acknowledges that they have studied and accepted the provisions of
the present CSER. No permission shall be granted for the confidential handling of the thesis following
the declaration of the title of the degree thesis.
17. The electronic request relating to the confidential handling of the degree thesis shall be addressed
to the head of institute concerned. If the head of institute does not support the request, the student
shall select a new thesis topic.
18. The confidential handling of the thesis shall be approved by the head of institute based on the
proposal of the consultant. In the case of confidential theses, the CD storing the thesis shall be
submitted to the Student Information and Services Office. The thesis cannot be uploaded to the safe
storage space provided by the BKF. The confidential thesis shall be kept safe by the Directorate of
Studies in electronic format on a CD, while its hardcover and spiral-bound copies shall be given back
to the student. Only the Director of Studies or the person appointed by him/her shall have access to the
confidential thesis. The thesis may be given out to third parties only by the Director of Studies or the
person appointed by him/her upon the request of the student. The archives of the Directorate of
Studies shall keep a record of confidentially handled theses.
Formal and content-related requirements, criteria for acceptance
19. The Supplement of the SRS contains the formal and content-related requirements of the thesis, the
sample of its inside and outside cover, the necessary CD format, the format of the electronic version of
the thesis to be uploaded, the rules of references, the criteria for and the sample of the abstract and
the further criteria for acceptance. It is not permitted to swerve from the requirements laid down in the
Supplement, not even with the permission of the consultant. In case the student successfully
completes the degree thesis consultation(s) but following the submission of the degree thesis
evaluation form it turns out that the thesis fails to comply with the formal requirements of the CSER
and those of the Supplement, the head of the institute may prohibit the consultant from undertaking
consultation in the upcoming term and the students shall submit the thesis again in the following term.
20. The electronic version of the thesis shall be uploaded to the safe storage space provided by the BKF while
its printed hardcover and spiral-bound copies – or the CD in the case of confidential theses – shall be submitted
to the Student Information and Services Office. The student shall also upload the thesis, the abstract, the
degree thesis consultation sheet in the case of paper-based consultations as well as the form verifying their
electronic upload in the Modulo system. Following the defence of the thesis, the electronic version uploaded on
the safe storage space provided by the BKF shall be administered and stored by the Library, the hardcover
copy shall be given back to the student while the spiral-bound copy is kept by the consultant unless it is a
confidential theses. The thesis can be uploaded to the safe storage space provided by the BKF only on one
occasion. The thesis uploaded to the safe storage space can only be modified by the colleagues of the Library.
In case of any modification, the librarians record the event of modification on the form verifying upload or they
issue a document recording the event of modification in case the form mentioned is not available.
The content-related requirements of the thesis90
Approved by Senate Resolution 3a/0214/2012 on 14 February 2012.
20/A. The thesis shall demonstrate that its author has acquired the fundamental knowledge of the
academic field(s) related to the specific topic of the thesis, has become acquainted with the necessary
related literature and is aware of the techniques required for academic activities in addition to having
become able to formulate and investigate scientific problems. The topic shall be elaborated in the
appropriate scientific way containing individual thoughts and conceptual framework. In the course of
the preparation of the thesis, the scientific research methods of the given academic field shall be
20/B. With regard to the structure of the thesis, the following criteria shall be considered:
The introduction shall precisely outline the problems, issues and fields being researched and
the objectives of the thesis including the theoretical background and the broader context and
correlations relating to the topic.
The chapters expounding on the topic shall be followed by a brief summary including the main
findings of the research.
20/C. The general content-related requirements of the thesis are as follows:
Choice of the topic of the thesis: grounding, timeliness, uniqueness (applicability in
practice); harmony of the title with the discussion.
The conceptual framework and terminology that is needed for the analysis are applied in
a consistent, academically and professionally accurate manner, in line with the conventions of
the given scientific field.
Acquaintance with relevant literature and theories; review, assessment and analysis of
national and international literature in comparison with the results presented in the thesis.
Adequacy of research objectives, data collection and data processing.
Empirical research and/or critical review of sources; adequate sampling and/or selecting
relevant sources; credibility, reliability and arrangement of data; appropriate methods of data
processing and recording.
Scholarly appropriate way of reviewing and analysing the research topic, adequate, not
only descriptive methodology.
Critical reflections, recognition and presentation of correlations.
Structure of the thesis, proportional discussion of research topics, the logic of dividing
the thesis into chapters and subchapters, the construction and clear arrangement of the
thesis, the system of titles and headings applied within the thesis.
Evaluation of findings, individual opinion, meeting the objectives spelt out in the
introduction, appropriate conclusions.
The proper use of language, linguistic form, style, appearance and formal adequateness
of the thesis. Accurate, smooth, fluent and spare prose, clear arrangement of diagrams, charts
and tables.
Thesis submission deadline
21. With regard to students doing one degree course, students submitting their theses between 16
March and 15 April may take their final examination in the summer of the given year, while those who
submit their theses between 16 October and 15 November may take their final examination in winter in
case they have registered for the exam until the respective deadlines defined in Clause III/9.
22. With regard to students doing double degree courses within the framework of the former training system,
students submitting both theses between 16 March and 22 April may take their final examination in the summer
of the given year, while those who submit both theses between 16 October and 22 November may take their
final examination in winter in case they have registered for the exam until the respective deadline defined in
Clause III/9. When the thesis submission deadline is determined, those students who are doing double degree
courses but who have submitted one of their theses earlier shall be considered as students doing one degree
23. In the case of theses submitted after the deadline, the rules specified in Clause V. of Chapter Two of
Appendix 7 of the SRS on cases of delay and their verification shall apply. Due to late submission, the student
shall pay an extra fee to the BKF via VPOS in accordance with the fees defined in the chart published in ETR.
The thesis submitted after the deadline shall be electronically uploaded.
24. Following the submission of the theses, the heads of institute and the full-time lecturers appointed
by them check if the formal criteria requirements including the provisions relating to the references,
length and the required amount of literature of the theses have been met.
If a thesis fails to comply with any of the criteria specified above, the head of institute concerned shall
immediately notify the consultant of the student concerned. The head of institute shall also assign a failing
grade to the thesis and issue a record which contains that fact. In such cases there is no need for a referee to
evaluate the thesis. The student may only submit his/her failed thesis again in the following term having paid
the special procedure fee defined in the cost chart published in ETR.
25. The consultant and the referee shall evaluate the thesis and propose a grade for the thesis in
26. With regard to the content of the thesis, the difference between the grades proposed by the consultant and
the referee cannot be higher than two. The enforcement of this rule is the responsibility of the head of institute.
In case the difference between the grades given by the consultant and the referee is higher than two, the final
grade of the thesis shall be defined by the head of institute who shall take that down in a separate record. In
case either the consultant or the referee is the head of institute, the General Vice-Rector shall appoint a new
27. In case one of the two grades is a fail and the other is a pass or a fail, the final grade of the thesis is
a fail and the provisions of Clause 29. shall appropriately apply.
28. The thesis shall be given to a third referee for final evaluation in case one of the grades assigned is a fail
and the other is a satisfactory except for those theses that have not met the acceptance criteria. If the grade
given by the third referee is a fail, then the final grade of the thesis is a fail and the provisions of Clause 29.
shall appropriately apply. If the grade given by the third referee is better than a fail, then this grade shall be
accepted instead of the failing grade given by the original referee.
In case one of the grades is a fail due to plagiarism, spelling mistakes, mistakes in language use or the
lack of compliance with formal requirements, the head of institute shall start discussion with both the
consultant and the referee. The final evaluations agreed upon by the parties together with the minutes
including the result of the discussions shall only be issued for the student after the above discussions.
Unaccepted thesis and resubmission
29. In case the final grade of the thesis is a fail or the head of institute fails it due to its noncompliance
with the criteria for acceptance and subsequently the candidate cannot take part in the final
examination, he/she has to submit his thesis again and pay the special procedure fee published in the
cost chart in ETR in the next period for thesis submission the earliest. The candidate shall be notified
that his/her thesis has not been accepted not later than 10 working days before the start of the final
exam by the Student Information and Services Office. A thesis may be submitted for defence only three
times on condition that the special procedure fee published in the cost chart in ETR is paid each time.
In case the thesis is failed and shall be submitted again, the BKF may provide further consultations to
the student if he/she submits such request to the head of institute and is willing to pay the costs
relating to the organization of the consultations.
29/A. In the case of a resubmitted thesis, the consultant shall declare if the thesis meets the acceptance criteria
before submission.
30. The hardcover copy of a failed or unaccepted thesis shall not be given back to the student, it shall
be stored by the Directorate of Studies.
Publication of thesis grades and question relating to the content of the thesis
31. The student shall be informed via ETR about the exact time of the final examination (the time of
which is also the date of the final examination) by the Student Information and Services Office 10
working days before the start of the exam.
32. The student shall receive the evaluation of the thesis and the two questions given by the consultant
and the referee(s) respectively in relation to the content of the thesis in person at the Student
Information and Services Office not later than 10 working days before the final examination.
II/A. Rules pertaining to the degree thesis and the diploma work at art programmes
1. With regard to the degree thesis and the diploma work to be completed at art programmes, the rules
specified in the previous section shall apply with respect to the provisions laid down in the present section.
2. A degree thesis written at art programmes is a piece of theoretic writing in which the student demonstrates
that he/she has acquired the theoretical knowledge provided within the framework of an art or art mediation
programme and is able to conduct scientific research in the above fields in addition to being able to apply the
acquired knowledge in practice. The rules specified in the Supplement of the SRS shall apply to the formal
requirements of the degree thesis prepared at an art programme with respect to the separate specifications
contained therein.
3. The degree thesis written at art programmes shall consist of two parts:
a) The preparation of a piece of work (object) which is related to the programme (specialization) completed by
the student and which summarizes the practical and professional knowledge the student has acquired.
b) The preparation of a written text (description) which is about the selection of the topic and the creation of the
piece of work including a presentation that summarizes the creative the process and the experience thus
gained. The formal requirements of the description are specified in the Supplement of the Student Requirement
The topic of the thesis and the diploma work
4. The degree thesis topics together with the list of consultants shall be published by the institutes in the
manner customary not later than by the end of the first month of each term-time.
5. Students pursuing their studies at art programmes shall submit their selected degree thesis topics to the
institute concerned until 31 October and not later than in the fifth semester via the Modulo system and in a
paper-based format at the same time.
6. The topic of the diploma work and the name of the consultant shall also be declared by the student not later
than the end of the term-time of the fifth semester. The topic and the person of the consultant shall be approved
by the head of the institute concerned via the Modulo and in a paper-based format at the same time.
7. In the case of art programmes, the student may select a new consultant and/or change the topic of the
degree thesis only on one occasion. The student may select a new consultant only in case the head of institute
approves his/her such request submitted in electronic format not later than 30 November and:
a) the new consultant has given his/her consent to the change of consultant in writing and
b) the number of students does not exceed the pre-limited number of acceptable students in
case the change of consultant also includes the change of the thesis title.
8.. In case the consultant is hindered in performing his/her tasks as a consultant at the dates scheduled
for consultation for an indefinite time due to unanticipated reasons, an exception can be made and the
student may select a new consultant by submitting a request at a later date than the one specified in
the present clause. Nevertheless, the head of institute cannot approve such request following the
student’s registration for „Degree Thesis Consultation II.”.
9. The topic of degree thesis may be changed not later than the end of the second centrally organized
consultation on condition that both the consultant and the head of institute concerned approve of the change.
The administration of the degree thesis and the diploma work
10. The BKF handles the degree theses as publicly available documents. The student may request the
confidential handling of his/her thesis in accordance with the provisions of Clause II/6. The degree thesis
cannot be handled as a publicly available document in case the head of institute – based on the proposal of the
programme head – ascertains that the concept included in the thesis may be subject to protection by patent.
11. Within the institution the degree thesis shall be handled as a public document.
Central consultation91
12.. Students who have registered for the final examination and the Diploma Work subject (in case their
recommended curricula contains such a course-unit) shall participate in two central consultations and present
the diploma work in its current state giving proof that they have made sufficient progress.
13. At the central consultation, an expert board of at least three persons shall determine whether the student’s
progress meets the criteria outlined in the Supplement (Participation in Central Consultation form).
13/A. The central consultation at each programme shall be organized by the institute concerned. The first
occasion shall be scheduled for not later than the end of the first month of the term-time, while the second one
shall be held by the end of the term-time the latest.
13/B. The result of the consultation shall be verified by recording the necessary information in the Modulo
system and in the document that constitutes the appendix of the Participation in Central Consultation form
included in the Supplement. In case the student’s progress on his/her diploma work is not sufficient and his/her
presentation is failed by the board, the student cannot take part in the final examination and he/she shall
register for the Diploma Work subject again (in case his/her recommended curriculum contains such a courseunit).
Completion and resubmission of the degree thesis 92
13/C. In case the student’s recommended curriculum contains the „Degree thesis” course-unit, it shall be
considered as completed only on condition that the final total grade of the degree thesis is at least a pass. In
case the final total grade of the degree thesis is a fail or it has been failed by the head of institute due to
noncompliance with the acceptance criteria, the candidate cannot take part in the final examination. In that
case, a failing grade shall be assigned to the „Degree Thesis” subject and the student shall register for the
subject again. Furthermore, the student shall also submit the thesis again and pay the special procedure fee
published in the cost chart in ETR in the next period for thesis submission the earliest.
13/D. In case the student has to reregister for the “Degree Thesis” subject, he/she shall participate in three
consultations that shall be verified by the consultant in an electronic format. The student may submit his/her
thesis only on condition that the consultant considers it to be acceptable.
Unaccepted diploma work and resubmission
14. In case the final grade of the diploma work is a fail or the head of institute fails it due to its noncompliance
with the criteria for acceptance and subsequently the candidate cannot take part in the final examination,
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
he/she has to submit his diploma work again and pay the special procedure fee published in the cost chart in
ETR in the submission next period the earliest.
15. The candidate shall be notified that his/her diploma work has not been accepted not later than 10
working days before the start of the final exam by the Student Information and Services Office.
16. In case the completion of the diploma work is unsuccessful, the student cannot participate in the final
Submission of diploma work and the related presentation materials93
17. The diploma work and/or the related presentation materials shall be submitted by each student participating
in the final examination before the start of the final examination period (regardless of the specific day the
student’s final exam is scheduled for).
18. The list of extra and presentation materials and the related requirements shall be defined by the heads of
programme. The students shall be informed about the conditions of submission including the precise deadline
at least 15 working days prior to the deadline.
III. Final Examination
General provisions
1. Students at undergraduate and graduate courses shall complete their studies by taking the final
2. The final examination shall test and assess the knowledge, skills, and abilities requisite to the award
of the diploma, whereby the student shall also prove his/her ability to apply the acquired knowledge in
practice. The final examination may consist of several parts – the defence of the degree thesis, and
additional oral, written or practical examinations – as defined in the curriculum.95 Students at each
degree course shall be informed about the topics and order of the final examination via ETR before the
upcoming final examination i.e. until 30 September in the case of the autumn semester, and until 28
February in the case of the spring semester.
3. In the course of the final examination the candidate shall also prove that he/she knows and
understands and is able to apply the correlations of previously acquired knowledge.
Prerequisites of registration for the final examination
4. Only those students may take part in the final examination who
a) have gained the required number of credit points at their programme before the final
examination period;
b) have received their pre-degree certificate not later than one week before the start of the
final examination period;
c) have submitted their thesis the average grade of which is not lower than a pass based on
the grades proposed by the referee(s) and who have successfully completed the
requirements for the diploma work at art programmes;
d) do not owe the BKF any tools, books or money and who have submitted the form
certifying that fact in the Modulo system
by not later than the last working day prior to the day of the final examination.
5. The student shall be responsible for tracking academic requirements and gaining the required
Approved by Senate Resolution 44/0829/2012 on 29 August 2012.
See AHE, Paragraph (2), Section 60.
See AHE, Paragraph (3), Section 60.
number of credits. Following the registration for the final examination, the Directorate of Studies shall
check the completion of required credits and subjects until 5 November and 5 April respectively and in
case of any deficiency or difference they immediately reject the registration for the final examination.
6. The student shall return all books to the Library not later than on the day of the final examination
before the start of the exam. Once the Library has certified that the student does not owe any books to
the Library, he/she cannot borrow any more books.
7. In case more than seven years pass following the issue of the pre-degree certificate, registration for the final
examination is possible only on condition that the candidate retakes the examinations in those subjects that are
specified as core subjects of the degree course in the academic year when the student registers for the final
exam and only after having paid the cost of the credit points attached to the subjects defined above calculated
on the basis of the effective credit value.
Announcement of final examination requirements
8. The list of the final examination questions including compulsory literature shall be published within
one month following the start of the term-time when the student presumably finishes his/her studies,
while the final examination requirements shall be published two semesters earlier than the student is
expected to finish his/her studies. The provisions of the present clause shall not be applied in the case
of the art and art mediation training fields.
Registration for final examination, the date of the final examination
9. Final examinations may be taken during the final examination week at the dates specified by the
General Vice-Rector annually. Students shall indicate their intention of taking part in the final
examination by submitting an electronic request to the Director of Studies not later than between 1
September and 1 October in the case of the winter final examination period and not later than between
1 February and 1 March in the case of the summer final examination period each year. In case the
student fails to meet the deadlines for the registration for the final examination specified above, he/she
can only register for the final exam in the following final examination period.
If the student has not registered for all the subjects necessary for the award of the pre-degree certificate in the
term concerned, the Director of Studies shall reject his/her request and inform the student about his/her
obligation to complete the missing subjects.
In the decision granting the permission for the student to take the final examination he/she shall also be
informed about any further conditions specified for participation in the final examination.
Candidates without a student status shall submit their request to take part in the final examination to the
Student Information and Services Office via the Modulo system until the deadline specified above. In case the
candidate without a student status do not have a password to the Modulo system, he/she may request a
password by writing an e-mail to
10. Deregistration from the final examination is possible by submitting an electronic request until 5 January in
the case of the winter final examination period and until 5 June in the case of the summer final examination
period. The deadline for deregistration from the final examination scheduled for December is 5 November. In
case the student wishes to deregister from the final examination following any of the above deadlines, he/she
shall pay the extra fee specified for repeat final examination in the cost chart published in ETR.
Rules pertaining to the final examination dates for students applying for a graduate course starting in
the spring semester*
The provisions laid down in Clauses 10-14. shall be first applied to students who apply for admission
to a graduate programme in 2011 and they shall be applied in a phase-in system from that date
11. The General Vice-Rector may also announce final examination dates that are scheduled for an earlier date
than the ones listed in the academic calendar. Only those students may register for the above final examination
dates in accordance with the rules specified in Clause 9 who:
have only registered for internship and/or practical classes,
have obtained a pre-degree certificate earlier,
have submitted an application for admission to a graduate course and the document certifying
that fact is attached to the electronic request..
In case a student who does not meet any of the conditions above registers for any of the above dates, his/her
application shall be rejected by the Director of Studies.
12. The student cannot withdraw his/her request following the judgement of the request.
13. In case the request is supported by the Director of Studies, the deadline for the submission of the thesis
specified in Clauses II/21-22. is 20 October both for students doing one degree course and for students doing
two degree courses. The deadline above is a forfeit deadline.
14. In case the student’s performance at the final examination is evaluated as a fail, he/she can only repeat the
final examination in the summer final examination period the earliest in accordance with the rules pertaining to
repeat final examinations.
15. In case the student does not appear at the final examination, he/she shall cover the costs of the
organization of the final exam, the amount of which is the same as the extra fee specified for repeat final
examination in the cost chart published in ETR.
The order of final examinations
16. The final examination consists of:
a) the defence of the thesis and/or;
b) the presentation of the diploma work and its oral defence;
c) written or comprehensive examinations in accordance with the core module and the selected
specialization(s) of the degree course.
