Primer for Using GeoMapper/PenMap5.10d
Primer for Using GeoMapper/PenMap5.10d
Primer for Using GeoMapper/PenMap5.10d George Brimhall Department of Earth and Planetary Science and Department of Material Science University of California, Berkeley 94720-4767 email: @ y Bechtel 2008 Contents What is digital mapping? Maintenance and care of the equipment Pen tablet slate PCs Display settings Flash PCMCIA card GPS units Calibrate pen stylus (important for left handed people) GPS accuracy variation Sky position of geostationary GPS satellites GPS Dilution of precision and diurnal variation GPS Setup Which COM port? C Communication i ti portt assigned, i d settings, tti bbaud d rate, t NMEA Reference ellipsoid & projection type, UTM zone GPS ON GPS modes for mapping Setting up new Project areas and mapping Legends Customizing buttons 3 4 5 7 8 8 9 10 13 18 19 21 23 24 29 31 1 Outline Continued (2) Load Legend and automatic symbol rotation eg strike and dip Loading Digital base maps Georeferencing base maps the same as the GPS settings 4 types of base maps Vector map set up Raster map set up DRG (digital raster graphics) set up Shape file set up Hiding selective map layers (Options Base button) Opening a map file N i map fil Naming files Mapping Start Mapping StartGeo tool bar Editing buttons Tool bars: Lithology, Structure, Formations 37 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 50 50 52 53 54 55 Outline Continued (3) Select base maps Hide unwanted map layers Lithology Tool bar and common structural buttons Opening a prepared base map Zooming to change map scale Panning to move the map frame Lithology tool bar Mapping outcrops as closed polygons Mapping a contact between formations Mapping a fault Infilling Formation colors Pl tti a St Plotting Strike ik andd Dip Di symbol b l Recording a rock sample Plotting an oil seep Putting text on the map Linking Photographs to map locations 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 67 67 68 74 78 81 82 83 2 Outline Continued (4) Setting the AutoSave clock Saving map Review Mineralization tool bar Alteration tool bar Entering text All sample types (rock, soil, water, oil seep, photo Returning to Start Geo Entering old data from hand-held GPS units Turning on auto Save Printing maps E Exporting ti map files fil Permanent stations Editing mapping data Editing existing map Legend Formations & Lithologies Deleting unwanted Project Legends 85 86 89 92 93 98 99 100 101 110 111 115 122 123 128 138 Eliminating the “divide by zero” message Installing & removing device drivers for card GPS units Explanation of WAAS system SiRFstar III GPS chip set Changing symbol sizes Determining GPS accuracy sand Precision Locating NGS permanent stations Changing line widths Printing Maps 140 143 145 149 150 153 154 159 163 3 What is Digital Mapping ? Conducting mapping with digital electronics and information technology (IT) tools: (pen tablet portable PC’s, GPS, and digital base maps) GeoMapper is the data capture or mapping “front end” Visual User Interface to the PenMap 3-D GIS system A good place to start is with the maintenance of the system: Charging of tablet PC and Li-ion batteries- in a secure place A mapping vest is an excellent field tool to protect the system outdoors as the tablet can be conveniently carried in an inside pocket of a vest thus providing both convenience and protection for the pen tablet leaving both hands free while meeting ANSI visibility standards 4 PCMCIA Flash Card DGPS An external GPS antenna on the shoulder of A vest keeps a more continuous GPS fix even when the tablet is placed in the inside vest pocket for walking. Calibrate the pen (key for left handed mappers) Start to Control Panel to Tablet and Pen Settings Then click Right or Left Handed Calibrate pen by touching in succession the 4 markers Slate Pen Tablet PC’s Running Windows XP 5 Turn brightness to zero when outdoors- extend battery life and use only solar power Turn sounds off to extend battery life Turn LCD brightness to Min to extend battery life and Max when indoors US Globalsat BC-337 GPS receiver with compact flash 20 channel rapid first fix AT-65 external antenna NMEA communication protocol These connectors are very small so keep them clean in the field MMCX 6 GPS accuracy depends on: The number of satellites visible to the receiver Strength of satellite signals (S/N) Geometric position of satellite in the sky (constellation) Differential corrections- require an unobstructed view of the southern sky- suggestion: put your external GPS antenna on your shoulder and face north when taking GPS readings- this gives you the best chance of receiving the Differential GPS signals from a geo-stationary satellite in the southern sky The Globalsat BC-337 uses only WAAS differential corrections which are available only in the USA A Accuracy iis about b t +/+/ 2.3 2 3 to t 3 meters t in i plan l view i eg a circle 4.6 to 6 meters in diameter Without differential correction, the accuracy is about +/-5 meters in plan view, eg a circle 10 meters in diameter Vertical uncertainty is always about 2.5 times the horizontal accuracy DGPS satellites are always on the equator, so from the Northern hemisphere, they will be located in the southern part of the sky. In southern hemisphere, they will ill be b in i the th northern