17. The final examination shall be taken before the final examination board. The board has 2-6 members
in addition to the chair. The chair shall be a BKF professor or an external expert who is an authority in
the given professional field. The board shall also have at least one external expert among its members.
18. The candidate’s performance is evaluated by the members separately and then they decide on the
final result in a closed meeting. In case of disagreement, the decision shall be made by simple vote. In
case of a tied vote, the chair shall decide on the final grade.
19. The questions asked at the final examination are of a complex nature, they are not attached to
individual subjects. In case the student gives back a question selected by him/her without answering it,
he/she cannot choose another question and the relevant part of the final exam shall be evaluated as
20. In the art and art mediation training fields, the members of the final examination board shall ask questions
related to the degree thesis, the diploma work and the defence following the presentation. The student shall
answer the above questions to the best of his/her knowledge.
20/A. Students taking their final examination at the Communication and Media Studies graduate programme
shall expound three complex, theoretical questions that they have been given in advance. In case any of their
answers is given a fail by the final examination board, the grade of the final examination is a fail.
21. The final examination shall be documented in a record which shall be signed by the chair and the
members and then it shall be sent to the Directorate of Studies. A person appointed by the Director of
Studies shall be responsible for keeping the minutes of the final exam and forwarding them to the
Director of Studies.
22. The BKF may organize the parts of the final examination jointly or separately. The final examination
in the art and art mediation training fields shall be public and held jointly.
23. In case the student has previously decided to complete more than one specialization but fails to meet the
completion requirements of one of them (by receiving a fail grade for the relevant part of the exam), he/she has
to declare there and then in writing whether he/she renounces the opportunity of retaking the relevant part of
the final examination in the second or additional specialization(s). In that case the diploma awarded to the
student cannot include the additional clause referring to the unsuccessfully completed specialization. In case
the student declares that he/she wishes to retake the relevant part of the final examination in the second or
further additional specialization(s) as well, the diploma shall be awarded to him/her only upon completing the
requirements of the specializations mentioned above.
The result of the final examination
24. The manner of calculating the result of the final examination shall be specified by the General ViceRector in a separate directive.
Repeat final examination
25. The final examination may be repeated in the following final examination period the earliest.
Registration for the final examination shall be done in accordance with Clause 9. At art and art
mediation programmes, final examinations may be taken only in the spring semester.
26. Unsuccessful final examination may be repeated only on two occasions and upon paying the repeat
final examination fee specified in the cost chart published in ETR.
27. At the repeat final examination only those parts of the exam shall be retaken which have been
previously given a failing grade . The successful parts of the final examination cannot be improved on.
28. In the case of repeat or postponed final examinations the student shall accept the obligation to
prepare for and comply with the programme completion and exit requirements which are in effect at the
date the final examination is taken.
Language examination requirements
30. The language examination requirements are specified in the qualification requirements and the
programme completion and exit requirements of individual degree courses.
31. The completion of the language examination requirements shall be verified by submitting the
certified copy of the document verifying the completion of the language exam via the Modulo system
and by presenting the original document within five working days following the submission of the copy
via the Modulo system.
32. In case the prerequisite of the award of the diploma or certificate is a successful general foreign
language exam, students who have turned at least the age of 40 in the year of starting their first-year
studies shall be exempted from the fulfilment of the language exam requirement. This provision shall
be applied for the last time in respect of those who take their final examination in academic year
2015/2016.96 There shall be no exemption in case the language requirement specifies a foreign language
exam for specific purposes.
33. Those students who fail to submit the document certifying a general foreign language
examination within three years of the day of their successful final examination to the BKF shall also be
exempted from the general language examination requirement for acquiring a diploma or certificate
and, instead of meeting the general language examination requirements for acquiring a diploma or
certificate, they may take a „BKF language test” organized by the BKF. This provision shall be applied
See AHE, Paragraph (1), Section 150.
for the last time in respect of those who take their final examination in the 2012/2013 academic year. 97
The detailed rules pertaining to the „BKF language test” are laid down in Appendix II/6 on Transitional
Rules of the Student Requirement System.
IV. The Diploma
1. The diploma is a public document bearing the coat of arms of Hungary also displaying the name of
BKF, its OM-identifier (Ministry of Education identification number/ME ID number), the serial number of
the diploma, the name, place and date of birth of its holder, the level of qualification, or the degree
awarded, the name of the programme, professional qualification, specialisation, as well as the place,
year, month and day of issue. The diploma shall also be furnished with the original signature of the
Rector and the chair of the final examination board, and shall bear the stamp of the BKF. In the event
the student does not possess evidence of the language examination at the time of the final
examination, and therefore the diploma is issued after the final examination period, the diploma can
also be signed by the General Vice-Rector instead of the chair of the final examination board. The
diplomas issued shall be registered. 98 The date of the issue of the diploma in the latter case is the date
when the document certifying the completion of the language examination is presented. The date of the
issue of the diploma shall be the day of the successful final examination in case Paragraph (1), Section
150. of AHE is applied.
2. The prerequisite of the award of the diploma certifying the completion of higher education studies is
the successful completion of the final examination and passing the required language examination.
Unless the programme completion and exit requirements stipulate more stringent criteria, for the award
of the diploma the student shall present the documents (in accordance with Clause III/31.) certifying
that in the case of an undergraduate degree course he/she has passed the language examination which
is specified in the qualifications requirements and the programme completion and exit requirements
and which is recognised by the state or qualifies as equivalent (hereafter referred to as language
3. The diploma or the certificate shall be issued by the BKF and delivered to the student who has taken
a successful final examination within thirty days following the presentation of the document certifying
the completion of the language examination. 100
4. If the diploma cannot be issued because the student cannot present any language examination
certificate, the BKF shall issue a certificate at the student’s request. Such certificate shall not evidence
any academic or professional qualification, it shall only certify the completion of the final examination.
The certificates issued shall be registered. 101 The certificate may be issued as of the first working day
following the successful final examination.
5. The diploma shall be issued both in Hungarian and in English. At the request of the student, the diploma can
be issued in another language, the associated costs of which shall be borne by the student. 102
The award of the diploma:
6. The diploma may be awarded to the student in case he/she
a) has successfully taken the final examination,
See ANHE, Paragraph (2), Section 107. The present stipulation of the regulation shall be applied as of
1 September 2012.
See AHE, Paragraph (5), Section 62.
See AHE, Paragraph (1), Section 62.
See AHE, Paragraph (3), Section 62.
See AHE, Paragraph (7), Section 62.
See AHE, Paragraph (1), Section 63.
b) has passed the language examination in accordance with the provisions of the
qualifications requirements and the programme completion and exit requirements,
c) does not owe the BKF any tuition fees, damages or other fees and has returned all books
borrowed from the Library and all assets listed in the inventory of the BKF.
6/A. It is the student’s responsibility to provide the data needed for the issue of the diploma and to keep those
data updated in ETR. Any damages or costs arising from the failure to meet the above obligation shall be borne
by the student.
6/B. The diploma, the certificate and the diploma supplement shall be handed over to the student or the person
authorized by the student.
Grade of the diploma
7. The grade of the diploma is the average of grades (a) and (b) below
a) the result of the final examination and
b) the average of the results of the comprehensive examinations in the case of the former
training system or the average of the results of the core subjects specified by the degree
programme heads in the case of degree courses under the new training system.
8. The grading of the diploma based on the average result calculated as above shall be as follows:
a) outstanding
b) excellent
c) good
d) satisfactory
e) pass
9. The rules pertaining to the grading of the diplomas issued at art and graduate programmes shall be laid
down in a directive issued by the Chief Executive Officer. The directive shall be published in ETR.
Honours degree
10. The student who achieves an excellent result in each part of the final examination and receives an
excellent grade for his/her degree thesis and at each comprehensive examination or in all the core
subjects under the new training system and the academic average of his/her grades received at all
other examinations and practical classes calculated on the basis of the credit index is at least 3.51 and
does not have a grade lower than satisfactory may be awarded an honours degree. When calculating
the average result of the grades and considering satisfactory marks, it is always the improved marks
that shall be used in the case of any potential remake examinations.
The issue of the diploma supplement
11. The diploma supplement defined by the European Commission and the European Council shall be
issued in Hungarian and English together with the diploma issued at undergraduate and graduate
programmes. The diploma supplement is a public document.103.
For students finishing their studies after 1 March 2006, the first issue of the diploma supplement is free of
12. At the student’s request, the BKF shall issue a certificate in Hungarian and English evidencing the
completion of professional programmes, research conducted within the framework of talent management
workshops and the professional programmes completed within the framework of the tutorial system.
See AHE, Paragraph (2), Section 63.
13. The BKF shall also record the subjects completed within the framework of the Erasmus exchange
programme in the diploma supplement.
Appendix 5 – Fees and Allowances Regulations
Chapter One
General Provisions
I. Provisions pertaining to the scope of regulations
1. The scope of the present FAR shall apply to:
a) students of Hungarian citizenship conducting their studies at the College (hereafter separately
referred to as BKF), as well as Heller Farkas College of Economics and Tourism (hereafter
separately referred to as HFF, together as College) within the framework of the so-called preBologna system (hereafter referred to as former training system) as well as the new training
system at full-time, state-funded undergraduate and graduate courses as well as higher-level
vocational training courses;
b) students of foreign citizenship participating in the state-funded, full-time, part-time evening and
correspondence courses of the College.
2. The scope of FAR shall extend to
a) students participating in non-state-funded, fee-paying full-time, part-time and correspondence
b) students participating in extra-curricular adult education;
c) students participating in full-time, part-time, evening, correspondence and distance learning
undergraduate and graduate programmes and higher education vocational training courses that
are fee-paying or fully or partially financed through Hungarian state scholarship;
d) students participating in a foreign language program exclusively launched for foreign citizens
only in cases defined in FAR with the differences specified therein.
3. In the case of students who obtained their student status at the College before 1 September 2006 the
Transitional Provisions specified in Appendix 6 of SRS shall be applied.
4. If the provisions of present FAR regarding the individual cases of students enrolled before the academic year
2009/2010 determines disadvantageous provisions pertaining to fees to be paid by students and allowances
awarded to them, and in case of students enrolled to the College, according to the Fees and Allowances
Regulations (hereinafter: former CSER) approved on 29 June 2006. modified several times; as well as in case
of students enrolled to Heller Farkas College of Economics and Tourism Services (hereinafter: HFF), according
to the former student regulations of HFF (hereinafter together as: former FAR) determine more advantageous
rules in the same individual case, the former FARs’ regulations shall be applied accordingly in the individual
case of the student.
5. In present FAR the term state-funded student also refers to students financed through Hungarian state
scholarship and the term fee-paying also refers to students paying full tuition. If the text of present FAR
contains the terms Hungarian state scholarship or paying full tuition fee, then that clause refers exclusively to
students financed through scholarship granted by the Hungarian state or to students paying full tuition
II. General provisions pertaining to the procedure
1. Regarding benefits awarded to students and fees to be paid by students specified in FAR, the right of
passing decisions and making judgement at first instance belongs to the body or person (Director or Studies,
Fees and Allowances Committee, Committee of Studies, Student Welfare Committee and Senate) determined
for the specific type of allowances and fees.
2. In case present FAR or Appendix 7 of SRS does not state it otherwise, in case of an appeal against
decisions at first instance, an application for legal remedy may be submitted to the Student Legal Remedy
Committee within 15 days after the decision is made. As for the procedural order of the Student Legal Remedy
Committee, the provisions of Appendix 8 of SRS shall be appropriately applied.
3. In case present FAR or Appendix 7 of SRS does not specify it otherwise, unused revenues of the current
academic year shall be used in the ensuing year in accordance with the relating decision made by the Chief
Executive Officer (CEO) within the scope of competence delegated to him/her by the Senate.
III. Types of student grant allocations
Types of grants
1. Students may be awarded:
a) social grants provided for the College from the state budget in accordance with the legal
b) performance-based grants provided for the College from the state budget in accordance with
the legal provisions.104
2. The College may award the below grants through application and financed from its own revenues: 105
a) BKF support for professional and cultural activities,
b) Pro Iuventute fellowship,
c) support for cultural and sport activities,
d) internship grants as well as
e) allowances for students achieving the best academic results.
3. Sources available for student benefits may be utilised by the College under the following titles:
a) to award performance-based grants
 study grant,
 scholarship of the Republic of Hungary,
 College grant for professional, scientific and public life activities,
See Government Decree on Allowances and Fees of Higher Education Students (hereinafter referred to as
GDAFS), Paragraph (1), Section 6.
105 See GDAFS, Paragraph (2), Section 6.
b) to award grants based on social circumstances
 regular social grant,
 extraordinary social grant,
 part of the Bursa Hungarica Higher Education Local Government Scholarship allocated
to the institution,
 ministerial grant of foreign students,
 basic grant,
 support of participation in internship.
c) to finance the operational costs of the institution
 supporting the production of textbooks, the acquisition of electronic textbooks, study
materials and electronic devices required for preparation as well as the acquisition of
equipment facilitating the studies of students with disabilities,
 supporting cultural and sport activities,
 supporting the operation of the Student Union (hereinafter: SU). 106
4. With regard to their student status at the College, students may receive allowances from the College only
under legal titles determined in Clause 1.
Sources of student grants, benefits and the general conditions of utilisation
5. Sources of student grants and benefits are as follows:
the whole amount of institutional part of the scholarship of the Republic of Hungary must be utilised
when paying the scholarship of the Republic of Hungary. 107
at least 20% of the normative funding per student shall be utilised to pay regular social grant,
extraordinary social grant, basic grant and support of participation in internship.
at least 30% of the normative grant available for accommodation and
56% of the normative grant available for textbook and lecture notes, cultural and
sport activities
must be utilised.108
24% of the normative grant available for the support of the textbook and lecture notes, sport and
cultural activities must be used for supporting the production of lecture notes, electronic textbooks and study
materials and the acquisition of electronic devices required for preparation as well as acquisition of equipment
facilitating the studies of students with disabilities.109
See GDAFS, Section 7.
See GDAFS, Paragraph (3), Section 9.
See GDAFS, Paragraph (2), Section 8.; Clause (b), Paragraph (2), Section 37.; Clause (b), Paragraph (3),
Section 37.
See GDAFS, Paragraph (1), Section 9.
20% of the normative grant available for the support of the textbook and lecture notes, sport and
cultural activities must be used for supporting cultural and sport activities. 110
at least 70% of the institutional part of the accommodation grant may be utilised for renting dormitory
at least 1% of the normative grant per student must be used for supporting the operation of the Student
at most 6% of the normative grant per student must be used for paying the institutional professional
scientific and public scholarship.113
6. Performance-based grants, social grants as well as other grants may exclusively be granted in the form of
monetary support to students entitled to receive them.114
7. Performance-based grants, regular social grants, the institutional part of the Bursa Hungarica Higher
Education Local Government Scholarship, the ministerial grant of foreign students, basic grants, the support of
participation in internship as well as other grants shall be paid to students on a monthly basis. 115
8. Study grants and basic grants may be granted to students participating in state-funded full-time
undergraduate and graduate degree courses as well as higher education vocational training courses. 116
9. The Scholarship of the Republic of Hungary may be granted to students participating in full-time
undergraduate and graduate degree courses regardless of the form of financing.117
10. The College grant for professional, scientific and public life activities may be awarded to students pursuing
their studies at full-time undergraduate and graduate degree courses as well as higher-level vocational training
courses regardless of the form of financing. 118
11. The College divides the College grant for professional, scientific and public life activities into the categories
below and determines the following types of scholarship under this title:
a) scientific and professional scholarship
b) public life scholarship
c) sport scholarship
12. Ministerial grants of foreign students may be awarded to students participating in state-funded, full-time
undergraduate and graduate degree courses as well as students participating in partial study programmes.119
13. Regular social grants and extraordinary social grants may be provided to students entitled to social
benefits.120 Students entitled to social benefits are students participating in full-time higher-level vocational
training programmes, as well as students pursuing their studies in undergraduate and graduate degree
a) who participate in state-funded programmes, or
See GDAFS, Paragraph (2), Section 9.
See GDAFS, Paragraph (5), Section 9.
See GDAFS, Paragraph (6), Section 9.
See GDAFS, Clause (c), Section 7.
114 See GDAFS, Paragraph (1), Section 10.
115 See GDAFS, Paragraph (2), Section 10.
116 See GDAFS, Paragraph (3), Section 10.
117 See GDAFS, Paragraph (3), Section 10.
118 See GDAFS, Paragraph (3), Section 10.
119 See GDAFS, Paragraph (3), Section 10.
120 See GDAFS, Paragraph (3), Section 10.
b) who started their studies within the framework of a state-funded programme and would be
eligible to participate in a state-funded programme based on the number of semesters
completed at the given degree programme or vocational training programme.121
14. Support of participation in internship may be granted to students conducting their studies in full-time statefunded undergraduate and graduate degree programmes.122
15. The student may apply for a study grant in the case of simultaneously pursued studies as well based on the
academic results achieved at the first and further undergraduate and graduate degree programmes.123
16. Social grants can be received only from one higher education institution concurrently. Should a student
have a student status at several higher education institutions at the same time, he/she may only receive grants
from the higher education institution where he/she established a state-funded student status the first time.124
17. Students may receive the Scholarship of the Republic of Hungary only at one institution. If several
institutions propose the same individual for the recognition , then the student receives the scholarship of the
Republic of Hungary from the institution where he/she established his/her student status first. 125
The order of determining the circle and number of students that can be taken into consideration upon
the state-allocated funding provided for student benefits
18. When determining the total allocation of scholarships
a) the arithmetical mean of the number of entitled persons according to the figures of the March
and October statistical reports shall be taken into consideration regarding the sum allocated for
the purpose of giving
study grants,
dormitory grants,
accommodation grants,
textbook and lecture note support, cultural and sport activities;
b) in the case of the Scholarship of the Republic of Hungary, one-tenth of the actual number of
months carrying entitlement shall be considered;
c) in the case of the ministerial grant of foreign students and the institutional part of the Bursa
Hungarica Higher Education Local Government Scholarship, the actual amount to be paid shall
be considered.126
19. In the case of study grants the number of students entitled shall be the number of students conducting their
studies in full-time state-funded undergraduate and graduate degree programmes, college degree programmes
or higher-level vocational training programmes. When calculating the period for grants, students starting their
studies prior to 1 September, 2006 may only be considered in the semesters not exceeding the length of the
study programme.127
See GDAFS, Clause (g), Paragraph (1), Section 2.
See GDAFS, Paragraph (3), Section 10.
123 See GDAFS, Paragraph (8), Section 10.
124 See GDAFS, Paragraph (7), Section 10.
125 See GDAFS, Paragraph (7), Section 10.
126 See GDAFS, Paragraph (1), Section 32.
127 See GDAFS, Paragraph (1), Section 33.
20. In the case of the support available for accommodation grant, the number of entitled students shall
correspond with the number of students pursuing their studies at the College at full-time state-funded
programmes minus 95% of those students who participate in full-time state-funded programmes and have a
registered place of residence at the place of training. 128
21. In the case of support available for textbook and lecture notes, cultural and sport activities, the number of
persons entitled shall correspond with the number of persons entitled to receive study grants.129
22. In the case of the Scholarship of the Republic of Hungary the number of entitled students shall be the
number of students actually receiving the scholarship. 130
23. In the case of changes in the various state-allocated normative grants during the year, the number of
entitled students shall be determined in accordance with the order of the study periods (academic
IV. General rules pertaining to state-funded and fee-paying programmes
1. Courses at the College may be state-funded and fee-paying. The costs of state-funded courses are financed
through the state budget while the costs of a fee-paying courses are entirely financed by the students. 132
State-funded programmes
2. A student participating in a state-funded course shall be considered any person who gained admittance to a
state-funded course, and
a) established student status in the 2001/2002 academic year within the framework of this title providing that
- he/she had no other student status before and participates in his/her first undergraduate course and the
number of semesters started does not exceed the number of semesters of the training period specified in the
qualification requirements, or
- he/she participates in a course of which qualification requirements define as entry requirements that the
student must have a higher education diploma as well as the number of semesters started does not exceed the
number of semesters of the training period specified in the qualification requirements for four semesters; 133
b) established student status in the 2002/2003, 2003/2004, 2004/2005, 2005/2006 academic year within the
framework of this title providing that
- he/she had no other student status before and participates in his/her first undergraduate course and the
number of semesters started does not exceed the number of semesters of the training period specified in the
qualification requirements, in the case of an at least 8-semester course by 3 semesters, otherwise by two
semesters, or
- he/she established student status prior to current student status, but within the admission procedure the
previous student status was terminated and a new student status was established and he/she participates in
the first undergraduate course, furthermore the total number of semesters started does not exceed the number
See GDAFS, Paragraph (3), Section 33.
See GDAFS, Paragraph (5), Section 33.
130 See GDAFS, Paragraph (6), Section 33.
131 See GDAFS, Paragraph (7), Section 33.
132 See ANHE, Paragraph (1), Section 53.
See GDAFS, Clause (c), Paragraph (1), Section 3.
of semesters of the training period specified in the qualification requirements, in the case of an at least 8semester course by 3 semesters, otherwise by two semesters, or
- he/she participates in a course of which qualification requirements define as entry requirements that the
student must have a higher education diploma as well as the number of semesters started does not exceed the
number of semesters of the training period specified in the qualification requirements in the case of an at least
8-semester course by 3 semesters, otherwise by two semesters.
- he/she participates in the first supplementary undergraduate course for 6 semesters; 134
c) he/she is a student, who based on the decision of the College, is transferred from a fee-paying course to an
already available state-funded place, for the length of the period remaining from the training period of the
student leaving the course;135
d) he/she is a student, who started studies within the framework of a higher-level vocational course before 1
March, 2006 for the training period of the higher-level vocational course plus 2 semesters.
3. A person, who established student status from 2006/2007 academic year shall be considered a student
participating in state-funded courses based on Clause 4-7., and Clause 9.136
4. A person may conduct studies in higher education in state-funded courses for a period of 12 semesters
(hereinafter: state-funded period), including also higher-level vocational courses. Based on the decision of the
Fees and Allowances Committee, the state-funded period of students with disabilities may be increased by 4
semesters.137 The Fees and Allowances Committee shall make its decision according to the order of
consideration specified in Appendix 7 of SRS.138
5. The state-funded period must include the already started state-funded semester, unless the director of
studies, upon the student’s request, temporarily terminates the student status in the given semester posteriorly,
due to a reason occurring out of the student’s fault (especially: illness, childbirth). 139
6. Requests determined in Clause 5. must be submitted personally or by a person authorised by the student,
electronically, within 15 days from the occurrence of the reason, but the latest until the practical or exam mark
is obtained. The request shall be addressed to the Director of Studies in the Student Information and Services
Office. The appropriate certificates of proof must be attached to the request.
7. Students, who already obtained a degree and a vocational course qualification in higher education, are not
excluded from participating in state-funded courses, provided that within the same training cycle, studies can
only be continued in a state-funded course, if the student establishes a further (parallel) student status
concurrently, either in several higher education institutions or several courses of the College the latest in the
third semester of his/her course commenced first.140
8. In case the student finishes all the available state-funded period, he/she may only conduct studies in feepaying courses in the higher education. 141
9. The available state-funded period of a given course may be maximum 2 semesters longer than the length of
the training period of the given course. In case the student shall not finish his/her studies within the statefunded period, he/she may continue his/her studies in a fee-paying course.142
See GDAFS, Clause (d), Paragraph (1), Section 3.
See GDAFS, Clause (e), Paragraph (1), Section 3.
See GDAFS, Clause (f), Paragraph (1), Section 3.
See AHE, Paragraph (2), Section 55.
See AHE, Paragraph (2), Section 55.
See AHE, Paragraph (2), Section 55.
See AHE, Paragraph (2), Section 55., cf. AHE, Paragraph (3), Section 56.
See AHE, Paragraph (3), Section 55.
See AHE, Paragraph (4), Section 55.
Fee-paying programmes
10. In case the student participates in a fee-paying course, in addition to the rules specified in AHE, Sections
20-27. of the Act on Adult Education shall also be applied to the rights and obligations resulting from his/her
student status with respect to the fact that the adult training agreement must also include the following: 143
a) name of the course and qualification,
b) aim of the course and the mode of study (full-time, part-time, evening course),
c) language of instruction in case of a foreign language programme,
d) qualification, knowledge and competencies that may be acquired,
e) forms of assessment and evaluation of the performance of the student or the person
participating in adult education including the conditions for admission to exams,
allowed number of missed contact hours in lectures, practical classes and
consultations and the subsequent consequences for the participant in case he/she
exceeds the limit,
g) place, length, schedule of training with regard to the recognition of knowledge
previously obtained,
h) place, length and schedule of practical classes and the possible benefits provided in
connection with the practical classes,
forms and methods of organizing exams,
the amount and sum of the tuition fee or training fee and the mode of payment –
separately highlighting the exam fees and potential resit exam fees – with regard to the
recognition of knowledge previously obtained,
k) consequences of the violation of agreement between the participating student or the
person participating in adult education and the College, 144
services provided for the tuition fee,
m) conditions of the reimbursement of the paid tuition fee.
11. The number of academic semesters in fee-paying courses are unlimited. The student, however, is not
entitled to receive benefits, allowances and services based on legal provisions if the number of semesters –
including the state-funded period - commenced at the College exceeds sixteen semesters. This provision shall
not be applied to those who establish a new student status five years after the previous student status was
12. When calculating the state-funded period and the time available for fee-paying training, it shall be registered
as one semester in case the student – with regard to his/her additional student status established not later than
in the third semester of the training course that he/she has started first – has another student status
concurrently with another higher education institution, or, if student prepares concurrently for acquiring more
than one qualification or vocational certificate at the College. 146
See AHE, Paragraph (1), Section 56., cf. Act on Adult Education, Sections 20. and 27.
See Act on Adult Education, Section 20.
145 See AHE, Paragraph (2), Section 56.
146 See AHE, Paragraph (3), Section 56. With regard to students commencing their first year in September
2007 and then it shall be applied in a phase-in system.
13. The state-funded period of those students who fall under the scope of the act on allowances and who
formerly conducted their studies in state-funded undergraduate courses and gained admission to a statefunded graduate course shall be extended by two semesters.147
14. Any student who – under the scope of a separate act – has the right of free movement and residency shall
have the same rights and obligations as students of Hungarian nationality participating in higher education
concerning payable fees and received allowances. 148
Chapter Two
Forms of state grants provided for students
Internship grant
28. The internship grant is a benefit which is based on an application procedure and available for a maximum of
one semester for students participating in a maximum of six-month-long internship period specified in the
programme completion and exit requirements.
29. The terms and conditions of the grant are defined in a separate provision by the General Vice-Rector with
regard to those students who complete their internship at a place other than the seat of the College (Budapest)
and on condition that the distance between the place of internship and the place of residence complies with the
distance defined in the Supplement.
30. The monthly amount of internship grant cannot be higher than 10% of the annual amount of the per capita
funding specified by related legal provisions.
IV. Bursa Hungarica Higher Education Local Government Scholarship
Bursa Hungarica Higher Education Local Government Scholarship is a financial social bursary which
consists of the social grant (hereinafter: local government grant portion) awarded to students by county
and municipality governments (hereinafter together as: local government) that joined the given annual
round of the Bursa Hungarica Higher Education Local Government Scholarship System (hereinafter:
Scholarship System) and the social grant appropriated at the College (hereinafter: institutional grant
portion) based on the local government grant.149
Students eligible for the institutional grant portion are those, who are awarded grant by the local
government of their place of permanent residence within the framework of the Scholarship System and
who conduct their studies in full-time undergraduate, graduate degree courses and higher-level
vocational courses.150
The source of institutional grant portion is allocated from the College’s budget and is independent of any
other funding.151
See GDAFS, Paragraph (1), Section 28.
See GDAFS, Paragraph (2), Section 28.
149 See GDAFS, Paragraph (1), Section 18.
150 See GDAFS, Paragraph (2), Section 18.
151 See GDAFS, Paragraph (3), Section 18.
The highest monthly amount of the institutional grant portion per person (hereinafter: limit) is published
annually by the Minister of Education and Culture in the official paper of the Ministry.152
The monthly amount of the institutional grant portion is equivalent of the amount of the local government
portion, which however, cannot exceed the limit determined in Clause 4.153
The scholarship determined within the framework of the Scholarship System can only be awarded on the
basis of the applicant’s social situation, and the applicant’s academic performance cannot be taken into
The institutional grant portion is independent of any other grant disbursed at the College. 155
The institutional grant portion is awarded by the Minister of Education and Culture. 156
The scholarship shall be disbursed to the student by the College. Prior to disbursement, the Director of
Studies shall attest the eligibility of the student for the scholarship.157
Students commencing their higher education studies prior to the disbursement of the scholarship, the
scholarship shall be disbursed in March, complying with the disbursement order of other student benefits.
The disbursement of the local government grant portion shall start in March, but the latest after when the
first scholarship payment is transferred to the College, at the same time, when all other benefits due, are
disbursed. After that, the disbursement will comply with the order of scholarship payment, together with
the institutional grant portion.158
In case students commence their higher education studies in the same semester as the disbursement of
the scholarship, then the institutional grant portion shall be disbursed in the same order as all other
institutional student benefits from October. The disbursement of the local government grant portion shall
start in October, but the latest when the first scholarship payment is transferred to the College, at the
same time, when all other benefits due, are disbursed. After that, the disbursement will comply with the
order of scholarship payment, together with the institutional grant portion. 159
During those months when the student’s student status is suspended, disbursement of the scholarship is
entirely suspended without adjustment of the final deadline of the disbursement. 160
In case the scholarship holder fails to meet the conditions for disbursement, the College must terminate
the disbursement of the scholarship.161
In case the student is not eligible for the scholarship, the College is obliged to transfer back the already
received, undisbursed local government grant portion within 30 days to Wekerle Sándor
Fundmanagement of the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice. 162
During the disbursement period, the student receiving a scholarship is obliged to notify the College and
Wekerle Sándor Fundmanagement of the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice in case any
change occurs that can affect the disbursement of the scholarship. Student must hand in notification in
written form within the shortest time, but no later than within 15 days. Student must satisfy this obligation
of notification within 5 working days if any change occurs in the following data:
See GDAFS, Paragraph (5), Section 18.
See GDAFS, Paragraph (6), Section 18.
154 See GDAFS, Paragraph (7), Section 18.
155 See GDAFS, Paragraph (8), Section 18.
156 See GDAFS, Paragraph (2), Section 19.
157 See GDAFS, Paragraph (4), Section 19.
158 See GDAFS, Paragraph (5), Section 19.
159 See GDAFS, Paragraph (6), Section 19.
160 See GDAFS, Paragraph (7), Section 19.
161 See GDAFS, Paragraph (8), Section 19.
162 See GDAFS, Paragraph (9), Section 19.
a) student’s name, name at birth, mother’s name, place and date of birth,
citizenship, address of permanent and temporary residence,
b) name of student’s attended course and mode of study,
c) suspension of studies.163
The scholarship holder, who does not satisfy the obligation of notification, may be excluded from
disbursement of the scholarship and from the next annual round of the Scholarship System. The
scholarship holder is obliged to reimburse the illegitimately received sum to the College within 30 days.
Any scholarship holder, who is disclosed from the disbursement of the scholarship due to breaching the
obligation of notification, may not claim the unpaid scholarship after the academic semester is terminated
(30th June, or 31st January).164
The College is obliged to disburse the scholarship free of charge monthly, together and in the same way
as all other benefits are disbursed. The College is only obliged to disburse the local government grant
portion if the cover of the amount has been transferred to its account by Wekerle Sándor
Fundmanagement of the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice.165
The institutional grant portion must be disbursed even if the cover of the local government grant portion
is not attainable on the account of the College.166
V. Public life, scientific, professional and sport grant
The public life, scientific, professional and sport grant shall be awarded to students performing activities
beyond the requirements of the curriculum and may be disbursed monthly, for a period of one semester,
on the basis of application.167
Any student may receive these grants who, regardless of the financing form, conducts studies in a fulltime course of the College, and whose weighed average of his active semester prior to application is at
least 2,5 and has exceeded his/her training period by not more than two semesters.
Students who are awarded the scholarship of the Republic of Hungary, are not entitled to hand in
application for the public life, scientific, professional and sport grant in the given academic year.
The activities for which the applicant receives regular payment, salary or reward, cannot be considered.
In case the applicant’s status is passive in the semester on which the assessment is based, then the
activities and performance of the last active semester prior to submitting the application shall be
considered during assessment. The documents attached should present activities performed in the given
semester, unless it is impossible due to the type of activity referred.
According to the ANHE Paragraph (9), § 46., the public life, scientific, professional and sport grants are
not mandatory benefits.168
The Student Welfare Committee – after providing information stated in Clause I/3. – shall announce a
call for application to students performing outstanding professional, scientific and public life activities.
The call for application shall be published until day 10 of the second months of the study period,
indicating the application requirements and the deadline of submission. The deadline for submission
See GDAFS, Paragraph (10), Section 19.
See GDAFS, Paragraph (11), Section 19.
165 See GDAFS, Paragraph (1), Section 20.
166 See GDAFS, Paragraph (2), Section 20.
167 See GDAFS, Paragraph (4), Section 10.
168 See GDAFS, Paragraph (4), Section 10.
cannot be longer than two weeks. In case the application contains false data and it may affect or may
have affected the assessment substantially, the applicant cannot be awarded public life, scientific,
professional and sport grant for the rest of his/her training period and the grant received must be
The grant, after assessment shall be disbursed until the 10th day of each month.
Applications shall be assessed within 5 working days and students shall be ranked by the Student
Welfare Committee, based on the criteria defined in the Appendix.
The procedure of assessing the applications is recorded by the Student Welfare Committee in a report
that contains the appropriate reasons for the decisions made.
Based on the scores and ranking suggested by the Student Welfare Committee, the final decision shall
be made by the Fees and Allowances Committee together with the Committee of Studies. Students
concerned shall be notified about the decision by the Student Information and Services Office.
An appeal against the decision of the Fees and Allowances Committee and the Committee of Studies
may be submitted to the Student Legal Remedy Committee as defined in Appendix 8 of SRS.
The benefit of a student shall become unavailable, if the student does not collect the monetary benefit
awarded to him/her until the last day of the given semester, or does not provide the bank account details,
tax number and national security number necessary for transferring the grant.
VI. Scholarship of the Republic of Hungary
The scholarship of the Republic of Hungary may be awarded for the length of a whole academic year (10
months). The monthly amount of the scholarship equals to one tenth of the sum calculated under the
same title in the Budget Act.169
The number of students who may receive the scholarship of the Republic of Hungary shall be 0.8% of
the number of students conducting their studies in the full-time, state-funded undergraduate and
graduate courses, according to the publication of statistical data recording the status of 15th October of
the previous year, but at least one person.170
The scholarship of the Republic of Hungary may be awarded to students, who conduct their studies in
the undergraduate and graduate courses and have registered in their previous or in their current studies
for at least two semesters and have obtained at least 55 credit points. 171
The scholarship of the Republic of Hungary may be awarded from the third semester to students having
active student status, who
c) achieved higher than 4,5 corrected credit index in the previous two semesters, and
d) perform outstanding scientific or other professional work.
The scholarship of the Republic of Hungary is announced publicly by the Director of Studies and may be
won through application. Students shall submit applications to the Student Information and Services
Office. The assessment of applications are carried out by the Fees and Allowances Committee on the
basis of ranking system. The Fees and Allowances Committee, on the basis of applications, under the
See GDAFS, Paragraph (1), Section 24.
See GDAFS, Paragraph (2), Section 24.
171 See GDAFS, Paragraph (3), Section 24.
title assigned to it by the Senate, makes a proposal for granting the scholarship to the Minister of
Education and Culture until the 1st of August every year.172
The scholarship of the Republic of Hungary obtained for the given academic year may only be disbursed
in the given academic year.173
In case the student status of the student is terminated or suspended for any reason, the scholarship of
the Republic of Hungary cannot be disbursed to him/her any longer. If studies end in an uneven
semester according to the training period, the entitlement for the scholarship or the Republic of Hungary
shall not be terminated if the student continues his/her studies in the second semester of the given
academic year.174
If, in the case a student who applied for the scholarship of the Republic of Hungary, but was rejected and
the legal remedy procedure determines that he/she is eligible for the scholarship of the Republic of
Hungary, and would also be eligible in compliance with the College’s proposal based on above criteria
and institutional quota, however, due to institutional procedural error he/she did not receive it, the
Minister for Education and Culture may have the right to grant the student the scholarship of the Republic
of Hungary. In such case, nonetheless, the student cannot be considered when determining the limit for
allocation of the scholarship of the Republic of Hungary and the scholarship shall be disbursed to the
student on the debit of the institutional student provision or must be disbursed from the institution’s own
Students who have been awarded the scholarship of the Republic of Hungary cannot be excluded from
receiving study grant.176
The method of the handover ceremony of the awarded students’ honorary diploma shall be decided by
the general vice-rector for education.
VII. Acquisition of electronic textbooks, study materials and electronic devices required for preparation
The amount of allowance allocated for the production of lecture notes, acquisition of electronic textbooks,
study materials and electronic devices required for preparation as well as acquisition of equipment
facilitating the studies of students with disabilities shall be used for acquisition of electronic textbooks,
study materials and electronic devices required for preparation on condition it is used by the College for
the production and acquisition of digital study materials or acquisition of equipment facilitating the studies
of students with disabilities.177
Utilization of allowance shall be pre-assessed by the Student Union and the General Manager shall
inform the Student Union annually about its utilization.178
VIII. Supporting sport and cultural activities
See GDAFS, Paragraph (4), Section 24.
See GDAFS, Paragraph (5), Section 24.
174 See GDAFS, Paragraph (6), Section 24.
175 See GDAFS, Paragraph (7), Section 24.
176 See GDAFS, Paragraph (8), Section 24.
177 See GDAFS, Paragraph (1), Section 34. and Paragraph (5), Section 10.
178 See GDAFS, Paragraph (1), Section 34. and Paragraph (5), Section 10.
Sports activities include any activity, provided or organized for students – particularly within the
framework of the College – that ensures physical exercises, sporting, competing, healthy lifestyle
education and lifestyle counselling.179
With the consent of the Student Union, the General Manager shall decide on the allocated support for
sport activities.180
Cultural activities include any cultural activity, event organization, career counselling, educational and
mental health counselling that is provided or organized for students, particularly within the framework of
the College, event organization, career counselling, educational and mental health counselling. 181
With the consent of the Student Union, the General Manager shall decide on the allocated support for
cultural activities.182
IX. Supporting the operation of Student Union
Supporting the operation of the Student Union shall be decided by the General Manager on the basis of the
agreement with the president of the Student Union.
X. Scholarship for students studying abroad
The order of establishment and disbursement of scholarship for students pursuing partial studies in
the countries of the European Economic Area
If a student conducts his/her studies at a state-funded programme and participates in a partial training in
any country of the European Economic Area and such studies may be included in his/her studies at the
College, the student can be granted a scholarship for the term of his/her studies abroad.183
The annual sum of the scholarship cannot be less, than three times the amount of the study grant. The
College plans annually the scholarship fund in its budget. 184
The student shall be entitled to receive the scholarship if he/she commenced his/her studies abroad with
the consent of the Head of the International Office – or the consent of the International Committee in
case of participating in the Erasmus programme – and he/she has already earned at least 60% of the
credits required for obtaining a degree.185
The permission may be granted if the student is able to earn the credits of the subjects scheduled in
his/her personal curriculum for the given semester by completing exams at the higher education
institution abroad and at the College. Prior to granting the permission, the initial statement about the
credit recognition must be obtained from the Head of the International Office. The minimum of 15 credits
must be earned at the foreign institution.