th sky k 2 Revolutions per day 7 Mathematical requirements x, y, z, time are 4 unknowns Need 4 independent equations At least 4 satellites are needed to get a 3 dimensional location of x, y and z The more satellites the better Our GPS units required at least 4 satellites with a signal to noise ratio about 32 8 The quality of GPS varies during the day with the constellation of Satellites available at any one time Satellite Geometry given as: HDOP = Horizontal dilution of precission 9 Good GPS fix but Not differentially corrected HDOP =1 is ideal Have to pposition yyourself so that the GPS receiver is in direct line with a satellite sending down the Differential corrections 10 Accuracy varies during the day To find which COM port your card GPS unit is using, go to Start> Control Panel>System>Hardware> Device Manager>Ports (COM & LPT)>Then Read what COM port is shown at the end of Compact Flash OX16CFF950 (Number?) For example, it may say: OX16CFF950 (COM4) meaning that Communication Port 4 is being used by the h GPS GPS. 11 First (1) Setup GPS GPS device = NMEA coms configurable Cli k INIT to set com port Click Select reference ellipsoid Select Univ Trans Mercator Click Alter Parameters and enter zone and segment for your location- see map on following pages Click EXIT 12 Global UTM Grid Zone 10-S UTM Easting UTM Northing Montana is T-12 13 Second (2) Turn GPS ON and wait for signals to arrive- be patient And make sure that you are outdoors with an unobstructed view of the Sky in all directions. 14 3 useful GPS collection modes: Every time- useful in starting up GPS Averaged correctable- while stopped Minimum distancedistance as you walk and map Click Status Box to see satellites 2 main modes of using the GPS: (1) Averaged fix for a static position (stop and count 15 seconds) (2) Minimum distance and out-putting locations as you walk; set to 10 meters, 50 meters etc, at least the distance of the likely uncertainty of the GPS fix 15 Create a new Project Legend Decide on the name of your new Project. Create a new Directory (folder) with the same name as your new Project in the PenMap 5 Directory. Within the new Project Folder create two more directories: Rastermaps and Vectors Maps All of the subsequent files for this Project Area should go inside this Project Directory, for example: digital base map files such as ortho-images, topographic map files, etc. Then start up GeoMapper and go to the Project Legend screen and click on Create New Project Legend For each new Project, repeat this process 16 GeoMapper Project Manager lets the user define the local stratigraphic column Start a new Project Legend Plan the Legend on paper showing the stratigraphic column in terms of Formations and also Lithologies. That way you can map individual outcrops by lithology, then later make a colored overlay showing the formations if you wish. Keep formation is time-stratigraphic order Decide on the name of the Project Folder. Then click on GeoMapper and instead of going to a green button, go the lower right and click on Create New Project Legend. To the right of Project Legend Description, type in the new Project name. Beneath this to the right of Project Legend Name: GM-type a 4 letter abbreviation of the Project name, eg GM-XXXX. The lowest entry should say Project Seed Name: GM-Geo. If it doesn't type Geo. Then hit OK You should see now on the bottom of the List of Project areas on the bl screen your new Project blue P j t Area A listed. li t d Click Cli k on Edit New N Legend. L d With the pen stylus, drag the lower right corner down and to the right to maximize the screen. Use the right hand scroll bar to go down to the lowermost buttons for the Oldest formations. These will appear in GeoMapper on the left hand side of the button array so the buttons get younger to the right. 17 What customization means is editing the buttons on the Formations tool bar to: (1) appear with age and formation abbreviations instead of numerical sequence 1, 2, 3 etc. and making the color of the formation on the map what you want (2) edit the Lithology tool bar to show the lithologies you desire either in areal infills of closed polygons for outcrops Or lithological symbols plotted along lines as in a open pit bench 18 GeoMapper Legend Maker Takes less than 1 hour using only point and click skills A hard copy of the legend can be printed Buttons are edited Change infill color Buttons are edited Formations replace numbers Lithologies are replaced User-selected color infill patterns Selectable pre-programmed lithology patterns (Compton, 1985) Example: A customized Formation tool bar for a statigraphic section is shown below running from oldest formations on the left to youngest on the right with unedited button still represented by numbers Tertiary Claremont Formation Tertiary Orinda Formation Tertiary Moraga Formation Tertiary Siesta Valley Formation Tertiary Bald Peak Formation Each Formation button now shows the map color and the Formation symbol abbreviation in correct stratigraphic order youngest to the right Before making a new stratigraphic section, plan it out carefully so you do not omit formations and have to insert them later. It is much easier to place them in the correct order at the outset. 