The Head of the International Office shall decide on awarding the scholarship through the form of public
See GDAFS, Clause (b), Paragraph (6), Section 10.
See GDAFS, Paragraph (6), Section 10.
181 See GDAFS, Clause (a), Paragraph (6), Section 10.
182 See GDAFS, Paragraph (6), Section 10.
183 See AHE, Paragraph (6), Section 130.
184 See AHE, Paragraph (6), Section 130.
185 See AHE, Paragraph (6), Section 130.
The call for application must be published on the website of the College. For submission of applications
at least 30 days shall be provided for students.
The disbursement of the scholarship shall be arranged by the staff of the Directorate of Finance before
the student travels abroad, but not later than 15 days following the travel of the student.
If the Directorate of Studies assesses that the student fails to obtain at least 15 credits in the institution
abroad, half of the scholarship – after the receipt of notification thereof - must be reimbursed by the
student within 30 days.
XI. The order of supporting the studies of foreign nationals in Hungary
The Minister of Education and Culture awards ministerial grant for students with non-Hungarian
citizenship conducting their studies in state-funded programmes on the basis of a bilateral international
agreement. The grant is provided for ten or twelve months annually.186
The monthly amount of the ministerial grant in the case of students participating in other undergraduate
and graduate courses is equivalent to 34% of the annual normative funding per student defined in the
Budget Act.187
The ministerial grant shall be disbursed by the College.188
Foreign students, establishing student status before 1 January 2007, and conducting their studies with
Hungarian State scholarship, grants shall be disbursed according to the provisions of the agreements
signed with them, with a difference that the scholarship awarded by the Hungarian Scholarship Board
shall be disbursed by the College.189
The Minister of Education and Culture may award grant for a period of ten months to students
participating in state-funded programmes under the scope of preference act.190
The monthly amount of the ministerial grant equals to 15% of the normative funding per student defined
in the Budget Act.191
Students may apply for the scholarship through application. The application process shall be managed
by the organization appointed by the Minister of Education and Culture. 192
The grant shall be disbursed by the College, based on Clause 3.193
Non-Hungarian nationals participating in fee-paying courses in Hungary may be awarded scholarship by
the Minister of Education and Culture every academic year. 194
The call for application shall be published by the Minister of Education and Culture according to the
framework specified in the Budget Act and shall be managed by the organization appointed by the
Minister of Education and Culture. The call for application shall be published on the website of the
Ministry of Education and Culture.195
See GDAFS, Paragraph (1), Section 26.
See GDAFS, Clause (a-b), Paragraph (2), Section 26.
188 See GDAFS, Paragraph (3), Section 26.
189 See GDAFS, Paragraph (6), Section 26.
190 See GDAFS, Paragraph (1), Section 26/A.
191 See GDAFS, Paragraph (2), Section 26/A.
192 See GDAFS, Paragraph (3), Section 26/A.
193 See GDAFS, Paragraph (5), Section 26/A.
194 See GDAFS, Paragraph (1), Section 27.
195 See GDAFS, Paragraph (2) and (5), Section 27.
Applications shall be submitted to the International Office. Applications shall be ranked by the Head of
the International Office. Applications shall be assessed on the basis of the budgetary fund and the
applicant’s academic achievement.196
Ranked applications shall be forwarded by the Head of the International Office to the organization
appointed by the Minister of Education and Culture. The Minister of Education and Culture shall decide
on the applications involving experts if necessary. 197
The deadline for submitting applications cannot be earlier than the 30th day after the publication of the
Chapter Three
Student scholarship programme
I. BKF study grant for freshman students
Students enrolled to the College’s fee-paying undergraduate course in the field of economic or social
science for the first time, shall receive a grant in their first active semester equivalent to the given
programme’s tuition fee, in case the total number of admission points exceed 400.
Awarding the grant is automatic.
II. BKF study grant
BKF study grant can be awarded to any student participating in the College’s fee-paying undergraduate
course in the field of economic or social science and his/her student status is not suspended.
BKF study grant shall be awarded per academic term and per grade enrolment to
a. three students at the tourism and catering programme,
b. three students at the communication and media science programme, and
c. three students at other programmes belonging to the field of economic sciences.
The amount of BKF study grant equals to the tuition fee of the awarded student’s programme in the given
BKF study grant shall be awarded on the basis of academic achievement and shall be provided to
students obtaining the highest corrected credit index in compliance with the division defined in Clause 2.
Awarding the grant is automatic.
BKF study grant shall be awarded to freshman students and from the academic year 2013/2014 shall be
awarded in a phase-in system.
GDAFS, Paragraph (3) and (4), Section 27.
See GDAFS, Paragraph (4), Section 27.
198 See GDAFS, Paragraph (6), Section 27.
III. BKF Creative grant
Creative grant shall be awarded through application to students, who set an example to other students
by their creativity and perform activities or create works that serve the interest of BKF as community.
Applications can be submitted by any active student enrolled to any undergraduate course.
Eight grants can be awarded every academic year according to the followings:
a. one student in the junior and one in the senior category at the communication and media
studies programme,
b. one student in the junior and one in the senior category at the tourism and catering programme,
c. one student in the junior and one in the senior category at other programmes belonging to the
field of economic sciences, and
d. one student in the junior and one in the senior category at the undergraduate programme
belonging to the field of art and art mediation.
Students completed at least one but two semesters at most, may submit applications in the junior category.
Students completed at least three semesters may submit applications in the senior category.
A committee shall by established by the College in order to assess applications. The committee shall
notify students about the criteria for application upon publishing the call for application. Student
participation in the committee must be granted.
BKF Creative grant can be awarded for two semesters, the amount of grant per semester shall equal to
the amount of the tuition fee of the student.
BKF Creative grant shall be awarded in a phase-in system from the academic year 2013/2014. The grant
shall be awarded in the spring semester.
IV. BKF Start-up programme
BKF Start-up programme may support feasible project plans by the student group of the College that
create value for the College and the society.
A committee shall be established by the College in order to assess applications. The committee shall
notify students about the criteria for application upon publishing the call for application.
The limit of the amount of support is maximum 1,000,000 HUF per project. The annual sum of the limit is
3,000,000 HUF.
The support of BKF Start-up programme shall be awarded in a phase-in system from the academic year
2013/2014. The support shall be awarded in the spring semester.
Forms of student grant allocations from non-state budget sources
I. The sources and amount of institutional allowances, reporting allowances from other sources
Maximum 5% of the actually paid tuition fee of students participating in fee-paying courses shall be used
for student allowances from sources other than the State Budget.
The other titles of student allowances that are paid from other, external sources than the State Budget,
are defined by the Senate.
Students receiving allowances from business sources or organizational, foundation and other sources
than the state or institutional source, must report within 15 days after gaining them to the Student
Information and Service Office.
II. BKF professional and cultural support
The General Manager has right to grant professional and cultural support to students or student groups
a) represent the College (at professional or scientific conferences,
national or international competitions) performing professional
activities beyond the requirements of the curriculum;
b) undertake cultural events in connection with College life and are
independent from events organized by the Student Union;
c) organize student events (trips, professional meetings, workshops, etc.)
that enhance and support the student life of the College.
Those students or student groups are entitled to receive the BKF professional and cultural support that
participate in or organize the events defined in Clause 1.
The conditions of submitting the application for the BKF professional and cultural support shall be
determined by the Director of the Career Centre together with the Chief Executive Officer and shall be
published in the manner accepted as standard at the institution by the end of the first month of the term
time in each semester.
Applications may be submitted at any time during the given term time by any student or student group
whose organized events meet the requirements of the call for application.
The annexes specified in the call for application shall be attached to the application together with a
statement in which students declare that they will ensure the unified corporate identity of the College at
each event. Applicants shall be informed about the use of unified corporate identity elements by the
Director of the Career Centre.
Applications shall be evaluated by the Director of the Career Centre within two weeks following the
submission of applications. A legal remedy appeal may be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer
against the decision within five working days following the issue of the decision.
The support awarded may exclusively be used for the purposes of the event. The student group who
wins the award is obliged to prepare a financial and professional report about the utilization of the
support not later than within one month after the supported activity ended. In case the utilization of the
support is not in accordance with the rules, further applications of the members of the student group may
be excluded from future application procedures.
IV. Sport and cultural support
The College may allocate an amount for supporting sport and cultural activities from the budget defined
in Clause I/1. With regard to state-funded students, the budget shall not exceed the per capita funding
provided by related legal provisions and the per capita amount specified for sport and cultural activities in
Clause VIII. of Chapter Two of the present FAR.
The sport and cultural support shall be utilized in accordance with the relating provisions of Clause VIII.
of Chapter Two.
V. Internship grant
Based on an application procedure, every semester the College awards a grant to one fee-paying
student for the period of the mandatory internship that he/she is doing as part of his/her academic
requirements. The amount of the grant is HUF 100,000.
The grant payable during the period of the internship shall be awarded by the assigned committee based
on an application and considering the opinion of the Student Union.
In each semester the General Vice-Rector shall define the conditions and the submission deadline of the
application as well as the composition of the committee and the assessment criteria considering the
opinion of the Director of the Career Centre.
The rules pertaining to state-funded students shall be appropriately applied in further matters related to
the internship grant.
VI. Discounts granted for top academic achievement
Not more than three students who have achieved the best academic performance ranking first in their
class in the given completed term at full-time and part-time programmes respectively are entitled to
receive a tuition fee discount The methods of calculating the academic result is determined by the
Committee of Fees, Allowances and Studies in accordance with Clause V/6. of Chapter Four of Appendix
II./4. (CSER) of SRS.
The tuition fee discount is 50% of the tuition fee of the semester that follows the semester in which the
best academic result has been achieved. The tuition fee discount may be granted for a period of one
The awarded tuition fee discount shall be deducted by the College from the second instalment of the
tuition fee once the completion of the semester is verified.
VII. Fees paid for student work
Students participating in state-funded and fee-paying programmes at the College have the right to
undertake on-campus activities that serve as a basis for a so-called student salary and qualify as work
activity. Such activities include performing tasks as general student assistants (related to teaching,
research tasks and library services) and other types of work. Students may also be involved in
undertaking tasks related to the fundamental objectives and services of the College.
Individual organizational units have the right to launch a call for application for the position of assistant or
other student jobs. Institutional assistants are eligible to perform student work activities according to the
provisions of Appendix 13 of the SRS.
A so-called student employment agreement shall be signed in order to perform student work. Students
shall receive a student employment fee for the completed work according to the relating legal provisions
in effect.
Chapter Four
Fees and charges payable by the students
I. General Provisions
Students participating in state-funded courses – in accordance with the provisions of FAR and unless
otherwise specified in an international agreement – shall pay charges, fees for further services, special
procedure and other fees.
Students participating in fee-paying courses and persons pursuing their studies in adult education shall
pay tuition fee or training fee, charges, fees for further services, special procedure and other fees.
Obligation to pay the tuition fee is generated with enrolment/sign-in to the given semester. Students are
required to fulfil their payment obligation by bank transfer to the bank account of the College until the
deadline specified in FAR.
The payment obligation of the tuition fee can be fulfilled in two instalments according to the choice of the
student. In this case the first instalment – that is at least fifty percent of the amount of the tuition fee – is
due upon enrolment/sign-in and the second instalment must be paid until the first day of the exam
registration period of full-time students.
The Director of Studies is obliged to refuse the enrolment/sign-in of a student, who fails to provide proof
of paying the first instalment of the tuition fee and has failed to submit a student loan application form or
fails to certify that a student loan contract has been made until the end of the sign-in period.
Until any of the financial obligations of the student has been fulfilled or there is an obligation for damage
compensation towards College, the student cannot fulfil his/her academic obligations, cannot register for
exams, shall be denied to register for final examination, cannot sign-in for the consecutive semester,
cannot register for subjects.
In case of overdue payment of the tuition fee instalments or any other charges, students shall be obliged
to pay the amount of the overdue instalment raised with the annual bank base interest rate from the first
working day following the deadline.
Tuition fees, fees for services and other fees paid by students constitute the operating revenue of the
College, from which the College shall allocate certain amounts to students in compliance with the way
and proportion defined in Chapter Three of FAR.
A student enrolled in the first semester shall be informed by the College at the date of enrolment about
the fees and charges payable in the first semester, the place of training, the length of training as well as
the conditions of operation.
Due to the incorrect determination of payment, students may submit an electronic request to the Director
of Studies within 15 days after the payment obligation is determined. The Director of Studies is obliged to
evaluate the request within 8 days.
In case of underpayment due to incorrect payment determination, students are obliged to transfer the
missing amount to the bank account of the College within 15 days.
Tuition fee payment covered by student loan
In case a student would like to take out a freely usable Student Loan (DH1), he/she can do so by filling in
a loan application form of the Student Loan Centre. The required form must be filled in via the Modulo
The loan application procedure:
a) Students may submit the completed application form in three copies to the Student
Information and Services Office in person, not later than until 15 September (in the
case of the fall semester) and 15 February (in the case of the spring semester).
Concluding the process through an authorised representative is not possible. The
deadline for submission is a forfeit deadline after which students do not have the
possibility to submit a request for certificate as specified in Clause V. of the Chapter
Two of Appendix 7 of CSER with regard to the application for the Student Loan. In
case the student submits a request after the course registration period, he/she can
only register for a course if a submitted leniency request to the Rector is approved.
b) When submitting the application forms, the loan agreement made with the Student
Loan Centre must be presented to check if all data are correct.
c) Application forms must be signed at the Student Information and Services Office after
checking all data. The loan application is invalid without the signature of the student.
d) The application forms are taken over and certified by the workers of the Student
Information and Services Office. After that one copy shall be given back to the student
and a further copy shall be sent to the Student Loan Centre.
e) After receiving the application form and checking the student status, the Student Loan
Centre shall transfer the assigned amount of the student loan to the College, or shall
reject the disbursement in case the student – despite his/her statement – is not eligible
for the student loan. If the student is not eligible for student loan and his/her
outstanding tuition fee is not paid within the deadline specified by the Director of
Studies, it should be interpreted as if a suspension of student status was requested by
the student. Students’ attention must be drawn to this in a late payment notification.
Students may request a loan application only once in each semester. During the loan period, students
are not allowed
a) to cancel the student loan contract;
b) to request the suspension of the disbursement;
c) to request a lower amount.
If the approved amount for the semester does not fully cover the amount of the tuition fee, students shall
pay the remainder until the beginning of the exam registration period the latest. The approved amount for
the semester must equal at least half of the amount of the tuition fee of the semester.
The student loan may only be used for paying the tuition fee, further charges cannot be financed from the
loan. For payment of other charges, service fees (including further service fee), the provisions specified
of the current chapter shall apply.
The loan can only be terminated with the approval of the College.
In case the student – based on the feedback of the Student Loan Centre after the application procedure
– is not eligible for the student loan despite his/her statement, he/she shall pay half of the tuition fee to
the College without further delay according to Clause 4.
If the student takes out a student loan, however, he/she does not intend to use it, he/she shall pay the
tuition fee according to the provisions of Clause I/4.
If a student paying full tuition fee intends to take out a tied student loan (DH2), he/she shall indicate
his/her intention via the Modulo system. After the completed form is processed and the student has no
overdue payment obligation, he/she may register for courses.
Those students are entitled to take out the tied student loan who pay full tuition at the programmes they
have been admitted to and who are under the age of 35, Hungarian citizens or recognized as refugees or
have permanent residence permit or immigration permit or have the right for free movement and
residence in Hungary.199
II. Rules pertaining to state-funded programmes
Within the framework of state-funded courses, students may use the following services:
a) registration for lectures, seminars, trainings, consultations and practical classes
necessary for the completion of the training and academic requirements specified in
the training programme as well as for obtaining the certificate or diploma on maximum
two occasions; resubmitting reports unsuccessful reports and resitting exams and
unsuccessful exams on one occasion, taking the final examination,
b) using the facilities – library and basic library services, laboratory, IT facilities – and
equipment of the College as part of the use of free services,
c) academic and career counselling services,
d) the issue of all documents relating to the programme on one occasion,
e) participation in the obligatory closing ceremony organized by the College as well as in
other events and commemoration ceremonies. 200
In case of non-fulfilment or late fulfilment of obligations specified in Appendix 4 and 7 of the SRS, the
College is entitled to collect a special procedure fee from the student the amount of which is specified in
the administrative cost chart published in ETR.201
Within the framework of state-funded programmes, students may use the following services upon paying
the related charges:
objects that are produced with the tools and equipment of the College, supplied for the
student by the College and which become the property of the student (e.g. reproduced extra
materials, documents),
the facilities (library, laboratories, computer facilities) and the equipment of the College
outside the scope of free services (hereafter further fee-paying services)202 (Services are
specified in details in clause IV/3.),
Clause 11/b, Section 2. of Government Decree No. 1/2012 on the Student Loan Scheme.
See AHE, Paragraph (1), Section 125.
See AHE, Paragraph (4), Section 125.
202 See AHE, Paragraph (3), Section 125.
courses awarding credits in excess of the compulsory number of credits or the number of
credits the College is required to offer in accordance with effective legal provisions,
course registration and repeat examination in case they exceed the number of opportunities
specified in clause II/1. a) (course or examination taken for a third time or more).
The charge specified in clause 3. cannot exceed the amount of the tuition fee.
In case the student participates in a state-funded programme, he/she can participate in education within
his/her guest student status in accordance with the provisions of clause II.204
Students at state-funded programmes shall be allowed by the College to develop their individual course
schedule in a way that they can take credit-earning course-units ten percent in excess of the compulsory
number of credits without having to pay a tuition fee. 205
III. Rules pertaining to fee-paying programmes
In case the student participates in a fee-paying programme, he/she shall pay charges for the free
services specified in clause II. 1., a special procedure fee for the non-fulfilment or late fulfilment of
obligations specified in clause II. 2. and a charge for the use of services specified in clause II. 3. with
respect to the following:
a) the student shall pay a repeat examination fee for retaking an unsuccessful examination in
accordance with the cost chart published in ETR,
b) in the case of fee-paying students, the amount of the charges specified in the cost chart in ETR
may be different from that of state-funded students.
The amount of the tuition fee and all charges as well as the conditions of payment shall be recorded in a
written agreement (training agreement) by the student and the College. The amount of the tuition fee due
in the first academic year shall be published in the information material on admissions. The College shall
retain the training agreement for ten years.
In case the student completes his/her studies earlier than the length of studies specified in the
qualification requirements or the programme completion and exit requirements of his/her programme,
he/she shall pay the tuition fee specified for the full length of studies.
The provisions pertaining to the withdrawal of the sign-in declaration, the suspension and termination of
student status and the refund of the previously paid fees related to these cases are specified in
subchapters VII., IX. and XIII. of Chapter Two of Appendix II/4. of the SRS.206
The semi-annual amount of the tuition fee shall be determined by the College with respect to the rule that
in the case of students having been admitted to the College previously, the above fee shall not be raised
by more than the amount of the consumer prices index specified by the Hungarian Central Statistical
Office for the previous year. This limitation on the raise of the amount of the tuition fee may be
disregarded in justified cases. Justified cases include substantial changes in the structure of a given
programme or when a student is granted transfer from another higher education institution. 207
The payment of the tuition fee in each semester entitles students to register for:
See AHE, Paragraph (5), Section 125.
See AHE, Paragraph (6), Section 125.
205 See AHE, Paragraph (4), Section 58.
206 Modified by Senate Resolution 36b/1108/2011 as of 8 November 2011.
207 Modified by Senate Resolution 36b/1108/2011 as of 8 November 2011.
a) 120 credits in the case of four-semester-long programmes, 180 credits in the case of sixsemester-long programmes and 210 credits in the case of seven-semester-long programmes
on one occasion within the framework of the new training system;
b) 210 credits in the case of seven-semester-long programmes and 240 credits in the case of
eight-semester-long programmes on one occasion within the framework of the former training
Students at state-funded programmes shall be allowed by the College to develop their individual course
schedule in a way that they can take credit-earning course-units ten percent in excess of the compulsory
number of credits without having to pay a tuition fee. 208 In the case of students paying full tuition fee or
participating in programmes financed through scholarship granted by the Hungarian state, the College
provides the opportunity to develop their individual course schedule in a way that they can take creditearning course-units ten percent in excess of the compulsory number of credits without having to pay a
tuition fee.209210
In case fee-paying students register for more credits than the amount specified in clause 6. and in case
state-funded students exceed the ratio of extra credits specified in clause 7., they shall pay a so-called
credit fee for each extra credit if the registration for the extra credits take place within the length of
studies specified in the qualification requirements or the programme completion and exit requirements.
The amount of the credit fee is specified in the Supplement. In case the student registers for the final
examination within the length of his/her studies, the College shall send a credit clearance statement to
the student following his/her registration for the excess credits including the amount that equals the value
of the excess credits which is calculated using the credit fee in effect at the date of clearance. The
student shall pay the fee of excess credits not later than the last working day before the final
In case state-funded students do not earn all the credits required for the completion of their studies within
the predefined length of studies, they shall pay the following fee in each subsequent semester when they
sign in and register for subjects:
In case the student signs in and registers for up to 15 credits in a semester beyond the
length of studies, he/she shall pay 50% of the tuition fee specified for one semester.
In case the student signs in and registers for more than 15 credits in a semester beyond the
length of studies, he/she shall pay 100% of the tuition fee specified for one semester.
Upon the completion of studies, the College issues a credit clearance statement including the balance of
the tuition fee and any other potential debts and sends it to the student following his/her registration for
the final examination. The students shall pay the amount specified in the credit clearance statement by
the day of the final examination.
Considering the above, the Director of Studies shall publish the exact semi-annual amount of the tuition
fee effective for the academic year - calculated for cases when students are making average progress in
their studies – in the manner customary and not later than 15 June of the previous academic year or not
later than 15 December of the previous academic year for students who have started their studies in the
spring term. The chart for special procedure fees shall be published electronically by the Director of
Studies not later than 15 June of the previous academic year or not later than 15 December of the
previous academic year for students who have started their studies in the spring term.211
Each fee-paying student of the College who has been granted admission to the same programme in the
same mode of study shall pay the same amount of tuition fee in a given academic year except for
See AHE, Paragraph (4), Section 58.
See NAHE, Paragraph (2), Section 49.
210 This shall be applied in a phase-in system, first to students starting their studies on 1 September 2013.
211 Modified by Senate Resolution 45/1213/2011 as of 13 December 2011.
students who pursue simultaneous studies at the College and thus shall pay one and a half part of the
tuition fee for the two programmes combined upon signing in for a second programme and as long as
simultaneous studies are pursued. Upon termination of simultaneously pursued studies, the student shall
pay full tuition fee for the remaining incomplete programme.212
In case of partial studies, guest students shall pay the College the credit fee effective in the given
semester for each credit they have registered for.
In case a student who has been admitted to a fee-paying programme declares in writing before
enrolment/sign-in that he/she wishes to have a passive semester following enrolment/sign-in, the
payment of the tuition fee is not a condition for his/her enrolment/sign-in. In case he/she has
nevertheless paid the tuition fee, he/she is entitled to a lump sum refund based on the provisions of
clause 4. In case a student wishes to suspend his/her student status in the semester following his/her
admission, he/she shall pay the related charge specified in the cost chart for special procedure fees.
The student is not entitled to the refund of the tuition fee if his/her student status terminates during the
semester as a result of discharge.
The student who has previously participated in a state-funded programme which he/she has terminated
and continues his/her studies again in a state-funded programme as a result of admission granted within
the new system, he/she may continue his/her studies in a state-funded programme for a period the
length of which does not exceed a total of 12 state-funded semesters. For any further semesters
necessary for the award of the diploma, the student shall pursue his/her studies within the framework of
a fee-paying course.
Rules pertaining to credit transfer
In the case of students who have been awarded a certificate at a higher-level vocational training course
that is included in the higher-level vocational training courses of the College, at least 30 but not more
than 40 credits may be subject to credit transfer considering the subjects listed in the equivalence chart.
Students with a qualification specified in the present clause are entitled to receive a certain amount of
reduction in the tuition fee of the first semester. The equivalence chart in effect in a given academic year
shall be published in ETR by the head of the Centre of Higher-level Vocational Training Courses not later
than the last day of the semester preceding the relevant academic year. The amount of the above
reduction is determined by the Chief Executive Officer at the end of each academic year.
In the case of students who have graduated from a higher-level vocational training course launched by
another institution or who have been taken over from another undergraduate or graduate programme,
the amount of credit points transferred may not exceed an amount that guarantees that at least 75% of
the knowledge and skills covered by a subject related to the programme is acquired by the student who
has been admitted or taken over.
Further rules pertaining to the take-over of students are specified in Appendix 7 of the SRS.
The fees related to credit transfer are listed in the cost chart published in ETR.
IV. Further tuition fees, charges and special procedure fees
Tuition fees of professional programmes and elective subjects not listed in the recommended
The present amendment shall be applied in a phase-in system, first to students starting simultaneously
pursued studies in academic year 2011/2012.
In case the student participates in an extra-curricular professional programme launched by the College,
he/she shall pay the costs of the programme in accordance with a separate training agreement
concluded between the student and the College.
Further charges
For the use of the services listed in clause II/3. b), students shall pay a fee for further services at the
beginning of each semester upon enrolment/sign-in. Fee-paying students shall pay the fee for further
services at the same time when they pay the tuition fee. Students participating in a state-funded
programme may cancel the services listed in clause II/3. b) in an electronic request until the date of
The fee for further services include in particular the following services:
a) regular text messages on the most important changes in studies sent to the mobile
telephone number given by the student,
b) unrestricted Internet access on the premises of the College,
c) access to an e-mail account with individual e-mail address provided by the College and
d) photocopying at a favourable price.
The amount of the fee for further services shall be paid by cash transfer order or by bank transfer to the
bank account of the College. Students shall only be entitled to use the services listed in clause II/3. b) in
case they have paid the related fee for further services. Students may enrol/sign in and register for
courses only after paying the fee for further services. State-funded students may enrol/sign in and
register for courses also in case they have cancelled the further services.
In the case of services listed in clause II/3. a), students shall pay a fee upon being provided those
Special procedure fees
In accordance with the provisions of clause II. 2., the College is entitled to charge a special procedure
fee in the following cases:
a) non-fulfilment or late fulfilment of administrative obligations in case fulfilment takes place
within a week following the original deadline,
b) failure to meet a deadline for payment, at the same time the payment is made,
c) late performance of or failure to meet a study requirement in case performance takes place
within a week following the original deadline,
d) the issue of a new student card in case the first one is lost,
e) the issue of all study-related documents on more than one occasion.
The special procedure fees shall be paid via a VPOS terminal.
Fee-paying students shall pay the fee for repeated (retake) examinations via a VPOS terminal.
State-funded and fee-paying students shall pay the fee for remake examinations via a VPOS terminal.
The special procedure fees and the charges for services are annually published in a cost chart in ETR.
Students may ask for an invoice on the payment of the tuition fee and other fees in an electronic request.
11/A. The invoice thus issued is authentic, no further authentication is needed.
Fees of e-textbooks
At the beginning of each semester, upon enrolment/sign-in students shall pay a fee for the use of etextbooks. Fee-paying students and students paying full tuition fee shall pay the fee of e-textbooks together
with the tuition fee but not later than by the examination registration period. Students participating in statefunded programmes or programmes financed through scholarship granted by the Hungarian state may cancel
the e-textbook service in an electronic request submitted not later than the enrolment/sign-in period.
Appendix 7 - The rules of the consideration of student applications at first instance
Chapter One
I. General provisions
1. For the purposes of the present HEFESZ any case shall be regarded as a student case which
concerns the student's rights and responsibilities in connection with the student enrolment status,
particularly cases in connection with the student's academic responsibilities, benefits to be provided
and may be granted and fees to be payed by the student.
2. The disciplinary and damages cases of students do not fall within the scope of this chapter.
3. HEFESZ provisions cannot be applied to those students enrolled in non-mainstream adult education.
4. HEFESZ provisions can be applied only with specific differences to those students enrolled in higher
vocational education.
II. Scope
1. The following bodies and people act at first instance in student cases at the BKF:
a) the Committee of Imbursements, Allowances and Studies,
b) the Director of Studies,
c) the Chief Financial Officer,
d) heads of programmes,
e) heads of institutes,
f) the head of the Higher-Level Vocational Trainings Centre,
g) the director of the Career Centre,
h) the Credit Transfer Committee,
i) the head of the International Trainings Centre.
2. Bodies acting at first instance decide the case on the merits in electronic or written form.
3. Unless it is stated otherwise by the law or the SR, it is the Director of Studies who is authorised to
act at first instance.
4. In case the person authorised to act at first instance cannot render the decision due to personal
involvement, it is the vice rector for general affairs who is authorised to act.
5. In case the vice rector for general affairs cannot render the decision due to personal involvement, it
is the Student Appeals Committee who is authorised to act in accordance with what is specified in
Appendix 8 of the SR.
6. In student cases - in all cases except substantive decisions - bodies and persons acting at first
instance make an order. The Head of the Student Information and Service Office is also authorised to
make the orders on behalf of the bodies and persons acting at first instance.
III. Competence
1. Unliess it is stated otherwise by the law or the SR, that head of institute is competent who is
responsible for the instruction of the subject, and for the work of the instructor which/whom the
student's application concerns.
2. Unless it is stated otherwise by the law or the SR, that head of program is competent who is
responsible for the instruction of the program which the student's application concerns.
IV. The assessment of powers and competence
1. The body (person) which acts in student cases is bound to assess its powers and competence at all
stages of the procedure. If the lack of powers or competence is determined, they are bound to transfer
the case forthwith to the body (person) having powers or competence, and, at the same time, inform
the student - or their plenipotentiary - about it.
2. In case the person (body) having powers and competence cannot be determined or the case should
be transferred to a body which has already determined the lack of them, the designation of the acting
body shall be initiated. It is the vice rector for general affairs who is authorised to designate the acting
body within 15 days after the reception of the application asking to do so. This period can be extended
once by another 15 days.
V. Leniency application submitted to the rector
1. In circumstances where special appreciation is required, the rector - for the written application of the
student - may dispose or render decisions notwithstanding any provision of the SR, but observing the
law. A leniency application can be submitted by filling out the electronic application which was created
for this purpose.
2. The rector can exercise equity in favour of the student only once while they are enrolled in one of the
programmes of the BKF. Positive leniency decisions are recorded into the ETR by the Directorate of
3. For leniency decisions the rector obtains the opinion of those rendering decisions at first instance in
accordance with the subject of the case, namely the Director of Studies, and the Secretary General.
4. The rector may exercise equity particularly in the case of extraordinary and proved facts and events
affecting the family and living conditions of the student.
5. There is no room for leniency...
a) in the case of decisions denying admission, and
b) against decisions in connection with the recognition of credits,
c) in the case of applications concerning the principles recorded in the training programme
(particularly prerequisites, namely the registration for courses with missing prerequisites or the
registration for a course and its prerequisite at the same time),
d) concerning the drop of courses after 1 October in autumn semesters, and after 1 March in spring
e) and regarding the consideration of payment liabilities imposed on students.
6. Apart from the exclusions specified in point 5, a leniency application can be submitted in all such
cases in which the SR does not exlude the possibility of leniency applications.
7. The rector may decide to specify a time-related or other type of academic performance as a requisite
of the leniency decision. In case the student does not accomplish the requisite(s) specified in the
decision, the leniency decision becomes void.
8. Legal remedy does not lie against leniency decisions.
Chapter two
General rules of first instance procedures
I. The process of procedures
1. In student cases procedure can be initiated either ex officio or at the request of the student.
2. Procedure is initiated ex officio if the BKF is binded over by the legislation or the SR, and also in
case the student applies for a call (e.g. a call for application, etc.) announced for all / a group of the
students of the BKF on the basis of the legislation or the SR.
3. Procedure is initiated at the request of the student if the student is authorised to initiate procedure
based on the provision of the legislation or the SR.
4. During procedures initiated at the request of the student, provisions of Section 5 shall prevail if the
required form and content of the application are not specified by the relevant law or the SR.
5. The application shall be submitted primarily as an electronic application, exceptionally as a paperbased written application at the body or person authorised for consideration, and it shall include
a) the student's name, EHA code, programme(s);
b) the student's mother's name, the student's address, phone number and e-mail address;
c) the name of the body of the BKF (person) to which the application is submitted;
d) the indication of the legal or regulation provision on which the application is based;
e) the explicit request addressed to a specific body or person of the BKF;
f) the facts underlying the application, and any evidence on which they are based;
g) an authorisation in the case of the action of a duly authorised representative.
6. The application in all cases shall be judged according to its content, the incorrect description of the
application itself shall not result in its rejection.
7. Unless it is stated otherwise by the law or the SR, the student case shall be settled within 30 days
after the arrival of the application at the latest. The vice rector for general affairs can extend this time
limit for the justified application of the acting body or person once by another 30 days, about which the
student - or in the case of the action of a duly authorised representative, this person as well - shall be
8. In case the acting body had to be designated, the deadline for disposal shall be calculated from the
date when the designated body receives the application and the attached documents.
9. If a student's application is incomplete, the starting date of the deadline for disposal is the day on
which the student has complied with the supplementation notice.
10. In case it is the Committee of Imbursements, Allowances and Studies who is authorised for the
disposal of the case, the case shall be disposed at the following session. The summons of an
emergency session is not mandatory even if the deadline for disposal specified in Section 7 is not
II. The participation of the student in the procedure
1. The student is authorised to act in person or through their duly authorised representative.
2. The duly authorised representative cannot be a person under the age of 18.
3. The authorisation can be regarded as proper if
a) it is handwritten and signed by the student him/herself, or
b) On the authorisation which is not handwritten and signed by the student him/herself, two witnesses
certify by their signatures that the student signed the authorisation in front of them, or he/she
recognized the signature on the document as his/her own,
c) It is put down on a private document representing conclusive evidence (the student's signature or
mark is authenticated by a judge or a notary, a lawyer countersigns the authorisation made by him/her
in order to prove that the authorisation not written by the student was signed by the student in front of
him or the student recognizes the signature as his/her own), or
d) it is written out in the Modulo system on the form available for this purpose
4. The procedural actions for which the authorisation entitles shall be clear from the authorisation.
5. The duly authorised representative is bound to hand the authorisation over if this is their first
appearance at the organization which is authorised to deal with the student's case, and in case a duly
authorised representative acts on behalf of the student during the consideration of the student case,
the authorisation shall be enclosed to the electronic application written by the student.
III. The rules of delivery
1. During the disposal of the student's case, documents may be delivered to the student
a) electronically in the Modulo system, in the ETR or via e-mail
b) personally,
c) through the postal system,
d) by notice, or
e) by fax.
2. Electronic delivery in the Modulo system, via the ETR or to the e-mail address given by the student
(hereinafter referred to as electronic delivery) may be taken in case the student have submitted an
electronic application and the fact of delivery can be proven by the system in a credible way.
3. If the documents are delivered personally to the student, the fact of receipt by the student, its date,
and the student's signature shall be recorded on the copy of the documents to be delivered.
4. In case there are concurrent decisions of a large number of cases or a large number of people are
concerned in a given case, the first instance body may issue a notice in which the period of at least five
working days available for personal delivery is specified (delivery time). In this case, the notice shall
also include a notification according to which the document shall be considered to be delivered to the
person concerned regardless of the fact the they do not receive the document within the delivery time.
5. Delivery by notice is possible only by observing the provisions on personal data protection. The
notice can be published according to the standard way at the BKF.
6. Delivery by fax shall be applied only if other means of delivery run up against undue difficulties, or it
entailed adverse consequences on the consideration of the case within disposal time and the fact of
delivery can be certified.
7. The provisions of this section - except for those related to electronic delivery - shall be applied
mutatis mutandis even when a duly authorised representative acts on behalf of the student.
IV. Rules of summons, and the calculation of time limits
1. A summons shall be issued for the person whom the body (person) authorised for the disposal of the
case wishes to hear personally.
2. The summons shall include:
a) the indication of the acting body (person),
b) the file number,
c) the subject matter of the case,
d) the date and place of the hearing, and
e) the matters and capacity (e.g. witness) in which the person is wished to be heard.
3. The provisions of point III. shall be applied to the delivery of the summons adding that parties
appeared in person can be summoned even verbally for another hearing, and, in urgent cases, there is
room for summons via telephone as well (phone or chat).
4. The verbal summons shall be recorded in the hearing proceedings, while about the fact of the
summons communicated by telephone a separate note shall be recorded.
5. If the party has a duly authorised representative, the summons for the personal hearing shall be
delivered to both the party and the representative.
6. Regarding the rules of the calculation of time limits, the provisions of Ket. are properly normative.
V. The rules of omission and its proof
1. Those who fail to meet the deadline are no longer allowed to operatively meet that unless it is stated
otherwise by the law or the SR.
2. It does not constitute a failure to meet the deadline if a well-known natural event or other exceptional
circumstances give grounds for that.
3. The submission submitted through the postal system shall be regarded as submitted within the
prescribed time provided that the date of posting is not later than the last day of the deadline.
4. As a result of the failure to meet the deadline, a procedural fee, specified in the Appendix of the SR,
shall be paid to the BKF within a one week period. The BKF cannot accept the compensation for the
omission without paying the fee. After one week, there is no possibility for compensation for the
omitted action, that can be operatively accomplished by the next open deadline.
5. The compensation for the omitted action is not allowed to take place within the one-week time limit if
the deadline indicated in the SR is forfeit.
6. If the student was informed about the omission subsequently or the obstacle was liquidated later on,
the time limit begins when the deadline becomes known and the obstacle is liquidated. Later than 15
days after the omitted deadline and the last day of the omitted deadline, the omitted action cannot be
compensated for in any way.
VI. Supplementation
1. If any of the student's applications is incomplete - it does not include everything specified in the law,
the SR, or the call - the student shall be called to supplement it within a period no longer than 8 days.
2. The supplementation call can be communicated electronically, orally, in writing - either by delivery or
by announcement.
3. In the supplementation call both the elements to be supplemented and the manner of
supplementation shall be specified, together with the notification according to which the application
which does not meet or only partly meets the supplementation rules, will be rejected or judged based
on its incomplete content by the acting body or person.
4. Based on the provisions specified in Chapter 3 of HEFESZ, different action is possible compared to
the regulations related to supplementation specified in present section VI.
VII. Decision at first instance
1. Minutes shall be drawn up of the deliberation preceding the decision making, of the sessions of the
Committee of Imbursements, Allowances and Studies, and of the personal hearing taken independently
from that.
2. Together with what are included in section one, minutes shall be recorded in writing, on electronic
data medium or by sound-recording, and, in the latter case, the transcript shall also be prepared within
3 days.
3. The minutes shall include:
a) the name of the acting body or person,
b) the time and location of the drawing up of the minutes,
c) the following data of the subject of the hearing: name, mother's name, identity card number, address,
EHA code (for students), and the capacity in which the person participates (applicant, authorised
representative, witness, expert, etc.),
d) a notification related to rights and obligations, and
e) significant statements and findings related to the case,
f) and also - in the case of written minutes - the signature of the subjects questioned, the persons
acting and the recorder.
4. In case the rules of consideration are not included in the law or the SR, the application shall be
condsidered without a hearing - except for the sessions of the Committee of Imbursements,
Allowances and Studies - but, if necessary or the student asks for it, the student may be questioned
5. Decisions which concern the student are communicated in writing to the student in cases specified
in the Ftv, the relevant decree, in the SR, and if the student asks for it.