19 On the pull down menu, go View to Zoom to Custom to 800% Now using the Paint tools on the left, make this button look the way you want. Typically we use a time stratigraphic symbolism, eg Pp for Permian Phosphoria Formation. Customize all the colored button you want and type in their formation name. Also click on the colored rectangle to the immediate right of each Formation name and select the color you wish for display on the map. Now the right hand half of the Legend screen is for you to make analogous changes to the Buttons, lithologies, and select the pattern you wish to have shown for your outcropt. Do it step by step as before. When you are done, click the Pink Save Legend button and hit Exit L Legend. d Now when you start up GeoMapper, the new Project area we will show at the bottom of the list. Click on start mapping. 20 First, hit the green LOAD Legend button and select the GM- XXXX legend g yyou jjust made. Wait until the hard drive stops. p This may take several minutes. To Make sure that the Symbols rotation option is ON, Click on the great SETUP button shown below that is in the Upper row second from the upper right. 21 Then click ON the Prompt for orientation and click OK and close this screen. Hit a red SAVE button Loading Digital Base Maps The Project Manager creates a new directory each time you make a new Project Legend in the C: PenMap 5 directory. To load digital base maps, you need to navigate to the Project directory where you wish to upload digital base maps. For example, if you created a Project Legend for the Whitehall area, a new GeoMapper Project legend would appear. Navigate on the C: drive to the Penamp5 folder and find the directory for the project you want, eg Whitehall. Inside this folder, create 2 new directories, one labeled Rastermaps and a second labeled Vectormaps 22 GeoMapper/PenMap can use four different types of base map files simultaneously so that any of the 4 layers can be hidden or shown The four types of graphics files are and the folder they go are are: Vector Vectormaps folder Raster (bmp type) Rastermaps DRG (digital raster graphics eg geo-tiff) Rastermaps Shapefiles Vectormaps Load you digital graphics files into the correct folder, either Vectormaps or raster maps for the Project directory of interest. E h Project Each P j t directory di t will ill have h its it own subdirectories bdi t i lebeled l b l d Vectormaps and Rastermaps. This helps keep your files organized For using tif files as base maps, the raw tiff file needs to have been georeferenced to the same UTM and reference ellipsoid that you are using in the field with the GPS. 23 Click on the blue Select Base button This frame appears showing the 4 different map types; each of these has a Browse button to local the files you want to load For Vector maps which are usually line graphs or vectorized topography, after you copy the vector files into the Vectormaps folder, you can use Gazeteer button to assemble a collection of vector maps. Name this collection with a 4-letter name.grp The Browse button is to select from these vector groups after they have been made. 24 Raster Map group is accessed by first pressing the Convert bitmap type Four different types of bit mapped image files can be used: Tif, PCX, BMP, and JPEG. You can if you wish, convert your bitmapped file to a DRG list so that two different layers can be used, one as a Raster map, and another as a DRG DRG List Used is started by pressing Create/Edit DRG list Then Add new sheets Select the files you want Hit Open, then Save and Exit 25 Shapefile list used is done in the same way as with the other file types. Now that you have loaded your digital base maps, you can hide them as you wish to display only 1 one more. Click the Blue Option Base button 26 To hide any of the 4 types of base maps, click on the Hide buttons shown below- them hit the redraw button When the DRG and Shapefiles are loaded, hit OK, then YES twice when asked to update the current survey area. Disregard the message Division by Zero. To Save this collection of maps, go to File and Do a Save As to save the combined map file as assembled. The next time you open GeoMapper, go to the green Open Map button and you can click on this file so that you need only load these base maps once. Note on naming files: Any filename should be 8 characters or less long in front of the ".pts" eg 12345678.pts 27 Mapping -now that you have base maps ready to go Go to the Project you want and click on a green Start Mapping button 28 Each of the button icons in the StartGeo tool bar menu activates specific functions. No pull down menus are necessary The buttons read like a book: start at the top left, move right & down. They are also colored coded like a traffic light: Green: Go Ahead, the most commonly used buttons Yellow: Caution, less commonly used Red: Dire situations for Saving your work and Exiting. Color coding classifies the buttons into similar groups and also shows which ones are most commonly used and which are used only under special circumstances Most mapping is done with Green buttons: all others are special functions: Blue: select base maps files (topography, ortho-image) Purple: GPS Editing buttons Erasing Editing data 29 Button Tool bars Tool bars are arrays of green buttons which can be touched by the pen stylus to bring up groups of buttons organized that do most of the work of geological mapping: Lithology Structure Formations Mineralization Alteration These tool bars can be used in whatever sequence a mapper decides GeoMapper StartGeo Tool Bar Color-coded frequency of use hierarchy stop light (left to right) Go ahead: Open map, legend, map, sample, export Caution: Set autosave, autosave Undo Undo, erase erase, Stop- pay attention: Save, Exit, Edit (red cross) Mapping continuum Go ahead Copyright UC Regents 2001 Redraw the screen after making a change 30 Select base maps Hide any maps you don’t need right away To hide Different Base maps 31 Button Tool bars bring up groups of buttons organized in a logical fashion but providing flexibility in sequence- and have common features strike and dip, trend and plunge, solid contacts, dashed contacts, solid fault blue, dashed fault blue Lithology Formations Structure Mineralization Alteration Start at the upper left: click on Open Map- go to Project Folder Browse until you find the file You want and then hit “OK” Once “Geology.pts” shows in the filename window, click “OK” 32 To zoom in or out, click the Yellow Zoom button Th Zoom The Z box b appears showing h i possible ibl scale l factors f t for f enlargement (X) or reduction factors. Click the factor you wish and touch the screen. Notice that the Pan function can also be accessed from the Zoom box. The E and N corrdinates shown in the Zoom box are the UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) Easting and Northing in meters. Use the Pan button to drag the map towards the area you prefer Touchh the T h screen at the h point i you would ld like lik in i the h center off the h map, drag it and release. 33 Once you are panned and zoomed into the area of interest where mapping can begin, we will show how to map an outcrop by drawing a perimeter around the area of exposed rocks of one lithology. Click on the Lithology button The Lithology toolbar opens up and draws the map shown before Notice that on Lithology Toolbar, other common features remain: Contacts, faults and strike and dip (both azimuthal and down dip) This saves time by not having to change tool bars very often Notice the red box around the Lithology button. This shows that the Lihtology tool bar is open Now select an Area fill type for the lithology you want Using the pen stylus touch the screen in a number of points demarking the perimeter of the outcrop but do not complete the pattern. To complete the polygon, click on the Gray Complete button and hit OK 34 Always after hitting a Complete button, click on OK to complete entering the data into the GIS data base A closed polygon is now filled in the selected lithology showing the outcrop. Next map a contact. Click on the well-located (solid line) contact button and touch sevel points along the contact. Hit complete when done 35 Select a second aerial lithology button and draw another polygon using Complete to close the last gap of the polygon. Now let’s map a fault (in blue). Click on the well-located (solid blue) fault button Click on severla points along the idealized fault Assume that the fault cuts off the contact shown in black. As you continue to use the pen style to put in points along the fault, you can snap onto the SE end of the black contact lie to share that one node. Simply click on the SNAP button 36 Click on the end node of the black contact line, then hit Free Node to go back to inputting nodes using the stylus rather than snapping on existing nodes. Hit complete when done, then OK Let’ add a Color infill to show the Rock Formations Click on the Formations tool bar button Formations are colored infill areas. Select one of them, eg Formation 1 and start to outline an area. When you want to snap onto Existing nodes on a contact or node around and outcrop, click on SNAP node,, then FREE node when you are not using existing nodes. Hit Complete, and OK 37 After clicking on the Strike and Dip symbol, touch the screen where the measurement is made. When the bearing box appears touch the screen inside the Bearing angler box and a data entry box will appear. Click “Clr” to clear the entry and use the key box to enter the azimuth of the strike line using the right hand rule. l No N decimal d i l is i necessary. Click Cli k OK. OK The Th Redraw R d The infill the 2 remaining areas with formations and hit Redraw. 38 An effective mapping sequence is Outcrops first, then contacts, and last infilling the Formations. Outcrop lithology mapping preserves the prime data Colored formation show regional distribution Plotting a Strike and dips involves a symbol in GeoMapper Most of the Green colored toolbars for Lithology, Structure, and Formations all have the Strike and Dip symbols as well as the most common kind sof contacts (solid and dashed lines) plus faults so it is unnecessary to change tool bars to use a common symbol. Some of the symbols occur twice without and with a “D” notation which refers to down dip direction. Symbols without a “D” use an aziumth and dip or plunge. Use the Right Hand Rule is determining the azimuth of the strike line, ie, as you look along the strike line, if the bed dips towards 39 Your right, then read the north arrow of your compass. If the bed dips to the left, read the south end of your compass or add 180 degrees to the former reading. Click on the Strike