6. Provisions of Ket. shall be applied to first instance decisions adding that authority shall be
understood as the body or the person acting at first instance.
7. Decisions which concern the student's enrolment or study and examination affairs shall be recorded
in the student's electronic credit book and in the academic register.
Chapter three
The rules of procedure of bodies and persons rendering decisions at first instance
I. The composition and rules of procedure of the Committee of Imbursements, Allowances and Studies
1. It is the Committee of Imbursements, Allowances and Studies (hereinafter: CIAS) which deals with
students' cases enumerated in Section II.
2. The CIAS is composed of six members: the chairman, two instructors and three students. One of the
student members is the president of the Student Union. The Director of Studies attends the sessions of
the CIAS without the right to vote.
3. The chairman of the CIAS is elected by the Senate for 3 years out of the deans and heads of
institutes of the BKF based on the proposal of the vice rector for general affairs. The secretary of the
CIAS is the Director of Studies.
4. The competent officer of the Diractorate of Studies and the Secretary General may take part in the
deliberations of the CIAS without the right to vote.
5. The two instructor members and the two instructor alternate members of the CIAS are elected by the
Senate for one year. The student members are delegated for one year by the Student Union Assembly
in accordance with the rules of procedure specified by the Student Union Constitution. Student
members of the CIAS must have active enrolment status. The Secretary General informs the chairman
and the secretary of the CIAS about the members of the CIAS within 8 days after the election.
6. The CIAS is quorate provided at least one instructor member, one student member and the chairman
of the CIAS are present. Each member of the CIAS has one vote. The CIAS renders decisions by simple
majority. In the case of the equality of votes, it is the vote of the chairman of the CIAS which is decisive.
If the chairman of the CIAS is not present, it is the Director of Studies who substitutes them.
7. In the course of votings the members of the CIAS shall articulate their opinion in the form of "yes"
and "no" votes only.
8. The member of the CIAS shall not vote in their own case or when they can be possibly involved in
the case.
9. Decisions are signed by the chairman of the CIAS and the president of the Student Union.
10. The secretary of the CIAS draws up minutes on the decisions within 3 days after the sessions and
they send it to the members of the CIAS. The secretary of the CIAS informs everybody who is
concerned about the decisions of the CIAS.
11. The CIAS is bound to hold sessions whenever it is necessary, but at least five times every term.
12. It is possible to substitute absent members. Instructor members of the CIAS may be substituted by
the alternate instructor members.
13. The chairman of the CIAS may order electronic voting in urgent and reasonable cases.
II. The powers of the Committee of Imbursements, Allowances and Studies
1. It falls within the powers of the CIAS:
a) to invite applicants for state-funded vacancies and awarding them based on the applications;
b) to reclassify students enrolled in state-funded and self-financed programmes based on Appendix 5
of the SR;
c) to determine the method for the calculation of scholarships, establishing scholarship categories and
the minimum corrected credit indices within the framework of Appendix 5 of the SR;
d) to increase the number of state-funded semesters of disabled students by four semesters at the
longest on the basis of their request;
e) to render decisions on the awarding of exceptional social scholarships, the core funding, the
academic, professional, public life and sports scholarships within the framework of Appendix 5 of the
f) to rank the scholarships which supports students with Hungarian citizenship studying at nationally
recognized foreign institutions of higher education within the framework of Appendix 5 of the SR;
g) The elaboration of scoring brackets based on corrigated credit indices on a yearly basis (as one of
the conditions of application relating to the republican scholarship), and the consideration and ranking
of applications in accordance with the rules of procedure specified in Appendix 5 of the SR;
2. Terms specified in Appendix 5 of the SR shall be duly applied to powers listed in Section 1.
III. The rules of procedure of the Committee of Imbursements, Allowances and Studies
1. The first instance decision shall be made during the following session of the Committee of
Imbursements, Allowances and Studies.
2. The decision shall be put down in writing within 8 days after it has been made and steps shall be
taken for its communication according to the common manner at the BKF.
3. If a student submits an electronic application, the decision of the case shall be made electronically.
4. The student shall be notified about the fact of the decision via the ETR. Within two weeks from the
delivery of the notification the addressee shall receive the decision in the Student Information and
Service Office. In case the applicant does not comply with this closing date, the decision shall be
regarded as delivered.
5. All decisions made by the Committee of Imbursements, Allowances and Studies shall be recorded in
the electronic credit book and the ETR.
6. Cases presented at the session of the Committee of Studies are prepared and presented for decision
making by the secretary of the CIAS.
7. The secretary of the CIAS, if detects any formal deficiencies of the application, sends a
supplementation notice to the applicant. If the applicant does not supplement their application by the
given deadline, the rapporteur does not present it in front of the Committee of Imbursements,
Allowances and Studies, but rejects it. If the supplementation is done within the term provided for this
purpose, the rapporteur presents the submission to the Committee of Imbursements, Allowances and
Studies during its following session.
8. The members of the Committee of Imbursements, Allowances and Studies - if they wish so - shall be
provided access to the documents presented to the participants of the session.
IV. The specific order of the consideration of the different cases in the procedure of the CIAS
Inviting applicants for state-funded vacancies and awarding them based on the applications
1. When reclassifying students became enrolled in their programmes in the first semester of academic
year 2007/2008 or later, terms included in Appendix 5 of the SR shall be duly applied.
V. The Director of Studies
1. The Director of Studies renders decisions at first instance in the following cases:
a) allowing the exemption from the attendance of compulsory classes;
b) allowing individual study schedule;
c) allowing the attendance of classes of other higher education institutions;
d) allowing the reception of extramural students;
e) allowing the change of programme within the BKF;
f) allowing the change of the mode of studies within the BKF;
g) allowing the choice of another recommended curriculum within the BKF (except for the choice of
another recommended curriculum after the suspension of the student enrolment status);
h) allowing the addition of second and further specializations;
i) the consideration of the appeals submitted against the decision of the Director of Studies in
connection with choosing specializations;
j) the consideration of any - education coordination-related - complaints;
k) exemption from the obligation to complete a cluster of foreign language related subjects in cases
specified in Act CCIV of 2011 On Higher Education, 150. § (1),
l) allowing the suspension of the student enrolment status for first year students, after their
m) allowing the withdrawal of the activation of the student enrolment status,
n) allowing the overdue activation of the student enrolment status,
o) approving the overdue suspension of the student enrolment status,
p) assigning the specializations which can be taken up after the suspension of the student enrolment
q) rendering decisions concerning the exceptions from the restriction on the amount of credits which is
allowed to be added,
r) allowing to make changes to the added subjects after the course registration period,
s) rendering decisions on getting into specializations,
t) approving the jettison of the completion of the subjects belonging to the second and further
u) approving final examination registrations,
v) considering complaints related to the calculation of scholarships and grade point averages,
w) allowing post-exam period examinations,
x) rendering decisions on student dismissals,
y) cancellation from the list of students,
z) allowing the registration for a course for the fourth time;
aa) determining the amount of the payment liability in the case of erroneous charging;
bb) determining which recommended curriculum can be taken up in case the student enrolment status
has been previously suspended for at least two semesters;
cc) rendering decisions in other cases regulated in the SR.
2. Terms of Appendix 4 shall be duly applied to subpoints 1. d), g) and j).
2/A. The Director of Studies is bound to keep records of his decisions regularly.
2/B. In the case of applications submitted to the Director of Studies, for subpoints 1. k)-t) and v)-cc) the
terms of Appendix 4, while for subpoint u) the terms of Appendix 5 of the SR shall be duly applied.
2/C. In student cases applications shall be submitted to the Director of Studies in electronic form or - if
the present regulation allows of it - in paper-based form.
Allowing the exemption from the attendance of compulsory classes
3. It is compulsory to attend classes listed in the timetable (except for lectures), unless the student was
awarded exemption from attendance.
4. The most typical exceptional cases for which permission is given are the following:
a) a short-term (no longer than a semester) stay abroad in order to study;
b) activities related to the academic studies, academic competitions;
c) academic student activities;
d) thoroughly justifiable academic or organizing activities done for the interest of the BKF - except for
activities in connection with the representations of interest done in or entrusted by the Student Union;
e) based on the submission of a proper certification on taking part in an internship;
f) chronic illnesses restricting movement;
g) the serious illness of a close relative who needs the care of the applicant;
h) an abrupt change to social circumstances which was not expectable at the beginning of the studies;
i) sporting activities, if the applicant certifiably takes part in prestigious national or international sports
j) in the case of expatriation longer than a semester.
5. Since the fundamental aspect of the allowance is the recognition of outstanding academic
achievement and talent, the appreciation of exceptional circumstances is only feasible besides
satisfactory academic achievement. Accordingly, the requisite of allowing the exemption from the
attendance of compulsory classes adjudged only in the case of credibly proven exceptional
circumstances is a weighted GPA of 4.00 regarding the previous two semesters.
6. Studies at other higher, public or non-mainstream educational institutions cannot be referred to in
the interest of the exemption.
7. The exceptional allowance of the exemption from the attendance of compulsory classes is only
feasible on the basis of a preliminary application with the exception specified in subpoint 4. a). The
allowance for exceptional cases cannot be retroactive. The application shall be accompanied by the
statement or instrument (the notice of a foreign higher education institution or other academic
organization about the reception) certifying the cause of absence. The statements and documents to be
enclosed are determined by the Director of Studies. Without these attachments, after the repeated
incomplete submission of the application following an ineffectual call for supplementation, the
application is rejected without consideration.
8. The exemption from the attendance of classes does not imply the exemption from further academic
requirements. The applicant shall enclose the statements of the heads of institutes concerned on the
time and mode of the fulfilment or supplementation of further academic requirements.
9. Students - including those enrolled in more than one programmes within the BKF parallelly - shall
submit their electronic applications aiming at the exemption from the attendance of compulsory
classes to the Director of Studies, on the first week of the teaching period at the latest. The statement
of the head of the institute concerned, relating to the exemption from the attendance of classes and
academic and examination requirements, shall be enclosed as an attachment of the application. The
statement shall clearly include the consent of the head of the institute to the allowing of the exemption,
and, in addition, all the academic requirements which the exemption covers: exemption from lectures,
seminars, professional internships, pre-theses, reports, examinations (colloquium, comprehensive
examination), etc.
Allowing individual study schedule
10. In addition to the exemption from the attendance of compulsory classes, it is possible to allow
individual study schedule, provided that the exemption from the attendance of compulsory classes
concerns more than one subjects or it is reasonable to modify the fixed timetable due to the study
period abroad.
11. Provisions relating to the exemption from the attendance of compulsory classes and the allowance
of study periods abroad (based on Appendix 12 of the SR) shall be duly applied to the allowance of an
individual study schedule. The application can be submitted on the first week of the teaching period at
the latest.
Allowing the attendance of classes of other higher education institutions
12. When students attend classes of other higher education institutions, they shall submit an
application to the Director of Studies before registering for a subject at the other institution.
13. The application shall include the following data in particular:
a) the schedule which is approved both by the BKF and the receiving institution and includes the
syllabi of the subjects concerned,
b) a statement which certifies the willingness of the receiving institution to host the student,
c) the statement of the relevant institute of the receiving institution on the permission to attend the
seminars (sessions) and on the willingness to examine,
d) in the case of applications relating to the relief of the incidental exemption or attendance obligation,
the statement of the relevant head of the institute on the conditions of the examination.
14. In case students from other higher education institutions wished to attend classes at the BKF, an
application relevant to the issue shall be submitted to the Director of Studies. The application shall
include the following information in particular:
a) The student's personal data and contact information (mailing address, e-mail address, phone
number) who applies the attendance of classes at other higher education institutions,
b) The schedule approved by the head of the BKF and the mother institution,
c) The statements of the heads of the institutes responsible for the added courses according to which
they are willing to receive the students, the attendance of classes is possible, and that they are willing
to examine the students,
d) The statements of the Heads of institutes which include the conditions of taking an examination,
e) The student's statement according to which they are going to pay the credit fee of the added courses
for the BKF within 5 days after the attendance of classes of another higher education institution has
been approved.
15. Applications for the attendance of classes of other higher education institutions may be submitted
at the Student Information and Service Office, addressed to the Director of Studies by 10 August and 10
January in the semester preceding the attendance. The application may be submitted even after this
period provided that the student is able to complete the study and examination requirements of the
subjects concerned. The Director of Studies shall render a decision in the cases of allowing the
attendance of classes of other higher education institutions after learning the opinion of the relevant
heads of institutes, not later than the end of the first week of the teaching period.
15/A. The result of the subject in which the student participated at the receiving institution shall be
submitted at the Student Information and Service Office or via the Modulo system within two weeks
after the resit examination period at the latest.
Allowing the admission of students from other higher education institutions
16. Students who already have active enrollment status at another higher education institution can ask
their admission to the BKF from the other institution, provided they have been enrolled in studies in the
same programme or in a programme which belongs to the same academic field, and at the moment of
the consideration of their application their student enrollment status is active.
17. For the admission from other higher education institutions, the following documents, issued by the
institution where the student's enrollment status is currently active, shall be submitted:
a) a verification form on the active student enrollment status and - in case the student wishes to be
admitted to a state-funded programme - the number of completed state-funded semesters,
b) a certified copy of the credit book,
c) curriculum or subject list, the official description and the syllabi of the completed courses relating to
the programme from which the student wishes to be admitted,
d) the copy of those documents that the applicant student is required to submit (matriculation
certificate, diploma, language exam certificate).
19. In the case of successful admission from another higher education institution, the student
enrollment status with the former institution ceases. The decision made on the admission from another
institution shall include the issues such as the form of financing, the recognized courses and amount
of credits, and the student allowances.
20. When rendering a decision on the admission of a student from another institution, the Director of
Studies considers the student's previous grades, progression, the number of completed semesters,
and the education organization possibilities. The Director of Studies may - if necessary - asks for the
opinion of the relevant head of programme.
21. The assent of the Credit Transfer Committee shall be asked beforehand for the student to take
differential examinations if necessary, and for rendering decisions on credit recognition. In addition to
the recognized credits and subjects, the decision on the differential examinations shall be included in
the admission decision.
24. The admission of students from another institution is only possible to programmes of the new
educational structure.
25. The application relating to the admission of students from other higher education institutions may
be submitted during the status activation period of the given semester at the Student Information and
Service Office, addressed to the Director of Studies, however, students may submit the application
after the status activation period, in case it is possible for them to fulfil the academic and examination
requirements of the programme concerned. The payment of the service fee relating to the submission
of the application - specified in the Appendix of the SR - shall be proven together with the application.
In the absence of that, the application for the admission of students from other higher education
institutions cannot be substantively considered.
26. The decision declaring the admission from another institution shall also include the name and
mode of the programme in which the student gets enrolled, and a recommended curriculum that the
student can follow also shall be assigned. The Director of Studies shall ask for the personal file of the
student from the institution from where the student is admitted.
Allowing the change of programme within the BKF
28. The change of programme is possible for the application of those students only who are enrolled in
programmes of the new educational structure. For those students who are enrolled in the former
educational structure, the change of programme is possible only if the vice rector for general affairs
supports it and the application of the student meets all the requirements specified in the HEFESZ.
29. First year students can submit their applications relating to the change of the programme within the
BKF by the end of the matriculation period, while other students can submit them during the status
activation period to the Director of Studies, however, the application can be submitted even at a later
time provided that it is possible for the student to meet the study and examination requirements of the
programme concerned. The service fee of this application - which is specified in the Appendix of the
SR - shall be paid within 5 working days after the submission of the electronic application. If students
fail to do so, the application cannot be considered substantively.
30. When changing the programme or taking up another one, the credits which have already been
completed can be transferred for the completion of the prescriptions of the recommended curriculum
of the new programme. This provision does not apply to those changes of programmes when the
language of instruction of the programme to be changed is Hungarian, while of the other programme it
is a foreign language.
31. For the decisions on taking any differential examination and on exemptions, and, if necessary, for
the decisions on the change of the programmes, the assent of the heads of institutes and programmes
shall be asked for in advance.
32. The decision declaring the change of the programmes shall touch upon the issues of taking of the
prescribed test of specific professional competence, the practical and differential examinations, and
also the recognized credits and subjects. After the change of the programmes, students shall continue
their studies in accordance with the training and outcome requirements and the study and examination
33. The Director of Studies renders his decision on the change of the programmes based on the
following aspects:
a) admission threshold
b) test of specific professional competence and practical examination
c) the student's academic achievement
d) the opinion of the head of institute and head of programme
e) the aspects of education organization
34. The admission of a student from another programme is possible to the programmes of the new
educational structure.
Allowing the change of the mode of studies within the BKF
36. The allowing of the change of the mode of studies is possible as a result of certified changes in the
student's family-, social- or sanitary conditions.
41. For the decisions on taking any differential examination and on exemptions, the assent of the heads
of institutes and heads of programmes shall be asked for in advance.
42. The decision declaring the change of the mode of studies shall touch upon the issues of taking of
the prescribed differential examinations, and also the recognized credits and subjects.
43. In all other respects, provisions relating to the change of the programme shall be duly applied to the
change of the mode of studies.
Allowing the change of the location of studies within the BKF
44. The change of the location of studies is feasible between the same programmes and modes of
studies. In case of differing programmes, an application for the change of the programmes, while in the
case of differing modes of studies, an application for the change of the mode of studies shall be
submitted besides the application for the location of studies.
45. The electronic application relating to the change of the location of studies within the BKF may be
submitted to the Director of Studies not later than in the status activation period of the given semester.
The service fee of this application - which is specified in the Appendix of the SR - shall be paid within 5
working days after the submission of the electronic application. If students fail to do so, the application
relating to the change of the location of studies shall be rejected.
46. In the case of applications relating to the change of the location of studies, credits completed
earlier can be recognized for the completion of the prescriptions of the programme at the new location.
47. Students enrolled in state-funded studies may change the location of their studies if they undertake
the commitment of the repayment for expenses as a result of the change of the location. Students shall
make a statement on that when they submit the application.
48. Students enrolled in self-financed studies can change the location of their studies if
a) they have a minimum 3,00 credit point average and
b) they have no more than 2 semesters completed.
49. The Director of Studies renders his decision on the change of the location of studies based on the
following aspects:
a) Students enrolled in state-funded studies can apply for the change of the location of their studies
only if they continue their studies in a self-financed programme.
b) Students enrolled in self-financed studies can change the location of their studies only if they
undertake the commitment of the repayment for expenses to be paid at the applied location in a written
50. The change of the location of the studies is feasible only once during a student's studies.
51.Together with the application relating to the change of the location of the studies, the payment
certificate of the service fee - specified in the Appendix of the SR - shall also be submitted. If students
fail to do so, the application relating to the change of the location of studies shall be rejected.
Allowing the choice of another recommended curriculum within the BKF
52. The choice of another recommended curriculum is feasible for the application of those students
only who are enrolled in programmes of the new educational structure.
53. First year students may submit their electronic applications relating to the choice of another
recommended curriculum within the BKF by the end of the matriculation period, while other students
may submit them during the status activation period to the Director of Studies. The service fee of this
application - which is specified in the Appendix of the SR - shall be paid within 5 working days after the
submission of the electronic application. If students fail to do so, the application relating to the choice
of another recommended curriculum shall be rejected.
54. When a student chooses another recommended curriculum, previously completed credits can be
recognized for the completion of the requirements of the new recommended curriculum.
55. The recognition of subjects between different recommended curricula is feasible on the basis of an
equivalence table or by a credit recognition procedure.
56. The decision declaring the choice of another recommended curriculum shall touch upon the issue
of recognized credits and subjects as well.
57. It is possible for students to choose another recommended curriculum only once during their
58. If the choice of another recommended curriculum is asked for together with the change of the
programme, the mode or the location of the studies, an application for the change of the programme,
the change of the mode of studies, or the change of the location of studies shall be submitted
Allowing the addition of second and further specializations
59. Partial rules relating to the the addition of second and further specializations are included in
subsection V. of Chapter Four in Appendix 4 of the SR on Credit System specific Study and
Examination Regulations.