and Dip symbol (without the “D”) Zoom in so that the map scale is about 1:1000 or so. 40 Click on the Azimuth field and enter the value. Click on the Dip field and enter a value Recording a rock sample: Click on GeoTools Click on the rock hammer symbol y and touch the screen at the location where the rock sample is to be taken. Touch OK when this screen comes up 41 The next image that appears is the symbols plot box To resize the box To move the box When you are content with the symbol click on the check circle. Note, the computer will wait until you check this circle. Do not try to go on without completing this task Enter more data on the rock sample including its lithology from the pull-down menu. Note: you must enter a sample number otherwise GeoMapper will not let you continue and the following message will appear. Click OK. The rock hammer symbol is plotted on the map to show the location of the sample and the data is recorded in the GIS data base 42 The same plotting and recording procedure for the rock sample can be used to plot the location of an oil seep. Type-in the requested attribute information. To put text on the map use GeoTool toolbar and click on the Green Text button A symbol plot box will appear. Enter the text you want, eg. The dip, and click on repeat text and click on the screen where you want the text situated. Move the box to a place where it is on the dip side of the strike and dip symbol and click the check box to complete it. Enter data for dip 43 To put Photos links on the map, from the GeoTools toolbar, click on the Magenta Photo button. Plot the location of the camera and use the bearing window to indicate the direction in which the photograph was taken. Click the Capture button to select and link the i image to t the th symbol b l plotted. l tt d The View button is clicked to see the photograph. To set the Autosave feature go to the StartGeo toolbar, then click on If you want AutoSave on click on Timed and then enter the time interval between saves 44 To save you map file manually, click on the red Save button on any toolbar To exit GeoMapper click on the red EXIT button on any tool bar Always close one *.PTS file before opening another This completes the Quick start guide to GeoMapper Remember: Wait until the hard drive indicator stops before doing anything, otherwise a pen tablet can freeze up. T Turn off ff back b k lighting li h i out doors d to save battery b life lif Adjust the appearance of your screen carefully- with just a few clicks Turn off bell sounds to save battery Remember to check the check symbol or the computer will wait until you do Save your work using red Save Button 45 Mapping on a Vector Topographic Map Map outcrops and add structural data first, faults, and contacts. Finally add formation in-fills by snapping onto to existing nodes. Outcrop lithology mapping preserves the prime data Colored formation show regional distribution which is added later With the exception of “Built” (as-built lines)- all features come up in “Free Node” (pen) input mode To use the GPS to map feature, hit “Snap node” once Hit “Free” Free node to go back to normal, normal or hit any other button which Will come up automatically in free pen mode. 46 Regarding using Structural symbols, they all come up in free or pen mode unless you click the snap node button so that the GPS unit locates the symbol on you map. D=down dip direction, No “d” mean normal symbols For example, to place a strike and dip symbol on your map using the pen, just touch the strike and dip button then touch the screen where you want to place the symbol then answer the questions. If you are outdoors and want to use the GPS, touch the strike and dip b button, then h hit hi the h green Snap S node d b button, tt andd use the h GPS. GPS I suggest using the "Average" mode and hit Restart and wait for 10 seconds. When you hit accept, the symbol come up and answer the questions to fill in data. You will need to use an azimuthal (0 to 360 degree, clockwise) compass, not quadrant Lithology toolbar Lines Areas 47 Mineralization toolbar Alteration toolbar 48 Remember to “complete” so data goes into GIS data base 49 Trend and plunge Contact Fault Vein Strike and Dip Clear data Key in azimuth using right hand rule 50 Enter data for dip Touch the screen where you want the dip number shown GeoTools Rock samples, soil samples, water samples, oil seeps, Infrared data, field Make photos < 1 Mb Always have a sample number or You can’t continue 51 Return to Start Geo button array Entering existing data from a hand-held GPS unit 52 To start, you will need to set the hand-held GPS so you can read the (x,y,z) UTM coordinates in Easting, Northing, and Elevation in the same reference ellipsoid eg WGS84 of whatever you used. Then point by point enter that (x,y,z) point in GeoMapper as a point and then use the GeoMapper legend to snap the correct geological feature to that data point. You should also make a few setting in GeoMapper to do this. Click the SETUP button that looks like a Blue TV screen To start, you will need to set the hand-held GPS so you can read the (x,y,z) UTM coordinates in Easting, Northing, and Elevation in the same reference ellipsoid eg WGS84 of whatever you used. Then point by point enter that (x,y,z) point in GeoMapper as a point and then use the GeoMapper legend to snap the correct geological feature to that data point. i t You Y should h ld also l make k a few f setting tti iin G GeoMapper M tto ddo thi this. Click the SETUP button that looks like a Blue TV screen When the screen shown below comes up Under Annotate Nodes click on Position (x,y) which will show these coordinates on the screen if you zoom in far enough. 