The consideration of any complaint relating to education organization
60. If a student wishes to lodge a complaint relating to education organization, the Director of Studies
may order an internal investigation based on what is stated in the application, and he is bound to
provide the student with substantive information on the result of the investigation within 10 working
Allowing a post-exam period examination
61. Electronic applications relating to post-exam period examinations shall be sent and addressed to
the Director of Studies not later than the end of the examination period.
62. Applications relating to post-exam period examinations cannot concern seminars. In applications
relating to post-exam period examinations, the registration for exams organized in the examination
period is not allowed.
63. The application for post-exam period examinations can be approved based particularly on the
following reasons:
a) in the case of unexpected illnesses certified by a doctor (either a General Practicioner or a specialist)
(by presenting the medical certificate subsequently),
b) in the case of unexpected hindrances due to unavoidable external reasons (e.g. work),
c) in the case of the remedy of a proven loss caused by the BKF,
d) ERASMUS scholarship.
64. The post-exam period examination shall be appointed for the first two weeks of the teaching period
following the submission of the application. The student shall be notified about the time of the
examination 5 days prior to that at the latest. The period appointed for the post-exam period
examinations shall not be considered as part of the exam period, consequently, retake exams cannot
be taken.
65. From the point of view of the student's studies, the result of the post-exam period examination
belongs to the results of the previous semester.
66. In his decision, the Director of Studies includes the names of the exam subjects, and the time and
way the examination dates are communicated to the student. Before rendering his decision, the
Director of Studies is bound to have a negotiation with the Heads of institutes concerned.
67. Dismissal is an act establishing facts which meet the requirements laid down in the law and by the
68. The decision relating to the dismissal is made by the Director of Studies.
69. In the case of a student enrolled in a Higher-Level Vocational Training Programme, the decision in
relation to the dismissal is made after the preliminary negotiation between the Director of Studies and
the Director of the Institute of Higher Vocational Training.
70. The detailed rules of dismissal are included in Appendix II/4. of the SR.
Cancellation from the list of students
71. For cancellation from the list of students, the provisions governing dismissal shall be duly applied.
Allowing the registration for a course for the fourth time
72. If a student fails to complete a given subject successfully even for the third time, and therefore the
student shall be dismissed based on Appendix 4 of the SR, the student can ask for the opportunity of
the fourth addition of the subject from the Director of Studies in an electronic application.
VII. The Chief Financial Officer
1. The consideration of applications and student complaints relating to the payment of student
imbursements and allowances fall within the powers of the Chief Financial Officer, excluding the
complaints connected to the evaluation of applications which shall be considered according to the
terms specified in Appendix 5 of the SR.
2. The provisions of chapter two and Appendices 5 and 6 of the SR shall be duly applied to the
procedure of the Chief Financial Officer adding that a substantive decision shall be made within 10
working days unless it is stated otherwise by the SR.
3.The Chief Financial Officer renders decisions based on electronic applications.
VIII. Heads of Programmes
It falls within the powers of the Heads of Progammes to:
a) determine the conditions of admission to specializations ex officio,
b) determine the core subjects of programmes ex officio,
c) determine the degree thesis topics ex officio,
d) determine the exam items of the final exam ex officio,
e) approve specific degree thesis topics,
f) redress grievances in connection with the comprehensive examinations of the programme,
g) redress grievances in connection with the final examination of the programme, and
h) redress grievances in connection with the teaching of the programme.
First instance procedure is started by the submission of an electronic application addressed to the
Heads of the Programmes in the cases listed in this section.
2. Provisions of section two shall be duly applied to the procedure of the Heads of the Programmes by
rendering a substantive decision within 10 working days unless it is stated otherwise by the SR.
IX. Heads of institutes
1. It falls within the powers of the Heads of institutes to:
a) assess the adequacy of the examination dates;
b) redress grievances in connection with the subjects, trainings and their instructors, trainers in the
care of the institution,
c) designate another instructor or committee for the resit examination instead of the original ones,
d) approve the modification of degree thesis topics,
e) approve the persons of external supervisors,
f) allow the change of the supervisor,
g) allow the closed treatment of degree theses,
First instance procedure is started by the submission of an electronic application addressed to the
Head of the institute in the cases listed in this section.
2. Provisions of section two shall be duly applied to the procedures of the Heads of the institutes by
rendering a substantive decision within 10 working days unless it is stated otherwise by the SR.
The assessment of the adequacy of the examination dates
3. The Heads of the institutes are bound to negotiate on the adequacy of the exam dates for the
initiative of the president of the Student Union not later than on the week preceding the examination
4. The Head of the institute concerned is bound to change the exam schedule for the initiative of the
president of the Student Union if that contradicts the provisions of Appendix 4 of the SR by the
beginning of the exam registration period at the latest.
IX./A The Head of the Institute of Foreign Languages
1. It falls within the powers of the Head of the Institute of Foreign Languages to render decisions on the
rearrangement of the students amongst language courses.
X. The Director of the Institute of Higher Vocational Training
1. According to the Credit System specific Study and Examination Regulations of Higher Vocational
Trainings, the following tasks fall within the powers of the the Director of the Institute of Higher
Vocational Training in the case of students enrolled in higher vocational training:
a) to decide on the schedule of the academic year in the case of higher vocational trainings;
b) to allow the attendance of classes of other higher education institutions;
c) to allow the choice of another recommended curriculum within the BKF;
d) to redress grievances in connection with the subjects, trainings and their instructors, trainers in the
care of the institute,
e) to consider any complaint relating to the programmes and the education organization of higher
vocational trainings;
f) to allow the suspension of the student enrolment status for first year students, after their
g) to allow the withdrawal of the activation of the student enrollment status,
h) to allow the overdue activation of the student enrollment status,
i) to approve the overdue suspension of the student enrollment status,
j) to approve registrations for the professional qualification examination,
k) to allow post-exam period examinations,
l) to allow the registration for a course for the fourth time;
m) to designate another instructor or committee for the resit examination instead of the original ones,
n) to allow the choice of a new professional internship position after the addition of the professional
internship subject,
o) to determine the final paper topics ex officio,
p) to approve specific final paper topics,
q) to approve the modification of final paper topics,
r) to approve the person of external supervisors,
s) to allow the change of the supervisor,
t) to allow the closed treatment of degree theses,
u) to redress grievances in connection with the professional qualification examination of the
programme, and
v) render decisions in other student cases which are regulated in Appendix 4.1 of the SR.
w) to assess the adequacy of the examination dates;
First instance procedure is started by the submission of an electronic application addressed to the
Director of the Institute of Higher Vocational Training in the cases listed in this section.
XI. Director of the Career Centre
1. It falls within the powers of the Director of the Career Centre to allow professional internship
positions which are not organized by the BKF, their inclusion, and the consideration of the related
student complaints and applications.
2. First instance procedure is started by the submission of an electronic application addressed to the
Director of the Career Centre in the cases listed in this section.
XII. Credit Transfer Committee
1. The general rules of the inclusion of credits between the different levels of education and within the
particular levels, and the responsibilities in connection with course recognition and course exemption
are performed by the Credit Transfer Committee (in this section: Committee) working at the BKF. Its
members are the Heads of institutes and the Director of Studies. The Committee shall render its
decisions unanimously.
Course exemption
2. Course exemption may take place if the Credit Transfer Committee exempts the student concerned
from the completion of particular subject(s) based on a certificate or diploma on academic achievement
or the acquisition of knowledge - not resulting in credits - at another institution, academic student
circle conference, or another academic conference.
If justified, students can be exempted for their applications from their obligation to learn foreign
languages and take examinations, especially in case they possess a nationally recognized technical
language exam certificate the level and type of which meet the requirements of the training and
outcome requirements or they possess a language exam certificate which is equivalent to that.
3. In case course exemption is allowed for a student, the fact of the course exemption is registered in
the ETR by the Directorate of Studies, and, at the same time, grade 5 (excellent) is recorded in the ETR.
4. Hereinafter the rules of course recognition shall be duly applied to the rules of course exemption
adding that by the grant of the exemption no refund can be applied from the amount of the tuition fee to
be paid.
Course recognition
5. Course recognition is feasible if the Credit Transfer Committee recognizes the completion of the
subject for the student concerned based on the acquisition of knowledge - resulting in credits completed at another institution.
6. Course recognition may take place in the following cases:
a) in the case of the recognition of a knowledge-cluster completed at another institution / in another
programme / in another mode of study simultaneously with a decision on admission / admission from
other institutions / the change of the mode of studies;
b) in the case of the attendance of classes of other higher education institutions, or enrolment in more
than one programmes parallelly, based on an application for course recognition once in a semester,
and in the case of the recognition of a knowledge-cluster completed at another institution / in another
programme / in another mode of study, no more than the 25% of the total credits can be recognized
based on the recommended curriculum of the programme determined by the BKF.
In the case of courses completed at the BKF, the rate of 25% shall not be applied.
7. The rules of course recognition between the different levels of education are the following:
a) In the case of those scopes of knowledge acquired in adult education, it shall be examined whether
there is previously acquired knowledge demonstrable which could be recognized by credits if there is a
minimum 75% overlap.
b) In the case of students graduated from the higher vocational training of the BKF or the contracted
secondary schools, subjects that worth at least 30, but no more than 40 credits, in the case of students
graduated from secondary or advanced level vocational education, subjects that worth no more than 15
credits can be recognized by the BKF, on the basis of the equivalence table applied by the Credit
Transfer Committee.
c) If there is an agreement between the BKF and another higher education institution which concerns
the mutual or unilateral recognition of subjects, the agreement is normative as regards the recognition
of both courses and credits. Agreements which concern such recognitions are announced at the BKF
for the students by the Student Information and Service Office through the usual publication.
d) In case no agreement specified in point c) is made on the recognition of credits completed at another
higher education institution, decision is made at the own discretion of the Committee. Subjects
completed at another higher education institution - only if the bodies of knowledge at least 75%
identical, which can be judged solely on the basis of course syllabi or the existence of the specialist
training certificate - may be recognized for as many credits as there are assigned to the replaced
e) A particular number of credits completed in a programme of the previous system at the BKF may be
automatically recognized on the basis of an equivalence table provided by the BKF.
8. In cases specified in subpoints 6. a) and b), the application for course recognition shall be submitted
to the Director of Studies together with the application for admission from other higher education
institutions. The Credit Transfer Committee renders its decision relating to the issue within 15 days.
The course and credit inclusion and the resulting course recognition become legally binding due to the
decision of the Committee. The exam result and credit value of the recognized subject shall be included
in the decision. The Committee notifies the student about the decision via the Student Information and
Service Office.
9. The application for course recognition shall be submitted as an electronic application during the
status activation period preceding the given semester.
10. Until a decision is made on the application for course recognition, students are bound to attend the
courses concerned in the appliation, and they are also bound to fulfil their academic obligations.
11. When considering the application for course recognition, results older than five (5) years shall not
be taken into consideration. This provision of the Credit Transfer Committee may vary based on
specific reasons.
12. In case of course recognition, matriculation can be allowed for the student by crediting a semester
after every 30 credits.
Further credits shall be recognized for the student, but matriculation for a later semester based on
these credits shall not be allowed. This provision shall be applied in the following way:
a) If the student is enrolled in the programme for as long as it is required by the programme or longer,
after receiving the university leaving certificate, they have to transfer the tuition fee for the current
b) If the student receives the university leaving certificate sooner than it is scheduled, they do not have
to pay the tuition fee of a semester after every 30 recognized credits.
13. The exam results and credit amounts of the courses recognized for a particular semester shall be
included in the total credits of the semester, the recognized credits shall be recorded in the ETR in the
same semester when the recognition takes place.
14. The credits of the subjects concerned in the course recognition shall be taken into consideration in
the course of credit collection by converting them into the credit values indicated in the recommended
curriculum of the BKF.
XIII. Head of the International Trainings Centre
1. It falls within the powers of the Head of the International Trainings Centre to allow study periods
Allowing study periods abroad
2. Applications relating to study periods abroad shall be submitted in accordance with the
specifications in Appendix 12 of the SR.
3. Regarding the conditions of the individual study schedule allowed in connection with study periods
abroad, terms included in Appendix 12 of the SR shall be duly applied.
4. Long-term language courses in foreign countries shall not be regarded as study periods abroad.
Appendix 8 - The rules of the Student Appeals Procedure
I. General provisions
1. The scope of the ROSAP covers
a) Hungarian and - if no special legislation or international agreement states it otherwise - foreign
national students enrolled in bachelor's programmes, master's programmes, postgraduate specialist
training programmes and higher-level vocational training programmes at the BKF irrespective of the
form of education;
b) all instructors and members of administrative staff of the BKF employed through contractual
2. The provisions of this section shall be applied in each of those cases in which students have a right
to appeal against the decision made at first instance or the failure to observe the obligation to take
3. All second instance procedures, including even those applications which are submitted with
reference to the individual conflicts of interest, fall exclusively within the powers of the Student
Appeals Committee (hereinafter: Committee).
4. The Committee does not exercise equity.
5. To second instance procedure - if the law or this chapter does not state otherwise - the general rules
of first instance procedure shall be applied.
6. It is the Committee that acts in the second instance cases of all students of the BKF - including the
second instance consideration of first instance damages- and disciplinary cases.
7. It is the Student Appeals Committee that is competent to consider all applications presented due to
the failure to observe the obligation to take action.
8. There is no room for legal remedy in those cases when the BKF and the student make an
arrangement for providing service. In case of the violation of what is stated in the agreement, the
injured party may bring the matter before the Court of Justice.
9. In the case of legal injury, students may have resort to the Educational Mediation Service.
10. Students may initiate the proceedings of the Commissioner of Education Laws if they exhausted
their right to start legal remedy proceedings - excluding judicial proceedings.
11. The right to initiate legal remedy proceedings covers those actions of the admissions procedure
which fall within the powers of the institution and also the matriculation procedure. Even those
students are entitled to legal remedy proceedings and the right for the completion of inchoate legal
remedies whose student enrolment status have already ceased.
II. The composition of the Committee, pleas in bar
1. The Committee is composed of 3 members. The members of the Committee are
a) the Secretary General as chairman;
b) an instructor member;
c) a student member.
d) in the case of a plea in bar, an instructor and a student alternate member.
2. The instructor member of the Committee is elected by the Senate, while the student member is
delegated by the Student Union.
3. In case a plea in bar exists against the Secretary General and therefore he cannot take part in the
procedure, the chairman of the Committee is the vice rector for general affairs.
4. Regarding the person of the instructor member and the alternate member, it is the vice rector for
general affairs who makes a proposal for the Senate.
The mandate of instructor members and alternate members are valid for 3 years, while the mandate of
student members and alternate members are valid for 1 year.
The mandate of members and alternate members terminates,
a) when the mandate expires,
b) when their employment or student enrolment terminates,
c) when they are called back from the Committee,
d) when they resign.
Those members cannot be the assessors of the appeals
a) who made the contested decision or failed to render a decision,
b) who are close relatives of the person specified in a) [Civil Code 685. § b)],
c) whom cannot be expected to consider the case objectively.
In the procedure of the Committee, the legal executive may substitute the Secretary General. Rules
relating to exclusion shall applied to the legal executive with the derogation that in case a reason for
exclusion exists against the legal executive and therefore they cannot take part in the procedure, the
chairman of the Committee is the Secretary General.
III. The procession of legal remedy procedures
1. Students may appeal against the decision or action, or the failure to take action (together hereinafter
referred to as: decision) within 15 days after the notification, or in its absence, the decision comes to
the student's notice, excluding decisions in connection with the evaluation of studies.
2. Procedure may be initiated against the decision concerning the evaluation of studies if the decision
was not based on the requirements adopted by the BKF and the decision is contrary to the SR, or the
provisions relating to the organization of exams were violated. It is the students or their duly
authorised representative who may act in the legal remedy procedure.
3. Students may submit their appeals at the Student Information and Service Office on a form used for
this purpose, addressing it to the Committee.
4. In case a student did not submit their application in the way specified in point 3, the application shall
be handed over to the Student Information and Service Office. In this case the original submission shall
be regarded from the viewpoint of the deadline of submission, however, the deadline set for the action
of the Committee is counted from the day of the handing.
5. The Student Information and Service Office hands the appeal over to the Secretary General on the
second working day after its arrival at the latest. Documents considered to be important for the
consideration of the case and the personal folder of the student shall be enclosed to the application by
the Office.
6. The chairman of the Committee gets in touch with the body or person acting at first instance on the
fifth day after the reception of the application in order to ask them to send the necessary documents of
the first instance procedure.
7. The body or person acting at first instance is obliged to fulfil the request promptly - within two
working days at the latest - by sending the original copies of the following documents:
a) the call for application, if necessary;
b) the student's application together with all of its appendices;
c) in the case of a committee procedure, the minutes of the first instance procedures;
d) the signed copy of the first instance decision, or in the case of online decisions, the printed and
subsequently signed copy;
e) the proof of the delivery of the decision to the student;
f) the extracts of the decisions underlying the first instance decision;
g) every other document, signed by the chairman of the Committee.
8. Within 2 working days after the documents of the first instance procedure were sent, the chairman of
the Committee examines the documents whether they are belated and they contain all the prescribed
9. In case the application is belated, the chairman of the Committee rejects that without substantive
examination, otherwise he prepares that for substantive consideration.
10. In case the application is incomplete, the rules of supplementation shall be followed.
11. The Committee renders a decision on the application within 30 days after its submission, or if it is
not feasible, at the first session after the expiry of the deadline, within 60 days at the latest.
12. The provisions of Ket. shall be duly applied to the clarification of the state of affairs, calculation of
time limits, to he certificate, to the format, content and the communication of the decision, to the
correction, interchange, supplementation, modification or withdrawal of the decision either for an
application or ex officio.
13. For the clarification of the state of affairs, the chairman of the Committee
a) notifies the student submitting the application or their duly authorised representative about the
possibility of an oral hearing,
b) calls the body or person rendering the first instance decision to declare their opinion on the appeal
and, at the same time, takes steps regarding the invitation to the session of the Committee if
14. The person specified in point 13. b) or their representative can be present and have their say in the
course of the personal hearing of the student.
15. The absence of the student or their duly authorised representative, despite the repeated and
standard notification, and the absence of the persons specified in point 13 do not prevent the rendering
of the decision.
16. Experts invited by the chairman of the Committee may attend the session of the Committee with
advisory capacity.
17. The Committee is quorate provided that the chairman and at least one member is present at the
18. During the rendering of the decision the Committee considers
a) what is included in the student's application and the enclosed documents;
b) what is included in the first instance decision;
c) the case of the student submitting the application stated either orally or in writing;
d) the opinion of the head of the institute concerned by the application;
e) the related laws and regulatory requirements;
f) any available information relating to the consideration of the application.
19. The Committee renders its decision by majority vote. In the case of the equality of votes, the vote of
the chairman is decisive.
20. The decision shall be delivered within 30 days at the latest - or 60 days in the case specified in point
11 - after the submission of the application. It is the legal executive who delivers the decision.
21. The body or person rendering or neglecting to render the decision, the Director of Studies and the
Head of Student Information and Service Office shall be notified about the decision within three days
via e-mail. The notification is the duty of the chairmain of the Student Appeals Committee.
22. The vice rector for general affairs may establish the compulsory sample of the second instance
decision in a separate instruction.
(The form shall be filled in three copies. Please submit one copy in an electronic format, and hand in
two printed and signed copies together with the thesis.)
The author of the thesis:
The title of the thesis:
The consultant of the thesis:
The referee of the thesis:
(In case any of the following requirements is not met, the thesis shall be failed without any need for further evaluation.)
The thesis fails
in case …214
has not
has plagiarized.
does not exceed
exceeds 10.