53 Then for each thing you wish to transfer from the hand-held GPS to GeoMapper in the CCLNG map, you will need to make a point on the screen for that (x,y) location. Click on the Gray button labeled POINT and select DOT, then hit OK Now you can enter the (x,y,z) data for that point by clicking on the Gray button ENTER XYZ A screen will appear in which you type in the (x,y,z) data then hit OK 54 The (X,Y) values from your mapping area should be about x= 312919 and y = 7,375,139 This point would appear on your map as Then to locate the features in GeoMapper, go to GeoTools (green button) for camera picture locations, rock samples etc Then click on the purple camera icon, then hit the Green snap button and touch the point you located with the enter data command this should bring up the camera infill box. Enter the azimuth of the photo, h t number b etc t andd hit ok. k The same mode of entering the data by hand should be followed for field notes etc. For outcrops, for to the Lithology button and enter the data point, then outline it with a polygon, then hit complete to close the polygin. You may wish to turn off the (X,Y) annotation by using the SETUP icon then clicking off the Annotate nodes (x,y) (x y) 55 For outcrops, for to the Lithology button and enter the data point, then outline it with a polygon, then hit complete to close the polygin. You may wish to turn off the (X,Y) annotation by using the SETUP icon then clicking off the Annotate nodes ((x,y) 56 You can turn on Auto Save or just hit a red SAVE button regularly. To turn on Auto Save click on the Yellow clock button and click save on and set the time interval between saves. This can save some grief. Printing Maps You can print out your completed map. For printing out a full scale completed map, eg on a 36 or 48 inch wide HP plotter. You would need however to load the same device driver for the printer onto your pen tablet. To Print ggo to the GeoTools tool-bar and find 2 buttons 57 Use the GeoTools Toolbar to print map graphics. Use the Setup Printer button to select the printer connected to your computer. Click on the Print button to select the scale and area of interest to print. NOTE: the printer’s driver should be installed on the computer first. The SETup button is where you select the printer to be used (only when the device driver has been loaded), and the Print button to print the map. Select the Scaling 1: ???? eg 1:1000 scale, then click on the Set Plot Box 58 Use this icon to Pan so that the desired area Encloses the desired region Change Scale to get the Best fit. When done, click on this button to continue The plot box will appear as shown below. To change the size of the area click on the check to return to the Plot Box menu and select a more appropriate scale. In any case you always have to click on the to proceed. You can also translate, the plot box by clicking on the button and dragging it with the pen stylus until the plot box surrounds th area of your map that you want. Finally, click on the to proceed. Y can enter You t Titles Titl for f the th map, north arrow, scale, etc. 59 Export map files Go to the START green button and hold it down to get My Computer. Double click Local Disc C: then open the PenMap5 folder. Open the folder for the field project eg CCLNG. If there is not already a folder inside there entitled EXPORT, then create a new folder called EXPORT. This can be done by going to File, dragging down to New to Folder. (3) Click on the button on the main Start Geo array. Use the GeoTools Toolbar to export map graphics and data. To export structurall T strike and dip data, click on the GIS Export button. Select the GIS Data option and click OK. Use the DXF export p button to port the map graphics to AutoCAD and/or ArcMap. Check-on Assemble polylines and click OK. 60 This brings up the following array: The main export buttons are: suggest starting your export process with the button. This will export a full data file for the entire map you map. Click on it and browse to find the EXPORT folder you made earlier so that you know where the files are being stored. Name the file eg CCLNG CCLNG.unv unv which stands for universal. universal Hit "FULL" FULL to make a full export. 