Regarding its format, references and length, the thesis
meets the requirements set by BKF.
The thesis may
qualify for
evaluation in
case …213
The first chapters of the thesis outlines the objectives of the
thesis, it includes a brief summary, an abstract in a foreign
language in addition to a list of key words;
The thesis contains a table of contents with page numbers;
the length of the discussion (without table of contents,
illustrations, lists of references, appendices) is at least 36
pages and does not exceed 60 pages;
the thesis is divided into several chapters;
the references are listed in accordance with the standards set
by BKF;
the thesis contains a proper bibliography.
To the best of the knowledge of the consultant/referee,
the author
In case the author of the thesis has plagiarized, please
indicate the relevant sources before the written
evaluation of the thesis215.
The number of obvious and grave spelling mistakes in
the thesis216
Underline where appropriate!
Underline where appropriate!
215 Even if the author of the thesis plagiarizes only once, the thesis should be graded as fail.
216 A spelling mistake is a way of spelling that does not meet the effective rules of spelling, e.g. spelling resulting in a new word, certain examples of
inappropriate subject-verb agreement etc. Please mark these mistakes in the thesis.
The number of mistakes in language use217
The author has used a proper amount of readings
including at least 15 books, articles published in
academic journals etc. and 5 other sources (Internet,
analysis, interviews etc.)
does not exceed
exceeds 20.
1. Description of plagiarized section:
Original source:
Further examples of plagiarism:
2. Description of plagiarized section:
Original source:
3. Description of plagiarized section:
Original source:
4. Description of plagiarized section:
Original source:
5. Description of plagiarized section:
Original source:
Inappropriate language use includes mistakes relating to subject-verb agreement, plural-singular, punctuation, incomprehensible structures, use
of pronouns etc. Please mark these mistakes in the thesis.
1. Spelling mistake:
Page number, line:
2. Spelling mistake:
Page number, line:
3. Spelling mistake:
Page number, line:
4. Spelling mistake:
Page number, line:
5. Spelling mistake:
Page number, line:
6. Spelling mistake:
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1. Inappropriate language use:
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19. Inappropriate language use:
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20. Inappropriate language use:
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(Without a written evaluation of at least half a page but not more than two pages, neither the criteria for
acceptance nor the grading based on the scale below is valid.)
Grading criteria
Choice of the topic of the thesis: grounding, timeliness,
uniqueness (applicability in practice); harmony of the title with the
The conceptual framework and terminology that is needed for the
present analysis are applied in a consistent, academically and
professionally accurate manner, in line with the conventions of
the given scientific field.
Acquaintance with relevant literature and theories; review,
assessment and analysis of national and international literature in
comparison with the results presented in the thesis.
Adequacy of research objectives, data collection and data
processing. Empirical research and/or critical review of sources;
adequate sampling and/or selecting relevant sources; credibility,
reliability and arrangement of data; appropriate methods of data
processing and recording. Scholarly appropriate way of reviewing
and analysing the research topic, adequate, not only descriptive
methodology. Critical reflections, recognition and presentation of
Structure of the thesis, proportional discussion of research topics,
the logic of dividing the thesis into chapters and sub-chapters, the
construction and clear arrangement of the thesis, the system of
titles and headings applied within the thesis.
Evaluation of findings, individual opinion, meeting the objectives
spelt out in the introduction, appropriate conclusions.
The proper use of language, linguistic form, style, appearance
and formal adequateness of the thesis. Accurate, smooth, fluent
and spare prose, clear arrangement of diagrams, charts and
Please add up the points given for each grading criterion.
Grade proposal based on the total number of points granted:
0-24 points
25-30 points
31-37 points
38-43 points
44-50 points
The proposed grade of the thesis: ______(number)____________(lettered)
Proposed questions relating to the topic of the thesis that the student shall answer during the oral defence and
presentation of the degree thesis:
Completed at Budapest, ……. (day) ………….. (month), 2……
Signature of consultant / referee
(Underline where applicable)
- pursuant II/24. Chapter Eight of the Appendix 4
of the Student Requirement System (it shall be filled electronically and 2 copies on paper)
I, undersigned
the head of
conciliation regarding the thesis hereunder taking the formal criteria requirements into consideration and I have
decided as follows:
The thesis submitted did not meet the requirements of the II/24. point Chapter Eight of the Appendix 4 of the
Student Requirement System.
The author of the thesis:
The title of the thesis:
The consultant:
The grade for the thesis based on the decision of the head of institute
with letter (with numbers)
(The number of characters with spaces shall reach 600 at least.)
In case of the breach of the formal criteria requirements the head of the institute shall list only those
requirements that have been breached by the student.
The decision above is based on the regulations below.
Budapest, …………………………….
Head of institute
Reference to the Regulations
from the Credit-based Studies and Examination Regulations of the Student Requirement System
Chapter Eight II/24.
“Following the submission of the theses, the heads of institute and the full-time lecturers appointed by them
check if the formal criteria requirements including the provisions relating to the references, length and the
required amount of literature of the theses have been met.
If a thesis fails to comply with any of the criteria specified above, the head of institute concerned shall
immediately notify the consultant of the student concerned. The head of institute shall also assign a failing
grade to the thesis and issue a record which contains that fact. In such cases there is no need for a referee to
evaluate the thesis. The student may only submit his/her failed thesis again in the following term having paid
the special procedure fee defined in the cost chart published in ETR.”
Chapter Eight II/29.
“In case the final grade of the thesis is a fail or the head of institute fails it due to its noncompliance with the
criteria for acceptance and subsequently the candidate cannot take part in the final examination, he/she has to
submit his thesis again and pay the special procedure fee published in the cost chart in ETR in the next period
for thesis submission the earliest. The candidate shall be notified that his/her thesis has not been accepted not
later than 10 working days before the start of the final exam by the Student Information and Services Office. A
thesis may be submitted for defence only three times on condition that the special procedure fee published in
the cost chart in ETR is paid each time.
In case the thesis is failed and shall be submitted again, the BKF may provide further consultations to the
student if he/she submits such request to the head of institute and is willing to pay the costs relating to the
organization of the consultations.”
Chapter Eight II/29A.
„In the case of a resubmitted thesis, the consultant shall declare if the thesis meets the acceptance criteria
before submission.”
Provisions on the formal requirements of the thesis
The thesis (including the body of the paper, appendices, abstract, table of contents and references) shall be
prepared with a word processor software according to the specifications below:
- black, Times New Roman font,
- 12-pt. font,
- 1.5 spacing,
- justified text,
- Margins: 3 cm on the left, 2.5 cm on the right, at the top and bottom.
The length of the body of the thesis (not including the table of contents, references and appendices) written by
undergraduate students should be at least 36 pages and at least 70,000 characters (including spaces), but no
more than 60 pages; at least 25 pages and at least 40,000 characters (including spaces) but no more than 50
pages for students enrolled in higher-level vocational trainings; at least 45 pages and at least 90,000 characters
(including spaces), but no more than 70 pages for students enrolled in Master programs.
The length of the body of the thesis written by students enrolled in art programs should be at least 20, but no
more than 36 pages. The length of the specifications should be at least 800 characters.
Word by word citations should not be longer than 10 lines or 2 paragraphs or 500 characters per quotation.
The number of severe and obvious misspellings should not exceed 10, while the number of grammatical errors
should not exceed 20 in the thesis.
The thesis is to be submitted in an electronic format by uploading it through an electronic system
( - on a CD in the case of theses treated confidentially - and also in printed copies one of
which is a bound copy and the other one is a VeloBind copy.
A proof-of-upload sheet is generated by the electronic system which is to be uploaded together with the
electronic format of the thesis in the Modulo-system.
On the outside cover of the printed format of the thesis (in the middle) its genre should be indicated (thesis), the
name of the student (in the lower left corner), the year when the the thesis is written (in the lower right corner),
and the training cycle for students enrolled in Master programs. In addition to the information indicated on the
outside cover, the title of the thesis, the name of the institution (BKF), the name of the program and the name of
the supervisor should be indicated on the inside cover of the thesis.
The obligatory formal requirements of the outside cover of the thesis are specified in Appendix 2.a.
The obligatory formal requirements of the inside cover of the thesis are specified in Appendix 2.b and 2.b/b.
The content and formal requirements of the CD format of the thesis and the electronic upload are specified in
Appendix 2.d.
To prevent plagiarism, students shall indicate the source of facts and data not subject to general knowledge
and the ideas and quotes from others in the text or as a footnote in accordance with the requirements specified
in this Appendix. This rule applies equally to all sources used, including results of research, studies, essays,
book reviews, web pages, audio materials, etc. All references shall be documented properly, and in the case of
word by word citations, quotation marks shall be used in all submitted theses. Students failing to do so commit
the offense of plagiarism, and shall bear the penalties specified in Appendix 4 and 9 of the Student
Requirement System.
Table of contents
The thesis should include a table of contents immediately after the abstract. The structure of the table of
contents should follow the chapter structure of the body of the thesis.
Chapters and subchapters should be structured according to a decimal code in a way that it reflects the logic of
the structure:
1. first title
1.1. first subtitle
1.1.1. first section
1.1.2. second section
1.1.3. etc.
1.2. second subtitle
Types of reference and how to describe sources bibliographically
The following summary is based on Majoros Pál: Research Methodology Basics (Budapest, Perfect Publishing,
2004), the ISO 690: 1990 standard of bibliographic description and the usual practice at the University.
Citations and their reference
The knowledge of the literature and the sources is proven by direct and indirect quotations in the body of the
thesis. Quotations in the thesis always should be accurate and unambiguous. By accuracy the indication of the
source and retrievability, while by unambiguity the clear indication of the beginning and the end of a quotation is
Concepts related to a specific author basically may presented in two ways: direct quotation and/or reference
citation (in the form of a paraphrase).
- direct quotations are in quotation marks ("......")
- reference citations should not be in quotation marks.
The author and the source of the citation should be clearly specified in both cases. For example:
RÓKA JOLÁN: Kommunikációtan. Budapest, Századvég Kiadó, 2002. 32.
In principle, always the original work should be the reference, sometimes, however, the original source is not
available. In this case, the intermediary work, and through that, the original source should be referenced. This
is the CITATION OF A SECONDARY SOURCE. It should be indicated that it was not the author of the thesis
who took the quotation from the original work. The name of the author who cited the quotation included in the
thesis should be specified.
Example: According to Berne "the new forms of democracy will better fit the complex social problems of our day
than traditional representation forms.1"
1BERNE, ERIC: Emberi játszmák. Budapest, Háttér Kiadó, 2000., as cited in RÓKA JO-LÁN:
Kommunikációtan. Budapest, Századvég Kiadó, 2002. 45.
General warning: using another person's language or ideas without acknowledgement is plagiarism.
A bibliographic item should include the following: author, title, place of publication, publisher, date of
publication, in the case of online sources the full path (link) and the download date.
The citation and referencing system to be applied
The point is that the quotations should be in the text, while the indication of the source should be at the bottom
of the page as a footnote. Referencing should be indicated with numbers in the text.
Footnotes should be typed in a different font or condensed in order to be distinguishable from the main text.
Footnotes may be used not only for bibliographic references, but for other theoretical or logical detours or for
explanatory texts, too.
Referencing direct quotations:
When summarising someone's ideas in your own words quotation marks should not be used, it is enough to
indicate the reference as a footnote. Even when summarising someone's ideas indicating the page number is
Referencing statistical data, tables and charts
The quotation of statistical data has a value only if the data are verifiable for everyone (in accordance with
professional decorum). Therefore, all numerical data should be provided with a reference, even in the case
when commonly known data are concerned.
II. Rules pertaining to the References section (bibliography)
The References section is a mandatory component of the thesis. In the References section all those works
(and only those) should be listed which are referred to in the body of the thesis in an alphabetical order,
numbered. Academic literature should be separated from other sources. The aim of the References section is
to show what materials and literature the author of the thesis used (and knows). All the sources used must be
listed irrespective of the extent of use.
The author of the thesis must use at least 15 printed or electronic pieces of academic literature (academic
technical books, academic journals, academic journal articles, academic periodicals, etc.) and at least 5 further
sources (texts retrieved from the Internet, analyzes, interviews, statistics, in house materials of companies,
etc.). Students enrolled in higher-level vocational trainings must use at least 5 printed or electronic pieces of
academic literature and at least 10 further sources. Students enrolled in Master programs must use at least 25
printed or electronic pieces of academic literature and at least 10 further sources. If the number literature or
sources listed in the References section is insufficient, its other is given a fail mark (1). Daily newspapers,
weekly papers and magazines should be classified as further sources.
Required bibliographic data of different document types:
a) Books with a single author / joint authors
The first and last name(s) of the author(s), the title and the sub-title of the book, the place of publication, the
name of the publisher and the date of publication should be indicated.
RÓKA JOLÁN: Kommunikációtan. Budapest, Századvég Kiadó, 2002.
In the case of foreign authors a comma should be put between their last and first names.
BERNE, ERIC: Emberi játszmák. Budapest, Háttér Kiadó, 2000.
In the case of edited books the following should be put after the name of the author: (Ed.)
HIDASI JUDIT (Ed.): Szavak, jelek, szokások. Budapest, Windsor Kiadó, 1998.
b) Collections (collection of essays), book chapters
After indicating the author and title of the paper and adding the word 'In', the full bibliographical item should be
specified in accordance with point a). The name(s) of the author(s)/editor(s), the title of the book, the place of
publication, the name of the publisher and the date of publication should be indicated followed by the page
numbers of the essay.
MCQUAIL, DENIS: A kommunikáció funkciói. In: HORÁNYI ÖZSÉB (Ed.): Kom-munikáció I.: válogatott
tanulmányok. Budapest, General Press Kiadó, 2003. 305-323.
c) Journal article
The name of the author, the title of the article, the name, volume, year and month (i.e. the issue) of the journal
and the page number should be indicated.
SCHERING GÁBOR: A globalizáció és az EU: a neoliberális politikák alkalmazása Európában és a
fenntarthatóság. EU Working Papers, 2002. (V. évf.) 2. szám, 78-94.
TÓTH PÉTER: Miért rossz a hír: az adaptív algoritmusok szerepe a médiahasz-náló választásában.
Médiakutató, 2005. (VI. évf.) 4. szám. 7-32.
d) Information retieved from the Internet
The author, the title and sub-title of the article, publication data (publisher or institution, if specified), the full path
(link) and the download date (or that of the last access) of the article should be indicated.
DOMOKOS LÁSZLÓ: Az EMU tagság érezhetően gyorsítja a gazdasági növekedést., 2010.12.15.
If the electronic version of an article is accessed, but it has a printed version as well, it should be indicated at
the reference in the following way: indicate the full path (link) and the download date after specifying the usual
data pertaining to journal articles.
KOVÁCS ZOLTÁN: Jogállam. Élet és Irodalom, 2004, 41. szám., 2011.12.20.
e) Pictures, diagrams and tables
The first and last names of the author(s), the title and sub-title of the picture, diagram or table should be
indicated followed by the place of publication, the name of the publisher, the year of publication or the full path
(link) and the download date.
III. Further useful information relating to thesis writing
a) If there is a quotation within another quotation, internal quotation marks should be used to indicate that:
b) When quoting longer texts, the original paragraphs should be maintained.
c) Texts should be quoted to the letter.
d) When quoting longer texts (the length of quotations should not exceed 10 lines or two paragraphs or 500
characters per quotation), the original paragraphs should be maintained. If it is preferable to quote only the
essential details or sentences of a text instead of quoting the whole, the original meaning should not be
changed and omissions should be indicated with an ellipsis enclosed in square brackets: […]
e) If the quotation is not started with the beginning of the original sentence, the quotation mark should be
followed by an ellipsis and the first letter should be lowercase.
f) If a book has more than one volume, the volume number should be indicated, too.
g) If a work has a subtitle, it also should be provided. The subtitle should be separated from the title with a
h) If a work has more than one author/editor, a hyphen should be put between their names.
It is not a compulsory part of the thesis, however, inserting an index (listing the names of the people referenced
and the keywords and indicating the related page numbers) after the body significantly increases the value of
the thesis. It is recommended to highlight those items in the body of the thesis which are listed in the index by
formatting them, e.g. with small capital characters.
The abstract of the thesis
Students are required to prepare an abstract (a short introductory description, the main ideas of the thesis) for
the thesis in Hungarian and in one of the following foreign languages: English, German, French, Spanish,
Italian or Russian. The length of the extracts should not exceed one page per language and they should be
written in accordance with the formal requirements of the thesis. The abstract should be at least half a page in
The abstract is to be uploaded in an electronic format, as a separate .doc or .docx document to, while in the printed copies it should be bound between the inside cover and the table of
contents. In the case of theses treated confidentially the abstract is to be submitted on the CD as a separate
For a sample of the abstract see Appendix 2.c.
Copyright statement
When uploading the thesis, student are required to declare in an electronic format that the thesis prepared and
submitted is the result of their own work and also that all the data in the thesis were used taking copyright into
For the text of the declaration see Appendix 2.e.
The evaluation form of the thesis
For the official evaluation form of the thesis and the evaluation criteria see Appendix 2.f and 2.f/a. For the
evaluation form for theses written by students of art programs, see Appendix 2. f./I.
Appendix 2/a.
Author of the thesis
Appendix 2/b.
Budapesti Kommunikációs és Üzleti Főiskola
Title of the thesis
Name of supervisor:
Author of the thesis
Appendix 2.b/b.
Budapesti Kommunikációs és Üzleti Főiskola
Title of the thesis
Name of supervisor:
Author of the thesis
Training cycle (MA)
Appendix 2/c.
1. The basic keywords of the thesis (3-5 keywords):
2. 2-3 sources that are considered to be the most important (literature):
The short, maximum one-page-long abstract of the thesis in Hungarian: (Here the student should formulate the
main objectives of the thesis, describe and summarize the results of the research)
3. The short, maximum one-page-long abstract of the thesis in a foreign language:
Formal and content requirements for the CD into which the thesis is burnt
- in the case of theses treated confidentially Content requirements for the CD:
1. There should be one folder only on the CD. The name of the folder name should be the full name of the
2. There should be a MS WORD format file in the folder (the thesis together with its text appendices), and – if
there are - all other appendices (e.g. videos, pictures numbered). The folder should also contain the abstract
of the thesis as a separate file.
Formal requirements for the surface of the CD and the cover of its case:
1. On the surface of the CD the name of the student, the name of the related academic program and the year in
which the thesis is written should be indicated with capital letters.
2. The name(s) of the supervisor(s) must be indicated on the cover of the CD case. In the case of the change of
the supervisor, it is sufficient to indicate the name of the new supervisor.
3. It is not allowed to indicate more than one related program on a thesis (students enrolled in two academic
programs at the same time should indicate only the name of the related program).
4. The cover of the CD case for the thesis should be prepared in accordance with the following example:
Budapesti Kommunikációs és Üzleti Főiskola
Supervisor: Dr. Jolán Róka
Author: Béla Kovács
Communication and Media Science
BA program
Regulations relating to the content of the thesis uploaded electronically
Students are required to upload their theses on . Its steps are the following:
1. Logging in to the system with the ETR username and password.
2. Selecting the academic program.
3. Filling out the form (see below) asking for thesis related information properly for which help is available on
the right hand side all through. Fields marked with a * are required fields. After accepting the conditions of
uploading the thesis, students can upload the thesis.
4. If the form is not filled out completely, the program sends a warning message.
5. If the thesis is successfully uploaded, the system generates a proof-of-upload sheet which is to be uploaded
together with the electronic format of the thesis in the Modulo-system.
A detailed guide about how to upload the thesis is available on the website of the Library.
Appendix 2/e.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the thesis submitted for the academic program of Budapesti
Kommunikációs és Üzleti Főiskola selected above is my own work.
All the data in my thesis were used taking copyright into account. I am aware that if plagiarism is presupposed,
the institution may initiate disciplinary action against me.