61 (4) The files that your GIS people can use come from the next set of buttons. The first button exports Shapefiles. Again Browse to the EXPORT directory and name the new export file. Set Directory as Export, hit Add All, and click Concise for more data to be exported then hit OK. 62 5) The GIS button can to export data in csv (comma separated format. (6) One export you need to do for sure is the DXF. Browse to the EXPORT folder and name the new file. Permanent Stations Are added in the field to special points such as claim posts, survey monuments (permanent identifiers -PIDs) Click on the Button and label the point. Turn this feature off by clicking the next button to the right 63 Editing mapping data Is done wit the following keys Undo Erase- circle the bad data Erase only certain things lines, symbols, GIS data Move points to A Free or Snap node Edit points Move a point to a Free node or to a snap node Edit a symbol Text GIS ddata t Elevation Insert a node along a line 64 Editing Formation and Lithology Buttons in an existing map Legend Using the Legend you wish to modify, make sure that some mapping has been done and saved as a *.pts file. Do a Save As to make a backup copy of you map by adding a 1 in the name to differentiate it from the original file name. Go to the Start Geo screen and find 3 yyellow buttons saying y g “Legend” g Click on the button Along the bottom of the screen click on GM “your Legend Name” Project Legend Modification Edit the buttons for Formation and Lithology as you wish, wish then Save Legend and Exit 65 Browse to C:PenMap folder and locate a file labeled: “default.unv.unv” not in any other directory Click OK Click on button 66 Click OK Click on Button 3 67 Click on “Retain existing object status” Go to GeoTools tool bar Click on 68 Click Yes The select the Legend you wish to update and click Save Recording a rock sample: Click on GeoTools Click on the rock hammer symbol y and touch the screen at the location where the rock sample is to be taken. Touch OK when this screen comes up 69 Deleting Unwanted Project Files You will need to edit the geomap.ini file. To be safe, make a back up copy of the file before you make changes, by doing a Save As to a new file name 1)) Navigate g to the GeoMapp folder found in the Penmap5 p directory. y 2) Open the geomap.ini file (using MicroSoft Program notepad found on your PC by going to Programs>Accessories>Notepad). 3) You need to delete a row in each of the three sections of the file for each legend you wish to remove. Example: [Project Legend] GMGeoLegend=GM-Geo GMGeoLegend=GM-test *Delete this entire row* [SectionEnd] [Project Legend Description] GMGeoDescri=GeoMapper Geology GMGeoDescri=Testing *Delete this entire row* [SectionEnd] [Legend Count] GMGeoCount=0 GMG C t 1 GMGeoCount=1 *D l t this *Delete thi entire ti row** 4) Save the file. 70 Eliminating the “Division by Zero Message” Set the DRG pixel threshold to 256 pixels within the Map Options/Settings window. For example, Unless you save the Penmap.ini file updated in the Penmap5/Configfiles folder into the GeoMap/GM-Ruby/Configs or the GeoMap/GMPion/configs g directories,, yyou might g to reset this option p every y time to start GeoMapper, anew. Example: [Project Legend] GMGeoLegend=GM-Geo GMGeoLegend=GM-test *Delete this entire row* [SectionEnd] [Project Legend Description] GMGeoDescri=GeoMapper Geology GMGeoDescri=Testing *Delete this entire row* [SectionEnd] [Legend Count] GMGeoCount=0 GMG C t 1 GMGeoCount=1 *D l t this *Delete thi entire ti row** 4) Save the file. 71 Installing device drivers for card GPS units 1) Uninstall Previously installed device drivers: a) Select Start>>Control Panel>>System>>Ports>>[Name of Driver] b) Click the UnInstall Icon. 2) Remove Previously installed applications a)) Select Start>>Control Panel>>Add/Remove Programs>>GPS g Information b) Toggle-on Remove program 3) Remove old GPS Card 4) Copy new GPS directory onto the C:\Temp directory of the tablet. 5) Install the program files for new GPS applications: a) Double-Click on Setup.exe * If "Another device is running...." then b) restart computer and continue with step 5. * If "Card Not Inserted..." then b) repeat step 5a) c) Toggle-on Modify and Un-Check the "98Me.." and "Win9XMe" boxes d) Click Next, then Finish 6) Open the GPS program files and drivers directory: a) Select C:\Program Files\New GPS Name\GPSReceiver\Res\ 7) Insert the new GPS Card and immediately after double-click the InstallApp.exe file found in the Res directory. a) Click "Continue Anyway" b) Wait 10 seconds while the computer manages the other prompts and windows. 72 Explanation of WAAS GPS system: Geostationary satellites used for WAAS in the US See satellites # 48 and 51 in the map on the next page which are located above the earth’s equator Satellites with PRN numbers greater than 32 are geostationary 73 To find the elevation angle above the horizon of the WAAS satellites for your location 74 View Satellites: SiRFstarIII: Th SiRFstarIII The SiRF t III chip hi iis di distinguished ti i h d ffrom earlier li SiRF chips hi largely l l due d to its ability to acquire and maintain a signal lock in urban or densely covered forest environments, and its faster Time to First Fix (TTFF), the time it takes for a GPS receiver to lock onto the satellite signals and determine the initial position. The enhanced abilities of the SiRFstarIII chips are made possible by several features: A 20 channel receiver, receiver which can process the signals of all visible GPS and WAAS satellites simultaneously. Reviewers have praised the SiRFstarIII chipset for its superior sensitivity and tracking capabilities.[4] Changing Symbol Sizes To change the symbol size retroactively within a library of PenMap symbols is to reset the symbol. So for the strike and dip symbol you will need to reset the symbol within the symbols library for the GeoMapper legend(s). Specifically... Phase 1 1. Open the PTS file you want to edit. 2. Export the Map File (export a UNV file). Phase 2 1. Open a PTS seed file, such as Geology.pts or Berk2005.pts (A PTS fil with file ith the th legend l d loaded l d d but b t containing t i i no data) d t ) 2. For relevant scale click on the Strike N Dip button and plot a strike and dip symbol. 3. Create a strike an dip symbol that is twice as big by using the Graphic>>Line with Method>>free selections from the menu bar and pull-down the Default GIS Name selection. 75 4. Click on the Set Symbols button. 5. Scroll-down and select the STKNDIP GISname symbol-box. 6. From the menu select the Wipe option found within one of the menu items in the symbol toolbox menu. 7. Scroll-down to select the STKNDIP GISname symbol-box, again. 8. Then select the Add symbol graphic from window option from the menu items. 9. Click and Drag to select the new (twice as large) strike and dip symbol made. 10. Select File>>Save 11. Toggle-on to Replace existing file. 12. File>>Exit or File>>Close the symbol toolbox window. 13 Close 13. Cl the th PTS file fil (don't (d 't needd to t save the th PTS file). fil ) Phase 3 1. Copy the symbols file just updated/created named GM-Geo.slb into the Configs folder of the pertinent legend folder found within the GeoMap directory. (if it is a map file of the Berkeley Hills project then the corresponding legend folder is named GM-Berk.) 2. Also copy the file into the Configfiles directory of Penmap. Phase 4 1. Start GeoMapper 2. Click on the Load Legend to load the legend configuration pertinent to the Project. (if the file is a Berkeley Hills Project, project load GM-Berk) 3. Click on the Compile Map button and select the Map file (unv file) of your map you exported earlier. 4. The symbols for Stike and Dip should be recreated with the new size. 76 Determining GPS accuracy and precision First locate a nearby Permanent Identifier (PID) that is maintained by the US Geodetic Survey for which accurate location data is available To find these PIDS, the following utility works very well Zoom in using the Google Earth controls on the right Cli k on the Click h PID off interest i eg Stadium A 77 Click on the PID name eg HT1891 so that the NGS data sheet appears below. Be careful to observe which ellipsoid is referenced eg NAD83 is NAD83 CONUS This map was made at PID HT1891 using 80-10 second averaging times for the Globalsat BC-337 GPS with a SiRFstarIII chipset (WAAS) Systematic Error and accuracy (relative to HT1892)= 2.33 meters Random Error (relative to mean): Easting 1 = 0.73 m Northing 1 =1.63 m Sum random error and precision: 1 =SQRT(ADE2+ADN2)= 1.79m 2 m 3 Total Error = Systematic +/- Random Error 1 Total Error = 2.33+/- 1.79m 1 0.54 < Total Error < 4.12 m 2 0 <Total Error < 6.2 3 0< Total Error < 7.69 95% Systematic Error (black) Vector Accuracy Data Cloud width Precision 1m 78 Set up over the chosen PID Use Static Mean Correctable GPS collection mode Select a line to draw as the GPS fixes evolve Collect GPS data at 10 sec averaging times To process the data export the GPS data: File>Export>Other format> Export Survey Points DAT format Note on elevation: Elevation is stated elevation on NGS Data Sheet minus geoid height; if <0 then – (-) adds onto stated height Finding USGS Topographic Maps 79 Changing Line Widths Click on the Display SetUp button Make sure the Show text if greater than is set to 2 pixels and the Quick redraw threshold is set to 1:2000 Determine the name of the layer for the line you wish to change Go to Lithology and click on the button for the line of interest For example, Notice the Name of the Layer: LL-L4 Click Abort then click on the Layers Toolbox icon 80 Scroll down until you see a black dot on the left side of the layer of interest, eg. LL-L4 and click on the box: “Solid” Then increase the thickness and click OK If you wish to save the changes line width, then save changes Use the same Layers as the Legend you are using. 81 Printing Maps Click Set Map Display Options Under the Show section, check-off Nodes; in the TrueType Text Display Threshold section, type-in the pixel height to Show text if Greater than: 1; and in the Font Type section, toggle-on Truetype. Click OK. Click Set Layers. Under the Global Replace Parameters, Check-off all the boxes, except for the box for the Graphics column. Click on the Solid button (just above the checked box); in the Line Style window, scroll-down to select the Phantom Line; and then click OK. Cli k the Click th Action A ti Global Gl b l Replace R l b tt button. In the Global Replace window, toggle-on Replace Only Layers Starting with Key and type-in the Search Key: FA-F; click Execute Search and Replace; and then click Close 82 These actions are performed to set the Formation Layers' polygon outline line-style to phantom, or invisible; so that their outlines do not interfere with the contact/fault boundary line colors. Click Close. Examples: For Berkeley-Oakland Hills Whole project area: Put SE corner of vector topo map in SE corner of screen Scale shown in GeoMapper: 1:25,000 In GeoMaper set scale to 1:18,000 for 11 by 17 inch paper Print in Landscape Plot Title box in Lower left Volcano V l P k Park: Put SE corner of vector topo map in SE corner of screen Scale shown in GeoMapper: 1:25,000 In GeoMapper set scale to 1:1o,000 for 8.5 by 11 inch paper Print in Portrait with Plot Title box in Upper right 83